#if favorite homestuck troll was effectively random
shoutoramaru · 8 months
actually my mind wandered earlier and i thought of a question that i was interested in knowing the answer to, so:
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lactating · 10 months
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ahem. my favorite homestuck character? gotta hand it to my main squeeze Dave Strider. hes just. the narrative complexity of him and all the characters and dirky stridey. its good. hes earned the top spot. i want him to pitch me crypto defi web 3 apes.
you KNOW that its cascade. we all know that the best flash in the entire comic is cascade. i still watch it and it gives me shivers.
i DONT have a kidsona so instead im talking about my trollsona
AG: ah3m: Your name is Reztal Octalx. You're [REDACTED] sweeps old. You love to BREAK DOWN computers and various complex machines into their constituent parts. You also love SILLY ACCENTS, old timey THEATRE and your FRIENDS. You have a sort of ch1ll, l41d b4ck typ1ng 2tyl3, 4nd youll b3 c4ught d34d b3fore you f1gur3 out how to 2p3ll four 2yll4bl3 word2. Your handle is automatedGrief. What will you do?
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it has really fucked up glasses. shes the hier of doom. she agresses by stacking troll magic the gathering cards ontop of one another, cascading effects togther. the culmuniation of which results in a random code execution within sburb, which crashes the game. yes she runs doom on it.
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mine-curse · 3 years
One of the biggest things the dsmp and homestuck have in common is not only that they have a billion characters but also some very critical ways of having a billion characyers.
(Also all /rp, for this post im just talking about characterization and aesthetics, I do think cc! vibes and streaming style, and the fact that the story is presented through streams has a really big impact, and wind up being a major factor in what sets it apart from homestuck and other things like it, but that's kind of a huge topic and deserves its own post(s). So I am just talking about the characters as they exist in 'cannon')
Aesthetics are very important. And while the word aesthetics is usually used in a visual sense, i think it applies a little broader than that. To be imprecise, i think "aesthetics" is more like a "vibe" or a "brand" (at least a brand in the modern contentcreator semi-ironic kind of way). Something that I've observed in both dsmp and homestuck (and other popular fandomable projects) is that aestetics can basically become a substitute/supplement for super developed characterization, and/or what one would generally consider "character design". This might even be more effective since its easier for people to project and have fun interpreting, and sharing those interpretations. I have a theory that if something is kinda "deep", but not all the way "deep" it can actually be more effective in generating a big Fandom, since theorizing and writing meta about a character can be more fun if there are more "gaps" to fill in. And doing this let's people feel closer and more invested in the story. Similarly I think characters having strong aesthetic elements, but also still having a heavy level of vagueness or abstraction in the visuals allows artists a similar level of freedom and personal expression. This is one of the elements dsmp and homstuck share the most. The "character art" in either is not the most detailed (mostly), but every character is still individually recognizable and has some kind of "gimick" that can be included in fanart. As some random examples its stuff like:
Ranboo's color scheme and crown and grass block, and half enderman, and memory book, and suit, or
Vriska and her blue, and robo arm, and 8s, and spiders, and dice and being a fairy, or
Techno and his blood and crown and arctic and swords and pig and potatoes and anarchy and more blood or
Dave Strider and his discs and gears and lava and puppets and sword and sunglasses
Its been years since I properly read homestuck or activly looked at fanart, but I can still remember most of the characters clearly, some of the ancestor trolls are a little more spotty, but the kids and all of the main trolls are burned into my mind forever, which is impressive for something I started reading a decade ago. And I think a lot of that is due to the simplicity, but directness of the designs and characterization.
Having a bunch of distinct characters also means there is room for everyone to have multiple favorites, or just more chance that a character will fall directly into someone's strike zone. And in my experience at least, something can have the best plot and worldbuilding and be deep and meaningful but it'll never become a 'favorite' unless its got characters that hit that "strike zone". It also opens the door for endless combinations of character interaction and relationships both in Canon and Fandom, and I think a lot of Fandom is much more built off characters than any other story telling element because they are the easiest thing to latch onto and "play with" (as kinda described above).
(I had a whole thing about character relationships and how they are a big element for fandom development here but it got really off topic so I removed it and I'll post it separately later...)
