#i think seo was the most stupid oc ever because why is she like this
iqmmir · 4 months
I want to talk about my ocs.......... They're so stupid...........
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“Carpe Diem” - Domesticated Sequel
F/M Pairing: Felix x OC (original character)
Genre: Strangers to Lovers AU; Sequel
Warnings: mild language; but it’s mostly fluff again!
Word Count: 2.5K
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Summary: Felix loves his brother, and he loves his brother’s wife as well. But there are times when he feels left out and lonely when he watches their interactions together, and maybe he’d like to experience love for himself with the right girl...
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Thalia: the goddess of festivity
Felix really didn’t like the idea of a monogamous relationship. Because they often demanded too much of his time, and those commitments restricted his preference for one-night stands after picking up a pretty girl from the bar. 
But perhaps Felix should reconsider his entire philosophy (after all, he does have a masters degree in the subject) because standing in the middle of the modest lobby of Y/N’s office building, Felix couldn’t help but wonder why he had ever believed such stupid things.
“I’ll call you later,” Thalia promised him with a gentle kiss - the current subject of his most intimate fantasies.
Felix smiled against her lips since he was apparently whipped for one girl (and one girl only) despite his past decisions. “I already miss you,” Felix replied, and he was grateful that Thalia found his cheesiness funny.
They had already been on several dates together (even though Felix couldn’t understand why she kept agreeing because he was so unbelievably shy and awkward), and Felix was growing more and more enamored with the concept of a long-term romance with flowers falling in the background while swelling music crescendos when they kiss for the thousandth time. 
It was the perfect description for their relationship, and he met Thalia at one of the bars he frequented, and she instantly caught his attention with her flirtatious smile and infectious laugh. She also looked beautiful while wearing tight skinny jeans and a low-cut blouse that left very little to the imagination. They wound up together in the sketchy bathroom behind the building, and Felix had never been with someone who managed to unravel him from head to toe in such a short amount of time.
It was the first occasion where he had ever asked for the other girl’s number, and she had stolen his wrist and scribbled the numbers on the back of his hand before kissing the daylights out of him.
When he got home that night, he immediately questioned Chan on the topic of dating, asking him a thousand questions on how best to impress a girl: “Did you pay on your date with Y/N or did you split the bill?”
But Chan had looked at him like he had grown another head, and Felix realized that he would have to put in a lot of effort to make an impression.
Because Thalia was worth it, and she was just so pure like one of his favorite Greek mythology characters come to life! 
“Be good for me,” Thalia said, pulling him out of his memories and back to the present moment.
Apparently, Thalia was meeting someone who worked in this enormous office building - the same one where Y/N suffered under the direction of Seo Changbin, but that was a story for another time.
“My sister-in-law works here,” Felix remarked. 
“Oh?” Thalia grinned as she examined the space around them. “What a coincidence.”
“But I also enjoyed our lunch together,” Felix said, and he was suddenly crowding Thalia against the elevators despite the onlookers observing their interaction.
“Thank you for walking me here,” Thalia said, and Felix watched with a heart full of affection as she waved at him before the elevator doors closed on them.
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And Felix was on cloud-nine for the rest of the day, checking his phone repeatedly as he waited for Thalia to contact him again. 
“Are you waiting for the new PlayStation trailer?” Chan eventually interrupted his obsession, ruffling his hair before joining him on the couch.
“No!” Felix protested, and he shoved his phone away before reaching out for one of the controllers. “You wanna play?”
“Sure,” Chan said. “I’m not on call tonight.”
“Good,” Felix said. “I can kick your ass in Fortnite.”
“Whatever,” Chan scoffed, and he started jabbing his thumbs into the buttons while doing whatever he could to avoid Felix’s attacks. “You’ve had more practice than me!”
“You just suck,” Felix informed him bluntly, narrowing his eyes in concentration as he focused on the screen.
It was actually nice to spend some time with his brother and keep his mind off the persistent question of whether or not Thalia might call him before the end of the night.
“You two are so loud!” Y/N complained when she walked into the living room.
“It’s called intense focus,” Felix replied, chuckling when he managed to hit Chan’s character yet again.
“Hey!” Chan exclaimed, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Dinner is almost ready,” she said, tossing a towel over her shoulder before leaving the room and muttering something about boys and their games.
But just when Felix was about to win another round, his phone started going off, and he immediately hit the pause button so that he could look at the screen with a gasp. “Oi,” Chan shouted. “What the hell are you doing?”
“This is important!” Felix insisted, and his eyes drank in every word of Thalia’s message:
T: Would you be interested in having dinner with me and my step-brother tomorrow night? I really want you to meet him!
There was a series of X’s and O’s at the end that had Felix’s heart spiraling out of control. “Oh!” Chan grinned. “Is that your secret admirer?”
“Chan!” Felix whined. “She wants me to have dinner with at her brother’s house,” Felix said. “Holy shit! That means this is serious, right?”
“Congratulations, mate,” Chan said while slapping him on the shoulder. “I think you’ve got yourself a serious relationship!”
“Who, Felix?” Y/N scoffed when she re-entered the room. “I couldn’t help but overhear everything, but I’m having a hard time believing it.”
“She’s amazing,” Felix swooned. “I’m a total romantic now!”
“Felix settling down for one girl?” Y/N questioned. “I never thought I’d see the day!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Felix frowned. 
“Nothing,” Y/N song-songed, and she invited them into the dining room where Felix played around with his food while he thought about his impending date.
“But what should I do about her brother?” Felix asked, looking back and forth between Y/N and Chan. “He might hate me!”
“Nobody could hate you Felix,” Chan said. “Just be yourself.”
“But with better manners,” Y/N inserted. “And maybe a nicer attitude-”
“Okay, I get it,” Felix huffed. “I need a lot of work.”
“We can practice right now,” Y/N suggested. “The table is set, and we can pretend like I’m Thalia and Chan is her brother.”
“What, like role-playing?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Y/N said. “That’s step number one.”
But Felix had the impression that this might take most of the night, and since he was more determined than ever to sweep Thalia off her feet, he allowed his brother and Y/N to teach him everything there was to know concerning the complicated art of being a model citizen and a top-tier boyfriend.
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But despite the practice, Felix was a ball of nerves as he paced outside of Thalia’s apartment. His mind was focused on too many things at once: Did he look okay? Was he supposed to bring something? What if her step-brother was some kind of wrestler who could beat the hell out of him?
