#illustration by Jum
jumpei-kawamura · 3 months
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Shoes On Palm:02195 “JUNYA WATANABE MAN x New Balance” 1906L Loafer(FW2024) illustration by Jumpei Kawamura
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odiosogoloso · 9 months
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Lunar New Year Starts Feb. 1st! Spruce up your Chinese Cooking skills with these titles! 
Mooncakes and Milk Bread: Sweet and Savory Recipes Inspired by Chinese Bakeries by Kristina Cho
In Mooncakes & Milk Bread, food blogger Kristina Cho (eatchofood.com) introduces readers to Chinese bakery cooking with fresh, uncomplicated interpretations of classic recipes for the modern baker. Inside you’ll find sweet and savory baked buns, steamed buns, Chinese breads, unique cookies, whimsical cakes, juicy dumplings, Chinese breakfast dishes, and drinks. Recipes for steamed BBQ pork buns, pineapple buns with a thick slice of butter, silky smooth milk tea, and chocolate Swiss rolls all make an appearance--because a book about Chinese bakeries wouldn’t be complete without them!
Let's Make Dumplings!: A Comic Book Cookbook by Hugh Amano, Sarah Becan
An accessible and easy-to-follow comic book cookbook for bringing Asian dumplings into the home kitchen, with recipes for savory and sweet dumplings, dipping sauces, riffs, and more—from the authors of Let’s Make Ramen! Chef Hugh Amano and comics artist Sarah Becan invite you to explore the big little world of Asian dumplings! Ideal for both newbies and seasoned cooks, this comic book cookbook takes a fun approach to a classic treat that is imbued with history across countless regions. From wontons to potstickers, buuz to momos, Amano’s expert guidance paired with Becan’s colorful and detailed artwork prove that intricate folding styles and flavorful fillings are achievable in the home kitchen.
The World's Best Asian Noodle Recipes: 125 Great Recipes from Top Chefs by Susan Sulich (Editor)
Chock full of delicious, healthy recipes, The World’s Best Asian Noodle Recipes includes the best of the best Asian noodle recipes from notable chefs around the world. Alongside step-by-step instructions, beautiful photography illustrates exactly how the finished recipes should look. From soups and salads to main courses, snacks and desserts, there are both traditional recipes and inventive interpretations. Recipes are organized by type of type of ingredients--Seafood, Meats, Vegetables, Poultry and Combinations--and  include a wide range of different noodle selections. Participating chefs are from restaurants that specialize in noodles, as well as from those that have more varied menus with fabulous noodle dishes as an option, along with recipes included from popular blogs, private chefs, and keepers of age-old family recipes. Includes recipes from the Ember Room, Jum Mum, Rouge et Blanc, Koh, and dozens more.
Asian Noodles: 86 Classic Recipes from Vietnam, Thailand, China, Korea and Japan by Maki Watanabe
If you're an avid noodle lover--or ready to graduate from perennial favorite Ramen Noodles--look no further! Experienced Asian cookbook author Maki Watanabe provides all her secret recipes and tips for creating delicious Asian noodle dishes at home with minimal fuss and time. These 86 noodle recipes cover the Asian cuisines best known for their noodle dishes: Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. They include all the classics that are already well-loved in the West--from Vietnamese Pho to Korean Japchae, and Pad Thai to Chinese Wonton Noodles (with gluten-free options available in the form of Japanese Soba and Udon noodles). However, this book also highlights many lesser-known classics that are popular in Asia but not yet widely found in Western restaurants. Asian Noodles is divided into four chapters: Tossed Noodles with Sauces and Toppings, Stir-Fried Noodles, Noodles with Soup and Japanese-Style Noodles. A bonus chapter gives a selection of 10 delicious Asian desserts such as Cilantro Sorbet and Mango Pudding--to eat after your noodles are all gone!
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fayewonglibrary · 3 years
Time in "Soulmate" is marked by Faye Wong (2016)
by Han Songluo
In the movie "Soulmate", several traces of Faye Wong can be found. At the beginning of the story, Qiyue met An Sheng at the age of thirteen. When they were playing together, they sang "la jum bo" [la ja bor]. In the middle of the movie, Faye Wong's song "Fuzao" appeared. And the film’s theme song is Leah Dou's "(It’s Not A Crime) It’s Just What We Do". The MV was directed by Peter Chan himself and starred Leah Dou.
