#if it sucks hit da bricks literally just leave
glouris · 1 year
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steal some more of my stuff from twitter and I will come for your kneecaps <3
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0809sysblings · 5 months
last reblog has inspired me to want to redraw the "just shut it will you? you know it all" frame from Tear Drop but with mikoto and john. however i drew so much in a short amount of time like.. last week or week before idk. that i think i have exhausted my Art Fuel for the time being... sad.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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the-punforgiven · 5 months
Always sucks to me seeing those people who like, developed a following with one specific game/franchise/whatever who've just like, clearly fallen out of love with it but are still engaging and making content for it since they're 'the [whatever thing] guy' but you can clearly tell they're bitter and sour about it since all their content is just sad and complaining and shit and it's just like
Dude, if you're not having fun you can like, do something else
You know that, right?
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ettadunham · 10 months
hi! just yesterday i finally received the confirmation that i got my very first Real Full-Time Job (have been working and doing internships since i was a teen tho), so if you got any advice to survive in the capitalist hell, especially in the beginning, i'm all ears 😭
Anon, I now feel intense pressure to not lead you astray (is this what an older sibling might feel? I'm new to the experience 😂), so I'll start with a disclaimer, like any good little capitalist organization trying to deflect blame: none of what I'm saying might apply to your situation or be helpful in any way.
To be more specific, my advice should not be considered much at all if you're working at a state-funded job instead of a private one, and only maybe partially if you're working at a small business or the service industry. I've only ever been working at corporate jobs because I live alone with my cat and I need to pay rent somehow, so that's all I can speak for.
Okay? Okay. Let us proceed.
You can always just leave.
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This truly is the number one rule in a neoliberal hypercapitalistic system. You are already regarded as a resource rather than a human being, so anyone telling you that you should have "company loyalty" or anything the like can shove it up their ass.
Of course, you do still need to consider your own situation. Even if you have enough support to get by for a few months, 9 out of 10 times I'd still advise actually getting a new job offer before handing in a resignation, because then you have more leverage and can be more picky about your new job.
However, I also did the thing that you're not supposed to do when I resigned from my first job personally, and I never really regretted it. It did force me to eventually apply for the same type of job that I didn't initially want to do, but it was a much nicer company and an enormous improvement on not just my mental but physical health (I was literally diagnosed with high blood pressure while working at my first job), so... yeah. If it sucks, hit da bricks, as long as there's a support system behind you.
2. Actually... you should consider quitting every 3 years.
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In the corporate landscape, it's actually beneficial to switch jobs from time to time, because they will not raise your pay as much as its value goes up in the job market. This is a fact everyone is aware of, as well as how it actually costs more to hire and train new people every 2 years instead of just keeping the old ones, but alas, it's how shareholder capitalism works. All that matters is the next quarterly report.
That being said, not all of us like change, in fact, most people would prefer to have a stable job where they can just go, have a coffee with their old colleagues at the water cooler, do their shift and go home. Corporate propaganda will have you believe that workers just simply prefer to bounce from one place to another, but in reality, it's more of a necessity that comes from stagnating wages, changing expectations, and a general uncertainty about job security.
So... yeah, it's a bit more depressing when I put it that way, isn't it? But the point stands, especially if you feel like your job might not be secure, it's worth looking around. Maybe even look into adjacent positions where you can develop other skills if you really want to be the bestest boy (gender neutral) at capitalism.
You can of course also just move within the company you're working at if they have the flexibility. They love hiring from inside because then they can underpay you compared to new hires while keeping your knowledge in-house. But, I mean... you get new skills and don't have to change much about your environment? It's all about the symbiosis between worker and corporation where you're always the one getting leeched from anyway. <3
3. Drain them for all their worth.
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Chances are, your corporate overlord might have some benefits for you. Make sure to look into it and use all of it. I know that for Americans healthcare is a big issue, so definitely look into what your corporate package offers on that, but also see if there's anything else. Can you go on business trips so you can travel more? Do they offer 20% off on gas? Reimburse you on certain purchases? Can you use your company's money to learn some programming to help you apply to your next job?
Have no shame about coming back with receipts every two weeks. If it's part of the package, it's part of the package. It's already in the company's budget anyway, they do not care.
4. Get along with people.
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This is both more important and more complicated than it might look at first blush. Or maybe you're already seeing all the potential problems with this point.
