#i’m still thinking about those level 8 vibes
theafterglow83 · 1 month
Stray thoughts from an unhinged mind caused by a song called Robin
Since my teens, I have always been a Karlie Kloss fan. No amount of vitriol from the Swifty’s has ever strayed or strained my conviction that Karlie is on many levels, and aside from being absolutely gorgeous, a better human being than Taylor Swift.
By that I mean she seems to project a warmth and a level of kindness and humanity out into the world that is so pure and honest, when compared to Taylors, sometimes vengeful and darker persona ~as well as her being Queen Mother to one of the worlds most vindictive and exhausting cults who would gladly fillet anyone at “Mother’s “ request. Taylor (the brand) has made a career and a fortune from feeding her tales of romantic misfortune and presumed ex lovers to her hungry mob with merchandise to match.
Karlie on the other hand has a nurturing and supportive side to her and don’t let her beautiful and seductive exterior fool you for below that sultry surface she gives off a warm and fuzzy golden vibe- like a puppy. She’s sophisticated, highly intelligent, NYC chic and street smart , often silly and maturing like fine wine while somehow becoming more beautiful as she ages. She also appears to be one Hell of a good mother to those babies.
All that being said about their personalities is exactly why I believe Karlie’s sunshine is the perfect match for Taylor and her moody, broken, impulsive ,often over indulgent, midnight rain personality. Not only are they equal in status - they have a Yin Yang balance to them - Only that sunshine can dry up the rain in Taylor .
I’ll continue.
While listening to songs off of the TTPD I was stopped dead in my tracks when I came to the song, Robin. I listened three times and found a tear rolling down my right cheek. I was choked up and the tiny hairs on my arms stood up . To say I was moved would be an understatement. There was something so raw, so pure and so loving in those lyrics. I had to sit with my thoughts for a while but I feel the need to share them now among those who i consider “my people”.
The Kaylors.
Sidebar confession: Yes, I’m a Kaylor.
I firmly believe Taylor Swift, and Karlie Kloss had a long running romantic relationship. They were more than friends. They were lovers too. The level of denial it takes to doubt that is astonishing. It wasn’t just Kissgate that sealed the deal. It’s the way those two looked at each other and communicated in a secret language all their own. They were deeply in love.
I believe it all started prior to the public meet up at the VS Fashion Show and even long before the “your kitchen or mine cookie “tweet.
I believe Taylor and Karlie first met when Taylor was showing up at fashion shows that Karlie was walking in as far back as 2009. Where they had a relationship then? Probably not because they were both involved with others but the sparks were flying. Thats when the foundation was laid. The attraction was there. The seeds planted. Destiny and the Universe did the rest.
Think Love Story lyrics
“We were both young when I first saw you” which I believe Taylor wrote about Karlie and which also happens to be Karlies favorite song. I believe they had an ongoing relationship that continued on until late 2017-early 2018 and then I believe something happened and they broke up, as many long-term relationships often do. My guts tell me it was cheating and it was on Taylor’s part and the regret from that will haunt Taylor for her entire life because it caused the trajectory of their path to change.
Karlie married in 2018 yet many speculate they were still together and the unofficial story is the real trouble actually came in mid 2019.
Taylor was furious over the masters, fingers were pointing everywhere, cheating rumors flew. This entire story certainly has all the drama of a Netflix series that could easily do 8 seasons
There’s so much more to this Masters incident than the public is aware of. Also the fact that Josh’s families company ~ the Carlisle Group provided the funding to Scooter is an often overlooked storyline.
Was Taylor angry at Karlie for that but how could Karlie control that if she was even in that loop of that drama. Or~ was there more -because in any good mystery - there’s always several layers more .
What did Scooter have to leverage getting that kind of money from them to buy the masters? Being Karlie’s manager at the time perhaps he has something on her or Taylor or both of them and used it as that leverage . It’s a whole other rabbit hole that I don’t have time to visit right now but regardless Taylor is still angry about to this very day which tells me it goes way deeper and my gut feeling is that Taylor’s dad was the one involved with knowing things and not Karlie Kloss who got fed to the sharks over the situation.
So I’m going on record here saying I never believed Karlie had anything to do with Masters Heist. I believe that story was used as an explanation to explain their separation. I know there’s a whole other level of messy lore involving this and a love blackout and Trumps election and Karlie’s association with the Kushner’s but I’m going to skip over that season and move on -except to say that it was absolutely shameful the level of hate Karlie was forced to endure because of that and still her sun shinned while she was being made the villain online and much of it still continues to this day. At any point during that scandal Karlie could have spoken out but she didn’t. She quietly took one for the team.
I’m not going to pretend that I know what happened during that murky period or what is happening now - because honestly -I do not…but there have been a strange set clues and way too many “koincidences to simply chalk up to being coincidences.
It’s just a gut feeling but I also don’t believe their connection went fully went away or ever will for that matter. They are and will forever be tied together even in the times they are apart but I kinda think they reunited ( again) in early to mid 2020.
I’ve read all the theories. I’ve heard all the rumors ,I’ve been to the rabbit hole, I’ve climbed out, I’ve fallen back in, and most days now you’ll find me sitting on the edge dangling my feet still and kinda wondering. I live my life ~ they live theirs.
So am I a LSK?
No, not really, but some days …ok, maybe. You see for as much as I try to say no…there’s just this tiny string I can’t help but see so I keep my feet planted on the ground but my mind open.
By open I mean open to the possibility that Taylor and Karlie are in one of those kind of “relationships” where as hard as they try ~they just can’t seem to quit each other and they go through periods of on and off times. “pauses” is what I like to call the brakes or bumps along the way. You know that couple that’s over but they’re never really over ?
Where are they now? I have no idea.
Taylor has another year of touring and promoting and probably Travis. My money says Taylor Swift will be the halftime show at next years Super Bowl.
Karlie, along with her modeling contacts ( Carolina Herrera, Estée Lauder, Donna Karen etc ) is venturing into the business world. Along with running Kode with Klossy, she’s CEO of her newly formed media company. She bought I-D magazine and also Life magazine, which Josh also invested in , this year. She’s got a lot on her plate
Yes, Karlie is married but is she really married in the traditional sense of what we all consider marriage to be? On the surface, yes… but once again- the layers and the lore here is incredible.
What a character she’d be on that Netflix show I imagine in my head . Just give her an Emmy already.
Does she love Josh? I’m absolutely sure she does- but the real question is…is she IN love with Josh? You know- romantic love -which, I as an observer ~don’t believe she is or ever has been. You can just kinda tell and no matter how many pictures she posts the connection just isn’t there and whenever I see her with her beautiful babies (even if he’s in the photo) she gives off that “ single mother vibe “
That level of chemistry, no matter how the pictures are posed~ or the hand in hand walks are staged -the passion ~ the look in their eyes - it just isn’t there and honestly it never was.
They have always given off that bff energy and frankly ~ Karlie’s friendship with her “big brother “ Derek actually feels more real, relaxed and genuine.Then there are the gay rumors ( past and present) surrounding their entire little multiverse ~but we won’t go into them right now either. We’d be here all night.
And yes, Taylor has had her share of public relationships but have they been real? Have they had their moments? probably. Did some become more than PR for a brief period of time. Possibly She’s been linked to everyone she even walks by or talks to but somehow it all pales and fades in time. I’m sure there have been flings along the way but flings don’t fly and usually run their course in that 9 1/2 week period that flings seem to take.
If I’m being honest, as I observe from the treetops all of Taylor’s relationships and Karlies relationship with Josh, they never reach the level of the real connection and happiness that I saw between Taylor and Karlie. That’s something you just can’t fake or reproduce with another .
Whatever is going on with Travis is so cringey and sadly embarrassing.I tend to think it’s PR but if it’s real then he truly is her obnoxious karma and karma isn’t usually a good thing. But hey the moneys good. Maybe they’ll even get lavender married so she can stay in her closet and continue to throw red meat to the $wifties.
The future is yet unwritten.
All that being said, I’ll get back to my original point of this ramble and that’s a song called Robin.
So yes, I’ve heard the rumors, I’ve read the theories, I’ve seen photographs of visual evidence. Karlie Kloss was in Los Angeles during the pandemic, the same place where Taylor was in fort part of 2020. When she returned to NYC if you count the months - she was pregnant even if she didn’t look it. I also believe Karlie was there in the shadows during the Long Pond Studio recordings in Upstate NY. Jack kind of gave it away when he referenced “Joe the dog” as being who he thought Taylor was talking about when she said “ Joe and I wrote a song”
I’ve also heard the rumor that there was a ceremony between them that they tried to pass off as a ceremony between Taylor and Joe which Tree later denied that there was ever a ceremony of “any type”.
Ok buckle up because here it comes
I’ve seen the “turkey baster”( IVF ) post that Karlie made. Like who uses a turkey baster in May? What an odd thing to do unless you were signaling an IVF pregnancy situation. Regardless ~ she was extremely happy that day.
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I’ve seen the cinnamon buns post ( think the expression “buns in the oven ) that Taylor made a few days later back in May 2020. She was “proud” of her cinnamon buns.
Happy & proud …hum
Is that a crazy set of coincidences? Hand on whatever holy book you set before me ~ I’d have to say “yes”
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And it’s Absolutely crazy considering the fact that Levi was born a little over nine months later.
Add in the fact of how emotional Taylor got accepting her Grammy for Folklore when Arron thanked his “ wife and kids “during the acceptance speech.
For a few moments there you could feel the raw emotion in her as she nearly burst into tears andJack tried to console her. Blonde was gutted. It cut deep.
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Yes Aaron has a son named Robin but he’s 9 years old and other than the name cleverly used for gentle cover of the truth in case damage control is ever needed~ there is no connection to that child or a secret, no showmanship to cover it up or anything that would make Taylor react as she did. Other than his name there is no connection to the words in the song
But the fact that Levi’s birth was announced during the Grammys absolutely does connect.
So I’ll just put a pin in that and move on.
Listening to that ballad yesterday rocked my entire world . It was so soft, gentle and living. So heart wrenching that I just let my emotions flow through me as my mind wandered back gathering and processing all the previous rumors and lore I had heard along the way. It left me rattled as it tumbled through memories. Could it all have been true?
So now I’m just gonna say it out loud running the risk of being attacked and also sounding like a supermarket tabloid…here goes “could Levi be Karlie’s and Taylor’s child?”
I know it sounds crazy…secret love child but …
I’m not trying to out anyone and I want to respect the fact that a child is involved here. Honestly I had second and third thoughts about posting this but if I’m being real ~ it’s also a collective of things that have been shared openly about Taylor and Karlie here for years. Somehow the song was like a puzzle piece that snapped into place.
…those loving words ,the emotion in Taylor‘s voice as she sings about her strong heartfelt attachment to a young toddler, as she encourages him in being wild and free in his wonder years, playing with abandon and roaring at the dinosaurs~
There was real love in those words
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Looking out his window over his kingdom (NYC) and speaking gibberish
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She also advocates for him keeping his innocence for as long as possible and then speaks of a secret that a inner circle of people have chosen to keep from him” in sweetness” to protect him and the “showmanship” to cover up that secret that he has no idea of.
And as she watches his unabashed play in his toddler purity she prophesies there will come a time in the future when the world he faces will have harsh words for him and she reminds him that he will bounce back like he now does on his trampoline.
“ and you have no idea
Buried down deep and out of your reach
the secret we all vowed
to keep it from you in sweetness
strings tied to levers
slowed down clocks tethers
all the showman ship
to keep it from you in sweetness
way to go, tiger
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I’m not crying , you are and Levi looks just like his mommy 🤍
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Let’s keep this in the family ✌️🤍🏳️‍🌈
God I love this show .
Stay tuned for next season
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spongek-squidge · 3 months
My Headcannons for which bachelor(ette) is the most intimidating on first meeting
90% self indulgent headcanons 10% canon, let me have my fun~
#1 Shane
We all expected this one
Gruff old alcoholic man is not a very trustworthy or comforting persona
Also he’s rude when first meeting people so that doesn’t helps
Only reason he doesn’t completely scare people off is cause he’s baby faced (this fact annoys him greatly)
#2 Sebastian
Emo boy who lives in his mums basement, smokes and owns a motorcycle?
