#idk what their group is called lol
oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
hi you will understand my view
saiki has a lot of boxes full of shopkins and miniature things in general
one day in the middle of a hang out w the gang they're bored in his room and he pulls out one of this bad bitches
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ignore the low quality 😭
there needs to be like a masterlist of kusuos fixations/special interests LOL but mini things is definitely one of them.. i like to imagine him with a little dollhouse full of shopkins and other mini things so he can shrink down to their size and hangout inside.. sorry that's so silly but i love it LMAO imagine his parents walking into his room and hes in a little mini hammock in a barbie dreamhouse..
omg kusuo writes in a diary but nobody can read it because its mini and he writes in it when hes tiny..
sorry im gonna keep adding my own stupid things to this but. some of his other fixations include zelda, my little pony, mario kart, hot wheels, stuffed animals, the frozen movies (specific ik), vocaloid (pjsk)..
remember how he made his dads figurine move like a real robo-suit when he was in it ? that but with hot WHEELS and those little mario kart figures oh my GOD. sorry.
i still believe that all of the objects and collections he's accumulated because of his fixations are all in hidden places around his room because he's embarrassed of them since like. collecting cute plushies and shopkins isnt a thing the average teenage boy would do. like his closet and the space underneath his bed or even boxes underneath his desk are like portals to another fucking world bro.
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raiiny-bay · 6 months
wip of the new guy
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
Cute guy once again told me he thinks I'm very smart, but like. Specifically said it. Not just as an offhand comment. Then I called him pretty. Is this flirting??
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21ducky · 2 months
I pledge my allegiance to thou, my queen.
May your reign be long-lasting and prosperous!
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Thank you thank you
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3416 · 1 year
hi emma! i miss the boys but willy the most atm, do you have any favorite game or interview moments of his?
hiiiiii there... can't believe how long this summer is going to feel without them tbh. BUT MISSING WILLIAM NYLANDER HOURS? okay, i got you.
one of my favorite willy vids is his leaf to leaf with jt from last year. he's just so.. chill and open and happy there idk. his laugh gets me, and it's the same in his older leaf to leaf with auston. i also love the one with zach hyman from covid times and getting to see him laidback in his own space. and then... more recently.. i have revisited the bunting and willy tim hortons drive through content 489324923 times to cheer me up. also for more serious but interesting conversation, i've loved what the leafs have done with their 3 course conversations and willy's swedish menu one was interesting!!
if you want some older days stuff, there's his 20 questions with kasperi kapanen from when they were on the marlies... that was my intro to their dynamic and i love it. (and the 20 questions from the year before that is good too.. he's just a young baby giggly cherub imo) (also peep this willy + pasta interview from back in the day... it's fascinating to dig into the old connections imo) and here's an old compilation of him laughing :') i'm sure there are fancams and vids on twitter of him, but i'm TERRIBLE at keepign track of and sorting media on twitter, my bad.
and then maybe my favorite willy video of all time bc i'm not immune to cute happy children is that iconic interview with his dad where he's in the bg squirming around and knocking shit over and laughing... cutest thing i've seen in my entire life EVER.
if you're looking for more hockey stuff, here's a fun fanvid abt his career highlights up until last year (and how bitchy ppl have been abt his career only for him to prove his worth over n over), and then here's a recent compilation of all his highlights from this year... get to relive his hockey skill and pretend like we're still watching him play. it's a crime that we're not.
anyway, hope any of that helped or cheered you up. i hate how every leaf goes dark during the off season, but i totally don't blame them. if worst comes to worst, i also scroll through their igs/twitters and just google search them or look through blogs who have them as favorites. it's rough out here missing hockey players.