Yet, Felix could’ve never foreseen in his craziest dreams the unforgettable moments proceeding his gentle knock on the door when Thalia answered with someone standing next to her:
“Changbin!” Felix squealed, and Thalia shot them both a confused look as she stood next to the entrance.
Oh, god, the wrestler would’ve been better!
“Do you two know each other?”
“Yeah,” Changbin said with narrowed eyes. “We do.”
“There’s...some history,” Felix said, and Thalia didn’t seem certain of how to address this sudden development.
“Well, you can come inside,” she said, and Felix flinched when she offered him a chaste kiss because Changbin was eyeballing the fuck out of him and Felix could barely remain standing. “I’m just finishing up in the kitchen! Make yourselves comfortable in the dining room.”
Felix nodded, but he watched her walk away with a feeling of dread. “I can’t say that I saw this coming,” Changbin said. “Tell me, Felix, what are your intentions with my sister?”
“Uhhh...” Felix couldn’t believe that his brain was failing him in that moment, but the shock of seeing Changbin had rendered him nothing more than a blabbering idiot. “She’s really cool.”
“Right,” Changbin snorted, and Felix quickly darted around him in the direction of the dining room because this was not what he rehearsed last night in the dozens of scenarios he practiced with Chan and Y/N.
“I made your favorite, Felix,” Thalia said when she brought out a tray from the kitchen. 
“Thank you,” Felix said, and his tone was barely more than a whisper when he caught Changbin’s glare from across the table.
“I’m so glad we could do this,” Thalia said, and she sat down at the head of the table to look between them. “So, you must tell me how you met.”
“College,” Felix said, and he knew that was a vague answer, but Changbin was more than willing to pick up the pieces.
“You remember that girl I dated Freshman year, T?” Changbin asked, and he spooned himself a generous portion of food.
“Of course,” Thalia said and she rolled her eyes while looking in Felix’s direction. “It was so sad, babe. Changbin was dating this girl he liked and another man stole her away!”
“That’s not true!” Felix exclaimed, and Thalia startled at his harsh tone.
“Felix?” she murmured. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Felix said as he held tightly to his fork. “I just remember things a bit differently.”
“I bet you do,” Changbin retorted before turning to Thalia again. “Bang Chan is Felix’s brother.”
Thalia’s eyes immediately widened at the revelation. “Oh, so that means...”
“Yeah,” Changbin growled. “His sister-in-law is Y/N.”
Felix could feel his heart thundering inside his chest, and the table was silent thereafter, but Felix couldn’t help but wonder if this was what Y/N had meant by “worst possible scenario.”
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Felix was certain that the universe was playing some sort of practical joke on him, but he never liked being the punchline. 
After he left Thalia’s apartment, she called him to apologize for everything that happened. “Maybe we shouldn’t see each other for a few days,” she said, and Felix had felt his heart break in half.
But he respected Thalia’s opinion, even if Y/N was growing tired of his dejected behavior as he lazed around on the couch. He had explained everything to Y/N and Chan, and they were both shocked at the revelation of Changbin being Thalia’s step-brother. “What are the chances?” Y/N said. “It must’ve happened after we stopped dating.”
“Well, everything’s ruined,” Felix said, and he didn’t bother to change his poor attitude because he had never felt this sad before over losing another girl.
“You care a lot, Lix,” Chan had tried to explain to him. “You really liked her.”
“Yeah,” Felix agreed, but words weren’t enough to help him.
But actions always spoke louder, and Felix never anticipated seeing Changbin on the other side of the door when Y/N demanded that he greet their unexpected visitor. “Perfect,” Changbin said, and he pushed Felix inside so that he could shut the door.
“Felix, who was it?” Y/N asked, and she paused in the middle of the foyer when she noticed Changbin standing there. “Changbin?!”
“Glad we’re all on the same page,” Changbin said, and he glanced at Y/N for a moment before looking at Felix. “My sister isn’t one of your playthings, Felix.”
“I know,” Felix growled, but he wasn’t able to say anything else because Chan had wandered into the room, and he was immediately confrontational as he sneered down at Changbin.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“I came to give Felix a warning,” Changbin said. “He needs to stay away from my sister!
“Isn’t that funny? It’s all come full circle right, Seo?” Chan snarled. “I’m married to your ex-girlfriend while my little brother is sleeping with your sister.”
“Well, we’ve only slept together once..” Felix said, but both Changbin and Chan shot him a glare.
“Oh, this is ridiculous,” Y/N intervened. “Changbin, you and I were never going to stay together! And our personal history shouldn’t have any impact on what you think of Felix and Thalia being together.”
“It doesn’t,” Changbin said. “But I remember what Felix was like in college.”
“What? He can’t change?” Y/N retorted.
“He’s too immature!” Changbin insisted, and Felix crossed his arms over his chest because he just about tired of Seo Changbin’s interference.
“Listen to me,” Felix said. “I like your sister a lot, Changbin, and I would never do anything to hurt her! She means more to me than those bad decisions I made in the past, and I’m not about to let you ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to me!”
Felix took a deep breath following his exclamation, and he was proud of himself when Changbin averted his gaze. “I still don’t like it,” Changbin muttered.
“Well, it’s not your decision to make,” Felix said. “I’m coming to meet your sister tomorrow, and she’ll decide where we stand!”
It was a fierce declaration, and Felix had never felt more assured that he was finally doing the right thing.
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We can meet in Changbin’s office building.
Felix received the message a few hours after he had sent a heartfelt plea to finally have a chance to speak to Thalia again. He really missed her company, and Felix was determined to fix everything and return their relationship to how it was before the drama with Changbin. And he was willing to meet her on whatever grounds she requested, even if that meant Changbin’s office building.
He arrived early because he was nervous, but Y/N offered him a few words of encouragement while he waited around her desk. Thankfully, Thalia didn’t keep him waiting for long, and she walked down the hallway with a glaring Changbin glued to her side. “Felix,” Changbin said, and he was still looking at Felix like he was the worst person in the world.
“Can Thalia and I talk alone?”
“What gives you the right?”
“Changbin,” Thalia inserted, and she gave her brother a knowing look.
And Felix raised a suggestive eyebrow at Changbin who scoffed and returned to his office while muttering about his misfortunes.
“Thank you for meeting me,” Felix said, and he guided them both to a pair of futons next to the windows.
“Well, I really missed you,” Thalia said, and Felix couldn’t stop his smile after hearing her sincere sentiment.
“The break is really hurting me,” Felix said. “I just want to be with you, Thalia, and I don’t want a past that doesn’t even belong to us get in the way.”
