#idk how to classify myself other than i might like sex but i hate people but i also hate peoples genatils
crossthread · 3 months
The self sabotaging urge to come out to your mom
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aceofwhump · 4 years
Submitted by anon:
Sorry if this is all just a rambling mess or too personal to even be asking you in the first place (if so, please feel free to ignore away) but I’ve been questioning a lot lately whether or not I might be asexual & I was just curious about how you knew you were? I keep going through moments (especially after reading about other people’s experiences in the whump community) of thinking for certain that I am but then I end up thinking things over and doubting it.
I can say for certain that I do find people hot/handsome/attractive/sexy/yada yada but I can’t really tell whether that’s in a sexual way or not? I don’t really ever look at a person & think ‘god they’re hot, I’d love to f*ck them’ but then surely nobody does that without establishing a relationship with the person first, right?
Most of the time I’m not really ever instantly attracted to a person (if you showed me a photo, for example and asked me if I found that person hot I’d probably be pretty indifferent) but (and this is mainly in regards to celebrities) once I’ve been familiarised with them and their personality and seen them in a few things, say interviews and movies or stuff, I may develop an attraction to them (this is particularly true when it comes to seeing actors getting whumped, I find that most of my attractions form that way tbh).
Of course there’s the odd occasion where a person may be undeniably attractive & aesthetically pleasing and I’ll be attracted to them on the offset but it’s rarely the case.
Other than that, despite maybe a couple of people that I’ve found kind of  pleasant to look at, I don’t think I’ve really ever been attracted to anyone I’ve known in person, at least not in that way.
Also, whilst sex scenes themselves don’t neccessarily make me uncomfortable (can’t say I get the appeal but it doesn’t really  offend me in any way), if there’s a scene involving the nudity of an actor that I’m attracted to (as in full frontal) it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I guess that could just because it feels like an invasion of privacy as opposed to anything else though. I’ve been occasionally known to watch certain things to deal with particular urges and nudity doesn’t bother me then so I have no clue why it does in other situations.
I’ve also never had a relationship or been intimate with anyone in any way, nor can I say that I’m particularly interested in having one/doing so. I’m kind of introverted & socially awkward so maybe that’s a factor but I also don’t know if my disinterest in relationships is related to the whole concern & expectation of having to have sex with someone. I also don’t even know for certain that I’m 100% against the idea of sex. The thought of sex is not really something that appeals to me & I feel like I would happily die without ever experiencing it but I also wouldn’t say I’m entirely repulsed by it? I’ve occasionally daydreamed about characters doing the deed (never myself with anybody else though).
Also, this final part may will sound extremely cheesy so I apologize in advance but sometimes I see characters being all soft and adoring and affectionate with eachother and I kind of think f*ck man I want that. That could just be the whumper in me always seeking that comfort side of things that is so lacking though or maybe it’s just me thinking I want it because it’s supposed to be what everyone wants in life.
This was only supposed to be a short ask and instead you got an entire essay of me rambling about myself ahsgshsh, I’m so sorry! My mind is literally a mess😂.
TL;DR Idk I’m just very confused 🤔
Mod reply below:
Hi hun!! Don’t worry about a long message cause my reply got just as long lol.
I'm really glad you felt comfortable coming to me with this and I'm more than happy to help if I can!
First let me tell you a bit about how I worked out that I am both asexual and aromantic (this might be a jumbled mess so I apologize in advance for that)
So I found asexuality in 2014 and pretty damn quickly accepted and knew that I was asexual. I went through the tumblr tag (back when it was full of people’s experiences and feelings and so much positivity) and related strongly to other asexual people’s experiences. Some of those things included:
Not wanting kids
Having absolutely zero interest in ever having sex. Can go my whole life without and be just fine thanks
Not once have I seen another person and thought about having sex with them
Thought sexual attraction was either a myth/made up or only developed after you knew the person for a long time
Don’t understand why people on tv break up with each other over sex. It’s not that important, right?
Thinking people are “hot” or “sexy” but that just means aesthetically pleasing. Like a painting.
Having a sex drive but would rather take care of it myself than have sex. It’s like an annoying itch. I get annoyed, I scratch it, it goes away, I’m good.
Avoided sex ed whenever possible because I was uncomfortable with sex.
Don’t read smutty fanfic.
Sex on tv makes me uncomfortable not aroused.
Why are people obsessed with butts??? I don’t get it.
