#il fantasma dell'opera
esqueletosgays · 7 months
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Director: Dario Argento Cinematography: Ronnie Taylor
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operafantomet · 9 months
Now I've finally caught up on all the content from the Italian non-replica productions, and I have so many thoughts. Now let's play the very unfair but also kinda fun game of "reviewing a production solely based on photos"! I'll put it behind the cut to not kill your feed...
Is it really a non-replica production if the Eiffel Tower is not included in some way?
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This set design is rather clever. Making the false boxes at the side a part of a rotating set, complete with a "frescoed" ceiling, makes it a lot easier to remove the auditorium look. And also a brilliant anchor for the chandelier instead of relying on the theatre's own ceiling. I guess the only issue is that the scenes where the boxes are partly turned (like the Mirror scene) seems somewhat cramped, but all in all: an original take on the "false boxes dilemma", and more spacious looking than the Restaged Tour's drum set. Other than that... a rather beige Hannibal?
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The Elissa costumes... It's like the Estonian Elissa costume had a love child with the Sydney Harbour dance costumes...! But I don't say that in a negative way. I think the Italian Elissa costumes looks regal and rich and fun.
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Earl Carpenter also admires that costume:
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Is it really a non-replica production if Christine does not feature a red rose in some way? Also, an example of how the stage feels a bit cramped with the false boxes-set rotated. On the other hand, I guess this brings the audience closer to the action. I like what I see overall.
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Not gonna lie, I thought this was from the Restaged Tour first time I saw the photo. Both look almost identical to the original staging and costumes, just mildly tweaked:
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I have not seen any good photos of the set design of the Phantom's lair. But the glimpses I've seen gives me vibes of the Restaged Tour and the Polish production. Mostly because of the curved gondola and the candle-lit realistic organ:
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The Restaged Tour vibes are STRONG here, with the cast singing the final part of Prima Donna in front of a Garnier-esque curtain. If Carlotta had worn her Il Muto costume it would be downright identical.
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But hey! Bonus point for not including the Eiffel Tower in the Rooftop set. The set designer clearly knew what she was doing by including it in the Auction scene (set later) and not in the Rooftop scene. The Notre Dame, on the other hand, would "always" had been there. Bonus point for a hint of Garnier sculptures and roof structure.
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...whatever can it mean that the Phantom swings across the stage in a red cape, Tarzan style?
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Whaddayaknow, a foreshadoing for dead Buquet, swinging across the stage in the same manner just some seconds later. Frankly? This is one of the ideas I suspect maybe looked better on paper than in real life. Camp flies higher than the Phantom, at least...
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Eeeer. Forget what I wrote. The Phantom flies higher than camp after all, riding that chandelier to the ground in an olympic level of explosions and flashing light. I want to dig it, but my brain refuses to.
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Is it really a non-replica production if there aren't some sort of confetti? Nice turned perspective on the Garnier auditorium and chandelier. Very, very similar to the chandelier crash in Hungary. Looks pretty. Also liking Christine's quite serious bustle dress, even if it doesn't quite scream Masquerade. But I believe they all cloak up for the main scene?
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The graveyard, complete with graves, a glum sky, a cloaked Christine carrying a red rose (what else?), and... the Phantom flying away on his black wings... This production is a lot, but boring isn't part of that...!
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Don Juan AKA Mad Hatter. First time I saw part of Christine's costume I thought they had replicated the Marguerite dress from the Lon Chaney movie and it made me so happy. But then I saw the corset. Ah, no. Close, but no cigar. But I dig Amelia Milo's wig. It's hard to make out the colour, quite dark ash blonde or super light brown. It looks very good on her.
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Beautiful set, though! The painted "fresco" ceiling above the chandelier is such a neat touch.
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OK, Ramin... throat grabbing Christine was not OK in the Royal Albert Hall, and it's still not OK. No. Just no.
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...and here you lost me completely... Is this The Phantom of the Opera or The Met: Notes on Camp? I can't tell.
