#if you do then you can probably guess who is one of celestia's captains
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here for those who asked + the most recent addition to the cast
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thatringboy · 3 years
Me to me: Nooo don’t make an Inazuman oc you already have two OCs from Liyue and Natlan who you said you’d revamp and besides, you’re probably going to lose interest in this one soon Also Me, getting way to invested in Inazuma lore: HEY EVERYONE COME MEET MY NEW OC HIIRAGI YORICHI, A HYDRO SWORD USER WHO’S AUTISTIC LIKE ME
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Link to picrew used for profile
Buried Beauty
“My duty is first to the people of my homeland, then the Kanjou Commission. Make no mistake, Baal must be stopped, but not at the expense of the people.”
The firstborn son of the Hiiragi Clan who’s name means “first gift”. He grew up in Sumeru Academy, but has returned to Ritou to take up his father’s yoke over the Kanjou Commission
General Information
Name: Hiiragi Yorichi
Age: 28
Affiliation: Hiiragi Clan
Birthdate: January 17
Starsign: Capricorn
Constellation: Thesauros Sepultus
Weapon: Sword
Vision: Hydro
Voice Claims
CVA: Zhang Jie
JVA: Tasuku Hatanaka
EVA: Kyle Phillips
Voice Lines
Good Morning: Hmm? Oh, yes, greetings Traveler and Paimon. Sorry, I didn’t see you there… I’m not much of a morning person
Good Afternoon: Did I miss lunch again? Eh, oh well. Traveler, wanna run by Miss Ryouko’s to get some food?
Good Evening: If I don’t get back soon, Chisato will certainly send someone out to find me
Good Night: Can you get back on your own? I’m afraid that I must return to Ritou for the evening
When It Rains: Quickly! The rain will cover our tracks!
When It Snows: Huh? Wow it got cold fast! Better go find some shelter before I accidentally freeze us
When It’s Sunny: Be careful, our enemies can see clearly in broad daylight
Favorite Food: Mmm, I could go for some Mondstat Grilled Fish right about now… I had it once during their Ludi Harpastum Festival that my Senpai took me to one year and I’ve just fallen in love with the flavour!
Least Favorite Food: Is… is that cabbage? No no, there’s nothing wrong, just don’t expect me to eat any. Why? Well… I don’t like the texture at all! Eating it feels like slime going down my throat which closes up my airways and then that sensation makes my brain feel like someone shoved a wet blanket between my ears and wrapped it around my brain! Please… never make me eat cabbage…
About: Vision: My Vision? How did I get mine? Well, since you asked so nicely, it appeared to me in a dream during the end of the first year of the Sakoku Decree. I had cried myself to sleep because of the anguish I felt coming from those who had their Visions stolen - those who I had sworn to protect as a Clan Heir - and I cursed out Celestia for allowing this to happen. In my dream, I appeared before seven giant thrones all glowing with elemental magic. In the blue throne sat a woman who gave off so much power that I could not gaze upon her. Yet, her words always resonate in my heart: “Your loyalties may change, but never change your principles. Do no harm to others, but do not let harm fall upon you and those you love.” When I woke up, the Vision was tucked under my pillow!
About: Kanjou Commission: One day, it will be my duty to oversee the Kanjou Commission. Am I ready? Probably not. Do I have a choice? Also no. I just want to make everyone proud… but how can I do that when father has already deemed me an embarrassment to the Hiiragi Clan simply because of who I am?
About: Sumeru Academy: The Academy? I grew up there! Fourteen years I spent roaming the halls absorbing all of the knowledge I could! *Sigh*… maybe if the Travel Ban gets lifted, I’ll show you around my old stomping grounds!
About: Ritou: I’m friends with some of the guys at the Outlander’s Trade Association. What do you wish to see? Want to head by a jewelry shop? Get some food?
About: Interests: Wanna know a secret? Deep down, I’m an alchemist at heart! Anything alchemy related, I’m sure I can be of use! It’s my special interest! Did you know that the luminescent spines of a firefly can—wait wait no I’m sorry. Father says that people get bored of my ramblings, my apologies for wasting your time…
About: Swords: You may have noticed that my sword technique is different from the samurai of Inazuma. That is because I learned how to use my blade at the Academy. I forged this blade myself when I turned twenty. Would you like to hold it?
About Ayaka: Miss Kamisato? I’ve met her once and she seems nice, but I still feel uneasy around her. But maybe that’s just me
About Raiden Shogun: You want to know why I refer to the Shogun as “Baal”? Well, that’s because I didn’t grow up in a place that calls her the “Raiden Shogun”. I’m used to my peers referring to her as “Baal” and I’ve yet to drop the habit. Also, I don’t have much respect for her, but don’t tell anyone that
About Ayato: Never met him, but his description gives me the creeps! Never appears in public, leaving his little sister to do all the work? The nerve of that guy! O-oh… that sounds like me? Ehe-he… oops
About Yoimiya: Oh Miss Naganohara! She makes the best fireworks! She and I are actually a lot alike. What, you don’t see it? I guess that comes from me spending a lifetime hiding my inner enthusiasm while she never quite grew up. We should go to the next firework festival to see her, I’m sure she’d love that! But… from a distance please. The popping noises from the fireworks hurt my ears
About Kaeya: The Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, huh? I’m curious to see how the pieces fall into place… what was that? Oh, it’s nothing… just gossip from some old colleagues
About Diluc: Diluc? Who’s that? Owner of the Dawn Winery? The Ragnvindr Clan? Nope, doesn’t ring a bell. The Darknight Hero? Of course! Why didn’t you just say that?! Yeah I know who you’re talking about now! What? He’s got a Vision too? I guess that guy’s just full of surprises
About Childe: So, that weasel is actually a Fatui Harbinger? Why am I not surprised... O-oh when did I meet him? After I graduated from the Academy. Did I sound too surprised about his identity? Sorry, when I knew him, he used a different name
About Albedo: Ah… the son of Rhinedottir. His master actually attended one of my lectures when I was younger in secret. I think they were using an alias during that time but I spoke to them in private. It was interesting to learn different things about ancient alchemy techniques from another land. I think Albedo is currently an alchemist in Mondstat, right? I’ll visit him when the Travel Ban is lifted to exchange notes
About Klee: Klee, daughter of Alice? Eh, I haven’t heard good things. I’m not a big fan of explosions... but that doesn’t mean that she’s a bad kid! I’m sure if I met her, we’d be friends
About Lisa: Minci-Senpai! We worked together a lot at the Acadmia! Why did I call her senpai when I’m older than her? Well, because she’s the Grandmage!!! Everyone knows how smart and powerful Minci-Senpai is! Once, she tasked me with finding ways to preserve pure Electro organisms. So, I coated the inside of a jar with Hydro Slime condensate so that her Electro roses can continuously be charged by the Hydro energy… Sorry, I’m getting carried away
About Mona: What, do you think that all Hydro users who practice magic know each other? Well, I do know Miss Megistus, but you can’t assume that! I met her and her master once during a lecture on fortune telling with the use of elemental abilities. Now that I have a Vision of my own, I will see if I can implement their techniques into my own practice
About Sara: To be perfectly honest, I’ve never met her. We may be the heirs to our Clans and our respective Commissions, but I’ve never had a conversation with her. Naturally, as a Vision holder and she as the spearhead of the Tenryou Commission, I am her enemy. However, as the heir to the Hiiragi Clan, I must keep up formalities. Besides, my dear sister Chisato is being courted by another member of the Kujou clan, Kujou Kamaji, and I don’t want to do anything to ruin that. You won’t turn me and my Vision in to her, right?
About Cyno: Ah, Master Cyno, one of the smartest members of the Academy. I owe a lot of my development to him. I don’t think I would have finished my Thesis paper on the eighth nation without his guidance
About: Names: You know, my name means “first treasure”, but despite such an endearing name, my father has yet to reveal my face to the public and claim me as his heir. He was also the one to send me away when I was a boy to Sumeru because I was not like other children. Was I meant to be gift to my family? To the other nations? Was I an unwanted gift? … Oh, sorry about that. I don’t usually get dark like that! Tell me, Traveller, what does your name mean?
About: Politics: Ugh… Sakoku Decree this, honor the Commissions that, I don’t understand any of it. If I’m ever left in charge, I’m sure that I could handle the bureaucratic side, but the people side? I get overwhelmed when talking to people I’m not comfortable with. I shut down mentally, fumble over my words and eventually I end up having a panic attack and Chisato has to pull me from the room. My father thought that I would have grown out of those outbursts when I got older, but I’ve only found a way to mask my behaviors. But you’re different, you haven’t looked at me like a child nor spoken less of me simply because I’m different, why is that?
About: Family: My mother passed away while I was gone, my father Shinsuke is the head of the Kanjou Commission and my younger sister Chisato is his main assistant. When my father gets upset, Chisato is always the one who has my back and in turn, I’ve begun escorting her secretly to Kondo Village to meet with her secret lover, Kujou Kamaji. I guess that’s what siblings do for each other, we protect each other from everything because no matter what we go through, no matter what arguments we have, we always will have each other. Ah, Traveler! I didn’t say anything to make you upset, did I?
About: Khaenri’ah: … You ask a lot of questions, don’t you? What do you think I know about that cursed place? Yeah, I wrote my Thesis paper on Khaenri’ah, but that was a while ago and I’ve learned my lesson. Now, the only connections I have to that place are hearsay from lecturers, rumors at the Academy and the plucked plume of a proud peacock.
About: Time Gap: Huh? Oh yeah, I went to Sumeru when I was seven and studied there for fourteen years. Uh… what did I do for the missing five years of my life before returning to Ritou? Ehe-he… I don’t think I’m allowed to say everything, but I can tell you this: that’s the time that I met a disgraced Knight, a bloodthirsty child and learned how to wield a sword. I was able to travel with them while writing my Thesis paper. Ah… how time flies when working with like minded people
This is the most thought I’ve ever put into an OC, I hope you like him!
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hellonoblesky · 3 years
Questions/theories I have about Khaenri’ah and Kaeya because. No I haven't processed We Will Be Reunited what are you talking abt?
(Tl;DRs at the end of the post!)
Why is Kaeya their only agent out in the nations (that we've seen so far)? It’s very likely that Venti didn’t participate in the Cataclysm, so why would targeting his city matter that much? Unless Kaeya is the only Khaenri’ahn person (aside from Dain) left uncursed and they couldn’t have him in more than one nation? But we can assume that’s not the case because unless Kaeya’s father is an Abyss Mage or something he’s still uncursed. Or do the the Fatui count as Khanri'ah's agents in other nations, because Mondstadt is good at Not Letting The Fatui Have That Much Control?
If you weren’t in Khaenri’ah at the time of the Cataclysm (maybe in another nation trading, or on the sea) would you have been cursed or would you have kept your original form?
The star pupils. Are they a genetic mutation that’s a result of the specific type of magic that was used in Khaenri’ah (the type that Dain uses)? If so, does that mean Kaeya can wield it as well? If it not the magic, is it a result of the Alchemy? If Khemia was used in everyday farming and agriculture, could it have had side effects on those who ate the food, resulting in things like the star pupils?
Zhongli says that the Blackcliff Forge has reached the ruins deep beneath the earth (or something along those lines), so have they reached what’s left of Khaenri’ah? Is that going to be important later on? Is that going to be the Abyss’s way of reaching Liyue if it invades?
Albedo. Just. Albedo. He said “Lose control,,,, destroy everything” (or something like that) and I assumed that was because he didn’t want to follow in Gold’s footsteps but now that I know the Archons are responsible for Khaenri’ah’s fall,,,, is Albedo a super weapon? Is there some power laying dormant in him that could very well be used by the Abyss to destroy Celestia? Is said power being fueled by his usage of Khemia? He’s some sort of Homonculus or something so it’s possible,, right?
If the Abyss Heralds are the cursed royal guards of Khaenri'ah like I theorized in my last We Will Be Reunited Post, then what are the Abyss Lectors? The royal scholars?
Haha Kaeya again, if he can use whatever magic Dain uses, how does it react with his Vision? Does his Vision hinder his ability to use said magic? Is it just repressed within him? Does he have external signs of it (like Dain's arm) that he has to hide? Is that what's under his eyepatch?? Is that type of magic what gives him his ability to teleport freely? Because he's the only character who does that, everyone else uses their Vision for it
Gold???? Please please let there be Gold content in the future??? I would very much like further details on their corruption and how exactly it worked??? Also if their motives were what I think they were then brrrr I'm already emotionally attached just let me meet them please
How exactly does the abyss/above ground time difference work? (using Tartaglia's three months:three days as an example) When you're in the abyss is your physical aging slowed so you only age three days but mentally age three months? Do physical aging and mental aging stay in sync so you age the three months but it's only three days actually above ground? Or is physical and mental aging slowed so that you only age three days even though it's been three months??
If the abyss/above ground time difference works w mental aging on abyss time but physical aging on above ground time, then Kaeya could have been in the Abyss for all those years having the plan absolutely drilled into his head which could be part of why he's having a really hard time picking a side between Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt
Also did Tartaglia and Kaeya meet in the abyss??? They both might have been there at the time so,, imagine going to Mondstadt and then running into the kid you met in the abyss and he's the Cavalry Captain. The sheer whiplash-
If Khaenri'ah was destroyed by gods,,,, what is Kaeya's idea of Venti? Jean knows about Venti's identity, and she does trust Kaeya, so she might have told him? There's also the traveler who has a pretty good impression of Kaeya, all things considered, so I guess there's a possibility there? Either way, imagine knowing that an Archon who may or may not have helped destroy your home nation is sitting in the same tavern as you and is just casually singing- oof-
How much does Diluc know about Khaenri'ah? How much did Kaeya tell him? How much did Diluc find out just on his own? Did the traveler tell him anything? He has a line in the Mondstadt chapter of the game where he says something along the lines of "there's more to the abyss than a few mages" so how much more of the abyss does he know about?? Did he have another fun brotherly conversation with Kaeya about Khaenri'ah? If the Fatui are working with the abyss/working to avenge Khaenri'ah, and if Delusions are based on/improvements on Khaenri'ahn tech then Diluc could have found info on Khaenri'ah while on his Anger Trip, right?
Actually, you know what, forget Diluc, how much does Lisa know about Khaenri'ah? She's insanely smart, is already suspicious of Visions, and hesitant to trust the gods at face-value, as well as being refereed to by Cyrus as the best student in the Sumeru Academia in 200 years. She knows at least a little about everything, and something like the Cataclysm would most definitely peak her interest. Perhaps she came across something about Khaenri'ah while trying to figure out the price of Visions? I know that so far the traveler hasn't found a book of much relevance to Khaenri'ah, but the traveler also hasn't gotten to Sumeru yet, so,, it's possible that there's some books somewhere that are about Khaenri'ah, or records of the Cataclysm
The sibling,,, are they ruling over the Abyss Order alone? Are there other people involved? We know their end game is to take out Celestia, but is that the end game of other people in the abyss? We know Dain would rather stay off the radar of the gods (likely because he doesn't want to be targeted as a threat and also doesn't want to be regarded as an ally), but if there's other people involved then,, what do they want? Is the plan Kaeya's involved in deviate from the plan of the sibling? Does Dain have a preferred course of action for the Abyss that isn't wiping it all out?
