#i wished enough on standard to see who has the most of which colors
ixhpina · 4 months
Trying to figure out the best ways to max out building decks with my limited stamina/activity points
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lumenflowered · 16 days
[A video file is attached. In it, Maria can be seen seated at an outdoor patio table opposite... a Dratini? Probably? The being's vaguely Dratini-shaped, anyway, from what a viewer can see through the glitchiness. Though the color's all wrong—it's a reddish-purple, which is odd even for a potentially shiny Pokémon.
"I am quite aware that this is not what you wished to speak of," Maria says, hands cupped around what appears to be a coffee cup, "but will Dee be... alright? Without you close by?"
The Dratini-adjacent being ducks her head in what certainly appears to be a nod. There's a mug of coffee in front of her, too, though it looks untouched and also has truly ungodly amounts of cream and sugar added to it.
"S'nice you cared enough to ask. As long as we're in, like, the same town? It's fine, that's close enough," Mallory says, if it can count as saying anything when there is no mouth on . "More than that gets iffy, but she's more powerful than she thinks, in a worst-case scenario she'd be able to keep herself going for at least a couple hours, I do not want to test that!"
"Rather understandably." Maria looks a little paler as she raises her own coffee to sip at delicately. "What, then, did you wish to discuss?"
"Well, for starters..."
The not-Dratini's eyes narrow. The air seems to shimmer a little, then the video glitches for several seconds to the point of not being able to make out anything. Once it returns to normalcy, there is a young woman with short dark hair and vividly purple eyes sitting opposite Maria, who is staring a little at whatever she just saw happen.
"You forgot what I looked like. Probably a consequence of my ascension, if I had to guess, but there's few enough people who remember that already. You don't get to be one of them."
"Fair enough, I suppose." Maria sounds a little bemused. She gently sets the mug down on the table. "I do remember you now, though I believe your eyes were different then. It is... rather difficult not to remember the person who killed you."
"Yeah," Mallory agrees. "It is, isn't it?"
"Most of the details of that place... blurred together, I'm afraid. I don't remember—"
"I'm not telling you how many times you killed me."
"Ah," Maria says.
"I will tell you it was a lot." Mallory slurps at her coffee. The fact that it's steaming doesn't seem to bother her. "And that I was touch-starved enough that I didn't even realize you were tearing my heart out until there was nothing left I could do about it."
Maria winces. "I genuinely do not know what one could, or should, say to that."
Mallory, or her illusion—is that an illusion?—shrugs. "I wouldn't turn down an apology, if you feel like it, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for one. You were trying to make up for what you'd done in the fishing hamlet."
"I... yes." Her shoulders slump a little.
"Genuine question. Did it work?"
"No." Maria sighs. "No, it rather did not. It may have actually been worse than everything that I tried prior to... ending up in the Nightmare, but having a purpose of some kind did keep me relatively sane in that place—"
"I can count the number of people capable of talking to me in the Hunter's Nightmare on one hand," Mallory says. "Well, when I've got hands, anyway. Don't always anymore. But by Nightmare standards, you were incredibly sane."
"...Thank you?"
"Eh, don't mention it." Mallory waves one of said dubiously-there hands dismissively. "So what did end up working?"
"You say this as if something did entirely work. As if I will ever be able to truly escape from the past." Maria sighs. "I suppose what worked, then, is that I accepted that it happened, and... began trying to move on? The past cannot be changed, but..."
"But it is also in the past." Something resolute passes over Maria's expression. "I can do better in the present day. In the future."
"Damn, your mental health really is way better! And by that I mean that you actually have some, what the hell."
"I am thoroughly uncertain as to how one should take that."
"It's a compliment. Probably." Mallory clears her throat. "And it makes me think that my hunch was right. That it is time for this."
She reaches to her side—into thin air, really—yet her hand disappears as if passing behind or into something. The air shimmers.
"Time for..."
Maria's words die in her throat as Mallory withdraws her hand. It's holding a sheathed weapon, one that appears to be an intricately-crafted twinblade.
To those familiar with the weapon, it is immediately recognizable as Maria's own Rakuyo.
The video ends there.]
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SAGAU Mechanics Headcannons
I figured I’d put together a little list as to how I think that certain mechanics in the game function according to an in-game perspective.
Wishes appear as shooting stars. They are bright enough to be seen during the day.
Every character’s constellations are visible in the night sky.
When a character is ‘pulled’ they are able to hear your voice much more clearly, and most feel a sort of tugging sensation in their chest when they are first pulled. It doesn’t hurt, but a few of them were a bit startled.
When you pull a character for the first time their constellation appears on the back of their hand. Each additional time you pull them, another one of the stars on the mark becomes filled in. The mark only appears in battle.
Characters that you’ve gotten many constellations for take a lot of pride in the fact that most/all of their ‘stars’ are filled. (Your first c6 will forever be ecstatic they were the first to have all their ‘stars’)
During a character’s banner their constellation is brighter than other: this applies to both the event 5* and the rate boosted 4*s.
The Traveler’s constellation changes colors based on which element they are aligned with at the time.
Amber, Keaya, and Lisa’s constellation’s are a bit fainter than other characters. This is because they are only available on the standard banner.
When a 5* is pulled, the shooting star is gold.
Wishes on event banners are brighter than wishes on the standard banner.
The event gold stars will always be aimed at the event 5* character assuming it’s an event banner. In the standard banner, it is aimed randomly.
Though the event stars will be aimed towards the event 5*, they CAN be intercepted and deflected, whether intentionally or not.
If the event star has been knocked far enough off it’s original course, it will head in the direction of the nearest standard banner 5*.
If the event star makes contact with a 5* character who does not have their banner available, it will reverse its course and try again.
If a standard banner star makes contact with a standard 5* it lights up one of the stars in their constellation.
If a standard banner star makes contact with the ground, it will turn into a weapon associated with the region it landed in.
If a star is touched by a character who is already max constellation, it dissolves into stardust and disappears.
Having a character eat is basically just an energy boost. It makes them feel full despite not really having eaten anything. Otherwise Xiao would be complaining about you making him eat mortal food like the almond tofu addict he is
This is actually the only way Qiqi can taste things, so feed her well okay?
Falling In Battle:
They don’t die if their HP reaches 0. It’s more like they just lose consciousness.
‘Reviving’ a character causes them to wake up and feel energized again.
The experience of co-op for them is sort of like a dream, where they’re aware that this is very much not normal, but it also has a feeling of surrealness to it.
Interactions between them and the other player’s vessels are completely forgotten.
Using this feature basically just leaves everyone feeling slightly disoriented and jetlagged. Try not to overuse it or you may notice some “lag” from your characters (they need rest too you know)
Being Added/Removed From Party:
When added to the party they just get teleported to wherever your current location is. They do usually have a few moments to prepare themselves, so you never end up outright seeing them in the middle of their routines.
When removed from the party, they are teleported back to their original position.
The whole appearing and disappearing thing caused a huge commotion for a while, but now most of Teyvat has just kinda accepted that Vision Holders occasionally just disappear for a bit. It’s considered normal now. Mostly.
Some of the characters decide to actually carry the artifacts you give them on their person, but you aren’t able to see them on the character’s model.
Others have the artifacts lending them power, but don’t physically carry them around.
They cause like 90% of the bugs you see. Usually it’s not on purpose, but they can be a little petty and may make a few things glitch out if they feel they aren’t getting enough attention.
Crashing is a result of them trying to directly interact with you. Whether it’s them trying to speak with you via the chat function, or them trying to verbally speak to you, if you crashed; just know someone was getting a bit impatient and decided they didn’t want to wait anymore.
