weebookey · 9 months
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"Arpeggio of Blue Steel" Vol.24 Special Edition Cover [Textless]
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dykeluc · 8 months
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iona/i-401 gifs, cross posted to tenor
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coolcowboyjoethings · 7 months
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Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio TV - I-401 opening it's Gravity Cannon
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legacyofacat · 10 days
[END] Nimbus Try I: Arpeggio of Hurt Steel
Gunzō collected the last things he needed for school and put them in his bag, taking a minute to look at the two picture frames, one holding a picture of a younger him with his parents, the other a picture of Blue Steel's crew with Iona at the front – a picture that had been taken sometime in the early days of their travel.
He thought it a bit stupid that they still had to go to school after everything, but even if he had earned a medal, academics were necessary for his and his friends’ future.
Sighing, he turned to the open room, clutching the medallion Iona had left him on his parents’ grave and which he had fastened on a keychain: "Iona, if you're here, I'm off to school now!", with that, he walked out.
Iona watched him leave, burying her fingers in the front of her dress as she sat on the bed he had just walked past.
Ever since she had lost her body, she was flickering in and out of the physical plane like a spectre – here the one second, gone the next.
She wondered if what she was at the moment was a ghost.
The girl looked at the bed, its fabric not dipping even though she was most definitely sitting on it, closed her sad eyes and lamented that fate.
Kongō had promised her to drink tea together should she grow lonely, but it was Iona herself who would love to drink tons of tea with her best friend right now – and never stop.
Iona opened her eyes again and felt them widen in shock: a white pavilion, green grass and the sound of water in the distance…
That… that was the Concept Communication System she had ended up in when she had fused with Yamato! But how!? 
It's not like she had never tried coming here or connecting to other parts of the network, but it had never worked! So, how…
She turned around, back to the tree growing through the pavilion's ground and seemingly aiming to break through the roof, the grieving willow's leaves guarding the white table and chairs, one of them occupied by a pale girl.
Hesitantly, Iona stepped forwards and sat down in the other chair, noting the various Union Cores lying on the table's surface, before looking at the other: "Are you Vanisher?"
"Mhm", she made, the Mental Model of SW2 standing diagonally behind her.
Vanisher was almost unrecognizable:
Her face was uncovered, mask fastened at her hips, revealing the glowing signs of a flagship equipment and blue eyes, her hair was fastened in a low ponytail and golden victory wreath growing skywards like horns. She wore a fur-lined coat, which revealed shoulders and was fastened with silver around her waist, a more elaborate robe with glowing elements and bandages around her left arm and leg.
Iona couldn't say what surprised her more: that someone could access this special part of the CCS who wasn't her, or that Vanisher had brought someone else here.
"How are you here…?"
The battleship's eyes flashed with amusement: "I wonder", she joked, "I was given a key by Yamato – unfortunately, it was merely one for a backdoor utilisable only once all of Flagship Command had, well, lost command."
"Lost", in this case, a word of many meanings.
Green eyes had widened with the implications of those words.
If Vanisher could just, obviously, claim the Admiralty Code, wouldn't that make Iona's last order useless? Wouldn't that… make her death useless? And Gunzō's grief of having lost her – wouldn't that…
"You look like you're about to cry", Vanisher interjected and tapped a finger on the table, "there is no need for that. I won't use the Admiralty Code and go against your last wish; in fact, the children living according to their own will is my wish as well, I just claimed it so that no one with other motives could."
She leaned back in her seat, unfolding the loosely crossed arms on the table and putting them on her armrests: "SW2 informed me of your ghostly existence. It was difficult to find your soul, so to speak, and invite it here, but I thought that one should make you an offer concerning your current circumstances."
SW2 must be her subrocessor, the submarine theorized, it would explain why she is here: "An offer?"
The battleship nodded: "I cannot guarantee that this method will be successful, but we could bind your soul to an Union Core existing only in this realm", a sigh, "apologies, I ironically can't explain this well in technological terms – it must sound like I'm trying to explain magic…"
Maybe… a bit, actually.
Iona still thought that, all in all, she understood what Vanisher was trying to say, though.
Since her and her Union Core essentially didn't exist anymore and she was instead this ghost-like creature, her data most likely was not accessible in the "physical" world and could thus not be connected to anything in it, but since her ghost data seemed to exist in this "realm", it would be possible to anchor her here.
If that really, really worked, then she would maybe be able to interact with Gunzō and the others again!
"No", Iona shook her head, finally remembering to blink away the last tears left from earlier, "I think I know what you mean."
"Oh", Vanisher blinked, "excellent, but please do not forget that, according to our simulations, it should work, but I can't promise so – do you still wish to try?"
Did she wish to try? What a stupid question, of course she did! Agreeing in a heartbeat had never been easier!
