#i was gonna post this as the first post in a compilation of more art but i did not end up draiwng more art MY COMPUTER SCREEN BROKE AND DIED
micer2012 · 4 months
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I FORGOT TO POST THIS ALSO? i drew it back in like week 3 and i didnt get caught up im sure theyre all doing fine. (ros's tango design!)
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mochiiniko · 1 year
rhythm doctor jumpscare
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
Mutant Manhunt Masterpost
Someone asked about making a masterlist for this AU, and I was eager to make one anyway just to get everything in one place. Now that I have a decent chunk of art and info to put here, I figured this was a good time to do it so here we go
Where to start reading? My recommendation
Fanfic status (subject to change)
Comic status
Official Designs: Donnie | Leo | Mikey | Full lineup (+ Raph)
Comics (in chronological order; some of these are in other sections but oh well)
Mrs Cuddles, Master of Childhood Trauma
Draxum Spills the Beans
Manhunt Mishaps
Father-Son Bonding Time
Reunions and Introductions: April | Splinter: silly and not so silly | Mud Dogs | Cassandra Jones
Q&A + Ideas (text posts + stand-alone art)
Patient Zero (aka first post, raph concept art + basic premise)
How Raph was separated post-mutation (kinda vague)
When does the "Lou Jitsu is Splinter" reveal happen?
How Raph meets his brothers
Does Raph know Franken-Foot or Mrs Cuddles?
Raph has fans all over the Hidden City
Hidden City publicity stunts
Raph's Caretakers (he's had quite a few)
Mona Lisa When? <_<
Doodle Dump (featuring mystery crane yokai)
Tidbits: Electric Boogaloo
Raph's Phobias: Rabbits | Cats | Mrs Cuddles
Who Named the Mad Dogs?
How did Raphael get named Raphael?
Eldest Brother Sleeper Agent
Mad Dog trio dynamics
Leo and Donnie's sibling rivalry
Scars: Donnie's shell | (more to be added)
Raph's favorite animals
How tall is that snapper tho
Movie Events, Mutant Manhunt Style
Bug Busters: Who caught Leo? | What next?
First post (random doodles that illustrate their dynamic w/ Raph)
When they gonna reunite?
Their "opinion" on Splinter
Raph's nicknames
Family Photo
Sleep Pile! (+ bonus Mad Dogs pile)
Pre-Canon Leonard
Raph's Drip: a Compilation (why is there so much)
How the hell does his outfit work (cursed info, be warned)
Local Nexus Champion bullies naked and homeless turtles, more at ten (bonus teddy bear appearance)
Mikey goes into an infodump about japanese art techniques, Leo is in shambles
Luo Jitsu merch
Mud Dogs drip
Bellboy Raph! Customer Service King!!
Now Everyone Gets Drip
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey
April, Sunita, and Cassandra
Splinter and Draxum (WIP, they're giving me so much trouble istg)
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mrs-gauche · 6 months
So, on the new teaser published on DA Day this year, while I won't even try to go as in-depth as the amazing @felassan already did, compiling everything of note in this excellent post, like the sleep deprived German with limited vocabulary that I am, I'm just gonna add my little two cents to it, hopefully not repeating too much of what has already been mentioned. 😁
So why not start with the caption here!
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This honestly made me snort out loud. 😂 I mean, it's like BioWare is not even trying anymore to be subtle about the fact that Thedas has we know it is 100% doomed. lol And yes, I know we all joke about Thedas constantly being in Apocalypse mode, but this time it really feels like some massive change is approaching.
But to be specific, I am pretty confident in that this is referring to both the destruction of the Veil, as well as the freed Evanuris dooming the world through some kind of mega Blight.
When I first read the word "revelation", it immediately made me think of Solas' Tower tarot card. The Tower literally represents sudden, disruptive revelation and potentially destructive change. While "damnation" is the concept of a divine punishment, to be "doomed to suffer in hell forever".
And as felassan theorized, if the last person in the teaser speaking is Elgar'nan, and if he is in fact connected to the Old God Lusacan, who is the God of Night, bringing about the "eternal night" and darkness…
“Lusacan, the Dragon of Night, calls to you. He lives where it is darkest and waits for the day he will rise. Drink of his blood and know the power in darkness: either fear the Night or wield it." "The darkspawn yearn to awaken and corrupt Lusacan to start a new age of darkness." “A night that will never end”
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...Whereas the "revelation"/Solas tearing down the Veil, to me at least, always seemed to be associated with light or "purification" (for lack of a better word), with how it was described in Sandal’s prophecy and the way the destruction of the Veil was portrayed in the 2022 cinematic, almost blindlingly bright. (Also, "Solas" literally means "light" in Irish. lol)
„One day the magic will come back. All of it. Everyone will be just as they were. The shadows will part. And the skies will open wide. When he rises, everyone will see.“
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So I think, like this "revelation" contrasts the "damnation", like Light and Darkness, at least in terms of visual language, there could be a hint of a figurative, as well as a literal "clashing" of two opposing forces? Like, both are destructive, but like The Tower represents destruction in order to rebuild/to enforce new growth/for the soul to evolve, while the damnation is nothing but irreparable corruption?
Anyway! So generally speaking, the teaser highlights yet again three of the factions/places we've seen in all the 2020 teaser/concept art/books/comics. It looked absolutely gorgeous and the voice over gave me goosebumps, as well as the amazing score again (that may or may not be composed by Hans Zimmer and/or Lorne Balfe lol I wonder) and the sound design! <3333 Though what’s curious to me, is that neither the Shadow Dragons of Tevinter or the Veil Jumpers from the Arlathan Forest were mentioned this time around…
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So, I think this time the teaser might be more about the main plot beats/quests in the game than about the protagonist's potential origins, like how in DAO and DAI, you travelled to various places gathering allies and completed their respective narratives first before facing the main threat. Each of the places shown is coupled with a voice over from what is most likely gonna be an important character in each of these plot beats.
The fact that they changed the word "hero" in the plot blurb on the official DA website to "leader" is also.. interesting. It kinda reminds me of when Mark Darrah mentioned that the "vision statement" for Joplin was gonna be "We would be heroes, but the records are sealed". 👀 Or maybe the new protagonist might not be so heroic after all and more on the morally grey spectrum, which is always nice to explore. lol Makes me also yet again wonder about the "They call me the Dread Wolf. What will they call you when this is over?" line, meaning that, no matter how heroic our actions might be, in the end history might still remember us as the villain.
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This looks phenomenal and if they actually manage to realize a city as big as what this suggests AND fill it with meaningful content and people (side-eyeing you, Val Royeaux lol), it will blow my mind! lol Like felassan said, I'm very curious if we're gonna do some Assassin's Creed style "parkour" here, like what was kinda described in the short story "As We Fly" from last year! The Crows as the only real military defense of Antiva, particularly in Treviso, seem to be in deep trouble now, having been invaded by the Antaam and if you look closely, you can actually see the banner of the Qunari being displayed in the city!
"We fight for everyone. And we always will. The Crows rule Antiva."
My first thought hearing the voice here was actually Caterina Dellamorte. The lines express authority or leadership and it's also a more elderly sounding voice (to me at least), so Caterina as the First Talon would make a lot of sense to me! There have also been lots of speculation about her grandson, Lucanis, being a potential companion as well.
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(Oh no, all of Rivain got eaten by a squid. lol)
I've been hoping to go there ever since I first saw concept art of Rivain, and this is still giving me huge Pirates of the Caribbean (but with magic) vibes. 😂 As someone who thoroughly enjoyed playing AC Black Flag like ten years ago, this looks VERY promising! Though please, if we're getting any kind of underwater combat (like with the Vinsomer mentioned in the codex entry from last year), just don't make me fight dragons underwater, I'm still traumatized by the Lagiacrus in Monster Hunter Tri. 💀
"Glory to the risen gods. They come to deliver this world."
As to who is saying this, honestly, no idea. 😂 The blurb on the website mentions dragons in this place acting up for some reason, and the line sounds very cultist. lol But I'm definitely with felassan here, too, that this has to be connected to the Evanuris as well, given this GIANT squid thing on the map and all of the horrifying ocean related stuff linked to Ghilan'nain and her monstrosities, my money is also on her being one of these "risen gods".
And honestly… If I was a simple sailor or pirate and then one day I would see this emerge from the ocean…
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….I'd probably start believing in these "gods", too. lmao
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Next up, we're going to the Anderfels and Weisshaupt and I don't really have anything to add to what has already been said, other than "Shit is definitely Going Down Here". lol Lorewise, it would be crazy to go there and learn more about the very beginnings of the Wardens at their headquarters, so.. given the lines, the ominous sound of battle in the background here and some *things* from those reddit leaks earlier this year (felassan made a great post about this too, but spoiler warning of course!).. I just hope there will be enough left of Weisshaupt to explore after all this. lol
"Grey Wardens don't hide in our castle. I won't ask good soldiers to turn tail and run."
My first guess was the First Warden as well, but felassan actually made a few very good points here that make me question it… 🤔
I was also wondering what these "pillar ring" things are and while I first thought some kind of magical defense mechanism, I saw a reddit user suggesting that these rings could be part of a griffon training flight path?? Hell YEAH. #BringBackGriffonsInDA4
"Tremors have been creating disturbances of late. Their cause is unknown. Upon the distant horizon, a storm of ominous intent brews and darkens the skies."
