#im not tagging my notps
What's your favorite wlw ship, mlm ship & straight ship? (and what's your NOTP :3)
My favorite wlw ship is Tatiana x Barb (spies are forever)
My favorite mlm ship is Edwin x Charles (dead boy detectives)
And my favorite straight ship is Paul x Emma (the guy who Didnt like musicals)
Lastly I have too many NOTP's so I'm just gonna list some of them!
Charles x Crystal
Edwin x Niko
Edwin x Charles x Crystal
ANYONE (except women) x Melissa (tgwdlm)
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meljwrites · 8 days
For Hollyoaks 3, 17 for both Dillion and Lucas
3. NOTP?
Tbh there are so many, like excluding abusive relationships like Frankie and JJ, I guess John Paul and Carter, like that is one I see a lot of people shipping but as someone who experienced Lucas's storyline before their relationship, and obviously after Carter losing his mind, I feel like John Paul should have known better. Like the scene where he's like, something suspicious is going on between my ex who has tried to practice conversion therapy on me and one of the teenage boys who seems to be struggling with his queerness. guess I'll make out with him.
But also I get that was kind of the point, and then there was the scene in the pub where everyone was like john paul you have to be joking you were doing what with that guy???
I'd be curious to know what other ships people have spicy opinions of 👀
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think Dillon and Lucas would like?
Oooooh good question. I feel like Lucas would enjoy the scott pilgrim comics/movie/show, that's like one of the only things I could picture him reading. He would also enjoy gritty fantasy like six of crows, daughter of smoke and bone, cemetery boys, and the starless sea, but he is also very much the brand of teenage boy who calls reading lame, so maybe when he's older/dillon influences him into being a better person.
He'd also love other edgar wright films, like cornetto trilogy.
I feel like Dillon would like Holly Black books, like he would eat up coldest girl in coldtown and cruel prince. Also Casey McQuiston, like One Last Stop would be one he rereads a lot. He's also definitely a heartstopper enjoyer. And the graphic novel Laura Dean Keeps Breaking up with me.
Dillon seems like the type to enjoy sappy romances like Notting Hill and Red White and Royal Blue and probably a bunch of obscure indie films like Jongens, and he'd show Lucas and Lucas would end up sobbing. Also Dillon likes anime, like look at him you know I'm right.
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sigh, finally blocked the shit out of those poll accounts. i am free
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always-a-joyful-note · 6 months
Sometimes I'll see a ship and be like "yeah, I don't ship it at all but I love the way you ship it."
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sege-h · 6 months
God this fandom is extra fucking annoying this week
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lonely-night · 1 year
filter tag is a very good function
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when will it end when will it all end (the prinxiety-centric fics that take up 99.99% of the goddamn logicality tag)
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might start microdosing on jeffannie to cope with the fact that jeff and craig arent gonna fuck nasty in the movie 😔
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vampslxsher · 2 years
I hate that u can see peoples likes on twitter bc its ALWAYS shit i dont wanna see. 'Show fewer likes' how about u show no fucking likes please.
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"craig only cares about t week and stripe 🥰"
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profictiontheatre · 11 months
Ship negativity/ranting abt notp
ouhh. i hate mc prxce ley so much. The ship itself bothers me enough for having no canon basis but the way the fans of it have acted, bullying me for my ship (prxce ingham), calling people who ship it horrible things like racist while they themselves contribute nothing to the fandom but conventionally attractive white boys making out is vile
Like. Please please pick a struggle
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harbingerofsoup · 22 days
hey 911 fandom, specifically the shippers headed towards ship war territory, im on my hands and knees here, please learn what a notp is and leave each other alone, filtering out/blocking content and blogs you don’t want to see is also so cool and sexy; “but what about fans who—” i don’t care, block and filter
we’re all here for fun, keep hate out of ship tags and let people have their own interpretations, if you do want to have open conversations then don’t be antagonistic
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leo-artsssss · 10 months
tmnt fandom ick:
the fact that so many people just collide the personalities of Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi. despite being polar opposites, people still constantly give Yuichi the personality that Miya has and then denies liking MiyaLeo.
Like why… what is the point in using Yuichi just to make him exactly like Miya just with stupid ass bangs…
like I’m convinced none of you have watched the Usagi Chronicles show
In Usagi Chronicles, Yuichi doesn’t act anything like let’s say 03 Usagi. Yes you can tell he has the heart, but He’s not even close to being as serious as Miya was. I see this mishcharacterization mainly with SOME Rise fans as they usually have their head so far up their ass that they don’t bother watching anything but Rise and just assume things about characters. (Ok maybe that was a little mean but that’s genuinely how it feels sometimes 😭)
I especially see this with future Leoichi aus where Yuichi is basically Miya but with bangs. LIKE JUST USE MIYA AT THAT POINT WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT THAT
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I don’t like Leoichi, I could even say it’s one of my Notps. But something that pisses me off SO much is when I look at some Fanart of what seems to be Leo and Miya, but then the tags say “Yuichi” (especially if they tag Leosagi or Katanashipping aswell)
and if you do this and see this post, look, im not trying to be mean or anything. At the end of the day you can do whatever you want. I’m just saying that in general, I find these things very irritating and I want to see better characterization for Yuichi. If you’re making him act exactly like how Miya acts, I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and think REALLY HARD about if you’re really shipping Leo and Yuichi or if you’re just shipping Leosagi with extra unnecessary steps.