Dottore. He was in Liyue studying Field Tillers. From the manga we already know that Dot's knowledge when it comes to machinery is pretty advanced, considering he turned a corpse into a full-on killing machine that looked a lot like a more modern Field Tiller. So why was he doing more research? We can assume that Dot only abandoned his research lab around the time of Liyue's funky Osail and Fatui calamity (meaning he was probably in Liyue when we were and we didn't get to see him :( ), so he'd probably uncovered some new information that lead to a new string of experiments. But what did he learn?? Was he looking into different ways to interact with the 'Tillers, came across whatever magic Dain uses, and immediately had to test some things out? New weaponry, maybe? Or new analysis capabilities? Or does the manga take place during a time when Dot was studying the 'Tillers, so the one he made was a test of what he'd learned? Or was his study ordered by the Tsaritsa? Any way you look at it there's just,,, questions,,,,
Why has Kaeya been Khaenri'ah's only agent in the nations so far? Unless the Fatui count as Khanri'ahn agents?
If you weren't in Khaenri'ah when the curse dropped, were you cursed?
Star pupil explanation please??
Has Blackcliff forge hit Khaenri'ahn ruins?
Is Albedo a weapon??
Abyss Lectors,, wh,,, who were they pre-curse,,,,
If Kaeya can use the same magic Dain uses, how does his Vision react?
I'm emotionally attached to Gold, please let them be in-game soon I wanna know more about them :')
How does the abyss/above ground time difference work,, I,,, am so confused by it
Did Kaeya grow up in the abyss and had that plan drilled into his head for longer than time was aboveground and that's why he's having trouble picking a side??
Tartaglia and Kaeya: Did they meet in the abyss?
What's Kaeya's impression of Venti?
How much does Diluc know about Khaenri'ah?
Actually forget Diluc, how much does Lisa know???
Are there other people besides the sibling working to rule the abyss?
What's up with Dottore's research into Field Tillers lmao what is he doing
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fanfiction-funtime · 3 years
Spritefather and Selene Interaction
A fan drabble for @clouds-rambles, I hope I characterized Selene right
Without much prompting it's a tad hard to write like this, but I hope it works.
Also I hope you don't mind me mentioning Cael amnesia anon.
(Selene was hanging out with Cael when Venti makes trouble, bringing the night to a close)
(Selene pov)
Yet again, I had to drag Cael's boyfriend out of the bar. This time because he thought someone was insulting his father and punched them, but he was just talking about some mythological person called 'Spritefather'.
I haven't thought about that story in a long time, not since I was a kid. Something about him being able to "use all elements" or something and how he "taught Barbados about freedom", maybe I'll ask Lisa about it.
"Excuse me madam, my father needs to speak to that man you're carrying. Please, hand him to me." I heard a voice from behind me say, the accent was a thick Schneznayan one.
I turned around to meet the person, a woman in an outfit that wouldn't look out of place in a family portrait of old Schneznayan nobility, they also held a vision.
A cryo vision.
I three Venti into a hay pile and summoned my spear, "your a pretty bad liar, LA SIGNORA!"
"No wait! You've got it all w-" I jabbed at her with my spear, using conduct to increase it's power, "I said wait!-"
"I don't bargain with people who hurt my friends!" Hehe, that was a cool line, nice one Selene.
"W-WHAT!? HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE THAT I WOULD HURT MY OWN BROTHER!" The woman gasped and pointed behind me.
I looked back and saw an abyss mage sneaking away with Venti.
The mage noticed and bolted away. We chased it all the way to star conch cliff, where it threw Venti over the edge.
"Haha! Do your worst human! I have already completed my mission! Now without your precious archon, mondstadt will-!"
A tornado of water sprouted up from the sea, then froze in place. From the newly formed spiral of ice rose a cloaked man, and around him were 6 wisps of every element but cryo.
The mage turned around, and were it not for the dendro tendril crushing it's windpipe they would have screamed in horror.
"First you threaten to kill my son," the cloaked man stepped off the spire, the air polarizing itself with electro to form a step, "then you kidnap him while my daughter is trying to retrieve him," another step, this time the air simply pushes him up to form a step, "and now you have followed through on that threat. It tried to," the man took one last, powerful step, to which a geo platform met his feet and lifted him to the hanging abyss mage, "how truly foolish must you be."
He man then lit the tendril on fire, burning the mage like a furby in a campfire.
The man lowered himself down, Venti in his arms, and said, "I'm sorry Barbados, I should have gone to get you myself. Viktoria, what happened?"
Then he noticed me.
"EEEEP!" He shouted as he dropped Venti with a thud.
(3rd person limited, Spritefather pov)
'Oh celestia, a person! No no, keep it together. You love interacting with humans in a controlled manner. This is just as controlled, just...a suprise.' Spritefather thought.
"By Barbados' hairy nostrils! You're the Spritefather!" The human Selene shouted.
Spritefather straightened himself out and cleared his throat, "y-yes, I am. But I am not 'the' Spritefather, I'm just Spritefather. Saying 'the Spritefather' is like calling you 'the Selene'. But now isn't the time for such trivial bickerings," Spritefather gave a gentlemanly bow, "thank you for attempting to rescue my eldest child, and for taking him home everytime he indulges a bit to much on vices."
Viktoria facepalmed, "dad! They aren't supposed to know that!"
"Well why not? They're friends with him, and best friends with his boyfriend. Which by the way I STILL need to meet-" he noticed Selene was seeming kind if pale, "you ok?"
"Oh dear."
(3rd person omniscient pov)
(There's no good point to explain this, but they're in a serenitea pot)
Selene woke up in a very confused state, and on a cloaked woman's lap.
"Please do not be alarmed, neither me nor my daughter did anything to you." The woman said.
Selene, in response, punched the woman and scrambled away, "who the abyss are you!?"
"Well I'm not particularly loved by celestia but I'd hardly say I'm abyssal.."
"Father, people here are not as accustomed to the divine as Liyue or Inazuma." The woman from before, who Selene thought was La Signora, said as she approached them with some tea.
"Wait, fa-no, no. Don't do that Selene, it's rude."
The cloaked woman shook her hands to dismiss Selene's concern, "it's fine, however I thank you for your accepting nature. Though it is to be excepted given your personal identity."
"How do you know me?"
"Heh, have you forgotten already? Though I suppose the change in form is not common among you humans. And nonexistent in the way me and the wisps can do."
The woman got up and started twirling, then surrounded themself in elemental power, and when it cleared stood the cloaked man Selene saw in her dream...
"That wasn't a dream...holy shit that wasn't a dream! You're the Spritefather-I mean-you're Spritefather! Your real!"
"Indeed I am. I would think everyone in mondstadt believes I'm real, but atleast that leaves less for that misconception."
"What misconception?"
"Ask Barbados, shouldn't be too hard since you two are close."
"Barba-wait Venti is actually Barbados!?
"Oh dear I'm making this worse."
The still unnamed woman sighed and shook her head, "how about we focus on why my dad decided to be a woman? Surely that would be a far more easy thing to understand."
"It's because she likes women, and I don't blame her. World cold and hard, titty warm and soft."
"Dad who taught you that!?"
"You do realize I can hear the lives of all in my home yes?"
"I guess I'm at fault." Selene laughed.
"I will have my revenge upon you for this." The woman responded.
Spritefather chuckled, "oh? And how about you get your revenge over a date. Anastasia."
"What? She's single, friends to someone who can teach her proper tea ceremonies, and uh....they have....hmmm..." Spritefather was trying to think if what he could say to convince his daughter, "look I just want to see grand kids!"
"Look I'm pushing fifty million! If one of you doesn't get me kids in the next ten million years I'm going to grow grey hair!"
Anastasia starts forming an ice throwing knife, "REBEL'S-"
"Papa, what happen?" Came a childish voice.
Selene gasped, they were looking at probably the cutest thing EVER!
"Yes that's my child Flameo-"
Selene, already having picked up the the baby, "they're so CUTE!"
They hugged the little flame close to their face and nuzzled them, to which Flameo quickly responded to with their own.
"Smell like..." they thought for a moment, "big Bro Bardos!" They flew around Selene excitedly, "friend!"
Spritefather sighed, "Oh dear, now the rest will be coming out. And I just got them to sleep aswell."
It wasn't long before Selene was surrounded by six Sprites.
The Electrosprite landed on her vision and started vibrating happily.
The Geosprite asked, "are you strong!? I think I could be you!"
"Oh I'm sure you could." Selene said to appease the little Sprite as she chuckled chuckled.
The Anemosprite and Pyrosprite flew around her head like children.
The Hydrosprite was inspecting her clothes, "how utterly bourgeois, has my Brother and father been teaching you how to dress? Honestly, the people of mondstadt should learn from the reconnaissance captain of the knights. Now there's a woman who knows how to dress."
"Oh you mean Eula?"
"You know her?"
"Oh yeah, she's invites me to tea every now and then."
"SHE...invites....YOU...out for TEA!?-"
Anastasia puts her hand over the Hydrosprite and tries to hold her back
"Sorry about that," the woman replied, "kids and their crushes."
Selene couldn't respond to that as they felt a prick in her spine, causing them to yelp.
A Dendrodsprite slinkied up her back and put it's head on her shoulder, "just sampling...never seen blood like yours...so intertwined with the...divine....yet so distan-"
Spritefather picked up his child, "please forgive Leafy, they're in their...adventurous stage. And their adventure is to learn things. Often things that involve pins and needles."
This was going to be a looong night
The next day, Vanessa's tree
Selene yawns and falls on the statue, Venti doing the same. The difference between them is one is hungover and waiting for his boyfriend to take him home after the fifth assassination attempt this week, the other has to deal with the consequences of being loved by children and being there to try and stop the most recent assassination
"Holy shit....this hang over....I thought Decrabain's hailstorms were bad..."
"You shouldn't try watching after Leafy.....but I think half the pains are from Agua's jealousy bites......"
"You think that's bad?.....you should have seen them when they realized Cael and I....were dating....."
"...archons I hope I was never like that as a kid...."
"Oh cherry up you two!" Spritefather said, a bit too loud for the two, "it's a new day and-"
Venti hit his father with a clump of grass using anemo
"Ohheythere'sCaelgottagobye!" The archon said as he ran off.
Spritefather sighed, "he's always like that, running from responsibilities. But he always means up when it counts, so I can only say I'm proud of the man he's become," he thought for a moment, "except for when he turns into a woman for whatever reason, then I'm proud of the woman she's become...you know, after being around single form life for so long stuff like that feels so strange. I mean you humans are born with one form and cant naturally change it. But if you feel it's wrong you'll go through so much trouble just to get close to what us shape changers can get. While to humans it is inspiring purely because of the person's determination to take the form they so deserve, that they were truly meant to have. But for me it's so much more! The human spirit and will is oh so inspiring, but the amount humans go through! So much money, so much time, and in many places simply enduring life! Why even I couldn't get the...uh...transphobia is it?...out of Inazuma!Terribly sorry human language changes so much. Oh and on language! To think that I was there when the first cave man was trying to mimic the grunts of the gods, only to make something so much superior to them to the point that the gods copied THEM! And speaking of copies have you ever heard of the time Dainsleif-" he paused as he saw Selene's bored face, "sorry. One little thing and I start ranting and rave...no, it's info dumping. And I should thank you humans for making that term, and all the other wonder words you've made, and the medical advances. They've helped me understand myself....ah but look at me, rambling on again. You know what? For entertaining my kids the whole night, and listening to an old man's ramblings, I'll give you a boon. Anything you want, if I can get it you shall have it."
Selene thought for a moment. She thought about asking him to bring back her father, but they knew he couldn't raise the dead. She even thought...of her mother, to see her again, but they knew that it wouldn't help. A selfish part of her even wanted someway to reignite her's and Rosaria's relationship, after all that part of her life was, but she knew it would be wrong and that they both agree they just didn't work.
Perhaps just ask for mora? She did need some for a good night's rest, but that felt wasteful. What was one night's rest for what could be a lifetime of amazing power. But maybe it would be wrong to ask for something like power. Ah! She's got it!
"How about a spear? A really powerful one that compliments my powers perfectly! Oh! And make it look really cool!"
Spritefather blinked, then laughed, "well, that's rather simple isn't it? So amazing you humans. You expect them to make something big and/or selfish, like taking control of a country, or killing someone. Yet never once has one of my boons been used for anything bad. Even when they're selfish. Like one time I met a very selfish person who I granted a boon, and all he did with it was ask me to make sure the kids of Inazuma were never hungry. Ah, now that. That was ranting, sorry." Spritefather walked over to the statue's base and knocked three times, "hello Vanessa. It's been a while since I last called you, but I was hoping you could give me a hand? And perhaps a very sturdy branch off your tree?"
A light shown down from the heavens and the ground shook, causing a skeletal hand to rise from the depths.
Selene would have screeched if she weren't so tired, "I'd prefer my weapon to be less...body part-sy."
"Nonsense! Everyone knows that bones make the best weapons! You know why it's called a prototype rancor?! BECAUSE NOONE WANTS TO ACCEPT THAT THE PERFECTED VERSION I, THE INVENTOR, MADE INCLUDES THE SHINBONES OF MITSCHURLS! YOU EVER SEEN A-*ahem*-sorry, rambling."
As he was ranting, a branch handed Spritefather a sturdy branch from the tree.
"Perfect, now a bit of magic and-" the two items blew up in Spritefather's face before reforming into a purple and black spear that ended in a feathery sleeve like pattern that was attached to a sharp blade that looked very much like a hand made into a spear blade. Mainly because it was.
A brilliant light shone down on the Spritefather as he floated up and presented the spear to Selene(mumbled: thanks Venessa)
His voice became that of s god's, filled with power and compassion, booming across windrise.
He leans imup to Selene and whispered to her, "do you like the eternal father moniker? I thought it up myself."
"Oh yeah, 10/10, really keeping with the Inazuman background."
Selene took the spear, "uh...thanks?"
"Oh your very welcome. By the way how was that delivery? I've been working on the whole 'I am a powerful being' delivery for a few centuries."
"A bit hard to understand, but overall gets the vibe across. Maybe 8/10? Low seven probably."
"Yeah, I kind of expected that. Wonder how else I could get that effect, you know without the whole can't understand thing."
"Well, I've got teo other immortals to meet. Ones I need to question."
"Ah yes, I'm sure Cael and Barbados have much to answer for to you."
"Yes they do. I don't suppose 'see you around' would be appropriate here?"
"On a sense? It's appropriate. After all I'm your friend now aswell, and I prefer a life without isolation. So...see you round?"
"Sure, see you around."
Admittedly didn't know how to end this. I like it but I'm a tad worried I made it to focused on my character and didn't give Selene enough attention.
Regardless I hope you enjoyed it cloud! I really tried to get Selene right. And sorry it took so long, sleep kept getting messed up, and then covid shot+forgetting to hydrate kicked my ass.
(Tagging: @storytravelled, @golden-wingseos, and @clouds-rambles)
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Chapter 20: Dragon Soul
Upon the next morning, Spike wakes up. He quickly looks over to make sure Twilight’s bottle is still there, and indeed it is. Even with all the precautions they took, the last trip to Saddle Arabia certainly turned dark quickly and quite traumatizing for Spike. So Spike gives a sigh of relief. And decides to open Twilight’s bottle right away in the room, instead of letting Twilight pop herself out as he makes breakfast.
