#idk i was just thinking about the trend of people my age who have seemed to have built their entire political stance on 'fuck you got mine'
fae-morrigan · 5 months
look, man. one of the things about preaching the importance of Community is you have to understand, you need to believe that shit and act like you actually care about the other 'undesirable' members of society. specifically in public. yes, even about children, teenagers. yes, even people with bad opinions on things. yes, even about people who are 'annoying' to you. because guess what? being Alive means you will be all 3 of those things at various points in your life, multiple times for multiple years. don't you wish others would be kind to you?
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nikox400x · 2 months
Kung Fu Panda 4-All the budget went to the animation (spoilers)
Hey all, its me, the guy who everyday make a tour around this site but almost never talk. How are ya?
Two days ago something arrived to the cinema's screens, something that me and everyone were waiting for since 2018, the fourth film and the begginig of the new kung fu panda triology.
You know? When I sat on that theather seat with my friends to see what Dreamworks had prepared for us, I told myself; "Maybe that post I made a while ago throwing shit at what seemed like Kfp 4 was going to be was a bit hard, I hope I can come out regretting what I said that time"
And as soon as the credits ended, it was clear to me, I dont regret a shit. Maybe it was a little exaggerated, compared to what a megamind fan would think about the terrible sequel they made, but still: the film is crappy and boring most of the time. But why?
I'm going to explain some points.
1- Po? Is that you?
I don't know you guys, but i don't think the panda we knew in the end of the third film is the same as this one. Seriously, he share more comparisons with the Po from the legend of awessonless than the one from the films, maybe its a personal thing but it feels that way. At least in the beggining of the film feel like that.
And I don't know what he was thinking about when he decided to follow a thief he doesn't know at all and who tried to steal in his own palace, and that suspiciously know who is the chameleon, whose were her plans, her past, where she lived, where exacly they had to pass through avoiding all the guard inside her home, why the others thiefs of the city hate her so much... With Po's experience with criminals this is like a chef throwing water on a pan with boiling oil, it's obvious what is going to happen.
2- Zheng- Female Nick Wilde but without charisma or half of his intelligence.
I knew it from the first moment I saw Zheng's desing, the people who know me can corroborate that; her facial expressions, her tone while she talk, her animal race, her position as thief, her final when she is part of the justice same as the protagonist... it's clearer than water I think.
Everyone could say this is forgivable if she's smart, but surprise, she's not. This character is just an absurd try of this company for """"conect with infant audience""""(I don't know in what sense, I supose for the cute design, idk). But the point is, the supposed objective of the hollywood companies is give the new generetions better things than we got at their age, but what I see is laziness for write a decent scrip only for take an advantage of a known IP and make easy money. Even the children have quality standars, this is not the dragon warrior and of course this is not kung fu panda.
And talking about the dragon warrior, having our deep and lovely Tigress with her magnific development or Tai Lung back from the spirit realm... why in the hell this character exists?! Oh yeah, for being trending topic in twitter for three days. Yay...
3- The furious five and Shifu, for us : our pretty boys, and for Dreamworks: living jokes.
What made Kung Fu Panda what it is, is not the fucking panda, it's them. They're the inspiration for Po, their allies, the royale representation of kung fu and the ones which everything started with.
Po's a comic relief, and his mission is show his development in part using his humor, but the humor in this film barely works because of the lazy script. Something that even the talented Jack Black himself can't fix, beacuse his only role there is dublin his character, unlike the rest of the residents of the Jade Palace except Dustin Hoffman.
Seth Rogen (Mantis) himself even said that he wasn't even contact by Dreamworks in the first place, only for make a scream in the credits, that's sad beacause he really wanted to see Mantis on the screen. And I know and I understand that the five are expensive, but cmon, they could just simply change the voice actors and offset it with a good script but that's not the case of course. Their role in the film is being a counter for Po's constant jokes, for not to saturate the spectator with jokes, now that's not in there anymore, thank you Dreamworks.
4-The chameleoooohhn and her "motivation".
I can't say much, basically because out of her design she's nonsense. She says that because of her size, she was reyected for being a kung fu warrior.
Yeah of course but only one little thing, what about Shifu? Viper, a warrior without tips? Mantis, literally a dawn insect? Master Oogway, a TURTLE? The masters goose? C'mon even there's a fucking master chicken! Don't talk shit chameleon!
Her importance for the plot? Its almost a lie, the others villains had links to important characters; Tai Lung (with his link to Shifu's past), Shen (with his link to Po's past) or Kai (with his link to Oogway's past), all of them related to important characters. And her? To zheng's past and present I guess? But again, anyone know this character. She's like a villain from a Disney show, you know the type of villain who say a lot of things but at the end, she don't support nothing to the lore.
And her personality is like a mix of all the previous villains, and this sounds good right? HAHAH nope. Do you remember when as a child you mixed all the plasticines of all the colors to create the final color and you ended up with a color similar to poop? well that's exacly how her personality feels like.
5- Po's dads; the only reason they're there is because they ran out of characters to make the film.
The tittle itself tell everything, they don't do anything for the script in all the film, and their objective could be done since the start.
The script of the film except for the final looks like a draft which they didn't know how to complete, everyone who watch it can see it perfecly. The animation, the music and the backgrounds are the only things notable here.
6- Tai Lung and the cheapness nostalgia.
Fan service is not necesarry bad, above all if is used in a good way, they sold us Tai Lung as a miracle but his importance for the plot feels just like a Stan Lee cameo, I like Tai Lung I can say that. But this is too weak, Shen and Kai are only characters in the background who don't do nothing except being defeated or make facial expressions (I don't even joke that Shen would show respect to Po considering what we saw in the second movie, and Kai wasn't supposed to be destroyed as a spirit, what the hell is he doing here again? *sign* I'll to stop trying to make sense of this).
By the way, anyone else think that the dragon warrior role is understimated? I mean Shifu obligated Po to transfers the role to another one just because yes, i mean he only has been the dragon warrior for less than 5 years and now they want to replace him with a random. Everything just for at the end, he choosed a thief with at least 30 crimes registred and who was a traitor during the 75% of the movie.
7- The """""""""humor"""""""", except they forgot the parts where I must to laugh.
Seeing nonsense hits only beacuse yes stopped of being funny a long time ago, and no, I don't want to talk about the bunnies of the portrait because I would get sick. I had to go to the cinema drunk to endure the filler that the movie had, no joke, it was the only way to laugh at those jokes.
So I think about applying the same method as in any movie with bad jokes, ignoring the jokes. I tried to do the same thing but with the pace that the film managed, such a thing was impossible, the pace of the movie seems to be made for Tiktoker children with attention deficit. From the chaos in the quarry until Po takes the bitc... uhg fox out of prison, only 10 fucking minutes pass, all of that for what? So that you feel like the baseless information and the nonsensical plot that they tell us is of any use? they could simply make a non-canonical short and that's it, but no, yes or they were going to tell us a story written by rotten old men who spend the entire day watching Tik Tok. It's not going to be that the child who sees this doesn't get bored, we know that much today's children don't have many neurons as they say, but even to make movies for them you have to have a certain talent.
In some point at the beguining Po make a joke about the ausence of the furious five saying that at least he had them in cardboard posters, and this would be a good joke. Only if the stupid film could be prove that the franquise can do something memorable without the furious five, but again, that's not the case.
Don't have any respect for this movie, look what it had with you. I understand that it is enjoyable because of the animation but it does not go beyond that line, it destroys important things about the canon and spoils its teaching about the need for change by treating it in a terrible way.
Coclusion: KFP 4 is just another Po's adventure as Shifu says, it won't tell nothing to you or make you feel different, it's a shame but after Megamind 2 I imagined something like this. It's a dark era for film, expecially the animated one so like Scar said; Be prepare, there're worse things waiting for us.
Do you want something with real quality? You don't even need kung fu panda 1,2 or 3, for make it easy to this film let's take this marvelous example; kung fu panda: secrets of the scroll (2016). You'll say; "An animated short, this is not like-" Shhh Just watch it, you won't regret it.
If you think I'm wrong in something, just rewatch the film. And if still you aren't agreed with me, well, I respect you and I'm happy you like it. I wish I could love it as you do, but that doesn't mean that the movie isn't bad, because if you watch it with your brain on or remembering the previous movies it's terrible.