He’s literally the kid everyone’s parents told them to avoid
No matter if you love that bad boy persona or not there’s still that intimidation around it, ya gotta admit!
#3 Haley
She’s very mean
Literally comes off as everyone’s Highschool bully when you first meet her
She’s also just intimidatingly pretty on top of that so…
Pretty much a tie with Sebastian tho, I only put her lower because pritty gurl
#4 Alex
He a buff mysoginstic boi!
He’s like chill when you meet him but the bias leaks off him like the sweat when he’s exercising in his bedroom
Literally just a highschool jock, you move into town and think Haley and Alex are gonna be the biggest asshat powercouple
In reality they’re just some confused queers with dual mummy and daddy issues
#5 Abigail
Goth gfs are inherently a bit intimidating ngl
Also she just has a lot of energy and an urge to fight, that’s a fairly intimating combination-
Also if she could drive a car she would have biggest road rage, she got those vibes about her
#6 Harvey
Okokok hear me out
Ik he’s a big sad wholesome man but he’s also a doctor and anyone who sticks with the education system that long is a bit intimidating ngl
Also he’s a very tall boi and if you combine that with my head canon of him being dad-shaped it can give off an unintentionally intimidating aura!
Also people just don’t like going to the doctors so that won’t help
#7 Leah
She works out and it shows
It’s hot af but also a bit intimidating ngl
But she’s too chill for that to put her further up the list so here she be!
#8 Elliott
He uses big person words that I don’t understand
Big people words intimidate me
Words are powerful
But also I could easily beat him in a fight so he’s lower down than Leah
#9 Maru
One of her favourite objects is radioactive ingots
Need I say more?
Most of her intimidation comes from Demetrius being an overprotective cockblock tho, so it’s not as much her as her father
#10 Emily
She gives off chill aunt/cousin vibes
However she is also high as a kite 24/7 and that level of zoned out can be a bit freaky, especially when she zones out staring at you
She’s fine tho, would never take drugs that make her act up in a negative way
#11 Sam
He is a golden retriever and you can tell from the second you meet him
Big smile constantly and no thoughts behind those eyes
Only intimidation he could ever possibly have is the skater boy stereotypes, but other then that he’s got no negative vibes whatsoever
#12 Penny
I’m sure we all saw this coming, but she’s really not intimidating at all
She’s a shy woman that just wants to teach kids and read her romance novels and I love that for her
If she needed to intimidate someone she’d have to summon her mum to do it for her, no chance she’s scaring anyone herself
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #8
• Taurus suns with Virgo moons & Taurus risings were those people who when home alone would cook and then go eat in their rooms and stay in their beds all day watching funny/charismatic YouTubers like Lily Singh back in 2016-18.🌚
• Earth moons’ love language is softening up to people and sharing their food with them after they’ve made that person mad.
• Pisces suns with Earth moons especially Taurus moons have sweet earthy singing voices! • Also most people with Pisces in their big 6 especially Sun & Moon tend to be really good singers because they tend to start singing from a very young age specifically when they’re still toddlers. E.g. Michael Jackson (Pisces moon/rising) who first appeared on tv at 10-11 years old & Leon and Charmaine Sylvers (Pisces suns) who first toured with Ray Charles and sang on the Groucho Marx show while they were still little kids.
• Aquarius sun girls in school are either those popular girls who wear a lot of makeup, spray perfume on themselves and around them every 5 minutes, are unnecessary loud/pick me types and love taking selfies OR they are the outcasts who don’t wear makeup, are very friendly, chill & nonjudgmental, are somehow friends with everybody? And are usually seen as a little “weird” or “awkward” by the majority of other people. There is NO IN BETWEEN whatsoever.
• What’s up with underdeveloped Fire venuses and dating their siblings/friend’s crushes/ex’s?🧐 Like, they literally can’t know that you like somebody they’ll go fleeing to that person or if you’ve broken up with somebody they’ll go date/sleep with that person. Even if you have an old crush and you say you don’t like them anymore, these people WILL make sure they have SOME sort of connection to them.
• Nah because Fire/Water suns with Air moons when underdeveloped WILL use people, lmao. Fire suns/Air moons will come on strong, bold & fiery and best believe they’re the types to set people up or be nice & encouraging and then talk the most shit about them behind their backs. While Water suns will jump from friend to friend and be more secretive about their motives. They’ll also have a very much “Obliviously have people wrapped around my fingers.” type personalities and keep things cordial but then go and betray them.
• And if there’s ever a union between Water suns/Air moons and Fire suns/Air moons–while they’re both underdeveloped then the Water suns get charmed up and backstabbed while the Fire sun underestimates the Water sun then gets finessed!
• Underdeveloped Fire moons will think they're better than everybody and will dismiss others’ opinions/emotions if they don’t see fit. They also love to rub their underdeveloped knowledge in people’s faces but will also have little to no tactics and might overreact and end up breaking connections with people then regretting it later.
• Underdeveloped Air moons will think they know it all because they’re very mentally intellectual beings but they can exude very cocky “I’m better than you” and “you’re not on the same intellectual level as me so you can’t compete where you don’t compare” vibes and might play on sarcasm a lot! They’ll also ghosts their friends or isolate themselves then complain about being lonely. • Underdeveloped Earth moons will be overly possessive over their own and other people’s materialistic things and have a selfish “my way or the high way” demeanor anddd they will act greedy and hide things then be upset if they find out others ‘hid’ things from them. They’ll also call you out a lot even for the smallest things like the way your tone changed when you talked to them and will act super paranoid about getting things done.
• Underdeveloped water moons will play the victim in most situations at least 9 times out of 10. Even to the point of selfish pity party ranting that’s a completely twisted different version of the real story and they’ll go as far as crying theatrics in front of people while lying to them to manipulate others into being on their side and feeling sorry for them.
• Aries Mercury-Libra Mercury best friend duos are one of the best, hands DOWN!!! Although Aries mercuries tend to be more aggressive, energetic and straight to the point type people they teach Libra mercuries to be more upfront about voicing their ideals & concerns while Libra mercuries tend to show Aries mercuries that good mannerisms are more likely to get you places in the long run and they might also teach them about thinking things through more.
• Scorpio moons/mars parents love language is being harsh to their kids especially making fun of their sensitivity yet they’re emotionally immature themselves. They usually tend to have kids with Fire/Air mercuries!
• 5th house suns are so dramatic and I am so here for it!!😂
• 3rd house placements are very mentally active people and might be underestimated depending on their other placements but are very smart even if they have Pisces/Sag mercuries! Also into poetry and reading!
• Virgo sun Aquarius moon men will act like total fucking crackheads!! Even if they have a Virgo mercury—These people have NO CHIL!!😂😭
• Scorpio suns with Scorpio risings and Water risings in general tend to have the fakest friends that won’t hesitate to hurt them or belittle them. Some people don’t deserve to have you in their lives and it’s totally okay to cut people off gorgeous! <3
• Cancer suns with Capricorn sun mothers tend to not be too affectionate..
• Scorpio suns in the 5th house with Virgo moons are super expressive and tend to be either on paranoid overthinking-whole-existence mode or laid back hilarious storytelling mode. • 5H Scorpio suns are also tend to say funny stuff out loud out of nowhere too.😂
• Scorpio moons are very caring affectionate friends too, they’re the types to give you cute nicknames and always ask how you’re doing & they tend to be genuinely concerned if you’re not doing well. 💜
• We all need an inspirational Aries sun in our lives who will have our backs and be very loyal friends. They also give good advice and encourage you to come out of your shell more if you’re shyer then them. 😩❤️‍🔥
• Gemini placements 🤝 self sabotaging because of their overthinking issues.
• Taurus placements tend to be flat out truthful and sometimes bold people despite being shy especially risings!✨
• Scorpio suns with Sag moons>>>>
• Tbh all placements are equally important/relevant. I don’t get the tearing down certain placements and glorifying others when all placements have their pros & cons! Just because you’re a Cap/Aqua moon or a Scorpio moon doesn’t mean you’ll always have a bad or overly detached relationship with your mom. Or that you’re too ‘cold’ or have no feelings.🤨 Same goes for a lot of negatively stereotyped placements.
• Fire venuses 🤝 picking on/teasing/bullying their crushes.
• Water venuses 🤝 getting easily attached then not being able to properly let go of those people.
• Air venuses 🤝 falling for mentally active/funny/charismatic people in their friend circles.
• Earth venuses 🤝 going out of their ways to do little things for their partners.
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
Bunny laoshi’s 1005 birthday CPNs Part II 🎂🎉
part one is here. this covers xz studio’s birthday video and all the clownery that came with it. this day is truly for celebration and i hope all of us are gonna have a good day~
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a conversation that’s kinda loud is where the first part of the video was shot, and more importantly, when. because compared to the other sections of the edit, it appears to be his personal time that was added in. and the rest, with them taking photos, those are deliberately for the birthday material.
I thought this was somewhere in IM too, but it’s actually in Beijing. It’s confirmed by the photo he shared on his weibo. The place is at Lianquan Xianggu Natural Scenic Area Tiangong Cave📍Huairou District, Beijing. There are “reviews” from people who visited and said : “Highly recommended as a great place to get close to nature. There are very few people and there are many routes to choose from. No matter what your physical level, you can play!”
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So i guess it makes sense for ZZ to visit. But when was this? I’m seeing 2 speculations on when this could have been. However the common denominator is that WYB was with him in this trip. It’s a place where they will not be recognized that much and no crowds.
OPTION NUMBER 1 : September
The theory is simply lining up the date when they were both in Beijing. GG allegedly went back to Beijing on 9/23 to 9/27 for work. Since he has other commitments other than shooting the movie. If you remember, he had a couple of livestreams and shoots. His schedule lined up with WYB who had no public itinerary on 9/26-9/27. So this could be the time window when they went hiking & exploring. Maybe WYB had his camera with him too and they both took pictures.
This one has more clues to it and the guess is 8/14-8-15 which is free time for both of them. 8/13 was also when the mysterious driver was spotted so there’s that. The one who restored the cake mentioned to count the number of the sheep and it should be 32. Also it’s called something like a Beijing Camping cake and the plan for it ( with photos ) was shared 8/15 since this person didn’t know it’s for XZ. However the“original” one who made the concept is from Hangzhou which I already talked about. There are also posts from other people way before this material came out that they did see XZ around that time in the area. Remember there are some parts of LOCH done in Beijing. Tho they said that the filming site was very strict and closed off.
So anyway, I really believe that this was some sort of a joint celebration for them even it’s not 1005. I mean, why would his cast mates celebrate it with him that early??? Unless they both know that the two of them will be busy in the next couple of weeks so why not celebrate it now. While we’re out here camping 🏕️
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This photo too, when i first saw it i expected for the XZS bday edit to have the scene where they sang for him. BUT NO. They shared a different “birthday moment”. I’m looking at this and thinking — maybe they didn’t want to share this private moment. They are aware of how eagle eyed CPFs can put things together and notice stuff with photos, all the more in a video. I’m leaning more towards the fact that it’s private and they wanna keep this between.
We could all be wrong about this. As with all CPNs, more clues come out as the days & months go by.
Moving on….
Is this the new favorite mini fan? LOL. I mean the CQL couple fan they have will always have a special place but it’s nice to see him have some “upgrade”.
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We are seeing that again! P1 and P3 are a nod to how the sunrise is seen from the space station. P2 which is from XZS video looks like it’s a nod to that too but in a different way.
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The whole feel of the vlog too, some of the cuts have that “Like The Sunshine” vibe to it. It’s a common reaction from some turtles, especially if you put the lyrics side by side with some of the stills. You can easily cut the scenic shots and use LTS as the background music and it will fit.
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Watching the starry sky with the wild beasts. What is your name, in the shadows. Waking up in the night, silent like me. We lit the bonfire while we chatted. Time sneaks by, falling like flower petals
I have traveled a long way, you have dreamed a long time. If we can exchange our sincere hearts, then we can get through winter. Many lonely nights drift like fallen leaves: But it always finds a way and is always new on the branches. We will meet again, like the world will go on as usual
I have a firefly for you in the palm of my hand. It's some happiness picked up along the way. What is your name, how gentle is your name. Please tell me when the night breaks. We lit the bonfire while we chatted. Time sneaks by, falling like flower petals
Tell me this doesn’t match. 🙃🙃🙃 Their works really complement each other.