Not trusting her words, she leaned forwards with a determined expression, nodding seriously.
The battleship rose from her chair elegantly: "You had your eyes closed when you appeared here, do you wish to do so again?"
Iona shut her eyes, eyelids quivering nervously.
She felt, more than heard, Vanisher support herself on the table, leaning forward and stopping shortly as if hesitating to kiss the submarine's forehead where she whispered: "In thanks for saving my favourite child, I'll even return your ship to you."
Her eyes snapped open in surprise, but the world was already disappearing in white light so strong she had to close them almost immediately again, the pinkish-red eyes of Vanisher and a blueish Union Core forming the last thing she saw.
When she opened her eyes this time, it felt as if her non-existing heart was beating out of her chest, the rapid speed almost impossible to calm even with hands on her chest. 
The bed dipped under her as she leaned back to support-
Wait a minute, it dipped!? 
She leaped up, turning around to see that, yes, there was still an imprint left!
Not believing her eyes, she went to press on the blanket, only to have her hands sink into it: "I… I can touch! T-that means-!"
Iona couldn't finish her own sentence before she sprinted out of Gunzō's dorm, barely registering the door locking behind her while trying to get her systems running – there were people she desperately needed to meet!
The girl was sure that she had never been that fast on her tiny legs, the wind whipping past her so loudly that it muted everything else.
By the same time she could clearly see Gunzō's back, she had also successfully loaded the CCS and by the time her physical self barreled into the boy's back with a shout of his name, her digital self crashed into Kongō's broad back with a call of her name.
Kongō turned around, a hand placed on Iona's smaller one, a surprised smile on her face.
Gunzō, too, turned around, staring at her in shock for nothing more than a second before enveloping the girl in his shaking arms.
"I thought I had lost you", Gunzō said, his voice small.
"What happened?", Kongō asked in the same tone of voice she had sent the white haired girl off with.
"Vanisher helped me", both Iona's explained, tears in their eyes, "I'm home."
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We are done! A big thanks to everyone who read this!
Can also be found on:
DeviantArt Wattpad ff.net AO3
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Hello there Iona/I-401 fans.
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atdawn · 3 months
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bluarlequinno · 4 months
I drew my design for Genderbent Luffy because why not
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
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fellas is it gay to cross dimensional barriers in order to get to the person you were willing to sacrifice your life for and then arrive at his doorstep with tears on your face as you confess how much you've missed him??? asking for a friend
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kookoofufu · 6 months
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I follow @beanghostprincess who posts about sanuso all the time, which gave me the idea of going through the color spreads to collect all the moments where the boys are together as a fun little project. This led to me finding a HUGE collection of art from the color walks I'd never seen before, so this little project became an hours-long rabbit hole, and I found some extra sanuso on the way. So uhhh here, hope someone enjoys :)
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ying-doodles · 2 months
And he was there. The man that I missed so much, because of the realization I could never get to see him again, was standing right outside the door. He was looking straight at me through teary eyes, with a hint of joy on his face. "... I missed you so much, Master Lloyd," said Javier with a huge, tearful smile.
I heard the "You came. You called." audio ages ago and I needed to see both them with said audio and also the reunion scene and now I've finally done it!! Hooray!! (╯✧▽✧)╯
... (°ロ°) ! Also!! I did not mean to make this so canon compliant!! I swear that was just a lucky accident LMAO I started working on this on Saturday,, (I did add just a touch of red to Suho's fist after reading 401 though hehe-)
A few still frames under the cut if you want! :P
The audio lines:
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And the final frame:
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super-paper · 8 months
MHA fans when you try to tell them that dying isn't the only way to raise the stakes in a story and that Toshinori's entire arc has been all about how his life still has meaning and is still worth living.
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Apparently having a consistently written character arc for 400+ chapters is actually bad writing. Why didn't u guys tell me.
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mettywiththenotes · 8 months
All Might in his buff form not smiling and All Might in his normal form with a wide smile
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pikahlua · 8 months
MHA Chapter 401 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 体が動かない…‼︎ からだがうごかない…‼︎ karada ga ugokanai...!! My body won't move...!!
tagline 1 「凝血」でAFO拘束‼︎ 「ぎょうけつ」でオール・フォー・ワンこうそく‼︎ 「gyouketsu」 de OORU FOO WAN kousoku!! AFO restrained with Bloodcurdle!!
tagline 2 No.401 THE LUNATIC  堀越耕平 ナンバー401 ザルナティック  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 401 ZA RUNATIKKU   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 401 THE LUNATIC  Kouhei Horikoshi
2 火傷の男とインゲニウムの会話から状況を推察 やけどのおとことインゲニウムのかいわからじょうきょうをすいさつ yakedo no otoko to INGENIUMU no kaiwa kara joukyou wo suisatsu I inferred the situation from the conversation of the burnt guy and Ingenium.