. Me? I've to write a story, I love you all. Except you, Dreamworks, I'm mad with you, expecially when you do this at the same day as Akira Toriyama's death :(
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 6 months
Hey so idk if you would know this but where did the term canyon in reference to Izzy fans come from? I feel like I just started seeing it like three days ago but everyone seems to already know what it means
lol so disclaimer that this ask has been in my inbox since september 23rd and alsoooo i might not be the best person to ask bc i am belothed by many who consider themselves part of the izzy canyon (which is their right). so if you asked an izzy fan about this you would probably get a different answer. also from what i can tell the term originated on twitter and i don’t go there.
the tl;dr that i heard secondhand from someone who identifies as izzy canyon is that at some point last year (summer or fall-ish i think) a lot of izzy fans were blocking so many people who didn’t like izzy that a lot of them ended up being unaware of general fandom trends and it became a running joke among them that izzy fans were isolated from the rest of the fandom in an "izzy canyon." and then allegedly the term expanded to just mean "if ur not a dick abt ppl liking izzy u can be in the canyon." THAT BEING SAID there are other ppl who had a very different experience with how "the canyon" originated and what kind of fan space it tends to be.
(slightly longer explanation below)
the thing with The Canyon is that to understand its origin and also why some fans have a problem with it, you gotta know two things:
there are annoying puriteen anti types on the internet who think liking certain characters make you a bad person. from what i can tell theyre mostly on twitter and tiktok. these people are annoying but also in my experience they're usually pretty easy to block and ignore.
the popularity of izzy hands is disproportionate to his narrative role in the show, and the popular fanon interpretation of izzy hands casts him not only as a principal character but as a much more sympathetic, righteous character than he is in canon. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I THINK ANYONE IS A BAD PERSON FOR LIKING IZZY. this DOES mean that i think ppl who think ed is izzy's domestic abuser are wrong. and also this is part of an age old fandom trend of fandom favoring a masc white guy who is often a side character and also often an antagonist.
so from what i can tell. in the early days of the ofmd fandom (spring-summer 2022) there was a lot of #1 going around on twitter, screaming about how if you liked izzy hands then you're a racist abuse apologist or something. at one point a throwaway account tweeted a callout for a popular izzy fan and said "we know they live in this area and work for this company, so these are the locations where they might work. everyone should call these numbers and tell their job to fire them. also we're gonna target these izzy fans next" and like, obviously this account was pretty quickly taken down. but it was a pretty scary thing and left a lot of izzy fans pretty paranoid, hence the blocking everyone who didnt like izzy.
(there was also a "izzy hater group chat" twitter account that was literally just a small group of mostly minors posting memes and also abt izzy that got accused of being connected to that whole mess. but afaict those guys have nothing to do with harassment of izzy fans they just dont like izzy)
so the thing is now that all of that has been used to justify shutting down any type of conversation about #2, or writing off anyone who posts meta about izzy that isnt like, "he works so hard and is so unappreciated despite everything he's done for ed" as an "izzy anti." analyzing izzy critically and posting this in the #izzy hands tag on tumblr is likened to genuine harassment.
oh lol and speaking of harrasment: there was also a problem with ppl on tumblr getting anon hate, and izzy fans will tell you that the anon came from an izzy hater who was targeting izzy fans bc the anon messages use "izzy critical rhetoric." however as someone who has posted "izzy critical" metas or whatever, i have actually gotten the same harassing messages accusing me of being an izzy stan and a racist abuse apologist. that's not what a targeted harassment campaign looks like. that's all been less of a problem ever since tumblr made it so you need to be logged in to an account to send anonymous messages.
anyway my stance on all of this:
i don't hate anyone for liking izzy. i am critical of certain comments/behaviors i often see from ppl who identify as izzy fans, but izzy fans are rarely the only ones who have this problem. from what i've seen tho, a lot of it comes from izzy fans.
before i ever saw even a hint of harassment against izzy fans, i saw izzy fans coming onto my posts and to posts by fans of color trying to argue that these posts were contributing to their harassment. from my perspective, it looked a lot like fans of a white character were trying to shut down conversations abt their favorite guy, especially when those conversations were being had by fans of color. i was very skeptical and oftentimes pretty dismissive abt the existence of this harassment.
since then tho ive done a pretty deep dive into the anon harassment on tumblr, and also looked at takes from different perspectives on the whole thing, and my conclusion is that there is harassment of izzy fans, however it is on the same base-level shittiness that most people experience from just... being on the internet. death threats and insults and slurs are literally just part of being on the internet. and yes, it SUCKS and it's wrong and nobody should have to put up with it, but izzy fans are not victims of specific targeted harassment. theyre victims of being on the internet and having to put up with general internet shittiness. and im sympathetic to that up until ppl start using "ive been harassed for being an izzy fan" as an excuse to be incredibly nasty (check out this tumblr acct for examples of what i mean lol). the ofmd fandom is annoying and parts of it are toxic but like, by no means is this the most toxic fandom to ever exist. we're not at "undertale fan giving out cookies with needles in them at a convention" levels just yet.
finally, tangentially related: i am inherently wary of fandom sub-groups that like, name themselves?? in my experience, the more people make being a Type Of Fan part of their identity the more it tends to lead to problems. this goes for fans who label themselves "antis" or "anti-antis" or whatever the fuck. i've personally been called an "izzy anti," an "izzy hater," and an "izzy critical fan" but like, i dont really call myself that?? it just seems weird to me idk. it gets to be very "us vs them" on default with little nuance and ive never found this kind of thing to be like, productive in fandom spaces. but that's just me.
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fireemblems24 · 4 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 12
My thoughts below. So, about Claude . . .
Please just tell me I don't have to kill Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain, Rodrigue, Annette, Gustave, Mercedes, Dedue, or Dimitri :(
Oh, Arval. Forgot about all of that lamo.
Are we circling back to TWSITD and the origins of Shez's powers? It really hasn't played any role in GW so far. In AG, Shez brings it up all the time (with Dimitri always saying it doesn't matter) and in SB the whole "we only promoted you bc we don't trust your power, sorry now we do" thing.
Nadar . . . doesn't want us to call off the attack. He's really a bloodthirsty jerk, isn't he?
Is Claude JUST now figuring out that taking out the Kingdom is a bad idea for the Alliance?
At least Claude's not stupid enough to not realize Edelgard won't take over the Alliance next. Begs the question then, why?
That's what I mean. This is all potentially interesting, I just think Claude's plans are all really stupid.
So, Claude sided with the Empire because he hates the church that much and actually believes all that shit? Or does he really think Edelgard will stop her war when Rhea's dead? (because she definitely does not in Houses when Rhea's captured in her prisons)
I DO like this for Dimitri though. I'm REALLY curious to see what he does. Is it too much to hope that he'll dump the church to rescue his people from war?
IDK, I just love the idea of a Dimitri willing to sacrifice anything - even his sense of right and wrong (since leaving Rhea to die when all she's done is help him IS wrong) to spare his people pain.
But I'm predicting he'll be too stubborn or not trust Claude or Sylvain furious at his father's death will ruin it
But it's also really cool to see Dimitri kinda backed into a corner with no "good" way out.
I can forgive Hopes giving Edelgard a boring af plot, writing Claude like a moron, and making me kill Blue Lions members, but if they miswrite Dimitri here (or Sylvain, kinda worried about that too tbh), I'm really going to be pissed
Also, like if Claude's plan is really just to gank Rhea to stop Edelgard's rampage, that means he really did all this twisting around just to try and stop one woman's murder rampage - why not just, like, take her out? If this is all really about the least death possible, isn't assassinating Edelgard the fastest way to keep more people from dying?
God, please, please, please have Dimitri dump Rhea to spare his people (I'd feel awful for Rhea, but I really, really hope Dimitri proves to be someone who would spare his people any pain, even at the expense of himself - when he's sane at least lamo).
On the flip side, I'm dying to play GW. It's plot may not make any sense and my opinion of Claude has tanked, but you can't say it's not entertaining.
Kinda sad they only go to B. They were cute together in Houses. Seems some of the ships got turned up to 11 and others got dialed down.