“I know,” Thalia agreed softly, and she finally leaned in to offer him a gentle kiss. “I guess this is our first test as a couple.”
“It won’t always be perfect,” Felix said. “But I feel like I’m willing to endure anything if it means being with you.”
Thalia giggled at his sweet words. “Let’s keep going, then, and see where this takes us.”
“I like the sound of that,” Felix agreed, and their next kiss was far more passionate - a solemn promise that cemented their status and invited a future full of endless possibilities.
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noona-clock · 4 years
Mistletoe Manor - Part 9
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Genre: 1900′s AU/Romance
Pairings: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyung, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong x OCs
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Words: 2,580
A/N: Chelle ( @prettywordsyouleft​​ ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
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“Where are you going?” Joey asked as she arrived at the bottom step, her eyes following her older sister as she carried a box toward the front door.
“We’re making some deliveries for the book drive,” Evie called out from over her shoulder. “Would you like to accompany us?”
Before Joey even had a chance to say ‘yes’ (or ‘no’), Lord Yongguk, who was following behind Evie with a box of his own, paused briefly.
Joey knew she wasn’t even meant to notice it, but... she did. She may be the youngest in the family, but she certainly wasn’t stupid. For the past ten days, Daehyun’s friend had done nothing but make googly eyes at Evie. And Joey had noticed that Evie was now making them right back.
Not now now, but within the last few days.
So, Joey simply let out a soft sigh and said, “No, thank you. You know I can hardly bear such cold weather.”
“Suit yourself,” Evie replied lightly just before she left through the door.
Joey was just about to take the last step down into the entryway when Lord Yongguk quickly glanced over his shoulder and nodded gratefully in her direction.
Her lips curved into a beaming grin, and she bobbed a curtsy in return.
Just after he, too, left through the front door, someone suddenly appeared at Joey’s side.
“Would you like to go for a walk?”
Joey let out a little shriek of surprise, whipping around to see just who --
...She should have known.
“Why are you always sneaking up on me?!” she hissed, furrowing her brow at the enormously irritating valet.
“Maybe you just need to be more observant,” Brian shrugged. “How ‘bout that walk?”
Joey rolled her eyes and lifted her arm to rest her elbow on the stair banister separating them. “Did you not just hear me? I can hardly bear such cold weather. If I refused my own sister’s invitation to go outside, why would I accept yours?”
“You refused her invitation because you didn’t want to intrude on their budding romance,” Brian pointed out with a sly, knowing smirk. “Come on, I’ll get your coat.”
“Wha --!”
But Brian was already on his way to the coat closet by the front door.
Joey tamped down a smirk of her own and hurried after him.
Because, while Brian was enormously irritating... he was also enormously handsome.
“You are truly the most impertinent man -- no, person -- I’ve ever met,” she muttered when she caught up to him. “I did not accept your invitation, nor did I plan to!”
“Then why are you still here?” he asked as he opened the closet door and reached in for her coat. “Why are you turning around and holding your arms back so I can help you into your coat?”
“Just put it on already,” Joey snapped, shooting him a sideways glare.
“Yes, My Lady,” Brian chuckled as he moved to slide the coat onto her shoulders.
She began to button it up, and when she heard Brian close the closet door behind her, she reached back and grasped his wrist. “Come on, let’s go,” she grumbled.
The two of them quietly made their way downstairs to the back door, Brian popping into the servant’s hallway closet to fetch his own coat. And once the door to the outside closed behind them, Joey wasted no time in asking what had been brewing in her mind since he’d mentioned it.
“How do you know they have a budding romance?” she inquired. “Has Lord Yongguk talked to you about her? Is he serious? What about when he has to go home? How --”
“Okay, slow down,” Brian laughed, reaching out and putting a hand on her arm to stop her from asking any more questions. “He has talked about her, but even if he hadn’t, I would still know.”
“How?” Joey asked, her voice a little quieter.
And Brian’s hand was still on her arm.
“Because I know him. He’s not the most... social of people --”
“Evie is the same way,” Joey interrupted.
“So, the fact that he’s been spending so much time with her says enough. He likes her, and from what he’s told me, he likes her quite a lot.”
Joey’s eyes widened a little, and she moved her other hand to place it over his. “What has he told you? What has he said about her?” she asked quietly but eagerly.
Brian leaned in closer to her, and Joey’s heart began to pound inside her chest.
“Well...” he began. Joey held her breath, but then Brian pulled away completely with a lopsided grin. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
Joey let out a distressed, annoyed cry, her eyes glued to him as he jogged a few feet ahead of her. “Oh, come on!” she cried.
“Sorry,” Brian shrugged after turning around to face her and walk backward. “That’s Earl/Valet confidentiality.”
“That’s not a thing,” Joey retorted, but she knew very well it was. If her ladies’ maid went around telling people what she told her, she would be furious. And very, very embarrassed.
“It is, too!” Brian laughed. “And you’re neither Earl nor Valet, so you don’t get to know.”
His laugh turned from one of amusement to one of villainy, and he spun around on his heel to continue walking ahead of her.
Joey silently fumed, her eyes narrowed as she glared at him. ...Well. At his back.
And then, without giving it another thought, she bent and scooped up a handful of snow. Silently, she packed it into a ball in-between her palms... held the ball tightly in her fist... pulled her arm back...
And launched it right at his head.
A delighted giggle escaped her lips when the snowball splattered perfectly against the back of his head, and Brian’s body jerked in surprise.
“Wha --” he gaped, whirling around to face her again. “Hey!”
Joey was already busy making another snowball.
Just before she stood back up to pack the snow and throw it at him, a very cold, very wet mass hit her face. She would have screamed, but her lips were now crusted with snow, and she didn’t particularly feel like eating it.
Unsurprisingly, she heard Brian laughing, and when she reached up to wipe the snow from her eyes, she saw him practically doubled over.
Good god, he was attractive when he laughed.
“Oh, now you’ve done it,” she announced, quickly packing the snowball still in her hand and throwing it, aiming it for his face, too.
He ducked, of course, and he used the opportunity to make another snowball.
Not even half a minute later, the two of them became engaged in a full-on war.
Joey let out a very unladylike grunt as she threw another snowball in Brian’s general direction. She was currently hiding behind a tree, and if she stuck her head out too far, she knew she would receive a face full of snow yet again.
She hissed a victorious ‘yesssss’ to herself when she heard Brian sputter and groan.
...And then it went quiet.
That was a bad sign.
She held her breath, pressing against the tree and closing her eyes tightly as if doing so would hide her completely from her opponent.
Still, after a few moments, she heard nothing.
