#im a godoter myself
coraldonkey1102 · 8 months
bangin video, go watch guys
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itshomobirb · 2 months
watched a 20 min part 1/20 tutorial video like woohoo okay that's enough work for today, pack it in boys, we're going home for the day
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I've always had the impression that post-jail Diego would return using a cane for some reason, but I want to add to that and say he's definitely enough of the right kind of crazy to make it a cane-sword
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lusalemaart · 9 months
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And now I'm stuck in baby prison.
#i know i cant be free. i hang my head and. pee.#oh my god(ot) he is my. he is. he is my. hes my. my#COUGH kin COUGH#kin list lookin grimmer by the minute. lookin not only embarrassing. but also demanding of a psychiatric evaluation. love that for me.#i love caw feh i love cawfeh so MUCH i cant accomplish anything without first havin' a cup. and then. once ive had 1 cup.#i need to have a NOTHER cup. of. caw feh. i have about eleven cups a day. hey hey. hey hey hey hey HEY. i cant do anything without cawfeh#i'm. addicted to caffEINE.#inside you there are two wolves. they are both painfully bisexual as all hell.#ace attorney#godot ace attorney#godot#omg my hand fucking hurts i cant feel my fingers.#so does my eye. my horners syndrome been flaring up like mad bc i have no more refills on my meds and im dying#like. i have some sort of stressful condition on my eyes. omg u too godot!? omg.... thas so cool...#diego armando#Kaminogi Souryu#do i need to tag spoilers its 2023. i mean. i only played the third game this past year myself but. still.#souryo kaminogi#i feel like i had one more thing to say but i fg wtf it was.#i was JUST a baby boy... always be a baby dont ever be a gun. a.lways drinking. codfee. jsut a babye drinkgin. coffe#SORRY my illegible handwriting is SHIT! So are my hands. And so is my writing. OMG it all makes so much sense now🤯#WOAH🤯🤯🤯🤯just had a GIGA revelation!! It all adds up!!🤯🤯🤯#Its voice is similar to a human's but it is impossible to understand.
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k00kiecrumbler · 2 years
I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off ( me & you ) - fall out boy
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I just wanted to put that because I missed putting songs in my posts...
anyways, um still monke brain...even though I'm torn between the rt cowboy voice and the guy who voiced Godot in the anime [ and by that, I mean the English dudded] .
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lorillee · 9 months
not sorry the fact that some people dont like godot is insane to me like okay how does it feel to have the worst taste on planet earth 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
godot is so funny because half of his trials are him saying random r/im14andthisisdeep shit at completely unrelated intervals and half of them are him being weirdly cool so like what gives
he's so bullyable but at the same time so incredibly tragic
i think i saw a post describe him as an area cryptid which is amazing
like imagine if after 3-5 you could just find him in random cgs of ace attorney during investigation sequences but you can never talk to him. so if you try to interact with him his theme just starts playing and it stays until you leave the area
that would be so fucking funny oh my god
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nalver · 8 months
i guess i wanted to go back to C++ anyway so. godot looking real sexy right now
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ribbonkey · 5 months
Which is your favourite Ace Attorney Ship FROM MY PERSONAL SHIPS
(Also exposing myself lol)
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resident-dumb-fuck · 8 months
bro dude the literary references already in 2-2. i havent even met godot yet and yet the literary references.
"Some people spend their entire lives idly waiting for his appearance." LIKE IN HIT PLAY WAITING FOR GODOT!!! TWO GAY MEN GET TRAPPED IN THE GAY AND STUPID TIMELOOP also and then atmey references a stage. and its a play. and im going to launch myself into the sun
anyway that is to say.
luke atmey: surely youve heard of him. his name is godot phoenix wright, theatre major: like from. like from waiting for godot?
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beantothemax · 4 months
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I AM MISSING: shirt, wig
Got nice pants and a good tie for very cheap at a thrift store. Felt the need to pose with the moomin mug because it's silly and I think Mia would give him a moomin mug. Also red shirt as placeholder (???) until I can find a teal shirt. I wanna look online a few places because I REFUSE to SEW a shirt that has a COLLAR and SLEEVES
Also Crab and Mav dni unfortunately <3
the sheer grumpy coffee man swagger you possess is stunning. how do you do it
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masonsystem · 1 month
OK LAST POST ABT AA3 and then im making my peace w it, but i think a lot of my problems w aa3 is how it kinda took a million steps back with what it had established with aa1 and aa2 which was kinda weird of it to do... like i get its so anyone whose starting from aa3 isnt lost but IDK like aa2 had the balls to just straight up make edgeworth disappear but with aa3 its like... i dont remember whether it was 3-2 or 3-3 (probably 3-2) but at some point phoenix was abt to give up on his client and mia needed to swoop in to knock some sense into him and its like ???? this is aa1 behavior, by now phoenix should like.... NOT need the reminder to believe in his client.. like after 2-4 he should know by now what it means to be a defense attorney but he was kinda stumbling around in this game and godot was giving him shit for it which was.. weird...