When the staff discussed these behind the scenes details, they said that the producer had initially wanted to use Faye Wong's songs to mark the passage of time. There may have been several reasons why this idea could not be fully implemented. The biggest reason is that using a singer’s influence on a generation to structure the entire story would have weakened the personal images of Qiyue and An Sheng. It would also have been reminiscent of Shunji Iwai's “All About Lily Chou-Chou" in which one of the sources of inspiration for that movie was also Faye Wong. After seeing Faye Wong’s concert, Shunji Iwai had an idea for his story in which Lily Chou-Chou’s influence on a generation of youth’s spiritual world is similar to Faye Wong.
But for those who experienced the second half of the 1990s, a simple prompt like "la jum bo" [la ja bor] is enough. "La jum bo" represents the Faye Wong who could sing love songs with a fiery, unrepentant dedication to love. The Faye Wong who had an "I" in every sentence only existed in the 1990s. After "Only Love Strangers" in 1999, Faye Wong entered the next century where her songs contained less and less "me" and more and more "you".
People sometimes use politicians to mark an era to illustrate the economic conditions and atmosphere of the time. And sometimes they use stars to mark an era to illustrate the spiritual and cultural environment of that time. The latter half of the 1990s can be named after "Faye Wong". Young people listened to Faye Wong, sang Faye Wong, learned from Faye Wong's movements and expressions, and imitated her rebellion and passion. And that era did indeed support these ideas of unyielding rebellion with practical actions and more individuality.
Qiyue and An Sheng grew up in the "Faye Wong Era". According to the hint given by "la jum bo" (Faye Wong's "Fuzao" album was released in 1996), they were probably born in 1983 or 1984, and they met Su Jiaming at the age of 16, which was probably 1999 or 2000. In short, their teenage years were the most active era of Faye Wong, and was also the era when Faye Wong became a spiritual template for young people. At that time, young people were called "Gen Y" and the "Floating Generation". They were labeled as such for their pursuit of freedom, pursuit of individuality, respect for personal feelings, and not caring about social labels. Faye Wong's passion, indifference, and alienation are consistent with these temperaments.
Qiyue and Ansheng are two sides of the same person, or in other words, different stages of a person. In fact, Qiyue's heart is more turbulent than An Sheng because An Sheng’s turmoil was acted upon and released to the full extent. But Qiyue only suppressed herself and could not find a channel for release.  
Everyone in the "Faye Wong Era" experienced feelings of helplessness, searching, innocence, sensitivity, and entanglement. They treated love and friendship as religion and embraced wandering. With magnificent imagination, this is where the movie makes people from the 70s to the 90s empathize.
However, in this era, there is no other Faye Wong, and even Leah Dou is only Leah Dou, not a character who can become a symbol of the times. In order to embrace "Faye Wong", thousands of young people walked on the winding road, struggled and found earth-shattering revelations.
And in the end, Faye Wong doesn’t even think there was anything special about her place in history. 
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animarchive · 5 years
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Interview with Nobuteru Yuuki and CLAMP - Illustration: Jum from Vaelber Saga by Mokona Apapa (Newtype, 07/1996) 
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ravenkult · 7 years
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Earthworm Jum by Arthur Gimaldinov https://www.artstation.com/artwork/5aB0O
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businessbypassion · 3 years
20 Tips That How To Crack A Job Interview?
From exploring the organization to taking care of specific key inquiries questions, ensure you establish an incredible connection and expert your next prospective employee meeting by following these 20 hints.
Need to expert your next meeting and land that open occupation you've been looking for? The following are 20 hints to assist you with planning.
1. Examination the business and friends.
A questioner might ask how you see his organization's situation in its industry, who the company's rivals are, what its upper hands are, and how it should best go ahead. Hence, try not to attempt to completely explore twelve unique ventures. Spotlight your pursuit of employment on only a couple of ventures all things considered.
2. Explain your "selling focuses" and the reasons you need the work.
Get ready to go into each meeting with three to five key selling focuses at the top of the priority list, like what makes you the best possibility for the position. Have an illustration of each selling point arranged ("I have great relational abilities. For instance, I convinced a whole gathering to ..."). Also, be ready to explain to the questioner why you need that work – including what intrigues you about it, what rewards it offers that you discover important, and what capacities it necessitates that you have. In the event that a questioner doesn't believe you're extremely intrigued by the work, the person will not give you a deal – regardless of how great you are!
3. Expect the questioner's interests and reservations.
There are in every case a greater number of contender for positions than there are openings. So questioners search for ways of screening individuals out. Come at the situation from their perspective and wonder why they might not have any desire to employ you ("I don't have this," "I'm not that," and so forth) Then, at that point, set up your protection: "I realize you might be feeling that I probably won't be the best fit for this position in light of the fact that [their reservation]. However, you should realize that [reason the questioner shouldn't be excessively concerned]."
