#im dying jerry
jarofalicesgrunge · 2 years
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Phil, Jerry & Mike in the Iconic Moment at the concrete Foundation Forum Awards, Oct 5.1991, I love it so much!!! 😍❤
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satonosuke · 11 months
i saw someone say they picture the regent as otto from house of the dragon and it made me realize. i picture the regent like this
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tendebill · 8 months
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update: i am becoming more and more sick as we speak
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ufonaut · 2 years
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Will you confess your crime or do you prefer to come into the Valley of Death with me?
Jim Corrigan in More Fun Comics (1936) #55
(Bernard Baily, Jerry Siegel)
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ectogeranium · 2 years
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you could only DREAM of looking as cool as Furby and I
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galatoma · 4 months
Etoiles bullying Tubbo for dying to some roaches and then being like im sorry its because i miss you and then Tubbo just going "Etoiles say the words and I'll go to France immediately." Tom and Jerry if they were off the clock
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Big Deal... Clubbing/Drunk Headcanons
(It was time for my monthly reread of Jake Kim and One Night II arc... So here's some brainrot)
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Assuming everyone is of age, or just gets let in cos they look like 30yr olds... don't you think Big Deal would be the funnest group to party with?
Imagine all the guys drunk, dancing with shitty cheesy moves and someone getting hoisted in the air, chanting "SINU! SINU! SINU!" then the bouncers get involved.
Note: everyone here exc Samuel unapologetically loves fruity colourful cocktails. And it goes without saying the rizz of Big Deal is unmatched.
Samuel Seo
Inferiority complex comes out in the form of buying drinks for everyone
"What? You think I can't afford this? NEXT ROUND ON ME"
Doesn't like to dance but gets dragged by the rest of the crew
The one guy that always takes their top off when drunk
Bouncers threaten to throw him out whilst rest of Big Deal try to wrestle his clothing back on
Loud emotional drunk
Loves dancing, pulls up everyone on the dancefloor
Tells everyone how proud he is of them and cries on their shoulder
Tells massively embellished stories about Big Deal to anyone that would listen
Talks about Yeonhui ALL THE TIME, how she's the prettiest, the best, he's going to marry her etc.
Jake Kim
Another loud drunk
So cheesy, thinks he's the funniest guy. Amplified by 100 with alcohol. Puns, one liners, joke, all accompanied with the sloppiest wink
Would tell a joke, wait for your reaction and if you don't laugh "hey did you hear what I said??"
Shows off his butt to all the guys (not the ladies) in the club while they ooh and aah and ask for his workout routine. "NICE GLUTES BRO, WHAT YOU SQUAT"
Definitely the I love you broooo type, goes round kissing everyone on the cheek. Has his lipbalm at the ready
Jerry Kwon
[sips juice through straw]
Confiscates Sinu's phone to prevent drunk dialling or texting Yeonhui
Usually plays the peacemaker if the boys are too boisterous
Bops along to the music, loves if any cheesy pops or ballads are played
So much fun on the dancefloor. Knows all the latest trending dance moves
Brad Lee
Can not let go of Jane Kim and Brenda
Takes it too far, and drunk Jake is like "you sure? you really leaving Big Deal to be a nail artist?"
Loves talking about 'philosophical' bullshit
Thinks he's clever af but actually saying shit like "crazy how our skin is waterproof"
The one that suggests the sloppy drunk food at 4am as they stagger home
Jason Yoon
Vibin, chill, enjoyin the club
The wildest dance moves. Incorporates kicks everywhere
Hits too many drinks then gets confrontational
Gets apologetic, cries a little
Tells everyone about Jeju Island, gets homesick, cries a bit more
Listens to everyones bullshit with wide eyes and sincerity "REALLY???"
Braincells literally dying in real time as he drinks "JAKE, BRAD SAID HE WAS LEAVING TO BE AN ARTIST??"
Will not be corrected on any misinformation
Very affectionate, open admiration for everyone in the crew "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M HERE!"