Hate when main characters get together in tv shows because that usually means they’re going to have sex and WHY DO THEY NEED TO HAVE SEX?? Isn’t love enough? I don’t get it!!
The idea of getting married and having to have sex with that person that night is horrifying.
All the universal asexual symbols and things that the community has. Like the playing cards, the black ring, the aces love cake, aces love pizza, that stuff. I loved and agreed with every single one. I know the other sexuality do this do but I never saw those, laughed, and went “yeah that’s me!” Just asexuality.
It only took a day if researching before I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was asexual. All these experiences and feelings my fellow asexuals felt really fit with my own experiences.
My aromantism was a lot harder for me to pin down. I think I went through 4 different romantic orientations before working out how I felt. It was all so confusing and I couldn’t tell what was romantic, what was sexual, and what was neither. I didn’t understand it at all and I spent a long time confused. With sexual attraction I knew I didn't feel that. Never once felt that desire to have sex with a specific person. Not ever. But romantic? I thought I had felt that. Couldn't be sure though. I'm sure now but back then I was very confused. I started thinking I was hetero-romantic because I was only every "interested" in guys but it didn’t quite feel right. Next I found the word cupioromantic which was you don't feel romantic attraction but you still desire a romantic relationship. I wore that label for a short time but once again it wasn’t quite right. Every time the possibility of a relationship into my life I ran cause I didn’t want it. Next I found lithromantic which is you feel romantic attraction but as soon as its reciprocated it goes away. I thought hey that’s it! But I finally I took a very hard look at myself and my interactions with people and what it was I actually did feel and decided that I was truly aromantic. I just didn’t want to be labeled as such because I was a huge romantic and I felt like this label meant I couldn’t have one. It took a while but now I know that isn’t true at all. I know now that I don’t actually want a relationship but I want the closeness with someone that being in a relationship entails. I can get that with friends. I went through the times I thought I had felt romantic attraction and tried to fit them into the attractions above. What I felt for that one girl in my English history course? Yeah that was platonic? That actor I think is super hot? That's aesthetic. I'd love to just cuddle with and be touched by my one friend? Sensual. The one guy I dated? Yeah I only dated him because he liked me not because I felt anything for him.
Other things that helped me realize I don’t feel romantic attraction:
I have had one boyfriend my entire life (high school, lasted 10 months) and I hated it. I didn’t like holding hands with him. He asked to kiss me and I told him no. I thought (still do) that kissing was gross and no way did I want to do that. I hated when he kissed my cheek or held me too long. I didn’t understand his strong emotions toward me nor did I understand why people dated. I didn’t get it. I didn’t like it.
I have had fake crushes/faked “they’re hot, would totally hit that” because I thought i was supposed to feel that way about people. Everyone had crushes or wanted to kiss and have sex with someone else. I never did. Didn’t get it.
I thought a crush was someone you chose. Like, I thought you went “That guy/girl is funny and nice. I now decide to have a crush on him.” But apparently that is not true at all.
I have no desire to get married or date. In fact I prefer to live my life without it.
I’ve never looked at someone and felt or developed what can be described as romantic feelings.
Those times I thought I did were really just platonic feelings. I wanted to be their friend. Not their girlfriend.
I think whumperflies are the closest I’ve ever come to feeling something akin to sexual attraction but I personally don’t classify it as sexual attraction. I also get that feeling seeing someone get comforted and being soft and affection and wanting that. For me, I think that’s me being touch starved af. I’d love to have someone to cuddle with and have it not be sexual or romantic. Sounds like maybe you do too. And that’s okay :)
Based on your words and feelings I'd suggest you take a look at the following terms. They might help you pin down how you feel. They certainly helped me
Demisexual/Demiromantic: where people only experience sexual attraction to folks that they have close emotional connections with. In other words, demisexual people only experience sexual attraction after an emotional bond has formed.
Gray Asexual/Gray Romantic: in which a person may only experience sexual attraction on occasion
Sex repulsed/neutral/positive: How you feel towards sex and/or having sex. You can be positive about it, feel repulsed by sex and sexual acts, or be completely neutral about it
Sexual attraction: looking at someone and wanting to have sexual content with them.
Romantic attraction: wanting to have a romantic relationship with a certain person.
Aesthetic attraction: thinking someone is pleasing to look at. Appreciating their appearance.
