#if an anon tells me they emailed some random author
All you did was ask if the weirdo was Neil Gaiman, then provided a call out. You didn't tell that LITERAL CHILD not to put themself in danger. Because that's what it is. When one person WAS concerned about a literal child contacting a potential predator, you made it about pro-shipping, not the issue at hand. You also called the concerned person deranged. You're more concerned with pixels kissing on the internet than you are a child PUTTING THEMSELF IN A SITUATION WHERE THEY COULD BE RAPED/KILLED/KIDNAPPED/OTHERWISE HARMED. That kid is doing things that have gotten other children murdered and tortured in a way they will never recover from. NEVER. If a CHILD tells you that they contacted a dangerous adult and you're an adult, you are morally bound to tell that kid not to do that. It's the same thing as a kid running headlong into traffic. Luckily, the person emailed (hopefully) killed the conversation quickly. Predators are master manipulators and kids don't know when they're being played. That could have gone very, very, VERY wrong. Shame on you for not condemning that action. You're the adult in that situation - you need to fucking BE RESPONSIBLE.
Fellas, if you send an E-Mail to a YA author and you’re in high school, is it inviting Murder Most Foul?
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 months
(diff anon) i'd love to hear about what aspects of the fic you mentioned were formative to your own writing style! you're my favorite fic author of all time and i'm truly obsessed with everything you've written like. sorry if i sound like a creep LOL i literally got into VC so i could read your VC fics dude. you're amazing!!!
Dsgasd oh my goddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
First of all, thank you LOL. That’s so kind to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But also I feel a little silly like citing this fic as teaching me all these lessons about writing when they are things I am still very much practicing and always trying to achieve; I do not feel I’ve reached the level of The Epic RE Fic That I Idolize but weirdly enough I don’t think my VC fics are really great examples of the things I’m about to point out, since they’re all one shots and silly little smut scenes. I think I’ve carried the RE advice to my Sheith fics in a more meaningful way!!!!!!!! I think my Sheith fics are better samples of my writing and more complete stories that I’m trying to tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I wonder how random it is, like, I don’t think this is the BEST FANFIC EVER WRITTEN but it found me at a particular time. Maybe I could have learned these lessons somewhere else. Like there are a few other fics that I treasure deeply that gave me lightbulb moments about writing and it’s like, are they extremely unique? Or did I just find them when I found them? Did they just have the honor of being the first? Idk. But something about this fic is like, it left so many impressions on me in such a formative way that I still think about, and as I’ve gotten older and better at writing and as I become more able to articulate my tastes, I’m still always comparing back to it. And in the years since I’ve read like several million fanfics and I think I’ve developed a sense of what I know that I DON’T like, as well, which dictates to me what I would like to avoid as a writer, and even those things are like in direct opposition to this fic! So like. It just always comes back to this one for me, and maybe if I’d been in different fandoms it would’ve been some other incredible fic, but it happened at this place & time and it is what it is!!!
And for a long time I’ve cited it as my favorite book??????????? Like I do have favorite BOOK books, as well, but. This feels like it’s my favorite book lol. And I think it’s important for fic writers to have that because fanfic writing is a very different medium from original writing, and like a lot of what I like about this fic is SO specific to fanfiction writing in a way that doesn’t apply to writing in general.
But. Here’s some takeaways from the fic that really like created a blueprint for what I like in fics and gave me like the ultimate writing goals of how I would want my fics to be (and I’m still trying to get there!!!) !!! AND IM TRYING REALLY HARD NOT TO WRITE A NOVEL MYSELF I’M TRYING TO KEEP IT SUCCINCT WISH ME LUCK.
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(sorry, I did, in fact, write a fucking novel okay i just love this fic so much 😭)
So just for the record every time I talk about this fic, it’s actually a duology of TWO FUCKIN FICS!! The first is like 311k and the second is 312k !!!!!!!!!!! That’s 600+ k’s! !!!!!!!!!!!
And to set the stage for you, I was 15 when this fic came out, and I was reading it like chapter to chapter. It’s 23 chapters and I think it was published up to 17 or 18 when I first binged it, so after that I was like reading every update. If I recall it was like ILLEGALLY on FF.net and survived the original purge but got caught later and taken down, so the author had moved updates to a personal website, and would alert everyone about updates with a fucking email list. It was the wild west out there okay.
BUT WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THIS FIC IS THAT THE CHAPTERS ARE LIKE AROUND 15K ON AVERAGE? It’s a nice thicc update. So the update days felt so special. It wasn’t like a bullshit 2k update that you can read in 10 minutes, it was like a nice event to sit down to.
I don’t even try to like set wordcount goals on my fics because like, one of the WHAT NOT TO DO lessons I’ve learned from reading several million fics is like, I really, really, really hate when authors fluff the wordcount with bullshit just to have the number. Like there was a super popular fic in one of my fandoms a few years back that I ALMOST had this experience with because every chapter was like 20-30k and it took me all morning to read on a day off and I was trying so hard to enjoy it but like so much of the body of text was just NONSENSE and like, wasn’t adding to the story at all, was repeating events that JUST HAPPENED in the form of clunky exposition to remind us, and I just felt like the author was trying to be like The Biggest Bestest Writer w/ the Longest Fic and it was just fucking excruciating. LOL. Eventually the updates became exhausting and I wound up skimming them :(. So. I don’t ever want to set that trap for myself.
But the RE fic taught me like, to think about stories (and chapters) as the sequence of events you want to convey, and give them space to breathe! I don’t want to just drop chapters on AO3 because I came to a dramatic stopping point, and I don’t want to just fill my page because I’m antsy to get engagement. I want to actually share stories that are patient and take the time to say what they want to say. And like as a 15 year old when I read this fic for the first time I was VERY MUCH the type of undiagnosed ADHD millennial who had bullshit random ideas and posted 1k at a time of WHATEVER and my page was a MESS. And I just think like, this fic taught me in a huge way to be patient and think about pacing, think about how I’m splitting the parts of the story apart, what makes this bit a “chapter”. It encouraged me a lot to like, think about the long game of how many scenes belong together in one update, vs splitting them into chapters, how to use that effectively, to be patient and not just publish every fucking little milestone just because I finished something and want to share it. LOL. Like just, be patient, write a nice thicc chapter, give it space to breathe, let the readers get through a cup of tea or have a lazy morning inside with it.
Just be PATIENT.
And the PACING. The way the SLOW BURN builds!
First of all this fuckin fic slow burns you in like SEVERAL DIRECTIONS and when I tell you it is BRUTAL. A lot of this has to do with the canon it’s working with (I’ll talk about this more in a bit) and I don’t want to get too in the weeds with canon details but like the fic is a novel of pre-canon backstory, so like. IT’S THE SUSPENSE VS SURPRISE THING RIGHT? Like, I’m slow burning for usual reasons like waiting for them to work out the mutual pining and fuck already, but also!!!!!!!!! The TENSION waiting for canon stuff to happen!!!!!!!!
Because !!!!! I’ll just tell you right now!!!!!!!! ONE OF THEM FUCKING DIES IN THE GAME OKAY. So this entire time is this investment into a ship where YOU KNOW HE’S GOING TO FUCKING DIE LOL. And like the timeline of the fic takes place over 20 years so it’s covering so much ground and history between them and every update you get closer and closer to the events of the game and it’s just ahdskjglads EXCRUCIATING LOL.
You also know from the game that one of the characters (Birkin) is married and has a child, so like, you slow burn on them hooking up, and THEN you slow burn on “oh god what’s going to happen why does he wind up with a wife this is awful something terrible is going to happen” and then WHEN IS HE GOING TO DIE I CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS.
But the fic covers such a huge expanse of story and does such a great job just pacing out all these events, and this also goes to being patient and writing thicc chapters. And it kind of weaves in and out of major events, like there are times the text will just straight up time skip like “Two years passed like this” and other times we like stay very focused on a month or two of important things. And it just feels that everything that gets space and attention moves the plot, everything has a purpose. (Ironically I could have learned this from VC and it's very obvious that the author was a VC fan for a few reasons I'll spare you because this post is too long already and even drops an IWTV joke at one point LOL) [BUT I GUESS READING IT IN A FIC MADE IT FEEL MORE ACCESSIBLE IDK like I learned a lot from Anne Rice but I also don't really want to write like her so I never idolized her prose too literally. I think it maybe is more obvious with a blunter author who cuts to the point LOL.]
