earthtooz · 7 months
…u mentioned rin. what do u think about unofficial bf rin seeing u in another guy’s jacket cs when u asked him for his he said he’s too cold to give it to u.
the itoshi rin writer within me coming alive for seven be like...
gn!reader who is the assistant manager for rin's team, pro!player itoshi rin, playful y/n, situationship between rin and reader, rin is jealous bc this is how i celebrate the end of an itoshi rin drought in the manga, unedited + apologies for bad writing
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A hand slaps down on the table in front of you, the harsh sound of skin meeting wood softened only by a mere jersey. The sudden interruption rips you from the paperwork you had been assigned at the start of the day, ripped from the world of sporting brand deals and competition contracts by a certain grump you have the pleasure of dealing with. 
“Put this on.” Itoshi Rin demands, cold voice rocky with conflict.
“What?” You ask, mind dazed and eyes sore from reading so many words. 
“Put this on.” Rin seethes through his teeth, practically waving his jersey in your face. 
“Because you need it.” 
“Not anymore, I’m not. Isagi gave me his jacket.”
“I can see that. That’s why you should put. This. On.” 
“Hey, you were the one that was cold!” You counter, capping your pen and pointing it at him. “Remember? You were like ‘why didn’t you bring your own, you idiot. Warm-ups haven’t started yet, so I can’t give it to you’.” 
It irks him how you imitate him with a sneer that he swears he doesn’t have, or how you deadpan your tone to match his, but what irks him even more is the fact that you’re wearing Isagi’s jersey instead of his. Rin has half a mind to burn it instead of returning it to the dark-haired when he gets his hand on it.
“Just- just take it!” He demands, pushing his neatly-folded jersey even closer to you.
“Don’t want it anymore,” you resist, mischief gleaming in your eyes. “People are gonna get the wrong idea.”
“And that is?”
“That we’re romantically involved,” you tease and Rin swears he feels his eye twitch. Sometimes he asks himself why, that out of all people, you were the one to capture his heart. You’re playful, understanding, and maybe a little too cunning for his own good, but he can’t find it himself to want you to change, and that is when he knew love-dipped arrows had struck him through the heart.
Accepting love’s toxins is why Rin finds himself completely exasperated, staring you down; the physical manifestation of everything he adores and simultaneously drives him crazy. After months of denying his feelings for you, and this is what he gets in return?
“Why would those idiots get ‘the wrong idea’?” He asks, deciding to play into your hands.
“Being seen in public with each other is a big step, y'know, especially if I’m wearing your jersey.”
“What the- so why can you wear Isagi’s jersey?”
You tap your pen against the table at a metronomic pace. “Because Isagi and I are just friends!”
Itoshi Rin can feel a migraine materialising. “I don’t care anymore, just, put this on already.”
“Your teammates may begin to speculate.”
“They’ve seen us kiss, what is there to ‘speculate’?” the athlete asks.
“We’ve never held hands in front of them, though,” you contest. “Me wearing this is kind of like you asking me to be your partner so-”
“So put on the damn jersey!”
With a hidden smile, you finally accept his gift, holding onto the soft fabric with a delicate grip. After months of dancing around being an ‘official’ or ‘unofficial’ couple, triumph settles in your stomach when you pull the collar of his jersey over your head. The expensive smell of his cologne invades your senses, distracting you from the satisfied look in his teal gaze.
A hand finds yours and effortlessly pulls you out of your office chair to be almost chest-to-chest with Itoshi Rin. “Let’s go,” he murmurs, snatching Isagi’s jersey as he drags you to the pitch, never letting you stray one inch from him.
He wants his teammates to get the 'wrong' idea, after all.
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wrong idea as in you are romantically evolved, you're welcome xx
© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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Day 114- Get it? Cause he's cool
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channwie · 4 months
i'm a twisted wretched thing who loves like a dog long euthanized, an ancient tomb ransacked and a coffin nailed shut too long ago —
why do i love like i'm dead and you've forgotten to mourn me?
i smile at the wind and the grass and food and empathize with clouds when it rains too much or too little and dust when it settles, i live in the cracked walls of my sister's cramped art studio, broken dishes set aside in my mother's kitchen, the scratched keychain on my father's belt loop waiting to be thrown away — i crave the act of being seen, relish in being the niche thing appreciated by the curious eyes and softened heart, the one thing you can't let go yet can't understand all the same.