also idk what the overarching narrative was for this game, aa1 was abt corruption and prosecutors and aa2 was about the defense and justice, but aa3 didnt really like build up from any of that.. it was about revenge i guess but um yeah idk, it didnt really do a great job with that. OK IM FREEING MYSELF FROM AA3 NOW despite my disappointments im not too hung up abt it, it actually makes me all the more hyped up for aa4 so im very excited for that 😁 i think ill start aa4 sometime tonight!
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mothkingeloth · 4 months
i want to actually start making games, which means programming, so im teaching myself C#. im not sure if i want to use unity because of the news of their downloads and screwing devs over, so im looking at Godot and luckily it has C# support. but i probably should learn Godot's own language too... and maybe .NET...
either way, there's no downside in learning something new and maybe just maybe if i get comfy and confident in what im doing i can actually be hireable and put my degree to use oTL
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lorillee · 8 months
mvk, godot, dahlia CONTROVERSY TRIPLE
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anyways its time for the culling of new followers. yes i am a manfred von karma stan hes insane and im obsessed with him and the popular fanon is 1) boring 2) stupid 3) uncanon 4) did i mention boring. for a more comprehensive take on my view of the von karma-edgeworth family soap opera i recommend taking a gander through my tag for it or alternatively just reading my aii2 retrospective. ANYWAYS with the disclosure statement out of the way . 1) his design slays what else is there to say. he was always serving. 2) the fanon SUCKS like im sorry but if what you got out of aa1 + investigations 1&2 was "manfred physically beat his kids on the regular and they hate him so much forever with 0 complicated feelings at all" um. maybe go back and re-consume the text. please. lets indulge ourselves in a bit of nuance. i would certainly not call manfred von karma father of the year (whatever was going on with turnabout goodbyes + me when i encourage my children in their fight with each other to determine who truly belongs in the family like a normal parent) but like. guys . just because he was a bad person doesnt mean he is now The Worst Guy in every single avenue ever. like. sigh . sorry we've looped back around to complaining about bad fanon. ANYWAYS no truly one of the most baffling characters in the franchise and i am desperately fascinated with whatevers going on inside his head . frankly every single one of his actions in regards to dl-6 on every front follow like no logical pathway i can discern and its truly something to behold. like whats wrong with you (rhetorical question - more interesting if we dont get an answer).
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half of me considered ticking "they've never done anything wrong in their life <33" despite the fact that i blatantly think its untrue and prefer it that way even simply to spite all the people who are annoying about him being mean to phoenix. ANYWAYSSSSSS S . 1) the design slays. obsessed with everything about him 2) they shouldnt bring him back but also they should bring him back. for me. ive convinced myself of the existence of the diego & lana & simon prison prosecutor trio and i need capcom to validate me they would be so . something together. mainly funny 3) to be honest there are some people i would attack through the screen over their terrible diego opinions. truly. like sorry but if you hate him i dont think we can be friends and some of you are truly beyond help. tbh i think half the reason they hate him so much is because 1) hes the Big Scary Brown Man whos soooooo mean to their poor uwu bean phoenix and 2) all of his important relationships are with women so they cant yaoi him off in a corner . ANYWAYS . hes everything to me i love his self-destructive mental illness swag which prompts him to lash out at the people around him and make terrible decisions which needlessly negatively impact like everybody he gets involved with in any capacity post coma. hes not stupid he just needs severe psychiatric help <3 i think he shouldve killed misty twice <- no hate against misty i also love her mental illness swag but i also support everything diego does unconditionally
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tldr: dahlia should get to kill and ruin whoevers lives she wants i support her unconditionally (no this does not conflict with my diego opinions. i can hold multitudes) un-tldr: to be honest her in-game writing kind of sucks (spectacular essay written on this here, which frankly puts it better than i ever could. thats the problem with this part im trying to think of opinions that arent covered in that but like it really hits all of them) but nonetheless as a notable fan of the Fey Family Period Drama how could i not love dahlia given that shes like one of the key pieces of evidence of the mass destruction that the current system in kurain causes to everybody it touches. "wahhh she was just Born Evil" not listening dont care. people also hate her for being mean to phoenix i think but i dont care about that either they just hate to see a girlboss winning. or losing tbh because thats like 80% of what dahlia did. but like still the spirit is there. also to be honest it kills me that we got like no elaboration on her relationship with iris because thats like actually SO interesting its so interesting but we get NOTHINGGGGGGGGG because the aa writers hate dahlia and they hate ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but anyways yeah if dahlia wants to maim and kill well then i support her #feminism #womensupportingwomen #terrymightnothavebeenamurderer #buthesurewasapedophile!