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But not to end this absolutely nonsense non-review on a negative note, I will comment on the main background set seen in the Phantom's lair and Don Juan. CLEVER. Because... At first glance it reminds of Maria Bjørnson's set design for Don Juan. She appears to have been inspired by the Italian artist Piranesi (1720-1778), and especially his fantasy architecture of nightmareish labyrinths. A series is called "Imaginary Prisons". It looks like the Italian production also picks up a clue or five from Piranesi. And frankly, "Imaginary Prisons"... the most fitting home for the Phantom, no?
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forest-enchantress · 4 months
Asia Argento in The Phantom of the Opera
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Here is a #254 gifs of Asia Argento in Il fantasma dell'opera. All of these gifs were made by me from scratch, so do not redistribute or claim them as your own. If using, please give this a like and reblog!
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Phantom of the opera Italy:
The Italian production will be on stage in Trieste from Tuesday 4th to Sunday 16th July 2023.
Ticket prices will vary from €29 (restricted view seats) to €130 (premium seats) depending on the day and the section of the theatre.
Midweek seats will be cheaper than weekend.
public ticket sales start Thursday 9th March
See below for ticket prices:
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Italiano: vedi sopra per i prezzi dei biglietti
La produzione italiana andrà in scena a Trieste da martedì 4 a domenica 16 luglio 2023.
I prezzi dei biglietti varieranno da € 29 (posti a vista ristretta) a €130 (posti premium) a seconda del giorno e della sezione del teatro.
I posti infrasettimanali saranno più economici del fine settimana.
la vendita dei biglietti al pubblico inizia giovedì 9 marzo
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paperandsong · 2 years
The Paris Commune in Adaptations of the Phantom of the Opera
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1909 Leroux
The skeleton found beneath the Garnier is supposedly presumed to be a victim of the Commune, but the narrator believes it is in fact Erik’s body.
The passage behind Christine’s mirror is meant to have been built by the Communards who occupied the unfinished Garnier during the Commune. Erik calls this mon chemin des communards (the Communard road).
Erik places Raoul in a room he calls the cachot des communards (the Communard dungeon).
And also, the anarchy.
1925 Silent Film
All kinds of ahistorical details abound in the silent film. When exactly was the “Second Revolution”?
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1987 The Complete Phantom of the Opera by George Perry
George Perry thinks Gaston Leroux is a reliable source of Commune history. He is not. 
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1990 Susan Kay’s Phantom 
Kerik did not care about the Commune.
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1998 Dario Argento’s  Il fantasma dell'opera 
This guy was a Communard. 
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2018 MazM The Phantom of the Opera
Madame Giry’s husband was a Communard.
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The ALW musical never mentions the Commune, but you could interpret all the fire Erik throws around as a vague reference, in the same way the Mandarin robe is a nod to Leroux Erik’s travels in Asia. 
Are there more? I haven’t seen every adaptation out there, so if you know of more references, just send them in and I’ll add to the list!
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Okay so if Gerard Butler is Gerik
And Julian Sands is Ratrik
I have to ask
Is Robert Englund...
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tvserie-film · 1 year
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Title:  Le Fantôme de l'Opéra (1909)
Author:  Gaston Leroux
Vote: 7.5/10
A very suggestive story that dyes a mysterious love story and obsession with dark meanings. The monster is this after his appearance even if from his actions it would seem to be so even in spirit since he does not exist in front of the kidnapping and murder.
