#in my head she is head full of thought of luffy and she just starts throwing hands (or legs) instinctively
chibieggplant · 13 hours
Destined Threads ~ Part Two
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Part 2/2 | Part One
Red thread of fate au
Sanji stood at the top of the stairs of the Going Merry, calmly smoking a cigarette with a gentle smile on his face. The sound of the wind whistling around him and the smell of the seawater reminded him that he was now a pirate. A free man. He looked down at his hand and flexed the little pinky finger where the red thread remained. He felt a rush of excitement as he pondered what lay ahead for him. He couldn't shake the hope that he would eventually come across you while sailing the seas.
As he thought, he couldn’t help but look up at the sky, the clear blue skies making him happy as he thought about the future. “One day, I will find you, my darling,” he thought. Thinking about the possibility of meeting you made his heart flutter. His smile grew as the thought of finally meeting you filled his head. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting the salty sea air fill his lungs. It was time for him to start searching the seas. He could feel it. He could feel your presence out there and knew you were also waiting on him. He would find you or die trying.
After embarking on countless thrilling adventures, sharing joyous moments, and overcoming heart-wrenching challenges alongside his loyal crew, his family, Sanji eventually found himself in the land of Wano. The streets bustled with people and energy, alive with the sound of music pouring out from nearby bars and food stalls, the contagious laughter of people echoing through the air. It was a beautiful sight as the celebration of the downfall of Kaido and Orochi took place. The night sky was now clear and full of stars. Sanji strolled through the night, accompanied by Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp, sharing laughter as they walked down the street.
You also walked with your friends down the busy street with a smile, watching people celebrate the liberation of Wano. It was a time to drink, eat, and be happy after 20 years of darkness. As you looked around, you noticed a couple strolling hand in hand, which made your expression falter slightly. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy creeping into your heart. However, you shook your head and swiftly pulled yourself out of your trance. You thought that now that the land of Wano would be open, you might finally have a chance to find him.
Sanji found himself smiling as he observed the people of Wano revelling in their newfound freedom after Kaido's downfall. However, his smile faded abruptly when he noticed a couple, hand in hand, strolling by. It was a brief sight, but it was enough to make Sanji feel a familiar sadness. Seeing the happy couple holding hands made him think about his loneliness as he looked down at his little finger. He quickly forced his expression back to his usual happy-go-lucky expression; he didn’t want the others to notice his melancholy moment. He pushed the feeling aside and continued to follow the others.
You continued to walk, enjoying the festival with your friends despite the pang of sadness in your heart. You looked down at your little finger with a sad smile but still held out hope as you sighed and turned to your friends. They laughed and smiled as they tried to drag you to a festival game. “Cheer up, y/n! Tonight is a night of celebration. Stop looking so gloomy,” your friend chirped, pulling you with her.
“Oh, come on, I'm not being gloomy!” You laugh in protest as you let your friend pull you along. “Yes, you are. You've been sulking every time you see a happy couple,” She scoffs playfully. “Now, come on and help us win some prizes.”
As Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp happily chatted, Sanji couldn’t help but feel his thoughts becoming too loud. He couldn’t focus on the conversation; his mind was elsewhere. He couldn’t stop his thoughts from wandering into that lonely place. He could tell he was starting to frown again, but just before he could snap out of it and put on his happy appearance for the others, the sound of a girl’s voice pulled his attention.
The girl's voice jolted Sanji back to reality, prompting him to shift his focus towards its source. He cast a curious glance around the area and spotted you. The sight of you instantly pulled a gasp out of him. With his eyes locked on you, his mind went blank, and a warm blush spread across his cheeks. Sanji was instantly enamored. His cheeks began to grow warmer as his thoughts raced. As Luffy and the others continued their conversation, Sanji completely zoned out. The moment he saw you, he was left breathless, stunned for a brief moment.
Your friend let out a frustrated groan after missing the target several times. "This game is totally rigged!" She complained. “Hand it over,” you said with a smirk as you took the gun from her. "Just watch and learn.” You lined up your shot, and after taking two attempts, you skillfully hit the bullseye.
Sanji watched you closely; his gaze fixated on your every move. He couldn’t help but feel his heart race as he watched you with admiration. After hitting the target with just two shots, he gasped in amazement at your skill and couldn’t help but smile at your victory. After celebrating your victory joyfully, you happily accepted a prize: a charming plush brown bear, all with a smile on your face. “She’s perfect,” he mumbled, entirely entranced by you.
The sound of your cheerful giggle and laughter made Sanji’s heart sing. He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you happily celebrated your win. You were absolutely mesmerizing and beautiful. He found himself falling for you with each passing moment. Your smile, your laughter, and the way you carried yourself captivated him, drawing him even deeper under your spell. He was so disoriented that he didn't even realize his little finger twitching involuntarily.
You started teasing your friend with a triumphant smile, holding up your prize, "See who's gloomy now-" your words trailed off as you locked eyes with a blond man standing in the crowd.
Sanji felt as if time stood still when his eyes locked with yours. His heart seemed to skip several beats as he looked at you, feeling a rush of emotions washing over him. Sanji was no stranger to being infatuated with women, but at that moment, he thought, "So this is what they mean by love at first sight."
As he grappled to gather his thoughts, Sanji's eyes widened as he became aware of something peculiar. His little finger was twitching, almost as if attempting to communicate with him. It was almost like a spark, a sign of something new and unexplainable. It felt as though the thread sensed your presence, wanting to draw him closer to you.
As your words faded away, you found yourself unable to look away from the blond man standing there. He seemed familiar as if you had seen him somewhere before. You felt your little finger twitch. The string around your finger felt as if it was tugging you, like a magnet pulling you in, and at that moment, you just knew. You wordlessly handed the plush bear to your friend and headed over to him without saying a word.
Sanji observed as you handed the plush to your friend and began to walk towards him, causing his breath to catch in his throat. The string on his little finger seemed to be tugging him forward as if it also wished for him to move in your direction. Like it was leading him to you, he was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions - a blend of excitement, relief, and nervousness all rolled into one. A voice in his head urged, "Don't just stand there, idiot." He struggled to swallow as he started walking through the crowd, never once taking his eyes off you. It seemed like nothing else in the world existed for him, only you. He was entirely overwhelmed by the flood of emotions rushing through his mind. His heart and mind were on the verge of bursting at the mere sight of you. He had to make contact with you, reach out, and touch you to reassure himself that you were real.
Your pace quickened with excitement as you were sure it was him. It just had to be. You noticed a red thread wrapped around his pinky finger as you approached him. Your eyes sparkled with confirmation, and you quickened your pace even more. It was definitely him!
Seeing you rush forward, Sanji also felt a surge of urgency to reach you. His thoughts raced as he considered his next words and actions. He was on the verge of reaching you, so close that he could almost touch you.
You practically threw your arms around his shoulders when you reached him, chuckling cheerfully in disbelief at the fact that he was there. Right there, after all these years, you finally found him—your soulmate.
As your arms wrapped around his shoulders, he instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. It was as if all time had stopped, and it was just the two of you in this moment. He felt overwhelming joy and relief wash over him as he held you close. It was everything he had ever hoped for and more. At that moment, he knew he was right where he was supposed to be.
"It's you," you whispered, breathless, as you leaned back with a sunny smile to meet his gaze. Your mind was racing as your eyes scanned his face, taking in all the details. He was cute. No, he was handsome. You lifted your hand to sweep aside the hair covering his eye. His eyebrows had a charming curl, which prompted a soft chuckle of admiration to escape your lips. “Cute~”
As you spoke, Sanji felt a warm blush spread across his cheeks. Your voice was like music to his ears, and when you called him "cute," it made his stomach do somersaults. As you brushed his hair away, he couldn't help but smile warmly and nervously at you. "You're more beautiful than I could have ever imagined," he said softly, his voice full of adoration. He was utterly captivated by you, wishing the moment could stretch into eternity. As you released your embrace from around his neck, his hand slowly found yours, and he gazed at the string tied around your little finger. It was the string that linked him to you. He couldn't believe that this was real. His soulmate was standing right in front of him. He wanted to say so many things to you, but words failed him.
His thumb gently caressed the back of your hand as he held it. He felt like he was dreaming. Or maybe he had died and gone to heaven, and this was his reward for all his life's hardships. No, he could feel your warmth through his fingertips. This was real. You were real. His racing thoughts gradually subsided as he began to grasp the reality of the situation. He finally said the one thing that had been on my mind since the moment I laid eyes on you, “I finally found you.”
You found it difficult to look away from him as you struggled to contain your excitement. You were eager to connect with him and discover everything about him. After all those years of dreaming, it felt surreal that he was finally here, standing right in front of you. “M-my name is y/n, by the way”, you exclaimed, starting to feel a little shy now.
“Y/n…” Sanji repeated your name almost dreamily, savouring the way it sounded. It was a beautiful name for a beautiful woman, he thought. He couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man alive as you smiled back at him, completely enchanting him. The sheer breathlessness he felt around you caused him to stumble over his words. “I-I’m Sanji,” he lifted your hand to his lips and softly kissed your knuckles in a tender and sweet gesture. The sensation of your skin against his caused a wave of warmth to wash over him, leaving him feeling slightly lightheaded. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, y/n."
The soft tone of his voice as he said your name made your heart flutter in a way you never thought was possible. The sincerity in his eyes was enough to make your knees weak. You couldn’t help but smile in response, your heart swelling with happiness. “Sanji…” You repeated his name, savoring every syllable like it was a sweet treat.
As his name echoed from your lips, Sanji's heart overflowed with love. He adored the way you said it, the way your voice seemed to wrap around the syllables with a gentle caress. He could listen to you say his name on repeat and never grow tired of it. His gaze softened as he reached up and cupped your face with one hand, his thumb gently tracing the contour of your cheek. "I’ve been thinking about you since I was a child. I feel like I've known you my whole life already."
His voice was as soothing as a melody, sending a delightful shiver down your spine. You savoured his touch, basking in the warmth of his hand on your cheek and the gentle caress of his thumb against your skin, feeling a sense of complete contentment. "I feel the same way,” you spoke softly. Your words were a mere whisper, but they held the weight of a thousand unspoken thoughts.
Sanji felt his heart skip another beat at your words, his thumb involuntarily tracing small circles on your cheek. “It feels like I'm dreaming," he murmured, his voice tinged with amazement and disbelief. "But if it were a dream, it wouldn't have this much colour.” He couldn't help but feel relieved and at ease as he held you close. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly alive.
You were so struck by how incredibly sweet and romantic he was. He seemed absolutely perfect. You suddenly took his hand with a cheerful smile, intertwining your fingers with his. “Come with me.” You guided him away from the bustling festival street and made your way to a quieter spot.
Sanji's heart raced as you took his hand and led the way, your fingers intertwining with his in a perfect fit. He was filled with excitement as he trailed behind you, captivated by the graceful way you moved. The way you walked and turned to look back at him with a sunny smile. Every little detail sent a shiver of pleasure through him. He experienced a comforting feeling as he gently held your hand and obediently followed you without hesitation. “Lead the way, beautiful.” He smiled gently, feeling his heart race with anticipation.
You flashed a playful smile at him and guided him to the spot you had in mind. “Are you always this charming?”
As you turned back with a soft smile and playful sparkle in your eyes, Sanji’s heart leapt. He was utterly smitten by you, and every little thing you did made him fall even deeper under your spell. A smile spread across his face as he chuckled softly, his cheeks flushed pink. “Only for you, my love,” he teased, his tone light and flirtatious.
At last, you arrived at a quiet area overlooking the town. Sanji's eyes widened as he absorbed the scenery. Away from the bustling festival, the gentle light of the full moon seeped through the trees, enveloping the surroundings in a soft, romantic glow. The ground was scattered with a few wildflowers, their petals gently swaying in the soft breeze. It was an ideal spot for a romantic interlude. As you gazed at the city and the night sky, Sanji's eyes landed on your face, brimming with admiration and affection. His eyes followed your stare down to the city below, where he watched the distant lights of the festival dancing in the night.
You look over the city and the night sky, taking in view. “My friends are probably confused as to why I rushed off ” You let out a sheepish chuckle before turning to look at him. “But it was worth it.”
When you turned to look back at him with that radiant smile, he felt his knees go weak. “They will understand," he replied softly, stepping closer to you. "I'll take the blame if they get upset.
You looked up at him and smiled as he tenderly tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “You're…you’re so…” You attempt to find the perfect words to portray him, but everything you thought of fell short. As you searched for the right words to describe him, Sanji couldn't help but feel a surge of affection. He gently reached out and took your hand, his thumb softly tracing circles on the back of your hand.
"You don't need to find the right words," he said softly, his voice filled with a warmth that matched the night air. "Just being here with you is enough."
“Where have you been my whole life?” You murmured your thoughts out loud. It was really starting to sink in, the whole idea of finding your soulmate, and it was bringing up a whirlwind of emotions.
Sanji couldn't shake the feeling of longing and regret for not being there for you all this time. He drew you close, enveloping you in a warm embrace, inhaling the delicate fragrance of your hair. "I’m here now," he whispered, his voice filled with a soft, warm tone. “And I'm never letting you go." As he uttered those words, he leaned back and tenderly lifted your chin, his thumb caressing your bottom lip. “You look absolutely beautiful," he murmured, his voice brimming with sincerity. “I want to make sure you always feel loved and appreciated”
As he gently lifted your chin, your breath caught, and a pink blush flushed your cheeks. You were overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, and tears welled up in your eyes. “I-i never dreamed that you’d be so…” Once again, you struggled to find the right words. “You're like a prince from a fairytale,” you chuckled softly, only half joking.
Seeing the tears welling up in your eyes, Sanji's heart nearly broke, even though he knew they were tears of happiness. As he gazed at you, he couldn't help but feel his own emotions bubbling up. He gently wiped away a single tear with his thumb as it rolled down your cheek.
"I’m far from perfect," he whispered softly, his voice filled with vulnerability. "But for you, I'll try my damned hardest to be the man you deserve." While speaking, he found himself leaning in closer, bridging the gap between them and tenderly planting a sweet, affectionate kiss on your forehead. A slow smile spread across his face as he pulled back, a warm, gentle expression in his eyes. "You’ve got me wrapped around your pretty little fingers, you know that?" He chuckled softly before adding, "I’m completely and utterly smitten."
He gently raised your hand and tenderly kissed your knuckles, never breaking eye contact. The moonlight danced around the both of you while the festival lights flickered below, casting a warm glow as if the entire world was celebrating your last meeting.
"I can't wait to get to know every little thing about you,” you softly, your tone filled with admiration.
With a grin, he pulled you closer and held his cheek against your own, his eyes fluttering shut momentarily as he savoured the closeness. "You can ask me anything. I'm at your command, my dear," he spoke softly, his breath warm against your cheek. “Anything you want, I’ll answer any questions. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."
You gladly returned his embrace, feeling at ease in his arms. After savouring the comfort of being with him, you decided to break the silence. “Kiss me~” You breathed out softly.
A shiver of excitement ran through Sanji as he heard your soft plea. His knees almost gave out at the thought of kissing you. After a moment, he managed to compose himself. "As you wish, my love," he whispered softly, his voice filled with a mix of shyness and desire. He gently cupped your cheek with one hand and leaned in, his lips pressing against yours in a soft, tentative kiss.
As his lips met yours, Sanji felt a rush of warmth and pleasure flow through him. It was like fireworks had exploded in his brain. Your lips felt like butterflies against his, soft and delicate. He couldn't help but lean in closer, deepening the kiss. His free hand moved to the small of your back, pulling you closer as he leaned his weight into you, his body craving your warmth and presence.
He reluctantly broke the kiss, but he didn't let you go. He rested his forehead against yours, his eyes half-lidded and a soft smile on his lips. "Wow..." was all he could whisper, his voice filled with disbelief and adoration. He felt like he was floating on air; his head was dizzy with affection, and he couldn't help but brush his lips against yours once more. The taste of your lips was now burned into his brain that he committed to memory. He gently ran his free hand down your arm, his touch tender and caring, before interlacing his fingers with yours in a soft grip.
"Is it too soon to say that I'm completely and utterly in love with you?” He whispered softly, his voice filled with sincerity.
You shook your head, blushing and smiling at his words, feeling the same way. “My heart has always belonged to you.” You smiled, raising your pinky finger.
As your confession reached his ears, Sanji felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. A soft, shaky breath escaped him as he leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes closing in contentment as he soaked in the depth of your words. A slow, gentle smile spread across his face as he pulled you into a tight embrace. His fingers tangled in your hair as he let out a shaky breath, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "I don't think I deserve you but, I’m never letting you go,” he whispered, his voice filled with a fierce determination as he tightened his grip around you.
As he held you in his arms, he couldn't help but let out a soft, shaky laugh, his expression filled with a mixture of sadness, joy, and disbelief. "I've been living for everyone else's sake my whole life," He confessed quietly. "But right now, I want to live for you. For us. I love you, y/n"
“Sanji…” You gaze into his eyes, you can clearly see his admiration and vulnerability shining through.
Sanji's heart fluttered for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. The way you said his name, so softly, so sweetly.
“I love you too” A sweet, gentle smile lit up your face as you looked at him. When those three words escaped your mouth, Sanji felt like his heart might explode. His hand gripped your cheek as he drew you nearer, a wide smile lighting up his face.
"Say it again," he whispered, his voice filled with an almost childish excitement. "Please just let me hear you say it again." You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his excited reaction, but you were more than happy to fulfil his request. “I love you, Sanji~”
As you uttered those three enchanting words again, Sanji couldn't help but feel an overwhelming surge of happiness welling up inside his chest. He was in disbelief that this moment was actually happening, hearing those words coming from your lips. Without a moment's hesitation, he embraced you tightly and whirled you around in a swift circle, letting out a joyful laugh. As he set you down, he maintained a strong hold on you, pressing his body close to yours while running his fingers through your hair. "I'm the luckiest man in the world."
You found yourself unable to stifle a laugh as he twirled you around. “I think you think too highly of me.” You smiled, feeling at home with him. As your gentle laughter filled the air, Sanji's heart swelled even more. Your happiness was contagious, and he couldn't help but laugh along with you. He rested his chin against your head and draped his arms around you, a content sigh escaping him. "If anything, I should think higher of you," he chuckled and gave you a gentle squeeze. “I'll worship the ground you walk on, my love”
The night air was filled with a peaceful calm, the only sound being the crickets surrounding you and your steady breaths. Sanji kept hold of you, feeling the warmth of your body and the comfort of your presence. He released a deep sigh, his heart filled with contentment. "Promise me you'll stay with me," he murmured, his voice holding a touch of insecurity.
“I promise” You spoke with unwavering certainty. You had finally found him, so there was no way you were going to let him go him now. Sanji smiled softly as he heard your promise. He couldn’t help but feel relieved that you truly wanted him. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly loved and accepted. He held you close, reveling in the sensation of your body against his, which filled him with an unexplainable happiness.
“You’re perfect” He murmured softly while tenderly planting a kiss on the top of your head.
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hauntingblue · 5 months
Fucking crocodile!!!!! YEAAAAHHHH!!!!
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misslovasstuff · 6 months
Writing prompt: Them taking about their lover
op men x fem!reader
with: Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Buggy.
author’s note: oh to be described by hot pirates that would die for me hehe. Enjoy ~
please support me here (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎):ko-fi
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“Ah, - he rests his elbows on the table, pupils dilated and somehow taken the form of an heart as his face rests on his palms. - she…”
The moment you are mentioned in the conversation, Sanji completely melts. His mind now travels distant lands where he imagines you and his surroundings become dust.
“She completely devastates me. - he closes his eyes and starts describing you. - Eyes that lure me in even with the shortest of glance, a smile that determines my fate, the touch of those hands that are grown among prickles of roses and yet have remained so soft that when caressing my skin so gently, I feel like I am healed from everything that has hurt me. Ah, for my love I could talk for hours. She… she is someone I thought I could ever meet. A miracle.”
He puts his sake down for a moment, eyes lowered as he looks down whilst thinking. Suddenly he chuckles and shakes his head.
“That woman will be the death of me. - Zoro says, leaning against the chair with a sigh and a smile. - She’s an open book, easy to understand, at least for me. The way she smiles and lightens up every time she sees me… it warms my heart. I hear my name falling out her lips and my whole body just shivers from the sound of her voice. Sometimes while I’m training she’ll walk by to visit me. Those are the times I cherish a lot since we don’t get to be alone together for a long time. Small pecks she gives me during the day, notes that she sticks to my swords, lipstick marks on my clothes…- his pushes his head back, staring at the ceiling as he covers his bashful face. - What a woman she is… I can never get enough of her.”
“Ah, she’s amazing! - his eyes shine brightly at the mention of your name. - we have known each other for a while now.”
Luffy smiles, voice deepening as his cheeks turn slightly pink.
“We met as she tried to save my life. That type of courage, I’ve seen only in a few people. - he begins explaining. - Anyone that looks at her can feel how genuine she is: her kindness… she has helped so many people and yet fails to see how she has helped me the most by opening my heart to so many new experiences. I don’t know what it is, perhaps I’m always too full when I look at her and my stomach feels heavy, my eyes get fixated on her as she watches over the horizon, the one I used to observe but now I completely ignore it, as if I’ve found something more beautiful to look forward to.”
“Uh?? Why would you ask me about her?”- with his voice high pitched eyebrow raised, Buggy is taken a bit aback but soon calms down his protective instinct. - Well, there’s no reason for you to know but I’ll say it anyways because I’m so proud of my girl.”
He smirks, crossing his legs as he sits comfortably whilst beginning his description:
“A total babe, tall and curvy, so beautiful that my hands shake upon first touching her. - his eyes soften a bit, so does his voice. - Her laugh is the most precious thing ever in my world. She chuckles at my jokes and makes me laugh too. Not only is she fun, but my sweetheart is my biggest support. There is no one who believes in me like her. And… if I can become the man that she hopes I can be, then I could make her the happiest, like she makes me. A man like me saw her and truly believed that I had found the treasure that was meant for me and I’m willing to guard her with my life.”
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eureka-its-zico · 8 months
Chaos in Their Bones Ch. 6
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: All your life you’d listened to your friend, Usopp spin wild tales about pirates and adventure. Pirates weren’t a thing that came often to Syrup Village, but one straw hat pirate and his crew changed all that the day they arrived. Now, you aren’t so sure if your sleepy little village was always pirate-free or if no one had been paying attention.  
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, slow burn (I hope y’all like aching) eventual smut
Words: 16.7+
A/N:  I swear I don’t start writing chapters with the intention of making them like this. The next chapter is probably going to be smaller because I get so much anxiety giving you guys these big beefy chapters. This chapter is HEFTY and full of angst. There are more one-on-one interactions with the crew members to start bringing everything together. I'm not going to lie, I struggled a lot writing this week because I started to think my writing was trash. I know it’s not necessarily true but ya. I prevailed enough to bring you this. As always, thank you, guys, for all the love and support. For always being so kind and loving my story as much as you do. I hope you all continue to enjoy this story🖤 Much Love, Jenn
P.s. This chapter is sponsored by not really  Halsey’s - Ya’aburnee 
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Previous Next
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The background noise that rose and fell in octaves around you told you that they were all still talking; still arguing. Usopp disappeared to find Luffy who you could only guess was inside that damn kitchen. Nami continued to try and talk sense into Zoro who ignored every word she said by lazily running his swords over the wet stone he’d placed on the galley’s island. 
“Are you even listening to me?” 
Nami was struggling to keep her voice calm but she was losing. She’d looked over at you more than a few times since you’d all evacuated to the ship to help her, but what could you magically say to make Zoro change his mind? He didn’t seem like a man who responded to pleading or demands. 
He strongly held on to his beliefs. They were a system that guided him; molded him into the pain in the ass he was now. While you watched him continue to tune Nami out it was easy to see the dedication he’d given over the years to become who he was even at a young age. 
Behind all that arrogance was a determination that sliced just as sharp as his blade. Zoro knew who he was and what he needed to do to succeed, and that was more than you could say for yourself at times. 
So…who were you to get in the way of his dream?
The answer to that was as startling as a slap to the face. You were the woman who’d fallen hopelessly in love with him, and he hadn’t even realized it yet.
While you wanted to remain steadfast and devoted to the belief that Zoro had a chance and that the probability of him defeating Mihawk was high, the realistic part of you sounded like Naan. 
“Get those foolish thoughts out of your head, girl.”
For once, you wanted to swat away all of her cynicism. All of her realism forced you to fight to still believe in magic and the good in the world around you outside of science and facts. You wanted to believe that Zoro knew what he was doing and that he was strong enough to beat a grown man almost half his age. 
The other part of you, however, howled on the inside for you to stand up and go to him. To take his face in your hands and demand that he look at you and not turn away. Zoro didn’t respond to pleading, but it didn’t keep your own cries from weighing heavy on your tongue. 
Don’t do this. Stay with me. Make a new dream - with me. 
All your life Usopp and you imagined what it would be like to get off the island. To put Syrup Village behind you, all the pain and unknowns that never received answers. You could both leave on your own adventures and replace all the painful memories with ones aboard ships and the open seas of possibilities. 
You never imagined you’d meet people like Luffy or Nami. Like him. 
Looking at Zoro now as he dragged his sword over the stone one last time you felt your heart sink. Zoro had placed all three swords neatly on the table and took his time giving them adequate deadly attention. He didn’t seem bothered that you and Nami were in the room and sheltered out anything she tried to tell him. 
Nami was begging in her own way. What could you possibly say that would change his mind? She was looking at you now, as your arms wrapped so tightly around yourself - constricting the breath from your lungs making it impossible to formulate words. You were holding on so tight because you knew if you let go, you might run to him. 