So, she opened one eye and peeked around the tree as inconspicuously as she could.
The second she saw past the tree, she heard Brian’s war cry and saw him just on the other side of the tree.
She screamed out of pure fright, though it turned to laughs and giggles as she pushed away from the trunk and made a run for it.
Joey was a bit more athletic than average, but she was still no match for Brian. She heard his thumping footsteps behind her, catching up to her easily, and then all of a sudden he had scooped her up into his arms.
“Stop!” she shrieked with delight, instinctively grabbing onto his neck. “Put me down!”
Brian paused and raised his eyebrows at her. “Put you down? Okay!”
He took a few steps over to a nearby snowbank, and Joey instantly realized her mistake.
He was planning to put her down all right.
Put her down in the snow.
“No, no, wait --!”
Ignoring her protests, Brian unceremoniously dropped her into the snow, right on her bottom. She sank down into the bank, thrashing around and screeching and laughing and cursing Brian.
Before he had a chance to run away, Joey managed to reach her arms out, and she gripped his ankle with both hands. Using all of her strength, she pulled his leg toward her.
And down he toppled, landing right next to her on the ground with a deep ‘ooph.’
“Well,” Brian said as he began to get situated, turning on his side and propping himself up on his elbow. “That’s fair.”
“And all’s fair in love and war,” Joey replied with a single nod.
Brian smirked over at her, reaching over with his free hand to flick some snow at her. “And... which one is this?”
“...What are you talking about?”
“Is this love or war?”
Joey could feel her cheeks start to burn, so she covered it up with a haughty sniffle and a change of subject. “Don’t be ridiculous. Do you think Lord Yongguk will dance with my sister at the Mistletoe Ball?”
“I’m not sure,” Brian chuckled. “He doesn’t really dance.”
“No, neither does she.”
“So, this Mistletoe Ball is really a thing, then?” he asked, still grinning over at her.
“Yes, and you’d better be there,” Joey growled, reaching over to not-so-gently punch his shoulder. 
“Ouch!” Brian laughed, though her punch hardly even moved him. “Why had I better be there?”
“So you can dance with me, you imbecile!”
“Why would I want to dance with someone who called me an imbecile?”
“Because I don’t want to dance with you, and I know you won’t be able to resist doing something I don’t like.”
The flash of surprise on Brian’s features was enough to tell Joey she had caught him off-guard with that observation, and she couldn’t help but smile to herself.
But then he simply shrugged and said, “You’re right.”
“Of course, I’m right.”
In the back of her mind, Joey remembered telling her sisters she was sure she could never find a man to match her. A man who would actually come to care for her undesirable disposition.
...She was starting to wonder now if maybe she had.
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“Happy Christmas,” Evie said with a soft grin as she waved good-bye to the two small children standing in the doorway.
“Stay warm,” Yongguk told them, and they nodded earnestly. “And happy reading.”
Evie and Yongguk had made four deliveries today, but this one had been their favorite. The family’s two children had never seen a book before, and Evie had just so happened to pack “The Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. They would surely be up half the night bothering their parents to read it to them.
(I say ‘just so happened to’ but, truly, Evie had packed it on purpose. She’d known the family had two children and wanted to give them books they could enjoy both now and later. Yongguk still marveled at how thoughtful and intelligent she was.)
Once the lady of the house thanked them one last time and closed the door to their cottage, Yongguk and Evie turned back to the sleigh.
Snow still covered the ground; in fact, a fresh layer had accumulated overnight, so taking the car to make all of their book deliveries was out of the question. When Seo Joon pulled the sleigh out of the garage, Evie had smiled with delight, and Yongguk’s heart had swelled in his chest.
“All right, Seo Joon, that was the last delivery,” Evie told him as Yongguk helped her back into the sleigh. Once he got in himself and slid onto the bench next to her, he grabbed the blanket and draped it over their laps.
Seo Joon clicked his tongue and jiggled the reins, and the horses began the journey back to the manor.
“Thank you,” Evie said softly as Yongguk leaned over to tuck the blanket underneath her side. It was an intimate gesture, but the freezing temperature warranted it. “Not just for the blanket... but for coming with me.”
“You’re very welcome,” Yongguk murmured in reply. “I helped you start the book drive, it’s only right I help you finish it.”
Evie shot him a bashful grin as he sat back, burrowing his arms underneath the blanket to keep his hands warm.
The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a few moments... but then Yongguk felt fingers brush over his hand. He almost jumped since he wasn’t expecting it, and his heart began to beat just a little bit quicker as Evie slipped her hand into his. She linked their fingers together and brought his arm over into her lap.
Without hesitation, Yongguk scooted over closer to her, squeezing her hand and biting back a very goofy smile.
Again, they sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before Yongguk heard Evie take a breath, preparing to speak.
“This is lovely,” she said in a soft voice.
Yongguk turned to look at her as best he could, now unable to hold his grin back. “Yes,” he agreed, his eyes taking in every inch of her side profile. “Yes, it is.”
A hint of a smile tugged at Evie’s lips, and she turned to look back at him, her cheeks growing slightly pink as she did.
On a whim, Yongguk leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.
He felt and heard her breath catch as his lips touched her skin, and when he pulled back, he figured she would look away in shyness. But, to his surprise, she simply moved to rest her head on his shoulder.
Yongguk settled in, readjusting his gentle grip on her hand and pressing his cheek to the top of her head.
This was, indeed, lovely. Lovelier than anything else he’d experienced before. 
If you had asked Yongguk just two weeks ago if he would be content just holding hands with a girl while she laid her head on his shoulder -- fully and utterly content -- he would have said ‘I doubt it.’
But he knew now that he could be.
He still wanted to hold her and kiss her and marry her and -- do... other... things. You know what I mean.
But right now, sitting here just holding hands while she laid her head on his shoulder.
He was content. Fully and utterly content. He felt like he truly needed nothing more.
“You’ll be attending the Mistletoe Ball in a few days, right?” Evie asked quietly, tilting her head just slightly so he could hear her.
Yongguk hummed positively.
“Will you...” There was a nervous pause before Evie continued. “...Ask me to dance?”
Yongguk’s brow furrowed slightly, and he murmured, “If you would like me to. I confess I am not much of a dancer, but I --”
“I’m not either,” Evie interrupted eagerly. “I’m a perpetual wallflower.”
“Well, then,” he chuckled. “We can be wallflowers together.”
While Yongguk didn’t quite see it, he could tell that Evie beamed. And then she snuggled even more into his side, holding onto his arm and letting out a gentle sigh.