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Se mi porta a vedere il musical del Fantasma dell'opera è quello giusto
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lucy-ghoul · 5 days
Sei una Ghoulcy shipper italiana!?? Allora esistiamo anche noi..non è colpa mia giuro io li amo troppo e non mi capitava dai tempi del bellarke. So che non diventeranno mai Canon ma chissenefrega. Perché su Twitter ti bloccano se ami questo pair? Mai visto nulla del genere. Sono entrata su Tumblr solo per shippare in santa pace 😅
sì, sono italiana! credo che con i miei reblog ossessivi sia come minimo riuscita a far interessare alla ship una esigua manciata di fellow sickos (italiani e non), quindi di certo non sei l'unica. anzi, su ao3 sono di gran lunga il pairing più popolare - vabbè che il fandom è praticamente neonato but still. "perché su twitter ti bloccano se ami questo pair?" oh povera figlia dell'estate shdhhfhdhd no sul serio, la cosa non mi stupisce per niente perché la coppia ha un sacco di attributi proBBBlematici (per me sono pregi ma vabbè) come l'age gap (non solo il fatto che cooper abbia più di duecento anni lol, intendo proprio fra gli attori) e la dinamica enemies to uneasy allies to (speriamo ma non ci conto proprio) lovers per cui ti accusano di essere un aBuSe aPoLoGiSt, e per giunta pure razzista perché invece di shippare la wholesome interracial pair vuoi accoppiare quella povera cinnamon roll della protagonista con il nasty old man di turno..... insomma, è un discourse vecchissimo che imo riecheggia in modo inquietante le vecchie r.eylo vs f.innrey wars dove ti facevano cyberbullismo e ti accusavano di qualsiasi cosa se volevi che rey pomiciasse col KTTV kylo ren lmao. I Was There, Gandalf™, e ho visto Cose. tbh non mi aspettavo minimamente che la coppia diventasse popolare, proprio per i suddetti motivi, ma a quanto pare ho sottovalutato il lato freak delle tumblr girlies (gnc). good for us! bisogna anche dire che se metti a paragone la cute puppy love romance con la dinamica della ghoulcy, ovviamente quest'ultima è molto più juicy. il pubblico in generale ama il conflitto, gli antieroi dannati e i villain pieni di dilemmi, per non parlare di roba tipo la bella e il mostro ecc. (infatti credo che molti più pg di colore dovrebbero essere caratterizzati in questo modo/avere questo tipo di storylines, vedi il sopraccitato finn che avrebbe ampiamente giovato di una character arc da vero ex stormtrooper con un forte conflitto interiore invece di diventare la sidekick di Super Rey. just imo ma vabbè). insomma, è un pair che può piacere quanto facilmente essere odiato da chi ha gusti, diciamo, più "convenzionali".
in ogni caso non sentirti assolutamente in colpa per shippare un pair "problematico"; la maggior parte di questi anti sono dei grandi ipocriti che amano roba problematicissima ma ti rompono le balle e si mettono a fare i moralisti solo sulle cose che non piacciono a loro. non esiste content Moralmente Puro al mondo, per non parlare di dinamiche fittizie realmente interessanti. ne so qualcosa perché sono su tumblr da dieci anni (ma non sono mai stata così masochista da iscrivermi a twitter lol). credo che un altro dei motivi per cui la ghoulcy è odiata da una fetta di pubblico sia il fatto che fallout, essendo un adattamento piuttosto riuscito di una saga videoludica di successo, riporta alla mente the last of us e il rapporto tra joel ed ellie, come se volessero ricreare una formula già comprovata, ma 1. la dinamica è molto diversa su tanti aspetti; ho visto solo il telefilm di tlou, ma joel considera davvero ellie come una figlia, in sostituzione della sua vera figlia biologica morta anni prima, mentre cooper ha già una figlia che tra l'altro pre-bomba era solo una bambina, mentre lucy è adulta (la sua prima scena è quella del suo matrimonio...); 2. è piuttosto ironico visto che un discreto numero di persone ha subodorato una... diciamo, tensione ambigua tra cooper e lucy. "there you are, little killer" e tutta la storia del dito, hello?? forse siamo solo tutti horny for la versione radioattiva del fantasma dell'opera lmao, ma è sicuramente qualcosa che ha colpito una parte di pubblico, specialmente, immagino, femminile. poi per carità, nella seconda stagione potrebbero pure dare loro un rapporto padre/figlia, anche se mi sembra difficile (infatti credo che cooper le farà da mentore, e non è la stessa cosa), e ai fan è concesso di immaginare tutti gli headcanon che vogliono... ma alcuni headcanon sono più plausibili di altri (questo vale per tutti i fandom), e non è giusto essere irrispettosi solo perché qualcun altro vuole che sti due abbiano un momento alla Famolo Strano lmao
ANYWAY, se ti va puoi mandarmi un ask con il tuo username. se ancora non ti seguo allora rimedierò, così possiamo parlare in privato tranquillamente di questo pairing incredibile (non ero così presa da tempo, proprio come te!) <3
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mandorloinfiore · 10 days
Quando mi trucco e mi guardo allo specchio, penso "forse più che truccata sembro il fantasma dell'opera"
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instabileatrofia · 1 year
Scivolo, come sul primo marciapiede ghiacciato dell'anno, ma non c'è ghiaccio e l'anno è del tutto relativo.
