#if it’s there before tbr at least (and again during tbr it comes down to interpretation)
tragedykery · 2 years
this might be a bit disjointed but alright
so. over the course of the series, mai is never shown to be loyal to anyone but herself. she chooses to go with azula simply because she’s bored, not out of obligation or pressure or loyalty to either the fire nation or azula. as shown by the wall sludge quote she refuses to compromise her own values (for lack of better word) even if it conflicts with the loyalty that’s expected of her, or if it means physical harm for her.
ty lee’s loyalty, on the other hand, is a little more complicated. what it boils down to is that it depends on whether you think loyalty through intimidation is still loyalty (not that it matters, because azula can’t tell the difference anyway). up until the boiling rock, ty lee’s only motivation is survival. she chooses to go with azula because she threatened/manipulated her into doing that.
so, at the boiling rock, mai either a) chooses her loyalty to zuko over her (presumed but not actually there) loyalty for azula, or b) chooses her values over her self-preservation again.
and for the first time in the show, ty lee chooses something else over survival: her love and/or loyalty for mai (both of which azula never would have expected). she either 1) breaks her loyalty to azula right there, or 2) shows azula the emptiness of the place where she always assumed ty lee’s loyalty to be (while it was never there to begin with).
I forgot where I was going with this but tbh any of those options are really interesting in the sense of like. change vs continuity. the situation of tbr is both similar to and different from ones they’ve already experienced. mai and ty lee either “break” their presumed loyalty by choosing something different for the first time, or by doing the exact same thing they have already done before while only the situation is different.
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the---hermit · 7 months
end of the year book tag 2023
I did this tag last year more or less at this time. This book tag was created by Ariel Bissett over on youtube, and I recently heard her talking about it again in her podcast, which is how I got the inspiration of doing it again this year. As I think I have also mentioned last year when doing this, I tend to be a mood reader so planning my next reads never really works, but it's fun to sit down and reflect a bit on what is coming next into my reading life before the year is over.
Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?
As I am writing this I have three main books I am in the middle of: Hell Followed With us by Andrew Joseph White, Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson and Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker. I have technically also started reading Walden by Thoreau a while back, but I don't have a plan to finish it quickly, it's more one of those books I read a little bit every once in a while when I feel like it, because I want to grasp as much as I can and while I am also taking classes and studying for exams I always struggle a bit with enjoying non-fic on my own.
Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?
I am once again doing this tag in the middle of autumn, so idk how much it counts, but I don't think I have a proper autumnal book on my tbr/wishlist. I am still waiting to get the sixth volume of Something Is Killing The Children, which is an horror graphic novel so that might count as a spooky season book. But I don't really wait spooky season to read horror books.
Is there a new release you're still waiting for?
As I mentioned the sixth volume of Something Is Killing The Children has very recently came out here in Italy and I am desperately waiting to find a copy of it. I am also waiting to get Bookstores And Bonedust by Travis Baldree which is coming out at the beginning of November. There are a couple of other 2023 releases I still haven't got my hands on but I don't know yet if I'll get them before the year ends (mainly He Who Drowned The World by Shelly Parker Chan, and The Land Of Lost Things by John Connolly). I am also waiting for the release of the final book in the locked tomb series but I don't think a release date has been set yet? (and regarding that I have yet to decide what I want to do because I would like to get physical copies of the English editions, but it will be a future me problem to solve).
What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?
One of my goals for 2023 is the read all the books I have bought this year, or at least as many as I can. I must say I have been very good with this goal, but I do have a couple of books that have been sitting on my shelf for a while. I don't know if I'll get into the right mood to read them before the year ends but I will add a couple of those to this list. The first one is Nel Buio Della Casa by Fiore Manni and Michele Monteleone. It's an horror novel of the hauted house genre which is one of my favourites but for some reason I haven't picked it up yet. Next is a book I cannot wait to pick up The Ballad Of The Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde, I love this author and after reading De Profundis earlier this year I have been really intrigued by this poem. Finally I bought a prose edition of The Odyssey and I might end up picking it up before the year ends.
Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favourite book of the year?
Not really? I expect to love a lot of the books I'd like to read before the end of the year but there's a couple of books I read this year that I doubt can be topped (Gideon The Ninth being at the top of that list alongside The Priory Of The Orange Tree).
Have you already started making reading plans for next year?
I actually have, weirdly enough. I was thinking about goals for next year and I think I will definitely keep the goal of trying to read all/ most of the books I buy during the year. I certainly need to find a way to read more of the books that have been on my shelves for years, so I will have to think of a more structured plan to reach that goal. I am also considering to create a goal to finally complete my Neil Gaiman collection since this year I have read all of the books by him I own. That could be a fun goal I think. Lastly I'd like to try and get as many books as I can second hand. It's not really super easy for me to do, because where I live there are no second hand book stores, and generally what I look for is quite difficult to find in regular shops, but there's a few exceptions, like classics for example are easier to thrift. Again these are more brain dump thoughts than an actual plan, but it's more than what I had last year at this time.
(no pressure) tags: @just-a-cup-of-anxietea, @fluencylevelfrench, @dreamofghosts, @upside-down-uni, @la-galaxie-langblr
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ireadyabooks · 3 years
Books to Read in 2021
It’s a NEW YEAR, everyone! 
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We made it through 2020, and whether or not you hit your reading goal this past year, don’t worry! 2021 is a new year for your TBR, and we have an AMAZING line-up of books you should add to your reading list ASAP.
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This story of the power of forgiveness and second chances presents the unflinching story of a young woman trapped in the underworld of human trafficking. In Sharon G. Flake's latest and unflinching novel, we follow Charlese Jones, who, with her raw, blistering voice speaks the truths many girls face, offering insight to some of the causes and conditions that make a bully. Turned out of the only home she has known, Char boards a bus to nowhere where she is lured into the dangerous web of human trafficking.
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A darkly seductive story of murder, betrayal, love, and family secrets in a small town in the Scottish Highlands. Alva knows that her father killed her mother, but she can’t prove it. The more she investigates though, the more she realizes that the truth can be more monstrous than lies/ And while you might be able to outrun anything that emerges from the dark water, you can never escape your past . . .
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Denver is more than ready on the day she and her best friends Dali and Shak sing their way into the orbit of the biggest R&B star in the world, Sean "Mercury" Ellis. Merc gives them everything: parties, perks, wild nights -- plus hours and hours in the recording studio. Even the painful sacrifices and the lies the girls have to tell are all worth it. Until they're not. Denver begins to realize that she's trapped in Merc's world, struggling to hold on to her own voice. As the dream turns into a nightmare, she must make a choice: lose her big break, or get broken.
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A lyrical portrait of hidden identities and forbidden love set against the harrowing backdrop of the Spanish Inquisition. Isabel’s dreams to pursue poetry and a partner of her own choosing are thrown into jeopardy when the Spanish Inquisition reaches her small town. 
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Shuri, the Princess of Wakanda (and sister to the Black Panther), sets out to save a group of kidnapped girls in this all-new, original novel by New York Times bestselling author Nic Stone!
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Where there are ghosts, Cassidy Blake follows . . .unless it's the other way around? Cass thinks she might have this ghost-hunting thing down. But nothing can prepare Cass for New Orleans, which wears all of its hauntings on its sleeve. And the city's biggest surprise is a foe Cass never expected to face: a servant of Death itself.
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When bisexual influencer CeCe breaks up with her girlfriend, Silvie, she’s devastated. But then she starts falling for a new guy who has no idea she’s internet famous...and CeCe wants to keep it that way. But as her secrets catch up to her, she finds herself in the middle of an online storm, where she'll have to confront the blurriness of public vs. private life, and figure out what it really means to speak her truth.   
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The danger rises and the deception grows in the heart-stopping third book in the New York Times bestselling Impostors series! Are twins Frey and Rafi on the same side . . . or are they playing to their own agendas? If their father is deposed from Shreve, who will take control? And what other forces may be waiting in the wings?
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Zara's family has waited years for their visa process to be finalized so that they can officially become US citizens. While dealing with the Islamophobia that she faces at school, Zara has to lay low. But when her tormentor vandalizes her house with racist graffiti, a violent crime puts Zara’s entire future at risk. Now she must pay the ultimate price and choose between fighting to stay in the only place she's ever called home or losing the life she loves and everyone in it.
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It's a mystery - why is Cara so sick? It feels like she's been sick all her life . . . but she and her mom have never stayed in one place long enough for doctors to really understand what's happening to her. Now, at fourteen, Cara is tired of being tired, and sick of being sick. Unable to afford the care she needs, Cara's mom starts a Caring for Cara campaign online. The money starts pouring in. But something's not right to Cara. And the harder she looks, the less she understands.
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The third volume in the poignant and sweet Heartstopper series, featuring beautiful two-color artwork! Charlie didn't think Nick could ever like him back, but now they're officially boyfriends. Nick has even found the courage to come out to his mom. But coming out isn't something that happens just once, and Nick and Charlie try to figure out when to tell their friends that they're dating. Not being out to their classmates gets even harder during a school trip to Paris. As Nick and Charlie's feelings get more serious, they'll need each other more than ever.
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In the second book of The Loop trilogy, Luka is trapped in a fate worse than death. But now that he knows the truth about what he and his fellow inmates are being used for, it's more important than ever that he not only escapes, but that he builds an army.
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Hector has always minded his own business while he works towards a better life. Until Joey, whose older brother, Chavo, is head of the Discípulos gang, tells Hector that he's going to kill him: maybe not today, or tomorrow, but someday. And Hector, frozen with fear, does nothing. From that day forward, Hector's death is hanging over his head every time he leaves the house. But when a fight between Chavo and Hector's brother escalates, Hector is left with no choice but to take a stand. It's up to Hector to choose whether he's going to lose himself to revenge or get back to the hard work of living.
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Do the dreamers need the ley lines to save the world . . . or will their actions end up dooming the world? As Ronan, Hennessy, and Bryde try to make dreamers more powerful, the Moderators are closing in, sure that this power will bring about disaster. In the remarkable second book of The Dreamer Trilogy, Maggie Stiefvater pushes her characters to their limits – and shows what happens to them and others when they start to break.
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Everything happens for a reason.At least that's what everyone keeps telling Liam Cooper after his older brother Ethan is killed suddenly in a hit-and-run. Feeling more alone and isolated than ever, Liam has to not only learn to face the world without one of the people he loved the most, but also face the fading relationships of his two best friends in the process. Soon, Liam finds themself spending time with Ethan's best friend, Marcus, who might just be the only person that seems to know exactly what they're going through - for better and for worse.
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Simone is shaking things up by making a bucket list of everything she hasn’t been able to do thanks to her strict Haitian immigrant parents. But as the list takes on a life of its own, things get much more complicated than Simone expected. She'll have to discover which rules are worth breaking, and which might save her from heartbreak.
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Skylar is ready to show everyone that her latest app is brilliant by winning an academic competition. To do that, she's going to use it to win State at the Scholastic Exposition, the nerdiest academic competition around. But when she falls for one of her team members and things get complicated, is her path to greatness over before it begins?
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A graphic novel about family, romance, and first love! Morgan's biggest secret is that she has a lot of secrets, including the one about wanting to kiss another girl. Then one night, Morgan is saved from drowning by a mysterious girl named Keltie. The two become friends and suddenly life on the island doesn't seem so stifling anymore. But Keltie has some secrets of her own. And as the girls start to fall in love, everything they're each trying to hide will find its way to the surface...whether Morgan is ready or not.
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Three days. Two girls. One life-changing music festival. Toni is reeling in the wake of the loss of her roadie father and desperate to figure out where her life will go from here. Olivia is a hopeless romantic whose heart has just taken a beating (again). When the two collide at the Farmland Music and Arts Festival, it feels like kismet. But when something goes wrong and the festival is sent into a panic, Toni and Olivia find that they need each other, and the music, more than they ever imagined.
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Hannah Ashton wakes up to silence. The entire city around her is empty, except for one other person: Leo Sterling. Leo might be the hottest boy ever (and not just because he's the only one left), but he's also too charming, too selfish, and too devastating for his own good, let alone Hannah's. Together, they search for answers amid crushing isolation. But while their empty world may appear harmless . . . it's not. Because nothing is quite as it seems, and if Hannah and Leo don't figure out what's going on, they might just be torn apart forever.
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Sadie is ready for the race of a lifetime: The Texas River Odyssey. But then her brother ditches her and she has to pair up with her former best friend, Cully. It's irritating enough that he grew up to be so attractive, but once they're on the river it turns out he's ill-prepared for such a dangerous race. But as the miles pass, the pain of the race builds, they uncover the truth about their feuding families, and Sadie's feelings for Cully begin to shift. Could this race change her life more than she ever could have imagined?
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In this alternate-history novel, Jo joins the Pax Games: an Olympics-style competition that pits pilots of mechas against each other. But when fighters start dying in the arena, Jo is drawn into a deadly political plot. In a global arms race between superpowers, playing out in violent games that only humanity could create, comes a chilling story of clashing titans, ruthless competition, freedom, and the girl caught in the middle of it all.
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inawickedlittletown · 4 years
The Dresden Files - an overall review
(There are very very minor spoilers, but I mostly wanted to write something non-spoilery about the series as a whole.)
The Dresden Files. I knew a few things about this series before I went into reading it in part because I had watched Daniel Greene’s YouTube video about why people should read it and I won’t lie and say that I didn’t go on Goodreads, look at how long the series is and then question if I actually wanted to read it and wanted to spend months and months going through the books. But, I had nothing else that was pressing on my TBR list and my library had Storm Front on ebook available. So, I gave it a chance. I am so glad I did. I think I finished that first book in two days and I rolled right into reading Fool Moon pretty much as soon as I finished Storm Front. 
I didn’t expect to like it as much as I ended up liking it. I didn’t expect to read the series as quickly as I did. But here we are. The thing about Dresden Files is that it’s the type of story that starts off small and then evolves into something much bigger. After all, the first few books can almost be read as standalones because while there is consistency of character, largely the events of each really remain within the scopes of each book aside from a few minor details. This is why at first glance Dresden to me seemed like a procedural leaning towards a pulp-fiction style of storytelling which I was okay with even though from the aforementioned YouTube video, I was aware that that would change as the series went on. 
Back when I was a kid, one of my favorite shows was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And Dresden has been one of the few things that reminds me of BTVS, although I’d wager that Dresden more closely resembles the BTVS spin-off Angel more. I think it’s this resemblance that made me eager to keep reading. That and knowing that the books weren’t as simple as first presented. 
The things I love about it:
I love how simple and yet complicated it is all at once. It’s simple because the concept can be summed up in two words: wizard detective. You really don’t need a whole lot more to describe it. And yet as the books go on the world is expanded and suddenly things are more connected than you once thought and there are different levels of power at play as well as factions and magical creatures and politics in the middle of all of it. This just makes the world so much richer and interesting and fantastical while still keeping the roots of the human world. 
I love the characters. There is no character in this series that isn’t complex and flawed. They are very very human even when they’re not actually human and it is very easy to relate to one or more of them. Not every character is likable, but many — even the villains — are. And to go off of that, it is the relationships between the characters and the growth of that over the course of the books that makes this series worth reading. 
The mythology that is weaved into the story is great too. There is so much that comes right out of myth and adapted to fit into the world of Dresden and I am just in awe of how well Butcher manages to fit all the different things into one world from characters to artifacts and story and then also weave it into his own additions and his own changes to fit with his story. I’m aware that Fool Moon has a lot of criticism, but one cannot ignore the work that went into depicting all the different werewolf myths in one book. Then you also have the three courts of Vampires, the Sidhe, and characters like Odin, as well as archangels, and so much more. 
The writing is also good. I think one of the best parts about it is that Butcher has gotten better and better with every book. His descriptions are vivid and he does so well when it comes to magical battles and action. And it’s very easy to read and get just sucked into the world in part because the books are written in first person POV. 
As far as representation goes, it isn’t amazing, but there is some and specifically, there are a lot of women in positions of power which is always enjoyable to read. 
All of this does not mean the books aren’t without their flaws. No one thing can be perfect (except Black Sails…), there is always some problematic aspect to a work or something that doesn’t appeal to everyone. Some might say that Dresden Files has a lot of problematic things going on. 