That is a very interesting description, given that the sky in *this* concept art (which is definitely also showing Weisshaupt), is quite clearly the opposite of "dark". lol
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(*looking suspiciously at the things I mentioned at the beginning here about "Light and Darkness" clashing* 👀👀👀 Maybe Solas came to visit here, too, because he just loves the Wardens, right? lol)
You know, if I read the words "tremors" and "Grey Wardens", my natural conclusion is "Something something Old Gods Underground + Grey Wardens Trying to Kill Them Before They Awake = Nothing Good" (and let's not forget about the eleven(!!) mountains/Ghilan'nain's ancient pools underground mentioned in Tevinter Nights as well), keeping in mind that Solas gets furious about the Wardens deliberately searching them out and slaying them (because he obviously knows what's gonna happen if all of them are slayed(!)), and in DAI there was already something ominous going on at Weisshaupt...
And all of this coupled with the new vinyl artwork and all the promotional stuff for DA4 so far, makes me feel like the Wardens will be busier than ever before...
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Seven semi-circles with two of them still "lit" and the "tambourine"/Veil looking more broken with each new update....
Seven Old Gods/Evanuris that were banished when Solas created the Veil.....
Seven mirrors shattering....
Seven gates of the Black City, which Kordillus Drakon prophesied will someday shatter and cover both the mortal and spirit realms in darkness....
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One word: TENDRILS. lmao
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So the last shot shows a big part of Tevinter on the map, most of it covered in purple clouds and tendrils...
Followed by a voice that had me like
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"All the world will soon share the peace and comfort of my reign."
First off, that voice actor sounds SO familiar, omg, who IS that?? Someone suggested Joseph Capp, the voice of the Shadow Prince from Divinity 2 and that fits perfectly (DOS2 has quite a few VAs from DA actually and funnily enough, the Shadow Prince is part of Sebille's main quest, who's voiced by Alix Wilton Regan lol) Whoever it is, they're doing a great job at sending a shiver down my spine. lol Like, you can just TELL, he's the Real Deal. "Peace and Comfort" never sounded more menacing. 👀
Alright, so I'll make this short, and say that I'm also very very confident that this is Elgar'nan speaking.
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People have suggested the Archon, the Black Divine, some Venatori or Qunari leader, but honestly guys, none of these make much sense to me when looking at the bigger picture here (aside from the visual hints I've talked about earlier). Like, this teaser is obviously trying to set this person up as a serious threat to *the whole world*, and the only way I can see this work would be if this person held just as much or more power than Solas, because if they don't, they would just end up being a secondary concern, like another Corypheus…
You just don't market a game by suddenly introducing a new smaller threat to *"AAALL THE WORLD"* less powerful than the one we already have, you know. 😂 And imo, the only one "outmatching" Solas in terms of power, at this point, would be Elgar'nan or any of the elven gods. Or literally the Blight itself/the Titans.
And then there's this
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"Hundreds of years in the making."
We know who has been directing the course of history for ages behind the curtains… I mean, the entire series has been building towards Mythal getting her vengeance.. and what better way to finally get to that point than to bring her husband into the narrative, the one who was potentially the main instigator of the Evanuris's betrayal and Mythal's murder. 👀
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(There's one thing I need to say though, and I know this is the silliest of nitpicks, but.. if that guy really does turn out to be Elgar'nan, am I the only one who thinks it's really funny how he's just… talking British English/the common tongue like that? 😂 I mean, I 100% get why they cannot make the actors talk in ancient elven with subtitles for the whole game (something I personally really appreciated when they did it for some of the ancient elves and spirits in DAI), like Corypheus wasn't talking in the old tongue either, and I feel like there are multiple reasons for why this just wouldn't work. And if we're looking for a lore reason, I guess even the imprisoned Evanuris had somehow enough access to people's dreams over the course of thousand years to learn the languages of present Thedas as much as Solas or any other ancient elf like Abelas or Felassan did, but it's still funny to me nonetheless. lol)
Anyway, the teaser ends with a dragon's growling sound and then another wolf howling in the back, which I interpreted as Solas giving Elgar'nan a fair warning here that he's indeed still the title-giving DAD character. lol If we get to see these guys battling it out for real, like Giant Demon Wolf vs Black City Sized Blighted Dragon, it's already the best game in my book. lol
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You just know someone at BioWare is having a blast at coming up with as many references to Solas' Trespasser dialogue to put in these blog posts as possible. 😂 I just hope they can keep this promise, cuz I have a LOT of questions (and I need Solas to answer ALL of them lol).
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Hmmm... You "hope so", yes? Well, after *this* teaser I sure *hope* that the sentiment of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" still holds true in this particular situation, because I'd rather still be on Team Solas if I have to choose between "revelation" and "damnation". 👀
I guess we'll see next summer... 😁
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songfell-ut · 2 months
Songfell anniversary post, pt 1
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Eyyy so four years ago today, I posted the first three chapters of my story on AO3, having seen an unfinished comic and gotten permission from the artist to write a fic using her premise. This here is the first piece of Songfell art ever, commission from the OG comic creator, @lostmypotatoes 👌
So! I am not posting any new content for the moment. My mom has been having health problems, including me having to help take her to the ER (she's fine, just needs to stay in bed for a while), which delays actual writings a bit. What I am doing is reposting art from four years of Tumblr! C'mon down memory lane, wheeeeee
(Part 2, Part 3)
This is going to be in VERY VERY approximate chronological order as it depicts stuff in the story. Stuff with no set place in the story will be guesstimated because I have that power ah ha ha ha ha
Disclaimer: I've pulled all of these from posts or reblogs made by this specific blog. If I didn't see or repost any Songfell art you've done, especially for the videos, I did not leave it out on purpose. I threw in exactly one image from Discord for the sake of completing a set, but that was it.
In cases of multiple...okay it's just the fork scene that has multiple iterations because everyone liked it, but besides the opening one here (which is still my AO3 pfp!), the one that was the first piece of non-commissioned art I ever got will be first. Enjoy!
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This was the first non-potatoes art in the videos, I believe, done by the superlative @venelona (probably the most prolific of the arts on here), when somebody realizes he's gonna lose 😘
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The collection skips ahead to Sans contemplating killing the nice lady and then totally randomly thinking of Kris instead, by @mambourin D: But whaddya know--
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See? That's the sound of losing, son
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That's the sight of losing, by @sharkowskii, whose work speaks for itself. Here's the whole thing, colored fantastically by Vene.
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Know what else they did together, and happens once he's been knocked out?
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(Look at this so good holy shit) Frisk's had a bit of a tired, scared cry in the hall, and it's time to face her new guest head-on.
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I lost my mind at least a little bit when I first saw these, ngl. I can't find the next page that she did for the compiled "movie" video 😢 But now we're coming up on a fun bit of Songfell lore!
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I was scrolling through Tumblr and glanced over what looked like a picture of my Frisk ha ha that was kind of VENELONA DID A THING WAIT WHAT
First ever fanart, that's what. We have a High Priestess who is completely done with his goddamn nonsense, and
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Pictured: goddamned nonsense. N-Not like he LIKES you, baka
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Aaand here's my Discord pfp, by @xxkoichiixx (who seems not to be on here anymore D:).
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And here's a very plausible alternate outcome by @vafro1.
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Though this was a bit more like it, thanks to @naomyart.
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Oh look a distraction after he was stupid what are the odds (Catler1!)
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Last and never least (none of you are >:( so there), puns are dumb and it turns out they're into it. The End...for now
Bonus outtake recording illustration from @dale-the-human
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magicalink · 1 year
Smutty dreams compilation!
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Some are old and some are recent but they are all smutty 👀 I don't have full fics to post yet but I've been writing so I will soon finish them. Gonna write them in 2nd person so you can enjoy them too.
Let's go with the two Catboys in the House dreams....
So in the first dream both Catboy Xiao and Catboy Scaramouche are going under a severe baby fever and are fighting over who should be the biological father of the kid! 😱
You don't know where they got the idea that you want a kid in the middle of this recession but decide to play along their delusion to take advantage of the pleasure you might get from it 😏
At first it started all cute and innocent, you told them to show you their littlest kitty forms to see how their babies would look like and they competed to see who was the most adorable 💕
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Art by @ 623qiushi on twitter
"Master promised me I was going to be the father!" Xiao whimpered, pulling from your shirt with his little claws. You let out a little sigh.
"It's true. I promised him long time ago." You admitted.
"But I want one too!" Scara exclaimed, midway between angry and sad.
You were about to make fun of him by asking him how is he gonna take care of a baby if he isn't even able to take care of himself when he landed on your stomach and said:
"I'm gonna convince you." Dead serious.
Then he transformed back into human and tossed his shirt away, boring the seductive eyes onto you. Xiao didn't fall behind, he did the same and pulled from your hand to make you look at him.
For some reason they were convinced that you would award the one who made you feel more pleasure with the honor of being the father.
Of course, you wouldn't talk them back into their senses and tell them you're not quitting your pills. Not until they make you cum at least twice. And that's what you do!