Your workplace is much like high school where you're locked in and forced to interact with a bunch of strangers that you otherwise wouldn't choose to talk to. And you gotta do it every. single. day. Even just thinking about it exhausts my smol undiagnosed authistic heart.
But! I would venture to say that trying to get to know and get along with all those people is the most important thing you can do at your job. Sometimes even more so than actually doing your job, lol. Obviously, the most important part is your own team, but if you're at an office, talk to people at the coffee machine. Ask them about what they do, have small talks, etc. Make the effort to socialize a bit. Go to events if they're during work hours, and use your judgement if it's after work hours. Don't let yourself get sucked in into the whole 'we're a family' company culture and let it take over your life, but if it's something you'd enjoy (e.g.: we have a monthly board game club where I work currently), then it's a good way to build solidarity. And... *sigh* connections.
I did say it's like high school, didn't I? It's all about who you know baybey.
That being said... It's all easier said than done if you don't fit into the status quo and stick out in any way shape or form. Shocker, I know.
People also just have differing views, and you need to learn to deal with that somehow. Sometimes it turns out that whatever seemed like an end-of-the-world division on the internet is not all that important of a difference in reality. And sometimes it's much worse.
The thing you need to keep in mind here is that corporate culture generally loathes disruption, so you're not likely to encounter people saying slurs. Well, you're also not supposed to punch people for saying slurs though. It's all about the delicate balance of whatever is acceptable in polite society, and as long as that line's not crossed, you can either bite your tongue and sell a bit of your soul to the neoliberal gods for your survival, or push back mildly. You know. In a "polite" way uwu.
In any case, if you feel like the environment is too hostile, see point 1. Hit da bricks. Some workplaces are infected by assholery and mismanagement. Use your judgement, etc. If you're like me, living in a protofascist nation right now, you might just resign to the fact that more things are acceptable in polite society than you'd like, and you need to pay your bills instead of arguing with a middle manager about immigrants.
Okay, are we depressed enough about general corporate culture already? Cool. Let's see some actual useful tips then.
5. Talk to the people on your team and be a united front.
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Does your company have a union? Then you should join that first thing, but as I've never really had that, I can't tell you much about that experience. What I do know, is that you should always form a united front with your immediate co-workers.
For instance, do you and your team members do the same thing? Then ask them about how much time they take to finish a task. If they say they take a day for something that in reality takes about 4 hours, then do the same. Don't be the asshole telling your boss that you finished it in 3 hours. And most importantly, never snitch on your teammates.
(Speaking of that example, you should also just overestimate how much time something would take. That's just good practice anyway. <3)
But yeah, the bottom line is that your teammates are your first line of defense against any kind of higher up shenanigans. Help each other out, discuss wages, stand your ground together. If you can build solidarity outside of your team, that's even better, but your teammates are the ones who can immediately step up for you if needed.
Obviously, realistically you can only give back as much as you receive. If your team doesn't feel the solidarity juice quite as much as you do, there's not much you can do about it other than give an opening and then adapt. At the end of the day, corporate culture incentivices individual achievement over collectivism despite all their empty slogans like "team work" or whatever.
Speaking of which...
6. Advocate for yourself.
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So I am going to go completely against my previous point by saying that you need to speak up and advocate for yourself individually. If you want a raise, then call up your team lead, and tell them that you want a raise. Bring them the facts about your work, your achievements, if you have some of those juicy KPI numbers and they make you look good, then read them up, talk about how long you've been at the company, about inflation, the company's self-proclaimed growth... Give them an expectation even, and be prepared to talk in detail about how you are in fact the most bestest at your work actually, and politely imply that you might need to look elsewhere otherwise.
That being said... It's also just good practice to talk about your team's achievements as well. Last time I did this, I actually managed to get all of my team a small raise, even without trying all that much for a collective bargaining. In a healthy team environment, you should be able to talk up each of your team members in one way or another. You might be told that there's a limited amount of money going around for these raises, but it's not like you were ever gonna get more of it. Corporations will pay you as little as possible at every step of the way.
See point 1 and 2 again.
So, yeah. Make sure to advocate for yourself, especially if you've been at the company for a while (the time period here might vary, but bringing it up after a year is a good start if there's been no raises), or heard that you were getting less than your coworkers. Be your own hype man, while not talking down the rest of your team. Otherwise they might "forget" to pay you any of your deserved compensation.