“Yes,” she whispered. “Together.”
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Part 10
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mintymiknow · 5 years
Scintilla - prologue | Bang Chan
Summary & More Info | Masterlist
* I’m sorry, but this is the last repost. I decided to go with a reader insert instead of an OC as I felt much more comfortable writing that way. Writing with an OC isn’t something I personally like to do, so there. Once again, I am so so sorry!
Characters: Stray Kids, Reader
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
Summary: this is a prologue and therefore establishes what will be going on in the future chapters
Genre: Royal fantasy [Red Queen AU]
Word count: Approx. 3.5k
Warnings: None
A/N: The prologue is finally here! Writing multiple-chaptered stories is not something I’m good at, but I love Red Queen so much and wanted to do something based off it for Stray Kids. Please don’t expect too highly of this series (I’m sure it’s going to be lacking and the plot/flow of the story won’t be the best), but I hope you’ll still support and enjoy reading it! ♥
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↠  12 years ago
“Why are you crying again, Changbin?” nine-year-old Minho complained, eyes narrowing at his younger friend.
Changbin stomped his foot, “I want to play outside! Go out in the fields!”
“And why would you want to do that?” Minho asked, uninterested.
You rubbed your younger brother’s back with a smile, “I want to go out too. It’s boring staying indoors all day.”
“I’m fine here, thank you.” Minho shrugged.
“But Minmin,” you giggled, hugging your friend’s arm, “don’t you want to play with the Red kids too? They always look like they’re having fun!”
Minho shivered, sticking his tongue out in disgust, “If by ‘fun’ you mean getting dirty with soil and mud as they run around, then no. That’s not fun. You guys are the princess and prince of Norta. You shouldn’t be doing things like that.”
“You’re no fun!” you stuck your tongue out.  
Before you and Changbin could go on teasing Minho, the king, King Seo, walked into the room with a jolly grin. “Minho, your parents are looking for you.”
Minho bowed to the king before excusing himself and leaving the grand room. The king then opened his arms to which you both happily ran into. “My dear children, shall we watch the sunset again?”
“Yes, Father!” you and Changbin beamed.
King Seo held your hands and led you to the castle’s balcony. Once the view of the entire kingdom came into view, Changbin happily bounced up and down. “Father, Father, look!” he laughed, “Those Red kids are playing catch!”
“Yes, Bin. Your mother tells me you want to play so badly with them.” King Seo grinned, “So go ahead.”
“And look!” you added, “How is that Red kid making the others float?”
King Seo chuckled, patting your heads, “They are called Newbloods. You’ll know more when you’re older, but they’re like a mix of Silvers and Reds.”
“Amazing.” you awed, eyes twinkling with curiosity.
King Seo kept his eyes glued to the whole of Miroh, a smile forming on his lips once again. After years of bloodshed, all people – Silvers, Reds, and Newbloods alike – were somehow co-existing. It wasn’t the perfect life, but the king was more than happy with how he had managed to unite the people to a certain extent.
His gaze went to a couple – one Red and one Silver – happily purchasing flowers from the marketplace. Then, his eyes shifted to a group of Newblood children playing tag with a few common Silvers. With a gentle smile, King Seo knelt down to yours and Changbin’s level and proudly whispered, “I have spent the past few years ensuring that we could all live as one. I know that someday, one of you will take the throne and unite two worlds…completely. When you do, it’s going to be the most beautiful thing you’ll ever witness.”  
You and Changbin looked at each other at the same time, excited grins stretching across your faces, “We will, Father.”
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↠  3 years ago
“How are you holding up?”
The sound of metal chains clinking along with a familiar voice snapped you out of your trance. You let out a deep sigh before turning around. “I’d like to think I’m doing just fine.” you chuckled rather emptily.
Minho carefully approached you, eyes warm and gentle as opposed to his usual cold gaze. “Those mascara smudges tell me otherwise.” the male quietly chuckled.
Your gaze fell to the marbled floor. Light filtered into the dark room through the large windows, but you felt as if no amount of light would brighten your world. King Seo – your father – passed away. The father whom you loved. The father whom you looked up to. The king who united two worlds. The king who had done so much. He was gone.
You squeezed your hands tightly, small flames wrapping around your fists. It didn’t take Minho long to reach out and pull you into a tight embrace. The fires on your fist disappeared as you wrapped your arms around the male’s torso. “He’s really gone, Min. My father’s gone. I don’t know what to do. I can’t – ”
Minho gently rocked you back and forth. “Y/n, I know a lot is going on in your mind, but don’t think for now. We’ll figure it out later on. Just breathe.”
The male pulled away just enough to offer you a small smile; it was his own way of trying to make you feel better about your father’s death. Minho removed one earring from his ear, and you watched as he morphed it into a rose-shaped hairclip. The male tucked your hair behind your ear and attached the clip to the side, “Your father wouldn’t want you crying like this.”
Suddenly, you felt another pair of arms circling around your trembling figure – Changbin. “We’ll be ok, sis.” he whispered, somehow to convince himself as well.
You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that your brother’s words held some truth.
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↠  One year ago
You were seated at the dining hall with Changbin and Kim Seungmin when Hwang Hyunjin walked in unnoticed, his voice startling everyone, “I kind of knew that y/n would inherit the throne.”
You sighed, “I don’t really have a choice, do I? As soon as Father died, the Council decreed that I would be crowned queen once I was ready. It’s too bad. Changbin would make a fine king,” you shrugged, “if only he didn’t reject the throne and hate it so much.”
Changbin raised an eyebrow, “You expect me to sit on the throne to rule a broken kingdom?”
“It wasn’t always a broken kingdom.” you pointed out, “It’s just…”
“It’s just like this because of the Council.” Seungmin finished for you, unconsciously reading your mind with his abilities. He noted, “King Seo united them, but we all know that not everyone welcomed that notion. With his death, pardon me, either y/n or Changbin inherits the throne. Thing is, neither of you are fully equipped to rule just yet, so y/n is simply a soon-to-be-queen while the Council of High Houses does the actual ruling.”
“And said High Houses brought back the whole division between Silvers, Reds, and Newbloods.” Changbin muttered, a sour expression on his face. “All of Father’s hard work is just…gone. Now, you’ll see Silvers scorning the Reds and Newbloods like before. Hardly any of the Silvers are treating them fairly. I don’t like it one – ”
Before Changbin could finish, the cutlery on the table started to levitate before turning into sharpened objects.
“You may not like it, Binnie Boy, but maybe it’s better that way.”