Samuel's BFF when drunk, the praises are good for his ego
Lua Im
Crazy giggly
Finds everything hilarious EXCEPT Jake. Literally stops dead mid-laugh after catching his jokes
Has lots of white knights trying rescue her from the gangsters (Big Deal)
She punches them instead
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brachiowlsaurus · 9 months
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Decided to redraw this unus annus screenshot but Jerry and Jack lmao Idea for this was a prompt by @draw-the-squad-like-this
Also I drew this with a mouse. Send help im dying
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shusuikokuto · 1 month
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im dying lmao this is some tom and jerry cartoon shit
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zombiefishmonster · 11 months
My Personal Kickin' It Headcanons
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- yes another kickin' it post. i'm making as many as my heart desires. enjoy.
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- Rudy Gillespie
+ big anime phase in highschool, specifically dragon ball z and naruto
+ had a HUUGE crush on bobby wasabi in grade school. his dad showed him his first movie, and he was obsessed. he doesn't feel romantically towards him now at all but he still holds him in a higher regard.
+ trans rudy bisexual rudy.
+ ty, lonnie and him have "guys nights", they sometimes invite bobby and phil but only sometimes.
+ the reason why he became a sensei and cares so deeply for his students is because his parents were neglectful, so he's determined to be there for any other kids who need it.
+ he definitely goes to all their weddings/events
+ i'd like to think he and ms. applebottom stay together.
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- Jack Brewer
+ definitely had a crush on jerry at a point
+ he really likes percy jackson (this is me projecting)
+ the only social media he has is instagram, and it's just because everyone made him get it.
+ we know about his haircare, but i think he'd also take incredible care of his skin. he's also very naturally tidy, despite having his less than classy moments
+ divorced parents, but they really try despite having busy jobs
+ his grandpa mostly took care of him growing up
+ he got his first tattoo at 18, he got it for his grandpa
+ bisexual jack.
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- Kim Crawford
+ the most Normal home life
+ i can't decide if she's pansexual or straight.
+ has mostly guy cousins
+ she's such a lowkey nerd. but like in the way she doesn't realize she's nerdy. she's really interested in the history of martial arts
+ she stayed in contact with sloane, and they moved in together, with jack, after high school
+ her room is a clothes MESS.
+ even though her parents are normal, most of her cousins and extended family are batshit
+ i also think she draws, mostly just sketches of things around seaford
+ even though she can't dance for shit, she can sing (this is kinda canon)
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- Eddie Jones
+ repressed queer
+ he left seaford because his mom got a better job offer
+ unfortunately, this made him fall out of karate but he got way more into dancing
+ he has REALLY nice handwriting
+ he has an older sister, like 10 years older, but they're still really close
+ literally LOVES tv dramas. he really likes greys anatomy
+ his mom has a cat that she got a few years after he was born
+ he tries to keep house plants alive, but it always ends up dying
+ he keeps in contact with milton and jerry a little
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- Jerry Martinez
+ he's a big frequenter of the hospital
+ he had a crush on jack at a separate time
+ he and milton move in together after highschool, that's when they start dating
+ takes milton to dancing lessons/teaches him himself
+ started dancing wayyy before karate, only started karate in middle school
+ he has dyslexia
+ like eddie, he's close with his sisters (wiki says he has 7 unnamed sisters; i think 3 younger, 4 older, making him pretty much middle)
+ he's not "good" at painting, but he enjoys it
+ he has a strong appreciation for country music
+ eddie got him in to greys anatomy, they text each other on episode release days
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- milton krupnik
+ the MOST online of them all, he definitely had a tumblr
+ surprisingly, he made the first move on jerry
+ despite the fiasco in "the commercial," he continued baking and actually got wayyy better
+ he's got a single dad, who does really try but he struggles a lot
+ probably the most mentally unstable. i can't explain it but it's his vibes. (im projecting)
+ he got more into hair and makeup as he got older
+ after julie, he realized he was gay and likes jerry
+ he had a warrior cats phase
+ he helped the rest of them study for all their finals, and he doesn't like to brag, but it's DEFINITELY the only reason why they passed
+ he spends the most time at the dojo, his dad works a lot, so it's just easier for him to stay at the dojo and help out with different classes / help around the mall
+ huge huge HUUUGE HUGE. enjoyer of the ocean. i can't explain it but it's true.
