#im losing my mind i love mike so much
laurrrelise · 3 months
mike schmidt headcanons
i’ve never posted before but i’m a huge jhutch fan and i had fun writing these :)
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mike is absolutely a cat person. the only reason they don’t have a cat is because he was too embarrassed to look “un-manly” and buy one himself. he found one outside at one point, and kept trying to get abby to want to take it in and keep it, but she didn’t really want a pet to have to take care of so mike just let it go. mike leaves leftover food outside for it when he remembers, and stops and spends time with it when it’s lingering outside his porch.
he likes to surprise abby with new toys, even if he doesn’t have the extra money for it. her favorites are dragon action figures and stuffed animals (polar opposites ??) and he finds cool smaller ones at the dollar store. she can tell the difference, but pretends not to notice to make mike feel proud of himself. she also likes them, anyways.
mike drinks a lot of water. he drinks almost nothing but water. he very rarely drinks alcohol because he was invited to a high school party at one point, got super drunk, then jumped on a pool table and tried to do a backflip. he broke his leg and was humiliated, and vowed that he’d never drink again. (not completely true, because he goes for a beer once in a blue moon, but it’s so rare that it barely counts.)
him and abby have a 15 year age difference, but she takes care of him just as much as he takes care of her. when he’s super tired after work, she reminds him to brush his teeth before he goes to bed. she brings him a blanket when he falls asleep on the couch. she grabs his keys when he leaves them on the dining table, the kitchen counter, his nightstand, or her dresser, and puts them on the coat hooks so he’ll never lose them. she picks up on when he’s having really really hard days, and even though it’s hard for her, she eats for him.
(i’ve realized this one really isn’t canon, but i don’t care, it’s cute and i want it) mike has curly hair. abby doesn’t. neither does their mom, or their dad, or their little brother, garrett. (he’s older than abby, but shut up and let me have this) abby is jealous of mike’s curls. so, reluctantly, mike taught himself how to curl hair. he found a cheap curling iron at the convenience store down the street from their house and practiced on himself, burning his hands like crazy, and hiding it from abby. the first time he successfully curled her hair, she gave him the biggest hug and ate her entire dinner without having to be begged.
mike loves cleaning. he hates waking up early, but he doesn’t mind when he gets to turn on his music and spend an entire morning cleaning the house. he also really loves his music. he loves divorced dad rock. nickel back, green day, smash mouth, the black keys, etc. he loves putting a cd (he burned some illegally, abby helped him) into his boombox and blasting it at 7 a.m. he’ll walk into abby’s room, nodding to the music and singing along confidently, waking her up and laughing with her when she makes fun of him. but, still, she helps him clean.
abby is really good in school. she has to be, because mike is a bit of a bumbling idiot when it comes to math and english etiquette. the last time she asked him for help on her homework, even though it was just simple multiplication, mike ended up staring at the page for ten minutes before calling his neighbor to ask if she could help because he was “busy”. (he was bored out of his mind, but he couldn’t figure out what 36x5 was, and was too embarrassed to admit it.)
mike loves sweets, but he prefers his coffee bitter. he has a chocolate stash that he keeps on top of the kitchen cabinets for when abby is really good. he also has it because chocolate is his #1 craving when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
mike loves when abby draws him. sometimes, he’ll find her looking at him while she’s coloring, and he’ll hold the pose for as long as he possibly can to be a useful reference to her. he will never criticize her art. drawing is abby’s comfort place, so even when he’s so upset with her that he could rip his own hair out, he would never even think to insult her artwork.
mike despises shopping. in fact, he despises spending money, which is mostly due to the fact that after his mom died and dad left, he’s never had much of it. and he hates the fact that he has to give so much of it back to a government that hates him. so, to make up for it, he prefers thrift stores. not goodwill, essentially a corporate office that helps no one but it’s filthy rich CEO, but small, local thrift stores. the kind that are always filled with volunteers, whose profits exclusively go to keeping the shop running and a small cause, like dental care for youth in Guatemala or starving kittens who would be put down without proper funds to keep them alive. he likes knowing that his money is going to a good cause, even if he hates handing it over.
mike does, however, love picking out the clothes. he scours through the kids’ section for the brightest pairs of overalls, t-shirts, cardigans, skirts, and sneakers. he loves the look on abby’s face when he finds her a pretty sundress, because the smile that so rarely appears is filled with such innocent bliss. for himself, however, he moves as quickly as possible. he pretty much exclusively wears old hoodies, sweaters, jeans, and work boots. as long as it’s comfortable and in a size medium, it works for him.
that’s all for now but i love thinking about this man so i’ll probably end up writing more eventually 🤷‍♀️ who knows
anyways have a good day <3
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kiirotoao · 5 months
Thoughts on Byler and pet names that I wanted to make a video on but ended up writing because they’re quite specific and frankly a little embarrassing to say aloud:
Baby: Mike uses this one when he’s in a very flirty mood. Will uses this teasingly and very sparingly.
Babe: Mike uses this all the time. Will uses it sometimes around the house.
Sweetie/Sweetheart: No. These are Joyce’s terms of endearment only.
Darling: Both use and don’t realize how often they do. They’ll readily deny using this one, but they love flirting with it.
(My) Dear: Both use this often. Mike uses it when he’s writing and/or being poetic (AKA cheesy and sappy) and Will uses it when he’s happy.
(My) Love: Both use this all the time. It makes them sound a little prosaic and cute at the same time, and they absolutely love it.
Handsome: Both use when flirting, so pretty often.
Hot Stuff: Only Will uses this one because he somehow makes it not sound overly-cheesy. Mike can pretty much only use this one ironically with finger guns and everything (Will finds it cute, though, so no losing with this one).
Cutie: Only Mike uses this one, usually when Will’s wearing a cute outfit or his hair is getting a little too long. When Will occasionally does use this one, Mike is left blushing out of his mind.
Lover Boy: Both use this one, usually when they very obviously want to get the other person to blush.
Angel: Too cheesy for them both. Maybe only when Mike is down bad.
Sunshine: Again, too cheesy, but Mike uses this sometimes first thing in the morning.
Casanova: Will uses this teasingly when Mike is being cute or romantic.
Prince Charming: Both use very rarely, maybe when the other is being, well, very charming.
Cuddle Bug: Mike used this one first and then Will picked up on it. Both sometimes use when they’re cuddling.
Sugar: No.
Pumpkin: No.
Honey: No. Maybe after a few years into their relationship? Maybe.
Bonus: Mike calls Will “O Great And Wise” and Will calls Mike “My Knight/My Knight In Shining Armor” sometimes, too ;)
(My) Muse - credit to @holyvirgilscriptures: Both use very sweetly, especially when they’re in their craft (Will painting, Mike writing), another prosaic one that they absolutely adore.
Beautiful - credit to @camel-casing: Both use, mostly later in their relationship. I love picturing this one as another morning greeting along with sunshine, like, “morning, beautiful,” or just when they feel in love.
Pretty Boy - credit to @c4ntbr36th: Both use, mostly Mike, though, in my head. Sometimes they use this teasingly when the other is pointedly a mess (crazy bedhead, coming home super late and frazzled, etc.) or exceedingly well put-together and when they’re all-around smitten.
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psych0-str1ngs · 7 months
Bracelets and Birthdays- Razzle Dingley x reader
Warnings: Cursing, uh, booze!
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You giggled, jumping around with Raz. You two were drunk out of your minds as it was Razzle's 23rd birthday. You were dancing to white wedding from Billy Idol while drinking Jack Daniels. You were supposed to be taking him to Mike's for his surprise birthday party, but you were beyond drunk so you had to call Mike and tell him to bring the party there.
"Ah y/n," He sighed. "You definitely are a character huh"
"Oh hush Mikey,"You slurred. "You loooove me"
"Of course," He chuckled. "We'll be there in about half an hour or so"
You hung up the phone and walked back over to Razzle. He continued dancing like in idiot in your open living room area. He smiled.