EVEN THE SMUT okay like, because, they finally fuck lol, and like, TO ME PERSONALLY I don’t like when slow burns culminate in one fucking smut scene and then it never happens again lmao. I like it when like, the dam breaks and we get a plethora of smut. And this fic is a little tricky because there’s a stretch in the middle WITHOUT smut when they’re having issues around Birkin’s wife hahaha but like. For the most part, once they fuck, there’s at least some smut in each chapter, and it’s never random!!!!!!!!!!!! The plot of the fic is so intertwined with these specific smut scenes, especially bc they imply that like, the ship is fucking 5x a week LOL. So the scenes that we actually get are like, yknow, their first time, or the first time they don’t use a condom, the first time they have make-up sex, the first time they say I love you. You know??? It feels so strategic. I love it!!!!!1
Don’t get me wrong because I’m a big fan of PWPs also LOL but like I really really adore longfics and slow burns that use smut this way, too. There’s room for everybody and all types of porn, so it’s all good LOL but like I really would love if I could write like this and I think about it a lot when I try to plan my fics and it’s something I’m really trying to work on. Smut for the sake of smut is excellent but it’s also just a really fun bonus if there’s like, porn meta lol.
And even like, going back to pacing and time shifts, it’s so graceful !!!!! I feel like I get stuck on transitions a lot in fic, like how to do time skips, and I always go back to this fic to remind myself it’s okay to just go “It was a week later when –” like it’s so simple! So easy! Just do it!
Again without getting into the weeds on Resident Evil canon, this is a love story between the two VILLAINS and like. THEY’RE AWFUL PEOPLE LMAOOOO. Some of it is like tropey fake sociopath stuff that we see in fiction, like, I wonder if someone this evil is even capable of loving anything, but it’s KINDA NICE YKNOW like it’s romantic that they cause mass death and their city eventually has to be nuked to stop their virus from spreading even more but they couldn’t give less of a fuck about the 100k+ casualties because all they care about is each other. 😊
And it’s written in such a raw way that honestly I feel like I don’t really see anymore? This could be because the fandoms I read these days don’t really have characters like this, but. For example! When Birkin winds up in a marriage of convenience with this woman, he just slowly devolves into being such a horrific misogynist because he resents her so much? And he’s so unfulfilled as a closeted gay man and fuckin hits her and stuff when he’s frustrated?
Like he’s UNLIKABLE, he’s HATEABLE, so much of the conflict in the story is HIS OWN FAULT and he’s just an awful fucking person, and the text isn’t shy about it! Even writing his POV it’s like, “he couldn’t look at her without losing his appetite” and “it disgusted him to think about her sloppy vagina” LOL it’s just!!! So incredibly raw and messy and honest.
I’m even guilty of shying from things like that in my fics because, while I adore whump, I also think about my stories as fantasy spaces, and I don’t often want to bring real world harm into them. I think a lot of fandoms have this, like this established fanon space where we write fics where there’s no homophobia, for example. I don’t see a lot of fics anymore about coming out, or being closeted. They’re around!!! But I think I used to see them a lot more 20 years ago because the generation of writers were struggling with it so much more, maybe.
Again, maybe just the fandoms I write and read for, idk. Like VC doesn’t feature homophobia in canon, VLD takes place in the future and it doesn’t come up, YOI is like a fantasy world and the creator even said that homophobia doesn’t exist there. So yeah idk like. I have read fics like this, they’re out there, it just doesn’t feel very common, and it’s especially uncommon to take that direction of portraying the blorbo as a misogynist and spousal abuser, you know?
I LOVE IT because, you’re still rooting for them LOL.  Like, Birkin punches his wife and complains about her sloppy vagina and I’m like YEAH GET BACK TO WESKER! GET SOME DICK! Like it WORKS because I’m on his side LOL. It’s just a really interesting exercise in characterization and like, how to still like people in the text who are just completely awful that you’d never forgive in a million years if they were real.
I’m sure this is around in like Kylux or something, this has gotta still be a thing in other fandoms LOL, I just personally don’t see it a lot. Even VC fandom could be better at this, you know. 😊 Make them scumbags !!!
There’s something really funny about how the smut is written and it’s like. At a glance I always think it’s just outdated because like we’ve collectively all nailed down some better vocab for smut that I see these days LOL but also it feels meta because the two characters are like evil scientist sociopaths so everything is sort of clinical and dry. Like there’s a lot of rectums and anuses and penises LOL. And it always makes me chuckle a little when I reread until I get re-acclimated.
But what I think it kinda does brilliantly is it zooms out and like shows so much structure and choreography for the smut. So like. I’m really glad that this fic was so important to me as a teen because I hadn’t written a TON of smut and really started writing it a lot after coming back to writing fic in my late twenties after a really long break, and I’m just really grateful to have this foundation because it made me think about the bones of a smut scene so much. Nowadays I think fandoms and smut writers have collectively bounced vocab off each other and we’ve like osmosis hiveminded so much great technique for smut writing and I’m so glad that smut scenes are so much more stylish and sensual these days but it’s nice to have this foundation too and to come back to like, how people move and what they’re doing beneath all the sleek words.
I’m still, 20 years later, so goddamn impressed with how this author was able to expand canon the way they did??????????
Because like, if you’ve never played Resident Evil, these two characters are NPCs and villains, and in Resident Evil most of the canon information is delivered to you via documents. Like you explore areas and find documents laying around or find people’s journals and you read them and that’s where all the world building and exposition and clues are taught to you.
So like, we know these two worked for Umbrella in the 70s because there’s a photo of them outside the building in the 70s. We know the names of their coworkers because we find a lab report signed by someone named Ross.
Like, in any fandom we’ll have these bits of pre-canon or backstory that are delivered in crumbs, but WOW IS THIS FIC GLUED TOGETHER WITH FUCKING CRUMBS. And the amount of research the author did on like SCIENCE LOL is so ?? idek how accurate it is or if they’re just bullshitting but I BUY IT LOL it feels right, feels natural while you’re reading, makes perfect sense! Because there’s so much about like the work they’re doing in the labs, and like details about the projects, etc.
Just, going back to pacing, it’s incredible how many subplots the author wove together to like fill twenty years of time. For example, in canon, we meet Wesker in the first game where he’s a rat inside the police department running a special ops team, and by the end of the game you find out he’s worked for Umbrella the entire time and is delivering you to be slaughtered so that they could get combat data. So in the fic there’s like, the whole section about how Wesker decides to start this special ops team and put in the time to pose as a cop, and how he actually has to do police work !!!!!!! And he solves bizarre murders!!! And does paramilitary training !!!! And it’s such a great section of the fic and I love it!
Like there’s just so much thought to using canon as a framework and like finding all these spaces to uncover and fill with your own ideas. Even giving Wesker and Birkin family histories, which we never get in the games! Wesker has a whole fucking family! His sister is a fleshed out OC in the fic that shows up a lot and she’s amazing! I love her!!!
It just feels so much like the SPIRIT of fanfic to me and what I like to see, what types of things I like to think about when I’m like in blorbo hell. I DO think about all these uncovered spaces and want to know more. I want to know everything! I have to make these decisions as a writer! I want to make up headcanons about people’s families and histories so that I have that point of reference when I’m writing, even if I never have the chance to reveal it in the fic itself!!!
I like when canonverse fics pay this much attention to detail and feel PLAUSIBLE. It just really inspires me as a challenge to see how plausible I can make fics!!!!!!! Some people like face canon and walk backwards into hell lol but I really enjoy this as a creative exercise and this fic like really showed me how much you can make up while still be so plausible!!!!!! And it deepens my enjoyment of the source!!!!! Because I re-play the games and I'm like OH THIS IS THE ROOM WHERE SUCH&SUCH HAPPENED, THIS MUST BE WHERE THEY HAVE THAT ARGUMENT OFF SCREEN, etc.
AND ALSO LIKE THE THING THAT FUCKS ME UP SO MUCH is that the first fic was written after CODE: Veronica so it covers like the timeline up until that game, and then they have the entire fucking 312k sequel that came out before Resident Evil 4 so they were out of canon to use AND JUST MADE SOME SHIT UP!!!!!!!!!!11 And to this day I prefer how the fic went over canon LMFAO. This fic is my actual Resident Evil canon, bye!!!
