#im literally so. frequently bought together. do NOT separate
sideblogdotjpeg · 10 months
my hardshine thing is that i feel weird seeing fanart unless i imagine beverly is just standing there right outside of frame
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adhdtsukasa · 2 months
i love every relationship in wxs, obviously, they're frequently bought together do not separate and i can't imagine looking at them without acknowledging that they were all equally important im each other's development, but if i had to pick my favorite, then it would be emukasa. wihout doubt. there is something special about emukasa that makes me slam my head onto wall everyday
not even in a shipping sense, i don't even quite literally ship them outside of polysho — i just think that their friendship is something so precious, a special thing that needs to be hold gently, or else it makes my heart ache. they care for each other. all of wxs do, and this is a fact. but when i think about how emu and tsukasa do so, it stings even more.
the way they started as a weird girl and a boy who tries his best to not lose his shit (or break his spine, according to the main story animation. yes i still think about it on daily basis) dealing with her — and the way they're best friends now, laughing together, crying together, getting mad togther. the way emu was so scared of tsukasa leaving her in amidst a dream, but still wished to support his dreams, because he matters to her so much. the way they were both crying and making fun of each other for it in our happy ending, so the other wouldn't feel so sad. the way it's tsukasa who invites emu to start a new story together in kirapipi★kirapika, just like she has invited him to their first one, to forming wxs together. all these details and moments in their relationship, revealing the bond that they've created.
yes, there are wxs ships i like better, but none of them just hits the way emukasa does. i don't want them to be kissing. i just want them to hold hands and keep on being best friends together, making me cry over them everday.
idk man i just think that everyone should think about emukasa sometimes
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mikarchive2 · 1 year
what i read in february 2023 📚
1. teatro grottesco by thomas ligotti - ★★★★ - picked this up because i randomly read one of his short stories on a train once and was so enamoured ... a short story collection centered around a subtle existential sort of horror that is less about gore and violence and more about something unknown but dreadful lurking in your peripheral vision . some of these, especially the ones from the deformations section, felt very welcome to night vale . delicious . makes you feel like a kid listening to scary campfire stories . i enjoy hanging out in the world created by this narrative voice so much
favourites: purity, the town manager, the clown puppet, my case for retributive action + in a foreign town, in a foreign land
2. the raven and the reindeer by t. kingfisher - ★★ - i think what im doing here is trying to read a fairytale retelling every month 👍 ... this really did not work for me though . the writing style felt so childish ( this could have been a book for twelve year olds ) + the story did not go anywhere and stayed extremely surface-level throughout the whole book . yeah sure there were lesbians but no actual substance whatsoever . the reading process was somewhat enjoyable because the humor was alright, but thats pretty much the only redeeming quality
3. the world keeps ending, and the world goes on by franny choi - ★★★ - i believe this is a case of ‘its not you its me’ because even though the way the author plays with language is straight up fascinating something about her poetry never clicks with me . i had the exact same issue with soft science as well - there is a certain detachment and coldness to her style that doesnt allow me to properly process the poems on an emotional level . still, i really liked the fourth section, it was so imaginative and full of the kind of resilience that is only born out of utter hopelessness
4. the passion by jeanette winterson - ★★★ - unfortunately i have the same issue here as with franny choi - something in me just always refuses to click with jeanette winterson . the author is trying to lead me somewhere by the hand but she is always slightly out of reach . this is my third book by her and while i can see and appreciate her craft it just never leaves a lasting impression on me its so strange ... i enjoyed the imagery + the philosophical ideas about love and passion but the story itself ... i dont know
5. the sandman: world’s end ( vol. 8 ) by neil gaiman - reread - i am not rating these god bless and putting them in the review post is probably not a good idea either since i ramble about them enough as is . what can i even say about a series that pretty much formed the way i understand the world and the human condition . stories within stories within stories . the foreshadowing here is insane and probably unnoticeable unless you are rereading . its hard to say what the writing process here was actually like perhaps it was way more spontaneous than i imagine but it all seems so meticulously and purposefully planned its just stunning
( + two books i left unfinished last year because of my broken ebook reader and decided to finish this month: )
6. wyrd sisters by terry pratchett - ★★★ - ( looks above ) my reading order here is very ‘frequently bought together’ ‘do not separate them’ huh ... this was very shakespearean which was fun but not ideal for me personally because it means some things definitely flew right over my head . i think i enjoyed equal rites a little more ? however at the end of the day its just your typical discworld novel i laughed i witnessed some well-written women and losermen i laughed some more . what else could i ask for
7. when i grow up i want to be a list of further possibilities by chen chen - ★★★★ - wonderfully heart-warming and radiant and witty and has the power to restore your belief in love and tenderness at least for a moment . this kind of literal and confessional american poetry usually isnt for me but miraculously chen chen made it work ! basically the hype is well deserved
up next: im actually not sure im trying to slow down since i need to get through some college textbooks 💔 ... + im sure want to finish the sandman which is really enough for the next one thousand years . considering mrs. dalloway by virginia woolf too someone called it a spring read once and ive wanted to read it during this season ever since
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
It is okay that i imagined Red Son as a Stormtrooper? Like he's been snatched from some royal family in some planet and maybe meet Mk who a Jedi or maybe still apprentice? Or maybe The Bull family is part of The Republic and Red Son as the prince meet Mk like Anakin and Padme? But then Mk will fall to the dark side-- Lol
Anyway, i like your fanart about Lmk and Star Wars crossover! Never thougt i will see the day of one of my favorite crossover!
HMMMmmm.... -taps chin-
from what i remember me n grollow didnt make the star wars lmk au very faithful to the lmk plot. fuck, i think i missworded smth somewhere actually cuz this kush shouldve worked only as a crossover, as uve said, but crossover means that the lmk chars r there, in star wars designs, along with the og star wars characters. like theyre there as sorta an extra while the main happens next to them. 's why WBS is there only as a particularly ruthless bounty hunter- if we Were to follow the plot/make this an actual au, shed totally be the aus Palpy
BUT since we thinkin sw au here, evidently-
this is prequels specifically thing, so Red would rather be on the side of the Separatists over The Republic/Empire so he couldnt be a stormtrooper. most likely he would be somehow related to the production n designing of the B series battle droids. baby boy was prolly the one who chimed in with the B2s n BX droids n then all the other lesser known models like B3s n those funky flyin B1 knock off pigeon fucks, but i dont particularly imagine him as an actual Geonosian (oh shit random idea: Asajj Ventress 🤔🤔🤔🤔)
DBK is count Dooku, PIF is either a secret wife or psrt of the Sep council das close to DBK but still in the dark about The Sith Plot, Bull Clones turn to B battle droids, SWK is Obi-wan cuz blond badass hottie in ur area thing, WBS is Palpy as established, Six Ear is Maul as FUCK n ive literally no fucking clue who the hell could be Padmé aint nobody that politic smart in the lmk cast except possibly SWK or Tang but das just No
n ngl, im honestly viewing both Xiaotian n Xiaojiao sharin Anakins role. theres no dividing of Anis shit between them they just do it all together (frequently bought together.... do not separate them........)
oh yeah n Tang is C-3PO. chef Zhu is R2 cuz the attitude sure checks out
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phan-of-the-pen · 5 years
I Dare You To Stay: Chapter 15
After like 6 months I’m back! Sorry about the wait you guys, but I put out three PBB fics in that period, wrote two new chapters for this fic, and balanced my own crazy life. Thank you for your patience, updates will resume normally! Enjoy!
