#i'm totally normal about this old british dude
gydima · 3 months
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Con O'Neill in The Send Off.
(I literally cannot watch this without crying. Every time.)
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numbknee · 1 year
Why do you think Kyman gets so much hate? I can understand some things about what people don’t like about it but some of the things they say, the harassment is so out of pocket. Especially on Tik Tok! It is like a battle ground out there and they all will shoot you down immediately if you SAY anything. I just wanna love Kyman without it seeming like a punishment 😭😭
Dude I totally feel you. It's so much easier to live and let live so I don't understand how these ppl have the energy to be so aggressively hurtful all the time. This has been said before ad nauseum but for god's sake, it's JUST a fucking tv show. I'm too old for this shit.
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(longer explanation under the cut! like... extremely long lol I'm so sorry my thoughts about this have been building up for a while 😅)
I think the extremely aggressive kyman hate is a symptom of growing poor media literacy and the larger "purity culture" trend that's been present online for a while now. It's very reminiscent of American Evangelicalism or Puritanism, where members of the church have to follow a very specific set of rules for behaving and thinking and if you deviate from those rules in the slightest, you're shot down immediately by the community and shamed for being sinful and blasphemous, all to keep you on the "righteous path" and avoid burning in hell for eternity. This is why so many puritanical christians in the US hate themselves for doing what most of the world sees as normal behavior, and simultaneously force that self-hating worldview onto others to "save" them. (For example see this video by FD Signifier on youtube explaining how hardcore religious ppl/conservatives are doomed to be bad in bed because they see sex as "evil" when in reality it's a normal part of human behavior 😬 It's long but very good).
Though, it's important to note that ppl who think this way may not even be christian themselves, but the behavior is so pervasive in american culture that you absorb it even if you're not a puritanical christian. (for example, to quote Ian Danskin, athiests may think "I don't believe in god, but the god I don't believe in is Jehovah). Tons of the first generation of white USAmericans were exiled British puritans who were kicked out of their home country for essentially being self-righteous assholes and trying to force their shit worldview on everyone else lmao. And I think because so many online spaces are so USAmerican-centric, people from all over the world have started adopting that purity culture as well.
Now, South Park is extremely popular (duh). It's been around for decades so it has a ton of fans both old and new. Unfortunately a lot of new fans, especially young people, follow the show for very different reasons than the average normie/not-terminally-online viewer does. They take the characters out of their original context, use them like dolls to make their own stories and fan content, and ignore all the other blatantly controversial shit that's been going on in the show since day 1 (which is why so many exclusively make blasé creek fanworks imo). They want to keep their thoughts "pure" and only engage with content that's approved by the puritanical online community
It's extremely fitting but also sad that Cartman is the scapegoat for everything wrong with South Park, both in the show and in the real world. Either ppl don't want to acknowledge he exists, or ppl latch onto him and project all of that puritanical hatred toward him or anyone that likes his character. Hell, even I'M guilty of this kind of thinking before I watched the show and understood Cartman's character better.
Kyman in particular is a target BECAUSE it involves Cartman, but also because people boil it down to shipping a nazi with a jew which, at the surface level, seems horrible! But if you've ever actually WATCHED the goddamn show, you know that is an extremely reductive and inaccurate interpretation of their characters. It's horribly poor media literacy. These ppl CANNOT seem to comprehend that you can enjoy watching a character who's a "bad person" without condoning their actions, and that enjoying the shipping dynamic of such characters DOES NOT make you a bad person by proxy.
A huge role of fiction as media is to explore ideas that may be harmful in the real world in a safe way because... *gasp* it's imaginary!! It makes you think and experience emotions you may not have the opportunity for otherwise! However, in the eyes of puritans, the fact you're even thinking about something like that makes you a sinner. It's a thought crime, which is why they consider us mentally "sick" for shipping kyman. So, they send hate at the drop of a hat and publicly vilify kyman shippers to reinforce that behavior with each other, all to say "Hey look at me!!! I'm a Good Person! see how much of a Good Person I am??? I'm gonna go to HEAVEN, and YOU'RE going to HELL". Like I said before, it's not that they necessarily believe in heaven or hell, but that's the general root of the behavior. It's performative puritan dog-piling. Also, because they haven't even fucking watched the whole show, they conveniently ignore all the other horrible shit the show portrays because random kyman shippers online are easy targets while Matt & Trey are gajillionaires who are essentially un-cancellable for things they do on the show at this point because, to quote Trey: For anyone to go up and go "Did you see this thing on South Park? That was really offensive" someone's gonna be like "Dude shut up 😒 that's just South Park".
