#imposter factory spoilers
mavqlava · 2 years
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4 Neil
learning that i’m allowed to just doodle and shade a drawing and that can be the whole thing ! this blog is for me to post as I figure things out about digital art as much as it is ttm & miscellaneous mental illness
It’s a rlly daunting thing trying to start digital while seeing so many people across the internet that have already mastered it - though their art inspires me like Crazy to get better
I remind myself that everyone needs to start somewhere/sometime as I draw rosawatts angst at 2 in the morning ☺️💔
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faze-bretta · 1 year
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mourningmaybells · 1 year
“autism be damned my son can create a reality where I lived happily ever after with my husband instead of dying young“
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meatballlady · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2: What We Know So Far Dottie and Sadie Edition
All of the info about GOS2, especially Dottie and Sadie, in one place. (Note, this is satirical and there are no actual spoilers in this post afaik)
For the most up to date details, check out the tag #special spoilers on Neil Gaiman's tumblr.
[Fennec foxes, various] as Crowley
Michael Sheen as Aziraphale
Jon Hamm [Chinchilla, name unconfirmed] as Gabriel
Note: there have been no official announcements regarding the casting of the following new characters:
Michael Sheen as Dottie (unconfirmed)
David Tennant as Sadie (unconfirmed)
Michael Sheen as The Master Spy (unconfirmed)
Giant Pretzel
Sadie's Brother
Aziraphale's Mother-in-Law
Sadie's Kittens
Production Note: Someone (undisclosed) was bitten in regards to the fennec foxes filming with Crowley's wife.
What do we know about the Season 2 episodes?
There will be 6 episodes.
So far, two specific episodes have been announced (although it has not been confirmed which episodes they are):
"Jam Factory" episode, which contains a magic poster covered in jam
"Girls Night Out" episode, in which we will spend a lot of time with Dottie and Sadie (Crowley and Aziraphale's wives)
The Plot
First, a detailed plot summary of Season 2:
"Crowley and Aziraphale, who in this season are both undertakers in Birmingham, and their wives, Dottie and Sadie, go on holiday together to the South of France. The boys get very drunk at a wine tasting, and their wives have to bring them home to the hotel, where Aziraphale (still drunk) puts on the gorilla costume he finds in a closet. Imagine Crowley's shock, when he sees a gorilla climbing out of the window of the hotel! Now, it just so happens that a master spy who looks exactly like Aziraphale hid the microfilm plans for a missile in Crowley's bathroom, and has returned to obtain the microfilm, which is hidden in a book of naughty seaside postcards that Dottie found earlier and threw out of the window. When the police turn up looking for the gorilla, they find the master spy but think it's actually Aziraphale. Fortunately Sadie realises that the pineapple-shaped birthmark has vanished from Aziraphale's left elbow which means that he's an imposter and she and Dottie set out to rescue him in his gorilla costume from the circus that he's been sold to by an unscrupulous animal welfare centre operative. And then there are lots of cats and horses. The end."
Additional plot details:
Crowley and Aziraphale and their wives will go on their honeymoons at the same time in the same little French town, during the annual marmalade convention.
Aziraphale will have a new Season 2 Catchphrase - "Ooh-heck, it's the wife!" (at one point, he will shout this whole clutching a toilet plunger)
Several stories will be set in the tomato sauce factories they all work in.
Dottie's phone will be broken at the outing to Blackpool.
In episode 4, it will be revealed that Dottie and Sadie and their husbands have unknowingly all been booked in the same hotel room.
There will be a pie fight scene at the inflatable gorilla factory (which will clarify a lot about Aziraphale and Crowley's interpersonal relationships).
Aziraphale will attempt to summon a magic gorilla, in order to obtain one of the four fruits of the apocalypse (e.g. the Banana of Doom).
The Giant Pretzel will give Crowley a magic peach.
There will be a very moving scene when Dottie thinks that Sadie is pregnant but actually Sadie is planning to get a kitten.
This detail about the kitten(s?): "The arrival of the kitten will also be delightful, but I'm not promising it doesn't mean that the season won't end with the patter of tiny feet. Let's just say that two sets of twins would mean double the fun for everybody."
Aziraphale will be dead by the time Crowley goes on his secret mission. Aziraphale's wife will inherit the book shop, which she runs with her brother.