Tags for chapter: fluff, vvv minor angst
Words for chapter: ~2.7
Fic Summary: Dan Howell is a barista working a shitty job, frequenting his shitty apartment, and living a shitty existence, hiding his asexuality and going for a PHD in self-depreciation and depression. Phil Lester is a part-time intern, part-time employee at a local weather station, trying to get experience in his field and make a name for himself, while juggling a second job at the nearby Tesco’s to give him some financial breathing room. Their paths were never supposed to meet, but what happens when they do anyways, one rainy day in Manchester?
<– Previous chapter Next chapter -->
Dan stepped through the front doors into the lobby. It was small and had basic furniture that looked as if it had come from the same dull color scheme, but Dan didn't really mind. He wouldn't be here very long.
A tired secretary looked up at him as he entered, but when Dan settled in one of the seats in front of the television, she looked back down at her paperwork, a frown still on her face.
Dan looked up at the TV and smiled wide. It was on the same channel that the weather station aired, and on it Phil was grinning and relaying the temperatures for the day and how the sun for once would be shining for most of the afternoon.
Dan sat and watched the whole time Phil was on, a goofy smile on his face. When the angle switched to the news anchors, Dan's attention drifted to his phone, where he scrolled through twitter for a little. Now that Phil wasn't on the live broadcast he'd be in a separate room, recording a few different takes of a handful of different weather broadcasts that the station could air later in the day, depending on which of their predictions were correct. And since Phil was here as an employee and not an intern today, as soon as he was done, they could leave.
They'd been dating for a few weeks at this point, and with Dan's workaholic schedule and Phil's two jobs, most time between them had been lunch breaks and an impromptu sleepover, or a few hours together of kissing and movies and video games before reality once again rained on their parade. Today however, Dan was off due to the shop being closed so it could get some of its appliances replaced, and Phil had his whole day off as well minus his morning broadcast. They were planning on spending it together and to shop and wander around Manchester as it rapidly neared the holiday season.
Dan thought that a day just for the two of them was long overdue.
A few people came and went while Dan was sitting there, and he eventually stopped looking up so hopefully since every time he only got a stranger returning his excitement with a look of bewilderment at Dan's gaze. And besides, had he gotten a little caught up in scrolling through the various threads? Maybe. Had he gotten comfortable in his seat and popped his earbuds in? Possibly. Did Phil ever give him a ball-park time as to when he would be done? No. So he really had no business materializing out of nowhere and hooking a finger under Dan's chin, tilting his head up and kissing him in greeting. Dan's legs just went jelly even though he wasn't standing, and his thoughts flatlined.
"Uh," Dan said eloquently when Phil pulled back. Phil laughed and helped Dan up.
"Hello to you too. I'm all done by the way—are you ready to get out of here? I distinctly remember planning a whole day together with my boyfriend."
Dan managed something between a breathy "yeah" and "of course" and let Phil grab his hand, leading him outside dumbly, still overwhelmed with how easily this cliche bastard could knock all of the breath out of his lungs. He simultaneously hoped that he would eventually get used to it—becoming a stuttering mess was highly inconvenient at times—and also never wanted that feeling of devotion to go away.
The sun was surprisingly warm for early December, and the sky was clearer than Dan had seen it in an awfully long time. Topped with all of the Christmas decorations around and nestled into Phil's side, their hands threaded, Dan really couldn't imagine a better way of spending his day off.
Their first stop was Starbucks—a Dan and Phil tradition. They'd gone to a Starbucks for their first "date" on one of Dan's lunch breaks, and ever since, they'd hit it a half a dozen times together in the several weeks of their relationship.
Phil ordered while Dan snagged them a table in the corner. He returned however, with a horrendous amount of foam on his coffee and a simple protest of "it's flavored leave me alone." Phil then proceeded to take a huge sip, leaving a hefty foam mustache on his upper lip. Dan laughed hysterically and couldn't help but snap a picture of Phil's adorable pout, sending it to Jaime after saving it to his phone. He was surprised when his phone beeped almost right away. She was down in London today working on the play, and it was too early for her to be on her lunch break already.
>> From: my maraschino cherry look at you two and ur coffee dates ur sickening
how much foam did he ask for that man is living in a world w/o god
>> To: my maraschino cherry too much. the answer is too much
"Is that Jaime? You two aren't conspiring against me again, are you?"
Dan snorted and took a sip of his own coffee (with a normal amount of foam, thank you very much).
"If you count conspiring as us dragging you for the sheer amount of foam on that coffee, then yes, absolutely."
"Hey! Unlike you, I refuse to be subjected to society's standards as to what is acceptable with coffee. Besides, what do you know? My coffee is fantastic."
"Some lines just shouldn't be crossed, mate, and a gallon of foam is one of them. And you're forgetting—I literally make coffee for a living. I think I have the right to judge." Dan said, rolling his eyes in the fondest way possible. Phil grumbled as if he was annoyed, but Dan could tell that he didn't really mean it.
Dan leaned back against the chair and watched Phil as he used the front camera on his phone to make sure he wiped away all of the foam from the top of his lip. Was that creepy? Maybe. But Dan just couldn't keep his eyes off of Phil, as cliche as it was. Phil was just Phil—Dan couldn't ignore him if he tried.
"What, did I miss some of it?" Phil asked, already pulling his phone back out of his pocket. Dan grabbed his hand to stop the movement.
"No, you spork, you didn't." Dan said softly.
Phil's face brightened and a sly smile spread across his face. "So," he drawled, "whatcha looking at then?"
Dan let his thumb flitter over the tops of Phil's knuckles before answering.
"A dork."
Dan cackled as Phil crossed his arms and pouted. He started whining about how Dan was being a "terrible boyfriend" and "first the foam now this," and he was being so ridiculous that Dan only laughed harder. Phil just kept going though, and Dan tried to shush him in between giggles, but to no avail.