“Doc-“ the sound of her calling you jolted you out of your thoughts and back into the present. Back to where you didn’t want to be. Nami was flying her eyes like a whip from you and back to Zoro as if you needed help knowing where to direct your pleas. “Is there anything you want to add here?”
Zoro looked up. He actually looked up from what he was doing to look at you. Shit. Did he want you to say something? Or did he just want to know if you were going to be another obstacle in his way?
“I-“  I don’t know what to say. 
What did she expect you to say? Everything you wanted to say wasn’t meant to blurt out in front of her or anyone else. You were still trying to process that you were admitting to yourself that all the feelings you felt weren’t just indigestion. That it wasn’t just the liquor from the fishbowl that made you wish you’d laced your fingers in that moss-green hair and kissed him. 
Luckily for you, Usopp came running back into the galley which told you all that Luffy was right behind him. 
“Oh great you’re here. Maybe you can convince him to call it off.” 
Zoro had gone back to examining one of his swords and making sure it was ready for the morning. He looked so deep into the edge of the katana you wanted to ask him if it was like a magic mirror and what did he see? Did he see a victory inside that blade as he polished it? Or did he see something much darker? 
“I won’t do that.”
“Did you not see the size of that guy’s sword? He will slice you into sashimi.”
“What’s going on?”
“I have been trying to figure that out for the last thirty minutes,” you huffed. 
Your words only earned you an exasperated look from Nami. 
“You were there when it happened!” She shot back, her voice incredulous. 
“And I am still struggling to comprehend how we went from zero to a thousand in less than a minute.”
You hated this entire thing. The tension radiated like a volt of electricity between all of you. One minute, you felt fine, or as fine as you could be in this situation. The next, the anxiety from Usopp or Nami would set you off or you would completely close down like the indifference Zoro was currently showing all of you. 
“I’m even more lost now,” Luffy muttered.
“I’ll tell you what’s going on. Your big, bad Marine grandpa sent a warlord of the Sea to bring you in, and instead of getting the hell out of here when he had the chance, Zoro challenged him to a duel.” 
“Which he accepted.”
“Yeah, that pretty much sums it up,” Usopp muttered to Luffy. 
Usopp looked as nervous as you felt. Your body finally removed itself from the booth in the galley to stand beside him, linking yourselves arm and arm. 
While Nami spoke, Zoro sheathed his sword and placed it back on the island. His arms extended out as he leaned his hands against it, his eyes boring a hole into Nami as she spoke. 
“You are a fly to him. Something to be swatted and forgotten.”
“Not if I win.”
“You’re not going to.”
“You don’t know that.”
Your hand fell down to grab at Usopp’s and squeezed it lightly. Big brown eyes turned to look at you and, whatever he saw reflected in yours, was enough to make him squeeze yours back. 
You knew Nami was trying to make a point. This dude was dangerous. He was a pirate warlord, for Christ's sake, but the idea of Zoro no longer existed…
No. No. You wouldn’t think it. Couldn’t. 
“Guys, guys, maybe we need more drinks,” Usopp offered. 
A part of you wanted to laugh. You could feel it bubbling up inside your chest but the wildness of it let you know it would come out panicked; a sound that displayed the current breakdown of your soul. 
No one else seemed to appreciate his attempt at lightening the mood.
“Tell your first mate he’ll get himself killed.”
“Tell your navigator to butt out.”
For once, Luffy looked lost. A look of childish uncertainty replaced the care-free nature that lived inside him. You hated seeing him so unsure, but he was the captain. He was your captain and these situations called for him to make the best decision for his crew. 
“Maybe this isn’t such a great idea, Zoro.”
“When you met me tied up on that cross, what did I say?”
Oh, no. No. You knew where he was going with this. Luffy telling you the story in this very galley came flooding back in crystal clear clarity. 
“What makes you think I wanna play pirates with you?”
“No, the other thing.”
“I kill your kind for a living?”
“No!” Zoro almost shouted the word. “Come…” A groan of frustration left him as he finally looked away from Luffy. The desire to get Luffy to remember consuming him - to remember why he needed to do this. 
And like a switch being flicked, a quiet, “Oh,” sounded beside you, and you knew Luffy remembered. 
“That you made a promise to someone a long time ago to become the world’s greatest swordsman.”
“The only way to do that is to beat Mihawk in a duel and take his title. I intend to do just that.”
The words left him in a shout. All that determination rolled into a punch of syllables directed at Nami. At you. Anyone who tried to stand in the way of fulfilling that promise he’d made so long ago. 
“Can’t you just fight him without anyone dying?”
Your voice was sheepish, so small it barely carried over a whisper. Zoro wouldn’t look at you. You’d only earned a small flick of his attention before he replaced it back on the galley’s island. 
“To be the world’s greatest swordsman only one can live. There can’t be two-“
“Why not that just seems silly-“
“Because that is just how it is!” 
He’d dismissed you without a second thought. A teacher schooling an ignorant child who wasn’t privy to how the world works. You wanted to throttle him. 
“Even if you die in the process? Will you please do something?”
It hurt to see Nami so frantic. You were used to seeing her composed and smart. Maybe her anger when someone was doing something particularly idiotic. Never broken. Not like this. 
Luffy regarded Zoro one last time and when you saw the soft smile press a hard line into his lips, you knew any chance of getting him to change Zoro’s mind was gone. 
“It’s his dream, Nami. I can’t get in the way of somebody’s dream.” 
“What if I dreamed of being eaten by a sea beast what the-“
Usopp gently tugged on your conjoined hands to get your attention. His head shaking once to tell you now wasn’t the time to make jokes or be angry. Wasn’t it? 
“What’s it going to take, huh? You want me to say you’re the best? You’re the best. Okay? You’re the best I’ve ever seen, but you are not better than him. And if you fight him tomorrow, you’re going to lose.”
Every word she spoke threatened to make your knees collapse. You didn’t know anything about Dracule Mihawk, except his apparent love for overly large things. Big sword. Big hat. Big feather for said hat. There was no denying, however, the sheer power that radiated off him as he stood there unmoving while Zoro challenged him. The fact there hadn’t even been a glimmer of worry that shifted through his eyes told you plainly he was more powerful than you could imagine. 
And Zoro wanted to fight him. To the death. That manic laughter was beginning to bubble up again in your chest and you weren’t sure if you were going to be able to keep it quiet this time. 
Zoro finished sliding his last sword home inside his sash as he asked, “Why do you even give a shit?”
“Because you are my friend, you idiot.”
“You said it yourself. You don’t have any friends.”
If this was something Nami ever spoke of, it wasn’t something she’d shared with you. Maybe it had been true before you’d all met each other, but that wasn’t true now. In that moment, it didn’t matter if she remembered you were all there or not. His words hit a scab deep inside her and pulled and picked until he ripped it open. 
Fresh blood from an old wound. 
This time you weren’t worried about accidentally saying anything. Warm fuzzy feelings were thrown to the back of your mind as your own blood thundered for you to come forward and defend her. 
“And you are acting like a Grade A asshole.” 
You released Usopp’s hand to take a step forward. You had every intention of going to her and seeing if she would allow you to stand beside her. You never got the chance. Nami’s eyes looked at each and every one of you- her supposed crew mates - just before she turned on her heel and left the room. 
Once she disappeared from sight it left only the four of you inside the galley. Luffy looked as if he was trying to process just what took place and Usopp, well, he was Usopp. He looked about as lost as you were in the grand scheme of things. 
Your eyes flashed to Zoro and found him already looking at you. His wrists hung loosely over the hilt of the sword as he regarded you. He didn’t soften as your eyes met his but seemed to harden further. A silent challenge for you to try and say something that he would only dismiss. 
“What was that?”
“I told her the truth.” 
“No,” you snarled. “You told her whatever was most convenient for you and your feelings. You want to go get yourself killed, Zoro. Fine. But don’t stand there and act like everyone is supposed to be happy about it.” 
“No one told you that you had to be here or that you were even wanted here.”
“Guys-“ Usopp interjected. 
Neither of you were listening. You could feel your eyes narrow in on him. The pain that had moments ago made it impossible to breathe now hardened into stone.  
“You better hope Mihawk kills you, Zoro because if not I’ll make you wish he had.” 
A part of you meant what you said. Your anger was a living thing at how Zoro used his words as an extension of his swords. Your skin felt like brimstone with the current of fire underneath ready to burst free and set him on fire with how fucking angry you were at him. The way he spoke to Nami. To you. And yet, underneath all that building rage was a fear so palpable you could taste the cold sweat on your tongue. 
You didn’t want to hurt him. You didn’t wish him dead. You just wanted him to admit that his ghosts screaming for battle also scared him too. Instead, you were locked in a staring contest you knew you would lose. Zoro’s eyes hardened until he was a mask; unreadable and untouchable. While you knew at any minute your regret was moments away from making itself known. 
With one final look in his direction, you turned to storm after Nami. You needed to find her and make sure she was okay. She did have friends. She wasn’t alone like she apparently thought she was. 
You rounded the corner of the galley that led to Nami’s room. Usually, you would’ve knocked or done something to announce yourself. Naan raised you to be aware of everyone’s space and it was rude just to barge in but you weren’t thinking. You were brimming with too many emotions; too many thoughts that fought to be the clearest. So, when you barged into Nami’s room an apology was already forming on your lips. 
Until you saw her standing with a bag in hand. 
“Where are you going?”
The question hung between you like something fragile. Her own throat noticeably bobbed as she swallowed around something she was going to try and sell you. 
“I was just going out-“
“Don’t lie, Nami.” You moved the rest of the way inside her room and closed the door behind you. “No one carries around an entire suitcase just because.”
Her tongue rolled around the bottom of her lip before she turned away from you. You took note that she was still holding onto her suitcase. She wasn’t going to drop it, which meant however this went she planned on still leaving. 
You didn’t want another Zoro-style fight where insults were thrown to prove points or make someone hate you into letting them go. When she turned back to look at you, all the emotion was stripped from her and you prepared yourself for a fight. 
“Are you going to tell Luffy?”
A sigh pressed past your lips as you shrugged. 
“What am I going to tell him, Nami? You left because you got into an argument and someone said something you didn’t like?”
“Like I give a shit what Zoro or any of you think.”
“Is that why you’re worried I’m going to run and tell Luffy you’re leaving? Make it make sense.”
She turned on her heel and walked back over to a drawer she’d left slightly open. Her hand pushed it back hard before she turned back to face you. The hand that held her suitcase dropped unceremoniously on the floor. 
“I need to leave.”
“Why? Nami, If this is about what Zoro said you know it’s not true.”
“Who are you kidding, Doc? We never chose to be a crew. We were all thrust together by circumstances and just stayed together.”
“Usopp and I chose you guys.”
Hollow laughter escaped her like she couldn’t believe you’d claim this madhouse of a crew. Or maybe the joke was on you, and you just couldn’t see you were the butt of the joke. 
“You don’t get it-“
“Help me understand!”
“I had a job to do before I met Luffy. I completed it and I need to get back.”
“If that was true you would’ve left a long time ago.”
“Ugh, what is it with you? Why can’t you just accept that I’m leaving?”
“Because I don’t think you really want to go back,” you replied, cutting her off. 
The two of you stood there in a silent face-off. Deep down, you both knew that you were right. There were plenty of opportunities for her to leave and go back to whatever life she had waiting for her, but she’d stayed. Maybe it was because of convenience, at first, but somewhere along the line, it changed. 
Nami was happy being a straw hat. Whatever life she had previously was one she’d continue to run away from if she could, but something was calling her back. Whether it was family. Friends. Work. You would never know unless she told you. 
“What makes you so sure?”
“People who want to sneak away in the night don’t stay up showing a small town village girl maps they created in hopes of drawing a map of the world one day.” 
It was only a few nights ago when she had done it. You’d been unable to sleep. Your stomach was tossing like the waves outside the ship. You’d tried to make a tea to ease your stomach and it had failed miserably. Nami had found you curled up becoming one with the galley’s kitchen and gently peeled you from the table. In the very corner she stood in is where she’d sat with you under the light of a lamp and showed you every map she’d ever drawn.
“That’s just a dream, Doc.”
“It’s a good dream.”
She shook her head, her hand outstretched to take back the suitcase she'd discarded. 
“Dreams are just fairy tales for adults. It’s better if you get used to disappointment now than later.”
You wanted to reach out and grab her as she moved past you towards the door. You still had time to do it. To shake her - yell at her - that they didn’t hold the commodity on pain or a shitty life. Maybe you would never know what it was that Nami lost. She may never want to share with you that story of her life, and that was fine. You just wanted her to know she didn’t have to keep running. That you would help keep her dreams alive and safe as long as she wanted them. 
When you turned to follow her you found the door wide open and Nami gone. You could’ve chased after her, but it would only cause a scene. She’d made it clear she’d meant to run in secret - you finding out was an unexpected accident. A part of you wanted to tell Luffy so you could both go charging after her and make her come back, but Luffy would never make anyone do something they didn’t want to do. 
How could it be in less than a day everything had gone to shit? Zoro was so eager to die and Nami…Nami was just gone. With one last look around her room, you moved to sit in the chair she’d been in earlier. The sound of her laughing as you tried on clothes brought the ghost of a smile to your lips and you wondered if you’d ever get to hear it again. 
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The Going Merry felt like a ghost ship. 
Somewhere in the bridge, you were aware Usopp had run to hide there as the after-hours of fun began to take its toll. Luffy disappeared outside the ship and you wondered if anyone had noticed yet that the ship was one straw hat less. 
You’d been sitting inside Nami’s room since she left, unable to leave just in case she’d changed her mind and came back. You wondered how long you could wait here before reality forced you to face it that the small family you’d chosen was falling apart. 
Not much longer if the rising hues of the sun’s blood-orange tint on the night sky had anything to say about it. 
With one last glance around the room, you headed back out onto the bridge. You didn’t know where to go. You didn’t feel like playing nursemaid, though you were sure Usopp would’ve appreciated the help, and you didn’t think you could keep quiet about a missing orange-haired girl if Luffy asked where she was. 
You were starting to feel your own hangover begin to creep in and one thing was for certain, you were going to need some coffee. 
Your footsteps sounded loud against the wood. The sound only reminds you of how empty the Merry had become. You pushed through the galley’s French doors and found yourself walking into a Zoro deep in meditation. It was something he usually did in the confines of his room sandwiched between his crates of rum and the small window that looked port side. You’d only ever seen him do it once on the stern of the ship in the early morning when no one was around. 
Not that you were staring or watching or anything.
All three of his swords were set on the hanging baby blue table in front of the window seat where he now sat. His bandana was secured to his head about as tightly as his arms were to his chest. His eyes were still closed and you thought, maybe you’d be lucky enough to turn around and run back to the bridge. You’d take your chances with Luffy. 
“If you’ve come to talk me out of the duel I’ll tell you right now. You’ll just be wasting your time.”
He growled out the words from somewhere deep in his chest. It croaked in places as if he’d been asleep and your presence had woken him. Zoro hadn’t opened his eyes yet, but he didn’t need to see to know you were there. 
You’d come stomping in like a person ready to perform a verbal battle when all you wanted was some coffee and a little bit of calm before…
“I came for coffee not to tell you how much of an inconsiderate asshole you’re being.” 
That got his eyes to open and focus on you. You only spared him a moment before you made your way to the cupboards. You were just going to focus on getting a cup and what you needed to make your coffee. You weren’t going to acknowledge him.
Even as you reached the cabinets and started searching for the kettle, you could feel his eyes boring between your shoulders. It forced an irritation to set fire in your chest and that only seemed to grow worse until your hands were squeezing the iron of the handles. At any moment, you expected to see blood dripping from your palms. 
You let out a deep breath and tried to push away all the things you wanted to say. To scream at him. You found the kettle and focused on filling it up and turning on the stove because if you didn’t you would start yelling at him about how maddening he was. It was a good thing you had to look for the coffee grounds to steep them or else you would’ve burst with how petty he was; the bitchest man alive. 
If it wasn’t for making your damn coffee you would’ve crumbled into a sobbing mess as you struggled to find the words to make him stay. You were doing a pretty good job at ignoring him, but of course, Zoro could never just leave it alone. He always had to poke and prod and- 
“You seem to be struggling with that coffee.”
“And why does it matter to you? Are you suddenly in the mood to be caffeinated?”
“Just wondering how long it’s going to take for you to finish and get the hell out of the galley.” 
“Okay, that’s enough! Enough, Zoro!”
You hated how your voice betrayed you. The way it broke as his name left your lips. What you hated more was how he responded to the exact sound as it touched his ears. His body language was still rigid but he sat up straighter. His arms dropped down from his body to sit in his lap. 
“I get that this means something important to you. It’s a lifelong goal and you want to accomplish it, but how can you expect to accomplish anything when you push people away.” 
“I’ve accomplished plenty on my own before I ever meet any of you.”
“That’s fantastic. Great for you,” you shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm. “What I’m saying is, you don’t have to do everything alone anymore. We are all here for you-“
“Why do you even care? What was it you said, that I better hope Mihawk kills me or I’m going to wish he had.”
You knew saying that would come back to haunt you. How many times had Naan told you speaking out of anger never made a situation better? Zoro thought you’d said it because you hated him to the point you hoped he’d lose. 
“I only said that because you are being an ass.”
“I didn’t know you hated me enough to hope I died.”
“I don’t hate you, Zoro! And the last thing I want is to see you get hurt or worse fucking die. Why can’t you see what it would do to the people who care about you? Why can’t you see that I like you, you idiot!”
The words stumbled out before you could catch them. Your chest felt like it was on the verge of collapsing while your lungs refused to release the breath it held captive. It felt like a lifetime passed between the two of you, and yet you knew it was only seconds. It was long enough for the sting of tears to crown your eyes as you waited for Zoro to do something. Anything. 
What made it worse was how unmoved he appeared by your confession. Your words didn’t seem to cause any reaction from him other than his usual empty stare. The cool look of emotionless stone replaced the teasing sparks of mischief that gleamed in his eyes or the smiles that warmed his face when he was surrounded by his crew. 
You would’ve given anything for any emotion besides the empty reply you received.
“You don’t even know me.” 
“I want to know you, really know you, but first, I need the chance to do that. I can’t do that if you’re dead.”
“I’m not going to lose.”
“You don’t know that!”
“It’s obvious that you don’t believe in me. Like Nami. You both think I can’t do it.”
“Oh my god, Zoro - enough! We are just worried for you. We give a shit about you still being alive. I want to be able to wake up and hear your grumpy ass voice or find you drinking on the stern. I want to be able to have conversations with you while you begrudgingly go with me to forge ingredients and put flowers in my hair. I want to see you look at me the way you did standing alone on the Merry like you did tonight.” You took in a shaky breath as you took a cautious step toward his seated position. “You have infuriatingly crawled your way inside my bones, Roronoa Zoro, and have taken hold. I don’t want to know what life is like without you.”
Your breathing was fast and shaky as if you'd been running. It didn’t matter that the tears you’d struggled to contain fell freely down your cheeks or that your chest heaved, ready to cave in at any moment. 
You were vaguely aware of the Sun beginning to peak its way inside the windows. The timer on what could possibly be the last time you were with Zoro coming to an end. Maybe that was why when he moved to stand you allowed yourself to hope. You let yourself believe maybe your admission meant enough to make him stay, but you watched as he silently slid each katana into their holsters on his sash and it felt like the ground opened up and swallowed you whole. 
“Why can’t you just admit you have feelings for me?”
It was true that you didn’t know much about the world or how it works. You’d never been out of the village. Never had many friends outside of Usopp. The boys in the village are always ridiculous or sometimes cruel or just too stupid to look at. You imagined you had to be broken since all you’d cared about was becoming the greatest doctor you could be. So, maybe you’d read into the small glances too much or the way when you almost fell and he’d secured you close to him with his chin dipping into your neck. It was subtle but you felt it. 
People didn’t just do that when they didn’t like someone, did they?
Once he’d made sure everything was secured inside his sash, Zoro came around the table and walked until he stood beside you. He wouldn’t look at you and just kept looking at the battle ahead because now the sun had risen and he had a promise to fulfill. 
“I don’t give a shit about you.” His words stabbed into your chest and twisted. It felt worse than anything you’d ever felt; a storm cloud of emotions that darkened your mind. But underneath that, you could hear the tremor in his own voice as he forced himself to tell you. “You’re just another one of Luffy’s little add-ons to an already big enough freak show of a crew.”
“Why are you so scared to give a shit?”
“Scared of what?” This time when he snapped it whipped his head to look at you. The soft touch of his eyes hardened into something wild and desperate. “Of you?”
“Either you’re scared or you are a coward. Only someone who’s a coward can’t admit to the truth.”
“Or maybe you’re just delusional.”
Maybe you were. You didn’t know how the world worked. How people worked. You’d traveled into uncharted territory when Zoro began to worm his way inside your brain and hold your heart hostage. It was possible you’d only seen what you’d hoped to see. 
His jaw ticked to whatever irritated thought he had while he looked at you. You expected him to say something else. To finally tear you completely down until there was nothing left. Instead, he turned away from you and started towards the galley’s French doors dismissing you completely. 
You listened as he pushed through with the soft sound of the doors swinging on their hinges filling the space. You weren’t going to follow. You couldn’t watch him walk out knowing he may never come back. 
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It felt like an eternity passed before you heard the first clash of blades outside the Merry. You were still standing where Zoro had left you. Unable to move, at first, in case you take that move forward and restart time. As if you had the ability to keep it suspended and him safe. 
It wasn’t until that ringing of metal scraping against metal resonated inside the wood of the Merry that your body jerked back into the present. You already knew Luffy would be there with Zoro; believing in him and cheering him on. Usopp too simply because he knew the power of what support could do for someone. 
And Nami…
Nami had to be long gone by now and you? You were here cowering inside the safety of a vessel so you didn’t have to see. The sound of a body colliding into the dock gave yours a jolt. 
Sure, Zoro had ripped out your heart after you’d admitted what you hadn’t been able to admit to yourself. You’d done it, selfishly, in hopes that it would keep him in the confines of the safety of the ship, but that wasn’t Zoro. 
He wasn’t about safety and backing down from anything. From the moment you’d met him, you’d seen the dedication he held when it came to his ability to fight. The fire drove him to consume and lay waste to those who stood in his way, but underneath the harshness of the fire laid something soft. He’d defended that little girl in the bar. He stood up for those who preyed on villages and mercilessly attacked women and children.
For all the drinking and hard-headed idiotic things Zoro could do he was one of the best men you’d ever meet. There wasn’t anything that Zoro hadn’t proved he could do. So, why couldn’t it be possible for him to beat Mihawk? 
With your mind decided, you pushed your back off the island counter and took off running at full speed. You would support him no matter what was shared between you. Zoro deserved it: he deserved to be believed in. 
You were going up and over the stairs to take the ramp down to the dock when you saw Mihawk stab something small into his chest. You could feel your knees buckle. The way your body went limp and forced your legs to collapse in on themselves as they smashed into the wood of the ramp. 
Zoro’s arms were spread out in Y shape. The edges of his swords barely missed the arm’s of Mihawk, the handles of his swords touching the design on his trench. He was close, but not close enough to do any damage and not far enough away from the small blade that Mihawk embedded deep in his chest. 
Your denial came out in a hush and was carried away by the wind. 
Mihawk told him something. Maybe about retreating and forfeiting the match to save his life. It was enough to radiate rage through Zoro’s body and hardened his eyes with determination. 
Zoro would never run. It wasn’t in his character. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Nami approach the dock. She came to stand between Luffy and Usopp and for a split moment, everything felt like it was going to be okay. Nami was back. The universe was working on fixing all the wrongs that happened in the last few hours.
Mihawk pulled the small blade from out of his chest and you watched as Zoro stumbled back. His swords helped him to stand back up on his feet to face him. 
“I’ll do you the honor of killing you with Yoru.”
No. No. 
The word almost clawed its way out of your throat. A possession so deep to halt time ached through your veins until you thought it was almost possible to do it. As if the very fabric of the air would rip open at any minute just to save him. 
You couldn’t miss the satisfied smirk that curled Zoro’s lips. 
“Now that’s more like it.” 
You watched as he unsheathed the Wado Ichimonji and brought it up to his mouth. His body stood straighter as he connected the two swords as one and began to spin them. You’d seen him fight plenty of times with just the two swords. The sheer strength he had just using them didn’t seem to compare to anyone else. You’d seen him use his three-sword style only once before and nothing compared to the sheer strength and speed that came from him placing that blade between his teeth. 
Hope blossomed in your chest as you watched him spin the swords. His body took off moments later as Mihawk moved to rush forward, meeting him in a clash that rattled like thunder from the impact. Zoro came to a sliding stop just feet in front of you. His swords still lifted up to deflect the blow from Mihawk’s blade before they crumbled to pieces in front of him.
Zoro locked eyes with you, your body mimicking his, as he removed the Wado Ichimonji from between his teeth. You could feel fresh tears streaming down your cheeks turning your vision blurry. With his eyes locked on you, he used it to help him get to his feet. 
If your voice would’ve worked you would’ve told him to stop. That he didn’t need to turn around but you knew he would. This was Zoro. The most infuriating man on the planet and honored bound to his beliefs. You clamored to get to your feet. To run to him to try and keep him from turning to face Mihawk. 
He must have seen it on your face. You were probably doing a terrible job of keeping your thoughts off your face. All the panic. 
A soft smile slid across his lips. It wasn’t big enough to crack his lips or show teeth. It never reached his eyes, but it didn’t have to. It was a smile just meant for you. His way of telling you it was alright; to soothe you before the final blow came.  