I can mention some other elements in the video like the windmills again & that cut with the violin/symphonic sound that wyb just mentioned in his vogue interview. I mean, if you clown hard enough I bet you can connect everything to a candy. But the topics I’ve mentioned here are what’s mostly talked about.
P.S: I can relate to this so much. The state of turtles right now 😂😂😂
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: The Rules of Magic
[unicorn fuck club] Brandon Sanderson: so I’ve got a story Sanderson: I call it the tale of cosmere universe Sanderson: it’s kind of long, so you should all probably go to the bathroom first
Sanderson: so here’s what you have to know about the cosmere universe Sanderson: it’s got a hard magic system Sanderson: you have to spend 8 points of manna to cast magic missile Sanderson: but only if you get +2 on your saving dexterity roll Sanderson: and if there’s a level 3 cleric or above in your party, they can roll to assist Alan Moore: [appearing in a flash of thunder] greetings mortals Sanderson: um excuse me sir Sanderson: you cannot just appear like that Sanderson: by the rules of magic, you have to first roll a +8 in spell casting OR shadow weaving Moore: foolish imp, my magic cannot be contained! Moore: your earthly laws cannot bind my powers Moore: for magic knows no rules Moore: only vibes  
Sanderson: UM Sanderson: that’s NOT the way it works Sanderson: there are RULES, you know Sanderson: three of them Clive Barker: damn I’m surprised you had time to come up with three whole rules what with all those doorstoppers you write Sanderson: well there was going to be a fourth but I ran out of time Sanderson: Sanderson: why are you Barker: yeah I’m here sometimes Barker: I wrote abarat, that counts Sanderson: the cosmere universe has 8 realms: sun, moon, flesh, ether, dirt, water, fire, heart Sanderson: and each realm has 12 singularities, called perpetuities Sanderson: each of those perpetuities are endowed with the essence of the create-o-sphere Sanderson: that’s the cosmic pangea that split to make the 4 orbs of knowing Sanderson: see, what you have to understand in that the universe has chaos AND order Sanderson: like, balances of them
Sanderson: also another important thing Sanderson: whenever anyone feels an emotion, like a little sprite representing that emotion appears and dances around for a bit Sanderson: but don’t worry Sanderson: you don’t need to know any of that to understand the story Barker: wow that’s interesting Barker: so I hear you hate gay people, what’s up with that Barker: Barker: oh sorry usually about this time edgar would intervene Barker: haha damn I’m not used to working alone
Barker: so I heard you hate gay people Sanderson: haha no no you got it all wrong Sanderson: I don’t personally hate gay people Sanderson: I simply support an institution that wants to kill them
Sanderson: I think they’re neat Sanderson: if it were up to me, they wouldn’t be exterminated at all Sanderson: but jeez, guys, who am I to tell the Mormon church it’s wrong? Sanderson: I really don’t have any choice here other than to keep tithing them millions of dollars Sanderson: I guess I gotta just hope they don’t use all that money for anything bad Sanderson: but my hands are tied Orson Scott Card: oh yeah totally very relatable
Barker: haha that sucks, man Sanderson: whoa whoa whoa Sanderson: look, I know you all think I’m some sort of bogeyman for giving millions of dollars to a church that wants to kill queer people Sanderson: but consider this Sanderson: I wrote Lord Orebor Twylbyll in The Shroud of Steel and Ivory to be gray ace Sanderson: so really I think that balances everything out Barker: Barker: haha Barker: that still sucks man
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dragonfly0808 · 7 months
Don’t want to be mean or anything but why are you giving so much things to Flora? Without even talking about her story and all, why is she the best/second best dancer when there is Aisha (even Stella or Musa dance in the show, I’m not counting season 8 in it because it sucks). And why is she the second best singer after Musa when she literally never sing in the cartoon and the only canon singers are Musa, Bloom and Stella?? Also her being the best fighter is so weird like in the show she was probably the less probable one for that (I know you’re doing a rewrite and changed things but I’m still pointing it out). Like I’m really not trying to sound rude or saying you shouldn’t do things the way you want to do, it’s your opinion and everyone has the right to have their own. I’m just genuinely curious if you are doing that because she is your favorite?
Ummm… Like- I get the question but she’s really not the best at anything? Only Potionology after that she may be the second or third best but like-
Aisha is the best dancer, she’s literally teaching both ballet and modern dance right, she’s the best. I gave Flora ballet cause she just gives me ballet vibes (I genuienly don’t remember ever seeing Musa or Stella dancing…) and then for a singer I lit just said Helia is the second best not Flora. Again, Flora just gives me soft but good voice vibes but no one would be near Musa’s level. The ones I mentioned are all good in general but not near Musa’s level. Maybe Helia comes a tad bit close but still.
I don’t remember ever seeing Stella sing in the show and kinda ignore Bloom singing out of biterness cause it should’ve been Musa singing
Finally about the fighting, up to where i watched the series the girls were never seen physically fighting so I chose to make Flora the ‘fighter’ due to her relationship with Riven and coming up with the idea of Riven teaching her to box/hand to hand on s2 as a way to deepen their friendship and make what they were teaching each other (Riven helped her a lot to stand her ground) almost literal.
I also made her the fighter cause I felt like it would be empowering to her character for her to be the first to learn to fight physically due to her previous history. Also also, while I have given Flora a most of the emphasis on that, I have mentioned the other girls training with the boys a bit (specifically I remember bringing it up with Musa and Bloom).
And like- they do have their own things? Aisha is the best dancer, Musa is the singer/artist, Flora hasn’t ever sung or written songs in the rewrite I just answered that off of vibes cause, in the rewrite Musa and Helia would be the only ones to actually realistically sing considering the plot (also Bloom due to me mentioning her being in her theater club, that’s why she’s in the list of good singers). Flora is the potionologist that’s why she works at a lab.
Stella has fashion. Tecna technology/engeniering more recently and Bloom has history, mythology and drawings, all 3 of those things are never touched by Flora and, whilst I’ve shown her fighting hand to hand and *small spoiler* will show her in s4 with a dagger (since in s3 I mentioned her taking basic dagger technique in RF with Riven) she’ll never be shown with a sword, bow, or phantoblade or any other tech usually reserved for the boys cause 1) it was never established and 2) it wouldn’t make sense for her character. ALSO S4 will be big for the girls fighting more physically, specifically Flora, Aisha and Bloom.
Another reason for her being the 3rd best singer is that Lynphea just gives me the vibe of a very artsy planet, I personally relate nature with what I would call ‘soft art’ like ballet, singing folk songs and stuff like that. I could totally see Flora singing smth like The Hanging Tree that’s the main reason
And yeah she’s absolutely my fave I don’t think there is a single way I could possibly deny that but like… I can see where you’re coming from but I genuienly don’t feel like I give her everything. I pay a lot of attention to her when it comes to artsy shit cause again- I relate nature (Lynphea) to art but like- I don’t give her too much?
Do i? I feel like I might but if I do like- it’s not in an exagerate way, I do try very hard to give all the girls their own stuff and time in the spotlight but I am very aware of my bias towards Flora but I do not feel like it’s blatantly obvious most of the time
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libbylubb · 11 days
The baby - Angela Giarratana
“So she told you to do this?” Chance asked, an eyebrow raised. “Yeah!” Angela smiled, rocking baby cho in her arms. “Y/n is almost 8 months pregnant, I want to make sure I don’t torture our baby girl when she’s here,” Angela explained. Chance rolled his eyes and walked off, Courtney didn’t leave though. She stood in front of Angela, cooing at the fake baby. She looked behind Angela and smiled, “speaking of…” Angela turned around to face you, a very pregnant lady, exhausted and in pain. “Sweetie, what are you doing here? How did you get here?” Angela asked, giving baby Cho to Courtney so she could give her attention to you. “I think you ju-“ “hush, Courtney. Baby, what’s going on?” Angela asked, cupping your cheeks. “I got bored… so I took the bus to get here. And I want a massage…” you mumbled, leaning into her touch. “You should be at home, resting. Plus I’m only half way into my day,” you pouted, but looked over at Courtney and baby Cho. “Awwww! I know he’s not real, but he’s adorable and it does not help,”
Angela let you stay, she did miss you as well. Plus you could help out with baby Cho. As of now. Angela was doing a live stream at the moment so she left the baby with you. “Aw, you had your baby?” Alex asked you. You pointed to your belly. “Does it look like it?” You asked, a bit naggy. “Wow, sorry,” he mumbled and walked off. You sighed as Shayne sat down beside you, taking baby Cho from you. You looked at him, “careful,” you pointed a finger at him. “Yes yes yes of course, but hey! I guess yours and Angela’s baby will be the real Smosh baby,” Shayne pointed out. You hummed and leaned your head back in the chair, stroking your belly. “She will, I just hope she’ll be easier for me than she is now. Cause boi, does she take a toll on my energy level,” you laughed a little, opening your eyes and lifting your head to make eye contact with Angela. She gave you a small smile before turning back to the convo.
“Have you thought of a name yet?” Shayne asked. You shrugged, “baby Chosy?” You laughed, he laughed as well. “No, but we have thought of some names. April, Diana, Carrie… but those names give off so different vibes I think we have to see the baby before we can decide,” you explained. “I understand, Carrie is really nice,” you nodded, stroking your belly with a smile. “It is, but soon we’ll see what her name shall be,” you giggled at your rhyming before you felt a pain in your stomach.
You bit your lip, “fuck,” Shayne looked at you, “what’s wrong? Should I get Angela?” He asked, sitting up in his seat, ready to sprint anywhere. “No, no, it’s fine. It’s just false labor,” “Labor!?” Shayne shouted. “Nooo, false,” you explained. But he was already shouting out that you were in labor. “Shayne! Get your ass down. I’m fine!” You tried to drag him down. Angela came rushing to your. “Hey, baby, I want you to breathe.” “Angela, what are you talking about?” You asked, confused as the room suddenly got thick. “You’re going into labor,” she explained. “Girl, don’t even try to mansplain. I know what’s going on, the doctor said it was completely normal,” you told her, stroking her cheek. “I still think we should go to the hospital,” she said, grabbing her keys from her jacket on the chair. Keep in mind while this was happening, the stream was still going. Though no one was in the chairs.
“babe, we don’t have that kind of money. We can’t afford another doctors visit,” you told her, trying to calm her. Angela took a deep breath, looking into your eyes. “I don’t care, come on,” she managed to get you in the car and drive off to the hospital. She also contacted your doctor, who would be ready for you the second you came into the building. You sighed, “it doesn’t hurt anymore, I’m fine Angela. Can we just go home?” You pleaded, placing your hand high up in her thigh. She jolted a little. You smirked, “shh, baby, don’t be scared. Let me please you,” you stroked her thigh. She was about to give in, however she had already parked the car.
Do you think it’s false labor? Or are you and Angela about to have your angel?
If you want another part lemme know, and definitely what should happen next😼
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Well, I’ve had all day to digest this so here’s my ramble about the Bees
I got into the FNDM around the end of Volume 6 so before I came out as trans (actually some of you were the first to know.) or a lesbian. 
It was that now famous image of Blake & Yang holding hands, standing defiantly in front of Adam that actually lured me in but I made myself binge the entire series before watching V6.
I completely and utterly fell in love with those two girls and their story. I think that’s one advantage more recent fans have who didn’t have to wait between all the early volumes, you could get more of a sense of how the story was progressing without conjecture or headcanons. So I saw their romance blossom. From the moment they laid eyes on each other from across a crowded room those two were linked.
It was such a hard and lonely road they both traveled. It felt like just as they made a connection at Beacon it all went to hell. Yang losing her arm to Adam, Blake blaming herself and both spiraling into self-loathing and depression.
But then V5 happened and Yang had someone she cared about finally come back into her life and as upset and angry as she was, she couldn’t hate Blake...never Blake.
Volume 6 was a volume of healing, of fighting their demons and overcoming them. 
Volume 7 was them easing back into that casual vibe they had at Beacon and feeling comfortable around each other again.
Volume 8 was difficult. It tested their fledgling relationship in many ways. They disagreed on how best to help Mantle but also learned that they COULD disagree and still be okay. 
Then Yang fell and Blake saw her future fall with her. Everything they could have been was gone in an instant. That changed her. She wasn’t going to stand on the sidelines WAITING for it to happen. 