He takes off the stopper, and immediately a purple swirl of smoke pours out, shifting once the end of the smoke once again forming into Twilight’s shape from the waist up. Once she’s completely formed, she stretches her hooves, and smiles. She looks down to sees Spike, down on the floor of the room.
Twilight: Good morning, Spike!
Spike: Good morning, Mom!
She then proceeds to float herself down, disconnect her tail from the bottle and shift the tail into the rest of her body.
Twilight: Let’s get some breakfast before we return to Saddle Arabia to get Malakhar and Celestia to help us find the cave your birth mother died.
Spike: Of course! Who knows if the trek to the cave, will take long so we better have something in our stomachs at least
Spike and Twilight head to the kitchen in the castle and Spike makes another batch of toast for him and Twilight. Twilight then also precedes to deactivating all the protective measures they put in the castle from last night. Once they’re finished, Twilight tells Spike of another thing she’ll probably be doing once they’re done in the cave.
Twilight: By the way, Spike. Trixie went up to me last night to tell me Starlight wants to see me sometime today for something. So once we’re done paying our respects for your Mother, I’m going to go see her.
Spike: Sure thing! What is it about? School of Friendship stuff?
Twilight: I actually wasn’t told what it was about, but I guess I’ll find out later. But for now, let’s go get Malakhar and Princess Celestia.
Twilight opens up a gum portal back to the palace in Saddle Arabia. While Twilight and Spike put themselves with protective measures in the castle, the Sultan and Sultana also beefed up their security and put a guard at every door of the guests that are staying to go to the wedding. Just because Twilight would be safe, doesn’t mean her friends staying there would be. So they put the extra measures to protect all of Twilight’s friends in the night. No suspicious movement ever came about during the night, but even the palace guards certainly wanted to go with the same better safe then sorry feeling.
Twilight reaches the front of the palace and is meant with the Saddle Arabian Royal Guard captain who is thankful nothing happened this time around.
Guard Captain: Good to see you made it, Princess Twilight. All your friends have been safely protected throughout the night as well.
Twilight: Thank you Captain, I appreciate all the effort to assure us our safety after last time.
The captain bows and let’s Twilight and Spike in. Both then head in the direction of Malakhar and Kubuya’s room. Before they actually get there, the room actually opens and Malakhar walks out. He sees Twilight and Spike are already here.
Malakhar: Real eager to visit that cave, huh? I guess it does mean a lot to you. I can certainly start leading you there as soon as we’ve gotten Princess Celestia with us.
Twilight: Before we go, how’s Kubuya?
Malakhar: She’s fine, just still sleeping. We had a fantastic time at the ball last night, you have some very talented friends in Equestria. And we were also very happy for Pinkie Pie, when she started her relationship with Cheese Sandwich on stage.
Not to mention your friend Moondancer’s impressive dance moves she showed with the Prince! Which speaking of which, we’re happy the Prince finally found a special somepony that legitimately loves him. I don’t think we know Moondancer very much, her dancing was the first time we ever saw her. Is she just a regular dancing pony over in Equestria?
Twilight: No, in fact I don’t think many ponies have ever seen her dance until this ball. That was the first time I’ve seen her dance too. Perhaps I should of guessed given her name, but I guess I didn’t really spend enough time with her to find out about it.
Moondancer’s normally a lot like me, you could even say Moondancer would be closer to what I’d be like if I had a more normal life, rather then becoming the hero and Princess of Equestria I am now. She’s very much a bookworm like myself, normally.
Malakhar: Well then, I can’t wait to get to know her once she’s fully moved in to Saddle Arabia. Another you sounds like the best thing to us. And if Moondancer becomes Sultana, I’m sure she’ll be a very popular one. I think her dancing skills from last night is already the talk of the city from what I overheard from many of the Saddle Arabian citizens that attended the ball.
Twilight: I bet! She absolutely mastered some of your nation’s classic dances. There is absolutely no way I’d be able to do what she did even if I practiced dancing for the next 1000 years. I’m such a terrible dancer myself, heh.
Twilight sheepishly rubs the back of her head as she admits her rather poor dancing skill.
Twilight: But… Ahem, I guess we should now go find Princess Celestia.
Malakhar: Right, let’s go.
Twilight, Spike, and Malakhar walk the halls of the palace looking for Celestia, they eventually find her speaking with Sultan Theandri.
Twilight: Pardon if I’m interrupting an important talk Princess Celestia, but I believe you agreed last night to come along with me and Spike to the cave in the desert?
Celestia: Oh no worries, Twilight. Me and the Sultan were just having a pleasant conversation about the ball last night. I imagine you’re here so I can help you find where Spike’s egg was found?
Sultan Theandri: Wait, Spike was born here?
Celestia: Indeed. Remember when we came across a deceased dragon in a cave in the nearby desert? The egg that Malakhar presented to me happened to be Spike’s egg
Sultan Theandri: Amazing! Perhaps I should update Spike’s honorary citizenship here after the battle with Zathir, with birthright citizenship!. Actually, is it ok if I come along on this as well? It will be sort of like a nice little return get-together.
Malakhar: Though we’ll be of course missing my Grandfather, but sure it’ll be nice to have you along as well for a real re-visit.
Sultan Theandri: Ah yes, Hisan Manat. Great stallion, I’m sure he’d be proud of what you’ve done yourself, Malakhar.
Malakhar: I’m sure he would too…
As Malakhar reflects about his Grandfather,  he along with Twilight, Spike, Celestia, The Sultan, along with protective guards go onto a trek to the cave. Very much mirroring when Malakhar and his Grandfather set out to go where they saw a dragon land from the backyard of their hut.
((Story continues after the break))
Spike meanwhile keeps up a solemn face as he knows he’s about to see the resting place of his birth mother. He considers Twilight his mom through-and-through and nothing’s ever going to change that. But he feels like it’s still going to be a feeling of complex emotions to visit for him. As on one hand this is where his birth mother met her end, but also in a more positive spin, he’s visiting the place his egg was first laid before he’d end up in Equestria.
Soon they reach the mouth of the cave. But first, some guards check if anything dangerous is in the cave or if there’s any danger of the cave collapsing suddenly that could kill or entrap the Sultan. Though they do have a backup this time of Twilight using her magic to save the Sultan, as well as Princess Celestia’s strength in magic should something come up. The guards exploring the cave come back and give the go ahead for the group to go in.
When the group goes in, they see a large towering pile of bones, particularly the ribcage of the dragon that died. And as they look around they also find many of the other bones of the long tail, wings, claws, long neck, and a large skull. This huge skeleton had to be all that remains of Spike’s birth mother. Twilight at first kind of want’s to closely examine the skeleton to satisfy the curious scientist in her, but she also doesn’t want to perhaps do that right in front of Spike who might not want to see his birth mother’s remains treated like a museum exhibit. So for now, she keeps her distance.
The group just generally remains quiet as a sort of moment of silence. And then Spike slowly starts walking more closely to the skull of his birth mother. Twilight not sure how Spike is taking seeing his birth mother’s remains, she calls out to him in some concern.
Twilight: Spike… are you ok? If this is an upsetting sight, even if you never knew her. We can get out right away.
Spike turns back to Twilight and first nods side-to-side to indicate he’s fine.
Spike: I’m ok Twilight, I’m just thinking to myself…
Spike turns back to looking at his birth mother’s remains and makes a heavy deep breath. He puts a hand over his dragon tear necklace. And in his own mind, pays his respects for his birth mother.
Spike: (I never got to know who you were… but if what Princess Celestia told me was true… you set me and Twilight on the paths that we’re on to this day… As soon as I heard that… I felt an obligation to see where you laid in eternal rest… even if you can’t hear me, being dead and all… I want to express thanks for laying the egg containing me here, and instructing Celestia from beyond the grave, so that I would end up in Twilight’s hooves…
I know you also wanted me to find the perfect mother since you weren’t able to live to take care of me yourself… and I believe you got your wish, wholeheartedly… I just wish you could see if your wish came true…  if there was a way to, I’d love to have you to see me and Twilight… I’m sure you’d agree that your desire was fulfilled… and Princess Celestia’s as well…
It might be silly to say it, given it’s probably not going to actually do anything… but I desire you to come see us. Wherever you are… if you were able to visit Celestia’s dreams… perhaps there is some way to see us after all… please… I desire to see my dragon birth mother…)
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Suddenly, the Dragon’s tear necklace starts glowing, which surprises the entire group in the cave including Spike himself who looks down wide-eyed.
Spike: Whoa!
Twilight expresses huge concern, not knowing what is happening
Twilight: Spike?! What’s going on? Why is your Dragon’s Tear glowing?!
Spike: I’m not sure! But something must be happening! I was just thinking to myself before this!
Twilight: It must of heard whatever you were thinking, then!
Spike: It couldn’t be granting what I thought about… could it?
Twilight: What?! You’re saying you said some sort of wish? What was it?
Spike: I… think we may just see in a moment…
As the Dragon’s Tear continues to glow the group awaits for what exactly Spike thought about. Unbeknownst to them outside, a large white streak of energy comes down into the atmosphere like a comet. It quickly flies down to Saddle Arabia and quickly approaches the cave. Guards warning the group of what they might have mistook for something attacking.
Royal Guard: Everyone duck!
The entire group goes prone on the ground as the energy comes into the cave with a loud whoosh. The energy then stops just above and in front of the skeleton of Spike’s dragon mother in a large sphere.
Celestia: What in Equestria is this?!
The entire group looks awestruck at the sphere, eventually the sphere starts taking a new shape. The sphere starts transforming, and in time it’s becoming clear from the silhouette that it’s becoming a dragon.
Spike: Oh my gosh, it may actually be happening! This thing must be my birth mother’s spirit!
Twilight: No way… We’ve never seen ghosts before! Are we sure this isn’t some dangerous shapeshifting monster?
Twilight is quickly prove wrong however as the silhouette of the dragon fades out and even gives at least some of the color of who it was supposed to be. Celestia, Malakhar, and the Sultan recognizing those colors.
Celestia: Pink scales…
Sultan Theandri: Green back plates…
Malakhar: Twilight… Spike… this is the dragon who died here… and Spike’s birth mother… there is no mistaking it… She looks exactly as I saw her back then…
Twilight just is speechless, wide-eyed, and mouth agape. The others basically confirmed that the spirit had been summoned. Was this what Spike’s desire was that the Dragon Tear granted? Do Dragon Tears have the ability to allow the living to see and even contact the dead? She is just entirely mind flooded, as the spirit continues to show more of the dragon who died here. Soon the full dragon can be seen. with a white glowing outline over the entire body and the spirit being somewhat transparent
The spirit dragon’s head comes into full view, eyes closed but are soon opened. As she looks around, and finds she was summoned at the very spot she died in. She then takes a look at all the ponies around her until she finally takes a look at the little purple dragon with the glowing Dragon Tear. She lowers her head to take a closer look at the little dragon. At first, kind of freaking out Spike. But she then smiles, and with a gentle voice that slightly echoes, that the other ponies can’t tell if it’s because of the cave or just an ominous effect of a spirit. She says…
???: Hello, my child…
Spike goes wide-eyed hearing the voice of her mother for the first time and doesn’t even know what to say first to of all things, the spirit of his birth mother. He manages to lightly raise a claw and waves, though it’s a bit shaky and he just ends up replying with:
Spike: U-u-ummm… h-hi?
Upon hearing the voice of the spirit, that’s when it sort of sunk in to the ponies in the cave that this was real. A dragon that supposedly passed away years ago is now in front of them. Most just standing there with mouth agape, but perhaps most attentive is Celestia who realizes she… recognizes that voice.
Celestia: T-that voice! I could never forget it… you were the voice in my dream! I knew it!
???: And I recognize your voice as well, Princess Celestia. I admit, I’m a little surprised I got this chance to appear before you all as well. But I’ll relish it, I’ve long wanted to know for sure if me and Celestia’s joint desires were granted. I see that I had a young son in the egg I left here… Tell me Princess., who was the one who hatched my son?
Celestia: Her name is Twilight Sparkle. Princess Twilight Sparkle in fact, she’s the purple alicorn next to your son. I promise that she very much fulfilled many of my wishes, she and her friends freed my sister. Twilight was also quite the worthy student, she would become a Princess of Equestria. And within a year from now, I will officially step down and let her take the reins.
And I do believe that she fulfilled your wish too.
???: I am happy to hear that everything worked out for you, Princess. Though to be absolutely sure that I got my wish as well, I must hear my son’s own opinion. What do you say? Has she been the perfect mother for you, that I wished
Spike thinks for a moment but first suggests something else before he gives his answer.
Spike: I promise I will answer you soon, and I also assure you that you’ll like my answer. But… I don’t think we got properly introduced, I know that being… well… dead… can kinda make introductions rather weird. But I’d like to at least know the name of my birth Mother before I say anything. In exchange, I’ll say my given name for you to call me.
???: I suppose that’s fair… my name… is Jennesis
Spike remembers that name from a conversation with former Dragon Lord Torch.
Spike: I… I remember hearing that name… former Dragon Lord Torch mentioned you!
Spike’s birth mother, now known as Jennesis just gives a deadpan expression on the mention of Torch. Just about the equivalent of reminding Rarity about Prince Blueblood.
Jennesis: Ugh… Torch… he was one of the most self-centered jerks of a mate I ever met… I tried to make it work in the few years I was with him… but he just never got better… I cringed whenever he called me Jenny…
Spike: Heh, no wonder he mentioned that you would of never agreed to lifetime marriage if it existed in the Dragonlands.
Jennesis: Yeah… because our relationship was mostly beneficial to him… pardon if this is a rather dirty subject in front of you ponies. But Torch mainly loved me for our intercourse together, and my kindness towards him he only really just took advantage of to get me to have sex with him every week or so.
He didn’t like abuse me, as he did actually somewhat respect whatever kindness I gave him.
Besides, I was bigger then him at that point, if he had ever tried to hit me. He’d face the wrath of an angry full grown female dragon.
Regardless, I wouldn’t say him wanting to have a pony-style lifetime marriage with me is him necessarily saying he cared about me. Just simply what’s best for him every now-and-then.
Spike: I guess while we’re on the subject of mates, I don’t suppose you know who my birth father could be?
Jennesis: I’m afraid I couldn’t specify, since I likely had multiple mates at the time I could of possibly started incubating your egg, and I’ll admit they may have been mainly one night stands, where I didn’t even get the names of them. I will say at the very least that they were all dragons about as big as me at least. Even if I know that doesn’t exactly narrow it down that much.
Spike: Gotcha. That’s alright. I don’t necessarily need to know who my father is, that’s sometimes normal for Dragons after all.
Jennesis: *nods* Now what is your name? Perhaps it shouldn’t be right to call you my son when you have had a new mother that I’ll be speaking with… as soon as she gets out of her shocked trance *giggles*
As Jennesis noticed, Twilight still has her mouth agape that all this is happening, maybe even partly regarding the subject manner mentioned in her conversation with Spike. Occasionally blinking, but otherwise has barely said a word. Spike himself laughing a bit, though soon goes on to tell his birth mother’s name.