For one last fleeting moment, you looked at one another and you imagined yourselves back inside the ship. Zoro sitting in his hammock being his usual broody self while you clean up the wound on his chest. You could practically hear him mumbling some shit about you not being gentle against the lip of a newly opened bottle of rum. 
It felt so real that, for a split second, you thought it was. You’d been so caught up in your own daydream that you hadn’t realized he’d turned his back on you. Now he was facing Mihawk his arms spread open wide giving him a perfect kill shot of his chest. 
“Wounds on the back are a swordsman's greatest shame.”
In one swift motion, you watched as Mihawk sliced through the air with his blade cutting perfectly through Zoro’s chest. 
This time you did find your voice and it was unhinged. All that panic you pushed to the side and all that hope you’d allowed yourself to blindly follow came crashing down like a wave. It strangled every last bit of feeling until all that was left was the crushing weight of despair. You were aware that Luffy was there at his side. You could hear him calling out to Zoro with his hands pressed at his body. 
You were sprinting down the last of the ramp and onto the dock. You couldn’t remember bending down to be at his side but your eyes could see him. It was Zoro but not the Zoro you were used to. 
Already he was turning ghostly pale as the wound continued to bleed. We have to stop the bleeding. There was so much blood and he was in so much pain. The wound Mihawk created went from the left shoulder down to the beginning of his sash. It was massive. Zoro’s breathing was shaky and would quiet down until you weren’t even sure if he was even taking in a full breath. 
You reached over to feel his pulse. It weakly flutters against your ring and middle finger as you press down. When you pulled away you noticed your forearm streaked with blood. 
“Monkey D. Luffy - what is your goal?”
“I’m going to become King of the Pirates.”
“King of the Pirates, eh? That’s a much more treacherous path than even defeating me.”
“I don’t care.” Luffy looked back at Mihawk. His usual determination in his voice, but it missed the warmth and it trembled with each word. Whether it was from anger or sadness you would never know. “It’s what I am going to do.”
“Hmm. Maybe you will at that. This world could use a few more wild cards. Roronoa Zoro, It’s too soon for you to die. Grow strong and come find me. I’ll be waiting.” 
You wanted to scream at him to go to hell. You wished you could send him there yourself, but Zoro was still alert. He was fighting and that meant maybe it was his fate to be the one to send the big feathered asshole there himself. 
You wanted to tell him that. To make a joke. You owed him the one about the Marine and the Pirate walking into a bar. You just couldn’t bring yourself to speak. Your hands were trembling violently every time you moved them to try and touch him. So, you clenched them down and kept them pressed into your thighs. 
Usopp came to kneel beside Luffy and Nami slowly made her way to stand next to you. 
“He’s losing so much blood. Doc, what should we do?”
What should we do? 
What were you supposed to tell them? You were the doctor. Their doctor. It’s why Luffy had asked you to join. It was your job to heal them and keep them well. 
Doc, what should we do? 
You should know the answer. You should be the one ordering them around and telling them what to bring you to start staunching the wound. 
“He’s gonna be okay. Hey Zoro, can you hear me? He said it was too soon for you to die.”
Fuck. Zoro sounded so weak. All the broody, snarky asshole comments that he’d made were full of life. Each word was rich with the baritone of his voice that dripped down your skin like honey. That same voice now barely rose above a whisper.  
“If I fail to become the world’s greatest swordsman…you’ll be disappointed. Right?”
Each word came out strained. With each breath, he fought to take through the gash in his chest. 
“You could never fail me.”
Zoro opened his eyes and looked over at his Captain. The pain began to make tears spring into his eyes and run down the corners. 
“Never. Again. From now until I beat him.” A grunt of pain burst from his mouth as he grabbed his body to the hilt of the Wado Ichimonji and lifted it up to the sky. His free hand covered his face as if he was ashamed. “To become the world's greatest swordsman I will never lose again!”
Zoro swore it with such conviction you expected him to stand up at any moment and walk himself back to the Merry. Your assessment was wrong, however, when he suddenly went limp with the sword and his arm crashing down against the dock. 
This time he was unresponsive. The blood pooling around his middle and seeping into the front of his gi blossomed into a flower that grew ever brighter with each passing second. 
“Doc!” Usopp shouted. It was enough to finally tear your eyes away from Zoro and focus on something else. “What do we do? You’re the doctor here.”
“Right.” The word came out in a huff through your nose. 
Your eyes scanned the scene that was laid out in front of you. It was time to be scientific about this. To focus on what was fixable in front of you and to put whatever feelings you had to the side. 
Why did that feel easier said than done?
They were still waiting for you to direct them. Six pairs of eyes equally as lost as you waiting for direction on how to save their crew mate -  their friend - in front of them. Your tongue lashed out to nervously wet your bottom lip as you scrambled to your feet. 
“We - we need to move him back to the ship. We have to stop the bleeding.”
“Okay, right good call, Doc,” Luffy offered as you all scrambled to grab a limb. 
“Just make sure that when we lift him we do it carefully-“
Luffy and Usopp didn’t wait for you and Nami to grab a hold of either leg. They just lifted and his legs flopped against the deck. 
“Jesus, she said to do it together and carefully!” Nami snapped. 
“I’m sorry I’m just nervous.”
Usopp was obviously as panicked as you. 
“It’s alright, let's just grab him and get him back to the Merry.” 
The four of you grabbed a hold of Zoro and this time smoothly picked him up. Luffy and Usopp carried his upper body and thank god he did. You weren’t expecting him to feel like you were trying to carry a sea cow. Scratch that. It felt like you were trying to carry a sea beast. 
The first steps you took were good, but by the time you started making it up the ramp back into the Merry, you were all struggling not to drop your end. 
“Easy! Easy! Jesus, be careful!”
Nami instructed the boys - mostly Usopp - as they took the last step down onto the bridge. 
“Guys. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold my end,” Usopp grunted. 
“We are almost there, Usopp. Just hold on.” 
“I’m trying but this guy is really heavy.”
To prove his point, Usopp started shuffling backward quicker than you expected. He shoved his shoulder into the double doors of the galley forcing you all to catch up with him. The movement causes you and Nami to bump into one another as you each hold on to one of his legs. 
“Easy. Don’t drop him!”
“I didn’t. He’s just heavy. I mean, he’s got a really big head. It’s, like, freakishly big.”
“Now is not the time, Usopp,” you grunted as you all moved to set him down on the island. 
“What does that have to do with anything?” 
The question came from Nami as she made her way around the galley’s kitchen. She was searching through cupboards at a furious rate and you didn’t have to ask what it was she was searching for. She’d heard you loud and clear about needing to stop the bleeding. You had some clean linens that were stashed inside your room. You should’ve gone for them, but suddenly, seeing Zoro lifeless on the island of the galley…you couldn’t recall any of your training. 
“Zoro? Hey, can you hear me?”
Luffy’s soft question was drowned out by Usopp asking where the first aid kit was. 
“Why would we need a first aid kit when we have a doctor?” Nami shot back. 
“That’s right. Doc, what are we doing?”
They were looking to you to direct them. You are the doctor. This was your time to shine to be able to prove that you were worth the space Luffy had offered you. So, why couldn’t you move? Your brain was moving at a thousand miles a minute and yet every time it landed on free space it came up empty. If it wasn’t empty, it was screaming that Zoro was dying and you weren’t going to be able to save him. 
Nami returned to the head of Zoro and was holding it in place. You weren’t sure why. The wound was on his chest. Usopp was now thrashing around the room looking for rags. 
This time Nami smacked your arm to get your attention. Your feet moved of their own accord to the edge of the island as you reached out and started peeling back the soaked fabric of his shirt. 
There have been times when you were daydreaming in the privacy of your room that you imagined peeling back Zoro’s shirt just like this. To expose the taut muscles underneath. In all of your daydreams, it was never like this. Not like this. 
A sharp hiss of air cut through your teeth as you exposed the large gash to the room. It was approximately two - almost three inches in width. The first and second layer of skin was severed leaving the third exposed and dangerously close to opening it to severe infection. 
“These towels are all I could find. Where’s he bleeding from?”
“Nami, I need you to add pressure with the towels. I have to run to my room and get some supplies.” 
“Ok, but Doc hurry.” 
Asking for speed felt like an understatement. There wasn’t a soul alive inside that ship who didn’t realize that Zoro was beginning to show fewer and fewer signs of breathing. His skin was taking on a grayish tone like a corpse making his green hair look sickly against the grotesque hue. 
You didn’t bother telling her you knew he was dying. You just needed out of that room. 
Your feet carried you out of memory to your room which sat directly across the hall from Zoro. How many times had you gone to go inside your own room and paused, considering knocking on his just to see him leaning against his open door? The thought of never having the chance to make it a reality spurred you inside your room. 
You knew you were going to need thread and a good stitching needle to close the wound. What you really needed was something to fight infection both outwardly and inward. The tonic would have to wait. Without further thought, your hands started going through every jar that held a gathered plant and salves you’d previously made. What you needed was the same Chiterra you’d used on Zeff mere hours ago. It’d been left inside your satchel. 
You ran to its place sat on your bed and upended the bag onto the mattress. Your hands flung everything off until you came to the jade-green bottle and held it up to the light. You didn’t need the sunlight to tell you there wasn’t enough in the bottle. You’d applied most of it on Zeff. 
With a scream, you hurled the bottle against the wall. All that panic was turning to rage and you couldn’t keep it bottled in. You went to grab the things you did have and noticed on the small desk in the corner the snowdrop Zoro had placed behind your ear. 
Suddenly, you were standing back inside that forest. The feeling of his fingertips gliding over your ear as he deposited the flower, hand lingering longer than it should’ve. There was no mistaking the way he looked at you then was the same way he’d looked at you on the deck. The same way he’d looked at you seconds before Mihawk and tried to slice him in half. 
No. Zoro wasn’t going to die today. 
Grabbing what you had, you rushed back out of your room and to the galley. 
“We need to go to the Baratie and ask if they have any supplies.”
“What are you talking about?” Nami asked, flabbergasted. “How do you not have the supplies?”
“I used most of it last night, mending Zeff.” 
“Why the hell were you doing that?!”
“It was to help, Luffy-“You took a deep breath and pressed your hands out, as if it was going to push all the panic you’d pressed down from climbing back up again. “It doesn’t matter now. Luffy, can you go to Baratie?”
“I’m not really hungry right now, Doc.”
“Luffy, no-“ deep breath. Breathe. “I need something that is able to fight an infection. Something we can put on the skin.”
“Right! Right, I can do that!”
Luffy looked over Zoro’s body one last time before he sprinted out of the kitchen. It left the three of you waiting there until he returned but you were done with waiting. You were a doctor and it was about damn time you acted like one. 
If only you could get your hands to stop shaking. 
“Usopp, I need you to take this needle over to the stove and sterilize it for me, please.” 
“I’m on it, Doc.”
“What do you need me to do?”
Nami patiently waited to take whatever direction you would give her. You were sure if you told her to bring you fifty buckets of seawater she would do it without question. 
“Just go back up towards his head and talk to him. I’m going to sew up the wound and, well, it’s not going to feel too great.”
“Okay. I can do that.”
You both went to move around the other to get into position when you lightly grabbed her arm in passing. She turned to you with eyes too wide to be anything else but shocked and you wondered if you mirrored her expression. 
“Thank you for coming back.” 
You weren’t sure why you needed to tell her that, especially at a time like this, but you meant it. No matter what was happening right now, Nami had proven to be the sister you’d never had. Without her here now you might have been lost. 
You let your hand fall away as you came to the side of Zoro and began to unravel the thread. You had most of it unraveled when Usopp showed up beside you and handed over a very sterile needle. You threaded the black thread through the stitching needle and decided to start working on the smallest area. 
Maybe by the time you finished with it the tremors in your hands might have disappeared. 
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Luffy arrived back from Baratie with Zeff and Sanji in tow. All three of them walked in just as you finished the last crisscross of stitching on Zoro’s chest. 
“Oy, I was wondering why he was asking for me,” Zeff huffed as he came around the opposite side of the island. “I could’ve sworn you said you were a doctor.”
“I am. I just don’t have anything to put over the wounds to support healing or to keep them from getting infected. I asked Luffy to go in case you did.” 
Sanji set down a basket on the island and you couldn’t keep your brow from quirking up in question. 
“Are we having a picnic?”
“Very cute, smart ass,” Zeff shot back. “Yellowtail skin is known to have enzymes in the skin that staunch the wounds and speed up the healing process.” 
As he explained it all to you, Sanji unrolled a set of very sharp-looking knives and handed the second largest to Zeff. Right after he unrolled the yellowtail from its wrapping and held it out for the older man to take. 
Zeff stroked the fish in appreciation before he began to cut it. Once the head was removed and he sliced it in half, you all watched as he carefully thinly sliced the yellowtail’s skin in sections. Each section of the fish was cut and placed on a plate until the entire fish was flayed. When he finished with the last slice, Zeff motioned for someone to grab the plate as he made his way around to join you on your side of the island.
“It’s my turn to teach you a little something, girl.” 
You wouldn’t deny that you didn’t know about yellowtail skin being able to do any of this. As you watched Zeff carefully layer it over your stitch work, you wondered if Naan was even aware of it. 
“Is he going to be okay?”
Usopp’s question was so soft you wondered if he’d even spoken. His eyes, like the rest of you, all focused on the motionless body of your crew mate. 
“I’m not going to lie to you. He’s lost a lot of blood. I’m sure your doctor can even tell you that. It might be too late for him.”
“But it might not be.” 
Luffy wasn’t going to give up on Zoro. He refused to think of any possibilities where Zoro didn’t wake up. You wish you shared the same belief as him. That Zeff’s words didn’t sit heavily in your thoughts because it was the same one you had.
“He’s got one foot in each world right now, caught between life and death. You have to find a way to keep him tethered to our world. Talk to him. Tell him stories. Sing him sea shanties for all I care. He may not reply, but at least he’ll know his crew is still with him.” 
“That’s ridiculous,” you scoffed. “Singing lovely little tunes isn’t going to save anybody.” 
“It’s not about science or what’s up here,” Zeff replied, a thick finger poking you dead between the eyes. “Sometimes it’s the heart of the matter that saves people.” 
Naan would’ve hollered about Zeff being the biggest idiot she’d ever met if she’d heard one word of that. A part of you wanted to ask if he could tell by the look he gave you. 
“We need to wrap him.”
“God, does that mean we gotta hold him up again?” Usopp whined. 
“Yes,” you shot back. “Usopp it does mean I need you guys to help hold him up.”
“I can help you. If you like.”
Sanji stepped around Zeff to come to your side. All his earlier flirting was replaced by the genuine desire to help. You were sure if Zoro knew Sanji had helped him in any way he would implode, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. 
“Sure. I would appreciate it. Thank you, Sanji.” 
You waited on bated breath to hear a cheesy pick-up line and found yourself coming up empty. You got your wraps ready as you motioned for Sanji to lift him and when you finished, Nami offered to let Zoro stay in her room. You didn’t help carry him inside and figured it was only a few short feet from the galley to her room. 
You needed air. You needed rum. You still needed to go fix up your room. 
The only thing you did was the first on that list. 
You’d found yourself standing on the stern of the ship. Your arms hung over the railing as you took in the endless blue that surrounded you and the last few stragglers of ships remaining from the night before. You tried to let your mind relax by wondering who was on those ships; the stories Usopp could create would either leave you in wonder or hysterics. 
That was what you really wanted. Your best friend to tell you a story as far-fetched as the one you’d all been a part of in less than twenty-four hours. You went to remove yourself from the rail when Luffy appeared beside you. His eyes scanned out over everything before him before he turned to smile at you. 
“Hey, Doc.”
“Hey Luffy. Everything alright?”
He still looked shaken by everything that had happened. The smile he’d tried to plaster on his face while Zoro was still conscious on the dock was replaced now with something you never thought you’d see: fear. 
Monkey D. Luffy was afraid. You wanted to reach out and hug him. To remind him that life came with no playbook and you were all just fumbling around trying to make the best decisions without ever knowing the outcomes. 
“Yeah. No. Maybe Nami was right and I should’ve tried harder to stop Zoro.”
“Luffy, Zoro was always going to do what he wanted. I don’t think you telling him not to do it would’ve mattered. What he wanted to know was that you were in his corner believing he could do it. You did the right thing as a Captain. As a friend.”
As the words left you, you knew every single one of them was true. The stubborn idiot was going to go out and do this duel no matter what. It’s what he’d trained himself to do and why he continued to train. Who were any of you to tell him all of that was for nothing? 
While Luffy listened and filtered your words through his head, you could see the small worry lines that had creased his forehead begin to ease. The darkness behind his eyes lightened just enough that you could feel his sunshine beginning to peek through the storm. 
“I’m always going to be in every one of your corners because you guys are in mine.” 
You tried to give him a weak smile. Something that could equal the one he’d given you. You could feel it falling flat and decided it was safer to look back over the side of the Merry or at your hands. 
It was a mistake. How you’d missed the blood - Zoro’s blood - that had caked on your fingers and between them was beyond you. Instantly, you felt like you needed to bathe. To scrub your skin raw before it leaves a deeper imprint like an unwanted tattoo. 
Luffy must have noticed your panic because he moved closer to you, shoulder to shoulder, and gently reached out to stop you from scratching through your skin. 
“Why are you out here, Doc?”
His question was light. Soft. A whisper that forced you to hang your head before a flood of emotion threatened to burst from the dam in your chest. 
“I should’ve believed in him more, like you do. I should’ve shown him or had more faith in who he is.”
“The Demon Pirate Hunter?”
That did make a snort of a laugh leave you as you looked up at Luffy. 
“Your first mate.”
You were surprised when Luffy suddenly wrapped a long arm around you and pulled you into a tight hug. You thought you were going to have to tap out and tell him it was too much. Damn, could he give a good hug. But you didn’t. You wrapped an arm around his waist and allowed yourself to be consumed for just a little while by sunshine. 
“You did an amazing job today, Doc.” 
You pressed a scoff into his chest before you pushed away and secured yourself back over the railing. 
“That’s really sweet Luffy, but no I didn't. I was sloppy. Unprepared. My response time was shit.” Your delay in helping Zoro could be what cost him his life. You didn’t want to say it out loud. The guilt - shame - of that hard fact sat like stones in your gut. “If Naan were here she’d have my ass.”
“But you saved him.”
Luffy looked so confused and you weren’t sure you wanted to explain it to him. He believed in you more than you believe in yourself. 
“No. All I did was make him comfortable if he died.” 
It felt like you were speaking through molasses. The idea of him dying filled your body with such raw grief it threatened to topple you over. 
“That’s not true.”
It was true, and Naan would’ve used this moment as another one of her hard lessons. One just to prove why getting attached to others was never good for a healer. Everything she’d ever taught you had gone right out the window as you watched Zoro fall. All the training and knowledge wasted as you acted like a lovesick girl and not the one who maybe could’ve saved him if she hadn’t been so lost in her head. 
No. You weren’t who Luffy thought you were or who you’d even thought you were. You should’ve stocked up on ingredients more. Noted all the tools you were missing and got them instead of worrying about a world full of promise and adventure. 
“I’m going to go wash up, Luffy. I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Make sure you stop in to see Zoro, Doc. I know he’d like to hear from you.” 
You didn’t know what to say. Would he want to see someone who selfishly tried to keep him from being who he was? You could still hear the last conversation playing in your head. The way his voice cracked just enough to notice. 
“I’ll be sure to do that.”
You didn’t mean it. You weren’t sure if you could face him but another part of you wondered if the last memory you wanted to carry of him was him lying bleeding on Baratie’s dock. 
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The bath had been scolding hot and your skin was still slightly red from how furiously you’d scrubbed it. You’d had no intention of going in to see Zoro. 
Not yet. 
But as you left your room you heard Nami’s voice raise and you bolted toward the sound. What if something was happening to Zoro? Instead of the possibility of you going into doctor mode, you noticed it was yelling of a different kind.
“And I would like it if Zoro wasn’t dying in my bed!”
No! Not dying…
You came shooting around the corner and into the room. Your eyes take in a small-looking Luffy as Nami stands on the opposite side of where Zoro lies. Her eyes were piercing and sharp and full of anger directed solely at your captain. 
“I can’t get in the way of someone’s dream, Nami.”
“What’s going on here?”
Nami’s gaze moved over to you and it made you want to stop in your tracks. It felt like she was almost blaming you for the dying friend in her bed. 
“Nothing. I was just leaving.”
The word came out before you could stop it. The irritation sparked from her in waves. You hadn’t meant to say it but you were too emotionally exhausted to care. 
“Again?” Luffy asked, visibly lost. 
“It's nothing,” Nami quickly dismissed your words as she set down the book she’d been reading. “Just a slip of the tongue. Right, Doc?”
She wasn’t giving you time to answer her because she wasn’t trying to have more conversation. Not with you and definitely not with Luffy. Somehow, you’d both ended up in the shit yard. 
You turned to watch her retreat and didn’t take one step forward until you were sure she was gone. You reached out to Luffy and touched his arm briefly before you dropped it back down to your side. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I just-“ 
He was back to looking lost. His eyes searched for answers ingrained in the wood of the ship and coming up short. He looked up at Zoro still lying motionless in bed and turned in your direction. 
“I’m going to get the Wado Itchy Monkey ready for him when he wakes up.” 
“Itchy monkey?”
“His sword.”
Now this was the Luffy you knew. It wasn’t as cheerful as it should’ve been but you would take this smile over the wounded look any day. 
“Oh, right. The Itchy Monkey.”
You hoped somehow Zoro could hear this and was screaming. 
“Do you want to come with me? I think Sanji is also with Usopp in the galley cooking something. If you want to eat.”
“Maybe later. I need to do an assessment first.”
“Oh, yeah. Let us know how it goes.”
“You got it, Captain.” 
“Why do you call me that?”
“Call you what? 
“Captain. No one else does.”
His question took you back. Was there something else he wanted to be referred to instead of Captain? He’d seemed to make it pretty clear his dream wasn’t just finding the One Piece, but having a crew all his own. 
“Uhm, because you’re my Captain and that is false. Usopp does say it…sometimes. In between calling himself Captain Usopp.” 
You waited to see that infamous smile brighten his face. The one that reminded you of the good that was housed inside him and the painful realization he was still so young. What you got instead was a softer smile, one that still reached his eyes but spoke plainly of gratitude. 
“Make sure that when you’re done you get something to eat. That’s an order.” 
You offered up a mock salute as you replied, “Aye, Captain.” 
It felt ridiculous. It felt silly but it also felt good. Like you weren’t standing in a room where Zoro was slipping in and out of death. Silly like sitting back in a restaurant. All five of you enjoying a meal filled with laughter and teasing conversation. 
With a heavy sigh, you turned to face the unconscious man before you. He looked incredibly peaceful and if you didn’t know any better you would’ve believed he was just sleeping. But his breathing was still too shallow and there wasn’t any eye movement indicative of dreaming or thought. 
He looked like a shell of the man you’d fallen in love with. The color hadn’t returned to his skin and there was a noticeable sheen of sweat to his forehead and upper lip. Gently, you pressed the back of your hand to his forehead and felt the warmth to his skin. 
You figured there would be a fever, but not so soon. You weren’t sure if it was a good or bad sign but you wouldn’t dwell on it. A fever meant he needed medicine, which was your specialty. You set to work pulling what you needed out of your satchel and began to make something to help reduce the fever and hopefully help whatever infection was in his blood. 
After you steeped all the ingredients through the strainer you walked over to Zoro and gently lifted up his head. You had some trouble wiggling the nose of the bottle between his lips when you remembered you still had to contend with his teeth.
“A pain in the ass even while dying,” you groaned.
You placed his head back down against the pillow and quickly ran through your options. You tried to prop him up as much as you could before you placed your hand on his chin and applied a small amount of pressure until you felt his jaw begin to open. Finally, you were able to deposit some of the medicine between his lips. Your hands gently coax his throat to swallow by running your fingers against the skin. 
Once it was done you placed the jar behind you on Nami’s dresser and went to get a cool washcloth. You weren’t sure if you were going to stay until you started wiping the sweat from his brow. 
You found yourself sitting in the chair Nami no doubt abandoned and the book she’d been reading to him. The tale of Noland. The liar. A man who claimed to have seen something and there was never any proof. 
Liar. That’s what stuck out to you the most. 
You’d been staring at the cloth in your hands, fingers picking at the fraying pieces unable to look at him. Not until now. 
You weren’t sure why you felt so unsure of whether you should be there. If you should bother staying. The last time you’d spoken he’d made it clear what he thought of you and yet…
Reaching out you took hold of his hand for the first time. It felt wrong doing it like this but what were the chances of you being able to do it again? Your thumb moved slowly over his knuckles as if trying to outline each one perfectly to memory. 
“How are you supposed to train me to kick your ass if you don’t wake up?”
Zoro didn’t show any signs of stirring at your words. You expected him to turn his head at any minute. His eyes flew open in horror at the idea of you ever kicking his ass. You could practically hear all the remarks he’d make. 
“The day you ever kicked my ass is the day hell freezes over.”
“It’ll take a miracle for you to even get close.”
But they were the only ones that you heard in your head. Figments of previous conversations warped to fit the crazy narrative that he would be able to answer you back. 
“You know, if Naan could’ve seen how I acted today she would’ve killed me.”
An empty laugh left you as you looked up at his face. There wasn’t the usual dart of a raised brow in teasing. No hard stare that made you feel like he was silently yelling at you for getting on his nerves. 
“She would’ve been disappointed. She taught me over the years that a doctor who can’t think on their feet at lightning speed is useless. A doctor who got emotionally attached to their patients was equally as useless.” You tore your eyes away from him to look at the safety of your lap. Unable to look at him as you spoke, “I was useless at being able to help you when it mattered.”
