#imposter gemstones
delappdesignsbyl · 2 months
Impostor Jewelry - Mistaken Gemstones in History
Gemstones of all kinds have been around since antiquity, see any of my Jewelry History or Birthstone blog posts as examples. However, the scientific process to positively identify these gemstones has only been around in the last 100 years. In this respect, there are at least a few famous jewels that were previously mistaken for another gemstone. Below are a few that I found while researching for…
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grinchwrapsupreme · 7 months
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character thesis tbh
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rainbowjay20 · 3 months
So I know a lot about jewelry and I've never heard this term before. It seems like they are creating a subclassification between red and yellow, which makes them rare as both red and yellow are rare. I've never much been a diamond girl, although I've had a few.
I like my birthstone, Sapphire. I also like the true, not created, or fake star Rubies and Sapphires. They are beautiful. The idea that something like that is created by a flaw in the stone? I like that idea. Our flaws make us who we are.
When I was big into gemstones and jewelry, I was one of those "ring on every finger" girls. I had a star sapphire, a emerald, a ruby, an amethyst and a few others. I had both metals because I preferred white gold or platinum. Although gold didn't look bad on me, and rose gold was fine too. But wearing jewelry now almost feels like a costume, sometimes. Most of my jewelry disappeared in the house.(That's a different story.) I did find the diamond and the star sapphire. I know what costume that is, and it definitely isn't me right now.
I was think about all of this because of the show I was watching, Imposters. It's leaving Netflix soon, so I said okay, I'll bite. It's interesting. It's about cons. A woman who convinces men and women to marry her, then absconds with all the money. Fictional, of course, but so very believable. Whoever says they don't consider the finances of the person they are about to marry? They are lying.
Strange thoughts for a Saturday Morning.
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You're probably getting bombarded with asks right now so sorry to add to the clutter - but I am a huge rock nerd - that goes beyond like Steven Universe and Houseki no Kuni. So I just want to share some stones and stuff that have cool properties and maybe could provide some inspiration (mainly tho so I can list off rock facts)
Mercury: Mohs 3.5, Toughness: Brittle - Malleable. Technically Mercury is always found in it's liquid form unless amalgamated with other elements, etc. But Mercury actually can be solidified, creating a "rock" with a 3.5 Mohs scale. What's interesting about this is that this solid Mercury produces an awful echo-screeching sound when bent. Idk how this would apply for a SU One Piece Character, but having the abilities to liquify, solidify, as well as being a very heavy metal which corrodes or amalgamates with many other rocks, a character like this would be a difficult opponent, or a powerful ally.
Calsilica: This ones funny because it's not a natural gem, and has an extensive history of people trying to claim that it is. Rather, Calsilica can be made from the run off byproducts in plastic, epoxy, wax, etc, condensed so hard it becomes a rock. I've had character ideas of this kind being a gem who either feels like they're lesser for being man-made, or even having imposter syndrome.
Painite: Mohs 7.5-8, tough. An incredibly rare, red-orange gem, which though is a lesser "hardness" then diamond, could easily break or shatter one.
That's another interesting thing about diamonds that was less included in the show, but they are very brittle - while sapphires, rubies, jade may be of a lesser Mohs scale, they could easily crush a diamond. Especially Jade. Jade may be one of the toughest, naturally occurring gemstones out there (hence why there are so many carvings made out of it) and can even be stronger than steal, also with no known cleavage point (point where the gemstone easily fractures most) it's a kind durable to both blunt and pin-point force.
Rutile: Rutile itself can be pretty thin and weak, but they usually occur inside of other gemstones, as needle-like fractals and growths. Their possibilities are endless and they're gorgeous. Hundreds of gem kinds can be "rutilated".
Carbyne: The. Strongest. Material. Known to man. Taking Graphenes place. I have OC's made of this, but the possibilities for character development are endless. Because, technically, only a 100 atoms of carbyne exist. They have to be contained by a graphene tube in order to stay in existence. These could be extremely powerful characters, but say their outer coating of graphene is gone? They'll vaporize. Carbyne, Graphene, and Buckminsterfullerene are all in the carbon family along with diamonds, and so modern experimentation has led to their creations, and thus, gemstones both harder and tougher than any diamond.
Though, having said all that stuff about diamonds, there is one kind that is incredibly difficult to shatter and that is Bort or Bortz. It's technically a term for any diamond that isn't jewel-grade, or natural diamond, used for cutting tools and abrasives, but as a gemstone, it would be the top tier of diamonds. Their crystal structure is smaller than a normal diamond and so blows or damage are spread out evenly through the material, rather than a regular diamond which will often take force over one point of cleavage and completely shatter.
Ok I will be quiet now I've literally been typing this for more than an hour - I just love gem Au's and your designs especially. Idk if you've heard of Houseki no Kuni but it's basically a manga/show where the characters are completely made out of the gemstones, unlike being manifestations of light in Steven Universe. I'm working on a fic/head canon au of HNK One Piece characters (once again because I'm a rock nerd)
Good lord. That's a lot of rock facts.
I def will be using this information in the future so I'm posting this as future reference/ getting this long thing outta my inbox/ showing everyone else these rock facts
Thanks for the ask and tips!
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comesitintheclover · 3 months
This is a love letter to being trans and to other trans people
this is for my t4t first kiss and being seen as a boy by those close to me before I cut my hair and the world started catching up.
this is for the first time a stranger called me a man unprompted being a day I was wearing earrings and bejewelled clips in my hair. For not having to change who I am to be a man.
this is for the trans masc lesbian who taught me how to break in my docs. the gemstones of community collected through time
this is for helping each other bind and songs by indie girl bands about wanting to be a boy, Kate bush singing about not being seen as a boy when she’s riding white horses and I don’t know what she means but I feel it in me and I’m sixteen and binding for the first time and everything feels magical.
this is for my trans brother putting trans stickers in public bathroom stalls and me seeing them at school and feeling less alone.
this is for me falling in love with the ways your voice and your body are changing with every T shot, falling more for you, and falling in love with what I will get to do one day.
this is for the YouTubers who I rewatch, those who show their bodies to the world and face the endless bs to help their trans siblings. The posts and forums that I have screenshotted. For the strangers who helped me find myself and will never know how comforted their words made me.
this is for the flamboyant album by Dorian Electra and splendor dysphoria by Superknova. For the trans musicians and artists and authors who inspire me forever and ever. Who create little infinities of bliss in their 3 minutes of song or few square inches of book pages.
this is for the overlap of identities and the love of body hair and all the butterfly themed stuff I have because they’re a transgender allegory. this is for waking up and touching my chest because it was just a nightmare and the surgery went well and this is my chest now (and it’s like it’s always been)
this is for feeling so proud that I didn’t back down when I could have stomached it because I’m so happy now I didn’t realise how much it hurt before.
this is for finding ourselves while governments uses us as its favourite chewtoy. for reading banned books. For seeing the world change. For the better and worse. For all the highs and lows. this is for you yelling back at that stranger “not a girl!” And me startled and anxious by your side and a bit starstruck. Falling a bit more in love. Writing 500 songs about it, maybe
this is for you telling me it’s okay to just try a new pronoun as we sat on the baseball benches that may. For us with our then-long hair in the sand that summer grinning about being boy-girl-girl-boy-girl-boy-girl-boy-boys. For wearing suits during spirit week. For the sopranos in suit and tie at the choir concert. For the beauty and joy of trans existence.
for the pronoun pins they made at the library. That my brother painted on a bottle cap for me. for getting to give my brother new nicknames from his new name.
