#im a very word-reliant person
britneyshakespeare · 6 months
just saw a video recommended to me about "the kinks as a reactionary band" that was over 2 hours and i never saw the channel before in my life. was quite sure it wasn't worth a time investment if it had such an attention-grabbing title that didn't really say anything so i went to the channel by itself. lots of worrying titles/thumbnails. then i went to their link twitter account just to make sure they were a racist and i didn't even scroll down that far to see that they said people with anauralia/aphantasia (no internal monologue/pictures in your head) deserve to be enslaved.
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janitorhutcherson · 6 months
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt
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surprise, bitches!!! im giving yall a lil taste of some more writing. im not really on hiatus (obvi, i post every 5 minutes) but i've been sooooo busy that i haven't been able to post half as much. with that being said, here are some more in depth headcanons ab yandere!mike. :p could not have done this without @futturmand literally helping me (coming up w/) most of these. thank u bae.
warnings: drugging, violence, sex, daddy kink, abusive tendencies
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt was kinda an asshole. to his coworkers, random customers at the mall, anybody who came too close to you, and yes, even sometimes to you. he was the kind of guy who had a semi-permanent grimace on his face. the corners of his mouth would turn into smiles typically only when he was with abby or you two were alone and he could let his guard down. of course, even then, the moment you caught an attitude, that grimace would appear right back on his face. his demeanor was typically gruff. he was the kind of guy most people didn't want to mess with. this meant any male coworkers around you would be tested their fate to even glance at you the wrong way and god forbid mike saw one of them brush something off of your shoulder. that would truly be the end of them.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt is very obsessive over safety. after losing garrett, he has this urge to do nothing but to protect. this means that mike is the type of guy to want your location at all times. not only that, but he wants to know what you're doing, who you're with, and what time you'll be home. he expects a text when you leave, a text when you get there, an hourly check-in, then a text on your way home. it brings him a sense of peace, knowing where you are. he watches life360 obsessively when you're not in his sight, watching your little bubble move through wherever you may be. he's constantly checking the speed of the car you're in, occasionally stalking your friend's instagram stories to see where you are. he's overprotective to the extent that it can be overbearing, but at the end of the day it's endearing knowing he cares that much.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt uses the fact that you're younger than him to manipulate you. he's less about violence or anything physical and instead uses his words. he will constantly remind you how helpless you are without him, how he has so much more life experience than you. he'll point out randomly when you mention not knowing how to do something, saying something like, "see, babydoll, where would you be without me? that's right, nowhere. you need me to take care of you." he's also the kind of guy to eventually make you financially dependent on him if he could ever afford it. he would never put you in that spot until he was comfortable enough to do so, though, meaning it might be a loooong time before that ever happened.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt treats you less like a partner and more like a little sibling, kinda like he treats abby. as strange as it is, he also feels a paternal instinct to protect you. it comes from his deep-rooted feelings of abandonment. he lost garrett, his mom, his dad, and sometimes he feels like abby hates him. he loves that you listen to him, that he can command you to do something and you'd be so good for him. he absolutely adores being able to control different aspects of your life, making you completely reliant on him. it makes him feel special and needed, which he hasn't felt in a very long time. he loves nothing more than when he gets to scold you almost like a parent, your eyes falling to the ground, that adorable wounded puppy look he loves so much taking over your face.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt is incredibly clingy and touch starved. he wants to have a hand on you 24/7. forget having personal space, because you are not getting it with him. he'd follow you around, watching you everywhere you'd go. his hands would grip onto your hips so tightly sometimes it'd feel like they were glued to them. he'd always have his arms around you, kissing at your neck, nipping in a way you felt shouldn't be shown in public. mike didn't care, he wanted everyone to know you belonged to him in every single way. he controlled you, and if he wanted to embarrass you and turn your face red by leaving purple marks on your neck in the middle of a shopping plaza, then so be it. you would take it or be punished.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt who of course uses his sleeping pills on you when you're being a little brat. he isn't violent with you for the most part except for the rare occasion when he will hold you down onto the bed until you'll listen, but otherwise he opts for something simpler. when you're being a little too frustrating for him, going against his every command or you're not feeling like being held, mike will simply crush up his sleeping pills, slip them into your water. he's careful with you once you doze off, never abusing you in any way. all he will do is tuck you into your shared bed and hold your body in his arms, whispering sweet nothings as you're off in your own sweetly drugged up world.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt would most definitely have a thing for being called daddy. sorry guys, it had to be said. hot take, i guess. considering he did want to protect you so thoroughly, he loved when you'd call him daddy. it made him feel like your protector, like you knew he was the one that did everything for you. it was so crazy how such a simple word could change his whole day. he loved hearing it fall out of your lips as he'd brush through your hair or wash your body off in the shower. "thank you, daddy," you'd hum and he'd grin ear to ear. "you're welcome, babydoll," he'd always say, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Jupiter Dominant Women & Daddy Issues
TW: mentions of rape, abuse, suicide etc
Over the years of my studies, I have noticed that its Jupiter dominant women who tend to have daddy issues more than any other planetary dominance. Solar women (Uttarashada, Uttaraphalguni & Krittika) tend to benefit from positive male influence in their early life, so they have healthy Yang qualities (they're driven, self-motivated, critical thinking) whereas women who haven't had a healthy male influence in their early lives, either develop a heightened but fragile femininity (understood in a very traditional way, this means being passive and excessively reliant on others to get by, I know this is misogynistic but i am talking strictly about a traditional notion of femininity) or they cultivate inner masculinity.
Jupiter is a masculine planet and across the naks of Punarvasu, Vishaka and Purvabhadrapada, women tend to have a very unguarded, open, almost masculine presence. I mean this in terms of what they talk about or how self-assured they seem, traditionally women were expected to be more withdrawn or to talk little. I don't mean to say Jupiterian women are brash or aggressive, they're very poised, and elegant and put across their point eloquently. They're 9/10 times very well-spoken. When one lacks the security of a male figure early in life, one tends to cultivate inner masculinity because it's understood that you cannot rely on any man.
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Caroline Polachek, Punarvasu Moon, has spoken about her difficult relationship with her father on numerous occasions. Here's a link to a post where she talks about it. Her lack of a father figure in her own words caused her to be "self-sufficient". Notice how in the post, she speaks about making amends with him later in life and even ended the post with "love you dad". This is the kind of generosity that you don't see from most other nakshatra types. To forgive someone who was never there for you/abused you/hurt you/caused you immense pain, requires a great deal of strength and maturity and not everybody has it. Punarvasu's innate nature is to absorb everything into its orbit and always be the bigger person. Due to the vast, abundant nature of Jupiter, they are ABLE to, accept these people for all their contradictions and see them as flawed, which makes it easier to forgive them. Most people let their traumas define their identity (im not saying traumas don't shape you, only about the kind of perception most people have about their own traumas) and spend their whole lives blaming others for who they've become or what they've done to them. To live a peaceful life, one has to take the high road, look beyond everything and see it as a part of life. It sounds very callous when I say it like that but that's what I mean. Not everyone is capable of being the bigger person or taking the high road.
Jupiter is the guru or teacher and how would one describe an ideal teacher? Someone who forgives the mistakes of their students as having risen out of immaturity and forgives them for not knowing better or being better. A teacher is forced to operate on a higher moral plane than others simply because chaos would descend if the teacher came down to the level of others. They are figures of wisdom, knowledge and higher learning, therefore their behaviour has to reflect the same. Jupiter natives are harshly punished for behaving in ways that are not fit for a "guru" because subconsciously society/those around them subject them to a different standard. Others can do the same exact thing and not suffer any consequences but when a Jupiter native behaves that way, they're ostracized. People kind of expect them to have it all together or be better. Any lapse on their part is judged harshly.
One of the biggest mysteries is how Jupiter natives emerge from often brutally abusive and neglectful childhoods into relatively well-adjusted adults. In the case of famous parent-child situations, there is public proof of their wrongdoing but in numerous other instances many do not believe Jupiter natives to have suffered the way they have or to the extent they have simply because on the outside they seem to have it all/seem so put together. This is yet another manifestation of Jupiter's duality and this not being believed/seen for who they are/how they've lived can be a source of pain/grief for some of these natives whilst others like to pretend it never happened and present a very positive view of their life. They don't hold grudges and often simply overlook the horrible nature of their loved ones, especially their parents and try to make amends with them.
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Drew Barrymore, Punarvasu Moon, comes from a very famous family of actors but her father John Barrymore was a violent alcoholic and a drug addict who abandoned her & her mother when she was a child. She did not have any relationship with him and seldom spoke to him until he was diagnosed with cancer. She took care of him and even paid his medical bills until he passed away in 2004. Here's an IG post where she talks about her dad. It's so touching to see the compassion with which Punarvasu natives talk about people who've hurt them so much (in her memoir, Drew recalls how one time her father picked her up as a three-year-old and threw her against the wall). Truly, I don't see this level of kindness in any other nakshatra if I'm being honest. This is a photograph of her with Steven Spielberg who directed her in E.T when she was 7 years old, he's kind of a godfather figure to her and she apparently asked him to be her dad when she was a kid 🥺🥺
I also think Jupiter natives have a complicated relationship with their mothers as well, sometimes they're extremely close but other times, I think Jupiter natives feel the need to be their mother's saviour because they know how much she's gone through in her life. This manifests itself in a very complicated relationship. There is love but there is also a lot of bitterness.
