#im so sorry my dear readers
eventuallyaugust · 11 months
matchmaker ep. 1: bonnie & clyde in action
now playing... taylor swift - cruel summer
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hyunseol steps into view and smiles at the camera before speaking up. "love happens in the most unexpecting way possible. so unexpected you'll find yourself wondering how you ended up in that situation or how that event even came to be. love is never an easy concept for us to comprehend because it just happens."
karina joins the other idol and stands beside the 5'11 foot idol, leaning her head against the latter's shoulder and intertwining her hand with the latter before she smiles. "but not every question that we could think from the top of our heads need an answer because love could be the only answer why we feel the flutter in our stomach or we end up looking forward to meeting our special someone every day. it works mysteriously, but it makes sense."
the camera turns on and hyunseol's eyes comes into view, a huge smile forming on her lips while waving at the camera. "helloo. good morning, everyone~"
her manager, yongsun giggles at the sight of the idol. txt's oldest member looks like a kid being at an aquarium for the first time, eager to look at the fishes swimming inside.
"ready for your first date?"
hyunseol nods as she tears her eyes away from the camera to look at her manager, unable to keep a smile off her face. "yeah, i'm ready and excited. i just hope i won't get clumsy in front of her. my heart won't be able to move on if i did mess up in front of a beautiful woman."
caption: the bane of seol's existence: women
"i'm sure you won't mess up." yongsun steps on the brake in front of the stoplights flashing red and turns to the idol while removing her hand from the steering wheel. she then holds the idol's face in her hand and smiles at hyunseol like a mother reassuring her child. "besides, you can just rizz her up so you won't feel embarrassed."
caption: manager yongsun is aware of seol's rizz 🫣
hyunseol chuckles and moves away from yongsun's hand, playfully grimacing. "i don't think i can even use something such as my rizz to her, unnie."
"just... no, i won't. oh, look, we arrived." once the car stopped, hyunseol immediately hops out of the vehicle without letting her manager say anything, knowing the latter will continue to tease her.
a cameraman immediately catches her arrival and the idol subtly nods at the staff as a greeting. she then walks in the café, the agreed place for the date and the bells by the door announces her arrival inside.
meanwhile, karina snaps out of her thoughts the same time she heard the bells going off and looks up from her fingers, her heart jumping into her throat. the tall idol stops walking as their eyes meet for a few minutes before they share a warm smile with karina's shoulders relaxing and hyunseol chuckling as her eyes disappear from her cheeks.
caption: they? are? so? cute? is it bad if i call them my parents? 🥹🥹
once hyunseol arrives in front of the booth karina is seated, she immediately smiles at karina with undeniable shyness present in her voice. "hi."
"hello." karina then snaps out of her trance and licks her lips, looking up at hyunseol with an infectious smile. "please take a seat."
"i hope i didn't make you wait." hyunseol gulps as she sits across the sm idol and hangs her head low.
karina immediately shakes her head, her thighs accidentally moving the table that startled both of them before she blushed and placed her hands on the surface, taking a mental note not to move the table. "n-no, you actually didn't make me wait. i just arrived after you, so there's no need to apologize."
"oh... okay." the idols look away as they both blush with awkwardness rising in the air.
caption: they're so awkward with one another and it makes me smile for some reason
the idols keep looking around the café, hyper aware of the uncomfortable silence in both of them. they have no idea how to start a conversation, falling to their thoughts until a voice snaps them back to reality.
hyunseol blinks as she then turns and sees a man in a white polo with a name tag in front of their table. bobby, the nametag reads.
caption: they're so gay, your honor.
"oh, uhm, h-hi. sorry, what did you say?" hyunseol looks up at the waiter with a apologetic look.
"it's okay, miss." the waiter smiles. "may i ask what you two will have from the menu?"
suddenly, the producer comes into view and talks to the waiter before the clip goes fast forward, showing hyunseol shaking her head disapprovingly and clicking her tongue while karina shakes her head with a sigh.
caption: what's happened?? who made my parents upset?
hyunseol then watches the producer walk away, the latter heading to the manager office before she leans closer to karina and lowers her voice into a whisper, her eyes on the lookout for the producer.
"hey, what's up?", karina whispers back as she also looks around, her heartbeat going to overdrive at hyunseol's sudden action.
"i think this date will not go well." hyunseol sighs. "what do you think?"
"i have no hopes for this, to be honest. unless..." the 5'11 foot idol turns her attention to the sm idol, waiting for the latter to finish her sentence before karina meets hyunseol's awaiting eyes and blushes while looking away when a devilish thought flashes in her mind.
karina moves away and the bighit idol looks at her with curiosity before clearing her throat. "as i was saying, i have no hopes for this date, unless we go out and do a real date ourselves."
hyunseol raises a brow as she smirks, looking over karina. "perhaps are you suggesting that we ditch the production team here and film our own date?
"because if you did", the txt member whispers, still smirking at the sm idol. "then i'm totally on-board with the idea, you rebel."
karina shrugs while pouting. "but i don't know how we would pull that off. i'm only the thinker, not the doer in these types of mischief. normally, i would just chicken out of this."
hyunseol smirks even wider, chuckling in a low voice. "good thing i'm your date, then. we're the perfect pair since you're the thinker and i'm the doer. we're gonna be like bonnie and clyde, but the less evil version."
"how are we less evil than those two when we're planning to ditch them here?" karina looks at the bighit idol with a raised brow with a hint of teasing in her voice.
hyunseol holds up two fingers while saying, "first of all, we aren't committing any kind of robbery anywhere as far as i know. second, we're a good team... although i admit now that i did pick a bad duo."
the tall idol scratches her nape and looks away, awkwardly chuckling. "okay, fine. that was—"
"that was kinda cute", karina interrupts the bighit idol and smiles at hyunseol who looked at her in disbelief. "you know, thinking of a duo name for us doing some mischief although you did choose a bad name."
hyunseol grows silent while trying not to smile and hangs her low to hide the smile she couldn't seem to resist doing from the camera.
caption: is— is she smiling? and blushing? from karina?! i mean, i would too if karina called me cute, but still?!
karina giggles at the reaction she received while looking away and feels blood rushing to her cheeks, knowing she just made the oh hyunseol of txt speechless. the legendary smooth talker among 4th gen idols.
caption: kudos for the production team in getting these two together. they just made me feel more single than ever, sigh.
hyunseol clears her throat and looks to the manager's office, noticing that the producer hasn't come back yet before turning her attention on karina. "should we do it now? gong pd-nim might come back sooner or later."
karina points to the camera strapped into a small tripod, looking at the taller idol. "we only have one camera. do you think it will be enough to film our date?"
hyunseol shakes her head, frowning. "no, we need one more and—" her eyes then widen in realization and looks at karina with a knowing smile. "wait, i think i saw one when i came in the café earlier. hang on, wait for me here."
karina nods and watches as hyunseol immediately looks around the place before she hops out of their booth and dashes to the front door. the sm idol offers herself to be the lookout while hyunseol gets herself busy on untangling the camera that somehow gets itself on the mess with the decoration vines of the establishment.
the sm idol doesn't know why but being the lookout while hyunseol does the dirty work (it's only fair to call whatever the bighit idol is bad considering they will ditch the production team) gets her so excited and jumpy. being an artist under sm entertainment restricts her to have fun, but starring in various reality shows like this makes her feel alive.
it makes her feel human again; having emotions, feeling that adrenaline rush, that feeling when your cheeks start to hurt from smiling so much, etc. it's been a while since she felt that and feeling those feelings again with hyunseol makes it more fun, exciting, and intimate considering they are on a date.
thump-thump, thump-thump
but despite them ditching the whole production, karina will look forward to their own date and to the day ahead of them (she feels herself blushing once she realized that she will be left alone with hyunseol, the girl she somehow feels happy to be with).
"hey, are you ready?" karina snaps out of her trance and meets the bighit idol's eyes nervously. hyunseol then tilts her head when she noticed something about the latter that she couldn't quite identify. "are you okay? is this too extreme? we could stop this whole ordeal if—"
"no!" karina immediately covers her mouth with her hand when she realized she slightly raises her voice. "i-i mean, there's no need for that. it's okay and we need this time for ourselves.
"we need to do our own date without anyone else, just... us", the sm idol mutters as her hand finds the taller idol's arm, her fingers absentmindedly trailing down hyunseol's skin. the bighit idol can feel goosebumps rising on her arm and slowly feels it getting warm. their eyes meet one another as neither from the pair dares to move, silence ensuing between them for a moment.
thump-thump, thump-thump
caption: why... why am i smiling?
hyunseol blinks and clears her throat, moving away as the warmth from karina's hand leaves her arm while karina snaps out of her bubble and removes her hand after realizing what she was doing to the latter. "o-okay, w-we need to go, come on. we're all set."
once the pair gets ahold of their plan and hyunseol made sure the coast is clear with no production staffs in sight, the bighit idol signals the sm idol to follow her. the pair is running to the front door when the manager's office door opens and the producer catches them in the act, screaming while pointing at them, "hey, stop right there!"
hyunseol and karina meets each other's eyes with the biggest smirks ever known to mankind over their faces before the taller idol offers her hand to the the sm idol and the latter doesn't hesitate to hold hyunseol's hand, both of them bursting out of the café.
the cameras they're holding catches the smiles on their faces as they run out of the establishment with the cameraman and the producer on their heels. they could hear the "hey, stop!" from behind, but they ignore it as the wind meets their faces. the adrenaline rush flowing in their veins and bodies keeps them running away while not bothering to look back.
hyunseol keeps a tight grip on karina's hand and shouts through the wind as she throws the latter a look, "hey, do you trust me?!"
"i thought that was already given the moment i hold your hand and run away with you!", karina answers as she clutches the camera in her other hand, still smiling so wide.
the txt member then smiles wider and tightens her hold on her camera while shouting back, "just making sure! now, come on, follow me! i know how we can lose them!"
hyunseol turns her attention forward and karina looks at the 5'11 foot idol, her eyes focused on the huge smile plastered on the taller idol's face. the sm idol tears her eyes away from the bighit idol and looks forward, letting the latter lead her somewhere. somewhere with hyunseol.
caption: i don't know who's more happy: hyunseol or karina but what i'm sure of? they're so gay, you can see it in their eyes
the clip then gets cut to the next scene, showing the pair in an alley as they try to catch their breaths, leaning against the concrete wall.
hyunseol manages to ask with her eyes closed as she gasps for air, "are... you okay?"
"... yeah", is the only word karina to say between her breaths before turning to the tall idol. she then grabs a handkerchief from her pocket and grabs a fistful of hyunseol's clothes, gently dragging her down to her height.
"i'm sorry, but you have something on your face. let me just...", karina apologizes and wipes the sweat trailing down the txt member's face. hyunseol becomes stiff and remains unmoving, her eyes falling on the aespa member's face. she could swear feel the 5'6 foot idol's breath against her lips and manage to push all the accumulating thoughts out of her mind.
"there, all good."
karina then notices silence from the tall idol and tilts her head, whispering with her face subconsciously leaning closer to the latter. "are you okay?"
"y-yeah, e-everything's good."
caption: liar, everything's not exactly okay. karina just made you blush for the nth time, seol.
hyunseol clears her throat and steers her head away, more blood rushing to her cheeks as she grows aware the lacking distance between their faces. karina blinks and looks down at her hand to find it still gripping the 5'11 foot idol's mint green sweater vest before she looks up at hyunseol to see the color red decorating latter's face and ears.
the aespa member immediately lets the fabric go and steps backward, looking away flustered.
caption: them being awkward? check. gay? 10000% check.
after a few minutes of regaining their composure, hyunseol clears her throat and straightens her sweater vest while speaking up, "now that we lost them, let's start this date. shall we?"
"where should we go?"
"well, let's eat lunch first. we haven't eaten anything ever since we left the café", the txt member suggests while looking at karina. "what do you want to eat in this moment?"
"could it be anything?", the sm idol looks up at hyunseol who flashed her a smile and a wink, placing a hand on karina's shoulder.
"oh, it could be anything, princess. tteokbokki, bibimbap, kimchi, anything you want." hyunseol's smile fades for a moment and realizes something. "wait, hey."