"Razzle!" I yelled.
"What!" He asked.
"Y-you should really sit down!" I stumbled over to the chair pulling it out from the dining room table. "I have your first gift!"
He stumbled over to the chair as well, sitting down. He watched you pull out a box from one of the drawers, it was Red, with white polka dots, it was a tiny box but he wasn't worried about that.
"Is it a vile of your blood?" He looked up at you.
"Yes Razzle, as your best friend I have made it my life long dream to have you carry around a vile of my blood everywhere you go." You laugh, handing him the box. He opened it, immediately smiling at the silver bracelet. It had a few charms added to it, one was a skull, another was a top hat, and last one was a bottle shaped tiny piece of metal.
"This is so cool!" He looked like a kid, he pulled you closer and hugged your waist. You blushed a bit, feeling his head his your stomach. "Thank you y/n, you're the best-est friend ever!!"
"I know you bloody fool," You laughed pulling away, not letting your slight pain show. "I'm the best-est friend anyone could ever have because im so awesome and amazing.
His blue eyes found yours, he looked at you lovingly for a split second before looking back down. You could have sworn he was blushing.
"You know," He slurred. "I'm never ever gonna lose this"
He stood up and walked up to you, hugging you tightly.
"You smell like booze," You laughed.
"You do too," He looked down at you smiling like an idiot.
The door bell rang, you immediately knew who it was. Razzle's arm wrapped around your shoulder, and your arm wrapped around his mid-section, you stumbled over to the door laughing like mad men. Razzle threw the door open, his eyes immediately widening.
"MIKEY" He yelled, pushing you off of him and running to Mike.
Sami scootched past Raz, who was clung to Mike's front, hugging him tightly. He came up to you.
"How much have you given him?!" He laughed, pulling you into a small hug.
"Just a few bottles," You laughed, hugging back.
"happy birthday Raz," The guys said in unison.
"You guys are great," He said. "Let's get DRUNK"
"You already are drunk raz," I laughed.
"You are too, Y/n," He looked at you.
You threw your hands up defensively. Andy and Nasse brought in a few bags of alcohol. Nasse set down one of the bags, pulling out whip cream flavored vodka and smiled, you ran up to him, and grabbed his cheeks.
"You Nasty," You slurred. "Are a gift sent from god."
"Oh whatever pupu," He said smiling.
You kissed his cheek and grabbed the bottle, popping it open, and slinging back at least a quarter of the liquid. Razzle looked at Nasse with a face of disgust. You ignored him and went back to drinking. Sami sat at the record player, sorting through your records before popping in a modern talking vinyl.
You continued partying for a few hours, everyone was black out drunk. Nasty was leaned on Sami, both passed out on the couch. Mike was asleep on the floor, and Andy was slumped over the kitchen island with a bottle in his hand.
You and Razzle were still giggling, being the only two awake.
"You can sleep in my bedroom, I'll sleep on the floor out here," You slurred leading him to your room.
You walked him to the bed, before turning around.
"Y/n wait," He mumbled, getting up and walking over to you.
"This was a great birthday," He looked down at you, his hands holding yours.
"That's good Raz," You smile, cheeks rosy from the booze, and the fact that Razzle was looking at you so lovingly.
"I like you." He blurted out.
"Huh?" You looked up at him. "I think you really need to get to sleep you're very drunk"
"No Y/n," He stopped. "I really really love you, i've always been too afraid to tell you"
"I uh," You blushed. "I love you too"
"Really?" He smiled.
"Of course, i dont know how you didn't notice it to be honest. "You laughed, looking up at him lovingly.
He leaned in, looking into your eyes for permission. You nodded and kissed him gently. His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer against him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He pulled away.
"Be my girlfriend?" He looked at you with puppy eyes.
"Of course," You smiled, grabbing his wrists and laying him down on your bed. "Now you really gotta rest."
You layed down next to him, immediately falling asleep.
THE END I know the ending was rushed sorry guys :p
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
what's your favourite silly moment for each of the skills?
for volition its def in the 'you're compromised' scene where he 'doesn't add flair' but also has/uses the most nicknames for the other skills
reaction speed has this little comment in the same scene where if your logic is low enough they go 'oh? was someone supposed to say something? well it's just me, swooshing around in here! swoosh :D'
encyclopedia takes the fucking cake with the trivia quiz tho. love his dumbass so much
oh man tall task for me to try and compile EVERY skills personal fave moment but i love them so much i am willing to try. under the cut
logic: god this dude is literally so dry he was the hardest to find good quotes for. i still love him though. the boring stiff. " If you drink this, then you will die. That's a fact. And that's why we're going to save you from yourself and store this as a SELLABLE item. Go sell it at the pawnshop for a profit." after you buy the pure alcohol is pretty funny.
encyclopedia: the innocence quiz. the entire thing. also contact mike.
rhetoric: what could possibly top "say one of these fascist or communist things or fuck off"
drama: lie, sire! for no reason! also any time he really leans into the old-timey speak its so good to me. AND during the payphone prank calls he can suggest that you stir up shit for no reason. love him
conceptualization: lots of truly beautiful lines from our fella concept here but i do also love. when they get silly with it. " It can still be an otherwordly sex-mystery *in your head*. With a dark twist, even." and "Imbecilic. Yes, should the future ever come, it will look deeply imbecilic. Like this guy." and "O WALLFATHER!"
visual calculus: "I'm just a representation of your mental faculties... piecing together any available information." love when they just outright say it lmao. also "Consuming food is mechanical process for him. He doesn't enjoy it, just goes through the motions and moves on." kind of a sad detail about rene that i didnt know about thank you VC
volition: "I don't do flair."
inland empire: "No-no, don't sing the happy song, it's stupid. Sing the sad song, it's profound."
empathy: paging doctor love... " Life doesn't have a *BACK* button. Now get off your ass and speak the truth about Sylvie the Whore." "He's enjoying your little failure. He finds it amusing, he's revelling in the sweaty rage on your face."
EDC: the time he brings up literally right after kim says "officers dont fucking dump old police shit in the river" officers dumping police shit in the river
authority: "The lieutenant is a narcomaniac!" also "Mewling wimp! Pathetic..." and "Show him the ham still got it!"
suggestion: at one point he gets exasperated of harry trying the expression over and over. also "Logic and reason won't work on this old bat. Better go for shameless emotional manipulation. What's a grandmother's deepest vulnerability?"
endurance: a wink shaped growl sounds from your ass. what the fuck is going on in your large intestine harry. ALSO HOLY SHIT I DIDNT KNOW THE TUTORIAL AGENT HAS A UNIQUE LINE IN THE FASCISM THOUGHT CONVERSATION?? forget about föminism im losing my mind.
pain threshold: "Sounds like you were in some real *fundamental* pain there, muscle-man." MUSCLE-MAN!!!! on a sadder note: "Her beauty was like the glowing coil on a hot stove, and yet you felt *blessed* to touch it..." GIRL....... dont do this to me.....
physical instrument: eyes on the ball, dinky winky! also if your logic isnt high enough then HE will be the one to say "Son, you will NOT kill yourself with this. Not today. So we're going to store this as a SELLABLE item. Go sell it at the pawnshop for a profit." about the pure alcohol
electro-chemistry: HE CALLS PI A "sinewy idiot" ohhh my god. delightful. also every time he goes "yum" like when thinking about cigarettes
shivers: MR EVRART IS HELPING HIM FIND HIS GUN. Also the classic "got a brother in the cut, where the wood at?"