Which brings us to today. Blake now knew her heart belonged to Yang and she knew that Yang felt the same, she just needed a little encouragement to say the words. 
Yang’s face when Blake called her “extraordinary” was nothing short of astonishment. It was like she couldn’t believe this beautiful girl, her partner could think of her in that way.
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Blake’s face when Yang presented her own thoughts was a lot more accepting because Blake already knew Yang loved her, at least on some level
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“Any big truths we haven’t dropped on each other yet?”
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“That can’t be what this is about.”
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“It’s like a...cliff and if I do it, I’m just gonna fall” “I think we’re already falling.”
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“Just say it, Yang.”
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“I...think I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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And there it is. The end of one phase of their relationship and the beginning of a whole new one. They fought SO HARD to get here and this means EVERYTHING to me.
And the nice thing about it is, it’s not remotely over yet.
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So, here’s to the happy couple. I know you’ll both have long and happy lives together. I love you two so much and even with everything I wrote, I know I left so much of what I’m feeling out.
Well, if you made it to the end of this, I’m shocked but thanks for reading it.
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emblazons · 1 year
hELLO do you have any fun specific hopes/theories/headcanons for st5?
Honestly I am not like super headcanon forward as a watcher because I think I have expectations trust issues from other television and therefore stick to what I can see on screen before speculating, BUT!
Headcanons + some things I would love to see explored (that aren’t just aggressive amounts of pining byler)?
The whole “Will is suppressed in his queerness being attached to soteria/suppression of powers” is like. 11/10 concept imo. It goes along with horror history so well (shout out @pinkeoni for that analysis) and plays so well into the whole relating to “Alan Turing” bit that we were introduced to start of S4, given his history as a gay man.
re, the last point: the contrast in queerness between Mike and Will being explored as someone who shows more blatant attraction to men but struggles to accept it as an identity versus someone who accepts their identity while suppressing their attraction (by outside forces or not) is also a dynamic I think would be cool to explore. I am not an ace Will truther at all but. I do think he shies away from his own sexuality a lot in a way they don’t do with Mike.
I really want “samfro caught on mount doom together while the rest of the fellowship fights an army” byler vibes—something about El and Lucas as Aragorn & Legolas with Dustin (Gimli) and Erica (Merry/Pippin) while Will struggles with feeling alone carrying the heavy burden of a connection to Vecna? Some “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you” heroism from Mike? El getting a moment to reunite with Max (Arwen) at the hand of Lucas, just like in Return of the King? Fucking mint lmao
I need scenes of Max in whatever place she’s still alive in like I need oxygen. Working from “the inside” to do exposition on Henry + the UD while she’s in a coma while the party sorts through it in Hawkins feels like such a phenomenal writing opportunity I’ll be desperately sad if they don’t explore it. I hope they include some elements of like. The duality of presence a la The Talisman in that given Lucas was reading it to her in the hospital? But 🤷🏽‍♀️
GIVE ME TIME FKERY OR GIVE ME DEATH. I know it’s pretty much guaranteed at this point but. I need Mr. Clarke back stat, with some convoluted ass theory explained on a paper plate again. I need the most elaborate UD reality just, absolutely borderline nonsensical lore for like a full episode so I can watch this series back again and see it from SECOND ONE (or minute 8:15) and giggle like a schoolgirl knowing the duffers really are smart/the haters were wrong.
I want more Wheelers! I know Nancy is central to the supernatural given she was the only other one pulled in by Vecna and not killed—just sent as a messenger—but. I have so many Wheeler and Creel thoughts at this point I don’t know where to start, but. They are the PERFECT family for exploring picture-perfection against horror themes (just like the Creels) and I want it. Like “don’t care how, I want it now” level focus on them, along with their Byers.
I said it before but: an exploration of motherhood as a theme makes so much sense to me, and it seems to be important to The Duffers too, so. I want it.
Kinda want RoVickie as the couple who introduces the idea of the supernatural + queerness v Hawkins element at the start of the season, and for byler to be the ones who “end it.” I think that would be a fascinating way to parallel them more, though…I haven’t much thought this through.
If they don’t make Finn Wolfhard sob his little eyes out this season I’m going to feel betrayed. I need him like. Noah level pressed at least once next season, for the culture (Finn said he wanted to do more dramas. Let him defeat the bad actor allegations here so they let him LMAOOOO)
That’s all I can think of for now! I’m sure there are more, but. Those were the firsts that came to mind haha.
Thanks for the ask!
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enigma-absolute · 1 month
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)
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Both you and @choasuqeen had sent me this at roughly the same time, so I guess I’m gonna have to answer this with ten things instead, which is fine!
I was able to cut, sew and stitch on a collar on to my Steve shirt in time to wear it out to my local convention with Blue in hand! Here's one of many photos!
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2. Still can't believe I'm saying this, but I managed to rope in three friends to help me sing a cover of 'The Rainbow Connection' for a friend's belated birthday present. I genuinely still listen to it because... wow. It genuinely made both my friend and I tear up when we listened to it together over discord.
(And honestly, we could all do with a bigger choir together...)
3. I'm actually kinda proud of how far my art's come since I started keeping sketchbooks. Looking at the shelf on my right from 2019 to now (though I started in 2013), it's nuts how much I've drawn in those years.
4. On the topic of sewing and sketchbooks, I'm actually kinda surprised I still have bookbound my own sketchbooks, and now they sit in wait to be used someday, ready and waiting in their drawers until I choose the next to go ham with.
5. ...oh my god I still can't fully grasp the weight of having written my show's complete pilot episode, complete since last year for Honours. I know I usually talk and think about it in a very light manner, but dude! I have LORE for that story in SEVERAL notebooks, building and retconning and rewriting as I've gone. I did that??? I DID that?????!!!!!
6. If I really like someone international and online (PLATONICALLY), I'm the kind of woman to mail them physical gifts. The fact that I've sent so much mail and have a minor hoarde of envelopes and sealing wax should say something. This only comes at a certain level of closeness though, since, well, of course. You don't go exchanging physically addresses that easily.
7. Something I hadn’t noticed myself until someone had pointed it out to me is that I’m very outwardly silly in front of my friends. And why shouldn’t I be, I love it! I love that I can say or do something that can make my friends laugh; that I have the lack of care to just do a family guy death pose in a video games shop, get a lab coat for a Beaker Bit, or even have the dumbest grin and cackle while everyone else is done at another dad joke I can think of on the spot.
8. It’s hard to believe it now, but me ten years ago on this hellsite didn’t really have two cares about fashion aside from emulating her idol at the time. Now? I’ve developed some tastes and aesthetics, and while I still have a way to keep growing, I’ve found multiple styles and dream outfits and even outfits I own that not only work in comfort, but also style. Velvet green flared pants? Gold jeans? Bright blue overcoat? Vests? YES.
9. Now that I think about it, I’m… actually kind of impressed with my range of voice acting and impressions? Yes it’s very silly and often for the bit, but I’ve had people compliment my Kermit the Frog voice before, and even if I can’t reach the octave Columbo is at, I can still do the vibes.
10. This is off the back of having a psychology appointment recently, but... I'm kinda proud of how far I've come, honestly. From a lost and lonely and scared girl stuck in NZ to someone about to get a teacher's aide job (hopefully, pray for me y'all!) at her old school's sister school for kids on the spectrum - WITH a Bachelor's and Honours in Animation. In Australia. Who would've thought? I sure didn't. But now I'm here.
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alyjojo · 28 days
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May 🏋🏻 2024 Monthly - Sagittarius
Preshuffle: You’re likely to be disappointed with how something turns out to be not what you wanted, after you were so sure it was. Like, pushy levels of certain, you’ve probably gotten on high-horses and made rants about this thing, I keep seeing Knight of Swords. This IS the way. Turns out…maybe not though.
Meditation: A small meditation, the color red dominated the view, I saw Ace of Wands very clearly, and heard the song “Red” by Taylor Swift. Could be a very passionate (but short?) affair this is talking about. Fiery, passion, inspiration, lighting something inside of you 🔥
Main energy: Knight of Wands
With The Fool, this makes sense for a Sag reading. You want to jump in head-first, into some (probably passionate) adventure with someone…The Lovers is here, I assume it’s romantic. Ish. Because friend is here too. Either you *want* to dive in with someone that’s been a friend…make things more fun, exciting, passionate; or you are going out with someone and realizing maybe they’re better off as a friend. There’s something you could be planning quietly, that is exciting, but you’re holding it back from a partner because of money or you’re not sure you’ll be able to swing it financially. Contractually even. For now, it’s just something you’re looking into.
What’s going on in May:
You’re holding back Judgment on a situation with someone, or because friend is here, it could be regarding the actions of a friend, someone your friend is dating even. You’re all for the excitement and adventure, but this could be a different kind of case for some reason. There’s an avoidance in talking about future related stuff, either because you’re up to something and keeping it secret, or you’re still pondering how this all is going to work out down the line…is it even what you want, or them, it depends on how new or old this is. Some are seriously considering commitment, and others - definitely not. Not yet, it’s new. You’re keeping to yourself while whatever is going on in your head is processed. I don’t see much thinking time going on though. It’s more like holding back, holding back, avoidance, okay GO - but there’s not much “learning” going on with this Live & Learn card, not initially, which makes me think maybe a mistake or…an experience rather, is occurring. Short & meaningful.
8 Wands:
Clarified by 2 Cups rev, and you must be feeling the same as me with this reading. It’s either on and off, or…there’s a lack of communication that’s hurting my head - Condor shows stepping away from this is probably your best bet, until you can see things more clearly. Call a time out. Some are breaking up (and making up?). If a new relationship, you could dive in and then realize there’s no chemistry, no real depth to what you feel, there’s a strong “friend” vibe with someone. I see you moving really fast, fire energy is like LET’S DO THIS, and then this other person at the bottom, they’re going slow. Really slow 💯 They could be the one in this energy of…is there a spark, is there potential, holding back from being too judgy, holding back giving you another chance possibly, is this more of a friend vibe, etc. Or if you have been friends awhile, maybe they’re ending a connection separately from you, and you’re like 😏 because it’s your time to shine. Buuut…
The Lovers:
Oof. Yeah some of you are getting friend zoned. At least kinda, if they’re already a friend then those feelings haven’t developed for them yet, they’re still stuck on someone else. Hurting over them possibly, a new connection or some passionate fling is the last thing they want, I’m hearing “especially with you.” So whoever you are to them is more of a no then a yes. Maybe because they value the relationship. With Knight of Wands/Fool, that’s someone who does not care though 😆 Why can’t we have BOTH? You’re flexible! Could be switched too. One person definitely feels the passion, they feel like this person is supposed to be something real & intense for them, possibly a soul contract. The other is avoiding love like the plague, doesn’t even want to talk about it, is simply not ready OR interested. Could simply not be into this like that. It’s awkward and uncomfortable.
There’s a side note here for someone college-age or younger, if you’re not feeling *the love* then you’re right. You could be focused on school & a future with your career, love is simply not in the cards for you right now - and it’s like you know that but feel kinda guilty. Maybe your friends are all partnered up, maybe someone has deep feelings for you, but you don’t 🤷‍♂️ You have to do what’s best for you. Or that’s someone else’s argument @ you.
Page of Pentacles:
There is something flirty here though, I’m only really getting one lane from this whole reading, a friend gone romantic. Well, passionate. Flirty. Trying to. They look hot in a crop top/joggers and they call you “bruh”. It’s a constant back and forth, should I or shouldn’t I, can it or can’t it, do they or don’t they, and I just don’t get anything like…YES, they overwhelmingly do! More like you like them and it’s unrequited, for whatever reason, I’m seeing lots of those. They’re hurt, you’re young, school/work, lack of chemistry, planning a future, taking things slow, different love languages entirely, etc. There are reasons.
