#i’ve never owned a tarot or oracle deck and i never bought one for myself bc i know it’s bad luck LOL
theseancekid · 2 years
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thequietdiviner · 3 years
Learning Tarot is complicated
It was exciting but also overwhelming at the beginning.
There are up to 78 cards. Not only that, to be on the same level as those amazing readers on YouTube, I should learn Astrology, Numerology, Pendulum, Mythology, working with Angels and Guides, and other Spiritual stuff like Crystals, Reiki, Kundalini, etc. My God! I feel the pressure already while listing those subjects here.
And meditation? Some say it’s compulsory for anyone working in the spirituality industry. So ridiculous.
I hate it the most. Doesn’t work for me. I felt so uncomfortable doing it. Forget it. I never meditate.
Why was I in the rush?
Because I wasn’t a teen or 20 something when I started learning Tarot. I had to work and other boring duties and chores to do. I had to take good care of my lovely children (meaning, my 3 cats). I had to master it as quickly as possible.
I enrolled in a 10-hour long online Tarot course. But I knew that much wasn’t enough.
I, then, did more Tarot courses, read articles, watched free YouTube tutorials, bought books and e-books, etc., and most importantly, watched tons of YouTube Tarot videos.  I wanted to become pros like them so bad: having big beautiful crystals and sage around, owning hundreds of Tarot decks and working well with all of them, giving amazing accurate messages to viewers they haven’t even met.
But, then…I felt exhausted, stressed, confused, and overwhelmed.
Still, I continued to learn.
And, it took me over a year to realize that most of the things I had learned didn’t align with me at all.
And, I am me. I don’t have to become someone like them.
It’s quite painful to realize that those YouTube videos and Instagram posts are nothing but something that put me, and other Tarot beginners in a mental trap that we have to master many spiritual subjects, owning lots of cleansing tools and crystals and candles and tons of decks, and acting mysterious to be called a Tarot reader, a mystic, or whatever. Those things are just a show-off to fool people’s eyes. The truth is, a realistic mature client just wants to receive clear guidance and see where they’re heading. That’s it. They don’t care about those colorful crystals, candles, and other stuff. Those things are just tools to attract young clients or people crazy about fashion and trends. A real authentic reader just needs to dress clean and neat. A tidy desk, 1-2 decks, and something to cleanse the working space. That’s it. They don’t need to try so hard to prove anything.
I felt so angry and disappointed in myself.
I had wasted so much time, money, and energy on so many videos and courses.
Here’s the lesson I learn about learning:
“Understand who you are and understand what kind of mentor or material you’re learning from”
I’m a detail-oriented, realistic, simple, organized, minimalistic person. I don’t like drama. I want to know what the exact problem is and what the specific solution is. I see things as black and white. It’s a yes or no, no maybe for me. Therefore, I should learn from people who have the same personality and see things as I do.
I’m also a loyal person, which means I’m loyal to a few decks. The other decks keep resting in the cabinet.
I’ve learned that
-          I only need 1-3 decks to look into matters, seek guidance and predict the future.
-          Oracle Cards deliver beautiful messages, but they’re not necessary. They don’t add much depth to the reading. They just help to relieve the pain in your heart.
-          Essential crystals: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite. Amethyst is the most important one for boosting psychic abilities and predicting the future.
-          Cleansing tool: Palo Santo. It’s clean, safe and I can take a piece of Palo Santo anywhere without being afraid it may break or make a mess in my bag. Also, it smells good.
So, how do I learn Tarot now?
-          I rarely watch Tarot YouTube videos nowadays. The messages seem not to resonate with me much. Besides, I want to hear specific messages, not general all the time.
-          I only use 1 Tarot website and 2, 3 Tarot books for reference. I read and re-read the card meanings from those materials.
-          Sometimes, I write card meanings for myself. It’s nothing serious. I just look at the cards and write what comes to mind.
-          I do readings.
The key point is: Less is More.
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hillbillyoracle · 4 years
When Are You Ready to Teach
Through all of the Witchblr drama lately, there's one thing I've not seen commented on much and it's something that's been stuck in my head for weeks now - how does someone know they're equipped to be a teacher? And it's not just because of some of the questions raised, it's personal. I am constantly questioning whether I should be teaching workshops or giving talks, even with them being unpaid. I am always trying to walk the path of sharing what I know as ethically as I know how to and it's an incredibly difficult process to navigate well. So I wanted to share some thoughts, almost as a letter to my younger self, on whether and how someone should go about teaching esoteric, occult, and witchcraft practices.