half light: oh my god she has so many killer lines. "They ain't got the cojones." she also has lots of nicknames for people. "cum-stain", "fucking ballerina", "they're all dorks." also "Utter the POWER WORDS!" and "Even when you're trying to scare someone, the most important thing is: how does it look on your resume?" AND "*YAWWWWN!* Can you imagine anything duller than a bunch of binoclards yanking each others' knobs?" half light i love you
hand/eye: "My favourite [thing] is the gun." LMAO
perception: she gets upset at one point when rhetoric claims you can smell communism and shes like. um. no. thats not possible. you cant smell communism. i cant find it but it actually happens a few times i think
reaction speed: I NEVER HEARD THE SWOOSH ONE. oh my god that fucking rules. swoosh. my next favorite is when youre talking to sylvie and she turn you down really fast reaction speed is like wow shes fast, what else is she good at? Baseball? Ring-a-bell Quiz Shows? Catching keys in the air? Petting an angry cat? okay queen
savoir faire: slaps one of this dude's arms. this guy can fit sooooo much hustle grindset in him. "You can't hang 'vapour-porn' in the foyer of your chalet." AND HE KEEPS CALLING HIMSELF SAVVY!!!!!!!!! "Hey, money-mouth. Eendracht. The impeccable hustler-provider of the seventh generation. It's showtime with Savvy!" "But Savvy's got your back. Savvy's going to book you a charter flight with eighty birds of prey on board, to a land where the streets are paved with krugerrands and fixed-income securities."
interfacing: i do love his "Told you that you *needed* those chaincutters. Everything is connected. Everything has a purpose." thats less silly and more hopeful in a way i really really like. he's got many delightful lines, and i think is the one that is most clued into the video game-y aspects (dialogue trees, etc) probably the saddest instance of this we see is with the dolores dei dream. "Don't let her. Don't let her go there. You should re-do the topics. Go over *everything*, the things you didn't say before too. Make it go on and on..." wailing. screaming and crying. on a brighter note! when you lose your pen he goes "Nooooo! That was my favourite thing, of all the things you have."
composure: calling reaction speed a "shifty asshole" is pretty fucking funny ngl.
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
okay, im gonna do my best to include some that don’t have huge numbers to mix it up and give the authors the attention they deserve, but i only have so much time because i promised myself i would go to sleep at a normal time, so this will have to be brief :(
hey, mike? - 2,324 words, complete
okay, yeah, i had to do some self promotion, and for that i apologize T-T but have will and mike having a conversation on top of a rock in the middle of nowhere nevada mid volume one- also, this was not only originally written before V2, it’s also the thing that got me into writing. so. anyways self promo over into the other stuff now
like you already know (that you’re the love of my life) - 3,227 words, complete
truth or truth type thing!! mike asking will if he’s ever been in love, essentially a sweet lil coming out concession thing. really loved this one <33
if only we could meet again - 21,251 words, complete
in which mike and will lose touch but meet again midway through college. i’m such a sucker for college aus, and this one is SO underrated- the plot twist at the end, the parallels, the references? it’s all SO good
i’m thankful for my sister (even if sometimes we fight) - 18,047 words, complete
to those of you longing for mike and nancy to have a better sibling relationship, i present to you this fic. mike confiding in nancy and asking her for advice <3
you spin me right round - 2,624 words, complete
spin the bottle. says it all. mwah <3
sounds pretty gay - 15,699 words, complete
“no, mike, not all boys think that other boys are pretty” -dustin and lucas in this fic. mike is only oblivious when it comes to homosexuality and will and it’s for that reason that i love him
dustin henderson, the scientific method, and homosexuality - 3,252 words, complete
this one is SO beyond underrated and i DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW?? it’s told from dustin’s point of view, as he starts to realize that hey. maybe they’re like. Not Straight.
a quick warning before we proceed! as i scroll further back through my bookmarks, we come to a point where these fics were written before volume two and therefore may be slightly canon divergent. this next fic is about when that begins. but! i loved them before volume two, and i still love them now, and will therefore be including them in the list. keep an open mind <3
cartwheel heart - 14,638 words, complete
will gets vecna’d truthers, rise up! she’s angsty but my god is she good
in my room - 7,947 words, complete
in which mike and will just- talk. because god knows all they need is a genuine, truthful conversation, and all their problems would be solved.
P.S. i love you - 13,083 words, incomplete
of course mike wrote will letters, he just didn’t send them!
karen did though lmao
rocky roads with uncertain ends - 2,893 words, complete
anyways, volume one will deserved to be a little angry. thank you to this beloved author for letting that happen.
a very murray mistletoe - 4,827 words, complete
alright, this is probably the fic with the most hits on this entire list. it’s also my absolute favorite, and the FIRST fic i ever bookmarked when i got my ao3 account. @/andiwriteordie, you are incredible and i love your writing. anyways. for those do you who want a murrayed byler- READ THIS ONE!!
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roachemoji · 10 months
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Stranger Things S2 01
this is just me live blogging watching ST none of my thoughts are v coherent enjoy <3
STARTING OFF REAL INTERESTING BUT REAL TALK when you have like a cool haircut how do you expect not to be found if u do a crime???? LIKE I LOVE YOUR MOHAWK AND I GET IT U DONT WANT TO COVER IT BC OBVIOUSLY BUT!!!!
this is NOT the focus obviously its about the fact theres other kids from the lab BUT AKSHDAKSJDKH
also the boys have grown SO MUCH !!!!!!! i forget there was actual real time between when these were filmed KSJHD im so excited to see Will and his perpetual bowl cut
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Will is so tiny ..... and little? oh hes being teleported into the fucking upside down again baby boy im so fucking sorry also ilu but why would you just walk outside away from wher eyour friends WERE to look at the horrifying shit world you were trapped and almost died in ????? aSDKJH
Im gonna have to DM you on discord or something so i can properly save all the things you have to say about the timelines and how the Russian shit plays into that because was anyone calling El (im assuming he's referring to her) is Russian??? IK this is possibly the third (?) timeline we've seen (genuinely let me know if i can do that its ok if not i forget tumblr has Dms)
NANCY AND STEVE ALSO BESTIES IM CRYING STEVE IS hes trying so hard are they dating my brain is so full of queer shit that im so deadset on platonic hetero relationships - i paused for one second and unpaused and they kissed SO THAT ANSWERS MY QUESTION
idk what relationships to pay more attention to bc the dynamic between Mike and El interests me the most because of how compulsory everything feels and how El is going to navigate a completetly new environment and how Mike will cope with that? (im assuming its not well)
OH is this the !!! the guy that i see people talk about all the time YEAHHH THE BLOND MULLET MAN AND MAX what the fuck is his name Billy??? He looks trans
I love Mr Clark so much and everyone who looks bored in his class just doesnt GET IT
JOYCE MY MOM WHO IS THIS GUY HES??? GOOFY AND SHES SO HAPPY ??? BOB !!! i have no initial bad opinions of him bc hes silly and goofy and he makes Joyce so happy and she deserves to be SO SOSOS OS HAPPY and nothing but happy
IF i have to endure another god damn Hopper flash back im gonna throw up and scream and cry and lose my mind and I won't recover and I'll never come back
Im in call while I watch this episode because i really wanted to get through while and actually use my brain bc i don't that often - but my roommates bird is sitting next to her mic and farting really really softly into it and its making me lose my fucking mind
ADN STEVE TOO!!! IM SORRY YOURE A THIRD WHEEL BUT its the start of season 2 how do we feel about polyam relationships between them where the audience for that point me in the correct direction
God i feel so ba for Will like to be??? singled out like that especially in elementary school? hell.
REALLY starting to see how this might be a different timelinei have no idea how ???? Joyce would.... trust them??? UNLESS THIS IS A HOSPITAL no its not ho films ina fucking hospital like this
also theyre mentioning the upside down
I understand needing to go back to the only place that fully understands that it exists and you need a place to talk to someone and also monitor him physically without being dismissed as insane - but i dont understand how Joyce OR Hopper would trust the Lab again after everything happened??????