The number one glaring thing is the way that Harry talks about women. It’s not that he doesn’t respect women or think that women can be strong and capable — I mean, he literally has Murphy there to remind him — it’s that the male gaze is so very very prevalent throughout the entire series. It’s like Butcher and Harry through him, cannot help but notice how beautiful or sensual or sexy any woman that crosses his path is. It’s understandable because we are reading the first person POV of an adult man, and even more so when we realize that sex is a big part of the supernatural world. I mean, we literally have vampires that are essentially succubi and get their “food” from sexual energy rather than drinking blood. The Sidhe all seem to be attractive and in multiple instances we see these fairies use their bodies and sensuality and like weapons to entice and seduce and overpower Harry and others. 
And yet, there is a clear choice that Butcher has made here to have Harry notice every woman and describe them nipples first and then describe them again on a next encounter in the same way. Even Murphy who does get described by her stubbornness and her strength and her accomplishments and her prowess also has the attached description of how short and how cute she is and Harry does also sexualize her in his head. Susan gets similar treatment and in the first book we even get to see her throwing herself at Harry due to the imbibing of a mis-intended potion. 
So, yes, this is very much the male fantasy/male gaze in action. Harry has women — mostly supernatural women — throwing themselves at him and in-book context there are reasons for this, but we’re supposed to praise Harry for how much his male libido is telling him “yes” and how he manages to somehow rise above that and not take the temptation — there’s even a scene where he literally pours ice water down his pants. And to be honest, I see the problems, but I also think it fits his character and Butcher describes the series as “Dirty Harry Potter” so what can you do. 
The moment that it became truly a big problem for me was when Molly came into the picture. The first time that Harry has a scene with Molly she’s fourteen and I can’t quite remember the exact words used but I’m sure that he manages to notice her body.
Molly doesn’t return for a few more books, but when she does she’s seventeen and Harry definitely notices Molly then and while it is one thing to take notice once, he constantly goes back to noticing Molly throughout the book. Molly’s feelings during all of this is one thing in part because Molly is young and impressionable and I think most young women have crushes on older men they admire and look up to, but to continually make a point of having Harry notice Molly and be attracted to Molly is icky. It doesn’t even matter that Harry doesn’t intend to act on it and that he actively puts a stop to it when Molly tries to turn things in that direction, mostly because in books following this one Harry still always takes a moment to appreciate Molly’s appearance and not just him but other male characters. 
So, yes, the sexulization aspect of the books is not the best, but I did appreciate that at least earlier on Harry is a bit demure when he is with women. His sexual acts are not described in detail. I was a bit surprised, then, when we did get slightly more graphic descriptions when it came to Harry and Murphy. It’s nothing like what you’ll find in fanfic, but it was a surprise. 
And the thing that also gets me about this is how easily Harry being this way could be explained because of his past and because of how Harry relates to sex, but instead Butcher explains it by saying that Harry is repressed because he isn’t getting any so that’s why he notices every woman that comes into his life. 
I will also point out that there aren’t just women supernatural beings, and that aside from Thomas who is described as the perfect man — strong and attractive and young, a lot of the male characters are a bit rougher and older and monstrous. 
Now, I’m not the best person to speak on this, but religion is a bit strange in Dresden. Mostly because while we have characters like Odin and Hades show up we also have fallen angels and archangels and characters that believe in God and have faith. But we have Christian artifacts in play so I do feel like there is a bias towards Christianity. 
Overall, I did enjoy these books. I think it’s a really good immersive story and that the world is interesting and ever expanding and that as a fantasy series — in particular an urban fantasy series — it is one of the best out there and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the series takes us. So I do recommend it with the caveat that it isn’t perfect and that some books are better than others but that as a whole it is an enjoyable read. 
Other Meta/Reviews 
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kellanswritingblog · 4 years
Let Me Remember
During their stay at Mikaele Salesa's safehouse, Martin proposes to Jon with a ring he's been carrying with him for their trek through the apocalypse.  But as they leave the oasis behind and Jon forgets their entire stay, he forgets Martin's proposal as well.
Inspired by this piece by @misplaced-my-notes and a conversation with @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile <3
You can read the whole thing below, but I’ll also be adding an AO3 link in the reblogs!
(Spoilers for Episodes 180 and 181)
Martin glanced over his old clothes.  Mikaele had provided them clean outfits, food, showers, and comfortable rest, even if he didn’t yet offer up the cost of such amenities.
For now, Martin didn’t want to think on it.  Instead, he rummaged into the pocket of his dirty, bloodstained jeans, and pulled out a velvet box.  The ring inside still shimmered despite everything its carrier had been through.
It seemed like years ago that Martin had bought it from the small shop in the town nearest to the safehouse, nestled in the Highlands.   When he came home, beaming, unable to stop smiling, he was sure Jon would figure something was up, even without any Beholding powers, given that the excitement radiating off of Martin was so tangible.
He didn’t plan much in terms of a proposal, just making one of the few mortal meals that Jon still enjoyed, then sitting on the couch after dinner and asking him if he would marry him.  Even though Jon had risked everything for him over and over again, Martin couldn’t help but fear that the answer might not be the one he hoped for.  All the same, he wanted Jon to know how much he loved him and that he wanted to spend every minute with him, whether as husbands, boyfriends, partners, or friends.
But when the world changed, so did Martin’s plans.  And when he packed up bags for the moment Jon was ready to leave, to set things right, he glanced at the ring’s hiding place and tucked it into his pocket.
Once they fixed the world, then he could ask.  After the apocalypse was averted, they would have all the time they could ever want, right?
The apocalypse was still going, however, and Martin had no idea what came next.  Neither did Jon, bizarrely, and that did nothing to assuage Martin’s fears.
However, as he held the ring box in his hands and stared at the sparkling metal, Martin realized he knew what he at least wanted to come next.
“You alright there?”  Jon asked as he reentered the room, hair still wet from a recent shower.
“Um, yes.  I am.  I…”  Martin took a deep breath, then closed the box and held it out of view as he spun to face Jon.  “This probably isn’t the best time, but… it’s not like time has really existed while we were outside of here, so…”
“Martin?”  Jon stepped toward him, worry creasing his features.
“Jon, I… will you marry me?”
Martin was so mesmerized by the frozen surprise on Jon’s face that he almost forgot to get down on one knee and take out the ring.  After he did so, the shock in Jon’s expression didn’t change, but instead his eyes glanced between Martin and the ring in equal measure.
“I know it’s not like marriage really means so much anymore, with the world ending and what not.  But… I love you, Jon.  I’ve waited ages to ask you, and I don’t know if there’s going to be a better chance than this, so…”
Jon stumbled over his words a few times, then wiped away a tear, and settled on a simple answer: “Yes.  Yes, of course.”
They were both smiling now, grinning from ear to ear, and crying gleeful tears that washed away the sorrow that so often adorned their eyes.  Martin stood again, then took Jon’s hand into his own and slid the ring onto his finger, before raising his knuckles to his lips and kissing them slowly.
After falling into an embrace for an unknowable amount of time, shuddering with tears for an occasion they never thought they'd be lucky enough to experience, safe in the arms of their lover, Jon pulled away just a bit to look at the silver band.
He chuckled.  “Where did you find this?”
“I didn’t just find it on some Buried bloke and take it, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Martin cried, and Jon looked away sheepishly, but said nothing.  “I got it before all of this.”  He gestured around them, to the maelstrom of terror outside the walls.  “I had a whole little plan, nothing special, but… and then…”
“I see.”
“Every time we entered a new domain and you went off to do a statement and I waited… I would take out the ring and just look at it,” Martin continued.  “I told myself each time that there was no guarantee of safety, not even for you, and that I might as well ask you while I still had the chance.  But then you came back, and I put the ring in my pocket and insisted there would be another, better time.  And now… I don’t think there’s going to be any better time than this.  I hoped that if – when – we fix things, then I could propose, but I don’t want to wait that long.”
Jon smiled up at Martin, fresh tears glimmering in his eyes.
“I love you, Martin.  I love you so much.  And I can’t wait to be your husband.  The state of things being as they are, maybe such titles don’t matter, but it matters to me.  And… I’m grateful.  I love you.”
They fell into another embrace, and Martin teased, “Who knew this is what it would take to get you talking about your feelings.”
“Are you complaining?”  Jon asked with a wry smile.
“Not at all.”
“Good.  Because I want to say it again: I love you.”
“I love you too.  God, I… Yeah.  I love you.”
With a giggle, Jon commented, “I suppose we should go find out what Annabelle and Mikaele have planned for us?”
Martin sighed, but he still couldn’t stop smiling.  “I suppose so.”   He paused.  “Wait; wasn’t Salesa a captain of a ship?  Doesn’t that mean he can perform marriages?”
“Talk about a quick engagement,” Jon joked.  “I’m not sure it applies if his ship is destroyed, though.”
“Can we still ask?”
Jon leaned up and brushed his lips against Martin’s, grinning as he did so.  “Of course, my love.”
Hand in hand, the fiancés headed out of the room, ready to face whatever came next, so long as they were together.
Martin wanted to stay longer in Mikaele’s oasis from the apocalypse.  Of course he wanted to stay longer.  Who wouldn’t?
It wasn’t as if he’d forgotten about their quest or set aside the knowledge that he and Jon were the only ones that could set this whole thing right for the sake of a warm bed, as tempting as that might have been.  But Martin craved to rest for a few more days – actual, real days – and enjoy some simple meals, to relish in mortality and humanity, to be at peace for a few moments with Jon at his side.
But he couldn’t deny that Jon was getting worse.  He zoned out in every conversation and practically seemed to doze off at times.  When Martin shook him and he didn’t immediately awake, Martin knew that Jon had to leave there.  Martin had complained at first, and a bit of him still wished the situation was otherwise, but, for Jon’s safety, he would lead the way out the door.
Whatever Jon’s connection to the Beholding meant for him in a potential future that wasn’t inhabited by the fears, that didn’t have the Eye staring down from the sky and drinking in all the terror… they could deal with that later.
For now, Martin and Jon left Mikaele’s house behind and headed back into the wasteland.
Jon immediately began to perk up the farther they got from the Eye’s blindspot.  Martin, meanwhile, didn’t feel any such dramatic change in mood or health, but he could feel the fear soak back into him, as if the air itself was tainted with it.
As they walked and Jon’s sight returned to him, telling him the right directions, Martin filled him in on their time with Mikaele as he was unable to remember it.  Hopefully, Jon couldn’t see how Martin’s hands shook as he thought of how heavily Jon relied on the Beholding; and how heavily it relied on him.
The tale of their quick vacation soon came to a close, but then Jon stopped in his tracks.
“What is it?”
Jon raised his left hand to examine it.
“Since when have I been wearing a ring?”
It felt like Martin was kicked in the chest and he couldn’t help but let out a shuddering exhale as he realized that Jon remembered nothing of his proposal either.
“I… I guess part of me hoped you would remember that,” Martin admitted quietly, then stepped back towards Jon and took his hand in his own.  It’s not like it was Jon’s fault that his memory failed him, so he took a deep breath and explained, “I, well, I proposed to you while we were there.”
“You did what?”
Martin chuckled at the shock on Jon’s face, the same expression that he’d worn when Martin pulled out the ring the first time.
“It seemed like the best chance we would have, given the state of the world.  We’d gotten cleaned up and were about to head down to talk to Mikaele and then I found the ring box in my dirty clothes and…”  He shrugged, hoping he’d said enough that Jon could remember for himself.
Instead, Jon looked down at their clasped hands and said nothing for a long moment.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.  “I’m trying to remember, but…”
“It’s okay.  This just means I get to propose to you again,” Martin replied with a comforting smile, but Jon still stared at their hands, tears forming on the surface of his eyes.
“No, I… I should be able to remember this.  I want to remember everything about you.”  He met Martin’s gaze as the first tears began to fall.  “And that I could forget something so important…”
“You sure you want to remember everything about me?”  Martin teased, wiping away Jon’s tears and gently caressing his face.  “Even when I ran around the Archives in my pants?  Or when I accidentally put ramen in the microwave for thirty minutes instead of three and didn’t notice until it was actively on fire?”
Jon chuckled despite himself and pressed his cheek into Martin’s hand.  “Yes, even those bits.  Every part of you.”
“Well, I can do my best to help jog your memory,” he suggested.   “I’ll tell you what happened, and maybe you’ll remember something?  But first-”
Martin knelt down in the muck, holding Jon’s bedecked hand, and looked up at the light radiating off of him.
“Jonathan Sims, will you marry me?”
Beaming, Jon cried, “Yes, Martin, yes, of course.  I love you.”
“I love you too.  And I will say that however many times I have to so that you remember.”
“Now, that I could never forget.”
Martin rose to his feet, then lifted Jon’s hand to his lips and gave a quick kiss to the ring finger, then another, slower kiss to his palm.
Before either of them could say anything more, the echoing sound of applause came from one of the tombs in the near distance, and Jon and Martin glanced at each other with confused smiles on their faces.
“Seems the individuals trapped here are alright with our nuptials,” Jon remarked.
“First they interrupt our jokes, now our proposal; this is just getting out of hand,” Martin joked, and Jon let out a laugh.  After a few more moments, Martin sighed.  “I suppose we should be going?  Got to save the world and all that, so that I can properly marry you.”
“Yes.  But first…”  Jon wrapped his arms around Martin’s shoulders and kissed him, passing so many memories and hopeful futures between their lips.  “Now we can go.”
“Works for me,” Martin replied, beaming, just before the same applauding tomb-goer offered up an enthusiastic cheer.  “Besides, the audience participation is a little much for me.”
Jon laced his fingers through Martin’s and began to lead the way to their next destination.  As they walked, he asked, “So, tell me about this ring, and how you proposed the first time.  Tell me again, and again, so that there’s no way I’ll forget.”
Martin relayed the story of how he purchased the ring in the village during their brief stay in Scotland, how he held onto it each time Jon gave a statement, and how he haphazardly asked Jon to marry him as they’d gotten cleaned up in the relative safety of that oasis.
But as Martin spoke, he realized that, despite the horrors around them, his oasis was wherever Jon was.  And as long as he was with him, the fears could only do him so much harm.
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Fic writer interview
Thank you so much for the tags friends @vampire-named-gampire @snowybank @effing-numpties @phoxphyre @caitybuglove23 @bazzybelle 💞💞💞 this is such a fun insight on your writing process!
Name: everyone calls me Sam!
Fandoms: just Carry on. Though I started dipping my toes in the She-Ra fandom. Needless to say my tbr list is longer than ever
Where you post: AO3! I don't usually post on Tumblr because it messes with my formatting and I have no patience for it lol
Most popular one-shot:
By hits: lightest touch
By Kudos: Hips don't lie
Most popular multi-chapter: From across the room, by a fair margin. It's the first thing I've ever posted, and though I still love it, sometimes it feels like nothing I post from now on will get close to it in terms of popularity. Which shouldn't matter so much, I know, but I admit it's a bit frustrating.
Fic you were nervous to post: All of them. I think You and I will not be shaken (which is now complete, btw) had my nerves in shambles. Which I didn't expect to happen, considering it was already completely written, but oh well. It's really different from everything I've posted before, and also a bit more mature, so I was kinda nerve-wrecked while posting this 😅
How do you choose your titles: Okay hmmm sometimes I just use a line from the fic?? Also song lyrics, because I write a lot of songfic. Also common sayings for no reason at all that I can fathom 😂
Actually, this reminds me of an alignment chart of sorts I made for my fics the other day:
Lyrics on the title, songfic: From across the room; Can I try again?; Little Talks & Visitor; You and I will not be shaken.
(Please notice that 4/5 of these are songs by Of Monsters and Men.)
Lyrics on the title, not a songfic: Hips don't lie, Lonely Rivers Flow, Let your colours bleed, Eat you alive, From Eden
That's almost half of all my fics, + "You've got a friend in me", that I stole from Toy Story's sound track. Because I like to amuse myself.
Do you outline: Hmmmmmm. Does making bullet point lists count as outlining? Because if so, yeah, I do!
