#idk ... have this
zer0carrds · 2 months
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ CALL THIS # NOW : a free carrd template.
CALL THIS # NOW is simple, user friendly, and incredibly image-lite ... it only really needs a header, and a few images for the dossier. formatted, just customize the colors and text styles! mobile friendly !!! comes with four pages ( rules, dossier, verse + connections ), and has a header navigation. THIS TEMPLATE REQUIRES PRO-LITE OR HIGHER, due to it's use of 100+ elements.
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charliestar · 1 year
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star child...
you're tired, aren't you?
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whereisthemilkman · 3 months
brocedes + quotes
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sevikasenby · 6 months
im not arguing with 6 foot tall brute with a mech arm and silver eyes, whatever you say babygirl
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I've seen a lot of people are as excited as me for a Zelda game that focus on how Ganon's constant reincarnations affects negatively to Zelda, Link and even Ganondorf. We've already seen this theme subtly in BotW (Zelda chastised for not awakening her power, Link unable to speak and enjoy himself because of how the Hero's title burdens him). However, I normally wouldn't expect "the harm the vicious cycle of reincarnation makes on it's unwitting pawns" to be the theme of a Zelda game. After all, it's Nintendo, and we know they don't like to stray so far from the "evil is bad and we must defeat it" plotline and they wouldn't dare to criticize the goddesses' plans...
Oh, wait, they already did it.
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The Wind Waker is about letting go of the past and how being unable to move on will harm you and future generations. Daphnes and Ganondorf can't let go of their kingdom, and they die with it because they can't imagine themselves living without it. It harms Medli and Makar, who are taken away from their home and family and are confined into the heart of a dungeon so the Master Sword can maintain it's full power. It harms Tetra, too, who sees her whole individuality taken away in favor of performing her role as "Princess Zelda". And it harms Link, who is treated as a pawn by Daphness to do the work of the Hero of Legend, despite literally being Just A Kid (TM) who just wanted to rescue his sister.
But, despite everything, they manage to break the cycle, as Ganondorf no longer appears in other titles situated in the Adult Timeline (neither do Hyrule, or the Triforce or the Master Sword, or most classical elements of TLOZ). By killing Ganondorf, Demise's hatred could no longer persist in the world, thus breaking the eternal cycle of death and reincarnation. But how could that happen? Sure stabbing a whole man in the head usually turns to be fatal, but that's been done before and they only managed to seal him away. Why did this time work?
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I think he just gave up.
He realised he would never get Hyrule, that even when everything was at his favor (the Hero gone, the Princess at his power, the Master Sword was weakened, he even managed to get the Triforce of Courage from Link!) he still lost. He gave one last fight, but he didn't even transform to Ganon (it's only appearance is as a puppet, another symbol if he being treated as a pawn by a higher power) and after Link delivers the final blow, he accepts his fate and passes away.
Even though he's been treated as the major villain in the series, he's been as much as a pawn from the gods as the multiple Heroes and Princesses from the series. He may not have been the best man before OoT, but he was a victim of his circunstances and his initial motives where to grant his people a home where they could live in peace instead of fearing death day and night, turning into thieves just to survive. But he was corromped by anger, by revenge, by malice, and he turned the perfect vessel for Demise's curse. I think that BotW's Ganon was the same but it's been so many centuries that the man he once was can not be recognised, he's more of a beast now. But I still have hope, and now that his "mummy" has awakened, maybe we could get a more humanized version of Ganondorf instead of a simple "demon of malice". The old leader of a desert tribe who just wanted to give a better life to his people, and went too far.
I find this to be very unlikely, but not impossible. While WW's Ganondorf had it easier, as he was more collected and thoughtful, there's still the possibility that Ganondorf "awakes" from its Ganon-self and shows a bit more of characterization and his motives. Who knows, we could even break the cycle in BotW-TotK's timeline if Ganondorf refuses to continue this endless cicle of destruction and give up on Hyrule's conquest (a little more optimistic that being stabbed on the head, please and with sugar on top). But we may have to pay a big price to make it. After all, the cycle was broken in WW, but a great sacrifice was necessary...
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Hyrule's destruction
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bubzterr · 10 months
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so if saiyan hair just doesn’t grow like ever that means kid raditz had grown ass man raditz hair. which makes him 80% hair and 20% child. this is my vision
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himbo-jackson-avery · 6 months
If You Love Someone, Tell Them
He sits there, watching his best friend about to get married. Jackson should be happy for her. Matthew, if a little boring, was a good guy and April seemed happy with him. But instead, dread fills Jackson as the two of them get closer and closer to saying their vows. Dread, because he suddenly realises, if April marries Matthew, that will be it for them. She's absolutely not the type of woman who will ever divorce.
He's about to lose her forever. And he realises, he can't let that happen.
He's utterly in love with her.
[continue on AO3 or below]
Jackson remembers how April had lost her mind after he'd saved that little girl, how she desperately pleaded for him to give her a reason not to get married. At that point, he'd been, well he wasn't going to lie, he'd been angry with her. April hadn't wanted to marry him, she'd made that clear, but she'd wanted to marry Matthew. He couldn't even completely blame her. Matthew could give her so many things Jackson couldn't. Matthew wasn't fucked up emotionally like he was, Matthew had the same beliefs as April, he was kind like April. They'd get married have two boys and a girl and they would have a happy life. So he'd turned her away.