And I do want to clarify that I in no way think its inherent negative to not have a truly "deep" plot or characters. For one thing, it is impossible for something to be objectively "deep", especially since its a quality that seems to be reliant on authorial intent, which is basically impossible to determine. Especially for something like dsmp where the fandom and creators are in such direct communication with each other. Basically I think its a good thing for people to become involved and invested in media, to be creative and think critically about things are ultimately net positives. And while there are absolutly downsides I do think its cool for the fandom to be so directly involved in the story of the dsmp, with certain fanon things being acknowledged and becoming canon, its able to be a collaborative story between both the different creators and the fandom.
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thaliagrayce · 4 years
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@ariihen​ absolutely. consider yourself destroyed. This is a little lighter on the jasico than most of my stuff, but like... I had fun and it’s still homestuck au? I hope you like it anyway. I love a lot of parts of homestuck but honestly the beginning, when they were trying to figure out this weird fucking game, was one of my favorites
-- gracefulArgonaut [GA] began pestering tumultuousTartarus [TT] at 16:13 --
GA: Im Still Supposed To Be Bullying You Right Now Because Apparently That’s What Were Supposed To Do 
GA: But Ive Been Watching You For An Hour Now And You’ve Been Listening To The Same Song And Staring At The Corner The Entire Time
GA: Are You
GA: Are You Okay?
Nico blinked down at the new messages from gracefulArgonaut, squinting a little to try and read the light blue letters against the white backdrop of pesterChum. It was confusing for a number of reasons, most of which he didn’t want to touch. It was the first time GA had contacted him, but far from the first time he’d been approached by random hostile strangers on pesterChum. Despite the influx of other, much meaner anonymous messages he’s gotten within the past year, this one unsettled him more than most.
He glanced at his computer speakers, which were playing Wake Me Up When September Ends for—he glanced at the screen, which had his music history open—the sixteenth time in a row. He had, in fact, been zoning out in the direction of the corner for almost the entire time. gracefulArgonaut or whatever had no way of knowing that. He looked down at the messages again, chewing on his bottom lip. Responding to these trolls wasn’t productive, he knew that from experience, but that was… super specific.
The last note faded away, bleeding into the intro again. Seventeen times. He unfolded his legs from the position he had been sitting on his bed in, wincing at the twinge in his knees and shaking the numbness out of them as best he could, and moved to his desk chair. Under the window that was playing his music was a pop-up from the Sburb beta. It had taken a while (or maybe he just hadn’t noticed it for a while), but the server application had finished installing.
Instead of sending anything back to GA, he switched to a different chat.
-- tumultuousTartarus [TT] began pestering effluentBlade [EB] at 16:15 --
TT: Okay.
TT: I have the option to start a server now and I’m going to do that.
TT: You only have to join when I send you the invite, it shouldn’t be too difficult on your end.
He set up the server and tried to connect, but the client server was unresponsive. He twisted his skull ring around his finger and stared at the screen. Another few messages from GA came in, but he ignored them.
-- [TT] [EB] --
TT: You there?
TT: Percy?
EB: oh yeah lol I’m here, I just had to do something for my mom
EB: it’s good, got it, hitting enter now
Another message from GA pinged in the background. They were persistent, usually the trolls would ignore him after he disappeared for too long. He glanced at the media player again. Wake Me Up When September Ends was on its seventeenth and a half playthrough. Even if they were just making a scarily accurate guess, GA might have had a point. It was a good song, but it was also without doubt his Depression Song. He hovered his mouse over the icon at the bottom of the screen, considering.
The Sburb window suddenly changed from the black background and green text that he had been seeing for an hour to a loading screen, and his speakers started pumping out instrumental music over top of his emopunk. He paused Green Day, fighting a smile. Finally.
-- [TT] [EB] --
EB: oh shit dude, false alarm, mom needs me again
EB: I’ll be back in five minutes, don’t worry
Nico let out a groan and leaned back in his chair, letting his head flop back against the headrest. He’d been wanting to play this game for months, but apparently he wouldn’t ever be able to. Percy, as usual, had better things to do than spend time with him. Thalia was still pretending that she was too cool to want to play in some misguided attempt to… establish dominance in their group? Impress all of them with her apathy? Make sure her mother was just as miserable as she was? Nico didn’t know, and he didn’t have the patience to try to dismantle whatever was going on in her brain now. She wanted to play somewhere in there, and she would eventually. That’s what mattered to Nico. Annabeth was… Nico didn’t actually know where she was now, but she wasn’t responding to messages. As usual. Probably knee-deep in some project, hyperfocusing so hard that she forgot to blink for five minutes.