This detail about Gabriel's story arc: "Gabriel came to Earth to go on holiday to Spain with Aziraphale and Crowley and their wives, Dottie and Sadie. He's working as an art critic and when he sees the picture hanging in Crowley's bed and breakfast bedroom he realizes it's an original painting by Jerry Picasso (Pablo's baby brother) and resolves to steal it on the same night that the neighborhood Dress as a Burglar and Win a Fridge competition is held. Hilarity ensues."
The flashback scenes will be of where Crowley and Aziraphale both met their wives.
Season 2 will end with a dance-off mix-up on a French Nudist Beach, with several enormous inflatable animals and Aziraphale's mother-in-law dressed in a gorilla costume.
On Goncharov's influence on Season 2:
"The whole of Season 2 of Good Omens was inspired by Goncharov. Dottie and Sadie, Aziraphale and Crowley's wives, were basically my take on Perdita and Brigitte, the two tourists who worked in the condom factory, and the whole Goncharov helium balloons and clowns sequence. For that matter, without Goncharov it would never have occurred to me to have made the comedy in episode 4 the fact that Dottie and Sadie and their husbands have unknowingly all been booked in the same hotel room, or to have had the Archangel Gabriel played by a chinchilla. "
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burning-bubble-tea · 1 month
I played Imposter Factory with a friend recently and this is kinda my thoughts on it along with my general thoughts with the To The Moon series.
Also uh spoilers.
So in the game Lynri and Quincy have a child named Tobias who at a pivotal decision in their life, they chose to have Tobias early due to Lynri’s medical condition. Lynri feels guilt for this when Tobias passes a few years later due to complications with his health due to being born so premature.
The big twist of the game is that Tobias is actually Neil in a simulated alternative timeline and in reality, Lynri chose to have her baby first and then treat her illness afterwards.
In the reality timeline, Tobias is Neil and while he does inherit his mother’s chronic illness, he grows up to be an adult. Due to delaying her treatment Lynri passes away but does get to see Neil grow up a significant portion of his life.
I really like how the game doesn’t really present either timeline as better than the other. Tobias’s life is just as valuable as Neil’s life no matter how short it was. Neither choice was the correct choice for Lynri and Quincy to make as they did not know the future and could decide what they prefer.
Lynri is not selfish for seeking treatment and thus having to give birth to Tobias prematurely and Neil should not feel like it was his fault for having to make his mother choose between himself and herself.
Ultimately it was Lynri’s choice and neither one of them were incorrect, they were just different choices that let Quincy and Lynri down different paths.
Now the To The Moon series has this sort up interesting choice that’s also not correct or incorrect. The first game shows a man who chooses to have his memories altered so that as he passes, he dies with the memories of a so-called perfect life. In Finding Paradise, Colin feels as if he’s missing that perfect life but ultimately he doesn’t need to have his memory altered as his life was fine the way it is and he can pass with no regrets.
Johnny wanted to go to the moon because of a subconscious promise that he forgot that he made to his future wife when he was a child. He forgot that promise but it was so ingrained in his subconscious (along with the repressed memories of his twin) that the solution was to alter his memory and take him to the moon in the simulated memory. It was a way of fulfilling his promise since obviously he couldn’t go to the moon if he didn’t remember the promise which is what Sigmund promises to its clients.
However for Colin, Sigmund’s services wasn’t exactly needed. He just had a sense that maybe he was missing out on something (it’s literally described in the wiki and I think by Neil as FOMO hahahahah) and while he does have regrets, he doesn’t need to change anything.
Both Colin and Johnny make a choice. Neither of them are the right and wrong choice but they’re choices. By going to Sigmund, Johnny is able to unlock his memories of his twin and his childhood and is given memories of a life where his twin doesn’t die and he doesn’t forget. Colin thinks he needs Sigmund’s services but ultimately doesn’t. I think the only changes are Faye erasing Sigmund from his memory if I read the wiki right hahahahha I haven’t played finding paradise is awhile.
