#idk it could also be useful to just have as a pinned post?
lilacstro · 2 days
Astro observations pt 3
Trying to be a little consistent haha! Also, I suggest using astrology as a self development tool. While I do believe in fate and predictive astrology, I believe you still have free will for most parts in your life and how the cosmic energies playout for you can be hard to pin down since one single placement can have multiple meanings on how it is interpreted. If you have challenging aspects, you can DEFINATELY work your way through them and NO aspect or placement is bad or life ending ! phew, here we go
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1.I think, Uranus Trine Sun can give someone a very unpredictable nature.
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2.Uranus in your Second house SR can give you an unpredictable year in your finances. But, if uranus is in harmonious aspects with Jupiter, you will be able to arrange money when needed.
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3. I have heard to check the major themes of your year, check where does your chart ruler(ruling planet of ascendant) lie in your SR.
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4.Mars in 7th house in synastry can mean the relationship could be very passionate, things could go fast, but it may end fast or unpredictable. (you can just subscribe to the first part if you like, nothing is absolutely set to happen :) )
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5.I always have an urge to become a professor after some point in my life regardless of the career i choose , and i found my asteroid academia(829) lies in my 10th house.
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6.Speaking of which, if you are considering to choose a major but struggle or are confused, it might be worth looking at where does your asteroid academia overall lie in your chart. I have found it to be useful. I can make a separate post on this one !
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7.People with Sun and Jupiter in 10th house// sun and jupiter in positive aspects could do really well in careers like Public policy and international law.
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8. The house and planet in your 5th house can determine the nature of you child/one of your children. Mars in 5th house? A physically active child, Sun in 5th house? An outgoing easy child. However, PLEASE CHECK THE DEGREES, I can make a post on weak degrees for each planet if you all like :)
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9. Mars square Sun people can have so much restlessness, like they cant be still. My brother has this placement and well, it is not easy to match his energy most of the times lol. Also, very impulsive.
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10.Mars in inharmonious aspects with Mercury could show you having problems expressing anger overall. for example
are probably passive aggressive. You might like lashing out? giving silent treatment? saying things you don't mean?
not saying anything at all, letting things slide even when they bother you? letting your anger build until you can't take it no more.
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11. Sun in 3rd/10th/6th/11th could be really talked about. Also can get fame on social media at some point in their life, or get easily famous on social media.
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12.Sun in 6th house could mean your co workers may see you in high regard and may like working under you.
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13.Jupiter in harmonious aspects with uranus grants you unexpected luck. Places you did not expect to have luck at. I have seen this manifest with my own eyes.
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14.Saturn in 7th house people give me the types people go to advice for. My sister has this. Another example of what different placements can mean. 7th house rules your relationship with people while Saturn is wisdom, discipline and guidance, your father in your birth chart.
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15.I have seen this analogy that, in your natal chart Saturn is the father, moon is the mother, while sun is the child. How to use this information? Want guidance, your most confident self? Your Saturn sign.
who you turn to when you are down? emotional? who you are on the inside as your most vulnerable self? how to take care of yourself when you are down? Your moon sign. I can make a post on this too, i think it should help? idk, y'all tell.
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16. Water mercuries may like writing poems and journals.
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17. I have this theory that your Jupiter placements and aspects can show you how to manifest things for yourself. This observation has worked for people in my family, but I can give examples. You can couple this information to create a manifestation ritual maybe.
Jupiter in 10th house: If someone close asks you, what are your plans? or what do you want? tell them (dont breach your privacy or if you dont feel like it DONT lmao, im talking about what ive seen working). Talk about your manifestation.
Jupiter in 8th house: Keep it hidden, dont tell anyone until it manifests, have a positive self talk
Jupiter in 12th house: Visualize it, meditate, think about it as if you have it
Jupiter 3rd house: maybe create a manifestation journal and forget
Jupiter in 9th house: Pray if you believe. Be extremely optimistic about it, fake it till you make it thing.
Jupiter at mercurial signs/degrees/positively aspecting mercury: speak it in existence
I can again make a post on this if you all like.
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18. Your chiron placement in your SR is very important. The house it is in would tell you where you will hurt BUT grow. I read someone saying the North Node represents this part of learning, but i respectfully disagree.
I had Neptune AND chiron in my 11th house in SR, and this really amplified the learning experience that came regrading my deceiving friends, how i use social media, and who am i choosing to entertain, all at once. Its scary.
I am really considering making a SR series but i am unsure if its relevant dont know why. (not me giving myself post recommendations all throughout this post lol)
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thats all for today, i am very sleepy, I hope you enjoyed this <33
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swiftlythebest · 10 months
I thought that it may be useful to make a primer type thing for my Heartstopper fics because of new people seeking fanworks post-season 2 but would that actually just make me look like a dick?
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valictini · 1 year
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Anyway congrats to sansmaeda, see you all on sunday for the most wedding ever
Bonus: collective mental breakdown below
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You just never know what to expect with this funny little guy!