Geez man this got super fucking long lmao. But my advice is to please take care of yourself because, and this super cliché to say, but FUCK the haters dude 🖕🖕🖕 You're engaging with media that brings you joy and exploring interesting ideas with a community of awesome artists/writers/meta-analysts and more. This is supposed to be FUN!! Anyone who tries to take that away from you or shame you into stopping is a fucking immature, holier-than-thou asshole who needs to get a fucking life. The block button is your friend, so use it early and often. You have the power to curate your own online space, and you shouldn't subject yourself to dealing with these dickheads (this is a big reason why I don't have a tiktok lol)
Good luck dude, and keep on shipping kyman 😎🤘❤️💚
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spocks-husband · 6 days
I finally made it to season three of Picard, so as I said I would to a very very good friend who happens to be quite important to the creation of this show (🤭) I am gonna live blog the first episode and possibly others! So yeah let's go :3
-i love the ink spots dude this soundtrack goes so hard
-Shes so cheekbones
-omg she has a gun yasss
-erm that phaser rifle is NOT set to stun 🤓☝🏽
-can I ask why this whole opening scene is made up of like two colors--
-i want a painting of the 1701-D in my house :(
-little Bajoran statue on his desk..... That's there specifically for me......
-i love my beautiful boyfriend Jean-Luc
-omg I know the computer voice she's my favorite person ever 🤭🤭
-THE old uniform omg I'm screaming
-the lighting is giving sub rosa for some reason
-that was very cryptic Beverly are you fucking your grandma's old ghost boyfriend again
-why would she cut them off?? That's. Very odd
-its been two seasons of this already but can I ask why the Romula OH MY GOD SHE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND
-sorry I'm normal I promise
-The fat ones help 😭😭
-if they make Deanna and Will fight I will LOSE MY SHIT
-i'm so glad will is gonna be actually relevant in this season I missed him sm 😭
-this reminds me of the Orion bar on Nimbus III that you go to for that one mission in Star Trek Online that I can't beat lmao
-does being able to recognize and distinguish different star trek alien scripts make me a nerd ☹️
-i wasn't all that attached to them actually it's fine
-why is everyone having a mental breakdown and it's only episode one 💀
-i wanna have my bones crunched by a hot Orion man........ He's so green and beautiful.........
-earth space dock is a lot quieter outside STO lmao
-neo constitution?????
-making seven use her human name when she pretty explicitly doesn't like that is sooo cute........ I don't trust this new captain.......
-is geordi not gay. Is that not actually canon. Did I make that up. I think I made that up.
-wathcing Jean-Luc and Will harass each other is my favorite thing so far
-New captain is kinda hot unfortunately ☹️
-Oh god and he's an asshole. That's my type. Oh God. Oh no.
-dude I can't stand this man. But also I need him.
-"bragging rights" will please
-everytime Jean-Luc gets something about modern starfleet wrong and embarrasses himself I contemplate suicide
-fuck this guy actually
-nvm he's not hot anymore he was mean to my boyfriend
-raffi needs help dude is she okay 😭
-Uhhhh what's up with this. Handler thing.
-the warrior comment made me think Klingon but that's probably very very wrong lmao
-AWWW THEY GOT BUNK BEDS!! They're having a sleepover :3
-angry Will is really really hot. Sorry. Sorry. I'll leave.
-seven is so cool I'm losing it
-yeah no I can't stand this guy
-The special effects in this show are so bomb I actually don't care what you all are going to say, you have no whimsy and joy
-Jonathan Frakes has never done anything wrong in his life and I'm obsessed with him
-will stop playing with the cremated remains
-i'm so tired of British people dude
-YEAHHH BEAT HIS ASS WILL aw he's done nvm...
-HER WHAT???? HER HUH????? HELLO????
-oh that ship is totally fine and not terrifying at all
Overall rating, 9/10. Very solid.