Honestly, though, my "outlines" consist mostly of specific lines/details/scenes I don't want to forget. I usually keep the progression of events in my head. I tried to outline "Let your colours bleed" and it didn't really work out. I had no outline at all for "From Eden", because I wrote it so fast the story was just... Born directly onto the doc.
Actually... alright, all my attempts at outlining end in disaster lol. I started outlining a Megamind AU I still haven't started writing, and most of my one-shots don't need outlines because they're really short. Maybe I a) don't really know how to outline, or b) I'm... A panster. (Planster? I do plot beforehand. I'm just really bad at writing it down)
Do you take prompts: eh. Kind of? Occasionally. I wish I could tackle them quickly, but the truth is that I'm bad at writing short things. So I'm not sure prompts are really for me.
(Fun fact: as soon as I typed that, I thought of at least three prompt lists I'd like to reblog. Damn me.)
Complete: 18 out of 19 works.
In progress: Let your colours bleed? Though to be honest, that one's in an indefinite hiatus, so not much progress there, really. I told myself I'd just stop working on it for a minute, and now every time I open the doc, I just... Feel like crying a bit 😅
(I started listening to its playlist again, so that's a start, I think?)
Aside from that, I'm working on my snowflake fic, and I also started writing a weird Fae! Baz canon divergent AU during NaNoWriMo (you can thank @theflyingpeach for bullying me. It was the kickstarter), though that's on hold until January.
Coming soon: my snowflake fic ❄️✨ and also maybe (depending on how "soon" you consider soon) Fae! Baz. Though I'm taking my time with this one, so no promises as to when it will be actually posted.
That's all, I think? Gonna tag some folks: @arca9 @seducing-a-vampire @annabellelux @adamarks @theflyingpeach @waywardfangirl @palimpsessed @motherscarf @fight-surrender
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loopy777 · 4 years
Thank You! Finally someone who also understands he hardships that Mai went through! A lot of people thinks that Mai is a bored spoiled rich girl and I’m like “Did you not understand the scene in the Beach episode???” Mai is explaining how she was emotionally and mentally suppressed during her childhood. Do they not know how that can really damage a person? Mai’s childhood, similar to Toph’s, explained her upbringing as a person; and they don’t see that? But the thing is I think they do. [1/3]
Like everybody understood that Toph’s childhood was rough too despite herself being an upperclassmen daughter who could technically get whatever she wants. Is it because people don’t really jive with Mai? Or is it because the shipping wars have to do with this lack understanding of Mai in the fandom? I also remember seeing a post here saying how “Mai is toxic to Zuko and here’s why”. What? Toxic? Are you serious?! Like they stated how Mai shouldn’t be with Zuko due to her lack of- [2/3]
-expressions and that Zuko needs someone who can openly show affection. Um... Do you not see how Mai would Smile Around Him?! How She would physical Express her affection via kisses and touches? One would argue that she is dismissed toward Zuko and would source the scene with the “I don’t need to hear your life story” and the Beach episode where she dismisses Zuko attempts to pleases her. I should end it here. I guess I’m asking is: “What’s your personal take on why Mai is misunderstood?” [3/3]
Well, to be fair to some of the Mai-haters out there, I think a big part of the problem is that The Beach has terrible writing. As I jokingly allude to in that post, Mai’s explanation of her childhood is a vast understatement compared to what I described about the abuse she suffered. Here it is in full, with Azula’s own take on it:
MAI: What do you want from me? You want a teary confession about how hard my childhood was? Well, it wasn't. I was a rich only-child who got anything I wanted. As long as I behaved and sat still, and didn't speak unless spoken to. My mother said I had to keep out of trouble. We had my dad's political career to think about.
AZULA: Well, that's it, then. You have a controlling mother who had certain expectations, and if you strayed from them, you were shut down. That's why you're afraid to care about anything, and why you can't express yourself.
Naturally, Mai can’t also detail about how she was controlled and abused by Azula, nor can she get into everything she hates about Fire Nation society. And it fits with her character that she would understate things, leaving it for those who would truly empathize (Ty Lee, at least, and perhaps she’s testing to see if Zuko will get it) to understand what she’s leaving unsaid.
So only an audience really paying attention to Mai will see the shadows behind her relatively innocuous words. Yes, she’s not describing a good situation, but it’s easy to mischaracterize what she’s talking about as mere “teaching discipline.” And then Azula jumps in with her take, which is going to be colored by her own experiences and issues, and I think The Boiling Rock makes a good case that Azula does not have Mai fully figured out. ;)
We have to also keep in mind that there was a space of 9 months between the airings of The Beach and The Boiling Rock, so that’s an extra opportunity for people not paying attention to Mai to miss all the dynamics in this conversation. Heck, even Azula’s abuse of Mai was only glimpsed through innocuous reminders like breaking up a Sunset Maiko Date, compared to her ordering Mai to give up her brother to rebel terrorists in her introductory episode- which aired 13 months before The Beach. Even the Fountain Incident in the flashback of Zuko Alone can be seen as a mere prank by those not connecting the dots. The perception of the fandom was largely that Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee were real friends, from what I saw of it before the TBR came around. (I was only in the fandom for 4 months before Mai’s big moment.) It’s only in hindsight that most people realized that Mai was making daily evaluations as to whether it was time to die gloriously trying to ram a stiletto in Azula’s ear.
Toph, by comparison, is easier to understand because the cartoon outright shows us her father calling her weak and declaring that he’s going to lock up her so that she can’t risk herself. Mai’s background is something we glimpse in the way her mother ‘politely’ shuts down her opinion of living in Omashu, and then her own understated confession on Ember Island. It’s a perfect illustration of the storytelling fallacy of “Show, Don’t Tell.” A more accurate and helpful version of that advice is to dramatize the important stuff rather than leaving it in dialogue, and Mai’s issues are largely undramatized.
All that said, I have no idea how anyone comes away from AtLA with the impression that Mai is expressionless. I still see it today, despite the whole story being available; I just got a review on a story the other day that praised my ability to find depth in such an “emotionless” character. Right in her first episode, when Ty Lee teases her about meeting up Zuko, Mai can’t hold back a smirk and turns her face away so that no one can see it! That’s the entire character dramatized in one scene! Never mind how she does allow herself an outburst in The Beach in response to Azula’s trying to psychoanalyze her, or everything in The Boiling Rock where she’s clearly hurt by Zuko’s leaving her to the point of nearly being in tears at several moments- or her grand romantic gesture of choosing to die to save Zuko’s life.
Maybe people are confused by Mai not actually dying thanks to Ty Lee’s intervention?
Also, while I’m not enough of an expert in humanity to say, the rest of Tumblr has plenty of theories about how Mai is probably the victim of unconscious sexism. She’s not traditionally feminine, so some people don’t empathize in the same way they do characters like Katara or Ty Lee or even Azula. Even Toph sheds tears for the audience! Mai, however, will hold back those tears no matter how much she’s hurting.
You have to look directly into her eyes to see her pain.
Another factor, which again other people could elaborate on with more expertise, is that the abuse I described for Mai is what I called a ‘soft’ kind. She wasn’t physically beaten, so it’s not a kind of abuse that people are used to recognizing. It’s hard for people to see manipulation as a form of abuse, but it certainly can be one. An entire childhood of being told that your opinions are wrong is definitely a form of abuse, but it’s not the kind we usually see in stories, so Mai’s story doesn’t fit the patterns we’re trained to recognize. The result can be audiences simply missing what’s going on with her, or even outright disliking her for the ‘oddness’ of her story.
Which, ironically, is kind of like what Mai’s life was like in-universe. She didn’t fit the pattern that was expected of her, so she was pushed to either conform or become invisible. And when she does finally allow herself to stand out, a portion of the fandom becomes Azula to kill her with lightning.
Which leaves the Mai-fans as a metaphorical Ty Lee.
Which I think makes us all uncomfortable. XD
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damienthepious · 4 years
needed some catharsis. mind them tags.
Wait For Yours To Interlock
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, Sir Damien, Rilla
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Injury, Bedside Vigils, Injured!Damien, (im deep in my feelings. my friends said this was catharsis so it's fine. it's fine)
Summary: Rilla once said that she knew, someday, she would probably need to bury Damien with a talon through his heart. On rare occasion, that lurking future brushes too close for comfort.
Notes: I said i wouldn't get something out this week because. Reasons. And i wouldn't have for sure if it weren't for tumblr user @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile and tumblr user @pinkpuffballdude . Thank you thank you thank you, i love you both so much! Title from the song Don't Give Up On Me by Andy Grammer.
It takes a long time for Arum to convince Amaryllis to go to bed.
Of course it does.
It's impossible for her not to feel like this is her responsibility, but there is nothing more she can do at the moment. There is nothing more either of them can do, at the moment, and she has been awake for days. It takes a long time, and a lot of convincing, and an argument that would have been a screaming match if it weren't for-
(He will not wake, even if they scream. It would be far too painful to prove this fact, to shout above him and-)
But Arum manages, eventually. So now, Amaryllis is asleep, and Arum…
Arum leans against the wall, and stares at the cot in her exam room.
He stares, and for quite a long time, nothing changes.
"Foolish little honeysuckle," he hisses.
There is no answer, of course.
"Always so careless with yourself. Thoughtless. What did you think would happen? What did you think would happen, Damien, if you continued to throw yourself at-"
He straightens from the wall, and begins to pace, stalking back and forth. He cannot continue to stare at the bed, but his eyes keep drawing back to the stillness of the form there. His mind demands the reminder: he is still breathing.
He is still breathing.
"How dare you," Arum mutters, and he did not intend to say those words, but- "How dare you. How dare you do this to Amaryllis. Can you not see how she worries for you? Can you not see how much effort she expends? Patching up every injury, every cut, every broken bone? Every foolish little-" he clenches his teeth hard, hisses through them, tries again. "Has she not done enough already? Has she not wasted enough bandages on you, because you cannot keep your foolish self safe? How dare you do this to her-"
Arum feels that he should be shouting. His voice is, instead, coming in a hoarse, whispered sort of scream. It feels like it scrapes up his windpipe as it goes, but-
He cannot seem to control the words. Perhaps this is how Damien feels, under more ordinary circumstances.
Arum continues to pace. Damien continues to lie perfectly still.
He still breathes. He still breathes. Arum can still hear his heart, can still hear it beating, even if it sounds- not quite right. There is something off about the rhythm, something off about the pace, perhaps. It does not sound as it usually does when Damien sleeps.
But Damien still breathes.
("All we can do is- wait," Rilla says, her voice cracking down the middle. "All we can do is wait, now.")
"How dare you make her worry like this," he growls, and then he pauses for a long, long time, holding his breath without meaning to.
Damien. Still, and quiet. It is unnatural.
"How dare you do this," he repeats, his voice growing weaker with the repetition, and he pretends not to notice the tightness in his throat, the way he chokes as he continues, "I do not see you speaking your heart now, honeysuckle-"
He has to stop, digging the claws of his toes into the wood of the floor, his posture hunching as he hisses a breath through his teeth. His limbs tremble with the tension of how tightly he is holding himself still, his teeth clenched so hard that his jaw hurts.
After a long pause, during which Damien neither moves nor speaks nor stirs, Arum gives a strange breath of laughter.
"How… how does she do this, Damien?" he keens, helpless, and then he takes a hesitant step closer to the bed. "How does she endure, watching you careen from one danger to the next?" Another slow step, and Damien still does not wake. "How does she- I… I cannot bear it. I cannot bear this. How am I meant t-to-"
He chokes another strange laugh, takes another small step. "I did not need to fear such hurt as this when… when it was only myself and my Keep. Death would only be death, then, honeysuckle. My own would be survived by my Keep, and if I failed my Keep enough that it fell, I would fall with it. Now- now-" He searches for the words, creeps closer, flicks his tongue and scents the sterile blank smell of this room, obscuring the more familiar scent of Damien's skin, the more unwelcome scent of the blood.
"Now… there is so much more at stake. I cannot bear the thought of yourself and Amaryllis being torn from me, but- what can I do against it? Your knighthood, her work, the war- my own very nature. I cannot… I cannot protect you, I cannot do anything but endure the terror of your loss and- and I do not know how. I do not know how to bear it. It would be- it would be easier if I cared not at all for you, little human. If I could see you so waylaid and feel- nothing."
Another step. Arum looms over the bed, and he feels so large and so out of place, even here in Amaryllis' hut where he knows himself welcome. He looks down at Sir Damien, and he feels so much that he fears it will crack his ribs open to escape the too-small vessel of his body.
"I was not meant to care for any but myself and my Keep," he says, his voice very small. "It would be so much easier if I could return to that feeling. If I could go home to my Keep, if I could bury my affection in the greenhouse and forget this pain, forget this terror. It would be so much easier, Damien," he keens. "But-"
Damien breathes.
"I cannot forget. I cannot excise you from my heart. And- and I wouldn't dare, even if I could."
Damien breathes, perfectly still.
"Honeysuckle… honeysuckle… wake up. Please." He swallows roughly, and Damien's slack face mocks the waver in his voice. "I know you cannot hear me. This is- mere foolishness, I know. I know… I am not helping. I am not… blessed with Amaryllis' talents. There is nothing I can do for you, not now, and my words- my own words pale beside yours. I would cut my tongue out to hear you speak them now, honeysuckle. To hear you speak at all, I would- please. Please."
His legs shake. His hands twitch with the deep desire to touch his poet. Before his limbs can betray him entirely, Arum relents, and sinks to kneel by the bedside.
"Foolishness," he says again, gazing up into Damien's beautiful, terribly still face. He reaches out, but he does not touch Damien's skin. He wishes so badly to brush the curls from Damien's brow, but his position feels so precarious. Damien looks so fragile. Arum does not feel his own touch would be safe.
"Honeysuckle, wake up. Honeysuckle, come back. Please… please, don't-" he sucks in a breath. "Don't do this to her. She has expended so much effort, so much worry and care in patching your sorry hide together. Wake up. Just wake up."
Damien does not answer. Arum knew he wouldn't. His insides still feel curdled with the hurt of it.
"Don't do this to her," he repeats, his voice lower. "Don't do this to- don't do this to us, honeysuckle, please don't-"
("And if he wakes up-"
"W-when, I meant when, Arum, don't-")
Arum shakes his head, pulls his hands back to press to his own chest, holding in the throbbing of his heart, his pain.
"The Universe prefers- the Universe desires a good story. An interesting story, at the least," he mutters, clenching his claws against his own scales. "I- I know- this world is better with you alive. All is brighter, more vibrant for your presence. Surely the Universe knows…"
He inhales, forcing himself steady, and he makes himself sway closer. Makes himself lift his hand out again.
"I… I don't know what I would do if we lost you," he whispers, and then he clenches his teeth. "I- I refuse to- to contemplate it. That is not how your story ends, honeysuckle. Not here. Not yet. We don't lose you like this. I refuse."
Damien does not wake. Arum did not expect him to. He scowls, fierce, and settles his palm down over the back of Damien's hand at last.
"I love you, Damien. I love you, and I will stay as long as I need to. I will be here when you wake. That is how this story goes."
Damien wakes bleary and confused, but the morning light calls to him as it always does, pouring honey-soft through the warm curtains, birdsong and the distant, early bells from the Gate of Tranquility pouring in with it.
All of it pouring in, through the open windows of Rilla's examination room. Why… why would he be…
Damien remembers.
The pain comes a moment after the memory: a vicious sharpness in his ribs, the muddy thudding ache in his head resolving to something he can understand, the wobbly, shaky sense of disconnection from his limbs.
… Disconnection from most of his limbs. There is a pressure on his left hand, vaguely warm, familiar, pleasant. He can feel that sensation perfectly well.
It takes a rather frustrating level of effort to tip his head to the side enough to see the source of the pressure. He blinks, bleary, against that warm morning light, and when his vision resolves he sees Arum.
The monster is half-draped on the bed, his snout buried in the sheets, two arms clinging loosely to the cot, one hanging down out of sight over the edge, and the fourth hand curled, careful and delicate, around the back of Damien's hand.