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raspberrysmoon · 4 months
ok so. nobody cares but I DO!!!! so here are some fun facts about my biggest npmd au i curse the day !! :] names are colored/altered for their corresponding lord. red is 'generally evil'
it got long so. facts under cut <3 spoilers are very minimal but go check out my series on ao3 !! 'i curse the day' !!!! olease im insane over them !!
psst @bellqmione i did it. for you :]
- pete hates his horns with a passion. steph thinks theyre kind of cute when he doesnt try to shave them off or rip them out. pete would rip them out if he was sure they didnt connect to his brain like some goat horns do
- similarly, grace adores her eyes/newfound sight 99% of the time. until The Horrors. she cant bring herself to go back to camp idonwannabang.. or look the jerries in the eye
- ted has full custody over pete and acts as a pseudo parent. hes a solid 15 years older, and generally acts like a teen boy with pete. silly goofy guy who has some issues hes not ready to face and a tendancy to drink !
- jenny... is there. somehow. she misses ted a lot and genuinely wants to come back to hatchetfield for him. she just... can't
- steph and nibbly have a weirdly tight knit relationship. treats her like a lapdog. think a maltese with dyed-pink fur and you have steph
- grace is blinkys coworker. she has half as many eyes as him. blinky has 999 eyes. grace has 499.5. one of her eyes is mostly blind, but not entirely. she doesnt know this number
- richie and ruth Are There. so is max. none of our three know this. webby knows. wiggly and pokey know. they're the only ones. not even they themselves know that theyre still there. they lie dormant for now
- hannah, daniel and sophia are attached at the hip. the only reason sophia hasnt shown up yet is because shes rich and homeschooled. they see eachother more than their families. sophia and daniel are hannahs only outlet for webby, now, and theyre both quite familiar with her
- daniel can hold his breath for 10 minutes on average. hannah is the only one who can time him. this can get complicated when holding your breath stops time
- webby is trying desperately to reach lex constantly. lex is doing her best to ignore her, but its getting harder. webby needs something from her.
- grace has watched richies funeral 376 times. she's counted. she can recite to you exactly what each person says and does
- paul is having some trouble with his hearing after richies death. he wasn't that close with his nephew, but the loss is still hitting him. he can only hope its shock. something tells him its not.
- emma is also having trouble with her hearing. she has not told paul, and she will not tell paul. she will not be losing her hearing like her sister. even if it doesnt feel like thats the cause of it, she won't.
- speaking of, i made jane hard of hearing. i dont know why exactly it fits her in my mind, but it does. her and her family are mostly fluent or entirely fluent in american sign language, as is emma. she wears hearing aids
- the three learn sign language. from who? stay tuned and put your guesses down below ‼️
- alice has had vision problems since she moved to clivesdale a few years back. her vision was always bad growing up, and now its... perfect. shes having trouble keeping up the lie to everyone.
- bill and alice really do love eachother i swear. but she doesnt like him much. theyre trying. deb is too. they really are.
- jenny doesn't like the color yellow. she never has. teddy used to. she's not sure if he still would. it makes her head hurt to look at.
- pete hates pants. pete only owns pants. his basketball shorts are actually a pair of stephs, that used to be maxs.
- max is scared of the dark. this was a closely held secret in life. steph finds herself turning a nightlight on for him without thinking about it.
- max didn't have a funeral. his body wasn't buried- instead kept as evidence then tossed out when nobody came to collect it. jason, kyle, stacy and brenda had a small service for him by the lake when they were told he'd been murdered. jason was the only non-cop to see maxs' body after he was dismembered and left at the waylon place
- grace spends more time at the waylon place than she does at home. she finds a strange comfort in it now that it's completely off the market.
- the many quick-succession deaths put the waylon place and its haunting back into the forefront of peoples minds. the town is collectively afraid of it again.
- max is scared of the dark. the black is a very dark place. richie and ruth have yet to encounter the problem of darkness. in fact, ruth has been having some trouble with seeing past the stagelights in front of her
- ruth and richie have their own personalized rooms. a stage/large theatre, and a cozy little room with a fridge and a large tv. max does not get as pleasant of an afterlife as this.
- jerry grew up vegan. he's not sure what his parents would say about his diet.