After thinking about it quite a bit, the best way I can think of to tell if you're suited to be a teacher is to share what you know without positioning yourself as a teacher at all or charging money for your work.
Before you even consider teaching, I recommend putting out what you are doing for others to see and doing so regularly. For folks who read tarot, what spreads are you doing and how are you thinking through them? For witchcraft or occult practices, while you may not be able to share details, are there any insights or realizations you've had that you can share for others?
I think this is key for a few reasons actually. For one, you'll quickly see whether you have the ability to accept and grow from criticism - which is a hugely vital part of the teaching process if you accept that role. Or at least, it has been for me. I was born with the gift of what my family calls Foresight, not the gift of teaching and so learning that skill has involved taking feedback into consideration. Not all of it has been kindly given, but almost all of it has been valuable.
Another reason is that it will quickly show whether you seek to teach for your own ego and or to genuinely share what you know to help others. If you are comfortable sharing what you know without an ounce of expectation of respect or clout, that is the best indication to me that stepping into a teaching role is possible at some point. I do not know how anyone can teach effectively without being deeply humble. Especially in spiritual traditions. Otherwise teaching quickly becomes a means to control and left unchecked can lead to abuse.
One other reason to share without positioning yourself as a teacher is that it'll pretty quickly let you know where you seem to know more than most folks and where you know less. When I first created this account, my first post was literally just a write up of my intro lesson I'd been giving friends who'd just bought tarot decks and wanted to pick it up as fast as possible. I wrote it specifically as a record they could come back to. I had no intent to position myself as a teacher, just as a way of sharing what I had gathered over my 10 years of reading cards.
The response to that and later my shadow work posts showed me that people were getting a lot of what I was sharing. The responses to my deity veneration posts showed me that people weren't getting as much out of them and that I had a lot to continue learning. I was able to shift my approaches for both. I put more work into figuring out how to share what I knew about tarot and shadow work and more work into continuing my learning about deity veneration. It was a year of writing like that before I ever took a leap and taught my first tarot and shadow work workshop where I again got feedback about what was actually helpful and what I needed to learn more about. That process is valuable and I'm thankful for it everyday.
Another reason for sharing without expectation is that it will allow you to begin to develop a radar for teachers who aren't going about their work ethically. You'll start to notice when people present something as absolute fact or as their observations and experiences. The latter has been far more useful in my own spiritual education than the former. You'll see where people are charging for information they never write about deeply. They'll position themselves as needing to charge for freely available information because they "did the work" of reading it at one point.
Which brings me to the complicated question of when is it right to charge for what you're sharing? I think personally the best way to handle it is to just set up a donation link and let people decide how much your work is worth to them. If you manage to make a little money while you're still figuring out whether teaching is right for you, then it's a bonus! I see the “fuck you, pay me” mindset in so many places if has no right to be in my view. It’s not other peoples job to pay you while you’re still bad at what you do. And believe me you will be for a while.
Personally - I'm still in that transition period and I've been writing and putting out work for about 3 years. I do charge for my zines and my digital workbooks but that's less because of the information I'm presenting and more for the work it took to write and format it all. I have a Patreon I maintain and add bonus materials to as I'm able and I often stick a donation link on the bottom of my posts just in case folks feel lead. While lots of folks have asked me to develop a course, I have a feeling it'll be another 2 years before I know how to really walk the walk of being a teacher proper and feel comfortable putting out something so involved.
I don't take the work of teaching lightly. I see it much more as an additional calling to my work as an Oracle/Seer as it's in line with my mission to use my gifts for the betterment of others. When asking yourself about the role teaching plays in your life, ask yourself whether if furthers the work you're called to. What you're sacrificing to be a teacher? How are you seeking out feedback and training? Does your work actually improve the lives of others? Does it further your spiritual callings or does it merely support your ego?
Some folks will consider those questions and still not have the self awareness to know it's not their path and that's fine. I'm not really trying to reach those people. My hope is that someone truly called to teach will get some use out of hearing about how I'm navigating that transition of competent practitioner to facilitator and teacher. If that person is you, the best advice I can give you aside from the above is take it slow. If it's truly you're calling, the path will unfold a little at a time as you are ready.
These are just my thoughts and how I'm navigating it. I'd love to hear how other folks are!
