#i need to watch how much im projecting cause jfc
iqmmir · 4 months
I want to talk about my ocs.......... They're so stupid...........
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opal-lakes · 4 years
Some ramblings of TUA2 because I have some THOTS
p> Unfortunately found out about Ben right before I started watching so it instantly kinda made me not enjoy this season at first? I don’t know if it cause I legit didn’t enjoy it as much as the first or if it’s cause that fact alone soured it for me.
> Wasn’t looking forward to the whole cult thing and boy I didn’t like waiting it, feels super weird the comic relief character gets put in charge of a cult?
>ALSO! Why is Klaus’ powers no longer relevant? The whole issue in s1 was him being sober meant he was surrounded by ghosts and couldn’t handle it but the only glimpse of ghosts we got was in the opening of episode one, and the two friendly caspers that caught him in the finale. (I didn’t have tooo much hope with consistency with his powers cause that seemed to be an issue in season 1 anyway but like, oof that was a lot of characterisation out the window huh? did his trauma just go away?)
>Also they totally teased us with levitating and you BET I am mad about that!
>Ray is an absolute gem and seeing him and Allison together is so good they deserved each other, I get their reasonings to be apart but damn dude shit was so wholesome :/
>The scene at dinner where Reggie belittles Diego?? and how Diego begins to shrink and hunch in on himself as Reginald continues to mock him?? Reginald deserved worst then death jfc
>Also it was so unnecessary to show an up-close of poor bb Pogo going from a chill little lab monkey to exploding in a spaceship that hurt man
>Around episode 7 I suddenly remember the date Lila’s parents died and was just waiting for her powers to finally be revealed oh that was *chef’s kiss*
>It’s a crime that they didn’t include the whole “IM A GAZELLE AND THE JUNGLE IS MY HOME” I was just waiting for that to happen and it didn’t and my disappointment is immeasurable.
>Is Ben being able to possess people just a ghost thing or is it an extension of Klaus’ powers? If it’s not does that mean all ghosts can possess people? Does that mean people claiming to be possessed in real life are actually possessed? Hello??
>The scene where Allison finds Klaus and runs straight into the pool to hug him? Allison and Klaus and Vanya getting drunk while they wait for the world to end and have a dance number? Bless
>Also Allison finding Klaus on the floor and seriously asks him what's wrong, hearing his problem and deciding that yep it’s 5 o’clock somewhere and processes to get smashed is iconic.
>Luther really needs to stop projecting fatherly love on any older man that so much looks his way, it’s not gonna happen bud screw your dad and just get a dog jfc
>Emo!Ben! Emo!Ben!
>Kinda would of loved to seen more of Carmichael, weird little fish dude he was fun!
>Also what’s with TUA humanizing these villains, first Hazel and now they’re making me feel bad waiting an assassin murder his brother against his will like damn.
>Also Hazel!! He was way to good to kill off he deserved better (and so did Agnes THAT was cheap)
>Klaus getting punched by the love of his life while someonw chant’s “punch the queer!” was the only scene I actually cried out, jesus that wasn’t fun to watch.
>Allison forced to watch Ray get dragged off and knowing fully well what’s about to happen and having the ability to stop it but can’t multiple times was awful and Allison really needs a spa day she’s had too much shit this season (she lost her daughter then her husband and there was nothing she could do about it ! Jesus!)
>I super didn’t like the whole ‘another academy but better’ from the comics and was super surprised to just see that pop up, buuut that means we’re guaranteed to see more emo!ben so that’s fun, is the rest of the academy the others just actually what Reginald wanted them to be? Is it a whole different set of people with Ben thrown in, why is Ben on the mantle but there alive? Did he do a Five and peaced out for a few years? What the fuck?
>Also canon Ben’s funeral scene, that was rough buddy.
>Ended up enjoying the last few episodes more then I thought (I think around 743 was where I was officially intrigued), first season was defiantly my favourite overall but this season did some good shit with developing those shit heads! They’re almost like civilised people now! (almost!)
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xumos-hoe · 5 years
Oh boi, where do I begin... this request is somewhat inspired by Gavin's post about having to train more and loose some weight cause he gained some. Now I just want to see MCs reaction to the bois gaining some tummy fat. I DEMAND SOME SQUISHING ACTION!!!!!!!!!!! But I also kind of want to see MC gaining a lil tummy chub, getting spooned and getting her belly squished :3 sorry for the big request but I find chub so adorable!!!!!!!!
MC/MLQC crew gaining chub
Victor (Him gaining chub)
Victor was fucking sculpted by Michaelangelo himself
With abs like that, you could scrub urself clean with em😤
Alas, he was struggling through a difficult project at LFG, so he hardly had time to maintain that godly physique
One evening, the two of you decided to celebrate the conclusion of the project with a private bath in his jacuzzi cus rich people tingz
You were laying against his chest, swirling your finger through the water as Victor held you close, arms propped on either edge of the tub with a warm towel over his eyes.
When you shifted into a more comfortable position, you felt it.
long gone was the rock hard abdomen muscles—now, he felt a little squishy.
Victor didn’t notice the discovery you had just made, but you were intrigued...
So you carefully poked his stomach one more time, marveling as your finger sunk a little into the chub. In fact, looking at him like this, his obliques weren’t so defined anymore.
Victor made a small sound from behind you, almost a sigh, but didn’t move. So you squished his tummy again and giggled.
Suddenly, he peeled away the towel from his eyes and peered down at you unimpressed.
“What in the world are you doing?”
“Victor! Look!” You poked his tummy again, “you’re getting chubbier!”