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jerrsterrr · 8 months
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hey guyssshahgahgahaaaaaaahhaaaa
obligatory silly posting about my ocs/sonas!!!!!!! and. me
and the amongus crewmates because i made a joke on insta that my followers were little guys and it was a silly "where do u wanna be on the drawing" w my mutuals over there :3
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those characters are like my sort of sonas in my little oc world, the mind, body and heart!! i have this lil goober with headphones to more accurately represent me ^___^
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Theres like a big biiiigg storyline as these three being main characters thats going on here with several different characters that i wish to update more accurately on my Toyhouse and i have several posts on my instagram but i decided to use tumblr as to rant and ykno fanboy about my own ocs aswell!!!!!!!!! lol
okay long infodump that probably makes little sense my bad
The way it goes is themed after infinite realities, death,, living and basically heaven? Which i came up with after having like several years of haunting dreams LOL
For the longest time since i was little ive had dreams of being in some sort of messed up apocalypse so thats what the mind is from!! His name is Xiety and he looks like me when i had those dreams, or like some fucked up bird thing heheh
After all that though i started having dreams where i was,, different people sort of?? Dreams with different povs or dreams where i lived entire different lives. Thats Jerri! the body.
The last little guy is called matthew and isnt based off any dreams but more based off the feeling i get when i realize im dreaming. Ive never lucid dreamed but ive always had like a moment to realize "this isnt my life" and im just like viewing whats happeining o_0
All together i made a story for when they get sort of seperated, Xiety, the mind is seperated from the two in a apocalyptic world they have control over and hides the heart (matthew). The body being basically a carbon copy of itself just wanders around this world. Jerri cant remember how they got there or where they are from, but they die, over and over and over. Until eventually, they find the heart, in some rubble, and they sort of gain concious enough to realize "um im stuck in infinite zombie reality hell and this is NOT my reality" they take the plush and try to survive, but xiety kinda catches on and feels betrayed by this. He cant comprehend why on earth the body would want to live knowing what he knows (news flash only the mind knows what he knows of their og reality) HENCE the breaking out and being stuck in a infinite inbetween of constant realities woooo. Jerri and Matthew try to find to find the og reality, going through different bodies, meeting different minds and dying in ALOT of them. It becomes kinda clear that in most realities NONE of them do they live or are happy LMAO
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that was like a shitty simplification BUT BESIDES ALLAT they litterally stumble into heaven and meet gods and Reapers and souls BUT they cant stay which SUCKS cuz imagine losing it it and one day people see you for yourself and you cant STAY cuz ur technically not dead just abstracted into peices and yaddah yaddah more ocs hehehe
anyways heres a silly video i made with all of em:
ALSO ALSO OBLIGATORY TAG @moenmomentsthemoe-en
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slippinmickeys · 5 months
Three Part Harmony (17/?)
The rest of the story can be found here.
The date, Rhonda thought, had seemed like a good idea at the time. But now that she’d gone out with Jerry, he was more persistent than ever that she go out with him again. It made going in to work–where she knew he’d be waiting for her–even more nerve wracking than life in the last week and half already was.
She pulled into her normal parking spot next to the dumpster behind the diner and took a deep, cleansing breath. The dark sedan that had been her constant shadow was no longer tailing her so far as she could tell, and she had been watching diligently.
The dry goods from her grocery store jaunt were still tucked safely in the trunk of her car in case she got a chance to head back to the cabin, but she had not felt confident enough in her safety–and that of Mulder and Scully and little William–to yet try.
She grabbed her purse and headed in through the back door of the diner and on through to her locker, avoiding the ever watchful eye of Fred when she clocked in. Rhonda was only scheduled to work the lunch shift today, and the end of the breakfast rush was still humming along if the noise and clatter from the dining room was any indication. She was just closing up her locker when the door opened and Clarice walked in.
“Oh!” said the younger woman. “Ron, I almost forgot you were working today.”
Rhonda smiled at her and shrugged.
“I don’t suppose Jerry thinks the same thing?” she hedged hopefully. “That I’m not on today and maybe he’s drinking coffee at home?”
Clarice smiled at her sympathetically.
“‘Fraid not,” she said. “He’s holding court and waiting for you, just like always.”
Rhonda felt her shoulder slump, but sighed, resigned to her fate. “Anyway,” Clarice went on. “There’s no way he would have left yet today anyway. Not with all the excitement going on.”
A dart of unease piercing her chest, Rhonda raised an eyebrow.