this is for the trans people who have given me community and offered me a place to sleep and reignited my faith in humanity
this is for the queer youth group in the new town I lived in this summer. For seeing trans and queer people who were older than me. With white hair. For being cared for, for seeing a future that isn’t lonely. For the road trip we took and doodle the younger kid drew of us all. For spaces that our queer elders have created for us and and we will care for in turn 💗
this is for when you took me to the trans beach day for our third? last? date and I didn’t know what pronouns to put on my my-name-is sticker and I was scared I was an imposter but everyone was so kind and I saw life life life, joy joy joy. More people than the kind that get on a for you page or got cooked up in my feverish brain during lockdown. It was a new welcoming into the world and reality is always so much more beautiful than whatever one dimensional hope I could dream on my own.
this is for the binder I got that summer now neatly folded in the memory box at the top of my wardrobe with old poems and letters and that photo of us at pride when I finally decided I could go too 💗, too high up for me to reach this January with new scars across my chest.
it’s for the way we take care of each other. My friend who made me spaghetti and lent me his mastectomy pillow. For my bff crocheting me trans coloured flowers and a teddy bear. Telling me there’s no such thing as fish or men, helping me through post-surgical depression.
for how we change as time passes. For how we reconnect with new names. For how we may lose each other but still wish each other well with this journey. for poems about god and grapes and wine you collaged onto your bedroom wall. For the genderbendy collages I kept hidden in my closet.
for cutting off my tits to feel comfortable in skirts again. For being understood. For laying on the living room floor years ago telling you I see you as you even if they don’t. And you saying “what do you see though?”. For the hard bits. The times I’ve fucked up. For calling the help line. For your drag king/thing makeup. For the day I learned the word tomboy.
this is for us sitting on the summer sidewalk talking about missing T shots and microdosing and how it’s all gonna be okay.
this is for when you pointed at that statue of apollo and said you wished you looked like that and I bit my tongue because that was your journey to have not mine. This is for being mooned at a queer show. for being offered a cigarette in place of a kiss. for knowing I'll support you no matter what. for joking (kinda) about getting free the nipple tattooed of my post-surgery chest. for being both a woman and a man because I can.
this is for the beauty of the transgender experience, for not understanding gender but feeling it anyways. For becoming because you can, because the world is more open and joyful in a lot of ways now. It’s for coming back to school after quarantine and never being the only kid using multiple pronouns in each class. It’s for hope. It’s for life being more than death. It’s for the beauty of creation and the infinite shapes it takes. It’s for deciding the masculine is not alien. It’s for getting tipsy in the uni lounge and comparing how we think about our genders and feelings so cozy and there being no absolutes. this is for life being confusing but beautiful anyway. For not being able to decide wether to grow my hair back to my waist or to buzz it again. For the joy of waking up with hair short enough to stick up crazily. For you giving me an undercut with stationary scissors when I was 16 there was nothing better to use.
this is for gender being silly fun and profound all at once, all the time.
this is for the day I felt shit going into the woman’s bathroom and I saw this:
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this is for @boy-gender happy birthday! Thank you for helping me out with my fears about top surgery and listening to me rant about gender. I hope you have a wonderful day!
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 82... You have been warned...! 👌
[Breathes in... 😤]
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OH MY GOD!!!! 😱 THIS CHAPTER!!!! 😵 THAT ENDING....!!!! 💀
Ummm... L-Let's reel it back s-shall we...? 👍
So uh, at the beginning of this chapter, Nightfall and Agent Mustache are still waiting for Wheeler to show up, but they suspect that something is off... Then, we cut back to the park where the last chapter ended and see Wheeler and The SSS confront one another on who is who... Wheeler tells them that his green tie and "yellow" gemstone pin should be enough to prove who he is, so the SSS agents go to confirm that information and well...:
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Which means the "Wheeler" at the park was Twilight all along...!! 😲
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And that got me thinking that maybe the "Wheeler" that went up to Yuri in the last chapter was actually Wheeler and not Twilight like I originally thought... But, I'm still not 100 percent sure...!! 😩
Moving on, before they could catch him, Twilight already had some traps ready to go in the park to make it easier for him to escape, but the SSS are still hot on his tail...
After that, we this...:
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I was like...:
YURI!! WHAT HAPPENED!? 😵 Don't tell me that Twilight knocked you out OFF SCREEN!!
But then, on the next page:
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Me: Never mind...! 😅
It turns out that Twilight disguised himself as Yuri to make a quick get away from the SSS...! Though speaking of Yuri, we see him and Scarface (I think that's what I call him from now on 😉) looking around for Twilight when Yuri notices a shoe print that looks like the bottom of his shoes, even though they just arrived in that area... Yuri finds that his imposter's foot prints lead to the sewers, and he goes in...
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...Without any backup...
And after saying that Twilight ruined the fun he had tailing Loid with Yor (which I thought was cute 😊), things...
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...take a...
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...HUGE TURN...!! 😱
But before the chapter ended, we cut back to Yor, and...:
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Oh my gosh THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING (AND VERY STRESSFUL...!! 😵) There were SO MANY crazy things that happened in this chapter and the fact that it was only 16 PAGES LONG, I just-- I am SO READY for the next chapter!!! 😆
One of the things that I loved the most about this chapter was near the end when Twilight (disguised as Yuri) attacks Yuri... After he swings the pipe and is about to shoot Yuri, Twilight hesitates... Which shows to me that even though Yuri is his enemy, he's also Yor's brother, and I don't think Twilight is gonna hurt him... So, I definitely think that Twilight is the only that's gonna be injured in the next chapter, but we'll have to wait and see (AND I REALLY WISH THAT WE DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT...!! 😫)
So anyway, I'll y'all in the next mission...! Take care and be safe out there...!! And also...
That is all!! 😁 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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chloefrazer · 6 months
i was tagged by the gorgeous @latenna to do this associations with an oc template, thank you so much, aeris! ♡ i did this for my fledgling, mickey james, because i miss her so much, and it was wonderful getting back into her headspace.
i'm tagging: @nadineross, @brujah, @lexcanium, @dantesparda, @voerman, @elliewilliums, @katewalker, @gautiersylvain, & @abelas!
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mountain lions, rattle snakes, rottweilers. animals with sharp claws and sharp fangs; that know how to bite back. her protean discipline gears more toward feline animals, as well.
dark red, like mulled wine. gun-metal gray. navy blue.
october; specifically the end of october. the time where her life ended and her unlife began. still fall, not quite winter, but the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter.
wonderful life, bring me the horizon ft. dani filth (alone, getting high on a saturday night, i'm on the edge of a knife). wolf blood, d'arcy spiller (i got wolf blood, i run better on my own). nightmare, pvris (fuck your california dreams, get away from me).
larkspur, mulberry, nettle, rue.
cigarette smoke, wet pavement after it rains, pine scented air freshener, leather, amber.
smokey quartz.
the santa monica pier, the last round, her office in downtown los angeles.
bar food, fast food. things that are cheap and easy to get. burgers, wings, and fries. especially fond of late night, greasy pizza.
cheap beer, cherry coke, black coffee.
coriander, ginger, dill.
dark gray storm clouds, overcast. when a storm is just about to hit.
shape-shifting, specially into animals. she's already drawn to protean and its respective powers, so this would be very natural to her.
claws, teeth, her bare hands.
anything cinnamon flavored; red hots, hot tamales. also very fond of red vines and peanut m&ms.
public transport; grey hound buses, specifically. hitch-hiking, despite it being dangerous as all fuck.
abstract expressionism.
abandonment. imposter's syndrome. losing her newfound family that she found with the anarchs. loss of control and finding herself being a pawn for someone new.
not going for the obvious answer and saying vampire. gorgon.
a piece of notebook paper, with notes written in black ink. folded corners and torn in places. most likely stained with coffee.
meteorite, crashing into the earth.