What I’m kinda getting at is that both the simulated memories and reality are fine. Neither are represented narratively as inherently good or bad. For Johnny it was good, for Colin, it was not needed. And that’s why I really like how Imposter Factory treated Lynri and Quincy. At the end, they find out their life is just a simulation within like thousands of other simulations. All the Lynri’s and Quincy’s from all the simulated timelines are all turned into one and they’re offered a simulated life where everything is perfect. Lynri’s chronic illness is cured and there is no complications with her pregnancy, they get to see Neil grow up and marry Eva, they get to travel the world together. It’s not all too much different from their reality life other than that Lynri and Quincy were given more time. However before accepting the offer of the perfect simulated timeline, Lynri feels apathetic towards it, feeling as if there’s not worth in it because it is simulated. However To The Moon does not place a moral value on the simulated memories, they just are, and they bring happiness. It is not some matrix red pill blue pill shit, and it’s not a sinister lie since the person is consenting to the procedure, it’s simply a decision. For Quincy and Lynri, it’s a decision that gives them more time, and to experience a life where they essentially have the maximum amount of time together.
Tobias, Lynri and Neil’s lives are not worth less because they’re shorter, they’re just as valuable, however with the simulated world, they’re given more time together. Tobias and Lynri dying is sad and tragic but to mis quote Ride the Cyclone, “I would gladly take my [few years] over nothing”. The simulated world simply gives them more time together that reality couldn’t give them. And to misquote Don Hertzfeldt World of Tomorrow, “you are alive and living now, now is the envy of all the dead”. So Lynri had envy of other because she essentially viewed herself as destined to die and die soon. But the simulated world gave her more of the now that she ignored. Lynri lived her life planning for the future because she wanted to leave a mark on the world before she died. And in doing so, she missed the now. But the simulated world gave her so much now, even if it is simulated, it doesn’t make it any less valuable. And maybe because it’s just as good or maybe it’s because it requires no defining of moral judgment. Either way, simulated Lynri and Quincy are alive in some sense, they are definitely sentient being able to grapple with the concept that they are living in a simulated world, and they do have to die as the simulation needs to end, but Faye offers them the simulated life, where they get more now to spend together. In that context it doesn’t matter if the simulated world is “real” or not. One gives you more now even if it’s not in reality and the other option is just no more.
And in the reality world, is poor Neil. He granted a virtual copy of his parents a perfect simulated life. But he’s living in the past. Hopefully he learns to enjoy more of the now, as there’s nothing wrong with the past, it’s important to take the past with us.
I guess I sorta have a fascination with the concepts of moral philosophy but all my technical knowledge of it is like watching The Good Place and taking one introductory course in philosophy in university. Oh and I guess watching things like Philosophy tube, and there is philosophy in all my courses even if they’re not strictly labelled philosophy.
I dunno, I just love life and the lessons I take away from To The Moon boiled down and oversimplified is that hindsight is 20/20 HAHAHAHA. Sigmund in universe can use hindsight and alter memories but the virtual memories don’t negate the good lives in reality. We make choice and they may have ramifications but we won’t ever know the branching timelines and so we don’t have to dwell on it forever.
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lunarsilkscreen · 6 months
Spoiler: Who is "Johnathan Johnny Jones"?
One of MarioRPG's most memorable bosses; Johnathan Jones--is a bit of a remix on the "Davy Jones" character from pirate lore (pre-disney, or maybe influenced by the ride. Who knows.)
This Shark has a more clear silhouette than he used to, looking more like a shark costume than a shark.
The final level of the game sees Mario and co infiltrating Smith's factory, where we see that *all* the enemies (including bosses) defeated up till this point are in mass production. One of those being Yaridovich. The true boss of the sea level where Johnny Resides.
Yaridovich also goes by Speardovich.
We know that that Yaridovich can swim as he contemplates fleeing from Mario after being soundly defeated, but is ultimately stopped by the Johnny and his Gang of Sharks. We know that Yaridovich can create duplicates and impersonate different species. He infiltrates the Sea Town, kidnaps all the residents, throws them in a shed with nary a jar to pee in. And impersonates every one of them simultaneously.
<aside>I just now realized that some of the impossible-toads mannerisms were supposed to look like duplicate glitches. Similar to how anime "flashstep" abilities are commonly depicted before the main character (Ichigo) learns how to see through it, or use the ability themselves.
I can't tell if I prefer my old interpretation still.</aside>
So Who is Johnny if not a shark? He is obviously the respected shark gang leader.
Or is he a more original Yaridovich model?