Drew Barrymore has a very complicated relationship with her mother, who used to date the men Drew dated, pushed her into acting and exploited her as a child and admitted her to a psych ward when she was 12 among other things. Drew still takes care of her financially and has mentioned that her mother has even tried to steal money from her.
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Charlotte Gainsbourg, Punarvasu Moon is the daughter of Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Her parents separated when she was a child and she lived with her father. In 1984, she did a duet with her father and starred in the music video for a song called Lemon Incest which describes an incestuous relationship between father & daughter. She was 12 years old at the time.
The music video is creepy, to say the least and features both of them half-naked in bed together. In 1986 when she was 14, she starred with her father in a movie called Charlotte For Ever which is about an alcoholic man whose only link to life is his daughter (Serge was an alcoholic). She has spoken about how difficult the filming experience was for her as he would push her to her extremes.
Here's a very uncomfortable clip of him kissing her on the mouth when she wins a Cesar. She is 16 years old.
Jane Birkin commented on the song saying "It never came as a shock or a surprise or even a worry [to her], knowing Serge's great love for Charlotte". Many believe that Birkin enabled Serge's abuse of their daughter since she left him due to his alcoholism and violence but left Charlotte in his care. She has also stated that her mother would always dress her up as a little boy when she was a child and that this complicated her relationship with her femininity.
Charlotte has only ever said good things about both her parents and denied any abuse.
She's also starred in multiple films directed by Lars Von Trier where she plays gruesome sexually depraved characters and Lars is well known for being difficult to work with. She has said that she sought fatherly approval from him ._. and again has only said good things about him.
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Kali Uchis, Punarvasu Sun, Vishaka Moon & Rising has spoken about being abused as a child and that she no longer maintains contact with her family. She was kicked out of the house when she was 17 and slept in her car and worked at a supermarket for years to support herself.
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Halsey, Punarvasu Moon. She grew up poor and has spoken about her difficult childhood, both she & her mother suffer from bipolar disorder and in her song Whispers she sings “Why do you need love so badly?/ Bet it's bеcause of her daddy." In the Armchair Expert podcast, she said that she has both "mommy and daddy issues".
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Mariah Carey, Punarvasu Moon, has published a very revealing memoir about her life where she chronicles the abuse she experienced from her family. She had a moderately good relationship with her dad but was estranged from him as an adult. Her mother however continually exploited her for money.
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Miley Cyrus, Vishaka Moon has a complicated relationship with both her parents. Currently, she's not on speaking terms with her father after he married a woman around Miley's age.
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Beyonce, Vishaka Moon has been performing since she was a child and was in a girl group Destiny's Child which was managed by her father. She dropped him as her manager in 2011 and in the same year, his divorce from her mother was also finalized. He had apparently fathered a love child with another woman in 2009 and this was the reason for their divorce. Some speculate that they are now estranged but in typical Jupiter fashion, she has never bad-mouthed him in public. Jupiter natives do not air their dirty laundry in public ever. Their grace and dignity even in the face of extreme humiliation/shame/pressure is commendable.
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon is very close to her mother but she's never mentioned her father in the 8 years since her debut. In the Blackpink documentary, she said that growing up it was just her and her mom. In this interview she spoke about living with her mother and how she never got a chance to spend much time at home as she was sent to boarding school at 8 years old. She remarks that she and her mom are like sisters but she's never said anything about her relationship with her dad, ever. I am not going to assume that they have a bad relationship but I thought it would be interesting to mention.
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Demi Moore, Vishaka Sun
Moore was born to a 19-year-old mother and her biological father left before she was born. The actress' mom remarried a man who worsened her problems with alcohol, which led to violence and instability. The family moved many times throughout Moore's childhood and when she was 17, her stepfather committed suicide. In the early '80s, she embarked on her acting career and helped her mother stay in rehab throughout the years. In 1997, her mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and she reunited with her in the final months before her death.
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Lily Collins, Purvabhadrapada Sun
Lily had a strained relationship with her dad growing up“Because my dad was often gone, I never wanted to do anything that would make him stay away even longer,” she wrote. “I became extra careful about what I said and how I said it, afraid he'd think I was angry or didn't love him"
She penned an open letter that said: "I forgive you for not being the dad I expected. But it's not too late”.
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Alia Bhatt, Purvabhadrapada Sun has said that growing up she saw very little of her filmmaker father Mahesh Bhatt who is known in the media for being a very problematic figure. He once posed for a magazine cover in the 90s with his daughter Pooja Bhatt where they're kissing on the lips (Pooja is Alia's half-sister) and said that he would have married her if she weren't his daughter 🤮🤮Mahesh is known for being a very temperamental man (you'll be hard pressed to find a video of him not screaming) and it's quite well known that he and Alia's mother had a pretty rocky marriage that her mother could not leave as she was financially dependent on him. Her sister, Shaheen Bhatt has talked about struggling with depression and suicidal tendencies since she was a child.
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Rekha, Purvabhadrapada Moon is the illegitimate child of actors Gemini Ganesan and Pushpavalli. Her father was already married to another woman when she was born. He refused to accept the paternity of Rekha and her sister Radha and she grew up in the same city that her father and his "legitimate" family lived in and attended the same school as her half-siblings where she occasionally saw glimpses of him dropping his other kids to school. She has stated that growing up she was called a "bastard" and that the only male figure in her life was "God". She made her debut as an actress when she was 13 against her wishes because her family had fallen on bad times and she had to work to support her 6 siblings and ill mother.
This interview of hers offers a glimpse into her early life. Regardless of what she's been through, Rekha has always been stoic and conducted herself with immense grace and dignity even when she received an award from her father who was never a part of her life. She said this in response:
“Why should I grieve for him when he’s so much part of me? Why should I grieve when I’m so grateful for his genes, his teachings, his rich life and his sheer existence? Grieve for what??!! I’m happy I didn’t have to share unpleasant moments with him. He existed for me in my imagination. And that’s so much more beautiful than reality. Everything I love is unqualified by worldly time constraints. I’m just a small link in the larger scheme of things. I’m not the first one to go through death, nor am I the first one to receive an award. I’m enjoying everything that comes my way…good bad or ugly. I try to make good use of what life’s experiences offer. I think I’ve done a good job of my life, whatever others may think.” 
The Jupiterean ability to always look at the bright side and forgive people who don't deserve your forgiveness is heart-breaking but enlightening at the same time.
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Rita Hayworth, Purvabhadrapada Moon confided in her husband Orson Welles that she was sexually abused by her father as a child and had been repeatedly raped by him.
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Elexus Jionde aka Intelexual Media, Punarvasu Moon has mentioned that she's estranged from her father.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger, Punarvasu Rising & stellium has spoken about being emotionally and physically abused by his parents especially his father who would beat him up. They also abused him because they thought he was gay due to his preoccupation with the male physique (he wanted to be a bodybuilder and would later become Mr World).
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Keanu Reeves, Punarvasu Moon has been estranged from his father for the majority of his life. Charles Reeves abandoned the family when Keanu was 3 yrs old.
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Kaia Gerber, Purvabhadrapada Moon has like most other Jupiter natives kept a low profile and seldom spoken about her personal life and has only ever said nice things about her parents. Her father Rande Gerber has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple women and there have been blind items about Cindy putting Kaia on a calorie deficit diet since she was a child to prepare her for a modelling career (this is awfully common among celebrities so I don't even think this is a stretch). When Kaia was 7 years old, her parents were threatened with a picture of her, barely clothed being gagged and bound. It was said that the picture was taken by a female babysitter during a game of cops and robbers because she wanted to prank the Gerbers by pretending to kidnap Kaia (sincerely, wtf) but there have been conspiracy theories that perhaps Kaia was abused by her parents and this picture was leaked from their collection. Anyway the matter has been settled and it feels wrong for me to speculate too much but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
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Asia Argento, Purvabhadrapa Moon, is the daughter of filmmaker Dario Argento and has said that she never saw her father as a child and had no kind of relationship with him until she started acting in his movies when she was 16. She said "I never acted out of ambition; I acted to gain my father's attention. It took a long time for him to notice me. … And he only became my father when he was my director."
Her characters in his movies were undressed, raped and generally psychologically traumatised on screen. She once said:
"But I always had this feeling of never being a part of anything, not even of my family. My parents forgot about me. I did everything I could to get their attention."
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Chyler Leigh, Vishaka Moon. Her parents divorced when she was 12, following which she was estranged from her father for many years. Her mother moved her to LA when she was a teenager so that she could pursue an acting career. At 15 years old she starred in a movie called Kickboxing Academy as her biological brother's love interest (he was 19). She is said to have been manipulated into doing so by her mother. She has said in a recent interview that she's been estranged from her mother for over 20 years and that like her mother, she too suffers from bipolar disorder. She said, "Because I was put in a position to support my mother, I didn't get the opportunity to speak about my own feelings when I was in my teens." She moved out of her mother's house to live with her then-boyfriend and now husband Nathan West.
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Han So Hee, Vishaka Sun was in the news when her mother using her name to borrow bank loans and her debt became public news. Its very rare to hear about the private life of a celebrity in Korea but Sohee came forward to clear things and said her parents divorced when she was 5 following which she was raised by her maternal grandmother with whom she lived until she was in highschool. She's estranged from both her parents and only realized that her mother had been in debt after she turned 18. She found out that her mother had been borrowing money under her name illegally ever since she was a minor. She paid off this debt and apologized to everybody concerned.
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IU, Purvabhadrapada Moon grew up in poverty. Her family fell into debt and she was raised by her grandmother who could barely take care of her and her brother. She saw little of her parents growing up. Its unclear how close they are now.