This also goes in other aspects as well. If you're at a chill workplace, you can always bring it up to your boss if you hate your current work, and want to do something else. Employers are usually more accomodating for these types of complaints, and might even help you find other tasks or even a different position in the company, depending on the opportunities. (They might just try to give you more work at first though, lol, so be specific.) And if they're not chill... well, there's not much to lose, because you should already be thinking about point 1 again.
7. Work less, bullshit more.
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This is it! This is the point that we are here for.
How to do as little work as humanly possible without getting at the top of the firing list. The true mysteries of the universe. We'll be combining some of what we learned in the previous points for this.
First things first, no, you should never bring your 100% for a bullshit corporate job. You might think that they'll appreciate it and you for it, but the truth is, whatever bonus or raise you might be getting is not gonna be all that much. And it's not going to worth all the effort you put into it.
Remember, corporations will always pay you as little as possible and toss you away at the first sign of inconvenience.
No, all that work is going to do to you is burn you out, and infringe upon your family or social life. If you're doing grunt work especially, then make sure to keep your boundaries. Keep a table about your work hours, even if it's not kept by your workplace, and make sure to keep it always at 8 or whatever your required hours are. Don't answer your email or phone outside of that window.
Even when it comes to your work hours, make sure to take breaks, take your time with your lunch. It's actually kinda unhealthy to work for 8 hours straight anyway, your brain is gonna be a mush by the end.
And also, as we talked about it, make sure to coordinate with your co-workers if they're doing the same or similar jobs. Find the optimal way to do your tasks in a way that's going to stay consistent with the expectations.
If you have a kind of job, where you have set goals, try to reach those, and if you have a bit of downtime, use it. You can ask for new tasks eventually, but don't rush it, if you have the opportunity, take a breather.
There are workplaces that might try to monitor your work, especially in home office, but as long as things are done, most workplaces do not care how much you napped during your work hours. However, if you're worried about seeming inactive on your laptop for instance, there are workarounds on that too. I have a powershell script that presses the capslock button every minute for 2 hours (for legal reasons, this is only for those times when I'm running a python script through a VPN connection, which standby mode would kill otherwise 😂), but I've had a friend who just opened word and put something on her space button. The human ingenuity when it comes to avoiding work is boundless.
The only consideration here is that you should still try to check your chat from time to time, but that can also depend on your workplace. Most people don't care if you reply them 2 hours late, no one's available 24/7.
That all being said, you might still want to secure your job a bit more other than doing the bare minimum, but the good news is, having all that downtime actually means that you can think about other things too if you choose! Maybe even ways to improve your job as it is. Or maybe just talk with someone at the water cooler. Never underestimate the power of talking to people at the water cooler tbh.
Also consider this: if you're doing your job too well, your reward most likely is going to be.... more work! And it's gonna be unpaid work at that. I know, because I somehow never managed to avoid this one, despite doing my best and napping as much as possible.
In conclusion, Bullshit Jobs™ deserve Bullshit Work. <3
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bigsnaff · 1 month
ough 12, 17, and 20 for Dokks from the OC ask game!!!
x @/scourgeblooms
12. Generally, what's most people's first impression of them? + What impression do they *want* to leave on others?
It largely depends on whose first impression it is, because it tends to go either one of two ways:
They warm up to him very quickly! What's there not to like? He's charismatic, he's thoughtful, he's energetic. His presence pretty much immediately lights up a room.
His upfront friendliness reads as over-familiar or offputting, sometimes even infantilizing. I don't think he comes across as disingenuous by any means, but I can see how he would seem overbearing.
Either way, Dokks doesn't tend to put too much stock into first impressions of himself. He's had his fair share of people figuratively (and sometimes literally) turn away from him for his demeanor, but for as incredibly warm of an individual he is, he's also not a people-pleaser. He never has and never will change himself to be palatable to individuals that can't take having this oldie dad them. If it sucks, hit da bricks!!
17. How talkative are they?
Dokks is VERY chatty when given the opportunity! Don't get him wrong, he can read the room; he knows when saying his piece may be inopportune or out-of-place, depending on the circumstance. But he's the type of guy to stand there for hours chatting away with someone by his side, even if the only indication of them listening is the occasional "Uh-huh," or "Really?". Walk out of the room and you'll still hear him talking away in there for the next hour!