Spike: My name is Spike.
Jennesis: Ah, Spike. Simple name, but I guess it works. Anyhow, I am actually somewhat familiar with how I was summoned, but was never certain I’d actually get the chance to get summoned down like this. But I’m glad that I did, so I could meet you, and hopefully with what I hope was indeed your “Perfect mother”.
Spike: I suppose I should answer how I feel about Twilight then. Yes, I very much consider her the best mother I could of asked for. We sort of grew up with each other first, at the time I was hatched. Twilight was a little too young to consider herself a mother. But through her entire rest of her childhood and teenage years as Celestia’s protege. And then a few adventures after meeting our friends in a town called Ponyville, we sort of became closer.
Then one fateful day in Saddle Arabia, she became a genie. Which gave her the chance to be able to take care of me for far longer then if she remained a mortal pony. Of course, she’d find out later that she was going to be able to do so anyway when Celestia was ready for Twilight to ascend into an Alicorn, but she couldn’t have known that at the time, plus the fact she chose to be a genie for my sake was a huge sign she saw me more then simply a younger sibling or an assistant.
She very well knew that becoming a Genie meant she’d one day outlive her friends, but she realized perhaps that she wouldn’t be where she is had she not hatched my egg, she’d never be where she was then and perhaps felt some responsibility for me. I also impressed her during our very first visit to Saddle Arabia when I did everything I could to help Twilight learn about herself as a genie, I helped her realize some of the pros of being a genie, after she had a pretty disastrous introduction to becoming a genie after Malakhar tricked her. Even if Malakhar had good intentions. I kind of had to go-to bat for the part of her mind that was now an internal conflict in Twilight’s own mind on whether to stay a genie or not.
And when the decision came down, she hugged me for the remaining minutes of the time limit. Promising at the very least that she’d be around for the next 1000 years.
Then, about a year after she became a genie… I came to a realization about me and Twilight’s relationship. And through showing some of our memories… I would call Twilight my mother for the first time ever… it caught her by surprise, to the point I wasn’t even sure if she was going to actually agree to being my mother… but then she teleport hugged me, and said she would be honored to be my mother. From there, she’d adopt me the next day and we’d proceed to have more adventures over the many years since. It took a little while for the butterflies in my stomach that I felt every time I was about to call Twilight my Mom, but now I’m at a point where I casually call her Mom all the time.
So what I’m saying is… I definitely think your wish for my perfect mother was granted. Albeit it surely was a slow process and wasn’t as simple as soon as Twilight hatched me we were mother/son right away. As Twilight’s own mother and Celestia generally helped out early on, but what matters is I consider Twilight my Mom now… and there’s no one else I’d rather it be…
Twilight finally breaks out of her trance as she’s been listening to Spike’s heartwarming summary of how they’d come to see each other as Mother and Son. Giving out joyful tears.
Twilight: Spike, what you just said deserves a hug…
Twilight walks over to Spike, sits down and hugs him tightly. Spike hugging back as well. This makes Jennesis smile, as it looks like indeed she got what she wished for.
Jennesis: I’m thankful, there was a part of me that was scared in my final moments I might of messed something up when I sent out my desire. But, looks like the power of the dragon’s tear as long as a desire has been said before it loses power, it still gets granted…
After a long hug, they finally let go and Twilight finally starts talking to Jennesis. Twilight’s ears perk noticing something Jennesis implied.
Twilight: Wait, Jennesis. What do you mean by that? Wasn’t there no dragon tear found around you when you died?
Jennesis: The truth was, I actually did cry out a pretty large tear before I died. A pretty big chunk too, I knew I was dying in the cave so I had to act fast. I had just laid Spike’s egg, and I quickly spoke into the Dragon’s tear that I desired the egg find the perfect mother. I saw the Dragon Tear work it’s magic giving the egg a barrier of magic protection that you, Twilight, would break in order to hatch Spike.
However, I had been away from Saddle Arabia for so long, I wasn’t sure if there were any remnants of that radical part of the Anti-Genie regime that wanted to use dragon tears to make those awful genie controlling devices. So after making my desire, I destroyed the dragon tear. Crushed it into pieces and used my last breath of fire to turn the pieces into unusable ashes.
Malakhar gasps
Malakhar: (So that’s why my grandfather never saw one back there…)
Jennesis: I had lived long enough to know things about just about everywhere in the world, including Saddle Arabia. I knew that Dragon tears had immense powers, especially when used by a dragon, in fact… it’s because Spike made his desire to see me known to the dragon tear on his necklace… that I was even able to be summoned. Becoming a genie is literally the only other way a non-dragon can harness the power of a Dragon’s tear. And even then, they don’t quite have all the same abilities a dragon with a Dragon’s tear does.
As you can see by myself being here, Dragons using Dragon Tears can summon the spirits of the deceased. Though one caveat, is in order to summon a spirit. The dragon themselves or at least someone else that is touching the dragon’s tear must be related by blood, had been lovers, and/or have had a close friendship. You can’t just simply look up the name of a historical figure that you never got to know, think of them, and summon them. You had to actually have known them, or hope they were somewhere in your family tree.
Twilight’s admittedly sort of disappointed with that, but she might understand why and asks just to clarify.
Twilight: So basically… the Dragon’s Tear has to actually sense a legit close relationship of some kind with the spirit in order to summon them. Whether they were family, friends, or even lovers that have passed?
Jennesis: Exactly
Twilight: What if a family member was at odds with another even after they died and thus not really close? Does that mean they’re cut off from being summoned?
Jennesis: Well, if a family member wasn’t particularly close with another family member even after they died, usually that would mean the one that could summon them probably likely wouldn’t want to summon them to begin with. But I suppose if you convinced someone to summon a family member they didn’t like, the blood relation is still strong enough to summon them on it’s own.
Though blood relation doesn’t necessarily just override a need for friendly relations with a family member, it also overrides if you never knew them to begin with. Like, I don’t think Spike necessarily loves or hates me, since he never got to meet me before I died. But he could still summon me, purely from blood relation.
Twilight: What if… someone bystanding a spirit summon sort of becomes friends with a spirit by talking to them. Does that work as a sort of loophole?
Jennesis: Unfortunately, no. Even if say we officially became friends now, you’d still need Spike or if you just so happen to find any friend or other dragons that I was a mother to that’s still alive. If hypothetically the one who summoned me was another dragon that was not Spike, and you tried summoning me because we became friends while I was a spirit. It wouldn’t count.
Twilight: Alright, I think I understand. If I’m hearing this right, when my friends in Ponyville have passed… me and Spike should be able to summon them from being great friends with them… Spike, suddenly one of the biggest cons about being a genie will be much less bad!
Spike: Yeah! That’s awesome! And we can also help others see beloved friends and family members who have passed!
The others in the group speak up
Malakhar: I could see my Grandfather again!
Sultan Theandri: I could get advice from all the former Sultans and Sultanas in my family dynasty! Or give advice myself if a future Sultan should they remain in blood relation!
Celestia: Me and Luna could be able to see our many departed generations of friends and loyal guards and staffers!
All of them just perhaps have some of the biggest smiles they’ve had in a longtime, joyful tears just thinking about the possibility of seeing either friends or family that have long been gone. Though Twilight gives an ahem before giving one more important question to Jennesis.
Twilight: Say Jennesis… how do you know all this anyway. A lot of what you told us isn’t something I’d expect a dragon from outside Saddle Arabia to know. You seem quite knowledgeable about Dragon Tears and Genies.
Jennesis: Well… I could say it’s just from how long I’ve lived. As after all when I died, I was well past 100,000. But I suppose it’s true that I wouldn’t have come across such knowledge, had I never met Jinn.
Twilight: *gasp* You met Jinn?!
Jennesis: Yes, it was a real long time ago. In fact I may have actually been Spike’s age at the time I first met her. But Jinn was a very fascinating pony, I learned a lot about Saddle Arabia, genies, and of course the Dragon Tears in the thousands of years that I got to know her, and call her a friend. Many of my own morals were taught by her, and I’d also assist her in her plight in escaping the Anti-Genie regime.
Though this kind of stuff would be easier, and quite frankly safer, if you could summon Jinn, somehow someway. I do at least know Jinn had a family, after she let herself become mortal again. Do any of you know someone of blood relation to Jinn? Or… but this would be kind of unlikely… someone who was good friends with Jinn back when she was alive
Malakhar immediately speaks up on the former. Twilight ponders a bit before she realizes they also have somepony who was good friends with her too.
Malakhar: My marefriend, Kubuya is blood related to Jinn
Twilight: And there’s also Somnambula! She’s been in limbo for a long time but she was brought back a few years ago, and she was friends with Jinn back in the day.
Jennesis: That’s great! Bring them both, just for good measure.
But perhaps I should at least give the short of why I must start going, and tell you that there is a danger to summoning too many spirits at one time. You shouldn’t summon down more then 50 pony-sized spirits at one time. Nor more then 2 fully grown dragon-sized spirits, it’s quite frankly risk enough to summon me down for reasons Jinn will explain soon.
Spike: Are you saying you don’t want us to summon you ever again?
Jennesis: Not ever again, just don’t overuse it, by summoning me all the time. I’d like to see you as much as I can, being your birth mother and all, but us spirits actually have a purpose where we go. Again, Jinn will clarify everything. And it’ll be safer for the world that she’s the one explaining all this, rather then me. Since she’s only one pony.
I do want to say that I’m proud of the dragon you are, Spike. And I am happy that you have found your perfect mother that I desired. Even if you never summon me again, I am most certainly eternally happy that what I desired has come to pass. As for you, Twilight, the perfect mother that I wished for. I am so happy to hear about your dedication to my son. Please continue to be the best mother for him, I know you’ll be very capable.
And to Princess Celestia, thank you for listening to me after your dream that one time. Doing that was risky on my part, and couldn’t really do that for much longer then I did. But I had to make sure things came out favorable to the egg. I am also happy to see all your wishes were granted as well, I wish you a happy retirement along with spending plenty of time with your dear sister.
Spike, Twilight, and Celestia all have joyful tears at Jennesis addressing them all.
Spike: Thank you for setting us on the paths, that we are on now. We will always appreciate that.
Twilight gives Spike a wing hug while waving to Spike’s birth mother.
Jennesis: Thank you Spike, now please deactivate your dragon tear and allow me to return…
Spike: Alright Jennesis, my birth mother. Perhaps I’ll summon you again some other time just to talk for a bit. But until then, this is goodbye.
Spike closes his eyes, focuses as he puts a hand on his Dragon Tear once more. The tear had been glowing the entire time Jennesis has been in the cave, albeit a decent amount dimmer then it was when she was being summoned. It starts glowing brighter again, as the spirit of Jennesis starts forming again into the giant sphere that had left the group in the cave awestruck. Finally, the Dragon Tear’s glow fades away slowly as it now as the sphere once again goes into a comet shape but now going out of the cave. Once the spirit has left, the group in the cave just looks at each other all with smiles on their faces as they are in full realization what kind of avenues this revelation brings up. But of course, they plan to do what Jennesis told them….
Summon the first ever genie in history, and learn some important stuff she knows about this newfound ability of the Dragon’s Tear.
UP NEXT: Chapter 21 - Life is Magic, Part 1
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britishchick09 · 3 years
danger force return of the kid livewatch
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the version i’m watching on dailymotion is slightly chipmunked and it’s adorable ^_^
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awww  sweetest hug ever! ♥
chapa: “don’t make me get the crowbar!” omg :o
miles: “you hate to see it” and you love to see the meme ;)
henry’s dad is graduating from an online school how 2020
mika: “we once caught a guy that was stealing books... FROM THE LIBRARY!” omg shocking! :o
henry just said ‘noice’ wtf mr. hart
henry spent ‘his whole childhood’ defeating people but wasn’t he like a tween when he became kid danger?
ray: “henry’s MINE now” awww :)
idk if henry can still become kid danger (i haven’t seen the henry danger finale) but i really hope he does
henry: “everyone thinks kid danger is-“ chapa: “hot?” miles: “dead?” lol
ray wants henry to pick his nail color awww :)
henry wants them to ‘handle it themselves’ does that mean he can’t transform? :o
henry just deleted ‘where are you?’ messages from charlotte HENRY DID YOU SERIOUSLY ABANDON YOUR FRIENDS FOR RAY YOU’RE NOT JOHN WITH YOKO
the audience just gave a quiet ‘aww’ when henry deleted the messages same :/
ray: “you wanna see my axe storing room?” your WHAT room
henry: “do i even have to axe?” eyyyyyyy ;)
ray and henry are the best of friends! :D
they’re playing a just dance ripoff how sweet :)
henry: “this has been so much fun!” ray: “I LOVE YOU TOO!” henry: “what?” ray: “I SAID GET READY FOR ROUND TWO!”
the game is calling for a tango STOP THE SHIPPING
and the game is called PRANCE PRANCE REVOLUTION lol :D
ray wants the kids to leave to spend more time with henry ♥
ray: “quit your bellyaching!” henry: “yeah, this is what you get paid for!” the kids: “YOU GOT PAID???” lol :D
ray wants to stay up there ‘as long as he can’ wowza what a shippy shippy
the intro pops up nearly 6 minutes into the ep what a long and exciting cold open! :D
chapa to mika: “we got your heart to start beating again...” wtf happened :o
bose’s mouth was full did he have a towel in his mouth lol
mikes screaming “I HATE YOU!!” is better than anakin lol
mika isn’t up for this bs YOU GO MIKA!!!!!
omg henry and ray started a totally sick rock band yo!
henry: “don’t need to practice when you’re already perfect, dude!” hannah montana wants to know your location
why is ray obsessed with henry’s mom creepy
henry: “gotta save my messages to the cloud!” F U T U R E!!!!”
char’s messages are like ‘you can’t run from this’ HENRY WHAT’S GOIN’ ON HMMMM?????
ray: “...that didn’t sound like your mom.”
henry asked if he was ‘totally untrackable in the man’s nest’ WHAT DID YOU DO HENRY
ray: “finding you in here would be like trying to find a gray hair on my head!” henry: “there’s one right there.” ray: “whaaat?”
henry’s been there for 3-4 days HENRYYYY!!!!
chapa: “we also think we should be able to vaporize someone FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!” daang chapa p-i-double wuble s-ed too!
ray: “time is a tall glass of water” henry: “please don’t punch my glass-” ray: *PUNCHES GLASS LIKE A BOSS*
ray: “next crime that calls is goin’ home in a body bag” sweet serenity celestia captain man calm down
henry: “who knows when the next call will come in?” call: *comes in* lol
HENRY TRANSFORMED YAAAS!!! and i guess the dark outfit he wore in the insta teaser pic is his new hero form?? :o
henry: “up the tube!” captain man: “...we go down the tube.” lol :D
and awayyyyy they go!
robber: “part of the reason i rob people is for the connection i feel and i feel like you’re (the cashier) not here with me right now!” awww ♥
the cashier walked past captain man’s book first of all awesome call back and secondly why is a book being sold at a convenience store
captain man: “let’s slow fight this crime”
robber: “is this your sidekick?” ray: “naw, we’re just vibing!” henry: “you don’t even know what that means” ray: “it’s means, like, we’re together but not really” johnlock wants to know your location
henry really wants to get back to the man’s nest what’s goin’ on here????