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Season 3 notes popping off
due to my desire to not completely fail all my classes this year i made myself slow down significantly while listening to this season, and the fact that the other person i'm listening along with had to catch up. We've managed to convert several other people to start listening and its pretty great.
ep 81: what does it even mean to be chosen by one of them? And if he was chosen by the eye. we know Gertrude wasnt? Because she cut the eyes out of the magazines?
ep 82: elias lmao. I understand why people like him so much bahshdhdk i thought he was gonna snitch on Jon but he didnt so he's fine. Ok but how do we think he knew all that stuff. Idk probably just institute connections. I love the fact that the recorder just wants to record stuff randomly bjahsjdhd. Elias feels a lot like Michael in the sense that he knows more than he should and talks in a way that implies he just wants to wait and see how things play out for his own benefit. I understand him knowing the things that happened but his description of her emotions implies something paranormal. Maybe he's connected to one of the entities. Which one I cannot guess.
ep 83: did a file get delivered randomly to the place he's staying at? Probably elias lmao. He thinks the mannequin is related to the stranger. Idk I would believe it.
ep 84: worms? I know he says earth worms but idk. Again? Is she making gordon golems out of trash? Martin popping off. You can tell the statements get to him more that they get to Jon. How come martin is so mad about it? I want to assume he just doesnt want her to get stuck there but idk. Jude Perry. The calliope organ. Jon heard a circus in one of the last episodes
ep 89: he's talking to perry? Like jude Perry? He says ... God? Is that what it is? Lmao. The Desolation. Jon is tired of ppl being vague and not telling him stuff lmao. Oh God Jon is so confused. Compel her? Is she assuming he has some kind of power? Does he have powers? Hmm. im agreeing with jon here please jesus christ why does everyone have to be so cryptic. Just say what you mean. "maybe you get an itchy eye" bahasjkdfklsjdf girl what. Agnes saved her? Oh this is the girl from the cafe story? So theres the Cult of the Lightless Flame? They worship whatever entity this is? The Desolation? Why do they all seem like they sorta worship her then? Is Gretchen gonna die oh god. fuckin michael. a different michael aaah. i see. dont do it shes gonna burn you. sir. please. sir dont you dare do- WHAT DID I SAY what did you think was gonna happen hhh.
ep 90: try to make it less obvious you're trying to get fired big T. Elias that doesnt sound like the most healthy thing to do. oh dear is this gonna be triggering for me. uuuuuh. uuuuuuuuuh. doesnt seem like it ok gonna keep listening. Jared. hmmmmm. Ok we've seen Keay and hotner or whatever his name was.
ep 91: Michael Crew. Oh is this the lightning scar guy. Mister jon sir did you just die. No? God everyone is so fuckin cryptic. Say normal things please. They all just like to go on about pain and agony and j e s u s c h r i s t we get it you got hurted by whatever thing. So theyre avatars? question mark? Jude Perry is an avatar of The Desolation? hhhh fractals. thats a spiral thing innit. Yup. messing with your perceptions. God they all talk about feeding their god and feeding that which feeds them and. hh what does that meann. Leave big J. please. uh oh. is it daisy? how come he has the web lighter still? the tape recorder just turns on sometimes you know how it is. So he can compel people? not that he knows it obviously but. a bit wack. powers go brr i guess? If the eye just wants knowledge i guess he feeds it by getting the statements? b/c i doubt it wants him to murder ppl or whatever.
ep 92: elias you all knowing fuck what do you know. (i guess all given what i just said) Lukas. Heard of them before. Mordecai Lukas. Loneliness. The lonely even. Jonah Magnus. Elias ur sounding like a bit of a dickhead rn. lmao jon's just like "i dont care" elias what is ur deal. Why does he want to tie her in. ohh i see. lmao theyre all just like "elias why" The Unknowing lol seems very much like something the eye wouldnt like. lol elias is gettin all philosophical. what does it really mean to be human. this still doesnt answer why gertrude wanted to destroy the archives tho.
ep 93: bahsjdfh he seems so dead inside rip. awww admiral. i love him already. ghh breacon and hope. purple mold. doesnt sound like anything we've seen so far. I think the funniest explanation for breacon and hope is that they dont actually serve the stranger they just kinda happen to be a random neutral party that cart around random spooky entity related stuff. ooooh. when we hear the slight static of the tape recorder it's cuz he's compelling ppl.
ep 94: the end! listen man they were all just grayed up for 4/13.
ep 95: the end also? death but also savagery/ animalistic shit. aww martin. lmao becerra. she's just been chillin in the corner.
ep 96: return to sender. haha minecraft go brr. prediction: breacon and hope? yup there we go. jon why is there an echo. are you in a stairwell? is he gonna eat it- yup. how did i call it. unsure abt what theyre talking about but ok. they kidnapped someone? Sarah Baldwin. ooooh that guy.