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puppyeared · 1 month
i had some free time today so i decided to compile some useful pages ive saved over the years and made a resources page on my blog ^_^
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mattodore · 11 months
good afternoon everyone <3 i totally meant to pop back in before i went to bed last night but i ended up staying up all night editing photos so
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deityofhearts · 10 months
I gotta figure out what to do with my hair
#deity dialogue#rn I’m kinda just letting it grow out til after winter passes i think#but after that??? who knows#I don’t know if I like my hair as it is but idk what else to do with it#I could continue growing it out and see if I can get it down to my hips again like it was when I was in school#idk that could be fun for like actually styling it#cause like I’ve kinda been getting it short for the last couple of years partially out of spite#cause every time my hair gets long ppl are like ‘noooo don’t cut off your long hairs it’s so pretty’ and like this ain’t your hair#but like idk I have hair accessories I wanna use#I have so many scrunchies I keep acquiring them (granted I do wear them on my wrists)#I also have the hat pins I like to use in my hair that I can’t use in my hair when it’s short#I’m thinking of putting them in my hair for a possible upcoming outfit#my hair is like a bit past my shoulders so I can do a bit with it now#idk what the point of this post is#just me half asleep blabbing about my hair#however if someone acts possessive over my hair again I will chop it all off again#idk it’s always so annoying like as a kid I wasn’t able to grow it out and then I was and it was nice then if i considered cutting my hair#everyone protested#it was like down to my hips in high school and I very clearly recall cutting it during a lil breakdown#then it was down to my hips again a couple years later and I had already considered cutting it to be more androgynous looking#and ppl were like no no don’t do it and that made me decide to#nvm the fact that it looked so ugly like no offense to the person cutting it the hair style just. wasn’t what I wanted and didn’t look good#and I’m haunted by how I looked for that period of time#rip short lived androgynous celeste you were alright I still don’t know if I’ll ever attempt to present more androgynous again because like.#I don’t particularly dress that way and I like cute clothes but that also just means people will forever assume I’m a woman which sucks like#how about we don’t do that#okay I’m just saying too many words goodbye
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dreamyprinx · 1 year
after the next few drafts are posted any other art posts may become more sporadic for the foreseeable future as I honestly hold little love for art or my ocs lately and don’t know if/when that’ll change. thanks for understanding
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arolesbianism · 1 year
I've decided that Ako and Tomoe still get to be sibling adjacent in the eternal gales au but like in a comedy of errors kind of way. They've been able to message eachother since they were kids and have picked up a similar but to the left dynamic as in canon but over all the years they've known eachother they've never once realized that the other is an alien. Every oddity has completely flown over their heads and it's not until the other staliens and humans are allowed to contact eachother that they find out and theyre just like :O
#rat rambles#band posting#I. Im getting worried this au might need a tag. its still not like fleshed out but I am having too much fun with it#anyways I have a rough idea of who I want everyone to me now I think#its still kind of a draft tho since Im not set on honami as mase or nene as fydd but theyll do for now at least#if I wasnt a coward Id make momoko fydd but I am so#actually maybe yori or yuriko would fit better for that? yori would be funny#but also they kind of cound as bndori characters so like. idk#honami is honestly who Im more conflicted on she would be easier to fit in with kanade stuff but she doesnt rly fit well with mase stuff#which is an issue since her primary job here would be to loosely fill mase's roll and Id have to push the limits of the word loosely#its hard for me to pin a character that both can sorta be mase and can also be mase#by that I mean someone who both has notably shitty parents and also can have juicy relationship drama#honestly just finding someome to fit the first bit in a way Im happy with is hard enough#like if I looked into my soul and was honest with myself mafuyu would fit best but Im already using mafuyu so like.#idk emu could be an option of I went on the looser end but for him the relationship drama comes up#like I could make it work but just not in a mase way yknow?#honami has a similar problem too but to a lesser exteny#this is me saying I need a bitch who can get friendzoned in such a slow agonizing way that they still are sopping wet and sad over it#which does bring some characters to mind for me but then we get back to the parent issue and its just that in circles#mase is the pin that holds this damn plot together and Im only realizing it after this fuck#sekai posting
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piplupod · 1 year
#sorry to make yet another post tonight fhdksl im just having many emotions and thoughts abt everything lately and the group tonight-#-messed me up pretty bad i think RIP dhdjdl alas#anyways i am just... wishing i could be online less. but i dont have anything irl for social system (no ability to get one either sorry)#(i have... tried. so much. for years. it just isn't happening in my current situation dhdksl)#but like. if i take away social media then i go back to just..spending all my time daydreaming and making art#which sounds great on the surface but uhh its lonely. its very very very lonely fhfkdl#i also dont have the energy i used to so i would mainly be daydreaming and thats not healthy (never was#but yknow. survival techniques fhfksl.) but im just hhhh#i feel like i make myself a fool on here#my pinned post is stupidly big and i feel like i look like a ''chronically online'' goofass (maybe i am tbh) but dbdjdl#i just want ppl to see me and Understand what im saying and where im coming from#i also want ppl to feel safe here !! if u have issues w smth i posted i want it to be clear that u can tell me so i can make this safer !!#like fhdksl idk sorry. im just fhfkdl#i dont want to isolate myself but i dont want to be online so much fhdksl it is hard when my life has been reduced to this though#i wish i had more going on but i cant physically afford to get sick again. my body is incredibly fucked up from covid still!#so i cant go out and do things#and i could go for more walks around but paranoia from trauma makes that hard (plus i need to buy bear spray but thats scary fhdkdl)#(theres an influx of bears the past few years dhfkdl i uhhh am terrified of having a bad encounter w one)#but yeah im just fhdkls idk what to do!#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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nocasdatsgay · 4 months
Be Good
Pairing: Female Reader/Azriel/Eris | Rated: E🌶️
Neapolitan bonds Master post | Word Count: 2493|
Summary: Eris had an important meeting so he told you to listen to Azriel, but no sex. He didn’t say anything about the shadows having similar restrictions
Warnings: edging (female reader), daddy kink, light bdsm, mentions of rope and wax play, praise kink, mating bond three-ways. No use of y/n just second POV.
A/N: Eris=Daddy and Az=Sir. Reader=Princess, baby girl, my love. I also never claimed to be an expert in light bdsm. Idk what happened I wanted praise kink with Eris and Az and got this.
Read it here on ao3| Read below
Eris said to do what Azriel said.
That’s how you ended up in your study, hands pinned to the desk by shadows. You sat on his lap with his hard cock pressed against your backside. He didn’t touch you; he wasn’t allowed to fuck you and you both knew if his hands met your bare skin you’d both be in trouble. But his shadows however weren’t under those constraints.