Clarice’s eyes lit up. Whatever she was about to tell Rhonda, she’d been dying to share.
“That couple that took that baby last week? That those FBI agents were in here about? They caught ‘im.”
Rhonda felt the blood drain from her face.
“They found the baby?” she asked, her voice oddly high pitched.
Clarice shook her head, disappointed. “No. Just the man. Joe was in here this morning,” she went on, referring to Joe Watson, one of the local Sheriff’s deputies. “Said they caught the guy up at the Walmart in Rover. Buying supplies. Diapers and everything. Redhanded.”
Clarice was clearly riding the high of the sensational drama and wanted to dish, but Rhonda could feel her stomach sinking to her toes, and she lowered herself to sit on the small bench in front of the lockers.
“Guess that means the baby must be okay,” Rhonda said distractedly.
“Yeah,” Clarice agreed. “Though they haven’t found that poor thing yet. Or the guy’s wife. Hey, you okay?”
Rhonda was not okay. Her thoughts were a swirling miasma of terror and regret and shame. She had failed that little family. Suddenly, the meager breakfast she’d eaten that morning started rushing up her esophagus. She lurched past Clarice and into the first stall, retching what remained of the food into the cold white bowl.
Clarice made a concerned noise from behind her, but Rhonda straightened and wiped the back of her hand across her chin, standing.
“I’ve gotta go,” she said suddenly, pushing past the other waitress to rinse off her hands in the sink.
“Oh my god, yes of course,” Clarice said, her brows knitted together in worry. “You’re sick. I’ll take your shift. Tomorrow’s too.”
Rhonda gave her a grateful look in the mirror, then rushed over to her locker and grabbed her purse and coat. She paused in the doorway, wanting to say something to the younger woman, but instead just nodded at her and rushed out the back of the restaurant.
Scully paced in front of the big bay windows, somewhat confident in their safety while William napped in his back bedroom. She had several major problems, and no real way of dealing with any of them.
She hadn’t the faintest notion how to go about getting Mulder back, if he had really and truly been captured—and with their supplies nearly out and their only mode of transportation gone, Scully and William were in a pretty serious situation; they had almost nothing to eat and no way of going out to get something.
There was a landline to the cottage, but no one had yet called it, and the only numbers she could think to call herself were likely being monitored.
The bottom line was, she was in deep shit.
As she stood, contemplating the merits of walking out to the road with her son in a baby carrier and trying her hand at hitchhiking, the sound of a car engine once again carried in from the front of the cabin.
She whipped her head toward the sound, fearing a return of the dark sedan, hoping for a glimpse of Mulder in the Grand Prix, but what she saw instead was Rhonda’s old Datsun, flying down the rutted drive at entirely too fast a pace. Scully watched as the car skidded to halt on the frozen dirt, and the next thing she knew, Rhonda stumbled through the door and looked as though she were about to collapse upon seeing Scully.
“Oh thank God!” the older woman quailed, closing the gap and throwing her arms around Scully in a simpering relief.
Scully, quite relieved herself at seeing her waitress-shaped salvation, clung tightly to her for a long moment before the older woman pulled back.
“Honey, I don't know how to say this,” Rhonda said, bringing her hands up to cup Scully’s cheeks. “But…”
“They have Mulder,” Scully whispered, hating the awful truth of saying it out loud. “I know.”
Mulder sat in the small interview room in the Sheriff’s office with metal handcuffs biting into his wrists. It had been nothing more than rotten luck and bad timing, and Mulder had no one to blame but himself.
He’d thought he was home free–had made it into the superstore with no issues and bought everything he needed, paying with cash and loading the car without a single person in the parking lot so much as looking in his direction. He’d breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out of the Walmart parking lot, the needle of his inner compass pointing toward his waiting family.
What he hadn’t done, and what he was now kicking himself for, was to pop the rear fender with his fist before he got in the car, as the man who had sold him the Grand Prix told him to do in order to avoid having the driver’s side tail light blink out while on the road. And not a half-block from the parking lot, that’s exactly what the car’s tail light did. And was spotted by a local cop, who had nothing better to do that morning than pull Mulder over.