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saitama-division · 5 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Kureha Koizumi
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~~ December 25th ~~
“Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be.”
Login Lines:
“I woke up to my phone going off like crazy, it nearly scared the hell out of me, I had thought something was wrong until I went to check it. Turns out it was just everyone wishing me either happy birthday, merry Christmas, or both. It was…nice…I’m still getting used to celebrating my birthday but having so many people wishing me well helps a lot.”
Voice Lines:
“Haah…It’s that time again, I’ve been trying to finish all of my holiday commission before Christmas but I’ve been getting more and more requests, I’m not complaining though, I could really use the money.”
“The snow looks really pretty today, it’s cold which is good. I remember watching the snow fall with…him…he was really pretty too…I miss him…”
“What do 22 year olds even do on their birthday? I don’t drink much and I refuse to go clubbing no matter what Lola says. Honestly, I much rather stay home or spend time with Sayaka, it’s always nice and warm whenever she’s around.”
“Ehhhh?! No way!! I can’t believe the Vox wished me a happy birthday! I mean, I know we’re in the DRB together but I never thought he’d noticed me! Holy shit, holy shit, this is awesome!”
“The art museum in Saitama did something special for me, the recently opened up a new art exhibition in my honor, it had all my favorite paintings and works from my favorite artists there! There was even some of my own works! I was so shocked but also really, really happy!”
“Thank you, Merry Christmas, Sayaka! I hope you liked my gift…Ah, that’s good, that makes me really happy, you’re welcome….Er, mom please, that’s so embarrassing, I’ve been grown up for a long while now besides, you have Yoshiko to dote over, I’m fine!…Mooom! Please! My face feels like it’s about to melt off!”
“Oh sick, mom! This is so cool! Thank you so much, I’m sure Kazu will love it! No, no, it’s fine, I’ve been meaning to get Kazu one of these for a while now but they’re usually so expensive and it looks super cool too, I love it and he’ll definitely love it. Aw, even when you’re looking for cat toys you’re still thinking of me, thank you, mom.”
“Merry Christmas, Lola. I see you’re back from wherever you’ve went, what? Did you not think I’d notice when you’re gone? Tsumugi’s a good actress but I’ve known you long enough to be able to tell when you’re not yourself or if there’s an imposter. I won’t ask for details, I’m just glad you’re back in time for Christmas…is that…is that blood?…Y’know what, nevermind, yes I’m sure now what is it that you got me?”
“Whoa! Are these gemstones? Wait, these are Yule Gemstones! Where the hell did you get these?! And how the hell do you know about them?! Ah…oh yeah, that’s right, I didn’t think you were listening…it’s not witchcraft, it’s Paganism, yes there’s a fucking difference. Shut it, he has nothing to do with my beliefs, still though, thank you for this, it’s really great.”
“Yoshiko! Hey, merry Christmas baby sister! Wow, you got that many presents huh? Well that’s no surprise, you’ve been a good girl all year and Santa knows that and is very happy with you. Hm? You got me something?”
“Awww, Yoshiko, this is so pretty! And well made too! You’re getting better and better each year, I’m seriously impressed, nicely done!”
Sayaka Lines:
“Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I really loved your gift, I never knew that I needed something like that, thank you so much! Oh, I can’t believe another year has gone by, I really wish that time would so down for once, my baby is all grown up! *sigh* I guess you’re right but just know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my baby….okay, okay, I’m sorry, here, I got you a present.”
“Ta-daaaa~! I got you a cat tree for Kazu-chan! I know it’s not something that you yourself can use but I figured that since you take such good care of Kazu, you’d want to get him something nice. I was thinking about what you usually wear when choosing which one to pick and I thought this one fit the bill. Oh, I’m glad you like it! Happy Birthday, honey!”
Lola Lines:
“Meeeeeeeerry Birthmas, my darling! Ehhh?? How did you know that I was gone?! Aww, and here I thought I was so clever to fool you…AWWW, Sunshine!! I’m so touched!! What did I do to deserve such a kind and considerate best friend?!…Hm? Oh, shit, I didn’t even notice that, you sure you don’t wanna know? It’s quite the tale? Okay, okay birthday girl, here you go.”
“I remember you telling me about those crystals you’re so interested in, something to do with witchcraft or some shit like that? Is there a difference, sweetheart? *sigh* I swear, sometimes I think I shouldn’t have let you met Lyall, didn’t think it was possible for you to become more goth than you already are, well, you look happy so I guess that’s good, merry Christmas sunshine.”
Bonus! Yoshiko Lines:
“Big sister! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas! Did you look at the tree?! I got soooo many presents! Hehe, mommy said that too! Yoshiko’s a good girl! Hey, hey! I have a gift for you! Here!”
“Yay! I’m happy big sister likes my present! I made it alllll by myself! Merry Christmas!”
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again-please · 6 months
OCs as obscure references  
oooo this is so fun, thank you for the tag @novarunestone!
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name: Neve Nomani
animal: crow
colours: forest green, gold, brown
month: september
posing in bondage - japanese breakfast
crush (stripped) - ethel cain
love more - sharon van etten
number: 13
plants: witch hazel, daisy, thyme 
smells: coffee, woodsmoke, soap 
gemstone: emerald
time of day: early morning
season: autumn
places: deep in a library, an apple orchard, an outdoor market
food: a full hearty breakfast, macarons, apples and brie
drinks: dry cider, chai
element: earth
astrological sign: virgo
seasonings: nutmeg, black pepper, sage
sky: clear
weather: sunny but cold
magical powers: extremely complicated wards 
weapons: brain. or in an emergency, nearest blunt object
social media: twitter, regrettably (for arguing)
make up product: blush
candy: fancy chocolates (the fancier the better) 
method of long distance travel: a train so she can read without getting motion sickness. and I think everyone is saying this but trains fucking rule so
art style: impressionism  
fear: rejection, imposter syndrome turning out to be warranted
mythological creature: sphinx
piece of stationery: t h i c k cardstock with a nice embossed letterhead
three emojis: ☕️👁️🔮
celestial body: black holes
tagging @septemberskye, @aevallare, @amywritesthings, if you want! and I am so serious about this, YOU if you want to do these things and never get tagged
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gi-zxt · 2 years
SAGAU Shorts - A Friend in the Chaos
Having been dropped into Genshin, branded an imposter, you’re on the verge of dropping to your knees and letting a sword take your life. Suppose, however, one of the gods was on your side; what if that god was just as much of an outcast, just as wanted to be executed, just as hated as you were?
This is a SAGAU Imposter AU with an OC of mine named Tlyre, who is an outcast from Celestia and can manipulate Chaos energy. Among Celestia, she is hated for escaping their wrath but holds just as much power as a weakened Archon; she makes up for it in cunning and stealth as well as fighting ability. Please let me know what you think of her!
As always, feedback is appreciated! I love hearing what y’all think of my writing!
Teyvat has been brutal and unforgiving to you. Maybe not the plants, weather or animals, but the people… oh, the people.
They chased you out of their towns, their cities, their gardens, hell, even the random caves that dotted the landscape.
You had nowhere to go.
Nowhere to call home.
Nowhere to hide.
Nowhere to run.