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I’m just so… I don’t want jaehyun to eventually alter the way he acts or presents himself due to backlash from fans (in and out of the bonedo fandom) regarding his “loudness” and energy. it doesn’t cause harm to him or his band members. he’s relatively good at reading the room and adjusting his seriousness (like sometimes I think people think they chose the bonedo leader willy nilly lmao) and he’s not oblivious or unaware of his bandmates and others. like anyone else, I’m sure there’s moments when he might need help refocusing or w/e, but I have yet to see anyone who is warranted to have an opinion (ie: knows him irl) react negatively to his personality? like he’s not the first idol to be talkative. he’s not the first idol that might run around a bit. he’s not the first idol to make a lot of jokes or flirt with half his bandmates. it’s not a new personality. it’s a little different than what we see in other leaders but again, it’s not “new”. loud people were not invented in 2003. and over time, maybe he’ll mellow out a bit. it happens. or maybe he’ll remain as he is, that’s cool too. and as a leader, I kind of hope for the latter bc the industry will work them and burn them out and I hope they’re able to maintain their youth and softness towards the world. that not everything is a battle or a fight, that the job while a job, can be one they continue to enjoy to do.
#to delete probably#from behind the door#like i don’t know to explain how i feel protective of jaehyun’s personality and those with similar ones#example is j@ckson w@ng (sorry i don’t want this in his tags) and how he outward personality has sort of#shifted in more recent years to be less known as the more loud and goofy kind of guy#to this cool guy or whatever#and that’s a bit… generalizing LOL but it’s an example#mark and bb discussed it i believe#contrasting.. you have mj#who is still the same mj imo#and like personally have whatever opinion you do yknow?#like it gets annoying? that’s fine it happens#hell I do not think I’d survive a day with jaehyun#love him to bits but that would be a lot#and guess what? I don’t have to lmao#i’m not in bonedo LOL#AND NETIRHR ARE YALL ON THE INTERNET#like just step away#take a break#turn off the volume#like… it’s one thing to be like he’s loud and it’s another thing to use it as something inherently negative#like ‘your personality is cringe’ like noooo don’t tell people that#idk how to explain it…. i guess it’s really on my own upbringing of#if you don’t got something nice to say don’t say it#y’all can comment on your group being quieter than other groups and how you love that#without dragging in some other name to say they’re annoying and the opposite#actually i take back what i said in a previous tag#you can probably address a person being loud or talkative or just… a different energy level#without calling them annoying i think#WHY DID THIS BLOG TURN INTO ME RANTING
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gentlemanbutch · 9 months
How does one monitor their heart rate if they can’t afford a smart watch?
Wanna track my symptoms but idk the best way to do it.
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swordsmans · 10 months
I dunno if you’ve answered a similar question before, if you have, I’m sorry! But if not, are there any songs that remind you of Zolu?
heheheheh. no one's ever asked outside dms, actually! i have a couple of different playlists because i make one or two for each fic in addition to my One Big Playlist. here is a sampling from all of them just for you (♡-_-♡)
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At this time of night, Gilmore’s Glorious Goods is quiet. The streets outside are dark, only lit by the lights in the shops and the glowing balls of lights carried by mages on their walks home. Inside his shop, Gilmore is getting ready to close and head upstairs. With his permission, Sherry headed home early, so it’s just him sweeping the floor and adjusting the positioning of his merchandise. 
There are some of his favorite moments, just the silence and peace of the shop he’s worked so hard to create. He loses himself in the rhythmic noise of the broom on the wooden floor, his mind wandering to Vax’ildan and Keyleth as it so often has these past months. 
Their relationship, though still new, has managed to bring him such extraordinary happiness. He so often dreamed of what it might be like to get to kiss Vax without any guilt, to take him to all of the wonderful places he deserves to go, and now he can. And though he and Keyleth aren’t involved in the same way, she’s become someone very important and dear to him. It’s hard to define their relationship when ‘friend’ feels too paltry and ‘lover’ isn’t even close to what they are to each other.
The bell on the shop’s door dings as the door opens, Gilmore sighs, he’sabout to close but business is business. “Be with you in a moment!” Gilmore calls as he dumps the dust pan into the garbage. He ducks around one of the shelves towards the door. 
Standing just inside the doors, wreathed in the golden light and darkness from outside is not a customer but Keyleth, pale and shaking, arms wrapped around herself. Face, morphing into alarm, Gilmore rushes over to Keyleth, pulling her into his arms in a tight hug. “Are you alright?”