“Open up your bond to our mate, baby,” he whispered in your ear. The cool breeze of shadows slipped up your skirts.
“But he’s still in a meeting.”
“I know.” You could hear the wicked smirk in his voice as he pressed a kiss to the back of your head. “We’re just going to tease him. He’ll let you in.”
“But I’ll get in trouble.” You whimpered as those shadows swirled along your thighs.
“You want to be a good girl, don’t you? You have to listen to me. I won’t let you get in trouble.”
“You promise?”
You gasped as something cold- another shadow- slipped down the front of your dress.
“Have I ever lied to you baby girl?”
You twisted your shoulders around to look back at him with a skeptical look. He only chuckled at you. You normally kept your bond shut down during the day. Mostly because with two mates, nothing would get done if emotions were shared all the time. The three of you learned that after your frenzy. Azriel seemed to read your mind since your bond was wide open to him. You focused on opening the bond to Eris while he ran his hands down your sides.
“Remember the day when we accepted the bond?” Gods did you ever. His hands fisted the skirt of your dress, dragging the fabric up just slightly. “That night you took both of us so well.”
You remembered.
You’d winnowed to the cabin when the frenzy started. They both had their turns with you individually and with each other. But the bond was still squirming in your chest and you begged them both to take you at the same time. Eris was behind you and Az in front. You’d never been so full in your life. You’d never screamed so hard when all three of you came together, the bonds between you wide open and flooded with pleasure.
“We should do that again.” Azriel’s voice brought you back from the memory. “Take a week at the cabin. I want to work you open real slow.” His hands slipped over your dress and pulled your thighs apart without actually touching you. “I want to see you take us both in that pretty pussy of yours.”
You squirmed in his lap, both legs now draped over each side of his own. A shadow had slipped into your panties and ghosted along your clit. Another shadow was stroking along your breasts. Azriel’s chuckle rumbled in his chest. He brushed your hair side and nipped at your neck.
“Be good and Eris will come take care of you. Then next week, I get to play.”
“And do what?” you panted.
“First I’m going to fuck our mate so stupid, he’ll be calling me High Lord.”
“And me?”
By the Mother, the shadows were doing too good of a job teasing you. You couldn’t think about anything else but getting Azriel’s fingers into your cunt.
“I have ropes and a paddle waiting for you, princess.” You whimpered and wiggled your hips back against his cock. He growled into your ear and added. “Careful. You know what happens to brats when it’s my week.”
That brought a moment of clarity in the haze.
“Punish me then. I’ll just lick your wings until you beg.”
You yelled. Azriel was out of the chair and shadows were pulling you by your wrists down the desk so you bent over it. He didn’t take off your panties nor did he throw up your skirts. He kept you there for a moment not touching you. Then you felt him crowd around you, wings blocking the lights.
“Try that again.”
“I’m sorry,” you said quickly. He hummed at that.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” He whispered in your ear.
“I want your hands on me.” That shadow in your panties was rubbing your clit faster. Your breath quickened. “I want your fingers. I want them- I want them in me.”
“What else?” Az pulled back and spanked you. Not enough to hurt but enough to make you yelp and stand on your toes. “I thought you were my good girl.”
“I am!” Gods you were close.
“Then why are you being sassy?” He laughed but you didn’t think it was funny.
“I’m not!”
Your skin was on fire. You could smell the arousal coming off Az in waves, torturing you on top of what he was pushing down the bond. You flexed your hands and stood on your toes, wanting to fall off the edge. Then the shadow left. You sobbed out a whine, tears in your eyes.
“Sir, please.”
You slumped on the table. A low primal growl behind you made you shiver.
“There she is.” He crowded you again. Shadows were back on your thighs, the cool brush of them teasing you more. “Hi baby. Close your eyes and listen to me. Don’t speak unless I ask you too.”
You did as you were told. Hazy want settled over you and you wished he’d touch you.
“Good girl.” You whined and pushed your hips back but he wasn’t having it. He held your hips in place. “Don’t be greedy, Princess. Our mate isn’t here, remember.” You nodded. “I want you to think about the last time I really fucked you.”
Last week came to mind. He had you by the hair, fucking your mouth while tears streamed down your face. Or when he had you on the bed, arms tied and legs pressed back so he could get in as deep as he wanted.
“Send that down the bond.”
You were sure Eris already knew what you were thinking but you pushed it through anyway. You thought a hum of approval came back to you.
“Think about what our mate is going to do to you when he’s done with his meeting,” Az whispered. Warmth in your chest bloomed at the thought of Eris coming back. “I know for a fact he’s been wanting you all day.”
You bit your lip, flashes of Eris fluttered through your mind. Shadows were in your panties again. You kept your eyes closed even while you squirmed.
“I showed him how to tie the rope but he still needs practice. Do you want me to put you in the rope tonight, baby? I could tie you up like a present and leave you on the bed for him. You can answer.”
“Not allowed,” you shook your head.
Az hummed approval. “You listen to us so well.”
You nodded. You did listen. Eris said no sex and no rope. Not unless he was present. You weren’t sure if it was a test of your honor or a test of patience. Probably the latter.
“We will practice on you later.” He kept talking. “He can get out the safe candles. I want to see you squirm again.”
You squeezed your legs at the thought. You knew it was going down the bond but the images you weren’t sure if it was from yourself or one of them. Flashes of Eris dripping wax on you while Az had his head between your legs. The snug feeling of the soft rope on your skin. You were close again, pleasure building in your pelvis and thighs. The shadows left again and you wanted to cry.
“Az,” you couldn’t get out the rest, a smack on your ass taking your breath away.
“That’s not my name right now, princess.”
You pouted. “Sorry sir.”
“You’re forgiven, baby.”
Az kept you like that for what felt like hours. His shadows would tease and tease, getting you close and then stopping, denying you of release. You’d beg and plead but Az wouldn’t let you cum.