I realize just how many of them are nepo babies lol but I'm kinda glad because it means so much of their life is on public record. Its really unfortunate to see that so many of these natives had absent fathers or fathers who were present in their lives and very abusive.
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qawcamiz · 1 year
Hi! I really liked your Tighnari story, so I’m here to request more if you’re up to it! I was wondering how you’d think Tighnari react to his S/O getting hurt in a battle…(I totally get it if you’re busy and don’t want to take up my request though!)
Thank you!
Tiny bruise
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notes: I can assure you all that I love receiving requests, so don't be afraid of sending your thoughts to my inbox, so I could help you with your scenarios 💗💗💗
also if this (plot) isn't what you're expecting im sorry 🙏🙏 i did my best 😭
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Adventuring was one of your favorite things in the world, but even if that didn’t necessarily mean that it wasn’t risky, it didn’t make it any less exciting for you, especially since you valued it because it has brought you to love him.
Exploring the Teyvat with him was a lot like a tale, and he made sure to tell you about his many adventures whenever you were alone together, you could only imagine what he must have been through with the help of the numerous books on the history of Teyvat’s culture he had read, and you always listened to every word he said attentively,
Tighnari loved the fact that you would eagerly listen to anything he was telling you, and he knew you would do whatever you could to understand his experiences, which was something he cherished more than anything else.
Being a Woodland Watcher, He is also positively familiar with various species of forest creatures living in the jungle, he knows a lot about plants and trees and all types of creatures that live within them. He loves the magnificence of nature, and how it can give off beautiful vibes when you look at it.
He also once suffered from heatstroke while exploring the desert, which left him very vulnerable, so in the end he ended up declaring his disdain towards it.
Aside from not being fond of the desert, he was also not keen on the idea of you getting hurt on the combat field, Even though he's well aware that you're a strong and self-reliant person, he still felt responsible for everything that might happen to you, no matter what the circumstances might be. He is very protective of you, but he is quite willing to put aside those feelings and focus on protecting the two of you instead.
"Tighnari... I already told you it'll be fine! it's just a tiny bruise." You soothed him after taking a good look at the bruise that was already forming on your cheekbone. The swelling had already reached the size of a plum, and you could feel its pain radiating throughout your face. It wasn't too bad for now, but it certainly wouldn't go unnoticed.
"You wouldn't know, Even if it's a tiny bruise like what you're saying, it could still get infected if we don't take care of it properly, So just relax and let me take care of it. Also, try not to move so much, the scrapes tend to spread faster when you move." Tighnari gently held your chin between his fingers to prevent you from moving around too much, so as not to worsen the injury.
"I'm sorry... for being clumsy and weak, like- not being able to fight those stupid mushrooms properly and not knowing enough how to defend myself, I should've learned how to wield my weapon better..." Your words trailed off in a sad tone of voice, Tighnari noticed A tear began rolling down your cheek as you spoke, feeling guilty for making such a mess out of your situation.
"You have nothing to apologize for, love. The whirling fungus appeared from behind you, resulting in a tiny wound on your beautiful face, No one would ever predict that from happening since you were focused on fighting the floating fungus. Besides, there's no need for you to blame yourself when they are the reason why you're hurt in the first place.” His voice softened and the way he looked at you made your heart warm, you couldn't help but smile lightly at his kind words.
"You're making it hard for me to not kiss you right now." You pouted a little, which made Tighnari chuckle lightly. "what's stopping you from doing so?" He asked, and before your brain could stop you, you leaned forward and captured his lips with yours.
His lips felt soft and supple against yours, slightly chapped due to lack of use, but that only made his kiss even more tender. He held onto your cheeks, carefully, kissing you deeply, you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss further and tangling your fingers through his hair.
It was passionate and full of love, and you couldn't help but think that this was exactly what you wanted.
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omegalomania · 1 year
the thing that truly Truly unhinges me about infinity on high is that it is not simply an album about the horrible stomach-wrenching rollercoaster of fame and it is not solely an album about wrestling with your demons but it is a marriage of those two it is very much about fighting the worst parts of yourself in the most public avenues available. it's an album that all but rattles with the amount of references there are to medication. every seeming bout of narcissism is undercut with a sardonic twist and the snap of subtle self-loathing brimming beneath.
and the worst part of it is how that isn't even the worst part of it. the worst part of it for me is the fear. the fear of becoming something other than what you are. the fear of getting better. because this is how the world likes you - broken and stripped down to your ugly parts and embittered and exposed. this is how the world wants you, consumes you, because it's in your brokenness that they pick out such pretty patterns like finding rainbows in shards of glass. it's your wrecked-up brain with all its sporadic misfirings that draws everyone to you like moths to a faulty porchlight. i only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause i know how the words get you off. infinity on high. van gogh, the poster child for the ethos of creating something even at your lowest points. the poster child for the speculative, horrifying ethos of how your flaws and faults and fuck-ups are the only things worth keeping. how often have we seen that rhetoric. if van gogh wasn't depressed, we wouldn't have gotten starry night.
on september 15th 2006 at 9:08pm est pete wentz answered a fan question about what accomplishment of his he is proudest of.
I don’t really think about success or accomplishments too often. I guess just being around. Letting myself move past who I used to be- because that person was continually unhappy. Or at least trying to get to that point and not feel like im “changing for the worse” just because im letting myself feel ok. 10 years ago I didn’t listen to anything anyone said ever for the most part.
on september 18th 2006 at 2:36am est pete wentz wrote on one of his blogs how infinity on high was beginning to feel like a "nocturnal record" as it began to take shape.
somehow the things we say mean more in corners of dancefloors and we focus on love below the waist and outside of the head. "dont you want to get better"- i just dont want you to worry. "dont you want to get better" - tonight i do. the way they say "youre committing slow suicide" when someone lights up or cuts loose. but arent we all. everything we do just shortens our life, every breath is one less. but its what makes everything so treasured. in my head. it aint a funeral babe, i just want the headline to die. recovery is the new drug.
it hurts sometimes thinking about who he was in that moment. someone so fucking scared of getting better and desperate to get better, committing every flaw and insecurity he had to paper and trying to make art out of how desperately he fucking hated himself. as if his pain was the only compelling thing about him.
that's what kills me about this record. truly. it's not just about the perils and pitfalls of fame and renown. it's about how it feels, really feels, to think that your fame is reliant on you fucking hating yourself and how that is killing you.
and yet. infinity on high. a title taken from words written in 1888, from van gogh to his brother, as he talks about how his improving health has had a positive effect on his art.
Be clearly aware of the stars and infinity on high. Then life seems almost enchanted after all.
van gogh did not give us starry night because he was depressed and suicidal and falling apart. van gogh did not make incredible works of art because of how much he was suffering. van gogh created in spite of that, because he had a brother who loved him and reasons to keep going.
pete wentz did not write some of his best lyrics on infinity on high because he was depressed and suicidal and falling apart. he wrote them in spite of that, because he had people in his life who loved him and over 15 years later he is still alive, he has 3 kids, he has his band who have been together for over 20 years and still love making music together, and at least externally, he no longer feels the need to self-immolate so the onlookers can make pretty patterns from the ashes left over.
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I’m curious about your writing process. Like do make outlines from start to finish, or plan things out as you go. I love how your writing feels so well written and planned out, like everything you write has some sort of payoff. Anyways sorry for rambling😅, have a good day❤️❤️❤️❤️
ooo this is such a great question! my long fics generally tend to be pretty planned out. but ive been learning recently that having less of a plan and just jumping into a story is actually better for my motivation and for plot points happening organically. part of the reason i tend to write competition fics as opposed to other settings is that the structure of total drama allows me to do less planning and rely on what comes up spontaneously because i already have a framework im operating within. so i tend to plan out elimination orders and general arcs for characters.
i would say of my long fics, slippery slopes is the most planned out, amicus curiae is somewhere in the middle, and reprised and the courtney time travel au are the least planned out. i had very specific scenes i wanted to have happen each chapter of slippery slopes and i think part of why it's a strong fic is because a lot was planned out in advance (like, months and months in advance). but there were still moments that surprised me (alejandro and courtney's friendship was never meant to happen) and caused me to deviate from my plan for the better.
i started writing amicus curiae on a whim and i got 40k words in before i realized that the courtnemma relationship would work way better if they actually knew each other before the fic started (originally they met on the show). it was a really good discovery but unfortunately meant i had to rewrite ~20 chapters to fit that which was a pain in the ass but ultimately for the better. amicus curiae was a fic where i was really figuring things out as they went along (i changed who the winners would be 3 times) but i still had a clear idea of the personal journeys i wanted the characters to go through that weren't necessarily reliant on the competition/structure (ask me about this more once im able to talk without spoiling it!!)
the courtney time travel au is a serious experiment in that its very focused on interpersonal relationship and yet almost no eliminations are planned out in advance. everything is very spontaneous despite being a rewrite of the first season both for me and for courtney in the fic. which i think helps it not become too rote! but i also have no idea how things are going to go from point a (the basic straining chapters, which i just finished) to point b (the post finale chapters).
im writing reprised for fun as something low stakes and silly (because i love amicus curiae but its angsty enough that writing it can be emotionally exhausting sometimes) and i have the elimination order decided and very basic arcs/plot points for some of the characters but its open ended enough that i can have fun with it! and it probably wont end being one of my more narratively strong fics but that's okay <3
one of my more recent struggles with amicus curiae has been spending so much time developing the alenoah and courtnemma relationships that i find myself going aaaaa!! how am i gonna get these two together before the fic is over?? its really taught me to have a clear idea of when character dynamics shift, especially for romantic ones that are going to get together sometime throughout the fic. i love pining but i find pining for almost the whole fic and then only having the characters get together and be in a relationship for like two seconds at the end to be somewhat narratively unsatisfying.