"i just want to ask if you're... okay with me calling you petnames?" hyunseol waits for karina's reaction before she adds with a hint of stutter in her voice, "because i could stop using petnames to you if you are not okay with it and just settle on calling you by your name—"
"no." a pause ensues before the sm idol pushes hyunseol against the concrete wall, startling the latter. karina grabs hyunseol's chin as she looks right into the latter's widened eyes her action taking the txt member by surprise. "don't, just... just keep using the pet names. it's more than okay for you to use them. okay, baby?"
caption: baby? baby? baby?!
hyunseol hangs her head low as her heartbeats overtake her sense of hearing and if she wasn't a tomato earlier, she is now sure she's one by how she's blushing right now.
caption: hyunseol.exe just stopped working. recalibration needed.
"o-okay." karina smiles and kisses hyunseol's cheek, earning a small shriek from the tall idol. the latter's reaction makes karina's smile grow bigger before she lets the txt member's face go and intertwines her hand with the bighit idol's slightly bigger hand, the hand feeling warm in her hold.
karina looks down at their hands and tilts her head before she shakes her head and throws hyunseol a look, flashing the latter a smile. "ready to go, babe?"
hyunseol decides to nod, not trusting her voice at the moment while she avoids looking at karina with her ears still looking red.
caption: yoo jimin, the only woman who can rizz seol back
"anyways!", the bighit idol exclaims as she turns away from the sm idol, her camera unknowingly catching her taking a deep breath while fighting off a smile on her lips. "come on, let's borrow a friend's car or something to go to my friend's resto. i don't want to keep you starving, that will be the not-so-seol of me if i did."
"perhaps do you know someone we can borrow their car?"
hyunseol chuckles. "oh, baby, you're forgetting you're talking to the nation's best friend. i can borrow a car for us to use, just say anything and i'll do it blindly."
karina looks up at hyunseol with a tilt of her head, a smirk playing over her lips. "anything?"
the taller idol looks down and sees the glint present in the other idol's eyes, raising a brow at the latter. "and with that look of yours, what are you insinuating, miss yu?"
"hm...", karina hums as she leans closer to hyunseol, standing on her tiptoes to get on the taller idol's level with her arms on the latter's shoulders. the bighit idol keeps her ground while smirking as she decides not to move away, keeping her eyes trained right into the shorter idol's.
the 5'6 foot idol then turns away and moves her arms away, the sm idol's camera catching their interaction. "it's nothing, now come on, miss oh. we better get lunch."
"you knew her?!"
hyunseol laughs at karina's reaction upon meeting her said friend. the sm idol has her jaws hanging wide open as she blinks, her mind cannot wrap her head around the fact that taller idol has one of the the famous restaurant owners in korea for a friend.
for. a. friend.
caption: and what do we expect for the nation's best friend??
"i just lent her some money and her business surprisingly became successful. i don't know how, but it did." hyunseol sets her camera on the table towards her, giving her a full view of herself before helping karina with the latter's camera.
"yes, and now, seol here is the co-owner of this establishment."
the bighit idol whines and pouts as she shakes her head, looking up at her friend. "no, no, i'm not! don't say something like that! this resto has only one owner and it's you—"
"don't listen to her, karina-ssi. she is the restaurant's co-owner, but she only agreed under one condition. it is a good thing it's an easy request because i would really like to show my gratitude for her help."
unbeknownst to the camera, hyunseol sends her friend a pointed panicked look and a small shake of her head before recomposing herself when karina looked at her.
"but anyways!" the owner claps with a smile and pulls out a notepad and a pen from her back pockets. "what will you guys have for lunch?"
hyunseol then grabs the menu board from her friend's hand and examines the contents while karina leans closer to the taller idol, looking at the foods displayed that might spark her interest.
"hm...", the bighit idol hums and throws karina a look. "what food should we order?"
the sm idol turns her head and meets hyunseol's eyes before her gaze goes back to the menu board. "i don't know..."
"well, we could pick separate cuisines like i'll take the bibimbap and you'll take whatever dish you like best or something along those lines. or maybe we could share one?? i don't really know what you prefer, so i need your opinions on this." the taller idol gazes upon the board and trails a finger on the surface, making karina look at it and follow its movement before blinking when she realized what she was doing.
"what's your best-selling foods in the menu?", karina asks as she looks at the owner, laying her chin on hyunseol's shoulder.
"most of our regular customers order tteokbokki, bulgogi, japchae, and jajangmyeon."
the two idols look at one another and turn their attention back to the owner with matching smiles. "could we get all of that please?"
caption: oh, i know they are gonna eat well in this ep.
"okay, please wait for your orders." the owner immediately excuses herself while the pair bows to her before she leaves the couple alone in their table.
karina moves away and playfully smacks the bighit idol's arm. "i still cannot believe you personally know her. did you know that it took me and my group days to get a reservation here while it took you seconds?"
hyunseol shrugs while smirking. "perks of being the first investor of this place, i guess. besides, i gave her a call that we'll drop by. that's why it took me seconds to enter this place."
karina nods and turns her attention around the place before something catches her eye. hyunseol looks at the sm idol after a few minutes of silence and follows her line of sight to see the shorter idol looking at the unique design of their booth's interior that she couldn't help but to admit now holds so much memory.
"do you like the design?"
"yeah, i don't know how to describe it, but it looks good." after a few minutes without a reply, karina then looks at the taller idol to see her drawing on the table with her finger and leans closer to the latter, tucking her chin on hyunseol's shoulder. "what are you doing?"
the latter doesn't respond and continues, making karina focus on whatever hyunseol is doing to pass time. after a few seconds, she realizes that the taller idol is writing something and starts smiling after she finally understand what the bighit idol was writing before she looks at the camera and looks back at the table, her smile getting impossibly wider.
caption: what are they doing that got karina smiling??
you're so pretty, hyunseol writes on the surface as she smiles, not bothering to look at karina to know the latter's reaction. you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen.
caption: ayo, let us on the fun too. i wanna know what you guys are smiling for :((
karina finally looks up from the table, her cheeks flushed a warm pink. she stares at hyunseol's side profile for a moment before looking away. "you shouldn't say such things," she mutters softly.
hyunseol grins and reaches out to take the shorter idol's hand in her own. "i can't help it," she says softly, her voice full of admiration for the ever-so-beautiful woman. "you're just too beautiful." she brings karina's hand up to her lips and presses a gentle kiss against it.
karina blushes even more deeply, but she can't help the small smile that appears on her face. she looks into hyunseol's eyes and squeezes the latter's hand tight in hers.
"i'd tell the whole world about your beauty," the taller idol murmurs as she tucks a loose hair strand back into karina's ear with her other hand, "but i have a feeling they already knew about it."
caption: now i can see the vision why seol is part of the rizz gods of txt, but i'm still upset on what seol is writing on the table
karina's gaze lingers on hyunseol's features, taking in each one with admiration. her voice softens as she speaks her next words, “you’re not too bad yourself, you know. in fact, i think you might be the most beautiful person i’ve ever met.” she watches for the taller idol's reaction, feeling suddenly embarrassed but unable to look away.
hyunseol's jaw slightly drops and her cheeks flush pink as the compliment echoes in her ears. she opens her mouth, a faint whisper escaping from her lips, "really?" her heart races and butterflies fill her stomach while a warmth spreads through her chest.
karina nods, her eyes shining with sincerity. "really," she confirms, and leans forward to press a soft kiss to hyunseol's cheek, making the latter blush at the sudden action. "but it's not just your physical beauty, you know. it's your heart, too. the way you care for others and the passion you put into everything you do like what you did for the owner of this restaurant. that's what makes you truly beautiful."
hyunseol feels her face flush as she listens to the smaller idol's heartfelt words. her heart races in her chest and her breathing becomes shallow, as if the intensity of the moment had stolen the air from her lungs. she opens her mouth to speak but no sound comes out; it took a few moments before she could force any syllables out.
finally, she manages to whisper as her mind goes back to several memories from the past, “you’re too kind. i’m not sure i deserve all of that.”
caption: nooo, you deserve those kind and appreciative words, seol. please don't think otherwise :((
karina's face softens, and her eyes glistens with emotion as she lifts her hand to hyunseol's cheek, her fingers trailing the soft skin. her thumb slowly caresses a gentle line along the latter's cheekbone. "you deserve all of it and more," she says quietly. a wistful smile lights up her features as she looks at the taller idol who became silent. "you're an amazing person, hyunseol, and i'm so grateful that i've met you."
caption: my cheeks are hurting so much from smiling, but i'll happily go through this pain for them no matter how it already hurts
the waiter glides through the restaurant, the clinking of plates and cutlery coming from the kitchen following him like a symphony. his heart feels heavy as he approaches the couple, deeply engrossed in their conversation. he could tell they were in the midst of an intimate exchange; the look in their eyes – a deep, passionate gaze – tells him this. he pauses for a moment, regretting that he had to interrupt them before he clears his throat, making his presence known. the couple looks up, embarrassed. they know what was coming, but they didn't care. not a little bit.
the waiter smiles, but he could not help but feel a little guilty. he had seen the couple’s orders come through the kitchen window and he knew he had to deliver it. he puts on a brave face and announces, “your orders are ready.”
caption: aww, even the waiter can see their chemistry
the couple shares a look, a slight smile of understanding, before the waiter places the dishes on the table. the aroma of the food fills the air and brings the couple back to reality.
"thank you." the waiter bows and takes the trays with him before giving the couple the privacy they need.
"let's eat!" the couple then grabs the two chopsticks and both split it before they start eating, ready to satiate their hunger. a comfortable silence ensues between them as they all look at each dish on their table, their mouths filled with food.
while chewing, hyunseol throws karina a look and immediately puts her chopsticks down before she leans closer to the latter and gently cradles the sm idol's face in her other hand, karina's cheeks filled with food.
the shorter idol slightly flinches and blinks in surprise before meeting hyunseol's eyes. the latter smiles apologetically. "eyes on me, princess. you have something on your cheek. let me get it for you, hang on."
hyunseol wipes the stain which was the soybean paste from the jajangmyeon with her thumb and smiles at the other idol. "there all good." she then leans away as she licks the stain off her finger, oblivious to the stare karina is throwing before the latter snaps out of her reverie and goes back to eating with flushed cheeks.
caption: seol will never let karina breathe, i fear
"thanks for stopping by the resto." the couple nods as the bighit idol smiles at her friend, patting the latter three times on the back.
"you're always welcome, i'm happy to drop by, but sadly, karina and i need to go."
"of course, and oh, here is my car key." hyunseol's friend hands out a car key belonging to a car the bighit idol is familiar with and they meet each other's eyes for a moment with smiles on their faces.
"i promised to bring your car back without a scratch."
the restaurant owner nods, although she already knows that hyunseol is a great driver. "you two better stay safe, okay?"
the 5'11 foot idol salutes and playfully winks. "will do, madam! thanks for lending me your car!"
"you're welcome, and i just want to say before you go, you guys look good together." karina and hyunseol immediately throw each other a glance before looking back at the bighit idol's friend, one with a shy look and the other with a smirk. "but i bet you guys already know it. anyways, i need to go. see you guys soon again, bye!"
caption: seol's friend really said gay rights !!
"anddd... that's my friend. what do you think?"
"she's so sweet. now i know why you're friends with her." hyunseol nods and opens the passenger seat door out for karina.
"yeah, she's sweet. no wonder her business became successful. she deserved that success."
"come on in, princess", the bighit idol smirks and slightly leans against the door. "we are going to the spend the rest of the day on something. i'm not sure what it is, but i'm sure we'll figure it out."
as soon as karina enters the car, hyunseol shuts the door and rushes to the driver's seat before she hops in, her camera in hand. "are we going to use my camera or yours in the car?"
"let's use yours." after a few minutes of setting her camera up, hyunseol nods and realizes something as she turns to karina and they meet each other's eyes, receiving a raised brow from the sm idol. "yes?"
"let me just..." the bighit idol reaches for the karina's seatbelt, leaning closer to the latter. the shorter idol's camera catches the lack of distance between their faces as their eyes meet, hyunseol wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. "oh, hi there."
caption: and if i wish i was there to make them kiss, then what?
once hyunseol finally fastened the sm idol's seatbelt, she turns away with a smirk after seeing the color pink invade the latter's face and inserts the car key in the key hole, revving the engine. karina then turns her camera off as she then places the device on her lap, blushing.
"let's go."
the camera catches karina sighing in relief as she places a hand over her chest, leaning her head against the window. she looks outside the car as they pass several tall buildings and other cars in the road.