“You can’t cum without Eris here, baby,” Az would chuckle.
At one point you heard his leathers being undone. You were so wet, you could feel it on your thighs.
“Sir please. I want it. I need it. I’ve been a good girl.”
You fucking knew he was stroking himself. Your mouth watered at the thought. You wiggled your hips, pesky shadows damn near overstimulating you. Az was still laughing at you like he wasn’t the cause of your current duress.
“I know Princess. You’ve been the best girl. You have to be patient and wait for Eris.”
But you were done waiting. You needed Eris right then. You needed him so bad you were throbbing from it. If Az wouldn’t take care of you, Eris would. You tugged on the bond without thinking, sending all your want down it. Come get me please is what you sent. The bond tugged back twice. I’m coming for you. Your eyes fly open. Eris was coming.
Daddy was coming.
“Daddy’s coming,” you whisper out loud. You pull at your wrists but the shadows don’t budge. “Daddy is coming for me.”
“Okay Princess,” Az was running his hands through your hair, instantly calming you from the frenzy of the moment. “You’re going to sit down in this chair and act like nothing happened. Okay?”
“Yes sir,” you sighed.
Shadows enveloped you smelling like Az and that calmed you down a little. Wrist shadows let up and he guided you back into your chair before the shadows went back around your wrists.
“Don’t say anything. I want him surprised.”
You nodded and waited.
Not even a minute passed when the door to your chambers opened and slammed shut. Heavy footsteps echoed as they approached the study and you had the nerve to hold your breath, waiting. You really shouldn’t have been surprised when a warm hand dug into your hair and pulled your head back over the top of your chair.
You blinked and stared up at Eris. His short red hair was askew, like he’d been running his hands through it constantly. He was breathing heavily.
“My love,” he said, looking down at you. You squirmed in your seat at how blown his pupils were. “You knew I had an important meeting today. Explain to me why, for the last hour and a half, you’ve been sending very distracting things down our bond.”
A shadow tightened on your wrist. A warning. You looked up at him and pleaded with your eyes. Eris was smart; his gaze flickered to where your hands laid on the desk. His grip loosened.
Laughter filled the room and behind you, you knew Azriel had stepped out of the shadows where he was hiding. Eris still didn’t let go of your hair.
He looked back down to you. “Did Azriel make you tease me, princess?” You nodded. With a heavy sigh, he let you go.
“Azriel.” Eris’s voice was low, and even not addressing you, it went a shiver down your spine. “You almost got our girl in a lot of trouble.”
You could feel the heat off him, his anger mounting. The shadows holding down your wrists left you and you were free to turn in your seat. Another shiver ran through you. Both your mates were staring each other down. You looked at Eris.
“Are you mad at me, Daddy?” you said softly.
“Not with you, princess,” he didn’t look at you, but still glared at Azriel who was still chuckling to himself. “You think this is funny, Azriel.”
“Of course I do.” Azriel gave him that arrogant grin he always has when he was riling his mates up. “You shut me out. I knew you’d let our girl through the bond. I’d pay good money to have seen the look on Rhys’s face, you reek of arousal.”
“And this room reeks of sex,” Eris grumbled. He glared down at you and you shrunk in on yourself. “Did he fuck you while I was gone?”
“No,” you shook your head, eyes wide. “I was good. I was a good girl. I promise.”
“She was the best girl,” Azriel smiled at you proudly. “I edged her a few times. You didn’t bar me from using shadows. They helped paint the picture of what I wanted you to feel down the bond.”
Eris glowered at Azriel. “Of course you’d find a loophole.”
You bit your lip. “Am I in trouble Daddy?”
There was a flash of recognition in his eyes, like he just realized how deep in you were.
“No,” Eris took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. “I did tell you to listen to Azriel while I was busy.”
Az came over and stroked his fingers down your cheek. “See. You’re not in trouble. I wouldn’t let you be punished for following my instructions. You know that.”
You did but after playing with you all afternoon you were in a headspace and easily convinced otherwise. You looked up at Eris through your eyelashes.
“Is your meeting over?” You asked softly. You couldn’t help but drop your gaze to his pants.
“No, it’s not.”
“I’ll go,” Azriel said while he ran his fingers through your hair. You instantly relaxed at the touch. “It’s just Rhys.”
“And Tarquin. And Helion.”
Eris put his hands on his hips but you could stare at his crotch. Maybe you could convince him to use your mouth. You’d been so good for Az, you wanted to be good for Eris too.
“I can handle them while you take care of our girl.” Goosebumps crawled up your skin from his words and the way he played with your hair. “She’s been so good. She deserves it.”
“Good for you, maybe.” You whimpered and Eris looked down at you, a flash of regret on his face.
“I can be good for you too, I promise.” You whispered.
Eris sighed and looked at Azriel. “Go. But don’t think you aren’t getting punished later for making me look like a fool.”
“I look forward to it.” He leaned down by your ear and whispered, “Show our mate what a good girl you are.”
“Okay,” you nod.
Azriel hummed an acknowledgment and you looked to watch him disappear into the shadows. You didn’t have much time to react to Eris walking up and lifting you out the chair. He marched with you draped over his shoulder and laid you onto the bed.
“Daddy expects you on your best behavior.” You bit your lip while he stood by the bed and took off his jacket. “Is your bond to Azriel open?”
“Yes daddy.” Your eyes widened with want while you watched him work on his shirt next.
“Good. Take off that dress and let’s show our mate what it feels like to be toyed with.”
Sequel here: Now Behave
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sukun4s · 1 year
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Possessive! Dom! Ethan Landry x Sub! Reader (smut)
Synopsis: You make Ethan jealous after a party, so he had to take out his anger on you somehow.