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ok im just putting this here so i have notes for when nicholas gets to this part. It seems like (from jon's conversation with jude perry) that the desolation and the eye are kinda at odds with eachother? like i guess not directly but it seems like they dont really vibe? so how could be with both. Cuz if he has the heat powers and shit then we know he's an avatar of the desolation. but then why does he have so much eye imagery. also he got burned intentionally? like jude did when she went on her monologue about the feeling of burning? but then why did he wear the eye pendant. it stops him from being burned all the way which seems like he's not fully accepting the fire or whatever.
Nooooo I lost like a bunch of my notes rip. I keep forgetting to save.
Ep 104: tim gives a coherent statement without jon even being there. Ugh. Fucking robert smirk. Dont like him. Joey. Dont recognize the name. The show must go on. Clown. The spooky circus?
ep 105: total war... shogun 2? jon is just understanding languages again. "if i understood mandarin or cantonese" are you sure you dont big man?
ep 106: havent we heard this one already? mans in space? oh no this is just another episode in space. fairchild... uuuh. cant remember. oh! this is related to that! this is one of the ppl from the other side. sounds like a Vast thing. oh he's the one that the dude saw? but that guy didnt have a face... she's sorta like jon. wanting to dismiss the statements. lmao i love the workplace gossip. ace jon for the win! oh cmon elias dont be a dick. sunny meadows or whatever. thats the place we heard about.
ep 107: oh great is it jude perry again. Third Degree. bahahsdkfj she was arrested. sorry but imagining this old british lady getting arrested is funny. she was trying to resurrect him. using the skin book. he's not feeling well. jon take a nap. i wonder if this is what happens when he uses his powers too much. He gets into The Zone when he reads statements lol. didn't we have a burning train car in anothre statement? is it julia fairchild? bahahahs "kidnapped. Again." poor jon honestly. julia... about her dad. daughter of the murder shed guy? hunting like your dad liked to hunt or normal people hunting. oh hunting vampires!
ep 108: melanie has been suffering. poor martin peter lukas why do you have to be like this. can he not just use the front door? does he have to bother the ppl doing statements?
ep 109: how come he cut her off? kinda rude tbh. its either jon's influence or there was smth he didnt want her saying. is it gerard on the table? this sounds kinda like smth from one of the university episodes. is it the closed eye on the hand? yup. he's like one of the students! if the thing listening in is elias then... he can do that without the tape recorder yknow. plus who's to say it wont just turn itself on again
110: who wants to bet its a leitner?
111: Lukas related to The Lonely. I used to not like Gerard that much but i like him more now. but i thought there were 15? ohhh thats right isnt flesh newer? gerry for the win honestly. finally telling jon things.
112: lol "again" no one ever tells any of these ppl anything. tim and basira are just out of the loop constantly. music, like the war episodes. The hunt or the slaughter? probably the hunt. so Daisy is related to the hunt right? basira likes the reading, she's doing fine at the institute. daisy's getting worried...
113: it just turned on randomly. what is it lol. explossives! oh boy. why do they always assume he turned it on intentionally. melanie youre not making me like you that much. which entity is this about i cant tell. lol he was disappointed it was just the end. The title Breathing Room made me think it was gonna be about the buried but i guess not. So many of these entities deal with death but the end is one that deals in just death. it has no need for fancy deaths, just death is enough
114: more hilltop road statements? the tree. oh boy. ok the tree has 8 arms obviously theres the spider parallels. was she taken into an alternate universe? oh no. jon tries to phrase things so he's not asking questions. thats honestly good. "sometimes i was kidnapped" oh dear. they got gertrude. daisy ur so odd lmao. who wants to bet they dont know the tape recorder's running?
115: silaca? or whatever? antique man? meat grinder... related to the meat is meat episode? oh wow. they buy antiques from him. maybe dont antagonize this creature which can kill you?
116: lol theyre all just so done with elias. music? is it like the one band that if you hear them you die or wtvr. oh its chess? i am very much confused. mmm stranger go brr. gorilla skin? oh shit the dance. woah. this is so good. this is so gender. the words are wonderful. "you can just say tim" lmao trying to fool elias never feels like a good idea.