Minho appeared at the doorway, clad in his black royal uniform. Hyunjin carefully slapped Minho’s chest, making sure not to hit the metal chains that could be morphed into spikes at any given time. “You could have killed us with those blades!” Hyunjin complained.
“But I didn’t.” Minho rolled his eyes before turning to the Seo siblings, “You both are aware that you are all that’s left of the Royal Family, right?”
“And what about it?” Changbin asked.
Minho coyly smirked, waving his hand in the air for the cutlery to return to their original forms and places. “You both, especially y/n, represent the Silvers. Don’t forget your places or your people.”
Changbin opened his mouth to argue, but you dismissed him. You nodded at the male and let out a small smile, “I know my place well, Minho, don’t worry.”
“Good, because you and I are being summoned to the Council.” Minho said, his eyes focused on the numerous rings on his fingers.
“Oh come on.” you whined, “Again? That’s the third time today. Can’t a princess just eat in peace?”
“Get used to it, sweetheart. You’re going to be queen.” Minho winked, eyes holding mischief in them.
You rolled her eyes at the male before rising from your seat and clearing your throat, “Excuse me, guys.”
You followed Minho out the room, and as soon as you were gone, Seungmin whispered to Hyunjin and Changbin, “Don’t worry, Changbin. Your sister agrees with you and not Minho.”
A small smirk formed on Changbin’s lips, “Obviously. Minho’s an idiot. Y/n accepted the queen’s position for a reason.”
“Excuse me if this sounds stupid, but what exactly is that reason?” Hyunjin asked.
“When we were younger, we promised Father that we’d fulfill his wish and unite the whole kingdom.”
Seungmin laughed, “Minho’s not going to like that.”
“So? He’s not going to be ruler; Y/n is.”
Changbin’s smirk widened, “And she’s going to continue what Father started.”
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↠  One Month Ago
You walk out of the Council’s meeting room with Minho, and as soon as you’re outside, you dash down the halls. “For goodness sake, y/n.” Minho groans, “Can’t you just stay put for a second?”
You laugh, tossing your floral headpiece towards the male, “I’ve been sitting still for hours in that stupid Council meeting. I can finally breathe.”
The male stretches his hand out and the string of thin chains adorning his suit follows his movements. They wrap around your waist as he tugs you back. “Queens don’t run in the halls.” Minho coyly smirks.
You grip the chains with heated hands, flames melting them off, “I’m not the queen yet.”
“But you will be.”
“Gosh, I can’t believe the Council wants me to marry someone that sounds like an old man.” you smirk.
Minho mirrors your expression, walking side-by-side down the hall, “I can’t believe they want to marry me off to a brat.”
“I don’t even want to marry you.” you sigh, “Arranged marriages are stupid. Why you of all people?”
“What makes you think I want to marry you?” Minho laughs, a sound you don’t hear from him often.
“Same thoughts, Lee.”
Once you and Minho arrive at the castle’s gardens to meet your friends, Hyunjin happily beams at you two, “How was the meeting? Did they mention anything good about me?”
“Besides the fact that Lady Yeeun is still head-over-heels for you?” you snort, “Nothing new.”
“Sis, once you become queen, can you please hold a competition to see which noble lady will be eligible to marry Hyunjin?” Changbin laughs.
“She can’t do that.” Seungmin glares, “She may be queen, but Hyunjin is from the Hwang Household. They decide who Hyunjin marries.”
“I don’t even want to get married yet.” Hyunjin butts in, raising his hand.
You plop down beside your brother on the grass, “Yeah? Doesn’t matter who you marry, Jinnie. No one can be as bad as Minho here.”
Changbin exclaims, eyes wide in disbelief, “They already have someone to betroth you to? You’re not even queen yet?”
Minho sighs for the umpteenth time that day, obviously tired from nothing but keeping up with his jolly friends. As he lies on the marbled bench nearby, he explains, “They’re considering it, you idiot. Engagements can’t be made unless she’s officially the ruler.”
“But why you? Why not me?” Hyunjin jokes, earning a high-five from you.
“I was asking the same thing, my friend.” you raise your eyebrow at Minho who simply rolls his eyes.
“Because,” Minho starts with an undefeated grin, “After the Royal Family, the Lee Household is second in power. Obviously, who is the most eligible in that house? I am.”
You squint, “All you do is sit pretty and walk around like you own the place. How are you eligible?”
Minho does not respond and instead moves his fingers gracefully in the air as if conducting a choir. The rings on his fingers slide off and turn into little blades, zooming towards the group at a ferocious speed. You and Changbin knock them off with your own little fireballs just as Hyunjin jumps away, shrieking in shock. Seungmin sighs, “You all have to admit. Minho is the most suitable candidate to be married off as king once y/n rules.”
Minho mumbles a very disinterested “mhmm”, eyes closed as if the action could shut his friends out. Seungmin turns to the male, a knowing smile on his lips, “But…you don’t want it either, do you?”
“I’d appreciate it if you stayed out of my mind, Seungmin.” Minho warns calmly, though no one misses the threatening tone to his words.
“No one really wants this.” Changbin snickers, causing the three friends to chortle at the now sleeping Minho.
Later that evening, Changbin watches the night sky with you at the castle’s balcony. As the wind dances around, Changbin’s voice is quiet in the night, “This is all going to be yours, sis.”
A small smile graces your lips as you reply, “It could be yours, you know?”
“I think you’d be a better ruler than me.” Changbin chuckles, “Besides, I think I’ve made it clear; I hate the throne.”
“Of course. The Council was infuriated when you said that.” you giggle at the memory of a young Changbin rebelling against the Council of High Houses, “Their faces were priceless.”
The prince laughs, eyes twinkling like the stars, “I looked up to the throne when Father ruled. I even wanted to beat you in inheriting it. Now, I don’t want anything to do with it. Hierarchies are horrible.”
“Would you still hate it once I��m crowned?” you inquire, smiling at your younger brother.
“That depends.” Changbin smiles back, playfulness swimming in his eyes, “If you rule like Father, I might stop hating it.”
“I don’t know how I’m going to rule as queen,” you start, “but one thing’s for sure; I’m not going to be like the High Houses.”
“When will you be crowned, y/n?” Changbin breathes out, “Why are the High House councilors ruling for you? It’s not right. You are the rightful queen.”
You look up, and Changbin sees the little embers swirling in your brown eyes. “Majority of the Council doesn’t think I’m ready. Even if I demand to be crowned, the Council made the decision in favor of waiting until I was ‘ready’ for it. Almost all of them voted to postpone my crowning.”