What an absolute fucking nerd, Dan thought as he gave up trying to stop Phil with words and instead pulled him forward into a kiss. Dan was still trying to control his laughter so he wasn't even really kissing properly and pretty much just smiling against Phil's mouth, but it worked perfectly. Phil shut up instantly and kissed back. His arm snaked around Dan's waist loosely, but it still sent a tingle up Dan's spine anyways.
Dan pulled back a little, his cheeks aching from laughing. "Hey."
"No no, come back here." Phil dragged Dan right back to his side, and this time the kiss was a proper one. When Phil let go of him Dan knew his cheeks were dusted pink, and in his own opinion the blush probably matched the warm feeling in his chest.
Phil hummed, smiling softly down at Dan. "Cute."
Dan rolled his eyes, but they both knew that didn't mean anything.
After they finished their coffees, they wandered out into the city. Earlier in the week they had planned out all of the stores they had wanted to visit, but things ended up taking longer than expected because they couldn't stop themselves from walking into every building that had something that caught their eye. With all of the extra stops, the shopping trip had to be split in half by lunch. Dan didn't mind though. A nice lunch in a little corner cafe with Phil was a pleasant and welcomed surprise.
Dan found his Christmas present for Jaime, and nearly bought one for Phil as well. The only thing that stopped Dan from buying the galaxy jumper was the fact that it was about twice as much as Dan's already small and strained budget.
It was nearing the evening when they stepped through the threshold of Phil's apartment. The day had been incredibly fun, and Dan didn't even mind that he was tired from all of the walking that they had done, or that the tip of his nose was near froze from the cold air.
Dan dropped the bags in his hands down onto the floor next to Phil's. He reached back up for the zipper on his coat, but Phil's hands batted it out of the way. Surprised, Dan raised an eyebrow at Phil, but it went unaddressed by the older man. Phil slipped the coat from Dan's shoulders and hung it up.
"Why don't you go pick out a movie, Dan? I'm in a bit of a mood for popcorn and snuggling under a blanket."
He retreated back to the lounge, the faint blush on his cheeks from Phil taking his coat off for him dissipating. It had been domestic and Dan enjoyed being taken care of, shoot him.
Dan settled on a bit of a classic and popped it into the DVD player. Behind him he could hear Phil starting the microwave, and even though they had ate not that long ago, Dan's stomach grumbled at the smell of the butter. Dan pulled one of the many blankets Phil had off of the back of the couch and wrapped it around him. He left half of it off to the side for Phil.
"You can start it! I'll be right in."
The opening credits of The Shawshank Redemption had finished playing by the time Phil surfaced, but it was with a large bowl of popcorn and accompanying sweets, which made up for lost cuddle time in Dan's mind.
A few moments later Phil was settled under the blanket, pressed next to Dan. The snacks were in a pile on their laps, and they frequently snuck a hand out from under the blanket to munch on them.
The movie was one of Dan's favorites, and he decided that watching it with Phil's body curled around his, tucked away in their little corner of the world, made it even better.
Phil had also never seen the movie before, and Dan had brought his own copy of it over ages ago with the intention of watching it. Unfortunately, they had never gotten the chance to until now, but it was hardly an issue. Dan enjoyed Phil's gasps of surprise, and his frantic panic towards the end of the movie when things were hitting the climax. When the screen faded to the end credits, Phil's jaw was dropped, shock on his face.
"I'll take it you enjoyed it?" Dan asked, a smiling. Phil stared at the television for another moment before snapping to attention.
"Like it? Dan, that was one of the coolest movies I've ever seen. And it's based off of a book, you said? God, I need to read it, oh my gosh." Phil continued rambling about his favorite parts, and he talked about his thought process through the movie. "I swear I thought Andy was guilty! But then he got some proof that he wasn’t, and they shot the guy!"
"Yep. Really makes you think, huh?"
Phil laughed.
"Yeah, it does."
Dan smiled, happy that Phil had enjoyed something that Dan loved. He pecked Phil's lips with his own before mustering the willpower to scoot out of their little blanket cocoon.
"Can you take it out of the DVD player? I'll take care of our scraps."
Phil was still smiling softly at him, and the look was making Dan's insides feel all warm and gooey. Not that long ago that would have terrified him, but now it just made Dan's grin go wider.
He quickly washed the bowl to get the butter off of the sides and put it back in Phil's cabinet. Before he left he shut the rest of Phil's cabinet doors, rolling his eyes. Phil could look at a bunch of nonsense numbers and measurements and predict the weather, but the man couldn't bother himself to close a cabinet door.
Dan walked back into the lounge, ready to tease Phil about it, but stopped when he found him standing next to the couch, reading something on his phone. His eyebrows were crinkled and the corners of his mouth were turned down in something between a frown and a grimace. The expression caused the joke on Dan's lips to wither, and for a moment Dan just stood there, watching Phil. He didn't seem to know that Dan was back in the room.
"Is everything alright?"
Phil jumped at Dan's voice shattering the silence, and slipped his phone back into his pocket. The small smile plastered on Phil's face was fake, and Dan could tell that Phil was trying to figure out what to say.
"Yeah, it's just an email from work."
"Tesco emailed you?"
"No, the weatherstation."
"Oh." Dan didn't know if he should keep pushing, but when he thought about the frown on Phil's face just a little bit ago and how his shoulders were curled in anxiety, Dan's resolution hardened. He knew first hand what something negative could do if it was allowed to fester, and he didn't want that to happen to Phil. "Was it something bad?"
"No, not really." Phil said, his fingers sliding into his pockets. Dan couldn't help but frown at that. Phil stuck his hands in his pockets when he was uncomfortable. Was Dan making him feel like that? "My schedule just got changed up a bit. I'm going to have to ring Tesco to have them adjust my shifts so none of them overlap."
Dan nodded, but there was no doubt in his mind that Phil wasn't telling the truth. Another glance at Phil's hands in his pockets held back Dan's tongue, however. He didn't want to make Phil uncomfortable or anxious.
Dan decided to drop the subject, but he didn't let his suspicions fall.
"Did you want to call them now? I can step back into the kitchen if you want?"
"No!" Phil said, his arms flinching like he wanted to move them, but decided not to at the last minute. "It's fine, I promise. I'll call them in the morning—I don't think anybody would pick up, anyways. Come on, it's my turn to pick a movie."
Phil gave Dan one last strained smile before turning all of his attention to the shelf of movies he owned. Dan was still frowning, worried about what had really been on Phil's phone, and even more worried about Phil, but he didn't say anything. Dan didn't think that Phil really looked at the selection and more-or-less just popped a random disc into the DVD player. After pressing play, Phil caught Dan's wrists and pulled him to the sofa. They settled back under the blanket, but this time Phil was holding Dan against his chest, his arms wrapped around Dan to keep him close. He pressed a soft kiss to Dan's temple.
"Relax, everything's fine, I promise."