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In the second dream, you overheard a conversation between catboy Albedo and catboy Kazuha the day before. Albedo was thanking Kazuha because, as he said, "the amazing blowjobs he gave him were preventing him from staying up all night due to his insomnia"👀 Kazuha said it was no problem that he was happy that his sweet tooth was helping him 😵
Hearing that conversation got you thinking all day. You didn't even know Albedo and Kazuha were getting THAT close! It made you realize how little time you shared with Albedo due to devoting all your non-working hours to Venti and Xiao, who were much more vocal at demanding your attention. Albedo was always silent, working in his computer and taking care of most of the house chores before all the rest of you even had the chance to do them. When was the last time you had kissed your blond angel, the one who was always taking vare of you in silence? When was the last time you had slept together? When was the last time you had told him you loved him...?
You didn't even know. And you felt you had neglected him. You were determined to spend more time with him but you didn't know when or how, since Venti and Xiao took most of your time and you also didn't want to bother Albedo when he was working with his computer. You had an idea. If Kazuha could help him sleep with his blowjobs, maybe you could do that for him too.
So you waited for one of those days in which Kazuha left the house to do his nightly city tours like the good rooftop cat he is 👀 You got up in the middle of the night. Venti was sound asleep, snoring and drooling all iver the pillow like always, but Xiao woke up as soon as you moved and immediately asked you where you were going. You told him to go back to sleep, that you would go to the bathroom and then come back to bed. He got back to sleep like a good boy but you were more naughty 👀
You crossed the corridor and entered the other bedroom to see what your dear blond hero was doing. Just like always, he was staring at his computer screen, the only source of light in the room.
"Bedo? What're you doing?" You whisper as you appear from behind the screen.
"Oh, Y/N, don't worry, I'm just working," he answers as he stops typing "Do you need anything? What are you doing up this late?" You could see incipient dark circles under his eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing..." you tell him with a little smile, walking to stand behind his chair to place your hands on his shoulders.
"I'm working..." he begins to say, but you cut him while caressing his hair lovingly.
"You're always working, Bedo..." you whisper as you massage his shoulders and scalp "You need to rest too..." you said in his ear as your lips curl into a naughty smile.
He caressed your hand with his, but he keeps his eyes on the screen.
"You don't need to worry about me, Y/N, I'll go to sleep as soon as I..."
You cut him again before he begins his self-neglecting speech.
"I heard you've beenhaving insomnia lately..." you whispered provocatively as you caressed his neck. "I could help you with that..." Suddenly he stopped looking at the screen. Success. You had his attention.
Of course he started blabbering about how you didn't need to worry about him, but you shut him up with a kiss he recipeocated hungrily. You apologized for how little time you had spent with him lately, and you showered him kisses and caresses.
"I love you, Bedo, I hope you know that..." you said in the middle of the make-out session, and he gifted you a smile.
"I know that, Y/N, I've never doubted it," he reassures you while caressing your cheek.
"I want you to relax and get some sleep now..."
"You've been eavesdropping on a certain cat's conversation, haven't you?" He asks with a mischievous smile. He caught you.
"The walls are very thin in this house, my love," you giggle as you play with his fluffly gold hair.
"If you let me help you with your lil insomnia problem, I promise to make more time for you from now on," you offer him a win-win situation.
He giggles too and finally accepts. You help him undress and sit him on the edge of the bed.
You slowly start going further down his body with your kisses and caresses until you reach the edge of his boxers. You palm him through the clothes. He is hard already. You lick your lips un anticipation and he gulps down in excitement.
Slowly but steadily you start sucking him off while he gently holds your head and constantly tucks your hair out of your face with aoft caresses of his now trembling hands.
The lil pants and sounds of pleasure that escape his mouth are totally worth it. You might not be as good as Kazuha at the task, but he is enjoying it just so damn much. He is just so happy that you tought about him and came to rescue him in the middle of the night, when he needed you the most. He didn't realize just how much he had craved your touch till this very moment. So he gets lost in it and enjoys it thoroughly. Every second that he gets to kiss you, to touch you, to receive pleasure from you.
With some help from him, you manage to make him cum. His orgasm comes out with a low pitched moan he stifles with his hand: he truly doesn't want anyone else in the house to interrupt your precious alone time. He lets out a relieved sigh, but after a second he feels like a piece of his heart has been torn away from him when you suddenly flee from his grasp.
At first he doesn't understand, but his head finally comes back to earth from the skies of pleasure when you finally come back from your trip to the bathroom.
He reaches out with his arms in your direction, begging you to come back to him and you don't wait for a single second before going back to his embrace.
He doesn't even give you time to speak. He holds you in his lap and kisses you passionately as he caresses lovingly down your waist.
"Feel more sleepy now?" You whisper with a little giggle.
"Very," he admits with a tired smile. His ever restless eyes are now half lidded and he is so relaxed he even lets out a yawn.
You hug for a while until you stand up from the bed and apologize to him.
"I told Xiao I was just going to the bathroom," you explain with a sheepish smile "Wanna come to sleep in my room?" You offer him.
He shakes his head.
"I'm too tired to even cross the corridor," he admits as he lays on the bed.
"You overwork yourself too much," you reprimand him as you tuck him tightly into the sheets. "I promise to sleep with you more often," you say as you give him a goodnight kiss.
"I'd love that," he tells you with a gentle smile and kind eyes. Then he yawns again. "Could you please turn my pc off hefore you leave, love?"
You nod your head. You give him one last kiss on the nose before turning off the computer and exit the room silently.
You have to go back to the bed. But first you stop by the bathroom again to brush your teeth; that will help make Xiao less jealous.
Then you crawl back to bed and find your place in between Venti and Xiao, who are still sleeping soundly. Xiao shifts in the bed and is about to speak when he feels you come in, but you silence him with a kiss so as to not let him wake the poor Venti up.
"Let's go back to sleep, my dear," you whisper into his acute ear as you hug him tight under the covers and leave a kiss on his forehead.
He finds his place with his face under your chin and hugs you back protectively as you both drift again to the land of dreams.
Poor Bedo didn't deserve to sleep alone that night but I wanted to stay true to what happened in the dream.
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No catboys in the house for this last dream, no context either, I'm just mentioning it bc it was the first time I dreamed with Lumine! No third person either bc it literally has no plot or context, it was just two scenes of pure smut 🧐
In both scenes I was with Lumine in an unknown bedroom, on a really big bed with white and soft bedsheets. In the first scene I was eating her out with an uncommon desperation. Which was abruptly ended by a second scene in which I was fingering her. Everything was going fine until for some reason I changed to Lumine's pov and felt the fingering and it was....hectic 😵 I was literally thinking "I didn't cut my nails appropriately for this" in the middle of the dream and woke up because of the pain 🤕
It started good but it ended badly I guess. I hope to dream about her again🥺
Sorry abt no proofreading for the last two but I wanted to get this finally out of my drafts and give priority to main fics
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meanbossart · 3 months
Misc. Ask compilation
These aren't all of the asks I want to reply to, just some that I can answer relatively quickly to clean the ol' inbox out before things get out of hand. Thanks for your patience!
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HAHAHA THANK YOU FOR PERUSING AROUND and for enjoying my work! I had a... Weird Gale experience my first playthrough which led to his characterization being what it is in my comics. Here's the beat-by-beat of all the shenanigans: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/740827466716807168/alright-i-am-like-90-sure-there-is-one-line-in-a
And here's just some of my personal thoughts on him! https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/736193145686114305/can-you-tell-me-more-about-how-you-would-make-gale
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I would be lying if I said I'm not conflicted to know my style still bears some remnants of my edgy teen roots (not your fault not noticing it though, you aren't the first and won't be the last) BUT... That comic did mean a lot to me as a youth, so I guess I should be proud 🤷 and honestly it is a little cool that such a thing would survive for so long in what I do, crazy how that works.
LMAO, re: the bottom/top debacle, I was honestly so surprised to see people react to it like it's something novel. If I ever expected to get any push back on the matter, I thought it would be from people assuming DU drow was the top and taking issue with how violent and big he is (and yknow, some people are weirdly protective of Astarion as if he isn't a sneaky murder machine rippling with lean muscle)
Very disheartening to see that mindset still so alive and well among young people, but I guess it just means I gotta draw DU drow throwing more back and Astarion drooling over more ass until the stereotype is forcefully banished out of people's minds!
(more asks below the cut)
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"Sleeper agent activation phrase" absolutely took me out, Thank you so much LOL
YEAH I got it pretty late though, Astarion had already told my durge that he was a vampire of his own accord (and the response was, of course, "no duh") I forgot wheter this happened before or after the first romance scene triggered, but I think after.
Since this was after DU drow decided he was gonna fuck him out of pure contrarian spite and was shamelessly laying it extremely thick, He happilly let Astarion drink his blood. Hell, he was probably a little Too Eager - the guy likes pain and he likes letting people he trusts do with his body whatever they will, and while he didn't yet trust Astarion at that point, that event might've very well reminded him of something from his past that planted a seed which would eventually grow into his genuine affection for the guy.
Ah, he definitely got a half-chub as it happened too. I'm sure Astarion noticed it and just walked off rolling his eyes and thinking "eugh of course" lmao.