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I think I’m turning my coworkers into witches and they have no idea.
Let me preference this by saying; This was never my intention. I am very proud of who I am, but I don’t like discussing my practice/craft to people in my professional life. Also- I don’t feel I’m actually turning them into anything. But it is funny to see how much of my craft has eased its way into my professional life. 
It started when I first put in my two weeks notice. Almost 6 months ago. I don’t remember exactly what started this conversation, but I casually mentioned that I started learning how to read tarot cards and it spiraled into a girls night at my bosses house.
We spent the night on her patio, drinking, laughing, and reading cards. I was and am by no means an expert and still have a long ways to go before I’d ever do a reading for anyone outside of my immediate friends/family. However, I figured I’d be leaving this job soon and I really wanted to get back on my managers good side. (Things were very not good right before this but that’s a different story.) 
Anyways, after that it became an obsession between my two bosses (they’re sisters). They went out and not only ordered their own cards, but one of my bosses actually ordered me an oracle deck and another deck I’m not exactly sure about. For my bosses sons birthday, I went to the local crystal shop and got him a starter set of crystals. Which then lead to their entire family going to this shop and buying half the inventory. 
They also bought me some sage without asking me. It was white sage unfortunately and it is currently sitting in my closet until I can figure out what to do with it, respectfully. It was the thought that counts. 
They now ask me about full and new moons. Every time we have one coming up, I’ll get asked what sign its in, what they should do etc. I’ve ran everyone’s natal chart, including a few of our maintenance guys. 
I have no plans at this time to delve into my spiritual practice with them or disclose anything about witches, however I do think their mother is one, or atleast follows her own practice from where she is from.
Even though it makes me nervous, I like that I am able to express myself better in the office. I have a plan to bring homemade coffee scrubs and garlic herb better after the next full moon and explain all of that to them. 
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eclecticlanie · 3 years
The Alignment
On this night, Hubs and I were asleep and out of a dead sleep I woke up because I felt something incredibly intense and extremely dark searching my house! I sit up in bed and stare down down the hallway that shows all the doors to the upstairs of my home. My room being the very last room and furthest from the stairs. I haven’t felt anything this dark in an extremely long time. It did not feel familiar, either. If dementors were real, I would swear there was one in my house. The only difference is this entity didn’t bring depression or despair. This brought on a feeling of maliciousness and it was on the hunt. I haven’t been this scared ever in my life and I’ve been through some hellish experiences. I woke my husband up accidentally while I was freaking out in bed trying to rack my brain on what to do. I haven’t practiced in so long I was most definitely unprepared. He normally calls me out if I’m overreacting but this man immediately got out of bed and asked me what he could do to help.
 I told him, “I didn’t know.” 
I couldn’t take my eyes off the hallway. I could feel something staring at me as if it had the most twisted grin you could think of. I could probably compare it to American McGees Cheshire Cat or Mad Hatter grins. I could feel its intentions of harm and malice seething and rolling off of it like a billowing fog. It was enjoying my panic and frozen in place stance. Hubs starts looking around the room for my cuddle toy to attempt to calm me down.
“I need a knife. I need to protect the kids.” I managed to state while shifting to sitting on my feet in bed. Now, I am bipolar. I was diagnosed at 27 and have been medicated since. Asking for a knife to protect the kids against an invisible enemy alarmed Hubs quite a bit. 
“What are you going to do?” He asked as he tried to hand me my cuddle toy.
“Blood magic. I need to smear the door frames.” I muttered. Hubs is very wary about magick due to his own experiences with his mother as a child and doesn’t truly practice, only cleanses basically. I only raised more flags for him. We never went further than discussing we both have had craft experiences or practices and never adventured that pathway together. I’ve only done blood magic one other time in my life and I’m not proud of it either. I am tied to someone I now wish I could sever. In this moment, I didn’t think twice about using blood magick again as this situation would have been more than appropriate unlike the first time I used it. 
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Would holy water work?” He asked. I nodded and he dug through some boxes (we never got to unpack our bedroom like we had the rest of the house). He pulled out the holy water and started anointing the doorways. He walked right through the spot where this thing was standing. It didn’t budge and Hubs couldn’t feel it specifically in that spot. He comes back in the room and crawls into bed with me. He tries to cuddle me and I barely move to allow him to attempt to console me. I’m still in a staring match with this thing who is now annoyed we made a protection move. I can feel it settle to the floor as if it was just going to sit there and wait me out to see if I would leave the room. 