a drone just said ‘henry hart located sending bounty hunter’ first of all wtf and secondly BOBA FETT CROSSOVER WHAT
even captain man’s like ‘wtf dude?’
mika: “i finally got mom and dad to fall asleep! you know what that means...” others: “SCREEN TIME!!! :D” kids these days...
chapa; “i wish i had a phone!” the way she said it is a total ‘god i wish that were me’ meme
the ad on is for ‘imdb tv’ THEY HAVE A STREAMING SERVICE??????
mika has a big phone or a tiny tablet
mika to a caller: “WHAT DO YOU WANT????” miles: “YOU’RE INTERRUPTIN’ SCREEN TIME!!!” sweet serenity you two CALM THE FRICK DOWN
captain man: “the kid and i are in a bit of a jimmy jam...” jimmy john’s wants your location
henry: “you want to fly the mancopter? get a bunch of puppies?” you’d think the kids would want to fly the flipping mancopter but they want puppies instead. kids these days! :D
captain man: “what’s gotten your brisket in a basket?” lol
henry: “dystopia’s really scary-“ well duh you live in a town called DYSTOPIA what did you expect
henry messed with a guy WHO EATS PEOPLE’S SOULS WTF
captain man reaction: “...so you didn’t come to swellview to see me?” i think you should be focused on the, i don’t know... EATING PEOPLE’S SOULS PART RAY
the lights just went out OH MAN
henry: “we’re gonna die, dude!” captain man: “hold on gotta try and think of an opening quip-“ this is like yakko saying ‘we need a perfect opening’ line in the animaniacs reboot lol :D
captain man: “knock knock-“ the blackout guy: *shoots captain man into a wall* captain man: “typically you’d say ‘who’s there?’“ lol
shoutout: “how did you miss the floor awol?” awol: “at least we’re here! we could’ve been in another country!” oh miles! :D
chapa: “why are the lights out?” henry: “it’s blackout! he’s a bounty hunter from dystopia-“ chapa: “aaalllllready stopped listening.” why does nobody care about a soul-sucking bounty hunter tho??
captain man has a wall on his back like peter being stuck to the couch in that one family guy ep lol
the lights go on and everyone cheers! :D
captain man: “i said i wasn’t done with my quip! knock knock-“ *gets thrown to the ground* he’s never gonna get to that quip huh
henry: “looks like captain man is taking care of him.” no i think HE’S BEING ATTACKED HENRY
henry: “tell schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry-” why didn’t he pick it up before he moved tho
awol: “captain man says you’re the best superhero he’s ever seen!” henry: “that doesn’t sound like him.” brainstorm: “he also says you have a surprisingly good singing voice.” henry: “i guess i’m alriiight...;)” lol
volt: “captain man says that we’re garbage and we’ll never measure up to you” geez ray be a bit nicer to them (especially chapa) not everyone’s your bf henry
awol: “let’s take this guy down together! ... that sounded really cheesy” lol i love how they all agree except for shoutout :D
the blackout guy wants to know why captain man’s not dying DOES RAY NOT HAVE A SOUL????
blackout falling down because of a scream is the best :D
yay they did it!!! :D
captain man: “what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu?” nice dodging the nickelodeon censors ray ;)
barrow raffle ad: “you could win a million dollars! if you ask us, that’s a win-win” a win-win is letting me finish this ep
captain man kicked blackout and he didn’t respond IS HE DEAD??? :o
schwoz left an alive present in henry’s jeans WTF SCHWOZ
henry: “tough group of kids you got there.” ray: “yep, it always surprises me how much grit and determination each one of them has- oh my god, they’re baby-talking the puppies” lol what a perfectly delivered line :D
henry: “buh-bye dangers!” awww dangers!!! :’)
the higher-pitch of the vid makes mika’s puppy voice SO ADORBS! ♥
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*phone alarm* henry: “that’s my guber!” i know it’s an uber pun but henry’s getting a goofy goober ride awwww yeah! B)
ray doesn’t want to let go awww :)
yo schwoz put a turtle in henry’s pocket lol :D
ooh there’s a post credit scene! :D
and it’s bloopers how sweet :)
that was a great ep as always (probably my fave ep along with the quarantine special)! him and captain man have awesome chemistry and henry with the kids is great too ♥ see ya soon henry! (and danger force)
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Ch. 14: The Catacombs
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
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Words: 1209
Pairing: OT8 x OCs
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
A/N: Italics means they’re speaking Korean
Once the crew had the notes, maps, and everything else they needed for their first task, Jongho remained on board to carry out the latter stretch of his punishment from London as everyone else geared up and stepped off of the ship. The camouflage mode was on, so no one else would raid the HALA if they were to come across the field. Sunlight danced in between the forest tree branches, providing more than enough light for their journey. The ground didn’t have too much grass, so the crew was able to walk through with ease. Hongjoong was the one leading them, Dahae behind him, and the others trailing behind them with Yunho as the caboose. San stayed glued behind Celestia, and Yeosang carried the necessary medical supplies. Everyone else was busy trying to stay quiet and alert. The forest itself didn’t seem to be traveled a lot, but no one wanted to take any chances.
For about thirty minutes, the crew suddenly came to a stop as the captain looked through an opening amongst the trees. In the distance he could see the remains of the arena.
“Almost there,” he called back.
A thud and a shocked yelp sounded from behind him. His head turned on a swivel to find that Phoebe had tripped over something. Yeosang helped her up and brushed a few leaves off of her jacket.
“Are you okay?” Hongjoong asked.
“Yeah,” Phoebe replied. “This random brick decided it would be funny to catch my foot and make me fall.”
“A brick?” Grace-Anne repeated. “In the middle of a forest?”
“There was probably an old building here that collapsed.”
“If that were the case, there would be ruins,” Celestia chimed in. “Or at least more than one brick.”
Phoebe looked down at the faded red piece of cement. That’s when she noticed it was still attached to something but somehow still loose.
“Wait a minute,” she whispered. She knelt down by it and began to push the surrounding leaves aside. “Holy-“
“What did you find, Phoebs?” Dinah asked as she and the rest of the crew rushed over.
She had uncovered some sort of circular lid made of rusted iron built into the ground. Multiple bricks surrounded it, and the lid had one handle, which told them it would lead somewhere. There was also some engraving in center, but it was written in Italian.
“This probably leads to a sewage system,” Phoebe guessed, “but from what we’ve been studying from the information given to us, this could be the entrance to the catacombs.”
Before the crew left the ship that morning, they quickly studied each of the photos and notes to figure out which ones they would need for their first stop. After about an hour of shuffling through the various papers, they were able to piece together their guides for each destination.
Hongjoong set his backpack down and opened it. He fished around in it before pulling out the picture he needed and was able to identify the lid as the entrance to the catacombs.
“I stand corrected,” Phoebe muttered.
“This is it,” he confirmed. “Mingi, Seonghwa, San, see if you can get it open.”
The three of them set down their bags, and made their way to the entrance. With Seonghwa in the middle and the other two on either side of him, all three of them used both hands and gripped the rusted handle. On the count of three, the men used their combined strength and pulled the lid upwards. It was heavy, and each of them let out grunts of effort. However, the sound of metal scraping concrete let them know it was lifting. Seonghwa, San and Mingi pulled once more, and the lid flew open and landed backwards with a heavy thud, the force causing them to stumble backwards a little.
“Well done,” the captain praised them.
Everyone moved closer to the now open entrance and looked down into it. It was pitch dark, but they somehow managed to make it out to be a tunnel. San looked up to see which direction it was going, and sure enough it was leading towards the Colosseum.
“What do you think we’ll find?” Dahae asked no one in particular.
“Hopefully, a diamond,” San answered. “If the sources we have are accurate, at least.”
“We won’t know if we don’t explore,” said Hongjoong as he pulled a flashlight out of his backpack. “Does everyone have their flashlights?”
The crew all pulled out flashlights from their bags. Hongjoong then instructed everyone to climb down the ladder that was built into the wall of the entrance. He went first, the railings dusty and cold to the touch. A whiff of something toxic and foul smelling assaulted his nostrils, and he whipped out his black mask with a built in filter.
“Put your masks on,” he instructed. Everyone else obeyed before following him into the tunnel.
Seonghwa was next to climb down, and he and Hongjoong helped everyone else who climbed down the ladder. Celestia had help from San and Taeran as she reached the bottom, and Yunho was the last to climb down. Before he shut the lid, Yunho had managed to pull the brick out of the ground and use it as a wedge to keep the lid open for when they left the tunnels.
Thirteen flashlights switched on, illuminating the once dark catacombs, and the crew began their journey through it. The air in the tunnel was cold despite the outside weather having the warmth of early springtime. It was also quiet, the only noises being the crew’s footsteps echoing off the walls and water dripping in the distance. The catacombs weren’t claustrophobic. Mingi and Yunho’s heads barely brushed the ceiling, and the width allowed for two people to walk side by side. The ground beneath them was made of rock, and a few loose stones were kicked with each footstep.
For the first few minutes of their walk, the tunnel seemed to just be nothing but that. No ancient markings, no skeletons (thankfully), nothing. The only sound that now echoed was the city’s traffic passing above them.
San pulled out his map of the catacombs and shined his flashlight on it.
“There should be two more tunnels up ahead, captain,” he informed.
Sure enough, the crew came across said fork.
“Which way do we go?” Dinah asked.
Grunting in frustration, San answered, “It just says ‘Follow Mercury.’ How are we supposed to follow a planet when we’re underground?”
“We can’t use our phones, either,” added Taeran. “We have no signal.”
“Maybe it means the chemical,” Wooyoung chimed in.
“Why would anyone need mercury down here?”
“I’m just trying to help.”
Celestia glanced at where San pointed out the instruction, and then used her flashlight to try to shine some light on something. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but a part of her hoped it was something that would help the crew move forward. Her beam then came across something engraved into the red ceiling in the left tunnel. Moving closer, the shape looked like a staff wrapped by two snakes and wings sitting at the top.
“I don’t think it’s planets or chemicals we’re following,” she called to them.
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stachmousworld · 4 years
Dear Dad, fuck you.
Pairing: Stuckony 
Summary: My take on Civil War, but with less property damage and as much betrayal and drama. 
TW: abuse both physical and verbal but not sexual (thank you Howard for your A+ parenting skills).
Ok, so you may cry and hate me at the end.
Also: This is the first installment of my universe A. The two others are: 
Dear Dad, fuck you Punishments
Tony would have never guessed it would have ended like it did. Not in a million years would he have thought that his dead dad would be his demise. He was dead for fuck’s sake. He couldn’t beat Tony, nor verbally abuse him anymore. He wasn’t there physically, and yet he managed, from the grave, to shoot him in the soul. Literally. There were no other words to describe the way he felt.
He couldn’t breathe, his head felt loud and light at the same time, he couldn’t stand straight but sitting down made the earth spin faster, if that made any sense. 
Eyes closed his thoughts spiraled out of the control and images. No. Memories of his dad stuck to his retina, giving Tony a full 3D experience, sound included. And eyes opened, reality dawned him: Steve and Bucky didn’t want him anymore.
You are a worthless piece of shit, that’s what you are.
I should have made your mom abort you.
I won’t pay for any ransom.
Why can’t you die?
Funny how when everything goes to shit, his dad is the first one he hears. Always. Tony was long used to his voice in his head, muttering death threats, insults, or influencing his suicidal thoughts.
Tony finally decided to sit on the couch.
“JARVIS, lights out”.
He flinched at the sudden darkness. His left eye twitched. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea, after all. He’d rather suffer under the artificial lights than…his breath quickened and his thoughts spiraled. He could feel hands on his shoulders. A fist to his left eye. A blow on his lower back. A sharp pain to his right wrist…
The lights suddenly went on. Tony gasped, body shivering from the phantom pain, the adrenaline forcing him to stay alive through all his tortures, while shock and uncertainty chained him close to reality.
Focus Tony. You can do it, whispered a soft motherly voice. He wailed at the sound of her voice. She was the only one he heard when everything went to shit. Not his mom or Ana, Edwin’s wife. No. Hers. He called her mammina even though Howard would have had a heart attack hearing him. She was a nurse, who used to take care of him every time he was kidnapped. All 7 times.
She was a middle age black woman, who had worked as their personal nurse in case of emergencies. She had given him more love in the first few months after his first kidnapping than both of his parents in years. 
She’d smell like vanilla and cinnamon and talk softly. She’d always have a twinkle in her eyes every time she’d tell him a story. Tony used to be so thrilled to listen to her. Whatever the kind of story, whether it was fairytales or made-up ones from her life, he’d feel as if he was a part of it. She never made him feel worthless. She even learnt Italian for him, calling him her Tesorio, when he’d show her his grades reports and inventions, Cucciolo when Howard or Maria were missing his birthdays, and Luce dei miei Occhi, whenever she saw him.
If he’d been her light, she’d been his sun in the darkest night. He couldn’t recall one moment when he didn’t hear her voice calming him, cheering him, reassuring him. Even she wasn’t here physically, she was still in his head. Always.
Her death had hit him hard. Harder than his parents. Harder than the Jarvis. She had always been his pillar. His guide in life. He could recall a thousand proverbs, phrasing, advice for each different situation in life. She had prepared him for the real world, and yet, he somewhat felt like a failure. After her murder (she was shot while going to church), he had totally lost touch with reality. His parents had been dead for a few years by then and Jarvis and Ana for less than 2 years.
Tony should have been seen it coming. Everyone died because of him.
He went to the funeral and sat in the back of the church, feeling like an intruder. He had jumped to his feet a few minutes in the ceremony and tried to run out, when his mammina’s daughter, Celestia, intercepted him, calling him in front of the entire church, his name resonating in the holy building. He could still hear what she said, loud and clear.
“Tony, my baby brother. Mom wanted you with us, your brothers and sisters. Don’t run, please. Luce dei miei Occhi, come back to us.”
It only took a few words for him to feel the sun. The light he hadn’t expected to see again.
At the end, he found more than a mom, he had a family.
And every year he went to each of their birthday. He had[AB1]  two baby siblings, two older brothers and one older sister, nieces, and nephews and even grandparents. They all accepted him for what he was and never used him, nor his money. They welcomed him when he was down, teaching him how to recover with love, a lot of talking and proof of fatherly/motherly love.
To say he’d been surprised, when he had to witness an “argument” between one of his nieces and her dad, would be a euphemism. He had feared the violence, the insults and other dismissal, but had been floored. They both had decided to go to their room for a few moments, the time to cool down and then talked in the living room in calmed voices. Not ones had he experienced an argument in his new family, even the most vocal ones, which didn’t end up calmly.
Never in his life had he seen a more functional family. More props to burn Howard’s grave.
“Sir,” JARVIS urged him.
Tony focused on his surroundings. DUM-E held a poisonous smoothie under his nose. How hadn’t seen him before?
“No, thanks, DUM-E”, he replied softly. “I feel a bit…nauseous”
DUM-E chirped sadly but moved away.
“Sir, are you all right?” JARVIS enquired worried.
“Yes, thank you, J’” Tony replied softly.
Tony stayed down for a moment. His breathing was back to normal and his migraine was gone. Maybe he should go to his bed and take a nap. He didn’t dare ask Jarvis for how long he’d been awake. He’d work on the prototypes later anyway.