"is there a place you want to go?", hyunseol asks.
several seconds in the silence before an idea stumbles in karina's mind as her body instinctively shoots up while shouting, "oh, i know where we could go!" that surprised hyunseol who lost her attention on driving being worried for the woman beside her.
the car slightly swerves on the road before hyunseol immediately gains focus in her surroundings as her hands grow a tight grip on the steering wheel and her feet expertly step on the clutch and brake to avoid having a collision with the other cars. quietness rises between the pair as they try their best not to break it knowing they almost ended up in an accident while maintaining their gaze to the road ahead of them.
"i'm sorry...", karina finally mutters under her breath after several minutes of an excruciating silence and hyunseol notices guilt laced in the shorter idol's voice. "i didn't mean to surprise you, i'm sorry."
"hey, it's okay—"
karina whines. "no, it's not. stop saying things like that. we could've died, and—!"
"but we didn't. we're still alive and breathing. that's what matters, right?", hyunseol cuts karina off with a warm tone as she keeps her eyes on the road.
the txt member is aware that it is indeed karina's fault, but the latter doesn't need to know that. she will never admit something like that to the woman beside her. no, never, over her dead body. she won't do no such thing, especially now that she sees the sm idol is beating herself up with that fact.
"but nothing. admit it, there's nothing to be sorry for. something like that happens, okay?"
the sm idol looks at the taller idol with narrowed eyes, crossing her arms. "you're not going to let me win this argument, are you?"
"depends", the bighit idols responds as she glances at karina with a smirk before she looks back on the road. "are you going to keep arguing with me?"
"i don't know if it'll be just a waste of time or not."
"oh, princess", hyunseol remarks with a teasing tone. "it is indeed a waste of time. when you're in a relationship with me, don't waste your time worrying about such trivial things especially when you know it's not needed. you only need to waste your loving me because you got me, i got you, and we got each other, always."
the taller idol then throws karina a look and sees the latter in a state of spacing out before turning her gaze back to the road as a hint of fear starts accumulating in her chest. "are you okay?? did i say too much? i can take everything i said back if—"
"no, it's okay. i'm fine."
"... are you sure? i didn't go overboard with my teasing, right?" karina senses a hint of guilt laced in hyunseol's voice. she doesn't know how to feel about that fact because she is doubting herself if she either sensed it or just assumed that the bighit idol is feeling guilty.
"yes, i'm sure and thank you." pause. "i'm just worried that we could've died if you weren't skilled enough for us to avoid getting into an accident. if only i didn't surprise you, then..."
karina hangs her head low as she plays with her fingers and falls to her thoughts, a pout forming on her lips.
hyunseol immediately pulls over to the side of the road and karina turns to the former, both surprised and confused about the stunt the taller idol pulled.
"what? what's wrong?"
caption: i'm asking the same thing, girl
"hey— wait, can i have consent to hold your hand first?"
caption: baby bear, you didn't ask her consent earlier, so why now? but still, when she asks for consent 😍 >>>
"uhm, sure."
"okay, thank you." hyunseol envelops her slightly bigger hands around karina's smaller one and meets the latter's eyes, hers filling up with warmth the shorter idol couldn't identify. "please stop blaming yourself about what happened. we were both unaware of what's going to happen, that's why it happened."
"okay, let's put it like this." the txt member takes a deep breath and drops the most outrageous statement known to the aespa member that had the latter looking at her as if she had committed the dumbest thing in the world (which hyunseol did for karina). "it's my fault, not yours. my mind wasn't on alert when you—"
"but you're the one driving the car... so why should it be your fault?"
"just because." hyunseol then reaches out to tuck a loose strand over karina's ear, careful not to linger a touch on the latter's skin, particularly her face. "so if you keep blaming yourself for what happened, then might as well blame myself too."
"but it's not your fault..."
"whatever you're feeling right now is what i'm feeling whenever you say it's your fault when i told you it's okay. we could just put this situation behind us so we could move on from this and—"
knock, knock, knock
the couple jumps, startled and turns to the hyunseol's side of the car where the sound came from to see a female police officer waiting outside.
caption: uh-oh??
the pair immediately shares a look and gulps before the txt member rolls down the window and flashes the police officer a smile.
"hello there! may i ask what seems the problem we have, officer?" hyunseol's eyes slightly widen at the familiar policewoman and immediately recomposes herself, remembering that the camera in the car is recording.
the officer tilts her head and raises a brow once she saw hyunseol, but immediately goes back to professional mode when she noticed karina beside the bighit idol and a camera where a dash cam should be.
"miss oh, is there a problem here? you're aware that pulling over to the side means something's wrong, right?"
hyunseol nods, feeling a bit embarrassed. "um, yes. yes, you're right."
"but may i ask what it is?"
karina immediately speaks up with a nervous smile over her face as the policewoman and hyunseol turn to look at her. "sorry, ma'am, but it's my fault. i was feeling nervous about going on a date with hyunseol here, and uhm, i kind of panicked. she noticed me panicking, so she pulled over and helped me calm down. sorry if we got you worried."
the sm idol bows her head. "rest assured that i-it won't happen again."
hyunseol and the police officer share a quick look as if the idol told the latter using her eyes before they both look away. hyunseol holds karina's hand to ease the sm idol's nerves as she moves her hands on her lap and signs something without the camera catching her unusual action and raising any suspicion from karina, making the policewoman's attention fall on the moving hand.
the police officer then looks away and states, "it's okay, miss yu. thank you for telling me what had happened, i understand it now. don't worry, both of you aren't in trouble. i'll be going now, and also, miss yu."
karina nervously looks up and meets the policewoman's eyes. "y-yes?"
"you're a lucky girl to have hyunseol."
caption: it takes a matchz supporter to know another one
"uhm... t-thank you."
"you're welcome, i'll go now. good luck on your date." the bighit idol and the cop share a look with a small nod before the latter walks away as the sm idol sighs in relief, leaning against the passenger seat with her hand over her chest.
hyunseol immediately throws karina a look and turns her whole body, facing the sm idol with a worried expression over her face. "are you okay? that officer didn't scare you too much, right?"
caption: when she's worried for her future gf first than herself>>>
"n-no, but she just surprised me." the txt member sighs in relief and nods, smiling at karina who met the taller idol's eyes. "but what about you?"
hyunseol tilts her head, confused. "what about me, princess?"
"are you okay?"
the bighit idol's smile becomes wider, a bit genuine than flirty. "just seeing you okay makes me feel okay, so yes. i'm okay, rina. you don't need to ask, but i still appreciate your effort doing so. thank you."
the taller idol then boops the shorter idol's nose with her finger and gently pats the latter's head, still having a wide smile over her lips. hyunseol is moving her hand away when karina got ahold of her wrist and halted her movements. surprised, the bighit idol looks at karina and blinks in stunned silence before she asks, "yes?"
"hold my hand."
caption: when she's becoming to be bold from her future gf>>>
hyunseol jerks her head back in, clearly taken aback before a smile breaks out on her lips and her shoulders relax as she chuckles. "okay, you scared me for a bit there."
"it's okay, princess, but hang on." hyunseol then revs the engine and turns to karina expectantly with a shit-eating grin on her face, holding her right hand out. "and your hand, madam."
the sm idol playfully rolls her eyes and holds the taller idol's hand, intertwining their hands together while the bighit idol's grin grows wider. "there you go, it wasn't so hard, right?"
karina shrugs as she tries not to smile. hyunseol then asks, "so where do you want to go?"
"hey. hey, are you okay?"
"y-yeah i-i'm good", hyunseol stutters as she tries to give karina a thumbs up and her hand trembles while her other hand has a tight grip on the metal pole, trying not to look down past the cable car.
"i don't think so. your face is getting paler than earlier", the aespa member comments as she cradles the taller idol's face in her hands, her fingers caressing the latter's cheeks. she then sees the panic in the bighit idol's eyes and grows worried. "hey, hey. deep breaths. take deep breaths for me, seol."
karina holds hyunseol's face in place when the latter tried to look outside of the cable car and softly talks, "eyes on me, baby. eyes on me, don't you dare look away. are you afraid of heights?"
"y-yes, i-i'm sorry. i'm not usually like this, so a-afraid." the txt member hangs her head low.
the aespa member then lifts hyunseol's chin and looks at the latter in the eye with a warm smile tugging her lips. "hey, it's okay. no need to be ashamed of having a phobia. don't worry, okay? just hang on, we'll be at the top soon."
the bighit idol frowns and karina apologetically smiles at the former. "i'm sorry for mentioning it, but i'm here. you can lean on me for the mean time, okay?"
caption: i'd want nothing more than to see my independent girl rina caring for her gf
"okay, we're here. i got you, baby."
caption: there's already so much b bombs dropping even when they're still not together, but i'm not even complaining
"when you said you want to go here, i never expected my phobia kicking in and got myself holding onto you."
karina giggles. "there's nothing to be afraid of holding onto me, but i can see why you're so into treating me good. it makes me feel satisfied."
"of course, why do you think my love language is acts of service?"
suddenly, a bird flies by while chirping and karina immediately moves her head, burying her face against hyunseol's arm. alerted, the txt member miraculously gains strength in her body and protectively wraps an arm around the aespa member's figure as she looks around.
she then looks down to the sm idol as she whispers, her camera catching the interaction between the idols. "hey, what's wrong?"
"... birds." hyunseol then looks around and finds several birds around which makes her gulp before looking back down. "are they everywhere?"
"yeah, kinda."
"why did they just decide to come bothering us right now?", karina mutters with a hint of disdain and hyunseol hears it, but she doesn't know if the mics attached in their clothes had caught the sm idol's mumble.
the txt member worriedly asks, "do you want to get away?"
karina looks up and meets hyunseol's eyes. "but what about the entrance fee we paid for? isn't it a waste for us to pay for it and just leave without even several minutes us being on the top?"
"if you're worried about our money, i can just pay you back—"
"do you not want to be here with me? is that what you're aiming for?"
"what— no. why are you even thinking like that?"
"i have a feeling you're hinting you want to leave...", karina mumbles as she looks away with a pout.
caption: i don't know what's the drama here, but i'm curious on what seol's approach will be here
hyunseol bites her lips and sighs before answering. "look, i'm sorry if i talked as if i don't want to be here with you. that wasn't my intention and it's not also your fault for thinking that way, but please, don't force yourself to be here with me when you know you'll just be uncomfortable.
"i just don't want to end this date with you being uncomfortable. i rather waste my money than be a bad date to anyone, especially when i know and can feel you're getting uncomfortable right now."
karina looks up and their eyes meet while the aespa member has a small smirk over her lips. "are you always this smooth of a talker with everyone you meet?"
hyunseol jerks her head back, blinking and throws the camera a quick look, her eyes slightly widening before she looks back at karina with a nervous smile. "... kinda, why?"
the aespa member tilts her head, raising a brow. "so i'm not the only one you've charmed, huh?"
caption: oohhh, karina calling out seol's player side out 👀
"are... are you accusing me of being a player?"
the tall idol playfully rolls her eyes and lays her head as she slightly tightens her arm around the latter's waist, towering over karina. "don't worry about the other girls, princess. i only use this smoothness around you because believe me, you're the only one for me."
"oh, really?"
"yep, you're the only one who could take my breath and make my heart race." hyunseol winks. "now, come on. let me treat you to some ice cream."
"thank you for today. being with you for almost one day has been fun."
"you're welcome, always here to bring you nothing but the best, my princess. you deserved this kind of date and several good things more."
the pair had stopped in front of a few blocks away from the aespa's dorm and decided to just go on foot on the rest of to not leak the girl group's dorm address while having their hands intertwined. they are talking about the various wild activities they did (although they didn't do much) to fill the silence between them.
"although we didn't get to spend much time together", hyunseol states as she pouts. "crazy birds... and heights have to ruin our namsan tower date."
karina giggles as she sees the growing pout over the taller idol's lips and shakes her head while she looks away. "yeah, but today's date still wasn't so bad. i mean, i'm with you, so any date with you is basically a great date."
caption: *jaws drops*
hyunseol automatically halts and karina looks back with a tilt of her head as the former narrows her eyes at the latter, a small smirk over her lips. "what? why are you looking like that? is there something on my face?"
"no, just beauty. and what was that?"
