#in a class abt African nationalism
urmumhaha · 4 months
Guys I got into an argument w a kid in class and I feel kinda bad for disrupting ppl but I really couldn’t shut up bc this kid started with “colonized nations want to structure themselves to be like their colonizers” and progressed to “China is the most racist country and has concentration camps and don’t you trust the UN?” To “americas police brutality is an issue of power not of race” and it was so bad
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aristotels · 5 months
as a yugoslav, I'm very confused abt the racial bias thing, bc looking at my relatives and the general culture I feel like everyone is incredibly bigoted - do you have any thoughts on how our countries have supposedly the least racial bias? (this is a genuine good faith question, I'm curious about your thoughts and feel like I am definitely missing something 😭)
yugoslavs are definitely bigoted - but the bigotry isnt really based in race as much as ethnicity, class, and integration. in croatia you can get beat up for being serbian despite us both being white. hell, in north croatia you can get beat up just for being south croatian and someone clocking your accent. you can walk around and see "kill the donkey" and "kill the purger", despite us being from the same country.
croats hate immigrants because "theyre stealing jobs", but if you had an affluent african or middle-eastern sheik people wouldnt mind. same way why black sport players are liked here. shannon shorter got ovations when he returned to play for split. integration is kinda important in croatian conservative society, so when people see someone "as our own", they accept them.
of course racial crimes happen - they happen everywhere - but in croatia they make news and are viewed as something brutish and horrible (the guys who threw banana at a black dinamo player come to mind - the entire nation spent months talking about it).
when i read some testimonies from black people living in croatia they were mostly like "there is no racism like in the usa; but many people have never seen a black person, so i get curious looks and people being surprised, wanting to touch my hair etc". one of them compared it to african kids seeing a white person for the first time. they say its annoying and childish but not really hateful.
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icaroid · 1 month
are you willing to offer the sacrifice class syllabus to the masses?? or at least a book list?? it's just that the topic is v interesting.
Hi!! I did look up the old syllabus, I'm not going to put it up in its entirety, but here's a list of the readings that we did:
Lewis Hyde, The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World
Walter Burkert, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth
Jukka Jouhki, "Orientalism and India"
J. van Baal, "Offering, Sacrifice and Gift" in Numen, Vol. 23, Fasc. 3 http://www.jstor.org/stable/3269590
Alan Morinis, "The Ritual Experience: Pain and the Transformation of Consciousness in Ordeals of Initiation" http://www.jstor.org/stable/639985
Lawrence Babb, "The Food of the Gods in Chhattisgarh…" http://www.jstor.org.remote.slc.edu/stable/pdf/3629382.pdf
Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo
C. G. Jung, “Transformation Symbolism in the Mass,” in Baum, Mannheim, Campbell et. al., eds., The Mysteries (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, vol. 2)
Euripides, The Bacchae (Lattimore translation)
Abraham's "binding of Isaac" Genesis 22:1-19
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex https://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/sophocles/oedipustheking.htm
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter. http://www.planetpublish.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11The_Scarlet_Letter_T.pdf
Victor Rosner, "Fire-Walking the Tribal Way" in Anthropos http://www.jstor.org/stable/40458234
Jean Varenne, Yoga and the Hindu Tradition.
Yael Bentor, "Interiorized Fire Rituals in India and in Tibet" in JAOS http://www.jstor.org/stable/606619
Sati: A Review Article by Werner Menski, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, Vol. 61, No. 1 (1998), pp. 74-81. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3107292
Wendy Doniger and Howard Eilberg-Schwartz, ed., Off With Her Head!: The Denial of Women's Identity in Myth, Religion, and Culture.
Joseph S. Alter, Gandhi's Body: Sex, Diet, and the Politics of Nationalism
Mohandas Gandhi, My Experiments with Truth: Autobiography. http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00litlinks/gandhi/index.html
War poems of Wilfred Owen—see " The Parable of the Young Man and the Old" and "Strange Meeting" http://www.rjgeib.com/thoughts/abraham/abraham.html
Shirley Jackson, "The Lottery"
Kevin Rushby, Children of Kali: Through India in Search of Bandits, the Thug Cult, and the British Raj
Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, Sacrifice: Its Nature and Functions
Rene Girard, Violence and the Sacred
C. Marvin and D. Ingle, ed., Blood Sacrifice & The Nation
Sakuntala Narasimhan, Sati - Widow Burning in India
there's a focus on India bc that was the professor's area of expertise! hope this is helpful (its gonna b helpful for me in my writing abt jellowpackets lol)
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shadowslash9 · 2 years
Backlinking Fibrotic Gemcitabineg and also Ultrastructural Modifications involving Alveolar Epithelial Tissues following Removal of Nedd4-2
Just about all compounds were throughout vitro screened-in because of their exercise while vitamin antioxidants employing DPPH (A couple of,Only two '-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (A couple of,A couple of '-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzo thiazine-6-sulfonic acidity)) and FRAP (ferric reducing/antioxidant energy) techniques. The antioxidant exercise from the studied materials against fat peroxidation has also been tested. The very best antioxidising action had been proven through substance 3c. It is obvious that the existence of a new hydroxyl class from the structure is crucial to the antioxidant properties and will be taken into consideration inside even more style of houses using possible antioxidant properties.The pseudo steady-state model for your kinetically controlled functionality of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) with Aspergillus oryzae beta-galactosidase can be shown. The design is the reason for the particular characteristics involving lactose ingestion along with manufacture of galactose, sugar, di, attempt, tetra, and also pentaoligosaccharides in the functionality, having the ability to explain the complete GOS content material in the impulse moderate on the fresh #Link# problems evaluated. Trial and error benefits demonstrate that occurance involving GOS containing just galactose remains is crucial in large conversions regarding substrate, which was looked at in the style. The organization involving chemical cross over complexes has been regarded and also fair assumptions were created to cut back the number of variables to be identified. Your product created provides 7 guidelines; A couple of ones were experimentally identified and yet another Some ended up believed through fitting on the trial and error data making use of multiresponse regression. Temperature effect on kinetic and affinity always the same was resolute within the vary from Forty five to Fifty five degrees H, along with the information ended up fitted to Arrhenius variety picture. Parameters with the offered product are generally independent in the chemical weight from the response moderate along with, in another way from formerly described designs, they have a clear biochemical which means. The actual magnitude with the kinetic and also appreciation always the same from the enzyme shows that the actual liberation regarding galactose in the galactosyl-enzyme complex is definitely a gradual reaction and such sophisticated will be powered into GOS development. It also suggests that the particular affinity for glucose from the galactosyl-enzyme intricate is above those of the free molecule. Biotechnol. Bioeng. Next year; 108: 2270-2279. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Liver disease W malware (HBV) is highly endemic through sub-Saharan Photography equipment. One of several a couple of genotypes A and also Elizabeth dominates generally in most nations around the world. Together with many subgenotypes and also versions, genotype The is much more different in Africa (Several.00%) in comparison to other planet (Two.96%), indicating a good Cameras beginning and a #Link# extended record around the country. Inspite of the African cleaning buy and sell, genotype At the merely has sporadically already been #Link# throughout the Americas, suggesting this genotype has been launched only world food prices Two centuries into the common Cameras populace.
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tell me abt everything abt creole culture you possibly can but separate it under subheadings for adhd ease <3 i especially wanna know abt food/clothing/wedding traditions/religious traditions and festivals/superstitions!
ohhh kay!! ill try to do what i can!
generally, creole culture here in st lucia (and dominica) is influenced by french and english culture, as well as west african culture (especially yoruba iirc) and the culture of the indiginous people of the caribbean (like the taino and kalinago). our culture is also influenced by the environment we live in, which is to say a tropical island, which in turn influences the resources we have available, like materials and foods, and what we can do with it. our culture is heavily influenced by slavery, of course, so a lot of our culture is things that can be made cheaply.
the main course has a few repeated motifs, such as using cured meats, like saltfish, smoked herring (my favourite) or salted pork. we also use ground provisions, which is a cultural term for starchy foods that often (but dont always) come from the ground (id describe it as a whole class of foods other than a potato that can do exactly what a potato does). my favourite ground provision is either breadfruit or sweet potato. here in st lucia our national dish is green fig (fig means banana in creole) and saltfish. we also use a lot of cheap cuts of meat, like pig trotters (which are used in a stew called souse which i love) and pig tail and chicken backs because historically these discards were the only thing we could afford to eat. another common motif is seafood, because a lot of our communities are fishing villages, and here in st lucia in anse la raye theres like a cookout called fish friday thats a huge tourist event. our food is very rich and flavourful, we have boullion here but i promise its not like what the french call boullion, its a lot more. More. like a bouillon is never a starter, its the meal.