Albedo has managed to hijack your camera. Yeah sorry about that, but uh. Congratulations? Honestly, he just got lucky, but if anyone asks he’ll pretend he knew exactly what he was doing the entire time.
They are able to get glimpses of your surroundings occasionally using your camera.
There is without question a small group who are diligently working on discovering a way to contact you.
The vessels can be petty with each other, though they do not actively start conflicts with each other out of respect for you. Otherwise Diluc and Childe would be at each other’s throats instantly
The archons get lowkey jealous if you spend more of your time in one region than their own, but none of them are going to outwardly admit that.
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andivmg · 1 year
(big paragraph rant ahead thanks to madison beer’s memoir)
okay so i finished reading The Half of It today and i have a lot of thoughts. but i’m gonna post just the pages that spoke to me the most in regard to online stuff and rant
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i remember 2021 as being literally one of the worst years of my life this far because of twitter (obviously a bunch of personal stuff too but yk). to this day i’m mildly afraid of the internet which is very silly but very real. because of the part of the internet i was “famous” in i was forced to see every single thing people wrote about me and at first it was super fun super cool but it very quickly shifted into people picking me apart for everything i did or said. then i started associating myself with my ex and his circle of people and it only got worse. their audience was welcoming at first but after a week i would see people call me annoying and a pick me on a daily basis. and this was before i got “called out” for some stuff i don’t wanna get into now because i feel like it has been discussed enough but iykyk. so when that happened people latched onto that and to this day i still get the one off rude message about it. and when people tried to stick up for me i was reduced to sex. which was so demeaning in so many different ways. like the only reason i would ever be worth defending was because of my “pussy”. like that was the only thing about me that mattered. and as a woman on TWITCH of all places i was already hearing that enough. it was even more infuriating knowing that my male counterparts had done so much worse than me and faced maybe half the backlash. and even then had their mistakes and behaviors excused to the point of them not having to own up to them at all. as a woman of color i was held to a much higher standard than a lot of my peers. i was expected to know everything and to never make a mistake. so yeah, i wish i had been kinder to myself at the time. because no matter how mean the internet was to me, i was meaner. at the time it literally felt like my life was over. i would go online and only read bad things about myself. it was such a small group of people though, but i was so chronically online that it felt like the whole world was against me. and it sounds dumb and self centered but it’s how it felt as a teenage girl whose whole life was centered around twitter, tiktok, and twitch. once a big group of us went to universal and i tried to stay out of as many pictures as possible. whenever a fan would approach us as a group i would always offer to take the picture for them because i didn’t want to be in any of them. my friends told me i was being dramatic but i was trying to avoid what ended up happening anyway. people quote tweeting the pictures and making comments about me. i expected every fan that came up to either not know who i was (ideally), or worse, to know and hate me.
madison also talked a lot about being paranoid about her personal life being leaked online and talked about and i felt that deeply as well. once on stream i accidentally showed my lock screen (a picture of me and my ex) for like half a second. then immediately after, i ended stream and deleted the vod along with most of the clips but people had already had seen it and a week later my ex called me up mad as hell because people were posting screenshots of it on twitter and he was not happy about it. people were speculating on our relationship and making fun etc. and i just felt so powerless. like nothing i could do or say would change their mind. now i realize it literally does not matter what people say.
anyway yeah clearly madison’s book brought back a lot of memories for me. it was honestly oddly comforting to read. i know so many people that have gone through similar things and it’s never handled well by anyone involved. i feel a lot more comfortable talking about it now and especially here because i know it won’t become a huge thing since i’m irrelevant now and this is old drama. it’s just nice to write to the void sometimes (you guys aren’t a void i promise but yk what i mean). but yeah i’m over most of the stuff that happened that year. my therapist is amazing and helped me through it all. and now i can talk about it without feeling any type of way. it is something that happened. and i am okay now.
in conclusion, i love madison beer
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theradicalkanji · 2 months
I have a bad habit of making my DND character's (at least ones in longer campaigns and not just one shots) have tragic backstories. I've mentioned my sparkbug's tragic backstory but not my centaur's.
When Vaun entered the campaign he was introduced as the twin brother of the centaur chieftain's heir. The title of chieftain isn't a patrilineal thing, but Diarmud (Vaun's bro) is absolutely being groomed for the mantle. He's the biggest, baddest, strongest warrior in the tribe. He's got the respect of the clan and everyone expects him to take over.
Vaun meanwhile has been focused on doing everything in his power to help his brother succeed to the point that he hasn't done anything for himself and really hasn't gotten any acknowledgement or respect from his tribe or his peers.
Both physically and personality wise, Vaun is Diarmud's opposite. Diarmud is huge and strong. He's massive and muscular. His horse half is an enormous Clydesdale. Vaun is much smaller and sleeker. His horse half is more of a thoroughbred. He's also very quiet and soft spoken.
Even color wise they are incredibly different. Diarmud has black hair and a dark coat of fur. Meanwhile Vaun has long, flowing pink hair with a light chest it brown coat.
It's understandable that people don't think they're twins ... Because they're not.
Vaun is from a neighboring tribe. Diarmud's tribe, the faolan, is from the mountains and thrive in the harsh, rocky environment. Vaun's tribe was from the Highlands at the base of the mountain. The large, rolling grasslands are perfect for herding and his tribe were known for their skill with raising cattle and sheep.
They were nearly completely wiped out by raiders. The faolan, self appointed protectors of the Highlands, arrived and quickly slaughtered the raiders, but it was too late to save the tribe. There were only a handful of survivors, one of which was Vaun. The chieftain had a son that was much the same age as Vaun, and so he took Vaun in and adopted Vaun into his family.
Vaun has no real memories of his tribe. He just has the stories that others have told him and so he finds himself daydreaming about what his life would have been like if he had been free to grow up on the plains, and has created maybe a romanticized ideal of what his tribe used to be. He's got a natural talent for farming and a love of animals as well as an uncanny ability to tame even the most unruly beasts. His talents would be perfect for a plains centaur, but his father doesn't see these skills. He holds Vaun up to the standards of the faolan which value strength of arms above all else.
Vaun wishes he could earn his father's respect, but it's hard when everything he's good at is seen as pointless by the warlike faolan. To make matters worse, Vaun's brother is the pinnacle of martial prowess.
The destruction of the plains tribe is also a sore point for the chieftain. He sees it as one of his biggest failures both as a warrior and as a leader. Whether or not the chieftain projects any of this onto Vaun is irrelevant because Vaun projects it onto himself. Vaun knows that he is a walking reminder of failure.
Vaun has nothing but love and respect for the man who saved him and raised him but doesn't feel he'll ever be worthy of him. This leaves Vaun stuck between feeling like he'll never be good enough for his new family and feeling like he's missing the life he should have had if his tribe hasn't been massacred.
It's funny and fitting that the other players at the table have made Vaun the de facto party leader since Vaun would never believe that his skills would be something anyone would want in a leader. A powerful healer and a shrewd tactician, he's focused on making sure everyone of his teammates get home safely.
Also his busted high animal handling stat has saved the day a hilariously high number of times.
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attractthecrows · 3 months
I was going through my Sy tag and found this old tag game from [checks timestamp] 2015. Since I'm dusting her off for a new playthrough I thought I'd update it. 
Tagged: some 9 years ago by @ofwolvesandshatteredshields (HAHA SURPRISE!)
Tagging: oh god oh fuck um. uh. hm
@storybookhawke @hawkeykirsah @greywardan @dammithawke @warden-mahariel and ive run out of people. do it anyways its fun 
Pick one of your characters and answer as if you're them being interviewed. Tag some others. 