Those three words echo in your head as the Millelith slowly corner you against a sheer cliff, spears pointed directly at you as they step forwards .
“Reveal your true face, fake one, and we may yet spare you!” one of them barks loudly. “Or face the wrath of the Divine One!”
You pant heavily, clutching your shoulder, which is dislocated from where one of the guards hit you hard enough to pop it out of place not ten minutes ago. It hurts like a bitch, but not as badly as the feeling that you are going to die, branded an imposter of some… some deity you’ve never even heard of, some god that resembles you so closely.
Not like this. Please, not like this.
A tear runs down your cheek, drips down to your hand, where it shines in the rising sunlight, reflecting red and orange and…
No, it’s far too late in the sunrise for the sky to be pitch black, so why…?
“Pathetic mortals.”
You hear an ‘umph’ come from in front of you, looking just in time to watch one of the Millelith fall forward, his spear disappearing in a flash of particles before reappearing in his leg.
The guard screams in pain, but before his comrades can help him, another topples to the ground in the same fashion.
Then another. Then another, until finally all of them are unconscious or at least groaning in pain.
The one thing that catches your attention, however, is the black energy with dark blue speckles surrounding each of the weapons impaled in some body part or laying scattered on the ground.
“You know, is it not polite to try to kill somebody.”
Someone leans over the leader of the garrison that tried to attack you, their essence glowing with that same energy that surrounds the fallen.
“Me? I am what? Your end? Your death? A devil?”
The guard trembles in fear.
“Now, run along.”
He gets up shakily and begins to run towards Liyue Harbor, but before he makes it two steps, a pulse of black energy impales his leg, enough to knock him over and out but not enough to make him bleed out.
The person sighs, retracting the energy blade with a mutter of some foreign language.
They then turn to look at you.
“No, I am not here to hurt you,” they say, summoning a silver and blue spear that’s a head taller than they are—not saying much, but still—and twirling it.
“That—that’s what they all said!” you spit.
“The mortals speak of lies, of disgusting devotion to a god that no longer is… alive, I suppose you could say, on this plane of existence, yet they commit themselves to them nonetheless.” They—she, you see as she takes her hood off—say with a small, sad smile on her face.
“You say that like you were wronged by them,” you respond with caution, “like you were… outcast or something.”
She smiles, brushing a strand of her black—no, blue, it’s just dark, with light streaks of the color throughout the morning-dark strands—hair behind one pointed ear, which has three gemstones that glint in the low light.
“I am no Archon, and I am no mortal either. I was once a god, until Celestia decided they wished for my existence to disappear into the Abyssal Darkness.” She sounds resentful. “So, in a way, I know how you feel, little Divinity.”
“I know many things.” She steps forward, offers a hand to help you up, which you take, and hoists you up with more strength than what appears to be in her slightly muscular frame.
“One of them is that you, despite your doubt, are the Divine One’s reincarnation—a mortal, yes, but Their rebirth still. I have no doubts of that. However…”
She trails off.
“…just because you may be a reincarnation does not make you Them.”
You blink, looking into her eyes, which gleam a dark, sad color. Indistinguishable from any color, they glint a rainbow of darkness.
“I am Tlyre, Exile of Celestia, Daughter of The Eclipse, and the only sane manipulator of Chaos in Teyvat,” Tlyre says, bowing to you deeply, “at your service.”
“That is… one hell of a title.”
Tlyre looks up from bowing with a laugh, standing to her full height just as her polearm disappears.
“Indeed. I am glad you could find some humor in it, young Divinity. You look like you could use it.”
Suddenly you feel dizzy, clasping your head tightly as swirls poke themselves into your vision; you feel yourself falling over, but are caught last second by a set of arms that gently lower you to the dewy ground.
“Gods, you look… terrible.”
Something is pressed to your lips; you open them, feeling the sensation of water touch your tongue and trickle down your throat, which you greedily gulp down. Next is a sunsettia, to get some sustenance in your body, which is weakened from too long running.
“There. Rest. I shall make sure no harm comes to you.”
Over the next months, you travel around Teyvat with Tlyre, never staying in one area for long. You see the mountains of Mondstadt, the plains of Liyue, the lightning of Inazuma, the volcanoes of Natlan, the forests of Sumeru, the cities of Fontaine and the snowy caps of Schneznaya.
You are pursued by nearly everyone everywhere—mostly by the Archons, but Tlyre holds them off.
One day, as you’re returning to Liyue Harbor, much more strengthened than you were last time you visited (read: were chased from), you hear Tlyre’s spear be whipped from the aether, a sound you have learned to listen for.
You whip around to see her holding the blade of her weapon to a familiar face—one seen on stone statues scattered across the Land of Contracts.
Rex Lapis.
Or, as the almost-Archon holding a blade to his throat calls him:
It comes out as a growl, a malicious one that holds no mercy for the Geo Archon. Obviously, they have some sort of rivalry… something along those lines, anyway.
“Leave my charge alone,” Tlyre snarls, prodding her blade at his Rex Lapis’s throat meanly, “or I will have no choice but to make you.”
The god scoffs, drawing his own weapon.
“You? Make me? Exile, you have no power over me. I’d love to see you try—“
Before Rex finishes speaking, there’s a gash across his cheek and his weapon lays in Tlyre’s hand; she spins it idly, whistling with a malicious smirk on her lips.
“Must I remind you,” she begins, tossing the golden polearm back to him, “who between us won the last battle?”
Rex Lapis’s eyes glow a golden color that sends chills down your spine. Tlyre’s eyes glint with mischeviousness; she looks at you, pressing a finger to soft lips before disappearing into particles, then nothing.
“Trust me,” her voice whispers in your ear.
And you do.
Your body moves of its own free will, drawing Tlyre’s weapon from the aether just as Rex’s clashes with it. You feel adrenaline pump through your veins, your heart beat rapidly in your chest, and your body sing, alive with something you cannot name.
“Impossible—you should not—“
“Should not what?” both you and the goddess inside your body say. “Exist? We both know that is a lie, Morax.”
After a few minutes of sparring, the Geo Archon lays on the grass, your weapon at his throat.
“I cede,” he says reluctantly.
You feel the presence inside form into a solid body that appears next to you, taking the spear with her.
“Well?” she says, turning to look at you. “What did you think, young Divinity?”
You stare at her for a moment before deciding on your answer.
“You’re fucking badass.”
Tlyre: Morax, you are an idiot.
Morax: how was I supposed to know they were our Divine One??
Tlyre: …perhaps use your eyes for once in your six millennia of life. Maybe retrieve your glasses? Did Guizhong not lecture you on this a hundred thousand times?
Morax: …yes.
You: Can you teach me to fight like that?!
Tlyre: It takes many years to learn to fight with a polearm.
You: So what you’re saying is you bullshitted your way through training.
Tlyre, with a very sheepish smile: Maybe.
Morax, on his knees: I am so sorry, your Divinity, please forgive me.
You: Uhhh…
Tlyre: Morax, please cease this idiocy.
Morax: I beg of you, please forgive my idiocy for not recognizing you!
You: Okay, I get it—
Morax, now crying: I understand if you don’t, just—
Tlyre, using her energy: You buffoon. *proceeds to smack him*
You: *dying of laughter*
Tlyre, turning to face you: Shall I do it again?
Morax, rubbing his red cheek: She’s quite mean.
You: Can’t say you don’t deserve it.
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magicalgirlagency · 9 months
Since we're talking about Rebellion!Homura, can we learn some more stuff about Magi!Homura? It's been a while since the last time you've talked about her.
