#i'm serious tbh
notepad-anon · 25 days
how to improve elite force
Bring back Leo
R e m o v e C h a s e
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lavenderprose · 2 months
The thing about OFMD is that not a single character is genre aware. Stede thinks he's in fucking Bridgerton on a Boat; Ed thinks he's in a soap opera; Izzy thinks he's in the fucking Bible and he's Judas. None of them know they're in a slapstick comedy. That's why the stakes are all over the place and why they all take themselves so seriously while doing the most batshit insane stuff and then get angry at each other about it. Izzy's sitting over here going, "I am your most devoted follower. I am the only person who loves you enough to betray you." Ed's response is, "Yes, it's me...thought I died?...well think again... " and Stede is standing between them like, "Ours shall be a spring wedding!"
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quick-catton · 4 months
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thank FUCK for the new jacob content we've been in a drought truly
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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did some dumb shit today and immediately thought of my favorite quote to cope
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Just popping in to say i LOVE UR ART SO MUCH WAUGH!!!! Its soooooooo exoressive and u get across emotion and movement SO WELL!! I love ...littlr apple ...so much.....u imbue this donkey with Such Chaos
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I love this little chaos creature, we should all forfeit our mortal possessions to her.
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glasscandywitch · 4 months
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mors certa, hora incerta! gankutsuou + the count & albert: a death and the maiden collection - adolf hering // edvard munch // león jean pétua // hans sebald beham
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sibelin · 27 days
Sorry to be obssessed about this but it's haunting me : what i learnt from yesterday is that a dermatologist saw my skin six years ago, when it was starting to get real red, and told me "you have to hide it" while it could be either rosacea type 2 or lupus. So he just decided he wouldn't help me and let me suffer one of two known and treatable chronic illnesses, one being deadly dangerous if left untreated. And since I got told "you can't do anything about it", I did hide it so well that my doctor was shocked that I didn't tell her sooner. What can you do when you got told by a professional that you're incurable AND that you have to hide your face forever at 24yo. I am beyond gutted and I am just waiting anxiously to rule out lupus but GOD. I feel betrayed and unlucky and so damn angry :(
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ lack
♡ TRIGGER WARNING: mentioned alcoholism, substance abuse
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🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ lack: to be without or deficient in
— "everything comes from nothing."
this is true. without having nothing, being at the bottom, being in a state of lack and starting from the ground up, we would never have decided to seek out something more because we would already have it. lack is the motivator behind the creation of everything we know, even if it may not be the creator. lack is what gives said creator the drive to create.
so when we feel a lack in our lives, we obviously feel a need to fill that. this creates desire. and as we are hardwired for negativity, in turn a lot of the time this leads down negative pathways because that is our natural route. but lack is always the creator of these pathways. we always lead back to our roots, and lack is the only unchanging root we all unify under.
from the simplest to the most complicated of circumstances, lack is always the culprit, because there is always a desire driving us to do these things.
desire comes from lack, and desire is found in the smallest of things. and desire and wanting leads to action. like for example if you want breakfast in the morning you'd go and hunt around the kitchen foraging for food like a wild animal. (me coded)
for example, many bad habits like substance abuse or alcoholism come from a desire to "fill the void" as it's often described, the void being emptiness, emptiness being lack.
another example; an inability to uphold healthy relationships, platonic, familial, romantic or otherwise, also often comes from a traumatic or repeated experience with instability. instability literally means "lack of stability", once again leading to lack, making them subconsciously crave what they already know. you see what i mean?
think about your problems and think about their origins. think about what you want and why you want it. you will find almost, if not every time it leads back to lack.
because everything comes from nothing.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ wrap up
lots of love ♡
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 20 days
So my take on why Tommy calls Buck Evan...
I think it's because it bothers Tommy, that he's older than Buck. Because as much as he claims to find Buck "adorable"... That word is kinda telling, I think. It's infantilising. Puppies and kids are adorable! Calling your date adorable? Uhh.. It kinda just sounds like you think they're immature, wet behind the ears, less capable than you are.
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So... Yes, Tommy is older than Buck.
Buck, the nickname? I think that to Tommy it just feels like a juvenile nickname. He prefers Evan because it sounds more mature, because Evan sounds like a grownass adult, a man. And Buck btw... is often used to describe a young animal. Older deers etc. are bulls, stags.