“What is it you’re staring at?” Hubs asked. I explained what I was feeling and he just nodded.
“You must think I’m crazy... maybe we should just admit me...” I was starting to doubt myself that there was anything there. Maybe it was just my bipolar? Maybe I was hallucinating? Maybe I need a med adjustment... 
“No... You’re not crazy. I do feel something is off but I’m not as sensitive to this stuff as you are.” Hubs tried to console, “You have a much clearer picture as to what is here.”
With that, Hubs stayed up with me for another hour before he couldn’t any longer. Sleep overcame him and I sat up in bed. It was now 3 something in the morning. I feel like I can pull my eyes away from the hall even with that thing still sitting there. I start looking on my phone for ways to protect the house. I’m on a website with protection spells and an ad I didn’t touch at all starts playing (it shouldn’t have played without clicking on it). A song plays, “I can’t keep my eyes off of you...” I clicked off the ad and continued scrolling. This thing was now messing with me from the hallway. I am reading the spell and again the ad plays, “I can’t keep my eyes off of you...” I click the browser completely off. There I am, giving up on research, holding my stuffy. 
Dawn finally arrives and I feel the entity leave. I can feel the message of it will be back crawl into my head. At this moment is also the moment Hubs wakes up. He looks at me, “You didn’t sleep at all did you.” 
“No.” was my simple answer. We both get out of bed and start getting ready for the day. I start rambling about how my phone sang to me. I went back into my phones browser history to show him that the only way it would play is if it was interacted with. He looks at me and asks what do we do now? 
“If you don’t mind, I would like to go gung ho and back into practicing. We need to cleanse this house inside and out. I want to do the perimeter of our property. I want to get some crystals for us personally and for the house. And that is just the start. I need to find out who is after me.” I stated. We go about our day with mini conversations and him agreeing to everything I’m suggesting. That day we made a trip to a metaphysical shop and bought a bunch of crystals and candles. When we got home, we cleansed and charged the crystals. I do a candle spell anointed with rosemary and sage to protect our home. I ask my pendulum and my oracle deck a few questions. Did we get cursed? Yes. Was that thing after me last night? Yes. Is it personal? Yes. Would it go after anyone else? No. I dug out my husbands moms box of spiritual stuff that we never had the chance to go through after her death. We don’t remove her many tarot decks. We do take her sage and cleanse the house. A day later we cleanse the border of our property and also go around the outside of the house.
The next few nights following this attack I had more attacks but in my dreams. My dreams were riddled with beatings and rapes by people who have previously done me wrong. We completed another protection candle spell. Hubs started anointing my forehead with holy water before bed and also made me wear his hamsa talisman. With those last two actions I haven’t had another issue. Although the night after I started wearing the necklace I felt like something not malevolent but creepy as fuck was “peeping tom” through my window with HUGE eyes. We decided to black salt the house that night. With that, it disappeared. 
We have discussed with a few friends about these events and all of them are in conclusion that I’m being targeted, whomever is doing the targeting used the alignments power to attack, and that this will not be the last we see of these attacks. It is now priority to attempt to find out who this person is. No one has been able to help figure it out. Google has not been of help other than to suggest curse reversal, which is also the suggestions I got on reddit and other media sites as well as my friends. That will be my next post. 
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 (talk to me u never talk to me u scary girl)
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Send me 🌻and I’ll tell you whatever I want | Accepting!
Soooooo scary.
Anyway, that’s 10 things you want me to talk about. OKAY!!!
I have a stack of TBR books by my bed, but on the side that I don’t sleep on that doesn’t have a lamp. It’s the most useless setup. Like, I’m not gonna reach across a queen-sized mattress to rifle through these books before bed. I fantasize about reading them - luxurious bath times, cozy rainy days, sunning myself in the common patio with a book - but I haven’t been able to bring myself to read them. I think I’m scared of being disappointed. I don’t have time to be let down by fiction anymore. Last year, I read so many duds and so this year, I can’t quite motivate myself to read. It’s super lame and I feel like a sham since I’m an English teacher.
My BFF bought me a beautiful oracle deck/tarot deck when we were in college. She knew I wanted to get into reading tarot but that I was superstitious AF about buying my first deck for myself - something I now think is ridiculous, but I was twenty and anxious - so she bought me this glossy, gorgeous deck. I haven’t learned to read it but I want to. I really, really want to. Especially since I’m pretty good at the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Maybe I’ll offer free readings online as I learn the deck. IDK.