A/N: This isn’t the first smut i’ve ever written but it’s the first one i’ve ever publicly posted. 😭 My notes app is full of them lmfao. I hope y’all enjoy this bc this gets pretty nasty lmfao. ALSO USE A CONDOM YALL.
This Fic Contains: spit kink, degrading, slight dumbification, slut shaming? idk?, ETHAN RIPS YO CLOTHES OFF, choking, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, choking on fingers hehe, face grabbing, spanking, creampie, hair pulling, fingering, squirting, mentions of alcohol, reader is a bimbo in this too, size kink hehe, face slapping, wholesome aftercare
The door being slammed behind you is what made you realize, you were fucked.
“Listen, I didn’t want to make a scene back there but if you would’ve just stopped playing dumb, then maybe I wouldn’t have had to!” Ethan yelled as he hightailed you while you sped over to your bedroom.
Earlier, you attended a college party with Ethan and the rest of your friends. You weren’t even drunk but the alcohol helped you be less nervous at that party. You were dressed in the tightest mini skirt ever that even the slightest movement showed off your lacy white panties, and Ethan wasn’t going to have any of that especially with you on the dance floor.
He noticed that a ton of guys were captivated by you and your outfit, so they took the chance to dance with you. You thought nothing of it and simply thought they were being nice.
But of course, Ethan knew what was going on through their heads. They just wanted a chance to have their way with you.
Ethan couldn’t watch his girlfriend get between a bunch of guys, so he instead shoved through the people at the party and grabbed your hand.
“We’re leaving.” Ethan urged in a very low tone.
“Woah! Already? We just got here E!”
Ethan was already pissed off and you did not need to make it worse.
“We’re leaving Y/N!”
You swiped your hand away from him and stood there. “Hey! What’s your deal?!”
Ethan turned around and glared at you. “My deal?! You’re letting other guys touch up on you while you’re dressed like that!” You were fuming at this point.
“Fine. You can leave then! You’re no fun at all.” You we’re about to turn around before Ethan grabbed your wrist this time and pulled you through the crowd of people which caused you to get weird stares as you were dragged out.
The entire walk home, you were complaining about how Ethan just embarrassed you.
Eventually that led to him snapping at you back at your dorm.
You tried to close the door behind you before Ethan got into the room first.
“You’re my girlfriend. Not anyone else’s. Got that?” Ethan growled as he grabbed your wrist again, this time tighter than before.
You whimpered slightly at the pain. “E-Eth’ that hurts-“
He then pulled you in by your throat, shoving you onto your bed and quickly sliding down your skirt. You sit up on your elbows in surprise as you watch him rip off your panties. You squeal out in surprise and are quick to try to cover yourself from the cold air.
Ethan grabs your wrist again and pins it aside as he stares at your extremely tight top.
“I bought you that didn’t I. I don’t think all those other guys would spoil you like I do.”
At first, he gently slid his hand on your breast, staring at your hard nipples, noticing you weren’t wearing a bra before ripping off your top too.
“That was my favorite!!“ You whined.
He scoffed and threw it aside. “I’ll buy you a new one.”
He then sat up on his knees, towering over your small frame. Ethan then grabbed your hair by the scalp and pulled you up toward his face as he growled in your ear. “If you fucking move, or try to touch yourself, I swear you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
You could feel your tight hole already soak at the thought of that. You could feel yourself pulsing as you breathed heavily.
Ethan took his toned hand and gently pressed one finger against your already pulsating pussy. He then slid it down your slit and felt the wetness between your folds.
“Fuck. Aren’t you just a sweet dumb thing. Already wet by my words? Or are you thinking about what i’ll do to you next?“
You couldn’t even speak as he kept your hair in between his knuckles and kept sliding his index finger up and down your slit.
“Answer me.” He then slapped your pussy, causing you to jolt and bite your lip, holding in a moan.
“Y-Your words Eth’…”
Ethan grinned as he slowly shoved his index finger into your tight pussy.
“Such a good cumdump.”
You tightened around his index finger already as he shoved his middle finger in as well.
He gave no warning as he suddenly sped up and started fingerfucking you. You wailed out as he rammed his fingers in and out of you making your body arch and squirm as you could do nothing but hold onto the bedsheets. The way he would drill his fingers in and out would make you go insane. He then grabbed you by your face and squeezed your cheeks.
Your eyes glimmered as it signified pleasure and you, already fucked out, rolled your eyes to the back of your head.
Ethan grinned at you and shoved his two fingers into your mouth, still keeping a tight grip on your face meanwhile darting his fingers in and out of your tight and gushy pussy, constantly hitting the spots that made you jolt and yelp the most.
His index and middle fingers went deep into your mouth that it hit the back of your uvula, making you slightly gag and choke on them as tears already formed in your eyes, ruining your mascara.
You were now like a piece of artwork to him. He was so satisfied with what he created out of you. He was so captivated by your beauty that he couldn’t help but just force your mouth further open just to spit in your mouth. He then forced it shut, signaling for you to swallow it.
Ethan then slapped your face and grabbed your hair again, facing your head down towards the mess that he was making and made you watch as he jackhammered his fingers in and out of you, watching you lift your lower body from the mattress.
“Oh fuuuckkk…Ethan! M’gonna-“
“That’s right. Go ahead, whore.”
He continued to hit your spots at full speed as your wetness flew all over the bed and even onto the floor.
You wailed out as you felt your orgasm wash over you, making your body shiver and twitch. Ethan watched as you squirted all over his hand and the bedsheets.
He smirked at the sight of you squirting all over him then unbuckled his pants, pulling down his zipper and then revealing his boxers. Ethan then pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his very toned abs and you could feel yourself getting turned on by the sight of his very well built body.
You continued staring at him as he pulled his boxers down, revealing his hard, twitching cock. He then smacked your ass, signaling you to turn over onto your stomach. You looked up at him, doe-eyed as you nodded and followed his exact commands.