117: except elias lmaoo. oh shit. leitner getting some use for once idk. bruuh poor melanie she has been thru so much shit. martin you can just say youre worried about jon. lol he's so accurate in his jon impression. lol who was that. was that daisy? lmaoo. oop hi tim. oh god i hope tim doesnt die. i feel like i wouldve heard about that? but im not sure. destroying the source of knowledge is gonna be hard for jon. yay jon! you did a good thing. let him rest.
118: go off martin lmao. awww poor martin. oh god the tape gets that squealy quality and its awful.
119: woah. lots of things happening. uhh. POP OFF TIM!!
120: lmao elias giving a statement about jon's dreams lol. damn jon doesnt even get his own dreams? has to stay Watching even when he's asleep? f in the chat this man goes thru so much shit. oh boy its peter. lol martin my beloved. idk i dont trust peter.
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gydima · 16 days
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File name: wycliffe-jesus-christ-con.gif
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gydima · 3 months
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Con O'Neill in Learners as Gerry, the world's most fuckable slimeball.
I mean...
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Jesus christ. 🥵
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gydima · 2 months
Yeah, OK, I finally made a compilation of Con's scenes in The Last Seduction II (1999). It's a terrible movie and his character is a terrible human. (See warnings below.)
I can't stress enough what a sleazy, misogynist prick his character (Troy Fenton) is. He punches a pregnant lady in the face. He runs a phone sex line. He has that awful Caesar haircut that George Clooney inflicted on us in the 90s. But if you really wanted to see him in it, you can now do so without having to watch the whole movie!
Content warnings: These scenes include lots of bad language, use of the f-slur, ableist language, a gay character who's a walking caricature, phone sex (obviously), implied oral sex, horrifically uncomfortable looking chair sex, coke-snorting and so much smoking it's like the whole movie production was paid for by tobacco companies.
(Also, just a fun fact for people who did not use computers in the 90s: Floppy disks only had 1.44 MB of storage apiece! How far we've come.)
Also just for funsies, it wouldn't be a Con O'Neill project without at least one scene of him looking like he's in a sexually charged situation with another dude:
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gydima · 3 months
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Yes, yes, smoking is bad, but he makes it look SO GOOD.
Wait, what were those last few frames again?
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Ahhh, yes. There we go.
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gydima · 14 days
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gydima · 3 months
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Con O'Neill getting big mad in Harlots.
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gydima · 4 months
Con O'Neill in "Without Sin" (2022)
Con should've been in more scenes. I mean, just look at him. How was THIS all they gave us of that evil, sexy bastard?
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gydima · 16 days
OK, as promised here's Con at his most babygirl on Wycliffe as Ben Walker, whose "famous yachtswoman" wife (that's a thing you can be famous for?) goes missing under mysterious circumstances.
I love this role for him, especially the last scene!
(If you want to watch the full episode instead of just his scenes, it's free on Tubi here.)
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gydima · 3 months
Happy Valentine's Day! Have this clip of Con being sleazily sexy playing a cheating slut in Learners.
(Gifs here.)
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gydima · 1 year
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Those buttons are fighting for their LIVES!
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gydima · 1 year
I started a newspapers.com trial for a work project, then decided to look up old Con O'Neill articles, as one does when they're totally normal about this old British dude.
Some things I learned:
He gave his Olivier Award for Blood Brothers to his mom (awww), and when there was a stove fire at her house she only grabbed it and her pets before skedaddling.
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He had to move house in the mid-90s because a fan somehow found out where he lived and sent him tons of letters that made him uneasy.
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He and Rory Kinnear played ex-lovers in a play in 2006.
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That I REALLY wish I could have seen him in Faces in the Crowd and Salome.
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He did this onstage. 🫦
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He legit had a heartthrob phase (understandably) after Dancin thru the Dark and during Blood Brothers.
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He watched kids in a schoolyard (in a non-creepy way) to get ideas for portraying young Mickey in Blood Brothers.
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This was printed at one point in 2006:
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Him, homoerotic? You don't say!
And those are the highlights! Hope you enjoyed today's lesson in old Con O'Neill newspaper clippings.
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gydima · 2 months
Con O'Neill as Colm Hare in episodes 1x05 and 1x06 of Waking the Dead (2001).
I made an edit of all his time on screen, but it was too long for tumblr and YouTube © blocked it, so these are the most important scenes.
Warning: These scenes include finding human remains as well as a recently murdered man. Con's character also talks about his dad's suicide. A bunch of this happens in a Catholic church, so there's religious stuff, too.
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