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Oh man, I grew up fascinated with horror things. I remember from a very young age just looking at the covers and backs of horror movies at the film-rental even though I wasn't allowed to watch them. I was also easily scared but I sought those things out anyway - I think i just enjoyed the visceral reactions it drew out of me and was always curious about most things taboo.
When I got access to the internet that just opened a (very unfortunate) door to all things vile and awful like it did for so many people at that age in time. Though my tastes have changed a lot since then (Less August Underground, more The Devils kind of guy nowadays) my stories and art are just always going to fall into a horror-y category because I just... Don't think there's many better ways to showcase the human experience and emotional range without many of the elements native to the genre, and I'm all about that.
Thank you for your question and your sweet words, have a good week yourself!
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I did a little write-up about that over here! https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/742508493562593280/i-dont-have-a-particular-question-in-mind-sorry
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That's the result of a scene that happens relatively early in the story I'm writing ("A Novel Experience" on Ao3).
{SPOILERS} DU drow accidentally passes out on a blade which puts a relatively deep gash on his hip. Meanwhile, Astarion is weakened and starved after certain events that transpired the prior night. They have a private exchange both in a somewhat hazy-state of mind and Astarion ends up prodding and prying at his wound while feeding, so it's a laceration and bite mark that just scarred over badly.
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Elves apparently don't grow body hair so never LOL guess they'll just have to slip&slide up on each other for heat
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arikihalloween · 5 months
Wakfu art dump because yes
This post is gonna be super long because I will ramble IN DEPTH today
So huh if you like my rambling or my art just read ig, otherwise scroll away idk what to tell ya
Showing some of my art and ramble because wakfu is part of my current big 3 hyperfixations ( along with WH and Trolls )
So huh enjoy my growing insanity ( I compiled it in one post to not annoy people too much :')
Presenting my oc Sharm !
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An (very pink) Eliotrope
She's based on my in game character but I kinda gave her lore and a story so
⭐INFODUMP about Wakfu in general ! ⭐
Basic infos for those who don't know anything about Wakfu :
Wakfu is a french animated serie made by the studio Ankama, who also made several mmorpg games ( and way more, like the amount of content and lore is crazy)
Most of the stories will take place on the World of Twelves, populated by 12 main races (with many variation)
And there is a 13th "main race", the Eliatropes, which is the race of the main character of the anime, Yugo
Eliotropes ( with a o instead of a) are a subrace of the Eliatropes ( lore is explained in the serie but I don't wanna spoil, so to boil it down, Eliotropes are unstable pale copies of eliatropes) [ they are playable in the game wakfu]
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So, what about Sharm ? Well she was born a pretty regular Eliotrope. She had two "brothers", Chance and Vitali, who unfortunately ended up fading away with time ( mechanically, when an Eliotrope die, his/her essence will go to the nearest Eliotrope to allow them to live longer)
So Sharm was left alone for very long, and stayed in Eliatropes ruins she found. Those were overgrown by stasis ( type of crystals, very bad, generally associated with corruption and destruction)
However, the essence she got from her siblings passing could only last so long
One day, in a desperate attempt to not die, Sharm took stasis and...ate it. Chewed on the mf crystals, and surprisingly, an interesting reaction occured : it stabilised her essence. It also made her basically frozen in development, Sharm cannot grow anymore and her power levels are quite limited in quantity, unless she uses stasis.
So my girl went through the ages, she kept on researching on the remnant of the eliatrope race ( wiped out aside from a few) and became sort of an archeologist
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Nowadays, Sharm travels from a country/city to an other, often with mercenaries she hires as bodyguards . The other two ocs in this sketch page are the said mercenaries
And the cat is called Noiraude !
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Sharm needs protection because she is stupidly useless in combat
And also I have fanarts of Nora !
And also, it's time for the gremlin mode
The worst of the ramble
I kinda just need to scream for a moment
Beware, big spoilers for the serie ahead ! Stop now and go watch Wakfu !! It's all on Netflix ( season 1, season 2, then the 3 oav, THEN season 3 and you will be ready for season 4 :D)
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So, this character is Nora (second drawing is a headcanon version of her)
Who is Nora ? She is the sixth eliatrope of the Council ( Eliatropes are rules by the six first borns of the race who can reincarnate along with their dragon twin)
Nora appeared for the first time in a flashback the episode "Quilbi" in season 2
In 2011
And back then she was in a flashback, so presumed dead from the war that wiped out the Eliatropes
Lately, as clips and trailers of season 4 of Wakfu has been released
It's confirmed that Nora is there
She's alive
She's in season 4
*grabs u*
She has been my favorite character of Wakfu since her one and only appearance, alright ?
And now
12-13 years later
She is real
*maniacal laughter*
I will not shut up about it
Prepare for the fanarts
*retreats to the shadows*
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cartoonrival · 7 months
Julie-su the Tenrec; Archie Sonic AU MASTERPOST
HIIII so i've been thinking on an archie rewrite (more specifically a KTE rewrite with select edits to the mainline comics) for a long time, while i think it would be crazy cool to make an actual comic on it (and that's what i originally wanted to do) it isn't gonna happen so instead since i really do wanna share all my concepts for it, this post is a compilation of basically everything i had planned for it. a lot of plotlines are vague and incomplete, its all extremely conceptual but i want to share anyways. SMILE!
NOTE: sometimes the continuity in drawings is off. older art shows julie with short quills from the start, because i hadn't yet decided that she starts the story as a boy and transitions midway. ALSO, this IS more of a rewrite than an AU; events reconvene with canon around sort of the issue 100 area (approximate). not everything is changed. most things outside of the dark legion aren't.
Plot Outline (incomplete, see individual profiles for details)
The Dark Legion
Lien-da and Kragok
More misc
Ficlets/Comic (I'm not a writer but this is how I laid these specifics out. please be niceys)
Visiting Mobotropolis (Julie-su's first "mission" after "joining" the Chaotix)
I was going to betray your ass
Attempting to Meet Surge (takes place after where the Genesis Wave was)
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sitp-recs · 3 months
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
Hello beloved! It’s always a privilege to see you in my inbox, thank you so much for this lovely ask and apologies for taking two centuries to reply lol this was a quite emotional trip down memory lane for me - I couldn’t decide whether to go with rec lists or single recs (oof I haven’t written one in so long 🥲) because they’re both so different and special in their own way. In the end I’m gonna do lists because I think they’re generally more helpful and popular! I’ve been going through a creative / fandom slump for a while now, so this was great encouragement as it made me look back at my own recs with joy and kindness. Thank you babes 💜
1. I actually still love the Drarry for Beginners series! Fun story, I wasn’t very confident about it at first - I was getting many requests for a classics rec list back then but I don’t really vibe with the “MUST read these or you’re not a valid fandom member” mentality so I tried to come up with a different format that felt more like an invitation than a lecture. I think I found a good balance of well known fics and hidden gems, so I’m very proud of that. Also, the banners looked really good! Especially the redemption arc and the Muggle!Draco AU ones if I do say so myself.
2. The Hidden Gems series is also one of my most precious babies - it took me a long time to plan it out, read all fics and prepare the small blurbs for each one and I really love how it came across, the authors I chose to highlight, and the fact that I was able to mix Drarry and rare pairs. I remember getting an ask back in the day that accused me of only reccing my friends (anon really overestimated my network size 🤣), they could have at least checked the hidden gem series before going for public embarrassment lol there’s so much to explore there, and I really wanna come back to it one day to finalize the second edition that I started posting in 2022. Hopefully this year!
3. 35 Romantic Shorts: my heart is so very soft for this one, not only because the ever generous @bluebutter-art has let me use her stunning art for the banner, but I’m also such a passionate champion of short form and I feel like this list really embraced the concept and delivered great recs. I’m not a fluff gal by any standards so this was a nice exercise finding the softest, most romantic and soothing reads that made my heart beat faster. It would be lovely to go back and maybe add a couple more lists with new shorts, or alternatively make new lists for medium-length and long fics. So many ideas, so little time!
4. It feels like a lifetime ago but I’m still very fond of my “smutty recs week” that I made to celebrate one of my first followers milestone. Ahh the nostalgia! All lists can be found here and include a wide variety of themes and kinks like voyeurism, dirty talk, gang bang and others. Those banners are some of my favourites too, they turned out very sassy and clever if I do say so myself. I had so much fun with them! I gotta find the time to sit down and update some of those lists with newer treats!
5. Now highlighting something more recent (from Feb 2023… LOL) I’m super proud of my Rare Pair Romance list for Valentine’s Day. It was a great chance to compile (most of) my favorite rare pair fics in one place and include different ships and tropes. I’m always looking for an excuse to rec het pairings which I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, so this was the perfect way to do it.