He no doubt had Mulder and Scully’s wanted pictures sitting on his passenger seat, as quick as he was to pull his gun on Mulder and ask him to step out of the vehicle. The man was no doubt now collecting congratulatory back thumps out in the bullpen from every cop in the tristate area.
The only law enforcement officer who didn’t have a smile on his face upon seeing Mulder being frogmarched through the Sheriff’s department after his arrest had been FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner, who had followed Mulder’s progress through the booking process with the searing disappointment of a father watching their kid stumble through the front door four hours after curfew.
He wore the same expression now, as he walked through the door to the interview room and lowered himself into the chair opposite Mulder with a weary sigh.
Neither man spoke for several long moments, the chains of Mulder’s cuffs making the only sound in the plain gray room.
“A tail light,” Skinner finally exhaled, popping his eyes up to Mulder’s.
Mulder could do naught but shrug. “They got Capone on taxes.”
“This isn’t funny, Mulder.”
“Do you see me laughing?”
Skinner leaned back in the chair and rubbed a hand over his bald pate. “Where’s Scully?”
At this, Mulder did actually laugh. “I think we can dispense with questions that you know for a fact I’ll never answer.”
Skinner could only look at him. “We’re not being recorded or monitored.”
“Well in that case, Walter, I’ll tell you everything I know.” Mulder couldn’t help but let the sarcasm drip from his words.
His former boss sighed again. “Is she safe?”
“So far.” Mulder thought of where she was now, marooned in the Tetons. He fought a swell of anger, at himself, at Skinner.
“And the boy?”
“You mean my son?” Mulder couldn’t help but be prickly. Skinner may have warned them about the danger the boy faced, but he also appeared to be leading the charge on bringing them all in. Mulder was pretty sure his motivations were from a place of wanting to help, but he was also in a curious and precarious position with regard to his day job, and at some point, Mulder figured, self-preservation was bound to kick in.
Skinner’s shoulders sagged.
“Is he okay? He wasn’t hurt? At the farmhouse?”
“He’s okay,” Mulder said.
“That was a hell of a thing we walked into.”
“You’re telling me.”
Skinner leveled a look at him and then threw one over his shoulder as if making sure the interview room door was closed.
“It’s out of my hands what they end up charging you with, Mulder,” he said, turning back to him, his voice low, almost pleading. “You’re officially still wanted for Knowle Rohrer’s death. Escaping military custody.” Skinner leaned forward. “But I need to know, how many counts of murder are they going to tack on?”
“Depends,” Mulder said, thinking of the two men in the nursery that William had held in suspended animation. “How many bodies did you find?”
Skinner gave him a confused look.
Mulder knew he would never get a fair shake from any other cop that came through the interview room door, but Skinner of all people would believe him, and he wanted to set the story straight at least once. Trusting that Skinner was being honest about their conversation not being listened to, Mulder leaned forward earnestly.
“I’m not being glib, sir,” he explained. “And going forward, I will be exercising my right to remain silent. But when we left that house, I’m not sure how many bodies we left behind.”
“Explain,” his former superior said, throwing another look over his shoulder. They probably didn’t have much time.
“The parents were already dead when we arrived,” Mulder said, and Skinner nodded grimly. He probably had already suspected as much. “And they’d managed to take out one of their attackers.”
“The shotgun victim?” Skinner asked.
Mulder nodded brusquely. “And I was attacked not long after we arrived. I defended myself.” He could still feel his hands around the man’s neck, the dark satisfaction of squeezing, of exacting the rage he felt at all the injustices he’d suffered while doing the best he could for his infant son.
Skinner’s jaw tightened, but he nodded at Mulder to go on.
“When we got to the nursery…” Mulder paused, picturing the terrifying scene in his head. “The mother was already gone. And the two other bodies there…I don’t know what William did to them, but…”
Skinner suddenly looked puzzled.
“There weren’t two men there? Dead on the floor?” Mulder asked, remembering the way they’d crumpled to the floor when Scully had scooped up their wailing son.
“There was only the mother,” Skinner said. He narrowed his eyes. “What did William do?”
A heavy weight suddenly pressed on Mulder’s chest. “He’s capable of more than anyone can dream,” he said quickly. “And they know it now. You have to protect him, sir.”
Mulder watched as the man’s Adam’s apple bobbed and he opened his mouth to say something when there was a sharp rap at the door.