But it was so rich and layered, so well paced, so thicc and fulfilling, so thoughtful !!!!!!!! So well written! It’s incredible how these two fics are like a pre-canon AND post-canon fic, like that’s so much thought work to do about THE THING, you know? I fucking admire it so much!!!!!!!!!!
Reading this fic at 15 I was so impressed with like the worldly references and point of view and life experience of the writer and I kept thinking “wow this writer must be a fucking grown up” LOL and like, I don’t think fandom spaces were as segregated by age back then and it wasn’t so uncommon for adults & minors to mingle in the same space because no one gave a shit, but I do know that the friends I made were usually around my age because we gravitated towards each other, and it always gave me the impression that the fandom was like all high schoolers. And especially like once FFnet did the purge and we were sharing on LJ more it’s like, fics being posted in between everyone’s entries about their day at high school lol.
Anyway so, I just remember like, appreciating so much that older people were writing fics, too, and some of it was like just very obvious life experience that came through in the text, but also like being able to characterize adult characters are adults, if that makes sense. Like I don’t want to generalize every teen writer but I do know that when I was a teen, all my characters tended to behave like teens. And I noticed it in my peers’ fics, too, like, the amount of melodrama and crying and like world-shattering interpersonal conflicts that an adult could like, very easily solve or avoid LOL. So it was really awesome to read like, adults written by adults, and again like even though I was a very avid reader of traditional books, too, and reading lots of adults that way, reading fanfiction is such a different experience when you see the same character written by several different people and notice how everyone portrays them differently. It just made me start thinking about stuff like that as a writer, like how much was I projecting, how much does everyone project, how much can you insert about your own experience and point of view without mangling the character?
And like, I stopped sharing fanfic online after the LJ strikethrough because all the fanfic spots kinda died at that point, and then I was like working full time at 17, and then I started college when I was 21, and just a few years went by where I dismissed fanfic as my silly high school hobby that isn’t for adults, EXCEPT THAT I WOULD REMEMBER THE RE FIC WAS CLEARLY WRITTEN BY AN ADULT, and so when I rejoined fandom and started writing fic again when I was like 27 I remember feeling like I had something to contribute and I was so happy to be an adult in fandom writing cool stories with all my patience and life experience.
AND LIKE OVERALL NOW I THINK, IDK, THE WAY THE INTERNET LANDSCAPE HAS CHANGED AND THE WAY MILLENNIALS ARE COMING INTO MIDDLE AGE LOL, I feel like I still mostly interact with my peers, but I still see like the ageism in fandom from younger folks here and there, and I’m just like. Whatever kids, the grownups are the ones writing all the good fic. 😎
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Depending on where I am in my life, I feel like a different character dominates that phase. It's hard to say favorite, absolute favorite, though when pressed I tend to still default to Glorfindel for Tolkien fandom and Panthro for ThunderCats and call it a day. (Pokemon is easy, Rocketshipper for Life, they cannot be separated.)
With ThunderCats, I know that I latched onto Cheetara immediately. Cheetahs were my favorite animal, and there are many things about Cheetara I can relate to. But the more I watched, rewatched, obsessed over, and delved into ThunderCats, I found myself making the rounds to Tygra, and Alluro, and coming around to Panthro in the midst of it, so that by the time I was in college, I created my first website (Panthro's Pad). It was good times. The biggest thing that locked that in -- the ancient email RP for ThunderCats, and both Cheetara and Tygra were taken, but somehow Panthro was not (I also played Snarfer in that RP game - Snarfer, the Wesley Crusher of ThunderCats.)
Now that we're past the opening act, on to Tolkien.
I don't think reader or follower reactions have swayed me in a big picture way, but individuals certainly have given me unknown nudges. Art has swayed me -- if you want a thing to happen, especially in Bunniverse, send me some art. Mei, Siesta, SayAye, TICS, and others who provided visual nudges knew what my kryptonite is.
My introduction was The Hobbit; I liked Gollum (bet you didn't expect that!) and Thranduil. I also knew of Glorfindel prior to that, but did not actually find out 'who is that exactly?' until getting to Lord of the Rings. From the Bakshi film, I liked Elrond. From the Rankin & Bass (which -- spoiler -- I don't think I would have started to root in this fandom without that, the fact that the animation style of those films and ThunderCats are the same production company -- that made a big impact for me) I liked... the orcs! But also, Smaug. And, still Thranduil.
Do you know how fucking confused I was, sitting in the theatre, opening night, to watch PJ's Fellowship, and a white Legolas, not a green Legolas, appears on screen? That was my WTF? moment.
And then, enter Haldir.
That line, "The Dwarf breathes so loud..."?
That was my ringtone on my flip phone for a while.
Back when Yahoo Groups were a thing, and riffing was a thing (riffing is writing little narratives with the authors interacting with their characters/muses), I proclaimed that my muses at that time consisted of Haldir, Glorfindel, Erestor, and Thranduil. Just about everything had one of them somewhere in the story.
Oh, and Celeborn, but that's just because I found Marton Csokas extremely attractive. That's right, while my contemporaries wanted to be princesses of Mirkwood, I was finding ways to be the homewrecker of Lothlorien.
I found that I slowly shifted from that line-up when I moved from apartment-land to house-ville. In the first month of moving, I was in two car accidents -- one terrible that totaled my car GLRFNDL, and one just frightening and involving a deer and mauling GLRFNDL the second not even a month after the first.
I went from being "the" author to being...lonely -- since you're anon and I can't know if you know this, in 2006 I had MCed the Tolkien Track of Dragon*Con. I had around 750 posted stories at that point, including a massive WIP about Gondolin at a time when one didn't find much about Gondolin, that was very read (random people encountering me and telling me they read it level; combined reads on that thing across multiple sites are at a seven digit figure, very much 'how is this my life?' headspace of people wanting things signed or sending me gifts (I have a collection of 70 purple stuffed bunnies from fans, and also, many people during those days would send me gift cards for cheesecake or in one instance, I was FEDEXed an actual cheesecake -- you haven't lived until you have to pick up a cheesecake and sign for it with your fandom name and prove you are your fandom name to the people at FEDEX).
But I had the accidents. I still have PTSD from the first one -- to this day, I can't drive a vehicle that is low to the ground. SUV, Truck - fine. This has been sad news for ERESTOR, a cozy station wagon I own, but can't drive anymore. And I was injured. My leg was so swollen that I couldn't wear pants for several weeks, and my knee had been slammed into the console so stairs were not a good option. I had a bruise the shape of the seat belt that stuck around many weeks (though, better than the alternative! always buckle up!). There were cuts in many places on top of my head. The most noticeable thing was the gash that ran from just beside my eye down my cheek all the way to my chin. I am very fortunate I had a doctor who was amazing in treating me that I don't have a scar that is seen. My neck and back have not been the same since; air travel since then has ceased because I don't know if I can sit through the flights.
My morale was low; I wasn't the super fun person I had been prior to the first accident. I couldn't sit and type things out for lengthy periods as I once had; I had to rely on voice chats or speech-to-text (which sucked a lot at that time). There were nights I got home from work and I just sat in the chair in the living room until I fell asleep because I was too tired to do anything else.
And most people in fandom didn't want to just sit in a call that was mostly silent, or talk about things other than fandom, or sit and watch a TV show with me so that I didn't feel alone.
But Britt did, and Jules did, and they kept me around these parts, and they got me sidetracked into something else.
(Also, Jules and I RPed a massive all the Rivendell characters plus Ereinion thing, I don't know if we'll ever find everything we did, but what we did do was fun, and also, therapeutic. Britt introduced me to LOTRO, and I wouldn't have Eledu -- and OC Britt created and then slowly was gifted over to me --without the bad things that happened. I wouldn't have Bainith, Baynor, Fauneth, and so many other lovely characters to round out Middle-earth.)
This was also a darker period of writing. Rainbow in the Dark and Unforgivable were written at that time; Morgoth crept into my bunny hutch. Sauron was suddenly there, terrorizing my muses. Eventually, I needed a way to pull myself out of the self-imposed Void I was in.
And I remembered Fingon.