i love desperately, pathetically, unrequited in paracosm.
i want to be touched but i am cold and curled fatally fetal in the centre of my room, four walls but two colored charcoal (i can't seem to move on from the idea of you) the other two apricot and forest green — i want to talk to you with my mouth full of citrus and acidic things but i don't want to hear you speak (if you do i'll know you love me less because you know me more)
i want to be loved (not entirely, not really but yes)
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whumpasaurus101 · 1 year
Like Father, Like Son
From the minute Asher woke up, he knew he was quite frankly, fucked. Rodger was in one of his shitty moods, having a hissy fit over god knows what.
He didn’t even bother knocking on the door, “Get up, we have guests.”
“You know, normal people knock.”
Rodger stormed over to the bed, striking Asher hard across the face before grabbing him by a fistful of the hair, “I don’t have the time, nor patience for any of your talking back today, do you hear me?!?” He snarled against Asher’s ear.
Asher was barely fazed as he blinked up at the man, “I mean… you never really do-“ That’s when Rodger lost it. He flung Asher to the ground in a haste, “Let me make myself very clear,” Rodger growled, stepping forward and grabbing the front of Asher’s shirt. He hauled him up until Asher was back standing and quickly slammed him against the wall, leaning in close, “I will not hear any talking back from you. If I do, I swear to you, Asher, I will make you scream until your vocal chords are no more, am I understood?”
Asher wheezed out a breath. Normally Rodger would be too dumb to even come up with a threat, but looking into Rodger’s eyes -which he’d rather not do- Asher could tell Rodger was serious. All he managed was a slight nod but Rodger’s grip against him didn’t allow him to nod much.
Rodger held his gaze before dropping him to the ground, “Get changed, I left clothes in your bathroom. Be ready in ten and make sure you look perfect.” He left before Asher could even fit in a snarky comment. Asher gave himself a moment, resting his head against the wall as he let out a shaky sigh, waiting for the world to stop spinning. Once he managed to get to his feet, he took the quickest shower he could and slipped into his usual outfit for when guests came over. Black trousers, a belt, and a white button-up shirt.
He looked in the mirror, straightening out his shirt before ruffling his damp hair. He noted how long it was getting, but that's the thing, Rodger liked it to be long enough to grab so he could just fling Asher around the place. Just as he started to brush his teeth, Rodger burst through, “Come on, they’ll be here any time now!!!”
Asher simply rolled his eyes, spitting into the sink before continuing to brush his teeth, ignoring Rodger who simply frowned and fixed Asher’s hair to his liking. Asher clung tightly to his toothbrush as he resisted the urge to shove Rodger away. Then Rodger tsked, reaching his arms around Asher and unbuttoned the first two buttons of Asher’s shirt. That made Asher spit out his toothpaste before shoving Rodger away, “Fuck off, I can look after myself.”
Rodger raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, “Watch it.” Was all he growled before walking out, “Get downstairs, I made breakfast.” 
Asher’s stomach growled at the mention of food. He finished brushing his teeth before pacing to the kitchen, eyes falling to the two plates on the table. “Take a seat.”
It had been a while since Rodger and Asher sat at a table together for breakfast. He normally would be forced to kneel beside Roder, forced to eat out of Rodger’s palm. And if he didn't? Then he got nothing. So Asher was slightly hesitant sitting down. 
“Pancake?” Asher asked, looking from his plate to Rodger, remembering all his chats with Jack about pancakes. Rodger nodded, ruffling Asher’s hair, “Look at you learning things!” For the first time in a while, Asher didn’t want to bite Rodger’s hand off, but he gave a quiet growl in warning. 
“Don't get any butter on your shirt or I swear to god-” “I knowww, I knowww,” Asher groaned, “I swear you can’t go five minutes without using some random threat in your sentence” Just before Asher could take another bite from his pancake, Rodger smacked upside Asher’s head.
“Hurry up and eat.”
Asher just rolled his eyes, finishing off his breakfast. It was a few minutes later until he dared to ask Rodger a question, “Who’s coming over?”
Rodger sat down, sipping from his glass of orange juice- the ice cubes clinking against each other, “None of you business.” Asher scoffed, “Well, from how you're acting, you’d think your father was coming ove-”
Asher was soon cut off as he was backhanded across the face.