The sob you’d been struggling to hold back erupted in a burst that forced you to cover it with your hand. You couldn’t let anyone else hear you as you shattered. 
“Maybe that was my final lesson from her. To prove that caring for all of you the way I do is only going to harm you later.”
What good was having a doctor who was only going to fail them later? But Zoro still being alive proved that it wasn’t just medicine that kept people going, but their own desire to live. That was all you wanted. You didn’t need him to wake up and proclaim his undying devotion to you. Even if he woke up still hating you, you would accept it. Anything was good enough for you if it meant you’d get to see him smile one last time. 
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Walking into the galley you expected it to be either quiet or at least filled with light conversation. Maybe even a couple of gloomy faces. 
What you hadn’t expected? For it to smell like Baratie inside the tiny space, and to find the reason for the smell to be Sanji talking away with Luffy and Usopp while he cooked. 
“It smells like heaven in here,” you mused, taking in a deep inhale of all the aromas floating inside the kitchen. 
Usopp was leaning against the island - in the same exact spot Zoro had been in mere hours ago. His blood still stained part of the wood. You couldn’t bring yourself to go near it. So, you made your way around it completely and over to sit with Luffy. Who was currently cleaning the Wado Ichimonji for Zoro just like he said he would. 
Everywhere you looked Zoro’s presence was a constant reminder. A ghost haunting you that you hadn’t signed up for. 
“If this is heaven then in walked an Angel.”
Instantly, all your sadness was quickly replaced with irritation - and relief. 
“It’s a little too early to be flirting, isn’t it?”
“Nah. It’s never too early to let a beautiful woman know just how breathtaking she is.” 
“Ugh, I wouldn’t let Zoro hear you talk to Doc like that,” Usopp chuckled nervously. “I think he’d probably implode.” 
“I’m sorry. Who?” 
Sanji either must have had the worst memory you’d encountered in a while or he was playing dumb for the hell of it. Usopp took a bit of the apple he’d grabbed from the fruit bowl. He held up a finger letting Sanji know he needed to wait while he chewed before he spoke. 
“Green-haired guy. Three swords.”
“The one from this morning?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
Sanji cocked his head to the side as if he was questioning if Usopp was telling him a joke and he’d missed the punchline. He was in the middle of folding something in the middle of what looked like dough and you were tempted to interrupt their small discussion about your nonexistent love life to see what it was. 
“I think I’ll take my chances.”
Sanji smiled warmly at Usopp and sent another eye twitch in your direction. 
This guy was going to give you trouble. 
You watched as Luffy softly ran one of Zoro’s clothes over the sheath of the blade. He was taking his time and made sure he didn’t miss a single part. He was dedicated to making sure Zoro knew his things were safe here, with all of you, on the Merry. That he was a captain who would do what was necessary for the things you all loved and held valuable. 
“So, how did he look, Doc?”
Luffy’s question tore your eyes away from watching him do another round of polishing. He hadn’t looked at you yet, but you knew the minute you started talking he would give you his undivided attention. 
“He’s doing okay. No real change in vital signs. A slight infection has set in and gave him a fever. I made some medicine to give him every few hours just to make sure it’s nothing major.” 
Luffy placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you a light shake. A smile graced his lips as he replied, “The best doctor in all of the East Blue and soon, the Grand Line!”
You wish you could smile back brighter or maybe with something that looks genuine. Instead, a grimace meant to resemble a smile graced your lips. 
“I don’t know about the best doctor. I had no idea yellowtail skin had so many wonderful properties in them.”
“I don’t think any of us did, honestly,” Sanji offered. 
“It makes me wonder if Naan even knew about it.”
“What? You mean the resident doctor in your village never used the wonder that is yellowtail.”
“I think if you told Naan to go fishing for an ingredient you’d end up fishing your teeth off the floor.” 
“Oooh,” Sanji chuckled. “Is she really that bad?”
“Worse,” Usopp interjected. “Naan isn’t really known for taking new age information or techniques very well.”
“Hey,” you interject with a pout. 
“You know it’s true. She follows what her mother taught her religiously and makes Doc follow it too. I’m not saying she’s not a great doctor just…really old school.”
“I mean, she is old, Usopp,” you deadpanned. 
“You know what I meant.” 
“You two seem to know each other pretty well.”
Sanji was keeping himself busy still with scooping batter into a piping bag. You were so tempted to ask him what the hell he was making and how soon would you be able to get any of it. His statement was said with an inviting smile and a look of interest in his eyes as he looked between you and Usopp. 
“Doc and I go way back. She was literally, like, my only friend in the village we grew up in.”
“That is not true. You had Kaya. I had you and Naan and that was about it.”
“I’m sure a beautiful woman such as yourself has plenty of friends and admirers.”
God, please make him stop calling you beautiful. 
“Well, you’re wrong. No one in the village liked me.”
“They were actually scared of her.”
You loved how casually Usopp could just drop information without a care in the world. He was always like that since you were kids. You figured it must have been part of his ability to weave stories so intricately. Sprinkle truth throughout the lie and no one was sure what part was real and what wasn’t. The only problem here? He didn’t follow it up with anything else but the truth. 
“Usopp!” You shot out in a groan. 
He’d taken a bit of the apple again so all you got in response was a shoulder shrug. 
“Why would villagers be scared of you?” 
It wasn’t hard to miss the disbelief in Luffy’s voice or the small chuckle that clung to the back of each word. 
“Because she just showed up out of thin air on the island.” Usopp interrupted trying to swallow the remaining apple pieces in his throat. “No parents. No nothing. They all thought that a Siren or something dropped her off on the shores. All the villagers thought she was a bad omen.”
“Oh my god, Usopp! I’m like right here I can tell it and, by the way, you are the reason why everyone thought I came as a curse from the ocean and that my mom was a Siren!”
“I was trying to help you. It got Johnny Fittsmore to stop cutting pieces of your hair, didn’t it!”
“Wow. Okay.” Sanji mumbled. “Weren’t kidding on the friend's part.”
“Why was he cutting pieces of your hair?”
You weren’t surprised Luffy was confused. He was kind-hearted, and would probably never grasp the concept of people choosing to be mean. 
“I just showed up on the beach aboard a small lifeboat. Naan said she could hear my cries from her house.”
“Cries? As in a baby?” 
Sanji stopped all he was doing to rest his hands on the counter. His broad shoulders hunched forward as he looked at you through a small window of hair. He looked visibly upset and the last thing you needed was the new guy to think you were broken.
“I don’t know if I was a baby. I just know I was small and Naan decided not to let the birds eat me.” 
“No parents?”
“I mean, does anyone really have parents at this point?”
Usopp’s mom unfortunately passed away while you were both young. He’d never met his dad, Yasopp, wherever that no good baby daddy of a pirate was and basically had Usopp chasing after shadows in hopes he would ever return. Luffy seemed to only have a crazy stalker grandpa and that left Nami and Zoro with the chance of having actual functioning parental units somewhere.
“The lucky ones do.”
Sanji’s reply was delicate, like his smile, as if he said it too loud it would spook you. 
“I guess that makes us an unlucky bunch of misfits,” you replied. 
“I think we’re pretty lucky,” Luffy interjected. “We all found each other.” 
You were not going to cry. 
In the few hours this all happened,  you couldn’t remember the last time you smiled and meant it. A handful of those times had been with Luffy and, just like the times before, you could feel your own smile curving your lips. A real one. 
“I could drink to that.”
“Funny you mention a drink,” Sanji began as he placed something in the oven. “But I think you still owe me one.”
You got up from your seat and made your way over to stand next to the sink. Your eyes watched as Sanji did, in fact, have a bottle waiting in the basket he’d brought back from Baratie. 
“You always carry a bottle around with you?”
“Only when I get the chance to share a drink with a talented woman, such as yourself.” 
“Do any of these lines usually work on women?”
A full-throated laugh left him as he grabbed two glasses and began to pour the drinks. You would never say it out loud, not even if someone threatened to cut a limb off, but you enjoyed Sanji’s company. He didn’t take himself too seriously, except for his cooking. 
He let you tease him and took everything you served in stride. Although…you did miss the way Zoro always seemed to have something equally sharp to send back your way. Sanji just liked being in the company of others, especially if that company happened to be the opposite sex. 
“Sometimes,” he answered honestly. “It’s usually my charm and not my words that do it.”
“I can see that.”
He was charming. He was handsome. There wasn’t a point in denying facts just because your cup of tea was currently brewing on life support in the back. Sanji handed you your glass and lifted his up in a toast. 
“To the first drink and, hopefully, to many more.” 
You moved your glass to meet his and a light clink filled the space between you. You brought the glass to your lips and swallowed the liquid in a few gulps. As you set your glass back on the island you could hear a soft chuckle from Usopp coming from behind you. When you turned to look at him he was grinning from ear to ear. 
“Zoro is going to be so pissed when he gets up.” 
You were about to tell him to shut up and remind him you were both very much single and in no way romantically involved. Even if you might have wanted that to happen, Zoro made it clear it wasn’t what he wanted. 
You started to open your mouth when Nami came crashing in through the galley’s doors. 
“Luffy! Luffy! The Arlong Pirates are at Baratie. We have to leave now.”
“What? Why? Why should we leave?”
“Because they are looking for you!”
“Just fucking great,” you sighed as you grabbed the bottle Sanji had left on the table.
Her last words were directed at Luffy. Of course, someone was here for Luffy. When wasn’t someone here for him? Stalker grandpa. Stalker grandpa’s war dog. Now another pirate who may or may not be working with stalker Grandpa. 
Luffy seemed as surprised as the rest of you. A finger pointing at himself just to make sure we were all physically sure it was, in fact, him.
“And the map. Those fishmen will tear this place apart if Zeff doesn’t turn him over.”
In a flash, all the joking and light conversation disappeared. One minute Sanji was beside you and then he was bounding around the island to get to his coat. 
“Where are you going?”
“If Baratie‘s in danger, I need to be there.”
You knew what was going to happen before Luffy even spoke. The goodness that was the core of who Luffy was would never abandon people to possible pain and suffering. It wasn’t in whatever strange and stretchy DNA that made up who he was. It was why you’d joined him and why you would continue to be aboard this ship until he no longer wanted you there. 
“Alright, I’m coming with you.” 
“Did you not hear what I just said? They are hunting you. We need to run.”
“I’m with Nami on this one. I’m really not trying to ruffle any feathers or scales.”
“Usopp. There are innocent people inside that place.
“How do you know that, Doc? It’s a restaurant that serves pirates!”
“Usopp - we,” you indicated between the two of you, “are pirates.” 
“Oh, yeah. That’s a solid point, but still-“
“I’m not running,” Luffy cut in. “We’re going to protect this place.”
“This isn’t your fight. Why would you do that?”
You could feel yourself waiting for the answer - for Sanji to experience the man that was Monkey D. Luffy. With a kind smile, he simply replied, “You fed us.”
Kindness for a kindness. 
“Look, I know this crew. Their captain, Arlong, has the highest bounty in all of the East Blue. You do not want to mess with him.”
“It sounds like he messed with us first.”
“Luffy, please. Please.”
“Nami. What are you so afraid of?”
You weren’t sure what possessed you to say it or why you moved towards her. It didn’t matter if she tried to deny it or cover it up with anger this time. You’d seen her and the fear that rolled off her like a sickness appeared to cripple her. 
“What do I have to be afraid of? You are all going to rush in there and get yourselves killed!”
“Nami,” Luffy said, “I can’t let innocent people get hurt because of me. If those fishmen guys want a fight, we’re gonna give them one.” He looked between Nami and you and walked over to her. A solid hand cupping her shoulder. “You two stay back with the ship and protect the map. Hmm.”
“Fuck that!” 
You stepped forward to the other side of him forcing him to turn from Nami to face you. 
“I’m going with you.”
“Doc, it’s safer-“
“I don’t care. You’re down a man right now and, no offense Usopp, he isn’t the greatest choice for backup.”
“Hey! I’m taking all the offense!”
“Take it all I don’t care. Luffy, I may not be a three-sword-wielding badass but I can help you. Let me help you. Please.”
Luffy regarded you for one long moment before he slowly nodded. 
“You can’t be serious?”
Nami regarded you like you’d gone insane. Maybe you had. You weren’t a soldier. You didn’t know much about fighting besides when you punched Isaki Quade in the nose in the lemon grove. 
“I’m going with him, Nami.”
“It’s going to be alright, Nami,” Luffy interjected. “The ship and the map will be safe with you.”
With that, Luffy turns on his heel and heads for the door. As you walked past the island you reached up and removed a pot from the upper rack. If Zoro could see you now, you could already hear what he would say in your head. 
Seriously? You’re bringing the pot with you? 
“What’s with the pot?” Sanji asked. 
You twirled it around in your hand as you both tried to keep pace with Luffy’s quick steps. 
“It’s my weapon of choice.”
Sanji still looked confused but you didn’t have time to explain. Luffy was already up and over the side of the Merry and walking towards the deck. If you didn’t catch up fast he would be inside Baratie before you even made it to the door. 
“This is a bad idea. Such a bad idea.”
You knew Usopp was trying to whisper it to himself. He’d always been one to talk his thoughts out when he wasn’t even trying. You tried to soothe him as you passed through the door into Baratie with a pat on his back, and instead, he nearly became one with the ceiling. 
“We are going to be okay, Usopp.”
“You shouldn’t even be here, Doc,” he snapped back. “You are the ship's doctor. What happens if we get injured and so do you?”
“The good news is in that scenario I’m just injured - not dead. So, I can still patch you guys up.”
“That doesn’t make me feel the least bit better.”
If the mood wasn’t so serious you would’ve laughed. The moment felt like you were back in Syrup village with Usopp rambling on and on about if he should or shouldn’t tell Kaya he was in love with her. No matter what you told him, his head would still worry. It was his nature. 
Everything froze in time, however, when Luffy pushed open the double doors and stepped inside the eerily quiet dining room. 
“Who here is Arlong?”
That was one way to make an entrance. 
“That would be me.”
A deep voice boomed from below you and when you looked over the railing, immediately you wished you’d stayed on the ship. He was holding an older man by the collar, sharp teeth exposed at his throat. You suddenly wished Zoro was here. 
“My name is Monkey D. Luffy and I hear you're looking for me.”
“Why, yes I am.”
You had to hand it to Luffy. Arlong looked terrifying to look at and overly confident. Luffy didn’t seem the least bit phased by any of it as he led you all down the stairs. 
“So, this is the pirate I’ve heard so much about? You know? I was expecting someone…bigger.”
“So was I.” 
If you weren’t so fucking terrified you would’ve laughed. At least Luffy was able to smile for the both of you, because the minute eyes darker than the trenches of the ocean peered up at all of you ready to rip out your throats you swear you felt your soul exit stage left. 
“Do you know who I am, boy? I’m Arlong the Saw. Even the Marines flee before my flag.”
“Not ringing a bell. How’s you find me anyway?”
A sickening chuckle that reminded you of gills taking in water filled the room. 
“An old friend helped me track you down.” 
He clicked his tongue right after he finished, and you hated the fact that you jumped. You hated it even more when Sanji moved to stand just a little in front of you to protect you. 
In all of a second, the dirty blonde-haired fishmen reached into a black bag and took out a- 
“Is that a fucking clown head?!” 
You wanted to scream but swallowed it down as it started talking and- oh god moving. The neck area actually wiggled as he shouted, “Heya, Straw Hat. Did you miss me?”
“Burpy? What are you doing here?”
“Believe me, it wasn’t my first choice either. But these fine fishy folk persuaded me to point them in the right direction, which ain’t easy when you don’t have any hands.” 
He let out a laugh like this was like any other day. All completely normal. 
“How’d you even know how to find me?”
“I told you. I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere.”
To prove his point, you watched in horror as an ear fluttered its way out of Luffy’s hat and back to attach itself to Burpy’s head. 
“What is happening right now?” 
Your whisper was aggressive and you weren’t even sure why you were even asking Usopp or Sanji like they even knew. It just made you feel a bit better when all three of you looked at each other equally disturbed. 
Luffy, as usual, looked less shocked about the ear in his hat and more that he’d been listening. 
“You were listening all along? You heard everything?”
“Everything. And that got old quick, ‘cause you shidiots have no idea what you are doing. By the way, Doc, it's so nice to finally meet you. You’re equally as delicious as Dreamsicle. Wherever she is. Hey, Lips!”
Burpy turned to yell at the fishmen who did have rather large lips to scratch his ear. You were still stuck on the fact a clown head was trying to hit on you. 
Maybe you should’ve just stayed with Nami on the boat. 
The fishmen denied him his apparent scratch and Burpy went into full shriek mode. You instantly winced at the sound and tried not to cover your ears as his head was shoved back inside the black bag. 
“Listen here. I want my map and half of whatever you plunder as tribute. And if you bow down to me, I might even let you serve in my kingdom.”
Arlong was walking slowly towards you - towards Luffy. You weren’t sure if while he talked he was smiling or snarling. 
“I don’t bow down to any man.”
“I’m no man.”
“Or fish,” Luffy corrected. “You’re no king.”
“I will be when I get my Grand Line map.”
“Then…” Luffy placed his hat back on his head and you already knew what was coming. “You’re going to have to fight me for it.”
Suddenly, coming in with a fucking cooking pot felt ridiculous, but you were gripping it tightly all the same. 
“Then let the fighting begin.” 
Right as Arlong smacked his fist into his hand, the sound of a gunshot went off and your eyes traveled up to see a rather large Chef’s hat in the middle of the room. Attached to that hat was Zeff who held a small muscat in his hand. 
The other fishman who sat at the table with Blondie immediately got up and kicked the wood of Zeff’s wooden leg. It broke without pause and sent the older man tumbling to the floor. When he looked up, the Fishman kicked him hard and sent him flying back through three tables. 
Sanji’s voice was filled with so much pain your chest aches but it was also thundering to life with adrenaline. How the fuck did you think a pot was going to help at all against them? You could hear Zoro chastising you, calling you a dumbass and you swiftly pushed it away. Now was not the time to talk to imaginary Zoro. 
Sanji ran down the stairs and kicked Blondie away and used the momentum to land on their table. He spun off and kicked the Fishman who’d hurt Zeff. 
He ran past you and shrank down small to get under the table. No one else saw him do it. They were too busy watching Sanji as he took on the fishman. 
“Usopp, get bac-“
You moved down the stairs to get him and were greeted with Sanji’s body landing on the exact table. It tipped over instantly and exposed Usopp underneath. He immediately clamored out from underneath it. 
“Get the people out of here! Get them out now!” 
You rushed down what was left of the stairs as Luffy started shouting out his gum-gum pistol. You could hear his body stretching impossibly far back, but you were busy trying to get to Sanji. He was choking on the air trapped in his lungs and your body was seized in terror that he may have a punctured lung. 
“Sanji,” you asked, placing a hand on his face to bring him to focus on your face and the other gently on his side. “Are you alright? Does anything feel broken?”
“Just…my pride,” he wheezed back. 
You ignored the fact he’d placed his hand over yours and lightly began to move him towards Usopp who was now on the other stairs. You looked back and saw Arlong toss Luffy violently against the pillar. 
“Get up!”
You tried to move down off the stairs and felt Sanji grip you tightly around your waist to keep you there with him and Usopp. He kept throwing punch after punch and Arlong took them all with stride. Luffy wasn’t making a dent and to Arlong this was just a game. 
Luffy tried to swing on him one last time and Arlong caught it. He tried to swing again to make Arlong let him go, and he easily caught that one. With both fists in his hands, he used them to pull Luffy to him. 
You tried to wiggle free but Sanji held on tight and the feeling of Usopp’s hand on your shoulder joined in. Luffy looked so scared; so angry as Arlong told him something through sharpened teeth. One minute they were there and the next Arlong flung him up into the foray. 
This time you did scream as Arlong took the stairs to reach him. The continued sounds of a body being thrown through stained glass windows. 
“Doc, I know you want to go to him but you can’t! It isn’t safe.”
“Fuck that I can’t just let him die!”
You were nearing hysterics. Why couldn’t they remember that Luffy was a Devil Fruit eater? That outside was miles and miles of ocean and Arlong knew it. All it would take is one splash, and one toss, and Luffy would be defenseless. All it would take is him falling over the dock and he would drown. 
“He isn’t going to die!”
“Usopp, he ate a Devil fruit! Mother Ocean turns her back on those who do and what is outside with them?” 
You needed them to understand that it wasn’t because you wanted to be a hero. You weren’t that kind of person. You just wanted to save the life of your Captain. 
You refused to lose two people on the same day. 
“Oh, shit,” Usopp mumbled and you felt your head shaking along with it. 
“Yes! Shit. I need to make sure he’s okay. Please.” 
Sanji looked from Usopp and back to you. Blue eyes desperately searching your face to come up with a reason to tell you no. Finally, he released the hold he kept on your waist and nodded up the stairs. 
“Go check on our Captain.” 
You mouthed the words thank you as you bolted up the stairs. You took them two at a time and rounded the broken foray doors to see the sunlight coming from outside. That door too had been completely smashed open with Luffy’s body. 
The adrenaline in your veins screamed at you to move faster; be quicker. Your feet thundering onto the dock just in time to see Arlong holding Luffy up over the edge of the dock and…was that Nami?
“Nami!” You called out to her. “What are you doing?”
“Doc! Stay back!” 
Each word that left Luffy came out choked and ragged. His hands weakly clamored at the grip Arlong had on his throat. Your eyes didn’t know where to look. Luffy who was in danger or Nami who…had a suspicious-looking tattoo that looked like Arlong in tattoo form and the Grand Line map in hand. 
“What is going on?”
“A business transaction, girl,” Arlong chuckled. “Don’t be a pest and interrupt.” 
“I wasn’t talking to you, asshole,” you snapped. You should’ve cared when the smile left his face. When he looked like he would throw you into the ocean along with Luffy. “Nami. I asked you a question.” 
She turned on you then. Her whole body facing you as she gave you a shrug and a look so icy it could’ve frozen hell slid across her face. For all her show of hatred, however, she couldn’t hollow out the heartbreak in her eyes. Nami didn’t want you to hate her but she would make you, and you wanted to know why. 
“What is it that you aren’t comprehending, Doc? I was sent to steal the map and bring it back to him. I’ve been a part of Arlong’s crew this whole time. I played you.” 
You didn’t believe her for one second. Your friendship isn't something that could be faked. The way she cared and pleaded with Zoro to not fight Mihawk. She’d even pleaded with Luffy to run while Arlong was here and maybe…maybe it’s because she was running too. 
“I don’t believe you-“
“Believe whatever you want. It’s not going to make a difference or make any of this less real,” she snapped. 
She dismissed you by completely turning away from you and headed towards a Jolly Roger that held the same emblem as her tattoo. Arlong went to bite at Luffy’s neck and Nami called to him. 
“Why waste your time killing a Devil Fruit eater when the sea can do it for you.” 
No! “No!” 
This time when the fear threatens to freeze you in place and to keep you from making that critical step forward, you don't hesitate to burst into a full sprint. Your words leave you in a rush. 
“I’m a doctor! Do you hear me Arlong!? I’m a doctor.”
“Doc, no-“ 
“What good is a human doctor to me?” Arlong snarled in response. 
You could hear the sound of his fingers releasing Luffy. The sound of his body edging closer to the lip of the ocean. 
“Columnaria! Fish rot. I can cure it.”
That caused him to pause - for everyone to pause. 
“How? You’re a human.”
“We had fishmen who served one of the wealthy businessmen where I lived. They would get sick and Naan- the healer would have to treat them. She taught me how.”
Cautiously you moved towards him with your hands up. If he did decide to not take you up on your offer and drop Luffy into the ocean you wanted to be close enough to jump in. 
“I can treat any of your fishmen who are sick with it. I can teach you how to care for it yourself. But if you drop him into the ocean you’ll get nothing.” 
It was easy to see how much Arlong hated that you knew how to cure a disease that killed fishmen like wildfire. A human. You bargained his men’s life for the life of your Captain and that seemed fair. 
“Don’t do this, Doc.” 
“I’m sorry, Luffy. I have to.”
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d failed Zoro somehow. You wouldn’t fail Luffy too. 
Arlong took all of a second to consider your offer. He showed you he accepted it by dropping a very weak Luffy back onto the safety of the dock. 
“I accept your bargain, human. Welcome to the Arlong Pirates.”
As always, thank you so much for reading. Comments and reblogs are always welcome.
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[ Check Masterlist for ch 9-19 ]
Sequel just uploaded 1
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Life began to feel so boring. The days blended into one another and suddenly we’re in march. Staying up late catching up on your favorite show because there is nothing better to do right now. One piece was such a breathe of fresh air, full of adventure and characters that seem amazing to be around and explore the world with. You wished to be in the world where u can freely be who you wanted, the world where you weren’t shackled by the burdens of reality.
You’ve been around all the corners of the internet so you know of shifting and astral projection which is exactly what seems to be going on right now. Rewatching episodes leading up to the time skip around 4 in the morning till your eyes flutter shut. Suddenly the wafting scent of the ocean filled your nose. “ Is she a stowaway?” “ How have we just found her we haven’t been on land for over a week now”. You opened your eyes to the snout of a reindeer and other very familiar faces.
You sat up so fast knocking into the poor doctor. Panic set through you because the first assumption anyone would have is that they’re in a dream or— congrats you’ve finally lost your damn mind. “ Who are you people”.
“ We’ve got the same question for you”
“ well I asked first”
The blunt part of a sword was thrust into your face by a very angry green swordsman. Fear etched across your face you give him a once over. Zoro. To your left was Robin and chopper holding his snout on her lap. There should be absolutely no reason that you’re in this world with these wacky 15th century pirates from your goofy anime show. Your voice shakes as you try to convince the green haired man to stop threatening your life.