I'm glad that he's actually getting help, and im glad that Joyce and Hopper are there to make him feel safe and support him given everything but !!!!!
this iS THE. He has PTSD. when did they get the word to describe that akjhaskjdh NVM HE JUST SAID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO IS PRETENDING LIKE EVERYTHING IS NORMAL HELPFUL BC IT SURE THE FUCK IS N OT FOR ME ????????? also who is this DR hes kinder but "i need you to trust me" to JOYCE AFTER THE BRENNER SHIT ???
also them NOT MENTIONING IT WHEN THEY LEAVE BUT JOYCE UPSET ABOUT THE WHOLE "i need you to trust me" THING B UT NOT BRINIGN UP BRENNER?????? susususususus timeline shit anyway EM @ me tell me wahts up kiss kiss mwuah mwuah
OH they've upped their guinea pig game on entering the upside down and the gatelooks fucking uglier and uglier LOVE THE TORCH glad it works but no wonder the gate looks angry???
ough i have a feeling her older brother is gonna ..... trigger me a lil but we'll get through it
If YouR fRiEnD jUmPs OfF a ClIfF 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
realizing they defenitely can't tell her parent's what actually happened to her an di hate that im gonna oaufkahd girl im so sorry im so sorry im so osrry UPSET BC SHE AS A CHARACTER DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE I WISH THEY HADN'T DONE HER DIRTY LIKE THAT
all the photos of her would make me so ill to look at like god NANCYYY THE GUILT AND B LAME GIRLIEEEE
also Mike rebelling after experiencing that kind of trauma and losing Will and El even though Will came back he's not the same of corse he's struggling - calling it with the !!!! WALKIE TALKIEEEE girl i miss her too
HONESTLY props to him again for not like invesigating something that was probably gonna be HORRIBLE he'd survive a horror movie
BOB i love you so far and ik that being a step parent in these situation (even tho hes only dating Joyce its the same) is so hard especially when there are kids involved BUT YOURE DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB
love me a tech who accidentally ignores the alarms going off (i couldnt hear the song playing it feels important - unintentially placing importance on all the music in this show now thank u em)
OohuaAHDAKJH OH WILL IS GONNA get ,,,,, yoinked back again isn't he ouguhadhAKHDJS interesting that it really only affects the *outside* like doors are now portals in a way ? i cant remember if it affected the inside of the arcade immediately or not
Wood Waffle Hours !!!!!!!!!! OH NO CABIN HOURS??? IS SHE. IS SHE. BIG EYE BALL EMOJIS LET ME SEE MY GIRL LET ME SEE THE BABY GIRL !!!! this entire scene makes it seem like shes a fucking AKSJDHA freak ass creature
thank u for reading these were my thoughts
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murdrdocs · 25 days
hi from the anon who didn’t like challengers 😔 —
i have so much respect for luca guadagnino as a director, i really liked bones and all, suspiria, and cmbyn, but challengers just wasn’t it for me 😭😭 i thought the plot was mediocre and the movie was overall sloppy and felt a bit half baked. the things i loved about cmbyn was that, even in the hard to watch bits (the peach scene, etc), those scenes carried a lot of symbolism and weight to the movie, which i didn’t see in challengers as much if at all. i thought the soundtrack was A. overhyped and B. played at times where it might have held relevance (like showing a connection between scenes), but overall sounded choppy in terms of editing and not well thought out in terms of placement throughout the plot. another thing is, while the actors might have had great chemistry, i dont think they were the most fitting for the roles they played, and i thought (while her facial acting was great and admittedly got better toward the end) zendaya wasnt quite in her element for the first half or so for the movie.
im not really sure what else to say other than that, personally, i dont believe its a testament to what guadagnino's mind can do, and i didnt enjoy it as much as everyone is saying i should have
but to each their own!! and i love blonde mike faist so what did we really lose here 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(p.s.— these are just my thoughts, and english is not my first language so please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes!)
see this made me feel better at least u have actual reasons for why u didn't like it. i havent seen challengers since opening week and my mind is clouded by delusion so maybe in a few weeks i'll be able to rlly understand ur opinion/see more of ur side of it.
as long as ur a tashi, art, and/or patrick truther im chill 😁
edit: there weren't any mistakes that i noticed pookie!!! even so english is my first language and im absolutely terrible at grammar so we can be in this together
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snixx · 4 months
ok im sorry but i saw ur aro abed post and now i need to come into ur inbox and be absolutely insane about it because oh my god i actually cannot handle this
like coming out of the hunger games fandom and then the byler fandom where the main largely accepted opinion in fandom (including my opinion) was that katniss and and peeta and mike and will were allo and in love w/ eachother and now being in the community fandom like im actually going insane
bcs yeah a lot of ppl think trobed are romantically in love and i think romantic trobed is cute too but OMG like a widely accepted hc among fandom is that aro trobed in a qpr, like SO MANY PPL THINK THIS its actually insane and it makes me so happy and even tho my best friend is more annie coded than troy coded platonic trobed is literally so us abd im losing my mind ok i dont even know what im saying anymore im absolutely losing it
so yeah um oops in short: ARO ABED AND QPR TROBED FUCKING REAL
yes. yes. yesyesyesyesyesyesyes. i love my romantic trobed buT I LOVE QPR TROBED SO MUCH. ARO ABED MY BELOVED
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spicywidealmond · 5 months
can we have an explanation of this au? i relaly like it and the designs n stuff n im actully curious,,,
"It's a slightly chaotic AU, especially regarding the characters' pasts and relationships. I'll highlight some things:
My AU doesn't have a chronological order, and there are some plot holes, I believe.
The characters' ages don't align with canon events, so:
TDI: Everyone is 25 years old.
XTRA: Alejandro and Sierra are 24 years old, Blaineley is 36.
TDROTI: Everyone is 23 years old.
TDPI: Everyone is 21 years old.
TDI2023: Just turned 18 years old.
TDRR: A special case since there are many, so here's the list hehehe: Geoff and Brody: 25 and 24.
Jacques and Josee: 28 and 29.
Carrie and Devin: 19 and 21.
MacArthur and Sanders: 30 and 29.
Owen and Noah: both 25.
Kitty and Emma: 21 and 23.
Crimson and Ennui: 26 and 27.
Jay and Mickey: both 16.
Ellody and Mary: both 20.
Stephanie and Ryan: 31 and 32.
Lorenzo and Chet: both 17.
Tom and Jen: 26 and 25.
Rock and Spud: both 21.
Laurie and Miles: both 23.
Kelly and Taylor: 16 and 45.
Gerry and Pete: both 57.
Dwayne and Jr: 40 and 14.
Leonard and Tammy: 21 and 22.
My AU has arcs to guide it, currently, there are 4, and I'll give a summary:
ARC 1: Zoey and her revenge. Zoey and Mike broke up because of Mal; this upsets Zoey. She starts to lose her mind and begins to harm others, almost killing Wayne and Trent. All of this happens over 9 months until a mistake lands her in jail.
ARC 2: Scarlet Association. Here, there are new villains who want to make life impossible for others. Scarlet and Max are villains at first but later betray the association for good reasons. After this, the real villains appear: Zoey, Josee, and Nichelle. During this time, Zoey and Nichelle die. Nichelle is murdered by Raj as the trauma begins to affect him to the point of becoming somewhat crazy. Zoey is murdered by Shawn as he gets angry at everything and in a fit of rage kills her XD. Josee realizes the damage she's done and decides to redeem herself thanks to Jacques and Wayne.