Lorenz is contemplating his existence in a world where commoners don't rely on the nobility.
He's struggling to see from the commoner's POV, so he wants a commoner to serve as an advisor. Honestly, Lorenz, pretty good call.
The way Lorenz talks about Leonie and her choices, it makes it sound like history was trending towards commoners and nobles not being so rigid without Edelgard doing anything.
Leonie turns down Lorenz's offer because she wants to be a mercenary.
Lorenz wakes up after getting injured. Marianne thinks it's her fault, which I saw coming.
Lorenz thought he imagined Marianne asking for help, but she actually did.
Marianne realizes she wanted to live, hence why she called for help. So she's feeling guilty that the end result is Lorenz got hurt.
Lorenz is encouraging and is happy Marianne opened up to him.
Honestly, a better support for him than a lot of the Hopes ones.
Balthus is . . . really hung up on the idea of wrestling Dimitri, isn't he?
So some NPC talked about how the Kingdom is getting attacked on all fronts. I can't be the only one who finds it amusing that Dimitri with his smaller army and surrounded by enemies is doing a better job than Edelgard with her massive one lol.
When Hapi proves way smarter than Claude, knowing how massively stupid Claude's plan of "let's kill everyone they love and then force whoever is left over to listen to us! I'm sure they'll be thrilled." Hapi's like, eh, not sure this will work.
Man, Ashe is just miserable when you recruit him. I do find it kind of heartwarming in a weird way how miserable all the recruitable Lions end up being (even in Houses, moreso than the other houses at least). Ashe and Felix taking the cake, but Mercedes was regretting her life choices the last SB chapter too.
Aww, Yuri is worried about Ashe and finds Claude cruel for forcing him to fight against the Kingdom.
Holy shit, Shez really spitting facts to Claude's face, telling him his plan is a giant disaster (Dimitri won't fall for intimidation tactics, and Edelgard won't stop attacking people even after she runs out of excuses.) As insufferable as all of the Golden Deer are in this game, at least we've got stuff like this pointing out how cruel and stupid they're being.
Lamo, take only one unit into the map, as if that's a challenge. I literally only use Lorenz. This'll be easy in AG too bc Dimitri's such a beast. Dreading it in SB though.
Annette is still alive here at least :( And Rodrigue. And Gustave. (we're with the Blue Lions discussing Claude being ... GW!Claude)
Sylvain thinks Claude's an idiot lol. Dimitri and Sylvain are sussing him out.
I love how Dimitri is the only character who's goal is to avoid bloodshed among the lords. The other two are, uh, yeah.
Oh.... is Dimitri actually going to run over the church? Like I wanted? When Dimitri's the best character in GW lol.
Dimitri looking out for Sylvain, knowing how angry he is with Claude.
I had to fight Ingrid :(
Lysithea catches Shez assuring a younger girl that she doesn't seem like a child, but an adult.
Predictably, Lysithea gets angry, because it's Lysithea, but to be fair, she's upset because Shez said the same thing and thinks Shez is being insencere.
Shez admits that it's not cool, what she did, but she's bad at advice and keeps using the same lines she's learned from stories lamo. I love Shez.
Honestly, Lysithea is kinda right to get mad here, at least I get it unlike some of the times with her.
Lamo, Shez can borrow another line from a story. I'm gonna piss her off bc I can lol.
Lysithea buys it. I wonder if it's the same line lol.
Having mercenary talk. I had Shez choose to ask for help. Shamir offered once she's free.
Shez comments how mature Shamir is. Shamir comments how relaxed Shez is (but it's a positive thing, not like a judgment).
They bond over having lost trusted allies, including the ones at the beginning for Shez.
Kinda boring, but honestly these two are almost too well matched, like not enough tension and just too normal lol
Hilda wants to gossip, but Lysithea only goes on about how awesome Holst is, so she's not interested.
She thinks he should be more careful as head of household, but Lysithea points out that he has no choice.
Hilda is worried who Holst is married. There's an ick here where Lysithea thinks that's because he's too focused on Hilda.
Hilda just talks about who Lysithea might marry, which, yeah...
Hilda offers to help Lystheia out, and some, um, implications that she'll be Lysthesia's new family - she says big sister, but there's def some ship teasing
They made Hilda really flirt with all the girls this time lol
Hapi finds Claude easier to talk to than Edelgard and Dimitri.
Props to Hapi for telling Claude not to unload his trauma on her.
Hapi's like if you're bitching, why not just quit? Lamo.
Hapi says she'll support him.
Honestly don't remember if I've seen this in SB already or not.
Bernie likes Marianne's painting, but not her own. This is true vice versa, because of course it is.
Marianne compliments Bernie's horsemanship.
Two shy girls compliment each other, then get shy.
Then Bernie asks what Marianne wants to do after the war and Marianne becomes a Disney princess, wanting to sit in the woods with animals. Bernie wants to finish a story. Honestly, both girls picked amazing options I too want.
Bernie's story is about Marianne lamo. But Marianne isn't mad, she just wants to read it.
I really find their friendship cute, ngl.
Also, Bernie supports Dimitri, so there's no way she's NOT writing fanfic about his life because it's a never drying well there.
Lorenz asks Raphael why he didn't just stay at his family's inn instead and joined the war instead
Raphael wants to keep his family safe, and thinks that following Claude will bring peace to the world (lamo) so that's why
Lorenz is more grounded, saying that all he's doing is exposing his family to the dangers of war
Which, Lorenz isn't wrong, but he also starts prattles more about nobility need to do everything and commoners nothing
But like, does Lorenz really think you can make an army out of nobles only, because, like, that just doesn't happen
Raphael is touched lamo, thinking Lorenz is concerned
Raphael just challenges him to a muscles competition
It is amusing to see Lorenz try to give his spiel and Raphael just keeps doing his own thing
Like ALL of Lorenz's supports in this game is this though, he's more repetitive than Bernedetta at this point
Lorenz is bragging about himself, Constance is in the sun so she's . . . not
You know, I was thinking just how insufferable Lorenz would be in my playthrough because he's like 10 levels ahead of everyone, a god on the battlefield, always MVP - he like trounces everyone so he's be bragging and he'd be right - I wish Claude had to deal with this, watching Lorenz win the war for him and have to put up with Lorenz being Lorenz over it
They overdid it a bit with her sunshine personality - like Dimitri and Marianne are very realistic about a lack of self-worth, but Constance just comes across like a joke (and maybe that's all she's supposed to be)
Poor Lorenz is just confused and wants the normal Constance
I do have a soft spot for when male characters are desperate for the snotty side of a female character to come back (like, really just talking about Rutger and Clarine)
This is going on for too long though without any change
Lysithea mistook a mercenary Leonie talked to for a bandit
But he's just someone who loot dead bodies on battlefields
I always found that kind of distasteful
Lysithea feels torn because she wants to learn about commoners more, but doesn't seem comfortable talking to people who steal coins off dead people, which same
Lysithea of course wants to know about commoner sweets
And Leonie talks about how they can't afford noble treats and likes commoner snacks (hopefully different from Chole's folk food lamo)
Shez is snooping on Yuri's letter. I love that Shez is a snoop.
Yuri's pissed though, lamo. He threatens Shez's life though. That's a bit . . . much.
I'm going to pretend I didn't read it lol.
She's ill so he was visiting her.
He's a bit needlessly sometimes.
Lysithea thinks there's something wrong with Ignatz.
She guesses right that he's unhappy, but guesses wrong that he wishes he ran his father's company instead of his brother.
He slips up that he admits he's only a knight to please his family.
Awww, Lysithea offers Ignatz the opportunity to live in Ordelia territory and does whatever he wants to afterwords.
She was actually really sweet in this support.
Also, anyone else realize that Ignatz is proof that the church/crests/inheritance isn't the one forcing children to do things they don't want to? It's human greed?
Claude left a meeting because he was bored of people arguing. Hapi also left a meeting.
Oh, interesting, Hapi asks Claude if he would walk away if someone could take his place. Claude says no that he wants to get a lot done and can't let anyone else do it. So a really uninteresting answer.
Linhardt got a gift he doesn't want so he offered it to Leonie.
Lamo, Linhardt forgot the meeting he set up with Leonie.