as for bread, we have regular bread thats like, a different tougher texture from normal bread that we call creole bread, and we have a bread called bakes which you cook by either frying or roasting it (yeah the name is ironic lol) and a slight variation on that that uses yeast instead of baking powder called floats. i really want to experiment with using sourdough to make floats lmao. we also have rough dumplings we put into our boullion but theyre not like stuffed or anything its just lumps of dough boiled in soup. also cassava bread!! the process of making it is very slow because cassava is poisonous and you have to process it a lot to make it not poisonous but cassava bread is so good i love it.
for sweets and desserts, you often see a lot of coconut, from coconut cake, to coconut balls, to coconut tablet, to coconut in paime (which is a boiled corn pudding) (that last one is optional, some people use pumpkin and some people use grated green fig). you also see fudge, which is different from what americans call fudge, it has a snap to it but its crumbly and its caramelly and i love it. theres also tamarind balls which are little balls of tamarind mixed up with sugar, and guava cheese, which idk how to explain. its a sticky delicious mess. in latam they have it too but idr what they call it.
as for drinks, we have one called sorrel thats traditionally drunk at christmas, i think stateside you call it hibiscus tea, its bright red and has spices in it and i love it a lot, and we have a lot of juices made from fruits here like golden apple and green mango and lime and sour orange and grapefruit and my FAVOURITE drink which is cocoa tea which is made from cocoa solids being boiled in water and milk with spices and some people put dumplings in it. its traditionally drunk at breakfast and its really nice and warm and i would make it every morning if it wasnt so involved. this is a cocoa stick you grate it up and boil it with spices and milk to make cocoa tea.
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in the crafts section i will talk about the coal pot, which is what these things are traditionally cooked in. i want to learn how to use a coal pot. its easy i just never did it.
so we actually have a national outfit! here is a little infographic about it
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one of the most important features of our national dress is the fabric, which i think you may be familiar with jace! its called madras, and its named after the former name of chennai in south india.
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heres an example of the kind of fabric we'd consider madras in the creole sense! this material is visual short hand for creole here in st lucia
music and dance
we have a lot of folk music which features violins, chakchak (like a maraca but its like one long thing) and drums, in lieu of explanation ill just share a short video on the music and the quadrille dance.
here in st lucia we also have dennery segment which is dancehall in creole which i dont know much about bc im a hermit and i dont go to fetes
okay so there are a lot of hand crafts that we do here, for starters we have traditional creole brooms made from palm leaves, we have bowls made from calabash (which is our national fruit but is not edible this is all we use it for) we have coal pots, which are made of clay that we use to cook, we have these reversible doll things. ive made the small version of the brooms before its fun.
coal pot (theres also a literal clay pot on top but thats not necessarily part of it)
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these things. i used to have one theyre so fun
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well first of all we have jounen kwéyòl! its a celebration of creole heritage that we have on the last sunday of october, we usually celebrate with foods like a creole breakfast but we use the whole month to celebrate creole culture every year. we also have carnival, which is a big parade thing we have dancing in the street in big fancey costumes. here in st lucia we have la woz and la maguerite, or the flower festivals, which are based on these like, elite societies we used to have, where communities pick someone to be each member of the court, the king and queen and prince and princess and on and on all the way down to like doctors and nurses and go on parade in either red/pink for la rose or purple/blue for la maguerite. we ALSO have masquerade, which is a masked dancer thing we do around christmas. there are a bunch of different roles in masquerade, here is a picture of the regular masqueraders
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theres also roles like papa djab (father devil) and the ti djabs (little devils) and pay bannann (dry plantain, hes covered in dry banana/plantain leaves) and the acrobat (an acrobat) and marie anset (a pregnant woman) and chouval bwa (a man on a horse) uncle sam on stilts because we hate america so hes also there. masquerade is so fun.
in conclusion
i love my culture :)
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paraclete0407 · 3 years
That my favorite JLC novel was ‘Call for the Dead’ - a reference for the Black Death
Nora Roberts’ ‘Holding the Dream’ - ‘Project 521′
‘[Japanese word for bouquet] super-cruise
‘Afterburner’ - hands on shoulders
‘Disbelief in math’ - you [stole presence of breast]
‘Why am I so dumb’
Drinking boiling tea on empty stomach till fly, leap weightlessly
‘Mariposa 2016′ - why not be ‘wheeled out’ 
‘Speak while breathing in’
Oxygen from outside not needed; breathing is crutch
Do backflip; test of will
‘Germantown Lake’
Instant respect University School of Milwaukee
‘UW-Milwaukee (once) respected me’
‘The infliction
‘H3B’ - ‘Mutt Riley’ drug-dealer w/ heart of gold (fake stock character) ‘Malaysian Camille,’ fingers intercostal, ‘Liesl,’ point to books w/ furry boot-toes, ‘I want to kick that cat.’  Some kind of gov’t agency.  Girl w/ marmalade hair,
‘Gangster Opera’ - ‘__-ya what _ _ _ _’ - ‘penalty life’ 
‘Flamenco dance-hall poison gas massacre’ - ‘First Love’
‘The Persian Girl’ - NYC container-ship nuclear terrorism
‘Oxygen Girl and Lithium Boy’ - W. Allen ‘Jupiter Symphony’ - Green R-33  - ‘Yeppeo Harkke’ - ‘I’m not Allen; don’t want to know everything; I groom no one; I expect not to live forever; IDC abt ‘sexual awakening’  + doesn’t need to be taught.  Unoriginal sinner, un-special sophistication, ‘nubile’ - well f--- you and praise God f---face
Distributing the apple-baskets to the poor
‘Epipen’ hostess-bar; [fake name spoken by munch-crumple-idiot].  
‘The Coalminer’s Wife.’  Rutgers is Pyongyang; Mason Gross School of the Arts is Pyongyang; spiral staircase, why am I so dumb.  ‘Poetry-writing is like _ _ but novel-writing is like coal-mining.’  The small room, loom / weave.  Sleep in uniform apron / visor.  Blindness.  Hairband.  ‘If you wear this shirt on college 1st day will meet fut. husband.’  
Sitting in subterranean culvert, bride, pink silver white, orange light.  Kneeling in matte white in coal-hill.  ‘The village headman’s daughter.’  Candle.  Roman Catholicism implied.  
Legalistic, fat on health-foods.  Friend is skinny always burning self down, love of pizza.  ‘Sungjin.’  
‘Minister of the Right’ - ‘Scholar Jin and Lady Periwinkle’
‘Eternal Protector YSS his face was white to blacks black to whites spoke breathing in, racist in immutable divine capacity, picking up valuables from ground even if stolen property =/- smashing store-window to steal.  Terrible elephant-trumpet, sinking, PCH will burn me w/ cigarette-tip in Eternity.  
‘Sospira’ - mandatory euthanasia for piano-teacher after ‘genius student’ graduates
‘Man is woman and woman is b _ _.’  ‘Women are floors.’  
The bird says ‘laoshi.’  The rabbit approaches me; my son.  Little kids w/ armored lower legs will crush me.  
‘So tired from writing strip-club accounts by hand shoulder fatigue the RU Aryan Nation (inc. blonde Jewesses) easily bent her arm to make it look like suicide.’    
‘I caused WW3 due to collective hallucination and/or CCP deepfake; casus belli
‘We’ll give you a five-course meal then f--- you up + also plant bomb in stomach
‘I f---ig TOLD YOU
Mom trusted me with absolute trust-ness as we walked; Jew ‘Take your family _____!’  ‘Carlos Park,’ ‘I HATE Jews; they think they’re the only humans.’  ‘At least we can all agree about Obergefell(?!).’
Why Episcopalians sing about Socrates?
Tell parents, ‘Don’t you know how easy it is to generate deepfakes and say anyone did anything?’  They drove away leaving me outside Best Buy.
‘He’s like the Palestinians.’  ‘I really like you.’  Black boy in pom-pom-hat, tooth-smile, tinfoil.’  My Tibetan bracelet, Diamond Gym Maplewood
‘Meta-wolf.’  Painterly resolution of cinema.  Die at piano.  Stab self in right thigh.  
Looking in to the PC screen 2003 I saw the future; at the very end of the _ _ vid the katana right through her mouth and head / brain / skull.  Dads to plan Covid ultra-vengeance.  YSS, ‘I killed my sons to _ _ _.’  