Sensual attraction: wanting to touch/cuddle/be physically close to a person.
Platonic attraction: wanting to be friends with a person
To me it sounds like you could be demi or gray but it’s ultimately up to you. If you feel like any of those terms fit you then don’t be afraid to accept that label. And if you change your mind as you learn more about your self and want to use a different label then that’s totally cool! Like I said, I went through 4 different romantic labels before finding one that fit. Try things on and see how it feels for you.
I also suggest checking out some of these blogs because I found them really helpful. @asexualityexists @asexualfacts @asexualawarenessweek @acejokes @thehumorousace @outer-space-aro-ace @a-spec-tacular @life-of-an-asexual
You can also feel free to scroll through my main blog asexual tag if you want. http://thewanderingace.tumblr.com/tagged/asexual
I don’t know if any of this was helpful or not but if you have any other questions don’t be afraid to message me! I’m happy to help where I can!
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
So this is a old conversation, but way back with the Nora stuff you talked about how dysphoria wasn't needed to be trans. Is the reverse true? I don't consider myself trans, but do wish I was in a womans body. I guess I don't experience dysphoria, but do wish my body was different. Is that weird or offensive? I don't think 'm trans either since I am fine being called a man. idk I'm not sure how to classify myself. I guess is gender fluid the right term?
Speaking as someone who is queer but not trans---so my opinion here is just that, an opinion, not any attempt to make claims about a sub-community I’m not a part of---I think it’s easy to forget that the full definition of “transgender” that I’m aware of is having a gender identity that does not correspond with the sex/gender that was assigned at birth. Because we still live in a world that, in many place, defines both gender and sex as a binary, it’s easy to start thinking of trans as an “opposite.” You were told you were a boy but really you’re a girl, or you were told you were a girl but are really a boy. That’s how it tends to be framed (usually unintentionally, sometimes not) but if this binary doesn’t exist... then obviously things are far, far more complicated than that. Sex, gender, and physical presentation all come in a huge variety of options, so when you slam all three together you get any number of possibilities. If “You’re a girl/boy” is too rigid to describe that trifecta, one definition of being trans---you must identify with that “opposite,” you must experience dysphoria, you must want to transition, your idea of transitioning must align with binary norms of what a man or woman looks like---is of course going to be far too rigid too. Hearing, “I consider myself trans because I want to be in another body than the one I ended up with” sounds perfectly “right” to me. As does, “I’d like a different body but that doesn’t mean I necessarily despise the one I have.” And, “I want a woman’s body but prefer male pronouns. Or I just don’t mind being called a man.” To provide a similar-ish example: I prefer that people use my nickname, but that doesn’t mean having someone use my full name causes me distress. Using someone else’s full name might indeed cause them great distress, but we’re two different people with different needs. We humans are COMPLICATED AF but for the ease of communication we tend to simplify things a great deal. We say things like, “Well if you want a woman’s body then that must mean you hate having a man’s body and everything else that comes with it” because it’s easier to understand that narrative than the one laid out above, but that doesn’t necessarily make it true. That is the case for many trans people, but not all. 
Ultimately, labels are meant to serve us so I think people should adopt labels that they believe fit them, they feel comfortable with, and they find to be useful. I emphasize “they” because given that it’s a massive world filled with different people, with different perspectives, and with different kinds of knowledge, you’re going to encounter people who believe they know your identity better than you do. I’ve had people tell me I’m not bi because I’m attracted to more than two genders (bi means only two). Because gender isn’t something I think about much in regards to my own attraction (you’re obviously pan then). Because my attraction isn’t perfectly balanced (okay so then you’re probably just a lesbian). Though delivered in an unhelpful manner, the questions behind those statements are valid because defining your identity can be really confusing and it’s worth asking yourself, “Does this feel right? Do I want to change what I’m calling myself?” It can be a lifelong journey that you’re constantly updating. Right now, at this point in my life, I’ve decided that “bi” is the label I’m most comfortable with for a variety of reasons... but there are plenty of people out there who would reject my own experience and my agency over my own identity because that experience doesn’t fit their rigid definition. So that’s something to fortify yourself against. If you say “I don’t consider myself trans” than it sounds like you’re not trans... but maybe your understanding of that label and your own identity will change later. Or not. Maybe you decide that “gender fluid” is the right term to use. Maybe not. Ultimately I don’t think any one word can ever encompass every possibility. What fits perfectly for one person is going to be ill-fitting on another, but until our language updates that’s what we have to work with. Even if it does update certain terms will remain better known, understood, and accepted, so you might want to use one just for that convenience.  