Near the end of the apartment-land time, I had been working through some stories (most notably Citius Altius Fortius) with Fingon. My own sibling family unit is four sibs -- the second one is the tallest one, very tall, very business, very fierce; third is a girl, and one who at 18 left the state for adventure elsewhere in the world. There were a lot of parallels, and I revisited what I had been doing, and started to write things reflective of my own experiences into things for that sibling group, but especially Fingon (I am the oldest). I went on a sort of 'what would Fingon do' quest. I remember just, driving places I'd never been before, on a Saturday, abruptly, no prior plan, or doing things like, wow, that a strange giant insect crawling around, guess I'll just scoop it up in my hands and take it back to nature (not a thing I'd have done before, that's for damned sure). But I wrote some of it into what I called The Private Reserve, posting it in places that were somewhat need to know, invite only to find. I started to think, I needed to stop being autobiographical and start twisting in fiction, so now, writings about Fingon are less obvious what is based on truths and what is made up, because then I felt I could put those stories out there. J helped with that, too -- making the art of Glorfindel, Erestor, and Fingon that made me decide that Erestor didn't have to choose - why not both?
Writing collaboratively also meant that Fingon's stories leaned further into fiction, and Gildor and Maedhros, characters I once personally did not like, got a second chance and now were no longer the secret villains, but beloved characters to write about.
Asfaloth. I've always enjoyed writing Asfaloth as more than a horse, as THE horse, as the secret identity of Nahar, and with the ability to talk (but unlike Huan, talking far more than three times).
Then -- pandemic. Isolation. Things happen in cycles. I had been once again in that strange place of running into people who I didn't really know telling me they'd read all my fics, going to regional conventions and getting white glove treatment, etc. And then -- there were no conventions, no gatherings, similar to my experiences after the car accidents.
This time, though, while everyone else was locked in at home, I was out. I ended up redeployed on a special project, running 3D printers, trying to develop a version of a print on demand mask that would be as effective as an N95 (we hoped for one; we managed four; we were shut down because there was a fear that legally someone might sue if they used one of them and still got covid -- they are flexible and comfortable and breathable and when I wore them I never got covid, as I was testing constantly, but I digress). I had to keep myself occupied, in scenarios where either I was out in a dystopic world all by myself or with one other person who was on the project. I kept papers in my car to prove it was okay for me to be outside. It was a different time.
The prior year, I'd written a choose your own adventure story about Finrod Felagund called Werewelves. It was written mostly while I was outside, as my mother-in-law stayed with us twice; once when her lease for an apartment she had lived in for 33 years wasn't renewed and again when her new apartment caught fire (on my birthday, and I was the one who went over and saved her and her cat - my other origin point for PTSD - fire is not my friend). And I thought a lot about that story, and suddenly, a character I used mainly as a footnote in stories about Galadriel or Fingon was very very present.
My current vehicle is FINROD. That's how present this muse has been.
And, because things do come full circle at times, Thranduil (not green anymore, I've finally accepted non-green Thranduil for some things) is all up in all the writing business, too, and he brought the wife, so Avisiel is around about.
So that is where I am currently at, as I sit beneath a banner for the House of the Golden Flower writing this. Who knows what will happen next?
...but I did have a dream about Maeglin last night...
Link back to the question list for those who want to ask more questions (and get these novel-length responses): https://at.tumblr.com/z-h-i-e/asks-are-always-open-drops-numbers-here-there/g7eyggcu5bc8
0 notes
reggies-eyeliner · 4 years
Rules for Requesting and Asks!
Heyo, you beautiful little bean! Before I start the rules and all that jazz:
(or shoulder pats, if you don’t like them hehe)
So: Rules. Oh boy. I’m not a fan of rules-- rules feel like it’s just “blah blah blah, do this, not that, blah blah” so Imma try to make these as easy as possible for y’all who are excited to ask >:D
1. Soulmate/Normal Matchups (Closed)
What I Ask of You:
You can be as detailed as you want, or you can just make it the bare minimum, do whatever is easiest for you, my dear :D
Just try to include enough about you so that I know which result/outcome would make you the most comfortable
I might be a bit dismissive, so I’ll send you a notif for when I get the ask! Anons are also 1000 percent welcome :]
Yes, I have dedication issues. This is why I’m only in love with fictional characters and not real people xD!
Oh, and I won’t match you with Willie or Alex unless you’re also a dude, but I might match you two has best friends!
Please try to be as respectful as possible in your ask 🥺🥺🥺
I’m not asking for you to worship me or scream at me with thank you’s, but just don’t scream at me for taking too long. Try not to curse every two words because I’m trying to keep my brain *jazz hands* holy
No, jkjk it’s just that there might be younger users reading over these xDD
Try to include:
I literally don’t care!! I want you to feel as free as possible while writing yours. Talk about anything you want. I don’t care if you speak of you and your passion for eating raw cookie dough (but same lmao), or if you hate almond milk. Just talk about whatever you want!! I’m here to make people smile and nothing else, sugarcakes! d;
What You Get in Return:
Over 500 words worth in writing per each fandom
Yes, over 500 (it hurts like heck but it’s *throws skittles* okay)
A gif/fanart piece per fandom
You’ll get yours back either: Within 3 days, if you only requested only one fandom and you were very nice hehehehehe , three days if you wre still hecking amazing but I was busy, or it can go to AT MOST, AT MOST I PROMISE around 18 days if I’m having: an exam week, a pinned post, getting a lot of asks, or yours was really complicated and my brain exploded
At times, it may never come if *cough* TUMBLR EATS IT
I will also throw you fifty virtual hugs and skittles
And yes, every ask comes with a thousand hugs, compliments, and shoulder pats!!
A bunch of dating headcanons
If you put in your name, yes, I can customize ;D
What the person I matched you with does when you feel down
How they support you
How you support them
90 percent of it is mainly me rambling about how sweet everyone who asks is, but what can I say? Y’all are precious as heck
Example of Matchup: Hi! Can I please have a matchup for a male character in Julie and the Phantoms (besides willie + alex)? I’m an INFP-T, 5′4″, Aries, and I’m also very annoying haha. I like writing, dance, and singing-- usually, I write a lot of fantasy novels and I want to be an author when I grow up! I also really like baking desserts, particularly brownies, and I also like to make mocktails if I ever get the chance. I love reading, John Green books especially, and I’m usually the funny person in the group to lift everyone’s spirits. Thank you so much :)
2. Band and Song Matchups (Closed)
These are definitely one of the most fun things to do! You can ask for this to be included in your other matchup, but a quick summary of it would be:
Send me your description, but this time add your physical description as well!
A few of the extra-curricular activities you do
Send up to 8 emojis describing your personality and aesthetic (haha it sounds weird but please trust me on this XD)
Your favorite JATP song
Your favorite genre, and/or your fashion style
And wabam, that’s it!
I’ll reply with who I’d see you as in the band, and what song you would be in Julie and the Phantoms. Seems ridiculous, but heyy ya know XD
3. Headcanons, Imagines, Blurbs, Scenarios, Full Stories
I’ll write for any “X READER” that you request
Literally anything
Angst, major character death, if you’re sad, I GOTCHU
Request for as many characters as you want!!
I’ll write everything else
No, like everything else ever
Okay I won’t write like a Reggie x Cowboy bootes but ya know (...that’s actually not a bad idea-)
It doesn’t just have to be a character insert, it can be anything else!! I really don’t mind :]
What word count you want (or you can write that you’re chill with anything)
Your gender
Which POV you want it in
And I’ll send you what date I can get yours in!
4. Customized Asks:
I have never done this before, so this is kinda new!
Put in a lengthy and concise description of yourself-- it should be a lot more detailed than a matchup. Include your personality type, a lot about your personality, anything you want to add, but make it worth it!! Write A LOT about yourself!! Also, be sure to include your name.
Once you have the full thing, private-message me (please make sure you have an account!!) and I’ll send you my Tumblr asks email so you can send your description (or, send it in the submit form or asks, if you’re okay with it being public).
In return, I write you a reader insert with your real name (not y/n hehe) and make it customized just for you. I’ll make it perfect (or try to,) with your personality, your height, your likes, your interests, and your name so that it’s built just for you and no one else!!
The best part??
That’s right! A customized ask that goes from 3,000-10,000 words that should come within three weeks! Instead, all I ask is for some support in any way 🥺🥺🥺 It can be through reblogs, (remember: REBLOGS> LIKES d;), a simple follow or shoutout, or even just a thank you. I’m only here to make people happy!! Thank you so much if you do plan on supporting <333</p>
4. Random Asks/Advice
Scream at me. Vent whatever you want to me. Ask me to help with your math homework. Your ELA homework. Ask for love advice. Tell me about what you did this morning. I LOVE, LOVE GETTING THESE ASKS!!