St. Peter in sky
‘Delight of bread; it befits Man’s dignity... Xi Jinping likes _... delight stomach nursing school, orange sherbert, all ight getting beaten
The Black PhD woman wants me to apply lip-gloss(?!), will not expand on educational philosophy of institution - ‘I blah blah blah Harvard, middle class can’t live within means - Shanghai novel ‘What We Were Not Promised’ - ‘
Guidance counselor you f----- it up - incompetent reprobate self-hypermasculinizing crop-hair Jewess man up Derek Chauvin
‘The neural math Yuki Katakura, mirror neurons, decoupling, cannot ride the vestibule, Matt Chai, “Correspondence and Correlation’  Berkeley CA, ‘Catherine Chai’ emerald dress, McDonalds in the days when seats were fixed outside.  Michelle WAi funeral; she played guitar; commanded submarine, assassinated by RPG Arab terrorist.  G-36.  ‘Fantail.’
‘What’s Myeong Hyeongeso up to?’ - I really love my friend Cunningham whose heartrate spikes probably b/c he knows there’s CCP Yakuza assassins somewhere al the time thinking of murdering him
Daejin McDonald’s one night, I start singing ’Star Spangled Banner.’  Kim Jong Un launches missile arcing over cereal grain fields, I start singing ‘Star Spangled Banner.’
Literally 2015, ‘Trinity of Happiness.’  Later ‘finally enter.’  Gold label lite cigarette, ‘I’m gonna have my day!’
I gave the little kid money + he flipped out; he later tried to freeze himself to death as Texas Bill is manning up worried about magazine cliches, contributions to ROKA(?).  Kid quit due to voice but he’s still better than me!  Fire all these people, CDF, ‘Charles David Framingham,’ nuke Milwaukee, I don’t trust his data.  ‘I had so much sex before marriage’ - just die I read your magazine 3,0000 years ago.  I can’t believe anyone wants to be you; my grandfather was B-24 co-pilot, main pilot KIA, landed without landing-training, grapefruit morning, infinite wrist-strength.  I smashed up his house but he didn’t get mad, just stutter.  Dead-eyed f---face shooting every animal in Texas.  
Very much fear of P2 holiness but holiness-shyness even worse than love-shyness even more blasphemous, I sincerely hope he strangles me very soon
The evillest thing I ever thought, the ‘death of deaths,’ Kim Jong Il, what was he thinking?  I used to toy with TW-1, say word ‘zombie’  ‘How could you do that?!’  I didn’t liquefy girls’ skeletons or sth; it’s like Schindler’s List soundtrack; I just don’t know words for it.  ‘Final Gesture’ - Jesus to Judas ‘friend?’
Iraq War Day trail-running, later cognizance of Noam Chomsky Hiroshima Day.  Wanted to say Op. Olympic noble but in retrospect ‘Bells of Nagasaki’ + ‘swamp of Japan.’  My grandfather’s funeral, dad is, ‘We have all drunk from wells we did not dig.’  Chinese chicken eat, nap, I can run all the way up of the hill w/ African chat.  I like YooA ‘Bon Voyage,’ check CNS high reps, atrial fibrillation.
SHINEE fangirl ‘Stella(?)’ - noli me tangerine I know that stuff is ‘little stars.’  Awed at my gait  ‘If only they had stayed in hot pursuit.’  I wanna believe in all that stuff as well; I am also a dead-ender or last-chancer or last-caller; I admire Mari Iijima, ‘’Uncompromising Innocence.’  ‘Little Heaven’ but that’s Kim Jongilism or I’m worse than Kim Jong Il for thinking about ‘Agents Running in the Field.’  Timothy Keller, ‘I don’t like broccoli.’  I felt it was an innuendo and it made me think of HJ that gave me her number but I didn’t call b/c I’m against prostitution and I felt it’s fake number b/c everything is the Shadowplay.  I made stupid lewd stuff for years despite ‘Anointment’ and ‘When To Care’ - ‘toucan, macaw, demi-bra.’  Everyone thinks I’m a rapist but I’m not pressing my case; I don’t mouth-breath; I don’t spit.  I read ‘Sentimental Education’ and pre-targeted; I gave up; I wish Gen. McChrystal could be President or GWB 3rd term, conscience of Moon Jaein, ‘Weary Head.’  Thought I was ‘all hard’ for reading Natsume Soseki’s ‘Meian’ with ex-girlfriend’s smile at the end but he as dying then I started seeing kisses + wife-smiles and stuff; what’s Francis Chan up to?, does Mike Pompeo know I am real?  I liked 2nd Inuyasha movie, that song was about Mochida Kaori’s unborn niece or nephew, Kinokuniya Edgewater Mitsuwa.  The ‘Many Pieces’ live version ended with bass-note - ‘cantus firmus’ - instead of fadeout and wail.  Stone Lake NK Mountain morning.  Fav. Bible book 2 Timothy - ‘grievous wolves.’  & I used to listen to ‘Arirang’ and hear the Latin, ‘Respondemus’ - my favorite person said that Latin’s ‘quaint’ but it’s the lingua franca of the Roman Empire and that’s the final empire of this world that never went away; but this is a specific era, the great wave Delta and it’s not even the last iteration If I know anything about biological war or Satan.  Unironically fall on your face; ten billion jewel-souls tonight and this terrible fire rolling over.  I just simply pray for mercy on Milwaukee + somebody suspend their infinity-war-dueling over all the ills of yesterday back to Original Sin nd the Fall of Lucifer.  I’m unhappy that I know all this pop-culture; ‘worlds are swaying / someone is praying / please let us come home to stay’ or Kahi’s ‘One Love’ where at the end it uses the word for ‘I’ in the subjective case which is ‘arm confirmed identity’ 
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cithaerons · 4 years
nobody gives a fuck about americans we're all just tools for other countries' nationalism smh
it makes me so upset seeing posts from people from other countries when americans are like "my family has to pay for their medical bills on gofundme" and instead of giving a fuck nonamericans will be like "lmfao stupid americans that's what you get for being racist :)" (even tho minorities are mainly affected by that kind of thing!)
also when blm was really trending in may/june/july and there were a bunch of people online like "wow just goes to show how racist america is" as if anti-blackness isn't worldwide
it gets me heated bc I've been afraid of going inside malls and large public spaces even before covid bc I'm afraid of being in a mass shooting, I've had friends tell me not to take them to a hospital bc they'll never be able to afford the cost... hell me and my friend (who is Black) were stopped by a police officer and she and i talked afterwards abt how we both wondered if that would be the end for us bc we're both minorities. but we're just "stupid Americans" and
everyone else can use us for their excuses of "well our healthcare is bad but at least it's not America's! our racism is bad but not as bad as America's!"
anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk
and i can 100% verify your first point. in canada, this crap is almost never any kind of genuine critique about the united states & the imperialist shit that it’s done or even ever-present america-centrism, which is definitely a problem. it’s almost always framed as “unlike the shitty US, we don’t [major flaw we absolutely, 100% have]” - like, i’m fairly certain “unlike the US, we don’t have colonialist baggage” is a direct quote from PM justin trudeau like two years ago. (you can literally buy cutesy swag saying “the world needs more canada” & this goes basically unquestioned by the canadian left & center. the US sucks but i’m fairly certain only the most hardcore neo-con would feel comfortable wearing a shoulder bag saying “the world needs more united states of america.”) & i can you from my experience growing up in 92% white christian everyone-is-related rural canada, where racism & anti-blackness & anti-indigenous bigotry is real & intrinsic & largely unchallenged, this rhetoric is used as a tool to excuse the most toxic, horrifying shit.
it also makes me very uncomfortable that so much of the “dumb americans who are so racist, at least we’re not like that” is coming from former colonialist powers & their descendants. tbqh, many of the problems in the USA (& in Canada) stem directly from its colonialist history. also: 90% of my middle school & highschool history classes in canada were focused solely on western europe. almost no discussion of indigenous history - the history of the land we were actually on. virtually no discussion at all of latin american, asian, middle eastern, eastern europe, or african history - all of which are important to canada’s history & culture (& like. the world). to my understanding, american history classes are extremely similar in this regard (correct me if i’m wrong). this is the fault of the US & canada & our culture that views western europe as superior to all other cultures, and not the fault of modern day british & europeans. but when people from former colonialist powers in western europe say “ugh, shut up, we’ve been indoctrinated into thinking that the world revolves around you :(” anytime someone (ahem, me, living in not the US) mentions an issue in north america --- to be quite frank, it goes both ways! and i’m truly not trying to diss anyone here - i think mutual empathy & understanding are really important.