He gives her a notebook already full, so she wants to give him something in return.
She gives him a rock that turns out to be part of an ancient relic and he gets thrilled.
Linhardt comes to the conclusion that they value the complete opposite things, but they decides they're actually not a special pairing lamo.
Ugh, not looking forward to this.
Wow, imagine that, the Kingdom isn't bringing them a welcoming party. Like, did Shez really expect that?
They're a bunch of psychos. They're all excited to go kill people because they're strong warriors.
"Let's see if a crushing defeat can get through Dimitri's thick skull." Because you like tried talking with him so many times before???
What is Claude smoking? He's never tried anything but bloodshed of innocent Kingdom people to accomplish anything in this route?
I see what people mean when they say this is one of the most unlikeable casts ever.
Gustave's middle name is Eddie. Not Edward. Eddie. Suffering through GW is worth knowing that.
Also, fuck, I don't want to fight Annette and Gustave, who are only defending their home.
Thank fuck, Annette retreated. Having SB flashbacks where I had to kill Annette. Annette.
And thank God that Gustave did too.
On the flip side, I sort of wish GW wasn't so wish-washy and they all died. At least SB has the guts to show there's consequences for your character's actions. But GW like to pretend only Annette and Gustave matter and it'll be ok to slaughter thousands of low born people of Faerghus every single level because they're not named.
Dimitri evacuated his citizens. I think he's literally the only lord who did that lamo. (I remember distinctly Edelgard not doing that in VW, and I don't think Claude did in CF or AM? Could be wrong about Claude).
FUCK. Dedue. If he doesn't retreat, I swear to God I can't finish this.
Oh, God, not Sylvain too.
Wait, what the fuck, Claude. His "defense" against Sylvain accusing (rightly so) Claude of invading his home and murdering his parents is that "we're all risking our lives here." I guess Faerghus is 2-for-2 whenever someone is actually allowed to criticize people who are invading them.
At least Sylvain retreated.
Dimitri appeared to defend Faerghus. I swear whoever wrote this game didn't care at all about the Golden Deer.
Oh, a cut scene. Also pretty sure Shez called Dimitri Faerghus' strongest soldier.
Well, at least Dimitri being an utter and complete badass in this game continues since Claude admitted that he could never win against him. And he needed Hilda and Lorenz to just push him back, not even defeat him.
Oh, great, more backtracking. Claude has to retreat. Does this mean I have to fight Dimitri again?
You're right, Hilda, it's the same thing all over again. God, this gets old.
It would be funny if it was the Empire, but it's probably just TWSITD. It's pretty funny Claude is the one who learns the least in Hopes vs Houses.
At least Annette and Sylvain are still alive.
Gotta love also how damn badass Faerghus is in general, fighting a 3-way battle and not losing.
Dedue is here too, my beloved.
I love seeing Claude taking another L and having to retreat again.
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astroyongie · 2 months
i honestly feel like i was born in the wrong era. either im too old for something or someone or im past the point of being able to achieve something. then when looking at how all these kpop groups are so young yet successful and talented just makes me question why i didnt do something like that.
we didnt have kpop in my school time but why couldnt i have just picked something and stuck with it? on top of it i believe im never going to fit anyones ideal type so whats the point in existing cause no one gonna truly get to know me.
unless i can somehow pass away before im 50 then i dont have to continue to think about all this shit and how i shouldve done better or i shouldve picked such and such a career and i shouldve tried to put myself out there more but in my age theres really nothing out there to seek when its all handed to younger generations.
and i would want to have my own success based on my own effort but have fallen short in so many ways its impossible to not find something i could do about it bc im too far behind and it does get to a point where you think that it is too late bc in order to gain any talent you have to have done it from a young age.
i dont want to rely on someone else to do it for me but i couldnt do it myself due to personal situations. yet i feel like thats an excuse cause once again all these young idols seem to be ro have something about them that makes their life a success. like yes the end inudstry is far from perfect but thats what people have been seeking themselves so it cant all be that bad all the time for them if these groups including older age groups have went out got success and even they get all the benefits of the super rich lifestyle but at the same time money doesnt bring true happiness and it seems a very shallow way they live sometimes, they have a supply and demand contract with their audiences and rely so much on social media which although i use it im not attached to it and i cant relate to obsessing over latest dance trend. i also want to stop the woe is me narrative but its really fucking hard to not feel so ashamed, behind or negative about things.
the most advice people gove is bog standard like if ur bored, go out more but its hard not to feel left out, if ur loney go find someone, if u dont have an income go get a job its literally never that simple. even in education you still have to pay for it as an adult meaning you have to already have a job but even then theres still means of you getting misjudged for your age and classmates have already done that to me before it wasnt that fun. its like saying to someone depressed to go take medicine to take away the feeling.
idk what im doing anymore besides waiting to randomly pass away so i can be done with this shite. sorry for ranting so much but idk who else to speak too bc no one else never seems to understand my frustrations with the way things have panned out.
Comparing yourself to others people archievement is the worst thing you can do. because we are all different, we all go through different shits (just like you rightfully said) and not all of us have the same opportunities presented. beating yourself up for that is a cruel thing to do wishing yourself.
It does also seem like you struggle a lot with self worth, self love and that is probably because never once someone complimented you for the things that you have achieve (to this point were you believe you havent achieved anything).
Love, hatred that you carry is a motivator, and you need to accept one thing. as long as you are breathing nothing is to late to archive, as long as you are here you should be kinder to yourself. because why are you comparing yourself to idols? I often say this here but when was it the last time you appreciated life? when was the last time you went out, stared at the ocean, at the night sky, breathed into a forest, when was the last time you felt a sense of peace? seek that out. dwelling on what we could have been is cruel hun, and not helping you in any kind <3
its okay to rant, dont worry, I hope I dont sound to harsh either, its just that I pains me seeing you guys going through so much suffering when I promise you all, darkness cannot live without light. just find your way back to it, often you dont need a big reason. sometimes the most tiny thing can be a source of happiness, seek yours !
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viktheviking1 · 2 days
The scariest people are never the ones who immediately creep you out. They are the ones who are expert at seeming trustworthy. You may already know someone like this, and not realize it yet.
Be it on the Internet or in real life, it is important to be cautious around anyone who starts suggesting things you aren't comfortable with or asking for information that is none of their business.
Things no one taught you about the Internet!
Starting with minors (17 and under in the US)
DON'T POST YOUR AGE! Or age rage. Or birth year. Do not write 'minor' in your bio. This is probably the most common and most dangerous mistake! You will be actively targeted.
Don't pretend you're an adult!!! If a creep sees that you wrote 18 or older but act like a minor, they will do all the same tricks to become your friend, and know they have a legal loophole because they can always claim they didn't know! This is almost more dangerous than just saying "I'm a kid, come hurt me"
Instead just don't say anything! Don't post it anywhere, and don't add it to your bio. If someone asks you for your age, just block them.
Don't share your name or nickname! Even if you don't share your last name, they can pick up enough details about you over time that even a first name is enough to find you.
Instead, use a totally different name! Something like Eli_Bloodsucker is way more fun, just don't use it if your real name or even a real life nickname is Eli, Eliza, Ellie, or anything else even remotely similar!
Don't talk to anyone directly! Be it in comments or asks or in direct messages, they're all dangerous. It doesn't matter if they say they are a minor or an adult. If you can't see their face, don't talk to them. If you find a real life friend you didn't know had an account, don't talk to them. That might not be your friend. You can text your friend directly or talk to them in real life about it later.
Instead, just spread positivity purely form likes and reblogs. Pretend the comment and chat buttons are lava or acid or something. Don't touch them.
Don't share ANYTHING about where you live. Not even country. Don't tell someone about how it's always humid where you live or that there's a storm where you are.
Instead, you can share about weather vaguely later. For example, "a few months ago it snowed and I slipped on ice."
Don't, talk about an activity that would even hint that you are a minor. Don't talk about school, don't talk about piano lessons, don't talk about martial arts class, or football practice. Don't mention growing out of your clothes. Don't mention how your mom grounded you. Don't talk about your little brother barging into your room.