Nothing makes me happier than having to discuss about my superior writing. The Big Shots aren't ready for my incredible amounts of talent, I'm tellin' you.
Anyways, jokes aside, let's get this over with:
Magi!Homura is asexual and an atheist. She gives up on Catholicism because she's trying to let go of those crippling feelings of guilt and shame (don't worry, she's still sapphic, though not as problematic as she has become in canon);
Referencing clearandsweet's rewrite of Rebellion, she struggles with Imposter Syndrome. She doesn't see herself as "True Magical Girl Material" and asks herself if she'll ever live to Wondaria's standards and honor its Queen;
She sleeps with a nightlight on, because she afraid of waking up in the same hospital room again and find out that Wondaria was all a dream;
Her hobby is photography and journalling. Now free from her time loop, she wants to document and secure her memories in some way, now aiming to do all that she wants to do before dying;
However, Wondaria's Walpurgisnacht celebrations make her uncomfortable, so she doesn't participate during its festivities, at least not for a while until she feels confident enough;
Due to her delicate heart condition, she has to take iron supplements as medication. Even with her Assigned Gemstone, she still has to deal with some occasional episodes and take care of herself accordingly;
Complementing the last bullet, Homura doesn't move a lot in action, so she acts like a sniper from the sidelines, relying on projectiles during her training sessions;
The shield has been replaced with a silver pocket watch, that also functions as a time stopper;
Her human-made arsenal has been replaced by Wondaria's mystic one. She uses a magic bow (referencing the obscure Wraith Arc), her pipe bombs and grenades have been replaced with molotov cocktails made out of potions;
However, she still steals firearms from Earth's police forces, military armies and yakuzas, but ends up donating them to several crafters and blacksmiths throughout Wondaria to be modified into mystical weaponry;
Homura's new Magic Attack is called "Sagitta Umbras", complementing Madoka's "Sagitta Luminis". This means that she's currently working to embrace her darkness in a much healthier way;
In an ironic twist fo fate, Homura becomes a History Major, wanting to learn more about Wondaria and its history, and how it connects with her current predictament;
However, her academical pursuits would lead to the dark discovery that she was the indirect cause of Wondaria's existence, thus leading to a fallout with Queen Meg and a brief relapse in her healing journey;
As stated multiple times before, Magi!Homura's journey is one of liberation but with proper guidance. She was rescued before the Incubators could do anything to her and drive her to suicide, so she cannot become the insatiable and selfish demoness from the history books;
She's not only building an identity for herself and discovering love in many forms that aren't romantic, but also making up for the time and youth she has lost to the time loop. Now that she's free from the ones who made her suffer, she's got a whole life ahead of her.
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Who is Jared Padalecki an Incarnation of?
Hello, my name is Ellie. I am a psychic who mainly does divination work with a pendulum and printable ABC charts so I can get messages from deities, faye, and other benevolent beings. A lot of the information I get comes from my divination work. I've worked with several deities and have asked all of them to prove they are who they are (and when it's really them speaking and not an imposter). In this post, I am going to reveal the deity the actor Jared Padalecki is an incarnation of. For a brief overview, Jared Padalecki is best known for playing Sam Winchester in the CW series "Supernatural". Some of his other roles include Clay Miller in "Friday the 13th" (2009), Dean Forester in "Gilmore Girls, Davis in "Flight of the Phoenix" (2004), Cordell Walker in "Walker" (2021-2023), Wade in "House of Wax" (2005), and Trey Lipton in "New York Minute" (2004).
So who is Jared Padalecki an incarnation of? Jared Padalecki is the main Earth incarnation aka soul (or what I call the soul original of) of the Greek deity Poseidon aka Neptune in the Roman pantheon. If you have not done so already, I encourage you to read another post of mine where I discuss in greater detail of how incarnations work, so this tidbit about how incarnations work will make better sense to anyone reading this and other celebrity readings I have like this one.
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Poseidon/Neptune in Mythology
Poseidon in Greek mythology is often portrayed as an older man with a trident and dark beard. Sometimes he is portrayed in his chariot which was pulled by a pair of horse like creatures with fish tails called hippocamps. He is the Greek god of the seas, horses, all marine life, rivers, floods, earthquakes, and destruction. His palace, which was located underwater near Aegae in Euboea, is said to have been of coral and gemstones.
There are times in Greek mythology where Poseidon is said to be more submissive to the said leader of the Greek gods Zeus and others where he rebelled against him. At one point prior to the Wall of Troy being built, Poseidon/Neptune joined Zeus' wife Hera and Athena in chaining Zeus up. Eventually Zeus was freed and as punishment for his rebellion, he sent Poseidon/Neptune with Apollo to build the wall of Troy. Ironically, the Greeks eventually built a giant wooden horse they used to sneak into Troy. In this sense, Poseidon was directly responsible for helping build up Troy and also indirectly destroying Troy. Some archaeological evidence does suggest that Troy itself was heavily damaged by an earthquake.
When King Laomedon refused the payment he promised, Poseidon set loose a sea monster to ravage Troy. Because of this, when Zeus permitted the gods to participate in the Trojan war Poseidon would sometimes appear as an elderly seer named Calchas to encourage Greek warriors. When Poseidon and Athena were up for patronship over Athens, Poseidon presented the first horse and a freshwater spring while Athena presented an olive tree. Because the king of Athens selected Athena, Poseidon reacted by bringing drought upon Athens. Poseidon was married to Amphitrite and was said to have had many consorts.
The Romans are said to have taken many Greek deities and essentially adopted new names for each one some of which involving the planets of our solar system (sometimes ignoring certain aspects of Greek mythology in doing so). Poseidon was called Neptune by the Romans, where some aspects of him including his association with horses were ignored. Interestingly enough, a 2 day festival called Neptunalia was celebrated by the Romans around July 23 or 24 when water was said to be the scarcest. Today, it is still celebrated via the Carnival of Awussu annually in Sousee, Tunisia on July 24.
Poseidon/Neptune According to Guidees
In some of my previous posts, I have mentioned that there's some truth that can be found in mythology regarding deities but some tidbits are fictional. In the case of Poseidon/Neptune, how he is portrayed in mythology versus how he really behaves towards those he works with are generally quite different. From going through various forums online and in my personal experience, Poseidon/Neptune has an intense energy at times but also can be rather laidback, reasonable, fatherly, protective, and an overall inspiring deity who helps guidees develop their self esteem.
Generally, he is a very kind and even patient deity to work with that finds a lot of joy in working with those he is a guide for. If you can, get a pendulum he's attached to (especially if it's aquamarine) and an ABC chart to communicate with him. I've also found that he is a very strong seer; in my divination readings with him, he has said many things that have come to pass directly and also hinted at things as well. In my divine hearing (or what you can call "hunches", "random thoughts" or "nudges"), I've heard Poseidon along with other deities "tell" me things that manifested not long from when the "'random' thought" took place. It's been said that Poseidon has a strong personality and makes his message loud and clear in mythology thus his said temperamental personality; in my personal experience, he is also a great communicator when it comes to giving his guidees divine messages as a seer. It's true that there are times his feisty, strong willed and sometimes temperamental personality comes out and can be vengeful when he or those he cares about are done wrong. There is a some truth with regards to Poseidon at times being temperamental and a fighter, especially when it comes to him or those he cares about being wronged.