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sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
🪄My thoughts on Cedric The Sorcerer🌙 (until now)
(not that anyone cares idk i just wanna talk about him, it's a lot of random thoughts and it's messy, but it's fun to read I guess)
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Did you like that cute moodboard I did for him? It took me like 10 minutes I loved it. It fits him so well I'm so proud of myself for doing this. The whimsigothic aesthetic matches him so well I wish more people knew it so we would have tons of moodboards and cute stuff of him in this aesthetic it would be so nice. Ok let me start my post
I wanna share some headcanons, talk about my first impressions, it's not really organized I just wrote down whatever I remembered and the result was that. I wanna share my new hyperfocus with more people, that's what I'm doing here today :)
Everything started when I saw this man on Tumblr and though "who's this guy and why is princess Sophia next to him?", when I clicked on the hashtag out of curiosity I understood that it's because he's a character from the cartoon, and I was like "lol another tumblr sexyman again let's move on keep doing my things and interacting with my fandoms" (december 24)
I also mentioned it to my friend on IG bc I saw a reels that was like "you don't have any weird fictional crushes right?" and then proceeds to show us an edit of him with millions of hearts around. I sent it to her and said "omg I saw ppl talking about this on tumblr" and we just laughed a lot because it was something we did not expected (not mean laughs, they were genuine laughs of shock and because that was very unexpected like HOW IN THE WORLD, and she remembered him in the show while I didn't)
Some days later I saw more fanarts of him on tumblr and that made me a little curious, but not enough to search about the subject.
After some days I just couldn't forget him, and that's when I searched his name on youtube purposely trying to find compilations of his funny moments to understand what was happening
And boy I did
At this point was just having fun and laughing thinking "omg another guy who's sassy, has good personality and is another ugly-atractive character that has a fandom on tumblr, I got it, he's very nice" and I went to do other stuff again but this man just DIDN'T CAME OUT OF MY MIND
Just making an interruption here, I loved watching Disney Junior as a kid, maybe when I was six or seven, idk I don't remember, and I was a huge fan of Sofia The First, it was one of my favorite cartoons from Disney Jr alongside Doc McStuffins and Art Attack. AND I JUST DON'T REMEMBER CEDRIC IT'S LIKE I NEVER SAW HIM IN THAT SHOW, EVER. I literally don't remember him being part of the cast i'm sorry Cedric 😭 now he stands out so much to me, he's carrying the whole show on his back. Btw now that I mentioned Disney Junior I would like to say that here in Brazil Sofia First is actually called Little Princess Sofia, and Doc McStuffins is Doctor Toys. Sometimes I call Sofia "Princess Sofia" but I don't even know if that's how they call her in the english version, I watched everything on portuguese 😭 but ok let's move on (I have more things to say related to the brazillian dub, but let me finish my train of thought first)
As I was saying this man just didn't came out of my mind, and I was like "Oh no another hyperfocus where people around me will make fun of me because they will say that he's ugly and that liking kid's shows is something weird 😭 I can't take this anymore" and I tried to deny it but I CAN'T i'm almost making a pinterest board for him, I just accepted my fate (gonna draw fanarts soon and no one can stop me)
I found a list of every chapter he's in and i'm watching every. single. one. of. them. I watched the movie first, and boy this is gave me so much nostalgia because I remember some vague objects and scenes from when I was a kid, I used to love the Disney Princesses, when I got a little older I started watching Descendants, I grew up watching Tangled and Frozen and I swear to god I almost teared up from nostalgia during the episode Rapunzel shows up, and they didn't changed her voice actor, that's what got me. It was like travelling back to a time I didn't even remembered that existed anymore. Because since I haven't seen Sofia The First in about 10 years, I don't even remember anything FROM the show except for some parts, and that this show had so much old Disney energy that I didn't even know made a difference, but it does.
I'm sounding like a granny here but (i'm not even in my 20s yet) it feels like another time, Disney changed so much. Some of the new movies are good, some are bad, I see Disney much more as a company that wants money and makes movies instead of that perfect place where all dreams come true and every girl is a princess (Here in Brazil I never had a dream to go to Disneyland because Disney in the early 2010's invested more in products and blue ray DVDs in Brazil, since the parks were in the United States and we weren't really the target audience for that. So they didn't minded making publicity about it, so I just watched the movies and Disney Junior). Everything felt more magical when I was a kid, I spent my days watching DVDs and sometimes had some Disney princesses themed toys, it was so fun playing pretend that I was a princess and I really felt like one. Rewatching Sofia The First made me feel like this again because they made this show at the time that their public were HUGE fans of the Disney princesses and it has the same characteristics, plots, even styles of the songs and soundtracks, visuals + I watched it when I was younger. It's not just "princesses" it has the whole Disney girly early 2010's magic into it and it made me so bittersweet, even if they tried they could never do nowdays a movie inspired by that time and give me the same feeling as a REAL movie from that time does. Sofia The First: Once Upon a Time was like watching a new movie from that old Disney, one that I didn't saw before, but at the same time I did, and that's the best part. The end of the movie gave me so much nostalgia that I almost cried too. That experience was amazing :")
It gives me the same nostalgia that I feel when I hear that song "a dream is a wish your heart makesss" it makes me cry how I miss to be a little girl again (i'm crying right now btw i'm very intense with my emotions)
(And hell I don't remember Cedric at all, since when he was there the whole time? Now that I know that he's there I'm feeling like really reeeeaaaaalllyy vague memories are trying to come back in my head, but I don't know if my brain is doing this on purpose or i'm just confusing him with an equally vague memory of Cruella. I guess it's the first option, I'm trying so hard that my brain is making up memories. Weird.)
But yeah at first I saw everyone falling to his feet and even though I understood that he was very funny and had a well-writen personality I couldn't really get why people were romantically in love with him. Well um I actually got it, he was a good character and was one more of these strangely atractive characters that people fall in love with, I've been there too. But I just couldn't see what was so atractive that people were simping over him, for me at that moment he was just funny and fits very well the "let's make a fandom" type of character, like for example Preminger from Barbie Princess and The Pauper. But then I thought "idk what i'm talking about i'm demisexual lol let's wait a few days" (That happened before. Many times.)
And I'm like. I don't know what's happening to me I'm so susceptible to weird (in socially non-fandom people's words) crushes and I thought I wouldn't be afected this time. Just so you can have an idea some of my last crushes were: Dr Flug from Villanos, Jackson Jekyll from Monster High, Victor Frankenstein from Okegom, Raggedy Andy, Mettaton from Undertale (and UnderLust), THE Eddie Munson (for a whole year and some months, and I was so bullied after his "trend" ended because people said that his fans were cringe and everything (that's fake lol they are very nice)), 70% of my list are just nerds and sensitive guys with different types of mental illness yay my fav type
and now I think I'm feeling unironically atracted by this man it's just happening really slowly 😭 (DEMISEXUALS ‼️‼️⁉️⁉️💥💥💥💥💥👊👊👊👊)
I'm gonna be honest with you, at the moment I can't decide if I like him or not I'm so confused at the same time that I get it I also don't like how tf am I atracted by this man 😭 and then I'm like hmm he's acually cute let me search for some fanfiction
I'M SO CONFUSED I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE i guess I'll just wait to see what happens
you guys know that tiktok audio "at first I was like 'hmmm feet' as a joke,,,,, but bro....... I don't think that's a joke anymore...." (that's me rn but with Cedric)
Also I would like to take this oportunity that you're listening to me talking about Cedric to say the most important thing that this fandom needs to know:
We need more Cedric representations in Whimsical/Whimsigoth/Whimsigothic aesthetic it's like it was made for him just search that on Pinterest please you won't regret
And I'm here wondering what kind of songs he would listen to. I think he would like dark fantasy music, or witch music. I don't care if he's on medieval era and people didn't had access to a lot of music genres at that time, we are talking about disney nothing is historically correct
I can't help but think about Lana Del Rey but being a huge fan of her songs I don't think that it matches his tastes. I guess he maybe would like Aurora's last album, The Gods We Can Touch. I don't know why, it's the witchy vibes I guess. But I don't know, it's still not something that matches him a lot. EXCEPT FOR THE SONG MIDAS TOUCH FROM AURORA. IT'S PERFECT FOR HIM YOU GUYS SHOULD CHECK IT OUT
The cover isn't giving the aesthetic though, Aurora made this song for a show and then put the show album cover unfortunately. But her aesthetics are usually whimsical and magic, inspired by theatre, greek gods and tarot. This song is so good 😭
And of course there are songs like Everything Matters that fits his vibe but idk it depends on who's listening since it's not about the lyrics. The Innocent has a small part who matches him a little, the whole song has that witchy vibe dancing around the fire, I don't know how to describe it.