"what was what?" karina furrows her eyebrows together and sends her camera a look, hoping to make her confusion known before she looks back at hyunseol.
caption: don't look at me like that, madam. i'm sorry, but you are on your own here
"'i mean, i'm with you, so any date with you is basically a great date.' really? why are we switching sides?" a quick flash of realization passes over the aespa member's face before she laughs out loud while a smile appears on the txt member's face, her eyes trained on the sm idol. "i can't believe you, yu jimin. are you learning to be a smooth talker? 'cause let me say, you're one quick learner."
"i mean...", karina trails off as she leans closer and meets the taller idol's eyes, her fingers of her free hand slowly trailing the latter's arm with a smirk. "for you? i would. i mean, i'd rather want to be a top performing student in the smooth talking department than letting you get the upper hand every time we had a date. i'm ready to learn new things if it means surprising you."
caption: i don't know if i want to be seol or karina at this moment
hyunseol chuckles as she hangs her head low. "okay, okay. stand down, lover girl. stand down. no need to be so close—"
"aw, is your heart beating up so fast right now?" karina leans her face closer to hyunseol's face who instinctively looked away, her ears going red. "aw, why are you so shy now? you weren't like this earlier, baby."
the bighit idol chokes on her saliva and pulls her hand back away from karina's, covering her face with her now freed hand as she adjusts her hold on the camera who was catching the moment of the txt's reaction.
caption: ayo, karina successfully making seol blush?!
hyunseol removes her hand from her face and the camera catches the growing scarlet color in the taller idol's face.
"hey, come back~!" karina loops her arm with the bighit idol and looks up to see the latter's face and ears in the color red. "is this what you have to see whenever you charmed other girls?"
"aww, but you're so cute while blushing." karina pouts and smirks wider before kissing hyunseol's cheek that earned herself a small yelp from the latter. "okay, i'll stop now."
the sm idol looks around and halts her steps, stopping the bighit idol too. "okay, this is my stop."
hyunseol nods, still recovering from the short idol's bold actions and the sm idol pouts at the silent response. "baby, please. no goodbye kiss—?"
the txt member cuts karina off by kissing the shorter idol's forehead and both cheeks in one swift motion, leaving the aespa member's mind to short circuit.
the taller idol smirks and pulls her arm away to caress karina's cheek. "you may be learning to take me off guard, but always remember that i am still and will always be the original smooth talker between us. you're not going to take my job so easily, jagiya."
caption: seol proving that no one can outrizz her
the sm idol blinks and looks up at the taller idol only to receive a wink from the latter. karina immediately looks away as her eyes look everywhere but not hyunseol's eyes, making the bighit idol chuckle. "aw, she's shy now, but okay, fine i'll stop."
hyunseol let out one chuckle before she moves her hand away and kisses the top of karina's head. "this marks as the end of our first date. it's pretty eventful although we didn't exactly have a time to enjoy the impromptu namsan tower date, but after that small competition we had a few minutes ago, ditching the whole production is worth it. right?"
karina only nods, still not over the fact that hyunseol threw her off by doing the surprising actions of giving her forehead and cheek kisses before she manages to mutter in an audible whisper. "yeah, everything was fun even though i don't know if we could count it as a full date."
"a date is date as long as we enjoyed ourselves. did you enjoy it, though?"
karina looks at hyunseol in her peripheral view before looking away immediately while trying not to remember the wordless compliments she received back in the restaurant. "if the huge smiles i gave you earlier weren't obvious, then yes. i did enjoy being with you."
"i enjoy it so much i want a second date."
hyunseol smirks. "oh really? if i agree to have a second date—"
karina jerks her head back and raises a brow. "agree? baby, you have nothing to say about this. we are going on a second date no matter what you say"
caption: i love me some leader-type of women 😍💞
the txt member smirks wider. "oh, not even going to let me say anything?"
"never. we are going to that second date. end of discussion."
the taller idol immediately hangs her hands up in surrender and backsteps when karina takes a few steps toward her. "okay, ma'am. we are going to that second date, i hear you."
"be careful on your way home, okay?"
hyunseol sarcastically says as she fakes gasps and a mocking tone can be heard in her voice, "when she's so sweet— ack!"
the txt member throws karina an accusatory look while trying not to laugh. "why did you pinch me?"
"you were mocking me."
hyunseol immediately pulls the sm idol into an embrace and gently places her chin on karina's head, softly humming for a few minutes before she speaks up, "okay, i'm sorry. that was not cool of me, so i'll never do that again, but yes, i'll be careful driving back to my friend's and on my way home."
"see you on the next date, okay?"
the bighit idol then nods with a smile. "rest assured that i'll be there."
"okay...", karina trails off she swiftly pulls hyunseol down by her sweater vest and lands a kiss on the latter's cheek before she runs off, hurry present in her heels.
the txt member blinks as she watches the aespa member walk away before she looks at the camera as if her eyes were asking, did you guys see that shit?
"wow." hyunseol gulps before she chuckles and stuffs her hands inside the pockets of her pants. "she really got the guts, i must say."
confusion overtakes her face when she felt something in her pocket before she gently pulls it out and sees a small piece of paper in her hand, showing it to the camera. she then unfolds it and reads what was written in it before she slowly starts smiling.
caption: why are you smiling for??? karina isn't here anymore, seol
hyunseol then looks at the camera and covers her mouth with her hand, trying not to cheer loudly. "ayo, she gave me her number!! we're going home successfully, let's go!"
hyunseol then looks at the camera with the biggest grin and bids goodbye, "i'll go home now, everyone. look out for the next episode! bye, bye!" she then proceeds to cover the camera lens as she winks.
a/n: this is so long, smh bcs the last time i checked, this is over 9.2k words and counting and the ending is kinda rushed, so yeah 😬😬 also, no proofread
taglist (open!!): @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @mightymyo , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @asp-no
112 notes · View notes
desceros · 6 months
me, innocent, a victim: [goes to look for something in my phone's photoroll] me: [is violently assaulted by gb art] donatello/reader; gn reader; rated t
When you open your eyes, you see, to your shock, Donatello. 
Well. It’s hardly surprising that he’s in your bed, considering he’s been getting pretty good at the whole mind-melting orgasm thing. Maybe half of the nights of your week lately have ended up with your eyes drinking in the sight of him caging you in, your wrists aching with the tightness of his fingers holding them above your head, and your ears singing with the sound of him whining your name when he comes. It’s incredible—he’s incredible—and you’d be pressed picking a time in your life you’ve been happier.
But this. This is… new. 
He’s not wearing his mask. That’s the first thing that catches your attention, once you’re able to move past the totality of his presence in the gentle rays of dawn streaming through your window. He looks… softer, somehow. Different. There’s a closeness to him, physically, literally, that makes you tremble a bit in your very skin. Like you’ve never really been with him before, absurd as it sounds even in your own head. He’s touched you the way no one else has—the way no one else ever, ever will, if you have your way about it—but this. This. 
God. He’s beautiful, you think, gazing at each inch of his uncovered skin and searing it to your mind. You’ve always been attracted to him, but here, it takes your breath away. The curve of his beak beneath his eyes, the angle of his jaw, the squish of his cheek where he’s sleeping on your pillow, the little puffs of air that snooze out with each breath; all of it entrances you, making your lips quiver. 
Slowly, gently, almost hating yourself for it, you reach out. An impossible temptation to resist. The very tips of your fingers on his face, tracing from temple to chin, over and over as you memorize this unseen part of him. Odd, how it feels like you’re pining, yearning for him, when you still feel the aches in your body from how thoroughly he’d had you last night. 
…Though, you suppose, that was him having you. And this is—
—this is you having him. 
Donnie’s lips curl at the corner, and you know you’re busted. Suddenly shy, you fight the urge to pull away, to pretend you weren’t consuming the sight of him. It’s a vulnerable feeling, but you’re rewarded when he opens one eye, blearily meeting your gaze. 
“…Aren’t you usually the one nagging me to sleep?” he says in a mumble, causing you to smile sheepishly. 
“I… couldn’t resist,” you admit quietly, your touch garnering a bit of weight now that he’s awake.
“Had to check and make sure I was real under my mask?” he teases, and it’s tempting to follow him down the path. Tasting bravery on your tongue, you resist. 
“Too handsome not to,” you tell him honestly, cupping his cheek with your palm. You feel the hitch in his breath, the warmth that spreads onto his cheeks even as his scales don’t allow for a blush. “Needed to.” 
Donnie stares for a moment, then gives a breathy laugh, reaching out to grasp your hand from his face and bringing it so he can press a kiss to your palm. This, too, is new—this quiet, non-sexual intimacy. It makes you feel warm, a bit like you’re the one who’s been basking in the sunlight, not him. 
“You’re obnoxiously romantic in the morning, huh?” he murmurs. He doesn’t sound displeased. Giddily, you wiggle closer, feeling him reach out to slide a hand to your back to help pull you close, until only a sigh separates your face and his, your legs so tangled together only the roughness of his scales tells them apart.
“…I could be obnoxiously romantic all the time,” you tell him, looking between his eyes as the other opens, seeing the tender expression on his face. “…If you wanted me to.”
A comforting, familiar, possessive hand cups your nape, his thumb tracing the soft skin beneath your ear. A dazzling glissando of sensation runs along his touch, making your eyes flutter for a moment before you lick your lips and focus on him again. 
Finally, he smiles, an honest little thing that transfigures your heart into a tiny hummingbird. “Yeah,” he says, his tone as warm as the coming morning. “That… sounds great.”
And then, as if sealing a promise, he pulls you close for a kiss even softer than the sheets that ensconce you both. Humming into it, you melt, nuzzling his beak with a lustrous glow beneath your skin. Then—slowly, gently—your fingers again find unmasked skin, loving, claiming, confident now in the long rays of dawn.
180 notes · View notes
malikselfindulgence · 8 months
Could I request a romantic LMK fic/ficlet with RedSon and a female reader asking them for help foguring out demonic self care? Reader is kind of in the same boat as MK where they absolutely just thought they were human and now they’re discovering they’re not and they’re kind of struggling to get used to their new body, in this case grooming wise. I was thinking a bat demon reader struggling to brush their teeth without breaking the toothbrush with their fangs or getting the fur between their new wings brushed because it’s getting matted lol (it’s already hard to get your back it’s super hard when there’s two things in the way). It can be a bit suggestive but it doesn’t have to be.
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A/N: AGHH thank you for the request!!! Literally had sm fun writing this it's such a cool idea >w<!! Also the way you worded the request makes it sound like YOU'RE a bat demon 🤨🤨 lol
Content: negative self-talk from reader at the start, kind of hurt/comfort, ending is suggestive!
Fic under the cut!
You know- you used to think demons were cool. You thought the monkey king's tail was cute, you thought about how convenient it probably was to have those claw-like feet, you thought DBK's horns looked cool [though you'd never say that to his face] and you still think Red Son's bull form is very pretty, fur and hooves and all.
Now, though? Not so much.
You weren't handling the change as well as you thought you would- being struck by the fact that you're not human, not even mortal, wasn't easy on anyone, but you didn't think you'd struggle with your new physical form this much.
While, yes, you looked cooler, you suppose- every new feature came with about a million more hurdles. You thought flying would be pretty neat? Wrong, you can barely stay balanced for over 10 seconds, and you got too air-sick to make use of it's travel anyways. You thought the new big ears were sick? How much do you like them out in public, when there's too many sounds attacking you from every angle, too loud and too overwhelming? And your sense of sight keeps deteriorating- you think you might need glasses now.
You hadn't left the house in a while- a long while, actually. Everything was just too much, and frankly, you were embarrassed being seen stumbling like an idiot in your new form, hunching into yourself at every noise and bright light. You hadn't been checking your phone either- you knew they had questions, you knew they were checking up on you, and it only made you feel more pathetic.
You were at home now, cursing your ancestors and stupid demon blood and stupid fucking bats, trying to wrangle your arm in position to brush out the fur on your back, but your stupid wings kept getting in the way, and you could barely even see in the stupid mirror, and-
You're not sure when you started crying, but you looked down to find teardrops landing on your sink. God, this was ridiculous. This was basic self-care, shouldn't you just figure it out? Demon instincts or whatever? You'd considered asking Red Son for help, and even though you know it's just your insecurities eating away at you, you can't help but be scared that he'd laugh at you-
You pause, looking through your open bathroom- you think that was your front door. You think someone just busted open your front door. You think someone's currently in your house- you rush to grab a pair of sciccors from your cabinet, ears straining to pick up on the noise outside.
You hear footsteps, some angry mumbling, and your shackles slowly go down- was that...?