He then grabbed your face again, forcing you to make eye contact with him with your head faced upwards as he towered over you again.
“God, you’re so pretty.”
You blushed at his comment before he forced yourself to arch against him. You were about to lift your head up until he pushed your head down into the mattress.
He then gave no warning as he completely shoved himself inside of you causing you to whine out in pain and pleasure. Your feet curled as you could feel his tip graze against your cervix.
He then thrusted himself in and out as he pulled your hair, forcing your face down into the pillow, completely ruining your makeup as it stained the bedsheets. Your moans were so pornographic and loud that anyone could hear next door, but it didn’t matter because all this heart racing pleasure is what kept you from thinking about anything else.
“Think all those other guys can fuck you like me? Make you squirt and cry like me? Hell no.”
You loved being his. And he loved being yours.
He then pulled out to flip you on your back again as he pulled you by your ankle towards him to line up his cock on your dripping slit. Examining your wet cunt, he then spat on it, making you gasp and your pussy twitch at the sight of it.
“Such a pretty sight from such a pretty cumdump.” He marveled at your glistening cunt.
You lightly giggled at his comment before he practically folded you in half and shoved himself deep inside of you again. Your mouth was agape as he began thrusting in you again.
You could feel and hear the slamming of his hips as it echoed throughout the room.
“M’ gonna fill you up so good, princess. And I want you to look directly at me when I do it.”
You struggled to even reply to him so all you could do was nod. Your poor pussy was already bruised by the time he began shoving himself in you that you couldn’t help but cry and squeal out in pain and pleasure.
He then took you by your throat as he started wrapping his hand around it, squeezing as you gasped for air. he then took his other hand and shoved it in the back of your throat, making you gag again and watching your tears flow out again.
It wasn’t until he leaned in and kissed you so sloppily that all you could feel is his tongue swirling around your mouth and trying to slide it’s way to your uvula, that you felt yourself tighten more and more around him that you were practically milking him. You both moaned into each other’s mouths before he pulled away, your tongue sticking out as lines of saliva connected your mouths.
You looked so gorgeous. Having your insides fucked like he absolutely hated you, and you just taking it like a good girl.
He continued choking you as you grabbed onto the bedsheets, feeling a sort of coil in your stomach.
“Oh- Mmmff!! I’m gunna cum!!”
Ethan only went faster after your words and continued drilling himself into your cervix as he grabbed your face one last time.
“Do it. But don’t take your pretty eyes off of me. I wanna watch you, my bunny.”
“M-Mhm!! S-Shit…!”
You nodded and let out more moans and whimpers as he continued to thrust in and out as the squelching noises of your fucking filled the room.
“Ohhhh!! Ethannnn!!!”
You let out a few more wails of pleasure as you kept eye contact with Ethan before you felt your orgasm unravel again and the feeling of cum gushing out of your pussy onto his cock ran through your body as it convulsed and shivered.
Just a few more thrusts later, Ethan then released his hot and thick load inside of your womb, filling it to the brim. He kept himself deep inside you so that almost none of it would fall out. He groaned out and slightly whimpered at the overwhelming pleasure of your tight cunt cumming all over his fat cock mixed with his orgasm.
You both were now panting messes. Ethan then looked down at your completely fucked out face as it was stained with makeup and mascara. He smiled and gently kissed your forehead.
He then lifted himself off of you, picking up his boxers and putting them back on. He noticed you were practically unresponsive to him, so he picked you up off the bed and carried you bridal style to the bathroom. He set you down on the cold sink, causing you to shiver as he started up a bath for you. He waited until the water was warm and filled the tub before he carried you and gently sat you inside.
He was now bathing your entire body and helping you clean up your face. You gazed lovingly at your boyfriend as he did all of this, meanwhile he was complimenting you.
“You did so well today, bunny. You’re my perfect girl.”
Your heart fluttered at his comments. He really was the man you loved and wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
After your bath, he helped dry you up and then carried you back to the bedroom with a towel wrapped around your body. Watching him rummage around your clothes, you twirled your hair and gazed at his back muscles. Ethan then came back with panties and one of his shirts for you to wear. He slipped it onto you and smiled as it draped over your body.
Ethan then crawled onto the bed next to you, waiting for you to rest your head on his chest. Once you did, you were quick to fall asleep on it, listening to his heartbeat as he toyed with your hair.
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n6ptunova · 7 months
i loved your chris bf hcs! could you please do one for matt? thank you and i hope you’re having a good day :)
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boyfriend headcanons • matt sturniolo
a/n: thank you so much ily!! hope you enjoy thiss🫶
warnings: none
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- you can’t convince me that matt wouldn’t be the type of bf who accidentally ignores you in public/groups of friends. he doesn’t mean to but he’s so awkward and doesn’t like pda much so when he tries to avoid it he avoids you altogether. it used to hurt your feelings but after talking to him he reassured you that he’s just a dumbass.
- he makes up for being distant in public when you guys are alone tho. he lovesss having you in his arms hugging his slutty waist, while he strokes your hair and kisses your head/cheeks occasionally. he’s def the big spoon most of the time.
- his love language is physical touch and acts of service, so he’ll often want to drive you to run errands together (grocery shopping, ikea visits, etc.) it makes him feel like you’re a married couple which kind of sums up your relationship with him.
- he’s also the designated bug killer, bob the builder ass bf. you got new furniture that needs to be built? he’s doing it no question. you broke something and need it fixed? he’s on it. he almost babies you honestly and he loves it but when you take it too far and act too spoiled he’ll be like alright wrap it up.
- he’s kind of moody sometimes for no reason like you’ll be making jokes or annoying him for fun and he’s just “not having it” when in reality he can’t get enough of your attention, he’ll pretend to be annoyed and keep rolling his eyes but he can’t wipe the goofy ass smile off his face.