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CHARACTER: Sylaira Mahariel (Longbowman, Ranger, Assassin, HoF, died bringing down the Archdemon)
If I get into it I may compile like an actual article written by Brother Genitivi about Warden Mahariel (interviewed after the Landsmeet but before the battle of Denerim) but thats a bigass maybe lmfao
1. What is your name?
Sy Mahariel.
2. What is your real name?
That is my real name. Sy is short for Sylaira, if you wish to be pedantic. Most simply call me Grey Warden, which suits me just fine.
3. Do you know why you were called that?
I'm called Grey Warden because that's what I am. …Oh, you meant the name?
My parents died before I had the chance to ask them. Ashalle told me once that my mother honored Sylaise; I assume that's why. Our names are similar, though I'm not exactly the best disciple of the Hearthkeeper.
4. Single or taken?
Taken for granted, primarily. Next question.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
I am a Dalish hunter. What does that tell you?
…Oh, all right. We - the hunters, that is - are proficient with longbows, shortbows, light blades, and simple potion-making, though we usually leave that for the craftsmen. Basic survival and tracking skills are also standard. Personally, I prefer longbows. Mine is dragonthorn and sylvanwood.
And over the course of the Blight I've picked up the skills of a ranger, and Grey Wardens have their own abilities.
6. Some have called you a Mary Sue. Thoughts?
Is that a reference to some shem hero? There are far too many.
7. What's your eye color?
I'm sitting right in front of you. Have you not eyes? They are blue, last I checked.
The color used to be deeper, in fact. It's faded out some in recent months. Blight sickness will do that.
8. What's your hair color?
…Black, as you can see. Have you received a blow to the head recently? What is the relevance of this, anyways? If you're committing my likeness to paper, focus on the vallaslin. It is the Hearthkeeper, Sylaise's pattern of clan Sabrae. Also in blue, I may add.
9. Have you got any family members?
My clan is my family. I had to leave them when I was recruited by the Warden Duncan, or risk spreading the Blight to them all.
10. Oh? What about pets?
There is a wardog that imprinted on me after the battle of Ostagar. Clever thing, highly loyal, obsessed with food. He reminds me of an old friend of mine, so I call him Fenarel.
11. Now tell me about something you don't like.
You don't have enough paper in that little notebook of yours, Genitivi, nor do we have time. In summary, though: Darkspawn. The Chantry. Wastefulness. And arrogant shems who think they know what's best.
12. Do you have any hobbies you enjoy?
Look around us, old man. We are in the midst of a Blight. I am one of two total Grey Wardens remaining in the entirety of Ferelden. Do you think I have time for hobbies?
Before the Blight, I enjoyed assisting Master Ilen, the clan craftsman. He tells me I have a good hand for bowmaking.
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
I challenge you to find me a Dalish hunter who has not.
14. Ever killed anyone before?
[She stares deadpan at me.] Are you serious?
You're serious.
Yes, I have killed people, you stupid shemlen.
Humans threatening our clan. Bandits. Carta. Blood mages. Tevinter slavers. Overzealous templars. Casteless thugs. Deeply, deeply stupid farmers hoping for reward money. Idiot knights defending the honor of an honorless man. At least two Arls and a Teyrn. Shall I continue?
15. What kind of animal are you?
I am an elf.
Ah, metaphorically. I've no idea. Wardens are associated with griffons, are they not? Likely one of those.
16. What are your worst habits?
I hold onto hope when I should be practical, according to Sten. I am too forgiving, according to Morrigan. I am too compassionate, according to Shale. I catastrophize too much, according to Zevran, which seems silly, to me; we're in a Blight. This is a catastrophe. I am too reckless, according to Alistair. And I drink too much.
17. Do you look up to anyone?
In the clan, I looked up to the hahrens; we all do. I looked up to Duncan, when he was alive. Neither of those are available to me now.
18. Orientation?
Looks to be… south-southwest.
That's not what I meant.
I know what you meant and am giving you an easy out.
19. Did you go to school?
Isn't that what shem nobles do with their children? No, we don't do that. We follow the Vir Tanadhal or Vir Atish'an, and every hunter knows the Vir Banal'ras. Dalish children are taught our history and culture by the hahrens. But no, there is no "school".
20. Would you want to marry and have children one day?
I did, once. I was… you humans call it 'betrothed'? I had hoped to marry Tamlen. But that is not possible anymore.
21. Have any fans?
Preoccupation with me tends to lead more to assassins than 'fans'.
22. What are you most afraid of?
I do not hold fear in my heart.
23. What do you usually wear?
I spend most of my time on the battlefield, so, armor.
24. Do you love someone?
24a. Care to elaborate?
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
[she levels an icy glare at me and does not answer]
26. We're not done yet…
Then stop asking stupid questions.
27. What 'class' are you?
What, like noble, commoner, mage? The Dalish don't do that.
28. How many friends do you have?
More than you'd think, although likely I will not see many of them again. And the people traveling with me will always be important to me.
29. Thoughts on pie? 
Leliana's mentioned that. It's a type of food, yes? I've never had it.
[We take a brief intermission while I find us some pie.]
This is… fruit? In a pastry? It's good. Impractical - we could never make such things in the aravels - but tasty.
30. Favorite drink?
The only 'drink' we get with any regularity is… I'm not sure how to describe it, actually. Alistair calls it "Grey Whiskey". It's quite something.
In my clan, we make honey mead and wild fruit wines. Those always remind me of home.
31. What's your favorite place?
There is a birch grove in the Brecilian forest. I imagine it's fallen to the Blight, by now. I used to go there with Tamlen, a long time ago.
32. Are you interested in someone?
[She does not meet my gaze.] Even if I were, such follies are dangerous.
33. What's your cup size?
[I had barely enough time to notice her glare before her fist shot out and collided with my nose. In lieu of an answer, she threw a rag at me to staunch the blood.]
34. Would you rather swim in a lake, or the ocean?
[She laughs. It's unexpected, but a lovely sound.] Have you been to the Ferelden coast, Genitivi? It'd be safer to swim in Orzammar. Lakes, thank you very much.
35. What's your type?
Not you. Next question.
36. Any fetishes?
[She glares at me.]
37. Top or bottom? Dominant or submissive?
[She stands to leave.]
38. No, please don't leave. I'm sorry. Do you prefer camping or sleeping indoors?
[She sits back down.] You, old man, have a fondness for dangerous and inappropriate questions. This I will answer, though my patience wears thin.
I prefer camping. My entire life prior to the Blight, I remember being able to hear the wind in the trees and see the sky. It is comforting to know one's place in nature. Walls and roofs have their place, but I don't like them, and I particularly dislike being underground.
39. Do you carry anything sentimental?
…Yes. All Grey Wardens wear a pendant that we receive after the Joining. And I've kept my old hunting gloves; Ashalle gave them to me when I received my vallaslin, and they were made by Master Ilen. [After a long, heavy moment, she slips a ring off of her finger and places it in my palm. It is a simple band carved from wood, detailed with elfroot leaves, warm in the hand.] And this - you call it a promise ring, I believe. Tamlen gave me this, a long time ago, before we came of age, before the Blight, to declare our intent to marry. Ma vhenan. Ma abelas. It reminds me of what I have lost. I will carry it until my death.
40. Thank you for your time.
Mhm. I recommend leaving the city, old man. You're in no condition to defend yourself from hordes of darkspawn, and they're approaching quickly.
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isekai-crow · 4 months
Solo Leveling - HypeHypeHype vs Haters
I'm. So. Hype. For. This. Show.
Solo Leveling is a big name this Anime season and there is so much hype around it, that its beginning to collect equal amounts of "this is over-hyped" comments.