4. Get ready for normal inquiries questions.
Each "how to talk with" book has a rundown of at least 100 "normal inquiries questions." (You may ponder exactly how long those meetings are in case there are that numerous normal inquiries!) So how would you get ready? Pick any rundown and ponder which questions you're probably going to experience, given your age and status (going to graduate, searching for a late spring entry level position). Then, at that point, set up your answers so you will not need to bobble for them during the genuine meeting.
5. Line up your inquiries for the questioner.
Go to the meeting for certain wise inquiries for the questioner that exhibit your insight into the organization just as your genuine goal. Questioners consistently ask on the off chance that you have any inquiries, and regardless, you ought to have a couple of prepared. On the off chance that you say, "Actually no, not actually," the person might infer that you're not too inspired by the work or the organization. A decent universally handy inquiry is, "In the event that you could plan the best contender for this situation starting from the earliest stage, what might the person resemble?"
In case you're having a progression of meetings with a similar organization, you can utilize a portion of your pre-arranged inquiries with every individual you meet (for instance, "What do you believe is the best thing about working here?" and "What sort of individual might you most want to see fill this position?") Then, attempt to consider a couple of others during each meeting itself.
6. Practice, practice, practice.
It's one thing to come ready with a psychological response to an inquiry like, "For what reason should we recruit you?" It's another test completely to say it so anyone can hear in a certain and persuading way. Whenever you first attempt it, you'll sound jumbled and befuddled, regardless of how clear your musings are as far as you could tell! Do it another multiple times, and you'll sound a great deal smoother and more eloquent.
Yet, you shouldn't do your rehearsing when you're not kidding with a scout; practice before you go to the meeting. The most ideal way of practicing? Get two companions and work on meeting each other in a "cooperative effort": one individual goes about as the eyewitness and the "interviewee" gets input from both the onlooker and the "questioner." Go for four or five rounds, exchanging jobs as you go. Another thought (however most certainly second-best) is to copy your reply and afterward play it back to see where you need to improve. Whatever you do, ensure your training comprises of talking resoundingly. Practicing your reply in your psyche will not cut it.
7. Score an achievement in the initial five minutes.
A few investigations demonstrate that questioners make up their brains about applicants in the initial five minutes of the meeting – and afterward use whatever remains of the meeting searching for things to affirm that choice! So what would you be able to do in those five minutes to get past the door? Come in with energy and excitement, and express your appreciation for the questioner's time. (Keep in mind: She might be seeing a great deal of different competitors that day and might be drained from the trip in. So get that energy!)
Likewise, get going with a positive remark about the organization – something like, "I've truly been anticipating this gathering [not "interview"]. I think [the company] is accomplishing incredible work in [a specific field or project], and I'm truly invigorated by the possibility of having the option to contribute."
8. Get on a similar side as the questioner.
Numerous questioners see new employee screenings as antagonistic: Candidates will attempt to pry a proposal out of the questioner, and the questioner's responsibility is to clutch it. Your responsibility is to change this "back-and-forth" into a relationship wherein you're both on a similar side. You could say something as basic as, "I'm glad to get the opportunity to look into your organization and to allow you to study me, so we can check whether this will be a decent match or not. I generally imagine that the most noticeably awful thing that can happen is to be employed into a task that is off-base for you – then, at that point, no one's cheerful!"
9. Be decisive and assume liability for the meeting.
Maybe out of the work to be amenable, some generally decisive up-and-comers become excessively uninvolved during prospective employee meetings. However, good manners doesn't rise to aloofness. A meeting resembles some other discussion – it's a dance wherein you and an accomplice move together, both reacting to the next. Try not to commit the error of simply staying there trusting that the questioner will get some information about that Nobel Prize you won. It's your obligation to ensure he leaves realizing your key selling focuses.
10. Be prepared to deal with illicit and improper inquiries.
Inquiries concerning your race, age, sex, religion, conjugal status, and sexual direction are unseemly and in numerous spaces illicit. By the by, you might get at least one of them. In the event that you do, you have a few choices. You can essentially address with an inquiry ("I don't know how that is pertinent to my application"), or you can attempt to reply "the inquiry behind the inquiry": "I don't realize whether I'll choose to have kids soon, however in case you're contemplating whether I'll find employment elsewhere for a lengthy timeframe, I can say that I'm exceptionally dedicated to my vocation and honestly can't envision surrendering it."
11. Make your selling focuses understood.
In the event that a tree falls in the timberland and nobody is there to hear it, did it make a sound? More significant, on the off chance that you impart your selling focuses during a prospective employee meeting and the questioner doesn't get it, did you score? On this inquiry, the appropriate response is clear: No! So don't cover your selling focuses in indulgent stories. All things considered, let the questioner know your selling point first, then, at that point, give the model.