3 戦場跡を辿り せんじょうあとをたどり senjou ato wo tadori I followed the traces of the battlefield.
4 雨風を免れた血痕を採取 あめかぜをまぬがれたけっこんをさいしゅ ame kaze wo manugareta kekkon wo saishu I collected the blood stains that escape the rain and wind.
5 その血がAFOのものかオールマイトのものであるかは そのちがオール・フォー・ワンのものかオールマイトのものであるかは sono chi ga OORU FOO WAN no mono ga OORU MAITO no mono de aru ka wa Whether that blood belongs to All For One or All Might...
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1 削いで尚 そいでなお soide nao Then slice it off.
2 血風嗅ぎ穿つこの鼻が けっぷうかぎうがつこのはなが keppuu kagi ugatsu kono hana ga This nose that sniffs the scent of blood
3 うーん違う うーんちがう uun chigau "Hmm, wrong one."
4 報せてくれる‼︎ しらせてくれる‼︎ shirasete kureru!! will let me know!!
5 オールマイトああ OORU MAITO aa All Might, ah.
6 オールマイトおまえなら判るだろう⁉︎ オールマイトおまえならわかるだろう⁉︎ OORU MAITO omae nara wakaru darou!? All Might, you [of all people] understand, right!?
7-8 俺が敢えてこの躯を曝け出した意味! おれがあえてこのからだをさらけだしたいみ! ore ga aete kono karada (kanji: mukuro) wo sarakedashita imi! The meaning behind why I dared to expose this body*! (*Note: This kanji for "body" can also mean "corpse.")
9 英雄の心は他が為にのみ存在を許される… えいゆうのこころはたがためにのみそんざいをゆるされる… eiyuu no kokoro wa ta ga tame ni nomi sonzai wo yurusareru... (Literal translation) A hero's heart is only allowed to exist for the sake of others... (Official translation) A hero can only claim that title as long as his soul burns fiercely in service of others...
10 …だが神が地に伏せ人のか弱き心をも得たのなら …だがかみがちにふせひとのかよわきこころをもえたのなら ...da ga kami ga chi ni fuse hito no ka yowaki kokoro wo mo eta no nara (Literal translation ) ...but if a god is a person fallen face down on the ground and has his even his heart turn weak... (Official translation) ...however, say a god has fallen prostrate upon the earth and his divine soul has turned feeble and mortal...
11 自らの生を踠くことすら許されよう! みずからのせいをもがくことすらゆるされよう! mizukara no sei wo mogaku koto sura yurusareyou! They should also be allowed to struggle for their own lives!
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1 判ってるさ わかってるさ wakatteru sa "I understand,"
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
3-4 この"ヒーロー40名殺傷犯"を終わらせに来い この"ステイン"をおわらせにこい kono "SUTEIN (kanji: HIIROO 40-mei sasshou-han)" wo owarase ni koi (Literal translation) Then come and end Stain, this criminal who murdered 40 heroes. (Official translation) Then come for the life of Stain--the man who murdered 40 heroes.
5 「俺が 「おまえは 「omae wa (kanji: ore ga) You (read as: I)
6 来た」‼︎ 生きねば」‼︎ ikineba (kanji: kita)」‼︎ have to live (read as: am here)!!
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1 「強制発動」「瀉血」 「きょうせいはつどう」「しゃけつ」 「kyousei hatsudou」 「shaketsu」 Forcible Activation: Bloodletting
2 血を ちを chi wo His blood...
3 捨てた⁉︎ すてた⁉︎ suteta!? He threw it away!?
4 赤黒! あかぐろ! Akaguro! "Akaguro!"
5 君が何かして来る事は予想できてた! きみがなにかしてくることはよそうできてた! kimi ga nani ka shite kuru koto wa yosou dekiteta! "I was able to predict that you would come and do something!"
6 だから事前に仕込んでいたさ だからじぜんにしこんでいたさ dakara jizen ni shikonde ita sa "So I prepared in advance."
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1 タルタロスから唯一人 タルタロスからただひとり TARUTAROSU kara tada hitori "Because you were the only one from Tartarus"
2 僕を拒絶し逃げ果せたあの日から! ぼくをきょぜつしにげおおせたあのひから! boku wo kyozetsu shi nige ooseta ano hi kara! "who rejected me and managed to escape that day!"
3 捨てたところで血は同 すてたところでちはおな suteta tokoro de chi wa ona-- "Even if you threw it away, your blood is the same--"
4 馬鹿か? ばかか? baka ka? "Are you an idiot?"
5 「抗原変態」 「こうげんへんたい」 「kougen hentai」 "Antigen Metamorphosis."