I love it when people come to me not just for asks and such, but just to tell me about their lives or to ask me quetsions!! And I bet a lot of other creators do, as well! So please support them <3</p>
I’m sorry that this was a bit long, but if you read the full thing, HIGH FIVE >:3
Thank y’all so much!! Stay safe ^U^
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heartbreaknow · 4 years
17 Questions Game
I was tagged by the lovely @opalineobsidian. However, @unsettledink tagged me for a very similar meme months ago and I never got around to it. So I tacked a few questions from that meme onto the end of this one and made a franken!meme. Thank you both!!
Name: heartbreaknow (no nickname yet).
Age: 32
Zodiac: Virgo, but I’m not an astrology person.
Height: 5’8
Hogwarts House: I kind of hate studying, so I can’t be a Ravenclaw. I’m not nearly crafty or ambitious enough to be a Slytherin, and I’m not brave and action-oriented enough to be a Gryffindor. So I guess I default to Hufflepuff. But I don’t want to be a Hufflepuff. Sorry badgers. I’m going to tell the sorting hat to put me in Gryffindor. If Neville can be a Gryffindor, so can I.
The Last Thing I Googled: “Bunk bed with desk.” My father wants one. Because he’s actually twelve.😆
Song Stuck In My Head: I Would Do It All Again by L’aupaire
Number of Followers: 208. I meant to do a shout-out when I hit 200, but then I got preoccupied and forgot.  
Amount of Sleep: Who even knows. I have serious sleep issues, don’t get me started.
Lucky Number: I don’t have one now, but when I was a kid it was 11.
Wearing: Levi’s distressed jean shorts and a black Aritzia bodysuit that doubles as a swimsuit. Plus jewelry, perfume, and a red-orange lip.
Favourite Instrument: Probably piano. But I also love string instruments for being such fantastic team players. They’re rarely the star of modern music, but so many songs just wouldn’t work without them.
Favourite Author: I can’t really choose, but the first several that spring to mind are AS Byatt, Anne Michaels, Marisha Pessl, Michael Ondaatje, Earnest Hemingway, and John Steinbeck. (And in fanfic: Penumbra, jesemieseviltwin (JET), Syntax6, Julie Fortune, Chryse, wordstrings, and ride to church anon, to name just a few off my Best Of The Best list.)
Aesthetic: I’m not sure I understand the question. Does it mean my aesthetic? It seems like a huge romanticization to say my life has an aesthetic. My life’s aesthetic is “mundane, exhausted, and just trying to keep my head above water.” But okay, for the sake of the meme, I’ll try.
My aesthetic is: Denim, bright lipstick, banged up second-hand furniture, dingy apartment, me and dad, nighttime walks, waiting for call-time emails, Starbucks refreshers, awake until 4 AM, black leather accessories, black iced coffee, gold-tone jewelry, OTP obsessions.        
Favourite Animal Sounds: I think almost all animal sounds can be enjoyable under the right circumstances, but can also be incredibly annoying under the wrong circumstances. “The wrong circumstances” generally being that I’m trying to sleep, or the sound is too loud for comfort. I’m a big fan of ambient noise in general, so I think my favorite animal sounds are typically things like lowing cows or crying seagulls--anything occurring at a bit of a distance and creating ambiance. But when cats make that little brrrrip sound, that’s pretty damn adorable, too.  
Random: About a month after getting into Starker, I discovered randomly one day that Michelle Branch had put out a new album in 2017, called Hopeless Romantic. It turned out to be a pretty good album (a little fluffy, but thoroughly enjoyable), and I ended up listening to it a ton, pretty much all of last summer. It brought me right back to when I was fourteen and listening to Spirit Room on repeat. Because of the timing, Hopeless Romantic is now inextricably linked to Starker in my mind.  
Favourite Song: There is no way I can choose, but my oldest favorite is A Long December by The Counting Crows. Another long-time favorite is Dogs And Thunder by Sarah Harmer (or Basement Apartment by Sarah Harmer). Something I’m currently loving is this live version of Big Jet Plane by Angus and Julie Stone, which @starkerintheparker introduced me to.
* * *
Current Time: 7 PM
Dogs Or Cats: Cats for sure. I don’t dislike dogs, but I have no desire to have one as a pet.  
Blankets You Usually Sleep With: I love blankets, but the heat in my apartment is heat-controlled and my room is constantly too warm, so I usually only sleep with one thin blanket.  
When I Made My Blog: About ten months ago, I think?  
Why I Made Tumblr: Honestly? I ran out of Starker fanfic to read, so I made a tumblr out of desperation for some kind of fannish engagement.
Reason For URL: It’s a lyric from one of my go-to Starker songs. I didn’t want to over-think it, so I just scanned the lyrics of a couple songs on my Starker mix, and went with the first decent word-combo I found. I sometimes wonder if it comes off a little sappy/emo. I’d rather it didn’t, since I don’t identify as particularly sappy or emo, but if it does, oh well.
Tagging @learned-foot, @wali21, @sinditia, @moontaleus, @webslingers-ass, and @nobodylikesmyships. I don’t know most of you, but you’re in my notes so you’re getting tagged.😄 But only if you want to.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
MM Anon 3
MM Anon 3
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Oct. 1
MM ANON … 🎼” back to black”🎼…… uncomfortably reunion …… “ AND THE CROWDS WENT…… home”… “blend in with the POC”🤣🤣🤣🤣…… Pressed for time. …… PR with blinkers… don’t Sue the messenger …… Harry on camping…… background colour …… “ bloody African Queen ‘ don’t think so”…… “ returning after their triumphant tour “…… OMG’ it’s definitely her
Oct. 2
MM ANON, This vacuous tart is in need of serious therapy ‘ she’s trying to intimidate the British press who employ Rottweilers as journalists and have brought down whole governments. They string antagonists up by their Gonads and bury pieces of flotsam like nutmeg alive. Not only is this virus on a hiding to nothing,she has underestimated the established reading matter of middle England ‘THE DAILY MAIL. ………… ‘popcorn darlings ‘ popcorn !!!!!!!!!!!
Oct. 2
MM ANON …… Dear Darlings ‘ today is my birthday 🎼 happy birthday to me🎼…………🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 2nd Oct. 1944. ……… “ a day that live in ignominy” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Oct. 2
MM ANON …… Thank you dear Skippy and all your faithful helpers ………… your blog is a joy and a privilege to post on …… GBTQAOGC👑👑👑👑👑 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
You are so welcome! We are honoured to have you join us! You are loved!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct. 2
MM ANON …… A TM visit?…… a pitiful cry for help …… “tears of a Crown”…… “ Philip’ stop swearing!!”…… ink block carnage … a scathing edi-TORY-al……”A Sunday surprise “…… “well,well,well’ fe-MAIL- empowerment”…… Fleet St. circling the wagons …… 🎼 “ Homeward bound, I guess ………” 🎼j…… … ace card archificial …… “SA’ well that was a dud Megs”…… leap-Frog to Calipornia 🤫🤫🤫
Oct. 3
MM ANON …… rogue withdrawal …… a petulant rattle slays fleet st. …… royal analysis paralysis ……… “ settlement now!!!! ……TM lawyers up…… tabloid utopia …… “ This is a bloody tape diversion old thing “…………“A spitting Halloween 🎃 “……… “ remember ‘remember, the 5th of Nov.” …… “ Philip ‘ this year you give the Queen speech”…… 🎆🎇😱🇬🇧💩⚖️⚖️⚖️…… GBTQ.
Oct. 3
MM ANON , UNDER THE RADAR!!!!!!!! The Queen probably has information and physical evidence appertaining to “It” regarding her “ lost” years. During the summer PW spent a week at MI6 at Vauxhall. ( being briefed?) what on? Suddenly this week there’s a story of a certain acquisition of a “tape” the next day , via H. she sues the MOS regarding a letter. (Smoke And Mirrors) The hinges are falling off that locked door on her past ………………………!!!!!!!! Allegedly.
Oct. 4
MM ANON …… Meanwhile at CH…… A Family meeting’ o dear!!…… “ One is apoplectic with disappointment “… (two red faces)…… “ this isn’t a game of happy f%#@k families!!!”…… an atmospheric cut…… legs and tails …… They Aga successful …… in the brown Windsor soup……a green beret chum…… nutmeg begs…… happy Harry …… SS documentary’s doom.