"I've called you thirty seven times! Thirty seven! Not that I got worried, but you're not responding to the dragon horse girl either, and I swear on the jade emperor's life if you don't-"
His rant comes to an abrupt stop once he sees you, cheeks still red with tear streaks, hair flat against your head, wings bent awkwardly to cover your sides from view. You smile nervously in an attempt to ease the tension, but it comes out strained.
"R-Red Son! Funny, ah, seeing you here- you could've rang the doorbell, or something-"
He scoffs at your words, walking closer- your wings wrap tighter around you, trying to shield yourself off- you don't want him seeing you like this.
"With how you've been rudely ignoring just about everyone, I wasn't even sure if you were alive, let alone willing to open the door." He hisses out, and although he tries to come off as mean, you can tell he felt on edge, his concern showing in the way his voice cracks at his words, his eyes boring through you. He's waiting for an explanation, but you're not sure you can give one.
"I'm sorry, it's just been- I didn't mean to ignore you as long as I did, really-" you stumble over your words, embarassed and guilty and scared, scared of how he'll react and what he'll say.
His eyes squint at you, his face softening as he takes you in- you look a mess, and as his gaze falls to the broken tooth-brush and tweezers by your sink, the way your fur is dull and matted down, he starts realising that you'd been struggling, and just what you'd been struggling with.
He sighs, slowly stepping closer, his eyes down-cast and worried. He settled his palm over your jaw, thumbing at your cheek to wipe away a tear. "You could've asked me for help, you know." He frowns, gesturing to your state, "There's....specific tools for this kind of thing. You can't just use your usual mortal appliances, they're too frail, and frankly repulsive. They're more likely to make it worse than anything."
You nod to acknowledge his words- you can't even pretend he was being dramatic and snobbish this time, he was right, your toothbrush being enough proof. You feel your frustration settle down into something quiter the longer he stays next to you.
Red Son suddenly pulls away, fire enveloping his form for a brief few seconds- you stand there, confused and wide eyed, as he returns with some form of bag in hand. You're not sure how he managed to get that so fast.
"Well then, up you go." He sets the bag down and shoos you towards the edge of the tub, urging you to sit down. You do so without hesitation, though you raise your brow at him and hum, a little dazed, "Huh?"
"I'll be grooming your fur, of course. As well as trimming your nails- they don't exactly look comfortable." He takes out a fancy looking hairbrush, better-looking tweezers than yours, as well as a few other things you don't recognise. You're still reeling from the fact that he's here, not making fun of you, and now he wants to take care of you?
"Wait," He pauses his movements to look up at you, hair crackling in the air above him, "You...you don't have to do this for me."
You're about to reassure him that you can take care of yourself [despite the fact that you rather evidently need his help] when his finger settles on your lips, shushing you entirely.
"I'm well aware I don't have to do anything, and I'm sure you're aware I wouldn't be caught dead doing something I didn't want to do."
He leans in to peck your forehead, a quiet show of affection to reassure you.
"Now stop with that self-deprecating talk and let me help you, alright?" You nod silently, your ears twitching lightly, and his lips tilt upward just the slightest bit.
Red Son instructs you to turn around so he can start with your wings and back- he handles them with care, especially around the tendons and legions where skin meets bone, the areas sensitive to his touch. His palms and fingerpads are rough, no doubt from all the handi-work he does, and they scratch pleasantly against your skin.
He washes out the areas you couldn't reach no matter how you positioned yourself with a wet rag and water from your tub, making sure they're clean before starting to brush your fur, "hold your left wing for me?"
You find yourself relaxing as time goes on, the rhythmic brushing and untangling soothing your nerves. You can hear Red Son's hair sizzle, his content breathing, the small murmurs he lets out every once in a while, and rather than overwhelm you it comforts you- you feel enveloped in his warmth.
"My mother used to do fur treatment baths for me, when I was little." Red Son starts quietly, his fingers prodding at certain spots on your wings, perhaps checking to see if something's out of place, or perhaps he's just fidgeting.
"I couldn't control my powers, back then, so my fur was always left charred and dry. It was a sensory nightmare for me, honestly. She hated trimming my hooves, though." He laughs a little, lost in a memory, "always said it was beneath her, but the servants could never quite get it right, so she had to until I was old enough to do it myself."
"Do you paint your hooves? Like, with nail-polish?" You wonder aloud, and you feel him smack the back of your head playfully. "Don't ask such ridiculous things."
"You're avoiding the question."
".....well, yes, o-on occasion."
You giggle at his reply- you'd already painted his nails over the course of your sleep-overs, and you were going to abuse the hell out of this new information.
"Speaking of hooves, could you turn around? I'll start trimming your claws, now."
You do as instructed, watching him pick up the tweezers. You hold your hands out on your thighs for him, watch as he eyes them with a thoughtful look. He picks up one of your hands, pressing it against his lips gently before settling it down again. You try to push down the flush rising up your face.
He rubs his thumb over your fingers, separating them so he can work better, the 'snip-snip' echoing through your ears, "I'll leave these behind for you, since sciccors aren't normally strong enough. You have to be careful not to go past this white line here, though, otherwise applying pressure to your claws will be painful"
You nod, a little speechless. It was easier when your back was facing him, but now you can see his face- the focused look in his eye, his pretty lips pursing in concentration, and you feel your chest warm at just how considerate and loving he's being. God, you should've just picked up the phone and called him so much sooner and saved yourself the trouble.
"Hey, Red?" You mumble with a smile, and he hums to show he's listening. "Thank you, for all of this. I love you."
He freezes, refusing to meet your eyes- you try to hold back a snicker, but you can't help yourself. You'd been dating for ages, and yet everytime you said that he got all flustered and shy like a schoolgirl. He grumbles, cheeks tinted pink, "Yeah, don't mention it."
Red Son rises to his full height, taking something you can't really see out of the bag before leaving it on the floor- you really need to look into getting a glasses prescription- grabbing your hand and pulling you upwards, towards your room. Your muscles feel lax and relaxed, and you yawn, realising just how taxing the day was.
"I think you should rest for now- we'll have to go to the market early morning before all the high-quality merch gets sold out." Red Son pushes you into your bed gently, settling down beside you, putting something over your ears. You feel all the overwhelming background noise drown out, leaving your mind fuzzy and....relaxed. You're not anxious anymore- you can't hear the earth buzzing constantly in your head anymore.
"They're noise cancelling headphones- loud sounds tend to...stress me out, sometimes. I have a spare back home, so no need to- mmmfh?!"
You rush forward to kiss Red Son- your wonderful, considerate, stupidly observant boyfriend, who you love so much you can feel it rush through your heart in waves- melding your lips against his. He starts kissing back once his surprise wears off, arms slowly wrapping around you to pull you closer. You feel refreshed, you feel happy and content and loved, and as you pull away you think he can see it in your gaze, because he smiles in relief.
You start peppering his face in kisses and messy smooches- all over his cheeks and jaw and nose, the corner of his lips, the endearing scar on his cheek, making loud kissing noises all the while. He tries to act annoyed, but the way he blushes and leans into you is telling enough.
"Glad to see you back to your old exasperating self."
You push him down onto the mattress, and although he's strong enough to flip you over again, he doesn't, simply laying there and letting you do as you please.
You kiss his jaw and trail down to his neck again, this time slower, paying close attention to the spot between his collarbone and shoulder, fangs just barely grazing the surface of his skin. You feel him gulp against you in anticipation, his eyes following your movements.
"Just let me thank you properly, okay?"
"W-well," his voice is shaky, your hands roaming over his body, claws now freshly-cut and scraping against his skin deliciously, "I suppose I can't say no to that."
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sofonn · 1 year
webtoon ch154 spoilers!
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hewwo I'm super excited and I did little redraw (my honest reaction to the chapter was left between me and God personally)
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lucabyte · 1 month
your ocs!!!!! please ramble about them!!!!
i love your art so much
So ! My ocs. I guess I'll do an overall explainer for the overall groups. If you check out my Toyhouse (LINK!) there's a bunch of folders up top that are how I categorise them. It's primarily by universe except for the folders that are just "misc."
So folder 1: Blatant favouritism:
These are silly little guys that don't fit in any specific wider universe, but I really really like. So I'll spotlight the two important ones before i get real in the weeds with my main universe.
In here are notably, my Fursona (self explanatory), Ali and Pittsburgh Cincinnati. There's also Hauntkit and Clearpelt who are warriorcats ocs that *is dragged away by airport security*
... So, Pittsburgh, lovingly sometimes called pissbug, is a weird little Thing who I made as like, an homage to characters like happy bunny and Sweetypuss. She (and her weird dog) exist to stand next to strange and offputting captions. I love her. No further context. She's just silly. and violent.
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Now. Ali.
Ali Alighieri has thoroughly stolen the show, and also ties into the next folder along, Making Your MK.
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With over a hundred extra images compared to second place (Sorry, Tabitha). Ali is my fucked up little scrunkly. My little baby guy. They're a shared character of mine and @samhainian's, and is from their Creature Feature setting (A modern fantasy setting wherein Cryptids and Magic are real but in our modern world.) They are as such, a modern human young adult... Who is also a demon + magic user.
Strange little pansexual altersex genderqueer poetry-nerd that they are... The modern setting also means they are literally just a tumblr user. A fellow countryman, so to speak.
HOWEVER.... Ali's true origin was in *Purrgatorio*, a scrapped visual novel of mine set in the MYMK universe! They were simply retrofitted into CF as the joke with Purrgatorio was that a regular human had mysteriously just shown up in MYMK's pure-furry setting.... And then when we scrapped the project we got all attatched to our little not-so-blank-slate protagonist. But I'll put a pin in Purrgatorio for later.
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Making Your MK.
(Guest of honour: My super unfinished website <3)
Okay so here's the big one. The setting with.... (looks at spreadsheet) 109 characters not including so-called incidentals. At time of writing.
MYMK is home to... Multiple stories. As you would hope when a setting has 100+ characters. I'd wager each story has about 10-20 relevant characters tops but with a big shared universe like this there gets to be overlap between casts!!! Yay !!! 😊😊😊
MYMK is the name of the main story in the setting. Pronounced "Making your Mark", it is centered around Markus Felidae (The purple one) and their family. It's very action-adventure-y. It's also the plot I'm most secretive about the backend of since I WILL!!!!! Turn it into a nice prose story with pictures SOMEDAY!!!!! But for now tee hee hee secrets secrets. Markus' family is strange and ragtag and is keeping something from them... I can't ramble on too long here unless further prompted in asks about specifics but!!! Everyone in the MYMK folder has a fully furbished little profile with a blurb about them. So if you're curious....
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But yeah, I tend to think of the MYMK setting more in terms of its Locations than its Casts, due to the overlapping nature of them all. The Malbranche may be the villains of the main plot, but they're also major players in relation to The Palsgrave who are the antagonists of Moraine, etc etc,
The country everything in MYMK is set in is called New Orphidian, Southern hemisphere little thing, here's a very cartoony map of it.
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Um. Cliffside!
Since it's the best map I have... Here's an exclusive sneak peek of a Zine I'll be getting back to once the fandom brain cools down a bit.... :3c
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Cliffside is situated on a big ol' Cliff.
A tiny hamlet of a place, it used to have reason to exist, and now does not. It's not even a good tourist locale, as the cliff is much too dangerous compared to the nicer tourist spot of Welkin just a little north. Not to mention nearby Moraine's allure as a tax haven with no labour laws place where a bunch of TV and Movies are filmed!
It's where most of MYMK's main cast reside (except the antagonists from the Big City Varmonte), and is as such a location I have a lot of tiny little worldbuilding thoughts about :)
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I won't go into the other locations here just because then this post will SUPER get away from me but... I think most importantly for Cliffside right now...
Is that it's where Purrgatorio is set. Yes, that VN I said got scrapped. It's not dead. It is in fact serving it's original intended purpose as "A (mostly) noncanon exploration of character voice and setting"
It's back and its prose babeyyyyyyy!!! (A BUNCH OF THE EARLY STUFF IS ME BEING SUPER RUSTY ... BE WARNED)
Purrgatorio is currently the most publicly available coherent work I have out of my ocs! It's very low-stakes and serves mostly to bash my toys together and see what character dynamics come out, but you can look if you want to!