King of Pentacles rev:
This could go in different ways. This King can be a few things: irresponsible and not even considering the future - per say - like they don’t have anything figured out at all and love is the least of their concern; could be they’re unemotionally available af and career is the *only* priority; or they may be greedy, essentially selfish, in a controlling way. I would assume this is you with Condor telling you to chill out, because this can be like an “I WANT YOU HOW I WANT YOU” type of energy, not considering it takes two, or that this person’s response is essentially - final. Or that’s switched, you could be dealing with another headstrong & pushy fire energy. What’s on offer isn’t even truly authentic, regardless of how it’s presented. It’s fun, excitement, passion, which is great - but it’s not King of Pentacles upright, and for one of you - that’s what’s important. Career, finances, reputation, stability…not so much sweeping passion or fun adventures. I’m seeing two young people, one wanting to travel the world and enjoy their youth, one wanting to go directly to college - this could be where people are parting ways. Neither are wrong. Planning the future and how time will change things clarifies. It is graduation month. Sending you all my best wishes and/or congratulations, this stuff isn’t easy to navigate for anyone 🙏 The song is interesting. You’re blue, maybe they’re red. Or switch it.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Leo & Aries, all fire energy 🔥
Oracle: ✨
Introvert 😶‍🌫️
Privacy - Separate - Online Community
Live & Learn 📚
Experience - Training - Development
Condor 🦅
“You’re too enmeshed in this situation, so step back and see the bigger picture before making any decisions or taking action.”
You’ve lost perspective here because you either believe there’s something you absolutely need to have happen or else you’re simply being too stubborn to let go, step back, and take a fresh look at your circumstances. It’s the forest vs the trees dilemma. You’re too close to clearly discern the reality of what’s actually taking place. So make practice of detachment. Most people think of this as a cold, sterile way of responding, but nothing is further from the truth. It’s worse to remain so utterly involved and entangled that you lose perspective - and sometimes even yourself. This familiar pattern stems from the guilty feeling that somehow you’re not doing enough unless you’re completely immersed in a person or situation, continually trying to fix the problem, person or situation or rescue people. While this gives a temporary sense of satisfaction, it also creates unhealthy dependencies.
True detachment is objective compassion, where you still care very much but are distanced enough so you’re not under the illusion you can control the situation or person through your intervention or participation. 1st, be present and attentive. 2nd, speak your truth or remain silent. 3rd, keep the focus on what really matters. Lastly, let go of any attachment to an outcome. This is how you keep perspective. You can state your preference without insisting you get your own way. Express yourself, while honoring & respecting others, and see what happens.
We enter into May as:
Charmaine Chartreuse 🗣
“I never met a person I didn’t like.”
Charmaine Chartreuse suggests you begin finding the good in others. So much is lost when we do not appreciate those around us, for we lose the wonderful gifts of who they are. Appreciating differences will enrich your present situation. This can be a warning that you’ll lose a valued relationship if you do not appreciate what you have. Thinking the best of another person is more powerful than putting them down. Do not attempt to choose sides. Getting others to agree with you that someone else is wrong will also backfire, you may find yourself alone if you are not thoughtful. Wasting energy focusing on something you shouldn’t is also denoted here. Gossip is an indication you’re not focusing on your own life. What we think may not be the truth of the matter. Be aware now of how you speak of another, for the things you say will come back to you at this time. “Doing your own thing” may leave you lonely, and an aloof attitude may lead others to believe you don’t like them, when that isn’t true. If you’re feeling cut-off, consider that others may be waiting for you, and take a cue from Charmaine, being kind is called for from you, even if others are behaving in an inappropriate way.
What is to be learned in May:
Blue November 🕊
“ A window is opened as a door gently closes.”
The passing of things in our lives is inevitable. Jobs, people, friendships, or relationships. This card is a message that whatever is going on requires a release on your part. There is no healthy escape from your own feelings. This card is a reminder that what is taken away is replaced with something else, in some form, eventually. You may not even be aware of the loss, but others around you are feeling it, in some cases. This could represent some unexpected news. You must be grateful for what you have. A coming celebration will pull you through whatever is coming. Do not be afraid that you are avoiding your feelings by celebrating. Your feelings will surface, and resurface, when they’re supposed to. Whatever is pending that you must face will not be as frightening as it is in your mind.
Blue may be a lucky color 💙
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dinitride-art · 2 years
Okay, @aemiron-main ‘s got me thinking about music because of his fucking fantastic analysis right here- but now I’m thinking about what music actually came out in the 80’s
And SLIPPERY WHEN WET BY BON JOVI CAME OUT IN 1986 !!!!!!!! I am seething. What was the reason that even just one of those god damn songs wasn’t used in a way that I can remember it? Like the bangers that came out of that album: Living on a Prayer, Wanted Dead or Alive, You Give Love a Bad Name- and none of them were put in a scene that is memorable?
I am listening to Enter Sandman right now and I know why they used master of puppets but like. Vecna’s thing is dreams right? RIGHT???? Like there was so much potential here too and the fucking guitar in this one make any brain spin around in circles- and master of puppets just does not have the same vibes (at least how the show goes about using it)- like master of puppets is one of those songs that’s good but it’s like you’re waiting for it to get up to level one hundred and stay there and then it never does (in Strnager Things)- not like Nothing Else Matters does because that has a satisfying end to it. But master of puppets doesn’t go hard enough for long enough (IN STRANGER THINGS- I just realized why I didn’t like master of puppets and it’s because I couldn’t make it through the whole song because the way st did it made it boring- or at least not to what I could’ve been)
Like yeah it does have a lot of guitar (or bass idk in just going off strings and vibes man) and it comes on pretty strong but it just feels like somethings missing the whole time, okay? I don’t know it just feels like we’re building to something that we never get too because we’ve been at the highest level the whole time. (It does start at level 100 and then in the middle of the song slows down and then does like lvl 200- but not the way we hear it in the ep) And that does actually work really well with the last episode and how everything goes to shit.
Because they go in with everything they have and it isn’t enough. And the best part of Master of Puppets (or at least the part where it feels like we’re getting into it) is halfway through the damn song and it’s not in the fucking episode. Like? I would have remembered if Eddie I would have remembered if- wait a second did they fucking skip- give me a sec here I’ve gotta watch that shit back because they did not- wait one god damn fucking second here. (And this is where I realized what they did) They didn’t. Because yeah they can’t just have the whole thing (it’s a long song) but they didn’t just take out the best parts. They didn’t. (Also the laughing starts at 8:15 exactly at the end of the song and the guitar cuts out lol)
Holy shit they did.
They moved the guitar riff up to like the 3:00 minute mark and made it way too fucking early for the tone of the song to even begin to play out. Like that’s why it feels like we’re not done here and like we’re reaching for something we never get too because they move up the best part to way too early and it throws everything off.
Like Eddie isn’t even playing over the correct part, they could’ve cut around and messed with stuff but they actually had him play over the wrong part.
So like they’re doing this wrong and it’s even shown in how Eddie’s messing with Master of Puppets because they’re too early, and now it’s too late to turn back.
And they still haven’t given us a song that goes hard (in the way that it’s supposed to)
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peninkwrites · 1 year
A Patchwork Powder Keg - Ch 9 of 14
Tubbo cleans up more of Schlatt's mess. Quackity tries to help him.
[CW: hostage situations, child endangerment, referenced past abuse, just generally bad vibes.]
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1
Ch 8
Ch 10
Mafia AU masterpost
~ Tubbo & Quackity ~
"You're not a bad person, you know."
Tubbo looks over at him in the driver’s side.  “Am I not?”
Quackity keeps his eyes on the road, mulling it over.  He doesn’t want to lie to the kid.  “No worse than the rest of us.  Better, in fact, in a lot of ways.”
“That’s… that’s not comforting,” Tubbo sinks lower in his seat.  Tubbo has been to far too many hostage exchanges in his young life.  Normally, he’d attended feeling a bit like a hostage himself.  He thinks he’d prefer that to whatever he’s going there as now.
“Yeah.  These people are gonna get their families back,” Quackity nods, still trying to focus on the road.  He’s nervous too, and he’s worried if he looks over at Tubbo he’ll know it.  “Is Jack gonna be there?”
“No.  No, I didn’t want him to…” Tubbo stops.  He feels nauseous.  “He doesn’t know about the hostages.  Or that I… I didn’t let them go right away.  Maybe I shouldn’t keep it from him, I just– I don’t want him to–” Tubbo doesn’t know how to defend himself.  He shifts restlessly.  He feels like he should be used to a gun under his arm, but the metal still digs in, uncomfortable and unnatural.
“That’s okay, Tubbo.  I made sure we’d have enough people there to watch our backs.  They’re not– I mean, they’re not good people, obviously.  But…” Quackity doesn’t know how to explain.  Schlatt’s followers always had an edge to them, a selfishness rooted in survival, but they didn’t always use that to be vicious, to try and dominate a room.  These are the kinds of people irritated by the immorality of keeping hostages, the kind of people who wouldn’t kill a kid without reason, and who wouldn’t consider trying to take over a crumbling mob to be a reason.  Maybe Quackity shouldn’t put his faith into something so superficial, but those men he tended to mark out by whether or not they spoke to him.  Properly spoke to him, not just joining in when Schlatt teased him or trying to tell him what to do.  The ones that treated Quackity like a piece of furniture, there was a trend to that sort of behavior.  The two who had tried to attack Tubbo at the last meeting, he wasn’t surprised it had been them.  That wasn’t all of them, though.  A few even respected him, as a lawyer, not as someone who could whisper in Schlatt’s ear enough to get someone shot.  He doesn’t think that’ll do the job in consoling Tubbo.  “They’ll do their jobs.  Nothing more, nothing less, okay?”
“Got it.”
“And you’re sure you want to… to be there for all of them?  If you want, Tubbo, you can always go home and I will make sure it’s handled, alright?” Quackity glances over at him.
“No,” Tubbo says sharply.  “No,” he tries to level his tone.  “I have to be there.  Just– I have to make sure this gets done, gets done properly.  And maybe, I dunno,” Tubbo stares out at the dark city streets, icy rain coming down in scattered patches.  “Maybe apologize to them…”
“No, you can’t–” Quackity sighs.  “Already this is gonna make you look weak.  I’m not saying don’t do it, but their families are gonna be alive, that’s– Let that be enough.  Trust me, man.  This is the best we can do.”
“Alright, fine!” Tubbo snaps.  “Fine, I won’t apologize to them.”
Silence, the repetitive sound of the windshield wipers going back and forth.  Quackity almost wants to apologize to Tubbo for all of this, but he holds back.  Tubbo chose this, and he deserves to hold onto that, the pride and the guilt of it all.  Tubbo needs to be strong, not pitied.
“Come on,” Quackity stops outside of the place.
“This is–” Tubbo frowns, staring at the building.  “This is just a house.”
“Uh, yeah,” Quackity gets out of the car, confused by Tubbo’s surprise.  “Did you think we just kept them in a hole somewhere?”
“Well, actually.  Um.  Yeah,” Tubbo doesn't have a good answer.
“Yeah,” Quackity doesn’t have to think too hard on it.  The standards for J “I’ll chain you to a radiator if you try to leave me” Schlatt are abysmally low.  “Yeah, fair enough…”
Quackity heads up toward the front door, Tubbo trailing behind him.  Quackity rings the bell once, knocks twice.  The door opens a crack.  “Hey, HQ.  Good to see you without the old ball and chain,” it opens, a large man nods the two of them into a dark and dingy living room.  “And you actually brought the kid.  Didn’t know if you were serious or not.”
“That kid is your Boss now, so watch it, Morelli,” Quackity shoves the man lightly as he enters.  The room smells of cigarette smoke and mildew.  Better than a hole, but not exactly five stars.
The man, Morelli, eyes Tubbo doubtfully.  “Right.  The Boss, got it,” he sounds weary, merely humoring the idea.  “And you sure keeping things so light is a good idea?  I mean, you got me, Ambrosini downstairs with the, uh,” he glances at Tubbo, “guests, and…” Morelli frowns, as Quackity is looking very deliberately at Tubbo, and the man takes it as indication to do the same.  “And, uh, we also got Hackman watching the back door,” he still glances between Tubbo and Quackity, as if unsure who he should be directing his questions to.
“That should be fine.  We don’t need a big show of force, we’re just going to get this done quickly and quietly, got it?” Tubbo looks up at him, trying to seem unintimidated despite his height.  He tries to sound like he’s giving an order, like Morelli should have a reason to look to him as a leader.  He has no idea if he’s accomplishing that or not.
“Right, right,” Morelli nods, still looking unimpressed.  ”And HQ here told me we’re doing the exchange here.  Y’know, if we do that, that means a bunch of civilians are gonna know where this place is.”