In short, there are a lot of options out there and a lot of nuance. At the end of the day I think the major takeaways are: 
1. Know that there isn’t necessarily one perfect label for you to discover. That’s okay
2. Know that if you find one you’re comfortable with other people might be mad about it. Try to ignore them 
3. Know that you don’t need to find a label right away. Or even at all. I have friends who when asked about their gender go, “Well...” and provide an explanation like yours because they haven’t yet found a word that easily encompasses all that. Other friends use labels they’re not totally happy with because they don’t want to give that very personal spiel and saying “trans” or “gender fluid” is just a better way to move the conversation along. It depends on what you want and need at this point in time. So keep working through it, but if you’re not hitting on one “perfect” answer know that’s okay too 💜
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 44 4201. Has your life lacked a miracle? i mean... not really. it’s my fault for not having the greatest motivation. 4202. Would you shoot a terrorist? if i had a gun and they were attacking people, then yes. otherwise i’d call the cops first. 4203. Were you an unlovely child? probably the opposite, i was very loud and talkative as a kid. 4204. In the recent Michael Jackson documentary was he treated fairly? haven’t seen any mj docs in years tbh. 4205. New York City and other places along the East Coast have recently been said to be the next terrorist targets. What do you think about this? this is a really old survey, so i’m taking this with a grain of salt.
4206. What should the last question in this survey be? not sure lol. 4207. Are you more likely to think so deeply about things that you forget to take out the garbage OR be wrapped up in your life and forget to think deeply about things? the first one. 4208. In what ways are you destructive? that i’m not thinking about the future enough. 4209. If you're not with the one you love can you love the one you're with? for me, no. 4210. Why is it that when you hang upside down the blood rushes to your head but when you stand up the blood doesn't rush to your feet? i actually have no idea. 4211. Do you demand a better future? sure. 4212. Does it make you uncomfortable to meet a person with a handicap or deformity (retarded, deaf, lacking a limb, etc.)? no? why would it. 4213. What did you think of the movie Vanilla Sky? never seen it. 4214. What is your favorite thing to dip into fondue? depends on what kind of fondue.  4215. Are you moe like Wayne or Garth? neither. 4216. SNL or Mad TV? neither. 4217. Best three REM songs: i can only name two tbh. 4218. Name something you do that might be considered eccentric: i’ve been into this paint by sticker thing lately. time consuming but fun lol. 4219. Are you hard or easy to love? pretty easy i’d like to think. 4220. Could you be the next american idol? no because 1. i cant sing and 2. i’m not american. 4221. If you were going on american idol what would you: wear? n/a sing? 4222. Is Simon Cowell sexy or does he suck? he is definitely not sexy to me lol. 4223. What was the last thing you used a credit card for? a christmas present lol. 4224. Do you like back or foot massages more? back. 4225. If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow why oh why can't I? ok. 4226. Why do teachers always want blue or black ink? well tbh i’d hate it if i had to read papers written in red or something light. 4227. What do you keep your change in? my wallet. 4228. Do you read playgirl or playboy for the articles? no. 4229. Are you old fashioned? In what ways? not at all. 4230. If you were going to get a mentor who would your top three choices be (out of everyone alive)? casey neistat, rihanna and oprah. 4231. Would you rather visit France or Thailand? i’ve been to france so probably thailand. 4232. You love your partner but they are a slob. They aren't likly to change. Your thoughts: i honestly cannot bear to live with a slob, so i’d have to talk to them about my concerns and get them to change their ways or i’ll probably just snap and leave them. 4233. Is anything brainwashing people? probably. How/in what ways? the media in general, being picky with what and how they portray world issues. 4234. If you were a sex psitols song which one would you be (some choices in case you aren't familiar with them: Holiday in the Sun, Bodies, No Feelings, Liar, Problems, Seventeen, Pretty Vacant, New York, E.M.I.)? i don’t know any of their songs. 4235. Are you more likely to drink moderately and often or drink within an inch of your life but only once in a while? i only really ever drink to get drunk. so not often at all. 4236. What scares you most about war? how it’ll affect my family and friends around the world. 4237. You find a man with wings (an angel?) half dead in your back yard. the first thing you do is: if someone’s home with me i’d get them asap. or i’d at least take a pic/video from afar then probably call the cops lol. i’d be too scared to check up on them myself. 