Sono scivolato dietro un sipario, di quelli pesanti, spessi e ormai polverosi. Nella penombra, l'eco degli applausi è il vero fantasma dell'opera: lo spettacolo dell'assenza di uno spettacolo.
Non recensibile.
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operafantomet · 2 years
I've wondered, since there has never been an italian production of phantom, do you know of any italian actors who has been in productions in other countries?
I know of a few. And I guarantee you there's been a lot more, especially in ensemble roles. But the Italians (including "of Italian heritage") on my radar:
Silvia Luchetti (u/s Christine in Madrid)
Julia Udine (Christine in the Restaged US Tour and Broadway)
Frank d'Ambrosio (Phantom in the US Tour)
Gabriella Santinelli (Carlotta in the UK Tour)
Sergio Lombana (Piangi in Vienna)
Vittorio Giammarrusco (u/s Piangi in Vienna)
Gabriella Zanchi (ensemble in Paris)
Paul Ettore Tabone (Piangi in West End and Sydney)
Raymond Sepe (Piangi in Hamburg and Oberhausen)
Meghan Picerno (Christine in World Tour and Broadway)
Gualtiero Negrini (Piangi in Los Angeles and San Francisco)
And then some performers I'm not sure about, but their name sound Italian (feel free to chime in):
Michal Bragagnolo (Raoul in Prague)
Michela Mazzoni (Corps de Ballet in Paris)
Greg Castiglione (u/s Phantom in the Restaged UK Tour, Piangi in the UK Tour)
Ilenia Azzato (Meg in Oberhausen)
Pamela Sanabria (Carlotta in Hamburg)
Marcello Ronchietto (Piangi in Hamburg and Copenhagen)
Vanessa Spiteri (Meg in Hamburg)
Diane Fratantoni (Christine in the US Tour)
Elizabeth Loyacano (Christine in Las Vegas and Broadway)
Andrew Ragone (Raoul in Las Vegas)
Krista Buccellato (u/s Christine in the Restaged US Tour)
(and of course there's the Italian 2004 movie dub, for those who want to hear the songs in Italian)
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forest-enchantress · 4 months
Asia Argento in The Phantom of the Opera
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Here is a #254 gifs of Asia Argento in Il fantasma dell'opera. All of these gifs were made by me from scratch, so do not redistribute or claim them as your own. If using, please give this a like and reblog!
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ballerinadellamusica · 11 months
Phantom Italy taking risks by not casting Swings, based on how many cast members they have announced, I know they are only open for 2 weeks at a time but is it really worth the risk not having anyone to replace your cast should anything happen.
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missfreija · 11 months
Ho terminato l'audiolibro di Carmilla e mi é piaciuto tantissimo. Ora sto meditando su quale edizione de 'Il fantasma dell'opera' acquistare perchè volevo rileggerlo, dopo tanti anni.
Mi piacerebbe anche scrivere in futuro una fic au a esso ispirata con louis (christine), lestat (erik) e armand (raoul)
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Sitting down to watch Dario Argento's Il Fantasma dell'Opéra (1998) starring Julian Sands for the first time.
Also in case anyone who sees this didn't know, Julian, our beloved rat man, is currently missing. He (an experienced mountaineer) went missing during a hike on Mount Baldy in California two weeks ago, so please let's pray for him and his family.