Coming back to Cedric I think my favorite scenario is him having an apprendice not too much younger than him. I think it's cute. I've never seen any fics like this (in fact I just read like 5 oneshots which is almost nothing) and if you guys know any let me know. I think it's just nice the idea of living with him and being his apprendice while having like a romantic tension between the two characters. It's cute
Also remember when I said I was going to talk a little more about the brazillian portuguese dub? So, something that I thought was really funny happened to me: In the first season he had his voice actor obviously and I was already used to his voice some time after watching the cartoon. It was very funny to me because the first time I saw a "scene compilation" of him it was in english, so hearing him talk in my language was fun. And btw his voice actor did a really good job voicing him, he (had a similar voice and) was really expressive just like his english VA, so like, really nice 👍
And then at some point in season two, from one episode to another, his voice actor suddently changed????? And obviously I got a little sad because his first VA was really good and I was used to his voice :( but the thing is: The new VA wasn't just a new one, IT'S THE SAME GUY WHO VOICED DR FLUG HERE IN BRAZIL AND I WAS LIKE OMG
THEY ARE SO SIMILAR IN PERSONALITY AND NOW THEY HAVE THE SAME VOICE WITH THE VOICE ACTOR'S MANNEIRISMS AND EVERYTHING (because that VA really has an specific way to talk, he stutter a little, sounds a little ironic but at the time really anxious, make some funny sounds for no reason sometimes like his screams)
I was really upset when they changed all the brazillian voice actors in Villanos, and that Flug didn't had his full-of-personality-and-expressive voice anymore :( the new episodes now have new voices and eveything, and they did their best, but it's not the original voices anymore and it doesn't hit the same yk? And then BAM CELDRIC HAS DOCTOR FLUGS VOICE NOW BITCH TAKE THIS
and the fact that Sofia The First was dubbed even before Villanos came out it's so funny to me
So yeah let me show you guys his amazing work at voicing two of my favorite characters:
After they changed Cedric's voice actor I was a little annoyed by the fact that I couldn't hear Cedric anymore, just Flug 😭 but now I'm slowly getting used to it and it's starting to sound like Cedric again.
Before that happened I could see some similarities between the two but I thought that I was just thinking too much and trying to connect two fandoms that I like, so I just forgot about it. After that happened my mind just blew it all make so much sense right now
And they are so similar in personality that I had to make a list of everything they have in common:
They work for guys that are completely blind to their talents and think that they're just idiots all the time
They have more potential than people think
Their projects/spells always go wrong because people keep disrupting their public moments, and so they are seen and weak and dumb (when they're not)
Science/Magic guys (they keep throwing liquids from one pot to another and saying difficult words, only for someone to stop them halfway and the substance explodes in their face, making them angry because this person once again interrupted their project that was going perfectly)
Self-confidence issues
Anxious mess, are always nervous and scared of something bad happening all the time
Childhood trauma because people never really saw their acomplishments and again and again kept repeating that they are idiots who don't know nothing (when they are geniuses!!)
They say that they're mean and they say that they do mean things when actually they are just really nice. They just choose that path because they think it's the only one that can bring them sucess and recognition in the future, but they were never made for this. They just do that because they want to proof their value to people who can't see it.
At the same time that they are mentally unstable, sometimes their confidence is so high that they start to act arrogant because "they're too smart and their projects are amazing": "I love what I do I'm the best sorcerer/scientist in the world"
But when they need to show that to people something bad always happens (because of other people!) And their plan fails, leaving them with confidence issues
"I'm too smart you guys don't deserve me"
"I can't do anything right omg i'm so stupid"
Their movements and maneirisms are so expressive, they're both skinny and tall and keep making those anxious poses, fidgeting with their hands, always anxious, scared of something, thinking too much and overall being nervous and ankward around their bosses
Boss just treats them as failures and gives them orders, in which they respond in the most submissive and saddest way because they're just miserable and just two little guys who are trying to proof their value in a place where no one even see them as people
But sometimes they are genuinely egoistic and egocentric because duh they're the best sorcerer/scientist out there, hello everybody is gonna know their name when they rule the world bye
They act so stupid and lovesick in their official crushes episodes, it's so funny
And even if we never saw Dr Flug's official face there is a design out there in the fandom where he has black hair with white streaks on his bangs so like 👍👍
Well um I guess that's all I have to say about this subject for now
These are my thoughts 🫶
I feel like I said a lot in a short amout of time but I'm here writing since 04:30 AM and now it's 07:47 AM so like. yikes
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artykeldeo · 1 month
how i do my (coloring) shit
ok so literally nobody's gonna see this im just doing a tumblr post so i can compile as many fuckin images as i want
first step: do ya line art. bf from friday night funkin is gonna be our subject fo today note: put the white highlights on a separate layer
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aight you followin? step two. ya phlat colors
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set your lineart layer's blending mode to multiply (shown in the flat lineart color as well) while my lineart color is usually a very deep navy blue, this can also work with black
step three: make a clipping layer/lock the transparency over your line art and then color that shit to make it pop
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i unhid the clipping to give you a general idea of what i did to help with my color picking. i hueshift depending on what i want it to look like and go from there. if i dont like the color, i adjust the saturation and/or the value to help with that there's no method to my madness, i just kinda do what i think looks good LOL
step four: shading time! use dark saturated tones to help with making it pop.
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here's what the layer blending looks like at normal with 100% opacity
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note how i'm mixing in multiple different colors that seem to mirror the tones in the lineart! not required, but helps keep a piece cohesive. mix in different values to really help with this!
step four addendum: this is not required at all but i definitely like the look of it. take your shading layer and duplicate it. take both shading layers to 100% opacity
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now gaussian blur the duplicated layer to however you want the thing to look!
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and then adjust accordingly!
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there's nothing i do this for other than to give a softer look to my shading without wasting my time blending it lol
step 5: highlights :3 this is what REALLY makes the colors go off
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do the same thing you did with your shading to add some more interest in the highlights! you can see this particularly where i did the hat highlights
you're basically done here LOL! buuuuut... if you're feeling quirky, you can read below for some extra stuff to make this boy pop!
have fun colorin shit!
extra step one: ok so bear with me. y'all remember that fuckin pizza trend? u know this one
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ok well do that and blur the hell outta it
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also not required but might help: duplicate the pizza layer and use your different blending modes
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lineart layer uses the pin light blending option at 100% opacity, the color layer uses overlay blending option at 70% opacity
extra step two: use highlights like you're using a white gel pen on a traditional piece
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bada bing bada boom. there he is. the beeper!
hopefully this was coherent enough! if y'all have any questions, rb this post and ask in the tabs OR ask in my ask box! thank you guys so much!
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shreya11111 · 2 years
post volume 2 byler hope
i know volume 2 has left us feeling very pessimistic and hopeless for the possibility of byler. yet, i do still think there is reason to hope and so i have compiled a list of amazing posts that have definitely increased my faith in s5 byler.
(here is a small disclaimer that even though byler just makes sense to us narratively and overall, there is still a chance that the duffers won’t go through with it. if you choose to have hope regardless, that’s great! but pessimism is absolutely valid too. cautious optimism is definitely recommended)
on tumblr:
1) Ok This may be something that can give us bylers a little more hope. by @beepboop358
3) Five act structure: reason to hope by @reservoir-god
4) Will’s First Lie & First I Love You by @aurorabyler
5) Listen, I know that feelings are mixed in this tag right now but hear me out. by @admirablespoling
6) wanted to put this on here bc it perfectly summarizes my thoughts 🙃 by @lesbos4robin (and cr to @/causeineedu on tiktok)
7) i guess the thing giving me the most hope right now by @queerstshit
8) Mike’s monologue sorta feels like a (weird) Wikipedia article (also check comments) by @wakeupthemembersofbylernation
9) insanely steaming hot take but the Will / El / Mike arc was kinda insanely well done by @mssingrls
10) it’s so insane to me how mike just hasn’t been able to tear his eyes away from will the entire season by @heliumcake
11) I just actually watched season four all the way through and byler is 100% gonna happen it’s so obvious. by @tinyteenieworld
12) This scene reminded me a lot of the beginning of s3, when Mike is goofing around by singing in the middle of kissing by @howtobecomeadragon
13) Piggybacking off of and inspired by this rad post by @admirablespoling. by @tsugarubecker
14) there really is no point to byler if it's unrequited. by @11byers
15) The m!leven flowers are rottin— by @dancing-in-our-snow-globe and @beepboop358
16) It would appear I am indeed one of the very few optimistic (delusional?) Bylers left. by @chirpsythismorning
17) a part of me feels like it's possible that the end of episode 9 was preparing the general audience for Eleven going off on her own, and a Byler ship by @merthurfan-blog
18) my analysis of mike’s “feelings” for el and what leads to the monologue/his feelings behind it by @strangerfigs
19) Here’s a handful of cautious optimism as a treat, my brothers in byler by @hopfields
20) Mike's S4 jacket (and who his heart is really pointing to) by @mlchaelwheeler
21) St@ncy’s revival is like one of the biggest byler proofs in V2. by @neverforever09
22) michael’s airport outfit by @prfctmxxnlight
23) analyzing ST S4/Byler from someone with a film degree. by @swift-fated and credit to @/joannimal on twitter
24) Somebody on twitter noticed how the scene at the roller rink… (parallel to Little Women) by @justmeandmyships
25) Do you find it possible that Byler will definitely happen in season 5 and if so why by @upside-down-byers
26) volume 2 & instant vs delayed gratification by @chartreuse-goose
27) Whenever you doubt Byler, remember that… (a little reminder of all the things pointing towards byler as endgame) by @byernation
28) i just rewatched “the piggyback” and oh. OH. !!!!!!! by @hawkinsp0st
29) i can’t get over “we’re friends. we’re friends.” and “are ‘friends’ electric?” on mikes official Spotify playlist by @strangerfigs
30) “False Confessions” & “Piggybacking” in ST4: Ask Yourself if We Are Being Encouraged to Pick Apart the Inconsistencies... by @bluemeetyellow
31) Byler is going to be Canon and Here’s Why: by @allnaturalapplejuice
on other social media:
1) this beautiful twitter thread on ‘stranger things and the art of slow burn’ by @/hawkinshermit on twitter
2) any and all videos by @/causeineedu on tiktok. this one is one of my personal favs.