so yeah i would say i try to plan out the character & character relationship arcs and i use the structure of competition fics for framework, but i don't plan out many details/specific scenes before i write them unless they pop into my head and then ill write the idea down and come back to it when its time to write the scene. i find that not planning out conversations/interactions can make dialogue much more organic when i write it on the spot and can lead to new discoveries about the characters.
as for payoff, i tend to go for the general rule of chekhov's gun: if there's a gun in the first act, it has to go off in the third act. basically, i try not to introduce any narrative threads if i don't intend to resolve them in some way later on in the fic. for example in slippery slopes, i introduced my version of alejandro's family issues with him alluding to his oldest brother carlos distancing himself from his family, and in the last chapter i have carlos showing up for alejandro and helping him get away from his family as well. pretty much as soon as i started writing alejandro thinking about carlos, i knew carlos would be there for him in the end.
planning things out can be super helpful and i certainly couldn't start writing a long fic without having any kind of plan, but ive found that having suuuper detailed outlines and knowing every little thing that's going to happen in advance is personally stifling for me as a writer and kills my motivation. so im learning to strike a healthy balance.
thank you so much for this ask! i love talking about writing!
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discluded · 9 months
hi! this is regarding their recent airport pics and videos, is it not weird that there are fans taking pics and videos of them at the airport? wheres the privacy lmao? like how are they allowed to follow them around everywhere? and also that person who put up the duty free video? thats taken from so close as well? im just concerned like is this supposed to be normal cause mileapo seem like very private people who wouldn't be okay with that
just wanted your opinion!
Yes. Is the short answer. It's weird, and kind of creepy, and a violation of privacy. Anything I say after this is not an excuse or justification that it's OK, but more a reflection of how we (collectively, culturally in the fandom culture sense) got to this point, and why BOC is powerless to stop it even if they had any interest in doing so.
Part of it is that airport fashion became such a prominent part of kpop culture, really being pushed by cultural and fashion icons from Big Bang. So it hasn't been that long really - maybe 15 years at the most, but now Korean idols especially dressed to be seen. if you promote a culture where stars are dressed to be seen at the airport, then it follows that fans will go to the airport for a chance to see their idols. It's that simple.
Just as BTS inherited a lot of fans from 1D when 1D broke up in 2015, KinnPorsche's release in relation to BTS's hiatus announcement also in part helped pushed KinnPorsche to even greater heights. BTS fandom still remains incredibly active, but it's the same way it was with 1D -- the fandom wouldn't get regular updates, and suddenly there was a something interesting and at least worth filling the time with until BTS came back. It's the same reason BrightWin and 2gether became such a big thing when by itself, 2gether was fairly typical of other Thai BLs of its era. Or why Animal Crossing was such a massive hit. The timing affected its success.
(For more context, you should watch this video about the science of luck. A little funnier tidbit, when he talks about running the simulation 1000 times to pick candidates -- that is in fact how machine learning (my job!) works. The tl;dw version of that is to say that talent itself isn't the only factor - success is very reliant on luck.)
So back to your question - inheriting fans from a kpop fandom also means inheriting some of kpop culture. And many post-Hallyu Wave fandoms originating from Asian countries as a collective push for soft power via media output fashion themselves after Korea's success. For example, we don't see this airport culture retroactively affecting jpop fandom (which has a long-standing history) the same way. It's more in countries which fannish cultures are still more malleable and developing their own identities.
In the same way, it's inherited a lot sasaeng culture as well from kpop - specifically, individuals or groups who have way to much access to private information they shouldn't, like flight information.
There's two other factors: few Thai actors(/idols) have been flying out of the country to work and promote as much as MileApo have. At the beginning (for KPWT stops), BOC wasn't encouraging fans to show up at the airport; they were just there. And also going to the cities because they were dedicated enough to support KinnPorsche and BOC outside of the country. And then when it became difficult to manage, BOC more formally organized these more airport sendoffs because they knew people would show up anyway. It was at least a way to help control the chaos, as a courtesy for the airport staff.
Airports are public spaces; BOC really does not have any ability to limit an individual person's presence at the airport, even if they try to discourage as a whole.
That leaves a weird space for these follow-the-actor sessions at the airport when there isn't a send-off announced by BOC, but groups get flight information and word spreads around. Or, when they're past security, which is not a public space.
From Mile and Apo's perspective, I don't think they're necessarily "ok" with this, but there is also very little they can do about it, to an extent. Following them and recording them on a plane has loudly been declared a no-no, as well as openly exposing their travels when they request fans don't because it's for business under wraps (eg. Pond and Apo flying to Europe to iron out the Piaget deal). Unfortunately, it seems like in the general space of the airport, they have to trust fans be judicious in what's an appropriate distance to stay away, and what is appropriate to do/photograph. When fans do violate that perceived barrier (e.g., mil3mile/CaiCai trying to hand Mile a note then throwing it at Apo's head, or the fans who kept stalking Apo in Shanghai despite requests to leave him alone on his trip and irritated a man at the airport into throwing a bottle at Apo's direction), other fans are at least more quick to punish these offenders to this perceived violation of space... though, again, if we're honest, photographing them esp past security, or seeing them off at the airport when they didn't announce it was for fans is... already that.
It's really hard for BOC to curb. But if they want to even address part of the root issue -- which is that there's someone internally who's leaking information to sasaeng/groups likely for financial gain -- they have to be more willing to clean house too. Apo's Shanghai flight wasn't the only thing leaked -- fans knew he was going to show up at iQIYI headquarters too, at what time and date. There's a lot going on that Pond can't control here, and I don't fault him for. Even if they catch one or two internal instigators when they find out who, the damage is already done.
So tl;dr yeah it's weird and sometimes uncomfortable, but become kind of normalized through the way that fandom has developed recently. And it's also very hard to curb, if BOC tries. So some of it is just managing it as much as they can at this point.
Thanks for the question. I think I'll also be more judicious in the airport I stuff going forward. It was always something I said I would continue to revisit, and post at my own level of comfort.
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qtipcottonbuds · 2 years
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you can find bakugou’s and iida’s parts here !!
second installment of the said anon request, this time with shoto !!
submitted request ;; can i get some headcanons with iida, todoroki, and bakugo? im a lonely bitch
warnings ;; none really. just sort of softish/angsty headcanon thingbobs, and a aged up shoto todoroki !!
by qtipcottonbuds 2022. do not repost.
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Similar to Katsuki, I definitely feel Shouto values touch more than anything when it comes to reassurance (that’s not to say he isn’t a good conversationalist, he knows how to communicate, albeit with those who he feels he can wholly let his guard down with, without judgement).
With physical affirmation too, in the initial stages of a budding relationship with you, I feel he’d be hesitant of coming across too forward - even with the simplest of touches, making sure he doesn’t make you uncomfortable in the slightest. This is a bit more of an analysis, but I feel too, his reasonings for behaving this way would be purely rooted to his upbringing.
He always had the capabilities of being affectionate with touch, with anyone he cared about - but, again, due to his upbringing, it was most likely a case of that being shunned upon entirely, and stunting that need to actively reach out for comfort in fear of rejection. When within his element, and in a environment he feels safe in, Shouto will be nothing more than straightforward with his love language; almost a way using your presence to ground himself, that you and him are both real - that what you have is real.
Although he might not be as expressive with his words either, rather being direct, and not beating around the bush, he understands that healing does take time. And, there isn’t always a finite timer on said healing - he knows that better than most, and is still in the process of recovering from his childhood. Yet, the patience and devotion he has towards your problems and struggles may become a means for him to gradually forget about his own issues.
It’s not that he doesn’t value your input into giving him clarity, or your trust of supporting him when he needs it most, but, having been so self-reliant on medicating his own emotional wellbeing in a household with no one to really reach out to, his independence will come in waves.
Still occassionally stuck in the mindset that his needs will always come second, even if he logically knows that’s not the case. But, he will tell you when he is ready to, whatever it may be.
I feel he’d be more comfortable with kisses pressed against your cheeks, the corner of your lips and more often than not, against your lips. Gentle, chaste. But, he can’t get enough. It’s simplistic. But, to him, the naturalness of it, and the domesticity that comes with it - that’s what Shouto really values. Possibly too, I’d think he’d be the sort of person to press his forehead against yours, regardless if it’s in the middle of a hot summer and sweating profusely - eye contact is his means of facial expression, above all else.
In terms of crushes, I feel with him in particular, it would be inbetween this threshold of not being sure as to what to label these feelings, and because of his natural detachment as a coping mechanism, he’d push those thoughts to the side. It’s not that he doesn’t acknowledge it, he does, more than anything. But, I think, the possible chance of things going wrong - the uncertainty?
Similar to Katsuki, unless he can fully read your responses to his advances (though, they are slow in progression, being more along the lines of building up a friendship for a strong foundation in a potential relationship) he won’t actively pursue it, but he will indulge in it, if he can’t help himself. Shouto has a slight streak of traditionalism when it comes to courting someone - if he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it properly.
This is a bit of a angsty one here, but, adding on to the above, I do think he’d be slightly afraid, almost - mainly because of that traditional, almost childlike view of having a family, a support system - and that, he can’t provide one for you. Sometimes, he slips back into the old system of a nuclear family being considered a ‘real family.’