ARC 3: Consequences and Secrets. After defeating the Scarlet Association, there are many physical and psychological damages. Those from TDI2023 are greatly affected, especially Raj and Wayne. Luckily, Wayne falls in love with Julia, and Bowie helps Raj overcome his trauma. Also, other characters like Chase or Caleb begin to have traumas until, in an accidental act, Chase kills Priya. This affects Caleb and Emma (I'll explain in another post). There's also a strong lore about Chris's past. There was a group of friends called 6teens, which included Chris, Don, Linda, Josh, Gerry, and Pete. There were many problems, notably Linda falling in love with Gerry, but he rejected her, causing Linda to commit suicide. One day, Gerry sets the school on fire, leading to the group's separation. Gerry did all this out of LOVE.
ARC 4: Love Island. This is the most recent, there isn't much lore as it's recent.
And that's the explanation I can give at the moment. If you have more questions, let me know, as I can answer them."
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thesmpisonfire · 7 months
just finished 'sink your claws into me, i don't care'
I adore how you write them btw they're feel so in character and just!!!
'This couldn’t be happening. Not now. Pac couldn’t have lost another one of his family, right? He couldn’t be alone now and…' <- dying literally DYING
'He laughed again, hiding his face on his hands and feeling another laughter bubbling up, cracking his heart, making him lose grasp on his mind.' euogbfaoisfgoiasgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'Pac laughed to himself again, remembering Mike berating him for his idiotic crush on the Alcatraz’ Cannibal.'
'“Rumors? He ate my fucking leg.” Pac smiled wide, as if he was under Risus again.' <- PAC. pac :(
'“If I had been faster to find him…” She said to herself, eyes tempestuous. “He wouldn’t have hurt you, and I could have helped him…”' these two are such a pair I love them wtf :((((((
'He never moved on, he was still fucking stuck in Alcatraz, he was still stuck in that minuscule island staring in disbelief as Mike lunged to stab him.'
'It was kinda funny, how the voice in his head sounded so much like Mike. He missed his soulmate, at least Pac wouldn’t be drifting alone into oblivion. Someone to hold him hand and keep himself afloat. Above the scary dark deep of his fucked up mind.'
'Pac practically forced himself to say it, against all his wishes. How could he say anything else when Bagi looked so sad? She was counting on him, right?' <- pac plese stop thinking about others for once your killing me
'“Because Cell just messaged me to meet at the Order, and quick.”' WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! AHHHHHHHH cliffhanger I love this fic so much I think i might explode. your writing does not disappoint I love this screaming into the void
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fatechica · 2 years
I still can't believe we're so lucky that we get to live in a world where Mike made the most ICONIC love confessions ever. How is this real? I'm afraid to be dreaming 😭
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poppin-fandoms · 2 years
Bro i just finished season 3 and there’s too much mileven ;-;
I mean I do think they’re cute but NOT ROMANTICALLY. Platonic eleven is where its at.
It makes me lose hope lowkey but then I remember that season 4 exists and Mike Wheeler is NOT straight at all. As straight as a mfin circle. You cant tell me he wasn’t infatuated with Eddie CMON its confirmed he even grew his hair out to be like him 😭
I get scared sometimes tho 💀 like what if they don’t break up. But they def will. Honestly as long as Mileven breaks up PLZ
Mileven just doesn’t have that chemistry that Lumax and Jancy and even Elmax and Byler have. And they never will and its so OBVIOUS like you don’t even have to be a Byler to notice it. Bro even one of my teachers said Byler has so much more chemistry than Mileven and she thinks will and Mike should get together and I love her for that 😭 and shes like in her late 40s sooo
It’s not even delusional to think it’ll be canon like there’s stuff everywhere cuz everything is so intentional. Its so POSSIBLE and in my opinion they ARE endgame 100% idc you cant change my mind.
I mean the szn is really good and I like the aesthetics too like the MALL and the OUTFITS r all so cool. it’s fun I mean I love Stranger Things but I just hate how apart Will and Mike were the whole season and the way Mike ACTED like dude chill tf out 💀💀 and then Will was hardly ever shown again, this is like the last few episodes of the season.
But ofc we have the famous “its not my fault you dont like girls!” Mike, your internalized homophobia is showing 🤭
Its funny cuz I always LOVE the first 2-3 episodes of each season and then obviously it gets sad 😭 and hella action too but its still good BUT I HATE WHEN CHARACTERS DIE LIKE POOR ALEXAI WTF?? He deserved better and so did Bob obviously.
Nobody better die in season 5 istfg. Like all of the OG cast has to survive PLEASE LET THEM LIVE.
I also watched the first ep of season 4 and I love Chrissy but ofc, vecna put her out of her suffering, and unfortunately I think Will is also gonna get vecnad in szn 5 cuz my boy has been thru it ALL. When is he not being hurt in some way he deserves nothing but happiness.
Like whats gonna happen after Will confesses to Mike? I mean I still can’t believe it, it’s actually happening and the painting and all that and then he’s gonna be so sad cuz he’ll think Mike doesn’t feel the same and I have SO many fanfic ideas honestly
Also I adore Elmax SO MUCH I honestly wish they could be canon I just love them they’re so prefect for each other. Max is the #1 Mileven anti lmao. I keep remembering how she wanted to be friends with Mike in szn 2 but he was so rude to her like BRO WTF. I still like Lumax but like…consider Elumax.
But El deserves better and she does deserve to be on her own away from Mike.
Also Robin’s coming out scene will never not get me I LOVE HOW SUPPORTIVE STEVE IS i freaking love Steve I mean like honestly who doesn’t?
So is it rlly a reach to say Mileven was straight bait cuzzzz
I rlly love Robin and Vickie which r definitely ending up together (with Byler cuz they also kinda parallel each other) but I am very fond of Ronance I love it.
AND THEN JOPPER I ALSO LOVE THEM. Remember when they were like “theres nothing romantic between us we’re just friends.” And then the “we’re a team” and it reminded me so much of that one Byler scene in szn 4 which im pretty sure has been pointed out but yeah the PARALLELS.
And also Jancy had that “oh we’re just friends” moment before they got Murrayed like Jopper. Murray getting matchmaking all the Byers? PERIOD. He better finish that in season 5.
Also why do I lowkey ship Murray and Alexai like that wasn’t just me right? Fuck it
But yeah just some thoughts…
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Quick! Tag your top favorite byler blogs (as many as you want) and tell my why you love them in one line to spread positivity on the dashboard and make someone's day!
just wanna say im sorry if i forget people, and this *will* be a long list and be used as a way to gush about my mutuals B)
thank you so much for your contributions to the fandom with your banger theories and analyses!! you made me consider things i never thought and not to mention someone who is amazing at art and overall a swell guy! love seeing your energy on my dash and keep doing what youre doing 💙
love your presence on my dash, and youre actually one of the blogs i first followed! youre overall just seem to be a a really cool blog along with theories, byler reminders and posts that make me kick my feet. and also thank you for spreading the bi mike agenda because youre SO real for that
@andiwriteordie @astrobei @blackdeathmamba
how do i explain in words how your fics make me FEEL. you guys are amazing and so creative and you just GET the characters so well and thats number one in my book!! its always so enjoyable along with a perfect balance of heart wrenching moments. i really appreciate the hardwork you guys do in your fics and im here to tell you its shown!! keep doing what youre doing 😁
yvie and i met in a discord server i made because i was Raging after vol2 and we just clicked! their theories and analyses on certain aspects of chars like mike with his playlist is so fascinating! their takes and scenarios make me scream always, hes also overall just extremely talented and hilarious, and i really am proud to be friends with him! please go check their art out, it is simply a staple for the byler fandom and you will love everything you see ❤️
initially a scawy Big blog i followed, but ended up being one of my favorites simply because of their presence and scenarios. extremely funny, good asf takes, and their tags always make me feel so validated 💙💙💙 thank you also for paying attention to my succ liveblog JSJSJS
ABBY MY BESTIE ABBYYYY whats not to love??!?!!!? their scenarios and fic drabbles they post are AMAZING and overall such a sweet and welcoming person!! she was essentially my first interaction here in bylertblr and i couldnt be happier that it was!! i love exchanging compliments and thinking and talking about byler in the dms with you, and i hope we get to interact more in the future 🥹 ily girlie
your scripts. your takes. your posts and scenarios overall make me lose my MIIIND. and overall you just give this really cool vibe, like youre so cool to me and it makes me so happy we’re mutuals!! i love what you do and keep up the great work on your stuff!!