12. Think positive.
Nobody loves a whiner, so don't harp on regrettable encounters during a meeting. Regardless of whether the questioner asks you point clear, "What courses have you loved least?" or "What did you like least with regards to that past work?" don't respond to the inquiry. Or on the other hand more explicitly, don't answer it as it's been inquired. All things being equal, say something like, "Indeed, really I've discovered something pretty much each of my classes that I've preferred. For instance, despite the fact that I viewed [class] to be extremely intense, I preferred the way that [positive point about the class]" or "I loved [a past job] a lot, albeit presently I realize that I truly need to [new job]."
13. Close with an optimistic outlook.
Assuming a sales rep came to you and exhibited his item, said thanks to you for your time and left the entryway, what did he foul up? He didn't request that you get it! In the event that you get to the furthest limit of a meeting and think you'd truly like that work, request it! Let the questioner know that you'd ridiculously like the work – that you were amped up for it before the meeting and are much more energized now, and that you're persuaded you'd prefer to work there. In case there are two similarly acceptable competitors toward the finish of the hunt – you and another person – the questioner will believe you're bound to acknowledge the proposition, and in this manner might be more disposed to make a proposal to you.
Shockingly better, take what you've found out with regards to yourself from your MyPath vocation evaluation and use it to clarify why you think this is the best occupation for you: "I've done some cautious profession self-appraisal, and I realize that I'm generally keen on [one or two of your most significant profession interest themes], and – I may be way off track – it appears to be that this position would permit me to communicate those interests. I likewise realize that I'm generally inspired by [two or three of your most significant inspirations from your MyPath assessment], and I have the feeling that in the event that I progress admirably, I could get those prizes in this position.
At last, I realize that my most grounded capacities are [two or three of your most grounded capacities from your MyPath assessment], and I consider those to be being the capacities you most requirement for this position." If you follow this tip, you'll be (a) requesting the work, (b) clarifying why you believe it's a decent match, (c) showing your mindfulness and development, and (d) further incapacitating the back-and-forth unique that questioners expect. You'll make the most grounded conceivable "close" – and that merits a l
14. Carry a duplicate of your resume to each meeting.
Have a duplicate of your resume with you when you go to each meeting. In the event that the questioner has lost their duplicate, you'll save a great deal of time (and shame on the questioner's part) in the event that you can simply haul your additional duplicate out and hand it over.
15. Try not to stress over sounding "canned".
Certain individuals are worried that in the event that they practice their replies, they'll sound "canned" (or excessively cleaned or loquacious) during the meeting. Relax. In case you're good to go, you'll sound smooth and expressive, not canned. What's more, in case you're not really good to go, the uneasiness of the circumstance will dispense with any "canned" quality.
16. Capitalize on the "Educate me concerning yourself" question.
Numerous questioners start interviews with this inquiry. So how could you react? You can go into an anecdote concerning where you were conceived, what your folks do, the number of siblings and sisters and canines and felines you have, and that is alright. In any case, would you rather have the questioner recording what sort of canine you have – or why the organization should recruit you?
Consider reacting to this inquiry with something like: "Indeed, clearly I could enlighten you regarding heaps of things, and assuming I'm missing what you need, kindly let me know. However, the three things I believe are generally significant for you to think about me are [your selling points]. I can develop those a little in the event that you'd like." Interviewers will consistently say, "Sure, go on." you say, "Indeed, in regards to the principal point, [give your example]. What's more, when I was working for [company], I [example of another selling point]." Etc. This system empowers you to concentrate the initial 10-15 minutes of the meeting on all of your key selling focuses. The "Inform me concerning yourself" question is a once in a lifetime chance. Try not to miss it!
17. Communicate in the right non-verbal communication.
Dress properly, visually connect, give a confident handshake, have great stance, talk obviously, and don't wear scent or cologne! Now and then meeting areas are little rooms that might need great air course. You need the questioner focusing on your work capabilities - not passing out in light of the fact that you've come in wearing Chanel No. 5 and the competitor before you was soaked with Brut, and the two have blended to shape a harmful gas that outcomes in you not getting a deal!
18. Be prepared for "conduct based" interviews".
One of the most well-known meeting styles today is to request that individuals depict encounters they have had that exhibit practices that the organization believes are significant for a specific position. You may be gotten some information about when you settled on a disagreeable choice, shown an undeniable degree of diligence, or settled on a choice under time tension and with restricted data, for instance.