Jackson, as much as he'd tried to deny it, as much as he tried to push those feelings down and away, realised that he'd never be happy without her. She'd hurt him, but she'd also made him happier than he'd ever been. That night in San Francisco had changed him to the core. April was everything he didn't know he had wanted, all hidden in the guise of his best friend. Surgery and love. Sure she could be a spaz sometimes but even that was endearing to Jackson. Life didn't seem right without an April meltdown every now and then as much as it drove him crazy.
But, she'd told him to give her a reason. And maybe he still could. He'd be the biggest asshole in the world to stand up at the last minute to tell her he loved her. But if he didnt, he always live with the 'what-if'. The regret.
And he would miss her. Sure when she was married, he'd still see her at work, they'd still probably be best friends, but it would never be the same. He'd always remember the fearless way she'd kissed him that first night. He'd always remember the sound of his name from her lips as he moved inside her. He'd always remember the way her small hand fit in his. How her hair smelled. How her thumb would stroke over his cheek in a tenderness he hadn't felt since he was a child. He'd always remember her laugh, and how happy she'd been when he'd told her he was all in.
She'd hadn't looked that happy even when Matthew had proposed during that corny, but undoubtedly April-like, flash mob.
And all the feelings he had tried to deny came flooding to the surface until he could barely breathe. He was going to lose April before he ever told her he loved her.
Jackson looked at Stephanie, and god he really was an asshole, wasn't he? Not only was he about to ruin this wedding with a confession that might not even be returned, he'd actually forgotten he had a girlfriend. One that didnt deserve this. Her smile faded into horrified realisation as he apologised to her then he stood up, his mentor's words and the pounding of his heart ringing in his ears.
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noshameherefolks · 4 months
a ballerina who's only sexually attracted to people she has a connection with... call her a demi-plié
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 7 months
Writing prompt; a small store in the middle of nowhere called Pick Your Poison that’s run out of the cabin of
1. A single mother and her two children
2. A young man anywhere between his early 20’s to late 30’s
3. A wise elderly man/woman
4. A person of colour that really really likes old english
5. A person who has some sort of disability
6. A neurodivergent gremlin/frog (metaphorically or literally).
7. A witch/wizard who also just happens to not be entirely human
8. Just something that isn’t entirely human in general idk
Note for those wanting extra ✨spice✨: it isn’t a liquor store.
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sentient-cloud · 2 years
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Talks with Dasein
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metamorphiisis · 8 months
She drags a keratin nail down the center length of the Good Doctor's back. pale, goose-bumped flesh dimpled by the spine, decisively mottled and puckered where those contraptions would attach.
"A surgeon ought to be more careful with her hands in the field, Doctor." Though, there are more injuries here than mere splintered phalanges. Moira cants her head, eyes the bloom of purple cresting over Angela's cheek, seeping richly into the jawline exposed from this angle. She tuts, tearing medical tape.
Titrating a hostage's wounds. Just enough to keep them alive, not enough to give them relief. It's all very analog. Delicate games revolving around balances. She presses the line of adhesive against a square cut of biotic-slathered cotton. Secures the other three sides the same.
"Has Talon clipped your tongue as well as your wings, Ziegler?"
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sevikasenby · 5 months
me and sevika
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attroxx · 21 days
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green flags: dante, mia, botan, koda, izumi yellow flags: axel, mae, casper, damian, valentine, dom, hikaru red flags: ghost
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inanthesis · 1 year
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"Huh. I guess that settles that." It was all the acknowledgement he'd give the other who had swooped in just in time to 'aid' him with some troublemakers that had stumbled upon him doing his research. In reality he hadn't lifted a finger, leaving all of the work to his capable new companion who would receive no thanks or even a hello as his attention returned to the runes etched into the stone wall before him.
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graftisms · 1 year
location :   day 24 / evening / fire pit / post-fight
featuring :   open
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“ SO ARE WE JUST GOING TO NOT TALK ABOUT THE CHALLENGE ANYMORE ? ”   since all parties of the fight have stormed off into their own corners, callie hopes it’s a little more light-hearted now to mention it.   “ because i thought it was actually pretty funny, most of it. how big do you think maddox’s pussy hall of fame is ? ”
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tobyrivers · 1 year
open to: anyone! ( @nightreststarters​ )
location: echo beach
The emotions going through him right now were so damn conflicting. Toby had known since his mother’s death that his brother was slowly turning into a horrible person, someone whose beliefs definitely did not line up with his own. His brother’s actions had always been a burden on him, but at the end of the day, he was still his flesh and blood, and now Tucker was gone. Wiped off the face of the Earth, just like that. He felt sad, angry, secretly a little relieved, but he also just felt... numb. “Tell me your morning’s going a little better than mine is,” Toby said, a sad smile on his lips as he turned towards the person who just arrived.
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