           He stood up, wobbling on his feet and made his way to the doors.
You should keep Cap’s name out of your mouth, Boy. He was worth ten of you.
He never was slacking; you should take example on him…not that you’d be able to reach his level anyway.
You may be a genius, but you still couldn’t free yourself. What are you, 9? 10? You’re old enough to get away from these clowns. Kidnapping? I call it attention seeking.
At your age, Steve fucking Rogers fought against bullies despite his asthma and scoliosis. What’s your excuse? Go back to work!
Tony tried to tune out the voice, but they kept getting louder.
“Stop!” He screamed panicked.
“Sir? Your heart rate is to high, do you need Dr. Banner?”
“No!” He exclaimed. “No,” he repeated softer. “I’m okay”.
Lies. JARVIS’s silence spoke volume.
“I’ll…Where are the capsicle couple?” he asked uncertain.
“On their floor. They had restricted the access.”
Tony ignored the tug in his heart.
“To whom?”
J’ took his time to reply. It didn’t comfort Tony at all.
“Only me, huh?”
“If I had wanted you to be silent, I would have put you in a coffee machine, J’. But thanks for looking after me.”
“It is my duty and my honor to do so.”
Tony went back to the couch, took his clothes off, staying in underwear and laid down. The lights went down to a semi darkness.
“Where are the others?” Tony mumbled, half asleep.
“With the Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes, Sir.”
Tony snorted. J’ must be really mad at them to use their titles, he thought, dizzily. As he closed his eyes, he felt the embrace of his mommina and a kiss on his forehead.
Today was a good day, so Tony had thought. He wasn’t late in his projects, he signed contracts, surprising Pepper to silence (“No, I’m not going to die, again.” “Are you sure Tony?” Grunts in response.), he had even eaten his breakfast, lunch and snack. It was good day. Until Bucky came back to God knew where, dressed in a blue midnight suit. Steve was also wearing a suit. And by the look on their face, Tony believed he’d missed something and messed up already. 
He probably had forgotten an anniversary. But even as he racked his brain he couldn’t think of a single anniversary. Christmas was in a few days and nothing remotely important happened in this month. Nothing worth being celebrated. So what?
“I’m sorry”, Tony said unsure. He didn’t even know why he was apologizing and couldn’t questioned J’. Glancing at the others, he could tell they knew about this “important” day. And what was it with the grim faces?
“Tony,” Steve called gently. “Are you not coming?”
“Where exactly are we supposed to go?” he asked in the same vulnerable voice. God, he hated that. The tension was torture. He half expected Clint to jump in front of him and admit it was a prank. No. Cap would never participate in this kind of activities. And Bucky had always expressed his resentment against suits and tuxedos in general.
“Tony” Bucky sighed. “The cemetery”
“Someone’s dead!” Tony exclaimed fear pumping in his veins. He looked sharply around trying to find clue. The others didn’t let anything show. Even Bruce who was bad a hiding his emotion.
“Stop joking, man,” Clint said calmly. “You can drop the mask. We are your friends too, you know. No one is going to judge you for mourning your parents.”
Tony’s laugh erupted. They…he…what now? He tried to stop himself as Steve’s frown went lower and lower and morphed into a disappointed face. Tony bit his lips and coughed for good measures.
“Tony, can’t you be serious?”, Natasha said coldly. “Have some respect. We know it is hard for you…”
“You know?” He failed containing his hysterical laugh. It kept bubbling and escaping is control.
“Yes, we know.” Bucky intervened. “He was not only your father, but our friends. One of our closest, actually. I…regretted more than anything murdering them. If I could…If I had been stronger…”
“Don’t Buck, it was not your fault,” Bruce reassured him. “There was nothing you could have done to prevent that.”
Tony laugh died somewhere between Buck’s guilt and regret. Tony’s right hand felt too heavy, hanging by his side. He crossed his arms to relieve the tension.
“I won’t go.” He stated firmly.
“Why?” Bucky asked with a small voice. “Is it because of me? Because I could stay in the-”
“No Bucky. If you can’t go, I won’t. But Tony, we’ve known Howard the longest. He was our closest friend, don’t do that. He had helped finding Bucky when he was tortured and helped me adapting to my new body. He provided us unique gears. He was there for us. He…he had respected me despite my small height, my sickness. He saw the soldier in me. He believed in me,” Steve pleaded.
Tony felt the glares from the others and shuffled on his feet. He resisted the need to give in.
Stark men are made of iron, but you are none that. I don’t know who your father is, but it is certainly not me. Always crying, complaining…(laughter)
Look what you made me do! Stopping the production of weapon to built this…(throws the object at Tony’s face). You should thank me on your knees, boy! No one would do that for a burden like you.
“It is not the problem, Bucky, Steve. It has nothing to do with their murder or your friendship. You can go, but I won’t. I wasn’t going to, anyway, so it doesn’t change anything.”
Silence. Tony’s eyes stayed fixed on his biggest “threat”, Steve. He was red, not the sexy, embarrassing kind. No. The ugly kind. Tony widen his stance preparing for the worst. Steve would not hit him. He was 100% sure. But his words had the same effect anyway.
“Can’t you be more respectful, Anthony. Some of us didn’t have the chance to live a lavish lifestyle with caring parents. I don’t even know where my ma’ and pa’ are buried,” Bucky deplored.
Et tu, Brutus? Tony’s head snapped toward Bucky. What the hell? And “Anthony”, really? Bucky’s face revealed discontent. His eyes were narrowed and he stood tall and strong.
“I beg you pardon, James” Tony hissed annoyed.
“Tony,” Steve warned him, inching to stand in front of Bucky. Tony’s eyebrow went so high he felt a strain in his left eyelid.
“After everything they’ve done for you (to you supplied mammina’s voice). And you couldn’t do that? Going to their grave and commemorating their lives should be the bare minimal. After all, if it wasn’t for them, you’d be (loved) nothing,” Bucky spat.
“No…nothing!” Tony spluttered indignantly. “They were never around me. I didn’t even call them mom or dad, they had always been Maria and Howard. They were never there for any of my birthdays, celebrations, school representations, not even the annual parents-teacher meeting. I. Made. Myself. I was born alone, and I’ll die too.” He ended up breathless. He hadn’t wanted to spill these details. Hell, he hadn’t even talk about the worse of it.
“All I heard was “poor rich Anthony Edward Stark, mommy and daddy worked too hard to make the Earth a better world for me”, “poor me, I seek attention…”
The rest of Bucky rant was lost. His father words came back in full circle.
Then Sunset’s words “you were always too much. Too needy. Always seeking attention”.
Tiberius “I don’t know what I’d done with this attention seeking whore. Really Anthony is only good when he opened his legs. I don’t see the genius in him.”
Obediah “God, Tony, lay low for a few months and seek help. Closing the weapon sector, but for what? My attention? You didn’t need that for me to care for you. Don’t be delusional, what would your father say?”
Maria “Anthony, stop, touching my dress, you’re ruining it. (She called someone behind the 3-year-old Tony.) Hey, you! Go take Anthony to his room and locked it. (She went back to her conversation). If I had known he’d be so clingy I’d have given him some sleeping pills in his baby bottle. (Laughter).”
Mammina “Tony, why are you so far from me, come nearer. You know you can always come to me. (Tony mumbles a few words). An attention seeker? Baby no, where did you hear these words? (Tony stayed silent) Cucciolo, I would never lie to you, you know that. You are the cutest little child ever, and I have 3 of them. You’ve met them and they absolutely love you. You are the perfect big brother, Tesorio.”
Tony closed his eyes, took a sharp breath and straightened his back.
“You can all call me by any name in the book: whore, worthless piece of shit...” Bucky flinched, panicked. He opened his mouth, but Tony kept going. “Warmonger, Merchant of Death, attention seeker --” He spat the name. “...but it wouldn’t change the fact that the person you knew as my biological father was a disgusting man, and my biological mother an air-head bint”. Tony approached slowly from the soldiers. He felt enraged. How could Bucky even say that? If he wasn’t so angry, he’d cry at the ice-cold words of his lover, but he was on a rampage. “I should actually thank you. Thanks Bucky dear, you made me a huge favor: to not be in the same world as them”, he finished with a deformed smiled. He knew he looked demented. And for the first time in a long time, he didn’t care.
Bucky’s expression went from guilty to confused. He pressed his left hand flat on Tony’s collarbone to push him away or hug him, Tony couldn’t tell. He brought his own hand on top of Bucky’s, moving the vibranium one to his neck. Immediately, Bucky backed off horrified.
“Was it with this hand you choked her to death? God, this stupid bint couldn’t shut up! How many times she drugged me, and put me to sleep, because I was “too attention seeking.” He screamed at the top of his lungs. Bucky stared at him with an unreadable expression. Tony may have lost his got damn mind, and he didn’t care at all. He strutted to the elevator facing them.
“Do you hear that Howard, you “made me” Tony cackled. “I’d blow your grave, if it wouldn’t give you satisfaction”. As he entered the elevator, belly cramped by his laugh, he yelled through his tears. “Burn to hell Howard and Maria! Burn…”
“What the hell was that?” Clint said in shock.
“Stark lost his goddamn mind, that’s what it was,” Natasha replied faintly surprised, which said something.
Bruce was the only one not saying anything. Tony’s act had reminded him of…himself. But, no…Howard could have never abused him. Bruce shook his head clearing his mind. No, Tony just acting as a spoiled child. A very insulting one.
“Should we go check on him?” Bruce asked with mixed feelings. Tony had the chance to have parents providing for them and he literally wish them hell. The Hulk pushed his walls. Bruce took a few deep breaths. Tiny tin man sad, Hulk repeated in his head. Bruce didn’t even try to explain the situation, Hulk wouldn’t understand the situation.
Bruce put his head in his hands. He could feel the headache creeping.
“No.” Stave said categorically. He had his Captain voice. “I don’t know who this man was, but I’m...” His voice broke. “...disgusted by this behavior. It was not our sweet Bambi,” Steve finished lamely.
“I guess Natasha; you were right in your report on him,” Bucky commented defeated.
“And I was starting to believe that I had been mistaken,” she reflected disappointed.
“What are you doing to do?” Clint asked tired.
“What do you mean?” Bruce answered, head still down.
“Are you going to bench him? Because I don’t trust someone who could say that and act like a maniac. And what about your relationship? I know it’s not our business, but we are family. A fucked-up one, but still.”
Steve looked at Bucky and sighed. Bucky had this faraway look in his eyes. His left-hand twitching next to him. Whatever he’d say, he’d not be able to get out of the loop Tony had pushed him in. Steve massaged his own temples.
“Is it how you all feel?”.
Everyone raised their hand, even Bucky.
“Ok. He’s benched. I’ll tell him tonight at the dinner. As for our relationship…” He took a deep breath. “If we can’t trust him to have our backs on missions…” He left the rest unsaid.
“We’re coming with you!” Clint declared out of the sudden. The rest followed slowly, still under the effect of Tony’s outburst. “Give us 10 to change and we’ll meet you at the Quinjet or the car?”
“Quinjet. It’s quicker that way. They were buried upstate.” Steve answered quickly, as Bucky fled. Steve followed him worried. He waved at the rest of the group and entered the elevator, next to his lover.
“Do you think he is…ok? He looked like he’d do something crazy. And that laugh…” Bucky’s all body trembled.
Steve hugged him and kissed the crown of his head. Bucky went lax in his embrace. He sniffed a few times as Steve murmured sweet nonsense to his ears. It opened the gate for their tears. Steve didn’t want to end their relationship. Tony had been his home in this century, helping him and proving him wrong from left to right. But…he had to be strong for Bucky and, most importantly, the team. He resisted the need to go to the workshop, pounding on the tainted windows, and confront Tony.
It must be a big misunderstanding. It had to be.
Please Howard and Maria, forgive Tony, he found himself praying silently. He himself had wished for his dad to survive the war and his mom to see him become a man. Please God, let it be a big misunderstanding.
If Tony apologized tonight, Steve would take him back, no judgements. He’d be benched for a couple of days, but Steve would hold to him for as long he’d let him. The pain in his heart matched the distress in Bucky’s eyes.
“You know him, he probably is working to cool down. Anyway JARVIS is here to help him if he needs anything.”
“I would have never thought he’d blown up like that. I read the psychological report of Natasha but dismissed it. Tony had forgiven me and given me a new arm. He even went into a relationship with us. How couldn’t we that side of him?”
Steve shrugged. When he thought about it, Tony had never been particularly keen on talking about his parents. Jarvis and Ana, ok. At first, even Steve had thought they were his godparents, not the butler and his wife. And when Bucky told stories about Howard, Tony tended to shy away and changed the subject. Steve was now frowning. Something dark and ugly woke up in the pit of his mind.
“Well, I don’t know. At first, I thought he never liked talking about them because he missed them, but after what we’ve just witnessed, I’d say he really hates them.”
“Do you think they could have been more than distant parents? He said stuff about his mom drugging him and his dad being a monster. But Howard had never been like that, right Steve?” Bucky asked, guilt pouring in his voice.
Steve heard the rest of his questions loud and clear. Were we so blind that we inflicted emotional pain to our lover? And the most important, what if it was true? Steve couldn’t reconcile the image of Howard, sweet and joyful Howard, and the one from Tony’s memories. If Steve…he swallowed with difficulty. If he were to believe Tony, and a big part of him already did, because Tony had never seen so raw, begging for them to believe him through his rage, Steve would set the entire cemetery on fire.
So, he hugged Bucky tightly and tried to reassure him.
“Sweetheart, no. Don’t do that. You can’t guilt yourself for that. Even blinded by his anger, Tony didn’t blame you for their death. He was angry and lashed out. He would have done the same or worse if it was me.” Steve refused to talk about the thanks for their murder. What the hell, Tony! Steve thought anger flaring in his chest. It wasn’t fair for Bucky, his sweet love he shouldn’t have to relive his worst moments. They survived the Depression, war, ice/Hydra and they were still together. Has everything been a sham? They had given their life for a better future, putting their lives in their friends’ hands, who were supposed to hold the peace torch, when Steve and the other soldiers couldn’t anymore.
But, it also explained why Tony was so jagged, his control issues, lack of trust, insecurities, big mouth…
It wasn’t fair for him too, their Bambi…Steve contained his tears. The mere thought of little Tony being afraid, unsafe (Drugged, he said) and sad, made him sick and furious. 
Steve deflated. 
No, Howard couldn’t…he hadn’t…
“He thanked me…” Bucky said broken. He pushed Steve, bending and heaving. Steve massaged his neck slowly.
“He didn’t mean it, Babe. He wanted to rile us up. You’ve seen how hysterical he was…”
It took a few minutes for Bucky to come back to himself, and even then, his face had a greenish undertone. A fit despite the serum.
“JARVIS, could you tell us if Tony is not okay, please?”
The AI took a few moments to reply.
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes.”
Bucky nodded silently, while Steve cringed. What a fucking day.
Tony woke up at the sound of an alarm. He groaned and covered his head.
“Sir, the others are already here. They have prepared dinner and request your presence.”
“What are the odd I could charm my way out of this trap?” Tony asked sarcastically.
“Slim to none. Emphasis on the none.”