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are there any ballerinas of color you think are really good? i wanna get more into the ballet world, but it's so hard to feel included when not even any of the dancers really reflect who i am
Precious Adams and Michaela Deprince are two amazing dancers of color (African American).  
If you’re looking for WOC that aren’t African American and are prima ballerinas then there’s Hee Seo (Korea) and Stella Abrera (The Philippines) at ABT; Francesca Hayward (Kenya) and Akane Takada (Japan) at the Royal Ballet; Soo Youn Cho (Korea), Karina Gonzalez (Venezuela), Nozomi Lijima (Japan),  and Yuriko Kajiya (Japan) at Houston Ballet; Xiao Nan Yu (China) at National Ballet of Canada; Erina Takahashi (Japan) and Shiori Kase (Japan) at English National Ballet.  There’s also the Joburg Ballet in Johannesburg that is mainly black dancers.  
I admit that my main ballet knowledge is that of Russian companies which are mainly white with some Asians mixed in (even though the Mikhailovsky has Adrian Mitchell who is African American), but there are more dancers of color than make the news.  I will tell you that just because you don’t see the diversity on a professional stage yet, it is there.  In my adult ballet class, I was the only white person and a huge percentage of my studio as a whole are POC.  So I definitely encourage you to get interested and try it because you don’t know who you’ll see at your local studio.
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soullesscoyote · 4 years
Tagged by: @robots-and-rawhide
1. NAME: Taylor!
2. NICKNAMES: Tay, Tay tay, Sol, Solly,
3. ZODIAC SIGN: Aries!🐏
4. HEIGHT: 5'2
5. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English. I took spanish classes but I really am only good when absolutely necessary
6. NATIONALITY: American
8. FAVORITE FLOWER: Theres this one that looks like a lions head i always find pretty
FAVORITE SCENT: its hard to say, there's one i know that was my moms perfume when I was really really little but I never got a name to place to it
FAVORITE ANIMAL: So so many. Cheetah, Make mole rats, cats, African Painted dogs, tree kangaroos,
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Jay Merrick, Beast Boy, any pokemon, Kipo,
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate 😤😤😤
AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: 5 or 12 no inbetweems
DOG OR CAT PERSON: both but often cats more
DREAM TRIP: hmmmmm im not the biggest on travel (not that i dont enjoy it, but i more so like it regardless where im going) but I guess a roadtrip to go to places my friends live would be ideal bc then I'd get to see them!!
FOLLOWERS: 600 ish? Idk how many are real ppl?
RANDOM FACT: hmmmmmm, heres a couple
- as a twin who deosnt look alike. Ppl always mix my sister and I up after we tell them we're related
-theres a species of frog called the tomato frog in the wild (the name is something like that) and it sweats glue
-while theres albinism and its opposite melanism theres also psuedo forms thats are lesser versions of them
Leucism is a lesser form of albinism that results in a yellowish tint to animals as opposed yo all white
And abundisim in which more so is dark and or bigger stripes and spots on an animal instead of them being all black.
Albinism in particular outside of causing white cats with blue eyes to be deaf, can also end up causing animals to be mentally off due to lack of pigment
Piebald is a tuxedo color variant that's less rare, but common in domesticated animals if I recall bc the allels are close genetically
-bc im real particular on textures and all that one day I would love to make a YouTube channel abt stuffed animals just bc i like talking abt how u can use a team ripper to cut tail strings without causing damage and textures they have from minky, terry cloth, velboa, and stuff they don't put on tags
-i am better with understanding animal social cues but with ppl im empathetic enough to feel their emotions so it makes me trying to understand why ppl feel the way they do interesting compared to most ppl
-got into cocaine once when i was two
-zebras have their stripped pattern not as much to blend into surroundings but to blend in with one another bc to predators eyes they can't pick zebras apart bc the stripes
Tagging: @antivaxxer @toxic-astin and anyone else whom wants to do it!
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eye-searing · 6 years
i hate how in world history we learn all about these Eurasian & African cultures but I’ve never gone into a world history class and learned about MY culture, MY history. It’s always been “Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas by accident trying to find a better route to India during the spice trade. They pillaged the natives, then several British colonies moved in, killing more of the Natives, until the Manifest Destiny part where they killed the rest of the Natives.” That’s it. Back to whatever greedy shit white people are doing.
We NEVER learned anything about Native American tribes. Nothing in world history abt Aztecs or Mayans, and I don’t even know who else was down there because it isn’t taught in schools. I pulled my knowledge of their existence off of the history channel! Nothing about the first nations people, especially not the  Sioux, which I am half of. 
World history only teaches half of the world’s history.
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seeselfblack · 7 years
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Happy BornDay Misty... 
*Misty Copeland was born on this date in 1982. She is an African American author, entertainer, and American ballet dancer for American Ballet Theatre. She is the third African American soloist and first in two decades with ABT, where she has endured the cultural pressure associated with this role.
Copeland was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and raised in the San Pedro community of Los Angeles, California. She is the youngest of Sylvia DelaCerna's four children from her second marriage to Douglas Copland. Between the ages of three and seven Copeland lived in Bellflower, California, with her mother and her mother's third husband Harold Brown, a Santa Fe Railroad sales executive.[12] The family moved to San Pedro where Sylvia eventually married her fourth husband, radiologist Robert DelaCerna, and where Misty attended Point Fermin Elementary School. When she was seven, Copeland saw Nadia and gymnast Nadia Comăneci was her role model. At age eleven, she found her first creative outlet at a Boys & Girls Club wood shop class.[15] Copeland never studied ballet or gymnastics formally until her teenage years. However, she did enjoy choreographing flips and dance moves to Mariah Carey songs in her youth. Following in the footsteps of her older sister Erica who had starred on the Dana Middle School drill team.
Copeland's natural presence and skill came to the attention of her classically trained Dana drill team coach, Elizabeth Cantine, in San Pedro. Cynthia Bradley, who was a friend of Cantine’s, first introduced her to ballet in classes at her local Boys & Girls Club. DelaCerna allowed Copeland to go to the club after school until the workday ended and Bradley, a former working dancer with companies in San Diego, Virginia and Kentucky, taught a free ballet class there once a week. Bradley invited Copeland to attend class at the small local ballet school, San Pedro Dance Center. Copeland began her ballet studies at the age of 13 at the San Pedro Dance Center when Cynthia Bradley began picking her up from school. During her first year of middle school the family left Robert. After living with various boyfriends of her mother, the family, moved to the Sunset Inn in Gardena, California. Soon, DelaCerna told Copeland that she would have to give up ballet. However, Bradley wanted Copeland to continue and offered to host her, to which DelaCerna agreed so Misty could pursue her dream. Eventually, they signed a management contract as well as a life-story contract. She spent the weekdays with the Bradleys near the coast and the weekends at home with her mother, a two-hour bus ride away. By the age of fourteen, Copeland was the winner of a national ballet contest and won her first solo role.
Copeland is considered a prodigy. By age 15, Copeland's mother and ballet teachers, who were serving as her custodial guardians, fought a custody battle over her. Meanwhile, Copeland, who was already an award-winning dancer, was fielding professional offers. The 1998 legal proceedings involved filings for emancipation by Copeland and restraining orders by her mother. Both sides dropped legal proceedings, and Copeland moved home to begin studying under a new teacher who was a former ABT member. In 1997, Copeland won the Los Angeles Music Center Spotlight Award as the best dancer in Southern California. After two summer workshops with the ABT, she became a member of the Studio Company in 2000, a member of the corps de ballet in 2001, and a soloist in 2007. Stylistically, she is considered a classical ballet dancer.
As a soloist since 2007, she has been described as having matured into a more contemporary and sophisticated dancer. While aspiring to be a principal dancer, Copeland has numerous goals as a dancer, in terms of leading roles. She aspires to perform lead roles in Giselle, Nikiya and Gamzatti in La Bayadère, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet as well as Odette/Odile in Swan Lake. In 2011, she was featured in the Season 1, episode of the Hulu web series A Day in the Life. And she unveiled a line of dancewear that she designed. In 2012, The Council of Urban Professionals as the Council’s Breakthrough Leadership Award winner at its 5th Anniversary Leadership Gala recognized her. By late 2012, she was seeking publication of two books: a memoir and an illustrated youth book. Around this time, Copeland began achieving solo roles in full-length ballets rather than contemporary works.
