#i’m so proud guys
foreveralbon · 26 days
pool partyyy - ln4
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in which they all celebrate his first win with a water fight wc: 1.1k content warnings: if the romanticism feels rushed it definitely was sorry, not exactly win-centric but u get the point :( daniel requested!
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“P1, baby!” Lando shouts as he takes a running headstart into the pool. Daniel hoots in unison when they head dive side-by-side.
“P1!” You cheer back.
You’re lounging on a pool chair next to the rest of the drivers and their girlfriends, all clad in shorts and pretty swimsuits, perfect for the Miami heat.
A few of your friends - George, Alex, Charles and Lily, you reckon - are in the pool with Lando, playing Marco Polo, while Max and Carlos play a game of water volleyball.
Simple but fun, a rooftop pool party is the only way you could ever imagine spending Lando’s first win with everyone else.
You’re not sure how long passes - an hour, two - before someone taps on your shoulder and whisper-shouts your name. “Are you awake?”
You pry a single eye open and are met with Lando hovering above you, hair damp and dripping with water. “Mhm.”
“Good,” Lando says. “Come with me.”
Before you can ask him what he wants, he’s already walking away into the dim, air-conditioned hotel hallway.
Lando stops beside a big cardboard box.
“What’s all this about, Lando?” But there’s a smile on your face that tells him you’re ready to entertain whatever stupid idea he’s about to tell you.
He crouches down to uncover the contents of the box and grins mischievously at you. Inside are two water guns and dozens of colourful water balloons. “I asked the hotel staff to bring us some of these. So, what do you say? Water fight?”
Max, you decide, is your first target. He’s lying peacefully on a red and white striped beach chair, Kelly tucked into his side. Sunglasses cover both their faces and for a moment, they’re blissfully unaware of their impending demise.
You catch Lando’s eye, and he holds up three fingers, lowering them in a silent countdown. Three. Two. One.
“Psst, Max.”
His eyes snap open but before he can even respond, you spray the gun, dousing him in shots of water.
He shoots up to gape at you in shock. “What the fuck was that for?”
From the other side of the pool, there’s an identical sounding spray of water, followed by a yelp from Carlos and Lando’s high cackle. “Got you, mate!” 
Charles is the closest to you next, and he raises his hands in a silent defeat, as you stalk towards him. He moves backwards slowly, repeating your name in a low warning. “Don’t. I swear-”
But a sharp shot of water strikes his back and Charles falls to the ground, clutching his chest as he moans in pain, the epitome of dramatics.
Lando rolls his eyes from behind Charles’ fallen figure, water gun hanging limp by his side. Loser, he mouths and you stifle a laugh.
“They were hiding balloons too!” You hear Alexandra say. You whirl around to call her out for revealing your secret but a pale pink balloon meets your face faster than you can open your mouth. “Daniel, you ass!”
The man in question howls as he makes a break for it, darting far out of your line of sight.
Soon enough, water balloons are being thrown from every direction, hitting skin hard enough to leave bruises and your clothes soaking while Alex and George run around with your guns they somehow managed to steal while you weren’t looking.
Lando stands guard beside you as the others surround you and pelt you with the balloons, trying his best to shield your body with his. “Stop, stop!”
“Never,” Charles jeers back. “Grab them!”
It’s then that you realise what their true intentions are. They’re on you before you can protest, and Lando is attacked with the same playful aggression.
Max holds your ankles while Charles’ grip is tight around your wrists. They swing you back and forth gently to gain momentum. Lando is restrained by Carlos, who’s got a death hold around the Brit’s torso.
Lando grins cheekily at you, winking a quick good luck before your friends are shrieking “ONE!” and sending you flying into the pool.
You hit the surface with a splash, water spraying onto everyone on dry ground. Lando’s hand darts out to catch yours before you can sink too deep and together, you swim to the surface.
His shirt clings to his body, curls so soaked they’ve plastered themself to his forehead. You try to brush the water off his face but he just shakes his head like a wet dog. Lando splays his fingers against your hip bone, just shy of the bare skin that’s exposed right beneath it, to keep you from slowly drifting away. His body presses towards yours, so close you can feel the material of his swim shorts against your thighs.
“I’d say we won that, didn’t we?” He says it loud enough that everyone can hear him, and almost immediately, the boos begin. In your dreams! That wasn’t even a fight, mate! You win one race and your ego gets big.
“Oh yeah,” you nod fervently. “One hundred percent. They did not stand a chance.”
They all protest, but it takes a moment for you to realise that Lando isn’t listening to them. His gaze is trained on you, a far away look that you can’t quite place.
“I’m so proud of you, Lan,” you whisper. “You have no idea.”
He cocks his head to the side, eyes tracking your every move. His smile is dopey and the plaster on his nose only adds to the endearing look on his face. “Can I do one more thing? To celebrate?”
Suddenly, it’s as if you can’t find the words to speak. So all you can do is nod.
Everything falls quiet. Just you, Lando and the shallow rise and fall of his breaths as he draws near. His hand is soft against your cheek to pull you closer and then his lips meet yours in a soft kiss.