“ Listen this is surely a misunderstanding, I really don’t understand how I have gotten here and I’m not really too sure who you people are.”
Maybe if they think that I don’t know who they are I can figure out a way to get out of this mess without ruining the story.
“ What is your last memory before you woke up on our ship” a voice from behind spoke. Turning to the left at the top of the stairs was Nami with Sanji following behind her.
“ I was laying in my bed falling asleep and then I woke up here”
After that you were bombarded with questions, what’s your name, your age, if an 8ft skeleton can see your underwear and it nearly drained the life out of you. The sun was now beginning to set after such a long day of being interrogated by the crew you used to watch through a screen. The captain was sitting on the head of the Sunny watching the day fade away when he stretched his arm to you pulling you to sit with him.
It was quiet for a while and nerves began to set in. Does he see through me? I know a lot of people don’t give luffy the credit but he’s way more intelligent than you’d think. “ What is it like where you’re from y/n” he spoke as he turned to face you.
“ Very different.”
“ Tell me about it please”
The sun completely faded into night and the stars littered the sky while you told luffy about “ where you’re from” and he was absolutely entranced by the world he’s never been. You ended up telling Luffy the truth about your origins, somewhat about himself, there was just something so compelling and trusting about him you didn’t think nothing of it. You slept in the girls room next to Nami that night, thinking about the next step and getting home.
Was this really a dream or did your desire to escape mundane life make you shift into this world of unknown.
The next day you went to eat breakfast with the crew and luffy starts spouting all the things you told him the night before. With seemingly no thought behind his words as he swallowed everything on his plate, though his crew members all stopped to stare at you in confusion.
“ I thought you said you weren’t from here?”
“ You said you didn’t know how you got here”
“ Well I wasn’t exactly lying, I really don’t know how or why I’ve been transported into your world. I just didn’t want to scare you or make you think I’m crazy with all of this.”
Over the next few days you were beginning to settle with the crew, you spent hours getting to know everyone and having the most fun you’ve had in years. Nami and Robin were curious about your world and you were more than elated to tell them all the things you enjoyed. The boys liked when you played their silly games, Sanji was obsessed with everything about you and loved having you perched on the counter when he was cooking so you can serve as his taste tester.
Zoro only just began to acknowledge you after finding out you also had a love for drinking, it became really easy to bond with the man. You knew you had to go back but what’s the harm in spending time with such a loving group of people, it’s not everyday someone is given your experience don’t waste it being worried.
You were able to convince Nami to give you a blank sheet of paper where you wrote all the things you knew about shifting and astral projection. You’ve been with the crew over a week now spending every night trying to shift back to your world. Sometimes you feel close others are strangely disturbed by Robin and Nami whether they are sparking up a conversation with you or knocking things over which disturbs your concentration.
The next few days you began to see birds meaning you were finally reaching land, the sabody archipelago. You know the way this arch ends and you need to go home now before you spend two years on an unknown island doing who knows what because YOU aren’t a straw hat and you have no place where you can learn to polish your skills.
The bubbly island became visible and you’d be reaching it by midday, while you were sitting on the head of the Sunny with Luffy again he asked you his million dollar question.
“ Y/n join my crew” he smiled. Your cheeks burned and you had to turn away from the boy whose smile brightened all your days.
“ Luffy I would love to but—”
“ Great- EVERYONE Y/N” you clasped your hand over his mouth.
“ Luffy l can’t join your crew. I have to go home I don’t even belong in this world”
“ Why do you want to leave” sadness dripped from his voice.
“ Yeah, we’ve been having so much fun” the small doctor announced from the deck.
“ It has been very fun I’ll admit but I don’t belong here with you guys. I’ve got a whole life in my world— and a family and just so much to do.” You reasoned.
The rest of the day the crew seemed angry and distant, you simply couldn’t understand why. When they all found out where you really came from they said they would help you get home. During dinner that night you were seated between luffy and Zoro who barley uttered a word while hushed conversations were surrounding the rest of the table. It was insufferable and reminded you of elementary school when someone didn’t want to be your friend anymore and told everyone about it.
“ Luffy are you upset with me? I haven’t done anything wrong”
“ Why do you want to leave? You just joined the crew and were on a new island”
“ I never said I was joining your crew luffy”
“ you know the captain doesn’t take no for an answer y/n” Zoro chuckled.
With a huff you stood up everyone’s eyes landing on you. “ Are you all acting this way because you don’t want me to leave?”
“ Why would we want a crew member to leave us?” Nami’s voice wobbled as tears formed in her eyes. Are they serious? When did u ever agree or tell these people that you were a part of their crew.
“ Listen closely all of you. You have to understand I am not from here, I never joined the straw hats, and I don’t even have any powers I can’t protect myself.”
“ That’s why you have me Y/n-chwaaan”
“ ignore that idiot cook but you have Luffy and I, we wouldn’t let anything happen to you”
“ Who is an idiot you damn moss ball !”
A fight between the cook and the swordsman broke out and you would usually find everything hilarious but…
These people have convinced themselves you are one of them and they don’t want you to leave. You decided tonight will be the night where you will go home with or without their help especially because you already know what’s in store the next day. Laying next to Nami that night waiting for her breathing to even out so you can concentrate with no interruptions you hear soft sobbing.
“ Are you alright Nami..”
“ Y/n I know you want to go back but can you stay a little longer we all care about you and enjoy having you around. We really feel like you’re one of our crew mates”
“ Sure, I’m not missing anything important right now” lying is better than letting this girl cry all night. When her breathing finally evened out you were able to try again.
Eyes fluttering open you were finally in your own bedroom. It was just as you left it, your iPad paused on the intro to one piece and the sun was showing through your curtains.
I really did it.
Life began as usual but you had a newfound appreciation for all the little things that made life worth it. Friends and family found your new outlook pleasant and you finally felt like you turned on a new leaf. While you were getting ready for bed applying all of your creams and oils the Tv in the living room turned on.
Wealth, Fame, Power.
A chill ran through your spine, you haven’t watched the show in over a month in fear of being brought back into that world by some odd chance. Getting up to turn off the tv something in the hallway made a noise. The fear of someone or something being in your house had you clenching on the door knob for dear life.
Just open the door nothing is there you’re only scaring yourself.
Opening the door and walking down the dark hallway into the softly illuminated living room the episode of the strawhats finally meeting up after two years was playing.
“ My favorite arch I should rewatch soon”
“ Why don’t you live it instead?” A voice from behind hissed.
You felt your heart thumping in your ears as you slowly turned to be met with a very angry Captain.
Not proofread ! 🫶🏽
I was inspired by a similar stories I’ve seen down the tl hope you enjoyed. Pt 2 coming soon maybe
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somanyratsinthewalls · 8 months
Kinktober Special Part 5
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Mo’s Kinktober Special 
The Crew’s Whore (Part 5) (+18)
Summary: You are the former owner of the Grand Line’s most popular brothel. Your powerful fighting abilities got the attention of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had asked you to join their crew but what would you bring to the team? Your battle skills were hardly comparable to many of the other Straw Hats… but you actually had a great skill. Your years working as a high end escort had prepared you to become the private plaything for this pirate crew. You joined the Straw Hats as their personal sex toy.
Pairing: Sanji x afab!reader x Zoro
WC: 3100 :)
TWs: Threesome, three way, anal sex, vaginal sex, blowjob, face fucking, sex toy usage, eating out, oral sex, crying, arguing during the deed, they simply can't agree. I love this one tbh. porn.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Rivals
It was an average night aboard the Thousand Sunny, the crew was in good spirits and was getting ready to enjoy another lavish dinner. Zoro was napping on the upper deck, Usopp and Luffy were playing around and cackling at each other, Sanji was preparing the evening meal in the kitchen, and everyone else was off occupying their time elsewhere. 
You knew you had a special date scheduled with Sanji tonight, so you thought you might visit him in the galley to tease him a bit. He was always so fun to work up. 
You slinked into the galley from the deck and sidled up next to your sweet love cook who was at the sink washing his hands. The countertops were littered with small bowls of meticulously pre portioned ingredients and jars of spices. He senses your presence and turns to face you. 
“Oh mon amour! Do you need anything? I can fix something for you quickly if you want, perhaps a cocktail? Your wish is my command-“ You shut him up by cupping his face in both your hands a pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. You smile at him.
“I’m just excited for tonight, Sanji. Can’t wait to feel you.” You wink at him.
“… oh love, you have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to it… you’ve prepared yourself- right? It’ll be alright if we-?” Sanji slides his hand over your ass, pressing in the center. He felt something subtle but hard resting between your plump cheeks. He could feel the plug you were keeping in your ass, to open yourself up for him later. You nod up at him. A single drop of blood escaped his nose. 
“You are so perfect, y/n, you know that? I have to finish preparing dinner, but trust that I will be thinking of your tight little ass the entire time.” He grins down at you. 
“See you later then.” You flash your cook a smile as you waltz excitedly out of the kitchen. 
As per usual, dinner was excellent. You enjoyed plenty of delicious wine and treats as you shot the shit with the crew. After the meal was over, the crew began to filter out of the kitchen and head off to bed. Eventually it was just you, Zoro, and Sanji sitting in the galley. Sanji was finishing dishes and you and Zoro were finishing your drinks. You decide you want to finish the bottle so you lean off of your stool to grab it from the other end of the table. 
Zoro swiftly grabs you by the belt loops of your jeans and slams you down on his his lap aggressively. 
“Ooof- Zoro! Down, boy!” You giggle at him while still pulled into his lap. Zoro leans close to you and begins growling in your ear. The sake was clearly talking.
“Mmm…. Wanna take you on the deck tonight, where anyone could see us…” Zoro starts mouthing at your neck. “You’d love that shit, huh? My dirty little girl… so cute…” He reaches a hand up to grope at your breast. 
“NOT TONIGHT MOSS HEAD!” A damp dishtowel was balled up and chucked full speed at the swordsman’s head on your neck. 
“THE HELL DID YOU SAY?” Zoro picks you up off his lap and sets you down on your feet, getting ready to fight Sanji.
“We have a date, you barbarian. Something you’d know nothing about. She’s spending tonight with me, get in line.” Sanji explains. 
“It’s true, Zoro… I am occupied tonight, I’m sorry, handsome. Tomorrow?” You tried cupping Zoro’s cheek to calm him down. 
“No way, FUCK YOU shitcook! I’ll have what I want when I want it, especially before YOU do! She’d have a much better time with me anyway!” Zoro was heated, he was horny and wanted your body to relieve his stress. That’s what you were for, right? He wasn’t a fan of all the fine print this arrangement came with. 
“YOU THINK YOU FUCK HER BETTER THAN ME? Don’t make me laugh, moron. You don’t know anything about a woman’s pleasure. You can barely tell your left from right.” Sanji spat back at him. 
“I BET YOU’VE NEVER EVEN MADE HER SQUIRT!” Zoro was screaming cross the kitchen island. 
“SHUT THE FUCK UP! Both of you!” You raised your voice and walked to stand in the middle of them at the end of the counter. They both shut their mouths and look at you, not used to hearing you yell. 
“You guys are ridiculous. I care about both of you equally of course, there’s no need to act like toddlers fighting over a toy. You’re grown men. If you can’t figure out how to share, you’re BOTH getting NOTHING.”
“Mon amour but-“ Sanji began to speak.
“NO BUT’S. From EITHER of you. Figure it out.” Frustrated and annoyed, you storm out of the kitchen and return to your room. 
About an hour later you were laying on your bed, your silk black robe opened and splayed around your body. You used your left hand to pull and twist your nipple, while your right hand was between your legs slowly teasing your clit with one finger. Regardless of how the night went, the plug in your ass had made you so horny all night that you couldn’t wait any longer to relieve the wet ache in your cunt. Knowing how much better your orgasms were when you had a plug in and also if you took your time to tease yourself, you decided to slowly pleasure your body. Deep sighs and airy whines left your mouth as your chest rise and fell, enjoying the feeling you were giving yourself. You felt your muscles tense around the plug in your ass and you moaned out. 
*knock knock*
“I’m busy…!” You breathe out heavily. The door opens anyway. Sanji gingerly steps in. His eyes widen at your exposed body before him. You didn’t bother to stop your movements, most everyone had seen you like this by now anyway. Sanji strides towards you after a few moments of a blank stare. 
“My love… moss head and I… we worked it out, I promise… may we… still have our date?” He pleads for you as he crawls onto the bed with you. 
“Aww, I knew you could do it, sweet boy. Thank you so much.” You bring your wet fingers up to his lips. He sucks on them greedily. You slide your body to lay back on the bed with your head hanging out off the edge barely. You spread your legs and beckon Sanji to lay between your thighs. He knows exactly what to do. Once situated, Sanji uses both of his large palms to lift up and spread your cheeks so he could see that cute little silver butt plug. He groans at the sight combined with the gorgeous scent of your dripping cunt. 
He dives in immediately. You gasp at the immediate feeling of his lips on your clit. Sanji was one of your lovers that was simply the best at eating pussy. He always did it with such fervor, such passion, that you were convinced he was doing it for him own pleasure. 
Sanji hmm’d and groaned against your slick sex as he became drunk on your flavor. Your breathy moans sped up as he worked your clit and your hole towards a climax. 
Your door swung open, you opened your eyes as your head hung off the bed facing towards the doorway. 
Zoro stood there looking you dead in the eye, upside down.
“Hmmm what a pretty sight. Can’t believe you’ve gotten her this close, curly.” Zoro coos at you before stepping inside your room and closing the door behind him. 
“Zoro.. I… Thought you guys worked this… out… What-“ You choke out as Sanji doesn’t even look up and notice the swordsman’s presence. He briefly pulls away from your cunt. 
“We did. I invited him.” He dives back in, sucking on your swollen clit. Sanji slips two fingers inside of you as you process this information. You cry out in pleasure but also confusion. 
“Since you’ve given that shit head the honor of fucking your ass tonight… I figure this would give us the perfect opportunity to learn to share.” Zoro smirked as he strode towards your bed, slowly shedding the sash around his waist and untying his trousers. 
Your pussy throbbed at the thought of having both men inside you at once. 
Zoro stepped out of his pants and came to stand by your sweaty face. He stroked his half hard cock in his hand and used it to firmly tap your lips. 
“Open up, Princess.” 
You oblige and open your mouth and loll your tongue out for him. He shoves his dick into your mouth and thrusts softly and slowly. All of this is happening while Sanji continues his assault on your pussy with his mouth. He needed you soft and open for what was going to happen tonight. 
“Make her cum, cook, I wanna feel her throat when she screams.” Zoro breaths out as he fucks your face. 
“MhmmMMM-HHHMNNN” You shriek out as best you can as Zoro’s now fully erect cock barrels into your throat. 
“Don’t tell me what to fucking do, asshole!” Sanji tried to protest but making you cum was exactly what he wanted, too. Sanji stood up and moved away from you briefly to remove his clothes. You whined around the dick in your mouth desperately, having your orgasm ripped away from you. 
“Awww my beautiful love, don’t worry I’ll give you what you want so badly.” Sanji cooed at you as he lined his cock up with your dripping hole. 
“Shut up and get inside her already!” Zoro barked at him. 
Already sliding inside of you, the feeling of your warm walls sucking him in, Sanji couldn’t come up with a response other than a loud moan. You groan around Zoro, pulling back for a second to catch some air. Sanji began thrusting inside of you.
“Oh fuck-! So good Sanji I-!” You moan out as drool dribbles down your chin. Before you can finish your praise, Zoro is stuffing himself back into your mouth. 
“Moss head, slow down! You’re gonna hurt her!” Sanji pants out as he pounds into your pussy. 
“She’s fine just look at her, she’s about to cum!” They both look down at your shaking form, eyes slammed tightly shut, tears streaming down your face. Your legs clamped so tightly around Sanji’s torso as they trembled. It was clear you were so close. 
“Gonna finish on those pretty tits, princess.” Zoro pulls out of your mouth to hover over your body and stroke his fat cock to completion. Just as the first hot rope hits your chest, your body tipped over the edge and you shrieked as you came, violently, on Sanji’s cock. Your torso jerked forward with the force of your orgasm. 
“So beautiful, my love, I’ll fill you up so good, ah-“ with a final declaration, Sanji spilled his load inside your pussy, grinding his hips into yours and whining. 
After a few moments of silence and heavy breathing, Sanji pulls out of you. 
“Ready for round 2, little slut?” You heard Zoro whisper in your ear. The low timbre of his voice sent fireworks straight to your sensitive cunt. 
“We worked out our issue. It took a lot of effort, so I think you owe us a bit more for dealing with our differences, my love.” Sanji moves out from between your legs to make room for Zoro. 
“Get me hard again.” Zoro barks down at you. You sit up and start to stroke his thick cock, soggy with your spit. 
“And me too, don’t forget about our date mon amour…” 
You were no longer thinking for yourself, your brain had stopped working long ago. You wanted to please both of them so badly, so happy that they had learned to share you so nicely. You lean forward and put Sanji’s sensitive dick into your mouth while you stroke Zoro with your hands. Zoro’s hand was on your throat as Sanji’s hand was tangled in your hair as your bobbed up and down on his oversensitive cock. After a few moments of “good fucking girl”s and “such a cute little slut”s, both of your men were hard again and ready to ruin you. Zoro pulled away first as he laid down on his back on your bed. 
“Sit on it.” Zoro commanded and you obliged. You pulled your wet mouth and tear stained face off of Sanji’s cock as you moved to sit on your swordsman’s thick length. You eagerly lined him up with your open, soaking hole.
“Stop.” Zoro stopped you. “Slow.” He grabbed your hips and guided your body onto him at a torturously slow pace. You let out a long moan as he slips you onto him inch by inch. 
“That’s my good girl, taking me so well. Look at your messy little pussy…” Zoro grabs your hair and makes you look down at the milky combination of your cum and Sanji’s cum leaking out all over his balls and pubes. “See what a filthy mess you’re making on me? Huh? And you still want more cock? What a little slut…” Zoro thrusts up into you and you gasp. 
“Be nice to her, moss head. She’s been such a nice play thing for us tonight. You can’t say one nice thing??” Sanji appears behind you, his chest pressed to your back as he begins to play with the plug in your ass. He slips it in and out of you, moving easily from the amount of lube you have shoved it in with earlier. You whine. 
“Nnnnnn Sanjiiii- Can I have it?” You wanted to feel both of them inside you at once. 
“Fine, curly, y/n has the most perfect holes I’ve ever had. So tight and warm, such a good toy.” Zoro smirked around you at his rival. Sanji ignored him. You feel the plug slip completely from your ass, you sigh at the emptiness. Briefly, Sanji spreads your cheeks as you lean forward onto Zoro’s chest. He could see where Zoro was buried deep inside your soaked cunt as well as your slightly gaping ass, lubed and open for him. 
Slowly Sanji presses his leaking tip into your puckered hole. 
“Sanji!” You yell out.
“Relax… I’m almost in… such a good job my love…”  Sanji whispers as he leans down to kiss your shoulder. “Hey idiot, rub her clit or her suck her nipples or something, She’s gonna loosen up more or else she’s gonna choke my dick in here.” 
“I don’t work for you…” Zoro grumbled as he took your left nipple between his teeth as he snaked his hand underneath you to rub at your engorged clit. 
“Ohhh, FUCK Zoro that’s so good-!” You moan out loudly, feeling your muscles spasm then relax. Then you felt Sanji plunge the rest of his length into your ass. 
“AAHh! FUCK!” You were so full, your head was spinning. Sanji’s thinner length buried deep in your asshole, Zoro’s thick cock bullying your g-spot inside your pussy, it was stimulation overload. Once both men were fully seated, there was some sort of unspoken communication between them and they started thrusting. 
You were screaming. The feeling was so intense, your body was going limp. Zoro held your body up with his strong arms while Sanji gripped your hips tightly with his smooth hands. 
“Holy.. Shit… Moss head, you.. you have to try this next time… It’s so fucking tight and hot…” Sanji desperately thrust his cock into your back hole as he chased his release, completely lost in pleasure. 
Zoro was too busy drilling up into your spent pussy, eyes locked on your face. Your eyes were rolled back and your mouth was completely open and slack. He couldn’t let curly brow cum inside you and not him too… He wanted you to cum again so you could milk him dry. He holds your body above him as you as were tossed back and forth on both of their cocks. 
You were being used as a fuck doll, essentially… and holy shit did it turn you on. Your body was so overstimulated but you felt the knot in your tummy begin to tighten again… 
“Sanji! Zoro! Shit, I’m-“ You squirted your release all over Zoro’s abdomen. Your body fell further forward as you began whimpering when your orgasm wore off. 
“Shit, it’s too tight… I’m going to-“ And with that, You felt the unique sensation of Sanji filling your ass with his hot seed. 
“Me too, fuck!” Zoro jams his hips up into yours and you cry out as he hits your cervix, feeling his throbbing tip deep inside as he fills you. 
You fully fell forwards towards Zoro, falling onto his face, nose pressed between your breasts. Sanji is still seated in your ass as he strokes your back and catches his breath. Eventually, your blonde pulls out, and your moss head picks you off his cock to lay you on your back in bed. 
Zoro spreads your legs. 
From how your hips were angled, the boys could see two loads of cum dripping our of your stretched pussy hole and one load dripping from your puckered asshole. Both men were mesmerized by the sight. 
“so… is someone going to clean me up… or?” You questioned while sitting up on your elbows. 
“I’LL DO IT” the two men shouted at once. They spent the next 5 minutes arguing over who was going to bath you and wash your body while you sat on the bed dripping. You flop back on the bed, realizing they’ll never get over their friendly competition. Oh well, you thought to yourself. If they fucked you like this every time they got jealous, you could get used to it. 
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demonpiratehuntress · 2 months
helloooo!!! can i ask strawhats reactions with a nakama reader who just LOVES doing her nails and every time they have a chill day she takes her sweet time doing it?
sure thing! :) sorry for the long wait, I've been busy with work, university and soccer, and it's been difficult for me to be online during Ramadan because of the fast and other things i have to do, but i hope you enjoy this!
taglist - @kabloswrld
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader
summary - the ask :)
warnings - none
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It's not often that the crew gets to take a day off and relax, but when you do you take full advantage of it. It's the only time you get to yourself, when you can do anything you want without having the other Straw Hats in your face all the time. Normally you stay in your room and do your nails, but today a certain swordsman was curious to know what you do on days off, so here he was in your room watching you.
"What's the point of that?" He deadpanned, watching the stroke of the paint-tipped brush over your nail.
You looked up at him, beaming, "It looks pretty!"
"It looks-" He sighed. "Okay."
Silence fell between you two again as you continued painting your nails, a (vibrant/dark) shade of (colour). You could tell that Zoro had more questions, probably about the necessity of your hobby, but you pointedly ignored him.
"Are you done yet?" His gruff voice rang out a few minutes later.
"Yes!" You grinned, holding up your hand, "With one hand!"
He groaned, rubbing his face, "This is boring."
"Well nobody said you had to be here, grumpy," you teased.
"i thought you'd do something more exciting. And fun."
"HEY," you protested, "This is fun! For me!"
The swordsman rolled his eyes, and you narrowed yours, "Maybe you should try it and see."
"No thanks."
"Then how about I paint yours too?"
"I can't think of anything I want less than that."
You pouted, but resumed painting your nails. When you were finished with your other hand, you turned to show Zoro proudly, only to find that he was fast asleep. You were disappointed for just a moment before smirking, realising that this was an opportunity for you.
So you painted his nails too, and then hid when he woke up.
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Luffy gets bored when there's nothing for the crew to do. Unlike the rest of you, who enjoy the day off and take time to relax, he cannot sit still. He doesn't understand the concept of relaxing, because he's always bouncing off the walls and begging one of you to entertain him. Which is as difficult as it sounds, because he has the attention span of a goldfish.
"(Name), what do you do on days like this?"
You almost jumped out of your skin when the captain appeared at your shoulder suddenly. You dropped the small bottle of (colour) nail polish and watched as some dribbled out and onto your desk.
"Sorry," he apologised, but didn't sound like he was really sorry. Or look it, since he was grinning like the gremlin he was.
You sighed and picked the bottle up, cleaning the spilled polish, "I'm just doing my nails. Wanna watch?"
He nodded excitedly, curious about what that actually meant. When he saw you brush the paint on your nail, he oo'ed and ah'ed at the sight. To him it was fascinating how the colour settled on your nail when you finished painting.
But after a few fingers, he started to get bored and fidgety.
"(Name), how long is this going to take?"
"I still have the other hand, Luffy!" You laughed.
He pouted, but continued watching nonetheless. He was fascinated by how the colour stayed on your nails, and when you were done with both hands he jumped up excitedly.
"Now we can go do something more fun!" He grinned.
"No!" You shook your head. "I have to wait for it to dry, and then put another layer, and then wait for that to dry."
He groaned and sat back down, putting his chin in his palms like a little kid. He was going insane with boredom, and you were just happily sitting there painting your nails.
"If you want, Luffy, I can paint yours too."
He seemed thrilled by the idea, until he bounded out of your room to show the others as soon as you were done, and came back whining that it got smudged.
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This man is possible the only Straw Hat that could watch you do literally anything, no matter how long or how boring, without complaining. He is the only one who will be happy to sit with you for hours doing the most mundane things, because to him the time spent with you is worth it. So the minute you asked him for company, he didn't even let you finish before he was dragging you off to your room.
"Do you want to choose a colour?" You asked him, laughing as you showed him your assortment of nail polish colours.