“And you can’t do anything about it?”
“Afraid so, Binnie. Kingdom’s rules. The crowned ruler has extreme sovereignty and can make any decision without having to be backed up by the council, but Father didn’t indicate that you or I should be crowned upon his death. He never said anything in his will, so the Council decided that it would be me, but only when I proved to be ready. Until such time, the kingdom would be ruled by an assembly that included me, Minho, and a few officials from the Council.”
“We have a complicated kingdom.” Changbin dejectedly smiles.
You place a hand on his shoulder, “Father always told us it wouldn’t be easy.”
“Well,” Changbin hugs you, “I’ll be by your side always, so don’t worry.”
You laugh as Changbin squeezes you tighter, “I love you too, baby bro.”
“You’re just two years older, sis.”
“Still older.”
“Whatever, I’m going to get some sleep.” Changbin hugs you one last time before going back inside the castle.
You lean against the snow-white balustrade, eyeing the entire kingdom. You gaze at Miroh, your very own city. The white walls are a bright contrast to the dark sky, and the silver lights that line the streets have a twinkle that could rival the stars. A few Silvers continue to stroll at night, their elegant gowns and suits completing the painting. Some common Silvers have simple attires, but they still blend well with the luxurious image.
Your eyes turn to the city of Elysium. Even from afar, the orange-tinted lights of the paradise-like city radiates warmth. Despite Reds inhabiting it, a few Silvers who yearn for simpler things have decided to live there as well. From your castle balcony, you can see the large cherry trees that Elysium was known for. The trees never stopped blooming, and it somehow gave you the idea that maybe the hope you held close to your heart would also never cease.
Your gaze then shifted to District 9, and though it was dark, you could make out faint hints of light, perhaps from candles or oil lamps. District 9 was a mysterious city where Reds and Newbloods lived, and despite the negative connotations the Silvers gave in regards to it, you found yourself wanting to see it with your own eyes. You did, after all, find magic in everything around you.
After your eyes scanned the entirety of your soon-to-be kingdom, your gaze fell to your hands. On your finger rested a ruby-encrusted ring given to you by your parents. It was the very ring that enabled you to ignite flames, much like Changbin had his necklace. As you stared at your ring, a growing flame burned inside. You looked around once again, eyes glazing across every inch of the kingdom. Your father’s greatest wish was to bring it all together.
“I know that someday, one of you will take the throne and unite two worlds…completely. When you do, it’s going to be the most beautiful thing you’ll ever witness.”  
Your father once told you and Changbin, and somehow, you could understand what he meant. Right now, as you looked upon the different, separated cities, you imagined what it would be like as one, whole kingdom. A small, hopeful smile graces your face at the thought of Reds and Newbloods living amongst the Silvers like that during your father’s reign. You clench your hand, a swirl of fire enveloping your fist. It dances with the wind, but it doesn’t die down.
It disappears, however, when a spark of green catches your eye – electricity? You dissolve the fire and look towards the side. You look below, somewhere in the darker alleyways of Miroh, to see an individual clad in all-black. When you ignite a smaller flame, the individual – apparently a male who seemed to be your age – looks up to see you standing at the castle’s balcony, eyes watching him.
He doesn’t say anything, and neither do you. You simply stare at each other as if both were caught red-handed. The male stands on the ground several feet below you, but you manage to peer into his eyes. You’re not sure if it’s your own flame’s reflection or if the male has flames of his own – though perhaps not, as House Seo were the only Burners around – but there’s a blazing fire to his gaze. You diffuse your flame once again, the orange tint lighting your face now replaced by the glow of the moon. The male continues to look up, unfazed with lips pressed tightly together in a straight line. You’re convinced that the fire in his eyes was his own and not the reflection of yours, and somehow, you find it amusing.
The male mouths something, and despite the distance and his hushed voice, you hear what he says, loud and clear.
“Look the other way.”
He wanted you to forget you even saw him. You looked around to see if anyone heard him, but the people nearby continued on with their lives, paying no heed to the man who just spoke to you. You tilt your head to the side inquisitively before putting a finger to your lips, a nonverbal action telling the male to be quiet.
The male knew otherwise – no one heard him but the princess yourself, that he made sure of. He sees the warm, amused spark in your eyes – a rather odd thing, considering most Silvers he’d encountered had indifferent eyes. In response, his expression finally changes. The smile on his lips is barely visible, but it’s there nonetheless. Before you can react, however, the male hears another voice coming from the castle.
“Seo Y/n, come back inside right now, you child.”
“Yes, Mother Minho.”
When you make one last glance below at the male, he is already gone. Naturally curious, you find yourself searching the dark alleyways, but the male is nowhere to be seen. With a deep huff, you turn on your heel and enter the castle.  
Somewhere in the corners of a particular alleyway, the male speaks with another person. “Chan, you were seen by royalty! That was dangerous!” the person hisses quietly.
“That was ‘cause you suddenly sparked your lightning, Jisung.” another voice says. “Either way, that was really close for both of you.”
“Felix is right. You both should have been more careful. What if the princess called the Royal Guard? We don’t need House Lee members on our tails, ok?”
Chan calmly nods, putting a hand on his comrade’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, Woojin. I have a feeling the princess won’t be mentioning anything about this.”
“How would you know?” Felix asks innocently.
“I told her.” Chan says directly.
Woojin and Jisung gasp in shock, “You spoke to her?”
“I whispered, technically.” Chan shrugs, referring to his ability to manipulate sound, “I made sure she was the only one who heard me.”
Woojin sighs, “Let’s just hope you’re right about that, Chan.”
Chan made one quick glance at the perfectly white castle walls before smiling, “I am.”
He couldn’t explain why, but Chan somehow knew that you wouldn’t tell a soul about your “encounter”.
After all, something about the look in your eyes told him that the princess wasn’t like the other Silvers.  
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violetwonders · 7 years
Maybe (WorkerJaehyun!AU)
Notes: Just a brief scenario about a cute and smooth af jae with a crying oc (aka you!!) Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Jaehyun of NCT X OC Prompt: WorkerJaehyun!AU Word Count: 1,375 words
He looks at the auburn-haired guy expectantly. “Do you really have to go? Or are you making an excuse?” The latter asks after a few quiet moments.
The former lets out a stressed groan. How smart his auburn-haired friend is - he only notices now. “Jaehyun…” He whines. This person is a scammer. How else can he know? He thinks as he leans in for an embarrassed whisper. “Okay, fine, I was lying.” He sighs.
