spacedoutwitch · 2 years
Flash Fiction Month 2022: Week Three
An earlier update this time!  Huzzah!
Day 11: Rules
[One must be careful, when caring for a god.  Warning for essentially terrible parenting.  Also the ‘parents’ are a cult.]
Day 12: Spillover
[Three sisters trying to find a fourth.  Warning for threat of drowning.]
Day 13: Grieving
[Blood’s not a big fan of his days off.  Warnings for grieving and implied death.  Emphasis on the implied...]
Day 14: Recondite
[Who would silence the rooster’s crow?  Warnings for animal death and gun violence.]
Day 15: Robots
[The dancer has discovered something.  No warnings.]
Day 16: Nonrenewable
[Steampunk taken to its logical, depressing conclusion.  Warning for a warfare-style apocalypse.]
Day 17: Acquaintances
[Make sure your seafood is ethically sourced.  No warnings.]
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chaoticninjaperson · 9 months
G20 First Spouses Visit IARI, Pusa, New Delhi
G20 first spouses see breakthroughs in Indian agriculture at IARI (Pusa), enjoy farm-to-fork millet experience.  As many as 15 spouses of G20 leaders including Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s wife, Yoko Kishida, on Saturday visited the 1,200-acre PUSA-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) campus here — the seat of India’s Green Revolution — and saw the breakthroughs in Indian…
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thejobifyupdates · 2 years
IARI Assistant Exam Syllabus 2022 | Exam Pattern Detailed Download
IARI Assistant Exam Syllabus 2022 | Exam Pattern Detailed Download
IARI Assistant Exam Syllabus 2022 | Exam Pattern Detailed Download : The Indian Agricultural Research Institute Board has announced a recruitment drive to fill 462 positions. Candidates that are interested in the position may read the entire article. Check all the information, including the exam date, prerequisites, age restriction, educational requirements, etc. Candidates must submit their…
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dzasta15 · 6 months
Love Hal Jordan fanon making him out to be a bumbling idiot when canon he’s just severely adhd.
The “if you were in media how would the fandom misrepresent you” and it’s like yeah I’d get the hal jordan treatment. 100%
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not following blogs that post discourse but following blogs that complain about discourse is so confusing
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thewiglesswonder · 5 months
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Me when the. When they. When the. When you. When.
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dee-iary · 3 months
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To Be Eaten Alive Tour 2024🌹🦂
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voca-song-a-day · 3 months
Today's featured song is: "Teresa" by Murakuni Iari feat. Flower! (warning: video contains a LOT of flashing imagery)
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cizzle-freezy · 17 days
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okay, i think i'm done with ref sheets for now
one of these things is not like the other
in order: Sairi, Iaris, and Cielica
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ronaan · 5 months
i love making durges look like this
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cause they'd be like like "hey guys, so i don't really remember anything from my past, but i have these weird murder urges, do you think i might have been doing some weird shit before i lost my memories?" and everyone would look at at them like "🧍‍♂️do we THINK-----"
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spiritsncrystals · 1 year
I completely forgot when and why I made this, but hey, at least She looks pretty with the Eiffle tower in the background
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Astro Observations ; venus 1st housers
venus in the first house individuals can have this glow to them that no other person has. Its not always their psychical appearance that makes them beautiful its their wholesome attitude as well as their spirit. The best thing to do to further strengthen this placement is by seeing your world and perspective as divine and beautiful. How they see the world is how they see themselves, and this will also show in their relationships too (If venus opposes descendant/7th house) .
venus first house peeps are natural hosts, life of the party, and can be popular do to their aura magnetizing people to them.
let me go ahead and say that venus > Lucifer go hand in hand, so this placement can be very dark. A lot don't know this about venus, but they can transform you and have a lot of hidden knowledge deep inside of them and you wouldn't know this because their pretty persona locks it away to where you cant see it. So venus first housers are capable of hiding things and being a 'magician'. Can be manipulators/tricksters and you wouldn't know because that lovely appearance of theirs has got you fooled.
In esoteric astrology, venus is the ruler of gemini. so they are able to show you one side without showing you the other.