(also fun fact remember that anon that asked you about your process in scriptwriting? that was me <33 seriously love what you do)
i think st writers should just hire you because not only do you get mike’s char, you get ALL of his relationships with others. you analyze them to such an intricate degree and break them down in a way that never made me consider certain things before. im currently giving you a badge of The mike truther, along with others. also i just generally love your tags and your presence is energetic and positive!
eevie your art your posts your takes oh my god it makes me shake in my boots in the best possible way thank you so much for your contributions everything you do and say is QUALITY and youre gen one of my faves here how the hell did i forget im so sorryturhdjejfjs
if you saw my tags in your mike theory videos you know damn well what i think of your blog
if you dont? im losing my mind. it made my jaw drop. your edits are so creative and groundbreaking!! showstopping, cinematic, smooth, and thought provoking!! its literally one of the most creative and cohesive ways to present a theory while keeping your audience engaged!! im sorry i just. I LOVE YOUR EDITS SO MUCH I THINK ABOUT IT EVERDAY IM SHAKING IT IN A PRINGLES CAN
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What's the most convincing proof that byler could be endgame (at least on mike's end)? My friend keeps talking about mileven and saying byler's unrealistic and that it's stupid and weird and I'm ripping my hair out because now Im starting to think I'm delusional, and I'm losing hope. help.
First and foremost I think you should maybe ask your friend why exactly they think it’d be unrealistic because while that is generally a worthless argument, in this case it’s also not even true. Just because mainstream media back then didn’t portray queer people and queer people getting their happy ending does not mean that they didn’t exist! Queer people have always existed and have always found love at any point in time!
Again, the only reason people think queer people didn’t exist or find love in the 80s (talking specifically about st now) is because the media didn’t portray it and because they had to hide it more than they do now. So that might be an argument to catch your friend off guard because Mike having internalized homophobia and hiding his sexuality is actually more realistic for the time period than him simply not being gay. It’s exactly this shame and hiding of one’s own sexuality that leads your friend to believe that being gay and finding love in the 80s was unrealistic! Your friend’s argumentation is rooted in a very close minded and simply uneducated view on reality so I wouldn’t believe them when they tell you you’re delusional!! If anything, they’re being delusional.
I think the smartest approach to convincing a milky of byler is generally to focus only on Mike and his sexuality first before including Will and byler. Getting your friend away from melvin and more familiar with the thought of Mike being gay beforehand will definitely make them more open to the idea of byler, simply because most milkys see Will as competition to El. They see us shipping byler as a threat to El as a character because they think we try to convey that Will is somehow overall better than El even though that’s of course not at all what we’re doing. Byler is just as much about Mike as it is about Will so explicitly showing the milkys the evidence of Mike being gay regardless of his feelings for Will is always better than jumping in head first with the connection to Will.
The familial parallels that Mike and El have are very convincing evidence that melvin never loved each other romantically because all the other couples have referred to each other as friends before. The Duffers are clearly aware of the fact that the friend zone does not exist! Being friends does not exclude having romantic feelings for each other and vice versa! You do not stop being friends once you fall in love! And that’s exactly why making Mike and El refer to each other as friends and family is such a big deal because being family obviously does exclude romantic feelings! And these familial parallels follow melvin around throughout the whole show! Both Mike and El literally make mental connections to each other and family within their kissing scene in s1!!! And of course there’s all the gay coding in dialogue, costume and set design for Mike but I can’t imagine that your friend believes that to mean anything so I’d probably educate them on how everything I’m film has a purpose first.
And an argument more in the direction of byler and not just Mike’s sexuality is of course the obvious fact that Mike treats Will differently than Lucas and Dustin. And why would that be if they’re all supposed to be just best friends??? Maybe try and point out specific scenes to back this up. You should also definitely try to show your friend Mike’s monologue and the boys meeting El in the woods plus the aftermath at Mike’s house side by side! Explicitly showing them that the scenes contradict each other will definitely do more than just saying they do.
And like, the most convincing byler evidence is really just the whole fucking show. I know that’s not super helpful but it’s the truth hahah
My best friend just finished watching stranger things for the first time and I’m working on a byler presentation to convince her which I might share here when it’s finished. It’ll definitely take a lot more time to get it done but I can definitely tag you when it is!
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request | masterlist
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: eddie munson x fem!reader
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: eddie's self conscious of his scars
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: fluffy overload, angst is you squint, cute uncle/nephew moment, hero!eddie (canon), eddie being self conscious, mention of scars, mention of near death experience(?), implied smut ig (lmk if i missed anything)
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 2,666 (had to add the full number bc look how amazing it is 😌)
𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: idk, rushed ending again but im on my period, what more do you expect from me??
𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔: @lazydreamer19 (took a while so you're probably confused why im tagging you 😭)
Eddie screamed out in pain as the bats bit and scratched at him. His clothes were stained with his own blood, his body sore from fighting. He covered his head, curling up on the ground, hoping for the pain to end but it didn't.
The bats attacked him at every chance they got, soon proving to be too much even for as strong of a warrior as Eddie the Banished. He laid on his back, accepting his fate.
Then it stopped.
The bats fell with a screech, falling dormant on the floor. Eddie remained on his back, his body aching, losing blood by the second, leaving him dazed. He stared up at the cloudy red sky, choking lightly on his blood.
"Eddie!" He heard Dustin cry out. His mind was screaming at him to reach out for his young friend, to hold him and tell him everything's ok, he'll be ok. But his body wouldn't let him. He laid there on the ground, listening to the cries of Dustin get closer and closer, until finally his tears were wetting Eddie's blood-stained face.
He said his goodbyes, letting his eyes flutter closed. His breaths were shallow, barely noticeable. With a half conscious mind, he felt his body being dragged away until finally his mind went blank.
Eddie's blinked his eyes open slowly, the steady beep of the heart monitor faint in his ears. His head felt as though it was underwater, muffling the sounds around him. He looked down at a Dustin's head; resting in Eddie's lap as soft snores fell from his lips, a book in his hand. Eddie smiled softly at his young friend, looking around the room.
Balloons and 'get well soon' cards lined one wall, a few pictures of his face with a pentagram drawn over it peaked out of the trash. Eddie sighed, looking back down at his friend. He ran his fingers through the boy's hair softly, urging him to wake up.
Dustin groaned softly, opening his eyes and letting them adjust to the light of the room. He immediately shot up, looking at the man he so admired with wide eyes, a big grin evident on his face. "Eddie!" He yelled out in joy as he wrapped his arms around the man's neck. "I'm so glad you're ok!" Eddie winced at his touch, making Dustin pull back with a guilty look. "Sorry." He whispered.
Eddie smiled at the boy, looking at the door as it opened. Steve, Robin, Nancy, Mike, and the rest of Hellfire–except Lucas–made their way inside, teddy bears and cards in hand. Robin was the first to speak, talking about nonsense as the others shuffled in. The last to walk in was his uncle Wayne, a small homemade card in hand.
Tears filled his tired eyes as he walked to his nephew. "Hey, boy." Eddie smiled softly, sitting up slowly. He wrapped his arms around his uncle tightly, his tears wetting his shirt. Wayne's arms slowly snaked around him, holding him as he kissed the top of his head.