At least Percy tried connecting before he left. The loading music was kind of nice, too. Maybe Percy didn’t actually have to be there in order for Nico to play.
There was another ping from GA. Nico bit his lip. It couldn’t be any more unsettling than the initial messages had been, right? He opened the chat.
- - [GA] [TT] - -
GA: I See Youve Moved To A More Comfortable Sitting Location
GA: Good
GA: That Couldnt Have Been Good For Your Back
GA: Or Your Legs
GA: Or Your Mental Health Probably
GA: I Also See That You Are Ignoring Me
GA: Which I Should Have Expected
GA: I Did Explicitly State That I Was Supposed To Bully You
TT: You know, the whole telling me what I’m doing in the moment that I’m doing it thing is a little bit creepier than your group’s usual brand of cyberbullying, but the rest of your approach could really use some work in the hostility department.
TT: Part of your strategy? Be nice, but like, really weird about it? I admit, that might be effective, if you actually planned it out. Make me feel as uncomfortable with my friendships as I do with the rest of you.
TT: Who, apparently, all know each other and have banded together in an organized campaign against myself and my friends?
GA: Oh! Youre Here
GA: Uh
GA: I Kind Of Have A Viewport That Lets Me See The Four Of You?
GA: Mine Is Focused On You At The Moment
GA: I Explained This To You Last Time
TT: Did you, now?
GA: Well
GA: Last Time From My Perspective
GA: Probably It Will Be Next Time From Your Standpoint
GA: Anyway
GA: Im Glad That You Seem To Be More Responsive Now
GA: Youre
GA: Different Than I Expected
GA: And Different Than You Were Before?
Behind pesterChum, the window for Sburb changed. Nico could see… Percy’s bedroom? Strange. He shot a quick message to gracefulArgonaut.
- - [GA] [TT] - -
TT: As fascinating as that avenue of conversation would be to explore, I have better things to do now.
TT: How about you stop creeping on my life and leave me alone? Worth consideration. Might be a more effective way of bullying me, leave me in confusion.
GA: That Certainly Is A Strategy
GA: I Confess That Im Not Very Good At Bullying Though
GA: And You Fascinate Me
GA: I Think I Would Like To Be Friends Actually
TT: Well, try again later, I guess. As I said, I have better things to do now.
He exited the chat, but didn’t log out of pesterChum entirely. Hopefully, Percy would be back soon. Nico could see him in his room, dicking around with a foam sword. Nico scrolled through Percy’s apartment until he was in an uninhabited room—the bathroom. Perfect. He hit the select button and clicked the bathtub. He could worry about GA later, it was time to learn these controls right now.
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snowtimeisbesttime · 5 years
Thoughts and questions on Pesterquest Volumes 1 & 2! Two days late, but better late than never I guess!
-[insert all the heart emoji pics ever]
-The title screen's kinda ominous, what with the music and the glitchy logo... Also kinda fitting for what goes down in certain routes of the launch volumes, though. (It should be noted that Friendsim's first volumes were relatively calm compared with later ones as well.)
-No fucking shit MC would be pissed off, and at Scratch specifically. Thankfully, the Best Guest (Spades Slick)'s here and has them covered while they go off on a new adventure... though if a certain other DS decides to poke around here and fuck shit up, methinks he's going to catch some fucking hands. And i'll be here cheering the MC on.
-MC now has the powers of the house juju (canonically the most powerful thingy in all the narrative, as it can retcon pretty much anything) and therefore the ability to zap anywhere... though it came at the cost of their memories of Friendsim. Obviously this had to happen because they had to forget they read Homestuck in order to properly befriend the cast, but in-universe... did they get “scratched” somehow? (Is that what happened to Fozzer back then?)