Instead, before posting any stories from your real life, ask yourself if this could also easily apply to someone in their 20s living with roommates instead of family members and working a full-time job. If the answer is yes, then post it, if not, don't. (Good example: I burnt my eggs but I didn't want to waste it so I still ate it. Bad example: My dad made me eggs this morning even though I hate them, and made me eat them.)
Don't post or share pictures or videos of yourself online. Someone can either use it to find you or steal them to lure your friends or other people your age into trusting them.
Instead, find a picture of a duck with a mustache online, and make that you're profile picture. Find a map of Australia and post that as your "outfit check". Way more fun.
Do not trust the person who reblogged this. Do not trust the original poster. Creeps will sometimes post about Internet safety as part of their plan to make you trust them.
So how can you tell who to trust, and who not to? You can't! That's the Internet. Better to play it safe than to risk your actual life over a post or a trend
Adult Internet safety:
Idk, it's your life. You know the consequences you might face. Make your own damn decisions. If your dad can't tell you what to do, then I sure can't.
Oh, and don't interact with people you know, or think, are kids. There is help available for those who are tempted to do this. Don't go down that path. There are resources, there are other ways. Having thoughts isn't a crime, acting on them is. PLEASE talk to a licensed professional.
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mykatsudon · 10 months
Ooof I am also in my feelings about YOI. I can't believe I actually watched it as it was airing. I was still a teen and related to Yurio the most, now I come back to watch it and I'm older than Yuri!! And he's so relatable, it's like I was missing a whole part of YOI then suddenly I rewatch as an adult feeling weirdly sentimental despite that year being pretty bad for me and just oooofffffff.
I was tearing up constantly. Like when I watched as it came out I thought Victor seemed kinda cold and far away and I liked Yuri well-enough but thought he got over his anxiety quickly, my main focus was Yurio. Now going back it's just holy shit, I lived Yuri's life, minus the sporting achievements lol but I felt everything he felt, and Victor too was so much more interesting, clearly so much going on under the surface and profound loneliness covered up with a cheerful facade. I can't believe how different it was to rewatch years later at a different age. I still love Yurio too but now it feels like oh god please someone help this child rather than relating to him.
I remember even thinking at the time later that maybe it was overrated but going back to it now is just like god, no it wasn't at all, it really *was* that great, it really *did* deserve the hype. And I don't really know where I'm going with this but I just wanted to share it with someone bc I was never really that involved in the fandom and it's kinda died off now and I have no one to say it too in irl so it's just my farewell ig to YOI. Like I love that I can rewatch it but the whole hype around it at the time was so cool, it reminded me of watching shows on tv then talking about it at school the next day. Like it somehow re-created that experiance but even better bc it was sooo many people all at once. It was just so optimistic and sweet, and I feel weirdly sad now whenever I see anything about it. I almost wish it had done multiple seasons and movies and milked it for all its worth so I could just move on from it like anything else but now everytime I see it I'm suddenly thrown back to being a teen and comparing my life from then to now and suddenly remember every emotion I was feeling, it's so brutal.
This is overlong and kinda clumsy but basically I want to send the show off somehow like kiss it on it's cheeks and wave goodbye but I don't know how so I'm writing this all to you. Please don't feel pressured to reply, I know I've sent paragraphs. But if you do want to anyway, I'd love to hear all and any thoughts you have about YOI and what it was for you. I feel strangely lonely about it now bc I never had irl friends who watched it and I never paticipated in fandom. Now I'm like, idk mourning it, on my own. YOI coincided with a little bubble of time where I was relatively happy and hopeful, It's hard to let just that go now.
I understand you. I was 16 when yoi aired and I was actually waiting for it's release months before because the trailer seriously caught my attention, so I've been here since before the first ep was even out. To this day I count being able to watch Yuri on ice as it aired as one of the most positive experiences of my life. When yoi came out, I was in a particularly dark spot in my life, and this anime was my anchor through and through. It taught me the power a piece of media can have on a person as I do believe I couldn't have pulled through that year if yoi hadn't come in to save me at the last minute.
I remember it being so fun, I actually don't think I've ever had more fun with any other piece of media, it was magical.
It was many combining factors too; the fact that yoi is an original anime so every single Wednesday we had no idea what we were getting, the fact that yoi was so original in it's story and heavily deviates from your average sports anime, the huge community that formed around the series, making theories, trending #1 on Tumblr every single Wednesday and of course, the fact that there was actually a love story playing out between Victor and Yuri and that we as the audience got to experience it. l wonder if people truly understand how unique that is. This anime really went above and beyond all my expectations. It fed me too well and spoiled me too much.
I miss Yuri on ice in the way one misses a high they know they'll never obtain again, and I chased that high the remainder of my teenage years.
Having this blog, making friends, talking about the series, eagerly waiting for every Wednesday and having something to look forward to like that, I don't know If I'll ever experience it again. I don't think so. It really feels like the planets aligned for me to enjoy yoi to it's full potential. No one in this world can understand how much this series means to me, how close it is to my heart.
People who didn't watch it while it aired or who weren't in fandom have no idea how it felt. To this day, it was unlike anything I've ever encountered in fandom. It really is a "you just had to be there" kind of experience.
To say I miss it dearly would be a huge understatement. But I've been grieving yoi for the past 4 years. I'm currently in the acceptance phase. Whatever happens, happens. I agree with you that I wish they would've milked the series for all it's worth and we were on season 2 with a movie coming out soon. But that's just a selfish desire. What I wished the most is they hadn't played with my heart like that and gave me hope. I wish they came out and said "this project is over, sorry". I do believe something went deeply wrong in production, as you may have seen in my essays I've written on this subject.
I controversially believe Mappa is not entirely at fault and that this is something to do with the creators. It just makes no logical sense for Mappa to can yoi when it not only saved their studio, it's one of their best selling anime, pulling in crazy numbers. It even outsold Chainsawman. I think that if it were up to them we would be on Yuri on ice S3.
but enough especulating, what I mean to say is:
Allow yourself to mourn and say goodbye to a piece of media that greatly impacted your life. I think the best thing to do is to redirect those feelings you have towards gratitude.
I'm grateful for the memories we made together and the incredible chance they gave me to run a blog that had 25k+ Yuri on ice fans in it's prime, for the friends I made. I feel like I had a lot of fun and enjoyed every bit.
I will forever look forward to anything yuri on ice related, but if this is the end then so be it.
you gave me a long ask, I gave you a long answer.
Thank you for your heartfelt message.
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scuopsie · 1 year
rant time!
kpop reaction content isn't exactly new (at least as far as I know) but it does seem to have kind of boomed in the last... two-three years I think. I remember there being only a handful of relevant kpop reaction content creators on youtube, some more popular that the others, but still there weren't a ton of them around. and I guess it makes sense because kpop itself has gotten much more popular and widely known outside of just [REDACTED] and among a wider age range I'd say.
but nowadays if you look up “X group - Y title track reaction” you will find tens, if not hundreds of reaction videos (especially if its a well known group) ranging from channels with hundreds of thousand subs to small account with a couple of hundred views on their reaction videos. and I just find that so weird.
like... especially for channels that do reactions as their main (and only) content, I find it extremely difficult to believe that after a certain point there is any authenticity behind these reactions. these big reaction channels are out there reacting to damn near every relevant kpop group's comebacks (and there are a LOT of them) and every single reaction is generally positive and often very enthusiastic.
aside from the fact that logically and statistically it's impossible for someone to like every title track being released, even if they're all objectively good (which they're not), because no one likes every genre and every style of music, there is basically no creativity involved in creating this type of content which makes it very dull both for the creator and the consumer after a while.
on top of that, this type of content has created a really toxic environment around expressing opinions and criticism toward kpop groups and kpop music. I just came across a video from one of these bigger (while also being newer) creators talking about how she's not happy with the content she's been making for the past year. she said that it's extremely overwhelming trying to keep up with every comeback when everyone expects you to react to their fave's CB and after a while sitting and reacting to music videos becomes repetitive especially when you're not even allowed to truly be yourself and express your opinions. she said she can't even talk about having a bias in a group because she would get tons of hate comments and dms about ppl bashing her for not having a different bias. I can't imagine how people would react to a reaction video creator saying she doesn't like a comeback or even a certain element in the song/mv.