Stage 1 is to expect the practices this recruiting supervisor is probably going to be searching for. Stage 2 is to distinguish no less than one illustration of when you showed every conduct. Stage 3 is to set up a story for every model. Many individuals suggest utilizing SAR (Situation-Action-Result) as a model for the story. Stage 4 is to work on recounting the story. Additionally, make a point to audit your resume before the meeting in light of this sort of organization; this can assist you with recollecting instances of practices you might not have expected ahead of time.
19. Send cards to say thanks.
Compose a card to say thanks after each meeting. Type each note on paper or send them by email, contingent upon the questioners' inclinations. Modify your notes by alluding explicitly to what you and the questioner examined; for instance, "I was especially amped up for [or intrigued by, or happy to hear] the thing you said about ..." Handwritten notes may be better in case you're expressing gratitude toward an individual contact for aiding you in your pursuit of employment, or on the other hand if the organization you're meeting with is situated in Europe. Whatever strategy you pick, notes ought to be sent inside 48 hours of the meeting.
To compose a decent card to say thanks, you'll need to set aside time after each meeting to write down a couple of things concerning what the questioner said. Additionally, record what you might have improved in the meeting, and make changes before you head off for your next meet.
20. Try not to surrender!
In the event that you've had a terrible meeting for a task that you really consider would be an incredible qualified for you (not simply something you need gravely), don't surrender! Compose a note, send an email, or consider the questioner to tell that person that you figure you made a lackluster display of imparting why you figure this work would be a decent match. Emphasize what you have to bring to the table the organization, and say that you'd like a chance to contribute. Regardless of whether this system will find you a line of work offer relies upon the organization and on you. In any case, one thing's without a doubt: If you don't attempt, your odds are by and large zero. We've seen this methodology work on various events, and we urge you to offer it that last chance.
On the off chance that you follow the over 20 systems, you'll be pretty much as ready as any applicant a questioner has seen at any point ever. Look at our Open Jobs to begin your new vocation today. Best of luck!
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mybookplacenet · 5 years
Artist Interview: Michael Wade-Mossotti
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Tell us about yourself and your art.: Comics and art were my best friends when I was younger. As I got older I did grow out of. I never stopped doodling but didn't peruse it any farther. Four years ago I was in a had car accident, 6 months later, major surgery. Not even 3 months later another very bad car accident. My back was injured and limited my capacity. I used it to focus on my art and keep me busy. I began watching/reading every YouTube video, webinar, book and article I could find. I would draw and research for 12-15 hours a day. Now it's all I want to do. It is very rare to see me with out my surface or tablet in hand. Simply drawing away and absolutely content and happy with. I is what I was meant to do and I will do it every day till the day I die. I absolutely love to draw and paint and learn. What inspired you and your art style? I would say comic books. Mostly Xmen, I am obsessed them. I also like to draw style or inspiration from all art. I love Van Gogh and Rembrandt as well. I watch water color videos or oil videos. Even though there not my personal style. You can always learn something you can apply to your own art. So comics and life. Comics got me into art but life kept me here. Do you have any unusual drawing habits? Not really. Except I am always drawing. I carry my tablet and laptop or surface to the living room, to bed and I have it on drawing while I am at work. In between calls, I draw. Lol..... What artists have influenced you? Oh wow, well I mentioned a few above. Mainly comics artists. Jim Lee was my first exposure. He's amazing. I love Jack Kirby and Adam Kubert. More modern would be Jerome Opena, I loved his style since Uncanny Xforce. Harvey Taliboa I'd amazing too. His details nd perspective is so interesting. Frank Cho, Jum Chueng, Chrid Bachelo, and more. I truly appreciate most styles of work. I just love art, and comics lol. Do you have any advice for new artists? Yes, practice practice practice. Absorb all the knowledge you can get. Never stop thinking you can't improve, you always can. And lastly believe in your art and don't discredit on the basis of other art. There's enough room for everyone. What do you think makes a good illustrator/designer? I think they have to be dedicated and motivated. You can see the energy in the work. They also have to be open to critique and learning something new and adapting. Lastly probably the ability to take everyti ng they know and throw it out the window when they create and have fun with it. Make it your own. What is the best advice you have ever heard? Stay humble and grounded. Once you feel like you've made it or you're where you want to be. Don't stop pushing yourself. Keep learning and keep practicing and pushing your limits.oh and I heard this too. Have