I really, really want to play a DnD campaign. I’m really still angry that the last one I tried to DM didn’t pan out past one session. I understand why and it was for the better, but damn. I love tabletop RP. I love board games. I love regular RP. Just let me play games with friends!!!
I cosigned a statue of Sekhmet to my friend’s metaphysical shop. Everyone who looked at the statue kept asking me if it was Sekhmet or Bast and my friend and I were both like The headdress is quintessential Sekhmet. Bast doesn’t wear that kind of headdress. But ngl, the statue looked more like a cat than a lioness so... Who knows?
I binge-watched Season One of Gravity Falls yesterday while I was nursing a sinus headache. I don’t know what my deal is, but I have a THING for chaos twins. I just kept imagining a world where the relatives Dipper and Mabel had to spend the summer with were their creepy goth third cousins on Piffling. It delighted me.
If you have a mask that ties over your head instead of with ear-loops, it’s so much easier to wear when your hair is in a ponytail. I prefer my mask that ties around my head to my ear-loops one BUT MY GOD I WANT THIS MALEFICENT ONE OR THIS ONE. Actually, when I saw the blue and pink on the second mask, my brain was like “Sleeping Beauty is a bisexual film”. All the characters in it are bi. Aurora, Maleficent, Phillip, Diaval. Every fairy. Even the king and queen. Bi af. If you argue with me, you owe me ten dollars.  
I bought the more expensive model of Mazda when I bought my car in part because I liked the features but also because I was more at ease driving to Fleetwood Mac than I had been driving to whatever was playing in the first car I tried out. NO REGRETS!! MY CAR IS AMAZING. I drove it through a high water crossing today and it excelled. I say these sentences like I bought my car recently, but like, nah. I got my car while I was student teaching three years ago. I’m just thinking about it because I’m listening to Fleetwood Mac right now and I just drove for 3 hours. I know fuck all about cars, though. I want to learn a few things but I’m scared to ask. I’m very good at calling AAA and talking to the guys at Discount Tire, though.
My sister has spent the last two years trying to convince me that I’m secretly a cat person. I actually would secretly rather have plants than animals because I don’t even feed myself, but I do stay hydrated, so I think I’d do better with plants. I might drag Courtney to help me pick out succulents this weekend. They’re 10 for $10 at Kroger and ADORABLE.
I want to go on an apartment cleanse/redecorating spree. I spent so much of my childhood moving that I’ve never felt very comfortable decorating or making a space my own. It’s time. I also have a ton of stuff to donate to Goodwill.
ICB you want me to make an audio loop of every time someone says “Finnegan” in the 2015 film. ICB I might do it. Why do I love him so much? It’s not like Max Landis gave him a personality. That’s 100% Freddie Fox and the costumer’s handiwork. Well. Plus me. But that’s just between us.
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Tag, you're it...
I thought this would help me relax before bed. I pass this on to the reader, answer all these question at once or once a day.
1. Are you solitary or in a coven?
2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other?
3. What is your zodiac sign?
4. Do you have a Patron God/dess?
5. Do you work with a Pantheon?
6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or 
any other kind of divination?
I use Oracle cards, my main deck I've had for years and has artwork by Brian Froud who designed the characters from The Dark Crystal.
7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any)
Lavender, Lilac, Rose
8. How would you define your craft?
Divination mostly
9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do?
I have in the past, it takes a lot for me to want to curse someone. I totally accept others, its not my place or right to judge people no matter their path.
10. How long have you been practicing?
20+ years
11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars?
Yes to both
12. Do you believe in Karma or
I believe in both
13. Do you have a magical name?
Yep, Onyx
14. Are you “out of the broom closet”?
Yes, my sister likes to jokingly call me a "tree hugger"
15. What was the last spell you performed?
A protection spell for a friend's daughter.
16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable?
I know a lot but I'm always learning.
17. Do you write your own spells?
Yes, I think the intent is stronger if its personal.
18. Do you have a book of shadows?
If so, how is it written and/or set up?
Multiple, I have one for my divination and then another that I just add to over time.
19. Do you worship nature?
20. What is your favorite gemstone?
Labradorite or Garner
21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work?
I haven't but I'm not against it.