3) all the videos by @/naturallybrielle on tiktok
4) the analysis videos of @/girlskth on tiktok. she made a really cool discovery here and here.
5) this post on the use of little women parallels in the show by @/sbyleril on twitter (check comments! there’s a really good video with the parallels too)
6) this perfect harry potter chamber of secrets/byler parallel by @/folklorent on twitter
7) this twitter thread on the parallels between the romances in little women in stranger things by @/rosiec4ke on twitter
i will definitely be adding more posts to this list if i come across any. thank you to all the bloggers for giving me permission to include their posts! i really appreciate it. i also really hope this helped restore your hope in s5 byler, even if just a little bit :)
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leidensygdom · 2 years
Hi, so, this is gonna have awkward start, but I've started only recently expanding into drawing more POC people. I get the skintones right, but I always was, and still am, afraid I get facial features wrong and offend someone who i really don't mean to hurt. Sadly I won't get better without practice or guidance - Is it okay if I study your art, and/or do you have any resources you could recommend? I want to do this right.
Thank you for your time!
Hey hello! And hey, it's not an awkward question, it's actually great to start to look into getting these things right! I've been meaning to work on some portrait studies on my end, because I feel like there's much room of improvement for this
(I feel a bit conflicted on whether I can talk much on the matter, since while my family is a mix of many things, most notably my mother's side (which is Romani). I just don't quite know where do I fall in this whole ordeal)
HOWEVER, some of the best recommendations I can give is checking how POC draw themselves. They're going to do features most genuinely. There's a few tutorials out there that can help greatly:
This second link mentions a tag you might find of use (#drawingwhileblack). Tags like #blacktober might also be great for this!
This is also a great guide for drawing East Asian features!
This one has some guidelines for skincolor regarding Native Americans, and the blog itself might have more resources
I'd honestly also recommend checking @zephyrbug . They're both POC and absolutely fantastic at drawing faces (with so much variety!), they've put a lot of work into studying features and such! (If you're a POC artist or have any other recommendation, please feel free to let me know, I'd love to collect a few!)
Of course, if any of my followers has other useful tutorials, or want to add anything to this, please do feel free! A lot of times the will to want to improve and put the time into getting these things right is a great place to start, and I'd love to be able to add more resources in here!
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furbygoblinxiv · 8 months
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For Inktober, I like doing personal challenges. This year? That challenge is gonna be detailing out some of the media rewrites/aus that I have laying around, compiling my ideas into one spot.
First up! Miraculous Ladybug! A show I stopped watching after 2 seasons but kept up with tangentially lol. I used to have a lot of ideas and expectations for this show, but sadly never had those fulfilled. I will likely never post anything Miraculous related again btw.
More rewrite info, elaboration, and the villain picture below! Warning you tho, this is like a personal archival post for me, so the following is Very Long, like 3k words. You've been warned.
if this makes no sense then actually yes it does anyways
So! This idea originates from how I found out about Miraculous Ladybug. I saw art of it, I googled it, and the Wikipedia page filled my head with so many ideas that are never expanded upon in the show. Marinette is a fashion student and a hero! That love for fashion would be such a fun thing to bake into her character and the world! And yet while they up something like that in the show, it's never fully realized. Hence, rewrite.
The basic frame of how my Miraculous AU rewrite (that's been cooking since like season 3 i suppose) would be based on the idea of logos, pathos, and ethos. Marinette as being logos, the brains of the operation, the solver of puzzles. Adrien being pathos, the empathetic and playful one, in tune with the emotions of others. And Gabriel, with ethos, having immense credibility due to his status and wealth. I kinda tweaked their characters and the plot to reflect this focus on how they're three parts of the same narrative. Also, Adrien and Marinette are highschoolers.
First up, Marinette! I wanted to fully lean into her being a fashion student. While she does have friends and hobbies, her passion that she spends all her free time on is fashion. She knits, sews, crochets, and weaves to make clothes. She even volunteers for the local community theater making their costumes in order to get experience! She's not really a games or media nerd, or else she'd do cosplay, but she definitely helps others like Alya with their cosplays. She really like the technical aspects of fashion, and she's quite good at having an eye for things around it. She could eyeball someones measurements pretty accurately if she needs to tailor something for them, guessing their height and wingspan with ease. As Marinette, she's a bit of a scatterbrain when she isn't focused on something she's innately interested in (like clothes). She's fidgety and forgetful and rambling, and can get loud when she's passionate about something. She has her own systems of organization, which from the outside appear to be completely random and scattered.
As Ladybug, she's cool and confident and in control. She enjoys using her skills and brains to help people, and the work of saving Paris is just another puzzle that she needs to solve to help everyone. She settles down when focused, a feature that's reflected as Marinette. Her Ladybug outfit is different every time she transforms, the fashioning of the outfits reflecting her moods and mindset at the time of transformation. Her eye for technical fashion stuff comes in handy. In this au, the villains that Hawkmoth sends after Ladybug are completely unrecognizable due to how over the top their costuming is. Ladybug is able to use both her logical deduction skills and critical fashion eye to deduce who might have been transformed, and use that knowledge of them to formulate plans to pacify and save them. While she loves being able to use her deduction skills to save people, she prefers being the brains BEHIND the operation, and thus tends to avoid the press and public appearances where she can.
Also, something I think would be fun and would give Marinette a connection to Gabriel and play on her fashion interests would be if she actually managed to land a role as his intern. I feel like this would give them a dynamic thats like the opposite one to the lovesquare dilemma. Marinette sees Gabriel as her cool mysterious aloof competent boss who she respects and wants to imitate, and Ladybug hates Hawkmoth and resents what he keeps doing to Paris. Gabriel, while definitely viewing himself as above Marinette, does respect the work and ideas that she brings in. Meanwhile as Hawkmoth hes like plotting Ladybug's downfall. It'd also open up plotlines that include Gabriel as Gabriel as opposed to Hawkmoth, as well as more Marinette and Chloe interactions, since Chloe is a prominent model in the agency.
Also she owns a cat that acts lowkey like Plagg but lazier.
Next up is Adrien! Adrien is a normal human boy in this au, btw. I'm gonna explain his back story more in depth than Mari's since I didn't change too much about hers. He was raised by two rich famous parents, with Emilie being the one generally in charge of what he did. Under her direction, he was home schooled, learned music, and learned dance. She was artistically inclined, and wished to refine his skills in the arts, hoping he would be a cultured figure in the future. He also occasionally modeled for Gabriel, but that was more of a once a month type of deal, and he had plenty of free time to watch movies and play video games. He never left the house. While both of his parents worked frequently, he saw Gabriel less often, and viewed him as more of a distant influencing force in his life that he respected.
Then, not too long ago, Emilie fell into a seemingly permanent coma, which caused the rift between father and son to grow even more distant. Suddenly, Gabriel was spending even less time in the house, and the person who was directing Adrien's free time and education was gone, and neither pursued any therapy types of resources. Adrien spent some time grieving his not even fully dead mom while alone at home before Gabriel decided to change things. He started pushing Adrien to model even more, in a twisted attempt to spend more time around his son and ensure he kept him safe and supervised. He also promoted Natalie to his own personal assistant, giving her full reign over what happened to Adrien and their estate. While she cared for Adrien, she was never fully able to reach him on his level, especially following Gabriel's orders.
It actually ended up being Chloe, a girl he met while modeling, who became his first friend and actually started trying to drag him out of his depression. She watched movies with him, supported him at photo shoots, and most importantly, she actually listened to him and what he wanted. Under her questioning, he realized that what he wanted to do in the future was become a teacher. She's the one who pushed for him to go to public school, both so she could have a friend there and so that he could have more opportunities to pursue this dream. So long as he shows up to model, Natalie actually ends up lying and saying he's being homeschooled in order to cover for Adrien going to public school. For public appearances on tv, he acts like the perfect extrovert, but he's actually a quiet and reserved introvert, which is how he acts at school.
Chat Noir is an extension of Adrien's play at being an extrovert. He's also Adrien having the chance to let go of the guilt and the strings attached to all of his public appearances he does for his father. As Chat Noir he's a performer! He has showmanship! He's having fun and cracking puns! He also uses it as a chance to get out all his pent up jittery energy from being inside and inactive most of the time, especially in terms of talking to people. I want him to love talking to people, chatting with the random citizens of Paris, wanting to meet and get to know everyone. He's just a little stir crazy from being inside and isolated for so many years. He's also the one who willingly and happily does all the press appearances that Ladybug tends to avoid, which he has fun at due to being able to say whatever under the mask of anonymity. Also, after some time as Chat Noir and realizing how much he enjoys performing as this eccentric and energetic character, he ends up using some of his precious free time to go join the local community theater.
Also, Emilie had a little yapper purse dog that Adrien ends up taking on once she's comatose, because I think it'd be funny.