- BABY FEVER!! every time he seems a cute baby out in public or on tiktok he turns into the biggest softy, “babe look oh my goddd they’re so cute i want one.” *hears the baby laughing* “nvm i want ten.”
- perks of dating someone with a car (ns to chris and nick! full shade actually) is you get to go on a lot of late night cruises with the top down, blasting your fav music, him using his free hand to switch between holding yours and placing it on your thigh. plus you get some privacy to….be risky! if ykwim
- matt loves when you take an interest in something he loves eg. pokemon, certain artists he listens to, cabin life, etc. he gets so excited and giddy and he’ll want to tell you everything he knows about these things. and he does the same for you but he gets embarrassed and defensive if you point it out so you just silently appreciate it.
- ^ you once caught him reading one of your favorite books simply because he wanted to talk to you about it and seeing you get all excited and passionate while talking about it.
- he’s definitely a soft launch type of guy. always posting pics where you just barely show. the back of your head, or your nails in the corner of the pic, your shoes etc. i can’t imagine him fully posting up with his gf on instagram or tiktok but maybe if it’s been a few years he’d do it for anniversaries and it’ll be like aesthetic ass pinterest vibes photos.
- matt would always be taking candid photos/videos of you and saves them in an album that’s full of just you. 90% of his screen time is his camera roll just bc he’s always looking and admiring the pics he took of you, he’s obsessed fr.
- after a while i feel like matt would start to show his silly/goofy side a lot more with you. he would so be the type to chase you around trying to tickle you- he just loves hearing your laugh. it usually ends with him pinning you down with one hand and tickling you with the other until you’re almost out of breath then he’ll stop and kiss you to make up for it.
- he’ll be more talkative with you than with his brothers sometimes since you don’t interrupt. he’s always rambling about whatever’s on his mind and apologies after like pookie you’re good talk more!!
- he’s a bit indecisive in general like where to eat, date ideas and stuff but he tries because he knows you like when he’s ‘assertive’. idk how to explain this but he acts like the stereotypical “man provides” but in a non toxic/non misogynistic way.
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vmbrq · 11 months
okay so I was reading your post answering abt ethan being tied up and blindfolded and HOLY. SHIT. 👀
but honestly I wanna see more of dom ethan. don’t get me wrong I love sub ethan but I feel like a guy like him would absolutely DESTROY (im being dramatic LMAO) you. like this boy is strong asf and he would definitely use that to his advantage!!!
in person he would be sweet, chill and shy. probably stuttering around you and blushing H.E.A.V.I.L.Y. but once he got you alone…
he’d pin you down to the bed and whisper things into your ear, knowing the power he has over you.
i also feel like ethan COULD be into kink. idk it’s just a feeling I have abt him…
his arms. HIS ARMS. HIS ARMS ARE SO STRONG FOR WHAT? A dork like him has arms like that?!?!?!? man. i ain’t never wanted a guy so badly in my life…😭
I’m so embarrassed. 😭😭😭
literally don't be embarrassed because you and i are in the same boat LMAOO and there's just smth so interesting about exploring the potentials of both sides of his personality. bc the way he yanked anika up off the floor and onto her feet with one arm? oh my god????? he's so strong????
in public and in non-sexual situations, he's all about forehead kisses and linking pinkies and flushes pink and laughs when you compliment him bc he doesn't quite know how to react yet. but i am also frothing at the MOUTH at the thought of him flipping the script in private LIKE???? HELLO????
it may have taken him a while, but he'd already be aware of how your brain just kinda melts whenever he shows off his physique in any way, such as lifting heavy objects from your hands to carry them instead, carrying you whenever you're too tired to move or your feet hurt too badly to walk, or even when he idly rubs his hand over his opposite bicep when he's lost in thought or stretches his arms above his head.
mentions of smut under cut ; minors dni
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so when he finds out that it extends to the bedroom, he doesn't shy away from utilizing it every now and then. his physical prowess makes an appearance whenever you're burnt out or completely drained but still needing a release, the muscles in his shoulders and back flexing as he pins your body down or keeps your thighs pried apart so you can't escape the pleasure he gives you. all you have to do is let yourself go and give yourself over to him, and he'll make sure all you can do is lay there and take it.
but aside from that, tbh he would also do it just because he can. you honestly don't stand a chance against him in a competition of strength, but he thinks it's cute if you still try to squirm or push back against his grip to try to overpower him. he's heavy, pressing you right where he wants you, and you can't do anything about it. the little power trip emboldens him, and whether you've freely relinquished control or are still attempting to resist, he's talking. he rambles right in your ear, commenting on how well you're taking him and how pretty you look under him and how you want it so badly, he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.
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mattodore · 1 year
hi! would it be ok to ask for a link to matthias' pinterest board? thank you
ackk..... my ocs board is private atm bc there are some ocs in there that are still wips... but i can give you a peak at matthias's board for sure. et voilà <3
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#river dipping#asks#anonymous#matthias evanoff#matthias core#echthroi#YES my oc board has like twenty-three subsections and over three thousand pins YES it's still a wip#i unprivate it sometimes!! but i have a good amount of followers on pinterest bc i've been there for yearssss#so i don't unprivate it often bc i'm pretty sure that floods all of their homepages with all the pins from the board???#since like... i reupload almost every pin in the character sections so that i don't have to worry about the op deleting them#plus i also hate the way captions and comments look on pins so when i post them myself i don't have to worry abt 'em#this used to not be a problem before but a few years ago pinterest suddenly decided to make titles and captions always visible#it's ugly fr sdfhnkjkjd now i'll look back at old boards of mine like my old tlou board right#and there'll be a pin in there of just like. a broken down bus and some overgrown grass... and then the caption is something like#''steve x tony'' in aesthetic font like ???? go AWAY. pinterest have made so many changes over the years that have annoyed tf out of me#and yet............... i'm still on there making boards#the man you see reoccurring in matthias's board is jeremy dufour btw... he's the closest faceclaim i've ever been able to find#i've thought abt editing matthias to look more similar to him before... but i'm kind of attached to matthias's current look idk#and i could never part with matthias's little evil villain eyebrows#i wish i could find a faceclaim for theo but it's literally impossible like trust me i've looked
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mouschiwrites · 5 months
Hey guys!! Dipping my toes back into writing!! (See my pinned post for new fandoms!)