It didn't do much to ease Dan's thoughts, but he did relax his body, as well as tuck his worried thoughts away to deal with later. For now, he just wanted to enjoy this time with Phil.
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chickenkooks · 7 years
the noisy neighbors [m]
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❛❛i live in a house full of stupid men and their dirty underwear except there is an angel in their midst and he cleans up after himself and does everyone’s laundry and we share the same neighbor who likes to have wild sex every night and the hot boy hates confrontation but i guess not when his dick is in my vagina❜❜ AU
COUNT → 7.143
GENRE → smut 
PAIRING → jinyoung | reader
WARNINGS → dom and sub tones | oral sex | explicit language | penetration | graphic dirty talk | spanking 
note → this is for my friend @loljinyoungie because it’s her birthday today!!!! birthday smut!!!! so if ur reading this. please feel free to send her a birthday message :-D i hope u like this smut though!!!!! i told you i would finish it!!!!!!!!! a little later than i planned but oH WELL HAVE AT ALL YOUR KINKS I HOPE I DID THEM JUSTICE. AND IF I SPELLED HIS NAME “JIMYOUNG” ANYWHERE IM GONNA BE SO MAD IDK WHY THAT IS EVEN A THING THAT HAPPENS
You really hated the fact that you were such a light sleeper.
One of your favorite sounds in the world was nothing. That's not to say you didn't have a favorite sound, but that your favorite sound was literally nothing. Nothing was the sound of a cool breeze blowing against your house's exterior. Or maybe it was even the sound of rain dripping from your roof outside your window—sounds like those.
Nothing was white noise, but it also sounded cooler to say nothing rather than that.
However, the sound of bodies thudding into the wall next to you? That was definitely not white noise.
Your walls were thin. And it just so happened that the wall your bed was propped against was the same wall that your viagra housemate liked to frequent with his dick rammed in something—usually some girl's poor vagina. And it was never her who was loud, always him. He moaned and cursed and grunted very violently that sometimes you worried for her safety—or all of their safety if it was more than one girl. Still, this happened every single night.
It was like he had to have his dick in something every day that you kind of worried about him, too.
And it was never at the same time either. Sometimes, he liked to start the day off with his dick sucked. You know, that's reasonable because once you were asleep, you were fucking asleep and not even his low grunts could wake your slumber. It was like you were a vampire or something, except you did enjoy garlic bread from time to time.
Why don't you just move your bed?
A good question.
Though, why the fuck should you have to take the time out of your day to move around your prehistoric mattress and bedframe just so that you could fucking go to sleep? You were stubborn—you could admit that. He should have the good human fucking decency to not fucking wake up the entire house with his weird sex noises.
Or maybe you hadn't gotten laid for a long time and this was something that made you bitter.
Maybe you were bitter. He was getting laid every fucking night and there you were watching Veggie Tales while eating a salad because... cannibalism. That could be it but you also weren't the only person in your house who hated him. In fact, your other housemate on the opposite side of his room was actually just as peeved as you.
Jinyoung was his name.
Except Jinyoung didn't like to complain.
When you met him—and everyone else living in the house—he was the one who kept to himself. He made polite conversation and listened when you complained that hail was an abomination to weather, but he never really volunteered any complaints of his own. Maybe he didn't like you and thought you were a freak for hating hail when you could be spending your time doing something productive, but then he asked to use your toaster oven the day after because his broke. And that's what got you talking—not every day, though. Jinyoung wasn't home often—he worked in some office downtown. In fact, Jinyoung was hardly ever home at a reasonable time either.
But he always came back just when the guy sandwiched between your rooms started getting jiggy with it.
That was a reference that he was fucking someone without having to say that.
Sitting straight up in bed, your feet eased into your slippers beside your bedside table, storming out your bedroom door and into the main upstairs hallway so you could make him shut up already. This wasn't the first time you'd done this and it sure as fuck wouldn't be the last; he just never got the message. You would say, "Kindly shut up, you insignificant pest," and he would say, "Sure thing, Cantaloupe. Sorry about all the noise. I'll be quiet."
Cantaloupe wasn't even your fucking name—or a name at all—so you had no idea where he got that from.
It was like his fucking ears were made out of cantaloupes.
You squinted as you closed your door and listened with a twitching eyebrow as you could hear his headboard slamming against the wall. You'd just been innocently laying in your bed for the past few hours reading when suddenly there were sex noises and you wanted to fling yourself out your open bedroom window.
Just as you went to knock violently on his door, you heard the front door opening and footsteps up the stairs.
"Oh," Jinyoung said as soon as he saw you, loosening his suit's tie. "Hey."
Your cheeks heated as you glanced down at what you were wearing—a skimpy white tank top and a pair of pajama bottoms with illustrations of morbidly obese cats decorating the fabric. You crossed your arms over your chest in an 'x' formation as you turned around, smiling at him awkwardly. He gave your body a once over, then snorted.
"What keeps you up at this late hour, Cantaloupe?"
You rolled your eyes. Park Jinyoung thought he was funny.
"Ha-ha," you replied, monotonously. "You're hilarious."
Remembering why you were in the hallway being teased by Jinyoung, you looked back at the door and listened for a moment for any more noises coming from within his room. When there was a crash inside, there was suddenly an incomprehensible shout about how his dead grandma bought him that vase and then something else.
If it was incomprehensible, how did you know that?
You were able to make out a few words—that's how.
"Ah. He's making his noises again tonight, huh?"
"Yes, so if you'll excuse me—"
You went to knock on his door when Jinyoung suddenly reached out, grasping your wrist so it hung mid-air. You glanced over your shoulder at him then, furrowing your eyebrows just as he slowly let go.
Jinyoung had this thing where he hated confrontation, you remembered.
"Jinyoung," you huffed out. "If I don't say something, he'll just—"
"I know but surely he's almost done by now."
"Well, I need to say something."
Jinyoung sighed. "He hasn't listened to anything you've said to him before. What makes now any different?"
"So you want me to just walk to my room like a sissy when I could easily just knock on his door?"
"I just think there are better ways you can go about this. It'll just cause a disruption."
Your eyes bulged at that, jaw dropping. "And his weird sex noises won't?!"
Jinyoung paused, glancing at the door and you both listened again.
"See," he said. "He's done now. It's fine. Just go to sleep."
You tongued your cheek. "You have to live with him too, you know?"
"I know," he replied, solemnly. "Now... go to sleep, Cantaloupe."
And then you two parted ways to your separate rooms.
It was a week after that. Since it was summer, you basically just lounged around the house doing nothing but eating your weight in potato chips. You did have a part-time job but just not during the weekends, which coincidentally was when Jinyoung actually came home for an entire hour for his lunch break.
You didn't know why he didn't just eat out in the city but you weren't about to question it.