“Oh,” Tubbo tries to puzzle out why the man is telling him this.
“It doesn’t matter, Morelli,” Quackity says.  “This is gonna be the last exchange.”  Quackity glances to Tubbo, like he wants to offer guidance, but he doesn’t want there to be any impression that he’s telling Tubbo what to do.
Morelli catches on to Tubbo’s confusion, explaining and having the kindness to frame it almost as a request.  “I only say that, Boss, ‘cause after this, we shouldn’t use this house anymore, right?  Any one of these people could come back here with a vendetta, at the very least pass along the info to the pigs.  You’ll have to ditch it.”
Boss.  Tubbo still isn’t used to that.  He doesn’t like it.  It’s what they called his father.  It’s not like they can respectably call him by his first name, though, and he lacks the more impressive titles of the city.  Nothing like the Crowfather, the Blood God, the Godfather, or the Devil, although Bad’s name tended to do the job on its own, anything demonic more a product of rumor for the civilians to gossip about, which is fair considering the Badlands’ mysterious reputation.  What is Tubbo meant to be?  Bee boy?  The only names he has that are worth anything are the kinder ones given to him by his friends, and those do not a mob boss make.
“Right,” Tubbo remembers he’s meant to reply.  “It doesn’t matter, as Quackity said.  This is just… we’re cleaning up my f– JSchlatt’s mess.  Nothing more.”
Morelli doesn’t offer criticism, nor praise, a neutral, if not slightly critical, “got it,” before he proceeds.  “Well, you said you wanted to handle all of ‘em, we’ve got four.  First one you’ll probably know, HQ.  It’s McGill’s husband,” he offers explanation to Tubbo, “white collar lawyer with money to burn.  The guy works fast, we’ve had him, what, four days?  He got together 15k like that,” he snaps his fingers.
Quackity stops in the hall, “shit.”
Tubbo feels immediate panic.  “What?  What?!”
Quackity grimaces.  “I really shouldn’t be seen by him.  Or his husband.  I actually work with him, y’know?  That complicates things.”
“Does it?” Tubbo stares at him, panic rising, feeling like his big brother has just decided to ditch him on his first day of school.  “I mean–” He laughs nervously.  “It’s not like he’s gonna tattle to someone.  Or– Or like he’d dare bring it up to you at work, right?”
“Honestly, Tubbo,” Quackity does his best not to sound pitying.  “It’s more out of kindness to them than concern for me.  How’d you take a living reminder of probably the worst few days of these peoples’ lives running into you at the water cooler every day, y’know?  Trust me, man, it’s better for all of us if I hang back.  I will be there for you for all the rest.  I swear, but… it’s gonna save them a lot of future hurt if I’m just out of the room, okay?”
Tubbo nods.  He understands, even if he hates it.  He also has to remember just because this one man hasn’t tried to kill him yet doesn’t mean he can show weakness.  Already his reliance on Quackity is dangerous.  “Okay.  Okay, what about the others?” He refocuses on Morelli.
Morelli glances between the two of them, still doubtful and clearly under the impression that Quackity is in charge and is letting Tubbo play along.  “Next group is two for one.  Kids, like, probably not in grade school yet.  They’re twins, and you know how Buggs is, saw it as an opportunity, they were both there, so he took them both.”
“Two kids,” Tubbo repeats.  “And… Buggs.  I know that name.  Quackity, why do I know that name?”
Quackity at least shares his look of distaste.  “You might know him better as sector eight.  He ran one of Schlatt’s districts.  He, uh.  Well, he’s the one Jack shot in the gut when he pulled a knife on you.”
Tubbo nods, satisfied by the thought.  “Good.”
Morelli, whatever assessment he’s making of the two of them, he keeps it to himself.  “The Boss– I mean, Schlatt is– or, was trying to charge ‘em double, ‘cause there’s two of ‘em.  Dunno what kind of money they got, some family with a mansion on the Upper East Side.  Schlatt said thirty thousand.”
Tubbo nods.  He feels nauseous again.  He can see the scene play out in his head, one where Tubbo hadn’t been brave enough.  Some poor bastard running on his grandfather’s oil money showing up with 20k instead of 30, and Schlatt doing what he always does, first a disappointed sigh, then:  “I’m a reasonable guy, don’t I look reasonable?”  He’d savor in the relief of desperate people before mangling their hopes.   “I’ll give you one of them back, and take the rest as interest while you get together the other 15k.  I’ll even let you pick which one you take home.”
Tubbo tries to keep himself steady.  He is going to fix this.  They all go home tonight, and this never happens again.  “And the last one?”
“Don’t even worry about it, Boss, it’s not a person,” the man shrugs.
Tubbo stares at him.  “What the fuck is it then, a dog?”
“No, no, it’s pictures.  Some guy caught cheating on his wife.  He pays up the 5k, we burn them,” he explains.
“Oh, right,” Tubbo is relieved.  Not only is he relieved, he’s actually intrigued.  No more hostages, but Tubbo thinks blackmailing adulterers might not bother him too much as a source of income.  He’s also doing his best not to think about the prices listed.  Why is evidence of an affair worth a third of a person?  He doesn’t want to waste any more time dissecting a dead man’s cruel logic.
“Alright, Morelli, you and Ambrosini can stay with the boss for the first exchange, right?  I’ll watch the back door with Hackman,” Quackity says.  He pauses.  “Actually, real quick, Boss, can I have a word with you?”
Tubbo feels more uneasy now.  “Y-Yeah, sure.”
Quackity looks around for somewhere to disappear to, nodding toward a bathroom that smells like mold and sewage.  He shuts the door behind them, the only light coming from a few bulbs still glowing above the sink.
“What is it?” Tubbo is already so stressed and the night has hardly started.  “Big Q, what?”
Quackity thinks over his words carefully.  “Okay, so.  Cops don’t show up to these things often.  And when they do, it doesn’t usually end badly for us.  I mean, that’s why it’s the kind of business Schlatt dealt with in person.  Because, well–” Quackity hesitates.
“–Because we have hostages, I know,” Tubbo finishes for him.  “No one is gonna call the cops with that kind of incentive, yes, Quackity, this is all old news to me.  What are you on about, then?”
“And we’re not killing hostages,” Quackity states the obvious.
“Yes?  I mean, have I not been clear on that?”
“No, it’s–” Quackity sighs.  “I doubt it’ll happen, but Tubbo, if the cops show up tonight, if the cops showed up any other night, it usually went, well…” Quackity knows he doesn’t need to explain.  Tubbo had even been in attendance on occasion.
Tubbo is quiet for a moment, staring at the dusty sink.  “I’m not doing that.”
“I know, I know,” Quackity says quickly.  If someone tried to bring the cops into things, protocol was to close ranks, keep the hostage close, a bullet in their leg as a warning, and once they were far enough, a bullet between their eyes for daring to snitch.
“Okay, if the cops show up, we abandon ship, alright?  We leave the hostages, take whatever money we already have, and we try not to get shot.  Big Q, that is the best I have got,” Tubbo is ready to defend himself.
“Alright, it’s your call to make, Tubbo.  You should tell these guys that too, because they will try to grab the hostages first.”
Tubbo nods.  “Fine.  That’s fine.  I can do that.”
“Alright, good,” Quackity goes to leave, pausing once more.  “You ready?”
“Let’s just get this over with,” Tubbo pushes past him and back out into the hall.  “Right, Quackity, I will have Morelli fetch you when the first exchange is done. And if the cops show, we all disappear. No hostages come with us. Are we clear?”
“Got it, Boss.”
Morelli looks between the two of them, as if trying to gauge what their little aside had been.  “Right, well.  Hackman says there’s a car parked out back, driver is just waiting there.”
“We’ll go to them,” Tubbo starts walking before he can talk himself out of this.
Morelli nods, going to a side door which seemed to lead to the basement.  “Ambro!  Come on, bring up McGill’s.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” a voice replies.
Tubbo steps out onto the concrete stoop, torn between feeling comforted and unnerved by Morelli standing right behind him.  He does his best not to shiver, the freezing rain coming down heavier now.
“Get out of the car!  Step over here where we can see you,” Tubbo calls out.  It’s hard to see through the rain and the glow of the headlights and Tubbo is doing his best to bury the panicked thought that a cop is about to appear from the gloom.
Out of the corner of Tubbo’s eye, another vaguely familiar face drags a man gagged and bound out of the house, but Tubbo tries to keep his focus on the damp, petrified figure walking forward, a briefcase at his side.
“Oh, thank god, he’s–” the man gets close enough to see his husband’s face.  “Okay, okay, I have your money.  How do I… what do I do?”  If the lawyer is puzzled by this exchange being managed by an eighteen year old, he doesn’t say anything.
“Toss it over,” Tubbo says.  He manages not to flinch when the briefcase makes a sharp thunk against the steps.  “Morelli, if you don’t mind.”  Tubbo used to do the counting.  Now it’s his job to remain stoic while others dig the case out of the mud for him.
Morelli steps underneath the overhang, half inside the house, before opening the case.  Tubbo glances back at neat rows of cash.  “Ambrosini.  Let him go.”
“Boss, we’re not gonna count it?” Morelli frowns.
“No.  We’re getting this over with.  Ambrosini,” Tubbo gives the other man a cold stare.
The man, tall, scarred, and with an expression which gives nothing away as to how much he actually cares about Tubbo’s orders, shoves the hostage forward, the man hits the dirt, unable to catch himself with his hands bound.  Tubbo winces.  He hadn’t wanted that to happen.
McGill runs to his side, and Tubbo looks away.  It’s painful enough to hear the man offering soft reassurances to his returned partner.  
“Ambrosini.  Do you have a knife?” Tubbo says instead.
“What?  Please, please that’s all the money we have, please–” McGill is desperate in an instant.
“No one is getting hurt tonight, do you hear me?” Tubbo says to him firmly.  “Ambrosini, hand the man your knife so he can cut him loose.  Now, please.”
Ambrosini, somewhat reluctantly, offers McGill a pocket knife.  The lawyer takes it with shaking hands.  “Thank you.  Just, thank you.”
It takes Tubbo a moment to realize the man is talking to him.  “What?” Tubbo says sharply, finally looking back at the two of them.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend, I just– I’m sorry–” the man is a stammering mess, offering the knife back, his husband now free to cling to him.
Tubbo doesn’t understand it.  Or rather, he does understand it on some level and he hates it.  “Go.  Get out of here.  Forget about all of this, got it?”
A frantic nod, and the two of them rush back to their car.
Tubbo stays until they drive away, regardless of the rain.  “Come on.  Let’s step back inside until the second lot get here.”
Quackity is waiting just inside, pacing the kitchen.  “All went okay?”  He stops on Tubbo’s return.
Tubbo nods.  “Yeah, yeah it was fine,” he doesn’t elaborate.  “Morelli, when are the next ones supposed to arrive?”
“At twelve thirty, so.  Give ‘em 20 more minutes,” the man shrugs.  He laughs.  “Folks are usually on time for this type of thing.”
Tubbo nods, leaning against the counter, arms folded over his chest.  The third man in the house, Hackman, is set up at the back window with a rifle, although currently he’s more occupied staring at Tubbo.  Tubbo’s impulse is to look away, to ignore it until it stops or until he has to dodge a confrontation.  That cannot be his impulse anymore.
Tubbo stares back.  The man doesn’t stop.  “What is it you want, then?”
Quackity stares between the two of them but he doesn’t say anything.
Hackman shrugs.
“Is there a problem?” Tubbo says.  No reply.  “Because if there is, why don’t you just go on and say it.  We’re just waiting here, aren’t we?”
Quackity is doing some calculating.  He’d chosen these people because he thought they were less likely to turn to violence on a whim, but that didn’t mean he trusted them all.  If one of them tried to turn on Tubbo, would the others follow?  Quackity considers himself to be on friendly terms with these three, but asking them to follow a teenager is still a risk.
The man sighs, setting his rifle on the bench along the window, leaning against it.  “Not a problem, really.  Just… considering my life choices.  All the shit I put into this place, into turning it into a profitable machine, and I’m just expected to sit back while you tear it apart?  Fucks sake, did you expect us to be happy?”