Jaehyun smiles quite triumphantly as he listens. Frankly, he’s quite ready to hear ridiculous reasons. “I’m not going back home for an emergency. Truthfully… I’m going on a date today.”
Jaehyun only blinks for some time. “Say something!” His friend pouts. “You’re skipping work for a date, Johnny Seo?” He raises his eyebrow, quite unbelievably. “Yes, I am. So can you take over my shift just for tonight?” Johnny pleads.
“Why the heck are you going to a date?” He asks. Johnny gives him an exasperated look. “Is that so hard to believe? Can’t you give a hand for your friend? This girl I’m meeting is the real deal. I worked so hard to get her number. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I swear! She’s from Yonsei University and she’s taking up Accountancy! I met her when I was - ”
“Okay, okay, fine, I think that’s enough. I don’t think I want to hear your sappy love story.” Jaehyun cuts off. “I’ll take up your shift.” He agrees finally. Before his friend can rejoice, he rebuts, “ - only because I know you haven’t had a date in a million years.” He smirks when Johnny sends him a flat look.
“Yeah, I get it. You’re a real friend,” he rolls his eyes sarcastically. “You’re not going to thank me?” Jaehyun starts removing his uniform. “Ehey, no going back! I’ll give you your thanks. Thank you, Mr. Jung-Meanie-Jaehyun.” Johnny exaggerates, slinging his bag around his shoulder. “Ok, but I really gotta dash. Bye, foreign swagger.” He salutes before leaving.
Jaehyun only shakes his head, stretching his limbs as he gets ready for a very long night.
He thinks this is the best part of having this kind of job. He gets to watch movies over and over again without having to pay for them. Quirks of being a worker in a movie theater.
Jaehyun eats the last of his Skittles before turning on the lights in the previously dark theater. People steadily stream out as he’s slowly left alone. The credits of the last movie of the day are rolling up on the screen, and all he needs to do is clean up before leaving.
The things I do for Johnny hyung. He shakes his head. Jaehyun makes sure there are no people left before making his way down the row of seats and starting to pick up the leftover popcorn and sodas in a plastic bag.
A few moments pass by while he picks up the leftovers singing ‘Whatta Man’. He’s in the middle of bolting Somi’s high notes when he hears sniffles. He automatically halts. What the heck was that? Did I hear wrong? He freezes for a brief moment.
Jaehyun is afraid to look at the direction of the sniffling, but he does anyway and almost curses out loud when he spots a petite girl curled up in a ball in the corner. Why didn’t I see her there before? He wonders, his heart still racing.
He decides to approach her. “Umm… miss, are you okay? Aren’t you going to leave yet?” He cautiously asks. He’s suddenly overcame with fear. What if she suddenly looks up and turns out to be an ugly ghost?
“Y-yes? Umm… I’m sorry.” You scramble up to your feet. You don’t mean to become a nuisance, and Jaehyun doesn’t mean to gape, but he does. You’re not an ugly ghost, you’re a beautiful girl! Even though your face is red and wet (thanks to the tears), he thinks he hasn’t met anyone as breathtaking as you.
“Umm… no! It’s fine! Don’t worry,” he finds himself saying. Jaehyun rubs his nape embarrassingly as his ears redden. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound angry or annoyed.” He quickly adds.
You look up at him, and his heart flutters when his eyes meet your brown ones. You inevitably sniffle again, and Jaehyun smiles at how cute you look.
“It’s fine, it’s really my fault. I was just having a crappy day and I just… found the dark comforting at this time.” You abruptly sigh, suddenly feeling that this situation is ridiculous. You’re rambling to a random worker (a cute one, at that) in the theater at ten o'clock in the night. Your roommate is probably freaking out.
“If it’s okay with you, can you tell me what happened?” Jaehyun finds himself saying. “Umm…” You bite your lip. You’re not sure what to say. You just met him, and it’s already late. But something brings you to tell him all your worries. Maybe the fact that his eyes were really comforting? You could drown in them and never complain. It doesn’t help that he’s pretty cute, too.
“Is that too personal? Sorry,” Jaehyun quickly says. He mentally curses himself. You probably feel uncomfortable. After all, you two just met.
“N-no, it’s fine. I’ll tell you. No one wants to hear me out except you anyway.” You shrug casually, a small smile starting play on your lips. Jaehyun lets out a relieved sigh as he finally smiles. You notice a dimple carved on his cheek and think it’s cute. You almost can’t contain a giggle.
“I’ll just take this out. It’ll be quick, I promise.”
You take small sips of your coffee from your paper cup, trying not to burn yourself. Jaehyun laughs as you miserably fail and fan your tongue. “You should be more careful!” He lightly chides, a smile gracing his lips. You try to send him a look, but you can’t fight the grin climbing up your lips even though your tongue is throbbing. “It’s not my fault I want to drink!”
Comfortable silence once again blankets the air as you two walk on the chilly streets of Mokpo. It’s only been thirty minutes but it feels like you two are friends from a long time ago. Jaehyun seems like a pretty good guy, listening attentively and stating his opinions at the right timings as you told him all of your worries. All of it, including how your stupid boyfriend (now ex) had found another girl who 'made his heart flutter like how it did with you’. It was a bunch of bullsh!t and you knew it. You don’t even know how and why you dated him when he was so shameless.
You’re in the middle of unleashing all of your frustration to Jaehyun when you realize that you’re probably rambling too much. He was just a stranger until now and you’re pretty sure you’re making him uncomfortable. Jaehyun curiously looks at you when you stop speaking.
“I’m sorry.” Your cheeks redden. “I’m getting too far off again, right? Ah… seriously… I’m really sorry. If I’m making you uncomfortable, I’ll let you leave.” You embarrassingly avoid his eyes. A few moments pass by and you think that he’s going to walk away. Instead you hear a bunch of chuckles as his merry laughter fills the silence of the night.
“Why are you laughing?” You turn your head to see him clutching his stomach. “I-it’s just be-because…” he continues to laugh, “that’s ridiculous! 'I’ll let you leave’! Hey, I’m not that kind of person. That’ll make me such a rude guy if I suddenly left you here embarrassed. Also, you need to get back home safely. The least I can do is walk you to the bus stop,” he says, a grin on his face. Your heart tingles. “And I’m not uncomfortable. I actually like hearing your voice.”
You turn to look at him again, a little surprised. Jaehyun smiles, “I found out today that you broke up with your jackass boyfriend. Maybe you could find another one,” he casually says, briefly giving you a knowing glance as he turns away to look in front of him with a smile.
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