“Ah,” Asher sighed, “I now know who’s coming over. Man, I mean, it explains why you’ve been such a di-” Asher quickly stopped himself from talking, flinching as Rodger pulled back his hand, stopping just before he slapped him.
Rodger’s eyes slightly widened as he heard the doorbell ringing and Asher chuckled quietly, “I bet you can't wait for him to meet me.” Rodger stood up straight, completely ignoring him as he walked to the front door. Asher thought he could be decent enough so he put both of their plates into the dishwasher before standing at the doorway, nervously cracking his knuckles as he waited.
The man was a stout man, glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose and short pepper and salt coloured hair. He was just under Asher’s height but Asher could tell this man thought he had everybody and everyone under him.
Behind him, followed a blonde haired lady. Walking in heels that were way too tall for her to walk in as she shimmied in. Her nails were long but unlike Alicia, they were bright pink. She smiled brightly, kissing Rodger on the cheek. As the three grew closer, Asher was able to catch a bit more as to what they were saying, but not much.
“Dad, Kimberly, this is Asher, he’s still in training right now-” lie “but he seems to be improving!” Lie. “Asher, this is my dad, Nikos, but you will refer him to sir, alright?” 
The man held out his hand, Asher just blankly stared at it, looking to Rodger with furrowed eyebrows. Rodger rolled his eyes with a growl, his face blushing slightly in embarrassment, “Shake his hand, mutt-” He quickly looked up to his father apologetically, “He doesn't really have much…common sense…”
The man gave Rodger a disapproving look before it moved to Asher. Although Asher’s father looked quite similar to Rodger, Asher felt slightly intimidated by the man. He forced himself not to take a stepback as he took in a shaky breath, steadying himself. 
“What’s he good for?” The man asked, eyes not leaving Asher’s as he spoke to Rodger. Asher went to speak but Rodger subtly jabbed him in the side, flashing him a glare in warning.
“Uhm… well he competes in fights in our local gym which Antonio runs.”
Asher felt the man’s eyes look him up and down once as he spoke, “Is he any good?”
“Yeah! He’s won about ninety percent of his matches.” Lie.
“Well then, I’ll have to come watch one of them!!!”
Rodger jabbed at Asher’s side once more as Asher snorted a laugh, “Will you excuse us a moment?” Rodger didn't wait for a response before grabbing Asher by the arm and dragging him out to the hall. Asher was smirking, holding in a laugh as he watched the vein on Rodger’s forehead fully popped out. 
He was soon snapped back to reality though when Rodger slapped him hard across the face, “Asher, I swear to fucking god, if you don't watch your fucking mouth, you and I are going to have a problem. I am asking you to behave just for while my father’s here…I am asking for this one thing!!! I never a-”
“Oh please!” Asher scoffed, “How many fucking times do I have to tell you this, I’m not your fucking ‘pet’-,” He spat, taking a step towards Rodger and shoving him back as he jabbed a finger against Rodger’s chest, “-Nor will I ever be your pet. So fuck right off an-”
“Is there a problem?”
Asher froze for a moment, his back seizing up as he clenched his jaw. He noticed how Rodger also tensed. “N-no, father, I-”
“Don’t lie to me, Rodger.”
“I- Y-you…I-” Rodger sighed, clicking his tongue as he clenched and unclenched his fists. He let out a final sigh of frustration before speaking, “Asher…has some… behavior issues. He..doesn’t exactly… know his place.”
“Is that true?” Nikos asked. Asher’s back was still facing him, Asher rolled his eyes with a scoff, “Listen, man, I don't have a ‘place’, your son is fucked up- which, let's be honest, is most likely your fault,” Asher turned around to face Nikos, smile painting his lips as he dared to take a step closer, “You’re all the same. Rich, stuck up people who are so far up their asses that they forget how to act like a decent human fucking be-”
“-Aiden Williams.”
Asher froze, feeling his stomach flip as the colour drained from his face, “Wh-what..?”
“Ah,” Nikos smiled, “So you are familiar with the name.”
“What’s it to you?” Asher growled, eyes hardening.
This time it was Nikos’ turn to take a step forward, smirking when Asher couldn't help but step backwards with a gulp. “Easy, pup,” Niko smirked, “Aiden Williams,” He hummed. Asher growled, grabbing two fistfulls of Niko’s waistcoat, “Stop fucking saying his name,” Asher roared, only to be thrown a left hook which sent him flying, sprawled onto the floor with a loud thud.