Copeland starred in The Firebird, with choreography by Alexei Ratmansky at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, California. The Los Angeles Times Laura Bleiberg as one of the years hailed the performance best dance performances. The Firebird was again performed at the Metropolitan Opera House in June 2012. Within one week of her first and only performance in the role at the Metropolitan Opera, Copeland withdrew from the entire ABT season at the Met due to six stress fractures in her tibia. She was sidelined for seven months after her October 10 surgery. In 2013, she began working on two books: a memoir under the Simon & Schuster Touchstone Books label and a picture book for the G. P. Putnam's Sons for Young Readers label. In September 2013, Copeland became a spokesperson for Project Plié, a national initiative with the goal of broadening the pipeline of leadership within ballet. Copeland was interviewed in the November 2013 Vogue Italia... 
Continue reading over at aaregistry.com
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imm-blog1 · 5 years
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4/12/11 NOTES FROM GM HIP-HOP SURVEY SESSION 3 of 3 (also included at bottom is session 1) [ To see the rest of this, if it gets cut off, go to hearingtheword2.posterous.com/41211-notes-from-hip-hop-su… ] HIP-hop session #3 of 3 (B. Santelli leading) : [he’s reviewing some books as I arrive] …Tricia rose, hop hop wars..I took her place at rutgers….another..written colloquial….book..new history of.."big payback"…also nelson George..fellow journalist..jersey,,opinionated, but well-written.I was a rollng stone writer.. ‘500 greatest albums"..not many hip hop..very white..mtv did a series on greatest hop hop..wanted to go over greatest emcees. 10) ll cool j, 9 eminem, 8) ice cube 7) big daddy kane 6) krx-1 5) nas 4) rakim (william griffin, aka ra) 3) notorious b.I.g, aka biggie, 2) tupac 1) jayzee [conversation]..rock roll hall fame..they put us rolling stone writers..together..sppsd to pick 500..sppsd to be fun, but..by wed we were @ eachothers throats..who’s missing? No females. Lauren hill? ..[what about lil wayne?] …& the albums? 10) pub enemy, nation of millions 9) tupac 8) 7) nwa 6)jayzee 5)run dmc raising hell 4) biggie, ready to die, 3). ..2)? 1)paid in full (eric b. & rakim [spare, stripped down..rhyming, flawless,..his fav, raising hell ..6 of 10 from gangsta rap era ..[has this guy abandoned anglos..has he caved? Or is he speaking to his primary audience ? Only a handful of whites in the room of maybe 50]…hip hop orig was new york centric..like 50’s in memphis & orleans..but now things changing..begin. here in L.A. large af am pop in late 80’s..lot of kids rapping , deejaying..public enemy (long island), ..why so amazing..first class..am bl roots of hip hop ..we mentioned gil scott herron..changing..g.master flash.. some dies..pub enemy brings it back.chuck d. Knows his …pub enemy makes a political mess. ..from a white perspective..bob dylan…Fear of a black planet..nation of millions..huge..brought over to white…white intells..get more intrsted..then nwa and tupac..gangsta rap..west coast..using what pub enemy doing back east..more outrageous & angry than pub enemy.. …What we hear..chuck D….at rock of fame..had him come & lecture ..he said it was a refl of blues..language previously couched..in blues..now able to scream it..listen to tupac, … in harlem..best pedigree..black panther..he was deep into it..early life a mess..what tupac … shakur.this man had a..he was a 5 tool player….genuine anger..he was intelligent..bitter but intelligent..most important..listen to cadence of words..anyone can rhyme..but cadence…..Eminem..too many words..don’t apprec his stuff as much..tupac best ever..right in middle..perfect storm..east west..1990’s..mid 90’s..bitter rivalry east v west ..ironic …and tupac …then —– killed..neither murder solved..//Why a feud ? East jealous? Tupac..death row l.a..; bad boy east..so 2 diff schools forming.. Then puff daddy..sean combs (aka diddy, p diddy, puff daddy, p daddy) .west… tupac….2 "m words" .1) MEDIA..hip hop mags..source..vibe..’88 mtv raps ..2) MONEY ..early 90’s..can make money..on radio…mtv..also white element..beastie boys..middle class white kids in suburbs.. …Bold personalities..incendiary..tupac murdered..later biggie (notorious B.I.G, Real name Christopher Wallace, aka biggie smalls) killed..media gets hold of it ..society says its out of control….when Biggie dies..album..double platinum.. Also the tree..acid jazz, socially conscious hip hop, funk jazz, trip hop, some from england ..england didn’t embrace hip hop at first ….Arrested development..? Hip hop? Some music lost relevancy..blues, big band ..glenn miller..ragtime..some become "historical"..mid-90’s..hip hop not dying, but branching out..moody blues..I hated it…but difference between hating versus respecting [I actually liked moody blues & saw them @ hollywood bowl]…Who else ? Outcasts, wootang, lords of underground, onyx,.[several others shouted out] .hip hop 90’s taking over…Now beyond nyc & LA..master P…new orleans..tree exploding..geographic connections..diff sound..good businessman..he also played b-ball..also atlanta…in south, but northern sensib.,,,also houston..health..multi-billion $ business..mainstreaming of hip hop,,,gangsta rap dies out…invention, re-invention…..also, rise of detroit..eminem..major figure…brings detroit to forefront..making detroit hip..and then kid rock ..real..metal..fringe genres..coming together w/ hop hop..limp biscit, korn,…Today? Hip hop becoming irrelevant? ..making lots of money..stop changing..less experimentation..less bold, ..fashion from hip hop …u know u become mainstream when grammy recognizes u..heresy for me to say but….Recording academy..being in biz..producer, writer, ….[Plays vid eminem & elton jon..given hip hop’s homophobic culture..this was seminal] [ was it a seminal moment as the beginning of the END of hip-hop, as it lost its verve?] ..2006 nas comes out saying hip hop dead..didn’t want to stay stuck in rut…had nas here….rock hall of fame brings in hip hop, grammy awards..world knows hip hop …After we did whitehouse thing..state dept..calls..cultural diplomacy..obama revived it.. they asked me to organize hop hop to go to muslim countries.[hip hop to muslim countries as a form of diplomacy ?! Please explain how that would appease muslims or appeal to muslims who already think of America as godless] .as did armstrong & ellington 50 yrs ago …I couldn’t run it….Where is hop hop now ? Ring tone..commercialize..sound same..its on life support now..homogenized..mentions nicky menaj opening for britney spears in upcoming tour..360 degrees ..piracy..economy ….Country music still buys cd’s ..loyalty..not download..not w/ hip hop….need audience with means to support act ..when economy of art form goes away..trouble ..younger gen doesn’t feel the concept of spportin.."////BELOW are the NOTES from SESSION 1 of 3 (I missed session 2 ) ——————————–
3/29/11 NOTES FROM HIP-HOP SURVEY COURSE (1 of 3) taught by Bob @ GM: "…learn more abt music forums….like hip hop..whats a middle age white guy teaching hip hop..I’m a musical historian…af am music my specialty..not hip hop.this class not like the elvis class.this is a survey course..3 periods as an overview..will have other courses..hip hop america’s pop music now last quarter century..its a survey class..people who live this culture..if u want to add, embellish..can never learn too much..my expertise. Af am music..also reggae..after hip hop comes bob marley exhibit..a hip hop museum ready to launch..in bronx..I’m on board…maybe russel simmons on board..anybody see him here a few weeks ago….others coming chris blackwell, ..pbs special..kate..@ whitehouse..kate did this exhibit..don’t need to agree..its interpretive..subjectivity..otherwise just read in book ..used to teach @ rutgers..this is not academia..try to do this in colloquial way..not preach to u..meant to be entertaining..some here b/c I asked u to come..I didn’t come quickly to hip hop..even tho I was there in the early 70’s…think of 20th century..america’s century..come to age as superpower..after fall of comm ..also musically, no country can touch what we have given to the world musically in 20th century..separate bl & wh culture..look @ af am contribs..as to amt..# of new forms..brilliant artists..overall impact.entire world..not all clear cut..jazz black music form..but dig down.others contrib too ..but in general..louis armstrong et al..blues blues jazz, soul, funk, r & b, disco, hip hop, bee bop swing, cool, fusion,,of all these forms..all given due..endorsed exported..except hip hop until now…revol music..challenges..polit..most recent..hasn’t gotten its due.celeb gospel blues…maybe too controversial to get credit..still…what made it so..give & take of african cult..also anglo irish..also racism..extra tension..in nutshell..bl & wh celbr..where r we now..first time..af ams bouncing …haven’t had major music..lately..last was grunge..late 80’s, 90’s..music slowed down ?ess imp..25% decrease in concert att…here to ..soul music..motown..also…and atlantic..golden age..also rock roll..then 1970’s..chronolog..musically ’63 to ’73..that’s the 60’s music era..hip hop..not 60’s ..bronx..how go from soul ..then..to funk…I don’t know re hip hop in ’73 ..have to wait 6 years..before recorded artifact..rappers delight ..sugar hill gang..why in this ? .69 71 motown losing lustre..stevie wonder..migrated..motown leaves detroit comes here..but not like it used to be..sly & family stone..loses sensib as..couple key bands & artists..2 huge..gil scott herron ..last poets..black..music…."when revol comes.."