Tony laughed and stood up. His left eye was blurry, but alas, he didn’t have the time to fix it, as well as his hand, which gave him hell. Stark men are made of iron, he said out loud to give him more strength.
The voice of mammina replied full of wit. “Oh, really? I don’t know about the Stark men but my little Tesorio is made of love. No one can take love away from you. It makes you fly, melt, explode, you feel invincible. Once you love, Tonio, you could rule the world, and bend any types of iron. I love you, my Luce. I’m proud of you, no matter what.”
Tony wiped his tears. I hope you are still proud of me. As he entered the elevator, his phone rang. One of his little brothers.
“What do you want Darius?” Tony asked upfront.
“Listen, listen. Go on, talk to him” Darius replied in a hush tone.
“’Onc’ ‘Ony! Onc’ ‘Ony!”
Tony cooed and felt his inside melt. His baby nephew, Anthony, was just a few months old and already a beam of joy in his life. He had more pictures than he dared to admit. Sue him, his nephew was the cutest, with his little dimples and crooked smile. But then again, his other niece and nephew had him wrapped around their chubby fingers.
“Hello big boy, Oncle Tony is so proud of you!” He cooed in his “I’m going to melt inside and have cavities” voice.
“Do you imagine our surprise when his first words were ‘Ony and then Onc’ Ony’. I swear to God, we won’t invite you anymore. That’s the third baby doing that stuff. Are you sure you don’t have any magic, bro?”
Tony laughed through his happy tears.
“I guess I have some magic left from mammina”.
“True, true”, he conceded. “Are you still coming for the commemoration?”
“Of course! I have never missed one and wouldn’t dare. I don’t want mammina to haunt me and whoop my ass.” Tony joked.
“Pfff. She’d never do that. You were always her favorite, didn’t know why. We knew she worked for a white and rich family (Tony rolled his eyes amused), and then we saw your scrawny ass and lost puppy eyes. Couldn’t resist this kid who needed to be our protector, even though, he was pocket size.”
“Hey! Although I liked the beginning of your story, the wording could be better. I never was pocketsize; we call it fun size.” He pouted.
“Who? The members of your “fun size” group”.
Tony grunted. Darius laughed and bid him goodbye in a hurry. Apparently, his nephew had taken his diaper off and was smearing poop on the white walls. Tony’s laugh resonated in the stilled elevator. J’ opened the doors as he placed the phone in his pocket.
The sight in front of him made him frown. He prepared himself to stay calm and have a mature conclusion to their arguments like he’d seen with his siblings. Mammina’s advice about love was about to come handy. They at least deserve the truth and some apologies. Hearing them talk about his parents so fondly had made him angry, jealous, then sad. Why was he not enough? Could he have done better, be a more obedient child… no. He wouldn’t go there. He had to stay clear-headed.
 Steve and Bucky had changed clothes. They were now wearing hoodies and joggings. Their comfort clothes. Like him. He had found Steve’s hoodie and Bucky’s jogging, in one of his private stashes. He would deny taken them and some other of their items because it soothed him.
This was going to be long. He took a deep breath as he walked towards the kitchen. The rest of the team were standing up around the table.
Steve went on Tony’s left and Bucky next to Steve. Tony stared at them sadly. The fluffy conversation with Darius seemed like years ago.
“You had fun on the phone,” Clint noticed calmly. Almost too much. It was such a 180 with his jerk personality.
“It’s not every day that you nephew’s first words are “Onc’ Ony”. Well, the two others did the same. So, I was kinda happy.”
“Lying Stark? You don’t have no family left,” Natasha accused him, eyes narrowed.
“So, family is only the people from your blood, got it.” Tony replied without showing any annoyance. He took his phone, scrolled down a few family pictures and showed them one, where his papà was still alive. Before cancer took him.
He introduced each member, referring them as his baby brothers or older ones. His finger trembled as he reached the head of the family. Mammina and Papà. A little Tony could be seen standing proudly next to two smaller kids.
“It was my mammina.” He explained softly. “She was the best woman in the world. She took care of me when I got kidnapped. She was always here to help me, heal me. She built me.” He threw a glance at Bucky, who was frowning.
“Kidnapping?” Bruce asked in disbelief.
“Tony…Why would they kidnap you?” Steve asked, as skeptical as Bruce.
“I’m a genius. I was the one proofing Howard’s blueprint. By the age of 7, I had improved one of his Jericho. But people kidnapped me because of money. They thought Howard would pay them. He never did. (Tony raised a hand to cut the protestations.) J’ will send you all the medical reports and police ones. He will also forward my file from CPS. I know it’s hard to believe it. He was your friend and never showed his other side. When you both went down, he died too. He became…” Tony choked on his words.
“How can we believe you, when you were so maniac, this afternoon? You hurt Bucky and used his guilt to make a point.” Natasha asked, arms crossed.
“If you don’t believe the official papers, you should ask Coulson and Fury. They won’t lie to you.”
“What?” Bruce blurted.
“What do you mean?” Bucky asked concerned.
“I don’t have the envy, nor the will to go through the verbal and physical abuse of my parents. Coulson and Fury were there to retrieve me from Shield office after each kidnapping. They couldn’t do anything because my dad financed the entire organization,” Tony explained bitter. “Call me selfish but this woman and this man (he showed mammina and papà), were my real parents and those are my brothers and sisters, grandparents…They are MY family. They chose me when my real parents didn’t.”
The room grew silent. Tony tap his left eye and groaned in pain.
“Are you okay, Tony?” Bruce inquired, with a certain unease.
He waved at Bruce, brushing his concern. Gosh, it itched. Fuck it, they already knew too much already. With his right index, he pressed firmly his temple and with his thumb pressed the corner of his eye. He felt the prosthetic pop out, disconnecting from the electronical socket linked to his brain. After all these times, he still felt proud of himself. He had succeeded in something his dad could have never. 
Everyone can create a missile Howard, but it takes a genius to create something so complex connected to the brain.
Bruce’s voice bloomed in the room.
“The fuck!” Clint swore.
Tony finally paid attention to his surroundings. The lack of pressure on his socket almost made him come. If only he had his cotton swab and alcohol. He gritted his teeth to recede his pleasure. It wasn’t the right time to be distracted.
He turned blindly on his left and bumped against a wall. A human one. Tony raised his head and met Steve’s blurry ones.
“We are so sorry Tony. We didn’t know. It certainly explained why you didn’t want to talk about them.”
Tony frowned. They believed him, like that.
“Don’t you want to read the files, before trusting me?” He asked with a small voice.
Bucky shook his head.
“No, Doll. If you want, you’ll talk to us about it, but we won’t read anything. We trust you. Like you trusted me with my issues.”
Tony was left speechless. He had expected screams, fat tears and a few blows. It was anticlimactic at best. He tried to remember what Darius had told him about reconciliation. Now was his time to “apologize”.
“Ok. Ok. I have some apologies to say.” He held his hand to stop them, from interrupting him. “I should have talked to you frankly. If we had discussed about them, none of that would have happened. I should have understood that the people they were with you and with me were totally different. You’ve known them as your friends. And you wanted to visit your friends and not them as my parents.”
“That’s stupid, Bambi, and you know it. If we’d known what they did to you, we would have been pissed, and maybe broke a tombstone or two.”
“Steve!” Tony screamed flabbergasted. He glanced at Bucky who shrugged smugly.
“I told you he was a little punk.”
Steve didn’t even resent this affirmation. He was smirking (SMIRKING) proudly.
“So…you are okay?”
Clint looked so out of it. Natasha didn’t look like she really believed Tony. As if pulling his own eye wasn’t proof enough.
“What Clint meant, is that we still don’t trust you, Stark. And we had decided to bench you.”.
Tony step back, eye going from each of them to stop on Steve’s pleading ones.
“We weren’t sur you were ok. What you said without context scared us.”
Tony’s left hand flew to his neck as a reassuring gesture. He massaged the place under his jaw. Bucky made a strangled noise, making him stop.
“I’m sorry, Bucky. I should have never done that and sorry for thanking you. Even though, I am still relieved they are dead. I wished it wouldn’t have been by your hands.” Tony apologized ashamed; face pinched in a pained grimace. He sighed deeply. “I understand all of your concern and I…would stay out until you deem me worthy.”
Bucky surged forward pushing a frozen Steve. He grabbed Tony’s face, pressing their foreheads together.
“You. Are. Not. Worthless” Bucky said through clenched teeth. “I don’t care what Howard or Maria said to you, but you are definitely not worthless.” Tony couldn’t avert his eyes and felt compelled to spill more truths, Howards truths.
“You should keep Cap’s name out of your mouth, Boy. He was worth ten of you.” He mumbled eyes now closed. He couldn’t handle to see the pity in those baby blue.
Steve gasped audibly. Bucky’s hand gripped tightly his face, pleading him to stop.
“Cap and Sarge were never slacking; you should take example on them…not that you’d be able to reach their level, anyway.”
Bucky’s breath hitched. Tony felt two additional arms around him.
“You may be a genius, but you still couldn’t free yourself. What are you, 9? 10? You’re old enough to get away from these clowns. Kidnapping? I call it attention seeking.”
Bucky stepped away, breathing loudly. You have done it, Tones, they are going to leave you. They’ll see that you are not good enough and leave you, he thought darkly.
Tony opened his eyes just in time to witness Bucky breaking his kitchen counter and Bruce’s departure. Clint and Natasha went after Bruce, leaving them all alone. What the hell just happened! Steve walked carefully to Bucky. He looked wildly around him, in defensive posture. Steve’s hands were raised in front of him.
“Bucky, everything is ok. There is no threat.”
“Tony,” he replied miserably before breaking down. He sobbed in Steve’s arms, eyes locked on Tony. He raised an arm to make it come. Anthony E. Stark would have deflected and made a run for it, then hid in his workshop, but Tesorio raised by his fierce mama sucked it up and approached. Steve let go of Bucky and embraced them both, crushing them both into his chest.
Tony hissed in pain. Steve backed away.
“What is wrong? Did we hurt you?”
Tony shook his head. His right wrist was, again, acting up. He should have never slept on it. He massaged his wrist firmly and waited for a little whirling sound.
           Immediately, the servos in the socket released the prosthetic. Tony moaned as the pinched nerve in his human upper wrist relaxed. He held his right hand with his flesh one, as he kept massaging the injured one.
“J’, pull up the blueprint for the latest version of Dub 4 and add a note to look for any rust. And also contact Dr. Cho, for my usual appointment.”
“Done, Sir.”
Still in his thought, it took him more time to notice the heavy silence. 
Steve was again in his personal space, Bucky on his right. They both eyed  him with awe and sadness.
“I was 7, my third kidnapping. They wanted me to build something or were mad at my dad for not coming nor paying them. Knowing I was a genius they had the brilliant idea to extract my eye. I was unconscious. I guess.” Tony explained while massaging under the eye pocket. “The hand came before I went to MIT. I had already won multiple engineering /robotic prizes. They had wanted me to build a missile, the first one. Guess Obediah was already dealing under the table. When I didn’t want, they severed my hand. I was conscious.” Tony stated numb. He hated thinking of his past defenseless self. He wished he could hug and protect his younger self.
Bucky pushed Steve aside and scooped Tony in his arms. He squealed but didn’t try to escape for once. Steve followed them briskly.
Once in their room, Bucky laid him in the middle of the bed and hugged him. Sweet nonsense pouring out of his mouth. Tony tried to ask Steve for help, but he joined them and did the same. Tony closed his eyes, fighting his weaker side.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
His persona broke piece by piece.
“I want my mammina,” he cried loudly, tears rolling down his cheeks. He missed her warmth, her smile, her scent. She should have been here instead of him. He destroyed so many lives building weapons while she was killed by them. Mammina, forgive me, please, he prayed in his heart.
“We know, Doll”
“We are sorry, Bambi”
“We’ll make it up for you”
“We love you”
Bucky’s strong body in front of him prevented him from curling on himself. He placed his head his heart, as Steve pressed his body in his back.
Soft kisses made him relaxed. She used to do that when he had nightmares, kissing his demons away.
“I ‘ove you, too” He confessed softly.
“Tell us about them, your family.”
When I was 3, I met this nurse. She was…
   Notes: Two baby siblings one his Kareem, Ahmaud.
Two older brothers Darius, Joseph
One older sister Janice
Mother masterrliiiisssstt ✨✨✨🐱‍🏍
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estro-gem · 3 years
Black and White in Grey: Chapter 23
Author’s note: Hey, it’s been a while and a lot has happened. I finally found it within me to work on this story again. I didn’t want to rush it just to get it done. I probably should have announced a hiatus or something, but like I said, things happened.
To by honest, I don’t even know if anyone’s reading these. Oh well, I write these for the fun of it anyway! It’s great knowing that something I made, irrespective of how well it’s done or how many people like it, is out there.
Stay safe out there, whoever ends up reading this.
In Twilight’s Castle, there was a meeting among the Mane 6, but they were still waiting on Rainbow Dash – the fastest member of the group, yet always the one to be late.
Spike was almost glued to Princess Twilight’s side since she came back from Canterlot after meeting with Princess Celestia. Twilight was weaker, but still lively. Powerless after lending her power to Celestia, Spike insisted on making sure she had everything she needed. She was his family, after all.
While he had his own concerns, the ponies were almost vibrating in uneasiness as they voiced their concerns. The other mares of the Mane 6 were already there.
“What in the name of Celestia is going on with the weather?” Rainbow Dash cries in frustration upon entering Twilight’s Castle, “The clouds evaporate before they even leave Cloudsdale – and mentioning Cloudsdale, the whole city is evaporating! Ponies are losing their homes!”
“I know!” Twilight held a hoof to her forehead, “It’s been 2 days and 8 hours of constant sunlight. If this keeps up, everypony will have a serious case of heat stroke.”
“The apple trees are drying up and burning the daylight out of the leaves. They’re about to kick the bucket!” Apple Jack lamented, while taking off her hat and holding it to her chest.
“The animals are all so exhausted and thirsty, but the dam is drying up by the second. They are all hiding in any shaded spots they can find.” Fluttershy teared up, “Those poor innocent souls…”
The mares all look to Rarity and Pinkie Pie for their input, but to their surprise to two remained silent, if not slightly deadpanned. Pinkie decided to speak up after sharing a glance with the fashion diva, “We can’t say anything without sounding like cruel, selfish business ponies. You can imagine that the weather is bad for business, right?”
“Her frosting is melting and ponies wouldn’t wear clothes in this heat.” Rarity deadpanned before anyone could say anything. Twilight looked to her little dragon and spoke in a more calm tone than before, “I guess you have no problem with the crises either? Spike?”
“I’m cold blooded.” He simply shrugged.
Everyone shared a moment of silence. It wasn’t awkward, but it was a great opportunity to think about what was said. For a moment, all urgency of the situation was lost, only to come back at full force after a the fact.
“With the sun constantly in the sky, the air, earth and water doesn’t get a chance cool down. Water evaporates, scorching heat – if this keeps up we’re goners. That’s why it’s so important that the Canterlot Princesses raise and lower the sun in the constant, orderly shifts as they did! I need to get to Princess Celestia to find out what’s going on…” Twilight when silent for a moment, as if she realized something, before she muttered softly, “Oh no.”