4238. Why do people go to faith healers when there is so much proof that they are fake? some people just need a little hope sometimes. it’s just unfortunate that these fakes take advantage of them and take their money. 4239. When someone you care about is really angry with you how do you feel and how do you deal with that feeling? i feel pretty shitty. if it’s my fault i’ll do my best to make it up to them. 4240. There's a guy who sometimes get violent with his wife. He will scream 'I LOVE you!' While he hurts her. Do you think there could be any love there? hell no, i don’t think anyone should hurt someone they love... 4241. Name at least three things that make you want to cry. idk. 4242. Is John Malkovitch sexy? Is Billy Corgan? no to all. Is Michael Stipe? Is Moby? Is Sinead O'Connor? 4243. Imagine there's a lepper and he wants to be cured but instead of going away his sores sprout sunflowers? Would that be a miracle? Would that tell you anything about anything? i’d be freaked out. 4244. Do you watch people? sometimes. 4245. Do you have anything that doesn't belong to you? yes. 4246. what is normal? whatever you think it is. 4247. You are given your own private island. What would you name it, and who is allowed to live there with you? i’d name it after me and only my family, boyfriend and friends are allowed to live there lol. 4248. How can you prevent war? i don’t think i can tbh. How can we all prevent it? write to the government. 4249. If something is wrong in society and you don't like it butr you do nothing about it, i a way aren't you supporting it? no, i feel like supporting it is more about agreeing and spreading the word about it. 4250. Do you like Leslie Nielson? idk them. 4251. If you could make a new toothpaste flavor what would it be? apple. 4252, Have you ever called the police or the fire department? yes. Why and what happened? called the cops once coz there was a huge fight in broad daylight, called the fire department because i was driving home from work one night and a random tree was ablaze. 4253. What's more important, freedom or security and why? for me, security. i don’t really like facing the unknown without security. 4254. Who pays most of the taxes, rich people, or average people or poor people? everyone is basically paying the same cut. Who should pay the most? politicians lol. 4255. You are on the weakest link with these contestants: a monkey, Simon Coswell, Hayden Christensen, Cher, a guy in a teenage mutant ninja turtle costume and GW Bush. Who do you vote off as the weakest link and why? the monkey because it’s not human. 4256. Do you like: mint skittles? never tried. mint ice cream? sometimes. junior mints? never tried. 4257. Does protesting/demonstrating really have any effect? yes. it spreads the word and gives people a platform to protest something they are passionate about. 4258. After the world demonstrated against war with Iraq, Saddam was quoted as saying america was 'weak and isolated'. Do you believe this is so? i don’t know... i don’t know enough to comment. 4259. Have you ever wanted to be with someone who was off limits? no. 4260. Have you ever wanted someone so badly that you would kiss your hand imagining it was them? haha no. 4261. Are there any situations when cheating on someone is okay? only if you had some sort of agreement with your partner to be in an open relationship but then again it wouldn’t be classified as ‘cheating’. so idk. 4262. When you feel empty inside what do you fill yourself up with? Where does it come from? sleep. 4263. Would you rather be loved or desired? loved. 4264. When you remember something do you remember yourself to be more or less graceful/positive/smooth than you actually were? none? 4265. How can you tell the days of the week apart without using a calander? Are your days really different or all the same? just by comparing it with the dates and days of this week. 4266. Who started punk rock? idk. Who started goth? Who started hip hop? 4267. What 3 things about you have shaped your life the most? my family and upbringing, my boyfriend and my education. 4268. Is your mind awake? yes. Is your soul? yes. Were they always? i guess so. If not, can you remember a moment or a few moments that helped you wake up? 4269. Have you ever misperceived what was going on only to discover it when it was too late? not that i can think of. 4270. Do you understand the human heart? no. 4271. How important is your weight? How important is your partner's weight? important. and not super important for my partner, as long as they’re healthy. 4272. What color is the wind? nothing. 4273. Do you believe children or adults know more? adults for the most part. 4274. Do you believe you are crazy? no. 4275. Did you predict the ending to Joe Millionaire? Is there something you care about less than you care about Joe Millionaire? don’t remember. 4276. Snow blower or shovel? neither because it doesn’t snow here. 4277. List everything you ate in the last 24 hours? tuna, crackers, nutella sandwich, chicken, broccoli and rice. 4278. Have you ever plagerized? no. If yes, what and why? did you get caught? **** No one could act in that daredevil movie. The script sucked as well. This is not a question. **** 4279. Who specifically annoys you? my boyfriend. 