..gangsta rap..not on radio..last poets..many blacks didn’t even know of this music..marvin gaye..more known..cnsdrd greatest of all times..70-73 ..clip.."far too many of u dying.."…[red hat]..also "sounds of philadelphia"..the oj’s..signed in cleve but rcrded in phillie.."love train" ….revolution vs love..this is backdrop to bronx ..no q..rock surfaces memphis ..why hip hop fr bronx..music to be created & sustained..not just artist but audience..in bronx..it was like beirut or baghdad..suffered incredibly..ny in bad condition..bronx pushed aside..gangs ..drugs..south bronx..maybe mother cabrini projrcts chicago..maybe south l.a….become so isolated..create in a vacum w/o outside interference or ack..seattle..grunge..a seam..pearl jam, nirvana..already formed b/f world knew..a lot carribeans settled nyc ..jamaicans..brooklyn..1962 jamaica indep..many got out..s. bronx…late 60’s..kid campbell..clive ..from jamaica..brings..reggae..sound systems..everything outdoors ..disc jockey….toast over dub plates..jamaicans come to usa with this..clive campbell..longs for jamaica..wonders what he’s doing in bronx..sound system..he didn’t know he was creating history…invit..come to dj cool hercs party set up jamaica style..earliest hip hop…rap..part of af am cult..verbal battles..here at herks party..af ams and jamaicans together..’73..sudden concept of spinning records..unique way, art form..74 75..another frm..also hispanic & gay..disco..gets no respect…but it was important..w/o disco no m. Jackson, no usher..in manhattan..records..disc spun..if white grate dead, almond bros,..underground movement, black hispanic gay..dance again..mixing..never leave dance floor..77 sat night fever..mst imp of all time..j. travolta..exported disco cult..drugs..all this happ.. bee gees..trammpps…burn baby burn..disco inferno..red & white outfits..early hip hop would borrow from.some day will do disco shoe exhibit….or rush..sex pistols.springsteen..u had to select what u would embrace….people dressed their music..
Then bob marley..new sensib..lively up yourself..all this happening..rappers delight..sugarhill gang….soul train on tv..imp for black..this was seminal..just happened to catch it on camera..not the best
Three main entities..curtis blow..then up to run dmc ..hip hop is developing a consc style.that will explode…grand wizard theatre..scratching..then grand master flash. Popularized it..then .barbada (?)..flash a seminal giant..
Dj & mc..back then dj..was the guy..age of mc in future..dancing why they’re spinning records..bee boy bee girl..bboy break dancing..some of best break dancers were latino ..
Tagging..grafitti..becomes part..cey dams..tagging did a piece here ..been dodging cops for 3 decades…there’s a f you mentality in bronx..didn’t want to be part of discos..taggers..socs & psys studied.. I was in zurich..most expensive place in world..cab..graffitti wall..
[He periodically makes some of his prejudices obvious..re "conservative zurich"..wouldn’t apprec it in des moines iowa.."no offense to des moines"..let’s "rock n roll"..(it was a term for sexual icourse)..he’s talking to white christians….jazz also fr black culture ..means sex icourse.."
Posted by VANDERKOK on 2011-04-14 00:16:15
Tagged: , curtis blow , run dmc , grand master flash , grand wizard theatre , tagging , graffiti , nas , black planet , ll cool j , eminem , big daddy kane , mtv , krx-1 , public enemy , rakim , gangsta rap , diddy , puff daddy , p diddy , sean combs , arrested development , outcasts , wootang , nwa , shakur , tupac , ice cube , beastie boys , lords of underground , jayzee , lil wayne , santelli , grammy moody blues , bronx , russel simmons , sugarhill gang , last poets , marvin gaye , ojays , clive campbell , dj cool herc , saturday night fever , travolta , disco , bee gees , trampps , disco inferno , burn baby burn
The post 4/12/11 NOTES FROM GM HIP-HOP SURVEY SESSION 3 of 3 appeared first on Good Info.
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blackkudos · 7 years
Alvin Ailey
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Alvin Ailey (January 5, 1931 – December 1, 1989) was an African-American choreographer and activist who founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York City. He is credited with popularizing modern dance and revolutionizing African-American participation in 20th-century concert dance. His company gained the nickname "Cultural Ambassador to the World" because of its extensive international touring. Ailey's choreographic masterpiece Revelations is believed to be the best known and most often seen modern dance performance. In 1977, Ailey was awarded the Spingarn Medal from the NAACP. He received the Kennedy Center Honors in 1988, just one year before his death. In 2014, President Barack Obama selected Ailey to be a posthumous recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Early years
Ailey was born to his 17-year-old mother, Lula Elizabeth Ailey, in Rogers, Texas. His father, also named Alvin, abandoned the family when Alvin was only six months old. Like many African Americans living in Texas during the Great Depression, Ailey and his mother moved often and had a hard time finding work.
Ailey grew up during a time of racial segregation, violence and lynchings against African Americans. Early experiences in the Southern Baptist church and juke joints instilled in him a fierce sense of black pride that would later figure prominently in Ailey's signature works.
In the fall of 1942, Ailey's mother, in common with many African Americans, migrated to Los Angeles, California, where she heard of lucrative work supporting the war effort. Ailey, aged 11, joined his mother later by train, having stayed behind in Texas to finish out the school year. Ailey's first junior high school in California was located in a primarily white school district. As one of the few black students, Ailey felt out of place because of his fear of whites, so the Aileys moved to a predominantly black school district. He matriculated at George Washington Carver Junior High School, and later attended the Thomas Jefferson High School. He sang spirituals in the glee club, wrote poetry, and demonstrated a talent for languages. He regularly attended shows at Lincoln Theater and the Orpheum Theater. Ailey did not become serious about dance until in 1949 his school friend Carmen De Lavallade introduced him to the Hollywood studio of Lester Horton. Horton would prove to be Ailey's major influence, becoming a mentor and giving him both a technique and a foundation with which to grow artistically.
Horton's school taught a wide range of dance styles and techniques, including classical ballet, jazz, and Native American dance. Alvin quickly fell in love with dance. Horton's school was also the first multi-racial dance school in the United States. Ailey was, at first, ambivalent about becoming a professional dancer. He had studied Romance languages at various universities in California, but was restless, academically, and took courses as well in the writings of James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, and Carson McCullers. He moved to San Francisco to continue his studies in 1951. There, he met Marguerite Johnson, who later changed her name to Maya Angelou. They occasionally performed a nightclub act called "Al and Rita". Ailey earned a living waiting tables and dancing at the New Orleans Champagne Supper Club. Eventually, he returned to study dance with Horton in southern California.
The Horton Dance Company
He was introduced to the company through Carmen, a lifelong friend. At the age of 22 Ailey began full-time study at Horton's school. He joined Horton's company in 1953, making his debut in Horton's Revue Le Bal Caribe. It was during this period that Ailey performed in several Hollywood films. Like all of Horton's students, Ailey studied other art forms, including painting, acting, music, set design, and costuming, as well as ballet and other forms of modern and ethnic dance.
When Horton died in November 1953 the tragedy left the company without an artistic director. The company had outstanding contracts that required and desired new works. When no one else stepped forward, Ailey assumed the role of artistic director. Despite his youth and lack of experience (Ailey was only 22 years old and had choreographed only one dance in a workshop) he began choreographing, directing scene and costume designs, and running rehearsal and he also directed one of the shows for the company.