22. Do you have an altar?
Yes, its a mahogany library table that is very special to me.
23. What is your preferred element?
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist?
25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch?
I've been told I am.
26. What got you interested in witchcraft?
When I got a set of tarot cards when I was 12.
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch?
Yes, a friend that was interested and asked for my help.
28. Have you ever used ouija?
29. Do you consider yourself a psychic?
I'm a sensitive
30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it?
Yes, still learning about them
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started?
That there is no right or wrong way to practice, only your way.
32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite?
Yes, I love Samhain
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children?
I don't want children
34. Do you meditate?
I have to, I have generalized anxiety and it helps.
35. What is your favorite season?
Fall or Winter
36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform?
37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life?
Offering readings to those who need help
38. What is your favorite witchy movie?
Hocus Pocus or The Craft
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why?
Practical Magic because I love how its written. Non-fiction would be the book that came with my cards because it gave the best meditation techniques
40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not.
A love spell that went HORRIBLY and COMPLETELY wrong, I did a spell to attract a type of guy I thought I needed and learned that I was wrong.
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you?
Accidentally outing a friend while doing a reading. I just kept harping on the fact that he had a big secret and that he needed to open up.
42. What is your favourite type of candle to use?
43. What is your favorite witchy tool?
44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools?
45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits?
Yes, my cards are Fea based.
46. Do you practice color magic?
47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind?
I had someone come along and try to shape me into what she thought I should be. It didnt work
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies?
Second hand store
49. Do you believe in predestination or fate?
Nope, your choices effect your ending WAY to much.
50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice?
Mediation and music
51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences?
52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve?
People trying to tell others that their practice is wrong or that it won't work because "blah blah blah". They limit themselves way to much and underestimate their own power.
53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent?
Yes, I love floral scents.
54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind?
55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster?
My first spell, it attracted a man that left me a total and complete mess
56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success?
A protection spell I did to create distance between me and my abuser.
57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about?
Nothing really.
58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too?
59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work?
Absolutely, in those moments I take time to meditate, clear my head, and focus myself.
60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain?
I try not to, but we are all our own worst critic.
61. What is something witch related that you want right now?
More altar supplies
62. What is your rune of choice?
Don't work with runes.
63. What is your tarot card of choice?
64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite?
Yes, love them. I love peppermint and lavender.
65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses?
66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public?
67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch?
Yeah, I've been told I'm going to hell and I've also been told I'm not a real witch because I'm not in a coven.
68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines?
69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft?
Yes, but just because history is important, not because you need to use it as a guide neccesarily
70. What are your favorite things about being a witch?
My connection to nature
71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch?
The judgement within the community
72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band?
Absolutely, Stevie Nicks
73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how?
74. Do you ever work skyclad?
75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how?
Yes, I was raised Christian and it made me angry and scared. I'm gay and it instilled so much self hatred, once I found witchcraft I found so much peace.
76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice?
My sister.
77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc)
Yes, absolutely.
78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol?
My own
79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not?
I have, it depends on what I'm doing
80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice?
81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow?
My divination
82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice?
Lilac or Rose and yes
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it?
84. What real life witch most inspires your practice?
85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity?
86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients?
Not great at orginization
87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of?
88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it?
I'm a solitary witch, I follow my inner voice.
89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they?
I'm energy sensitive, I had premonitions as a kid, and I'm empathic. I've seen spirits off and on my whole life, witchcraft definitely helped.
90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven?
I believe that we all have our own path. I don't think its neccessary to be initiated.
91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought?
My oracle cards.
92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been?
Stonehenge, the energy there had me tingling all day.
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities?
Take your time
94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation?
Guided meditation and music
95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it?
MUCH practice
96. Do you prefer day or night? Why?
Night, it just feels more magical to me.
97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work?
When I'm alone.
98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly?
Very calm
99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice?
Yes, but we can all still learn
100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces?
Many gods.
101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy?
102. What is your favorite color and why?
Blue, it just feels rich and magical.
103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond?
Will you give me a reading.
104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest?
105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice?
Don't question your inner voice.
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An Unchallenging Challenge 1 - Divination
I’ve always been interested in divination, so far back that I can’t remember where it started. I know at one point in high school I had a habit of drawing/painting wizards with crystal balls, and I did a bit of reading when I could find something decent in the library (pre-internet!!).