Eddie pulled away, coughing. His coughs sounded more like wheezes and Steve ran out to get him some water. He carefully handed it to him, watching to make sure he didn't drop it. Eddie slowly took a sip, holding it in his hands as he looked around at his friends, having never felt so loved.
"How long was I out?" He asked, his voice hoarse. "About 3 weeks." Nancy answered, giving Eddie a moment to process the information. He hummed, looking down at the paper cup. "And you guys visited me?" He asked, almost as though he didn't believe they'd care enough. Steve nodded, "Mainly Dustin and I but Nance and Rob stopped by." Eddie hummed once again. Nancy took the silence as an invitation to speak. "Uh, I get that it's probably not your biggest concern right now, but I convinced the principal to get you the stuff you missed. I was thinking I could help you work on it." Her words slowly became quiet as she spoke, shaking her head. "Never mind, it was dumb, sorry." She looked down at her feet embarrassment. "No, no. I'd appreciate it, thanks. The sooner I graduate, the sooner I can leave the hell that is high school." He chuckled.
Nancy smiled, her shoulders falling, visibly relaxed. Dustin laughed. "There he is!" He cheered as he hugged Eddie once more, this time ignoring his wince.
Eddie walked with a limp, needing help to stand from the pain in his legs and chest. He stood slowly, holding onto Dustin's outstretched arms to hoist himself to his feet. "Thanks, man." He whispered out quietly, still embarrassed about needing help to do the simplest things.
"No problem." Dustin smiled, running out to open Steve's car door for Eddie. Eddie nodded in appreciation, sliding i to the backseat slowly. "Alrighty, buckle up." Steve said, putting the car in reverse to drop off Robin, Dustin, and Eddie to high school.
"Ok, we're here, get out." Steve said as he stopped his car, looking back at Eddie. "You need help?" His voice now softer. Eddie shook his head, determined to get up on his own.
He walked around the school, ignoring the stares and whispers, as usual, walking to his locker with his head down to cover the cuts and bruises on his face. He stopped at his locker, feeling stunned by what was written on it.
'HERO' in all caps was painted vertically on the door. Flowers and 'get well' cards littered the floor. Eddie stepped around the gifts, opening his locker and putting away his books. People walked up to Eddie, patting him on the back and applauding him as he walked in between classes.
Eddie was relieved when he finally got home, tired of all the attention. He limped his way to the couch, turning on the tv as he sat down. A knock on the trailer door caught his attention. He sighed, groaning as he struggled to get up. "One second!" He called out.
Once he finally managed to get to his feet, he limped back over to the door, opening it to see who was there. "Can i help you?" He asked the girl that stood there, her eyes spaced out as she bit her nails, staring at the wall of the trailer. "Hello?" He waved at hand in front of her, getting her attention. She looked up, catching his eyes. "Oh, hi."
There was a pause, like she didn't remember what she was doing there. "Do you need something?" Her eyes went wide, nodding her head quickly. "Oh, right! Uh could you sign this? I'm trying to petition the mayor to accommodate to the less fortunate rather than the people who can buy there way out of here. I completely get it if you don't wanna sign it though, not many people do. It's just a school assignment so it doesn't really mean much I guess-"
She quickly stopped her rambling, staring at the scar on Eddie's face. "Where'd you get that from?" She reached a hand out to touch it, stopping when she noticed Eddie's shoulders hunch uncomfortably. "Sorry." She mumbled, looking down at the petition. "Y'know what, never mind, sorry to bother you." She sighed out, turning around the walk down the rickety steps, getting stopped by a hand on her wrist.
"It's ok, I'll sign it. Do you have a pen?" Y/n looked down at her hand, her eyebrows furrowing in thought. "I could've sworn I had one." She mumbled, patting her pockets, determined to find that damn pen. "I think I may have one, you're welcome to come in." He said as he walked into the small kitchen, picking up a pen from a bowl and testing it on the paper, repeating till he found one that worked. "Got it." He said as he sat next to the girl. "Ok where do I sign?" She pointed to the line on the page marked '3.'
"You want some water or something?" He asked, eyes focused on the page as he tried to keep his hand from shaking. Y/n was staring at his scar again, sitting up in her chair and moving closer, pushing Eddie's hair out of the way as she trued to get a better look. "You never said where you got it from." She whispered absentmindedly, focused on the line down the side of his face. "It's uh-" He started, pulling away from her hand, "it's kinda a hard story for me to tell. Also kinda hard to tell it without sounding completely crazy." He mumbled the last part, looking down at his lap.
Y/n smiled. "I like crazy." She touched the scar lightly, softly petting his hair. Eddie sighed, looking down at his lap, picking at his nails. "Long story or short?" His eyes stayed downward. "I have time." Y/n said as she rested her face in her palm, putting her full focus on Eddie.
Y/n walked up to Eddie's trailer nervously, biting her nails as she waited for the door to open. She watched the two kids playing makeshift soccer, giggling each time they bumped into each other. Y/n laughed with them, a small smile resting on her face.
"You have a nice smile." Eddie's voice caught her attention and she turned to face him, cheeks hot as she turned her eyes downward toward her feet. "Thanks." "C'mon in." He stepped to the side, letting her walk in before closing the door.
Y/n turned around to face Eddie with a similar smile as before, walking into his room to look for movies to watch. Eddie held up a VHS, Y/n's smile growing at the title on it. "You like The Breakfast Club?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Of course I like it, it's amazing. Cinema at its finest." Y/n laughed, nodding in agreement.
Y/n laughed, touching Eddie's arm gently as the two walked to class. He opened the door, gesturing for her to go through before he followed after. "Ah, Ms. Y/l/n, Mr. Munson, how nice of you to join us." Mrs. Harris commented, stopping in the middle of her sentence with a raise of her eyebrow.
Y/n shared a look with Eddie, looking back at Mrs. Harris, biting her lips in attempt to stop herself from laughing. "Uh, hey, Mrs. Harris. How's it goin'?" Eddie snorted loudly, Y/n following shortly.
Eddie whined as Y/n hit him on the arm, the two of them walking to the principal's office. "I can't believe you got us in trouble." She huffed, feigning disdain. "Oh hush, you were the one who insisted on going to class. I was perfectly set on staying in my van and getting high till 3rd period was over but no." He rolled his eyes playfully. Y/n shook her head, laughing softly as she looked down at her feet.
"Y'know," She looked back up at Eddie's eyes, moving his hair out of his face and tracing his scar, "we do still have time for that." Eddie blushed, his face hot as he smiled down at the girl. "Van or forest?" Y/n hummed in thought. "How 'bout your place?" She smiled mischievously as she took off, running to his van.
"Go! Go! Go!" Y/n yelled as Eddie started the car, looking back at the school in fear of getting caught. "I'm trying, hold on!" He got the car to start, pulling out of the school parking lot quickly as he drove back to the trailer.
Y/n ran to the door, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited for Eddie to unlock the door, running inside as soon as he did. She jumped onto the bed, her arms and legs extended as she laid on her stomach. Eddie laughed as he walked into his room, rolling his eyes at the girl as he went to his dresser to grab out a rolled joint.
He lit it quickly, taking a drag and passing it to his friend. He watched as she did the same, closing her eyes as she let her head fall back in bliss. "Hey." He whispered, looking into her eyes as he moved closer. "Hi." Y/n smiled, moving Eddie's hair out of his face. Eddie leaned in, giving no time for second thoughts, catching her lips with his.
Their lips melded together like putty, fitting together as though they were puzzle pieces. Y/n held Eddie's face with a feather light touch, pulling him closer gently.
Eddie pulled back, frozen completely. He panicked, eyes wide as he stared at Y/n's lips. They formed a small amused smile, her eyes trying to catch his gaze. "Eddie." His name sounded so nice coming from her, catching his attention quickly. Her fingers playing with the hair around his face, rubbing his cheek softly. "Hey." She whispered, biting her bottom lip to conceal her grin. "Hi." He whispered back, completely in awe as she brought him back in for another kiss.