I used to love kpop reaction videos back when I had just discovered them and they were not as big. like I genuinely get the appeal. seeing someone who's not a teenage girl (which is what stereotypically the general public thinks kpop stans are) is pretty validating. and back then there were like 'vocal coach reacts' or 'producer reacts' etc. seeing the reaction of "experts" analyzing different parts of a song/mv was really interesting for someone like me with zero knowledge of any of the technical stuff. and I also understand that they do contribute to promoting groups and comebacks to a certain degree. but it has just gone too far, in my opinion.
idk maybe I’ve just gotten old and lost the will to enjoy the small things that used to bring me joy but I genuinely don't enjoy reaction videos anymore. most of those older 'exerpts' (except for two I think) aren't active anymore (I'm guessing at least to some degree bc stans didn't want to hear that their fave was not that legendary of a vocalist or their fave song wasn't as layered and complex as they thought it was) and instead there are just random people reacting to kpop and some of them you can just tell that all their reactions are completely faked out. Youtubers are jumping on this trend bc it’s easy (in terms of not having any kind of real substance) and gets u good views if you’re a little charming and funny.
TL;DR : everything is fake and authenticity is dead. kdjfdjf I'm mostly joking but in the end, as per usual with my rants of this kind, I don't have a specific point or a solution. I'm just starting a conversation. so if any of you have something to add or just want to chat about this send me an ask!! (plz don't reply in the comments because I want this to be on my dash so everyone else can read too.)
#I believe the only technical reactors that arent new are PD and reacttorhek#iirc Dre used to be the biggest reacting channel but idk if hes not active anymore or just not relevant#there are a few ‘dancer reacts’ that are new and i didnt find any of their reactions that fun to watch. they didnt anything to the convo.#idk how new ben (birb) is but i used to like his reactions back when he would pause a lot and make longer comments. new hes making very-#short reactions and barely rewinds/pauses for comments.#i dont watch reacttorhek anymore at first bc they werent doing reactions to my faves anymore so there wasn’t anything for me to watch#but then I discovered that they have a doc where they’ve made a list of groups/songs they wouldn’t be reacting to#i think the explanation was that the producer has to choose songs that are complex enough and are worth their artists reacting to#which made sense but seeing the songs/groups they are reacting to (granted i dont stan any of them) it seems like they’re actually mostly-#-reacting to the most popular groups and not necessarily the groups/cbs that deserves the attention#like it makes sense for them to be picky bc they’re a huge team and cant be mass producing tons of videos like some of these solo reactors#but it seems like instead of picking actually musically complex and interesting songs from lesser known/underrated groups theyre just-#-picking groups that will bring the most views.#i just scrolled thru their channel and nearly all the videos were reactions of popular 4th gen gps#essentially the only reactor i still enjoy watching to some degree is PD#But i still cant get over the fact that none of these reactors ever have anything other than praise to say abt evey song they react to#even I dont like EVERY song my bias group releases#so even when i watch a reaction of a song/mv i DO LIKE i dont know if the person is being genuine abt liking it#okay i think I’m done 🤔#niki screaming into the void#long post
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"Harry is very good at keeping himself in the limelight. He definitely has enough charisma and press to keep a lot of people interested; he follows a Kardashian model of economics (little talent, much exposure) that has worked out very well for them."
I'm not the same anon from before but i actually loved this example you made and i wanted to add my two cents on that. Cause mr Styles is literally the male and cheaper version of the kardashians, very good at keeping people intrested in their personal lives rather than in their actual business/art. The main difference would be Kris and the entire pr team of the kardashians are way better at creating "trends" and keep people talking (might also be cause for them every publicity is good publicity while for the azoffs (and harry himslef) there's nothing worst than someone even daring to slightly criticize their favorite industry plant). The point is in 5/6 years maybe more if they play their cards right harry would be no better nor more relevant than any justin timberlake out there rn. Actually he is the second coming of JT a traitor who betrayed, sabotaged and humiliated his band members for his selfish wishes of power and fame and who used more famous and powerful women than him to boost his fame and career. In 10/15 years styles will be running back to his roots with his tail between his legs beggining for a 1d reuinion, hopefully the others will have a better chance at their solo carreers than the 4 nsync had and won't find themselves """forced""" into accepting a fake reunion for a little bit of more money and limelight.
I really, really hope that Louis will have enough self-preservation and pride that he will turn down a 1D reunion, because it will inevitably be lame and sad as fuck, four or five middle-aged men trying to relive some childhood glory.
However, UO (or is it popular? Idk) I think a 1D reunion is likely at some point. Old dudes singing Midnight Memories or Best Song Ever to make a buck that none of them need, instead of making new and better music, is fucking sad. I was listening to Paolo Nutini and thinking of his evolution as an artist, which came after years and years, and wondering whether Louis can grow like Nutini, and not always worry about keeping his 1D audience or look back on past glories. Trying to play to a 16-year-old crowd as a 35-year-old male artist, and dragging out the newest arrangement of Steal My Girl… that just ain’t it.
The thing about Louis always hanging on to 1D and playing 1D songs at his shows is that he’s encouraging the audience to value these songs more than his solo songs. He can’t let go; fans sense his weakness and push him further. He drops FITF songs to play Catfish’s 7 or Drag Me Down— some of the fans in the audience have never heard some of the FITF songs and don’t even know he’s skipping them. Did Louis really do himself any favors?
But hyping 1D seems to be the refrain of Louis’ career, from label to management to Louis himself, and for eight years, it’s never changed. So unfortunately, I think a 1D reunion is a matter of time.
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isaacsapphire · 8 months
Regarding Obama care could be but I don’t think it’s a guarantee. Economy is also tougher now and I have friends who also still have to live with their parents because this city is so damn expensive. For me being covered by my parents health insurance has been a huge relief since I am a full time student with various medical and mental issues that make living independently’ hard. I suppose it could? If by that you mean kids aren’t thinking about stuff like taxes and healthcare.. which they should lol. I was filing W9s etc when I was in high school getting a job. But I entirely agree that kids these days are not equipped to handle adulthood and it’s complexities, and it often drives me nuts the lack of critical thinking…
Oh, I don't think it's a bad thing that the cutoff age was extended! I was uninsured for years back in the pre-existing conditions era when that was gambling with your life, and that was not a good thing or an avoidable one for me during the Recession. But it was me legally being officially my own problem and sure did light a fire under my ass.
Living with parents after 18 seems to have become more and more common since the Recession. On the one hand, it's a return to a more traditional pattern, but on the other hand all the cultural stuff around young adults living with their parents AS ADULTS had died off in the mainstream so the infantilization follows unsurprisingly. I've definitely seen a lot of White white collar homeowner parents just... let their adult children stay indefinitely rent free or well below market rate, still treating them like teenagers and running interference for them while they behave like teenagers. Blue collar parents I know seem to be much more active in getting their kids eg. dealing with their own car insurance and taxes and jobs even if they still live at home. Blue collar Whites are closer to ethnic White traditions that included adult children living at home though, so idk if it's a class thing or a culture thing more.
Wouldn't be surprised if the trend isn't a cause as well as an effect of housing market changes by now; the borderline retirement age people I know who have bought or kept houses in the last decade bought and retained family sized houses despite their being at the stage to be empty nesters, and most of them had at least one adult child living with them who appeared to have no interest in getting a career and their own place.
Idk, it seems like the drop in horniness and increase in mental health issues could be seen as either a cause or an effect too.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
ep4 really convinced me rashid will be revealed to be the show version of armand 🫠 like they’re either intentionally dropping hints or they’re actively trolling us. either way it doesn’t really seem like a crack theory anymore and i kind of hate it tbh i just wanted book accurate armand finally even if we couldn’t get book daniel
yeah I wrote that post last night and right before I watched the episode and I was just like
Tumblr media
THE CRIMEA??????? The religious devotion????? The nice hair????????
(okay his hair isnt auburn but that's like the least of my worries, he's got nice hair I would cope)
but I do wanna say like.
I'm noticing a funny trend where people are ragging on book fans for being purists but then turning around and using book logic to make predictions like, which is it? lol.