The thing about Solo leveling is... it's main drive is not a character driven story.
It's a perfectly executed
Rule of Cool + Power Fantasy
done right!
Most of the people going into this show get it! And people have a right to nit-pick over what they enjoy. But I feel like most of the complaints I've seen are based on the fact that people think Solo Leveling is full of over-used tropes. I'd just like to point out that this story is almost a DECADE OLD at this point, AND HELPED START SOME OF THOSE TROPES. The anime coming out now does not make it some sort of revolutionary new story. It's basically a classic at this point, especially in regards to the gamification style reverse/modern world isekais. So like... if it's not your thing don't watch it and stop bitching?
The Solo Leveling manhwa was released in 2016, and was a big eye-opener for people who mostly read Japanese based manga to the world of Korean Manhwa. I know it did that for me when I started reading, and I've read so much manhwa now it's starting to rival my manga consumption (and I LIVE IN JAPAN).
Full digital coloring with beautiful color choices and almost sakuga style drawing by DUBU that made the characters and shadows come alive,
Scrolling panels that actually used the format to it's best ability instead of simply restructuring standard panel manga,
An ACTUAL SOLO COMBATANT with Necromancy? How often do we get Necromancy from the good guy?
A Glow Up brighter than the sun :D
The lack of fan service is a massive point in it's favor
A beautiful execution of a stats style leveling system that made me wishing there was more in the genre like it, and made sense in the world it was set in.
An MC in Sung Jin Woo who has both his own motivations and personality to help carry the story, and also the ability to superimpose your own personality and feel an echo of the losses and success that he attains himself.
I think one of the only thing lacking (and what is most complained about for the manhwa) is the fact the later half of the story was sped through because the artist DUBU died in 2022, which is of course right around the infamous (chimera) Ant Arc. My goal this year is to finally get into the light novel and give it a comparison, because I've heard good things that everything after the Ants makes more sense in the light novel.
I'm hype for the anime because I'm excited to see all this art in motion, A-1 Studios has done a beautiful job.
However, I'm not excited to know that the anime is based of the Japanese re-write of the light novel. All the names I've gone out of my way to memorize in Korean are now suddenly in Japanese, and Seoul has been replaced with Tokyo, and the fact that it's originally Korean has been completely erased.
I'm hoping that this is a good door way anime for Korean and Chinese manhwa/manwha, and that cultural erasure might fade if enough fans complain. But they'd have to be Japanese fans, who might not even realize the erasure has happened, rather than overseas fans who've only dealt with the Korean aspect, for any big name Studios to even give a shit, and I don't have high hopes... Maybe a smaller studio would be willing. (I'm always surprised at how surprised I am initially every time I'm reminded of how racist Japanese people can get, and yet. It's mostly the older generations that are dying off tho (at least in the circles I deal with, tho I've had my students parrot racist remarks from the parents.)
The fact that they're taking a Korean manhwa and turning it into an anime with a big name Japanese studio is a nice step for broader horizons! I'm hoping Solo Leveling being such a big name with over seas fans, and being so popular in Japan as well, opens doors for the market in general!
This could lead to a further uptick in interest in Korean manhwa and light novels in general, which could hopefully lead to more being turned into anime, which could hopefully lead into more anime studios outside of Japan and a bigger market that can spread the workload on the animators out a little bit more! (It's sad to also think about the capitalistic goals this might help achieve instead though.)
(Also I learned there is a sequel to Solo Leveling. I'm not excited to have learned that one exists, much less to learn that it's bad. I won't be reading it, hahaha.)
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mellowgoop · 2 years
Lorule Game Plot & Story
What? I'm totally not procrastinating... here's an idea for a story following the events of A Link Between Worlds that takes place in Lorule with the Loruleans beginning their own story separate from that of Link, Zelda and the people of Hyrule.
Big big spoilers for A Link Between Worlds!
Ok, following the events of ALBW, Hilda is beginning to rule the land with much more warmth in her heart and is truly starting to become wise like the Zelda she admires. Likewise, Ravio has decided to change his ways and, while always a cunning trickster, is taking after Link in becoming Hilda's courageous right-hand-man and helping take part in the new future of Lorule.
One day, a strange wizard arrives with news that Yuga is mobilizing an army to take the castle and break into the sacred realm for a wish on the Lorulean Triforce. With a great number of paint-based monsters mysteriously brought to life by an ancient paintbrush he discovered, Yuga has a real chance at becoming the wisest, strongest and most courageous person in Lorule and getting his wish. (the competition is not exactly fierce, per se.)
The wizard urges Ravio & Hilda to seek out an ancient grove wherein a forgotten Lorulean treasure sleeps. The Blade of Shadow awaiting someone bold and cunning enough to weild its strange, anti-color (black light?) themed power to keep at bay the paint-based source of unlimited magic power Yuga has.
Thus begins what would be a raaather standard Zelda game set in Lorule where the heroes must find the sacred Lorulean do-dads to awaken the Superdark Evilsblade Which Is Actually Good while fighting Yuga's forces.
Partway through the game there is a proper battle as Ravio awakens the sword and Yuga makes his move on the Triforce. Upon touching it, he finds that was truly mistaken about having a balanced heart, always relying on the power of his creations to get by rather than becoming a powerful wizard in his own right, and it breaks into three pieces— Hilda has earned Wisdom, Ravio has earned Courage... and the mysterious hooded figure who knew of the prophecy recieves Power. The spooky wizard reveals himself to be Yuga's own mentor, a master of the paint-based magic passed down to him and the only living person who knows about Lorule's long forgotten history of the dark sword & the power of creation. Stealing the magic paintbrush back from Yuga, he is poised to rain pure calamity on all the realm with his own, much worse paint themed army of hellish goons!
The second half of the game sees the Lorulean trio team up, as Yuga wants to one-up his master and secure the power for himself. This is... well, Lorule dungeons and Ravio keeps growing (I think he deserves his own new tools, some rupee-based) before the final encounter, in which the gang lays waste to old man painty and Yuga, having developed his own magic further, is clearly now the Great Paint Sage (or whatever LOL!)
Thanks to the deal Hilda wisely worked out, the gang agree to let go of the triforce pieces and seal them away in very neat new underground shrine temples for future heroes to uncover. Even Yuga, satisfied at his ascent to power, agrees to this, with a sinister (but almost rival-like) promise that he (or maybe his kids IDK) would someday get their wish. Now a true hero and wise leader, Ravio and Hilda return to growing the kingdom, with Hilda making strides on the first great history of Lorule (and its off-brand Zelda Game source of magical power and sword for dealing with it, that everyone forgot!)
There will be.. eight sequels of varying quality. Thank you for reading! :)
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nights-like-this17 · 1 year
Tagged by the one the only @thatbluelight
Writing questions tag game
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
Probably “Can I Break Down Your Walls?” as a whole story arc, all the crazy shit that happens and how each chapter added more to their relationship. It was the first time I felt really connected to an idea. Most of the beginning stages actually came to me in a dream so I could always go back to that.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? Which parts could you take or leave?
I love connecting with people and making them feel/process their emotions. I’ve definitely met ppl through it or at least communicated with them enough to know I’ve had a positive effect which is all I’ve ever wanted to do with my writing. I feel like it’s a roller coaster of a process to write, I’d probably leave behind the bouts of writer’s block or spells of no motivation, but still they’re a part of the journey.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
I first started writing to create the stories that I wanted to hear, to fill in the blanks of what wasn’t said or shown in the media I loved. Now I feel like write to further extend a safe space or give people the opportunity to escape reality.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out writing?