He always cleaned up after himself, picking up other people's messes. You hated that part of him because people should clean up their own messes. That's why the planet was doomed—because no one wants to clean up after themselves or leave it how they found it. Although he kept to himself, he was the glue that held you all together.
Walking into the kitchen, you saw him with his sleeves rolled up and holding a sponge, doing the dishes. Opening the wooden cabinets, you pulled out a box of mac and cheese, then looked for your pot to start boiling the water.
"Hey, Jinyoung," you began. "Have you seen my pot? I usually put it up here."
Your eyes fell onto the pot sitting at the oven at the same time—the dirty pot.
"You're fucking kidding me," you grumbled, stomping over to it.
Someone had decided to use your pot and then not clean up after themselves. And who the fuck heats up spaghettios in a fucking pan anyway? Why not just put it in a bowl and into the microwave? That's easier.
"The same person who left their dirty dishes in the sink," Jinyoung said after a moment.
For the first time, you looked closer at whose dishes Jinyoung was scrubbing at.
"Jinyoung, don't you have to eat still? Aren't you on your lunch break?"
"Yes, but I can't make anything with a dirty sink," he answered.
You sighed. "I can't stand him. Here... I'll help you."
Gently, you nudged his hip with yours, jostling him out of the way. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head, then grabbed one of the towels hanging on a nearby hook to wipe his hands as he observed you cleaning the dishes.
"God... I just can't believe him. He really doesn't care about anyone but himself."
"I'm sure he just... forgot..." Jinyoung mumbled, placing his hands on the edge of the sink.
"No. He did it on purpose, same with using my pan..." you grumbled.
Jinyoung then moved to grab your pot, turning the faucet on as you scrubbed at a large plate caked in pasta sauce, and went to soak it. As he went to work, you observed his side profile. He sure was handsome and you remembered how you wanted to ask him if he was single the moment you met.
A handsome guy like him had to have a girlfriend or something.
"What?" he asked, pausing mid-scrub when he caught you.
"Nothing," you quickly replied, turning back to the sink.
"No," he said, putting the pot in the isnk. "What is it?"
You shook your head. "It's nothing... You're just..."
Staring off into space, you looked back at him with a smile.
"You're just really handsome is all. I hope you know that."
Looking away from you, he blushed. "Thanks."
Stumbling, he reached forward and accidentally switched the faucet onto the setting where it sprayed water in tiny streams instead and then disconnected it from the sink. It landed upside down and caused water to completely soak both your shirts. You let out a shriek as you stepped back, the plate falling into the sink then.
"I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed and you looked at him in surprise, then down at your shirt.
You could see through it entirely, showing off your bra and your piercing nipples.
And then he handed you the towel beside the sink to cover yourself.
"They're just boobies, Jinyoung," you teased but he didn't turn around.
Snorting, you tossed the towel onto the counter and left the kitchen. Glancing back at him one more time as you gripped onto the staircase railing, you observed him scrubbing furiously at your pot with tinted cheeks.
A few days after that incident, you came storming out of your room to your neighbor having sex once again.
The annoying, not hot one. It wasn't Jinyoung having sex.
"Jinyoung?" you called, knocking on his door.
Your neighbor was playing music to cover up whatever he was doing, but you could still fucking hear him. How could he be so oblivious to how loud he was? Did he just fuck girls who really knew how to use their mouths?
Maybe you should ask for their phone numbers.
"Come in," he yelled over the music.
Stomping in, you slammed the door behind you. Although you'd been in his room a few times, it was always rearranged a different way each time. You did notice that Jinyoung was an extreme perfectionist.
"You hear that, right?" you asked, crossing your arms.
"Yeah. And I'm trying to study, too..." Jinyoung grumbled.
"I can't believe him. What if I was trying to sleep?"
You paced around his room, letting out an occasional growl as the song ended and there was an awkward pause. Jinyoung's head came up just as there was a loud crashing sound and moan from the other side of the wall.
Jinyoung snorted. "You? Sleeping before two in the morning?"
"Okay. Fine... Maybe I wasn't but still—"
"You can stay here, if you want."
"Really? I won't bother you?"
"No. I'm done anyway."
Jinyoung leant back into his desk chair, closing his book with a gentle slam before standing up to put it away on his large bookshelf. After a moment, he walked over to his bed and settled against it, still in his work clothes. The TV had still been playing even when you walked in, so you guessed he'd been trying to mask the music and sex.
You followed him to his bed, sitting beside him gingerly.
"So—" you started to say when a sex scene came on.
The two actors on the screen immediately began undressing and you hesitantly looked over at Jinyoung, who was trying to decide whether to act natural or look away—because what do you even do in that situation? A sex scene makes things awkward no matter what. You could pretend all you wanted that it wasn't awkward—but it was.
"S-So... What were you studying for?"
"My accounting exam," he replied.
"Really? You have to study for that?"
There were now both sex noises from the TV and the room next door. From the corner of your eye, you saw Jinyoung fidgeting, scratching at his chin nervously as he avoided looking straight at the television screen.
You grabbed the remote then, turning the volume to drown out the noises from your neighbor.
As you could still hear him, however, you stomped towards the door to tell him to shut up.
Jinyoung followed after you, grabbing a hold of your elbow out of nowhere, but that just caused you to trip on one of his shoes—and where did that even come from because his room was spotless—and the two of you came crashing down on his hardwood floor with Jinyoung under you. He stared at you with wide eyes then.
The front of your pants was pressed especially hard against him and you felt something.
"Jinyoung..." you breathed out.
He blinked, then asked, "Yes?"
"I have this crazy idea."
Jinyoung didn't have much time to think before your lips came crashing down on his.
His lips were so soft, like kissing a cloud from how moist they were, but he was still beneath your crushing mouth. His arms laid unmoving at his sides, not even moving to touch you with the tip of his finger. And after you unconsciously began to swirl your hips and grind into him powerfully, he groaned into your mouth.
"Touch me," you said, pulling away briefly to give him time to speak.
Instead of saying anything, he just stared at you in muted surprise.
"Touch me, Jinyoung," you said again, grabbing at his limp hands.
You brought them to touch your covered breasts but he didn't move an inch, didn't even glance down at your breasts on full display—just kept looking at you and occasionally down at your lips as you exhaled shakily.
When his palm gave a slight, hesitant squeeze, you knew you had him.
You threw yourself back into him, kissing him as hard as you could to elicit any sort of reaction out of him, and he finally responded. Starting with returning it, he eventually licked at your lips and his hands drifted away from your breasts to grab your hips, then finally wrapping around your waist to crush you more into his hard, defined chest.