Oct. 4
MM ANON …… Smoke and Mirrors divert us from the elephant in the doom!!!, nothing to do with nutmegs bawling in the bathroom over being picked on by those nasty hacks 🤣🤣🤣 or hacked phones (it’s a daily mine field for the high profiled) abysmal failure on behalf of their security. It’s the tape darlings ‘ murkmegs very sore-did past. Popcorn’POPCORN 🍿 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Oct. 5
MM ANON …… chocolate sundae …… don’t give up your day job …… single exit west …… a SMALL diversion … “ is he mine?” …… home alone ………… “ I fear for them Philip” …… Duty calls …… 🎼” you wore out your welcome with random precision “🎼……… “ we must talk Harry”……… jack and Jill went up the hill ……… “ it’s all on This memory stick.
Oct. 5
Does this mean PiersM is a friend of Her Majesty (👑) or a friend of MM?
So many players, so much darkness in this schtick. My brain is fried. Thank you Skippy🐼
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Oct. 6
MM ANON … the Queen …… “ one can’t choose ones family “…… “ Philip loves me doing Melania” …… “I rather liked Donald “ …… “ l frightening Vlad…… “ on our day together she never stopped yapping “ … “Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “… “ the little one, she’s a fireball “ …… “Camilla says she’s illiterate “ … “ what sort of name was that!!!!!”…” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “ … “LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!”
Oct. 7
MM ANON …… “MORGAN ‘ a suitable case for treatment” …… sue- da - nam?
Oct. 7
MM ANON … Calapornia Dreem-in…… “ To be ‘ or Not to be…” …… “ I made a bit of a boob”……… “ the real Mc- COY darlings “…… “ artistic lie- sense …… “ not my best work”
Oct. 7
MM ANON …… This is only my opinion on the validity of the alleged article. AN OPINION!! like skippy suggested in all posts , re disclaimer ……… what would be verified in this situation is “ face recognition tech.” ANYBODY?????? 👃🏾👁👄👂
Oct. 7
MM ANON … lets move on!!!!…… fab unfore-tunate…… pre tour panic… …a fleet-ing vengeance …… “ don’t take this personally”…… “ you have TWO choices”…… “ get your bloody head out the sand”…… “it’s crumbling around your feet”……… “ baby ‘ what baby?”…… “we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”…… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
Oct. 8
Oct. 8
MM ANON … fab two ‘ future Queen……future king …… also rans …… three weddings and a refusal …… Archie-bargy …… a dog with no name …… silent screaming past…… 🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼…… “ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “…… everyone is scarfing …… (another private flight)…… Branson island … Mail on payday… … “ please boo the buggers”
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct. 8
MM ANON …… This is only my opinion on the validity of the alleged article. AN OPINION!! like skippy suggested in all posts , re disclaimer ……… what would be verified in this situation is “ face recognition tech.” ANYBODY?????? 👃🏾👁👄👂
Oct. 9
MM ANON …… “ sorry, not today thank you “…… never EVER explain …… “what happens in house, stays in-house”. ……a special briefing …… another cover-up?…… … glowing anticipation …… special forces …… “unprecedented care”…… a very tired PR …… public appearance nerves …… “we’ll pay you handsomely”…… “she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
Oct. 10
MM ANON ……corespondents under the radar …… “MA to MM”…… 🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼…… “ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”…… ‘ thank you LG.”…… “were in need of another f#@ing hole”…… Sheeran a common problem ……” drag her along ‘ your joking”… not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!…… Christmas 🧣 scarfs …… 🎼Back in the USA”🎼…… “friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”…(very trying!!!)
Oct. 10
MM ANON, for Mr Skippy, “ take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear wittiness of thy love ,thy power and thy way of life “ …… GOD BLESS YOU BOTH. 💜💜💜💜🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oct. 11
MM ANON … aggressive tabloid PR…… desperate image…… manipulate a student …… public fear…… ((loving wife and mother))…… 🎼” Money, get away”🎼…… a fence for Harry …… “ how do I milk this”…… most dangerous tour…… “ I guess I never got the memo”…… the natives are getting restless …… nutmegs public anticipation …… Scrambled eggs!!
Oct. 12
MM ANON … Sunday sensation??……… LG will give the word…… lots of dirty dirt…… 🎼” love me or leave me”🎼…… when the going gets tough ……”…… “ not another chicken dinner”…… “ is She nice”…… “ I think you should know something”. …… “ Fair is foul,and foul is fair”…… WOW!! ace down the line!!…… “advantage MOS”… location,location vexation.
Oct. 13
MM ANON … “ THE MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK …… 🎼”Sparkles spangles, see how they shine, sing-a-linga “🎼…… Tom the Bomb… “A woman of sub-stance🤣”…… maybe ‘ sex lies and video tape … 🎼” when you come to the end of a lollipop”🎼… ……” A kid for two farthings” …… “ you know how to whistle don’t you Harry”…… “an obvious cuckold…… “…… home to roost”
Oct. 13
MM ANON, Tom Bowers , Britain’s most feared biographer is going to write a “TELL ALL” Tome on the evasive one , will we expect 🎼sparkles spangles, your heart will sing , jing-jing-a-ling a 🎼…… OMG, the anticipation for this one is EPIC , 🎼 yachting, hotting, see how she lays ,toss-a-lotta🎼 This author flays his victims alive ‘ WE WAIT IN APOPLECTIC SUSPENSE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣PLEASE TOM DO TELL “EVERYTHING!, emails,sexts And video tapes. 🎼”Sparkles spangles and deeds”🎼
Pakistan Tour 14-18
Oct. 14
MM ANON …… Pakistani perfection ……”will anything ever happen?” …… “ she’s a disease” …… HMTQ is feeling the strain ……… oh’ oh , the green eyed monster …… “MA has all the answers” …… ( and the evidence)………” if I had a penny ……… “…………” she got to show, to much gossip!!” ……… “ Harry, Dear heart, pull your head out of the sand” …… “it’s Kismet old thing,kismet!! “
Oct. 15
MM ANON ……A sense of humour ‘ tuk tuk …… 🎼nobody does it better 🎼……… REAL ROYALTY …… ‘after the Lord Mayor show came the dustcart …… Charlotte the “NEW”future people’s Princess 👸 …… Little Louie people’s Prince 🤴 ……… “, it’s nutmeg crumble for desert marm,…… “ that’s the bloody way to do it!!!”…… “ what’s that other silly tart doing?”…… “it’s a mystery Philip”
Oct. 16
MM ANON …… On the banks of Huntspill River …… a pretty Sum-erset …… O dear ‘ how not to be princely …… 🎼” everybody’s doing the loco- emotion”🎼……… In the real steps of his mother…… “Protocol, dignity and humour “…… Their successes drove her apoplectic …… LIZARDS 🦎 ……” please George ‘ don’t do that”🦎🦎🦎…… … Nanny doesn’t like🦎🦎🦎…… “I miss the children”…… ROYAL AIR FORCE ONE. …… MI6 and the visit??…… “ de visit was spectacular ‘ de-brief was better”. ……” Thanks M.”
Oct. 16
MM ANON… nutmegs agenda ‘ write his nauseating tome, push in front, psychologically undermine him , feed his anger and resentment for W&K! , Don’t get near the public ( fears of rejection), continue emotional blackmail, put pressure and endorse his lack of self esteem ,psychotropic drugs?, cry and keep asking him why people hate you ‘, convince him the BRF are against both of them …… question his grasp on reality. This is her agenda ‘ allegedly. Speculation of course.
Oct. 16
MM ANON … after one year of marriage the boys a total wreck , mounting the Dias in Africa all disoriented ,and blubbering at child works , he’s in a psychotic purgatory that she continues to perpetuate. How does Harry dump the faux bump and find true happiness????? Britain is waiting for the inevitable divorce and the English rose Harry will one day meet. It’s Kismet LG ,pure Kismet!! “ Cry God for Harry’………… “.
Oct. 16
MM ANON …Harry’s split second mishap…… A choreographed comforter. …… 🎼” 19th nervous breakdown” 🎼…… a plethora of past lovers … 🎼” we have no secrets”🎼🤣🤣…… The announcement,an unstable Stable. …… 🎼” I’m not in love, so don’t forget it” 🎼……… fixan a vixen. ……… nutmeg on Toast……… MA” is he mine? Yup!! ……” accolades on the return”.