-Also, they were trying to go back to their friends in Alternia... we're going to have fun when we get to the Hivebent trolls. (inb4 the “probably vriska” thing comes back here; there's no way the MC isn't recovering their memories at some point)
-Scorist, sign of the Mutineer Mail
-And with the MC's yeeting of John's mail into a sewer, Pesterquest officially becomes a whole ass No SBURB AU. It's a shame the bunny had to be lost too, but there's a possible reason for that: breaking (more) timeloops, both here and in post-scratch Earth (Jake helping Jade build Liv Tyler the bunny)
-I hope they do get to play another, non- world-destroying game all together, though... wait, now that they're not playing Sburb they could play Minecraft, when it releases in about a month from now!!
-Unstoppable force (John wanting to know wtf happened to his mail) meets unmovable object (MC's willingness to keep digging themselves deeper in order to make friends)
-The beta kids are confirmed to be pretty much each other's only friends... :(
-MC looked like a weird alien on Alternia, but here on Earth they're just shaped like a friend, and nothing else.
-Dave's here too!! and he's also understandably concerned about this random Not Mailman that popped out of nowhere, at least at first. Considering we know Volume 4's title (The Loneliest Girl in the World) Volume 3 will probably feature him.
-mc Hass the ghost blanket
-MC says the house juju may belong to Lucifer... which obviously means Lord English, but might also refer to Vriska... (lucifer means “light- bringer”, and iirc vriska did have some overlap with the whole “demon without an eye and an arm” foreshadowing??)
-Considering Rose's volume, John probably finds out about the MC's powers in his good route, while in his bad one they both go on a stroll through time... then again, we don't know if this is like Friendsim, where only the good ends were “canon”...
-Whenever people need to Discuss Important Tactics, John's backyard's the first place anyone thinks about. Good to know there can be multiple people running around with retcon powers though.
-We get to see something of what led up to the Masterpiece, after who knows how long! And John gets to imagining what events will lead to him and his friends getting colorful pajamas, powers and four (4) new friends... not that he knows that *he specifically* won't have that future. John's bad route is... actually very depressing when you think about it...
-the first thing i thought of when john said that he thought Future Him & Co kept saying “english” was that they were telling jake to get off the pogo ride before he like fell off and fucking died or something... and then a while later i was like Wait Fuck They Meant Lord English He Sure As Hell Exists
-even back at the very beginning of homestuck, dad's dadly energies are too powerful
-This singlehandedly catapulted Rose to my Most Favorite Characters list; not that I didn't love her before, but now im love her even more.
-We know now that all the kids wanted to play SBURB, be it because of Weird Destiny Stuff or to have a good time with their friends, but Rose was the one who wanted to play the most... to talk with Jaspers again. This hasn't been addressed in this volume, but it might be in later ones.
-Good kitty, best cryptid. Also, Mom Lalonde's guide to lab intruders: sic a pumpkin tiger on 'em. Then again if she really thought we were a danger to her or to Rose we'd been sniped before we knew she was there...
-Rose doesn't have a short end; the first choice of her route only decides whether we befriend Cryptid Mc Whiskers (plus get some additional dialogue) or not...* or at least that's what i thought before seeing the image rips orz
-She's the kind of person who has a lot of interests but also has trouble settling down and focusing on one at a time... yall mind if i relate? (also, adhd rose??)
-And now we begin again the timeless MC tradition of “accumulating clothing from friends”. *At least in one route, apparently.
-MC gets into one of those “Screw This I'm Doing (What I Think Is) The Right Thing” moods, though they do mellow out later and Rose didn't take it badly. To be honest after the oatmeal thing I thought they'd head for the kitchen, rather than get rid of the alcohol; now we'll have to see if it has any effect...
-!!!!! Jade & Rose interacting ON SCREEN!!!! (also, Jade seems to still have access to Prospit despite the fact that they're not playing Sburb anymore... is this where “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse” (the paradox space comic) hapens??)
-Bec's acting weird... wonder what's up with him.
-Then again, even in her good route Rose seems vaguely aware that something's different; in her bad route she straight up does Weird Light Shit, while apparently being able to hear MC's narration and probably referencing her Land (her comment about the rain lighting up a little). Looks like you can take the game away from the players, but you can't take the game out of the players... Rose's a Seer of Light whether she plays or not, and same with the others.
-Rose's routes are kind of weird in that the good one looks like it's going to be the bad one (re: MC getting in one of their stubborn moods, see two points above), while the bad one looks like it's the good one until it doesn't. Before getting there I genuinely thought Rose was going to have 2 good ends.
