#ikevil ask
dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
Hello 😊 Since IkeVil devs announced that the game will get English version, I got interested. I have to say that Roger got my attention. I've fallen for him and I can't get up. 😳 Could you share some interesting facts about him? I don't mind spoilers. Thank you in advantage and have a nice day 🌻
Hello anon!
I hope your favorite color's red, because this man's a red flag. Not the best thing to say to someone newly interested, but a necessary warning, I think.
Non-spoilery things about him:
Thanks to his curse, he has super sharp hearing which allows him to hear anything within a 100-yard radius and the faintest of sounds in close range like heartbeats. People will just yell out to him somewhere within the castle. He's trained himself to consciously divert what his ears focus on. So no hearing any pa pa pa going on in the castle.
Ears are also sensitive to touch
Loves, loves, loves beer. You can bribe him with it
Does boxing
Has a crying kink
Likes a strong, independent woman - a woman who tries to be strong despite the obstacles they face. And one who looks good crying.
Seems to have a good relationship with his dad
Despite their shaky relationship, he and Alfons together make a terrible teasing duo
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nightghoul381 · 9 months
Do you know any good translators? I don't want to wait till 2024 to play Villains in English and all the translators I've tried makes no sense as I'm reading lol
I use a combination of Google Translate and DeepL and try to pick what makes the most sense between them when I'm doing my translations.
If you're wanting to read it without the hassle of the translators, there are several blogs that focus primarily on translating ikevil routes and events
All of them have various event stories and routes translated on their blogs so I would highly recommend checking them out 😊
I hope this helps :D
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
Hiii, I just started playing ikevil and I'm loving it so far so I decided to convince a friend of mine to play. She got interested when I told her about the powers that they have and would like to know more about them. I'm halfway through Will's route so I haven't learned about them all yet. Would it be too much of a spoiler if I asked you to tell me what everyone's power is?
Hi Anon ✨ Sure thing!
Besides William being able to control people with a direct command while looking into their eyes. The other powers are as follows:
Liam: Invisibility on demand. Pretty self-explanatory.
Harrison: Lie detection. When he looks into someone’s eyes he can tell if they’re lying or not.
Elbert: Can make you relive your most traumatic memory if he steps on your shadow.
Alfons: Can make you see an illusion for a limited amount of time if he touches the nape of your neck.
Roger: Superlative Hearing. I forget how far he can hear, but even with Liam visibly disappearing he knows where he is at because he can hear his heartbeat.
Jude: He can put you to sleep for a period of time when he touches your forehead.
Ellis: He can bind a person together by their wrists when he touches their head.
Victor: JP players are still learning about him, but what we have seen from his 1st year BD story, his ability involves issuing death commands - an individual will die euphoric death instantly. However, he is heavily under wraps and no one truly understands if this is his sole ability or if he has others.
I hope this helps 🌙
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ikevilconfessions · 2 months
it's national "bullying jude day"
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omkookie · 9 months
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut ahead //// F!MC.
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You’re tugging and pulling on his clothes, quickly throwing them on the floor before you pull him in for a heated kiss. Your tongue entwines with his, and after he breaks your kiss his hands glide over your breasts, giving them a light squeeze.
He sneakily got behind you as he asked if you were sure you wanted to know the “Real” him. “I suppose it’s natural to be interested in indecent things?” He said. Next thing you know, You’re bent over your bed while Alfons fucks himself into you from behind. His fingers are shoved into your mouth, teasingly torturing your tongue, and he holds your hip with his other hand while his cock is buried snuggly within you. “Fuu… And to think that all I’ve been doing so far is watching you-” He trails off with a raspy voice, letting out a low moan while your hand pulls his fingers out of your mouth.
“Ha?... What?” You ask him confused… Just what does he mean?
“Oh, that’s right.” He chuckles sweetly in your ear before whispering, “I’ve been enjoying the little show you put on every time you masturbate.” his tone is amused as he informs you he’s been watching you. He got off on you masturbating, and even stole some of your undergarments to jack off with… like a complete pervert.