And this is a two-way street! Dokks is happy to listen to others, ecstatic even! Join him in his workshop one day when you need someone to vent to; he'll always have some advice or words of comfort to offer, and he very much enjoys the company. Ignore it if he accidentally bangs his head on a bar. It happens.
20. Any song(s) that you feel represent your character best? (bonus: would *they* like this/these song(s)?)
THIS little track has been in my head for years as Dokks' theme. I generally associate synth-heavy songs with Dokks anyways, but this was the first! It has the energy to it. It's the type of song I've imagined him bouncing his head to while working on a project of some sort. ...So I imagine he would like it just because of that, haha.
As for a song that has actual lyrical substance to it, Unity by Shinedown really really really gets me for him. It highlights the most significant parts of his character; his family, both past and present, the ones that are gone but he continues to live for, and the ones that are still with him and he is holding onto with everything he has. I think he'd really like the song just for the message it carries alone.
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Shitty uncle strikes again! This time started whining about critical race theory and how it's a conspiracy against white ppl and some bullshit. He went on to the point where my Nonna who Literally Did Not Go To School Past 3rd Grade in postwar Italy and doesn't know any north american history at all was like "hm....maybe you are skewing this way out of proportion and are maybe wrong???"
I straight up fuckin left. Shit sucks? Hit da bricks. No apologies no goodbyes just a "Im not obligated to listen to this I'm walking home". I'm under no obligation to put up with his shit, esp when I've been told explicitly to not start fights with him, and I'm not even allowed to call him on personal shit like the absolutely disgusting verbally abusive way he spoke to my mother and aunt before Christmas that he still hasn't apologized for! It was just allowed to let go! Fuck that!
I feel often like I'm not allowed to say no and leave BC I have to make up for being a disappointing child/grandchild and just like. Apologize for my own existence. And I might not have high standards for myself but fuck this shit! Either let me loose on him or I'm leaving. I don't give a fuck what everyone thinks or if I'm "being disruptive" I'm not letting him get away with his manchild selfish bullshit nor with his reactionary alt right stupid internet bullshit! I'm TIRED
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 6 months
pixlriffs for blaseball? and maybe zed and oli if youre so inclined
Just answered a different ask with Zed, but I'll do both Oli and both Pix-s!
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Oli Orionsound is a pitcher for the Seattle Garages. He spends his time not playing Blaseball writing far too much music for the Garages, forgetting to schedule the gigs he's supposed to, and bothering Pixl Rifts.
Oli was an incineration replacement around season 3. He managed to dodge the effects of pretty much every plot event like Neo and instead had his own plot going on in the background. He's one of the many lead singers of the Garages and, for the 6 or so seasons they play together, has a violent rivalry with team captain Scott Riven. Oli is supernaturally terrible at setting up equipment for their gigs and hates doing it, but Scott makes him do it solely because he knows Oli hates it. The rest of the team hates this entire arrangement because they have to deal with the consequences of this and usually have to help Oli untangle himself from the wires he's managed to get himself into.
Oli and Pixl Rifts (season 2 Pix) also have a violent rivalry but it's completely one sided. Pix plays for the Crabs, who are one of the Garages' main rivals, and Oli takes team rivalries way too seriously. Pix couldn't care less about this, but he also doesn't care enough to tell him to stop. They also make out at parties and Oli wrote shutout about him but no one's allowed to know that (LITERALLY EVERYONE KNOWS. IT'S NOT SUBTLE.)
Garages Song Assignment: shutout, as previously stated
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Pixl Riffs is a pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints. He spends his time not playing Blaseball volunteering at the Randall Marijuana Memorial Cat Cafe, being the guy you go to if you need to schedule a funeral, and making jewelry.
Pix was a season 1 member of the Breath Mints. I don't know how he picks up Roamin', but he does for the sake of the bit. The bit in question is that in season 14, Pix is an unfortunate casulty and finds himself ghosting in the Hall of Flame. At the end of season 14, Pix resolves that "if it sucks, hit da bricks" and uses Roamin' to simply leave.
Pix doesn't have the Vigil in this universe, but he still feels a deep connection to death, and often helps out other players with their team's respective death rituals. The most important example of this (to me) is that Pearl makes him an official caretaker of the Memorial Bat Forest.