Of course, this isn’t true in the slightest but, aside from his close friends and colleagues, he can’t truly bring you home to meet potential parents, grandparents, siblings etc, because of the toxicity. He may have eased some of the relationships, to some level of relative ease, but he doesn’t want you to be surrounded by that. You deserve better than that.
So, I do feel, in times of vulnerability, he might need reassurance that he more than enough by himself, and that family can be chosen - it isn’t determined. And, most importantly, he isn’t his parents - what he went through doesn’t not define him in the slightest.
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fairycosmos · 1 year
Ya I’m really sick of asking for help. I’ve always been an extremely independent and self reliant person who has been excellent at talking care of myself and then recently (2 years) it started being too much and I did reach out for help. Therapists, doctors, loved ones, etc. All fucking failures. Many of them made things worse with psychiatric abuse! What if help isn’t a real thing? Like dead fucking ass. That’s what I can’t get over. Everybody your whole life says “Get Help!!!!” like it’s this magical thing and it’s supposed to work it does work for a lot of people! And then you try. Really, really hard - multiple times - and it does nothing. So I’m done. I just can’t get over it. The way it’s such bullshit. The way people say “there must be a solution, there must be help” Why? There doesn’t have to be anything in this world. Sometimes things don’t work out okay in the end. Everybody cut the bullshit platitudes, stop trying to make me feel better with hollow words, and shut the fuck up about getting help until you can tell me what that would actually look like that I haven’t fucking tried already. People will literally tell me “but you’re doing okay though” when I just told them I’m not. And like to anyone who happens to be reading this thinking “oh but just try again anon, it’s out there somewhere!” sorry but fuck you too. Why can’t people just admit they don’t know what they’re talking about and sometimes you can’t put yourself in another person’s shoes. Like for one, I haven’t even mentioned the specific shit I’m dealing with here lol but if I said this to anyone they’d just try to fill me up with “awwww but it’ll get better.” Go to hell.
yeahhh i totally feel you im at pretty much the same place RN like im not mad at people for being kind or hopeful but also it's like im not stupid im doing everything i can it's just not fucking working. i completely understand your frustration and i think a lot of ppl do bc unfortunately mental illness isn't black and white or straightforward lol like at all. im sorry i don't have much more to add to this but also i know realistically there's not much i cab say that will change ur situation. im just really really sorry you have to deal with it and i want you to know at the very least you're not alone in this experience. only thing i cling int is the idea that one day i will get the right help at the right time, by some miracle lmfao. X
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violentviolette · 1 year
As a fellow aspd haver, what questions would you ask a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist to see if they’re “safe” to be honest with and what are some green flag answers. I feel like some red flag answers are obvious but overall, I need help and yet am anxious to try to get real help for some of these symptoms in case they’re ableist. I used to think I could tell when people were genuine and then someone pulled the rug out under me and now everyone looks like a villain waiting for me to slip up. (The current big brother culture is partially to blame). Tried to fix myself by myself and then ended up with more problems.
honestly for me what's worked is being very direct during intake and when choosing who to see but never actually using the words "aspd/antisocial/clusterb/narcisst/ect." personally, i like to avoid what i call "soft daycare types" or like, very overly "empathetic" and caring therapists who speak very gently and are focused more on supporting and showing care. those kinds of soft doe eyed people just Do Not work for me and actively worsen the process for me. i cant and dont take them seriously and i lie constantly to them and make no progress. these are also usually the ones most likely to deeply buy into the anti-cluster b stigma and mentalities so it kind of kills two birds with one stone so usually when i do intake i'll say something like "i dont do well with an overly empathetic or kind approach, i find im not as honest and cant be as open about my struggles. do you have someone who is more of a straight shooter who wont pull punches with me? it helps me a lot more to be challanged in my thought process than to be unconditionally supported"
i find that those therapists are the least likey to buy into that stuff and not be as overly focused on empathy. but honestly the biggest thing and my biggest advice is to just never use those exact words. cluster b shit has honestly become such buzzwords with so much baggage they're actively harmful to ur treatment if u use them but u can talk about ur symptoms and get help for them without ever using those words so i just dont. when i wanna talk about my anger, i dont say narc rage or aspd rage, i just say rage. when i want to talk about a narc crash, i just call it a self esteem spiral. when i want to talk about lacking empathy, i just describe the experience. i say "i dont understand, i cant put myself in that position, i struggle to see things from others perspective, i cant connect emotionally like that so i need to be able to connect logically and figure out how to navigate the situations when they happen"
like literally, it will honestly do u so so much more good to focus on the actual specifics of the emotions and the words ur looking for and describing them out long form than using shorthand words. and not just helpful to avoid stigma like it will genuinely help u to get used to identifying the core emotions underneath and being able to articulate them. that's called emotionally literacy and it's genuinely one of the most helpful beginning steps.
in therapy using shorthand buzzwords and pre-established stuff like "aspd rage/narc crash/splitting/ect." can actually work against u during recovery. not only are there no definitive definitions and so they're extreamly vague and everyone has a different understand of what they mean, we can also become reliant on these shorthand titles and use them to avoid looking the uncomfortable underlying emotions and specific causes in the eye, which is a negative coping strategy that will hamper progress. dissecting these feelings down to their bare bones core and having the words and language to identify them is an extreamly important part of being able to fix things, because u cant fix something until u both understand what ur looking at and know how it goes back together
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blueiight · 1 year
Im trying to read tvc but Im struggling with qotd cause I'm finding all the conflicts to be kind of lacking stakes? Cause I'M still mad about what Armand did to Claudia but it seems like no one else cares anymore. Is this just what the series is cause they're immortal and they get over things cuz I'm not sure I wanna keep going with the series at this point? This is just my sensibilites but I feel like seeing Claudia get murdered on television is going to be a lot more painful and hard to get over.
its entirely up to u w/ how far u want to engage with the immortal universe. i personally found qotd engaging for lore purposes at the very least if nothing else.. the stakes of conflicts do escalate imo, which may be why u feel like they dont matter as much or have stakes anymore as u worded it bc theyre not concentrated to select character dynamics asin the earlier books, but multiple characters dealing w a wider conflict that may not be as easy to ascertain?.. qotd introduces the reader to the mythical origin of vampires in the ricean universe and focuses more on the figures / concepts introduced [twmbk, akasha] at the end of tvl.. i think it was the last book where rice had her editors & after , fired such, but there are some aspects of the later series i do find engaging. the reversal of power dynamics for lxl in tobt: where les begs to be lew’s fledgling and lew is more comfortable openly professing his adoration to les.. & if nothing else, u will find lestat engaging w claudia’s ghost memory in tobt, more of armand’s backstory/rationale in tva & later lew being haunted by clauds to be somewhat engaging. i think ppl who believe amc louis knows of the revelations his white cousin learned in merrick2000 wrt to claudia playing a role into why hes more generous to lestat v his scorned voice in the 70s show interview reliant on his view of lestat’s role in claudia’s death in the second interview r onto something.. i think w the idea that “vampires r created out of trauma” the show sells too suggest that they wont be shy about claudia’s death not only in terms of the actual means but also the repercussions wrt to other characters [i had another anon who asked about this <3] lestat says in qotd most of the vampires long to be human, bc being human has become a myth to [them]. some of this notion of ‘humanity’ is entangled in this idea of forgiveness, even for the most vile of acts committed against them or their close ones.. rice’s immortal universe rly present a fascinating take on what it means to be immortal, and what these creatures consider ‘forgivable’ v ‘unforgivable’ can be considered anywhere from arbitrary to extremely irrational and unforgivable otherwise even, by any decent standards. characters r allowed to be inconvenient, ugly, disturbing, and make foolish decisions. but to say lxl dont care for claudia past a certain point i cant rly agree with that fully. i dont think the tragedy of claudia’s end diminishes her arc or is any indication of ‘faulty’ writing: in fact like i said the reminiscence on claudia vs her haunting of select parts of the later books r what i think r some of its most compelling sections that i want to see the screen. the show pivots from the books in several key ways, while drawing upon them in several more. if the series during/post qotd is not ur thing, u dont rly care for the new posse of vamps , and/or u would rather wait for the later seasons of the show to see how u adapted that is perfectly fine.
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actualbird · 1 year
Hiya Zak!
Lately I've been wondering, how do you write your fics? Do you have a process? A starting point?
Also, I know a major part ppl talk about in writing is "show not tell", how do you know if you're telling instead of showing? Cause I know that I, for one, would look down at what I wrote and have no idea if I'm showing or telling.
eyyo roshie-writes :DDD
ive actually answered the question on my writing process several times before. heres the latest time i answered that question in depth (answered in dec 2021), but the tl;dr is "i make at minimum 2 outlines before Actually Writing, and my outlines get Very detailed so im effectively writing each fic at least 3 times before it actually gets posted on ao3, because i apparently love to make myself suffer" jHVJHVKJFHD
but forreal, that ask does basically go thru my entire writing process, from idea conception to Actual Writing. and my process hasnt changed one bit since then. this has been my process since like, 2015 actually HAHA. it really works for me and how my brain is Built, but every single writer is different. what works for me may not work for others. like, i am Hugely reliant on outlines, but i know a lot of writers who get bogged down by outlines and prefer to write just straight to the page, and it's really fascinating and delightful to me that there are endless methods and ways to get a story out :D
what i wanted to talk about more is the "show dont tell" thing because.....
i hate that writing tip so much JHVKJDVFJKHDSFS
and u just gave me an excuse to talk about why at length! but i still also answer ur questions ofc! just.....after i talk about a whole lot of other things oops
for easy reference, heres the chronological table of contents im gonna go through under the cut (because this response got Long As Hell it's---OH GOD IT'S OVER 1.4K WORDS LONG, IM SO SORRY)
what "show dont tell" is (bcuz definitions r important)
litmus test to figure out whether youre showing or telling
why i dont like "show dont tell" (bcuz theres a time and place for both showing and telling, they both have benefits)
how i personally like to spruce up "telling"
feel free to skip over to the litmus test, since thats what u asked for! the rest is just me rambling because i am Very passionate about the benefits of "telling" HAHA
without further ado, lemme get into it!
what "show dont tell" is (bcuz definitions r important)
Telling is = giving the information that a sentence/scene is trying to convey outright.