(There's also a whole THING on the meta of its Canonicity... It's not canon, but it's also not NOT canon. But if I talk about Metanarrative Timeline Collapse in my normal mundane non-magic setting im gonna sound bonkers ✌)
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Ali's dynamics with the MYMK cast are so goddamn funny to me. Like I literally just handed my OCs some ET shit but ET is a sexually repressed tumblr user with a mood disorder.
But yeah I don't think I can coherently string together much more about MYMK without just actually explaining THE WHOLE PLOT.... Though I will absolutely elaborate on any given character's Whole Deal if i'm prompted. (OH MY GOD I DIDNT EVEN TALK ABOUT CHROME AND TABITHA. WAIT. OKAY THERE'S. OK NO IF I TALKED ABOUT THEM IT'D JUST END UP AN ESSAY ,SORRY..)
So here's some bonafide classic images for the road.
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... And as for the other folders on my toyhouse!
Misc and Fandom are what they sound like. Self explanatory,
Then, Ysden is @samhainian's fantasy setting. It's where our DnD games happen to be set but it's also a general fantasy setting :)
and Monster of the Week... Is currently being revamped! It used to be a modern world setting with hidden magic, now it's going to be more... Adventure Time-y. Fantasy world get iphone. Yknow. It has a lower Age Rating than MYMK's "anything goes", as it started as a Pitch Bible Project in my animation class. They're a little neglected but I still love them :) The revamp is extemely recent and not reflected in any of the art/writing yet but I'm workin on it. It still doesn't have a proper title..... OTL
So yeah!! Uh. This wasn't as comprehensive as I was hoping but it turns out I have way, WAY too many thoughts on my guys. And no idea what to do when im actually asked about them so !!!! This was not a very coherent ramble but it was a ramble !
There's things like essays on Chrome and Tabitha (Link) and also The Queer Gender Identities Of The Whole Cast (Link) hiding around on my toyhouse, and once again, Purrgatorio (Link) serves as my sandbox for playing with how these characters act in situations.
But..... ! I did try to make my toyhouse approachable for the average layman. Every character in the MYMK folder (Link) has a *blurb* of information, rather than a giant wall of text explaining everything about them. I want people to be able to understand their general vibe at a glance rather than be overwhelmed.
In any case ???? Uh. Fun game for everyone: If you know your homestuck classpect, every single MYMK character has a classpect and lunar sway. and a birthday. Try and find your andrew-hussie assigned kin! As a Prospitian Witch of Heart, I share my classpect and lunar sway with Chrome. No I don't know what this means. It worries me honestly he's kind of an asshole.
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dipplinduo · 5 months
S&S Dipplins
Hi I've been going insane over your fic for the last week (possibly longer I'm terrible at keeping track of time) and I just had a random thought from the last chapter;
Was briar even there?? Or was she just a hallucination?? Bc kieran says 'but he was alone in this hallway since the start' and that's getting my silly little theory brain going that maaaybe she wasn't even there and pecharunt just made him think she was
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an Iron Crown i made during christmas :D
ignore the tiny syrup stains on the bottom corner i was eating pancakes
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the school arc to me is so good because it drags ciel out of his position as a powerful figure and literally places him in the shoes of the person he could have been. the circus arc ALSO drags him out of his position as big bad queens watch dog/head of the phantomhive estate but the school arc feels like a mockery of a future that never was. this is what he could have been had his parents not died. and even then its NOT because he will never be that kid.
he never was.
#ramblings#incoherent beyond belief its 4 am#and im trying to avoid manga spoilers#might add a reblog with more coherent thoughts when i wake up but im off my meds so i cant promise anything#actually correction im being vague w the manga spoilers#manga readers know whats up#idk if there are any anime only ppl who havent been spoiled on The Plottwist Ever yet#but i figured there will be new fans and though im not tagging this it might still get seen so#cant WAIT to see our boy absolutely miserable in animation form should they recreate that arc LMAOOO#which ofc is after the germany arc so thats still a long time away#but STILL. itd be fun i need to see this young teenager lose his mind in color with sound#him relying on sebastian to do all his fag duties (sorry. dredge) so he can work his way up the social ladder#trying to gain power while simultaneously proving that he cant do anything but rely on others#hes always needed help in basically every way and he hasnt CHANGED he just got a demon to do it for him#he learns to lie and charm and cheat and all the while hes a fucking CHILD WHO STILL STRUGGLES WITH NORMAL THINGS#ciel is my little baby and i love him deeply no matter how much of a little bitch he can be#his helplessness isnt just 'oh he was raised in british high society' its also that he never got the chance to learn anything#which to elaborate on that id also have to go into manga territory. iykyk#like absolutely at this point he just refuses to learn how to do things he has a pet demon to do it for him#but.#hi the phantomhives backstory is killing me again its so late#both atlantic and the school arc are just setup for the Big Arc but theyre very good in their own right i SWEAR#also when i rewatched the circus arc a while back and i realised how some scenes were shot#the heavy foreshadowing that i didnt realise. yk. 7 years ago or however long its been since i first watched it#CRAZY#if you are new. to kuroshitsuji. and you havent read the manga. dear god. read the manga#ALSO GRELLE IN THAT ARC IS SO BEAUTIFUL & OTHELLO IS TRANSMASCULINE. OKAY GOODBYE
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Can we have some fluff headcanons for Mars x reader??
Mars my beautiful boy. I think in the future I should add something to my pinned post about being clear about relationship types. Like it's pretty standard for these things to be romantic but I'm aroace and autistic so I'm set up for failure. Thank you anon! Also, this was an excuse to catch up on the horrortale comic bc I needed to refresh Mars' character.
| ht!Sans x gn!Reader || Romantic headcanons || Fluff |
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Great bonefriend let me tell you
He's very affectionate. Like, if you accept physical touch he is always there; holding hands when walking, knees touching when sitting next to each other, you name it. Any little touch of contact is everything to him.
He doesn't nap as much as classic Sans but if you blinked a little too slow you will be dragged off to lay in bed. He uses it as an excuse to nap and cuddle.
If you aren't a physical touch person he's probably doing something for you. He likes to keep his hands busy, so if he wasn't able to hold yours he'd make friendship bracelets or something similar. He doesn't like fidget toys because he feels there's no end. He likes having final products.
No matter your stance on physical contact, he will be doing and making for you whenever he gets the chance. I mentioned the friendship bracelets but he also sews, knits, and crochets. Real homestead like. You have hats, coats, and socks galore. Every gifting holiday ends with you getting something handmade by him.
On your fifth anniversary, he knit you a sweater. It's multi-colored with your best colors and an off-white accent on the collar and sleeves. There's very intricate patterns with some of your favorite things (food, animals, shapes, whatever sparks joy). It also has a 3d soul-heart pattern on the collar and cuffs. Blood, sweat, and tears went into it (the last two literally).
I don't think he has trust issues in the same way as someone from a fell!universe but he's got something. So to get into a relationship with him is a big deal. You'd need to be a very patient and understanding person. You need to be good or get good at clear, open communication as well.
The underground affected his empathy so you need to be direct about problems and explain whether or not you want advice or are just venting.
He has a very deadpan way of joking where you are unsure if what he said was a joke. Just ask and he'll clarify, he never says it with malicious intent.
He raises chickens on the surface and he'd be egg-static if you helped or took an interest. He made that specific pun the first time you ask to meat the chickens. He will then make at least one egg-celent joke every. single. time. you join him in the coop.
This is about Mars so I haven't brought up Jupiter but just know you need to be besties with Jupes to be with Mars.
He is a good cook and will happily cook for you, but if you cook for him he's yours forever. That's only a minor exaggeration.
Loves playing board games with you. Quiet date nights in are usually trying out new board games he found.
The most annoying bitch ever and will put obscenely hard logic puzzles in front of you asking you to solve them. He will literally just walk over to you and place a five-page logic question that gives you flashbacks to math class. This will happen all while he has the biggest most shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
He doesn't actually do it to tease or make fun of you, at least it's not the main reason. He honestly just like using it as an excuse to show off in front of you. He loves being praised by you. Don't let it go to his head I beg.
He uses whatever soap and body wash you use. There's a chance you don't even notice because he buys replacements. There's no deeper reason other than it's right there. If you two don't live together and he's staying at his own house he uses his brother's stuff.
If you're into it, one of your first (and later regular) dates would be to the jazz lounge he frequents.
He doesn't care that much about what he wears but he'd happily put on a fashion show for you.
If y'all are close you can joke about his trauma, Mars even encourages it
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throwaway-yandere · 7 months
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("Scarborough Fair/Canticle" on the left, "Death Has No..." on the right)
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theautisticjedi · 4 months
Low-key worried that if we do get Mike x Vanessa in the sequel(s), there'll be 10x more bullshit misogyny directed towards Vanessa 🥴
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WAIT I JUST SAW YOUR POST ON PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS IN ORV MY BAD,,, i do agree tho sometimes platonic relationships are soo !!!!
kind curious as to what you do ship tho,,, if you don't mind me asking
Bwahahahaha. Don't worry about it at all XDDD. I love rambling, though I don't think that was as spiteful as I hoped to.
It's your fault....YooHanKim is just - *shakes them like a carbonated drink*
Oh. And what do I ship, huh?
Hang on.........okay. What comes to mind first is Eugene and Rapunzel from Tangled because I've been wondering about Tangled for a bit. But head empty no thoughts.....maybe the couples in Six of Crows as well (they're just very well written)? And maybe (maybe) this one couple from a series called The City Between (but it's spoilers. But there is blood involved, which is a plus).
....you know. I think if it's canon, one of the characters die, and/or there is violence involved, I will probably be very tempted to ship it. I'm a sucker for sacrifice and it's why I'm weak to the KimCom everything.
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neo-nomatrix · 6 months
Sunshine and Midnight Rain
Luke Castellan x Apollo kid!Reader
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word count: 851
summary: Luke castellan and the daughter of apollos love story
a/n: “remember who the enemy is” IM TRYING
Luke Castellan held your heart since the day you met, and you held his.
You arrived at camp a few months after Luke. You were one of the lucky ones, claimed within an hour of being there. Your godly father is Apollo, god of poetry, the sun, music, narcissism, idiocy, stupidity, all that. You had assumed the gods would act superior to all, no matter if they were or weren’t. But Apollo was on a completely different level. You didn’t know why he had taken such a liking to you.
“You remind him of himself,” Your half sister, Kayla, had told you, “an archer who never misses, healer who fixes every wound, gifted singer, and somehow picked up the lyre in a day. And yet, you still ask why Apollo loves you the most?”
“I wish he wouldn’t,” you twirl the golden arrow he gifted you.
“y’know, that hermes boy has been staring since the moment you stepped foot here,” she smiles, nodding to the tan boy sitting on a picnic table.
“Great, more attention,” you keep your sights on the boy, lucas? Luca, maybe?
“His name’s luke castellan,” kayla says, ah luke, that’s it.
“He’s handsome,” you say matter of factly.
“Don’t trust those Hermes boys, all they do is lie,” Kayla leans back and rolls her eyes.
“It’s a good thing I play the lyre.”
“You’ve got a great shot,” a deep voice says from behind you.
You’ve been at the range for around an hour, it’s 4:30, you always practice when no one else is around.
“The whole reason why I come out here this early is so i can be alone,” sure, it sounds mean but you swear you’re not trying to be.
“Sorry, once I see you it’s hard to look away,” you’re not looking at him but you can tell me has the biggest smirk on his face.
“Funny,” you tell him bluntly.
You set down your bow, keeping the arrow in your hand, and sit on the nearby grass. He lays down beside you, you follow his lead and put your hands behind your head.
“That arrow, it’s like it’s made of the sun,” He says amazed.
“A gift from dear old dad. No matter how far I shoot it’ll always come back. Supposed to be a sign of his love or something. But I think he just constantly wants me to be annoyed by him,” you inform him possibly too much.
“Most people would be grateful if their godly parent cares that much,” he says.
“It’s different with Apollo, there is no such thing as true altruism with him,” you bite your inner lip.
“I get that, I’m just tryna say- Hermes never showed up for me, and I'd kill to just have him tell me he cares,” His eyes furrow.
“Guess we both have different priorities,” you smile.
“Opposites work best don’t they?” He smiles back.
“Isn’t it opposites attract?” You wonder.
“Hey, your words, not mine,” he laughs.
“That one’s Orion,” You point up at the constellation.
“He was always my favorite,” he adds.
“Mine has always been Cassiopeia, but you can never see her over here,” You look back up at the sky.