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 8 months
7,8,9? :0
7. Favourite Design?
i LOVE Godot's design. both from the perspective of "heehoo funny mask man" and also the whole thing about how his colourblindness would make his outfit the same colour to him as the one he wore pre-coma (not sure if thats entirely accurate but im pretty sure its something like that) hes just. the design of all time
8. All-Time Favourite Character?
i am an Ema Skye fan through and through and will remain as such until the sun burns out and the stars fall from the sky
9. Least Favourite Character?
skipping over one-off witnesses like Benjamin Woodman and Wesley Stickler because i think saying them is a cop-out but i honestly couldnt bring myself to be endeared to wendy oldbag. mechanically shes fun as a recurring witness that cant not give you a hard time but just. shes exhausting to speak to. id kill her with a brick if i met her irl.
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musashi · 2 years
Ooh, question dump time! I hope you don't mind these being a mix of fandom and sickfic/fanfic stuff, haha
1) I know they haven't been released yet and we just have promos to go off on, but do you have any thoughts on Scarlet & Violet so far?
2) Which of the starters is your favourite? Are you planning on using that one when you get the game?
3) What about all the other pokémon we've seen? Do any stick out to you? Do you think any of them will make it on your team?
4) I've noticed you put some Godot posts in your kin tag, so I'm curious about what he's like- what's his personality and role in the games he's in?
5) Also, the above but for Dahlia Hawthorne?
6) You've mentioned you're not particularly picky on sickfics you read, but what would you consider the Best Sickfic™? As in, what tropes, dynamics and symptoms do you enjoy the most?
7) What are some other fanfic genres you like?
8) You've spoken about making physical copies of DTE before, so do you have any other fics of yours you'd like printed out? I think it'd be fun to have a physical copy of your Sicktember fills from this month
9) If you have any for her, what pokémon does Maya have in your AU?
10) What's been your favourite Sicktember fill to write? Out of the ones you posted, do you have a specific line or description you're particularly proud of?
If you'd like me to elaborate a bit more on a specific question, I don't mind sending another ask clarifying what I mean!
1) I know they haven't been released yet and we just have promos to go off on, but do you have any thoughts on Scarlet & Violet so far?
we've gotten like... a weirdly scant amount of promotional material for this game, so i actually don't have a lot of thoughts beyond the typical 'OMG POKEMON IM SO EXCITED TO PLAY POKEMON' fdghdfhgf. i can't say any of the designs have stuck out to me yet but thats also cause we just haven't seeeeeen any like even the leaks have been quiet? its so weird. but i am excited :]
2) Which of the starters is your favourite? Are you planning on using that one when you get the game?
honestly i think sprigatito is my favourite because... it reminds me of jessica dfgjkhfsghgf she loves cat pokemon and grass types and when i saw the grass kitty i was filled with so much indescribable fucking joy on her behalf i could not contain myself. i'm using fuecoco myself but grass kitty is everything to me...
3) What about all the other pokémon we've seen? Do any stick out to you? Do you think any of them will make it on your team?
nothing yet. i like the little poison fucker but not enough to bother using him.
4) I've noticed you put some Godot posts in your kin tag, so I'm curious about what he's like- what's his personality and role in the games he's in?
diego is a double-sided character~ he has two distinct "eras" of his life by his own admission. in earlier days he was mia fey's partner in law and her mentor as a defense attorney. he's very calm and collected and has a distinct kind of poeticism with words, usually incorporating motifs relating to coffee into the things he says because he's a coffee autistic who makes his own blends fdghfg. he was deeply in love with mia and her passion, in the anime dub the word he uses when he describes how he felt about her is captivated and it lives in my head rent-free. they dated for at least a little while, but diego was lethally poisoned shortly after one of their cases together and fell into a years-long coma. he survived, but mia was murdered while he was comatose.
diego came out of the coma with a major vision impairment and with his hair having gone white. when he found out that the love of his life had died while he was asleep the guilt of not having been there to protect her ran so deep that he threw nearly every trace of his prior self away. he renamed himself godot, which takes components from his first and last names diego and armando, as well as being a waiting for godot reference--mia was waiting on him, and he never showed. he switched sides to become a prosecutor and swore to ruin phoenix in court because diego could not handle blaming himself and so he forced all the anger he had onto blaming phoenix, the only other person mia really had in her immediate life.