Do the shark minions know? Or... Are the shark minions imposters in the same facet the Sea Town Toads were? We of course, only ever *really* interact with shark minions nearest to Johnny himself.
Perhaps, he's exactly like Booster from Booster's tower, playing with himself because of the lack of interpersonal connection provided by the Smithy Gang.
Or, maybe... It's a little bit of both. Perhaps the sharks made him one of their own, and some of the shark minions are duplicates, and others are actual real sharks. And the duplicates are the ones used to face Mario head on.
The world may never know.
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Guest Profiles - Hiroyuki Ketoin
Time for 4/5!~ It’s Hiroyuki Ketoin’s time to shine!~
Meaning all that’s left is Suzuhiko...hoo boy. As per usual, spoilers will be beyond this point.
Hiroyuki Ketoin
Who Are They? (Danganronpa-wise): 
Hiroyuki Ketoin is a supporting character in the DRT trilogy, originally playing the role of an ally to ‘Team Byakuya’ during the World Domination Proclamation in the first and third volumes. He is the younger twin brother to Yuika Ketoin, with both being grandchildren of the Ketoin Conglomerate’s current heir - Hatakiyo Ketoin. The Ketoin Conglomerate is a top-ranked underworld Conglomerate. Taeko Kanai was someone who worked for them.
In volume one, Hiroyuki was alongside his companions to save Blue Ink and Byakuya from Sonia’s forces. The twins were the impromptu getaway drivers (or rather Hiroyuki was the driver) whilst Taeko took on Sonia’s personnel. During this ride, Hiroyuki explained both were there to gain information about the Secret to the Togami Family Prosperity, and was the main mouthpiece for the duo. However, Byakuya was refusing to tell any details about that (to the point Hiroyuki found an entire bottle of alcohol dumped onto his head). Nevertheless, he did continue to assist Byakuya, driving away from threats such as ‘The Ogre’ Sakura Ogami or Despair High’s forces, who sought to capture Byakuya…and even Taeko once her antics in trying to get Yuika’s sailor uniform attracted an angry mob, thus forcing Hiroyuki to speed off and leave her behind.
Hiroyuki and his allies took refuge in his hideout in Pilsen, the Skoda Auto Factory. There, he took a break following questioning and teasing Blue Ink about her Borges, right before taking a shower to wash the alcohol off of him. Later on the group would visit the Church of Bones, with Hiroyuki getting into a debate with Ink about the Despair Novel and Council of Global Controllers (as well as wondering why Byakuya was called to the council in the first place). Hiroyuki was present on the attack on the church by an angry mob that was led there by the Ultimate Imposter’s voice, and later on Kazuichi and Sonia. Likewise, he also witnessed the three-way battle between: Sonia and Kazuichi in their dekotora robot, Sakura (who was working for Byakuya now) and Hasegawa Research Institute (Chief, Kanai and Taeko - who Hiroyuki announced was actually a spy for Hasegawa). Ultimately, Hasegawa was victorious and kidnapped both Byakuya and Yuika, leaving Hiroyuki and Ink behind in the collapse of the Church (which was set on fire by the mob).
However, Hiroyuki and Ink survived, chasing after the Institute in Hiroyuki’s car (which the heir only just remembered was on standby and could be remote controlled to their location). Ultimately, due to the circumstances of the Proclamation, while they did find that the location was at Drestky’s Island, they had no way to get there due every passage being blocked by cars or the ocean. Deciding to leave things up to Ink, Hiroyuki drove his car into the ocean and activated the car’s eject feature, sending her all the way to the island. 
However, Hioryuki did not drown there. He managed to escape, acquire a new car. He would meet Blue Ink again at the wreckage of the UN train convoy, picking her up and saving her from Kazuya Togami and Suzuhiko Otsuki. Hiroyuki took them to the Karlovy Kary, a hotel where they hid out from their pursuers, especially to eat and rest for a bit. 
Hiroyuki uses this time to pry into Blue Ink’s secretarial life (from her talent to the role of secretaries in general) or, to be accurate, how much she relies on Borges. As well as the very real chances Borges has been lying to her about the events of the world. It’s this where Hiroyuki denounces that he is ‘Hiroyuki Ketoin’, noting it was just a lie fabricated by Borges. In reality, he notes he was Blue Ink’s ‘companion’ prior to her past being altered and erased. He encourages her to continue seeking the truth and to be herself. Right before he is shot in the forehead by a sniper (who is later revealed to have been his brainwashed sister). In his hands was a note with the letter ‘K’ on it.