Like I don't have any reason to believe Armand will be book faithful when none of the characters have been faithful so far. So like wondering if Armand would work for Louis or wondering how it fits into their canon relationship is a genuinely pointless conversation to have. If it turns out he's Armand, the show is going to present it like BOOM AND HERE'S ~✨ARMAND✨~, whose backstory is completely changed! Whose relationship with the world is completely changed! Whose motivations are completely changed! Who has a completely different idea of immortality, faith, and family than we thought he would! Is he the same age? Was he preyed upon horrifically by his maker and does that inform the way he treats others? Was he so religious traumatized that he was indoctrinated into a cult and he's still this religious? And guess what, nothing is remarkable about his psychic abilities because everyone can do that now. And guess what, we already blew our load giving a bunch of his traits to Louis so now we gotta change him so it's not repetitive. And guess what, he's not going to hold the same power over Louis when they meet bc that wouldn't make any fucking sense to their relationship in present day unless you're telling us it's a long con or something which is like, okay whatever lmao. Because you're changing LESTAT this much, why stop there amirite lol. Like SORRY FOR THE SALT I'm never gonna get over what they've done to Daniel and anyone who gives even the slightest tiny fuck about Armand would understand how important this story was to him so like. I just don't think this team cares about Armand. This is The Lestat Show and they're marketing to the slowburned & blueballed Loustat shippers and the rest of us are just in for the ride I guess. :)
Stating again that it's not to say they can't come up with something clever to do with his character, regardless, and I'm sure it'll continue to be a fun show as its own thing, but. Yeah like. Look this is not VC haha idk man, what you want from me 😂
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boowomp · 1 year
this is basically reposting stuff i said on twitter but with that show inside job being canceled im seeing people either totally crying over it or talking about how its antisemitic and good riddance. as a Jew who has watched like. a season and a half of that show i think i can give my 2 cents if anyone wants it.
while watching it i found it to be like, decently cute and had some nice characters, and i wanna say that i don't think there's inherently anything wrong with having a comedy show satirizing conspiracy theory culture like this, but like...
idk, i feel like in this day and age, when these kinds of conspiracies are growing in really unforeseen and dangerous ways, if you're going to satirize them, especially theories with such direct ties to violent antisemitism like the lizard people stuff, you should probably have more to say than just "lol! people actually believe this stuff!! isn't that so funny? what idiots!" and at least from what i saw of it, i don't feel like inside job had much more to say than that. honestly i don't see the point in covering this stuff at all if you're just going to sidestep the roots of these things for the sake of comedy. that's not real satire. tbh i wouldn't have minded there being a whole lizard people episode if it didn't seem like the writers either didn't know or didn't care that it's deeply rooted in (and basically a flimsy cover for) violent antisemitism. i'm sure there is a poignant satirical way to cover this stuff.
i don't think anyone had bad intentions or anything, and it's not like the show is trying to in any way support these conspiracy theories so please dont misunderstand,, i just think that theres this. really uncomfortable elephant in the room for this show that could have been dealt with if they writers found a clever way to do so, but it seems like they don't, so it just ends up feeling kind of tactless and leaves a bad taste in my mouth
all that said. that obviously isn't why netflix canceled it. they just want to save money. and the trend of streaming services canceling their popular animated shows just for the sake of money is extremely troubling as someone who cares about art. at the same time though i might kind of side eye goyim who get a little Too upset about inside job being canceled. honestly though i don't really care.
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sasaranurude · 3 months
Making a censored version of nu:c for download in the regular app stores is an understandable decision from a business standpoint--its success has been enormous even having to sideload it so they'll probably make tons of money with this. It's an observable trend that app store users spend more money on microtransactions.
So I'm not sure why people think that the release of nu:c bliss is some kind of attack on children. Even people who enjoy nu:c seem to be on this trend. The game is rated 17+ on both google play and the app store? 17 is a perfectly normal age to be engaging with censored sexual content in fiction... Have you guys even looked at the kind of M rated BL the average north american teenager can buy in a bookstore? Like, at my local shops--both national chain and larger independent--I can go to the manga section and buy any number of SuBLime or TokyoPop-published titles that have explicit sex on the page. Just in the writing of this post I went and grabbed three different explicit BL series off my shelf that I'd bought in person from book shops. The TokyoPop ones do say "18+" on them but the SuBLime titles only ever say "mature". They weren't even plastic wrapped the way hentai usually is, although I guess the dicks are lightsabered out so the publishers thought it unnecessary. If you're this mad that teenagers are going to be seeing explicit BL then I'm sorry but you have bigger fish to fry than a single censored mobile game release
Although I guess the more common argument I've seen is that this game release is somehow "inviting minors into adult spaces." What? Huh? Do you expect the game publisher to be moderating the fandom's spaces? Fan spaces are YOUR SPACES. If you don't want teenagers there, then don't let teenagers in. Also... It's not like you need to present ID to download the existing uncensored game. Does nobody remember when the nu:c official discord server first went live and it was absolutely ridden with teenagers who weren't even bothering to lie about their ages? Minors have already been trying to get into adult spaces, even nu:c ones. The nu:c bliss release has literally no impact on this. You just still have to do the same thing you always had to do: loudly state that adult spaces are 18+ and block any known teens on sight. You should be doing this in adult spaces for any fandom, regardless of source material. If you're expecting that the game publisher is going to try to moderate your internet experience for you then idk what to even tell you
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papirouge · 4 months
My faith based opinions that would have be arrested by chronically online christian bloggers are that you can be feminist and be a christian, that Christ wanted women to follow him and women have always worked outside of the home and it wasn’t unbiblical. That being a pro life feminist means that we ensure the safety of women and children. That also, if your “godly” husband thinks that you dying in childbirth or from any complications in your pregnancy is something he is ok with - you need to leave him. He is demonically possessed. Demonic possession isn’t always like in the movies, you have to listen and trust god when he is guiding you and telling you to be safe ie, our gift of fear. Also christian women need to stop consuming the content from this new wave of neo trad girls when all do is say they’re anti feminists and have a mostly male audience. It’s not spiritually enriching or productive. Our faith is not a trend. It used to be edgy “anti sjw atheists” making this content, now it’s “new age traditional conservatives” using our faith as an aesthetic. It’s false and it will change again to something else.
I think I’m just talking from experience because my little sister is consuming this type of content. She changed from the ‘anti feminist anti sjw atheist’ to a ‘crystal healing reiki student using astrology and essential oils for any injury’ to finally, the ‘anti women’s rights trad wife’ despite not even having a boyfriend. I’m engaged but I’ve gotten a lot of hurtful things told to me by for wearing pants and having a job. I really hope one day she sees that all these people she watches and follows online are either grifting for money or so chronically online that they’re mentally ill and aren’t participating in society. But having a relationship with God is eternal, it will never change because he will never change.
Yeah I never understood why Christians where so defensive against "Christian feminist" but had no issue with "Christian nationalists". I mean if you think feminism has no basis on the Bible because women have to be submissive, so does nationalism because we Christians are supposed to claim only one nation that is the kingdom of God. Same for the Christian conservatives who will mock queer/LGBT Christians over the fact that homosexuality is a sin and them making a whole personality/pride around their identity, when their are themselves building their entire personality around hating the self and entertaining a whole load of sin (violence, constantly cussing people, picking fights, etc.)
There was an AITA with a woman asking if she was the asshole for shutting down her husband to have a delivery at home and without painkillers just bc his mom & sisters did it. He argued it was the only for them to "respect her" I-
Maybe it's just me but I don't consider those trad pickme as actually Christian?? like to me, they are comedians larping as Christians. They are the Christianese washed version of the girl boss. There's nothing "soft Christian girl uwu" in putting out whole videos every day. That stuff is A LOT of work and logistics. What they won't tell you is that they also have a team (editing, copywriting, social media managers, etc) which doesn't fit with the "I don't want to join the workd force and stay at home all day uwu" narrative. Just bc you're not in an office doesn't mean you're not working nor help the corporate world running - especially by hiring people. As someone who's doing vlog on the low, unless filming /editing it all day, it's impossible to regularly update video (~weekly basis) without having a team. And since those women braf about taking care of their house and child this is unlikely they are in fact filming & editing all their videos by themselves.
IDK most of those girls come off as highkey deceptive, bored and just want to flex their lavish lifestyle. In a society when accesss to work is a privilege, not having to even work seems like a luxury. Those chicks are capitalizing off of it.