Some offerings for Poseidon/Neptune include: blue and/or green objects, seashells, water, any marine animal object (especially dolphins), bull or horse objects, wild celery, rain, frankincense, myrrh, or ocean candles or incense, sea salt, white wine, honey, coral, gems (ex. sapphires, aquamarine, turquoise, etc.), starfish or starfish shaped objects, owning pet fish, paying visits to aquariums, fishing, swimming, horseback riding, singing in the shower, nautical home decor, taking baths and thinking about the ocean, working with the Fae/Faye/Fairy kin or himself through divination.
Traits of Poseidon in Jared Padalecki
Jared Padalecki was born on July 19, 1982 in San Antonio, Texas. In the Chinese zodiac, 1982 is Year of the Dog (element water), and in astrology makes Jared a Cancer (crab). Doing a quick Google search, he has made quite a few posts in the past of him either swimming in a pool or at the beach. Jared's favorite colors according to multiple sources is blue and green, which are Poseidon's colors. He also previously took horseback riding lessons in the past. Although he rarely worked with animals on set, he did ride a horse on 1 episode of supernatural and does ride it on the set of "Walker". His wife Genevieve was on a show called "Wildfire". Jared and his wife owned a horse for a couple years while living in Los Angeles, California.
On a very intriguing note while writing this blog post (3/7/2023), I had a strange "hunch" to go research earthquakes. I decided to do a search for any earthquakes that may have occurred on Jared's birthday. My jaw dropped when I found out a 4.7 magnitude earthquake occurred about 466 miles from Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada at 3:00:07 GMT (translates to 10:00pm EST if this is helpful at all). For those of you who know some things about Supernatural outside of the context of the show, most of the show was filmed in Vancouver. When I picked up my pendulum and ABC chart after this discovery, Poseidon said to me "I communicate with you flawlessly. I told you to do a Google search for earthquakes that happened on Jared's birthday." When I asked him what the significance of this earthquake happening near Vancouver is, Poseidon said "I was saying to the world 'I am Poseidon, and on this day I have been born as Jared Padalecki who will one day rock the spiritual world on a show called Supernatural that will be filmed in Vancouver'".
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Poseidon in Greek mythology was said to be affiliated with earthquakes and other natural disasters, therefore making him associated with destruction. He was said to be a very destructive, vengeful god in Greek mythology who certainly makes it known when he's angry or has been wronged. When it comes to those he guides, he is known for helping them build up self-esteem but does not like to go the path of least resistance. In my case Poseidon/Neptune has greatly helped to improve my intuition, divine hearing, and other psychic related abilities. In this, it can be said he is also a god that helps build up and even rebirth. I like to associate the Phoenix with Poseidon/Neptune for this reason. Jared Padalecki was in a 2004 movie called "Flight of the Phoenix", where he got into a car wreck while it was being filmed. He believed he was dead and kept thinking "I need to call the set and tell them I am dead". Last year in April 2022 he got into another car accident; he walked away thankfully relatively okay physically. As Jensen Ackles put it "it's a miracle he survived".
From what I know about Jared and other Poseidon/Neptune incarnations, they are survivors, fighters (and tend to be victorious). Back in 2007 Now, Poseidon did admit that at the Neptunalia festival during the Roman empire, the Romans did drink a lot and got drunk. Jared Padalecki coincidentally has gotten involved with a couple fights at bars, one while in Canada mentioned in an interview by Jensen Ackles back in 2007 and another in 2019 where he was arrested for assault at a bar he owns (or owned) called Stereotype. Hmm, is this a message talking about stereotypes of Poseidon/Neptune being temperamental and a fighter when angered? On another note, Jared is said to also own or have owned a bar called San Jac Saloon.
Poseidon/Neptune was said to be a temperamental, moody deity. Jared Padalecki himself has admitted in the past that production of Supernatural was shutdown for 5 days after he experienced a mental health breakdown due to depression and anxiety. He has since advocated for mental health and has donated and done work for multiple charities. One notable charity was when he came up with a "Always Keep Fighting" T-shirt campaign for the charity To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) through Represent.com. Interestingly enough, Poseidon/Neptune's chariot was pulled by creatures called Hippocamps. This is similar to the human brain's Hippocampus, which happens to be shaped like a seahorse. The hippocampus in human biology is associated with forming longer term memories, the limbic system (which helps regulate emotional responses and stress reactions), spatial & cognitive processes and navigation. It seems very fitting therefore that Jared Padalecki as a Poseidon/Neptune incarnation is a big advocate for mental health. I did laugh some when I read an article stating he had to call Michael Chad Murray several times when he locked himself out of his place while filming "House of Wax". Memory...
Notes about other Poseidon/Neptune Incarnations
I'm going to be brief in this section as I know this article is about Jared Padalecki. There are some interesting things I noticed that Jared has in common with other Poseidon/Neptune incarnations. One of the other incarnations I know of Poseidon/Neptune's is that the timelines for both of Padalecki's car accidents are eerily similar to this other incarnation I know. I previously dated one of his incarnations for over 5 years got into a car accident within a year or so of Jared's car accident back when he was filming Flight of the Phoenix in 2004 or so that resulted in getting a hip plate and leg rod in his right side. This same man also got into a car accident approximately 1 month and 3ish weeks (first week of March 2022) before Jared got into his car accident in the third or fourth week of April 2022. I myself who is Poseidon/Neptune's only female incarnation (I have several higher selves rolled into 1 soul but that's another discussion) have been involved in 2 minor accidents, although the timelines for mine do not match Padalecki's. Another Poseidon/Neptune incarnation I know was ran into by a car in a parking deck who fled (hit and run) who to this day wears a plate in his back from this accident.
Coincidentally, the other Poseidon/Neptune incarnation whose car accident timelines are similar to those of Jared's was also a bartender for over 10 years. At one point he had ambitions to open a bar or private party bartending company. All of the Poseidon/Neptune incarnations I know of including Jared do like to have fun at bars at the very least, even if they don't necessarily have ambitions to be a business owner. They also all enjoy swimming and happen to favor the color blue. I did laugh some when I read about Jared Padalecki having to call Michael Chad Murray to help unlock his place while filming "House of Wax". I have locked myself out of my house and even car on many occasions with the keys either sitting on the car seat (or one time in the ignition!), or on the countertop or on the key rack in my house. My neighbors have by miracle chance (err, hopefully anyways) not spotted me yet climbing through the window to retrieve my keys on any of these many occasions...
I myself was born in October but the other 2 incarnations I know were born in the month of August and in Jared's case July. However, one thing Jared and I do share in common is that earthquakes were recorded near Vancouver on both of our birthdays. An earthquake of 3 magnitude occurred near Franklin, Washington (which is only 173 miles from Vancouver) on October 23, 1990 at 23:43:04 (6:43pm EST). I was born at 6:28pm near Niagara Falls in the Buffalo, NY area. Bit of an eerie coincidence I am going to write about in another blog post that's about who I myself am an incarnation of.
Message from Poseidon/Neptune for Jared Padalecki
Poseidon/Neptune said that he very much adores Jared on multiple occasions. He said that he is very proud of him for being an advocate for mental health, being a good father and overall a good man. However, he does at times wish Jared would be more outspoken when he is wronged and feels he can be "too nice" in this respect. While he has shown he has a fighter side to him, he is often seen as a "gentle giant" by fans and those who know him best. Poseidon/Neptune wants to speak with Jared more directly, and did say he ought to go horseback riding on the beach sometime...