6 血を書き換えたんだよ! ちをかきかえたんだよ! chi wo kakikaetanda yo! "I rewrote my blood!"
7 痕跡を残さないのが長く君臨する秘訣だ こんせきをのこさないのがながくくんりんするひけつだ konseki wo nokosanai no ga nagaku kunrin suru hiketsu da "The secret to a long reign is to leave no trace."
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1 血を抜いたおかげで目が覚めてきた ちをぬいたおかげでめがさめてきた chi wo nuita okage de me ga samete kita "Thanks to the blood I drew out, I've woken up."
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
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1 ゼェッ ZE "[wheeze]"
2 ゼェ ZE "[wheeze]"
3-4 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
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1 「凝血」をいただこう 「ぎょうけつ」をいただこう 「gyouketsu」 wo ita da kou "Let me have Bloodcurdle."
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1 思えば君は連合…延いては弔の成長に大きく貢献してくれた おもえばきみはれんごう…ひいてはとむらのせいちょうにおおきくこうけんしてくれた omoeba kimi wa rengou...hiite wa Tomura no seichou ni ookiku kouken shite kureta "If I think about it, the League...you contributed greatly to it and, by extension, to Tomura's growth."
2 あれで役目は終わってるんだよ殺人犯 あれでやくめはおわってるんだよさつじんはん are de yakume wa owatterunda yo satsujin-han "With that, your role is finished, murderer."
3 AFO‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! "All For One!!"
4 終わらんさ おわらんさ owaran sa "It won't end."
5 ハァ HAA "Haah"
6 全ては…過程だ魔王… すべては…かていだまおう… subete wa...katei da maou... "All of this...is a process, Demon King..."
7 高等教育など受けずとも こうとうきょういくなどうけずとも koutou kyouiku nado ukezu tomo Even though I never received anything like a high school education,
8 英雄が何たるかは全部おまえが教えてくれた えいゆうがなんたるかはぜんぶおまえがおしえてくれた eiyuu ga nantaru ka wa zenbu omae ga oshiete kureta you taught me everything about what a hero is.
9 生きて勝て いきてかて ikite kate Live and win.
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1 俺の全てーーーーー…… マイ・オールーーーーー…… MAI OORU (kanji: ore no subete)-----...... My all-----......
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1 エルクレス⁉︎もう壊れた筈じゃ エルクレス⁉︎もうこわれたはずじゃ ERUKURESU!? mou kowareta hazu ja "Hercules!? You should have been broken already."
2 最後ノシールドデス さいごノシールドデス saigo NO SHIIRUDO DESU "This is my last shield."
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1 生キテ イキテ IKITE "Live-"
2 俊典 としのり Toshinori Toshinori,
3 がんばれ ganbare keep at it.
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1 俊典‼︎ としのり‼︎ Toshinori!! Toshinori!!
2 まだ紡がれてるぞ! まだつむがれてるぞ! mada tsumugareteru zo! [This tale] is still being spun!
3 がんばれ ganbare Do your best,
4 俊典 としの Toshinori Toshinori.
5 お師匠… おししょう… oshishou... Master...
6 …これは幻覚だ …これはげんかくだ ...kore wa genkaku da ...this is a hallucination.
7 私が私を励ましているんだ… わたしがわたしをはげましているんだ… watashi ga watashi wo hagemashite irunda... It's because I'm encouraging myself.
8 与えられてきた全ても脚も サポートアイテムもあしも SAPOOTO AITEMU (kanji: ataerarete kita subete) mo ashi mo My support items (read as: everything that was given to me) and my legs,
9 もう使えない もうつかえない mou tsukaenai I can no longer use them.
10 もう戦えないよ もうたたかえないよ mou tatakaenai yo I can't fight anymore.
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1 でも demo But...
2 まだ死んでない まだしんでない mada shindenai I'm not dead yet.
3 来いや こいや koi ya So come!
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1 AFO‼︎死柄木弔に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎しがらきとむらにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! Shigaraki Tomura ni sekkin!! "All For One!! He's approaching Tomura Shigaraki!!"
2 泥ワープ圏内に入ってます‼︎ どろワープけんないにはいってます‼︎ doro WAAPU kennai ni haittemasu!! "He's within range for a mud warp!!"
tagline 絶望がもう [cut off] ぜつぼうがもう [cut off] zetsubou ga mou [cut off] Despair is already [cut off]
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legacyofacat · 1 month
Musashi fucked me up so bad bro. I'll be out there calling a literal puppet, like hand puppet literal, a puppet and instantly go "oh no, what if Kongō has to give it a pep talk now?"
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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@captainshakespear requested the tog crew + Canadian winter, and what started out cozy just got progressively more chaotic
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atdawn · 2 months
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— MERLIN 4.01 (The Darkest Hour Pt.1)
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