Garages Song Assignment: Song For A Fallen Player
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Pixl Rifts is a third baseman for the Baltimore Crabs, a pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic, and a third baseman again for the Magic. When he's not playing Blaseball, he spends his time grilling the Old One/Lōotcrates for history facts, pretending he's a ~coffee connoisseur~, and doing puzzles.
Pixl Rifts is a season 1 member of the Crabs who takes Blaseball maybe a little less seriously than he should, considering it's a death game, but he's ignoring the reality of it all. In season 9, Pix dies. In season 10, the whims of fate have him at spot 14 on the Hall of Flame memorial board, meaning he and Xornoth get swapped when the Idol Board closes. This means that Pix, technically, has a hand in saving the world, but he doesn't let it get to his head. He spends one season replacing Xornoth as a pitcher for the magic, and though he gets a Party Time boost, he is abysmal and is swapped to batting again as quickly as possible.
Pix isn't an archeologist in this universe, but he's a big history buff and spends most of his time on the Crabs talking to the old god that lives in the Chesapeake and then, when Lōotcrates shows up, the League Historian, trying to grill them for history knowledge. The Old One is much more willing to talk than Lōotcrates, as to be expected.
I already talked about the weirdness he has going on with Oli in this post I just wanted to remind you.
Garages Song Assignment: double play
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knifedog-machina · 2 months
Something funny about our personal system dynamics, how it works for us - Jude and Gavin can just fucking walk out. They can just do that. Apparently this isn't how it works for some systems! They walked in without warning one day and bitch, they can walk out again!
We haven't had any reason to go our separate ways for several months now, so we haven't tested if it's still something that works, but it's so funny to me. If it sucks hit da bricks but for Being A System. They can literally Leave. Incredible.
Unfortunately, this doesn't mean they can remember anything from when they're gone, unless we spend a lot of energy trying to recover it, which is honestly pretty distressing. Amnesia and forgetting things about yourself and your experiences is never fun. Journaling is good for that, though, so we're doing it! Memory wins!
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Well. This ain’t good 
Kikimora saw that one meme, you know the one with the skeleton that’s like ”If it sucks… hit da bricks!!” She saw it and took it to heart. Because she left with Hunter and left everyone else to come cause problems in the next episode. They just gotta get past Odalia first.
The kids put out some good effort to stop Kiki though. Amity slowed her down, Willow’s power was so great that Kiki had to use hunter as a human shield, and Gus tried to blind her with a shadow spell. Sadly, the power of the abomatron combined with a healthy dose of pragmatism lead to Kikimora deciding that she could just leave.
Uuuugh, she’s gonna take Hunter to Belos….. I don’t wanna see that….. the only time I wanna see Hunter and Belos in the same place again is if Hunter is hitting him really, really hard with a stick.
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This exit is way cooler than Odalia deserves.
Did I just witness a divorce? I feel like I did. I mean, the legal proceedings are gonna have to wait until the after world is saved, but still.
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I have been tricked, backstabbed and quite possibly bamboozled.
The screenshot I made fun of? Gus had some spell circles activated. I noticed and thought ”huh, that’s kinda weird, I wonder what he’s trying to do.”
Right after Kiki tells Luz that Belos knows about the plan to stop the draining spell? Luz whispers something to Gus. I should’ve known, I should’ve remembered, I should have seen it coming. But I didn’t, because I am a terrible livebloger. I should just delete this whole thing right now and move to the mountains where I can’t hurt anyone else.
Luz took Hunter’s so Belos couldn’t hurt him and so she could go help Eda and the others. Luz, you stupid, brave, good witch. 
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And so comes to and end episode 20. There is no music, we travel in silence towards the end.
You know, I was thinking that this episode wasn’t all that mindblowing. It was good, yes. I loved it, but it wasn’t the punch to the gut I was expecting. Right up till the very end. Well played creators, well played.
I made my way through this episode surprisingly quickly, this ”only” took me a few hours.