the same energy throughout the picture. If I ever feel like, men, on a picture. I will step away and come back when I feel I have that energy again. Don't force the finish or it will not look cohesive. What are you reading now? Xmen Blue, Xmen Gold, Thunderbolts, Uncanny Xmen, Weapon X, I have comixology so just every night I am reading different comics. What's your biggest weakness? I can get easily distracted. So I always make sure to be in my creative space. No TV, no dogs no distractions. I put my headphones and go. What is your favorite book of all time? A Short History in Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. How well do you work under pressure? Very well, I generally don't let pressure get to me. Why did you become a graphic designer/illustrator? I have a love for art and creating. It's my way of balancing out this life. I never feel more free or content than when I am creating. What are you working on now? No projects but I draw everyday. What is your method for promoting your work? Social media right now. Soon I think I may be looking for other outlets. What has been your most successful graphic design project? Why? I think any of them. I am about 90% self taught with everything. Everything I've learned on creating and finishing and the techniques. I had to teach myself. I am tenacious and when I am in it, I am in it and it will be finished. What's next for you as an artist? Finding some projects to start getting my work published and making a portfolio. Artist Websites and Profiles Michael Wade-Mossotti DeviantArt Account Michael Wade-Mossotti's Social Media Links Instagram Account Read the full article
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warriorartistt · 5 years
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Ray 📚🔥💖💕 #thepromisedneverland 🙌🏻🙌🏻😍 Dicen que no se parece pero a mi me gusto jum jajja 🤭🙌🏻 Volví después de tanto espero les guste 🔥🤭💕 - - - - - - - #illustration #illustrations #ilustracion #sketch #sketchbook #sweet #cute #emma #fanart #thepromisedneverlandemma #thepromisedneverland #thepromisedneverlandillustration #anime #manga #emmaraynorman #love #illustration_daily #illustration_best #ilustradorasmexicanas #ilustradoresmexicanos #warrior #kawaii #kawaiiartist #kawaiigirl #procreate #procreateart @procreate (en Puebla, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNnOKmFzw_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q2zpdt263p8u
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wonhyukdo-blog · 7 years
As previously stated, one of my favorite foods by far. It is also quite popular across all of Korea. The filling gives the food for diversity, and the different districts of Korea sometimes have a specialty to offer. 
It is believed that dumplings were introduced to Korea in the 13th century. There was a famous song of the time called “ssanghwa jum” which means a dumpling shop. Although the story of the song is completely unrelated, the story takes place at a dumpling store which indicates that dumplings may have been popular at this time.
in Korean, dumpling is called mandu. It was also called ssang hwa in ancient times (just like in the song). Dumplings can be steamed, cooked, fried, or put into soups. There are some soups that are just called dumpling soups with dumplings as the main ingredient.
In modern day, you can buy frozen dumplings in the super markets for some fast and easy dumplings too, which makes it popular amongst college students too.
Korean Cuisine, an Illustrated History by Michael Pettid
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carterashofficial · 7 years
11 Questions
Tagged by @tahjan
1. what’s your favorite artistic outlet (writing, drawing, something else)?
I write stories. Write poetry. Paint. Sketch. Illustrate. I don’t have a favorite because I’m always doing one.
2. If you could learn any language in the world, what would you learn?
Spanish. I can stumble along in present-tense but I used to be semi-fluent-ish, and a lot of people in SoCal speak it.
3. What’s your favorite love interest in SWTOR (since most/all of you play)?
I can’t pick I love them all for different reasons and I can’t rank some over others. Like I love Doc’s terrible flirts, Aric’s grumpiness, Elara’s kindness in face of adversary, Corso’s loyalty, Andronikos being a complete softie, Mako’s bright personality...
4. What’s your favorite alien species from the Star Wars universe?
5. What are your three most favorite colors?
Dark gray, fuckin’ bright ass fire-truck red, and navy. I’m more into color combos that go together than specific individual colors.
6. What’s your favorite kind of chocolate (white, dark, milk, etc.)?
White chocolate isn’t even real chocolate and tastes like false hopes and dreams. I used to be really into milk chocolate as a kid but as I’ve gotten older I’ve like dark chocolate more and more. It’d probably my favorite
7. What’s your absolute dream job?
Ah, now that’s a loaded question. On job applications I say that I want to own my own construction company/firm since I’m applying for construction internships. In theory, career wise, I do want to work in the industry out on job sites, but not own anything. But what I really, really, really what to do is write. Just stories. I have so many stories crammed away into my skull that I need to put some of them down into print. I supposed an author. But being a parent is also a job, and I definitely want kids. So toss-up between mother and author, but ideally, both.