“That one’s Taurus, and then Sirius below, and Gemini above,” you point each of them out.
Even though he hums in acknowledgment his eyes are locked on you.
“You’re staring, again” You mention.
“I told you I can’t help it, especially when you glow like that,” he reaches out and touches your face.
You reach out and grab his hand, running your fingers against his slender digits.
“I’d like to be a constellation when I die, maybe my father will fulfill that wish,” you say to him.
“That’ll be my last wish too, we can lay in the stars together.”
It’s been a day since Percy Jackson came to Camp Half-blood. It just so happens to be your favorite day of the year, capture the flag. You have led the archers on the blue team for years, you’d say you’re doing well for what you’re given. Besides your siblings in Apollo the rest of the kids weren’t as gifted in archery.
As the first conch shell blew you were preparing for your mock-battle. Annabeth in charge of the plan and Percy, Luke with company, and you with the archers. You knew you could, no- would win. The archers took the trees, helping stray company from the skies.
“Today feels like a winning kind of day?” Annabeth asks luke.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” He smiles.
“Luke!” You pull him aside for a moment.
You cup his face the best you can through his armor. “You don’t get hurt okay? I don’t feel like healing anymore wounds from you. Understand?”
“Oh but I love to see you healing” he holds your hand and smirks
“Archers! Move out!” You call your team, eyes still locked with his, smiling.
“so… you and her?” Percy asks the taller boy.
“how could I not? She's perfect. I mean, I genuinely believe I could live without the sun if I just had her.”
And maybe, just maybe, he could.
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cardinalcopulate · 1 year
I'm so close to writing something again, I can feel it
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tojirights · 4 months
Honestly think you're one of the best writers for Alastor in this fandom! Your stuff is always brilliant and the characterisation is perfect!
Had the idea last night: Alastor and reader going multiple rounds, and reader still wanting more and being full of energy but Alastor being absolutely out of it and completely shattered, so he uses his tentacles instead, because what kind of gentleman keeps his lady wanting?
Just an excuse to request tentacle sex with everyone's favourite "deer".
a/n: im gonna be so real with you, im not really sure if the tentacles are like, real apendages or if they're part of his shadow soooo i wrote them as the latter. hope it makes sense!! thank you love :') y'all are too nice 🩷
if there was one thing you weren’t expecting to still have in hell, it was your damn hormonal cycle. you didn’t necessarily have a period, but by god, you swore you still ovulated. it felt even worse than before, the primal need threatened to burn a hole through you. you always felt like a bother to alastor during this week of the month, begging and pleading for him to fuck you for hours. but, alastor never turned you away.
today though, you were especially needy. alastor had already made you cum a handful of times and had cum twice himself. he was exhausted. yet, there you were at the edge of his bed, eyes still filled with lust. “my goodess…” alastor chuckles, shaking his head. “i’m not sure i have much left in the tank, darling.” he cups your cheek, watching tears well up in your eyes. “i-i’m sorry-” he shushes you before you can continue. “did i say anything about stopping? i’d never dream of leaving my lady hanging when she needs me.”
“but…” you frown, watching alastor’s smile turn to smirk. “i have a few tricks up my sleeve, my dear. lay back.” your eyes widen as there’s a flash of green light, followed by five tentacle-like appendages sprout from alastor’s back. “w-what?” adrenaline surges through you as well as a mix of excitement and nerves. “you’re gonna… use those?” you gulp, watching the tentacles slither towards you. “why of course!” alastor snickers, seeing your apprehension. “don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours." he coos, watching with hungry yet tired eyes.
the shadow apendages wrap around your thighs, cold to the touch but not unpleasant. as they slowly spread your legs, another slides between them. it's almost embarrassing the way your legs shake with anticipation, the cool tip of the tentacles swiping up your slit. "o-oh, that's..." you sigh in relief when you're suddenly being filled. "how's that darling?" alastor hums, watching as you open wider around him. "that's... oh god alastor..." you pant, every slow thrust of his tentacle-like shadow making your head dizzy.
the foreign feeling of being stretched so wide has you already teetering on the edge. without warning, alastor curls the apendage while picking up pace, making your eyes roll into the back of your head. "gonna-" you mewl, hips arching off the bed with every thrust. "k-keep going please. 'm gonna cum." every whine makes alastor almost wish his cock was back inside of you, knowing just how hard you're clamping down on his shadow.
but the sight of you writhing, gripping the sheets like you're life depended on it was something he's grateful to be seeing from afar. the buildup to your orgasm comes strong, the coil in your stomach snapping from the tension and- "oooh, you really liked that, hm?" alastor's voice is heavy with arousal, pulling you back to reality after cumming. your vision slowly returns, heavy breathing filling your ears. you barely register the soaking mess you've made on the bed. "oh my god. did i..?" your face goes red, embarrasmemt setting in once again. "yes, my sweet. you did, and made quite the mess for us to clean up."
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onlyswan · 8 months
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summary: in which jungkook is one of your greatest fears and you’re his achilles’ heel.
idol!jungkook x reader, est. relationship / fluff, angst / word count: 4.1k
content/warnings: i love you i want us both to eat well T_T sigh. oc has abandonment issues pls protect at all costs + oc is worried bc jk is working so hard :( + a worm (???) cameo. ily protective and hopeless romantic iw!jk <3 the ending 🥲💔 this drabble literally goes 📈📉
> in which masterlist!
note: *insert my melody mugshot scene* me if planting puzzle pieces in my drabbles + making oc cry (IM SORRY) were a crime. this was sm fun writing <3 i cried and laughed they’re so precious </3
“jungkook, baby?”
your silky voice fills the quiet apartment as you pad across the floor. you’re carrying your heeled mary janes by its straps, leaving you only in your white socks.
you frown as the seconds pass and you receive no response from your lover. there’s no music playing, no rustling somewhere in the kitchen or the living room. the lights are dim like they usually are, but the vivid colors are absent.
him? asleep at 9pm? jeon jungkook? it can’t be, but you’d be delighted to finally see him resting early if it was real.
and so, spurred by that tiny glimmer of hope, you carefully crack the bedroom door open, as if you’re fifteen again and you just came back from sneaking out of the house.
but you’re grown now; you live in a building with complete strangers for neighbors. you just got home from work, and you’re no longer used to sleeping alone because you share the bed with another person.
you find it empty. devoid of any creases, sign of life. as neat as a hotel room’s make believe that no one lived there until two hours prior.
the disappointment weighs down on your shoulders, causing them to drop.
he didn’t tell you he was going somewhere else after practice, you think to yourself as your lips permanently shape into a pout. what happened to going out with you for dinner?
agreeing, your empty stomach grumbles angrily.
maybe he got caught up at work. maybe he’s on his way home. maybe he’s on his way to the restaurant and he’s about to text you to come over. maybe he forgot about your plans and he’s having dinner with somebody else.
whatever the reason is, you’re too lazy and tired to whip up something edible on your own. with or without him, you’re going out and you’re stuffing your mouth full with rice and meat. after all, autumn is here, your dear old friend.
in search for a coat that will accompany you in your late-night stroll, you enter the walk-in closet and flip on the lightswitch.
you can count them with just your fingers— the amount of times you’ve felt this type of fear. absent eyes, melting spine, chills running to the top of your head down to your fingertips, mind racing with an overload of thoughts (it appears as a blank page, the same way that white is the presence of all colors of visible light). this fear… you associate it with impulsive mistakes, fire, police and ambulance sirens, and… empty closets.
jungkook’s side of the closet is empty.
clothes. shoes. bucket hats. beanies. belts. everything. gone.
but the floor is scattered with random pieces of clothing that look like they accidentally fell while someone was in a rush to pack them all in a bag. so in a rush that they didn’t even bother to pick them up.
your weak knees almost give way, but you force yourself to stumble backwards until your back hits the doorframe— you refuse to let yourself look like you’ve been carelessly discarded too.
not again. not again. not this goddamn vicious curse you thought you’ve already broken out of. not. again.
you blink away the tears threatening to spill as you scramble to open the zipper of your bag, but they spill anyway when your shoes clatter to the floor. you flinch at the thunderous sound, clutching your phone tightly against your chest. you keep your eyes closed throughout the defeaning silence that comes after.
the empty space mocks you. it knows your intricate design was not meant to live in an empty home.
you guess nothing much has changed. you’re still afraid of jungkook and his power to take away the sun, just as he did before, and you deeply despise being afraid. you don’t like it when the walls are closing in on you, poisoning your mind into believing that you’re small when the heart inside your chest burns with a fire brighter than that of the damn sun.
anyone would be foolish to leave you; it’s only jungkook who could have you mourning the death of the garden you’ve given the past five years of your life to.
jungkook returns to the apartment half an hour later. despite the long, grueling hours of dance practice he nearly didn’t survive, the excitement vibrating through his body is manifested through the lightness of his movements. he’s finally seeing his lover for the first time today… awake.
when he brought his natural body warmth along with him to the bathroom this morning, you sunk yourself further into mattress, beneath the thick blankets and against the soft pillows. by the time he had to give you your obligatory goodbye kiss before he leaves for work (or else you’d sulk about it for the rest of the week), half of your face has been hidden from sight. he was only able to press a loving kiss on your forehead, and then your eyelids that were fluttering as you dreamt.
night time comes and he is still deprived of the sight of your beautiful face? he somberly wonders as he finds you slumped over the dining table; he swears that there is a dark rain cloud hovering above you. your arms are thrown over the hardwood as they serve as a makeshift pillow for your vessel— his little firefly curiously bleak.
“baby? are you sick?” he asks, voice dripping with concern as he tenderly rubs your back.
the legs of the chair screeches against the tiled floor, neglectedly pushed behind.
“kook?” you manage to choke out, frantically sitting up once your muddled brain registered the familiarity of his touch on your bare skin.
his heart drops to his stomach as your tear-stained face comes into view. this isn’t how he envisioned your greeting; it usually came in the form of a bright light not harsh as the sunlight, a softness that begs to be held.
“are you crying?!”
your reply only comes out as a pitiful whimper. he stumbles a step backwards when you unceremoniously jump into his embrace, wrapping your arms over his shoulders. he gets a whiff of your sweet perfume, and then it becomes the air that he breathes, but he doesn’t have much time to revel in it.
he squeezes your waist taut against his body, affectionately nosing at your cheek before giving you a kiss. “did something happen? tell me- tell me.”
“jungkook,” your voice cracks as you utter his name, sounding almost like a plea, and then an endless string of heartbreaking sobs comes out muffled against his shirt. “where have you been?”
this sends him into a state of panic. seeing you in pain— it’s his biggest weakness. after all, you are his achilles’ heel.
“why? why, why, why?” you’re weak and pliant as he pulls your arms down, collapsing against his chest when he envelopes you in his embrace. he cradles your head in his palm, soothing you with gentle pats and shushes. “shh, shhh- it’s okay, i’m here now. everything’s okay, you hear me?”
his efforts prove to be fruitless, because you only seem to cry harder as he slowly rocks your bodies back and forth.
you shake your head, hands attempting to hold on to the back of his shirt to regain sensation in your limbs, but they miserably fail and fall on the sides of his hips.
“talk to me… please, mhmm?“ he hums quietly, pressing his soft lips to your temple. “tell me what’s wrong and your boyfriend will take care of it.”
from your sniffles to your hiccups, you remain unable to form any coherent response, and it leads his imagination to construct the worst possible scenarios. he feels his stomach turn with uneasiness, jaw clenching as he carefully pulls away to meet you eye-to-eye.
“did someone touch you? hurt you?” he spits out with urgency, and the unparalleled care he displays puts you in a daze, simply dumbfounded as he strokes your face. “huh, baby? just tell me and i’ll take care of the rest.”
now that you’re being reminded that jungkook could quite literally kill a person with his bare hands if they ever inflict harm on you, the fog is clearing up and you feel so incredibly… stupid.
but that’s more the reason why it’s difficult not to be sensitive when it comes to him; his absence proves to be lethal.
“shit, you’re scaring me.” he breathes out shakily as he taps your cheek lightly to bring you back to him, the distant look in your eyes triggering the emergency alarms in his head.
he unconsciously licks his lips and he tastes your tears; he doesn’t want anybody else to ever come this close.
“okay, okay- let’s put that aside for now. what do you need? should we go to bed and rest instead?”