You honestly wonder how he got away with this. And how didn’t you notice that some of your underwear are missing? Alfons even has enough boldness to describe which pairs of your underwear he stole.
“You’re a dirty pervert.” You spat out as he pressed a chaste kiss against your neck, “Oh, Please do forgive me.” He says unapologetically as his wet fingers make their way between your legs.
“Alfons…” You whisper his name quietly, trying to hold a moan back as you feel your orgasm build up. “Don’t hold back…” He says as his head falls onto your shoulder. His thrusts are getting erratic, and you're sure he’s getting close to cumming too.
Your late night affairs would surely have Roger giving you the side eye the next day. Alfons makes sure to moan extra loud for him too.😂
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noxinara · 14 days
Is the ikemen vilains mc a virgin? I've always wondered
they always refer to Kate as pure and innocent, but tbh she's also like 25-26? I, personally, don't think she's a virgin, but she very well could be! It would definitely create some cute headcanons with the ikevil boys if she was.
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enouel · 2 months
My hot take of the day, as a treat for his birthday- is that William Rex from Ikemen Villains is on the aroace spectrum
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cloudcountry · 6 months
IKEVIL FANDOM!!!!! if you've played the game on the jp server, which route was your favorite? feel free to say why IM JUST CURIOUS
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
Shitpost version inbound:
Djdjdjdj so Jude's 8th bond story, he's got Kate at the casino with him and he's making fun of her for being bad at gambling. She asks him to help her practice and she offers to basically do whatever he asks in return. Kate, predictably, is still awful at poker and loses horribly, and she's all terrified what Jude's gonna ask her to do.
Jude: For 😈 my 😈 order...
Kate: braced for the awful
Jude, completely dead ass serious: Drink your juice, sit here like a good girl, and wait for me to get back from getting intel in the VIP room.
Kate: wait whut that's it?
Jude: Oh you want something horrible? No need to play games or claim it's 'practice'...I'm more than happy to make things hard on you if that's what you want 😘
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bespectacledbun · 8 months
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oh girl that’s not—
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
How did Al and El meet? And why did they stay together for so long. Thank you!
Sorry for the later reply on this! Just wanted to double-check some things (I regret not taking notes on these routes ( ´ ᐞ ` ))
TW: mentions of child sexual abuse
Alfons and Elbert met when they were children, when Elbert was 9 years old, at the Greetia estate. As a child, Alfons would accompany a pedophile doctor who made frequent visits to the estate to check up on Elbert's father after his wife's suicide. Then one day, the decided to check up on Elbert as well. Alfons happened to see the moment when Elbert stabbed the doctor, who had attempted to rape Elbert. Covered in blood, Elbert asks Alfons if, at the moment, he's beautiful. Alfons gave the answer he was looking for. Context: Elbert's been frequently sexually assaulted by the servants of the estate who were obsessed with his beauty.
When the two met, they felt some sort of connection, and after Elbert's father died, Alfons couldn't find it in himself to leave.
From the "Past Records" stories, Elbert says he kept Alfons around because Elbert thought he needed Alfons. Though Elbert had just killed his guardian, Alfons gave Elbert the answer he "wanted". And that was enough for Elbert to decide to have Alfons stay.
As for why Alfons was with a pedophile doctor, I either missed it or it's not mentioned why in his route. I just remember that when he ran into an orphan from his past , the man was angry that Alfons for posing as a nobleman after getting picked up by the doctor.
Alfons: These details aren't important.
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stellari-s · 3 days
Does Soryn have a love interest with anyone in crown? If not, who are they closest with?
hii, thanks for the question! /g i don’t have a love interest for them — they are meant to be somewhere in the aro spectrum too, as i believe there aren’t many aro, or ace, characters around in general when i wish there were more even if it’s otome genre, haha 🥲
soryn generally gets along with everyone due to their very go-with-the-flow nature, but this in turn makes it hard for them to form very close bonds with others as well. but over time, they grow close to liam, as they started conversing about costumes and styling one time, like how soryn felt wearing what they wore and acting out a character was like a necessity to survive due to their curse, while for liam it was something he could wear on stage as an actor as something he enjoyed doing. eventually though soryn would start playing with liam’s hair (like a stylist), and liam would do the same back. or they would try on costumes together. little things like that end up adding up in the end! i think in a way, liam is sort of a figure, or a means, for soryn to become more connected to that which their curse denies.
soryn’s sheet!