New York
In 1954, he and his friend Carmen De Lavallade were invited to New York to dance in the Broadway show, House of Flowers by Truman Capote, starring Pearl Bailey and Diahann Carroll. He also appeared in Sing, Man, Sing (1956, starring Harry Belafonte) and in Jamaica (1957) with Lena Horne and Ricardo Montalbán. The New York modern dance scene in the fifties was not to Ailey's taste. He observed the classes of modern dance contemporaries such as Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, and José Limón. He felt Graham's dancing "finicky and strange" and disliked the techniques of both Humphrey and Limón. Ailey expressed disappointment at not being able to find a technique similar to Horton's. Not finding a mentor, he began creating works of his own.
Alvin Ailey Dance Theater
Ailey formed his own group, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, in 1958. The group presented its inaugural concert on March 30, 1958. Notable early work included Blues Suite, a piece deriving from blues songs. Ailey's choreography was a dynamic and vibrant mix growing out of his previous training in ballet, modern dance, jazz, and African dance techniques. Ailey insisted upon a complete theatrical experience, including costumes, lighting, and make-up. A work of intense emotional appeal expressing the pain and anger of African Americans, Blues Suite was an instant success and defined Ailey's style.
For his signature work, Revelations, Ailey drew upon his "blood memories" of Texas, the blues, spirituals, and gospel. These forces resulted in the creation of his most popular and critically acclaimed work. Ailey originally intended the dance to be the second part of a larger, evening-length survey of African-American music which he began with Blues Suite.
Although Ailey created 79 works for his dancers, he maintained that his company was not merely a showcase for his own work. Today, the company continues Ailey's vision by performing important works from the past and commissioning new additions to the repertoire. In all, more than 200 works by over 70 choreographers have been performed by the company.
Ailey was proud that his company was multi-racial. While he wanted to give opportunities to black dancers, who were frequently excluded from performances by racist attitudes at the time, he also wanted to rise above issues of negritude. His company always employed artists based solely on artistic talent and integrity regardless of their race.
Ailey continued to create work for his own company and also choreographed for other companies.
In 1962 the U.S. State Department sponsored the Alvin Ailey Dance Company's first overseas tour. Ailey was suspicious of his government benefactors' motives. He suspected they were propagandistic, seeking to advertise a false tolerance by showcasing a modern Negro dance group.
In 1970, Ailey was honored by a commission to create The River for the American Ballet Theatre (ABT). He viewed The River, which he based on the music of composer Duke Ellington, as a chance to work with some of the finest ballet dancers in the world, particularly with the great dramatic ballerina Sallie Wilson. The ABT, however, insisted that the leading male role be danced by the only black man in the company, despite misgivings by Ailey and others about the dancer's talent.
Cry (1971) was one of Ailey's greatest successes. He dedicated it to his mother and black women everywhere. It became a signature piece for Judith Jamison.
The Alvin Ailey Dance Theater was constructed by Tishman Realty and Construction Corporation of New York, Manhattan's largest builder.
Ailey made use of any combination of dance techniques that best suited the theatrical moment. Valuing eclecticism, he created more a dance style than a technique. He said that what he wanted from a dancer was a long, unbroken leg line and deftly articulated legs and feet ("a ballet bottom") combined with a dramatically expressive upper torso ("a modern top"). "What I like is the line and technical range that classical ballet gives to the body. But I still want to project to the audience the expressiveness that only modern dance offers, especially for the inner kinds of things."
Ailey's dancers came to his company with training from a variety of other schools, from ballet to modern and jazz and later hip-hop. He was unique in that he did not train his dancers in a specific technique before they performed his choreography. He approached his dancers more in the manner of a jazz conductor, requiring them to infuse his choreography with a personal style that best suited their individual talents. This openness to input from dancers heralded a paradigm shift that brought concert dance into harmony with other forms of African-American expression, including big band jazz.
In 1992 Alvin Ailey was inducted into the National Museum of Dance's Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney Hall of Fame in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Personal life
Ailey kept his life as a dancer a secret from his mother for the first two years.
For a time during the 1950s, Ailey was romantically involved with political activist David McReynolds.
Ailey died on December 1, 1989 at the age of 58. To spare his mother the social stigma of his death from HIV/AIDS, he asked his doctor to announce that he had died of terminal blood dyscrasia.
Cinco Latinos, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Kaufmann Concert Hall, New York City, 1958.
Blues Suite (also see below), Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre,Kaufmann Concert Hall, 1958.
Revelations, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Kaufmann ConcertHall, 1960
Three for Now, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Clark Center, New York City, 1960.
Knoxville: Summer of 1915, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Clark Center, 1960.
(With Carmen De Lavallade) Roots of the Blues, Lewisohn Stadium, New York City, 1961.
Hermit Songs, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1963.
Ariadne, Harkness Ballet, Opera Comique, Paris, 1965.
Macumba, Harkness Ballet, Gran Teatro del Liceo, Barcelona, Spain,1966, then produced as Yemanja, Chicago Opera House, 1967.
Quintet, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Church Hill Theatre, Edinburgh Festival, Scotland, 1968, then Billy Rose Theatre, New York City, 1969.
Masekela Langage, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, American Dance Festival, New London, Connecticut, 1969, then Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York City, 1969.
Streams (also see below), Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1970.
Gymnopedies, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1970.
The River, American Ballet Theatre, New York State Theater, 1970.
Flowers, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, ANTA Theatre, 1971.
Myth, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, New York City Center, 1971.
Choral Dances, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, New York City Center, 1971.
Cry, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, New York City Center, 1971.
Mingus Dances, Robert Joffrey Company, New York City Center, 1971.
Mary Lou's Mass, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, New York City Center, 1971.
Song for You, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, New York City Center, 1972.
The Lark Ascending, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, New York City Center, 1972.
Love Songs, Alvin Ailey City Center Dance Theater, New York City Center, 1972.
Shaken Angels, 10th New York Dance Festival, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1972.
Sea Change, American Ballet Theatre, Kennedy Center Opera House, Washington, D.C., 1972, then New York City Center, 1973.
Hidden Rites, Alvin Ailey City Center Dance Theater, New York City Center, 1973.
Archipelago, 1971,
The Mooche, 1975,
Night Creature, 1975,
Pas de "Duke", 1976,
Memoria, 1979,
Phases, 1980
Landscape, 1981.
Acting and dancing
(Broadway debut) House of Flowers, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1954 - Actor and dancer.
The Carefree Tree, 1955 - Actor and dancer.
Sing, Man, Sing, 1956 - Actor and dancer.
Show Boat, Marine Theatre, Jones Beach, New York, 1957 - Actor and dancer.
Jamaica, Imperial Theatre, New York City, 1957 - Actor and lead dance.
Call Me By My Rightful Name, One Sheridan Square Theatre, 1961 - Paul.
Ding Dong Bell, Westport Country Playhouse, 1961 - Negro Political Leader.
Blackstone Boulevard, Talking to You, produced as double-bill in 2 by Saroyan, East End Theatre, New York City, 1961-62.
Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright, Booth Theatre, 1962 - Clarence Morris.
Stage choreography
Carmen Jones, Theatre in the Park, 1959.
Jamaica, Music Circus, Lambertville, New Jersey, 1959.
Dark of the Moon, Lenox Hill Playhouse, 1960.
(And director) African Holiday (musical), Apollo Theatre, New York City, 1960, then produced at Howard Theatre, Washington, D.C., 1960.
Feast of Ashes (ballet), Robert Joffrey Company, Teatro San Carlos, Lisbon, Portugal, 1962, then produced at New York City Center, 1971.
Antony and Cleopatra, Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1966.
La Strada, first produced at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, 1969.
(With others) Mass, Metropolitan Opera House, 1972, then John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia Academy of Music, both 1972.
Carmen, Metropolitan Opera, 1972.
Choreographed ballet, Lord Byron (opera; also see below), Juilliard School of Music, New York City, 1972.
Four Saints in Three Acts, Piccolo Met, New York City, 1973.
(With William Hairston) Jerico-Jim Crow, The Sanctuary, New York City, 1964, then Greenwich Mews Theatre, 1968.
Film appearances
(Film debut) Dancer, Lydia Bailey, Twentieth-Century Fox, 1952
Dancer, Carmen Jones, Twentieth-Century Fox, 1954
Film choreography
Choreographer (with others), The Turning Point, Twentieth-Century Fox, 1977.
Television appearances
Dancer (with Horton Company), Party at Ciro's (also see below), 1954.
Dancer (with Horton Company), Red Skelton Show (also see below), CBS, 1954.
(With Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre) Dave Garroway Today Show, NBC, 1959.
(With Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre) Look Up and Live, CBS, 1962.