I wish I knew how therapeutic it would be. I’ve been writing since I was very young because I had nowhere else to express my emotions safely, but writing fanfiction now allows me to establish my own worlds around characters I connect with, get things off my chest through the scenarios I’ve built.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you like and can!
Probably “Purple hurts, but Blue stings worse”. I’m a sucker for a soul mate fic. This was probably the most thought out story I’ve written.
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
I had to did deep for this but
“This,” Becky starts dramatic as usual before Sasha can even ask, “is your pretty lesbian who’s gonna help you with your little problem” she offers like this is the end, the only choice, the standard for making Sasha’s experience one to remember.”
Really any time characters are being extra. I also really love in Purple Hurts when Becky and Seth are in a bet to see who can go longer eating specific colored foods…but I’m not searching through 20 chapters for that.
which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
The first thing that came to mind was Finn in “Can I break down your walls?” Cuz he’s literally abusive and ends up in prison for aggravated assault…
But also Trina’s mom in the power ranger soulmate fics when she tries to rub her soulmate mark off with windex cuz she’s a homophobe.
if you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
Half of me thinks she’d be proud of how much I’ve actually written and that people actually read it and enjoy it. The other half thinks she’d be stunned that I’m still using writing as a coping mechanism, that I’m still living through a lot of my trauma and that I’m not over this shit yet. She’d also be concerned that I have run from fandom to fandom over the years, where is my loyalty?
This was fun, and deeper than I thought it would be, but two(2) people tops are gonna read it. But imma keep it here just for me that’s fine too.
If you have made it this far, go read my FreenBecky fic…it’s very angsty and very gay.
Retagging @theworldisrough because I don’t know anyone else. did you do this yet sis? I just wanna bother you lowkey. HELLO. If u have not been tagged and wanna be my writer friend, the applications are open.
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pansyfemme · 1 year
hello jude!!! do you have tips on collecting/wearing accessories if you can’t commit to going full decora (/another subculture)? i want to dress cooler but i always stop accessorizing after like. earrings. i’m not really sure how to start
hi! thx for asking- im gonna start by saying- theres absolutly no need to commit to decora if you want to try it out, its not a fashion you need to consistantly do when you start doing it (as well as it being pretty common amongst jfashion wearers to be part of multiple subcultures) but like. in general.
i think "collecting" is def the keyword. Everytime you go somewhere that sells cheap colorful things- keep an eye out. Thrift stores, Dollar stores, Flea markets.. etc. Also don't be afraid to diy! one of the first things i did was buy a 5$ pack of like. 200 plain barettes and some superglue and went thru my old toys to see if i had anything small enough to turn into a hairclip, earrings, necklaces.. etc. obviously not everywhere has this but ive noticed them popping up around the USA lately- but theres a 'creative reuse' store near me (which is basically. a place that sells secondhand art supplies and junk that could be recycled into new art for very very cheap, i usually spend under 5 bucks there and leave with a ton of stuff.) In terms of like- online places to find accesories, i search "toddler hair clips" on etsy pretty often as well as the usual mishmosh of terms like "kawaii" "rainbow" "decora" or "fairy kei" to find cute handmade accesories- but watch out for aliexpress resellers, there are more than u think on etsy. Even like. handmade looking stuff can be a reseller so keep a watchful eye open. Theres also a lot of people who buy big packs of charms for very cheap and glue them on barettes which is fine- but you can do that yourself, so don't bother. I only look at etsy when I want to specifically find high quality, handmade clips so i tend to get ones made of resin, clay or fabric- but since these are usually pretty expensive, if you want to do an effect like the standard decora mess of clips on top of clips- you're also going to need to look into cheaper options to fill the space. This is where most decora kids go to sites like aliexpress, amazon, wish, shein.. etc. you don't have to, it's totally possible to wear decora and similar styles buying exclusivly from small businesses, but it's generally what keeps the cost of wearing styles like decora reasonable. I try to keep a balance of small business made, DIY, and mass produced accesories on, personally. Decora does not have to be an expensive style, nor does any jfashion- but every style has its compromises. Moving on- when buying accesories outside of clips- i have less tips but still important ones. When buying necklaces, get ones of differing lengths. Layering necklaces are a lot more visually intresting when they're equally visable, and having different lengths helps them to not hide behind eachother. If you're intrested in kandi-as many coloful styles have it as a staple, it's fun, but it becomes kinda of a hobby of its own (and pony beads are more expensive than u think when you start making bigger cuffs- they use a LOT of beads.) also, kandi gets uncomfortable quick. Arm warmers are so underated and i love them, they're super cozy and look really cute. as for rings- i don't wear or have many personally, since im a visual artist and they really get in the way of my flow, i can't work with them on. (also. if you look at plastic colorful rings online, they're almost certinly for kids, even if the listing doesn't say so. you won't be able to fit them. if the listing doesnt specifically say adult or gives ring sizes, don't buy them.)
As for wearing- i gave some tips on other accesories, but im super specific about how i layer hair clips so ill say the best i can. I don't have bangs currently, (my hair isn't straight and ive never rlly found a way to style them since combing my hair looks rlly bad) but theres a reason most decora kids with straight hair have them- it's literally a flat plane to fit clips on. Otherwise, you're going to need to find a way to balance your clips and your hair in a way that looks cute, but also fits as many clips as possible (if that's what you're going for.) I tend to use like. three subcatagories of clips in the way i do it, i call them "Statement Clips" (Large clips, fabric clips, anything really flashy, tend to be heavy.) "Stabilility clips" (Medium sized, Lotsa barettes and bobby pins) and "Filler Clips" (Small. Butterfly Clips, anything that can fit into small gaps) If you can't tell already, i start by putting on clips to stabalize the area. Clips are heavy, and if you have a hair type that responds more to gravity than others, you're going to need to work against it. The point of stabalizing the area for me is to create like. a plane to put clips on. then, i tend to move on to the showier clips to create a visual effect, and fill the gaps with small ones. it's not too time consuming, it usually takes me 15 min or less.
A tip i give like. most decora kids out there. is 1) even in a style like decora, colors can clash- hence why i avoid blacks and browns when im doing a rainbow look. It's personal prefrence, but if you don't have a lot of accesories, you don't have to wear every one you own if you feel they won't go, even if it means less accesories. 2) decora as a style is stronger when your base outfit is as layered and colorful as your accesories. it's another investment, yes, but wearing decora accesories with a black hoodie and grey sweatpants won't nessecarily make that a decora outfit, if you get what i mean. im saying these as someone who did both when i was first getting into it.
i hope these help a little!! im sorry it took me a bit to respond ive been like. working on finals constantly and been on here mostly to just browse or update the queue so!
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leatherbootlace · 2 years
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oh hey kinda forgot but i’ve like slowly been putting together some characterizations for the skarloey railway coaches (starting with the tv series ones cause i’m a yankee fool) so uh have at it.
of course, the irony there means that i’ve now created a plethora of ocs that i will never be able to write stories for help
Original Sprites by Princess-Muffins & Cj-The-Creator Any & All Modifications made by Myself, LeatherBootlace.