4280. What is your favorite blanket like? i don’t really have a favourite. 4281. How do you feel about teachers coming on to their students? Students coming on to their teachers? both wrong. 4282. In what ways do you keep yourself entertained? youtube, netflix, surveys, reading. 4283. Entertainers (musicians, sports players) are the highest paid people in america. Why are we so obsessed with being entertained? it’s just part of society. 4284. Do you want a perfect body? i wish. 4285. Do you want a perfect soul? no. 4286. Which do you want more? body. 4287. Do you want people to notice when you're not around? huh? 4288. Are you more of a creep, a wierdo or special? none. 4289. Who wrote the bible? the disciples. 4290. Who wrote the book of love? what is the book of love? 4291. Who put the bomp in the bomp ba bomp ba bomp? idk. 4292. Who rocks the party that rocks the party? idk. 4293. If you could pick 5 things to study with no limits what 5 things would you pick? space, i.t., history, geography and science. 4294. Do you study any of them on your own? no. 4295. What's more important, learning or getting the hell out? learning. 4296. What is your favorite highlighter color? purple. 4297. Give everyone some advice: be the best version of yourself. 4298. Are you practically perfect in every way? no. 4299. Are you nasty and tricksy? no. 4300. Where is the precious? idk.
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mimegrime · 7 years
Alright you fools, I was tagged by @transalbus​ to do this tag thingy and you know what, let’s go. Wowza.
drink – green tea phone call – a man trying to tell me my laptop had a virus; jokes on them, I haven’t been near a piece of modern technology since the 90’s. text message – a message from my friend that says “rest in peace” that I forgot the context for. song you listened to – the entire lighting thief soundtrack at once time you cried – like an hour ago cause I thought I had murdered my plants
HAVE YOU EVER hated someone twice – Uh I think so?? like “hate-is madly okay with-hate”, I don’t hate people often, but this one dude, hahahah. kissed someone and regretted it – not really, kissing is weird though if not with people I’m comfortable with.  been cheated on – I hope not lost someone special – I think most people have been depressed – yeah gotten drunk and thrown up – I once drank a whole twenty pack of apple juice boxes and threw up, does that count. made new friends – how else do you make friends? is there another way? fallen out of love – idk if I’ve ever been in love before laughed until you cried – I assume so???? found out someone was talking about you – both negatively and positively! It’s fun either way, but for different reasons obviously. met someone who changed you – I think everyone one I meet changes me somehow, I’m just very impressionable I think. found out who your friends are – I guess, I have friends so I assume I know who my friends are. kissed someone from your facebook list – what’s a Facebook list? kissed a stranger – depends on what you classify as a stranger and also what you count as a kiss drank hard liquor – nah, I hate the smell. lost glasses or contact lenses – on a plane, and I cried for like a week about it. turned someone down – yeah sex on the first date – lol no broken someone’s heart – Yup! had your heart broken – I kinda wish I have, like I know it sucks a lot, but I feel like it’s some growing up ritual. Maybe I’ll regret saying that, wowza. been arrested – in first grade, time out was also called prison time; it was kinda messed up, but childhood. cried when someone died – I cried when my dog died for like a month fallen for a friend – Don’t you need to have some level of friendship with someone before you like “fall for them”? Or is that stupid???? kissed on the first date – nope
GENERAL list 3 favorite colors – I don’t have favorite colors, I think any color can be as wonderful as any other honestly. But the fact people have favorite colors is so cool! like your eye receptors have grown to find certain shades more appealing than others, that’s remarkable! how many facebook friends do you know in real life – My one facebook friend is my sister, so all of them. do you have any pets – three! Two dogs, and one blessed fish. do you want to change your name – I like my name, but I wouldn’t mind changing it. I have no real attachment to it. what time did you wake up – when? Today? five days ago? This question is very vague, like I have no sleep schedule. what were you watching at midnight last night – my dog try to fight a box, only to find out in the shocking revelation, that the box could not fight back. He then proceeded to protect the box from my other dog who was trying to fight it. name something you can’t wait for – RAIN. Also for the next time I get to eat cereal. when was the last time you saw your mom – like an hour ago, we talked about child birth what is one thing you wish you