Skinner turned and stood as a dark complexioned man in a suit took a step inside the room, his look expectant.
“No more questioning, Agent Bryson,” Skinner said, which earned him a less than cheery look. “He’s asking for counsel.”
Skinner made his way to the door and stared the other agent down, who gave Mulder an almost murderous look before turning to leave. Skinner followed him out and the door snapped shut behind them with a terrifying finality.
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kolektsiakomah · 9 months
FIONNA N CAKE RANT spoilers ensue
can i just say how wonderful this was . im dying im dead im flying out the window . enemies and lovers bubbline ¿¿¿ sign me the fuck up . marcy was so beautiful in vampireworld . every 1 of her outfits was magnificent and . i just love her ¿¿¿ evil bisexual goth w a pretty laugh what more could you EVER want . shes literally a princess im all for it . also i agree w cake the vampire king is kinda hot . BONNIE THOUGH ⁉️⁉️ W A BADASS HAIRCUT and huntress wizard and martin oh my god . MARTIN WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL MARTIN OFF god fucking damnit 😭😭😭 this wlw mlm different universes parallels had me at the edge of my seat the falling scene and gumlee running away ............. amazing . god i love it . gumlee have known each other for 3 days if im not mistaken and yea maybe the development was a little fast but holy shit im not complaining ¡ who am i to forbid them from kissing in the elevator after running away from marshalls evil mom
fionna and cake tho ¿ the way their friendship persists even thru all these horrors theyve witnessed makes me warm inside. they are so besties forever and truly no amount of fionna messing up and cake getting arrogant will ever change that ♡♡♡ i was so worried for fionna this time tho =<:((( this poor girl. all her dreams abt adventures and heroism are being crushed before her very eyes. when she ran out of the lab crying my stomach turned she was so relatable for that. i really hope she gains some confidence in herself fionna deserves the world <333 THE PETRIGROF JUICE OH MY LORD. THEY MET AT A NERDY CONFERENCE AND SHE AGREED TO GO ON AN EXPEDITION W/ SIMON AND SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW HIM. SHE DROPPED EVERYTHING JUST TO HANG OJT W/ THIS MAN. THE LETTER. THE I WANT YOU TO BE BY MY SIDE. THE FIREFLIES. THE SONG. THE NOSTALGIA THE WAY SIMONS FACE LIGHTS UP WHEM SHES TALKING ABT BETTY. imma die
orbo being voiced by dave mccormack is the best thing ever id recognize that voice ANYWHERE 😭😭 also this was a delight seeing scarab again hes so silly. ive seen ship art of them and prismo on tiktok and their shipname is prohibited wish <333 idk bout you guys but im so on it prismo x scarab for the win ¡¡¡ also when orbo was talking abt 'THE boss' who did he mean. god ¿ like The God who made the whole place ¿ anyway i really want to see them. we probably wont get this chance tho but still
was so good to see bmo <333 this lil puter will always live in my heart. thank you for your sacrifice little 1 ♡ i get so sad thinking abt how they were living all alone in this desolate place w/ only jerry to talk to. and we dont even know if jerry ever spoke to him ¡ goddamit i hope every version of bmo goes someplace sunny and calm
lich was so fucking creepy ¿¿¿ jesus fuck i felt genuine fear when he spoke. 'cease.' WHOSE FUCKING SCARY DOG IS THAT. goddamn hes just as scary as he was before.....ALSP BETTY. BETTY BETTY GROF MOMENT. AT THE VERY END. she wished to keep simon safe. AND ITS WORKING. WHAT THE FUUUUCK IM SO HYPED THIS WAS SUCH A RIDE
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legendofthe3divas · 9 months
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no but seriously… they didn’t take one picture together at the wedding? so we won’t get jerrie content at all 😭
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midnightfire830 · 10 months
In the Ghost au, did cuphead and mugman live the entire story (Inky Mystery)? If so how did the Questers, the House, the circus crew, and Cannikin handle it? Large number of ppl XD
Live the entire story? I assume this is a typo or maybe I’m just dumb and can’t decipher what you mean. I mean, in IM cuphead and mugman are alive as of date so ghost au cupbros would be too. But I’m guessing the second question is your main question?
So! I’ll tell you HOW they found out AND their thoughts on it.