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be1omi · 2 years
     *      i      have      four      prompts      written      and      still going.      #happyandproudofmyself.      i'm      also      working      on      verses      in      between      -      i'm      adding      a      CHICAGO PD VERSE      which      can      intermix      with      the      entire      one      chicago      universe      or      other      shows      of      similiar      nature.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Iaris Kuro
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a Mirial native, Iaris was a pilot in the mirialan planetary defense force who fought against the repeated invasions of his world by the Empire. he met his wife, Eloth, during this, and they had a daughter, Yatali. when Yatali was just a child, the two of them deserted and fled their homeworld, hoping for a better life elsewhere, away from the constant war. they settled as refugees on Nar Shaddaa, and to afford lodging and supplies, Iaris got a loan from the Cartel and contracted himself out to the Hutts as a smuggler and cargo runner, eventually progressing to running spice for them. he didn't tell his wife just how deeply in debt the family was, not wanting to worry her, and when Yatali was twelve years old he came up with a plan to pay off the debt in full: he arranged to sell one of the spice shipments he was running to a third party and collect the payment himself, which he planned to then present to the Cartel for his debt. the risk didn't pay off, and the Cartel took his daughter as payment for the debt and the lost spice instead. Iaris attempted to reach out to his wife to explain what happened and beg forgiveness, hoping the two of them could find Yatali together, but he never received a response, and believing her scorning him for his mistakes, he fell into a deep depression.
he spent the next four years making a living off smuggling frequently-dubious cargo across both the Republic and Empire, searching for his daughter in his off time. he never found any trace of her, and he eventually gave up around the time he picked up a job to deliver a shipment of blasters to Ord Mantell. an interaction with some sick refugee children outside a Republic fort reminded him of his morality and the important things in life, and he took Corso along with him when he left Ord Mantell to track down Skavak and his ship. he went through with Risha's plan to acquire Nok Drayen's fortune not out of a desire to be rich himself, but out of the hope that money like that could prevent another tragedy like the one his family had been through from happening again, and though he didn't particularly care for either the Republic or the Empire, he worked as a privateer at the Republic's request. during this time, he fell into a relationship with Darmas, and after everything, he took those of his crew who would go with him and followed Darmas to the Empire.
Iaris enjoyed a couple years of relative peace working within the Empire's bounds, though it was during this period that he discovered his daughter had survived her time in slavery and ascended to the Dark Council, but everything came crashing down when his ex-wife - now the Emperor's Wrath - found him. furious at Iaris for what she perceived as abandoning her and their daughter to start a new life free of care, Eloth killed Darmas in front of him, despite him begging her to just kill him for her revenge instead and get it over with. broken by the loss, feeling as though he would never have the power to protect anyone he cared about, Iaris took his ship and retreated to Rishi, where he remained through the five-year gap and subsequent war with Zakuul.
though he put together a pirate crew from those ostracized by their fellows for having morals, he rarely left Rishi himself, isolating himself from any kind of meaningful connection. this lasted until the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Orgus Din, returned to his homeworld of Rishi with his husband and their child, seeking a reprieve from a role he was no longer emotionally capable of fulfilling. Orgus met Iaris and recognized a good man in him, and gradually drew him out of his shell, before offering him and his crew a job quietly moving supplies between the Core Worlds, Tython, and Ossus. Iaris took the job, eventually, finally allying himself with the Republic properly, and slowly developed a relationship with the two men who had reached out to him.
he reaches some kind of vague reconciliation and peace with Eloth during a confrontation on Ossus, and splits his time between his family on Tython and his work as an independent contractor for the Jedi Order.
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dzasta15 · 8 months
you like Batman because he reflects the power fantasy of rising against fear I like Batman because I want him pregnant we are not the same
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govtjobsonly · 2 months
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IARI 2024 SRF Recruitment: Apply Now for 02 Vacancies
IARI for the position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF). They have two vacancies on a contract basis. Candidates with a Master’s Degree can apply. The job is based in Delhi with a monthly pay of Rs. 31,000. The application process begins on April 3, 2024, and the walk-in interview is scheduled for April 26, 2024. No payment is required, and the application mode is walk-in.
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