I don’t feel like talking on length about this episode. I did do my usual rewatch and here are a few things I didn’t notice or didn’t talk about the first time through:
•Kikimora said that the Emperor has eyes everywhere. That kinda implies that there might be a spy in the CAtTs. though I’m not sure who that would be. I think it’s safe to discount Eda and Darius. Eberwolf is… I dunno. Steve is most certainly NOT a traitor. That leaves the BAtTs, which… meh? •I suppose that someone on the streets of Latissa could have overheard them through the open doors on that balcony, that’s also a possibility. •Willow saw Hunter was in trouble and proceeded to summon up the biggest mass of plant vines we’ve ever seen her do while looking absolutely demonic. Good stuff •Oh, but let’s not forget that Hunter’s first instinct upon seeing Kiki in the mech coming to crush them was to push Willow out of the way. •There was a brief shot during the struggle against Kiki’s abomatron where Luz is holding out her fist in a weird way. That’s because that’s actually Hunter holding his staff, made invisible by Gus’ spell. •There’s a similar moment right after Kiki takes off, while the gang is surrounded by Odalia’s abomatons where ”Luz” is seemingly just… staring at her open hands. Which is actually Hunter holding Flapjack.
I loved this episode, Obviously, I finally got my ”Alador joins the good guys” theory confirmed, so that was nice. We had a bit off action which I’m always up for. But obviously, the one big stand out moment was the Lumity kiss. It literally could not have been done better. Absolutely perfection.
That’s pretty much all I have to say for now, so I’ll just get into the next episode. It’s the season two finale: King’s Tide! I will see you tomorrow. Until then, take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
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acervo-de-memes · 8 months
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"JUST UNFOLLOW you can leave!!!
discourse opinions you dislike interests that don't mesh bad theme tags weirdly getting too personal made an annoying post one too many times posted a scary picture reminds you of someone you hate getting too edgy
literally just leave
real winners quit"
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tiredassmage · 1 year
🌙 Moon, 🪤 mousetrap, 🔫 pistol for Tyr!
These are literally SO delicious, I LOVED these ones even if they made my head run like a motor trying to shake answers out of him. Shakes him up like the Scrabble dice.
OC Emoji Asks
Moon - What is your oc's greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it?
There was a time where I would’ve been inclined to say it’d be officially working for the SIS. No more double agent, just straight up “you can leave! If it sucks, hit da bricks!” [kazoo noise] Anyway, meme for my emotional distress aside, why I was “was” is because that has been… complicated by having the Alliance to consider.
Probably now more than ever before, Tyr can’t help but weigh that his actions reflect on the entire group rather than just himself, and risking taking out the Alliance for his “vengeance” isn’t a gamble he’s willing to make. He’s willing to put himself up on those stakes, no hesitation, but… the fate of the entire Alliance? Filled with people that maybe weren’t disloyal a second of their lives, but would be branded traitor by association? He’d rather not, thanks.
I can’t even say he has an escapism dream because he… largely does not think too hard or too long about getting out, fucking off to some remote edge of space and settling down. It didn’t strike him as realistic, so he put it aside. It’s one area where he falls far short of being an idealist.
Nebulously, he hopes it’ll just be worth it. That something will come out of all of this. That whatever he manages to do will be enough, even for a second. Genuinely entertaining ideas of slipping quietly into the abyss of time is something only just perhaps slipping in - if only because he’s starting to get too bloody fucking old for this bullshit. It’s been what, twenty some years with all the expacs now? Man’s going into his late forties. All this spy shit is probably wearing on the joints, lol.
But, that said, he hates to leave a job unfinished. And I think we've established that "how far" is ah... pretty damn far, depending on just what the objective is.
Mousetrap - What will always lure them into certain danger? A loved one in danger? A promise of something they are always searching for?
I sort of got into this in Deryn’s ask, but Tyr seems almost incapable of sticking his nose anywhere but in immediate danger if it spares a comrade, collegaue, particularly someone he cares about. For as much as he plays Twister to dodge me calling him even a little bit selfless, most of his steps where he puts aside “better judgement” to speak up is to intercede on someone else’s behalf.
And he just cannot leave well enough alone when it comes to fighting back against the Empire. The biggest balk he had with Jonas asking him to turn on the heel and go back to the Empire to report double agent style was siding with the Republic on Iokath. Sure, additionally, he’d rather never see the place again, but it’s first and foremost because he hears that, hisses a breath through his teeth, and can’t help but at least mentally point out isn’t that a bridge we sorta burned? Is that really the most effective cover? But then he gets back into the thick of covert work and it’s all old hat. There’s almost a comfort to how old hat it is. It cropped up again to me on Ruhnuk that he thrives when he’s out of that spotlight, when he’s allowed work as an operative more than Commander. There’s at least a part of him that did genuinely enjoy the work. It’s what he’s good at.