The voices from the actors on screen as they had a passionate get-together with their genitals faded into the background, as well as the sounds coming from the opposite side of the wall. Right then, it was just you and Jinyoung as you kissed and touched each other so intimately you felt your hairs sticking up. He was always out of your reach—so far away—either physically or emotionally. You thought he was unavailable, three years older than you and in grad school already while you were still taking gen ed classes. That's what you thought, but as he licked the seam of your lips and thrusted his tongue inside your mouth, he felt touchable for the first time—reachable.
His hands trailed back to your waist before flipping the two of you over until you flat on your back. Even with the sex scene on the television screen long over as new actors took up their own screentime, you didn't tell him to stop—not even when you heard nothing from the adjacent bedroom, too. It was that familiar white noise.
But you didn't like to sound of nothing as Jinyoung stared down at you, hesitantly.
You wanted to hear something. You wanted to hear anything—and from him.
You weaved your fingers into his black hair, pulling him down until your lips connected once again, which coaxed him to relax and touch you again. His hips moved against yours as you ground into each other—sensually. When his hardening length brushed against one specific spot, you moaned out loudly, and he pulled away from you.
"Don't stop," you told him desperately, fingers still clinging on to his hair.
When he didn't budge, you sat up slowly, furrowing your eyebrows. He moved away from you to give you room, as if you were about to tell him you changed your mind, but then you pushed him with the tips of your fingers so he was on his back. He didn't make a move to sit up and you took that as a sign to work on undoing his belt's buckle.
He didn't even try to stop you as you pulled at his work pants, just watched you with half-lidded eyes.
"Is this okay?" you asked, glancing down at his cock through his briefs.
"Yeah..." he answered, swallowing thickly.
Getting his consent, you watched him carefully but reached into his underwear for his cock, surprised at the size as you blinked in a daze. Just as he was looking like he was about to change his mind, you leant over him and your mouth sank down on him. Immediately, he felt how warm your mouth was and you didn't take your eyes off him—not even for one second. Your tongue swirled around him, licking at every inch of him you could. He didn't entirely fit in your mouth, so whatever didn't fit you just stroked with your balled up fist. His head fell back against the floor with a thud as he groaned out loudly. His eyes snapped open at that, looking at his bedroom wall.
"W-Wait—" he started to say, but you didn't stop.
Instead, your grip on him tightened as you went even faster, pulling him farther into your mouth until you felt the tip hit the back of your throat, pausing for a moment and wincing at the unpleasant feeling as you swallowed around him. His hands didn't know where to go, from laying at his sides to pulling at his tailored suit.
You didn't really know why he wore his work clothes for so long, even after he came home.
"Fuck..." he grunted, one of his hands cupping the back of your head.
You'd never heard him curse before and you could feel yourself getting wet just at the sound of it, and then began to bob on his dick even faster, your eyes watering slightly. Jinyoung started to unconsciously thrust into your mouth then, his hips raising off the floor each time, and you welcomed it, trying to take all of him.
"Shit!" he cried out as you swallowed around him again.
Pulling him completely out of your mouth, you used your tongue to lick at the slit, running a wet strip from the base of his cock all the way to the underside of his tip, leaving a stream of saliva behind. He observed you with half-lidded eyes before his head fell back again, not being able to take the sight of you looking at him like that.
"Shit... You're so good at this... Fuck... I'm going to cum."
You pulled your mouth away and just sat on your heels, watching him come undone just from you stroking him in a blurred movement of your fist. However, before he even came, he frantically told you to stop.
"Jinyoung..." you started to say, slowing your pace slightly.
"No, I mean it... I don't want..." he trailed off. "I don't want him to hear me."
"He wants us to hear him, though. And plus, you sound so hot anyway..."
"Fuck..." he said at your words. "I'm— Fu—ck. I'm—"
"Cum in my mouth."
You descended your mouth back on him as you continued to stroke him frantically. He didn't seem to hear you—or at least didn't respond—but spurts of his cum came firing into your mouth until he was laying there like a worm.
His head thudded against the floor after, smiling slightly to himself, but then remembered you.
"No, it's okay," you said, knowing what he was thinking. "I think he's done now, so thanks."
"Wait— What about you—"
"You just owe me one."
And then you left.
You looked to the open doorway of your bedroom to see it was Jinyoung. Still in his work clothes, you laughed to yourself. He wore that suit so often that you thought it was just another layer of his skin.
Good thing he looked hot in a suit.
"Hey," you replied, putting down your book beside you on the bed.
You sat up as he looked around your bedroom, admiring some of the paintings you had hanging on the wall and your calendar beside the door that had a different cat for each month, the dates decorated with cat ears.
"Can I join you?" he asked after a moment, closing the door behind him.
"Sure," you said, sitting up. "What's up?"
"Well..." By the color of crimson his ears turned, you knew it had to be about what happened the other day on his bedroom floor—the whole his dick in your mouth thing. "I just— I felt bad about— You know... So, I— Uh..."
"You want to pay me back?"
"Yeah. Is that okay?"
You bit your lip and nodded.
Kicking his shoes off by your door, he walked over to your bed. It creaked beneath his weight as he sat down and then he turned to you, just staring at you for a moment before he went to loosen his tie around his neck.
"Did you just get back from work?" you asked, watching him undress.
Jinyoung nodded. "Yeah. Five minutes ago."
"So... were you thinking about this all day?"
"It might've crossed my mind once or twice."
Your head fell back as you laughed. "That's hot."
His knees pressed them into the mattress when he started to move towards you, his tie long forgotten in a heap on your rug. Watching him carefully, you lowered yourself onto your back until he was hovering over you.
"Is our favorite neighbor here?" he asked lowly, his lips inches from yours.
"I don't think so. It's quiet, so that's how I know he's gone."
"Good. That means you can be as loud as you want."
"Ooh, spicy..." you said, waggling your eyebrows.
"Take off your pants," he instructed.
"Why can't you do it for me?"
"I'm about to do a lot for you."
Raising an eyebrow, you did as he said and pulled at your denim shorts. He couldn't wait, though, and helped you tug them the rest of the way down your legs as you raised your hips, flinging them somewhere behind him.
Next was your underwear but surprisingly, when you went to remove them, he stopped you.
"Not yet."
His mouth came crashing down on yours, smothering your lips with his own. At first, the kiss was fast and messy, your tongues colliding together in a frenzy, but then he was pulling away from you to leave a trail of kisses from the corner of your lips, to your jaw, to your neck, before finally landing on your chest from your low-cut shirt.
Your hands came to crush his mouth to your chest when he just looked at the soft fabric of your shirt, leaving wet spots where he bit and nipped over your covered nipples. You cried out then, arching your back into his mouth.
He raised an eyebrow and took you rubbing your legs together as a sign for him to take it farther.
Crawling down your body, he stopped until his head was between your legs, kissing at your inner thighs and biting and sucking at the skin there until you were marked in blotches of purple and red. One of his fingers played with the band of your underwear, snapping it against your skin teasingly, and you exhaled shakily.