He was more than happy to do that, and eagerly showed you a (bright/pastel) (colour) bottle. When you smiled and thanked him, he practically melted.
He's also the most patient of all of them. He doesn't mind that it takes forever to get just one hand done, nor does he mind that after you let it dry you have to apply another coat.
"How does it look?" You asked him, holding your hand up with a smile.
His answer is nothing short of what you expect, and he looks at your nails with heart eyes.
"It looks so pretty (Name)! Just like you!"
He might even offer to do it for you, and if you let him you find out that he's surprisingly good at it. Maybe even better than you. He takes longer, but that's because he wants it to be perfect for you. He honestly has no qualms about spending the entire day doing this with you, you will not hear a single complaint from him.
"Thanks, SanjI! Do you want me to do yours now?" You ask him teasingly, then get surprised when he eagerly holds out his hands for you to do whatever you want with. "Okay, which colour?"
And now that he knows you do this on every free day you guys get, he's at your door before you can even ask anyone if they want to choose a colour.
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Usopp knows what everyone does whenever the crew gets a day off. Everyone but you. You just slink off to your room with a smile and no one sees you for hours. Normally Usopp wouldn't think much of it, but as it happens more and more he gets curious to know what exactly you're doing. It also may be an excuse to get away from an overexcited Luffy who wants to tinker with his explosives.
He doesn't know how to feel about what he discovers.
"Usopp! Great!" You exclaim, pulling him into your room to show him what you were doing. "Would this colour look better, or this one?" You held up two different colours, confusing the poor sharpshooter.
"Look better for what?" He asked nervously, his first thought being that you wanted to paint something on a piece of paper.
"My nails!" You beam, showing him your bare nails. "Which colour matches my skin tone better, do you think?"
He blabbers out some kind of response, then points to the (colour) polish in your right hand. You smile and get to work, and he just stands there awkwardly until he sees you actually applying the paint on your nails.
"You just...paint your nails?" He asked, confused on how that would be fun.
Deciding it was better than being bugged by Luffy, Usopp sat down and just watched you for a few minutes. That's how long it took for him to get bored, but he was too shy to say it.
"So this is why no one sees you for hours on our days off?" He asked, "The reason is way more boring than I thought it would be."
"Hey!" You protested, painting his nose (colour).
Usopp is in between Sanji and the other two. He's not very impatient, but he's not patient either. He will sit there and watch, and get bored, but he won't say anything about it until he either hears someone pass by or has had enough and pretends to cough and come up with another fake illness.
"You know, I have this rare disease called the-smell-is-killing-me-itis, it's pretty contagious so I should just-"
"Sit down," you interrupted him, "Cause I want to paint yours now."
"W-what?! No! Then I'll look like-I mean I'm allergic-"
"Sit down."
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 months
With Luffy!? (Monkey D. Luffy x fem! reader)
A/N: I just need more inspiration! send requests! - Val
Words: 1,130
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A normal day at the Sunny is about to change when it lands on a new mysterious island. Y/N and Zoro are the first to go to the town to get supplies. 
Before the rest could leave the ship, a little boy runs through the low deck. The kid giggles and runs everywhere until he stops in front of the crew and waves his little hand. 
Nami, Usopp, Robin and Chopper stop and stay still as their eyes follow him. 
“Hi!” He smiles and runs again. 
“A kid?” Chopper asks. 
“How?” Then Usopp. 
“Doesn't he look..?” Nami starts. 
“Like Luffy!” Robin smiles. 
They start with some questions when they catch him. 
“What’s your name, sweetie?” Nami asks with a smile. 
The boy giggles. “You know my name, Auntie Nami.” 
“Where are your parents?” Usopp says next. 
“I dunno,” he shrugs. 
“Are you sick or hurt?” Chopper asks. 
“No needles!” He screams and runs again. 
Now, he enters the kitchen. A couple of minutes later, Sanji exits the kitchen with the kid in his arms. The boy has a bottle of water. 
“Does anybody know where Joy’s parents are?” He asks the others. 
“Yeah, that’s his name.” 
Eventually, the others get together, and they all fall in love with the charming boy. Franky decides to make a highchair and immediately, baby-proof the Sunny. Brook starts to play his violin to him and makes funny songs. 
“I can’t help it, he’s really cute!” Nami squeals hugging Joy and pushes him to be cheek against cheek as he giggles. 
“Pretty Auntie Nami,” Joy points at her. 
“And so smart!” 
“Wait,” Usopp says walking to them. “She’s your auntie?” He points at Nami and Joy nods. “Who is she?” Usopp points to Robin. 
“Auntie Lobin.” 
“Okay so, the mother’s not here and we can’t ask where he came from or his birthday.” 
“Am fou,” Joy says raising four fingers. 
“Oi, Sanji! I’m hungry!” Luffy yells jumping and landing on deck. 
“Dadda!” Joy squirms in Nami’s arms to run to his dad. The kid holds Luffy’s leg and giggles “Hi, dadda!” 
“I’ve never thought to live long enough to see Luffy with his son… Even though I’m already dead!” Brook laughs. 
“My what!?” 
The kitchen’s full of laughs from the crew and the little boy as Luffy keeps making silly faces, stretching his face, and playing with his food to make Joy laugh too. Of course, Joy loves his dad’s and crew’s attention. After a while, little Joy boy yawns and scratches his eyes.  
“I sleepy,” he pouts. “Wan’ my Mommy.” 
The crew share a tense look not knowing what to do. 
“Dad,” Luffy looks at him. “Wers Mamma?” 
“We’ve arrived!” You yell from outside. 
Joy turns his head to the door and squirms trying to get out of the highchair. Luffy frowns and helps him. 
“Mamma?” He says leaving the kitchen. The crew follow him. When the kid sees you, he smiles and runs to you raising his little arms. “Mamma!” You frown down at him as he keeps jumping “Up! Up! Pwease!” You let down the shopping bags and carry the strange kid.  
He holds you by the neck, leans to rest his head on your shoulder as he sucks his thumb and closes his tired eyes. 
“Awwww,” the crew sing at the cute scene. 
You look at them confused. 
“We leave you alone and you kidnap a kid?” Zoro asks completely lost. “And...” He leans to see the peaceful kid. “One that looks like Luffy?” 
“It’s a long story,” Robin says. 
“Has anybody else heard Joy say ‘mamma’ to Y/N?” Usopp asks carefully. 
“Joy?” You ask. 
“Hmm?” The boy leans back to look at you.  
“Oh,” You understand it. 
“Night-night?” He asks. 
“Uh—okay” You look at the crew waiting for an answer, but they all shrug. “Fine, I’ll put him to bed,” You walk to your shared room. “Wait, did you call me mamma?” 
“All right, he’s asleep. Now, explain,” you point at the others. 
“Luffy's son and mine!?” You squeal. “What? How? Why? When?” You look at Luffy and he only smiles. 
When Joy wakes up again, he says he wants to play with his uncles. More specific, with Zozo, Uso, Faky, Saji, Book and Fluffy (Chopper). Luffy pouts when Joy doesn’t mention him, but you take the chance to talk to him. 
“Why aren’t you freaking out? 
“‘Cuz I like him,” he smiles. 
“Luffy, please. You need to think about this. He’s a little boy, our little boy.” 
“Yeah, I know that. And I think it’s awesome,” he points to the low deck, where Joy’s playing tag with his uncles. “I know he looks like me, but he also does the scrunchy nose thing when he smiles, like you do.” 
“Yeah, and he looks like you when he pouts. Oh! He caresses my cheek like you do when we’re alone and I think you two have the same eyes.” 
The truth is that when you joined the crew, you couldn’t help but think about your captain differently. But the time showed you that Luffy doesn’t care or think about having a relationship beyond crew mate with anybody. 
Besides, that was a long time ago. 
That’s why you can’t believe (if Joy’s from the future) that you’ll have a kid with Luffy. But his words did affect you and moved so many things inside you, and, of course, you can’t deny that your kid is the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen. 
“Do you know how to make a baby?” 
He frowns. “Uh… yeah. Why? 
“Just curious,” You walk away with a blush on your cheeks. 
“Les go night-night again!” Joy says holding Luffy’s hand. 
“Joy, wait. Dad has to sleep in his own room,” You stop him when he guides both of you to your room. 
“Good night, kiddo’,” Luffy says and walks away, but the cry of his son makes him stop in his tracks. 
You quickly carry him in your arms. “What’s wrong?” You ask him. 
“Dadda come night-night with mommy an me!” He yells pointing at Luffy. 
“Good night, Kiddo” 
“Night-night, Dadda, night-night Mommy.” 
“Sweet dreams, baby,” you kiss his cheek. 
You had to move Nami’s bed and put it next to yours so that all three could fit in. Although Luffy and Joy are fast asleep, for you it takes more time. You watch them as the moonlight shines through the room. 
You smile as Luffy moves and groans in his sleep, facing you and Joy. His arm moves and stretches enough to hug both of you closer to him. It’s quite crazy knowing that you’ll have a kid with Luffy, but you can’t deny that you could get used to it… anytime. 
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owlight · 1 year
Hello, dear! How are you? Maybe I can have a headcanon with the monster trio + ace with a s/o Who has aggressive reflexes? As they approach from behind to cuddle the s/o, and the s/o by reflex takes them and layers on the ground very fast or in the table? 😂 She can lift them really easily^^’ (it would be funny/nice if the s/o is a little smaller than them.. 🥹)
Sorry if I’m not compatible with you’re rules, i didn’t find the rules, so ignore it if you’re uncomfortable..! 😅😅
M alive thank u for asking ,I hope u are doing okay! ,Thank you for requesting <3 love the request it's very cute ,I hope I did u justice!
Monster trio + Ace with a short strong s/o who have aggressive reflexes
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He take it as a challenge to take you down before you do
Even tho you explained to him ,you didn't mean to pin him down like that! It was simply a reflex!
But Luffy won't take it ,He is stronger than u and will simply have to prove it to you by taking you down in a fight!
You might awaken something feral in this man
" Luffy ,come on , you're not serious about this! I'm not going to fight you, you're far stronger than me! I just have a fast reflex!" He run at you full speed and you once again Pin him down so easily " This mean nothing! Rematch! I can pick you up so easily! How can you pin me down like this when I'm taller than you!??" He asks you in a rather breathy confusion,damn he why does sound out of breath for some reason...
Will start picking you up to show dominance, You're not stronger than him ,even it's...very nice to be pinned by you
he tries to hug you from behind a lot just to have you pin him down 😔 you're so strong he is smitten fr
You've broken a whole table once by accidentally crashing him through it and That's when he decided You're his forever lover fr
He have a strength kink and he doesn't even realize it 😔
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Zoro always make sure to come at you from the front side
BUT there's that one time this poor man was standing behind you and was going to rest his head on your shoulder as you both stood looking at the crew doing some activity together ,he was trying to be cute for once
" maybe we should join-" Zoro is cut off as you hold and flip him completely off to the ground ,face first to the ground
" Zo-Zoro! You startled me! Why did you sneak up on me like this!" You yell in panic as you help Zoro gets up ,he hold his bleeding nose "Since When you're able to carry my weight like this??" He asks bit too impressed and unbothered by the fact his nose is bleeding " since forever-your nose is bleeding! Chopper! Please come and help Zoro!!"
Listen ,the nose bleed was partly from the physical injury plus How hot that was but no one has to know that but him
He always respected your strength,but to be honest he thought you weren't that strong to carry Him since you're fun sized
But you kinda proved him wrong and He...feel very hot and bothered about it
Another man with strength kink ,he love manhandling you but he kinda doesn't mind if you started manhandling him while training together...yes he let you pin him down often,you think it's because your skills improved but it's only because Zoro like it When you're on top like that
He might be secretly a pervert,but no one will ever know
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" (y/n) oh love,You look so amazing-" Sanji approach you from behind as he want to hug you from behind,like he usually do ,but this time he made the wrong choice of not warning you or begin loud as he usually is when he approaches you ,It was mere seconds before he was pinned to the ground with you looking down at him in horror he start seeing stars " I'm so so sorry Sanji! You startled me!" You tries to help him gets up ,Sanji meanwhile is in another world "you were always able to do this??" He blur out and you blink at him " yeah? You just never startled me before like this " you mumble as you help him stand up ,he gets up and goes back to hugging you "Oh (y/n) you're so strong! Such a Beauty as you this strong??? I am so lucky to have you!" He start praising you up and down for your strength ,no you won't get rid of him any time soon
he is now a bigger simp than before,not only you are breathtaking,But also strong to pin him down like he is nothing??? He stan his powerful s/o ,He would be cheering for you when you kick asses in battles
He always carry you bridal style when he saves you ,BUT you Deadass can carry him as well ,he would blushing as you do ,his savior,his lover , you're so awesome
He would love to spare with you more ever since
Just so he have you pin him down like damn that's new foreplay idea
he still pick you up whenever to prove he is stronger (a lie,he just love you are small and he want to protect you always)
He got low-key beef with you since he want to be your prince charming your shining knight ,but You are always saving him and carrying him around when he in injured
He won't admit outloud but he loves it secretly, you're so strong and badass and he love to bury his face in your neck when you carry him
100% in denial about this strength kink ,give him some time..
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He heard that you're one of the strongest of the whitebeard crew..but You are like the size of a bean in his eyes (rude) ,but that's only before he joined,after he joined you both become bestie then started causally dating and rest is history
He for sure never really completely saw you as someone who is stronger than him but he never vocalized it because he know he will sleep on the floor if he ever did
But someday,he made the mistake of saying it outloud
" hey take it easy on (y/n) with The punches, They ain't big enough to handle it" he tells Marco as both of you spare together, Marco stares at ace with a questioning look that translate to ' you Really said that?' while you were looking at Ace with 'What the actual fuck you just said' look "ight Pretty boy ,come fight me !" You challenge him and ace raise his hands " I'm not fighting you babe,you ain't built to handle all this" he point at himself and there's few of the crew laughing, Whiteboard look straight up amused at the scene playing Infront of him ,You stand strong as you glares up at ace " You mean you're aren't ready to get your ass kicked? If you're just scared then Just say so , I'm sure Thatch would love your help in the kitchen for dinner anyway" you tell him with a smirk , There's a loud OHHH coming from the crew ,Marco had completely moved away from your side so he doesn't get caught in the cross fire That's happening
" Eh you did not just say that!" Ace says a bit offended " oh yeah I just said , Actually Thatch would keep up with me better than you after thinking" you tell him as you add fuel to the fire that is ace flushed face " Okay it's ON ,Just don't be mad when Your ass is cooked!" He runs at you as you run at him ,both look absolutely feral, Ace goes for a firey punch and you dodge it as you grab his arm and and then grab him... before he know it ,his face is in the ground and you're pinning him down so effortlessly, he is... speechless
New found respect ,Also a new kink unlocked
Will not catch him slacking,he will always be talking about how strong you're from now on,please train with him all the time now
He promise to not set anything on fire when you pin him down , though it's still Very hot when you're bit too close to him...
He is a Prevert but that's for you to know later
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one-idea · 4 months
I love the ASL brothers and really want them to be raised by Shanks.
I have an idea but I have to put a few events out of order.
So let’s get into it
We start fairly close to cannon with Shanks’ time on Foosha. He meets Luffy and he loves this kid. It’s the reason they keep coming back to the island in the first place.
Now this is where we are going to start rearranging somethings. Because Shanks and Higuma confrontation happens before Shanks has found the Gomu Gomu no Mi. Mean Luffy doesn’t eat the devil fruit (yet) Luffy gets mad at Shanks for not defending himself against the mountain bandit and runs off. Shanks follows him wanting to explain to the boy why. (Some fights you win by not fighting at all)
It’s here that he learns a hard truth about Luffy. Because Luffy runs home. Where he lives alone in a little shack. At first Shanks in confused, he thought Luffy lived with Makino. But Luffy can’t stay with her full time. She’s not his guardian and doesn’t have the money to care for him. She help him and cares for him when she can but most of the time Luffy is alone. The exception is when his grandfather is in town and is training him by: throwing him down ravines, dropping him in the middle of the jungle, tying him to balloons.
Shanks is horrified. Growing up on the Oro Jackson wasn’t easy. He saw a lot of horrible things when he was too young to process them. But he never doubted he was loved. And here Luffy is, a boy he’s come to love as his own sobbing because “nothing is worse than being alone.”
But Luffy looks at him with determination and says “that why I’m going to be king of the pirates one day because my Namaka will never leave me.” And Shanks knows two things. One Luffy is going to be the king of the pirates. There is not a doubt in his mind that Luffy is the person his captain was waiting for. Luffy is going to change the world when the boy sets out on his own. The second thing is that he won’t leave this little boy, who is walking sunshine, feel unloved or unwanted ever again.
Shanks hugs Luffy close and tells him he knows that Luffy is going to become the king of the pirates but before he can do that he needs so experience on the seas. How does the little anchor feel about join his crew? Luffy is ecstatic! He’s wanted this for so long and now Shanks is letting him on his crew.
But Shanks knows there is still one thing he needs to get before he can take Luffy with him. After all he came to the East Blue in search for one thing, the Gomu Gomu no Mi. He has to find that first. Once he has it he can head back to the New World. If he takes Luffy with him now then they could easily be track down in the East Blue by Luffy’s grandfather.
So he takes his hat off and places it on Luffy’s head telling him, “this hat is my treasure. There is one thing I need to find here in the East Blue before we can set sail for the Grandline. Can you watch over my hat while I find it? It shouldn’t take me more than five months. Then I’ll come back for you and we will set sail to the grandline together.”
Luffy looks up at him with such hopeful eyes “you promise?”
“Of course! I can’t go back to the Grandline without my hat. I’ll just have to bring along the little anchor wearing it.” Shanks tries for joking but ends up sounding way more fond and sentimental.
He cares Luffy back to Makino’s bar, watching as his boy falls asleep in his arms. Once there he explains their new situation to the crew. He then turns to Makino and as he closes the tab for the crew he also gives her more then enough money to take care of her AND Luffy for the next five months. Asking her to watch over his boy for him until he returns. Makino is torn because on one hand should she really be letting Luffy travel with these pirates? But at the same time she’s never seen the little boy be as happy as he is when he’s with Shanks and the crew. So she agrees.
In the morning Shanks leaves after explaining to Luffy he will be staying with Makino until his return.
Well not all plans go according to plan. Especially when Garp returns to see his grandson wearing Roger/Shanks hat and talking about sailing with Shanks’ crew.
That’s a big no for Garp. So he takes Luffy away from Makino and delivers him to Dadan. Strapping a sea stone cuff to his wrist (trying to dampen the boys haki signature so Shanks can’t find him) (yes I know cannon doesn’t full support this but it also doesn’t full disprove it so we’re playing fast and lose today)
This is where he meets Ace and Sabo.
It goes much like it does in cannon. With the two older boys not liking Luffy very much until after Porchemy kidnappes Luffy and beats him. The beating is far more brutal this time around as Luffy has not consumed his devil fruit yet.
The three boys become sworn brothers over shake. And start to bond. Until a few months later when Shanks returns to the island.
He is worried when he can’t feel Luffy while approaching the island. His panic growing as they get closer and closer and there is no sight of their anchor on the dock there to greet them. Shanks hurries to Makino’s bar only to be met by her sad eyes and tearful explanations. She hasn’t seen Luffy for months since Garp took him from her. She’s not even sure if he’s on the island or not at this point.
Shanks and the crew spread out. They’re going to search the whole island. If Luffy is here then they will find him. Shanks heads up the mountain, looking for his boy, he’s stretched out his observation Haki as far as it can go. He notices something strange. The signatures of two young boys but it seems as though they are making room for a third. A third that Shanks can’t sense.
Shanks is heading that way, hoping it’s Luffy. Hoping he’s not crazy. As he’s getting closer he can sense more signatures surrounding the young boys. And whether or not Luffy is with them it would seems these boys are in over their heads. He arrives right as the bluejam pirates are beating Luffy and Ace, while Sabo is dangling in Bluejam’s grasp. To say he is not a happy camper is an understatement.
Shanks moves fast get in between Luffy and Ace and their attackers. The three of them are surrounded but it doesn’t matter much to Shanks, everyone here is far weaker than he is.
The pirates are confused and Outlook III is telling this obviously homeless man to move along as he has no business here. Shanks ignores them and turns to Luffy. “Anchor what’s happening.” “They’re trying to take Sabo from us.”
Shanks doesn’t know who Sabo is or why these full grown adults are beating up his kid and his friends but frankly he doesn’t care. They were dead the moment he saw them hit Luffy. But to hear his son, who has extreme separation problems, crying because adults were taking away his friend. He’s going to drag this out a bit.
A quick blast of conquers haki has all the pirates and the sniveling noble down for the count. He’ll send some crew members out here to have some fun with them later, when three small children aren’t watching the pain he’s willing to put them through for touching his boy.
Sabo’s been dropped to the ground and Ace and Luffy have run to greet him. Luffy’s about squeezing the life out of the poor boy, but Ace stops and puts himself between the stranger and his brothers. Nothing is hurting his brothers, not even this weirdly powerful man.
But Shanks just smiles at him as Ace starts to grandstand. Asking the stranger who he was? What he was doing here? Questions and accusations flying from the angry boy’s mouth. But Shanks just laughs and looks over Ace’s shoulder and asked. “Come on Anchor don’t I get a hug?”
Ace is confused until Luffy rushes past him and throws himself at the stranger. Shanks just laughs as he catches the little boy and holds him tight before pulling back to look him over. He quickly spots the sea stone cuff and asks Luffy about it. Only to learn that his grandfather was behind the gift. A gift Shanks will be removing as quickly and safely as possible. Setting the boy down and drawling his sword.
The whole time Ace and Sabo are trying to figure out who this strange adult is. At least they were until he put Luffy down and drew his sword telling Luffy to hold his arm out and keep it still. The little dumby even does as he asks. The two brothers scream and rush forward to stop this stranger from cutting off their idiot little brothers arm, but they don’t make it in time.
Meanwhile Shanks, unaware or uncaring of the panic he is causing in the other boys, taps his blade against Luffy’s cuff cutting the thing off his wrist. Luffy giggles and thanks him just in time for Ace and Sabo to make it to him and inspect his wrist for damages, there are none. But Ace and Sabo are not impressed with this stranger.
Shanks just laughs and starts leading the boys back to the Red force. They’re hurt and he wants Hango to look after them as soon as possible. Ace doesn’t want to go. But there’s a promise of a doctor for his brothers. And Luffy is going whether Ace’s wants him to or not. So they head down.
This is the start of my idea. The next part is Ace and his extreme dislike of Shanks
He’s going to take Luffy way. (He learns about their promise and is furious that this man is going to take one of his brothers)
Luffy eats the Gomu Gomu no Mi and loses his ability to swim and Ace blames Shanks
That mountain bandit that shanks made mad the last time he was here is back and wants revenge. Mainly Luffy shaped revenge.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Silly goofy wild and funky idea:
Transman Crocodile who transitioned via Ivankov.
Cross Guild events and Cross Guild Poly where Buggy finally gets the nerve to come out to her two lieutenants and also boyfriends. Mihawk just blinks like "yes? Your Haki is distinctly feminine, so this makes perfect sense. Oh, dear why are you crying, stop that-" meanwhile Crocodile has to bite back every single we traded genders joke and instead just shrugs, going "I quite literally could not be paid to give a fuck. You know I'm bisexual, this changes little, Clown."
Croc does off hand offer to hook Buggy up with Iva if that's smth she's interested in, tho.
Meanwhile Sanji has come out to the Strawhats as a transwoman as well, and the reactions are much more dramatic but no less supportive - if anything, some may be too supportive /hj ((Franky calls her queen and sis and Hawt Mama, Chopper already began working on ways to synthesize estrogen Just In Case, Luffy could not be made to give a single fuck, Ussop is swooning, Zoro informs her that this changes nothing and he'll still kick her ass, Robin offers her congratulations, Nami is already mathing out adding another bed in the girls' room or making a room JUST for Sanji and Ussop to share, Brooke waits 0.006783259 seconds before asking to see undies, just everyone being supportive and stupid))
This leads to Ivankov getting two separate contacts for their services, and so they arrange to meet at a small-ish island to help both, two birds, one stone :)).
Both crews go full Spiderman meme when they come across each other, and Iva handles it with all the gentility of a bull in a china shop, whisking both ladies away while the rest are left just plain gaping and awkwardly avoiding eye contact or completely oblivious to the tension (cough cough LUFFY).
Insert your own silly ideas here, generally.
But when they come back, Mihawk, Crocodile and Ussop are all just absolutely SWOONING for different reasons, full of Respect Woman Juice and I Love My Wife energy, it's adorable and cute and funny.
((Bonus: Luffy calls Buggy auntie without hesitation, and she almost cries even as she punches him over the head))
Okay, so, my thoughts on this. Crocodile having to hold back the 'we traded genders' joke is so damn real and I laughed SO hard. Love him. So true. And transfem Buggy lives in my mind rent free so this is just perfect because I absolutely love her. She's my beloved. She'd be so anxious about it and cry and Mihawk and Crocodile are like-- So done with her because she's acting stupid and dramatic and of course they're going to still want her. And she's crying and they're rolling their eyes and patting her head at the same time. Poor thing. She needs comfort okay??
And,, Transfem Sanji coming out is always so beautiful in my head. She's been battling her gender issues for AGES and now she feels comfortable enough to come out to the crew. She's anxious but she knows she has to do this now or she never will. And it's-- It's so real to me. The way she would explain everything that happened to her back in Momoiro Island and then say that she's actually a girl. And everyone's quiet because they know she's looking at Luffy only right now, expecting an answer from her captain. And Luffy is just like "??? Okay? You're still my cook. So who cares? You seem happier now!" and that is when Sanji starts crying. Because of course she's crying. And of course, Usopp is the one to hug her first because that's his girlfriend and she needs a hug and forehead kisses right now. But they have 0 privacy because Luffy wants hugs too. I mean. Obviously.