“i thought you left,” you whisper as you hang your head in shame.
he blinks at you in confusion. “to where? my flight isn’t until next week, baby.”
fantastic! now you sound like the most dramatic, clingiest bitch to ever grace the planet. you bury your face in your hands to hide the battle zone between your heart and mind, but your boyfriend seizes your wrists because he can’t bear another second of it.
“is-is that why you’re upset…?” he asks with not a trace of malice or ridicule. he is only filled with guilt as it dawns on him then— how you’ve only gotten used to always having him around four years into your relationship, when he was taking a break from work.
the changes in his life are also changes in yours, but they still affect you in many different ways.
“then just come with me. i’ll make it work. maybe we can extend for a bit, spend an entire day by ourselves- there’s a lot of museu-”
“i thought you left,” you repeat yourself, exposed and vulnerable, vision swallowed by the darkness because you can’t make yourself look at him. “your clothes… they’re gone, and i was calling but you… you weren’t answering my calls so i thought…”
“my clothes?” he exclaims, eyes going wide as he realizes that they’ve accidentally slipped from his mind. “ahh, i thought about cleaning the closet while waiting for you so i moved everything to the other room!”
you open your mouth to speak, but much to your chagrin, no words come out. you purse your lips as your chin wobbles— the new wave of tears in your eyes mimic shiny crystals.
and at the stern mention of your name, you know that you’re about to receive a (loving) scolding from your boyfriend. your lips curve into a frown before a sob inevitably escapes past them.
“why would you think that? why would i leave you? that doesn’t make sense at all, does it…?”
you shake your head, hugging him so tight, possibly tighter than you’ve ever done before. between your bodies, his heart is being unbearably wrung.
“i’m sorry, baby. seeing you cry like this breaks my heart…” he closes his eyes with a heavy sigh, resting his cheek on the side of your head. “but why would that be the first thing you think of…? i must be doing something wrong, right? have i been too busy with work? am i neglecting you?”
you’re breathless, a little dizzy— bloodshot eyes meeting his that are now gleaming with sadness. “no, it’s not like that! i just panicked, i couldn’t think straight.”
“are you sure?”
he looks at you skeptically, scanning your face.
“baby-” his voice breaks, then he pauses with his gaze still trained on you. “okay, i’m sorry. i… should’ve thought about what cleaning the closet would look like.”
“i was just being stupid.” you give him a small smile, rubbing your eyes to chase away the burning sensation. “sorry for scaring you.”
“stop, you’ll hurt yourself.” he tuts, pushing your wrists aside to cup your face in his hands, much gentler in comparison to your own self. his thumbs draw shapes on your soft skin, and then out of the blue, he curiously squeezes one of the space buns on top of your head. “wow, this is so pretty?”
“huh…? oh, thanks.” you mumble, still feeling out of it.
“this, too.” the white silk ribbon wrapped prettily around your neck, he means, which he hooks a finger on to tug lightly. it matches the lace straps on your shoulders that falls across the underbust of your dress, tied together to form a ribbon in the middle of it. that makes two, so clasically you.
and while it may be partly true that he’s trying to lighten the atmosphere, he just can’t defy the urge to express his admiration for you, even in a situation like this. he’s perpetually love-drunk.
“thank you.” you nod, shyly looking away to sniffle. “but you’re the reason why my makeup is ruined… need to wash it off before we go.”
“you’re beautiful either way, baby.”
“i know.” you scoff. “would you date me for five years if i wasn’t?”
he releases a throaty chuckle, capturing your lips in his with a smile of endearment that he fails to subdue.
“you’re so fucking cute. i love you-” he says with merely an inch of distance between you.
he grunts in melodramatic anguish, overcome by the insensity of his affections overflowing past the brim of his very being, leaning so close that the edge of the table digs into your lower back, surely to leave a temporary mark.
and he carries on to kiss you so many times that you lose count; you can only melt as you collect them in that bottomless pocket located somewhere in your soul, where all the love you’ve received across lifetimes is recorded to prove i was once here.
“i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you. i’m never leaving. you’re stuck with me and bam forever.”
if the time comes that the two of you break up, who would bam come home to? jungkook stubbornly refuses to have that conversation.
however, you still can’t let go of something, and you pout as you shove him lightly. unsurprisingly, his strong build doesn’t budge at all.
“but why didn’t you answer my calls?” at last, you gain enough energy to complain, but your face grows hot as the urge to cry returns. “i mean, what else was i supposed to think?!”
jungkook is struck by yet another lightning.
may the heavens have mercy, he’s been making you angry more than usual lately.
“shit, i forgot. i turned off my phone.” he mutters under his breath, feeling extremely regretful that he was not reachable when you needed him most to be. “i wanted to focus only on you tonight. what do they call it again…? leaving work at work?”
he winces guiltily.
“i’m sorry. maybe it wasn’t a smart idea.”
“no, i like that.” you almost interrupt him from talking because of how fast you are to brush off his apology.
he makes a mental note of it— the way you’re gripping at his shirt in small fists. you’re tense and overwhelmed; you need him to stay close.
“leave work at work. focus on me, and let me be your rest.”
unbeknownst to you, jungkook bites back his tears then. after all this time, he still gets mesmerized by the tenderness that naturally governs your every word and action; he thinks that he needs you more than you need him.
“just eat, baby. i’ll cook the meat for us.” jungkook coos at you as he cuts more meat into bite-sized pieces using a pair of kitchen shears.
“okay, then i’ll make sure that you eat.” you grin excitedly, dragging your chair closer to his.
you set down the tongs, grabbing your chopsticks to pick up a cooked piece of pork belly from the grill. you don’t forget to blow on it, mindful of burning his tongue.
of course, you don’t want to hurt him, but it would be especially painful for him as a singer.
“ahhh-” still busy with cooking, jungkook opens wide at your cue, catching the meat in between his teeth.
“rice,” he demands as he chews.
you scoop up rice from your bowl, and he devours it happily as he continues to flip the strips of pork belly lined up across the grill.
“mmhmm, it’s so delicious!” he dramatically says out loud. his eyebrows are knitted together and his legs are bouncing under the table, tell-tale signs of him enjoying the food.
witnessing this kind of reaction, any chef would be happy to slave away in the kitchen to serve him a meal. you recognize it in the smile of the owner after jungkook ordered more side dishes, and the way he dashed through the door to reduce the waiting time.
“yah, feed yourself, too!” jungkook chides you after you feed him meat three times in a row, but with an open palm that catches the juice that drips from the kimchi, you still tap your chopsticks against his lips. he spares it a glance before catching it using his tongue.
“i am!” you then rush to wrap a piece of pork belly in lettuce, dipping it into ssamjang before stuffing it into your mouth.
“good job, baby.” he grins in satisfaction, rubbing your back as praise. this makes you preen. “make sure to eat lots, got it?”
but then you’re back to spoiling him rotten, this time with an egg roll. so far, he has only touched his own chopsticks twice.
“i just told you to eat first!”
you glare at him, pouting. “but you worked so hard practicing today and you haven’t even eaten properly yet.”
he is too busy with work, and it’s not news that you’ve been worried sick about his health. it’s difficult to watch him work himself to the bone, but no one truly has the power to stop jungkook from doing what he wants, sometimes not even himself. and you find it impossible to fault him for it when you know that everything he does is done out of love. from the vigorous vocal and dance lessons, and to the deep cleaning of the apartment because his baby has been developing an allergy to dust.
“you need to make it up to your body. here, please?”
he loves being loved, jungkook thinks to himself as he eats the egg roll whole.
you were already prepared to go home after dinner, but your night owl for a boyfriend insisted on going on a walk at the park because he wanted to, and you quote, ‘see you awake for a little while longer,’ or whatever the hell he meant by that.
with his tattooed arm protectively swung over your shoulder, you’re engulfed in a wave of nostalgia. for the first two years of your relationship, before you started living together, you only met with each other at night, save for the very rare day-offs that he got. the only places that are still open after midnight are nightclubs, fastfood chains, convenience stores… and well, parks.
and he would always hold you close like this to make you feel safe, and the rest of you melts away while the side of your ribcage that he is pressed against remains to shelter your heart. on the contrary, you also remember how your bodies used to be so tense. you wanted to sacrifice more sleep and to walk to the other side of the park, of the street, to that other convenience store five blocks away because this one didn’t have the flavor of ice cream you wanted, anything… just… anything so you could be with each other ten minutes more.
and it was cold. it was always cold.
“what do you mean ‘it exploded’?”
“it seriously exploded! it was on fire! that’s why i went out to buy a new extension cord!”
“jungkook, it’s because you plug in too many things at once!” you cry out in frustration, your steps becoming heavy stomps. “i told you to stop doing that!”
“what do you mean? if it has six slots, doesn’t that mean six devices is the maximum?” he continues to stubbornly defend himself, and you can only hang your head in defeat. “otherwise, it’s a scam!”
“it is a scam! see…? they made you buy a ne-”
your sentence is cut short as your tongue gets paralyzed.
a dark and striped, long figure approaching ahead, slithering its across the grass.
your mind immediately registers it as the animal you fear most.
oh, no. no, no, no, no, no.
“jungkook,” you utter his name with a tremble.
the same fear you experienced only two hours ago holds you hostage once more, add all the hair in your body standing up and you’re as frightened as a cat.
“what’s wrong? yah! what are you doing?! baby, ba- fuck!” he sputters out as you forcefully pull him back along with you, displaying a type of strength and agility he doesn’t normally see.
the two of you continue to stumble backwards as you struggle to maintain balance, and somehow jungkook manages to switch your positions so that you’re the one who lands on top him instead of the other way around when you eventually end up as a heap on the soft earth.
he begins to feel his throat closing up at the sight of pure, genuine fear in your eyes.
“jungkook, snake- it’s small bu-”
you interrupt your own sentence with a high-pitched squeal, garnering looks from strangers moving and unmoving. in the blink of an eye, your boyfriend has swept you off your feet as if you’re light as a feather, driven by the instinct to protect the love of his life.
you cover your mouth in shock, your other arm coming up around his neck to keep yourself from falling.
you think you may have fallen for jungkook all over again.
“are you spiderman?”
he was too busy searching for the subject of your fear under dim lights, and so he looks at you in bewilderment to ask, “what was that?”
you shake your head with your wide eyes shining with faux innocence. you squeak. “nothing.”
he releases a sigh, followed by a chuckle of obvious relief and amusement as he squeezes your body closer to plant a kiss on your forehead. “aigoo, my ____! why are you so scared today? what am i going to do with you…? it’s just a worm.”
“are you sure? i swear i saw it raise its head!“
“i’m sure,” he lulls you. “i think worms can do that, too?”
your face twists in an expression of mixed bewilderment and distrust.
“that i’m not sure about, but it’s really just a worm! would i still be standing here if it wasn’t?” he clicks his tongue sharply. “we need to get your eyes rechecked.”
you roll your eyes with a huff. you’ve have had enough of his teasing before it even starts.
“uh?! i’m serious over here!”
this is new— you mean bickering with jungkook in a public place isn’t, but being carried by him like a bride while it happens definitely is.
“fine, i’ll go this weekend. happy?” you fake an obedient smile. “you can put me down now.”
he blinks, and then he adjusts the way he’s holding you to ensure that your dress won’t show what’s for his eyes only— for a split second, you were flying.
“i’ll go with you,”
“okay. now put me down.“ you tap his shoulder repeatedly to prompt him to heed your words. “babe, this is embarrassing!”
“nope,” he ignores your protest with nonchalance as he resumes to walk the path you’re on, evidently enjoying the attention he’s stealing and the way you’re curling yourself smaller to hide.
“oh my god! weren’t you just complaining about your body hurting?!”
“you were scared of me leaving,” he smiles, glancing down at you. “so now i’m gluing you to myself.”
that made you quiet for a while. inside your tote, the container of kimchi, wrapped in a plastic bag, rattles with his every stride. you noticed that jungkook loved it so much, so you ordered it to go when he went to the bathroom before you were to leave the restaurant.
“you know, we used to just hold hands,” you mumble with a childish pout. “like normal people?”
“this is very normal,” he argues.
the scenery becomes more familiar as he takes the long way home.
“some would even say romantic.”
a wave of nostalgia hits, and you visibly shiver.
you don’t know if he would remember, but he has said the same exact words once before.
you scrunch your nose, supposedly to give him a look of disgust, but a giddy smile betrays you. you are five years younger again, and the night ends with the moon bidding you an adieu.
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask/dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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