He holds you tight, like he’s scared you’re going to float away, kisses you slow, like you’re the last few sips of champagne and he’s desperate to savour you.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long,” Lando mutters. “I was just waiting for the right timing, I guess.”
“Perfect timing,” you agree.
Outside of the pool, you can hear a symphony of whistles and whoops as your friends cheer at the display. “Get your girl!” Carlos yells. The girlfriends all clap, clamouring in delight.
Lando kisses you again, just as lovingly as the first time, smiling as he does. And then he murmurs against your lips, for only you to hear over the raucous cheering that still sounds out around you.
“Winner of my heart, you.”
@hiireadstuff @disneyprincemuke @namgification @demvnsriot @33-81 @lipringlrh @queen-aria-things let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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satosugu <33
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totalfreak000 · 2 months
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rawr gang
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cuepickle · 2 months
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My beloved
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archive-rat · 6 months
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The Falling Star
(congrats on the win, Scar!)
Scar is, to me, reminiscent of a falling star. Once among his fellow stars in the night sky, he is now all alone, pulled down by a gravity he cannot resist and taken on a destructive course, against his will. And then, right before impact, maybe he’ll no longer be alone. For those fleeting seconds, the falling star will once again have company, right before he crashes into it and leaves only death and old memories in his wake.
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unspecifiedfigure · 4 months
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soft spoken with a broken jaw☀️
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fantasykiri5 · 1 year
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They’re so bad(boys)!!
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choco4miruku · 1 month
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« Aran Ojiro from the back !!! »
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glowsticcc · 2 months
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Why can't you stop time? How long before I can't call you my sweet little girl? Help me stop time, you're not allowed to be nineteen You have to stay my precious baby
🩷happy birthday lil lulah!!💜
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firebound-press · 3 months
Todays bind! Fools Gold, by @tigers1o1 !!
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Personally, I absolutely adore the paper and bookcloth combination on this bind. I got the cloth a while back for free and I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it, and then my friend Cam got me this paper as a gift! It seemed way too perfect to not use!
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This was a very exciting bind, because it gave me the opportunity to try something completely new, gilded edges!!
Although it didn’t turn out perfect, I’m still super proud of how clean it ended up. Plus, I personally think the flaws make it better :D
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The typesetting here was very exciting for me. A few months ago Ty held a tattoo contest for the fic, and I couldn’t not use them when I saw the two finalist designs. So I went ahead and contacted the artists, and they both said I could use them!!
Title page design: @eldrigeonsss
Chapter header design: @sheeeeeeeepherd
Thank you both again for letting me use your beautiful work!
You can read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42798252/chapters/107512251
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phatcatphergus · 2 months
I have to say, I am genuinely so proud of Tubbo and everything he’s done with my whole heart.
It’s been absolutely amazing watching him grow as a creator and a person. Even though this subathon isn’t over, I can’t help but be in awe of what he’s created and done so far. Every single show event and planned activity has been amazing to watch, and you can feel the passion that comes from them. Even beyond the shows, every single stream you can feel the passion and love that Tubbo has for streaming and his community. 
Even when he’s just coming in to chat or hang out with us, you can feel the care and drive he has for streaming in his community.  every single event has been more amazing than the last, the way he improves and fine-tunes every stream feels like it can’t get any better until the next one airs and is even better then the last. He never stops, pushing the bounds of what can be accomplished through streaming. Every single show blows me away and every idea he spitballs to us makes me even more in awe at what he can accomplish.
Watching both him, and his career grow has genuinely brought me so much joy and amazement. I believe every single one of his friends when they talk about how amazing and kind he is in real life. Someone so passionate to make the best for people he doesn’t even know, can only be a generous and kind soul in his every day life. He gives and gives and gives and rarely ever takes. I am genuinely in awe at how humble and compassionate he always is to everyone he meets, even if it’s a fan who he meets for 3 seconds on the street. Even beyond his personal relationships, he’s always giving back to his community and those in need. From raising A quarter of one million from his technodad stream to donating his entire revenue for a week for Gaza aid, he will always use his platform to uplift and help those who need it.
He’s accomplished so much in just a few years of streaming, and I am genuinely proud to call him my streamer.
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gothic-mothic · 4 months
how did narr even managed to survive outta there irl world before he found stanley again..? bet was confus- anyways, UR ART IS SO SILLYYY N SKOINKY /pos
CW: Panic attack, overstimulation, depersonalization, eyestrain
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Begging tumblr to not send this post to the void again
Anyway, The Narrator wasn’t left alone for as long as Stanley was. He followed a familiar stream of thought to safety shortly after he arrived.
To say he was confused would be an understatement to say the least
Also thank you :]
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“Swifties for Palestine” is now Trending on Twitter. I’m so incredibly proud of our fandom today.
Well done everyone 💜
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moodboard: theo raeken
“People only feel one emotion at a time.”
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wigglys-dikrats · 1 year
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the guy who didn’t like musicals has crossed 7 million views!!!
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spaceage-daydreams · 1 year
Colin’s so real for thinking Bumbercatch is the fittest one. I know he’s had heart eyes for Moe ever since he knit him that Welsh scarf
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