“Just because I’m not fond of getting my money selling back children doesn’t mean I’m going to destroy it.  And if that kind of business is a dealbreaker for you, I’m not stopping you from leaving,” Tubbo says icily.  “Is that where you’re intending on making your stand?  Being upset that I am no longer allowing you all to kidnap innocent people?”
No reply.
“And if you want to talk about profitable, about running this place into the ground, do you have any idea what kind damage Schlatt was doing purely through his pathetic habits?  If this place is set to burn, we were doomed anyways, and that is his fault.  So, forgive me for trying to salvage what’s left,” Tubbo sits back, arms folded over his chest, expression not one of a petulant child, but of someone pushed too far and refusing to be pushed anymore.
A nod from Hackman, before he returns to staring out the window.
“So, what are you planning on doing then, Boss?” Morelli asks.  His tone remains neutral, but there’s still something like a warning behind his tone.
Tubbo has thought about it.  Of course he has, but he doesn’t know if any of it will be good enough for these people.  “I hope you all understand, that the immediate future will be spent cleaning up Schlatt’s mess.  I meant that.  His debts, his negligence, and at present, his hostages.  It’s late.  You all aren’t going to question me tonight.  I have no intention of leaving you all in the dark, but for now, focus on your jobs, got it?”
Tubbo is still getting used to leaving no room for argument.  He doesn’t know how to enforce himself.  The only way Schlatt had was through immediate violence.  Tubbo knows he cannot forgo violence altogether, but he doesn’t intend to use it as a catch-all solution.
The three men exchange looks.  It makes Quackity uneasy, but they don’t say anything, and refocus on their waiting game.  Quackity had done his best choosing this company, but there is no safe way about this.  If the three of them all agreed to, they could kill Tubbo and Quackity easily, take the hostage money, and try to insert themselves in Schlatt’s place.  Quackity knows it would fall apart in a matter of weeks, the three of them at each other’s throats for power or disagreement, but in that situation, he and Tubbo would still be dead.  He’s relying solely on the three men not knowing if the others will follow through, not trusting the way they might grab for power.  Considering they had all spent a fair amount of time working under Schlatt, Quackity thinks he can rely on that distrust.
Tubbo tries to remain stoic.  He can hear his heart racing in his ears.  He’s not good at talking.  He’s surviving only because he’s been preparing for people to doubt him since he was first decided to kill Schlatt years ago.
Tubbo’s fear sparks and burns for a different reason.  There is a knock at the front door.  Everyone straightens up, Tubbo looking at Quackity with his eyes wide.
Morelli has his pistol drawn, approaching the front of the building, looking around the curtain.
“For fucks sake– it’s the other pickup.  The Walters.  Some hysterical looking lady and a dickhead in a suit,” Morelli steps back, tension fading.  “They were told to go around back.”
Quackity steps up beside him, confirming.  “Okay, we’re not doing this on the front fucking porch, have them come in.”
“Ambrosini, get the– get them,” Tubbo says, heading into the front room.  They’re almost through dealing with living hostages.  They’re almost there.
“Does someone wanna help me get them upstairs?  They’re little guys, and they’re skittish as shit, so if we wait for them to climb up we’ll be here all night.  Not little enough I can carry ‘em both, though,” Ambrosini says.
Hackman’s job is watching the back, Morelli is going to let in the parents, and Quackity doesn’t indicate he’s going to follow, he’s focused on the pair on the front porch.
“I can,” Tubbo says.  He follows Ambrosini’s towering figure downstairs.  He’s still shaking.  He hadn’t wanted to go downstairs.  Tubbo had been set on avoiding the basement.  He knows it’s cowardly and selfish, but he’d wanted to avoid having to think about where these people had been kept.
The basement is dark and unfinished, two mattresses on the floor, blankets thrown over them.  There is a space heater struggling along in the corner, but it’s still cold.
Tubbo sees blocks and a toy truck.  He stops.  He thinks he might be sick.  Those are his toys, or they were.  Tubbo had assumed his father threw them out.  This is so much worse.  He doubts it was his father’s idea to do this, but somewhere along the line some of Schlatt’s men had asked to take them for this purpose and this is where they had remained.  He doesn’t know how nor does he think it makes sense, but nothing has made him feel more complicit than that sight.
“Come on, boys, you ready to go home?  Your mom is here to pick you up,” Ambrosini is all business, unfazed by the sight.  Two kids, probably no older than four, are sleeping side by side on one of the mattresses.
You’re sending them home.  You’re fixing this.
Tubbo doesn’t feel much relief.  He wants to ask Ambrosini if they had been alone down here, how long, who had fed them, what they had eaten.  He doesn’t think he can.
“Hey, buddy,” Tubbo’s voice his hoarse and weak and he knows he shouldn’t seem weak in front of Ambrosini, but if the man judges him for it he’ll shoot him the moment the kids are gone.
The kid stares at him, he doesn’t speak.  He glances at Ambrosini and it takes Tubbo a moment to realize he probably trusts the man more.  Okay.  That makes Tubbo more inclined to let him live.
“Come on, your mum and dad are here,” Tubbo offers his hand.  The boy accepts, and Tubbo picks him up.  Ambrosini picks up the other, and Tubbo watches him carefully.  He’s gentle and well-versed.
“He’s gonna slip down if you don’t support him with your other arm,” Ambrosini nods to Tubbo.
“Oh.  Got it,” Tubbo adjusts and lets Ambrosini head upstairs first.
Tubbo winces as he hears a woman’s panicked voice from the front room.
He hears Quackity’s voice.  “Wait here just a minute, alright–”
“Where are they?!  Where–” The woman from the front steps is in tears, but she pulls herself together miraculously when she actually sees her children.  “Oh, thank god–” She throws a duffle bag quite aggressively at Quackity.
“Hold on, honey, we don’t–” her husband tries to slow her down but she’s already grabbed one of her children from Ambrosini.
“Take him,” Tubbo says, voice still too weak, offering the other toddler to the father.  He takes him immediately.
“Are we…” the man stares at the other men present, gaze brushing right over Tubbo.  “Are we free to leave?”
And of course, those present look at Tubbo to give the word.  Tubbo doesn’t know if he can.  He’s focused mostly on breathing.
“Yes, we’re done here.  Go home,” Quackity sees it and speaks for him.
That’s all the man needs, he begins to pull his wife toward the door, but she hasn’t moved.
“What about him?” The woman is staring at Tubbo.
Quackity is defensive, stepping in front of Tubbo.  “What about him?”
“Who’s coming for him?”
Tubbo wants to explain.  He doesn’t think he can.  He’s getting stuck again.  It’s been a while since he’s gotten stuck like this.
“He’s probably here because someone is coming for him, now come on, darling, we should go,” the husband pulls on her arm more urgently now.  “We need to get the boys home.”
The woman continues, ignoring her husband.  “We could– If you give us a few days.  Is someone coming for him?”
Quackity knows Tubbo is stuck, he doesn’t expect him to be able to speak right now.  “He’s– He’s not a hostage, okay?  He’s fine.”
She clearly doesn’t believe him.  “You don’t have to lie, if someone is coming for him, fine, but if not, if we can give you the money, why wouldn’t you let him go?  Son, is someone coming to get you?”
Tubbo realizes she won’t take a word from anyone else.  He nods.
“Are you lying to me?”
Tubbo shakes his head.  The woman gives one last critical look to the others present.  She’s debating whether she needs to keep pushing.
“He’s fine, okay?  I promise you, nothing bad is gonna happen to him while I’m here.  You need to go,” Quackity is firm, but she seems to at least trust he isn’t lying to her.
They leave.
Tubbo doesn’t move.  The others present, save Quackity, seem to be waiting for something from him.
“Boss, I think the boys can handle the last exchange.  They can– They can keep the cash from the last drop, right?  The three of them, that can be their pay.  We’ll take the others and get out of here,” Quackity says.
Tubbo nods.
Quackity still holds the duffle bag.  He guides Tubbo back through the house, shoving the briefcase into his arms, trying to get him out of that house as quickly as possible.  Tubbo gets into the passenger side.  Quackity starts driving, speeding down dark streets, his own heart racing.  They reach a stop sign and Tubbo opens his door.
“The fuck are you doing, man?!” Quackity almost reaches out to grab him.
Tubbo vomits onto the pavement, wiping his mouth on his sleeve, before sitting back up and shutting the door.
“Tubbo?” Quackity says carefully, a hand still on his shoulder.
Tubbo’s hands are trembling as he drops the briefcase at his feet and manages to sign: go.
Quackity nods.  “Okay.  Okay, we’re good.  We’ll– I’ll take you home.  We’re all good, dude.”
Tubbo doesn’t respond.  Those people, the first looking at him with fear and reverence, for taking away their families and returning them, and the second, that woman looking at him like she thought she could save him.  He wants to scream, to take the fucking money and dump it all out the window, but he can’t.  So he just waits for Quackity to start driving again.
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tuiyla · 2 years
The New Directions ranked by how much hatred for them baffles me
Reverse order to keep it interesting.
13. Finn
No surprise there. The combination of his questionable actions and the disturbing framing is enough to turn me into as much of an anti as I’ll ever be so how could I be surprised when people drag him.
12. Puck
People will never agree on how much an actor should influence how you view a character; I for one think it’s ‘as much as you want it to.’ Some will just never vibe with Puck and I respect that. His creepy in-universe moments don’t make it easier.
11. Artie
It would surprise me if someone has such strong feelings but truth is Artie didn’t get a ton and what he did get included being your local misogynist which wasn’t counterbalanced by a whole lot. Not that I don’t think he has plenty of likable qualities and he’s not all that polarizing but also not popular enough for me to be surprised about negative emotions.
10. Santana
Bet ya didn’t expect that, huh? Well, here I am as your local Santana stan saying that I’m not too surprised by those who happen to hate her. Part of it is expecting contrarians when a character is as popular as she is but part of it is just her occasional status as a villain that is bound to inspire haters. But, if I’m honest, I mostly think it’s contrarianism. Either way, not surprised when I see a strong push for “well but remember when she!!!”
9. Sam
The way his character changed over the years inspires at least some controversy and I feel like it’s easy to find people who are at least a little disgruntled with either version of him. Or people who just never liked him to begin with. Him being hailed as an unproblematic himbo can also inspire counterbalancing.
8. Blaine
We’re entering sort of baffling territory because, while I get why Blaine’s character could be annoying to some on certain levels I have seen levels of anti behaviour that I simply don’t get. Or I just don’t know enough about the intricacies of anti-Blaine reasonings.
7. Brittany
I think it’s easy to not take Brittany’s character as ~intended~ and when you apply a logic to her actions that simply wasn’t there in the writing itself, sure. It still confuses me when she’s treated as some sort of war criminal instead of comic relief and my own bias obviously doesn’t agree with it so I do find it confusing every now and then.
6. Quinn
With her story of many ups and downs and twists and turns she’s bound to be at least a little polarizing but I’ve seen people be so pissed at her, as if they were the not-so baby daddy she had tricked. Quinn will always be a traumatized teen in my eyes, with all her flaws, and it annoys me when people don’t at leats cut her some slack.
5. Rachel
You might think she’s too high on the list but it’s the result of the sheer vitriol the character faces from people who think disliking the central character is the ~cool~ thing to do. Rachel is an intentionally grating character and I get how that’s not endearing when the show loses sight of the point of her story every now and then but I simply don’t think she has any business being as polarizing as she is.
4. Tina
Similarly to Sam, the abrupt change in character was just a no-no for some but criticism against Tina tends to be so lazy I simply can’t give it the benefit of the doubt. “She’s just so annoying” is and has always been my least favourite sentence to hear about a character and I cannot, and will not understand it. What has she done against you?
3. Kurt
The fan favourite aspect, like with Santana, does come up but anti stuff also tends to be a bit more insidious, e.g. borderline or fully homophobic. If your big 2k22 Glee hot take is that Kurt was too much of a gay stereotype I think we’re all begging you to move on. Valid criticisms exist, of course, but the ones I tend to see also tend to be bs that baffles the mind.
2. Mike
It’s hard to rank Mike on any list. To be clear, wholehearted devotion and love confuses me just as much as ardent hatred because, like... what has he done? Seriously, Mike is just not enough of a character in canon to feel that strongly about. If you consider yourself a Mike anti, good for you, but I probably won’t think your reasoning is all that justified.