Damien can piece together the vague shape of what occurred in his unconsciousness well enough. The lizard looks exhausted even in sleep, and he looks anything but comfortable, half-supported by the cot, twisted vaguely sideways with his shoulder against the bedside table. He must not have meant to fall asleep. Damien feels his mouth curl despite the fogginess in his head, because the idea of it, this attempted vigil succumbing to the drain of sleep-
Damien loves this monster with a brightness that still shocks him. He wants to turn his hand, to press his palm to Arum's, but- well. Just at the moment, he can barely manage to twitch his thumb. He blinks a bit more of the light from his eyes, looking more closely at his lily instead.
There's a blanket draped over Arum's shoulders, as well. A familiar blanket, one that usually finds its home on Rilla's bed, and Damien can imagine as well how the cloth must have ended up settled there. He exhales, something that would be a laugh if he had just an ounce more breath to give, and he hears a scuffing noise across the room.
"Damien," Rilla says, her voice thick and exhausted and raw. "You're awake-"
Damien manages to tilt his head enough to see her as she stands, as she darts to the side of the cot opposite from Arum to touch his face, to check his pupils, and he cannot help but smile at her touch.
"Hello, my flower," he whispers, and his own voice is cracked and dry, and as she moves his head so gently and checks him over, he contemplates her words again in his somewhat muddied mind. "Was… was there concern, then, that I would not?"
Rilla does not answer, does not meet his eye, but her jaw tightens, her brow dips, and Damien's heart pulses with sympathy, with guilt.
"Don't you apologize, Damien," she says in a firm murmur, angling his head so she can inspect the wound he can feel near his temple. "You're a knight," she says simply, and then she shrugs. "We both know it comes with the territory."
Damien closes his eyes and purses his lips, and he thinks briefly of the ream of now-crumpled paper from the one letter he cannot seem to write. "Hm," he manages. "I suppose that is… I suppose."
"Just- relax and let me do my job."
Damien does as she says, pretending for a moment that he is blessed with Rilla's touch for a less worrying reason as she inspects his injuries more fully.
"I expect that the blanket upon our lily was your doing, my love," he says eventually, quietly, and Rilla snorts a low laugh.
"Yeah, well. He wanted me to sleep, but he was still gonna worry himself sick all night in here with you. I just- waited until he stopped talking. I knew he was exhausted too."
"You- you slept in here as well?"
"Slept is a strong word," she hedges, shrugging.
"Rilla," Damien says, but his voice is too weak to carry the gentle chiding he wants it to.
"You sure as hell wouldn't sleep if you didn't know if I was gonna-" she cuts herself off, pressing her lips together tight, and then she gives a wobbly sort of smile. "I couldn't, okay? I just- couldn't."
"Oh," Damien whispers. "Oh, love-"
"You sound like you spent a week in a desert," Rilla mutters, rubbing one eye absently. "Hush." She reaches a hand out again, this time only to brush his hair away from his forehead. "I'm gonna go get you some water, okay? Don't- just don't. Don't move, don't talk, don't do anything stupid, yeah?"
Damien ducks his head, entirely unable to bury his gentle smile. "I wouldn't dream of it, my love."
"Hush," she says again, firmly, and then she puts her hand very carefully on his shoulder, leans down, and presses a light kiss to his hair. "I'll be right back."
Damien sighs, still smiling, and his eyelids are too heavy to hold open as he hears Rilla tiptoe from the room.
When that noise fades, he is left only with what woke him in the first place. Sunlight, soft through his eyelids, and birdsong and distant bells, and-
Much closer by, the slow sleeping breath of Lord Arum.
Damien opens his eyes again, tipping his head to see his monster again, and Damien's muscles twitch with yearning to pull Arum up, to gather him closer, to embrace him on this too-small bed. He huffs out a breath, his lip curling wryly at his own current limitations, and then he focuses on his hand instead. Surely that cannot be too difficult to manage.
It takes far more effort than it should. Damien has fought battles more difficult than the simple turning of his hand (more difficult- but very few that mattered to him more). The weakness of his body can be overcome. He has done so countless times before.
He is patient, though his arm aches with even this simple motion. He is patient, and like a key in a very old lock, his hand turns, and he exhales a sigh when he can at last press his palm up into Arum's. He curls his fingers, slow, and he squeezes with what strength remains.
Violet eyes slit open in the golden morning light, and Arum blinks, staring at their joined hands for a breathless moment.
Then the breath shakes out of him, and he looks up.
"Honeysuckle," Arum whispers, and there is more relief in his voice than the word can hold. "I knew- I knew you wouldn't-"
He reaches out, and draws his claws down Damien's cheek as gentle as falling petals.
Damien feels the smile on his face like an entire garden in bloom, and Arum's violet eyes are so bright, so wide, as safe as home.
"Good morning, my love," he whispers, and when Arum's breath hitches, Damien squeezes his hand again. "Thank you for watching over me."
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Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
It’s not 2021 yet, but I’ve knocked a book off my TBR for the new year. Technically two books because I will not be finishing one book that’s on the list. Between customers on my shift today, I read Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett. Since I get wordy, the bulk of this is under the line. 
Bailey ‘Mink’ Rydell moves cross country to live with her dad, and knowingly lands herself in the same town as her internet penpal. But she has a plan: find this mysterious Alex so she can decide whether or not she should really and truly meet him. 
The plan goes off the rails nearly as soon as it’s thought up. 
Warnings: past gun violence, trauma, substance abuse, sexual content
Mink is an enjoyable character. She’s got a killer sense of fashion, a strong inner voice, and a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to movies. There are several movie references in the book, and all of them went over my head. I’ve not seen many movies, so I couldn’t appreciate the references. Through her eyes, we go with her as she moves to a town where she knows no one, starts a summer job, and then we watch it crash and burn. At least for a little while. 
The cast for this book is a simple one. We have Grace (the best friend Mink meets through her new job), Mink’s father, a police Sergeant who is also her father’s new girlfriend ( I really liked her), the most loveable security guard I’ve ever read (read: the only one I’ve ever read), Dave (who is a 10/10 on the scale of being a prick) and then Porter. 
I love Porter. I love any male love interest that prickly then soft. It’s a weakness. 
Through the narrative, we learn more about this town and its inhabitants. Since this is a novel not based in fantasy, world-building wasn’t necessary as much. Still, I liked the town, and the stories that weaved between characters as I read on. 
The bulk of the plot is this: Mink thinks she’s falling for Porter, but she’s supposed to be searching for Alex. 
This is a fun read about one teenager trying to do everything in a way that all but ensures that she won’t get hurt. Of course, that doesn’t work but it wouldn’t be as fun if it did work. Between tracking down a stolen Vespa, and getting trapped in the museum where they work together, and stripping on a beach that is not a nude beach, Porter and Mink are the story of a summer romance that ends up being more than you bargained for. 
3.5/5 - Thoughts
I struggled to get into this one for the first 60 pages or so. I shut it a few times, and told myself I wasn’t going to finish it, but then I was curious anyway. By the time Mink snapped at Porter and came back to an apology, I was invested. Everything before that… not so much. The fact that this was an easy read happened to be exactly what I needed. I finished Red Queen last night, and I wanted something lighter. 
Usually, I judge a book like this by how much I smile during, and it really didn’t disappoint! I loved Porter, and I loved the issues brought up in this book too. The more serious ones, like Davey’s substance abuse, Mink’s bottled up trauma from a past event, and even Porter’s own dilemma with the past, and also what he wanted to do in the future, weren’t completely glossed over. 
I wish there had been more on the ‘penpal’ spin to this even though I’m not sure it would have been any better with it. It felt like a small thing that was only there for the conflict-resolution, and I didn’t feel anything with it. 
In the future, I might read this one again for a fun romance. The sexual content did take me by surprise! I wasn’t expecting it to be there. (Not a complaint.) I’m shipping it to Jessi later this week since she was going to order it, but now she doesn’t have to. 
I really love well-written YA (or new adult) contemporaries. Any recommendations? 
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years
Etta’s big creative to do list for when I’m not drowning in final exams
(the rest are below the cut because this got LONG! I am putting this here so you have some idea of the stuff I’ll be posting about come Monday 5/11 and also so I can find it again instead of putting it in my notebook where it will inevitably get lost among my fluids practice and history essay jottings. if you’re curious about the fact that I am not yet done with my semester, yes, I am absolutely procrastinating an essay right now by writing this. don’t worry about it.)
FINISH STORGE!! I’m only like 3 chapters away from writing The End and I desperately want to do that this year so I can edit and start sharing snippets with alpha readers by this time next year at the latest :D
Outline the Laoche Chronicles
this includes the trilogy outline in broad strokes to make sure everything sets up the next points
a detailed outline for the first book which will need a name eventually
(my outlining process can be found here!)
Character profiles for all the new OCs
(this process can be found in this post!
worldbuilding write-up questionnaire for the new civilizations that’ll feature in the main trilogy and differ from Storge
Learn how to make edits for tumblr because graphic design and anything resembling Proper Authors Platform Branding continue to elude me
This won’t happen this month, but I need to do a cleanout of the social media’s I do have so I can put writing stuff there too and start a proper Author’s Internet Presence. If I do finish Storge this year, I’ll be looking for beta readers eventually and I need to have something to show for myself. This includes...
doing a mass edit of this blog and organizing my tags
teaching myself HTML/CSS and making a custom blog theme that works for my needs or commissioning someone to do this for me
making a Laoche Chronicles wip page
buying a domain and designing an actual authors website
making an #aesthetictrash book Instagram? I’m vaguely aware this is something people do but I only use insta for it’s chat feature with my college friends so I know not the first thing about how that works
I have a disasterous Pinterest that’s 100% private boards for my various bits of nonsense that needs to be turned into a place to showcase WIP aesthetics
I refuse to touch twitter nor facebook nor snapchat nor ticktock with a fifteen foot pole
if you couldn’t tell by now, I was that kid who had a brick trac-phone until 10th grade, and used my smartphone primarily as a music device until very recently
Write a considerable backlog for my Newsies fanfic so I don’t fall behind whenever I go to my internship in a month
Finish the intro for my Vampire Plague Doctor Buddy Cop story and the Chaotic SFF Academia idea that I started last month, and write a few one shots for those Maybe start posting them somewhere if I’m happy with how they turn out?
Make a proper quilt from the 10389238320923 old event t-shirts I have sitting in a pile in the basement so I can take it to college with me in the fall. (also maybe mockup a walking skirt out of an old sheet, so I at least have an idea of what to do whenever proper fabric stores open again)
It’s going to be below freezing tomorrow for SOME REASON despite being MID- MAY, but I need to plant my garden and make a compost pile at some point
Make a list of art skills to start practicing so I can tackle the concept of “learning to draw” in a logical manner like you would in a class, and start doing these drills
Also participate in the rest of MerMay
Read a few books! My current next list of TBR looks like this
Illthdar! I have been dying to get my hands on @illthdar‘s book but I didn’t want to start it during the school year and then have to inevitably put it down like two chapters in because I had boring real life obligations to attend to, so this is my first read for as soon as I’m done with the semester on Sunday.
Pride and Prejudice, which I've heard is excellent and regrettably not actually read yet (nor any of Austen, yes I’m a heretic I know, but I’m also an engineering student and 90% of my time is spent doing maths)
Storm of Fire and Blood - I have had this book for a year and put it down because of school which is a crying shame because I really love this series! For any religious/historical fiction fans I highly recommend the Sword and Serpent trilogy! It’s a retelling of the story of St. George and the Dragon long before he’s ever a saint. I think anyone could enjoy it, but if you’re Catholic or enjoy early Christian history, you’ll get a lot of the references and saint cameos and it’s just! A lot of fun!!
also my patron St. Katherine of Alexandria is a major character in the 2nd and 3rd books and she’s absolutely wonderful so I might be just a little bit biased
Make a few watercolor maps of the world of Laoche! Including detailed maps of the city of Maaren where Storge takes place, and Arga (one of the countries in the later trilogy)
update my bullet journal which has been languishing unused on my dresser since march when I moved home from college 
Carve new dulcimer hammers and teach myself a few songs. (also maybe try to make a longbow or new bridges for the dulcimer but that’s all probably a BIT of a stretch)
Brush up on my piano and guitar practice because I am very very rusty. I need to find some new songs to learn because I don’t really want to relearn Debussy or Chopin again, but I need to find some good ones first...
If you’re still reading this. Wow. Congratulations. That was a lot. and thank you! But yeah! This is what’s been knocking around in my head recently while I was supposed to be studying, but now that it is out of my head and into a post hopefully I will be able to focus again :P This is extremely ambitious and I 100000% will not be able to finish everything on this list, but! it is a plan! Wish me luck!
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dachi-chan25 · 4 years
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How do months in 2020 manage to last years and yet end in the blink of an eye???
Anyway I did finish my TBR so...
1 -The Vampire Armand (The Vampire Chronicles 5) by Anne Rice
Sooo, this one was my least favorite the 1st time I read this series and I hoped to like it more since I wasn't finding Armand as annoying in the first 4 books but gosh I really feel Anne Rice doesn't have much love for characters that are not Lestat, cuz I feel Armand could have been intresting but the book lacks the passion and wit Anne adds everytime she writes Lestat so yeah it was pretty meh. I love the cover tho.
2.-Dead and Alive (Prodigal Son #3) - Dean R. Koontz
I was plesantly surprised. I hadn't very high expectatives for this one cuz even though I enjoyed book 2 I thought the pacing was waaaaay too slow, the plot wasn't advancing much. But this one was super cool, it picked up inconcluse storylines from the 1st book and that CLIFFHANGER!!!! The romance between the detectives was meh, like I wish I had liked them both more but the Erikas have my heart and I want to see more of Deucalion.
3.- Wild Cards I - George R. R Martin
I was so disappointed. Ok so the concept is pretty cool. Like an alien virus is set loose and it causes some people to have amazing superpowers and other people gets terrible mutations, What's not to like??? But oh my fucking god. The mysogyny of this book. I can usually read books with mysogyny like I enjoy classics like 1984 despite the rampant way in which the protagonist hates woman. I couldn't handle it here. The female characters have less dimension than a sheet of paper and they depend entirely on the male characters it ruined the whole thing for me, and the writing was mediocre at times (I mean I know this was written by multiple authors but at points the quality of the writing droped like super hard) I am not picking the next one.
4.-My Sister the Serial Killer - Oyinkan Braithwaite
I just love horror stories where a pretty girl is the killer. Like they are so enjoyable. And this particular story is so good because we have this 2 sisters, they are very different, one is like the epítome of beauty and the other is an average woman. The pretty one literally can do no wrong in everyones eyes and that’s just fine cuz she just so happens to kill her boyfriends. Her sister who is a nurse helps her clean up and get rid of the bodies because at first she believes they were abusive towards her sister but then she starts to get suspicious and things are super cool and intresting. I feel it could have gone deeper with some stuff but it was a great and quick read.
5.- Moloka'i - Alan Brenett
I cried so much. This book is about Rachel, a girl diagnosed with leprosy at 7 years old during the 1890's and is sent away to live at the leprosarium in Moloka'i, Hawaii. We follow Rachel as she makes friends and family and loses them all over again to the sickness as she grows older. This book was so beautiful and pretty diverse (I loved Leilani I had never seen trans representation in a 19th century book) full of history and humanity. An amazing read I fully recommend it.
6.- New Suns: Original speculative fiction by people of color - Nisi Shawl.
I Loved it. One of my main problems with anthologies is that inevitably I find some stories better than other but that was not the case here, every story had an intresting premise and amazing writing (my fave was maybe the one with the lesbian mermaid or the one were a woman raised the death to get rid of colonizers) like I need to read more from all these authors ASAP.
7.- Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevski
I love me some good classic. This one is really amazing , I love how much we get into Raskolinov's psyche and the things that lead him to comit the crime and the effect it has on him once he does. And all this conversation about morality and if it's ever valid to commit a crime even if it's for the "greater good" and all that good stuff about how people trapped in poverty are more likely to fall down the rabbit whole of prostitution and crime and yassssss it was good,
8.- A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
I struggled like I should have known they would use the slang like in the movie (but I watched the movie in Spanish) so I was just vibing in the first few pages of the book barely understanding shit, except those words in other lenguages and then I started to pick it up and the book is so good??? Like Alex is awfull but the book actually makes a compeling argument about free will and the concept of choosing between good or evil. In general terms the movie is super accurate tho and yeah I really enjoyed this read.