Y/n placed a gentle kiss to the top of Eddie's head, brushing through his hair as they watched TV. Eddie sighed, leaning his head back to look at her, smiling. "I love you." Y/n whispered. Eddie paused, sitting up and turning to look at her. "Really?" She nodded, smiling softly at the boy, placing a kiss to each cheek, peppering kissed along the scar on his face. "More than anything."
Eddie felt tears form in his eyes, swallowing the sob that threatened to leave his lips at the thought of being loved and held at such a high place as number one in someone's eyes. He smiled, hugging Y/n tightly. "I love you too." A few tears slipped from his eyes, wetting Y/n's shirt.
"Aw, baby, why are you crying?" She asked softly, kissing his tears away. "I..." He sniffled, looking up at Y/n with glassy eyes. He smiled, hiding his face in her neck. "I've just never felt this happy before." He sighed out, relaxing at the feeling of Y/n's fingers scratching his scalp.
Y/n bent down to kiss the tears off his cheeks, her hand tracing the scar on his face. She kissed his lips once, twice, the kiss slowly growing heated. Y/n stood up with Eddie, their lips remaining connected. Eddie pulled back to take off her shirt, kissing down her neck, whispering 'I love you's' against her skin.
Y/n pushed Eddie back on the bed, crawling over him, pressing open-mouthed kisses to his jaw, moving downwards toward his collar. She slowly lifted his shirt, her hands sliding underneath, only to get pushed away by Eddie. Y/n held his face in her hand, kissing the tip of his nose. "Hey, we don't have to do anything." Eddie shook his head, looking down at his lap.
"No, no, I want to it's just- I just don't want you to- I don't like-" Y/n waited patiently for him to finish his sentence, smiling comfortingly, encouragingly. "I don't want you to see the scars there. They- I don't like them." Y/n nodded in understanding, kissing his forehead and cheeks, pulling back with a smile. "Like I said, we don't have to do anything. If you didn't want me to see them, then I won't do anything, I promise." She held out her pinky, making him laughing slightly.
Eddie locked pinkies with her, looking into her eyes, finding nothing but love and sincerity in them. He looked down at her lips, capturing them in his own, pulling her back on top of him, taking off his shirt in a wave of confidence which was gone as quickly as it came. He became bashful, attempting to his his scars unsuccessfully with the amount there were. Y/n bent down, taking time to kiss each and every one of them, showing them an equal amount of love.
Coming back up, she kissed his lips, smiling into the kiss. "You're beautiful." She mumbled against his lips. Eddie smiled, chuckling. "So are you." He winked.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
2/2 ‘BRIAN ISNT AN ASSHOLE! How did he find out? It’s not like you guys are the smartest fucks on the planet. Exactly he is great in bed, im glad you know that you are no match, Trevor (me: who tf is trevor) *flaps his arms at Ethan* he is not worth my memory! OH LOOK AT THAT YOU GOT DUMPED! now you got no one! He’s going back to his violi- I TOLD YOU HE JERKS OFF TO IT! *pauses tv* ISNT THAT THE PAINTING JUSTIN MADE? I swear thats Brian and hum fucking. The problem is, I want Bri and Justin. But Brian is NOT a consolation prize!..oh so you get dumped by the guy that looooves you and suddenly Brian is good enough? Now i am officially pissed off on my dudes behalf! AND HE WAS AWAKE WAITING TO SEE WHO JUSTIN CHOSE. FUCK THIS ENTIRE FUCKING THING!..and of course Brian is immediately ready to cuddle up to him and hold him cause he knows. This is breaking my heart. Fuck this and especially FUCK whoever wrote this shit, i hope they step on a lego!’ He is so angry and upset that he can’t even form a reaction to Emmett/Ted or anyone else so he just keeps groaning. ‘fuck you Justin, you know damn well he did this for YOU not him. If itd be for him, he’d be doing the interview! He doesn’t love you? You know what? I’m done. EXACTLY MIKE. fuck you Justin, Michael for ONCE did the right thing and you’re pissed. He at least had some decency unlike you. You’re only sorry that you got caught. I wanted them together so badly. But this *flaps his arms* not it. Brian deserves to be picked as a first choice! Not a “welp the other guy backed out so i guess you’ll do”. So now I don’t want them together even though it will kill my boy Bri Bri but I will be there for him! And maybe he can meet someone new and Justin will get jealous and win him back. Yes, i like this plan’ He fucking made a paper air plane and threw it at Ben and said ‘here, get on it and fuck off, nobody cares about you right now’ He really is losing his mind. ‘LOOK AT THIS PARTY! And that fucker wants to say he did it for himself? Fuck all of this. Can he throw me a party? Awww look it’s Jen!! Yeah, Deb..one of them truly is UNBELIEVABLE. BRIAN IN THE MASK!!! Do you think that seeing Rage and JT kiss will make Justin have this deja vu to him and Bri Bri kissing and he will realize a thing or 6? “After what he told you?” JUSTIN, do you realize how fucking ridiculous that sentence is?! Might as well just look at him and say “after he ruined my chance to continue cheating on you” WHAT THE FUCK. And still, Brian cares about him and his future. He is a much better person than me’ He is now convinced that Justin/Brian stay together because of his rage/jt theory but he is stressed since the ep is coming to an end..’BRIAN IS LOOKING FOR HIM!!! HELL YEAH HE WANTS TO BE WITH HIM! FOR ONCE MEL IS SMART!…He’s fucking himself, that’s actually impressive. Damn this isn’t a good thing but it’s nothing new so why is he acting hurt? NO NO NO WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!?! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GET HIT BY A BUS! oh boo fucking hoo, i have no proof but I’m sure Beethoven would think you suck. He has a weird tendency to blame Justin for him fucking up… THIS IS NOT WHAT I PLANNED! Nooooo Brian! BRIAN IS GONNA SEE THEM! NOOO NOOOOO, THEYRE KISSING! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! Oh look Deb doesn’t look happy! Deb be on my side please! I know i hated you for a few episodes but we both feel the same way about Bri Bri! BRIANS HURT. OH YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH HE IS MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH BRIAN, he’s doing this shit on purpose. THATS RIGHT TAKE THAT MASK OFF AND TOSS IT TO TRASH! Fuck you Justin. At least show some remorse. Brian baby, i wanna hug you. And here he goes pretending like he’s fine. Justin, no offense but you are officially on my shit list’ He then proceeded to put his head in his hands and just stare at the floor for 5 whole minutes. Until he got up, took his pills, grabbed a soda and his cigarettes and went outside and I heard him talking to my neighbor so I went outside and he pointed at me and went ‘no! You are the reason for this heartbreak so go away!’
AND HE WAS AWAKE WAITING TO SEE WHO JUSTIN CHOSE. FUCK THIS ENTIRE FUCKING THING!..and of course Brian is immediately ready to cuddle up to him and hold him cause he knows. This is breaking my heart. Fuck this and especially FUCK whoever wrote this shit, i hope they step on a lego! <- the most relatable reaction to such a heartbreaking scene
I am dying over his Rage/JT theory and wish it were true (I mean, not really but in the moment that all this unfolds I wish it were true)
He has a weird tendency to blame Justin for him fucking up… <- Um, this is some really insightful stuff. Ethan really does have that pattern, doesn't he? Wow.
He then proceeded to put his head in his hands and just stare at the floor for 5 whole minutes. Until he got up, took his pills, grabbed a soda and his cigarettes and went outside and I heard him talking to my neighbor so I went outside and he pointed at me and went ‘no! You are the reason for this heartbreak so go away!' Oh our man is really going through it. Very relatable. I'm very excited for him see S3 and all the goodness there. He's going to die the punch. AND THEN over the Stockwell arc.
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