But he’s not a thrill-seeker. It’s not about the adrenaline. I think it’s conviction. Tyr commits to what he believes is the most effective and right course of action. He’d still more than likely walk into something even if he knew full-well it was a setup because he doesn’t leave people he cares for behind. He doesn’t throw those people to the wolves. And it’s almost that he’s loyal to that ideal more than any specific person, which kinda takes me to part of the next question.
Pistol - Do they trust people easily? How easily will they turn their back on someone? Have they been backstabbed before? Will they betray someone given an ultimatum?
Starting with what’s related to where I left off - it’s actually an absolute yes. Perhaps no surprise for an actual saboteur, but I think what hooks me on this being such a delicious question is Tyr will do this with people he loves if he thinks it will protect them in the long run. So, would it be a full technical betrayal? Maybe not, but that’s sort of the other half of this question-
Tyr doesn’t consider for even a second to hold Nathema against Theron. They’re agents. It’s what they do. Stars, if anybody in the Alliance could understand Theron’s motivations and reasons, it’s Tyr. Was it still reckless and kind of stupid and did he want to smack him upside his head a little? Yeah. Tyr doesn’t say ‘I understand because I would be willing to do the same,’ but he knows it. I don’t think anyone else really does. It doesn’t exactly come up for him to hint towards and he wouldn’t want to if it did. Tyr does not see Theron in that scenario as a traitor, in the end. He did what he had to do. Tyr respects that. He gets it. He was more worried about getting everyone back home in the aftermath.
That all stabbing me in the feelings again, Tyr did trust easier than I might have expected - before the Castellan Restraints. That doesn’t just break whatever tinted image he may have been trying to hold onto about working to better the Empire where they could, it makes it incredibly difficult to trust for… a very long time after. He even gets hesitant about trust he already established. Nothing changes with Vector, but Tyr’s changed. In accepting Ardun Kothe’s offer to go double agent, Tyr knows he’s… really playing. He doesn’t believe the vast majority of his crew would ever agree with it. Hell, he’d half expect some of them to turn him over or save the Empire the trouble and do the deed themselves. Vector’s the strongest exception, but it’s still difficult. In that sense, Hunter really did keep the promise to take everything from him. He’s in a precarious position with the Empire and a lack of Imperial Intelligence backing his movements. His trust in himself and his own operatives is tested. It’s hell on the nerves, even though he rarely - if ever - admits it or lingers on it.
Theron Shan is the first new person that he feels any measure of relief from those burdens with. It’s a bit nerve-wracking at first on Manaan, but the time spent on Rishi… Tyr sees him as more an equal than he’ll see Lana for… ever, actually. Because while they eventually repair what missteps they have early on and become friends, their dynamic is inherently different. She’s eventually his sort of brutally honest friend, but she’s tough love and Tyr has already been masking and moving on for literal years, so… It’s not exactly the answer to actually processing anything he’s been through, lol.
Tyr still doesn’t trust all that easily - not wholly. He still keeps most people out at certain distances, different layers, only keeps a small inner circle. Theron, Lana, Vector… They’ve all been through some of his lowest damn lows with him as well as the highs. They’ve been there for the fallout and stayed. He does not give up on people he lets that close that easily - the Minister and Ardun Kothe as examples. Both people that absolutely tried his trust that, ultimately, he still respects greatly. His loyalty is certainly not a commodity. It’s hard-won and he fights tooth and nail for it in return. Even if that means making sacrifices. Even if he’d have to go behind their back to do it.
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mistergoddess · 10 months
never should have smoked that shit now i am dead serious going to move to nyc if It All Works Out... fuck... this is going to be Thing I Am Scared About #1 for the foreseeable future. but it's good :) it's very scary and will be very challenging with my Issues surrounding moving and major life/environment change always being a big trigger for the autismdepressiontrauma megacombo but umm :'))
idk i'm not like particularly passionate about nyc itself which is definitely something people cite as something u need to Make It there but i think it's a cool and good place and end of the day it is just a place . and i like cities, about as much as i like countryside (and i hate cities about as much as i hate the country...) so it's like. the Most city ever (well in this country at least) isn't it. so that'll be interesting. but most importantly bruh idk i'm just. young and have never left my home town and am relatively untethered... no pets no career no partners no real friendgroup car's on its last legs anyway hell i really don't even have any major furniture i'm attached to and need or even find valuable (the one piece of furniture i do find valuable and am attached to is just way too fucking massive to ever work anywhere in ny period so... rip. at least selling that would help expenses, and literally everything else i own is trash) so like.