Oct. 17
MM ANON …… Thank you for the wonderful and ingenious humour LH. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oct. 18
MM ANON …… “Festering,yes”💸💸💸💸”it’s a struggle” 💸💸💸💸……… comment section ‘ #@&*#¥……… “ I was flying “…… 🎼” Never cried when granny died 🎼”……soon,wonderful weekend with the children …… FaceTime mummy’🦎🦎🦎🦎……… “ Kate , ones so proud”…… “ you’re a stalwart William “ …… “ you’re very pretty dressed as a Unicorn 🦄 “…… $h!t !! She’s gone nuclear!, …… well’ that Doc was a load of boll***.…… “shhhh’ I heard that too!!”… gossip darlings ‘ gossip!!… “ all that glitters,”
Oct. 18
MM ANON, OMG , Harry’s festering, nutmegs struggling, Archificial is having an identity problem. ( “ I wanna know who’s my dad’) ……… “ is it mine”, nutmeg gazing towards a distant horizon, someone with a all knowing smirk gazing back from distant horizon ‘. And there both going to try and flog this p!$$poor Documentary to the savvy Brits. Are they both off their f#@ing trolly , who TF wants to see them whining about how they struggle on 20 million a year , not those trying to pay a mortgage.
Oct. 18
MM ANON , “ not many people asked if I was alright”, well I wasn’t alright…… , Ahhhhhh , what a shame nutmeg,perhaps if you didn’t fake your pregnancy people would have warmed to you ‘ ( NO , DONT THINK SO ). So nutmeg plays the poor me card , poor me, poor me pour me a drink. ………… I wonder what the RPO conversation is when she’s not being obnoxiously present. , she apparently treats everyone like 💩💩💩💩. I have news nutmeg, Britain doesn’t give a $h!t.
October. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”.
Oct 19
MM ANON , “THEY DON’T MAKE IT EASY”, I’M OKAY, can’t wait for the trawling that the whiner is going to be subjected to. The comments section of the DE&DM and MOS is 95% negative, and aggressively anti Megain. The Mocumentary will only draw more humiliation and subtle sarcasm from the tabloids. Juxtaposition this with the shining success W&K received on their return from Pakistan and you have the pulse of National opinion. The big takeaway is “Nutmeg is hated”.
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heya shards!!! are you reading any good books right now? or watching any good tv shows? (sdajdh i just finished stranger things and i need something to entertain myself with lol) - anonymous love letter
Oh am I reading any good books right now?? Am I READING ANY GOOD BOOKS RIGHT NOW?? haha anon you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into. I don’t know what you’ve read or what you’re into but here’s some:
Some Book Series to Consume Rabidly and Then Finish, Leaving Your Life Empty and Meaningless For a Few Days:
The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, The Dark Artifices, and other random standalone books by Cassandra Clare are all fantasy with quite a lot of queer elements (trans character, bi character, 1 &1/2 poly relationships, gay character & relationship, more I can’t remember) and I love them to death
Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo is another fantasy series with queer elements (two bi characters and a gay relationship) as well as a lot of POC rep and a disabled main character! Really really really fun and cool and unique books
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater is more fantasy, but with witches this time, and it’s absolutely amazing. Maggie has a very unique style that’s scary and ethereal and really really cool, I love all her books
The Shiver Series by Maggie Stiefvater is a cool take on werewolves and really shows off her style, it’s beautiful and haunting.
??? By Marissa Meyer—I can’t remember what it’s officially called, but it’s a very cool series of fairytale retellings set in a future Earth, I especially love Winter (Snow White). Cinder is the first book.
The Young Elites by Marie Lu is magical fantasy with a twist—magic users (the Elites) are hunted instead of valued, and it’s a very cool series. Some very vague lgbt elements, a bi character and a side lesbian relationship in the last book.
An Ember in the Ashes Trilogy by Sabaa Tahir is an amazing series I don’t even know how to describe, it’s slave girl gets wrapped up in a rebellion she wants no part in, it’s the defected and conflicted soldier that saves her, it’s like four different betrayals and the most insane plot twist ever in the last book. And it’s really beautiful.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor is really creepy and really good, includes angels and chimaera and a girl with naturally blue hair. I’ve only been able to read the first book but it’s very very addicting
Some Standalone Books I Love:
Anything and everything by Rainbow Rowell, she’s an amazing author and, except for one thing, writes really sweet contemporary love stories, and realistic fiction isn’t really my thing but she does it very very well. Don’t read Eleanor and Park unless you have 15 free hours and a box of tissues.
The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli is an adorable book about a straight girl and her lesbian sister/moms all stumbling around and finding love (well, except her moms, mostly). Very very cute and sweet. I’m going to assume you’ve read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda (if not, do!!), this is the same author.
Tell Me Three Things by ??? is a book I read a while back that I cannot remember the author of?? It’s the same sort of thing as Simon, but straight (anonymous emails, falling in love, etc.).
Jellicoe Road is also by someone I can’t remember, it’s set in Australia and is confusing af for the first 3/4 but it’s definitely really cool once everything comes together, and worth the reread to pick up on all the subtle things you miss.
A Short History of the Girl Next Door by Jared Reck is sweet and hilarious and honest and heart-wrenching and beautiful, and it was written by my wonderful, fun and supportive old English teacher!!
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King is a great book about a gay girl who’s having problems with her girlfriend, a homophobic town, her family, and herself. She also sends love to airplanes overhead and we actually see the passengers receive her love sometimes which is a really cool concept.
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys is set in 1950s New Orleans and follows the estranged daughter of a prostitute—trust me, I didn’t think I would like it all that much and I found it very good. It’s one of those books where everything is going good and the MC is actually at a good place and then every bad thing that could possibly happen, happens, and you don’t know how it can possibly be fixed.....and then of course, it gets fixed. Oh, and there’s a blink-and-you-miss-it gay relationship which was a fun surprise because, yknow, 1950s New Orleans.
(I now realize that I read only fantasy series’ and contemporary romance standalones. Oops)
Shows To Consume Your Life:
Umbrella Academy, if you haven’t seen it, is about a dysfunctional family of adopted kids with superpowers who come together after being estranged for I don’t even know how many years, one of hem is dead, all of them are traumatized, one of them is pan and I believe genderfluid?? I can’t remember. Also the apocalypse happens in eight days. Yay.
One Day At A Time is really funny and sweet and honest, a Cuban family struggling through life with a veteran mom, a lesbian daughter, a hilarious grandmother, a dumb younger brother, and the random annoying Canadian immigrant neighbor/building manager who is their family now, I guess.
Glee is fun if you want a show to watch with 20% brain, it’s very funny and stupid
Supergirl seems good? I haven’t watched much of it but it’s pretty good so far if you’re into superheroes at all
That’s what I got! Hopefully you an I have slightly different book/show tastes and you haven’t already consumed everything I recommended, lol. By the way, is Stranger Things any good? I wanna watch it, should I?
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melchixr · 7 years
Returning Lost Notebooks
Anon said:  for the melchritz prompt thing. maybe a wrong number au or accidental meetings
IDK if this counts as “Accidental meeting” But DAMN i luv this AU and for some reason i haven’t seen it done before??????
Words: 1532
No one ever really returned lost notebooks, did they? People always wrote their name and email and address on their notebook, but Moritz had never witnessed or heard of anyone actually lose their notebook and then get an email or text saying: ‘Hey, I found your book. When can you pick it up?’
That was until Moritz found a dark blue leather bound notebook sitting on the edge of a fountain in the park. It was just beginning to drizzle rain when he was shuffling through to meet Ilse at a cafe and catch up over lunch. And that’s when he spotted the notebook on the edge of the stone mountain, spewing water out of a cherub’s mouth.
It was already damp, but the pages weren’t destroyed yet and he felt the need to save it before it became a mess of runny ink and ruined pages. He grabbed it quickly, flipping through the pages to see that there slightly smudged pen-writing on most of the pages. He didn’t want to go through it, so he simply skipped to the front to see the same smudged writing on the inside cover.
‘M. Gabor, 3548 Edington Alley APT 2’
No email. No phone number. Just the address.