She shakes her head into his shoulder, “Gil, someone was following me.”
“Okay, I’m going to go lock the door, I’ll be right back,” he promises, kissing her head as he pulls away and hurries over to the front doors, locking them soundly before restoring his arcane wards with a shimmer of purple. When he returns to Keyleth’s side, he puts an arm around her waist and begins guiding her out of the shop and up to the third floor.
“Does Vax know you’re here?” He asks her softly.
She shakes her head, “I was out with Vex and I-I told her I wanted to stop by and see you before going home.” Then she blinks and looks at him hesitantly, “Was I not supposed to come here? I’m sorry, I thought-”
“Of course you were supposed to come here. You’re welcome here any time, especially when you’re in trouble,” Gilmore assures her quickly before she can work herself up any more. “I was just wondering if I needed to let him know that you’re safe.”
“Can I stay with you tonight?” She asks nervously. “I really don’t want to go back out.”
“Of course,” he says immediately. “I wouldn’t let you leave if you tried. Now come on, a warm cup of tea sounds nice, doesn’t it?” Keyleth nods as the two of them walk up the stairs. When they arrive in Gilmore’s rather large bedroom, he gives her a gentle push towards the wardrobe. “I’m sure you can find something suitable in there. Vax’s things are in the second drawer.” He winks as Keyleth blushes. 
Gilmore snags his sending stone from the nightstand as he ducks out of the bedroom and into the hallway. Once he’s in the kitchen, a mere flick of his wrist causing the kettle to begin to warm. Gimlore leans against the counter as he squeezes his sending stone to get it to turn on. Gilmore speaks into it, “Vax, everything’s alright. Keyleth is here, she said someone was following her so she’s going to stay the night here.”
Vax’s response comes immediately, “Is she okay? I’m on my way.”
Gilmore smiles at the exact response he’d been expecting, “She’s alright, dear, a bit shaken up but nothing more. I’ll see you soon, handsome.”
As he tucks the stone back into his pocket, the kettle is ready so Gilmore pours a cup of Keyleth’s favorite mint tea and makes a plate of a few chocolate covered strawberries Vax bought him the day before. 
He raps lightly on the bedroom door, “Are you decent, dear?” Keyleth responds in the affirmative so he pushes the door open, finding Keyleth sitting in the center of the bed, playing with a fidget toy, one that Gilmore made her a few weeks back. She’s wearing one of Gil’s sleep shirts and a pair of Vax’s sweatpants. She’s tugged her hair out of its updo so it hangs loose around her shoulders. And as he sits down on the bed next to her, he sees that she’s also stolen a pair of his warm socks. 
“Here,” Gilmore passes the plate, setting the mug of tea on the bedside table to cool. “I told Vax what happened and as you can guess he’s on his way here.”
Keyleth smiles softly, moving the fidget toy to one hand as she bites into a strawberry, “Thank you, Gilmore. I-I know that you’re obligated to-”
He holds up a hand, “I’m not obligated to do anything, Keyleth. I’m helping you because I love you very much, not because of Vax. Now, first things first, finish those strawberries and drink some of your tea. Do you want to cuddle?”
Keyleth smiles, “Always.” 
Gilmore leans back on the headboard, lifting an arm. Keyleth quickly presses herself to his side, resting her head on his shoulder as she relaxes against him. 
“You’re safe here,” Gilmore assures her softly. “No matter what.”
“Thank you,” Keyleth says softly. The two of them rest like that for a while, Keyleth finishing the offered food and occasionally sipping at her tea. Only ten minutes later, the two of them hear footsteps on the stairs. They share a fond look, recognizing the cadence. 
The door bursts open as Vax rushes in, his eyes, full of worry, soften as he sees his girlfriend and boyfriend cuddling on the bed. Vax hurries over to them, sitting on the edge of the bed closest to Keyleth, demanding softly, “Are you alright?”
Keyleth nods as he pushes her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. “I’m okay. Just got spooked.” 