I think a lot of this comes from the fact that most of the TMNT fandom (again, specifically rise…) just don’t care about the character and just want an excuse to ship someone with Leo. I love Leosagi but I love both characters in the relationship and have studied both of their stories and personalities, I don’t just throw one with the other without knowing anything about them.
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yarrayora · 30 days
That anon would be horrified over what I put my favorite ships/characters through lol
tumblr wants toxic yuri but cant even handle two perfectly good girls having communication problems
genuinely if people think im drawing farcille hatecomic then the fastest way to own me is by reblogging it with the tags "so true! this is why i love farcille! theyre so nuanced and interesting!" like if an idiot actually put in the effort to make hatecomic of their notp the fans enjoying what they made would instantly kill them on the spot
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biscuitboba · 6 months
Friendly reminder to just focus on our own favorite ships:)!! Like if you hate a certain ship so soo muchhh, please don't tag them and please censor their name when you're talking about them...
For example, if i hate zolu then i'd just type "z0lu", "zo7u", "z**u" or whatever (not that i have the time to talk about my notps cuz im busy gushing about my favorites) , and once again, please do not tag them!!
Like i get having notps, really... but we don't like seeing hate post about our favorite ship(s) right?? then it's only natural that we don't make one ourselves. Imagine scrolling through your favorite ship tag and then you see a post where someone is complaining about your favorite ship, personally that would turn my mood sour... Let's just be a decent human being. Don't forget to censor your notp's name when you are talking about them especially in the tags:)!!
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
HI <3 Sheith VC anon here back with a very humble request. So I've read TVL and am currently reading QoTD, just finished the Devil's Minion chapter (oH mY gOD my HEART). I'm going through the books a bit slowly bc life stuff, but I have sooooo many thoughts and feelings and feel like I need to read lots of fic to work through it LOL. I would love it if you could rec me some (or tons of!) fics that wouldn't give me (m)any spoilers re: stuff that happens after this point in the series. I realize this might be a kind of hard/maybe impossible request because a lot of those spoilers would be referring to things that chronologically would have taken place prior to DM for instance, but I'm so starved I thought I might ask just in case! I'm not suuuper partial to any specific ships (Lestat/Louis is a bit boring IMO 😭 but I love them so I'll take it) and I don't have any NOTPs, so I'm down to read pretty much anything (esp if it's spicy and/or hurts my heart and/or features Armand lmao). Totally fine if this is too much trouble or if it turns out to be an impossible ask indeed; thank you in advance anyway! AND THANK YOU AGAIN for introducing me to these brain-rotting books lol I spend like half my waking hours thinking about Armand now.
SHGKJALDS I SPEND HALF MY WAKING HOURS THINKING ABOUT ARMAND TOO SINCE LIKE THE YEAR 2000 LMFAO im so glad you see!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GET IT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So babe tbh the reason I started writing Armand/Daniel fic at all is because there really ... isn't that much? And I was like GUESS I GOTTA FUCKIN COOK FOR MYSELF. So tbh I haven't actually read a ton of VC fic at all. The otp:true filter for them on AO3 (excluding TVverse fics) only has 237 fics hdkjgalds but you can start here LOL. I think for the most part you'll be able to tell in the tags if it's post-QOTD because people usually will tag like "post canon" or "Prince Lestat Era"; for QOTD fics check for a Devil's Minion/Devil's Minion Era tag. I don't always remember to tag my own fics but my only post-canon D/A fic is called "In the Trials of the Heart" and all my others are Devil's Minion era and shouldn't spoil anything ! Be aware that the TV fandom and book fandom sometimes overlap so there might be stray TV fics in the book tag; it won't spoil anything bc the TV canon is a completely different story, but it might not make sense if you jump in to read it. So without actual fic recs I'll share some authors that I really trust!! Have a look through their VC fics!!!!!!!
apoptoses (pervert extraordinaire 10/10, all the D/A fics are Devil's Minion era except for Blood Sanation so go nuts!) covenofthearticulate (this is Ash, she actually writes Loustat & Louis/Armand mostly but she's so smart and I trust her so much!!!!) Diabolus_Invictus HekateInHell (writes a lot of Lestat/Armand and also has a human AU called Our House that I'm obsessed with!) ImhereImQuire Nothing_But_Paisley rainandcoffee (if you're sick of all of our doom&gloom you can find fluff and lightness here!) whisperbird (just one VC fic but I think about it every day of my life I love it)
Whenever I remember I try to post VC fics that I do read, kinda like how Sheith fandom does Wednesday Fics, I try to tag #VCFicFriday so try there too!
Anyway if anyone wants to add to this post and share recs PLEASE DO I actually am not a great fic reader bc my attention span sucks and I'm picky about canon compliant porn LOL! But help our new friend out if you want to share any!!!!!!!!!!!!
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