Ultimately, ‘Hiroyuki Ketoin’ was merely Borges K2K System overlaying the character from the Kagami Family Saga novels onto a real person. It’s unknown about the identity of the person who Hiroyuki was, however with the note that he was Ink’s companion (who was the actual Kudan) it leads to the possibility he was the actual Kazuya Togami (with the one who believed he was Kazuya, Orvin Elevator, turned to be unrelated towards the Togami Conglomerate’s affairs).
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(Hiroyuki left, Yuika right)
Hiroyuki- Aside from being described as around Ink and Byakuya’s age, he has no other description in the novel itself.
Compared to his quiet sister, Hiroyuki is a self-described trickster and incredibly outspoken, to the point some could consider him to be a loudmouth and a chatterbox, sometimes rambling about things seemingly unrelated towards the situation at hand. Laidback and with a preference for making quips and geeky/pop culture, he’s one of the friendliest of Byakuya’s allies, though such nature can easily lead him to being forgetful or slow to warn at the worst moments. Befitting an underworld conglomerate heir, he doesn’t care for some laws or rules, such as underage drinking or even allying with a supposed criminal. Despite his rambly, wisecracking nature, he’s quite loyal to those he allies with, and is even willing to put himself in harm’s way in order to save them. He’s also shown to be rather introspective and critical as well, believing that the world is much too chaotic and random for one organization to truly control, being capable of being serious and blunt when it comes to it or that Hope’s Peak was simply making ‘freak shows’.
While slow to anger, he does get frustrated when Byakuya keeps making jabs at his conglomerate only being ‘third rate’. When he parts with Ink for the first time, it also shows he’s a person with a degree of self-esteem issues, noting that he feels that he can’t be ‘the star’, but still believes he can make a difference by assisting his ally who ‘could be’. The final volume shows he is quite knowledgeable, cultured and has an appreciation for literature and its translation. Likewise, his final moment showcases him as still opting to care more about the well being of his ‘companion’ than his own fading life.
Yuika Ketoin - His older twin sister. Went with her to aid in the Ketoins desire to learn about the Secret to the Togami Family’s Prosperity. While Yuika isn’t as expressive, Hiroyuki often backs up his sister and is quite supportive, leading to suggest both have a mutually positive relationship with each other. After her kidnapping, Hiroyuki was distressed about it, even despite his wisecracking nature still being in full force, even still caring about her whilst Ink and himself were trying to have a meal in their hotel hideout.  Because of Yuika’s brainwashing, she either doesn’t register or was tampered to stop caring about Hiroyuki, thus leading her to kill him.
Taeko Kanai - Taeko originally worked for the Ketoins and assisted them in saving Byakuya and Blue Ink. Compared to how well Yuika and Taeko get along, Taeko is far more snappish and rude towards him. In that same vein, Hiroyuki holds no qualms in poking fun at her, and even leaving her to face the brunt of an angry mob. Given that he knew she was a spy, his behavior likely stemmed from that.
Byakuya Togami - Throughout their time together, Byakuya often spent it either ordering Hiroyuki around and insulting his decisions as a ‘third-rate’ conglomerate. That said, while annoyed by Byakuya’s demeanor, he jokingly describes himself as an utter suck-up to his superiors and still does his best to aid them. 
Blue Ink - Through their first meetings, Ink grew openly annoyed at how much Hiroyuki liked to either tease her or was too nonchalant or because he just talked to no-end without saying much useful. In contrast, Hiroyuki takes a liking to her and does compliment her appearance, even with Borges installed in her. Despite Ink’s annoyance, she is quite grateful for Hiroyuki’s assistance and did grew to respect him, even willing to engage in civil debate. Once she learned that Hiroyuki was actually her ‘companion’ that she had forgotten, Ink became distraught and begged for him to tell her before he was killed by Yuika. 