Vax nods and pulls her into a tight hug, kissing her cheek. Over Keyleth's shoulder, he looks at Gilmore, silently asking if she’s lying. Gilmore waves his hand back and forth with a shrug, she’s down playing it for sure, but she’s alright.
When he pulls out of the hug, Vax kisses Keyleth softly before leaning over and kissing Gilmore as well, a silent thanks for taking care of Keyleth. Vax settles down on Keyleth’s other side, sneaking a quick sip of her tea as he wraps his arm around her as well. 
Eventually, Keyleth falls asleep, head on Gilmore’s shoulder, one of her hands in Vax’s. 
“I think she’s feeling insecure in our relationship,” Gilmore tells Vax once he’s certain Keyleth is asleep. “We should do something special for her soon. Do you think she would like a trip to the beach?”
Vax shakes his head, “Maybe we should make her a nice dinner, stay in and get drunk together. That’s more her speed.”
Gilmore nods thoughtfully, “I’ll come up with a menu and have you look it over. I’m not as well versed on her favorite things quite yet.”
Vax leans over Keyleth to kiss Gilmore softly. He pulls back after a long moment with a smile, “I love you so much and I know she does too.”
“I love you as well,” Gilmore says quietly. “Let’s get some sleep, shall we? It’s so rare we’re all in one bed together.”
With a nod, the two men lay down, Vax cuddling against Keyleth’s back, reaching one hand over her to touch Gilmore’s chest. And in the silence of Gilmore’s bedroom, the three of them are comfortable and safe all together. All of their minds are quiet.
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alas--pringles · 9 months
The brainrot noticed that the opener for streetlight has an aqua guitar *just like Randy's*
But this guy is actually acting like him on stage too wtf is happening 🤣
Edit: ah I put my glasses back nvm that is a bass 🤦
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clanoffelidae · 7 months
Always been a little bit confused by the whole ‘our ocs are often inadvertent reflections of our personal traumas haha’ like i mean yeah in a ‘horoscopes are so generic they can apply to anyone’ kind of way
Idk my characters have their own stories
‘Oh so none of your characters are at all personal reflections?’ No, it’s often clear they’re written by a singular person with core values that show up in them too in some ways, but there’s not really any of that ‘oh i struggled with an abusive family growing up and oops all my characters have abusive childhoods’ kind of stuff that I see people talking about a lot
Like I’ve got a couple of characters that are expressions of personal struggles but they’re few in number, I know who they are, and I know this because I designed them that way intentionally, everyone else is doing their own thing man idk
Seeing that topic go around always feels kinda like what being ace feels like in that I can see that there’s something I’m just not getting but everyone says it and I can kind of see how that could happen so I smile and laugh along despite that not really ‘getting the joke’
#like let’s see the untouched are LITERALLY intended to be metaphors for neurodivergency#and auru is an rp character who has mental health struggles as one of his defining characteristics#and has endeared himself to quite a few people because of it actually lol#he’s the mental health issues projection boy and turns out a lot of people i’ve played with relate 🤣#but everyone else just kinda. has their own stuff going on. idk.#so basically i have one projection character and then a group of characters#that are INTENTIONALLY DESIGNED to be metaphors for neurodivergency#haha eldritch horrors being baffled by our world and not getting things that seem obvious to us#and so being called monsters because its OBVIOUS so they MUST know what theyre doing#which means they MUST be doing it INTENTIONALLY so they MUST be TRYING to hurt people#meanwhile the untouched have absolutely no idea what’s going on because no. no it’s not obvious. not to them.#they’re beings that exist outside of time they dont have an intrinsic understanding of what things are ‘right and wrong’ by us#and when they say theyre confused and don’t understand everyone just gets angrier at them and insists theyre lying and they MUST be#doing it on purpose - and are just trying to be manipulative#and the untouched just keep crying that they don’t understand what theyve done wrong or how to not do it again#and no one will answer them#theyre just deemed monsters#because well#its OBVIOUS - isnt it?#so saying theyre confused must be a lie#and they MUST be doing it on purpose to hurt us#even as they cry and cry that they don’t understand why we’re so angry with them and don’t know what they’ve done wrong#but again they were made that way intentionally lol#everyone else is like ‘oh beni was a feral child who lost his parents when he was young’#my parents are alive and well and raised me quite caringly thank you lol
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bitbrumal · 1 year
                                                                            QUESTION           @predvestnik​​​​​   ↤   accepting    ::   HE’S A 10, BUT...   ↩
‘ He isn't a ten. He's more like a bad, incomplete joke: seven, eight, nine. ’ Honestly, this was meant to target one Master Diluc, but can be about anyone—
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DILUC  the rag in his fist creaks. red eyes drop to it with an incredulity that peers further inward: down into the tight, discomfiting squirm of his chest.       oh. i’m going to be sensitive about this. fantastic.  how mean. to be bullied like this, after a smooch? after allowing him to feel vulnerable & stupid & delicious—
it’s certainly impossible to guess what has his cheeks grow ruddy all over again:  the memory, or this shameless return to the norm.  perhaps it should be a blessing...