Showing is = giving the information that a sentence/scene is trying to convey through description.
so in its simplest definition, an example of a Telling sentence could be, for example "The office of Luke's detective agency was often messy, but Rosa's has always known that Luke's a bit of a messy person."
meanwhile a Showing version of that sentence could be, for example "Upon entering the office of Luke's detective agency, there were discarded reports on the floor, dusty file boxes in disarray, a half empty bag of dried figs on the couch; all of which Rosa just sighs fondly at."
at this point, i wanna say that "show dont tell" is probably a very popular piece of advice because for many beginner writers or for people new to storytelling in general, the first instinct is to tell. because it's often more direct, and it's also how we generally tell stories in casual conversation, for example. like, when im telling my friend about a funny thing that happened at work, i tell them "dude this thing made me SO FUCKING NERVOUS" which is a Telling sentence. i usually dont go "my hands were shaking the entire time i was giving this presentation and my gut felt like it was twisting into itself" which is a Showing sentence, simply because the Telling sentence is easier and quicker to say.
Telling is first instinct, but reading a 5k short story that is all Telling can get pretty boring or monotonous, because what Showing has that Telling often doesnt have is Description. Showing fleshes out a scene some more, challenges the reader to surmise details on their own and connect the dots themselves, and also trains beginners to be more active in describing their scenes and fleshing it out further.
litmus test to figure out whether youre showing or telling
in general when youve got a Telling sentence, the information a sentence is trying to convey is most usually directly spelled out in the sentence itself.
on the flipside, when youve got a Showing sentence, the information is something that can be garnered from the descriptors of what can be seen, how other characters react, etc.
so long as a sentence is Not Outright saying the information it wants to get across, then youve probably got a showing sentence.
so if ur trying to figure out if what youve written is Telling or Showing, first ask yourself "what information am i trying to convey here?" and once you know that, look at what youve written and see how you conveyed it. did you convey this directly? or did you allude to it using details that lead to that information?
to demonstrate, let me go back to my previous example with luke and rosa. both sentences are conveying two pieces of information. 1) that the office is usually messy and 2) that rosa isn't surprised cuz she knows luke Lives Like This
the Telling sentence says these pieces of info outright. meanwhile the Showing sentence doesnt and takes more time to give details that simply allude to those two pieces of information, details like what shit luke has strewn around his apartment and rosa's reaction.
why i dont like "show dont tell" (bcuz theres a time and place for both showing and telling, they both have benefits)
i dont like "show dont tell" because a lot of the time, when i see this piece of writing advice, it's worded as "ALWAYS show and NEVER tell" and uh.......no, thats not right
first off, all writing advice is Not absolute. what works for one writer may not work for another writer and no technique out there is inherently Bad, it all Depends on so many factors. secondly, the balance between Showing and Telling is also hugely reliant on each writer's specific style. like, personally i love to do Telling a bunch for sentence structure variation, for humor/comedy, or for a whole lot of other reasons!! which leads me to my third point:
Telling has its uses and its benefits.
because listen......Showing is indeed really great, and like i said earlier, it pushes writers to flesh out scenes more.
but not every scene or piece of information in a story needs to be fleshed out in the way that Showing necessitates.
i like to think about it this way. Showing has the tendency to expand a scene/information, and i visualize this literally. like, if my story was represented by 5 accordions glued to each other (bear with me here), and i just so happened wanted to use Showing for everything, all of those accordions would be stretched out and expanded. on the flipside, if i use Telling for everything, all of those accordions are pushed tight together, because Telling tends to contract a scene/information.
having a story thats 5 accordions long that made up of All Telling OR All Showing is generally not how stories work. instead, stories are a mix of accordions, some contracted and some expanded, because different scenes/information have different levels of importance and value.
like, lemme use an example from chapter 2 of "yes, she’s my lover, yes, she’s a half-dragon. any more questions?" since thats one of my most recent non smut fics HAHA
over the course of this chapter, the following happens
luke realizes he needs to find out more information on ria being half dragon
luke starts writing to vyn, a scholar, who could have that info
luke travels to stellis to meet vyn
luke meets vyn at his bookshop and theres a whole situation that happens there
luke returns back to his and ria's cottage
luke and ria have a little heart to heart over dinner about stuff
of those 6 things, numbers 4 and 6 are the most important scenes to me. in the chapter, numbers 4 and 6 are the scenes that get most fleshed out, they are the most told through Showing sentences in a Showing kind of method
but the other stuff isnt as important in the chapter, but they still need to be there for logistical reasons. number 1 needs to be there to setup the reason for why this whole chapter happens, but i dont want to bog the entire chapter down with just luke Realizing He Needs More Info, so i write number 1 mostly in hindsight, and mostly through Telling sentences.
same goes with numbers 2, 3, and 5. those things need to happen to get from scene to scene, but it's not like it's narratively important for me to write out luke's entire medieval fantasy commute. i can just say "One of the kingdom’s main cities is a quarter-day’s ride away from the nearby village, and after letting Ria know that he’s off to do some errands, Luke hitches a ride with a vendor on his way to the city; Stellis." and boom, done, we're in stellis and now we can get on with the more interesting bits
Telling has its uses because a story can't always be Showing everything, because then that puts every single instance or piece of information at Exactly the same value. when it really isnt! sometimes, a guy just needs to get from point A to point B, and so long as nothing important is happening during that travel, Telling is a much more economical way to go about it. sometimes the info Needs to be conveyed, but not necessarily expanded.
and this can make the stuff that is expanded and is done through Showing more impactful or striking because of the contrast. like, in the chapter i used as an example, thats 6 accordions, but 2 are completely expanded while the other 4 are more contracted. this makes the 2 more notable because it's chock full of description, dialog, imagery, etc. it makes more of an impact than, say, luke's medieval fantasy commute, because i contracted that accordion and expanded these accordions.
additionally, i seem to see a lot of people who espouse "ALWAYS show and NEVER tell" seeing Telling as something that will always be boring and dull.
and Telling can be dull sometimes, sure, but there are definitely ways to spruce it up and make it integral to the story. which leads me to my next point
how i personally like to spruce up "telling"
ok it's at this point that i realize this response is now over 1.4k words long so UHHHH I'LL GO THROUGH THIS NEXT BIT SUPER QUICKLY
which will be easy cuz i actually wrote up a whole post about this before, so lemme just link it: "USE YOUR CHARACTER'S PERSPECTIVE IN "TELLING" TO MAKE "TELLING" MORE ENGAGING" POST
uh so. this response got outta hand jhvjhVKJHVKHJ but i hope something her can be helpful!!!
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hey callie (if that's your name), i hope you don't mind me submitting an entire essay of sorts so that you could, you know, classpect me. i've seen the stuff you've been posting here on this blog of yours, and i can't help but like it. so uhhh, let the trauma dumping begin, i guess? i'll try not to take this too far, so i'll give you something more palatable to read. if i do, feel free to call me out for it like you did over mentions of politics that other people did.
so...how would i describe myself as a person?
dude, i wish you had a format like a list of questions or something. is this dumb for me to complain about because by being this open-ended, you're giving other people the choice to say what they want to, with those choices ultimately providing a subtle kind of information that may or may not make your readings/analyses more accurate? probably. am i going to complain about it anyway? well, i just did, even though i'm not usually one to actively complain. that translates to absolutely, by the way. all this text is just a transcript for my thoughts while writing this. no wonder this has gotten out of hand so quickly. but look on the bright side: there's more for you to analyse. fuck yeah to that. :)
back to the question: one thing i can say about myself is that i go on tangents and can get sidetracked easily (see the above paragraph for explicit proof). i'm also a very secretive person, especially in regards to my problems and my inner world. when it comes to that, i can't help but feel like i understand them better than how the external world works. to compensate for this lack of understanding, i tend to, figuratively speaking, wear different hats depending on the situation. usually, im quiet and lay low as i keep an eye on what goes on around me, which i attempt to grasp by myself. other times, i do the exact opposite when i feel like i'm supposed to, mostly in attempts to get others to like me. i'm either too much or too little for the people around me to deal with. hell, i guess i could say i'm wearing a different hat right now through the way i'm typing in this ask, and that's mostly because i'm that fucking terrified of being able to be identified via typing style alone even if i'm anonymous. a person's gotta cover their tracks while admitting personal shit, you know?
so to cope with the fact that i find it hard to make friends due to all this, i've gotten used to isolating myself and being self-reliant, to the point where i straight up pretend to be stoic, cold, and boring to talk to out of well, a lot of things. these things include how i'm constantly terrified of social interaction, i'm afraid of hurting other people through whatever shitty choices and words i decide to make or say, and i can't help but feel worthless all the goddamn time. it even goes to the point where i tell myself that i should be so proud to be so "independent and badass" as a motivator to keep getting away with this despite having this deep, contradictory craving to have meaningful interpersonal relationships in my life, which i tell myself is stupid and that any attempts i make at it are bound to be a waste of time and effort to avoid dealing with it all together. and i suppose that also makes me a hypocrite by default. that's a big yikes on my part.