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sakuraswordly · 4 months
Before you read warning contains a spoiler
I love this scene. If you lost your way, you go "To the moon". This Moon you will "Finding Paradise", your happy life and your perfect timeline. The other reason I love this story is that Faye, Quincy and Lynri are not real but they have feeling the same as the human hearts. Faye, Quincy and Lynri are the same as Tomoe Enjou, he is a protagonist of the fifth chapter of Kara no Kyoukai. They are just experiments. Even if their lives, even their hearts are not true. But they continue to drive their lives forward, which proves that they exist even though they don't.
Araya claims that Tomoe's love for Shiki is merely fabricated and that he simply imprinted such a desire in Tomoe's mind. Tomoe affirms his belief of his feelings being real despite his existence as a copy of the original Tomoe Enjou. Nonetheless, he considers the possibility that everything about his current identity is truly fabricated, thus defiantly thanking Araya for granting him such a chance of realization in his life. Araya taunts to Tomoe to confront him as Tomoe heads for the elevator. Inside the elevator, Tomoe drops Shiki's katana, opting to use her knife instead.
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In the end, they finally found happiness. Even though their lives were nothing but emptiness in the end.
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The reason behind Kan Gao is the same as why Yuki loves Tomoe Enjou. (The reason why Kan Gao created Imposter Factory) And this is the reason why you guys love Neo from The Matrix franchise. Neo's life is also not different from Faye, Quincy, Lynri and Tomoe.
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megansfavourites · 8 months
I just beat Danganronpa 2, and here are my thoughts on it
(WARNING: Ending spoilers for BOTH Danganronpa 2 and AI: The Sonmium Files!!)
Okay, so, when I first started playing Danganronpa 2, I guessed right from the beginning that it was going to be revealed the end that the whole thing was just a video game, and I based the guess off the fact that the intro shows Danganronpa 2 being booted up as some kind of classic game, the whole home menu UI is also based on a classic game menu, and the fact that Monokuma could just turn a cow into a chicken in the first chapter. It became very obvious towards the end, when Monokuma started talking about ‘clearing flags’. It turned out I guessed it right!
Also, I had thought that the Ultimate Imposter was going to have a greater role in the story than just imitating Byakuya. I thought that the imposter would switch identities each time right before getting murdered, imitate the person that would die next, and that it would be revealed that the traitor would be the person the imposter was imitating at the end (I totally got this idea from AI: The Somnium Files and thought that some kind of identity-swapping thing was going on). In chapter 5, I kept waiting for it to be revealed that the traitor was the imposter, but was slightly disappointed that no mention of the imposter was made even after Chiaki confessed to being the traitor. I think I got the idea from the fact that when Chiaki was discussing the Ultimate Imposter with Hajime, she said that ‘they might be that way because they can’t help being that way’, something she repeats in a similar manner later on during the class trial, when explaining that she was the traitor because she ‘couldn’t help being that way’. Also, I thought that the factory on the final island that made humanoids was what had been supplying the Ultimate Imposter with bodies of the next person they were to imitate. I thought that it was pointless to have a imposter imitating Byakuya if they were just going to die in the first chapter anyway and is not involved in the ending or in the overall plot.
I thought that Case 3, which was Mikan’s case, was too predictable as I already guessed everything - whom the culprit was and how they did it - right after they went to the second floor of the hospital and noticed that they could shut off all light in the room with the curtains, and the fact that there were two sets of the exclusive tote bags, along with the fact that Mikan was the only one left alone in the hospital and Hajime didn’t see anyone go in, made it very obvious what had happened. I figured out that she caught the Despair Disease and murdered the victims as a result.
For Case 4, they never answered how Monokuma got them into the Funhouse to begin with. Were they just warped into the Funhouse ‘because it’s a game’?
For Case 5, I thought it was dumb that the person that threw the fire grenade that caused Nagito’s death should be counted as the culprit. Even if someone else had been tricked into dealing the final blow to Nagito, wasn’t it still ultimately by his own actions that Nagito got killed? By that logic, if person A tricks person B into killing person C unknowingly, should person B be the blackened because person C died by person B’s actions? Didn’t Monokuma have a rule that the mastermind would be counted as the blackened?
Also, in this same chapter, Chiaki immediately tapped her handbook on the reader but it gave a ‘wrong’ sound. Did Nagito actually not know who the traitor was, thus he programmed the reader to give a ‘wrong’ sound no matter who puts their handbook on the reader? If so, that explains why he said in his video message after that, that he guessed the traitor didn’t come forward. But then why did Chiaki voluntarily put her handbook on the reader when she knew the bombs were fake? If she didn’t know they were fake, I would have assumed that she was trying to come forward as the traitor, but since she did know, was she putting her handbook on the reader just to see if it would really stop the bombs, or to see if Nagito really knew who the traitor was?