For Further Information Poseidon/Neptune https://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/623934080402309120/poseidon-offerings https://www.britannica.com/topic/Poseidon https://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Poseidon.html https://voyage-tunisie.info/carnaval-daoussou-a-sousse-tunisie/ https://www.allquakes.com/earthquakes/quake-
Jared Padalecki info/3766059/mag4quake-Jul-19-1982-Haida-Gwaii-Region-Canada.html#:~:text=Moderate%20mag.-,4.7%20earthquake%20%2D%20161%20km%20southwest%20of%20Reginald%20Island%2C%20Central%20Coast,1982%20at%2003%3A00%20GMT https://www.imdb.com/news/ni8564895 https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2021/01/21/walker-supernatural-star-jared-padalecki-ropes-new-starring-role/4222357001/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOim7xKPPC8 https://variety.com/2015/tv/people-news/jared-padalecki-always-keep-fighting-depression-suicide-twloha-1201451708/
Other https://www.allquakes.com/earthquakes/quake-info/3872538/mag3quake-Oct-23-1990-Washington-USA.html https://www.britannica.com/science/hippocampus
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kursed-curtain · 2 years
Too Good To Be True
(Thank you to @goddessoftechnology for this lovely AU concept! We've been sandboxing and I really wanted a nice way to introduce the AU proper)
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Being king was a lot more than what he saw on the surface, watching King Edward's silent rule. It was a lot more than just sitting there and being the yes-no man for an entire kingdom. It was having to adjust to an entirely new lifestyle, one he wasn't born into, one he just earned instead of inherited.
Maybe he wasn't cut out for the job.
After lessons, Graham liked to take a stroll to walk off the feelings of inadequacy. After the incident, though, he didn't walk as much outside anymore. He took to touring the castle, which was just as vast and unexplored as any other part of the kingdom.
He found himself in a storage room, one of many, covered floor to ceiling in boxes and bookshelves. He covered his nose with his cowl to avoid breathing in the dust that blanketed the place. 
He humored himself, pondering if there was any book in here that could tell him how to actually do his job without fumbling like the mess he was. One book he picked up off the shelves sent a soot cloud billowing his way, he had to fan it away using the cover. The book was full of unrelated junk, anyways. He rummaged through the boxes, trying to find something that piqued his interest. Usually he was good at finding a use for seemingly useless objects - then again, he didn't do much adventuring anymore. 
Amidst dust and darkness, a glimmer of silver caught his eye. He dug through scraps of uncleaned furniture until he found it - a necklace. Attached to it was a pendant, a dull slate blue gemstone, lined with metal cut to a point. He ran his finger on the side of the silver, amazed by how finely crafted it was, until he pricked his finger against the tip. 
Graham dropped the necklace back in the box, cushioning the fall. His finger bled, dripping onto the gem and probably staining it. He turned to run and get a bandage, before anybody caught him messing around in the storage room, when he heard a faint calling.
"Thank you for accessing the Library of Avaria. Our knowledge is-"
Graham yelped. Where was that coming from? If it was an intruder, he couldn't report one in this part of the castle, nobody came back here. His eyes started around the room for the source of the voice.
"You are stressed. Your stress comes from emotional strain and unease from an adverse situation. We offer many solutions such as breathing exercises, would you like to try one now?"
Graham noticed a new rosy glint coming from the necklace. He picked up the now stark cobalt blue amulet. 
He tapped at the gem, addressing the pendant, despite how ridiculous it seemed, "Um, hello? Are you talking to me?"
"You are currently accessing the trial run session of the Library of Avaria. For full access to the library, please place the chain around your neck. For any questions, simply ask."
"Oh, hm…" There was too much to ask, he didn't know where to begin. "...Well, what exactly do you do?"
"Our library's extensive knowledge has helped many become their best selves. Many have used the amulet to become scholars or doctors, all the top in their field." The amulet paused, possibly thinking, if magic necklaces had the capacity to think. "We sense you are struggling with adjusting to a new life as well as imposter syndrome. The library allows you to speed up and skip these processes altogether."
That sounds… like exactly what he needs right now.
"That's great, though I'm not exactly sure how you can help me with all that."
"For full access to the library, please place the chain around your neck."
It's a little too good to be true…
"Are there any downsides to this?
"Trial run expiring, For full access to the library, please place the chain around your neck."
"I'm just-"
"Please place the chain around your neck."
Graham unclipped the chain and hastily put on the necklace. He exhaled. The amulet glowed with satisfaction.
"Thank you for using the Amulet of Avarice. Please settle as we begin the transfer."
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gemsbuild · 3 months
Unveiling August's Gem Trio: Peridot, Spinel, And Sardonyx
By Gems Build
Intriguing and mysterious, the birthstones for the month of August are a captivating trio: peridot, spinel, and sardonyx. Each gemstone possesses its own unique set of characteristics and benefits, making them exceptional choices for those born in this summer month. 
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The Significance and Symbolism of Peridot 
Peridot, also known as the "gem of the sun," is a stunning green stone that has long been revered for its healing properties. It is believed to bring abundance, joy, and renewed energy to its wearer. The vibrant green color of peridot symbolizes growth, prosperity, and the beauty of nature. It is often associated with August due to its lush and vibrant appearance, which mirrors the abundance of summer season. 
Peridot is also believed to have protective qualities, shielding the wearer from negative energy and promoting a sense of well-being. In ancient times, it was thought to ward off evil spirits and nightmares. Today, peridot is still considered a stone of protection, helping to create a shield of positivity around its wearer.
Characteristics and Properties of Peridot 
Peridot is a gemstone from the mineral olivine family and is known for its vibrant green color. It is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color, although the shade may vary from light yellow green to a deep olive green. The amount of iron in the stone affects the vibrancy of the green color. 
In terms of hardness, peridot ranks at around 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for everyday wear. Its luster is vitreous, giving it a bright and glossy appearance when cut and polished. 
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Benefits and Healing Properties of Peridot 
Peridot is believed to have numerous benefits and healing properties. It is said to aid in reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and relieving anxiety. The stone is also thought to enhance confidence, motivation, and assertiveness, making it an excellent choice for those seeking personal growth and empowerment.
In addition to its emotional and spiritual benefits, Peridot has physical healing properties. It is believed to support the immune system, improve digestion, and detoxify the body. Moreover, peridot is linked to the heart chakra, where it supports emotional recovery as well as forgiveness and compassion. 
The History and Origin of Peridot 
Peridot has a rich history dating back thousands of years. The gemstone was highly valued by ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. In ancient Egypt, peridot was known as the "gem of the sun" and was believed to have fallen from the sky in meteorites. It was often used to adorn the jewelry of pharaohs and was also considered a protective talisman. 
Peridot has been mined for over 3,500 years on the island of Zabargad in the Red Sea. The Egyptians were the first to discover and mine this precious gemstone, and it remains one of the most significant sources of peridot to this day. Other notable locations for peridot mining include Myanmar, Pakistan, and the United States. 
The Significance and Symbolism of Spinel 
Spinel is a gemstone of vitality and inspiration. It is known for its vibrant hues, which range from intense reds to mesmerizing blues. The red variety of spinel has often been mistaken for rubies throughout history, leading to its nickname "the great imposter." However, spinel possesses its own unique beauty and characteristics that set it apart from other gemstones. 
The captivating colors of the spinel symbolize passion, energy, and creativity. It is believed to stimulate the mind and encourage new ideas and perspectives. Spinel is often associated with strength and resilience, making it a popular choice for those seeking motivation and endurance in their lives. 
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Characteristics and Properties of Spinel 
Spinel is a mineral of various colors, including red, pink, blue, purple, and black. The most desirable color for spinel is a vibrant red, often referred to as "ruby spinel." However, spinel can also be found in shades of pink, blue, and purple, each with its own unique allure. 
