#im fine im fine im totally fine
I realized the other day that ART never saw MB completely lose its shit because it thought ART was dead. It has no idea how fucked up the entire situation made Murderbot. How upset it was. And scared. And enraged. It didn't hear it yell "my friend is dead!" at Amena or the way it tears through the Targets (it sees the end results of that but not the catalyst that pushes Murderbot over the edge.) All it sees when it comes back online is Murderbot severely hurt and very mad. (Mad because it was used, mad because it's easier than dealing with the confusing mix of hurt and betrayal and utter relief.)
And now with System Collapse apparently being pretty heavily focused on Murderbot's rocky emotional state... there are so many ways it can go. How does MB handle being around ART and its crew while being so emotionally vulnerable and fragile? How does ART react to seeing how severely MB is affected? Is it sympathetic? Confused? Frustrated that MB won't let it help (or even tell it what's going on)? I have a feeling Murderbot will focus on the physical effects of its emotional distress, not the emotional distress itself. Which will ofc make it worse. Does it even think to consider that it's its emotional state causing its physical distress? Is ART able to help at all or does it unintentionally make things worse at first?
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aenslem · 1 year
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totally fine here, not screaming over the hand touch at all
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error404vnotfound · 11 months
episode 6 48:38
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tmascfaggot · 8 months
man. sometimes it seems like a lot of subs forget that being a dom/playing a dominant role is a lot of work. it's a lot of responsibility and takes a lot of energy, which can all take a mental toll on a dom, but some subs seem to just...glance right over that
anyway. appreciate and thank your local dom today
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5x13 | 7x10
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essektheylyss · 2 years
it's unrealistic that barbarians drop rage just because they haven't attacked or been attacked by anyone in 6 seconds, I sat in 40 minutes worth of traffic caused by government negligence and it's gonna take me another 40 minutes just to stop feeling like I could throw a car through DOT's front window with my bare hands
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its-your-mind · 1 month
I’m sorry I need to talk about this for a second
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This part right here. When Nirvana tries to use Thought Infection on Kim Dokja. And this ability that absolutely neutralized Yoo Joonghyuk, Min Jiwon, and Yoo Sangah…
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bounces right off.
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and it’s set up like this big badass moment. Kim Dokja saves the day again. Kim Dokja can face down anyone. He’s more powerful than every other incarnation and constellation, no matter how much foreknowledge they have.
But honestly?
It kinda just makes me sad.
yjh is incapacitated by the Eternal Nightmare ability because of all the awful things he’s seen and experienced, yes.
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But as we know from 1863, happy memories can be much more debilitating for him than sad ones. And while he’s only got 1-2’s memories right know, we know that 2 had some incredibly happy memories to pass on, memories that make the losses that much harder to take.
And Min Jiwon?
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Of course she doesn’t actually want to visit a spa while her friends and troops are dying. But can you blame her for having some deep craving for comfort and relaxation right now?
But for Kim Dokja…
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The Fourth Wall isn’t just protecting kdj from the negative effects of the skill. It’s not hiding his secret desires, or absorbing his emotions.
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It is literally preventing him from experiencing the world around him as reality. Not just because it feels improbable or surreal, but because it is literally keeping him separate from the world around him. On a fundamental level, he does not believe he is truly present in this time and space.
This is derealization and dissociation on an unbelievably intense scale.
“If we’re just characters, why did you die for us so many times?”
Why wouldn’t he? He’s not here, not really. He’s just Reading this story, no matter how much sway he’s been having over what has happened. All of that is just his work as a Reader hoping to see the Epilogue of his favorite novel.
“It was a really great story, isn’t that right?”
Narratively satisfying. A twist ending. A fate that subverted expectations.
An Epilogue worth Reading. Not touching, not feeling, not joining, not creating. Just watching. From a distance away. From behind glass. Through the cracks in a wall.
After all, a story can’t exist without a writer, a protagonist, and a reader. Only two of them truly participate in creating the story. But when you’re the Reader, it’s always worth reading the story again. And again. And again. And again. And again ,
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starmaker-astral · 10 days
Allow me to repeat
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(I watched s2 9 months ago but I have peaks of lucidity sometimes... I mean, they KISSED MOUTH TO MOUTH like FOR REAL in real reality real! )
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deepspacialrift · 4 months
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the golden trio
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narumi-gens · 1 year
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f4keplastictr33s · 2 months
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feeling very normal about this rn
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xxcherrycherixx · 7 months
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cupid's gals meet
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grabyoursaintsandpray · 2 months
Mentally prepares self all day to watch X-Men, determined to not let last week's episode get to me again.
Gets as far as the intro and realises Gambit's title card is no longer in it.
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littlelovelore · 2 months
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this would fix at least 80% of my problems
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orcelito · 7 months
showing off the commission i got from @ruporas for my fic, In the Next Life!
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i'm still so incredibly excited about this. it's been some months since the story event that caused these scars, but i wanted SO BADLY to be able to see what they'd actually Look like... & Here They Are.
ruporas rendered the scars So Well, i just cant stop Looking at them... there's a Fresh & a Healed version, which ruporas was kind enough to give me without additional charge (Thank U Again���😭) so i get to see what it looks like at different stages.
Lichtenberg Figures. in terms of actual scarring, lightning strikes that people survive don't tend to leave permanent scars, but the lichtenberg figures that they (usually temporarily) leave behind are just So Cool... Now, what happens when you get someone who can survive an amount of electricity/lightning that would be Frankly Lethal to any normal human person?
This :]
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iridescentpull · 1 month
I haven't seen anyone mention this here but we got some Pac and Fit crumbs yesterday during Cellbit's fruit mountain tournament! Sykkuno and Pac played a match together and were talking, and they reached the topic on Fit. Clip here
Transcript under cut vv
Sykkuno: ...forgot the controls– oh it's this one
Pac: Good luck!
Sykkuno: So what game do you normally play?
Pac: Uhh– I usually play some, uh, minecraft!
Sykkuno: Oh...
Pac: Yeah
Sykkuno: Do you play modded or–
Pac: I play with everyone on QSMP
Sykkuno: Oh, wait– you're on the QSMP!
Pac: Yeah!
Sykkuno: Oh that's a cool place I've heard! Who's your favorite person on the QSMP?
Pac: Hm, if I had to say... ah, probably Fit? *laughs*
Sykkuno: Wait, is Fit the guy who makes those documentary videos?
Pac: Yeah! About the, uh, 2b2t–
Sykkuno: 2b2t! Wait really?! I watch that guy! He's awesome!
Pac: Yeah– he's super nice y'know? He's such a nice guy
Sykkuno: Yeah he's gotta good voice, got a good voice
Pac: Yeah, he's gotta cool voice. And we always play, um, together on the QSMP, so, uh, we're kinda like a family
Sykkuno: Oh that's nice!
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