"I didn't know you were such a tease..." you said, smiling with your eyes closed.
"It's no fun when you get your way, though."
And then he fingered at your underwear again, lifting it up and pushing it to the side so he could cup you. Just from the pads of his fingers touching you there, he could feel how wet you were—and all because of him.
"You're making this too easy."
His middle finger slowly eased into your entrance, stroking at your walls gently as he pumped in and out of you. His thumb then came to press down on your clit and you moaned out, a scalding sensation shooting straight into your lower stomach. He took that as another good sign and then inserted his forefinger into you, his fingers thrusting in and out of you at a faster pace with each drawn out moan and each wiggle of your hips. Eventually, he had to use the hand pulling your underwear back to still your hips and the soaked fabric came to rest on the back of his hand.
Unconsciously, you moved away from him and so he pulled his fingers out of you. You opened your eyes then, looking up at him as he sucked each finger into his mouth, licking off your wetness. Feeling faint, you sighed to yourself, wiggling your hips again and clenching your walls around nothing in anticipation. It was nice to be fingered and it was even better to cum, but you wanted to cum on his dick—you wanted to cum on it now.
"Jinyoung," you breathed out. "I want you."
"You can't have me," he answered. "Not yet."
"Well, why the fuck not?!" you yelled, sitting up on your elbows.
He couldn't answer because then the two of you heard loud, thunderous footsteps up the stairs and the bedroom door next to yours slamming shut. You listened and signed internally as you heard a female voice giggling and then a gruff male one, the bed creaking as you assumed they were both lying in his bed now.
"Great..." you mumbled to yourself, bending over your bed to look for your pants.
"No," Jinyoung said. "It's okay. I want to keep going. Is that okay?"
You looked back at him and nodded, surprised.
This wasn't like him at all. Jinyoung had never once brought a girl over—never. You knew he had sex but he never had sex here, and that was because he was so self-conscious. So, it was very surprising he wanted to keep going.
He pulled your underwear completely off that time, following your pants and landing somewhere behind him.
Jinyoung didn't waste any time and immediately ducked his head and flicked at your clit with his tongue, causing you to cry out. The giggling stopped in the other room and you placed a hand over your mouth, looking at him.
Time stood still as you two waited for them to resume and they did—after a painfully long sixty seconds.
"Be quiet," he whispered and then went back to pressing kisses to your clit.
He inserted his finger again, using his thumbs to separate your folds and you clenched your hand into a fist against your mouth, breathing heavily. Instead of how he was taking his time before, he was rushing things.
"Jinyoung," you said. "It's okay. I'll be quiet. Just slow down."
He nodded, pulling his fingers out of you.
Then replaced them with his mouth.
"Fuck..." you said, softly.
"Feel good?" he whispered back.
You nodded, head falling back and hand slamming against your mouth as he thrusted his tongue inside of you. His nose brushed against your clit and you breathed out of your nose slowly, trying to contain yourself. Then one of his hands pulled away and his thumb came against your clit again, circling it wildly when he lowered his head to bring his nose away. Your juices coated his chin as he started to wildly lick and kiss at your inner walls, then brought his mouth away to watch you, inserting his fingers again. His knuckles brushed against you as he went deeper and deeper before he felt around for that special spot—then found it easily, smiling to himself at your reaction.
Red hot in the face, sweat lining your brow, gasping for air—you were a mess for him.
You could barely contain yourself then and you reached behind you for your pillow, smothering your face.
"Jinyoung!" you screamed through the pillow but he kept going. "Oh, god... Oh, god. I'm going to— I'm—"
The two of you hadn't even noticed the talking stopped again before you moaned into the pillow loudly, hips rising as you came roughly around his fingers. He helped you ride out your orgasm, slowing his pace but not stopping.
Your hips came down to rest on the mattress again and you sighed—you were laying there like a worm now.
"How was that?" he asked, pleased with himself.
"Good god... So good... Wow. You're so good with—"
He chuckled. "Thanks. I owed you one, though."
You smiled up at him, then pushed yourself up to sit beside him, nudging your shoulder with his as you smiled to yourself. If this was him paying you back for sucking his dick, you wondered how he fucked with that dick.
"But that doesn't mean I don't owe you one."
"No, no, no. You don't owe me anything."
"Maybe not. But I still want you to fuck me."
Jinyoung looked at the wall behind you then, shaking his head. Pouting, you nodded, understanding that maybe all this was just him returning the favor, not meaning he was interested in you like that at all.
"We can't..." he whispered.
"It's okay, but why not?"
"We can't right now. Later."
"Okay, but I hope you really mean later."
He nodded. "Later. Really, really later."
And then he walked out of your room.
After Jinyoung left, your neighbor took that as a sign to fuck his girlfriend.
How nice for the both of them. For her to have a penis in her, not that you could relate.
It'd been at least seven hours now and you didn't even know if Jinyoung was still in the house. He walked on light feet, so you never heard him walking around, so he could've easily left to go somewhere. Maybe he left to fuck someone else since you were pretty sure he got a massive boner. And yet, he didn't want to fuck you.
Later, he said.
When was that? Maybe you should've discussed that properly so you would know when that even was.
Angry and sex-deprived, you stomped out of your room after hearing the annoying sound of your neighbor snoring after a long, torturous hour and a half, and into the kitchen. A glass of cold water would calm down your temper, so you reached into the cabinet to grab one of your glasses, reaching into the freezer for some ice cubes. You struggled to even get the cubes out of the tray, however, and contemplated slamming it on the countertop.
A touch on your shoulder, though, startled you and you accidentally slammed the tray on the countertop anyway.
"It's okay!" they said, the warm voice familiar. "It's me. It's Jinyoung."
Closing your eyes in relief, you placed a hand over your beating heart and then turned around to look at him.
"And where have you been?" you asked, teasingly, with an eyebrow raised.
Though, you also really wanted to know the answer to that, too.
"My room. Why did it take you seven hours to leave?"
"What? Were you waiting for me or something?"
He nodded. "Yeah. I didn't want to... in your room."
Your mouth fell open as you felt like a fucking idiot.
It was kind of obvious, now that you thought about it.
"Sorry... I didn't— Well, I'm here now, so do your worst."
One corner of his lips tilted up at that, and then he looked around the kitchen. When his eyes fell on the dining room table, he grinned and tugged your hand to follow him. You set your glass down on the counter, already feeling that familiar excitement bubble inside of you at the thought of what he was going to do to you.
If his fingers made you feel that good, you couldn't even imagine what his dick would feel like.
"Lay on the table."
You hopped up on the table just as he asked, then laid down, already reaching for your pants, but he slapped your hand away. Cradling your hands to your chest, you snorted at the impatient look on his face.