My first divination tool was the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, which I bought from The Akashic Bookshop in Hobart. Man I miss that shop... Anyway - I say I bought it, but Mum insisted that you couldn’t buy your own deck, it had to be a gift. So one time when my Gran gave me some money, Mum went into the shop and bought the deck for me. That must have been in about ‘97? I also ordered The Cyber Tarot from a boom club and started using that. It was based on the Rider deck, so I could use the interpretation book for the physical cards as well. I seemed to be able to deal readings which I could relate to my own life, but apart from my daughter I haven’t ever read for anyone else.
A few years later friends gave me Brian Froud’s Faeries’ Oracle and to this day I love that deck. Over the years I added Scott Alexander-King’s Animal Dreaming deck (it’s Australian, so the animals are mostly ones I know fairly well),  Stephanie Pui-Mun Law ‘s Shadowscapes tarot, and Doreen Virtue’s Healing With the Fairies Oracle. I haven’t worked as much with the last two, but I’m hoping to get back into it and give them a bit more attention soon.
On Monday I went into Wishing Well (nice shop, but not the Akashic... *sigh*) and put a few things on layby, including Lisa Parker’s Tarot Familiars. Being somebody with a ridiculous amount of pets - some of which are/have been familiars - it felt like a deck I would enjoy working with. I should have it in a month or so, good incentive to keep practising with my other decks!
Besides cards, I have a set of Runes which my brother gave me (we learned runic writing together as kids, first from The Hobbit, later from the back of the Macquarie Dictionary so runes are kind of “our thing”), I have a set of divination dominoes which were part of a surprise parcel from Uncle Festers, and I have a purple-glass crystal ball, which I bought with a gift certificate for The Akashic that my stepmother gave me. I don’t use the crystal for much except looking pretty because I’ve never had a chance to get myself into scrying. The dominoes I’ve used a few times. The runes I use fairly regularly for altars, spells and quick-draw readings.
So that’s a brief overview of my divination tools with a simdge about what I’ve done with them. Currently I’m working on making divination a part of my everyday life again and I’m doing “The Week Ahead” draws each Monday morning (I’m always too tired Sunday evenings). Last week The Faeries’ Oracle told me to listen well and communicate clearly, which I think I did okay with. This week the Healing With the Fairies Oracle gave me two cards - Breaking Free and Honouring Your True Feelings - which I think ties in well with what I’ve been saying about feeling more myself and wanting to start doing the things which define me and make me happy.
And on that note, I’m off to do some drawing and then have a nap. :)
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rotmetalmurmur · 6 years
All the odd questions for the witchy ask please~
1. Tarot cards or Oracle decks?
  Oracle for the clearer meanings though I own one of both.
3. Crystals or candles?
  Candles for the flames.
5. Sea or lake?
  Lake for the comfort. I’ve never been one for the deep sea or ocean.
7. Coffee or tea?
9. Mountains or fields?
  Mountains. I adore heights.
11. Incense sticks or smoke bundles?
13. Bats or mice?
15. Samhain or Beltane?
  I don’t celebrate either but Samhain. I’ll admit I had to look up both and I like the concept of it better.
17. Pumpkins or Toadstools?
19. Scented candles or fragrance oils?
  Scented candles.
21. Blizzards or thunderstorms?
  Thunderstorms. I hate the cold.
23. Spring or Autumn?
  Hard choice. I love both the blossom of Spring and the leaves of Autumn. I’d have to pick Autumn.
25. Mabon or Ostara?
  Time for more googling! Mabon sounds like something I’d be more likely to celebrate.
27. Tinctures or Salves?
  To google get again! Salves would be more my thing.
29. Susperia or The Love Witch?
  I haven’t seen either.
31. All black or colorful wardrobe?
  All black. I look my best in it, I believe.
33. Books or tarot decks?
  Books though given my small collection of books, I tend to practice tarot more than I read.
35. Sage or Mugwort?
  Sage as I’ve never used Mugwort.
37. Skulls or eyes?
39. Ouija boards or crop circles?
  Ouija boards. I’ve always wanted to use one but I’ve never owned one of my own nor had anyone to practice it with.
41. Finding your soul mate or finding your higher calling?
  Preferably both though I’d chose my higher calling over finding them. My choice may be different if I’ve found and have them already.