“I would watch your mouth, if I were you,” Niko hummed, advancing towards the boy with long strides. Asher groaned, curling in on himself, “G-good thing you're not me then..” A hand roughly carded through his curls, quickly tightening into a fist as his head was yanked up. A cry escaped Asher, his eyes unwillingly meeting Niko’s cold gaze. 
“‘M g-gonna get sss-sick-” Asher whimpered.
Rodger watched from a distance, still slightly digesting what was happening. He knew he couldn’t interfere or try to stop Nikos. “Father..I-”
“Quiet,” Nikos turned back to Asher, smirking as he watched blood roll down Asher’s chin from his lip, “Aiden was never fond of that busted lip, hm?” Asher reeled, trying to pry Nikos’ hand from his hair, “I’m warning you, shut your fucking mouth,” He growled, only to be slammed face-first into the wall.
Ruining your pretty perfect face…
Watch it, your getting blood on the carpet.
No one will ever love you when you look all roughed up like that, Danny.
Once he was let go, Asher’s glazed-over eyes blinked once, twice, before he let out a groan, “Ffff-fuck….” He rolled onto his back, blinking up at the ceiling, groaning as Niko soon stepped into his view, letting out a sigh of disspointment, “He never quite liked that bad language of yours either…”
Asher could practically feel the glass shards in his mouth… 
Hold still, Danny. Don't you prefer this? So much more quiet, so well behaved. No bad evil language, juuuuuust perfect, my dove.
A shudder ran through Ashers spine with a whimper, a tear slowly falling down his cheek as he let out a sob, “Ho-how do you kn-know all this?” Asher rasped, trying to remind himself who he's with. Aiden wasn't here. He was safe.
“There’s a reason I haven't met you sooner, Asher. I like to do my research. When Aiden heard that my son now owned you, he just insisted on a visit.”
Asher’s head snapped to Rodger, desperate for his father to be lying. 
“F-father… what did you do..?”
Just then, the doorbell rang. Nikos beamed, “Our guest has arrived.”
Asher was-for the first time in a while- lost for words. Tears streamed down his face. Nononono this can’t be true, this couldn't be happening!!!
Nikos rushed to the door, leaving both Asher and Rodger in shocked silence. The radiators’ humming were the only sound to be hear before a voice that made Asher feel sick to his stomach sounded from the doorway.
“Oh, my dove, how I have missed you!!!”
Taglist: @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @tears-and-lilies @whumpkinpie @shywhumpauthor @thecursedscribbler @whump-queen (LMK IF YOU WANNA BE ADDED OR REMOVED O(∩_∩)O )
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imtooobsessedrn · 7 months
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darkwitch1999 · 1 year
OC Headcanon: Devin Nolan
Here are some headcanons about my OC Devin Nolan, who will be introduced in my upcoming fanfiction: "Icelator", to give you guys a sneak preview of this character and his history.
Warning: These headcanons contain lots of angst relating to childhood abuse and neglect that may trigger some readers. If these themes bother you in any way, please don't read this then.
Devin Nolan
Cisgender fourteen-year-old male
Comes from a wealthy family. The Nolan family fortune rivals the Agreste and Bourgeois families' wealth.
His family’s wealth has often led to many students believe that he was another spoiled, entitled brat like Chloe Bourgeois and several other entitled students at first impressions. Then he sets the record straight through his actions and words.
Student at Collège Françoise Dupont. His homeroom teacher is Ms. Mendeleiev. He used to sit alone in the back of the classroom until Zoe Lee transferred, much to his chagrin. Not because she was Chloe’s half-sister though; he prefers being alone.
His mother, Chandler Nolan, is the very influential founder and president of Nolan Corporation (A large corporation specializing in marketing the female demographics). She is best known for being very active in promoting feminism (Though the reality is that she cannot stand the idea of another man or woman having more power than her).
He had never had a father since his mother had him through In vitro fertilization with the best sperm donor candidate they had.
Lives with his mother, but he practically lives alone with how often his mother is absent.
Devin once ran away from home when he was eight to get his mother’s attention and to prove that she did at least love him enough to go looking for him and tell him to come home. He even wrote a note to his mother telling her that he was running away to go live in one of their vacation homes. 