For the ending, I was disappointed and thought that it was boring that the villain of the game was just Junko again. I had expected that one of the 16 students would be revealed to be the mastermind all along, like in the first game or in the Zero Escape series. For some reason I thought it was going to be Ibuki as I thought I had spoiled myself on an image of Ibuki turning evil just like with Junko in the first game.
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pebblefriend · 3 years
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Stars and Lavender
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atruedonaldist · 3 years
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OH BOY ANON, HAVE I GOT AN EXPLANATION FOR YOU. Screencapped it since I don't want to spoil anyone that comes across this post.
For the short summary, with as little spoilers as possible, in the comic, Eva asks Neil about his retirement plans. She states that her retirement plan is tending to a garden... then says that her garden might be so big, that she might need some help with it. Neil agrees, and that little comic segment ends there, basically implying that she asked Neil to spend the rest of their life together, up until retirement and longer.
If that appeases you anon, feel free to stop reading here!
Now, for a much more spoilery explanation, spoiling the game heavily. Please do stop reading here if you REALLY don't want to be spoiled.
You see, we get an explanation for Neil's... painkillers. He has a disease (I forgot what it was called exactly) that could potentially lead to his death while he's young. He got it from his mother, who we learn died in order to have Neil since her condition got worse while she was pregnant. So... Neil, doesn't have any plans, or future goals. He doesn't know when his life will end.
And Eva... Eva learns from Roxy about his condition. So she tells him about her retirement plants, about needing help with her garden, and she tells him that "but to stay as long as one wants, for as long as one can stay, that's the most anybody could ask of anyone else."
Then Neil asks, "is that what you're asking me?"
She pauses and looks away, embarrassed, and he takes off his glasses and looks at the sunset. "Then, in that case... yeah, I'd like to stay in that garden. For as long as you want me to... and for as long as I can."
ROSAWATTS IS REAL..............
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faze-bretta · 1 year
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mozukumi · 3 years
On the name of a certain character...
MAJOR imposter factory spoilers below the cut!
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So! How about that vaguely canon Rosawatts child!
Obviously I know that she’s simulated - she’s not from the “real world”, but also I think it’d be nice if we came up with a name for her as a fandom. And to throw my hat into the ring...
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I think Gabrielle would be nice, because it’s what they planned on naming Neil if he was a girl - so the lore could be that Lynri and Quincy suggested the name :) And I think Gabrielle Rosalene-Watts has a nice ring to it. But I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!
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Time to just. Dump my thoughts on the game.
Spoilers under the keep reading
Okay. First of all. Significantly less Neil and Eva than expected
The moment I saw that blanket in the party room I know it was the machine
My brain was absolutely bouncing around trying to figure out if Lynri was the creator of the machine or Neils mom
Like. From the start I was set on Lynri being Neil’s mom with how they never said her last name, the hereditary disease, plus her hair and eyes and the stargazing w her father
I would like to issue a formal apology to Quincy and Lynri for EVER thinking they would be bad parents
Also. Young Rosawatts ❤️
I was sad abt the lack of Eva at first but like
Knowing she was the one who was persistent w her and Neil’s friendship,,, my little heart,,,
I’m glad everyone got what they wanted
Seeing the theoretical life Neil and Eva had in his parent’s memories,,,
My poor roommate had to put up with so much crying
The game was only 3.5 hours long. Very short but I’m not complaining
Faye pretending to be Eva and confessing to Neil-
He didn’t fall for it but still
Will probably update this w more thoughts later
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birbliophile · 3 years
“I could even use some help [in the garden]” whoever said this was better than the boat proposal is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT this hits ALL THE BOXES
“For as long as you want me to, and for as long as I can” EXCUSE ME?????? HHHHHHHHHHAUH?????? WHAT KIND OF TENDER...haaAAAAA
THE SUNSET????????
I’m going to be thinking about this for the next ten years
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peoplefully · 3 years
Legit thought lynri was gonna be pre-trans Neil and was sorta disappointed when it wasn't that lmao
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