eventually he realizes that mia poured so much of herself and her love into phoenix, and phoenix so adoringly leaned into her every word, that within phoenix lives mia's undying flame. once he sees mia's spirit living on through phoenix, he realizes what a fucking shithead he's been.
post-coma diego is pretty similar to who he was before but with a cold, simmering kind of anger that shows itself in occasional moments and especially around phoenix. also his weird poeticisms have ramped themselves up and 90% of what he says in court or otherwise is completely incomprehensible. i can't even really describe to you the way diego talks. he is basically just the "i don't sleep. i just dream." meme amped up to 11.
diego views the poisoning and coma as a death and rebirth. he refers to his surviving as crawling out of the depths of hell to get vengeance.
5) Also, the above but for Dahlia Hawthorne?
she poisoned diego.
dahlia is a merciless, abusive, cold-hearted killer. i could go on and on about how she is, like many criminals, a neglected child from a broken family and how every single thing she's done has such clear reasoning behind it but quite frankly i have so much less to say about her. she's just a vindicative, vengeful, cruel fucking murderer who steals and lies and cheats. she sucks. she tries to poison literally everything that even slightly inconveniences her and barely succeeds, ever.
how to even summarize her... dahlia was one of two daughters of morgan fey, but their dad divorced morgan and fled the fey clan pretty much the second it was clear that morgan would never surpass or live up to the power that the main family had. he took the kids with him and he apparently sucked really hard, hard enough that dahlia fuckin SNAPPED and decided to just start fucking killing people at like age 14.
she did some of that and that's how she ran into cousin mia. mia tried exposing her shit in court but dahlia poisoned the decisive witness and he literally died on the stand. it traumatized mia and she didn’t stand trial for like almost a full year after that. to rub salt in the wound dahlia poisoned diego pretty soonafter when he was questioning her. she got away with all these crimes until mia found her tied up in another case some time later, dahlia dating one phoenix wright who was the prime suspect in a murder on his college campus. obviously she did it and tried to not only frame phoenix but poison him, too--the most she could do was coerce him into swallowing glass but he’s phoenix so he survived. .
mia managed to get dahlia for that murder but after she was executed in prison she continued to do ghost crime. namely her mother and her teamed up to possess the shit out of someone and try to kill maya, the last surviving member of the main family. mia ends up giving the most powerful fucking reason you suck speech to dahlia alongside phoenix and they fucking exorcise her spirit in one of the most glorious goddamn scenes in the whole franchise. 
dahlia sucks. she has no redeeming qualities. her story is a tragic one at its root but i revel in how shamelessly evil she is about it. a long time ago im sure i would’ve felt ashamed about being kin with her but now i mostly just use it to antagonize my phoenix & mia kinnie friends. 
6) You've mentioned you're not particularly picky on sickfics you read, but what would you consider the Best Sickfic™? As in, what tropes, dynamics and symptoms do you enjoy the most?
i actually answered this!
7) What are some other fanfic genres you like?
i’m pretty sure besides sickfic the literal only thing i read is smut. sometimes i’m in the mood for a slowburn/fluff but only rarely. i moreso read fic based on the characters featured than any genre, i tend to scroll through whole character tags until i reach the beginning.
8) You've spoken about making physical copies of DTE before, so do you have any other fics of yours you'd like printed out? I think it'd be fun to have a physical copy of your Sicktember fills from this month
oh i have a physical copy of down! the PDF’s are here.
DTE has been an undertaking because i also wanted to edit the grammar and tighten up the dialogue a little bit~ and also, its too long, so it’s split into three books. i have the first two all ready to go, just struggling to make the cover for the third dfghdf. 
i was planning on making my sicktember fills a physical book, yes!! if anyone’s interested in that i can post the PDFs here haha. haven’t worked on them yet but i plan to very soon.
9) If you have any for her, what pokémon does Maya have in your AU?
i actually haven’t touched maya or the AU in ages ghdg...... i think we were all very adamant that she inherited mia’s chikorita who is named charley though
10) What's been your favourite Sicktember fill to write? Out of the ones you posted, do you have a specific line or description you're particularly proud of?
my favourite was my day 21!!! i talk about it more in the author’s notes but i had been fixing to write it for a very long time. it’s based on true events!
i’m proud of all my writing, so i think that questions too broad for me~ i know it’s like, hip and cool to hate your art or whatever but i absolutely refuse to give my perfectionism a voice this late in life. left that behind me. 
sorry i don’t have an answer for you there! i love it all!
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