9.- The Winter of the Witch (Winternight #3) - Katherine Arden
I LOVED it. This book absolutely messed me up. Like I suffered a lot for my girl Vasya. And then all the stuff with the Bear and Morozco and the war, ahhhhh it was a LOT, but the ending was pretty satisfying, I cried tons and I am hoping we get another saga maybe following Marya this time????? I will just read anything Katherine Arden writes tbh.
10.-Lifestyles of Gods and Monsters - Emily Roberson
It was ok??? I wished it had been more about the sisters together as opposed to make Ariadne "not like the other girls" I am sick of that trope, and the "beautiful but doesn't know it" and less about the romance. Like the premise of retelling this greek myth as a reality show actually picked my interest but the execution wasn't that great it had lots of clichés I hate and mentioned before, what I kinda liked was that even though Ariadne had a romance she decides to start over by herself when things kinda fall apart and she is maybe open to dating another dude at the end, which honestly was a relief for me cuz I feel a lot of time YA pushes this idea that your first love is the only love you'll ever feel and that’s dumb .
11.-The Glass Menagerie - Tennessee Williams
I really love this play, well Tennessee Williams plays in general, and aire felt like re reading this one. I love Laura so much and it was a pleasure to read this again.
12.-In the Miso soup - Ryu Murakami
This is a very gorey book. Lots of graphic murders and violence, mentions of the sex trade in Japan. This was a very intresting read, lots of insight into the japanese society and how this very cliché image people have of it is completely wrong. Again sex trade is heavily discused as our protagonist makes a living out of taking foreigners to experience the sex clubs in Tokyo he meets this sketchy american guy who hires him, our protagonist has a feeling he might be a murderer and it goes from there. I really enjoyed it a lot and might consider reading another book by Ryu Murakami.
13.- The Downstairs Girl - Stacey Lee
It was amazing to read about an asian girl in the post-civil war era, and how this minority kind of lived in a limbo cuz white people didn't think much about them when making up all this crap ass rules about where PoC where supposed to live in or sit. And our protagonist Jo, is really a charming girl with a lot of opinions and so passionate I loved her so much. It was a bit cheesy at times, and I saw the book's big reveal coming but still it was a pretty good read.
14.-En el bosque bajo los cerezos en flor - Ango Sakaguchi
Me gustaron mucho las historias, todas realmente te meten a una atmósfera japonesa: las imágenes como las flores de cerezo, los kimonos, templos, budas. Y las mezclan con un terror por lo desconocido y lo no visto que encaja tan bien en cada una de las historias. Realmente lo disfrute muchísimo y me gustaría leer más trabajos de este autor.
15.- Agamemnon - Aeschylus
I am weak for the greek plays. And this rocks so much. Chlymenestra is a queen, I stan her so hard. This play always makes me feel so bad for Cassandra, like how shitty is it to have the power to make super accurate predictions but no one ever believes you???
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neonnhoney-rec · 4 years
Kim Taehyung
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Here are a few taehyung recs, most of them I’ve read and love, some are in my TBR. Tbh most of them are smut, but some are fluff and angst mostly angst. I will keep updating this woop woop.
I hope you enjoy tehee!
Buzzed- @junqkook
you spend weeks sulking after having sex with your best friend, but a party changes everything.
863 tokyo centre-  @becomingbts
Not much of one, just Taehyung fingering you on a bus at 2am
Hush, hush- @becomingbts
Taehyung makes sure you don’t focus on your insecurities during your first time. To do this he blindfolds you, leaving you slave to your now heightened senses so you ignore your racing thoughts.
Headcase- @becomingbts
Movie night, blankets and hands. What more could go wrong? Oh right, possibly getting caught and all. Well, too bad Taehyung couldn’t care less about that.
Request: taehyung wants to cuddle but you leave- @minyoongimakesmefeelthings​
Of lace and lust- @hobidreams
friendship rule number one: don’t imagine how amazing your best friend’s cock would feel inside you. except that’s all you can think about after accidentally discovering taehyung’s kink for panties. specifically, the lacy ones you’re so fond of wearing. 
Cheeky- @guksthighs
“Want some vanilla?” Taehyung groaned before he pulled you up by the hand you were offering and took a bite of it, his gaze piercing yours before his hand was on the small of your back and he pulled you into a kiss tasting like vanilla and salt.
Tae gets jealous when you go on a date- @minstrivia
says it on the tin
Let’s marvin gaye- @minstrivia
it’s valentine’s day. and it’s due time he shows you how it feels to make love.
See you- @gimmesumsuga
Taehyung notices you at a concert, and can’t help but want to see you again.
Slowdance on the inside- @floralseokjin
Taehyung has liked you as long as he can remember. He’s unsure when the line blurred from friendship to romantically, but it’s about to get a lot worse when he’s forced to watch you date his friend, Jungkook…
Under the taeble-  @functioningishardforme
getting a little handsy under the table
Four’s a crowd-  @guksthighs
As a birthday present your boyfriends Jimin and Taehyung take you for a special stripping show, little do they know how attracted you’ll be to the officer and the acts you’ll be performing to win this new man’s heart and cock.
Playing to win- @tayegi
Taekook friends-with-benefits threesome/porn without plot nonsense
Sapphire- @writingseoul
playing video games with tae ends up a little differently then you thought
A freindly favour- @baeseoul
you help tae out before his date 
baby,baby- @hobiwonder
When you’ve run out of savings to continue on to the last semester of your Bachelors - you take an unorthodox route. Helping a desperate couple have a child and getting paid for it? Heck yeah. But what do you know - it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.
Talk- @taehyungforreal​
Finals week is kicking your ass, thank goodness you have a friend to help you relieve some stress. It’s a great arrangement, as long as no one finds out… as long as you don’t catch feelings. What could go wrong?
Clair de lune- @taehyungforreal
being rewritten at the moment
Sore loser- @kingsuckjin
It’s game night with the maknae line. You team up as always with Jimin and Jungkook to beat your best friend and crush, Kim Taehyung. It’s all fun and games until this time he gets mad and decides to play a little game with just the two of you alone in his room.
Plan V- @taesbetch
When y/n can’t seem to find love she turns to her playboy best friend to help her find someone to lose her virginity too. However, fate has other plans 
Breath of spring- @cupofteaguk
he works with color all day, but you just might be the brightest thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
Corruption- @95boysbe
DOM tae takes your virginity 
Laundry day- @hobidreams
taehyung discovers the surprise you left for him.
I belong to you - @jessikahathaway
you have rare blood, a deadly secret in the world that's run by vampires. Your family learns the risk the hard way and when your taken away to the highest ranking vampires in the world, your shocked at the decision you have to make, but its okay as one vampire in particular takes your fancy.
Obsidian- @kpopfanfictrash
The world of magic is divided into dark and light, witches and warlocks, choice and fate. You’re a prodigy of light, a witch who works within the police force. You’ve heard of Taehyung in passing, spoken in whispers as the warlock of dark who has the world holding it’s breath.  All this changes on the night you’re assigned as security for a mysterious singer named V and you come face to face with Taehyung himself. What happens after that might be fate. (so good guys)
Silk and skin- @kpopfanfictrash
You and your boyfriend, Taehyung, are playing a game of truth or dare when a very distinctive kink emerges from the fray.
Drawing darcy- @kpopfanfictrash
Tae loves taking random photos of you secretly, and one day when you’re looking through his phone you find out 
Impatient- @bxebxee
You are honor-bound to do your duty as a princess and marry for the good of the kingdom.  Marriage, like many things in your life, is meant to serve a purpose.  But you know you should be grateful because there are far worse fates than being engaged to marry Prince Taehyung.
Coming home- @taetaesource
Taehyung as a single parent. He was looking for a babysitter to help him raise his kid and then he met you. 
Heart is where home is- @gukyi
somehow, when you woke up this morning, you didn’t really picture yourself falling in love with the attractive, well-read traveller sitting next to you on the plane, but a missed connection and an alarming amount of hand-holding later, you find that you both get a lot more than what you paid for.
Can you see my pulse- @rohobi​
You fell in love with Kim Taehyung during Medical School. Now living totally different lives in completely different hospitals, you’re pulled together again as if by fate during a code black when someone plants a bomb in your hospital. 
when you least expect it- @johobi
You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation. 
Electric lovers- @submissive-bangtan
An epidemic breaks out. The world is plunged into chaos. One giant corporation seizes its chance and puts you into quarantine, promising to heal the symptoms you begin to show. Just before you agree to undergo the crucial surgery, an android named Taehyung reveals the truth about the illness to you. A truth that makes you want to escape with him.
Babysitter- @kz-i-co
You were visiting home for the weekend to find out that your parents have hired a new babysitter. (jjk version aswell)
Shy lover- @squishyjiminnie
You’re popular and he’s painfully shy, he acts like he hates you but what if he thinks a lot more of you than you think?
Tempting- @kinktae
Y/N is an angel and a good one at that. She steers clear of the seven deadly sins, especially lust. She is out performing her duties when she runs into a demon. Luckily for her, that demon, Taehyung, doesn’t seem to buy into that whole “Angels and Demons are sworn enemies” idea. But unluckily for her, Taehyung just so happens to be the very embodiment of sin. Especially lust.
Or, “For someone who is meant to be so pure, you sure are dirty, angel.”
Who cares- @floralseokjin
what happens when Taehyung falls for someone who’s already taken? Can he control his feelings or will they take over and render him powerless? In the end is it all her fault or his…? 
Wings- @bangtangurlarmy
He tells to nobody in particular as to why he is on Earth.
Third boy is the charm- @sangsanghaebwa
With Namjoon as your sweetheart roommate and Jimin as your adorable bestfriend, who you openly crush on, things still somehow remained easy, until Taehyung entered your life.
Fifteen minutes- @btssmutgalore
you don’t do dates - all you give guys is fifteen minutes to see if they can impress you, and Taehyung’s fifteen minutes have just started.
The counselor- @dom-joonie
You’ve been feeling a bit…depressed. At your friends recommendation, you go to see a counselor, but…he’s a lot more than you expected.
Enemy- @btssmutgalore
Taehyung may be cocky, but he has every reason to be. After all, he never gets turned down by women – at least not until he meets you.
Pluto- @katobobato
y/n has always had a knack for getting herself into trouble. She is no stranger to danger, what with being a member of one of the biggest gangs in the country. Not only is she a member but she is dating their leader, Jeon Jungkook. Things get heated, however, when she is abducted by a rival gang that hopes to use her as a way to get to Jungkook. Will her kidnapper, the ruthless Kim Taehyung himself, be able to subdue the snarky gangster or will she put up a fight to the end?
Begin again- @writtenyoongi
things had been tough since your divorce from yoongi, you were still heartbroken over losing him whilst trying to balance being a single mother and providing the best you could for your daughter. when kim taehyung enters your life you start to learn how to love again, but the beautiful man is not without his own source of heartbreak.
Curious- @honeymoonjin
Taehyung confides in you and your boyfriend Yoongi that he might be bi, and the two of you offer to let him experiment with you to find out.
Upstream colour- @honeymoonjin
welcome to the first Upstream Colour drabble! please do not read this until after you finish UC, which is available to read here. Word count of this is 426. Mentions of sexual content, non-explicit. Otherwise it’s just fluff. Taehyung x reader
Somebody else- @jamaisjoons​
yoongi doesn’t want you anymore. but he can’t stand watching you with someone else.
Multiverse- @jungkookiebus
what if…what if you found a tear in the universe? in a world where parallel universes seemingly don’t exist, there appears to be an overlap. what you had previously believed to be a haunting has now turned into something else, something tangible. everything you thought you knew about reality is about to be upturned and crumbled like a house of cards. 
Stealing the bite- @wildernessuntothemselves
In a world populated by the supernatural, witches were the most despised and mistrusted of creatures. Everyone desired to make use of their powers but no one was willing to be seen openly conferring with them. And so there came to pass a heinous practice: Small covens of witches were isolated and kept under wraps in every kingdom, to be utilized when needed, and kept under close watch to prevent them from rebelling. Growing up in a kingdom ruled by werewolves, abuse and scorn were a fact of life, but you were determined to put an end to it. You devised a devious plan to gain power, and it involved a certain prince.
Clandestine- @ditzymax​
As a professional assassin, Kim Kinsoo has many shrouded secrets in her life. Some of them she shares openly with her loving boyfriend, but there are other things he must never know…
Insomnia- @hobiwonder​
this is being rewritten
Dirty dishes- @jaysdimples​
when your boyfriend can’t seem to keep his hands to himself so he stirs up a little trouble in the kitchen while everyone else is a few feet away in the next room
Dalliance- @jvnghxope​
The Association sends you to your first mission alone and you encounter a Pureblood ⎯a race you believed were extinct⎯  who is in the mood to play.
Freak- @kissmetae​
your crush on your best friend was obvious and so was his. but as you took the next step together things turned out completely different. an accident caused an unbreakable bond and you found out about the secret he had kept from you for so long. a secret that put you in danger, forcing you to run away from him. 
but the bond brought with it more than you both thought... to put it charmingly, your blood thirsty lover was thirsty for far more than just blood and the world you once knew turned into something completely different
Lavender flowers- @kissmetae​
it all started when your boyfriend starting showing weird and abnormal behaviour...
at first it wasn't anything beyond the ordinary but as it gradually got worse and worse you were getting really worried...he couldn’t sleep and kept waking up in the middle of the night. but one morning was worse than others... and it would be the start of new encounters and a big change for both you... 
Freedom- @tayegi​
fleeing form your wedding you get into a little trouble with a certain vampire
Hung, open the door- @gotmetalkinginmysleep​
You’ve been keeping the boys awake with your moaning for months thanks to Yoongi. Tae and Jungkook want to find out why.
The doms next door- @tatertotthethot​
in which you unknowingly accept the offer to become a tattoo model for the two, sexually-crazed men next door.
Once bitten, twice shy- @pbandjk​
You met Taehyung in college and he convinces you to move to his hometown with him. The town is nice, Taehyung’s friends are great, and you get along with everyone except Jungkook. You can’t seem to figure out what you’ve done to make him not like you, and why did you care so much? Also, why did none of them ever get cold?
Push your buttons- @littlemisskookie​
You return to your childhood home in an attempt to uncover your past, despite the fact it seems as though everyone’s determined to keep it hidden.
Sehebon- @httpjeon​
you find yourself on izo huen, home to the sehebon. luckily for you, you’ve arrived at an interesting time.
Thursday night- @sinsforjeon​
You do a lot of things on a Thursday night but what you were doing right now was something you weren’t used to, not that you were complaining.
Flower arrangements- @iq-biased​
From the moment you met Taehyung, his flourish for life drew you in completely. It wasn’t long before you fell head over heals for the tattoo artist who was so wrong for you, it felt right. But your story hasn’t always been an easy one, and just recently it’s become a whole lot more complicated… 
Overworked and sequel- @iq-biased​ 
A stressful weak teaching has you turning to your colleague for help. 
Wrapped around- @jjkfire​
Freshman year was a mess and sophomore year doesn’t seem to be looking too good either. You know boys like them are no good for you but maybe they’re just your kind of type
Summerboy- @koyamuses​
In the mid-July heat, you find yourself unable to tear your gaze from the pool boy, whose skin glistens beneath rivulets of water as he sets about to clean your pool.
The talk- @kittae​
A drabble series where Taehyung is a successful artistic erotica actor but has to expand his areas of expertise in the rapidly evolving world of adult film. Lost and inexperienced in everything that doesn’t involve classy settings, flattering lighting and romantic scripts, he basically has to start from scratch to make it in the online porn community. As a highly demanded A-lister in that community, you take him under your wings (or better yet, between your legs).
Always together- @kittae​
having a romantic night with your life long lover and friend
New tricks- @geniuslab​
When your newly adopted puppy turns out to be a lot more work than you expected, a cute dog trainer comes to the rescue. You soon become friends, but you begin to realize friendship might not be all you want.