Franky is loud af and he's SOBBING while he screams how proud he is of their cook (I've always said Franky feels like a girldad because just look at how he interacts with Nami. And he's sooooooooo loving Sanji right now). Robin would be so so proud too and would say she's happy for her and smile in the sweetest of ways (Robin please adopt me). I think Chopper would also ask a lot of questions before making estrogen, just in case, but then he'd go and try to make it right away. Nami hugs Sanji but the sweet moment doesn't last long because she's already telling Franky her ideas for a bigger, better room for the girls or!!! "Better!!!!!! A room for Sanji and Usopp so we don't have to deal with them!!!!!! But also make the girl's room bigger because I say so!!!!!!". Zoro says he doesn't give a fuck because he will still kick her ass but he's secretly happy that she looks more relaxed and comfortable in her skin. Brook is Brook and he says his Brook thing about panties but I think Sanji would kick him having the best gender affirmation moment of her fucking life. And Jinbe is just the cutest because I think he'd laugh at the chaotically sweet situation and say that strength comes from being happy with yourself and Sanji is the strongest for being so brave and true to herself (he be saying poetic and cute shit like that and he expects me not to absolutely love him. Dad behavior. I am SO sure he would beat the shit out of anybody who misgendered Sanji. But that's what any Strawhat would do, so,,,).
They go see Iva (Iva my beloved) and they're all,, So uncomfortable,, Buggy acts overconfident and says she's perfectly fine and not scared at all of what Iva's going to do to her body (liar. She's scared af and Crocodile and Mihawk know so they keep scaring her even more because it's funny to see their girlfriend crying. Look. The fact that they're soft and dating doesn't mean they're not gonna bully her). And Sanji has smoked like two fucking boxes of cigarettes already despite saying that she doesn't care about it (she has never been more excited in her entire life) and she's holding Usopp's hand so hard she's going to break it at some point. Anyway, Iva is a dramatic bitch and they make Sanji and Buggy come with them to a more private place because they want it to be a surprise for everyone (drama queen. Love them. I would do it too. Trust the process, girls, you're in good hands). So Cross Guild and the Strawhats end up alone and waiting for their girls to come back. And. Yeah. Uncomfortable. Zoro looks at Mihawk at some point and goes:
Zoro: I thought you were gay. Mihawk: I swing both ways. Usopp: Actually, you swing sword- Mihawk: Awful. Shut up. Don't ever speak to me again. Don't even look at my direction, actually. Roronoa, why is your crew like this? Zoro: It was really funny, though. Mihawk: I wish to not partake in this conversation anymore. Everyone just shut up and wait. ............. Luffy: Hey, guys, do you think Sanji's going to have bigger boobs than Zor- Nami: OH MY GOD LUFFY YOU CAN'T SAY THAT Luffy: BUT I'M CURIOUS Zoro: Yeah, she's going to ask for the biggest of boobs only to piss me off because she's annoying like that. Mihawk: Why would you even care about your breast size, Roronoa? Crocodile: Tsk. You care about mine. Usopp: OH MY GOD SJKFNSKDEWKFJNJKSFN
Okay, so Sanji and Buggy eventually come back. Finally. And they were gorgeous before but now they're even more beautiful because they actually look extremely happy with their bodies. I want to describe how I see them but just check @/vongulli's account and see their fem Buggy because she kills me every time and that's the only way I can see fem Buggy now. And Sanji to me looks like @/sibmakesart's fem Sanji. This artist made a nude fem Sanji not long ago and I loved it,, So much,, ANYWAY!!!!!! Getting carried away.. Thinking about women. It's not my fault I'm a lesbian. But they look perfect and they're comfortable and happy. And Sanji's boobs are surprisingly not huge and Zoro makes a comment about that but Sanji is like:
Sanji: WHAT????? YOU ONLY SEE ME AS A BOOB-OBSESSED GIRL OR WHAT? Literally everyone at the same time: Yes. Sanji: Well, for your information- Usopp: She likes thighs more Sanji: Usopp, don't tell them- Iva: And also, my dears, that is not how my power works Zoro: So you did ask for big boobs and you couldn't have them Sanji: I'm going to kill you and wearing heels it's going to hurt even more Usopp: Is it weird that I'm kind of turned on right now? Nami: ...Haha Usopp: Are you okay? Nami: Hey, Usopp, I- Usopp: You can't fuck her Nami: I swear I can't have anything!!! What do you have against lesbians??? Usopp: YOU WANT TO SLEEP WITH MY GIRLFRIEND WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY??? Nami: I dunno, yes??
Crocodile and Mihawk are having... A moment. They will still bully her and they're sure she's going to look extremely pretty crying and whining but right now she deserves to be worshipped because just look at her. Buggy approaches them and she's like "If you laugh I'm going to throw knives at you and then leave Cross Guild and!! And!! And I'm going to be really mad so pleasedon'tlaughireallylikethispleasedon'truinit" and they look at her with the fondest of looks (but gotta be honest, they're so horny right now it's unbearable. Like yes, happy wife happy home happy everything but also happy dick because just look at her). Crocodile is just frowning and genuinely asks "Why would we laugh? You look stunning, dear" and Mihawk follows with "I must say I'm not surprised, since you've always looked beautiful. But you look... More satisfied with yourself." And Buggy has to hold back the tears and that's why she starts saying things like "Pffft. Yeah! I knew I'd be gorgeous like this too! Now I look even flashier!" and y'know, the two men are letting her have her moment because now she looks even better and they can't stop staring at her. So maybe she's right this time when she fakes confidence.
Usopp and Nami need a second to process everything, I think. Also, they both hit Brook at the same time when he's about to ask Sanji the question™. Nami is having a lesbian moment, but of course Sanji realizes and does her Sanji thing like opening her mouth and speaking:
Sanji: Nami-swaaan!!! Do you like how I look now??? Nami, ignoring her and whispering to herself: Disgusting. I hate this. Zoro: At the end of the day it's just curly, huh? Nami: I was thinking with my dick. Zoro: Yeah. Happens. Been there.
So, Usopp and Sanji finally get their moment together because at least the Strawhats are respectful enough to give them their sweet uhhhh two minutes before they start complimenting Sanji. So that's something! Sanji is confident with her body but is a bit shy and isn't sure what Usopp will think about this. Not that she has changed much, even, but, you know. Just different. In a good way for her! But different. And Usopp approaches her slowly and smiling and he's just so so so happy. And he's like "You look gorgeous!" / "... Really? I wasn't sure whether you'd like it-" / "I will always like you! But more importantly, do you like you?" / "I mean- Weird phrasing, but yes. Yes? I think so. Yes." / "Then that's all that matters." And Sanji really, really doesn't want to cry because she has never cried in front of the whole crew. She just can't help it. But Usopp knows she doesn't like it when others see her cry so he quickly wipes her tears away and when she starts laughing (so so happy and full of love) Usopp just needs to kiss her.
Meanwhile, Luffy is there calling Buggy auntie and asking when she's going to tell Shanks about this. She keeps saying she will never tell him and if he wants to find out, he'll do it through her new wanted poster or whatever, but not from her.
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jessysapphireblue · 8 months
Confrontation Luffy x reader
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This is part two. If you want to read part one -----> Here
As in part one, Je as a nickname, the craziness continues, enjoy.
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Ever since your boyfriend admitted that you two slept together, you went out of the way from anyone. Usopp eyes followed you around whenever you passed him, as if to DARE you to get closer to Luffy.
"Puah! The food was amazing Sanji", Luffy beamed and patted his belly. "Thanks", the cook said with a sad voice. It took a turn on him as he heard the news this morning, that you his beloved Goddess actually slept with the Captain.
"Je! What are you doing, your plate is still full" "Ah, yes", you admitted, obviously. Taking his fork, he took some food of your plate and held it out with a innocent grin. "Here!"
The kitchen was dead silent. Only the drop of Sanji´s cigarette was heard, all holding their breath. Luffy feeding you. HE! WANTED! TO! FEED! YOU!
Usopp directly began to pray, sweat running down his face. "No Luffy, it´s ok", you admitted and a loud breath was released. "Eh? Don´t you like the food?" "AH! I failed you my Goddess", Sanji fell onto the ground curling himself up as he whimpered.
"No! No no no. I´m not really hungry. You can eat the rest, Lu" "Sure?" "Yes, sure", you admitted and within a blink of your eyes, the plate was clean.
Sun all vanished, the night sky took place. "Good Night", you said and waved to them. "Je! Wait I sleep-", Luffy was interrupted as Usopp grabbed the collar of his shirt. "No! You will come here, we have a lo to discuss", he looked mad at your boyfriend. "But-" "Goodnight, Luffy", you smiled and went into your room and Usopp dragged his best friend over to the boys cabin.
Inside, Usopp began to breathe out, the rest of the boys already there as "Luffy", he started calmly. "Yeah?", he was already sitting on the couch. "One question....HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!", Usopp began to shout, walking back and forth, " DO YOU HVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU DID?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN TO HER?! TO US?! HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF MY BLOOD PRESSURE?!", he screeched so much that his voice broke.
"WE´RE PIRATES. THIS IS THE NEW WORLD!! YOU CAN´T JUST MAKE A BABY ON BOARD!" "Relax. I didn´t put a baby in her" " And that should calm me down?! I CAN`T EVEN-"
"you´re just mad that Luffy had sex before you, long nose", said Zoro with a smirk. "No!", admitted Usopp. "Really? You´re mad because I did it with Je?", Luffy tilted his head. "NO! What I mean is that you-YOU- who never-NEVER! Took an interest in this stuff suddenly know how this all works!"
"Usopp, are you still a virgin?", asked Franky and a blush covered the snipers cheeks. "YOHOHOHOHOHO! Usopp-san" "So basically, you thought you would get laid before Luffy", Sanji blew on his cigarette. "That is NOT the point! It´s Luffy, he doesn´t-"
A loud voice went through the cabin and all looked at Luffy who was eating cookies. "Where did you get these from?!", shouted Sanji. "Je makes them for me. She always makes too much and gives me the leftovers. She said when I´m hungry at night I can eat them", he smiled. Usopp inched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. "Did you even pay attention to what I said?"
Luffy shallowed all of the cookies at once before turning to his best friend. "No, not really", he laughed and the next second Usopp flung at him, strangling him. "YOU STUPID RUBBER IDIOT! I´M GIVING HERE A LECTURE AND YOU EAT!!!" "ARRk-Z-Zoro", Luffy chocked out.
Jinbe simply laughed at everything that happened. "Leave Luffy-kun alone. He has finally become a man" "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" "Bone-chop!", said brook and hit Usopp head. "What was that for, Brook?" "Luffy turned blue if you didn´t noticed it", admitted Franky.
"Ok, following!", Usopp clapped his hands. "These who are still virgins, raise their hand", he said and rose his hand, the rest being down. "SANJI?!" "What? I know what I´m doing", he smirked.
Luffy laughed loudly as Usopp fell to his knees, praying. "Oh, God. Forgive my sin for being in this rotten crew!", he began to tear up, "please don´t kill me, I´m still innocent and love my life so please-"
The others ignored Usopp as "Yohohoho, Luffy-san, One question. Is her body as wonderful as it looks?" "OH! Yes, Luffy! We need this information!", Sanji became heart eyes and puffed air through his nose.
"Je? Her skin is soft and smooth, like a pillow! I enjoy hugging her when we do it" "Yohohohoho", blood dripped from their noses. "Luffy, how was even your first time?", asked Zoro. "It was super fun! We laughed and it sorta happened.
"FUN?! YOU IDIOT! She is a living Goddess, the light of this ship and you should worship her fully! Kiss her skin, whisper love confessions, show her how much you want her, make her whine, and leave her breathless", Sanji went on one knee, explaining passionately.
"Just show her who´s in charge", yawned Zoro. "Oi, Marimo! That works with cavemen but a goddess like her!" "And if I hear one more of this sweet as shit, I´m gonna puke in your bed, Hentai-brow"
Both were about to fight. "Why that? We both laughed and felt happy with each other. This is about the two of us so it should be happy for us! But I have to admit, her moaning my name gave me shivers", Luffy grinned.
"Super, Luffy! So manly!", laughed Franky. "Luffy, I will never, ever again see you with innocent eyes!", Usopp whined.
"Ah, you´ll get over it", admitted Jinbe. "How! I have images in my head I never wanted to have! I feel like I was being molested!"
"You overdo", all said and the door opened. "Je!", your boyfriend jumped up when he saw you enter. "shhh. Chopper fell asleep in his office." Luffy looked at the sleeping Chopper, grinning.
"I take him", Zoro came forth and took the reindeer from your arm. "And you guys go to bed soon. Sleep well", you smiled as Luffy took your hand. "Why are you up?" "I´m on watch", you admitted. "Ok! Bye guys", waved your boyfriend and tug you outside with him, closing the door.
"Huargh! No no no. Not again. The pics coming back", Usopp shivered and jumped around. "Stalker" "Hey! If we have a baby here in a few months, I told you so! Luffy does not care"
"Night" "Yo, you also" Yohohoho, night guys"
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angelsinthejungle · 6 months
Good Vibes Only
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restraining, playful, use of toys, reader receiving NSFW 18+
Semi screenplay format (a personal style of writing a movie scene) Read something edgier 😈 → power trips
blue italicized = Luffys inner thoughts
purple italicized =Readers inner thoughts
wc 2300
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Luffy walks in. His brows furrow as he recognizes the distinct scent. Mmm it smells just like her. He glides his fingers across your bedsheets. Passing by your chair and desk, picking up and touching everything. On your dresser a few coins, some keys, jewelry, and hair barrettes— he lifts one, twirling it between his fingers. 
Amidst the forgotten chore of laundry upkeep, he notices your neglected hamper full of clothes. He sifts and plucks items of interest, inspecting each with a measured curiosity. Your panties and a bralette he adds to his collection of your stuff in his pockets.
As he turns he accidentally bumps a hard object with his foot, turning it on. ~zZZZZZZz~
LUFFY Oh Shit!!
It’s your mini wand, plugged in, charging on the floor. It starts thumping around, vibrating, the cord rips out the wall whipping around hitting him. Ow, Fuck! The vibe dances across the floor as he fumbles and curses trying to catch it. He knocks over your laundry bin before grabbing and juggling it a minute then turns it off. 
LUFFY (relief, curious) Geez, does she actually use this thing?!
He glances around satisfied with his playful discovery, he slips it up his sleeve. He picks up your laundry bin and reaches for the door knob, it sends a static shock up his finger. He leaves your bedroom. The ship creaks beneath his feet as he closes the door. 
Casually, Luffy strolls through the bustling tables of the pirate crew. His giggles echo through the ambient noise. Even without turning around, you can discern his approach. What is he up to? His giggles grow louder as he cuts in line, snugly standing behind you. 
Slyly he slips the vibrator under your ass pushing up into your crotch, sending a jolt causing you to jump. Ohh! You’re instantly wet. Confronting him you turn around.
Y/N (startled) LUFFY! What was that?!
It gets quiet, heads pivot in your direction and Luffy grins mischievously at you. Nervously, you wave off the attention of the crowd, offering a strained smile in an attempt to diffuse the moment. Chatter resumes as people return to their lunches.
LUFFY It's a vibrator. Yours, actually. Heh, been playin' with it.
He tosses it up in the air, catching it skillfully, all the while glancing back at your reddened face.
Y/N Mine?!- From my BEDROOM?!
LUFFY Uh...yah, where else-
He cuts himself off noticing your irritation. He utters out small apologies with a hint of sweetness.
Y/N (unamused) Give it back to me. Now!
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A pause hangs in the air. He side eyes you and suddenly takes off abandoning the line. God damn it Luffy!  His hips sway back n’ forth speedily as he maneuvers through the crowd, trying to disguise his hurry. Despite your irritation, his goofy demeanor elicits a laugh.
Caught behind some people, you persist in following him. Thoughts race through your mind. Why was he in my bedroom to begin with?! The chase unfolds down a winding path through the ship's interior. He ducks into a secluded wooden alcove near the ship's edge, a more private area. 
You pounce as he holds your vibrator, waving it in the air with an elated grin. He begins to chant and laugh, observing your reactions as though tempting a kitten with a toy.
LUFFY (mocking) More, reach kitten, higher!
He lifts it up higher basking in watching you jump and climb up his torso.
Y/N Stop! Someone will see it! LUFFY Oh, kitten’s afraid?
His arm pins your upper chest, pressing you up against the wooden wall. He turns it on, slowly threatening it near your body. You push him in an attempt to get away. He encircles your lower back with his arm and puts the vibe under your crotch, outside your clothes.
The sensations —zingy, zapping, and buzzing— it’s exhilarating! Making you arch your back in his arms. His grin breaks as he lets his jaw drop, watching the spectacle of you squirming in pleasure before him.
LUFFY (horny) Yesss, oh look at you, babygirl, does that feel good? hmmm?
Overwhelmed by your visuals, he creams in his pants, a dark moistened spot bearing witness. He groans in your face as he struggles to maintain eye contact and fails. A jolt shoots through his body, weakening his grip. You fall into his chest moving the vibe away. He’s dazed. Whoa, she’s amazing. Quick thinking, you snatch the mini wand, push him over, and bolt down the winding corridors, heart racing.
Shocked, he stumbles while getting back up to hunt you down. You manage to reach your bedroom. With a swift motion, you throw the vibe onto the bed, slamming the door shut and locking it.
Luffy's head collides with the door, frustration boiling over as he pounds on it with startling force.
LUFFY Open up, Y/N!
Frustrated, he digs in his pockets, pulling out your panties, hair barrettes, and the keys he took yesterday. With a decisive click, he unlocks the door.
Y/N (surprise, shock) What! How?
With force, the door swings open banging against the wall shaking objects and picture frames in a cartoonish manner. Luffys hand pressed firmly against the grain of the wood. Smiling, he walks in.  
LUFFY (smooth) Finally, us, alone. 
He shuts the door behind him, locking it securely. He grabs your chair, pushing it up against the handle for an added measure of privacy. He closes the blinds, leaving them cracked a little, revealing glimpses of the free blue sea. The sun sparkling on the water caps. Overwhelmed, you freeze in the moment.
Luffy walks up to you, snugly, facing you, pushing your legs against the bed, making you sit. You catch an eye on the cum spot in his pants. He lifts your chin— his touch accompanied by a tiny static shock.
His mouth softly grazes your cheeks and jawline. You flutter, the sensation sweet yet strange in this predicament. The air between you charged with tension.
LUFFY (straight forward) I’ll leave, if you want me to. Now's the time to speak up.
Y/N (indecisive) Uhm. Well, I uhh- 
Impatient, he's tapping his feet. He decides to grab your white bedsheets ~ RIP ~ and tears them. He easily muscles you down. He gags and ties your hands together in front of you. You kick back at him.
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LUFFY Whoa! Hey, hey, hey! No, don’t do that.
He grabs your legs, sliding your pants and panties off. With your tied hands you claw at his chest and yank the sheets out of your stuffed mouth. 
He pins your hands up near the headboard, climbs over you, face to face, pauses and waits. His shirt is unbuttoned all the way revealing his bare chest. Your eyes drift up and down his body. He has such nice skin. So tanned and creamy. Smooth. He blushes watching you gaze at him and coos in your face. His breath smells fruity, mmm‘ like spiced raspberries. 
LUFFY (laughing) C'mon ya put up a good fight but it’ll just make me harder on ya. 
He guides your hands to grab the metal bar on the headboard and gets off the bed. 
LUFFY (stern) Now, don't move.
Shaking your head, you feel helpless and ashamed to be obedient. He strokes your cheek but you jerk away facing your nose up in the air. You huff out deciding to hold onto the metal bar. The room hangs heavy with an electric hush.
He turns the vibrator on ~zzz~ a soft setting. 
LUFFY (comforting) Hey—
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LUFFY Relax love. I’ve just been wanting to play with ya n’ this lil toy. I just can’t stop thinking about it!
Teasing you, he uses it outside your shirt, on your nipples, rolling it on your neck. He crawls onto the bed in between your legs.
He sits on his knees grabbing a pillow to put on his lap. He then pulls your hips toward him and lifts your pelvis right up onto the pillow.  He clamps you between his arms and thighs, your pussy right in front of him, all to himself— for ultimate, unlimited, intimate access. You feel exposed and controlled, in the sexiest way. 
Gently he places the vibe outside your wet entrance. He generously starts to explore your pussy with the vibrator. He slides long soft strokes up and down your silky vagina. It starts to warm up against your wet lips. Your hums and moans perk his ears. 
Y/N mmmm , Luffy, th’t feels so goooood.
He teases your inner thighs with the vibe. Adding his other hand into play, he presses two fingers into your squishy folds making a wet sound, causing you to moan out. He spreads your pussy lips apart. Watching the slippy wet strands between them stretch and break. You shudder. He mumbles to himself, mmmm!
He’s so focused on inspecting your vulva. So precise with every motion, observing your reactions as he touches your clit in different ways. Rubbing in circles, gently pinching then firmly kneading it with his two fingers. Edging you closer, you whine and let out heated moans.
He's holding your shaking body still and the vibe on you steady. He starts grunting deeply watching you toss in pleasure. You’ve never heard him like this before.
LUFFY (aroused, manly) God—Fuck I loveee playing with ya.
Through the pillow you feel a lump under your ass. His cock stiffening from feeling the pressure between you shifting around on his lap. It rages, seeps and leaks pre-cum, dampening the pillow. He grimaces as his balls ache but he’s too eager to have caught you in this position to stop. He wants to keep playing with you yet you feel the vibe lessen up. He swoons, you watch his chest jut forward and his eyes fall back. He loses himself for a minute. You can tell he’s about to cum so you smoosh your ass into his lap, rubbing and squishing his hard cock; it starts squirting. Your pressure and friction grinding an orgasm out of his beautiful body.
LUFFY (climaxing, grunting) AUhh God!
Watching him is so fucking hott.
When he comes out of his daze, he persists right away back to playing with you.
Curious, he lifts your clitoral hood exposing your little rosy wet spot and starts tonguing it, flickering with it. Smooching it. He makes out with your shiny, sensitive, little exposed clit. His tongue so warm, so sleek and slippery, gushing against it. You thresh around from the stimulation.
Y/N (weepy, pitchy vocals) B-be geNTLe ri-ight now, pLEASe-
You didn’t have to tell him, he can tell by your babbles and shaking. Keeping your hood lifted, he teases the vibe lightly on you, watching your tummy jiggle and your tits shimmy as you toss around. Your moaning fills the room. He places it directly on your exposed clit and turns up the speed. ~zZZZz~ 
LUFFY (dirty, horny) Oooo...th'ts my babygirl, I wanta' take ya all in.
—distant mumbles, that’s all you hear out of Luffy. You’re too blissed out. 
With one hand on the vibe he uses his free one to probe a finger inside you. Leaving it there, letting it soak and swell in your walls, slowly penetrating deeper. He feels the gummy texture of your g-spot and cervix and starts pressing and massaging. So built up, you moan louder as though it would relieve some of the pleasure.
Y/N (sexy moaning) I‘m gonna cum!
He braces for you. Doubling down. Turning up the vibe once more ~ZZZZZ~ steadying it on your exposed clit and pushing his finger deeper in you. 
Y/N (intense moaning) Ooh!
You’re flooded with oxytocin. Floored with adrenaline. You feel a buildup of pressure and try to hold back but you ~squirt~ out all over him! He keeps his fingers deep inside you as your squirts spurt everywhere.
LUFFY (lustful, primal) Yesss, my pretty baby.
A rush of vulnerability sweeps over you. You’ve never squirted before. Your face is rosy red. You look at him with flushy eyes helpless and embarrassed, shaking from your orgasm. He starts kissing your thighs and vagina feverishly, enthralled in heat. You let go of the bar. You groan and drool out on your cheeks.
He smoothly unties your sore hands and closes your mouth with his fingers; his touches give you small static shocks sending you overboard! You wrap your legs and arms around him, weepy and needy, pulling him onto your body unable to let go. A few plump tears pour down your cheeks.
The ship sways. Your head turns away as you look out at the sea. It’s no longer blue. It’s blurry, all misty eyed with white caps crashing into another. Together, you pause in this moment. A flash fills the room and far in the distance you catch an instant glimpse of lightening striking the open water.
Luffy guides your face back to his.
LUFFY (whispers, passionate) Babygirl, I want— I need more of you.
He bites his bottom lip and slowly lets you go, lifting himself off the bed.
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LUFFY (eager) Love, hold onto that bar. We’re going again.
-norwoodx 💀💕angelsinthejungle
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cozage · 1 year
Good morning, how are you doing ?
I'd like to ask for a scenario (maybe a one shot) where the asl brothers react to a female reader being cheated on, if they're going to beat the guy up or just comfort them, maybe even confess to them
Also I'm not sure if you accept more than 3 characters but if ever
I would also like Shanks in platonic… I just see him as a father figure to the reader (you don't have to add it, the three brothers are enough)
Here, thank you for considering my request and I wish you a good day / evening
A/N: This is my first AU I hope it turns out okay???
Au: Modern day college kind of?  Idk they’re not pirates but they are still gremlins
Characters: female reader x Ace (a little?), ASL, Shanks
Cw: breakup, cheating
Total word count: 1.5k
There When You Need Us
The handle to your door begins to jiggle, but the lock stops it from turning any further. 
“Hey!” Ace yells from the other side. “Why weren’t you in class today? And you didn’t pick up on the transponder snail earlier.”