Moritz didn’t hesitate to tuck the notebook into his coat pocket and continue to shuffle towards the small, warm solace of a cafe. He had his own little secret in his pocket as he went on with his mind full of questions.
The train ride was excruciating long. He had waited a week, the blue, leather-bound notebook sitting patiently on the kitchen counter he shared with Hanschen and Ernst, who repeatedly asked to look through it. Which Moritz always insisted that they didn’t. That was pushing the envelope of invading privacy.
“If M dot Gabor didn’t want his or her notebook raided he or she shouldn’t have left it in a public park,” Hanschen scoffed over their bowls of Lucky Charms that morning
But he still hadn’t read through it. Or let anyone read through it. He kept it tightly in his grasp the whole thirty minute ride to where a map he found at the train station said Edington Alley was. He probably should of planned more before he got to the station. But he was just so thrilled by the notion of what he was doing.
This notebook could have anything in it. It could mean the world to whoever M. Gabor was. Or it could just be a grocery list and library books he had due.
It could be anything.
And he was bringing it to M Gabor for the first time in history, maybe. Or for the first time he’d ever heard of it.
He stared at the small book in his hands in wonder. Maybe it was a novel or a diary. Maybe it was wonderful and glorious and fantastic.  He felt his fingers fiddle at the cover, tempted to open it for a moment before looking around at the people sitting around him. They all  minded their own business, looking at their phones or reading their books, or talking to one another. None of them knew. None of them at all knew about what was in Moritz’s hands.
He checked the inside cover again, checking to make sure the address was right, even though he already had it memorized, when his eye caught a smudged blue ink word on the opposite page.
Then another.
Then another.
Before he knew it, Moritz’s eyes were scanning over the page, deciphering what was written.
‘often, i wonder what happened over the course of my life to make me as i was. my personality, if you can call it that, is made up almost entirely phases. i feel as if i have no real personality and what i do call is simply made up of whatever my mind chooses to hyper-fixate on at any given time. last week, it was buddhism. this weekend, it became stephen king novels. and  next weekend, it’ll whatever random poet i find at the next shitty bookstore. but why does this happen to me? it is bound to be someone else’s problem too. but i believe, in some part of me, it’s because i can’t handle to be alone with whatever is deciding to come crushing in this month
It felt like seeing someone naked even though you’d never seen them before. He didn’t mean to look in on this keyhole. But there seemed to be no repercussions or problems with it. Hell, he was even tempted to read on.
No, he couldn’t. M. Gabor would be furious if they knew.
Well, maybe just a bit more.
When if came time for Moritz to get off, he nearly missed the stop. He was ten pages deep in the thoughts of M, who wrote on the human body, and poetry, and meme-culture, and dogs he saw on a walk, and an entire list of ‘things i wanna say to people i’ve fucked, will fuck, and might be fucking’ along with flowers pressed between the disfigured pages.
He skittered off into the foggy day, taking off as fast as he could to find this alley place.
It took another ten minutes of him trudging around until he found the place. It was off of one of the main streets, a long alley with a barely legible sign. It was the back of one of the stores with a set of narrow stairs lined with potted plants and one mildly fucked up bike with a rusted basket.  
Moritz wished M. Gabor had put a phone number or an email into the notebook so he didn't have to just show up at his doorstep like a lost puppy.
For a minute, the excitement and mystery of the notebook wore off. He was suddenly struck with the fear of knocking on the door and M. Gabor thinking he was a freak for traveling all this way for a notebook. Hell, everyone else did. How would you react to some kid showing up at your house in the yesterday's clothes, unbrushed hair, and bags under his eyes.
You'd probably slam the door in his face.
That's when Moritz decided to ring the bell, leave the notebook on the matt and book it like nobody's business.
Sounded good. Sounded better than good. No human interaction. No rejection. He just had to see goodbye to the ever mysterious M.
It was a simple equation. Set the notebook down.
Ring the bell.
Run down the stairs as fast as humanly possible and never look-
Not fast enough. Moritz stopped dead in his tracks at the foot of the stairs. He heard the thudding footsteps of someone rushing down the creaky old stairs. When he turned he found himself face to face with the biggest hazel eyes he'd ever seen. The man was lanky, a few inches taller than Moritz with circular glasses and a nearly trimmed head of auburn curls.
And fuck, he was pretty.
“Oh, sorry!” Moritz squeaked out nervously. “Did I get the wrong address. I'm so sorry, I-”
“How did you find this?”
He had a slowly, deeper voice with a certain tinge of authority to his tone. Moritz, ignoring his voice cracking like he was a middle schooler. “It's uh…. It was in the p-park….sorry I found it and it was raining already so uh….”
“No don't apologize,” he muttered with a small smile spreading on his face. He took a deep breath, the notebook tight in his grasp. “Thank you for this. It really means a lot. I can't believe you….you actually care enough to bring it.”
Moritz felt his face heat up as he fumbled out,” Oh, so you're M dot Gabor?”
“Melchior, please. Call me Melchior.”
“Melchi -what?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
Moritz stuck out a hand nervously, sweaty and gross, “Oh. Well,  I'm Moritz.”
Melchior nodded slowly, his smile still not fading as he spoke, “You didn't happen to read any of this, did you, Moritz?”
Melchior leaned on the wall next to them, letting out a long sigh before beaming down at Moritz, “So tell me, Moritz, was it any good?”
He paused, confused as to how Melchior already knew Moritz was lying. Or maybe because Moritz was the worst liar on the face of the earth. But Melchior's warm eyes made him continue, “Yeah. It's pretty amazing...you think a lot don't you?”
“A fair amount yeah….” He ran long, slender fingers over the smooth cover of the book. “You know you didn't have to bring this back. I have literally hundreds.”
“Well you didn't write that on the inside cover,”  he replied. He was immediately ecstatic to hear Melchior laugh.
Slowly, the taller began to climb up the stairs. “Thank you for bringing it back though. It really does mean a lot….” he tucked the book under his arm. “My faith in humanity is repaired a smidge….” he extended a hand out to the other young man. “I have some tea brewing upstairs. Care to come on up?”
“I'm more of a coffee kinda guy but….sure.”
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im not the suicidal anon but uh what happens when you dont trust therapists at all? lol...? like what if you dont trust people, you dont trust authority figures, and you dont trust people with personal info about yourself... i have this irrational fear that therapist = someone who knows all my psychological weaknesses and the biases society has against me bc of it = chance for them to use it against me and own me and destroy every part of me "hes lying about me hurting him, bc hes nuts" sorry ;;
Same, in some small way. Which incidentally also prevented me from reaching out and getting help!  Your fears might be more common than you think.  That said, I would suggest carefully choosing a close friend–online or offline–or even a religious figure like a minster or rabbi, could be someone to confide in. 
If you’re not into that, or you’re worried about ‘oh they can still tell others and then my life is ruined and all my weaknesses are Out There’, then there’s online options! I wouldn’t say all of these are an exact replacement for therapy, but it’s a start.
If you’re LGBT, there’s the Trevor Project:http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/get-help-now
It’s an immediate phone hotline, online chat rooms, and text messaging with a trained crisis counselor.There’s even a forum for anyone aged 13 to 24!
And there’s 7cupsoftea! https://www.7cups.com/
There are solo chats and group chats for individual age groups! Plus a variety of topics so you’re not just jumping into random chats and hoping you find someone who can help.
If IM chats are not an interest, there’s also via email through The Samaritans:
Bonus: The Samaritans are in the uk, and if you’re not then there’s definitely no chance anyone is going to track you down. Especially since the volunteers replying are given a unique number to write back to, and not your personal email address at all.
Bonus points for all the online ones: you don’t have to give out personal info. Fake names, fake towns, never mention if you drink soda, pop, or coke, don’t say what kind of pizza you prefer, etc.
I would suggest eventually attempting a therapist. Just once, maybe? Sometimes psychiatrists can be useful, and can prescribe meds to help your brain chill out and enjoy life a little.  It’s ultimately up to you, however! First find a safe space.
It feels like a huge leap of faith to take, this ‘reaching out’ business. But once you start, you might find it’s a lot smaller than you think! You deserve to have a safe place to unload all the emotions and burdens you’ve been carrying. You don’t have to do this alone! I’ve done the alone thing! It’s fucking hard and miserable and such bullshit!
Connie aka Mod Party Cat!
Important disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional and these opinions should not be taken as actual medical advice for anything. And etc. Be safe, angel beans!
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