(With Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre) Camera Three, CBS, 1962-63.
America's Tribute to Bob Hope, NBC, 1988.
A Duke Named Ellington (also known as American Masters), PBS, 1988.
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1988.
16th Annual Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame, syndicated, 1989.
Bill Cosby Salutes Alvin Ailey, NBC, 1989.
Television choreography
The Jack Benny Show, CBS, 1954.
Red Skelton Show, CBS, 1954.
Parade, CBC, 1964.
Alvin Ailey: Memories and Visions, PBS, 1974.
"Blues Suite", Three by Three, PBS, 1985.
"Revelations", The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1988.
"Revelations", Bill Cosby Salutes Alvin Ailey, NBC, 1989.
"For Bird - With Love", Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Steps Ahead, PBS, 1991.
Also contributed choreography for Party at Ciro's, 1954.
Choreographed Ailey Celebrates Ellington, 1974 and 1976, Solo for Mingus, 1979, and Memoria, 1979.
Blues Suite, Masekela Langage, Streams, and the ballet of Lord Byron have been filmed.
In 2012 Ailey was inducted into the Legacy Walk, an outdoor public display which celebrates LGBT history and people.
A crater on Mercury is named for him as well.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Rep. Tim Scott to replace DeMint; Cries of ‘token,’ ‘Uncle Ruckus’ begin
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/rep-tim-scott-to-replace-demint-cries-of-token-uncle-ruckus-begin/
Rep. Tim Scott to replace DeMint; Cries of ‘token,’ ‘Uncle Ruckus’ begin
As Twitchy reported, Gov. Haley is set to officially announce that Rep. Tim Scott will be Sen. DeMint’s replacement. Non-racists, which includes thrilled conservatives, swiftly and excitedly congratulated Rep. Scott.
Twitter users predicted that the reaction would be quite different on the racist Left; would they come out with their usual hate and sickening racial epithets?
Waiting for the meltdown by MSNBC on Tim Scott being chosen to replace Jim DeMint.
— Demetrius Minor (@dminor85) December 17, 2012
And, of course they did. Ah, the tolerance! Once again, scratch a leftist and find a racist. Every time. First come the predictable and disgusting cries of “token.”
Cheer the token black.He joins MSteele, HCain, CThomas, AWest, & CRice.No impact on blacks voting 4 #GOP. Another HOUSE #NEGRO @thegrio
— Bernie (@GuessWho002) December 10, 2012
That was in anticipation of the announcement today! And after the news broke?
TOKEN NEGRO: SC Gov Nikki Haley to name Rep Tim Scott, SC’s first African-American GOP rep since 1901, to replace Sen Jim DeMint. Event
— lovelyladypa (@lovelyladypa) December 17, 2012
lawd nikki haley picking a token for senate scott to say they hv a blk lawd
— lovelyladypa (@lovelyladypa) December 17, 2012
@lovelyladypa she can’t be serious!! Does Tim Scott honestly think he would ever be a Senator if not for this token appt??
— Kim (@girly1121) December 17, 2012
@girly1121 @irismonique i hv lots of fam in sc they cant stand the fool – they say a white area elected him – he does nothng for blks
— lovelyladypa (@lovelyladypa) December 17, 2012
@girly1121 @irismonique Know my uncle in 80’s says he is their new mistrial show lol
— lovelyladypa (@lovelyladypa) December 17, 2012
@zcigar gop got their token blk senator scott lawd aa’s arent fooled that wont help the gop party his recd same as demints
— lovelyladypa (@lovelyladypa) December 17, 2012
@lovelyladypa…you know they are going to act like it’s the greatest thing! And Scott doesn’t mind being the token
— Iris(@IrisMonique) December 17, 2012
And the vicious, racist hate continues.
Meet America’s newest “House Negro”! He’s replacing Jim DeMint in South Carolina. @thinkprogress thkpr.gs/V36jRm
— Smooth (@smoothjazznmore) December 17, 2012
Uncle Tim Scott.
— Dan (sí) (@Coganuts) December 17, 2012
First off Tim Scott is a joke to say the least… Uncle Ruckus
— Carolina_Slim (@Carolina_Slim) December 17, 2012
@liberalphenom Just bcz Halley is appointing Uncle Ruckus aka Tim Scott doesnt mean GOP cares abt minorities
— Rita A (@ritaag) December 17, 2012
He is Uncle Ruckus RT @lukerussert: Rep. Tim Scott (R-SC) set to become the Senate’s only African-American: firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/…
— Rita A (@ritaag) December 17, 2012
Tim Scott or uncle ruckus?….. Sound like the same person to me. Look like Mr Charlie just picked a Tom ….,#TeamFollowBack
— zug9mm (@zug9mm) December 17, 2012
Gee, courtesy of S Carolina GOP, the nation gets Tim Scott an ultra-rightwing, Tea Party devotee US Senator who’s Black only in skin color
— Amos Brown (@Amoswtlcindy) December 17, 2012
Not “black enough,” you see. All “those people” must think alike.
Repugnant. And so it begins, again. May the Left one day judge people on the content of their character, and not on the color of their skin.
Update: Twitter takes one of the racists to task.
@msnbcwatch Your Twitter handle explains how “openminded” you are. Go back to watching Fox News
— Amos Brown (@Amoswtlcindy) December 17, 2012
@stephensheiko From what I’ve seen many of his beliefs holds back African-Americans. Which is a third of his state.
— Amos Brown (@Amoswtlcindy) December 17, 2012
Gee. Got bunch of tweets defending Tim Scott. But none of them can tell me why Scott, new SC Senator, would be good for Black people.
— Amos Brown (@Amoswtlcindy) December 17, 2012
@tonykatz If it benefits the wealthy and not relief for working class folks, then Mr. Scott’s tax reforms would hold back African-Americans
— Amos Brown (@Amoswtlcindy) December 17, 2012
And he ups the vile even further.
@liberatetheusa So when Sen-designate Scott does nothing to reduce gun violence in Black neighborhoods and places like Newtown you’ll like
— Amos Brown (@Amoswtlcindy) December 17, 2012
Shameful: Racist Left: ‘GOP trotting out tokens,’ ‘good ole token negro black boys,’ ‘ Uncle Toms’
Tolerance: Libs call black Republican Ken Blackwell ‘Uncle Tom’ for defending GOP from false accusations of voter suppression
Stacey Dash casts vote for Romney; Vicious Left says ‘Die bitch,’ ‘hope you get shot Uncle Tom’
Obama supporters serve up venomous ‘revenge’ to actress Stacey Dash: ‘Die,’ ‘come off porch, house slave’
Vile: Racist Obama supporters call Stacey Dash ‘house negro,’ ‘Uncle Tom,’ ‘Oreo’
Sick: Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love ‘dirty, worthless whore’ and ‘House Nigger’
Justice Thomas dissents, Left hurls vile racial slurs ‘house nigga,’ ‘Uncle Tom’
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/12/17/gov-haley-picks-rep-tim-scott-to-replace-demint-vile-cries-of-token-uncle-ruckus-begin/
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clockworkdoorhinge · 7 years
been thinking abt a post i saw that was like “when white people say they have a black friend” and the picture is this dude with flat emo hair dressed like a weeb out for the weekend. so, the underlying message is, acting not-black means you dont count. culturally, youre racist too, basically. which takes us tangentially to the moreorless recently invented idea that gayness is a white thing (probably because expressing it is a class privilege and white people have white supremacy on hand to elevate their class status–impoverished whites also hate gayness for being something associated with wealth, even tho yknow, its just part of nature and rich ppl are the ones who dont want it in the workers because they want a high worker replacement rate for their factories and militaries. the nationalism angle of number-gaming ties into the vein of black nationalism that applies that same logic–to their own people–abusing and disavowing “traitors” exactly the way the worlds wealthiest want, playing into the old divide and conquer routine and making the proponents of this doomed true-insider/unmasked-outsider spiral rich, as ONLY the finger-pointers can get)(citing a million mainstream rap lyrics, informed by certain podium speakers, that suggest hiv is synonymous with gayness and both are an antiblack psy-op that must be disrupted by closing ranks). so anyway that meme i saw. you arent black if you dont have recent african ancestry, and you still might not be if you do but dont act black enough. eg you can act black but not be black and you can look black but not be black. this marginalized groups getting smaller all the time! “good” strategy. who wont be black enough next? whats the shade for the cutoff? if youve ever seen a golfball …did you stop being oppressed by antiblackness? that tyler the creator video from january springs to mind…
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