In terms of hardness, spinel ranks at 8 on the Mohs scale, making it a durable gemstone suitable for everyday wear. It has a vitreous to Sub adamantine luster, giving it a brilliant shine when cut and polished. 
Benefits and Healing Properties of Spinel 
Spinel is believed to have a range of benefits and healing properties. It is said to enhance vitality, boost energy levels, and promote a sense of well-being. The stone is also thought to stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas, making it a popular choice for artists, writers, and creative individuals. 
In addition to its mental and emotional benefits, spinel is believed to have physical healing properties. It is said to aid in the treatment of various ailments, including digestive disorders, skin problems, and blood-related issues. Spinel is also associated with the root chakra, grounding and stabilizing the body and mind. 
The History and Origin of Spinel
Spinel has a fascinating history and has been treasured for centuries. It was often mistaken for other gemstones, such as rubies and sapphires, due to its similar appearance. In fact, many famous gemstones throughout history, including the "Black Prince's Ruby" in the British Crown Jewels, were later discovered to be spinels. 
Spinel has been mined in various locations around the world, including Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Vietnam. It was highly valued in ancient times and was often used to adorn crowns, jewelry, and ceremonial objects. Today, spinel continues to be a sought-after gemstone for its beauty, durability, and symbolic significance. 
The Significance and Symbolism of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx is a unique gemstone with distinctive bands of brown, red, and white. It is known for its strength and protective qualities, symbolizing courage and stability. Sardonyx has been cherished for centuries for its ability to bring balance and grounding to its wearer. 
The bands of color in sardonyx represent different aspects of life and energy. The red bands symbolize passion and vitality, while the white bands represent purity and clarity. The combination of these colors creates a harmonious stone that encourages strength, courage, and resilience. 
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Characteristics and Properties of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx is a variety of onyx, a type of chalcedony quartz. It is characterized by its distinctive bands of color, which can range from brown and red to white. The stone has a smooth and glossy texture, giving it an elegant and refined appearance. 
In terms of hardness, sardonyx ranks at 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for jewelry purposes. It has a vitreous to waxy luster, depending on the quality and cut of the stone. 
Benefits and Healing Properties of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx is believed to have numerous benefits and healing properties. It is said to promote courage, confidence, and self-control, helping the wearer overcome challenges and obstacles in life. The stone is also thought to enhance focus and concentration, making it an excellent choice for students and professionals. 
Sardonyx is believed to provide healing qualities for the body in addition to the mind and emotions. It is said to support bone health, strengthen the immune system, and improve overall vitality. Sardonyx is also associated with the root and sacral chakras, promoting stability, grounding, and balance. 
The History and Origin of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx has a rich history that originates back to Egypt. It was highly valued by the Greeks and Romans, who believed it had protective qualities and bestowed courage upon its wearer. Sardonyx was often used to carve cameos and intaglios, creating intricate designs and symbolic imagery. 
The gemstone has been mined in various locations around the world, including India, Brazil, Germany, and the United States. Sardonyx continues to be a popular gemstone for its unique beauty and symbolic significance, making it a cherished choice for those born in August. 
Peridot, spinel, and sardonyx are truly captivating birthstones that hold a significant place in the world of gemstones. Each stone has its own unique set of characteristics, benefits, and symbolism, making them exceptional choices for those born in August. Whether you choose to wear one birthstone or incorporate all three into your jewelry collection, these gems offer a beautiful way to celebrate August birthdays with their stunning beauty and meaningful symbolism. 
Intriguing and mysterious, the birthstones for the month of August are a captivating trio: peridot, spinel, and sardonyx. Each gemstone possesses its own unique set of characteristics and benefits, making them exceptional choices for those born in this summer month. 
Peridot, known as the "gem of the sun," is a stunning green stone that has long been revered for its healing properties. It is believed to bring abundance, joy, and renewed energy to its wearer. Spinel, on the other hand, is a gemstone of vitality and inspiration. Its vibrant hues range from intense reds to mesmerizing blues, creating a truly mesmerizing allure. 
Lastly, sardonyx, with its distinctive bands of brown, red, and white, symbolizes strength and protection. This stone has been cherished for centuries for its ability to bring stability and courage to its wearer. 
Each of these birthstones has a rich history and origin, and their significance varies across cultures and time periods. Whether you choose to wear one birthstone or incorporate all three into your jewelry collection, these gems offer a beautiful way to celebrate August birthdays with their stunning beauty and meaningful symbolism. 
Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of birthstones! Delve into the fiery intensity of garnet, the tranquil peace of amethyst, and the hopeful radiance of aquamarine. Discover resilience through diamond, affection through emerald, and enchantment through alexandrite. Spark passion with ruby, seek serenity with peridot, and uncover wisdom with sapphire. Embrace the lively spirit of tourmaline, the comforting warmth of topaz, and entrust your path to either tanzanite or turquoise.
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tinamarsden · 8 months
Apatite and the Goddess of Deceit
raw apatite crystals from Paraiba, Brazil (Robert M. Lavinsky) Apatite is the beautiful imposter of the gemstone world. Transparent to opaque, apatite ranges in color from yellow to green, blue, or violet, with its transparent blue-green variety being the most valuable. History Apatite’s existence has been known since ancient times, but it was not formally named until 1786, and only recently…
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herosneednotapply · 9 months
AU's:Gods AU: Adelaide
"No one owns Life, But everyone is owed Death."
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She was born in the fertile soil of the earth. Compressed and shaped under contsant pressure like the rarest of gemstone. Eventually to be spat much too soon from the dark unknown into a barren world. As she wandered the earth, lush nature and greenery grew in her wake. A natural and uncontrollable phenomenon for the young woman they would come to call Kore. Because like a child she knew nothing and did not embody the petty emotions of jealousy or hate. There was only wonder, curiosity and fearlessness buzzing away in her bones.
An existence that lived in peace with the nature spirits and humans that inhabited that early world. Speaking the old language of nature and creation that had long been forgotten. Until the day the sky broke open and blood rained down. War was brutal and stole the child like innocence from Kore. She did not put her lot in with either side choosing instead to protect those that were being trampled underfoot. It was at this point that she rose to godhood. The name that laid heavy on her tongue since the day she climbed from the earth's dark embrass was spoken. The girl had grown into a woman and her name was Persephone; the destroyer.
When the war was finally over and the victors cast their gaze over their spoils they found her. Covered in the golden icor of Titan and giant alike. Their king wanted to kill her but was hard pressed to find that she was an existence that could not die but only be forgotten.
This is where her tale dips into the mythologies of men. Persephone the Goddess of Spring was born. It was easy to mold her image and control the narrative after getting rid of anyone who remembered the little goddess Kore. Demeter played the role of both mother and warden. Never allowing her out of her sight all under the guise of being protective of her only child. Oh how stifling it must have been to a creature that had once been free to be confined. It was like having her wings plucked.
She supposed it made it easier to make the deal. To clasp hands with the god king that now ruled the deep darkness that birthed her. It was harder when years down the line she would betray his loyalty and faith. A glimmer of her original self present as she broke the rules and halted the spindle of fate. Denying death it's due and cursing herself to a eternity alone.
An imposter is bestowed her name and wears's her Godhood like a shroud. All the while she mingles amongst humanity as a fleeting after thought. Looking over them and granting their wishes as she did before her story was stripped from her.
In modern times the once goddess runs a flower shop/nursery. Here she speaks the forgotten tongue over the plants; embuing them with blessings before sending them on their way. Occasionally you can find that which you seek the most buried away in the shelves of her shop. If you're desperate enough she accepts appointments to help you personally.
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