Characterizations below the cut or you can read them on my DeviantArt Here:
   Agnes (She/Her) is one of the oldest coaches on the Skarloey Railway. She is deep-voiced and proud of being a first-class carriage, and looks down on the other coaches - even her own sisters. She is the leader of the rake, and believes that whatever she says goes. Her temper can run quite hot whenever she doesn't get her way.    Ruth (She/Her) is a second-class carriage, and often finds herself peacekeeper among the other carriages. She is a quiet coach, and very close with the engines, particularly Skarloey and Rheneas. Rumor has it she has a rather sinister side to her that she keeps under lock and key unless absolutely necessary.    Jemima (She/Her/It/Its) has gone somewhat deaf over the years, and often has to understand others with the help of Ruth. It is quite silly and tends to joke, though she has a hard time dealing with stress and prefers to ignore it and carry on without a care in the world.    Lucy (They/Them/It/Its) is the runt of the rake, and has been for quite some time. They were made with weak frames, and often limp along the line whenever it goes out with the others. Most of its siblings are gone now, and they tend to get wound up in a frenzy whenever they panic. Strangely enough, Agnes is rather protective of it, and often calls them "Lulu".    Beatrice (They/Them/She/Her) is looked down on by the other coaches, who often claim they "smell of fish and cheese". Beatrice pays no attention to their words, as she knows she's very useful. They are the closest to Skarloey and Rheneas next to Ruth, and is quite fond of the Guards she's had over the years.
   Geanie (It/Its) is a Quarryman's Coach, and one of three carriages who came from Lancaster Wagon Co. during the 1860s. It is highly opinionated and prone to sulking, and often wishes it wasn't delegated to such lowly work. Skarloey & Rheneas often tell it to be careful what it wishes for, but Geanie could care less what the engines say.    Thera (She/Her/They/Them) is arguably the most colorful thing in the quarry. A highly peppery and friendly carriage, her endless optimism has helped her make the worst of a bad situation. They do their best to keep Geanie from sulking, even if it can be an endless struggle. She believes one day both of them will be able to escape their lot in life, even if that day is a long way away.
   Melody (They/Them/She/Her) was part of the second rake purchased by the Skarloey Railway from Brown, Marshalls & Co. A lively and rambunctious sort who can be rather controlling at times, they believe in preserving the 'harmony' of the railway - the status quo, if you will. She doesn't take kindly to change, and there have been times where the carriages often are in a ruckus just because she insists on having things their way.    Ariana (They/Them) is very much like Melody, and the two are very close. They carry a rather "holier-than-thou" aura to themself, which is ironic considering how much they love catching up on the gossip of the line. Though some have fallen victim to their flattery, the other coaches - particularly Agnes - believe them to be nothing more than a silver-tongued snake, biding their time for the perfect chance to strike.    Clarissa (He/Him/She/Her) is an exceptionally bright carriage on the Skarloey Railway. Smart as a whip, he carries interests in some of the more extraordinary things in life - well, extraordinary by rolling stock standards. She's one of the few truly literate members of the railway's carriages, and often asks to see the latest paper from the Guard whenever he has the chance. But for all her book-smarts, he can be rather easily outwitted, something she takes great offense at.    Kelsey (It/Its) feels a great deal of pressure to keep up appearances. For all its pride and glory, it's quite paranoid about being replaced one day by newer, more modern carriages. It can be quite fierce at times when the other carriages receive maintenance, and often insists on being the first to receive repairs at any chance, even if the other coaches are in more need of it.    Iris (She/Her) is hardly as uppity as the other coaches, for better or for worse. As Guard's Van, her importance is quiet well felt by the rest of the rake, even if she doesn't see it personally herself. A melancholy sort who gets distraught over so much as the slightest inconvenience, if anything goes wrong, there will never be an end to it with her around. Beatrice tries their best to console her, but even she can only do so much.
   Lillian (She/Her/It/Its) is one of the coaches in the Summer Rake, and is known for being a carriage with unwavering morals. A carriage known all around for her pure-heart, she believes every part of the railway is just as important as the other - from the lowly truck to the mighty engine. It enjoys her position immensely for how it gives it a chance to embrace the summer sun on her trains, though it can seem fleeting given how long the rake spends shut away in the carriage sheds.    Beverly (They/Them) is one of the coaches in the Summer Rake. They're a remarkably fickle coach, who tends to carry grudges much longer than some may consider to be healthy. Their haughty attitude often gets the better of them, which usually means receiving a stern word from the others. They have great memory, meaning they'll never forget even the smallest of slight against them.    Lenora (She/Her) is one of the coaches in the Summer Rake. She's the most social of them all by a long shot, and is often the one to greet the passengers at stations or along the way. She can be known to be talkative, and often rambles on and on without a care in the world. She tries her best not to do so, at the other coaches insistence, for fear she might come off as rude, but she'd love one day to be able to talk as much as she likes.    Ridley (He/Him/They/Them) is one of the coaches in the Summer Rake. Unlike most coaches, he's rather shy, and doesn't say much unless spoken to. As they're often marshalled next to Lenora, this can be a bit overwhelming for him on most occasions. In fact, most things tend to overwhelm them. The other coaches, the passengers, not to mention small spaces. Some days, Ridley would just like to be left alone to his own devices.
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connectwired · 11 months
Since I have no other place to go for this, I want to start out by saying that Nintendo needs a refresh. By doing a refresh with games and hardware, expectations can be thrown in a new direction, and speculation can be all the more fun. That said, what we want and need differs from how Nintendo views, so what I say should be taken lightly unless stated otherwise. I'm VERY open-minded, so I may go on and on, and I'm also open to criticism on the things I think about.
First off, the next console. I believe it'll stay relatively the same as the Switch but with the best internals they can get their hands on. They'll probably update the Joycons a bit and reintroduce the standard D-pad, or they may take the Steam Deck approach and glue them on. The standard will have a higher quality OLED screen to compete with others and possibly better sound. Not much more I could think of but it's enough to compete for next gen and try to bleed into the future gen. It opens up the possibility for more open first party games as well as more intricacy and design, increasing the odds for success (most of the time). Third party games will run better too.
Next, let's talk games. 2D Mario has been refreshed with Wonder, Zelda with TotK and BotW, Pikmin is still going, and Metroid... we don't know what's happening there, but it did have Dread. Mario Kart is still going strong, but there's only so much left they could do until they run out of options for one game. Smash is dead for now, but that's a topic for later with Mario Kart. Animal Crossing is iffy, as the player base has likely been halved since release; I know I don't play it anymore, and I've heard that it's got several issues that I agree with.
I want to go in depth about the state of Mario. Mario fans will be feasting soon with Wonder and RPG, and I'm one of them. Super Mario RPG is, if you couldn't tell, my favorite RPG, and I'm incredibly ecstatic for the remake. I have faith it'll sell well and be given the recognition it deserves. The music and graphics seem phenomenal in the remake, and everything seems like how we viewed it in the original; our minds were brought to life with this game.
Next is Wonder, which is an interesting beast I would love to tackle. The art style is amazing and a big step from New, just as much as the soundtrack is. It's all soft and colorful while remaining fast and enjoyable; such an appealing game hasn't happened for 2D Mario in over a decade. I love the new voice lines - despite Martinet possibly being replaced - and the new sound effects are great too. It's so experimental yet seems to be promising.
3D Mario games are pretty much due for a new game at this point. We haven't seen one since Bowser's Fury, which was only about half a game, if that. The last full game was Odyssey all the way back in 2017. It's understandable why it would take so long, but at least throw us a hint once the new system is revealed. It would be cool for it to be inspired by Wonder, but I could see it branching off of Odyssey or Galaxy too.
Super Smash Bros. should be getting a new game within the next 5 years. Whether it be a reboot, Ultimate Deluxe, or a continuation, I'm certain it'll be good. If they reboot the series, I imagine they'll keep a handful of characters and add a lot of new ones while also making completely new movesets for most fighters. Ones without new movesets would obviously have some changes though. The stages have a chance to be completely new. A continuation would likely cut some of the roster while adding new ones and do the same with stages. A continuation could be Deluxe but with different features and a new story. There are lots of debates about what characters would get in no matter what way they take, but I think the few that are locked in are Geno, Shantae, Sans, and possibly Cuphead. Personally, I wish Springtrap and Reimu would be in too, but sadly I don't believe they would. Same for Goku who will never be in.