That being said, I love the irony of those "anti female rights" girls. They've been to school (isn't there a middle aged trad guru who tells girl to not pursue university when she herself has a PhD? 💀), most likely own a bank account, opened their social account without asking for any male permission, wear make up..... but they will swear up and down that females rights and feminism is pointless.... Yeaaah.
I'm 100% convinced most of the girls looking up this content will grow out of this phase though. That's why I'm not too bothered by that. This trend is just the natural consequences of the millenial #girlboss thing - the girls just want to rest for a while lol You can be that in ~10 years, the pendulum will come back in, and a whole new generation of girls who had witnessed the fall from grace of these trad redpill pickme (divorced, single mother, DV, etc.) will revive the girlboss thing as a defiance to the system responsible of that situation ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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true-heart0922 · 10 months
So... i know no one wondered this but... (my thoughts on the Direct yesterday)
So me and my sister have jokingly been calling "Super Mario Bros. Wonder", "Super Mario Bros. Fever Dream". I mean... a lot of other people have been calling it wacky things, so why should i stop the trend? Also love that, Daisy and the others are playable, mainly Daisy because it's her first time being playable in a game like this without mods (I think).
The DLC for S/V looks SO COOL! Me & my sis were literally pointing out all the Pokemon we recognized the first time we saw it. I really hope we get to see the main 3 in the first half at least.
Super Mario RPG remake was one of the last things I expected but it was a nice piece of news either way! The art style is super cute and I want plushies of them just so i could squish them. I'm going to give it a try that's for sure!
Sonic Superstars, is a classic Sonic but it's unique that you can play as any of the main 4 and that local-4-player co-op is a thing. Though online would've been cooler, let's be honest
Persona 5 Tactica gives me Mario + Rabbids vibes but with Persona characters that also look both squishable and chibi. I honestly want to try this one too, for the vibes, and mainly because I haven't truly played a Persona Game and who knows? Story exists for a reason
I also didn't expect a Dark Moon Remake, but this is just Mario's year after the movie did as well as it did (1 Bil in the box office!), also really interested in the new Peach game. It kinda gives off the vibes of the OG Paper Mario, in the sense that it's a stage play (or at least looks like it). And I wonder what the little ribbon buddy is called. But I bet it'll die by the end (coughs in the last few Paper Marios).
DLC for Sparks of Hope looks interesting and pretty cool but I'm broke and still haven't finished the game so... yeah.
Pikmin 4, I was never really able to get Pikmin or get used to it, but the Glow Pikmin are like little ghost friends so that's cute.
In terms of the Splatfest, I'm going to join Team Vanilla and (unrelated but my sis's bday is the starting day of the fest).
Also Detective Pikachu, did not expect! But really cool either way, I may give it a shot considering I haven't tried one since I was a child. Also the way the other Pokemon are animated is really nice.
A new Warioware was something I didn't expect considering Warioware: Get It Together came out a little over a year ago, maybe even less. But cool for those of you planning to get it, as for me, idk.
I didn't expect the 3 characters (Petey Piranha, Wiggler and Kamek) but it is still great overall. Kamek also makes me remember that I haven't played Mario Kart: Tour in ages.
Star Ocean gives me both Puyo Puyo Tetris vibes and Genshin Impact which I LOVE and is slightly pained about. Literally putting salt in the wound of the fact that none of them are ever going to see each other aga- ANYWAYS! I really like the idea and am willing to give it a shot.
As for everything else pretty much, it still seems cool but not for me. Still waiting for Pokemon games on the Gameboys though, i'm sure i'm not the only one though.
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spikeinthepunch · 11 months
rebrand conflict
idk how to decide what is a good or bad decision in terms of like...wanting to rebrand. i wish i could count back to how long i have used "morrysillusion" overall, i dont have a specific date. but i know after the white/brown antelope/wolf fursona, i think i dropped "moreyytilatot"? i think i tried to just go by "morey" in some form (i recall "princemorry" url). and then i dropped the 'nisovinsillusion' url maybe in early 2016? but i also had the coffini url here for a good while after. i cant remember if i used morrysillusion outside of tumblr around that time so. idk...
and heres the thing-- i dont really feel disconnected from my username, its fine and i think its p cool. but also in my head i keep wanting to change it, and part of that is wanting to claim a super old username i have no bad associations with. and i think part of that is bc of all the ways i am trying to do the things i was denied through my younger years-- so i am just reliving a lot of nice things and recalling the vibes and online trend etc i had. but also like.... attitude? personality wise? i feel like im not reflecting that w my current "brand" so to speak. at the very least if i didnt change my username, i still dont feel like the current look is something i want. i think the urge on the username change is just an additional feeling to push away from what i have been under this name.
the username i keep wanting to fall back to is 'spikeinthepunch/spikedpunch' (had the short one on xboxlive and the long one on deviantart) which was a short lived username but has no negative relations to anything, and i wished i kept it for a bit longer. and its kind of an edgy username lol. but in my recent years of growing as an adult, moving out, and being my own person, i feel soooo different than how my accounts have been presenting me. i guess ive been like soft, simple, and stiff in presentation? i think i fell into this when i was thinking id keep doing art commissions etc in a "professional" way, and especially bc i was doing my CN internship around then and wanted to still look presentable for the industry when looking for jobs. and while i certainly would love to work in the creative industry potentially, i obviously dont need to keep up that Normal-er image, i never should have, but also at that age and time i didnt feel like i could be that way at all. i was far more nervous of people interpreting me badly, negatively, etc if i was more edgy or mature. i was young and not dealing with my issues and so fixated on trauma etc.
this is also lining up w my plans to rework my website too. and i think a lot of this feeling also comes along w my "mascot" who i think is lovely! but him being a "mascot" makes him.... very detached from me as a person. i havent had any sonas to relate to in almost over a year... and my mascot was never meant to be a sona, just a Guy to represent my vibe (the colors, aliens) and social media appearance. and i guess i dont like that vibe anymore. i havent even felt all too into the shift i made to Mikike just having a vague spacesuit either, i felt i was just forcing that in order to fit the simple minecraft skin format for readability. (if people were to draw my skin, making it plantigrade and less animal would be easier)
and of course an additional observation i have had in more recent times are manic episodes that make me uproot parts of my life and change a lot of stuff about my identity etc. it may not seem like that happens online but its bc i manage to hold back on changing things abt my online branding lol- but it often results in making sideblogs for whatever new fandom/media i attached to in my episode and irl changing my entire appearance to fit and much more (and promptly drop both in about a month or so- its why i have so many abandoned sideblogs). this is obviously the bigger issue bc its what makes it Very hard for me to not do this (n yes i am in a bit of an episode rn despite my medication so...). and shocker, so many of my username/url changes and failure to ever keep one long enough to form an identity is related to that as well! its a surprise i havent done it in years but it was the expectation to stay with one identity, one look, in order to be Normal and recognized in a professional way, and i dont like that.
making this post and dumping thoughts has me thinking on a solution. as i said i dont really feel detached from my username. but what i dont relate to the most now is the way i feel i have gotten stuck in presenting myself online, and as a "brand". i want to toss out my color scheme, my mascot, my outward attitude. i want to let myself actually present in a way i like and not in a way that feels "clean". when my wcrp got shut down i had to come to the idea of acceptance and letting go of things i cannot control. and the reality of what truly doesnt matter in terms of what people may think of me. that was a huge pressure left on me for YEARS thanks to 2014-16 tumblr mindset and it is so so much harder to break esp if you want to try and be a creator and build an audience. i felt like i had become aware of this, and i have, but i didnt really click the fact that i wasnt into my current online presence bc i was still living with a piece of that era.. the fear of getting popular and being 'called out' for something for years ago, that wasnt even serious or bad, feeling like i was stepping carefully everywhere even when nothing was wrong. this doesnt entirely tie to WHY i want to do all the above. its just an observation on one of the things that hold me back too. just staying the same and staying safe. i hardly ever post, and while its something i chose to do its also a 'bonus' to not giving people much things to read off of me and assume from too.
this is getting too long and i think i have my point. idk what im gonna do but im thinking a lot abt how i should take control of my online life.
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