"I didn't say to take off your clothes," he teased, tugging at the band.
"Okay but... What's so different about here? They'll still probably hear us."
"You're probably right. It's a good thing I don't care. Do you?"
Then why didn't you just come back? you asked no one in particular.
Oh, well.
"Hell no. Fuck me, Jinyoung."
"I will. Just be patient."
You growled out, frustrated.
"Come on. You don't need to finger me when you just did that seven hours ago—"
"I know but I want to," he said, then pulled at the band of your pants again.
From over the top of his head, you carefully watched the staircase, listening for any sounds that weren't muffled snores from your neighbor's bedroom. If he came downstairs, he'd have a good view of your pussy.
"He's not going to come down here. Relax."
Just as his finger entered you, you said, "Wait. Can I try something first?"
He nodded, pulling away from you and you sat up, hopping off the table. Kneeling before him, you unbuttoned his pants quickly—and struggled for a moment—and pulled him out of his underwear, licking your lips nervously.
"I want you to fuck my mouth," you told him.
"What?" he asked, surprised. "Really?"
"All right."
You gripped him at the base and slowly wrapped your lips around him, then relaxed your mouth as you closed your eyes. Biting into his lip, Jinyoung anxiously gripped the back of your head to get a good hold on you and weaved his fingers into your hair. You seemed to like that, though, when you moaned around his length.
And when you nodded, he took that as the signal and thrusted into your mouth.
Your eyes watered as he fucked your mouth, wincing but loving every second. When his fingers tugged at your hair, nearly pulling the strands right out of their roots, you moaned around him again and he groaned at that.
You swallowed around him, eliciting him to go faster, fuck your throat harder—and he did. His hips moved back and forth wildly as he frantically rammed his cock into you. With each thrust, you had to keep yourself still and relax your throat, feeling it becoming sore but it was worth it. Your hands felt his thighs, nails digging into the soft fabric of his work pants that he never took off for some reason—when suddenly he pulled out of you.
"If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum," he explained, gasping for air. "Your turn."
You nodded and laid back down on the table. It was as if him nearly reaching his orgasm made him even more impatient and he tugged at your underwear so roughly that the material stretched, but you didn't yell at him.
In fact, you found the whole thing incredibly hot.
He fell to his knees and immediately started an intense pace with his fingers inside of you, easing in and out at a frantic speed while he tried to stretch you out as much as possible. Your toes curled at the sensation and he watched you carefully, smiling as your eyes closed and mouth dropped open. If possible, his fingers thrusted into you even faster, so fast that you could almost imagine they were his dick—except you hoped his dick was bigger.
"Please," you begged, grabbing onto his arm. "Fuck me."
His pace slowed down but he didn't pull out of you, until he pressed down on your clit and your back arched.
"Please! Fuck—please," you cried out.
He nodded quickly, stepping away from you to step out of his pants and completely remove his briefs.
Your eyes fell to him naked from the waist down and you almost drooled, but then he was pulling at your hips so you stood on your feet, then spun you around until your cheek came crashing down on the wooden table.
"Ready?" he asked.
You were jostled forward as soon as he took that first step—his cock pressing into you so deeply that you couldn't help but groan, your nails clawing into the table. His warm hands held your hips and you knew you wanted nothing more than for him to slap your ass. That's what would get you off. Nothing was hotter than him manhandling you.
"Jinyoung," you gasped out as he kept up a fast pace. "Spank me."
"Spank you? You're into that?"
You nodded into the table.
Hesitating slightly, he did as you asked and brought his hand to slap your ass softly and you moaned softly. He blinked, stopping his thrusts inside of you to do it again—but harder. You clenched your fists as his hand came down on you even harder, feeling the sting that time. Your walls clenched around him then and he groaned.
"You really like this?" he asked.
"Yeah. Just like that."
He paused, then looked around the room for a moment.
You were pulled up abruptly then, your eyes snapping open, as he pulled you over to the living room couch before sitting down, tugging at your hand so you were sitting in his lap but not crushing his dick coated in your wetness.
"Ride me," he told you.
You didn't need to be told twice and slowly gripped him from under you, easing him into you slowly. Both of you moaned out at that and his hand slapped your ass again, slapping you harder each time you pulled yourself up.
"Keep going," he said, massaging your skin.
You nodded and bounced up and down on him even faster, seeking that familiar sting and the feeling of him penetrating you. His head fell against the back of the couch then, moaning loudly as you continued to ride him. Blindly, his free hand reached for you and then the pad of his thumb pressed into your clit, causing you to cry out and ride him even faster—harder—swirling your hips and clenching around him as you chased after your orgasm.
He pulled away from your clit and brought both of his hands to your ass, pulling and grabbing at the flesh there and kneading his knuckles into it. One hand came down on your ass again as the slap sounded around the living room and you clenched around him again, your vision blurring as all you could feel was that spark ignite in you.
On the edge, his hands trailed past your ass until they were gripping the small of your back and flipped you over onto your stomach. Raising your ass in the air, he thrusted into you again and pressed down on the back of your head, your cheek pressing into the couch cushion as he rammed into you.
"J-Jinyoung! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you cried out, fists clenching.
He reached around you then and squeezed your breasts. With each thrust, they swung forward and he squeezed even harder. You rested your head against the back of your arms, trying to hold on but knowing you were so close to cumming. His dick stroked every inch of you and you knew you were going to be sore after.
"I'm gonna—"
He felt you clench around him one more time as you came, arching your back and then falling limply onto the couch. Jinyoung powered through it, however, and managed to thrust a few more times before he came himself, feeling you cringe from the oversensitivity.
His head fell back against the opposite arm of the couch then, chuckling, while you laid on the other side.
"So, that happened," he said after a long moment of silence.
"Yeah. Can it happen again?" you asked with a smirk.
And then you laughed all the way back upstairs.
Jinyoung was eating breakfast the next morning and you decided to clean up after your dirty neighbor so that when Jinyoung came home for his lunch break, he could spend that time eating rather than cleaning up after him.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, though.
Your neighbor came stumbling down the stairs in his pajamas, greeting you two as he came into the kitchen.
"Hey, guys," he said, then seemed to hesitate. "Were you guys— last night— Can you keep it down next time?"
Jinyoung's cheeks heated at that, almost burying his head in his bowl of cereal shamefully while you just snorted.
He'd acted all confident last night but it sounded just like him to be embarrassed immediately after.
"Sure," you lied. "Sorry about all the noise."
"Thanks," he said and then grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
You looked back at Jinyoung and laughed as he refused to make eye contact with you, his cheeks almost the same color as the last apple in the bowl. Embarrassment wasn't something you felt often, so you were more proud.
You and Jinyoung had become the noisy neighbors now.
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