Mario Kart is the only thing left on my mind, as it hasn't had a new game in about 10 years, less if you count Tour (but who would; it's a live service mobile game based on Mario Kart 7). It needs a new game very soon after the DLC is done, but there's one question that everyone has: where do they go next? I think they could take the Sonic R route and have it be more open world. Mix that up with all of the items in Tour and maybe some new stuff inspired by 2D and 3D Mario, and you've got something magical. Doing something like Double Dash and having two drivers per kart would be cool too. The roster needs an update as well, but Tour has added plenty of characters over time. They could bring back all characters, and if possible, add a separate menu for costumes and alternate colors. Tracks could be more based on games and even the recent movie. I would love to race around in something like Beach Bowl Galaxy or a fire flower field.
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suttonmarcus1 · 1 year
Chapter 5 Feildwork - Race
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A Genotype is the inherited genetic factors that provide the framework for an organism's physical form. this applies to all thing genetic, this could be genetic disorders . For example , Down syndrome, albinism , Apert syndrome, and Tourette’s syndrome. Even thought they vary in characteristics genetic disorders can pass through people who carry the trait and don’t technically have it themselves. In the example above it shows how genetic disorders can pass randomly , the mother and father had 2 children 1 was affected 1 was not . the not affected continues on and has 2 children and they are also unaffected. now on the other hand the affected paired with someone who is not and have 4 kids 2 affected , 2 not . i wish there was a way to stop the pass of genetic disorders but its not.
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A Phenotype is the way genes are expressed in an organism's physical form as a result of genotype interaction with environmental factors.This media relates to phenotype because your eye color is one of the man examples of a way your genes are expressed in a physical form. Your eye color can vary no matter what ethnicity or race you are . stereotypically people in america judge people by the color of their skin to judge what race they are or the color of the eye color that corresponds with the race. Its so unfair i have seem African Americans with blue eyes and it was a beautiful sight to see.
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White Supremacy is the belief that whites are biologically different from and superior to people of other races. in this image you are seeing what appear to be a kkk rally , the Klu Klux Klan has a very extensive history of brutal violence and is one of the biggest most famous hate groups in America. they are responsible for multiple lynches and hangings throughout history. i have witnessed a riot similar to this when i was in charlotte, Sc over winter break so for things to still be happening in current time it’s scary and its unacceptable.
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Individual Racism is personal prejudiced beliefs and discriminatory actions based on race. This is the show “Family Guy” this show is filled with a lot of dark humor. But in this photo they are implying that all Asians or Chinese people are smart and are good at math . This is a huge problem in American society , forcing people to live up to something because of there racial background is inappropriate and rude! everyone goes though struggles just imagine being this race and struggling in the subject and you have rude people like this that force a standard as rude as this on you.
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Microagression is common , everyday verbal or behavioral indignities and slights that communicate hostile, derogatory, and negative messages about someone's race, gender, sexual orientation or religion. In this picture you have a black woman who is frustrated that because of her social preferences or her upbringing that makes her more intellectual, and proper than other African Americans. she has people questioning her race and telling her shes acting proper just by the way she preforms or because of her speech or interest that makes her race different. this is a big issue in American RACE DOES NOT EXIST !!!! we must stop these stereotypical comments.
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Institutional racism is patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems. in this example we have an all white collage. during this time both blacks and whites were able to be educated in collage they were just segregated, but not only by the color but by the budget. the predominately white schools are funded more have a higher success rate and they are just more privileged. so not only did African Americans have to face hardship in education they also didn’t have the proper tools to fund the institution for people to be successful. but we are smart enough to use what we had to get what we need and now they are so many HBCU’s (Historical Black College University) Country wide .
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mainswhite · 2 years
Songsheet generator
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If you don’t need the chord diagrams (and you are not a Ukulele player), this is a great place to start playing with ChordPro files. However, these fine people are Ukulele-minded and chord diagrams are only available for Ukuleles. It also supports chord diagrams.Ī very nice free online editor is provided by UkeGeeks. This is my WordPress plugin that allows to pretty print ChordPro text on your WordPress pages and posts. The web preview also allows you to print out the result. This is my online ChrodPro converter for those who want to convert it into HTML to incorporate it into other websites. They do their job but user interfaces and design were pretty outdated.
I was so disappointed when I only found poorly implemented products out there compared to modern software standards. You can read all about them here:Īs powerful as the ChordPro format is, as sobering it is when you look for software supporting it. There are many more syntax options available.
You can even print the chord diagrams automatically:Ĭheck out a full Heart of Gold example here: So, if you type in give, the “G” identifier will be placed above the “i” in the formatted output. Most importantly, the software puts the chord identifiers right above the letter of your text in front of which you placed the chord code.
You can configure the software accordingly and tell it how to format it. the title, subtitle, comments and chords. You can probably quickly see what has happened here.ĬhordPro uses brackets and keywords to identify important parts of the song, e.g. Software is available that can then make this out of that: Heres is an example of the first lines of the above song in ChordPro syntax: The ChordPro syntax is very easy to understand and not cryptic at all. It doesn’t look like much when you look at the text file itself but since it is a standard, there are sevaral tools available that can make a nicely formatted display of it. ChordPro SyntaxĬhordPro is syntax standard for plain text files of song texts and chords. I was so fond of learning about the ChordPro standard that makes all of that possible. I always wished I could use a specific syntax for my lyrics and chords and have a software take care of the formatting and – even better in times of mobile devices – have the software produce the display of it on a tablet for example. Next thing is to print it out and use paper during your performance. They looked something like this:Īs you can imagine, it takes a bit of time to create such a document file, place the chords above the right syllables or vocals and to color them differently from the text. I am used to create my own text files and print them out. Let’s take the example of “Heart of Gold” by the Neil Young as a guide through this article. If that is you, this blog might be useful to you. I am used to print outs of song lyrics where the chords I need to play are placed above the text. I know the basics but not nearly enough to play a song off of a score sheet. I am one of those guitarist that cannot read musical scores well. ChordPro files are easily created or downloaded and there are several apps available to use them.