Bendy found out during Cup’s rampage after “Mugshots” (you know what I’m referring to). During his rampage he was switching between consciousness for so long I’m going to assume that maybe he was constantly flickering between forms with no real control. So Bendy would see him switching. Bendy would be super confused and bewildered at the moment but he’d push it off in order to get Cuphead to the hospital and moving on their quest. Later as the cupbros join the quest Bendy would ask for some more details. He would try his best not to pry and leave it as Cup’s buisness, sure that if there was something he NEEDED to know, Cup would tell him in his own time. Plus he’d try not to judge because he knows a lot about people giving him crap for be a demon. So he gets it. Eventually he becomes so chill with it he and Cup oftentimes joke and tease about it. A lot of pranks and a LOT of puns.
Felix and Boris would find out at about the same time while they were fighting Cala in the mountains. Cuphead integrates his fighting with his ability to turn into a ghost by flying around and phasing to avoid blows, that sort of thing. It becomes such an ingrained thing that he does it without thinking about the questers seeing him. So of course Felix and Boris would see.
Boris would be super freaked out, really confused, and really really worried. He most likely thought that Cuphead had died just then and there and panicked. After the fight, and some explanations he’d calm down a lot. He’d still be unnerved about it and concerned, but he’d also think it was super cool. Felix would be fascinated and ask a billion questions.
Holly would accidentally stumble upon turning Cuphead into a ghost. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. (Or maybe she was staking, nobody will ever know). She immediately drilled him with questions. Cup would be cold and curt with her quesitons and not share too much about it, but still answer a few questions, and Holly would back off. But his silence didn’t stop the brewing ideas, theories, and questions she had.
With Alice, maybe Cuphead would casually mention it in conversation? Like they were talking about him previously getting hurt and he’d say “Well, usually I just turn ghost so I don’t bleed out and to last longer…” Alice would stop short at that and ask for a clarification. Cuphead, realizing he never told her, explained the situation, or whatever all the other questers know, to keep her up to date. Her healer side would immediately flare up and she’d be super worried about him, she’d lightly prod with a few questions and how it worked, and then just casually talk about it. Generally she’s ok with it, as long as Cup isn’t actively being hurt or anything. Maybe a bit of pity for him literally dying and being brought back to life. Also puns. Ghost puns galore.
I think the people in the House in general would slowly find out one by one. He doesn’t really keep it a secret, he just doesn’t talk about it much. He’d just, drift into the room in ghost form and scare the ever loving crap out of the residents of the house. Oddswell would have questions. Red would just roll her eyes annoyed that she’d have to deal with this now. Granny would be very concerned for Cuphead but accept it nonetheless. Jerry would absolutely HATE it. Cup definitely abused his powers to prank Jerry so many different times. At some point there’s definitely a bunch of house rules like “No ghosting while someone’s cooking in the kitchen” specifically for Cuphead.
Mickey would find out while he’s invisible snooping around the house during Nightmare Night. He’d just see cuphead turn into a ghost right in front of him. He’d be a little spooked, a little curious, but he’s definitely seen weirder things so he isn’t bothered by it.
Oswald found out on the train to the Far West. Probably snuck up on a cuphead and spooked him and Cup turned to his ghost form out of instinct. It definitely startled Oswald and we was absolutely speechless when he saw it happen. Eventually he’d get over his shock and be cool with it. He later on probably teases cup for it.
I don’t think Donald and Goofy would know about it. Maybe Donald while they’re in the labyrinth. If he did Donald would either be shocked and surprised (in a zany way I guess). Or he couldn’t care less. “Oh great. The guy with a cup for a head can turn into a ghost. Whoop-de-cussing-do.” Either way later on he really doesn’t give two cusses about it.
I’m not sure if the bunny kids would know. If they did though, it would be when they dragged Cup and Bendy off to do Oswald’s dare. Cup would turn into a ghost and try to run away and Mugs/or maybe Ozzy would whip out a spray bottle of salt water and shoot him out of the air. Cup would be forced into his normal form again and fall flat on his back left to the billions of bunny children who’d ask billions more questions.
I think that covers everyone. Let me know if I missed anyone or if there was someone else you wanted a reaction from. ☝️
Thanks for the ask!!
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