1. Mercedes
Apart from Quinn, Mercedes was my reason for making this list. There’s simply not a good enough reason to be an actual Mercedes anti and maybe I do make the rules, so that’s that. I can understand being mad that she didn’t get enough but that’s about it. That’s not to say everyone has to stan Mercedes, you do whatever you want. But actively hating her must have a reason and, imo, that reason can hardly be not sus.
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captainsspnanon · 1 year
C3E52 - reaction
Things I know from taking a peek at the stream last night:  it’s just group 4, and we got Aabria and Christian as guests.
Ah SNOW BACKGROUND SNOW BACKGROUND I’m a little disappointed it didn’t get heavier, I really can’t wait to see a thunderstorm or blizzard background. They might not actually have it programmed because it could be too distracting, but I WANT IT.
I wonder how recently they filmed this after episode 51?  Laura’s voice is mostly back, but there’s still a definite huskiness to it, which makes me think it’s only been maybe one to two days.
I love that they don’t immediately attack because they assume it’s the guest players coming in, get fucked, and then get very excited when the guests come!  Though at this point I’m a little tired by the exaggerated surprise.  Unless they knew that there were guests but not who it was going to be, which is a possibility?  But one would think that they are aware of who they’re bringing in ahead of time.
Super stoked for Aabria, and ready to give Christian a go.  This does actually make me feel a bit better about Christian though?  Super controversial statement, but when he was first brought it to be the moderator for one of their panels, it felt super corporate decision.  It came more from the fact that when they were promoting him, his acting credits were mentioned, which they haven’t really done for other guests and such, so it felt more like ‘hey prominent currently popular actor of color’ rather than their typical process of bringing in friends. However, since having had Christian in the Nordverse oneshot and bringing him in here really does make it feel that there is the genuine friendship (at least at the level that they use for guest ‘requirements’) rather than just using a currently popular actor for status.
(Sidenote, Aabria with blue hair is fucking GORGEOUS.)
Aabria deliberately coming for Travis’s throat is AMAZING.  GET IT!  (also I’m stoked because Chetney backstory!!!)
I’m a little mixed on Christian’s PC though…. I always get a little iffy when a guest PC comes in with main focus on something that the main PC had going for them specifically.  I was a bit iffy with Erika coming in as someone from the Fey Realm when that was very much Ashley’s thing, a bit iffy with Christian coming in as an aeormaton when that’s Sam’s thing.  Even in C2, I was a bit iffy with Twiggy coming in to do arcane trickster rogue aka Nott’s thing, and Reani coming in to do Yasha’s thing of celestial when Ashley wasn’t even there.  NOW – credit where credit due, I enjoyed all those guest PCs, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one as well!  It always just takes a bit of adjusting.   (C1 actually avoided it for the most part except for Lionel, which Travis ran some amazing RP with, actually making it a thing ingame.)
I love Sam joking that Laura’s the main character, but I just KNOW that people who aren’t vibing with the campaign are going to think he’s being serious and use it as an opportunity to tear Laura down.  THE CAST IS AWARE OF INTERNET BULLSHIT!  Remember all the “thanks, Keyleth” comments?  THIS IS THE SAME THING.  All their talk about the show being scripted and that they have to pay for the writers?  SAME THING.
Interesting that Deanna and FRIDA are also pretty anti-gods.  It’s such a change from C1 and C2 attitudes!  (also I’m no longer mixed on FRIDA, love them!  Though not a huge fan of the guest PC being the one to remark on Imogen’s arms, as they only met her 8-9 hours ago.)  I wonder if this is something that Matt maybe nudged them towards, or if this was a decision they made by watching the campaign.  I really wonder if we’ll get also anti-gods PCs with the next group, it would be interesting to have something the opposite!  (though if we are actually near the Hishari, who knows??)
Genuinely surprised that the trip to Uthodurn takes two and a half days.  In EXU Calamity, it made it seem like the Apogee Solstice was a single day thing, maybe even only a 12 hours thing.  Here, the solstice seems like it’s going to be much more spread out, considering there’s already been a week of the leylines appearing before hand.
This may just be my laptop, but is anyone else having bad sound balance this episode?  I have subtitles on to be able to catch some things when needed, but I’m having to rely on them a LOT this episode!  Especially when Christian or Aabria are quieter.
Ruidus stuck in one place with reilora pouring from both directions.  Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
AAA PVP WITH A WEREWOLF!!!  I was so entranced by the fight that I completely disregarded the fact that Chetney BIT FRIDA until Matt did the con save!  And FRIDA FAILED!!!  WHAT.
This reaction was the first in a while where I typed along for C3, rather than doing wrap up thoughts at the end.  Either way!  Had a blast!!  And I am SO glad that we get an extra long 4SD next week!  I do hope they bring everyone one for it, I’ll be a little disappointed if it’s only the normal four.
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skelletors · 2 years
MCYT as D&D Characters 1 - Tubbo
So, there has been a CRIMINAL lack of D&D content surrounding the MCYT community, so I have decided to throw my hat into the ring and go over how I would make various figures in the Minecraft community into D&D playable characters.
A few ground rules for this thing:
This will not be balanced and the builds may not be very good. This isn’t for the minmaxers (not that there's anything wrong with that), this is purely based on either stories these people have participated in or their overall persona on the internet
These characters will go up to level 20, but in no way do you have to play them to the max level to get all the mechanics that make up the character
There will be little to no homebrew in these builds, just for my own ease of use.
I will be using standard array for all of these characters (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) when determining the stats for these characters, also for my own ease of use.
Now, with those rules out of the way, let’s get this series kicked off with the person who started my hyperfixation on this concept, Tubbo!
Character Traits to Emulate:
Crafty and chaotic
Charismatic but naive
Goat lad
Race, Class, Background, Stats
Race: Satyr (This is the closest thing we get to how Tubbo is depicted, and I think the trickster aspect of the Feywilde fits Tubbo’s character very well.)
Ability Score Increases: +2 Charisma, +1 Dexterity Ram: You can make an unarmed strike with your horns equal to 1d8 + Strength Mod bludgeoning damage. Reveler: Proficiency in Persuasion, Performance and one musical instrument Mirthful Leaps: You can add a d8 to your jump speed whenever you jump, even if it’s from a standing position.
Background: Soldier (While Tubbox is fantastic, this is more aligned with the child soldier aspects of his character, from fighting against Dream at the start of the server to the L’Manberg revolutionary war.) Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation, One gaming set (Chess), Land Vehicles
Class: Fighter 10, Bard 8, Artificer 2 (Hopefully the Fighter class is self-explanatory, child soldier and a pretty good fighter. Bard is from Tubbo’s time as president and his attempts to settle issues through diplomatic means before the whole butcher army arc. Artificer should also be self-explanatory, man made nukes so of course he’s gonna be a bit of a tinkerer.
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 10 + 1 -> 11 (Racial Benefit)
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 13 + 2 -> 15 (Racial Benefit)
Level 1: Fighter
Fighting Style! One key way to flavor any fighter is through their fighting style, and I’m going to go with Interception. Essentially, if you’re nearby an enemy you can reduce some of the damage they’re dealing if you have a shield or some kind of weapon. I dunno, it just fits with his vibes.
Second Wind. Once per long rest, you can recover some amount of HP. Pretty damn good for a person who’s fighting a lot
Level 2: Fighter
Action Surge. The bee boy can attack more once per long/short rest.
Level 3: Fighter
SUBCLASS TIME BABY! And while there are many options for Fighter, I think that it’s best to stick with the classics
Champion Archetype! There’s no perfect fit, but I think Champion is good because of just how straightforward it is in concept.
Improved Critical! If you roll a natural 19 or 20, it counts as a critical hit!
Level 4: Fighter
Ability. Score. Improvement. You can either bump up one stat by two (or two by one) or take a feat. For this, since we’re still in fighter mode for Tubbo, we’re gonna bump his Str up by 1 and his Int up by one, leaving him with 15 and 16 respectively. He’s stronger, but he’s also smarter.
Level 5: Fighter
Extra Attack. You can take two attacks instead of one as one action.
Level 6: Fighter
ASI. For this, we’re gonna wanna add that to Str again, bumping it up to a 17.
Level 7: Bard
Jumping over to Bard now, you get a bunch of cool things from this class. Your spellcasting ability will be Charisma, so we’ll want to see about bumping that up soon
Bardic Inspiration! You get to inspire your comrades and give them a Bardic Inspiration die. Currently it’s at a d6 and you can do this as many times equal to your Charisma modifier
Level 8: Bard
Jack of All Trades. You can add half your proficiency bonus (Rounded down) to any skill you’re not already proficient in.
Song of Rest. During a short rest, if your allies are spending hit die to recover HP, they can recover extra HP. Currently, it’s a d6 worth of healing. Not amazing, but for someone who just wants to help even that d6 can go a long way
ASI. You already know, add 2 to Cha, bringing it up to a 17
Level 9: Fighter
Back to fighter, you get a cool Subclass feature!
Remarkable Athlete: You add half of your proficiency bonus rounded up to any Str, Dex or Con checks or related skills that you’re not already proficient in.
Level 10: Fighter
Nothing new here, but if you’d want to change your fighting style, you could. I won’t, but you could.
Level 11: Bard
What’s that time again? It’s Subclass time again! This time, we’re going with…
College of Swords! Now while Wilbur’s speech about how to get things done is through violence, I can’t help but feel like that rubbed off on Tubbo. Looking at you, Butcher Army.
You get bonus proficiencies, but as a fighter these are already covered. But you can also use a sword you’re proficient in as a spellcasting focus! Nice!
You can choose between two fighting styles, dueling or two-weapon fighting. I’ll choose dueling, since there’s not a lot of dual-wielding on the DSMP. This gives you a nice +2 to damage rolls if you only have the weapon in your hands.
Blade Flourish. If you use one of your Bardic Inspiration die, you can do some pretty shit! And some pretty cool shit, too. You can add to your AC for a turn, add extra damage or even push someone away from you. Certainly good at that last one, at least.
OH BUT WE’RE NOT DONE FOLKS! Bards get a lot of stuff at third level, who knew? This time you get Expertise. You can get a few more proficiencies, just to be EVEN BETTER AT THINGS, as long as things are skills.
Level 12: Bard
It’s that time again. Ability. Score. Improvement. This time, we’re taking a feat. More specifically, the inspiring leader feat. You can give allies some temp hp equal to your level + your Cha modifier. And let me tell you, Tubbo’s actually super good at giving speeches, it’s really fun.
Level 13: Bard
Font of Inspiration. You regain all your Bardic Inspiration after a short rest now, not just a long rest!
Bardic Inspiration: 1d8
Level 14 Fighter
Indomitable. If you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it! But be warned, you MUST use the new roll. While Tubbo may not be renowned for his PvP skills, he certainly has that indomitable spirit in the DSMP storyline.
Level 15: Bard
Countercharm. If you keep talking, you can create a countercharm that prevents your allies from being charmed so long as they can hear you and you’re awake. Tubbo has not only been able to keep quite a few of his allies close, but he’s also made more friends through his charm.
Extra Attack. You get to attack more? Honestly, not sure how this’d work with your extra attack so maybe they’d cancel out, maybe you’d get to attack three times. Still, it is nice to have.
Level 16: Bard
ASI. Let’s bring up that Intelligence to a 17, you’ll see why soon.
Level 17: Artificer
We won’t be taking many levels in this, just enough to get the cool benefits. 
Magical Tinkering. You can make tiny, nonmagical objects into magical ones with a handful of cool effects
Level 18: Artificer
Infuse Item. You can learn a handful of artificer infusions and put them into objects
While you won’t quite be making nukes at this point, these give you nice buffs to your spells that you might as well call them nukes with the firepower you’re packing.
Level 19: Bard
Last Ability Score Improvement. Take the Tough feat, significantly boosting your HP. Tubbo is very resilient and has gone through quite a lot of pain and suffering, so he’s probably bolstered his ability to take hits as well as his defenses.
Level 20: Fighter
Additional Fighting Style. This could go two ways, but I’m going defensive, giving you a slight buff to your AC. Again reflecting the bolstering of defenses after Doomsday with Snowchester’s walls and the making of nukes, all to keep himself safe.
And there we have it! The bee boy himself!
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