And now for the villains, all of whom have something to do with status wealth and credibility because of it, and side characters:
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Gabriel is a well known and well respected man in the fashion industry and in Paris. He spends all his time away from home, focused on his job and furthering his fashion empire and career. His wife was also a prominent public figure and a working woman, and while he loved her, he didn't spend enough time with her. In her youth, Emilie was actually a villain with the peacock miraculous that she stole in her youth, with Gabriel being a hero with the butterfly miraculous who opposed her when he stumbled across it by accident. They fell in love and gave up their miraculouses, especially after the peacock got damaged. However, Emilie used it as a last ditch effort to stop a home invasion and save Adrien, and even that one transformation was enough to damage her body and lead to her going into a coma (this attack is also what led to Gorilla getting hired). Gabriel was determined to get her back, so hired a team of specialized doctors to care for her and keep her stable while he donned the butterfly miraculous to try to find and take the mythical ladybug and chat miraculouses that Emilie had told him about so many years before in order to wish her back to health.
See, while I like the drama of Adrien not knowing where his mom is and one day being able to stumble across her preserved corpse in the basement, if Emilie is a public figure and disappears, there'd be a manhunt for her. If she's said to enter a coma? Not only is there no manhunt, but Gabriel gets a perfectly curated tragic image to garner sympathy and support from the public, and Adrien has the opportunity for angsty moments of visiting his mother in the hospital
Hawkmoth is the form he dawns when hunting down the miraculouses. His outfits are over the top flamboyant runway style outfits, with his face obscured in abstract ways with each transformation. His lair is actually his office at work, not in his basement, part of the reason why he started spending even more time at work after the "death" of Emilie. Having to keep up the appearances of being at work is why he starts sending off akumatized people as scouts to do his work for him. Specifically, he uses his targets as bait to get the magic box holder to distribute the the ladybug and cat miraculouses in order to combat the problems he's causing. As things progress, however, and he gets more info on the powers, routines, and profiles of the miraculous holders, he gradually starts making more in person appearances as Hawkmoth.
Natalie started off as Gabriel's work assistant, who had worked with his company since graduating college. She had immense amounts of reverence and respect for both him and Emilie, and he in return had immense amounts of respect for her. After Emilie fell ill, he promoted her specifically to his personal assistant, giving her parts of the responsibilities that Emilie had in the company as well as over Adrien at home. At first, she takes her role over Adrien incredibly seriously, not really listening to him in favor of filling out Gabriel's orders. Over time, however, she finds herself getting incredibly attached to Adrien, wanting to connect with and help him wherever she can. She doesn't always understand him or his moods or his interests, but she cares for him nonetheless. It's after this point that she accidentally learns about Gabriel's identity as Hawkmoth. Since he trusts and respects her, he offers her to join him, though she knows she doesn't really have a choice. She ends up joining him and not voicing her concerns, determined to stay on his good side in order to continue being able to be there for and support Adrien. She still has respect for Gabriel at this point, especially once he explains his motive, but as time goes on, her motivations and allegiances become more and more muddled.
Chloe is another villain of credibility, but lessso. I really liked Chloe as a character, so I wanted to do a take that gave her more depth. Chloe's mother is an international superstar, and her father was a peer of Emilie's who died when Chloe was young. Chloe's mother married the mayor of Paris not too long after that. Chloe has grown up in an environment of money, privilege, and nepotism. She got into modeling work at a young age because she wanted to become famous and show off how beautiful she was, and her dream is to become just like her mother one day. Due to her upbringing, she looks down on those she sees as beneath her, but is actually incredibly kind to those she sees as equals. I wanted to kind of paint her as a foil to Adrien. Both have a distant parent and a parent no longer with them, and both have different responses to people and the world around them because of it. Adrien cares for people but tends to be reserved, while Chloe is cruel to others and tends to be loud. However, she does genuinely care about Adrien, and tries to be a nice person, it's just that this is all she's known. She has no idea that what she acts like could even be considered cruel since no one's ever told her before.
She worked alongside Adrien without much thought, but after he started working more due to the Emilie situation, she became fast friends with him. They shared a love of comic books and a desire to go on grand adventures, as well as a similar enough sense of humor. Chloe, having never had anyone willing to be kind to her and also build on her ideas and challenge her like Adrien does, gets attached. She thinks she's in love, but really the feeling was just friendship. She's the one who pushes Adrien to go to public school. I also think it'd be interesting if it was a reverse of what happened in the origins episode, where Marinette is the one viewed to misstep. Something she said is misinterpreted by Chloe to be a diss against Adrien, who she then defends with a passion as he is sad. Marinette, in return, feels genuinely awful for misstepping and hurting the feelings of the new boy even if she doesn't really like Chloe. By the end of this, Marinette ends up seeing Adrien as this aloof mysterious hot classmate of hers, and starts catching feelings. Adrien, meanwhile, ends up seeing Marinette as what could be considered his second friend, much to Chloe's chagrin.
Yes Chloe does eventually get the bee miraculous. That plus her realizing that are two reasons she dislikes Marinette so much: 1) she's leeching the attention of her best friend and 2) why is such a pretty girl so focused on her best friend and not her anyways, and uh oh Chloe accidentally develops a crush on Marinette lol. for the lols. anyways.
The only plot I care to develop beyond what's mentioned above is irt Alya. Logical Alya and logical Marinette, and brainiac duo. Alya, without knowing Marinette is Ladybug, starts doing independent research to track down who Hawkmoth is, just based on journalist curiosity. She uses things like cctv footage and areas of Akumatization to narrow down location and suspects. After learning about her research, Marinette tries to learn more, but Alya actually blocks her from learning more for her own safety. Eventually, Marinette reveals her identity to Alya in order to work hand in hand with her to track down Hawkmoth. Meanwhile, also for safety reasons, Ladybug and Chat Noir haven't revealed their identities to each other, despite Chat Noir's requests since he has a crush on Ladybug lol.
Beyond that, again this is a show I haven't actively watched since season two, so i dont really care about explaining every detail out lol (despite like three thousands of words to the contrary above). This is just how I would have shaped Miraculous if I was in charge of it or a reboot. If you've read this far and any of this sounds at all intriguing to you, especially if you're a miraculous fan, I encourage if not beg you to steal any ideas wholesale, idec about getting credit lol. I explain this every so often, and the initial typed explanation is in a screenshot of some instagram DMs, so this is all from memory with the hopes of preserving this au in a place I can actually access again the next time Im discussing ML with an irl and wanna reference what i'd change lol. If you're reading this still i genuinely like actually cannot fathom why but thanks i guess?
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iheartgod175 · 4 months
Some MORE Thoughts…
—I’ve actually had the hankering to do some art again after like a month, haha ^^ Taking a month hiatus from creating to refill my creative well has done me some wonders, because now I feel a lot more inspired and ready to write and draw!
—An idea that I’ve had for the last couple of days was including Dragon Tales into SRBA. My childhood lives! I love how at this point, the remastered SRBA is kinda becoming the MCU, lol—after all, I kinda have it set that the Super Readers would meet WordGirl and the characters from Santiago of the Seas, so why the heck not XD That means I’m gonna have to go back and fix the timeline again to include this.
—And in case anybody was wondering what other shows would be featured in this AU, it’s currently Santiago of the Seas, WordGirl, Dragon Tales and (possibly) Arthur. The later I put in brackets because I’m not sure how it’d work yet ^^;
—I am still working on that KonoSuba/Star Fox story, but most of it is just brainstorming fifty million ideas. I do have some cool ideas for a potential sequel starring either Slippy or Beltino. Why? Well, I wanted to challenge myself writing a character that I eventually grew to appreciate—as I wrote in the original post, Fox and Falco would fit in with KonoSuba perfectly, but it’s too obvious a choice. Putting in a happy-go-lucky mechanic with no sense of flying in a world like KonoSuba’s would be hilarious—or a mild-mannered scientist like Beltino. All I know is that either one of them would end up in Kazuma’s party, and Slippy and Aqua would butt heads because of her hatred for toads, LOL.
—2024 is not being kind to Love Livers thus far. I still think the whole “Love Live disappears but Revue Starlight is eternal” meme compilation is hilarious, though. Power creep and insane rates will not stop this game, I swear. Oh, and speaking of Revue Starlight, it’s been loving me again?? I’ve had better luck getting the 5-stars recently than I have had getting the birthday cards the last few years?! Which is good news for me, because my Wind, Moon and Space teams SUCK and I needed some better cards in order to prep for both Star Arena matches and future Trophy Roads.
—Kinda hopped back onto my Multo/Zeeter mood again, so I’ve been working on Love Language in between working on that StarFox/KonoSuba idea. I’m trying out a new writing routine, and hopefully, I can finish the first chapter sometime this year!
—Speaking of them, I was rereading my notes for that Revue Starlight inspired AU and I need to write out a post yelling about that. I literally have like six to seven pages of notes!
—Started Atelier Resleriana and it’s kinda cute! I’ve heard of the Atelier series, but never got a chance to play any of the games. But I’m liking it so far.
—Racing to get to the next few chapters of HI3rd. I’m kinda stoked for Part 2!
—And since I also got hit with the mood for it a few days ago, I’m going to be doing some in-depth notes about the Cerulean Avenger story, namely regarding the characters and what all to expect. The reason for that? It relates to the art I’m going to drop after making this post! 😁
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