-We get some talk on wizards and witches, and we also get to read some fragments of Complacency of the Learned!!! Which is very much a subversion of typical wizard stuff, as Rose told us; even if she has a genuine interest in wizards she's still putting her own spin on things... kinda like fans interacting with content, maybe.
-Wizards hoard knowledge for themselves, while Rose, as a Seer of Light, explicitly guides others with her knowledge; from the SBURB walkthrough in GameFAQs (which she ripped from Earth's internet to upload it onto a server on the Furthest Ring, so it would help more people) to the book she wrote on the meteor. No wonder she despises them.
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transbcyfriend · 6 years
For the homestuck asky, EVERY question 🔫
1. Do you have a chum handle? What does it mean?
i don’t! i mean i used to have pesterchum installed on my computer when i was like, 13, but i don’t remember SHIT of what it was. probably something embarrassing.
2. Is your username homestuck related/have you had one hs related?
my current one isn’t, but i used to have one w/ dirk in the title
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit?
i … i haven’t heard of anyone doing this since middle school. nah
4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
see answer to 3
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
6. God Tier?
knight of heart!
7. Do you make HS fanart?
i haven’t in a rlly long time, but i rlly want to! i’m thinking i’ll end up doing some soon for a late 4/13 pic
8. Do you make hs fanfiction?
don’t remind me i was just a kid
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
i used to! i rlly wanna do it again, but everyone i know who wants to rp hs just wanna do it for the smut :/
if i could get an rp partner who just wanted to for fun tho, i’d b down to try my hand at it again!
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
when i was but a wee lad i cosplayed as dave bc he was my fav, but that was it
i’d lov to cosplay the signless at some point tho, i like his design
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
nope! i debated it, but i was never confident enough in my skills as rping a certain character outside of private rp
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
13. Favorite character?
tbh i’d probably say dave, since he’s … the most relatable to me personally? that and i love his rambles when he just spouts some random shit and goes off on a billion tangents at once. i also rlly like karkat, roxy, kanaya, and mituna!
14. Least favorite character?
i can appreciate him as a character, but he’s…yeah. y’already know.
15. OTP?
i lov rosemary a hella lot, but i also like davekat!
16. NOTP?
…y’know that’s a good question. i don’t rlly think abt ships a lot, just homestuck as a story itself, so. never rlly thought abt it. i’m gonna have to mull that over.
17. BROTP?
nepeta/equius, hands down.
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
nah – it’s a rlly good story, tbh. sure it’s confusing if you don’t keep tabs on things and engross yourself in it, but it’s really well done.
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
i am! i mean i haven’t seen anything going on except for the troll reveals, but ye – i need to catch up on the playthrough i’m watching (jack’s). i’d play it myself, but i’m staying on a budget.
20. Tell us how homestuck has effected you in real life?
it’s made me really rewire how i go about telling my own stories, tbh – that and it made me rethink comics and how interesting they could be without being just “sunday funnies.” i grew up with shit like archie comics, nothing that really strung together (not to mention something as long as homestuck is), but it made me change my view on how good and serious one could be.
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
i have! i don’t know ‘em anymore, but they were a chill group.
22. Have you left the fandom before?
nah – i’m just kinda off to the side of the fandom in my own little bubble, i don’t really get too involved in discourse or w/e to rlly feel the need to leave
that and it’s had my interest for too long for me to leave
23. How many times have you read through it?
5! 3 times on my own, and 2 times reading it to other people.
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
god fuck no that’s extra content i could scarf down r u kidding
25. Opinions on the fandom?
i haven’t really mingled much with the fandom to really have an opinion on it – i remember when i was a kid it was really wild and people feared having the homestucks show up, but the people in the fandom seem to have calmed down, and i can fuck with that, so i tease the idea of mingling in. i probably won’t tho, i’ll prolly just stay on the fringes of it hangin in my own space.