After six months of waiting by himself, he finally got the message and went back. Turns out his mother never even got the note or even knew that he was gone.
Despite this, his mother has managed to force her ideas of perfectionism onto her son and has him following her expectations and rules to perfection, regardless of how much it is killing him on the inside.
Though his mother doesn’t really care what he chooses to pursue (athletics, technology, music, the arts, etc), she does expect Devin to succeed and be the best at any and all that he chooses to take part in. And academics! Academic succession is mandatory!
Needs glasses, but doesn’t wear them in public since he doesn’t want anyone to know that he has an “imperfection” as his mother would call it.
 Chloe may have mommy issues, but they are TAME compared to Devin's mother issues.
Was raised by his nanny from the day he was born until he was three years old when she died from a terminal illness. Though he did not completely understand death at that age, her death still devastated him since he had lost the woman who became his surrogate mother the second he was born.
His mother never once hugged him or showed him any maternal affection throughout his life. Her strict parenting style derives from her belief that giving her son praise and affection will make him think he is smart and slack off. She FORBIDES her mansion staff from giving her son any praise for his accomplishments or platonic affection under the threat of termination if they dare to even think about disrupting her “parenting”.
The earliest memory that Devin has of his mother physically touching him was during his nanny’s funeral when she slapped him for crying, claiming that the nanny wasn’t worth crying like a baby over and that he was getting “too old” for a nanny anyway.
Acts indifferent and rude towards everyone and everything, including his own classmates but those are just the emotional barriers he's built up over the years since birth.
Suffers from severe haphephobia (or a fear of being touched). Starts to hyperventilate and/or has panic attacks whenever he is being touched or someone approaches him too closely.
Once punched Kim in the jaw when he tried to give him a "bro hug".
Knows that Lila Rossi is a manipulating liar, but chooses to just ignore her and not say anything because he doesn't care. However, that doesn't mean he won't subtly point out inconsistencies or holes in her stories to mess with her.
Secret fan of Kitty Section, but he would sooner swallow broken glass than admit it (or he would spend the day with Lila because it would basically be the same thing).
He also secretly likes to read the “Ladybug and Chat Noir” comics that Nathaniel and Marc create, but again, he would rather swallow broken glass or spend a day with Lila Rossi than admit it.
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icedpee · 10 months
Pt 2 to my last post because people did, infact , find it funny
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Found this gem of a comment ong
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godysseus · 2 years
Je viens de regarder Seul Contre Tous de Gaspar Noé, dont je n'avais jamais vu un seul film.
Je n'ai jamais vu un film aussi répugnant, je suis à la fois ravi qu'il soit terminé et hâtif de voir le suivant de sa filmographie.
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wellnesscard · 1 year
dni posts are so funny. imagine interaction
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icelbroadcasts · 28 days
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earthtooz · 8 months
as SOON as i put on 'daddy's home' by usher, HE came home.
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welty4ng · 2 months
yall gallagher’s kinda… 🤭
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jenquotes · 6 months
“Distance and lack of communication doesn’t definite a friendship. Love, intention and quality time does.” -JeN
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brielarsonreplyguy · 8 months
i love thinking back to interactions i had with other people and being like “oh this is flirting. they were flirting”
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darkwitch1999 · 1 year
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Hey everyone! So I am a fan of Miraculous Ladybug and lately I have been interested in reading fanfics that feature original akumatized characters, and I have decided to create my own after being inspired by so many amazing Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction writers like #BooksRBetterThanPeople, #ASingleRaindrop, #Username8746489, and #Andromeda612.
This OC is Devin Nolan, who I plan to have akumatized in a fanfiction story that I am writing whose title is the same as the villain's name, Icelator (the name is subject to change if it sounds too stupid). Just a quick disclaimer, I can't draw to save my life so I used Create-A-Sim in my Sims 4 game to design these characters, but this is basically how I imagined how they would look anyway.
I don't have any set dates for when I complete this fanfiction since I am also currently working on another akumatized villain fanfiction titled "Misdirector" (the villain is going to be an original akuma of a canon character. As for who, we'll just wait and see). I am willing to answer questions regarding my fanfics so long as they don't spoil the plot too much.
Anyway, hope you guys like these designs and I highly recommend checking out the aforementioned AO3 writers if you are huge fans of original Akuma and Miraculous Ladybug ship content.
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