Try my luck- @drquinzelharleen​
When your sister passed away a few years ago you took in her two kids, Yoongi and Jimin. You were happy to do it. Now Jimin was going into kindergarten and you were so worried. But when Jimin comes home talking about his new kindergarten teacher, Taetae everyday. You start to wonder who this man is. Turns out he was just what your little family needed. ​
Slip through the seams- @deerguk​
your locomotion is not that of a normal human being, rather it is to extent of physically being able to transport from one place to another. normally, your seams slip you into locations that you are familiar with, but when you unexpectedly happen upon the apartment of Kim Teahyung in Seoul, south korea- your ability that you have always deemed a curse begins to feel more like a blessing in disguise
Lucy- @gamerguk​
after reading a few more titles of the videos you’ve uploaded, taehyung has come to the conclusion that you’re the hottest fucking dumbass he’s ever seen and so desperately wants to fuck.
The roommate- @jjungkookislife​
y/n is desperate to find a place to live in her city when her best friend, jimin suggests she moves in with his friend Jungkook (poly au)
Addicted to your touch- @jjungkookislife​
spending valentines with your boyfriends
change- @junghelioseok​
a kind, handsome stranger makes you question your deteriorating relationship
Heaven- @pjm-com​
Being an angel who is dating a demon wasn’t easy in your community especially when everyone weighs in. 
​Petals- @katobobato​
Every day the same boy with fluffy brown hair steps foot into y/n’s flower shop. He never buys any of the flowers, no, he just takes his time inspecting them all, taking in the heavenly scents. One day, however, he doesn’t come in. y/n wonders what happened to him until she bumps into him on her way home, surrounded by dying plants.
“The flowers get sad when you don’t look after yourself“.
Dick and go- @jeonggukingdom​
It was all shits and giggles when you and Taehyung were desperate seniors in High School, having no idea what to do with your lives, wondering if you’d ever find a decent job or even graduate in the first place. It is not so funny anymore when you come home from the big city to enjoy your vacation time and you find his sex-shop right in front of the house you grew up in when you were a kid. “If nothing works out I’m just gonna open a sex shop and call it something obnoxious like ‘Dick on the Go’ or something with a stupid zucchini logo flashing on top of the building.” He had said one time. Shit, you had no idea he actually meant it.
All that is gold- @winetae​
As a college student struggling to make ends meet, Taehyung resorts to a less than ethical method to satisfy his appetite for expensive treats. The last thing he wants is for you to find out how he acquires the Gucci in his closet… however this proves to be difficult when you are his roommate.
↳ or : Taehyung is a sugar baby and somehow thinks he can keep this a secret
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crimsonblackrose · 4 years
Around the end of November Nathalie hosted her last Thanksgiving dinner. Since that usually means a full house and it coincided with another friend’s birthday I decided to stay in Seoul again. While trying to figure out where to eat Friday night I saw that on Kakao map there was a BTS symbol and looked it up. Turns out I was down the street from the House of BTS pop up shop and figured I’d give it a try.
BTS or 방탄소년단 is a Korean pop band that’s been performing since 2013 and has reached international fame. They’re well known across the globe. At my old school my students would come running into my classroom as soon as they could because I’d let them pick things to watch on Youtube before class started. I saw whatever the newest BTS music video was along with many many dance practice videos. I didn’t always hear them particularly well over the screams and fan chants my students did while dancing along. Because my students were obsessed I didn’t feel comfortable jumping down the same rabbit hole, and instead just casually enjoyed their music when the kids requested it or someone played it, and watched their American talk show interviews so I could share them with my students if it was appropriate.
But a couple of my friends are Army. (The term for the fans.) I figured since I was in Seoul during the House of BTS pop-up and the holidays were coming up as well as some milestone birthdays and because I’m a curious blogger, I headed over after having dinner and doing some errands. The group chat for Nathalie’s Thanksgiving festivities had suddenly sparked into how dressed up everyone was going to be and I didn’t have anything dressy packed. Gangnam has a pretty nice selection of stores including an underground market so I planned to search till I found something. I ended up finding a sweater I liked pretty quickly.  (Okay, I also went to a couple bookstores, yes I have a problem. But I only bought one book, and it was the one book I was looking for so I think it’s okay. It’s on the TBR bookcase.)
So essentially for a pop up open from 10am until 10pm I figured showing up around 8:30pm on a Friday night would be okay. I was wrong. Apparently they cut the line off between 6pm and 8pm depending on the day. So the whole thing was over, except for the few people still outside waiting in line at 8:30pm. So I hiked back down the hill and to my hotel, trying to figure out when a good time to try again would be. Turns out that was Sunday morning.
My original plan was to show up and queue at 9am. I figured if I was at least an hour early then I’d hopefully get in before noon. But my first night at the hotel I barely slept, and the second night I got back very late from Nathalie’s Thanksgiving party. I was the first one to leave the party but after a full day of birthday shenanigans on no sleep and then a very drunken Thanksgiving party where I was the only one sober meant it was time to go straight to bed. I didn’t want to have to get up early and wait in the cold on so little sleep so I set an alarm for 9:30.
Gotta get through my TBR, which means reading in the rain while in line.
I got up before my alarm, ate breakfast at the hotel and packed up all my stuff and left it at the front desk after check out. Then after taking one step outside and realizing it was pouring rain I immediately turned around and went back to the front desk to ask for my stuff again. Thankfully I had packed an umbrella, it was just at the bottom of my bag. Then I hiked back towards the pop up shop. On the way I noticed a long line spilling down the main road and felt a bit of panic. The pop up was halfway up the hill and if it was down the street already it was going to be an awful morning. Nope, turns out people were queued up for something else. But that didn’t mean I was let off easily. The line ended up being up the hill and around the corner. But it moved fairly fast because it wasn’t a line to get in per-say but actually a line to get a time to actually get into line. That line was about an hour and a half. It was like the Stranger Things Pop up where you only needed on person in line who’d type in their Korean phone number into a tablet and explain how many people were in their group and then go do something else until it was time to get back in line. It all worked through KakaoTalk. So if you plan to do any pop ups in Korea, having a Korean number (or a number that works in Korea) hooked up to KakaoTalk is a must.
Waiting in line #2, the line I got in for my timed entrance
I think it’s really a clever way to go about events with long lines. It keeps you from wasting your entire day in line. So after I got my number I was told to come back around 1. I went to a cafe nearby, got myself a peppermint tea and waited. Then went to lunch and towards the end of my meal my phone got a Kakao message saying to come back to the line. Thankfully I was only a block away so I hurried back up the hill to where I’d gotten my ticket and then got in the new line. In this line I had to show them my time/number receipt and keep it handy to show the staff at several different points before someone collected it at the entrance to the final line.
Line #3 outside the pop up (final line)
I was given a map of the pop up shop and a list of things they had for sale. I also got a very tiny pink pencil that said “House of BTS” and a pink snap bracelet that said the same. Then I waited in the rain with a bunch of other people until we were escorted down the hill to the main line in rows of two like school children. At which point we were in the real line. Despite the rain I tried to figure out the layout of the pop up and what I wanted to do.
Entrance to the pop up with the muffled sound of BTS music
There were 3 floors and a basement. We all started in the basement and when finished with the entire experience could exit via the first floor. The basement was only accessible for as long as we were in it. Once we left the basement we couldn’t return to it. It was also the merchandise display room. All the things they were selling for the day were on display with a giant wall of different music videos playing.
The map we were given was also a catalog and depending on what you wanted you marked the correct item and number. I wandered around looking at things trying to figure out good gifts and taking pictures. Eventually I picked a display case and using my tiny pink pencil marked the things I planned to buy and headed to the counter. At the counter a staffer in pink went over my order with me and told me the things on my list they were sold out of. I didn’t want to re-configure my list so I just got the things on it that they did have.
I was given a buzzer, the kind they have at restaurants, and went upstairs.
That panic when one of your buzzers goes off and you get in line and then the other buzzer goes off while you’re in the pick up line for the first buzzer. Help.
The first floor was item pick up, stamps for the House of BTS bingo, and the cafe. I thought with all the people there that it might take awhile for my stuff to come out so I popped over to the cafe to place an order. I was determined to play Bingo and get all the stamps. I love stamp relays and assumed it was something similar. It included making purchases as half the options. They had a couple of BTS themed drinks and thankfully included on the menu what was in them.
I went for Fake Love, a blackberry apple juice with a slice of dried apple. I paid, got another buzzer and then my first buzzer went off. So I turned around and got in the line for item pick up. While in line for item pick up my other buzzer went off that my drink was ready. I waved to the cafe lady an apology and she warned the guy who set my drink out that I was in line. It took a couple versions of pantomiming to get that, but eventually I got my gifts and was free from the line, just in time for the buzzer to go off again. I hurried around to the pick up part of the cafe while the new barista was looking around the crowd to find the owner of my poor lonely Fake Love drink. It was a mess. I had misread the first buzzer and thought it said that once I picked up my shopping that I had to leave. So I had assumed I needed to rush around and do everything I wanted before picking up my shopping. I also assumed with all the people there who were also presumably doing a lot more shopping then me, that it’d take a while. But after talking with the staff I was reassured there was no rush. I just couldn’t go downstairs and do more shopping. So I picked up my drink, took pictures and enjoyed.
There weren’t any seats, so I stood at a table sipping my drink. It was refreshing after being in line for so long, it was well after 2pm, and I really enjoyed the apple slice that I fished out. With shopping procured and a drink had, I headed to the stamp spot.
There was a chance for different prizes based on the amount of bingo’s you got. In order to secure bingo’s I had to show my receipts and follow the BTS merchandise twitter, which I had done while waiting in line to get in. For each thing of merch you buy you got one stamp. Since my list had gotten shrunken by things being sold out I had a grand total of three things. Which got me three stamps. My drink got me another as did following the twitter account, and lastly being there got me my bingo. Sadly being there or “attendance” was the other biggest part of the bingo card and you could only get one per day. There was no way I’d be able to come back another day to get anything beyond one bingo. They also made it so you couldn’t share the bingo card by writing your full name as shown on your passport or ID (In my case A.R.C: Alien Registration Card) and your date of birth on the card. Because I would’ve gifted it to someone else more determined then myself. But I did win a postcard.
After collecting my postcard I went up to the second floor which was a spot for photos. They had cartoon chibi versions of the members of the band, with the bases signed for people to pose and take pictures with. There was also a bus stop with writing all over it that people were trying to get pictures with on their own but the crowding kept drawing the staff over to tell people they couldn’t do that. There was also some colorful streamers and a spot to take a picture that was suppose to go with their music video “Idol”. Actually most sections were meant to go with specific music videos, since they were playing each specific song on loop somewhere near each section. It was really interesting and definitely a fun space for taking pictures, just a bit too crowded to do it easily.
Then I got in line for the third floor. The line was very long, spilling down the stairs, and it moved very slowly up. For me, it was a huge waste of my time. The line slowly curled around one room with some merch and a full cardboard cut out of the band sitting down. The idea was it was for a cute photo with the band, but there was no way to easily leave or figure out what the line was for until you were next to go into the room. Meaning, I’m pretty sure, I was the fastest moving person for that room. I took a couple pictures while the girls in front of me took pictures, then I took one more picture, then left.
And that was it. That was the entirety of the House of BTS. As a more casual listener of BTS it wasn’t as exciting. Getting some Christmas/birthday shopping done is exciting, but the amount of time I waited to essentially go shopping was…questionable. The rest of it is an intagramable space but without the ability to allow you to enjoy it as an intagramable space. It was a bit too crowded. Though with BTS’s popularity that shouldn’t be surprising and I should probably be grateful I managed to get in and through as quickly as I did.
I am however a sucker for a good bingo/stamp relay, but because there weren’t actual missions or places or events for me to get stamps and the only way to get them was to come back which meant I was ultimately disappointed.
A pop up generally means something that is short lived and that closes after a couple weeks or a month. However I’m not sure if that’s the case with the BTS pop up since it also seems to function as a BTS merch store where the items and some of the designs rotate out.  If you’re planning to be in Korea and are curious if it’s happening I suggest checking out the twitter they had me follow.  It’s mostly in Korean but will link to the proper Facebook posts which tend to have English translations and more details. Apparently it was only suppose to be up for a short period of time and closed in January, but check that twitter to see if it’s still up, or has reopened. There are also ones suppose to be opening in other countries.
The House of BTS Around the end of November Nathalie hosted her last Thanksgiving dinner. Since that usually means a full house and it coincided with another friend's birthday I decided to stay in Seoul again.
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LGBTQIA+ Historical Romance Novels with Ghosts, Ghouls, and Gothic themes-October 2018
(Warning: Some books may have triggers such as abuse, questionable family morality, dub-con, and mentions of suicide attempts.)
James Eyre by Jade Astor
- A gender twisting adaptation of the classic Gothic romance Jane Eyre!
In Victorian England, 21-year-old James Eyre, frightened by his feeling for another man, decides to leave the boys’ school where he has spent ten years, first as a student and then as a teacher. He manages to secure a position as a private tutor for Axel Vance, the ward of a wealthy man who owns an estate in Yorkshire.
From the night of his arrival, James begins to sense that things are not as they should be at Thistleton Manor, the home of the enigmatic Edmond Manchester. Late at night, wild screams seem to echo through the house, and during the daytime objects disappear from James’s room and are replaced with sinister-looking voodoo dolls. Though his instincts tell him to flee, James stays on because he enjoys his duties and the company of his pupil—and even more so because he has begun to develop an attraction for his employer, Mr. Manchester.
To his surprise, Mr. Manchester seems to return his feelings. However, a jealous former lover and a phantomlike presence in the house seem determined to tear them apart. If he is to have any hope of a happy future with the man he loves, James must solve the mystery of Thistleton Manor and save Edmond’s life as well.
Resurrected Heart by Jade Astor
- Knowing that the kind of relationship his heart longs for is forbidden by the laws of Victorian England, college student Gray Langley fights his loneliness by throwing himself into his studies and his artwork. One gloomy afternoon, he is out sketching a graveyard when he meets Dr. Arthur Striker, a man who seems to share Gray’s scandalous desires. Though Gray is encouraged when Arthur seems to return his feelings, he is unnerved by the scientific experiments Arthur seems to be conducting in his home. Even more frightening is the strange and violent madman who appears and tries to kill him whenever he and Arthur get close. And why does his attacker look exactly like Arthur?
The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal by KJ Charles (I’ve read this one several times. Several short stories in one, with lots of creepy details, arguably the least romantic MC of all time, and wonderful erotic elements w/light D/s. Also, Charles joined forces with Jordan L Hawk to create a crossover with Hawk’s Whyborne & Griffin series. The short story is called Remnant, and it’s free on the authors’ sites.)
- A story too secret, too terrifying—and too shockingly intimate—for Victorian eyes. A note to the Editor Dear Henry, I have been Simon Feximal’s companion, assistant and chronicler for twenty years now, and during that time my Casebooks of Feximal the Ghost-Hunter have spread the reputation of this most accomplished of ghost-hunters far and wide. You have asked me often for the tale of our first meeting, and how my association with Feximal came about. I have always declined, because it is a story too private to be truthfully recounted, and a memory too precious to be falsified. But none knows better than I that stories must be told. So here is it, Henry, a full and accurate account of how I met Simon Feximal, which I shall leave with my solicitor to pass to you after my death. I dare say it may not be quite what you expect. Robert Caldwell September 1914
An Unnatural Vice by KJ Charles (Few authors do the Enemies to Lovers trope as well as Charles does.)
- In the sordid streets of Victorian London, unwanted desire flares between two bitter enemies. Crusading journalist Nathaniel Roy is determined to expose spiritualists who exploit the grief of bereaved and vulnerable people. First on his list is the so-called Seer of London, Justin Lazarus. Nathaniel expects him to be a cheap, heartless fraud. He doesn’t expect to meet a man with a sinful smile and the eyes of a fallen angel—or that a shameless swindler will spark his desires for the first time in years.Justin feels no remorse for the lies he spins during his séances. His gullible clients simply bore him. Hostile, disbelieving, utterly irresistible Nathaniel is a fascinating challenge. And as their battle of wills and wits heats up, Justin finds he can’t stop thinking about the man who’s determined to ruin him.But Justin and Nathaniel are linked by more than their fast-growing obsession with one another. They are both caught up in an aristocratic family’s secrets, and Justin holds information that could be lethal. As killers, fanatics, and fog close in, Nathaniel is the only man Justin can trust—and, perhaps, the only man he could love.