 at least it asks for no delicacy in return. it wouldn’t be rude not to feel. no weeping maiden stands in line to curse his lineage for an affront she should have expected, angled for. ( no. no, that’s him right now, isn’t it? holy sh- )         don’t have to feel anything about this. ( right. because that was ever an option. )
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#accidentally got into a bit of an argument with my sunday school teacher/youth group leader this morning#(tho I didn't see it as an argument? more of a difference of opinions? slash-me asking for clarification on his points#and opinions on mine?#but my sisters said it felt like I was arguing so. *helpless shrug* that wasn't the intention really)#but the subject was about heaven/the christian's true home#and he was saying that the descriptions of glory and splendor in Revelation (streets of gold/foundations of the city/12 gates/etc)#are all real literal actual descriptions of heaven and that's where we'll open our eyes as soon as we die#and as I'm leaning more and more into 'revelation is largely a prophetic vision and we should be careful not to take too much of it#too literally' lately#I was saying that 'heaven' as we call it is the state of being returned to perfect unity with God + the New Creation#which will be brought about after the end of days#and. yeah.#now I'm largely just confused lol#because it just seems to me like saying 'yeah as soon as I die I'm gonna wake up in a MANSION and there's gonna be JEWELRY EVERYWHERE#and GOLD STREETS and ALL THESE VERY SPECIFIC SYMBOLIC ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES#is... slightly missing the point???#I personally find it far more hopeful and attractive to say tbh idk what it's gonna be like when I open my eyes on the other side of death#BUT I know that God is going to bring me back!! I will be resurrected in a new body with a new purpose in a new *world*#and it will be every single thing I love about this world but BETTER!!! no death!! no sorrow!!! no pain!! perfect undistracted fulfillment#of my callings!!! a wonderful fantastic beautiful unbroken world and //I// will get to live in it and help cultivate it!!!!#and actually this may be a bit of a rabbit trail but I wonder why the churches I've grown up in don't seem to care that much#about the New Earth? they're all like 'YEAH HEAVEN :D :D :D GOLD STREETS 'N PEARLY GATES :D :D :D'#but never 'hey did you know that all the horrible ways we've destroyed this wonderful place that we live in now will be undone?#and we'll come back to earth but it'll be just like it was in the Garden???? isn't it cool that as much terrible stuff we inflict on#ourselves and others and God's beautiful work of creation it's STILL not more than God can redeem and remake and restore???'#bc that message seems a lot more inspiring to me? not just escapism but restoration and reclamation?#idk. I wish I had people to actually discuss these sorts of spiritual things with around...#maybe I'll find them at college... I really hope I do...#tag ramble#christianity
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signalhill-if · 1 year
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I am the absolute worst kind of git user
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ok so someone has probs done this but I haven't seen it yet so uhhh what's ur guys girls' generation & 2ne1 songs? mine are run devil run & paradise, and go away & it hurts
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untouchedsoap · 1 year
but literally i always get so emotional when arthit's friends show up in sotus s like my seniors!!!!
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