Anyway, PSA's aside, let's get into what i know is going to be an incredibly bizarre trip.
I watched Inferno right before this. Dario Argento loves rats, huh?
This Opera house is gorgeous.
Oh good she covered her tits
Whoa, intense. Right off the bat.
I feel like this Phantom, more than any other, really earns his Parisisn Sewer Man status
The blood in this is much better than in Suspiria. I was worried it would be oil paint again
Oh Raoul's only a Baron here. Dario downgraded him.
Dubbing still sucks though. Nice to know some things never change
Love how no matter what incarnation, Carlotta always has some obsequious weirdo following her around
This gore is amazing. That thumb? 🤌🏻
Oh he is suphhhhherbly creepy I love it
Feral Grunge Phantom is feral
"Oh you like my smell? Well do you want my scarf? Go ahead take it. Yeah, you can masturbate with that if you want"
This is insane, but I love it
This is where my sister tapped out
Asia Argento is really Christine Daaé's Edgy Thot era
Oh this is our Raoul? Ew. Gross. Give me rat man, please
Oof. Friend. Zoned.
Something tells me things are not gonna end well for these nosy Opera house employees
Oh he's so homicidal. Impaling!
Baby girl (not Christine) you are going to be murdered just deal with it.
Okay I enjoy gratuitous murder, but this whole sequence is totally superfluous
Love the ballet girls running into Christine's dressing room a la the first chapter of the book with the girls running to Sorelli.
Actually Asia Argento is kind of exactly how I imagined La Sorelli.... she's just got that kind of face. You know, whore face. Hence Du Barry.
Oh this rooftop is very pretty. And very fake looking.
I can't even describe to you what I just saw.
Okay her lip-synching is prrretty terrible
Raoul's brother looks like Mephistopheles
This bathhouse scene... choices were made
Well I'll say this, I think this is the only version I've seen that really captures Raoul's emotional instability
Rat man gets points for his woodchipper policy on child predators.
Dario really decided to run with the whole rat catcher thing... again, choices were made
Not into the fact that Ratrik doesn't row her across the lake himself. That's vakuable eye-fucking real estate wasted
What's that noise? Oh nothing, just the Phantom of the Opera pounding his organ
Yes! Finally! A version of this damn story where they actually get to fuck!
Those are silk sheets. Even Rat Phantom has drip
AND he's telling her his back story himself! This would be more poignant if he had the deformity, but I'll let it slide
Oh my gosh, I know this still ends tragically, but actually seeing a Phantom get to hold Christine naked in bed, in afterglow is so incredibly healing to me.
Also all of these boudoir shots are incredibly pretty
Oh, is the maid the costume designer from Opera? I thought I recognized her.
Love how all of the costumes in Carlotta's dressing room are obviously too small for her
Okay Dario, you needed to dial this back just a little
I would like a gif of shirtless Julian sands sledgehammering that support pillar
This is of course one of the biggest versions for inflating the casualties in the chandelier crash
Oh I like that they actually had Gounod conducting! That's a book pull!
See, now I'm very annoyed that I have to take back some of the points he earned killing that child predator for this very rapey behavior. Pick a lane, Dario!
I could edit this into a decent version
"She's the Phantom's whore!" You betcha
Girl, will you make up your mind?
Kinda feel bad for Raoul here, he's gotta be terribly confused
This is kind of dumb, he should have just gotten into the boat with them
Supremely glad he got to kill the rat-catcher
I do love the music in this movie though. Really beautiful. Oh. Ennio Morricone. That explains it.
Ok all in all conceptually I prefer this version to, say the Charles Dance one.
But Dario just had to put his toe over the line just a few too many times, didn't he? We could have done without the boob-threat scene with Carlotta and the bizarre steam-punk rat-catching machine, and the rapey-ness obviously and I'd have called it good. As it is... we'll call it passable.
Watch it for the boudoir scene and the superbly handled gore if for nothing else.
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