“Go away, Ace,” you yell at him from under the covers. The last thing you need is for him to rub it in your face about how right he was about your boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend. 
“Just tell me what’s going on!” He starts to bang on the door, and you groan. 
You’re about to get out of bed and let him in, but the banging comes to a sudden halt, and there’s silence outside your door. Then, you hear the soft click of the lock releasing, and the door springs open. Ace stands in the door frame, grinning mischievously with a hairpin in his hand. 
His face falls when he sees your puffy eyes and the tissues strewn throughout your bed. 
“What happened?” He asks, walking over to your bed and sitting on the edge, his face full of concern. 
“I don’t want to hear it, Ace.” Your voice is raw from crying so much. “I don’t need you rubbing it in my face, okay?”
“Rubbing what in your face? What are you talking about?” You can by his expression, he genuinely doesn’t know. Belmeppo must’ve kept it hush. Couldn’t have him ruining his parent’s perfect image of their perfect family. 
“Bel. He-” your voice catches in your throat, and you don’t want to say it out loud. Saying out loud makes it real.
But Ace finishes the sentence. “He cheated on you, didn’t he? That bastard.” His words evoke another round of tears, sobs escaping your lips. 
“He said he never loved me,” you sobbed, turning back into your pillow to muffle the sounds. “He was just using me.”
Ace was quiet for a few minutes, letting you cry as much as you needed to. His heart ached seeing you so broken over some stupid guy. You deserved someone so much better than anyone in this small-minded town. You deserved someone who would hang the sun and the moon and all of the stars around you. 
“Sabo? Luffy? It’s Ace.”
“What does she need? Medicine? Water? Takeout food?” Sabo’s voice came from the other side of the transponder snail, and you froze. 
“Revenge.” Ace’s voice was dark and ominous, and you could hear Luffy cheering on the other side of the transponder. His excitement almost made you laugh. 
Ace got off the bed and stood next to your pillow. He patted your head gently, running his fingers through your hair 
“I’ll be back soon, okay?” His voice was so soft and gentle, you thought you imagined it. 
“Ace, don’t-” you got up to stop him, but he was already out the door, softly closing it behind him. 
After a few minutes, you heard your door open again. 
“What did you-” You stopped when you realized it wasn’t Ace. 
“Hey kiddo,” Shanks whispered, peeking in. “I know I said I wouldn’t bother you, but…” He pushed the door open a bit more, holding a mug of hot chocolate. “Can I come in?”
You nod, wiping your face to remove any stray tears, though it didn’t do much good. Your eyes were still red and swollen from a day of crying, but your adopted father didn’t comment on that. He simply handed off the mug and sat on your bed next to you, waiting for you to start the conversation. 
You take a long sip of hot chocolate, allowing the warmth to rush through your body. “Don’t say I told you so.”
A smile dances across Shank’s face. “I wasn’t going to.”
“Mmmmhmmm.” You take another long drink of hot chocolate, whipped cream tickling your nose. 
“There’s a time for that,” he said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him. “But now is the time for hot chocolate and hugs.”
Your vision starts to get blurry again, and you wipe away the tears forming in your eyes. You take another drink, trying desperately to refocus yourself and keep calm. 
“Do you know where Ace went?”
Shanks laughed and placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Probably best you don’t know.”
You groaned. “He’s going to get arrested.”
“Only if he gets caught. And if he does what I told him, he won’t.”
You shoot him a look. “What did you tell him to do, dad?”
“Already told you.” He gave you another kiss. “Probably best you don’t know.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “You’re all just a bunch of troublemakers, I swear.”
“Hey now,” Ace said, walking back into your room. “What’s wrong with making some trouble?”
You smiled when you saw him, the first real one you’ve had today. Sabo and Luffy walk in behind him, smiling proudly. They’re all breathing heavily, and their skin is glistening with sweat. 
“You should’ve seen it, Y/N!” Luffy cried out, pumping his fist in the air. “We totally-”
Sabo pounced on Luffy, covering his mouth before he could spill out any more information. “We’re not supposed to tell her, idiot. Keep your mouth shut!”
“Fine, fine!” Luffy giggled mischievously. “She’ll find out soon enough anyway.”
You groaned at that statement. “Why can’t you guys just make my life easier for once?”
“Because,” Ace walked over and sat on the other side of you. He looked at your face and frowned, then wiped the whipped cream off your nose with his finger. “That’d be a boring life. And we’re not boring.”
Shanks took this moment to take his leave from your room, satisfied that the brothers would keep you adequate company. “Do any of you want hot chocolate?”
“Me!” They all yelled in unison, and Shanks left the room to fulfill the request. 
Sabo sifted through your game drawer, pulling out UNO. It was a game the four of you frequently played at your house, and it felt comforting to fall into some kind of normalcy. After you all got tired of screaming about cards, Sabo picked up the remote and flicked on the TV, and you all found a funny movie to watch to pass the time. 
The brothers stayed with you long into the night. Normally once the sun started to dip below the mountain, Shanks sent them home, but tonight he was generous in letting them stay. He could hear you laughing in your room, which was more than worth the call he’d have to make to Dadan about her boys being home late. 
The four of you were curled up in your bed and watching a movie when Shanks appeared in your doorway, and you felt your heart sink a little at his facial expression. He always wore the same look when he was about to disappoint you. 
“Do you three want to stay over? It’s a bit late to head back up the mountain, but it’s about time for bed. Class tomorrow for everyone,” he said, eyeing you. 
“Sleep over!” The boys yelled in unison. They were always on the same page.
“In the other room,” Shanks said sternly. It didn’t escape his gaze that you were resting your head against Ace’s chest, his arm was wrapped around your shoulder. You hadn’t seemed to notice or mind it, but Ace’s cheeks turned pink when he realized he had been caught. 
“We can all fit in this bed!” Luffy said defiantly. “And we’ll go straight to sleep! Pleaseeeeee!”
Shanks laughed and shook his head. “Come on boys, your options are the guest bedroom or a hike up the mountain.”
Ace quickly got up, and he and Sabo pulled Luffy out of the room along with them. With all of the noise and bodies gone, you suddenly felt very empty and alone. You hadn’t thought about Belmeppo since the brothers had joined you, but now it was all you could think about. You were tired of crying, so when the tears started to come, you refused to let them spill out of your eyes. 
You laid down, trying to sleep, but the dream world refused to take you. You tossed and turned for several minutes, until you heard your transponder snail ringing softly next to your head. 
You let it ring a few times, scared of who it might be. But finally curiosity got the better of you, and you picked up. 
“I told you she’d pick up!” Sabo’s voice echoed through the speaker, and you could hear his muffled voice from the other room. 
“Shhhh! Shanks will hear us!” Ace scolded, and you giggled at them. 
Ace’s voice softened when he spoke to you. “We can’t be with you, but at least we can fall asleep together.” 
“Yeah,” Sabo agreed. “We’ll always be there when you need us.”
“Thanks, you guys.” You curled up next to your snail transponder, falling asleep to their bickering and random spoken thoughts. 
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 months
A's hands seriously distract B. Their reactions eventually clue A in: and they decide to use the new knowledge to their favor. A being Robin from One Piece, and B is R
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Nico Robin x Male!reader
Robin had a way of distracting you.
She was beautiful, no one could deny that but all she had to do was look at you and it was enough to break your concentration even at the worst of times.
Then there were her hands.
When she touched you you immediately lost your train of thought and became a fumbling mess which eventually she clued into.
She thought it was cute how much you were fawning over her so she decided to have some fun with it.
“Y/N, would you be a dear and make me something to eat, I’m a bit hungry after all this cleaning,” she asked, testing out her theory by putting her hand on your back while you were busy washing the deck with the rest of the crew doing other tasks throughout the ship.
“Of course Robin,” you say, dropping the mop and hurrying off towards the kitchen.
“Y/N you better not make a mess of my kitchen!” Sanji yells after you while Robin smirks proudly at the success of her test.
Then she puts her hand on your thigh when it was her turn to do the crew's laundry and instead wanted you to do it for her which you mumbled out an incoherent yes to and stumbled off before she noticed your cheeks turning red.
She sits back in the lounge chair and reads her book while you are happily hanging clothes to dry on the line that goes across the deck.
“Robin weren't you on laundry duty this week?” Luffy asks.
“Yes but Y/N being the sweetheart that he is offered to do it for me,” she smiles.
Now you're at a bar, a couple of rowdy pirates making a drunk scene disturbing everyone else in the room.
“Do you boys mind keeping it down, my friends and I are trying to have a nice night,” Robin asks politely.
“Mind your own damn business bitch,” one of them spits back.
Robin could easily kick all of their asses by herself but she just didn't feel like it tonight.
“You're not gonna let them talk to me like that are you Y/N?” She says putting her hand on your arm.
You stand up from your seat, Robin grinning next to you, “hey asshole she asked you to keep it down.”
This royally pisses off the pirates and starts a full on brawl in the bar.
When you return to the ship you've got a black eye and a busted lip, Nami scolding you for stupidly starting a fight with pirates twice your size.
“Don't bother Nami, he's whipped, if Robin asks him to jump Y/N will say how high,” Zoro scoffs.
“He's right mate, Robin is totally using you,” Sanji laughs.
“Y/N doesn't seem to mind, do you,” Robin says, placing her hand on your cheek and rubbing her thumb gently across your lip.
Her touch makes your heart skip a beat and you nod your head in agreement.
“Such a good boy,” she grins, leaning in to kiss your cheek before strutting off to the cabin.
“She can use me anytime she'd like,” you say, completely dumbfounded that she just kissed you.
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creativiburst · 11 months
The Urge to Protect
Zoro x f!Reader Fluff
Tags: First kiss, Fluff, Romantic fluff, Internal Conflict, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, confessions, Budding Love
The urge to protect. 
That's what Zoro felt every time he saw you in battle. You could fight, fight pretty damn well in fact. Yet, he still got in the way of enemy attacks.
'I've got this one.' He'd say, letting you off the hook with almost every enemy.
Everyone thought it was just the urge to fight more, but no. It was something about you. You weren't a fierce warrior like him or a goofy idiot like Luffy. You weren't a liar like Usopp or a witch like Nami. You… were you. Sweet. Beautiful. Everything he thought he never wanted.
His one eye drifted to the sky, thoughts of you roaming as he tried to understand what exactly he was feeling. He understood rage, fear, hatred, and pain. He understood happiness as that's what he felt as he chugged a bottle of sake at dinner. Yet… a similar happy pang hit him when he looked at you.
It tingled in him differently. His body warming up, his cheeks and hands sweating. Stomach churning as you thought about being close to you. Heart beating faster and faster after a small chat with you.
It made him avoid you. Yet he couldn't for long as he longed to hear your voice. Feel you near him as he trained. You were turning into his booze addiction.
"Marimo!" The nickname shot his attention towards the dog, eye furrowed on the blonde cook. Holding a plate of onigiris, he raised them up. 
"I said I would take them Sanj!" You popped out from behind the cook, Zoro's expression immediately softening. 
"A beautiful princess like you shouldn't have to be so close to a drooling monster. I can-" 
"Sanji. I'm not helpless." You had shushed him with a finger, taking the plate out of his hand. The blonde had swooned, heart shapes puffing off his cigarette.
"Ahhhh! My dear Y/N! You are too kind!" Sanji cried, returning to his kitchen. Zoro watched you, onigiris in hand, as you walked down the stairs. A smile plastered on your face as you came closer.
Zoro didn't move as you offered the plate, setting it on the grass terrain below the two of you. What he didn't expect was you to sit down next to him, taking one of the onigiris and munching on it.
"Hey-" Zoro began to protest before you put up a finger to shush him.
"I helped and you didn't take one at first. So I'm having one." Your cheek was still full of rice, making your words come out weird. Zoro scoffed, grabbing a new one off the plate. 
Both of you sat in silence, the presence of you being next to him making his mood improve by the second. The rice tasted sweeter with you near him, or perhaps that was the air.
"You haven't trained all day." 
"Haven't felt like it." Zoro responded, woofing down the rest of his onigiri.
"Doesn't sound like you." 
Zoro looked over, seeing you frown at him. He hated that frown. He hated any concerning look you had. You looked better with a smile, or staring blissfully at something. 
The fact the concern was over him made it worse. He felt he should just start training to make sure you were happy. Yet, he tensed as he stopped all movement. 
"Just tired." He grumbled, fighting off that urge to jump up and start swinging. Perhaps flexing on how strong he was... No! He wasn't like that! 
"Perhaps I should convince Nami to get you a better bed." You tapped your chin.
"She wouldn't spend a penny on me. Besides, the hammocks are fine."
"But it could be the reason you're so tired."
"I'm fine."
"You've told me you've never missed a day of training. Why now?" Your questions were starting to pester him. Even you had some annoying qualities and Zoro, never liked being questioned.
"I don't want to right now. Get that through your thick head." Zoro gritted his teeth, closing his eye as he tensed up.
"Sorry for being worried I guess." Hearing your voice laced with hints of sadness, his attention shot up to see you leaving. He wanted to call out and apologize. Have you sit next to him and enjoy the ocean breeze with him. Yet he didn't. 
Biting his tongue, he stared down at the last onigiri. He felt too sick to finish it, leaving it on the plate. 
Dinner rolled by, Sanji yelling at him for the wasted onigiri. Zoro didn't feel like fighting with him, ignoring his insults. Walking out of the kitchen, he still felt sick. Hands rolled over his face, letting out a heavy sigh. You were weighing too much on him, the guilt of him even slightly making you upset was eating away. His stomach turned and turned as he held his head in his hands.
"Skipping dinner?" A voice asked from behind. Zoro looked seeing the blonde raising a curly brow.
"What does it matter to you?" Zoro hissed.
"Just not wanting to waste anymore food. Can't believe you didn't finish your onigiri! Y/N put their effort and time into those! They wouldn't let me touch one!" The cook complained, puffing out smoke from cigarette. Zoro hung on every word, feeling even worse. So you had made them... you had made the thing he loved most and didn't even let the cook touch one. Guilt poured over him.
"I just wasn't that hungry." Zoro answered, starting down that the wood that supported his weight. 
"You need to see Chopper then. It's not good that your eating patterns have change so drastically." Sanji spoke.
"Don't tell me what to do." Zoro cursed, stomping away from the door. Sanji had no idea what the hell he was talking about. Zoro wasn't sick! He was just.. conflicted. Could the greatest swordsman... be conflicted? Could they have these feelings about others or would that be a weakness? Questions kept appearing, being unanswered as he fled up to the lookout. 
A work out would help. It would get you off his back and get him to stop thinking. 
Yet it did the opposite. His mind roamed, remembering how he first met you. How he was taken aback on how you well you fought the first time you both were in battle together. How you both had once gotten lost on an island, having to camp under the stars. How you told him your dream and how you were going to fight for it. That smile as you told him you'd support him through his dream. You were too good for him.
"There you are!" your voice called out of the blue, causing him to drop the weight was lifting. It shook the floor, Zoro staring at you with shock. You had snuck up on him, standing on the ladder to the lookout. Wearing a big grin, finally climb all the way up.
"You didn't show up to dinner so I was worried. Sanji then told me you weren't hungry so I got even more worried, but... seeing you working out puts me at ease." you explain yourself, placing your hand over your heart.
"You don't need to worry." Zoro said, turning to continue lifting the weight.
"You're my friend Zoro. I'm going to worry. Besides, you can't be the best if no one is looking out for you." you laughed softly, walking over to sit on the couch that lined the wall. Sitting down, you smiled at him. Zoro stared, letting out a small sigh exhale. Forgetting about the weight, he ploped down next to you. 
"I feel sick." Zoro said, leaning his head back. He could feel you staring at him, waiting for him to say more. 
"Yet... the thing that makes me sick also brings me joy. I can't stop being with this thing, and I don't want to.." cursing, he furrowed his brows. He was terrible with words. He just knew that you wouldn't never tell anyone, that his thoughts were locked securely in your mind. 
"It sounds like nerves Zoro. It's completely normal, especially if this thing is so new or the joy from this thing is. I'm sure it can be distracting, but you'll master it. You're great at blocking things out! Don't let this waver you." your kind words melted him, seemingly all worry was thrown from his head. You had fate in him and that made him feel so much better. Yet...
"I don't want to block it out. I want.. I want... something." his mind trailed off as he continued to let you in, hands tapping on his knee as he did his best to search for this answer. 
"Don't rush it Zoro. You'll figure it out." reaching out a hand, you patted his shoulder softly. The touch had him reeling, making him test his mental strength as he held back from grabbing it. Holding your hand in his, seeing the difference in your shape, size, texture. He wanted to know you like he knew his blades. 
When you hand didn't leave, Zoro glanced over. You were staring him with a look, unfamilar to him. Soft eyes gently drifting to his face as your lips perked up slightly. He couldn't understand what you were trying to emote. You hand rubbed his shoulder gentle, causing him to shiver slightly. You noticed the shiver, unsure on whether you should pull back or push forward.
"Hey, mind giving me a massage? I'm feeling stiff." he tried to seem cool about it, as if that touch had given him the idea. Nodding in agreement, you watched as he slowly shed his top. Green sleeves fell to his hips as he made his way to sit in front of you. Your eyes burned into him, Zoro knowing you were indeed cheeking him out. You always have and he didn't mind. Slightly flexing, he could hear the soft inhale from you as he sat down. Back faced towards you, he let himself be vulurable to the only person he wanted.
Hesitant, your first touched were gentle. Fingertips barely grazing his skin, tracing the muscles that laid under. They mapped out the different sections, as if diseccting what part to focus on. Zoro meditated on your touch, feeling how his skin prickled at your fingertips. When you started to pressed into the muscles, he lowly groaned at the relief. He was so tense and didn't even realize until you started to work it out. 
You clearly knew was you were doing, each movement made perfectly to rid him of the tension. Knots that had form washed away with your touch and he melted into place. His head wandered as your hands dug into him, some of it emitting a slight pain. He dealt with it, happy to just have your attention. Perhaps that's what really made him happy. 
Not even realizing what you were guiding to, you moved to push him towards you. His head laid on your legs, eye opening to see you looking down at him. The sweet smile stretched accross those lips, eyes gazing almost lovingly down at him as your thumbs rolled gentle circles over his cheeks. Zoro didn't move, drinking in everything from you. You were his new alcohol and he wasn't going to waste a drop. 
"Better?" you whisper, caressing his face. 
"Yeah." It was almost inaudible, Zoro too relaxed to care. With his response, you brightened up. A full smile errupts on your face as you giggle with glee. He smiles back, happy to see you in such a state. A hand raises towards you, Zoro acting on instinct. Softly leading you down with a hand guiding you, he doesn't even realize what he's doing until your lips meet his. The kiss is gentle and long, neither of you moving away from each other.
Yet when you do, fear strikes him as he realizes what he had just done. Yet your face says nothing but joy, hands still on his face as you gaze down at him. Cheeks flushed and lips slightly glossy. 
"Who knew you could be so soft?" you giggle at your own words, staring down at Zoro for a reaction. He's slow, but a smile approaches his lips at he chuckles.
"Guess you're the first one to figure out." he answered. 
"I better be the only one after this." you laughed, bending down to place another kiss to his lips. Zoro relished in this, almost beaming with joy as you returned his affection. All the stress seemed to melt away with your touch, the sickness gone as you held him. You were the cure to the sickness you had caused. What sweet irony. 
Weeks had passed by after that kiss, neither of you ready to tell the crew of what your relationship had evolved to. Besides, neither of you knew yourself. All Zoro knew is that if he wanted, he could kiss you. He could be near you and when you two were alone, he would hold you. Arms protective over your figure as you curled into him. It's all he wanted, yet he was still scared. 
Scared that his feelings towards you had turned into a weakness others could exploit. You could kick ass, but the guilt from putting you in that situation wouldn't leave his mind. It wasn't something he could easily put into words, even if he took his time to explain it to you. It would just sound like he was finding an excuse to not be with you.
His swords swung, eyes furrowed on the imaginary enemy attacking him. Feeling the heavy swing of his sword, he continued meditate on the feeling. 
You. You stood there, smiling at the swordsman. His blade stopped, body tensing as he stilled. The image of you staring at him had his legs go week. Blade at the neck, you didn't move.
"Mind if we talk?" you said, making him realize you weren't a figment of his mind. Pulling his blade back, he watched you with a careful eye. You had full trust he wouldn't hurt you, that he would catch himself from swinging his blade at you. Swords slid into the sheaths as he sat down on the wall closest to him. You followed, humming as you slid down next to him. 
Both were quiet, your hand grazing his own. Zoro had to control his breathing as to make sure he didn't alert you to his thumping heart. Soft hands curled around the one that laid next to him, fingers feeling his calloused hands. He watched as you stared down at your hands, a smile perked onto your lips. 
"I enjoy our times together." you said, looking at him with a soft glow. Zoro nodded in agreement. He stared intensely as he drank you up with his eye, completely enamoured by your looks. How your hair was done, your lips pressed into that smile, how your face seemed to glow with beauty. 
"I just worry... am I going to be a distraction?" Zoro wanted to punch himself in that moment, your face growing into worry. Your sweet smile withering away. He wanted to just grab you and kiss you, to place that smile back again. Yet, he didn't. 
"That's a stupid question." Zoro grumbled. 
"It's important to me." another strike to his heart. God... you knew how to get through to him. He stared at you, eye studying how your smile was gone. Your eyes begging for his answer. Pulling away from your intertwined hands, he brought it up to your cheek. His thumb rubbed it gently.
"No." his voice was soft as he answered, the tension in the air fading. Seeing your face light up made his heart leap. Before he knew it, you were kissing him. Zoro relaxed, holding you close to him. Arms wrapped around to pull you close. It all felt unreal that he would be kissing someone such as yourself. 
"I'll protect you." he mumbled into your lips, feeling he needed to say something more. His eye studied your face, gauging your reaction to his words. Eye flew to meet his gaze as your lips briefly hung on each other.
"I know. You always have." pressing another kiss to him, he felt your body press further into his. A hand wrapped around your waist and one on the back of your head, Zoro and you continued the soft moment without distraction. He loved you and how gentle yet rough you could be. It always amazed him how you have this talent. 
He held those soft tender moments close to his heart as the days went on. He would often steal you from your bed as he was on nightwatch, having you sleep in his arms. Zoro felt better with you, knowing that if anything were to happen he'd be there within seconds. On your nightwatches, he'd sleep in your lap. The best sleep he'd ever gotten honestly. Hands stroking his hairs and rubbing soft circles on his pecs. Kisses before he slept or before you slept. It all felt so personal and dear to him. Like something he'd be yearning for, but never knew.
Yet... you both still had no idea what to label yourselves. Zoro found himself up late at night staring at the ceiling, thinking about this. You clearly were his, stopping Sanji from his flirtaious advancements almost everytime. The blonde had grumbled in confusion, but accepted that you weren't wanting anymore of his intentions. Zoro relished in this feeling, as if he won a fight. 
Did you want him back though? Did you want his destructive tendencies in your life? How he would spend his days, sleeping, drinking, and training. Where would you go? He scoffed at himself. Where you always went, next to him. Whether he was doing any of these, you were by his side. Doing your own thing or joining him. He didn't care as long as he could see you.
If you both were to become something official, the crew would know. That would mean they'd stick their nose into the relationship. He'd slice them down if they tried. No patience for some of the actions his crewmates do. If together as in.. together, he would be able to hold your hand more. Be able to sleep whereever and hold you without judgement. Be able to kiss you before you went off to sleep in the girl's room. Or hell, find a spare room and steal it for the both of you. Ideas and thoughts roamed his mind as he played on the idea of making you his. 
He felt so selfish as he laid in bed with these thoughts, feeling as if you had no say in what you both were tempting to become. He could just ask but, words weren't his strong suit. You had the patience to know this, asking him direct questions. Using body langauge more than words at times when words weren't enough.
Sleep that night escaped him, finding himself to the crow's nest. He was in shock to see you up there, no Robin in the nest. You waved at him, smiling ear to ear.
"Thought it was Robin's night?" he asked, a yawn overcoming him.
"I couldn't sleep so I decided to let her get some rest." you shrugged your shoulders, offering him a seat next to you. He took happily, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek as he sat.
"I couldn't sleep either. Thinking too much." he explained, wrapping his arms to pull you close to him. It was easy to just yank you to him, but he didn't, letting you come towards him. Your back against his chest, you chuckled softly as his words.
"What could you be thinking about?" 
"You." He noticed as you looked up, raising a brow as you waited for some explanation. Zoro tensed, tapping his finger against his hand as he did his best to find the words to the thoughts. They felt like a jumbled mess as he sorted through it in that moment.
"Just.. you and how... we do this." he motioned with his body, squeezing tightly as to emphasize his point.
"Is there a problem with us doing this?"
"No. I just..." he grumbled, burying himself into your shoulder. Words weren't his strong point. A hand began to pet his head, you doing his best to relax him.
"Well, I like this. I like sharing my affection with you and only you. I enjoy spending these moments together with a man such as yourself. How you don't have to say a word for me to know that you care about me." you explained your feelings with ease, Zoro almost jealous about the ease of your words coming out. Pressing a kiss against your neck, he pulled you closer.
"I like it too. A lot." he mumbled, snuggling into you. "When it's you, I feel... happy."
"I'm glad I can make you feel this way Zoro." you whispered back to him, the room becoming silent as he held you. He stared out the window, seeing how you quickly drifted off in his arms. Pressing small kisses to your head, he decided in that moment he wanted everything about you to himself. He didn't care about what the crew did or thought about it. He'd find a small room for the two of you. He would make this work. 
He'd become the greatest swordsman and you would be by his side.
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