Merrick & William (sequel) by Claire Cray (Merrick was a pleasant surprise, and William is on my TBR.)
- New York, 1799: the future looks bright for the charming young book dealer William Lacy, until a raucous night of drinking lands him in shackles. He narrowly avoids the brutal prison system thanks to his mother, who negotiates with the judge to secure him a five year apprenticeship in lieu of a prison sentence. And so William finds himself in a carriage bound for the remote woods upstate, where he'll spend the next years of his life learning a new trade under some old master. When he first sees Merrick, William thinks he's been dropped into a medieval horror story. Tall and gruff, dressed in a hooded robe that completely conceals his features, and riding a black mare, Merrick might as well be the Grim Reaper. But appearances are deceiving. An uncannily skilled apothecary and healer, Merrick proves to be a generous host and a gentle teacher, and William soon finds himself surprisingly comfortable in his new surroundings. Yet troubling mysteries abound: Why does Merrick never show his face or hands? Why do his movements seem so young and sure beneath his robes? What lies within the cave behind the stone cottage? Something unnatural is afoot. But most alarming by far is William's own reaction to his new master. For Merrick's strange charms are bewitching enough by day; but by night, in the darkness of the room and the bed they share, William finds himself entirely overwhelmed by desires he never imagined...
The Captain��s Ghostly Gamble (Seasonal novella from the Captivating Captains series. It’s actually modern day, but the ghosts dominate the story, so you hardly notice.) by Catherine Curzon and Eleanor Harkstead
- When a ghostly dandy and his roguish companion try their hand at matchmaking, things definitely go bump in the night.
For centuries, foppish Captain Cornelius Sheridan and brooding John Rookwood have haunted the mansion they duelled and died for. Now these phantom foes must join forces to save both their home and their feuding descendents.But when Captain Sheridan sacrifices his afterlife for the sake of true love, will Rookwood risk everything to keep his companion by his side, or is it too late to say "I love you"?
The Medium by Bonnie Dee (This is one of her best, in my opinion, and I’ve read most of her material.)
- To win a heart, he must risk his soul… Cast out of his family for being a freak, psychic Justin Crump helps others find peace by using his ability. When he’s called upon to release a distressed soul from a haunted house, a child’s angry spirit draws him into a dark mystery. Equally intriguing is the skeptical homeowner, Albert, a man who has buried his sexuality deeper than the grave. Albert Henderson humors his mother’s wishes by inviting the medium for a visit. While he doubts Justin’s gifts, he can’t deny one truth: the man stirs desire in him that Albert has spent a lifetime denying. Slowly, the walls of his proper life crumble. And when Justin proposes some emotion-free experimentation, neither imagines it might lead to love…and danger. After learning the terrifying truth about the deceased child’s persecutor, the two men pursue a perpetrator of great evil. When they coax a confession from their quarry, the vengeful spirit unleashes power nearly beyond control. To free the earthbound ghost from the past that holds it shackled, Justin must risk his own soul. And Albert must find the courage to break free of the chains of doubt that will deny him and Justin the future of which they once only dreamed. 
(Part of Victorian Holiday Hearts Boxed Set) by Summer Devon and Bonnie Dee
- Delaney and the Autumn Masque: Delaney, a member of the Andrews theater clan, performs magic tricks at a fancy dress ball where he's struck by the dramatic figure of the Grim Reaper. He follows Death to a quiet room for a glorious, lustful encounter. With his identity hidden, impoverished gentleman Bartholomew Bancroft dares to indulge in an impulsive liaison, but can he find love with the magician when the masks come off?
The Psychic and the Sleuth by Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon
- Psychic and skeptic—how could their love affair go wrong? Inspector Robert Court’s relentless insistence the wrong man hanged for the murder of Court’s cousin has him on his superintendent’s bad side. Court is assigned lowly vice cases such as exposing a confidence man posing as a medium to fleece the wealthy. Down on his luck, Oliver Marsh learned he had an aptitude for conducting séances. He assuages his guilt by bringing comfort to the grieving and offering occasional insights coming from true psychic flashes. Marsh has tried to deny these flashes, but when he’s bowled over by a vivid memory of murder coming from the other side, he can no longer pretend he doesn’t possess a gift. Marsh reveals details about that night which only Court’s cousin would know, and the detective vows to track down the truth—by staying as close to the fake psychic as humanly possible. But close leads to closer and soon the pair is involved in not only a torrid affair but a hunt for a killer—before he strikes again.
The Bird by Eli Easton (Novella from the Dreamspinner Press anthology Bones. Excellent read, as long as you keep in mind it’s written from the perspective of an Englishman in 19th century Jamaica.)
- Third son Colin Hastings has subverted his desires for his entire life, intent now on bringing his family’s plantation back to its former state of solvency, and marrying his friend Elizabeth. But, when he helps save the life of one of the plantation workers, he’s gifted his passion back, and must come to terms with his love for his lifelong friend, Richard. What happens when nightmares are not what they seem, and horror is not as bad one fears?
A Brush with Darkness by Erestes
- Florence, 1875 After making a grisly discovery one night, I needed proof that there was still goodness in the world. I never dreamt it would come to me during my next commission—with a subject whose very name means light... Yuri was glorious in his otherworldly beauty, surrounded by a bright halo of iridescence, but I detected a fierce darkness lurking underneath the surface. Sketching all night, I could hardly wait to capture his likeness in a painting. For Yuri has stimulated not only my creative urges, but my sexual ones as well. His very presence infuses me with joy and passion, but what will happen if my patron should discover our trysts? Dependent on his good graces, I can't afford to lose his support. But I fear the time will soon come when I must choose between restoring my family's fortunes and obeying the temptation of the muse before me... Previously published as Chiaroscuro, newly revised by author.
The Gilda Stories: 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition by Jewelle Gomez (This is not exactly romance per se, but does include a lesbian protagonist, and follows her world through all that comes with being a vampire, including romantic interests.)
- This remarkable novel begins in 1850s Louisiana, where Gilda escapes slavery and learns about freedom while working in a brothel. After being initiated into eternal life as one who "shares the blood" by two women there, Gilda spends the next two hundred years searching for a place to call home. An instant lesbian classic when it was first published in 1991, The Gilda Stories has endured as an auspiciously prescient book in its explorations of blackness, radical ecology, re-definitions of family, and yes, the erotic potential of the vampire story.
Unchained by Ainsley Gray Review
- If he takes their life, they can never truly leave. That's the mantra Noah Wilmington has lived by for years. He picks up whores and deviants from the local taverns, enjoys their company for an evening...and then hides their bodies in the woods. Edward Yorke has approached the same man in the same public house time and again, never deterred by the cool dismissal he receives. There's something about Noah that calls to him. A shared pain, a shared sadness... But Noah doesn't trust himself. It's too risky to permit someone too close, and Edward is the one person in the world whose life Noah wants to spare. So, every time Edward has asked to buy him a drink, Noah declines. Then one night, out of sheer loneliness, that "no" becomes a "yes." When Edward's night with him sheds light on some of Noah's dark secrets, Noah cannot simply let him walk out the door. But if he doesn't want Edward dead, and he cannot let him leave, only one option really remains... 
Briarley by Astor Glenn Gray (This novel was so unique and it’s just a charming May/December romance.)
- An m/m World War II-era retelling of Beauty and the Beast. During a chance summer shower, an English country parson takes refuge in a country house. The house seems deserted, yet the table is laid with a sumptuous banquet such as the parson has not seen since before war rationing. Unnerved by the uncanny house, he flees, but stops to pluck a single perfect rose from the garden for his daughter - only for the master of the house to appear, breathing fire with rage. Literally. At first, the parson can't stand this dragon-man. But slowly, he begins to feel the injustice of the curse that holds the dragon captive. What can break this vengeful curse?
Lover’s Knot by Donald Hardy
- Jonathan Williams has inherited Trevaglan Farm from a distant relative. With his best friend, Alayne, in tow, Jonathan returns to the estate to take possession, meet the current staff, and generally learn what it’s like to live as the landed gentry now. He’d only been there once before, fourteen years earlier. But that was a different time, he’s a different person now, determined to put that experience out of his mind and his heart….The locals agree that Jonathan is indeed different from the lost young man he was that long ago summer, when he arrived at the farm for a stay after his mother died. Back then the hot summer days were filled with sunshine, the nearby ocean, and a new friend, Nat. Jonathan and the farmhand had quickly grown close, Jonathan needing comfort in the wake of his grief, and Nat basking in the peace and love he didn’t have at home. But that was also a summer of rumors and strange happenings in the surrounding countryside, romantic triangles and wronged lovers. Tempers would flare like a summer lightning storm, and ebb just as quickly. By the summer’s end, one young man was dead, and another haunted for life. Now Jonathan is determined to start anew. Until he starts seeing the ghost of his former friend everywhere he looks. Until mementos of that summer idyll reappear. Until Alayne’s life is in danger. Until the town’s resident witch tells Jonathan that ghosts are real. And this one is tied to Jonathan unto death…
Man & Monster (Book two of The Savage Land) by Michael Jensen
- A monster stalks the ancient forests... It’s 1799, and Cole Seavey is a trapper running from a guilty past, seeking refuge on the vast American frontier. Lost in a raging storm, he finds himself face to face with a terrifying, otherworldly creature that seems to have emerged from a nightmare. Cole is saved from certain death by a handsome Delaware Indian named Pakim. Together they learn that the monster is the fearsome Wendigo from native legends: a creature with a heart of ice, drawn to the evil of men. Soon the Wendigo is terrorizing the frontier — settler and Indian alike — and Cole and Pakim join together to defeat the mysterious monster. In the process, Cole finds himself falling for the strapping brave and the promise of a new life together. Unfortunately, the legends say that the Wendigo can only be killed by another creature with a heart of ice. But how can Cole hope to defeat the monster if it means denying the love he's finally allowed himself to feel?
Stoker & Bash by Selina Kray (Book two coming soon!)
- At Scotland Yard, DI Timothy Stoker is no better than a ghost. A master of arcane documents and niggling details who, unlike his celebrity-chasing colleagues, prefers hard work to headlines. But an invisible man is needed to unmask the city’s newest amateur detective, Hieronymus Bash. A bon vivant long on flash and style but short on personal history, Bash just may be a Cheapside rogue in Savile Row finery. When the four fangs of the Demon Cats of Scavo—trophies that protect the hunters who killed the two vicious beasts—disappear one by one, Stoker's forced to team with the very man he was sent to investigate to maintain his cover. He finds himself thrust into a world of wailing mediums, spiritualist societies, man-eating lions, and a consulting detective with more ambition than sense. Will this case be the end of his career, or the start of an unexpected liaison? Or will the mysterious forces at play be the death of them both? And just who is Hieronymus Bash?
Gothic Romance by LV Lloyd (Gothic light, but includes a trans side character.)
- When Jonathan Winters accepts a post as tutor to the only son of Lord D’Anvers, he looks forward to sharing his love of learning with his young pupil.  Not even arriving at Castle Blackstone in the middle of a thunderstorm can dampen his enthusiasm, nor the fact that the wing above his head is forbidden. Absorbed with Evelyn’s education, Jonathan is completely unprepared to find himself the object of Lord D’Anvers’ attentions. Until D’Anvers kisses him...
Threadbare by Clare London (Beautifully written, but NOT HEA!)
- When Edward inherits the family textile mill from his deceased parents, he knows where his duty lies. As a young Victorian gentleman, he devotes himself to the family business and doing right by his customers and employees. What concern is it that he surrenders his own artistic ambitions and romantic passions? But a hideous accident at the mill one day brings him into close contact with Mori, one of his most productive workers, a beautiful yet seemingly delicate and vulnerable young man. Edward takes Mori under his protection, bringing him back to his house. At last, Edward has found a friend and companion. His fascination for Mori grows swiftly into love, and he’s drawn out of his quiet introspection into a world of delight and passion. Yet Mori has a private task that both baffles and concerns Edward: the completion of a stunningly beautiful, abstract tapestry. Edward doesn’t understand its significance, Mori’s devotion to it, or Mori’s strange behaviour when Edward tries to part the man from his mission. Mori loves him in return, he’s sure – but can that ever be enough? As Edward is tangled more deeply and irretrievably into the web of Mori’s love and mystery, what bittersweet price might he have to pay?
Precious Possession by Clare London (Ambiguous ending!)
- Lucas Fides has inherited his Victorian family’s auction house, good looks and a keen, passionate mind. But he has far less control over his body’s desires than his business, hiding an illicit and unspoken love for his boyhood friend and dependent, Valentine. As a result, Lucas suffers recurring, deeply erotic dreams, where a mystery lover demands and guides his sexual responses. When the auction house runs into financial difficulty, Valentine introduces a new client to Lucas. Gideon Arnaud is a mysterious and charismatic man who seems to scorn society’s restrictions. He offers Lucas a spectacular collection of jewels for auction and also his intense, seductive attention. He appears to know more about Lucas than any stranger should. Affronted by Gideon’s bold pursuit, Lucas puts up a spirited defence, despite being increasingly exhausted by his dreams. His heart is already committed to Valentine, even if he thinks it’s his secret alone. When Valentine announces his engagement to Lucas’s sister, Lucas’s pain and frustration are almost intolerable. Torn between his need for Valentine’s comfort and the determination to avoid Gideon Arnaud’s disturbing presence, Lucas becomes more vulnerable by the day, until his loneliness forces his desire out of his dreams and into the light of day. The consequences will change his life forever.
The Blue Ribbon by Katherine Marlowe (I love everything she’s written, but this is one my faves.)
- Theo Aylmer's perfectly satisfactory life as a chemistry professor at Cambridge is upended when he receives word of his father's illness. Forced to return to Cornwall, he is robbed for everything he's worth by a dashing young highwayman. When he finally reaches his father's stagecoach inn, he finds it dilapidated and the village around it groaning beneath the thumb of the hateful Earl of Glynn. All Theo wants to do is return to his life and work in Cambridge, but as he tries to recoup the funds necessary to travel, he finds himself plagued by brandy-smugglers and rumours of ghosts. And at the center of all Theo's problems is a certain handsome highwayman who has charmed his way into Theo's bed and heart. When the highwayman turns up shot, Theo can't turn him away, even though doing so risks bringing the wrath of the customs men, the law, and the Earl of Glynn upon them both.
The Possession of Lawrence Eugene Davis by EE Ottoman
- At the beginning of the Great Depression Lawrence Eugene Davis returns to his family's ranch to set his father's affairs in order. But the house stirs memories of his unhappy childhood and his miserable time in the trenches. Memories are not the only thing woken, however, and Lawrence finds himself hunted and eventually overcome by the sinister presence. Salvation comes at the eleventh hour in the form of a stranger who claims he can rid Lawrence of the demon threatening to possess him—but in exchange he wants Lawrence for himself.
To Serve the Count by Cassandra Pierce
- In 1815 Austria, Rupert is cast out of his village after he is caught kissing another man and seeks refuge in the mysterious Castle Blutstark. He soon realizes that this is no ordinary castle, and his new master, Count Kaspar, is far from an ordinary employer. In fact, he isn't even alive in the conventional sense, and he wastes no time informing Rupert of his unusual new duties. Everything Rupert has ever learned in life tells him to run for his life, but then again nothing has ever prepared him to deal with the undeniable allure of his enigmatic new employer.
The Master of Seacliff by Max Pierce (I barely finished this one, because I didn’t like what seemed to be an abusive relationship and a vapid MC, but it follows in the tradition of Holt and Varga, with overall great reviews.)
- Seacliff is a mansion enshrouded in near-eternal fog, dark mystery and suspicion - perhaps a reflection of the house's master. An imposing Blackbeard of a man, Duncan Stewart is both feared and admired by his business associates as well as the people he calls friends. And his home, in which young tutor and aspiring artist Andrew Wyndham now resides, holds terrible secrets - secrets that could destroy everyone within its walls.