could change in your life –I wish that I didn’t wish to change things, and instead actually went out to change things. what are you listening to right now – my neighbor’s doing questionable things in their backyard Have you ever talked to a person named Tom – Two different ones, and both are pretty chill. something that is getting on your nerves right now – I hope the sky doesn’t think that it’s stars are ugly most visited website – google is a website technically, so google. mole/s –I have like, four? There might be more, two on my face near my eyes, two under my leg/thigh area. mark/s – I’m kinda confused by this question, so I’ll just move on. childhood dream – to become the chosen one, fall in love with someone cute, and live rich. or become a hermit. There was literally no in-between. do you have a crush on someone – In kindergarten, I thought having a crush meant someone wanted to crush someone else with their bare hands. So when this poor boy came up to me saying he had a crush on me, I thought he was challenging me. It didn’t end well. So in the kindergarten sense, yeah I have a crush on someone.   what do you like about yourself – I had to restart my old wizard 101 account, and I’m already at level 9, that’s called dedication. piercings – Maybe when I’m older? But also it costs money and that’s money I could use on bad romance sim games. or food. blood type – probs just pure apple juice at this point. nickname – there are too many relationship status – tired zodiac sign – virgo, but apparently there’s like the new 13th zodiac or something, and I’m a leo in that version. So you can pick which one fits me best. pronouns – he/she/they, honestly anything. I’m in a pretty strong he/him time right now though, so ye. favorite TV show – AH. I love too many, and I guess some of them don’t even count as TV shows since they weren’t aired on TV, but still. There’s too many. tattoos – Nope, but like before maybe in the future. right or left hand – Either way my penmanship is trash, so you just have to choose the lesser of two evils. surgery – not that I know of to this date. hair dyed in different color – One time a sub tried to send me home cause she said we weren’t allowed to have dyed hair, cause apparently in the light my hair looked purple???? Anyway the answer is no, but I still get all the fun. sport –I used to do softball, track and field, cross country, basketball, swimming(I can’t swim anymore though), and soccer. Now I do nothing. vacation – ????? What??? What does “vacation” mean???? Where I want to go??? Where I have been???? What does this mean? eye color –a pretty dark brown, some kid said I had shark eyes so that’s super chill. favourite movie – the “sex ed” videos they showed us in school, which were hilariously hetro and also advertised that having your period causes you to be better at bowling. A classic.
WHICH IS BETTER hugs or kisses – Both! I’ve been so touch-repulsed for so long until recently, and now it’s wild cause physical interactions when you aren’t disgusted by it is like “woah” It’s gr8. lips or eyes – Both again, wowza, okay but like, people are just so pretty??? shorter or taller – Another question I shouldn’t be confused by but am, like in what context??? Both have their own advantages and such, it just depends on the scenario which remains ungiven. nice arms or stomach – Idk what “nice arms” or a “nice stomach” look like really. Like I think I understand the main key points, but not really to which those key points make sense to me. Any arm and any stomach can be nice, like bodies are so unique, isn’t that makes them so intriguing to artist and stuff? Idk I’m overcomplicating this question. sensitive or loud – Loud people can be sensitive too, my dude. Being one doesn’t cancel out the other. hook up or relationship – Uh, depends on what you mean by hook up and what you mean by relationship. troublemaker or hesitant – I’ve talked too much in this section so I’ll just say both, I know surprise, but ye.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN yourself – I try, but in the same sense I try to complete my childhood dream. With lots of doubt and incoherent voice notes I record for myself.   miracles – Nah mate, humans need to give themselves more credit. Or humans need to give nature more credit. Or someone more credit. love at first sight – Depends on what you define as love, but grand picture, it’s kinda an off-putting idea. It reinforces the idea of soulmates, and I kinda have a thing against soulmates. Santa Claus – Nope, but I feel like that’s for the better. Making one man responsible for not only judging every child in the world, but also the happiness of every child they deem as “good” seems like some level of hell.
Anyway, I hope someone enjoyed this episode of “I overshare cause it’s 1:49 AM and answer none of the questions correctly.” This was wild. Next in the suffering train is @freaking-out-is-my-okay @sockboxes​ and @elyciancosmos​ casue I don’t think I’ve tagged them before. Get pranked and now I’m going to sleep. 
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