26. Opinions on the comic?
get ready
the comic … is honestly, i mean considering it literature, the best piece i’ve ever read? the characters are all really diverse in their views and thoughts, every one of them have different aspects to them that make them unique (john being very aloof when he wants to be, dave’s rambles, rose’s entire personality aside from her interest in psychology, etc.), and they’re memorable in whatever they do. they have their own quirks, their interests, their morals and – i really like how the characters are into genuinely bad things. it’s not like “oh yeah this character likes x and x,” and the things they’re into are neutral or good in nature, it’ll be like, “oh yeah this character actually loves horrendously terrible movies,” and i can appreciate that.
that, and i like how they’re unaffected by “purity culture” – in a lot of media i see today, all of the characters are usually mad acceptable, but homestuck doesn’t really do that. like fuck, take caliborn and doc scratch, they’re hella problematic but i like that – having characters that aren’t acceptable, whose actions are…disgusting, really, but still portray them without having to spoonfeed the reader that they’re not okay. i think a lotta shit i see nowadays misses out by not having characters that have gross views and actions like those two.
i also really like how complex it is. like you get media that shows video games like sao (which don’t even get me started), and they’re…lacking, they’re not like how a real life game would be with all the little events within its code and all the sidequests and yada yada yada. they feel bland. but with homestuck, it’s rich, it’s interesting, there’s always something going on (and it’s limited in time). that and it’s concepts – the way it does its own version of rpg classes, its perma-death aspect, how the players can vastly change things with small actions in a butterfly effect, things like that.
i could go on, but i just really like the worldbuilding, characters, and story, it’s rlly good
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
i think i like the trolls the most, but the humans are a close second!
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
either the penis ouija scene, [s] collide, or [s] game over
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
whenever there was a hiatus
but beside that, tbh there’s rlly no moment in the comic that i disliked!
30. Tell us a homestuck based story.
one time, i tried doing a fanventure.
i’m gonna stop that story there because it was embarrassing and i was an overexcited 15 year old.
31. How homestuck related is your blog?
not really? i reblog quite a bit of hs related content, but otherwise it’s just kinda here and there y’know
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xefros-trltoh · 6 years
6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 27, 30 !! :)
6, God Tier? I'm a knight of space !10, Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?  Yes!! I've cosplayed Dirk, Dave, John Karkat and mituna! Most of these were when I was still in California, but I'm gunna bring the HS back to Texas now 13, Favorite character? That's a hard one but definitely Dave strider! A close second is John  14, Least favorite character? Ohhhhhh that's also a hard one because all the HS character are so well written 😭😭😭 But if I had to choose Caliborn 15. OTP? OHHH tied between dirkjake davekat and johndave 16. NOTP? I don't think I have one! 17. BROTP? Ohh! Gotta be dave and the mayor20. Tell us how homestuck has effected you in real life?  Dude it has made me so many awesome bros! It's how I made my first friends in California, it saved my life more then once! 21. Have you met anyone through homestuck? It's how I've made over 50% of my friends 27, Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces? OHHHHH ! Humans typically  30. Tell us a homestuck based story.  Once during a HS meet at Balboa Park a couple taking wedding photos happened to be in our area and wanted to get a photo with us so we in all our Homestuck glory made it into a random couples wedding portfolio and it's honestly the best thing that happened at a meet up
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captainceranna · 7 years
Name: Pristine Age: 19, turning twenty in february Meaning behind tumblr url: It was originally for a homestuck fan troll;; Hobbies/Interests: Drawing, Character Design, Singing, Witchcraft Why you follow me: Pretty aaaart like your lines are truly amazing!! Random fact about yourself: My favorite soda and chips combo is Dr Pepper w loaded baked potato and or bbq flavored pringles Question for me: Who did you romance first in dragon age, mass effect, and fallout 4?
Ahhh thank you
DA:  So for DAO it was Alistair, DA2 was Anders (YOU BREAK MY HEART FEATHER MAGE), and DAI was Cullen
ME:  Got ninjamanced by Kaidan while yearning for Garrus
FO4: Danse :D
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morwytch · 7 years
Kita Questionaire
1: What is your character’s full name? Kita Viktoria Koji 
2: What is their birth? December 1 
3: What is/are your character’s favorite show(s)? he doesn't watch TV much, but when he does watch, he likes ghostbusters, and X files. 
4: What kind of drug(s) does your character do? He doesn't have time for any of that. 
5: Favorite brand when it comes to shoes? He wears converse most of the time 
6: Where does your OC buy most of their clothes? Who pays for them? He gets them anywhere he can find what he likes cheaply. He pays for them. 