i also guess that according to some people i used to know, there's a side of me that can be best described as sassy, blunt, with a disposition of innocence and sunshine. i mean, i'm probably being incredibly sassy while typing this all out, aren't i? (which is intentional) if you find it hilarious (like some of my friends did), then i'm glad to hear that the interspersed shenanigans i've been pulling as i prose on endlessly about my flaws have made someone laugh. however, i don't fully buy my sunny, pure disposition as part of who i am as i can't help but feel that only developed as a way to avoid conflict, especially by preventing any sign of my problems and stress from leaking into the day-to-day conversations i had with them at the time. however, there were occasions where both my positive and/or negative emotions got so overwhelming to deal with that i accidentally snapped in front of them. even though i try to prevent those kinds of occasions from happening at all, i regret every single time i lose my composure like that without meaning to due to how i felt rejected every time i did that. and well, in my eyes, rejection scares the everloving shit out of me as well.
i've also been described as a "robot" and a "cryptid" on previous occasions and well, i don't entirely know how to feel about those kinds of descriptors. but i'm not complaining about it because being any of those things sounds badass to me when trying to be positive about it.
so yeah, i'd say that im a person that's damn good at usually playing the role of a stone-cold, sassy hardass with nothing interesting to offer beyond that while wishing it were the truth.
and well, i feel like i've talked enough about myself to feel the need to not mention anything else, so that's where i'll end this. like, i'm usually private about my interests, especially the ones i'm the most emotionally invested im (which can go to the point where I lie about them out of embarassment) and my aspriations in life are something along the lines of "i want to do all this cool shit, but i realistically don't have the energy for all that and worrying about what other people need from me is more important anyway."
hope you got something out of all of this. it was nice for me to type it out, even if all i did was talk about myself. but that's the point, right? and hopefully, i don't regret saying any of this. sorry if this was a long one to read, i hope that doesn't bother you too much.
Witch of heart
my name is Calliope, on this blog, nicknames are appreciated tho i find them sweet.
ah hem, you must excuse me, i am a little rusty, for i have not classpected in a while. But i "tried" my "best" here so take it however you will
you managed to talk about yourself while also avoiding talking about yourself. people majorly view themselves as.. a collection of titles, a community they're members in, interests, morals and their overall attitude twords the world. but you only talked about personality, which is certainly a rare case. No music or art that you're into? do you sit infront of a mirror all day and pass your time on..... self reflection ? you did say your interests are private so, maybe they're too private for even the classpect blog to know. how sad
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i assigned you a witch of heart because, you're certainly a steriotypical heart player, from the way you're speaking. i do think I could manage assigning you a blood player with more information... perhaps hit my inbox again soon.
i struggled a bit for the class but then it was obvious, you change heart, you manipulate it to your given situation you put on a... hat. ( why did you say a hat of all things? )
✷ sometimes i add in a little bonus when the answer is too short, my guilt is practically eating me alive for responding with such a short classpecting sesh to such a big ask, but you did use a whole bunch of words to talk about nothing so, not exactly in my pay range to fix my reply, I will say i think you're the first person I don't think I could find a moon for, you could go either side but not in the sollux way, just in the: I think it took you way too long to wake up way
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
This is such a weird message for you to get but I wanted to get these feelings out somehwere and you are very comforting.
I feel like i’m forever done with social media. I’ve spent so much time on social media since becoming a teenager. I’ve neglected my actual social life completely for years. And it’s not been good for my social development, as an already awkward person back then i’ve only become increasingly more so. But I kept going back to social media. It would make me anxious to be here but also without it. It would make me angry. Having to interact with people and seeing peoples extreme emotionality. It ruined my mood very often. People were always extremely toxic over the smallest disagreements and would throw extremely severe buzzwords at everyone. Like radical feminists being called genocidal or fascist. Even though I knew I was none of those or some of the other stuff others have called me, it felt incredibly burdensome and tiring to have such serious terms thrown as me and others similar over very small disagreements. Then there’s the threat of doxxing online. It got me so scared from years ago when a friend of mine was doxxed over an anime disagreement. Yes you heard that right. She thought a character in a show was overrated and someone took it upon themselves to doxx her and out her sexuality to her family. Luckily they were accepting though surprised. But the mere fact that stuff like that was becoming more and more common place in the online space to do was frightening. Especially nowadays when i’ve been part of communities regarding much more heavy subjects. The odds are higher and I’m too old. I’m only in my twenties but I feel simply too old for all the drama online. It’s exhausting. Seeing people try to argue over the most insignificant stuff you might say in an afterthought on twitter or on here or wherever. People will find a way to start arguments. Always. And im simply not in that mindset to engage anymore. I can’t. While I’m still exhausted I’ve stopped being anxious in the way where i shake. I’m apathetic largely in my reaction towards others online now. I cannot connect to others anymore. I like some more than others but I don’t trust anyone even the slightest bit anymore. My anxiety is mostly focused around the lack of trust now towards the people, not the actual spaces.
You might say it’s odd for me to say all this, online. It is I guess. I’m not leaving the internet per se. I’m just not addicted anymore, i think? I’m not reliant. And i’m completely fed up with social media. I do not wanna make friends or connections. I do not wanna argue my POV with others anymore. I don’t wanna try. Sometimes it’s nice to just exist without having to justify said existence and I think the online space have become nothing except that, people trying to justify their opinion and feelings and push them onto others. I’m doing it in a way now. You will be my last online interaction. I’m sorry. But you are my favorite account on here and you remind someone from my past. In a positive way.
My mother always say that people online are not a real representation of humans. But I always think to myself that I disagree. I think online, people are their truest selves, without the fear of repercussions in most cases. But peoples true selves make me irritable and anxious. So goodbye social networks.
merry belated christmas btw
This was very insightful and actually gave me quite a bit to think about on my end as well, anon! You've perfectly worded what it means to be chronically online. Not in the way meant to offend, but in the literal sense.
I appreciate the kind words 🥹 and I wish you the best of luck! This sounds like a really good decision and the amount of self reflection you have is gonna do you a lot of good now and later. Best of luck! 💜💜💜
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shrunkupthejams · 1 year
Double A Batteries Character Intros
this is a bit overdue ngl, but b/n the other little projects i've been juggling, i finally managed to get this pumped out in a form that i am happy w/. there's a bit a reintro of the story premise as well bc im not happy w/ the intros i did but i don't care to redo them properly.
Premise: Five years after discovering their superpowers, K.C. McInke properly becomes a vigilante. Between new roommates, new crushes, part-time jobs in food service, losing at least one of five senses, and big bad evils no one was expecting— things do not go as planned. 
Vibes: superheroes in a sci-fi/modern fantasy setting, loyalty and betrayal, (found) family, queerness and identity. 
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Kesh Corin McInke • "K.C." • Double A 
( they / them / theirs / themself ) 
( he / him / his / himself ) 
son of affluential scientists, Dr. Boyer & Dr. Boyer-McInke 
20 (1302.03.05) • 5'7" • nblm/nblnb • transmasc • granchild of Zola 
They discovered their powers at the age of 15 after an accident in their dad's at-home lab. Their powers are electricity-related, and they believe them to be a result of the accident. Kesh also lost their sense of smell in the accident and acquired severe chemical burns, including colourful lightning-like lines from magic chemicals. The discovery their powers led to them running away from home and living on their friends couches until they could afford their own place. Their relationship with their parents at the beginning of the story remains strained at best, though Kesh oftens attends prestigious social functions with their parents to maintain their family's social image. Generally speaking, Kesh cares very much about doing the right thing and helping others, even at their own expense. 
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Delian Zola Mikael Lox • Pythian 
( they / them / theirs / themself ) 
( he / him / his / himself ) 
Aina's cousin's cousin 
23 (1299.mm.dd) • 5'11" • nblm/nblnb • non-binary • mortal 
Originally from Randia, the only family Delian has any contact with (other than a few very distant cousins) is his great aunt, Ester. Ester practically raised them after they were estranged from their family at 15, and has since become their mentor. In addition to be fairly new to Ro-khui Alba, they just moved to [whatever fucking city DAB takes place in] for school, studying genetics at the renowned local university where Kesh's father teaches. Delian, after becoming roommates with Kesh (that was Aina's doing), find himself pulled into his aunt's shenanigans more than ever before as they become increasingly worrying. Generally speaking, Delian struggles to figure out where their loyalty lies and what the right thing to do is, and this comes back to bite them more than once. 
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Aina Jan Ivey • "Ten"
( they / them / theirs / themself ) 
K.C.'s best friend 
20 (1302.02.01) • 5'4" • sapphic • non-binary • mortal 
Since they were young, Aina has never been more fascinated by anything than they are by the supernatural and the magical. They have made it their mission to see as much of [whatever fucking city DAB takes place in]'s underground magic scene as they can. Despite their (sometimes dangerous and ill-thought-out) magical endeavours, Aina is often a voice of reason and a rock for Kesh. Generally speaking, Aina is careful in taking very good care of their friends, though that kindness isn't always extended to themself. 