43. Ghosts or Fae?
45. Venusian energy or Martian energy?
47. The Craft or AHS: coven?
  Again, I haven’t seen either. I’m not very caught up on modern media.
49. Lughnasadth or Imbolc?
  I shall look whatever these are up. Festivals again! Hmm, Lughnasadth sounds more to my liking.
51. Incantations or silent visualization?
  Silent visualization. I rarely do incantations.
53. Horoscopes or palm readings?
55. Book of Shadows or computer files?
  Book of Shadows though I don’t really keep one myself. I use my journal to keep any events, witchy or otherwise, at hand as well as updates of my spiritual and general life. That’d be the closest thing I have to one.
57. Music or white noise?
59. Crows or Magpies?
61. Folk magic or ceremonial magic?
  Ceremonial. I’d love to try some of the kind but I’m low on resources, finances and patience!
63. Bones or blood?
  Another tough question. I’ve worked with bone dust and blood magic. I’d say bone as I find it a bit more versatile and beautiful. I’d love to own a skull. Each being’s bones tells their life story, every etch, every marking. Perhaps one day I’ll learn to read them.
65. Elaborate or minimalist altar?
  Elaborate. My altar is quite flashy, with reds, golds, greys and a touch of silver. I even have a piece of fools gold though I doubt it’s real. Rather ironic, huh?
67. Dusk or Dawn?
  You’d think with my love of the night, stars and the moon I’d say dusk but to be honest, I find being outside at dawn a surreal experience. It could be because I do it so rarely but there’s something eerily breathtaking about walking through your part of the world when it’s still asleep, just beginning to stir as it breathes the cool morning air.
69. Grunge or Boho?
71. Bells or singing bowls?
  Singing bowls. I don’t own one myself but I recall trying one out at a stall in a tucked away corner in Edinburgh, I think it was, and falling in love with the sound after having only heard it online. I begged my Dad to get me it but he refused. Hopefully one day! Bells also have a charming ring to them that I like but I favour the bowls by far.
73. At the stroke of midnight or at 11:11?
  The stroke of midnight.
75. Essential Oils or Flower Essences?
  Essential Oils though I can’t say for sure given I’ve never worked with either.
77. Traditional or Eclectic?
  Eclectic. I imagine my way of practice comes under it.
79. Cartomancy or Lenormand?
  Cartomancy given I wasn’t familiar with Lenormand till it was mentioned here and I looked it up! I actually bought a deck of cards recently with the idea of learning cartomancy in mind but I haven’t got around to starting yet.
81. Ethereal or tactile?
83. Solitary or magic gatherings?
  Solitary in practice though I do enjoy sharing about and how I practice with others even if I would not conduct anything with them.
85. Reiki or sound baths?
  Sound baths though for myself the noise would have to be quite soothing and not too loud. I hate loud noise.
87. Symbolic dreams or spotting omens?
  Spotting omens. I already dream of the future though it tends to be of small things and two or more years before it happens!
89. Apple Cider Vinegar or Coconut Oil?
  Coconut oil.
91. Earthly or Cosmic?
93. Empty Jars or wooden boxes?
  Wooden boxes.
95. Plant collection or crystal collection?
  Crystal collection.
97. All the teas or all the incense?
  All the incense!
99. Staring at the sea or staring at the stars?
  The stars, by a long shot. I find them mesmerising - almost as much as a full moon.
  To the one who sent this in, I have to say, thank you!! I had a ton of fun filling these all out and I have a few more from this question set along with some from another in my ask so I’ll be getting to those soon!
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aquarianwisp · 7 years
Why do you have like 5 different tarot decks? isn't it bad juju?
Hello Hun,Nope it is not bad luck. A lot of people have superstitions surrounding tarot decks, things like you should never buy your own cards, you can’t own more than one deck, the cards can’t be touched by anyone else, they are evil etc etc.
These are simply not true in my experience as a reader. (Especially the evil bit) Of course, people are free to believe what they would like for themselves, but I’ve never experienced any set backs based on these superstitions. I’ve bought all my decks for myself.I own many decks because some questions need to use different decks. This depends on which deck I am drawn to when I have a question, and which one has the energy that I need to give to my client for the reading. Some decks have a fiesty energy such as my rider waite, some have kind and sweet energy, such as my goddess oracle deck. Some clients can’t handle harsh truths and need a more calm and peaceful energy for a reading. So it’s all determined by intuition really.
So that is why I have 5 tarot decks. 
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