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 month
Ellis used that poison to kill someone who harmed Kate? It's just that according to me, he doesn't go that hard on his victims
Hi Anon! Spoilers below the cut.
CW: Mentions of poison and it's effects
Yes! That is exactly what happened. You're right, typically, he wants to end their suffering quickly because he feels bad for them, but someone messed with Kate, and Ellis got permission to make sure the culprits death wasn't swift by any means. He literally just watched the guy cough up blood and perhaps other parts of his guts while the perp was crawling on the ground.
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olivermorningstar · 24 days
(Apologies if these have already been asked!)
No specified character, so I'll go with my IkeVil self insert again since that one has the braincell. And dw, no one has asked these at all. ^_^
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Oliver was indeed born in the London area, so he didn't go very far at all! He's been there his entire life and while he would love to explore more, his work with Crown makes that a little troublesome. There are a lot of memories tied to that place, and not all of them good, but it's still home, he supposes.
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
Oliver tends to be left alone on purpose. His own curse scares him so he tries to lean into the monstrous side of it and be very off-putting to keep people at an arm's distance.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, he's now in the presence of other cursed people who don't buy into his scary act, so some are starting to breach the walls he's put up and he's not too sure he likes this at all! It's scary having folks get close all of a sudden!
🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
If Oliver is just with one person, he tends to be chattier. It's a by product of having been on his own for years. He's not used to being able to spread out his conversations all the time, so he just kind of. Goes.
Once there is an actual group though, he tends to shy up and speak only when spoken to. He has trouble keeping pace with conversations in general, but a group makes it even harder for him to determine when it is appropriate to speak, so he just. Doesn't really speak at all.
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omkookie · 3 months
Hi sluts I just got off my 13 hour shift, so send me random thirst asks about characters
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aquagirl1978 · 9 months
Kinktober 2023
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I will be writing for Kinktober this year, but with a twist - I am looking for suggestions on what kinks to pair with suitors. Here's how it goes:
These are not formal requests but rather suggestions to help inspire my creativity. Before sending an ask, please know that there is a good chance that I will not get to write everything that gets asked.
You may send as many asks as you wish for different suitors - I write for all the games (IkeSen, IkeRev, IkeVamp, IkeGen, IkePri, and IkeVil) - but I will likely only write one fic per suitor and I would like to write at least one fic per series.
I am a slow writer - this is why I am making this post now so that I can prepare. I will only be posting Kinktober fics from October 1 through October 31 but if someone sends in a particularly juicy pairing that I just didn't get around to in October don't be shocked to see some "kinky-er" fics sprinkled throughout the year.
If this all sounds good to you, here's how to send your ask:
Send me an ask with the name of a suitor and a kink - the kink prompts are from @xxsycamore Kinktober 2023 post, which can be found HERE. As there are multiple kinks per day, please state which kink in your ask - or else you might end up with pegging AND choking. And I don't think anyone's ready for that well, maybe Gilbert.
I will not be replying to specific asks when posting fics so feel free to be as outrageous as you like with your asks - I am the only one who will see them. If you would like to be tagged in the fic, please let me know in the ask.
Due to the common nature of some of these kinks (such as oral sex, biting, edgining, etc), I might combine some so that there could be multiple kinks in one fic.
That said, if there is a kink that completely turns you off, please state the kink you don't like in your ask, and if yours is one I pick to write, I won't include that kink. (An ask like this would look like this: Napoleon + breeding but please no threesomes)
My inbox is open now until September 30. These are NOT first come, first served, but rather which ones inspire the most creativity. Thank you to any and all who choose to participate and indulge my muse.
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