For information about the Microsoft Windows® version, please see the Songsheet Generator web site.ChordPro files use a simple text syntax that applications can use to display a song’s text and chords in a nicely formatted way so you can easily play along with it. Note: the contents of this document apply only to the Mac OS X and Java platform versions of Songsheet Generator. Fixed a problem with in-song chord definitions that appeared in version 1.5.1.Version 1.5.2 August 2010 Fixes and minor changes:
Read more at Version 1.5 for Mac OS® X + the Java(TM) platform On the Mac the file is named and it lives in your ~/Library/Preferences folder, where ~ is your home directory.Ī program for easily printing and displaying song sheets To install, just download the “chordrc” file to the same folder as the Songsheet Generator program. I put together a database of ukulele chords for use with the program. To get this to work, check the “Ukulele mode” box under “Options -> Chords/Grids”. Recent versions of the software have a ukulele mode which allow four-string chords to be printed, rather than the usual six. I prepare my ukulele arrangements in chordpro format, and create songbooks using Songsheet Generator. Good news – this means you can use version 1.5 for Mac and Java with the chord definitions supplied by Stewart Greenhill:
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mckeehollis56 · 2 years
Prada Archives
Twist this Gucci Kids’ Tote to the seaside, not solely waterproof, but in addition vigorous and wonderful, dressing up is a lady bursting. Outside is a basic double G canvas fabric, the internal construction is straightforward and practical, with a colored lining. All the mandatory little issues could be plugged down, corresponding to notebooks, charging treasures, compacts, change baggage, glasses cases. At present, Gucci in mainland China does not have a children’s counter. If you wish to buy a children’s bag, you need to fly to Hong Kong or subsequent door to Japan. In addition to this, Replica Prada Bags Sidonie can also slant again or squat, which is rather less cool than holding the back, however still very eye-catching. DHgate has a fantastic assortment of designer bag replicas as a end result of lots of the producers who produce louis vuitton baggage, gucci bags and other branded baggage can be found in the marketplace. For people who care about their type quotient and wish to buy hip accessories, this is the store to visit. Their bags are super inexpensive and even the women’s leather wallets are priced very moderately. This is the sort of retailer, where you choose up 2 or 3 bags because of its value and quality and design. They sell hand luggage, shoulder bags, journey baggage, cross body baggage, messenger luggage, purses and more. They have a great assortment of replicas from Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada. Try to build belief and be an everyday customer to take pleasure in discount benefits. Sometimes the bag might have deformities like torn, without a logo or stain on the displayed picture so it’s better to ask for more footage in a personal message. The genuine pouch should look clean, with tight cloth, while the replica pouch looks fairly lumpy. A possible trigger for that is that the replica was not stitched tight enough. As you'll have the ability to see, the form of the zipper is slightly different. As a popular large in the fashion world, Prada handbags are among the many most trendy accessories of a lifetime. While all of us love Prada purses and can’t say sufficient of their timelessness and epic chicness, the value of one real Prada bag is sufficient to cover several month’s mortgages. Not all ladies will readily commit to spending all their monthly allowances on month-to-month installments for a single Prada purse. Here are a few tips about the way to get various high quality knockoffs that mirrors the standard of genuine Prada purses. If you would possibly be like most girls you would possibly be in all probability hesitant about investing in a duplicate handbag. The right leg of the "R" on modern baggage ought to have a spot between the loop and the leg, as proven above. I know the in’s and out’s of buying merchandise from China and also know what the best Chinese products are. DHgate also should be chosen amongst different replica web sites as a outcome of they have a return and refund coverage and the platform can always interfere if there's a dispute with the seller. As Dhgate doesn't clamp down on replicas as a lot as Aliexpress, DHgate has a greater assortment of replicas. Some sellers on DHgate will happily offer you reductions however don’t pressure them or be impolite. The better part is, they are a direct manufacturing unit, which suggests you can attain out to them directly and ask for changes and modifications corresponding to change of logo or another additions. So let’s get into one of the best Dhgate replica baggage sellers. These are prime notch quality replica baggage from China so to talk. Verified by us in addition to tonnes of product evaluations on DHGate. The Purse Queen was began in August of of 2010 by me, Angie , as a blog that critiques genuine & replica purses I even have bought all through the years, and replica web sites as properly. Other fashions include Cahier, Galleria, Promenade, Classic Satchel, Double Tote, Continental and many extra. The higher of the shoe is just like the retail version, which contains a sole that wraps around the toe — again for efficiency reasons. Sirena and his staff usually lie or crouch down and infrequently have their feet flat in opposition to the floor of the boat. To defend their toes and the durability of the shoes, the rubber outsole extends throughout the toe field. Sirena likens it to the gear Formula 1 drivers are outfitted with. Street Rules is an internet site that sells replica designer sneakers. We solely sell the best and genuine replicas of designer sneakers at an affordable value to ensure that you get what you pay for. https://phoenet.tw/prada-terry-cloth-slides.html The metallic finish should not be cracked, chipped, discolored, or flaked. Some Prada luggage don't feature metallic ft, so you presumably can't use this as a telltale signal of authenticity. The Tote Bag – Prada tote baggage are undoubtedly comfortable and handy. In truth, these bags could possibly be your new greatest good friend when you discover yourself in want of tons of storage space. Prada includes a third detail, the R in an genuine Prada logo is hinged to the the rest of the physique with a curved, notched-out area. If the bag you are analyzing does not have this sliver of a niche between the best leg and the place it connects to the body of the letter, then the purse is a counterfeit. TFS Gateway allows for seamless connectivity between disparate email methods, cellphones and pagers. This complete resolution redefines the standard by which gateway merchandise are measured. Follow us as we discover life and the world one lovely adventure at a time. wikipedia prada terry cloth slides Create your account and luxuriate in a new purchasing expertise. If you wish to request further details about a Secure Messaging solution or an analysis of a product, please click on on the appropriate button under. It has been predicted that there could possibly be one billion e-mail bins by the 12 months 2004.
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sehested66sehested · 2 years
high quality replica handbags 7
Reproduction Handbags I’m a young skilled, and I guess, compared to other individuals, I’m making good money. But it’s not enough to afford the high-end manufacturers that I had my eye on. I’ve obtained everything from amazingly cute and smart equipment, belts, shoes and, after all, baggage and purses. While I do have a eager eye for all other equipment, I have a selected soft spot in my heart for purses. Because most individuals aren’t really up to date with style, most individuals don’t bother. So, should you can pretend out the ones who are “high fashion” connoisseurs, you’re pretty much good to go. The retailer has a 97% score and has been round for more than four years. If you are in search of duplicate handbags online, this store should be one of the websites you visit. fake designer Other manufacturers create purses which are influenced by upscale designer baggage and sell them at a much decrease value to shoppers. Like the Speedy, the Rioni bag closes with a gold-tone zipper. The one retailer that has actually impressed us is Zeimax. [newline]This is the “go-to” retailer for anybody who loves those delicate pendants and rings from Cartier however always shies away wanting on the value. You can discover some actually adorable patterns for a fraction of the price you'll pay for the high-end designer model. You can speak to the seller on to learn how the logos will look. The consideration to element on the luggage are impeccable. wikipedia handbags The prices on this retailer are fairly reasonable and their ratings across all merchandise are fairly good with a median of four.5/5 across merchandise. The Women Bag retailer is a fairly new addition to Dhgate. But they’ve already been making a massive effect with their distinctive collection of luggage. We took a success this week additionally, however we're still standing. They are really good ( 5/5) though that is depending on the seller from who you purchase. You see, the final thing I wished to do was sport an LV that was an apparent fake! I saved thinking with every new order that I had FINALLY found “the one”, the bag that may be so well crafted, I would feel confident sufficient to level out it off everywhere I went. But alas, stores like iOffer and DHGate ended up being beyond disappointing! Replica designer purses may be inflexible and rigid or produced from soft and stretchy materials, relying on the wants of the person. They could additionally be clear or have strong colors, and can be fastidiously handcrafted with mirrors and other ornamentations. One of the underrated luxury luggage sellers is Lixiaojuan. With over 20,000+ transactions they are a prime model. What’s underrated in this retailer is their designer backpacks. The Maizhong store is the one you’ve been ready for. Inequality will only end result when you measure it with rulers and unique ID numbers. The latter is what we all ought to go for if the budget is tight. Offering solely such merchandise is my very own suggestion, the vendor from whom I brought. If you go to many different replica websites, look for the phrase “AAA” or “AAA duplicate designer handbags.” If you just see “replica bags” or “famous brand replicas,” overlook it. They don’t know the language and, chances are, they don’t know the standard requirements. It's similar in style to the Saint Laurent Monogram Camera Bag . Where YSL sometimes has their emblem, you presumably can put your monogram on the Devon bag (although the letters must be horizontal, not vertical like YSL's). There are a lot of Jewellery sellers on DHgate and most of them sell some nice looking jewellery.
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