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Miles Minoru Dacquery 
( he / him / his / himself ) 
K.C. & Aina's best friend 
20 (1302.08.15) • 5'6" • bicurious ace • trans man • mortal 
Miles is a very quiet person and someone whose words often fail him. He struggles to express himself and what he wants, though his friends have come to excel at anchoring him and helping him articulate his feelings. While he finds himself reliant on others, Miles tries very hard to figure out how to give back to them in turn. Generally speaking, Miles is a quiet person, keeping all his chaos and turbulence pointed inwards, unless up to no good with Aina. 
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Annabelle Clyde Edwards • "Annie" 
( she / her / hers / herself ) 
Miles's girlfriend 
20 (1302.01.06) • 5'9" • straight • cis woman • mortal 
Though she can be a bit foolish, Annie is very smart (particularly in well-versed in fashion history and its connections to culture and society) and a skilled tailor, thanks to her parents encouragement. Her social skills put K.C.'s "press face" to shame, and unlike Miles, she is very outgoing. Her most foolish exploits include dating Miles to get K.C.'s attention/make K.C. jealous before starting to like Miles instead. Generally speaking, Annie can be the odd one out when it comes to Miles and his friends, but she is very good at committing to the bit, whatever the bit may be. 
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Ester Cretin 
( she / her / hers / herself ) 
Delian's great aunt (?) and mentor 
??? (????.04.16) • 5'4" • ??? • cis woman • mortal (?) 
Honestly, no one in Delian's family is quite sure how she's related to them, just that she's been around as long as anyone can remember. No one is sure of her age either; she's looked old as long as anyone can remember, too. But, don't worry about that too much, it's probably not relevant, right? She's the only family Delian really has anymore. Delian thinks she may be involved in something big, and the more he learns, the worse things look, but he got to be missing something here… right? Generally speaking, Ester may not mean as well as she says she does. 
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Anliu Mercer Ivey 
( he / him / his / himself ) 
Aina's dad 
43 (1279.05.24) • 5'8" • aroace • just some guy • mortal 
Mercer uses a cane, and occasionally a wheelchair, to get around. He works as a dispatcher for an emergency services dispatch. Mercer has always been happy to let K.C. crash on their couch as long as they need, and he was very proud to see K.C. finally get on his feet enough to get his own apartment at 20. Aina and K.C. have been friends for so long that Mercer sees K.C. as family after the amount of time K.C. has spent around their apartment. Generally speaking, Mercer is giving and soft-spoken, and he is glad to see that he has raised his kid well and that Aina takes care of others. 
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Dr. Ruth Cardem Boyer-McInke 
( she / her / hers / herself ) 
Kesh's mum, married to Dr. Boyer 
48 (1274.03.17) • 5'2" • mean bisexual • cis woman • mortal 
Ruth inspires a lot of fear for someone who's 5'2". She's also a scientist, like her husband, but she specializes in environmental science and sustainability. Though pollution is much less of a problem in Dirt than it is in our reality, Ruth is a fierce advocate against it and for protecting the ecosystems of the Archipelago. As renowned of a scientist and environmental activist as she is, however she is not doing as well with parenting without her former wife there to help balance her out. Without her, Ruth and Stanley are far too good at getting stuck in the science aspect of their lives more than the family aspect. When she puts her mind to it, however, Ruth can be incredibly compassionate and caring towards Kesh. 
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Dr. Stanley Melys Boyer 
( he / him / his / himself ) 
Kesh's dad, married to Dr. Boyer-McInke 
50 (1272.02.18) • 6'5" • nblw • agender/gender apathetic • mortal 
Stanley's not the best parent, but he's trying. Also he "swears" like a 12 y/o and gets really excited about science. Love of science blinds him a bit when it comes to raising Kesh. He specializes in genetic science and microbiology, which he teaches at the local university. Stanley is unfortunately involved in some things he shouldn't be involved in. To elaborate on his attitude to gender: "Why would I care about gender when there's a microscope with microorganisms under it right there?" 
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Inka Solrune McInke 
( she / her / hers / herself ) 
Kesh's other mum, Dr. Boyer-McInke's ex-wife 
49 (1273.06.06) • lesbian • girl-adjacent • child of Zola 
Yeah, there's a story there and it's mostly redacted. Inka is from Iroma and was in their military as part of the Knights of the Capita, the division for children of Zola, which is much less prominent and rather smaller than it was originally intended to be. She left Iroma and her position in the military behind without leave for love (she's still wanted by their military). Her powers are storm-related with a particular affinity for thunder and lightning. Kesh has never met her, that he remembers. 
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Chamomile Maril Edwards • "Cham" • "Mari" 
( she / her / hers / herself ) 
( they / them / theirs / themself ) 
Annie's younger sister 
19 (1303.13.13) • 5'10" • queer • girl-adjacent & sungender • mortal 
Cham is a war history buff, thanks to their parents' encouragement and fierce love of history. She is studying marine biology at the local university, though she plans to transfer to a school on the coast for ocean proximity. Unlike their older sister, Cham is nowhere near being a social prodigy. They're not unfriendly, but keeping most people within the acquaintance realm is so much easier to maintain. Generally, Cham tries very hard to avoid any and all of her sister's drama, including her friend group (if Annie is even considered friends with most of them). 
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Duchet Yerbin Envig Onh Ahin of A-Rivelta • "Envie Gin" 
( ze / zem / zers / zemself ) 
Aina's friend 
??? (????.??.??) • 5'1" • sapphic & aroace • agender & gnc • vampire 
Don't even worry about what that title and long name mean– story irrelevant spoilers and pre-vampire backstory. It totally doesn't come up elsewhere; don't worry about it. Envie runs an underground café for supernatural types, which is how Aina met zem. Zer coffee shop is named 'Blood Caffeine Content'. Ze conduct some dealings with demons and summonings, though I haven't figured out why yet– possibly business related. Ze seem to get a kick out of those types of things. In the story, they mainly exist as Aina's in with the supernatural underground of [whatever fucking city DAB takes place in]. 
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( she / her / hers / herself ) 
Envie's gf 
??? (????.??.??) • 6'4" • queer • what is gender?? • demon 
Honestly, Envie summoned her probably. Dani could loosely be considered one of Aina's friends as a result of her proximity to Envie and the amount of Aina spends around Envie's coffee shop. 
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Marsayrus • "Maurice" 
( ix / ixir / ixirs / ixself ) 
( he / him / his / himself ) 
Possibly Envie's ward?  
??? (????.??.??) • 5'3" • aroace • genderless • demon 
Marsayrus is very unfamiliar with human customs. After he was summoned, he somehow became Envie and Dani's problem. Dani misheard ixir name as Maurice and now ix thinks Maurice is either Dani's name or an expression humans use (ex. Maurice! that opera singer is slaying absolute penis!). (This is a running joke.) As a result of being Dani and Envie's problem ix is a regular at Envie's coffee shop. Currently, Marsayrus exists largely for comedic purposes. 
so i don't remember whether i have a wip taglist, but if you want to be tagged in the future lmk!
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unrequited-words · 1 year
02/27/23 Monday 9:41 pm
Why is it the friendships I think I have are the most toxic? Over the past two weeks I’ve been wondering why my so called best friend has been just been … a really toxic and shit friend. She only checks on me when it fits her and just like Heather it’s similar. The only difference is we have daughters, but she only calls or texts me when it’s convenient for her.
We went to her place back in October. Her car needed diagnosing so Zod brought I can’t even think of the word but you plug it into the hood to find and clear codes on why the engine/what is wrong. We brought supplies to make homemade pizza too. Three or four weeks ago we invited them over and she flaked. I knew she would. The week before Zod texted her and called her out on her shit saying she is a bad friend and that she needed to apologize to me which she did only because he mentioned it.
I’m a very passive person who hates confrontation. Today at 330 (I saw the time stamp) on what she texted Neil saying he needs a job, etc. sure he does but she has ZERO room to say anything. Four years ago she was let go from her job and was able to claim unemployment. Last year her husband didn’t care for his job and quit when they have a three year old. I could never. Relying on the government with no back up plan? You do you I guess?
Her husband has been going to interviews and nobody will call him back. They’ve been on government assistance including Covid relief to help pay for rent. What happens when that ends? I guess thats fine when you need help l; however, when you abuse it kind of makes you a shit person. You’re capable of working and don’t, why? She has these pipe dreams of becoming a famous YouTuber and filming her like Diana and Roma, it’s embarrassing.
I’ve been at my job for three years and work hard to support my family. I was on food stamps for three months until I got the job I have now. After Zod replied back I just was kind of in shock. I knew they didn’t get along but do you think I’d choose 3 decades worth of so called friendship over my husband?
I’ve had several hours to digest it. I ended up blocking her on my phone and now I have to move on. I just… it’s fucking heartbreaking that I truly don’t have any girlfriends. I knew things and people are temporary and that’s why I stopped getting close to anybody and making connections.
Maybe it took losing immediate family to realize what is toxic and what isn’t. I’m sure I’ll be okay but this is sobering.
Earlier today I had to use two hours of PTO because I needed sleep. I got some sleep which was nice and about 530ish I checked on Astrid to see if she was awake from her nap. I haven’t eaten much due to lack of sleep. I had eggs and bacon for dinner. I’m just so out of sorts. I have to shadow with a girl tomorrow which is fine. I hope it’ll be an easy day.
I hate being put in the middle of things. Neil apologized and said he was sorry for how it ended with me and susanne. I said thank you for opening up my eyes. I now question everything. Am I a good friend? I don’t have time or the emotional energy to give it over stupid shit like that
Im overthinking and now maybe this is to make me self reliant and realize everybody lies most people are shit. Fuck, idk sad 😢
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