And yeah, Buck may not mind being called 'Evan' anymore. He has grown, maybe he now likes someone calling him Evan. Might be a nice change, someone acknowledging his maturity that way. As Eddie said to Buck after the lightning strike. Nobody is the same person from one day to the next. Buck doesn't need to be anything for anyone.
However... I do think the combination of 'Evan' with everything else that's going on, like Tommy calling him adorable... It does feel like trouble on the horizon.
Tommy... He's the guy who shows up to a 80's theme party wearing a henley.
And don't get me started on "he couldn't change, he was on call". C'mon, he was on car, nobody would rely on public transport when they're a firefighter on a call. He drank orange juice, he had a car parked nearby, he could have just taken a change of clothes with him to the party, and quickly changed his clothes if he was alerted to work.
Seriously, how many seconds does it take him to change a shirt, he has literally been trained to get dressed quickly, he's a firefighter!
So yeah he could have dressed according to the theme. He just didn't want to. He thought the theme costumes were above him. He thinks he's past that age, too old for costumes.
So that's why he calls Buck Evan.
Because he doesn't get silly fun, really. He thinks he's too old for nicknames, and theme costumes, and he thinks he's Buck's elder.
Because he hasn't been there to realize how much Buck has gone through, how much he has matured from where he started. He hasn't seen Buck help Eddie raise Chris, he hasn't seen the way Buck is always there for people to pick up the pieces and fix things when someone is in trouble. He hasn't seen Buck's responsible, mature side, has he?
Nope, he wasn't there to see Buck's growth, how wild he was when he first joined the team, how different he is from that Buck 1.0. So now he just sees the energetic, bubbly personality, the baby bi awkwardly stumbling out of the closet, like a Bambi on ice...
and thinks that Buck is adorable.
Like he's a child.
And.... I have a feeling that learning that Buck just trashed a hotel room suite with Eddie... will hardly make him rethink this impression!
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notepad-anon · 8 days
My hottest take ever is that if Chase had more physical bionics I think he would've ended up maybe a bit more physical horrible to his siblings.
Fanily house dynamics + I'm bored of woobified Chase give me Chase who would genuinely scream at his sister say if he got inconvenienced by her. I want proper sibling problems not "Chase is the only one being hurt"
I want chase who'd be actively heinous in his words season 4 proves he's willing to literally kill someone over them using his ideas.
BRING BACK HORRIBKE SHITYY MAN CHASE I DONT EVEN LIKE HIM AS A CHARCATER BUT GOD PLEASE I like him when he's a representation of all of the child who'll never break the cycle in their family (I don't consider elite force canon do not bother me about it)
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iwillfightgodandwin · 6 months
Neil Gaiman and Taika Waititi are out here doing all the work™ for queers right now and that's beautiful
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restlessreveries · 2 years
You know, we see a lot of timelines where Sol learns from previous lives and can act competent and set things Right. But I also think we need more timelines where Sol is hilariously incompetent at things but still has absolute confidence in themselves for no reason whatsoever like. Sol: “I’ll have you know, I was a master chef in my previous life, and I won several annual baking competitions.”
Dys (absolutely deadpan): “I’m not saying you are wrong, but that salad is literally on fire.”
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chocobewyartist · 2 months
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I will never stop loving this goof of a villain
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theodoravery · 19 days
oop... i'm gonna say it.... but i think what ppl don't get about 7 brothers is that maybe you don't have to take everything so seriously ?? idk man. why not enjoy fun and silliness. why not embrace the cringe. like i'm really sorry the y/n book is already doing a better job at being inclusive than your faves </3
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dropthedemiurge · 9 months
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and if i’m too hot to handle, let me drown in the ice cold water float down to the bottom of the darkness like a heavy burden that i am
// Ray – Only Friends (Episode 4)
[My other OF fanarts]
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kurokoros · 3 days
still mad that we didn't get Vecna possessing Steve. haha silly Steve who asks stupid questions and everyone dunks on as if he's not an athlete and one of the better combatants in the group. Steve, who knocked out a trained soldier at 19. Steve, who has been beaten to hell every season and gotten right back up afterwards. just goofy old Steve.
but what if Steve wasn't actually Steve anymore?
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