8. If you could be any mythological creature what would you be?
Fairy, specifically one that could use plant or water magic,
9. What’s your favorite author(s)?
In the order that they come to mind: Morgan Rhodes, J. K. Rowling, Rick Riodan, Jum Butcher, Diana Wynne Jones, Jude Watson (the kid Jedi books), Terry Pratchet, Cassandra Clare, John Flanagan, Jennifer A. Neilson, William Ritter, Christopher Paolini... I’m sure there’s more; they just aren’t coming to mind. I read a lot. Yo also the fan-fic authors out there I’ve read. Y’all are my faves too
10. What’s your favorite kind of story to read (romance, historical, adventure)?
Fantasy/Historical mystery/adventure with a romantic sub-plot. Or Sci-fi. I’m not big on books specifically written specifically for romance/smut nor the cookie-cutter-plot crime dramas. Or dystopian novels like Maze Runner or Hunger Games or Divergent. Not a fan of those. I like happy endings.
11. If you could have any superpower, which one would you have?
To fly.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
Natai Beach Wedding With Muted Spice Tones added to Google Docs
Natai Beach Wedding With Muted Spice Tones
Nat and Jum’s Natai Beach wedding is filled to the brim with inspiring details. Not only does their illustrated invitation suite with a subtle Disney nod pave the way for a celebration overflowing with personal touches, every design element from Ruffled vendors, The Wedding Bliss Thailand, is infused with creativity and evanescent beauty. Baba Beach…
Natai Beach Wedding With Muted Spice Tones - Ruffled
via Ruffled https://ruffledblog.com/natai-beach-wedding-spice-tones/ Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created September 3, 2020 at 08:04PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Dr. STONE Manga Takes Break From Jump Due to Illustrator Bochi’s Sickness
  Dr. STONE is a staple of the current line-up of manga series’ being serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump, but in this week’s double issue, that went on sale January 4, the chapter wasn’t published due to a sudden illness of illustrator Bochi.
  Instead of the Dr. STONE chapter, a full-page announcement informed readers that Bochi came under a “sudden illness” that “prevented him from drawing.” The editorial staff apologized to readers for the missing chapter and that they didn’t have time to change the survey card in the issue. Usually, if a series is taking a week off, the survey card that is sent back to Weekly Shonen Jump – to inform the editorial staff which series readers liked best – would omit the series that aren’t running that week. Because Dr. STONE is still on the card, it means the omission from the magazine came very late in the production cycle.
  Volume 1 of the manga:
    Volume 10 of the manga:
    The editorial staff wrote that Dr. STONE will be returning to the magazine in the next issue, which will go on sale in Japan on January 20.
  Viz Media simul-pubs the series into English as it’s released in Japan. The first season of the Dr. STONE TV anime finished airing in December and was simulcast by Crunchyroll. Season 2 was announced at the end of the first season.
  Source: Weekly Shonen Jump volume 6/7
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
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mochi-usagi · 6 years
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今日の朝ごはんはコーヒーとあんぱん♡食べようとしたらモチうさぎが現れた! 今日も元気に頑張ろうね♡ today's breakfast are a cup of coffee & a bean jum bun♡ when i try to eat them, mochi-rabbits come up! let's do our best today♡ #キャラクター #イラスト #キャラ #モチうさぎ #ピヨ丸 #手書き #絵 #漫画 #朝食 #コーヒー #あんぱん #今日も一日頑張ろう #character #illustration #mochirabbit #piyomaru #handwriting #cartoon #breakfast #coffee #bun #dothebest #goodmorning
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happyartmuseum · 6 years
(со страницы https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evck3Wnexmk