I wanted to try something light, and my sibling got me into Scott Pilgrim, so… here we are…
Scott Pilgrim - Holding Hands
Characters: Scott Pilgrim, Wallace Wells, Lucas Lee, Gideon Graves, Lisa Miller
He always asks before holding hands
At first it’s verbal, but after a while he just starts holding out his hand with wide puppy-dog eyes
He absolutely RADIATES when you comply
He gets this massive grin and keeps glancing at you with hearts in his eyes
To him it’s a way of showing you’re together, plus it’s physical affection, which he loves
He likes to hold hands in public more than in private
He’ll swing your arms merrily while you walk along the sidewalk, maybe even humming a little tune
You will have to ask him to let go of your hand; he gets so lost in his joy that he doesn’t think to let go (even if you try to pull away)
“Uh, Scott? My hand?”
“Hm? Oh, you want it back. Right. Haha.”
At least his hands are always soft (from gamer sweat) and warm
Holding hands isn’t a big deal for him
It’s not really a show of affection for him, just something random he does when he feels like it
He’ll just grab yours casually, not caring who sees
He won’t even pause his sentence/task/whatever he’s doing, he just grabs it and carries on
He thinks it’s adorable if you get all flustered
He WILL tease you about it too
“What’s wrong? Aw, are you embarrassed?”
“Shut up…”
“Love you too.”
His hands are sooo soft, with nicely trimmed nails, and they smell like expensive lotion
Which he might share if you ask really nicely…
He LOVES holding hands
He acts nonchalant about it in public, but he’s beaming on the inside
He thinks it’s cute :)
He also uses it as a way to show you’re his (both in a “back off” way and a “look at my smoking hot s/o” way)
“Um, hello? They’re literally holding my hand. Back off, pal.”
In private he shows how he feels a little more, with a little smile playing on his lips as he squeezes your hand
Just chilling on the couch while holding hands is one of his favorite things in the world
(Also when in private) he compliments your hands
His hands are a just a little rough, and he keeps his nails trimmed really short
Holding hands is mainly a territorial thing for him
He’ll only grab your hand when he knows people are watching
He might also use it to “prove his affection”
In reality he doesn’t really like it at all
And you can definitely guess as much: he’ll sigh when he takes your hand, and the way he holds it… it’s like he’s afraid you’ve got diseases
“Did you wash your hands?”
“Yes..? Why are you whispering? …oh.”
He’ll begrudgingly place a kiss on it anyway
Hand holding is just not your guys’ thing
But his hands are very soft and clean, and he always has a killer manicure
Somehow his cuticles still suck though…
She also really likes holding hands
She thinks it’s cute, plus she likes to show you off
So she mainly does it when in public
Her hands always smell like fruity lotion, which she uses often to make them silky smooth :)
She insists you also use the lotion, especially if/when your hands are calloused
When your hand is in hers, it’s just another part of her hand
She’ll continue to use it like you’re not holding her hand
But if you try to pull away, she gets confused
“You don’t want to hold hands anymore??” :(
“Huh? I thought you wanted it back so you could grab the thing…”
“I can grab it while still holding hands!!”
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Thank you so much for reading!! I’m still trying to figure out if I want to finish the requests in my inbox… idk, I’m just not very motivated rn :( I’m so sorry guys
(divider by saradika)
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catsburgers · 6 months
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i cant believe mumbo was brought back to life and proceeded to carry the mounders to victory....... wow...
full bodies under the cut, will break down their designs for fun too
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bee double oh one hundred!!
moss on shoulders from his moss skin
compass became a lives count
dinnerbone nametag in pocket is a reference to his upside down house, and the red is specifically referring to what life hes on. if he was green it would be green etc
earth keychain referring to his house
2 zombie bites referring to how he died to a zombie twice LMAO
shovel for the mounders BAYBEEE!!
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mister mumbo jumbo
i already posted this design but didn't include any info so
im obsessed w/ the robot hcs iv seen so i decided fuck it why not. redstone powered cyborg. he had his parts replaced during lastlife after all the time he tinkered w/ end crystals
the knot of his tie is a heart, and his tie is burnt after he died in the lava
heart cufflinks. idk man i loved sneaking in hearts wherever i could on the designs
sewn on patches on his book bag. redstone, a book and an apple (god i WISH i remembered why i put an apple on that??)
heart bookmark!! like bdubs, it shows what life he's on :3. his tie would also change colors
monster shoes stolen from a pin on my pinterest feed. idk hes a vampire he'd have funny shoes.. like its in the contract did u not read it
ANVIL. comedic anvil squash sfx. yeah
shovel!!! mounders!!
umbrella looks like the deep dark :^)
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pearl pearlescentmoon my aus bff
fanny pack. like a true aussie.
keeps her book in there!!
AND THONGS (flipflops). she'd wear them i just know it
moth wings too ykyk
enchanted flame bow!!
wearing tilly's collar too
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joel small beans
listen bro didnt give us anything to go off so i just went basic
heart on shoes, red streak and red eyes yk how it goes
pumpkin patch for lizzie... ough..
diamond shovel!! the only mf to have a damn diamond one in this whole group...
dumb lil antenna i FORGOT TO COLOR but im too lazy to fix.. srry
he keeps his book in his pocket bc i was too lazy to draw another book
yeah thats all rlly :P
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