“Twi…” Apple Jack spoke in a warning tone, “…don’t you dare start-“
“WHAT IS PRINCESS CELESTIA IS MISSING?” The princess of friendship cried out in panic. Her friends all sighed hopelessly for the rant she was about to serve to them, but to their suprise, she took a deep breath.
“Ok, girls, we need a plan!”
“Hello!” Rainbow Dash spoke incredulously, “Who are you and what have you done to Twilight?”
“Panicking won’t help anypony now. It’s time to step up and do whatever we can! There are lives at stake. I plan to go to Canterlot and see what’s happening there. If I can’t find Princess Celestia, I need to find Princess Luna.”
Despite the ponies being taken aback by Twilight’s sudden developed character, her last statement rose concern to Rarity, “Why Princess Luna? She can’t lower the sun.”
“No,” Twilight confirmed, “…but she is the only pony that can block it.”
“A Lunar Eclipse!” Fluttershy breathed, “That’s brilliant, Twilight!”
“I’m so happy a have an egghead for a friend!” Rainbow Dash teased while hugging the blushing purple pony.
“We’ll come with you!” Pinkie Pie winked, suddenly perky as ever, “That’s what friends are for!”
“I would want nothing more than that, but I need you all here.”
“Why do you always push us away when we offer help?” Apple Jack lifted an eyebrow in judgement.
“That’s not what I’m doing! I need you all to help everypony to get to the Frozen North, to the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan. It’s should still be surrounded by frozen mountains there, though the ice is probably melting little by little. “Fluttershy, round up the animals and tell them to spread the news among themselves to head North. Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack and Rarity, you gather a team of fit ponies to help guide everyone along the path and assisting anyone with water supply. Rainbow Dash, I need you to round up the Pegasi to use any clouds you can to form a shaded path to the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan.”
“Aye-aye, Captain Twi!” Pinkie saluted the Princess.
Twilight turned to Spike, “Spike, I need you to send a note to Cadence…”
“TWILIGHT!” The Princess of Love called after suddenly teleporting on to of the very table were the Mane 6 were sitting. Her panicked, shallow breaths changed the atmosphere of the throne room.
“Cadence!” Twilight shot a wide-eyed look to the pink princess, “I was about to write to you-“
“Twi, listen to me, we are ALL in great danger!” Candance stammered with a shaky voice. Only when Twilight properly locked eyes with the panicked pony, she saw the pure fear and glassed-over look of her former baby-sitter. Cadence jumped down from the tabletop and walked a distance, before turning around and looking about on the floor as if she was looking for something. She was lost in her own world and the Mane 6 exchanged worried glances. Twilight recognized Cadence’s state.
She knew what she was going through, because she felt it before. Disturbance of one’s element. Twilight felt it every time friendships faced hardships or even ended – it came with the royalty of being a princess… and she could only guess what Cadence was going through. It obviously involved the Princesses. She could kick herself for not being able to detect anything herself while her powers were still within Celestia.
“Cadence.” Twilight spoke softly, careful not to startle her, “What’s really going on?”
Cadence locked eyes with Twilight again, her voice barely a whisper, “Celestia.”
An icy chill founds it’s way down the Princess of Friendship’s spine, but she carefully continued to pry, “What about Princess Celestia, Cadence?”
“There’s nothing…” she mumbled, pacing up and down, eyes still searching for something only she could see, “Nothing… nothing…”
Twilight shook her head, unbelieving. She turned to her friends – all with faces of deep disturbance. “We can’t lose focus,” her voice was still quiet, but the authority in her voice never seized, turning to Cadence once again, “Cadence, listen to me. We need the get everypony to the Frozen North, because the sun in turning Equestria into an oven. Will you allow ponies into your Empire?”
Cadence still had her gaze averted, but she nodded definitely – profusely. It was clear that she approved, despite her state. Whatever the problem was regarding Celestia, messed with her element and power to the extent that her mind barely comprehended it – the smart pony theorized. It must hold a massive amount of power.
“Girls, we stick to the plan. Pinkie Pie, you should scout ahead  with the first section of the migrating subjects to speak to the Yaks. I’ll handle Cadence and get to the bottom of this.”
Everyone shared a nod, before the 5 ponies rushed out the door. Spike stayed with his Princess.
“Cadence, you need to calm down and you need to tell me what’s going on. I can’t help you otherwise. The kingdom needs you now. I’m here, ok?”
It felt odd the Twilight had to be the adult in the situation. After her firm, yet gentle speech, Cadence blinked a few times, before looking at Twilight. Her breathing calmed down slightly.
“Twi, why are your powers drained from you?”
That was something that she did not expect to hear, but the younger pony answered anyway, silently thinking that it was a good sign that Cadence could recognize such things. She was still Cadence.
“I gave lend my power to Princess Celestia. She was struggling and practically begged me. She looked so tired…”
“This is worse than I thought,” Cadence said more to herself than anything else, then to Twilight “There’s something I need to tell you… it’s a bit of a story, but I’ll narrow it down as much as I can to make you understand all this.”
“I’m all ears.”
Hesitantly, Cadence opened up about everything – the sisters, Luna and her dealings with Discord.
Next: Chapter 24 
Previous: Chapter 22 
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cardandpixel · 4 years
Top 8 Grab & Go Games...
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When it comes to packing for anything it's safe to say I'm atrocious. I overpack for even a simple evening away (sorry, for those still following the 20th C, 'evening away's are something we used to do before we took up as permanent residents of our soft furnishings). I've often had this discussion with friends and colleagues - the simplest one is "how many pairs of pants do you need for x-time away"?  The obvious formula here is xdays + 1 for emergencies, but this thinking is waay too simplistic and covers a pitiful array of contingencies. I would argue that a sudden and catastrophic change of weather to downpour conditions needs to be considered, as does an unexpected drive-by of a large lorry thru an adjacent puddle, fall in a stream/burn or river, being unexpectedly caught in a fountain based celebration etc etc etc. This immediately doubles or even triples the amount of basic layers - pants, socks, trousers, tees etc. And then, we can relax into actual choices for formal vs casual, sudden wedding invitations whilst away and national or academic award ceremonies. It's a minefield. Unfortunately, this approach to covering the bases has translated thru to my boardgaming. I blame Ikea. Frankly their big blue bags allow the simple transportation of many, many titles, including some decent sized heavyweights. Never tried it, but I'd reckon you'd have a reasonable shot at getting TI4, Gloomhaven and possibly 7th Continent in just one of Ikea's capacious holdalls. As a result, I used to turn up to games evenings at work with at least 2 Ikea holdalls of big box games (for an evening that in honesty, we'll only really have time for 1 or 2 games), but with the added bonus bag now which includes what I call my 'grab shelf'. Games that are my usual suspects, these are usually my filler or party games designed to give us warm-up plays or while we're waiting for others to arrive at 7. (We did say 7 didn't we: I'm sure we said 7... was it definitely today?) So here's my round up of the games that we rarely leave home without - we actually do keep them on the top of a bookshelf in the games room and sort of 'scoop' them into a bag if we're in a hurry! These are in no particular order of favour, and most probably just what I can recall from the shelf next door, there will also be some crossover with a list I wrote a while ago on 'little' games...... 1) POINT SALAD - AEG Molly Johnson, Robert Melvin, Shawn Stankewich apx £16 This deceptively simple card game has become a house favourite since we were invited to play it at Airecon one night in the hotel. It's a simple set collection game with a little twist. The vegetable cards to collect have scoring criteria on the other side. A scoring card may be flipped and converted to a veg card once in your hand but not back to a scoring card. The scoring cards are achievements like 'lowest number of lettuces =10pts', 'pepper+lettuce+onion = 5pts per set' etc. The 'market' starts with 3 rows of cards, scoring side up and 2 cards are flipped to veg side next to each. Players will take either one scoring card or 2 veg. The game is tricky enough in terms of optimising your own tableau, but factor into that if you start paying attention to what your opponent is trying to do, the game soon gets highly strategic and gratifyingly dirty. 2) DEEP SEA ADVENTURE - Oink Games Jun Sasaki, Goro Sasaki apx £15 Oink Games produce some of my favourite small box games. They are usually simple, bright, fun and challenging. Though I would put in a good word for other titles in their range like: Moneybags, Fake Artist, Troika and Nine Tiles Panic, it is Deep Sea Adventure that stands out. Players are all treasure hunting divers departing a submarine, diving as far as they dare before their joint oxygen runs out. As a push-your-luck game, DSA is genius. It's that joint oxygen that is the real trick here, as your greed may end up costing other players the chance to get back to the ship safely. The deeper you dive, the more oxygen you use, and your treasure is collected blind for its value, so all your risk may have been for very little eventual reward. If the oxygen does run out, any unrecovered treasure you are carrying goes in a pile right at the bottom of the sea, adding to the temptation even more. DSA is a brilliant joint screw each other over game, and may be best avoided with very intense and serious players, but with an easy-going fun group, it's a true gem. 3) LOST EXPEDITION - Osprey Games Peer Sylvester apx £18 I'm a big fan of co-op games, and finding a small box filler co-op is always interesting. We bought the game for its artwork as 'er across the table was a fan of the Blake & Mortimer graphic novels which share a design ethic and The Rainbow Orchid which is by the same artist here, Garen Ewing. This game is beautiful to look at, but savage to play. Players must chop their way thru an Edgar Rice Burroughs style jungle to reach the lost city. Along the way they must face a relentless series of challenges that will demand careful management of very limited resources. The players are aided by explorers with useful skills, but limited health, and by the end of the journey it is entirely possible you will have had to have sacrificed at least one of your explorers to meet the demands of the jungle. It became even more horrifying to discover that these explorers are based on actual historical characters, so that choice to sacrifice the lovely little old lady Ines, is actually choosing to leave a real life character to the fate of leeches, tigers, swamps or quicksand! Another group favourite and a great pub game due to its fairly small footprint. This is also available as Judge Dredd - Cursed Earth which also features some very neat solo play rules. 4) DINOSAUR TEA PARTY - Restoration Games Rob Daviau, JR Honeycutt, Justin Jacobson apx £16 Restoration Games have been doing an amazing job the last few years refreshing classic older games and turning them into great new games. They are probably best known for the highly successful Kickstarter for Fireball Island, and their great new version of Downforce. Dinosaur Tea Party id probably their smallest game, but it's big on fun. At its core, it's basically an elaborate bonneted dinosaur version of Guess Who. The utter joy of this game comes when a really cool group goes for it and roll plays the social interactions of these wannabe socialite reptiles. There's a couple of extra little twist rules thrown in like dinosaurs who might always lie, always give the wrong answer etc, and these do spice up an otherwise straightforward deduction game, but honestly, when you are looking for a very light, simple, bright, and funny filler or end of evening game, you can't go wrong with this adorably drawn game. 5) CROSSING - Asmodee Yoshiteru Shinohara apx £9 Known fondly to our group as 'The Pointing Game', The Crossing is a brilliant yet almost painfully simple push-your-luck game with no downtime at all. Players vie for gem treasure on several mushrooms in the centre of the table by pointing at them. If only one player is pointing to a pile, they win it and place it in front of them. If two or more players point at the same pile, nobody wins any gems and the pile grows bigger next round. On the second round, players can either point at a new mushroom or point at the pile of won gems in front of another player. Players may also cover their won gems instead of pointing and thereby convert won gems to stored gems where they're safe. Not impossible with smaller player counts, but the game becomes utter chaos at higher player counts and games rarely end without collapse into hilarity all round. Each round plays in about 2 minutes and the game ends when the gems in the bag run out. Points are awarded for sets of colours, rare white gems and single points for any other gems. Crossing is tense, full of 'dagnammit' moments and gets played to death when it hits the table. Highly recommend though I understand it can be a little tricky to get hold of at the mo. 6) MONIKERS - Palm Court Alex Hague, Justin Vickers apx £20 It takes a lot to take an eye-rolling party game and transform it into something a bit special. Monikers basically takes the game of Charades and treats it to a much more anarchic edge. Starting with the topics to be guessed, Monikers is shamelessly nerdy and often needs a little more of a deep nerd-dive into net and popular culture, citing popular memes, channels, phenomena and personalities. Nyan cat, lightsaber kid, and Bob Ross all make appearances in the card decks. Monikers is a team game, and starts with a simple description round where players are not allowed to use the title on the card or any words in the description. Round 2 moves this to a single word, and round 3, merely a gesture (there are some hilarious community suggestions for other rounds eg glove puppets and shadow fingers). Again, with the right group, this game is brilliant, but I accept with the wrong group, could fall flat as a pancake. There are a couple of expansions which effectively play as stand-alone games, but I can highly recommend the completely insane Shut Up & Sit Down Nonsense Box as a good starting point. 7) CELESTIA - BLAM Games Aaron Weissblum apx £21 Sometimes a good filler game comes in a slightly larger box, especially if it features and adorable 3D skyboat! Celestia is a beautiful game to look at, and a brilliant semi co-op push-your-luck game. Each round, a new captain tries to convince the passengers on their ship to stay aboard and venture to lands anew. The further the ship goes, the higher the reward but the much greater the risk. Passengers have to decide if the de facto captain for that round has the resources in their hand to meet the challenges rolled on the dice for that journey.  Passengers can decide to leap off if things look too dodgy and gain lower rewards, but there's also betrayal and nefarious shenanigans to be had with skyhooks, rocket packs etc which may allow passengers to throw other players off the boat, or even the Captain using a jetpack to abandon ship. Celestia is a classic game, and though the rulebook can take a little interpretation at first, the game is fun, solid and a great filler game. 8) RAILROAD INK - Horrible Guild Hjalmar Hach, Lorenzo Silva apx £16 We play a lot of roll/flip/draw and write/build/draw games in our house and this slot could be filled by quite a large number of them which I might save for another list, but some notables are Welcome To, Roland Wright, Rolling Ranch, Dino World and Cartographers. However, despite all these great games, we keep coming back to one nose ahead title, Railroad Ink. We have the Blazing Red edition, but honestly, they are all great including the two new KS versions that recently funded: Forest Green and Desert Yellow. Each set has its own little foibles and unique mechanisms, but the core of these games are the same. What I love about Railroad Ink is that it constantly feels like you have a little more control in this game than some others, which is a 2 edged sword as therefore goofs also have a greater sense of ownership too. Scoring can be a little tricky to decipher the first couple of games, but the production of the game, wipe clean boards, and unique usage make this a stand out favourite. 8.5) An honorable mention.... I didn’t include this one in the list as it probably belongs better in the Roll & Write list, and it’s also more of a ‘big box’ game, but we nearly always take SUSHI ROLL everywhere with us now. It’s the R&W version of the Sushi series and is genuinely brilliant. The dice for a start look almost edible themselves, and it features some really smart little dice drafting that mimics the mini conveyor belt that caused so much hilarity in ‘that’ episode of Miranda. It’s a great theme, it’s immediately engaging, has great player aids and is one of those rare games you immediately want to play the minute you finish as you’s sure you can do better next time. I hope there's some games here to poke your interest glands and become your next favourite filler or "dinner's a-cookin" game. Happy gaming y'all
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(Apologies - no idea why Tumblr suddenly won’t let me add images after posting, but if anyone knows, please get in touch!)
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