Guardian Angel by Hayden Thorne
- When nineteen-year-old Dominic Coville’s parents die in an accident, leaving him not only alone but on the brink of poverty, he desperately searches for work and is thrilled when the post of secretary is awarded to him despite his obvious inexperience and ignorance. Mr. Wynyard Knight of Mandrake Abbey, however, gladly welcomes Dominic and earns the young man’s immediate sympathy for his fragile health as well as gratitude for the promising new life now awaiting Dominic. Inside rock and timber, hungry shadows seek... But unusual things soon happen and appear to focus solely on him, and Dominic begins to wonder about the true history of Mr. Knight, the strange young man haunting the third floor, and Mandrake Abbey. With the persistent and increasingly violent attempts at communication by an angry ghost shadowing his hours, Dominic struggles to unravel the mysteries of his new home. And even with the help of a handsome young gentleman who’s an aspiring supernaturalist as well as his clairvoyant sister, danger closes in far too quickly. Then it’s only a matter of time before carefully constructed façades fall away, and the sickly, decaying underbelly of Mandrake Abbey’s centuries-old collection of stone and timber will reveal itself. Set in an alternate England sometime before the mid-19th century, Guardian Angel weaves a tangled and dark tapestry of old magic, romance, and madness, a celebration of classic gothic fiction and its macabre sensibilities.
Cast From The Earth by Leandra Vane (poly romance)
- An epidemic that turns men into monsters has seized the nation. At first the disease only spreads in cities but soon cannibals are roaming the prairie, threatening the quiet little towns of the late 19th Century heartland. At an isolated poor farm in rural America, Sara Warren has survived a tumultuous life of loss and an accident that leaves her with one leg – but she is hopeless of any other future until a woman named Cordelia arrives at the farm and changes Sara's life forever. Along with Dan, a man who can't hear and Grace, a young woman who is more concerned with her sewing needles than people, they face the oncoming apocalypse with their wits and their bare hands. When it seems like all is lost, a man from Sara's past named Jack returns to her life and they all realize the only way to survive is together. A story of romance, violence, sex, and the wild prairie that proves broken bodies still feel pleasure and broken souls can find love – even at the end of the world.
Gaywyck by Victor Varga (Book one of trilogy)
- The first gothic romance featuring gay MCs.
Robert Whyte replaces the traditional damsel in distress in the household of Donough Gaylord. He’s young, beautiful, an introvert not wishing to follow in his father footsteps--he longs to be an artist. Family friend helps him to become the librarian of Gaywyck, a house teaming with strange characters, and artists of various sorts. The house is in New England, but due to the original Gaylord owners, was built in the style of an antebellum mansion.
Donough Gaylord lives a grand lifestyle, is rich beyond imagining, but tortured by memories of dead twin and secrets that have dominated his life since boyhood. He spoils those of his household constantly, especially young Robert, who is like a breath of fresh air.
Without giving anything crucial away, I will just say that the events that cause Donough such pain are far from ordinary, and familial love is tested to the breaking point. If you don’t mind your romances a bit twisted, and with a million references to literature, drama, music, and painting, you will love this novel.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Deanna Wadsworth (Thoroughly enjoyed this one. It’s erotic, but also has a the enemies to lovers is really well done, and there is a twist ending.)
- Ichabod Crane, town schoolmaster and self-proclaimed supernatural expert, wants to better his situation by marrying the wealthy Katrina Van Tassel. But, there is a rival for her attentions. Local hero, Brom Bones. Brom lives to torment and tease Ichabod, leaving the schoolmaster wondering if he is more interested in besting his rival than winning Katrina’s hand. Especially when each time Ichabod goes into the backroom of his favorite tavern – a place men can be men –his imagination conjures Brom's face on every lover. Late one night, Ichabod is chased by the legendary Headless Horseman. Terrified the ghost wants his head, he tries to outrun the specter. To his horror, he is taken captive by the evil spirit. Ichabod awakens, naked and tied to a bed, only to discover the Headless Horseman is none other than his rival Brom Bones! Brom confesses that Ichabod has been haunting his own fantasies and he vows to make Ichabod Crane his in every way. Ichabod wants to believe the pleasure Brom offers comes from his heart, but he is afraid it is another one of Brom’s tricks. Though surely an enemy's touch has never felt like this...
Affinity by Sarah Waters (f/f)
- An upper-class woman recovering from a suicide attempt, Margaret Prior has begun visiting the women’s ward of Millbank prison, Victorian London’s grimmest jail, as part of her rehabilitative charity work. Amongst Millbank’s murderers and common thieves, Margaret finds herself increasingly fascinated by one apparently innocent inmate, the enigmatic spiritualist Selina Dawes. Selina was imprisoned after a séance she was conducting went horribly awry, leaving an elderly matron dead and a young woman deeply disturbed. Although initially skeptical of Selina’s gifts, Margaret is soon drawn into a twilight world of ghosts and shadows, unruly spirits and unseemly passions, until she is at last driven to concoct a desperate plot to secure Selina’s freedom, and her own.
A Light Amongst Shadows by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood (Dark is the Night series book one)
- James Spencer is hardly the typical troubled youth who ends up at Whisperwood School for Boys. Instead of hating the strict schedules and tight oversight by staff, James blossoms, quickly making friends, indulging in his love of writing, and contemplating the merits of sneaking love poems to the elusive and aloof William Esher. The rumours about William’s sexuality and opium reliance are prime gossip material amongst the third years…rumours that only further pique James' curiosity to uncover what William is really like beneath all that emotional armor. And, when the normally collected William stumbles in one night, shaken and ranting of ghosts, James is the only one who believes him. James himself has heard the nails dragging down his bedroom door and the sobs echoing in the halls at night. He knows others have, too, even if no one will admit it. The staff refuses to entertain such ridiculous tales, and punishment awaits anyone who brings it up. Their fervent denial and the disappearance of students only furthers James’ determination to find out what secrets Whisperwood is hiding...especially if it prevents William and himself from becoming the next victims.​​content warning: violence, sexual/physical abuse, some sexual themes
Recommended series w/Mediums and Things That Go Bump in the Night beneath the cut...
Hexworld series by Jordan L Hawk (I cannot express how much I love this series, and another novel is on the way!! A different couple in each novel, but they all work together or are related.)
- Dominic Kopecky dreamed of becoming a member of New York’s Metropolitan Witch Police—a dream dashed when he failed the test for magical aptitude. Now he spends his days drawing the hexes the MWP relies on for their investigations. But when a murder by patent hex brings crow familiar Rook to his desk, Dominic can’t resist the chance to experience magic. And as the heat grows between Dominic and Rook, so does the danger. Because the case has been declared closed—and someone is willing to kill to keep it that way. The 13th Hex is the prequel short story to the all-new Hexworld series. If you like shifters, magic, and romance, you’ll love Jordan L. Hawk’s world of witch policemen and the familiars they bond with.
Spirits series by Jordan L Hawk (Such detail. This series is amazing, and features a Native American MC and trans supporting character that is so well done.)
- After losing the family fortune to a fraudulent psychic, inventor Henry Strauss is determined to bring the otherworld under control through the application of science. All he needs is a genuine haunting to prove his Electro-Séance will work. A letter from wealthy industrialist Dominic Gladfield seems the answer to his prayers. Gladfield’s proposition: a contest pitting science against spiritualism, with a hefty prize for the winner. The contest takes Henry to Reyhome Castle, the site of a series of brutal murders decades earlier. There he meets his rival for the prize, the dangerously appealing Vincent Night. Vincent is handsome, charming…and determined to get Henry into bed. Henry can’t afford to fall for a spirit medium, let alone the competition. But nothing in the haunted mansion is quite as it seems, and soon winning the contest is the least of Henry’s concerns. For the evil stalking the halls of Reyhome Castle wants to claim not just Henry and Vincent’s lives, but their very souls.
Whyborne & Griffin series by Jordan L Hawk (I’ve read this series three times, and Griffin is one of my favorite characters in any series.)
- A reclusive scholar. A private detective. And a book of spells that could destroy the world. Love is dangerous. Ever since the tragic death of the friend he adored, Percival Endicott Whyborne has ruthlessly suppressed any desire for another man. Instead, he spends his days studying dead languages at the museum where he works. So when handsome ex-Pinkerton Griffin Flaherty approaches him to translate a mysterious book, Whyborne wants to finish the job and get rid of the detective as quickly as possible. Griffin left the Pinkertons after the death of his partner. Now in business for himself, he must investigate the murder of a wealthy young man. His only clue: an encrypted book that once belonged to the victim. As the investigation draws them closer, Griffin’s rakish charm threatens to shatter Whyborne’s iron control. But when they uncover evidence of a powerful cult determined to rule the world, Whyborne must choose: to remain safely alone, or to risk everything for the man he loves.
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crafty-readership · 6 years
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BOOK HAUL 23-06-18
I had a couple of do-or-die exams earlier in the year because of which I couldn’t read at all and avoided getting new books. But soon as those were over, I went and got myself a bagful of books. I’ll share that haul soon, since at the moment they’re in a cupboard upstairs in our new house and it’s very hot up there so I don’t usually go unless I desperately need something from my yet-to-be-set-up room which is also upstairs.
However, during summer break, I’ve had the chance to read quite a lot. I would like to say I managed to topple a few titles off my TBR but that would be lying. But it hasn’t stopped me from buying even more books I’ve been eyeing for a while. My break finally ends tomorrow, so I went ahead and treated myself to some stuff from my Wishlist.
1. The Graveyard Book:
I’d heard Neil Gaiman’s name a great deal before I actually picked up his books. I’d seen Stardust when I was younger so I got a copy of that a long time ago but it was just lying around and I could never seem to get to it. Then I started hearing a lot more about him when I got swept up in #bookstagram. Credit where credit is due, I was perhaps most motivated by @thedoctorreads & her love for all things Gaiman. She has a wonderful collection of Gaiman’s bibliography and a stunning Instagram feed. Now that I’m finally onto realising Gaiman’s magic, I’ve been waiting to get The Graveyard Book for ages,since I’ve heard a lot of people say this is their favourite book by the author. Kid raised by ghosts in a graveyard? Sounds like absolute fun. (I trust Gaiman to keep the horror toned down or at least trick me into thinking it’s not really horror, because paranormal fiction is not fun for me.)
2. Throne of Glass:
Alright. I had no intention of reading this book. Just like I had no intention of reading ACOTAR. But here we are. I’m going to give it a go. I’m going to go in mostly blind, I honestly haven’t read up on what to expect (since I had no plans to). But it’s always nice to have a fantasy series to fall back on when the sudden mood arises. 
3. One Hundred Years of Solitude:
Again, I had no intention of picking this book up in the immediate future. It might still take me a while to get to it. But I’ve been reading more and more about this book and the writer during my web surfing crusades so I’m taking that as a sign. It’s always safe to have a copy at hand of the book that’s regarded as the greatest work of literature of its century.
4. The Cruel Prince:
I HAVE WANTED THIS FOR A LONG TIME. Been eyeing it since before it’s release but it ran out at the local stores before I could get my hands on it. In the beginning I heard nothing but great reviews and since, I’ve come across a couple people who felt let down. That’s okay. It prepares me for a situation similar to what I went through with Wintersong. But yesterday this randomly caught my eye at my local bookstore (which miraculously has single copies of books I really want, now). And I gasped so loud, my mother  reminded me that we were in public & told me to behave myself. I kid you not.
That’s it for my small (but expensive. Why are books expensive?) book haul. If you’ve got one to share, let me know. And if you have any suggestions about reading these titles or what to expect, drop by my Ask box!
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damienthepious · 5 years
my lizard kissin’ ways cannot be stopped y’all
Two Times Round The Block Before I Decided To Stay (Chapter 3)
[ch 1] [ch 2] [ao3]
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, Sir Damien, Rilla
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Prompt Fill, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Pre-Relationship, Canon Compliant, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, canon typical Arum ignoring feelings
Fic Summary: Twice, Lord Arum does not ask them.
Notes: Written for a pair of H/C prompts that @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile sent me: “Please stay with me” and “Will you hold my hand?” <3 The two ideas I had merged into one thing, so. This is the final chapter of this tiny trilogy! Hope you enjoy! Title from the song Back In My Body by Maggie Rogers.
In the swamp, when all is finished, when the fear monster has been cast off of the world, when Damien has already kissed him and he has lifted Amaryllis into his arms so she will not continue to put weight on her broken ankle, when they have sung their song together and faded back to measured silence as they walk, Arum realizes quite belatedly that he has already asked the question he has been clamping his jaws down on and swallowing for weeks now. Or- he asked without asking, really. During the duel, he had essentially snarled it at the knight in his panic, without thinking, more a challenge than a plea. Step towards them, and find out.
(stay stay stay honeysuckle, stay with me, stay with us-)
And Damien did.
Arum feels almost giddy with it. He is only just beginning to shake his resignation, to shake the despair that has been crawling through his veins since the moment he pushed Amaryllis out of his home. He is alive. They are all alive, with no dire injuries, all three together and calm at last, and Arum’s foolhardy affection for these fragile creatures- his affection is returned. The universe has never before been so generous to him. That Amaryllis and Damien care for him, that they already care for each other-
The entire affair feels dreamlike, and judging by the slightly dazed way Damien intermittently glances at him, and the way Amaryllis squeezes his shoulder every few minutes as if checking to make sure Arum is real, that feeling of unreality is as mutual as the affection.
Arum imagines that when they arrive at his secondary outpost (an old structure, something between a cabin and a tent grown with thick interwoven vines that his predecessor created for meetings with other monsters she did not trust within the Keep), there will not be much actual discussion. Not today, at least. He imagines that there will not be much else besides treatment of their wounds and then immediate collapse into sleep. The humans look almost as tired as Arum himself feels, and all of them will be better served to talk through what this will mean for them after they are properly rested. Perhaps Arum will even be allowed to hold them as they all recuperate from this near-apocalyptic day. His free hands twitch in greedy anticipation at the thought, and he glances at Damien again.
Damien, however, is not looking back this time. His brow furrows and his eyes are on the ground before his feet, though his mind is clearly elsewhere. Arum tastes tension on the air again, as if the fear and discomfort Arum chased off in their duel have slithered their way back, pulling Damien’s focus away, unsettling the footing beneath his decision to stay with them.
Arum’s hands twitch again, nerves and desire. Stay with us, honeysuckle, he thinks, and no one can hear if he sounds desperate in the privacy of his own head. He wants to claw Damien’s attention back, wants to snarl away the worries that claim him, wants-
“This hardly seems equitable,” Arum drawls, brandishing the words as casually as he is able, glossing over the nervous way his stomach jumps when Damien’s eyes flick towards him in surprise. “I may be carrying Amaryllis, but you need not stand so far aside, Sir Damien. I have four entire arms, in case this has somehow escaped your notice.”
Damien looks at him, tilting his head curiously. Though Arum has startled him from his worry, it is obvious that Damien doesn’t understand the current of Arum’s thoughts. Even Amaryllis raises an eyebrow at him from her position in his arms.
They have both been… indescribably brave, Arum thinks. He can manage a little courage in return.
Arum reaches out, into the empty air between himself and the knight. “Will you… will you come here, honeysuckle, and take my hand?”
Damien stares at him, his lips parting softly, his eyes bright and surprised. Arum almost pulls his hand back in embarrassment, but before he can lose his nerve entirely Damien steps closer.
Soft, warm fingers tangle between his claws, snug and easy as if they were meant to fit that way, and with Amaryllis in his arms and Damien beside him, both smiling up at him now, Arum’s own fear and self-consciousness melt like wax in the sun. Which is a pleasant side effect, considering that he merely wanted to draw Damien back in, not comfort himself.
Damien squeezes his hand, and Amaryllis lets her cheek drop to rest against his shoulder, and Arum did not know it was possible to feel this warm.
Perhaps, Arum thinks, the benefits of asking for what he desires can outweigh the risks. Perhaps so, even if only when it comes to his beautiful blooms.
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