WELCOME to ART RIGA FAIR 2018.  Round Table Discussion “Documento Futurae” on ARF17 http://ArtRiga.com ANDRIS TEIKMANIS, Alexander Rappaport, Andrejs Krasņikovs, Paquita Escofet Miro, Dmitrijs Šagins, Dags Vidulejs, Arturs Avotins @ conference “What is Art” Eight Future Art Scenarios. 2018 https://youtu.be/Evck3Wnexmk https://www.facebook.com/ArtFairRiga/videos/1932976487021196/ http://happyartmuseum.blogspot.com/2018/01/welcome-to-art-riga-fair-2018.html#links https://twitter.com/Happy_ArtMuseum/status/950312616039247873 https://vk.com/wall163618759_258Documento Futurae is an artistic research project conducted by Dr.art. ANDRIS TEIKMANIS. Documento Futurae was developed elaborating outcomes of the Art Future workshop and Art. Documento Futurae was not intended just to illustrate ideas that were delivered during conference. Documento Futurae was developed and elaborated as a self-su cient approach to use artistic means to address, challenge and forecast future. Eight Future Art Scenarios is an example of Documento Futurae demonstrating how proposed politic, economic and technological uncertatinties should be used to forecasting not only future scenarious but also future art role models.Apaļā galda diskusija “Documento Futurae” Astoņi nākotnes mākslas scenāriji. 2018. Documento Futurae ir Dr.art. ANDRA TEIKMAŅA māksliniecisko pētījumu projekts.  Documento Fu- turae tika izstrādāta un īstenota kā pašpietiekama māksliniecisko instrumentu pielietošanas metode pievēršoties, risinot un paredzot nākotnes attīstības modeļus. Astoņi nākotnes mākslas scenāriji ir piemērs, kurš demonstrē kā politiskās, ekonomiskās un tehnoloģiskās nenoteiktības var tikt izmantotas ne tikai, lai paredzētu nākotnes scenārijus, bet arī, lai paredzētu mākslas nākotnes lomu modeļus.WELCOME to ART RIGA FAIR 2018 http://ArtRiga.com [email protected] [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/ArtFairRiga ⓒ DagsVidulejs +37129595885 ⓒ Galina Maksimova +37129177748——————————————————————————————annual ART FAIR: "ART Riga" - 2018 Latvian State centenary Riga Latvian & Baltic capital in the European map of culture. WELCOME! Encourage apply participants and interested Collectors to RIGA ART FAIR 2018 Basic exhibition takes place 6-12 November 2018 at "Latvian Railway History Museum" Latvijas Dzelzceļa vēstures muzejs. Uzvaras bulvāris 2-4 Rīga, Latvija. RIGA city in the world is more popular than LATVIAN as a state. Riga is a trade center at Western Europe and Northern and Eastern from the ancient medieval times.  If you need to hold an event, conference, presentation, show, movie demonstration or exhibition in RIGA with a moderator, poster, announcement, video recording of the event and online broadcasting, banquet service and a bar. We offer cooperation in organizing the art exchange exhibitions. We are ready to take Your exhibition, the opening event, advertising creation and publishing. We offer our gallery collection of best contemporary recognized professional sartists paintings, sculptures, graphics. Contemporaries in the art that will become classics. Then welcome HAPPY ART MUSEUM - Dzirnavu street 67 / entertainment centre GALLERIA RIGA top level. 450m2, 100 krēsli, WEB BROADCASTING, free WIFI, 200K followers, FREE ENTREE 12-23 no holidayshttps://facebook.com/HappyArtMuseum +37129177748 +37129595885 [email protected] Jums vajag sarīkot pasākumu, konferenci, prezentāciju, izrādi, filmas skati vai izstādi RĪGĀ ar moderatoru, plakātu, izziņošanu, pasākuma video ierakstu un translēšanu onlainā, banketa apkalpošanu un bāru. Tad laipni gaidam HAPPY ART MUSEUM- Dzirnavu iela67/ izklaides centra GALLERIA RIGA augšējā līmenī.  450m2, 100 krēsli, WEB translācija, brīvs WIFI, 200K web draugi, brīva ieeja, 12-23 bez brīvdienām https://facebook.com/HappyArtMuseum +37129177748 +37129595885 [email protected]Если вам необходимо организовать мероприятие, конференцию, презентацию, шоу со сценой или выставку, показ кино в Риге с модератором, плакатом, рекламой, видео записью события и трансляцией онлайн, с банкетом и баром. Тогда добро пожаловать- Вас ждёт HAPPY ART MUSEUM улица Дзирнаву 67 / на верхнем уровне развлекательного центра GALLERIA RIGA. https://facebook.com/HappyArtMuseum +37129177748 +37129595885 [email protected]. EUROCLUB & Producers Group Ltd."Happy Art Museum" http://HappyArtMuseum.co organizes ART RIGA FAIR, art events in our "Pinakoteka"expo hall, Galleria Riga Dzirnavu str 67 FREE entree, 1000 artpieces shop, ArtStudio, exhibitions, performances, literal actions, film festival, corporative events, EUROCLUB Stage, LIVE WEB TV 200K followers, Cafe 13-21 Portuguese 100 Wine collection, 1000 artpieces shop, ArtStudio. Latvian artists union group exhibitions, performances, literal actions, film festival, corporative events, EUROCLUB. Shows well attended up to 500 people a day. http://www.happyartmuseum.co http://www.facebook.com/HappyArtmuseum http://youtube.com/user/PinakotekaLatvija https://twitter.com/Happy_ArtMuseum https://www.linkedin.com/in/artriga/ https://plus.google.com/+HappyartmuseumCo http://www.draugiem.lv/laimigas-makslas-muzejs/ http://www.draugiem.lv/laimigasmakslasmuzejs
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