this is the time man. i cannot just spend my entire life in my hometown and i cannot spend my entire life in the south this is The Time to get out into the world and get some worldly experiences and like having a friend in Big Important Culturally Lush City who may have a roomie slot opening up, which can help me get my feet under me easier than if i just tried to do it solo, is an opportunity i'd regret turning down for the rest of my LIFE like this is it it is The Time Of My Life where i am Supposed To Do Things and Get Out There and here it is and i gotta do it and i want to do it and i CAN do it (and i can afford to do it!!!!! i have Toiled with a capital T for my savings and shit like this is exactly why) so i'm 100% gonna do it but omggg :'))))))))))) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... i am but a lil ol southern boy... i am but a little fucking creature who does not know shit about shit...........
but the only way to ever change that is to Get The Fuck Out!!!!!! and big big city with literally anything you could imagine is such a good social and career prospect like. my city is truly very decently sized especially for the south we're one of the bigger/more major/noteworthy cities but also we're a pretty Crappy city compared to other big cities even in the south, like the social scenes and activities options here are a little meeehhhh and the career and economic opportunities here DEFINITELY mehhh so it'll be amazing to be somewhere with so MUCH where any culture or interest or subculture or hobby you can think of is represented and where any food or activity or manmade type of place to see you can think of is represented and where even a little fool like myself could find their way into some seriously cool work opportunities that could mean so much advancement in like skills and experiences and income...... and just like... god this is such a horrible term but literally networking!!! not in a BIG BUSINESS kinda way but just meeting interesting people who can help you and teach you and inform you and connect you to more interesting opportunities! wahh...
and i don't have to stay forever is the beautiful thing if it sucks i can hit da bricks and i think once i've made that initial breakaway to Leave Home like selling my car (genuinely even if i stayed here forever the car is on her way out so what better thing to do than move somewhere where car is not necessary... like if i stayed the car would fucking die anyway and then i'd be in the awful position of needing another one bc you can't not have one here so yeehaw selling her for moving/travel funds and being somewhere that's far less car dependent is the most auspicious move) and my furniture and putting my remaining possessions i can't bring with all at once in storage, then i'll be in a crazy good position to jump off from that point and go other places, maybe even the places i AM specifically personally passionate about and yearn for... so like... i'm GONNA do it...
but it's mad scary for real :) I Have Never Done This Before :)
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cat3ds · 1 year
shit blows over but i have moved so much in my life where the phrase if it sucks hit da bricks literally is achievable .i could hit the bricks i could leave rn . something embarrassing happened i could move right now ive done it before Just realized i am not feeling embarrassed i am experiencing being vulnerable and wanting to run
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the-cabin-complex · 1 year
Hi! We're looking for some advice. We've known we're a system for a while now and a lot of us want to make some system friends online or join a discord server but the host is kind of... Idk, scared? about it or just shy. Any tips?
Honestly, people are a lot more chill than they seem. And if they’re not, they’re not for you.
It’s kind of like going to a cafe, you might only go there a couple times before deciding you don’t like the vibe, or the coffee tastes weird to you, or the band that plays there sometimes is just too loud for you. That’s totally okay! I can definitely give more in depth advice if you want it, but in general
Do no harm, take no shit, and keep this in mind ⬇️
Tumblr media
[ID: a meme of the “if it sucks… hit da bricks!” running skeleton. Text in the meme reads:
Just walk out. You can leave!!! da share zone (partially cut off by edge of frame)
Doesn’t match needs
Hard to keep track of triggers list
Not accessible
Too few people
Too many people
Discourse heavy
Too much drama
If you just feel uncomfortable
Literally you are not obligated to go anywhere on the internet and if anyone says differently, book it
If it sucks… hit da bricks!!! Real winners quit. /End ID]
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antiv3nom · 2 years
you are SUCH a sweet and kind person also i love your art and writing
do you have any general advice?? like just some random advice you have
GLITCHPOP <3 <3 <3 i feel like that fits LMAO
youre so nice to me 😭 literally that means the world bestie 😭
oh god general advice um.......sometimes u just. if it sucks hit da bricks, yk? you can simply leave <3
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