7: Can your character cook anything well? If so, what? He's the best cook in His family. He cannot, for the life of him, cook Mexican however. Tortillas, BROKEN! Sauce splattered, meat sauce, crispy. 
8: Would your character sacrifice a friend for $10,000,000 It's a tempting offer for him. Very tempting.... 
9: What song does your character always sing in the shower? In the dark of the night from Anastasia. 
10: As a child, what did your OC wanna be when they grew up? He just wanted to be on one of those paranormal shows. He loved that shit. 
11: Favorite kind of alcohol? Straight vodka. If he wants to get drunk he'll do it as fast as he can. 
12: Who is/are your OC’s best friend(s)? Yosuke. He's his homie with the bus. 
13: Favorite store? Hot topic. 
14: Favorite book? Peregrine's home for peculiar children. 
15: Most visited website(s)? Tumblr. (How meta) 
16: If your OC was a character from King of the Hill who would they be? I don't know I've never watched it and analyzed but maybe pocket sand guy 
17: Propane or charcoal? Charcoal 
18: Favorite troll from Homestuck? The captors. 
19: Has your character ever complained about how Invader Zim got canceled? Meh. 
20: Nintendo or Sony? Nintendo 
21: Favorite video game(s)? Casual games, usually. 
22: What’s the password they use for everything? Concern1cus 
23: What was their email in the 6th grade? PolterSpookyGiest666. He was unnecessarily edgy. That phase lasted years. 
24: Does your character tan or burn? Burns like a hot cheeto covered in wasabi and ghost peppers. 
25: What invisible illness does your OC live with? Asthma, chronic headaches, and the occasional petit mal seizure. 
26: If charged by a swarm of wild animals, what wild animal would scare your character the most? The Platypus. Jesus fuck, the platypus. 
27: Everybody Loves Raymond comes on but the batteries in the remote are dead. Does your character watch ELR or get up and change it? He gets up and turns the TV. 
28: What was their favorite disney show as a kid? Peter Pan. 
29: If your character is LGBT+, when and how did they realize? Around the swim team, He found himself slightly interested in females like the occasional "yeah she looks nice I guess" but a hot guy came around and he was all "👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit" and he was like 17. 
30: Who are your OC’s celebrity crushes? Ken Hirai. Hot damn swoon sign him the fuck up he hot. 
31: How does your character want to die? How do they actually die? He wants to go out peacefully, without regrets. I'm still figuring out the how he actually will die. 
32: How does your OC deal with having a crush on someone? He Internalizes the fuck outta that and hopes they make the first move. He'll try but it usually ends up like "uh.. um.. y-you're.. um.., I.. uh;;;;; " 
33: Did your OC cry at the end of Balto? a big resounding YES. 
34: What Bands does your character own merch to? He has a few bracelets from a few scattered bands. He loses them too much so nobody knows. :/ 
35: Emo, scene, goth, or punk? Goth. 
36: Does your OC use words or fists to argue? Words 
37: Did your OC read the book The Secret? Did it change their lives? He has. He's.. yet to see the effects. 
38: Did you character get deeper into My Little Pony than they let on? Much. Much deeper. 
39: Spotify or Pandora? Spotify. 
40: Do they pay for music or download it off the web? downloaaaaad. 
41: iPhone or Android? Android. 
42: Most used emoji? 😪 
43: Do they get lost on IMDB for hours looking up random movie trivia? No. 
44: Remember when Donnie Darko was about to jerk off in his therapists office that was fucked up What? I mean jerking it in a therapists is pretty fucked up. 
45: Does your character think Elijah Wood’s is hot?
 To him, he's soso. 46: Does your character believe in the Illuminati Well he's not American so, maybe if he knew that was a thing, probably. 
47: What do you think youtube would recommend your character watch? Relaxing music, creepy pastas, sad pastas, occasional hypnosis. 
48: Your OC stops at a gas station to buy a drink. What did they buy? He get caffeinated water. Boi needa stay up 
49: Does your character have an enemy/rival? Nope 
50: What kind of blog would/does your character have?(ie: food, aesthetic, SJW, porn, b&w, anime, etc..) Aesthetic and stress posts.
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