Maybe it was the hot water but Victor’s face turned an uncharacteristic shade of red as he watched you, stunned speechless. But he didn’t say a word, so you kept on poking his torso.
“You might need to get back into the gym...These love-handles aren’t gonna solve themselves.” You giggled before softly pinching his sides.
Suddenly, Victor gripped your wrist tightly and narrowed his eyes dangerously.
“Getting a little bold, are we?”
His free hand traveled up the plane of your stomach before cupping your breasts. His lips were at your ear, murmuring as he began massaging it.
“Two can play at that game...”
(MC gaining chub)
You were in a heated make out session that was about to turn into more.
Victor’s lips traveled away from your own, down the pulse at your neck, and to the bare plane of you stomach.
He broke away, smiling mischeviously to himself before peering up.
“Perhaps I’ve been feeding you a little too much.”
Your cheeks turned pink when you realized what he was referring to—your tummy, that had gotten a lot squisher recently...
You couldn’t help but scoot away shyly, pulling down your shirt and mumbling a quick response. “Maybe I did gain some weight...”
Victor moved back up, kissing up your neck to your lips, keeping a steady hand at your tummy rubbing gentle circles.
He broke away and pinched your stomach, smiling as you yelped. “Don’t say a word against it. I, for one, think it’s very cute.”
Lucien (Him gaining chub)
Lucien’s also built like a Greek god tbh
But he can lose it very quickly if not maintained.
You were watching him one morning, lingering in bed, as he stripped to get ready for work.
What caught your eyes was the wayyy less visible musculature of his abdomen. A little bit of a tummy had formed there instead (must be because he spends his entire life in that lab)
You smiled to yourself and crawled over, sneaking a hand around his side before lightly tapping it. “What happened here, professor?”
Lucien’s movements paused as he stared into the mirror, noticing what you were referring to before smiling.
“You don’t mind it?”
“Of course I don’t mind!” You pinched this time, giggling when he visibly flinched. “It’s cute on you.”
Lucien’s hands clasped your own over his tummy, squeezing softly. “It won’t be here for long. As soon as I finish this current research project, I’ll be getting back into the gym.”
You frowned, “at least keep it here for a little longer. I wanna try blowing raspberries!”
(MC gaining chub)
You were on your period again, dying on the couch as another wave of cramps crashed over you.
You were sitting between Lucien’s legs as he rubbed your tummy slowly, sneaking in the occasional peck to comfort you.
The body warmer wasn’t doing much, in fact, Lucien’s hands were somehow even more comforting. As the pain began waning, the rubbing turned into a small poke.
“You’re chubbier than before.” He stifled a small laugh, squishing gently.
Although he had only meant it as a joke, you on the other hand, blushed furiously before pulling away.
“You’re calling me fat, aren’t you?”
Lucien was taken aback by your response, but he pulled you back into his arms immediately, hushing quietly by your ear. You whimpered as another wave of cramps began.
“Quiet now...you’re in pain so take it easy.” When his hand went back to rubbing, he snuck in a few squishes before leaning to kiss your cheek. “And I like how soft you are, it feels more comforting...”
He chuckled before adding, “you’re even cuter this way.”
Kiro (Him gaining chub)
Savin would beat this kid with a shoe before he ever gained weight💀
But Kiro had taken a small hiatus from performing and went back to enjoying his early adult life.
During a cuddle session one night, you were bigspooning Kiro as he munched on a bag of chips.
You noticed he felt a little heavier and softer than before, so without a word, you lifted up his shirt and began laughing.
Kiro looked up at you, confused. “Why’re you laughing?”
You responded by giving his tummy a small squish. “I didn’t know you gained all this so quickly!”
Kiro paused before laughing, squishing his own stomach. “Maybe I let loose a little too much...”
You slapped the beat of one of his songs on the plane of his stomach, giggling uncontrollably as you marveled at the unfamiliar chub.
Kiro joined the giggling and started humming the tune, slapping along.
(MC gaining chub)
You were trying on a new bikini, frowning as you poked your tummy in the mirror. “Kiro? Do I look any fatter to you?”
Kiro was on his phone, lounging in bed when he looked up and whistled. “Beautiful as always, Miss Chips!”
You cringed as you poked your tummy. “But my stomach looks like it’s gotten a little bigger. See?”
You walked over to him, frowning and gesturing to the little mound of chub that had formed there.
Before Kiro could responded, he pulled you onto the bed in a flash, tickling your sides immediately till you were giggling uncontrollably beneath him.
“You manage to get cuter everyday, you know that?” Kiro grinned wide and lowered his head to blow a raspberry as his tickling intensified.
You tried to pull away, but your limbs felt like jelly from all the laughter.
all the kiss marks he left on your stomach made you forget about your original worry in no time.
Gavin (Him gaining chub)
Gavin works out eVeryday
His job basically depends on him working out
But jfc he paid attention to eVerythingggg. You’ve never met a man who pointed out the smallest changes in his physique more than Gavin.
He knew his body was a masterpiece and it HAD to stay that way.
But one evening, he emerged from the shower, frowning as he kept a tight grip on the towel around his hips.
You were lounging in bed, taking immediate notice of your seemingly upset boyfriend.
“What’s up with you?”
“I’m fine...” Gavin called back, walking over to the mirror before frowning some more. He paused before quietly adding, “Actually MC...”
You hummed to let him know you were listening.
“It seems like I’ve gained a little bit of weight, doesn’t it?”
You mouth fell to the mf ground when you heard that.
Gained??? weight??? Gavin what???
“If you mean with more muscle, then yeah.”
Gavin scoffed and turned towards you. “I’m not joking—maybe I’ve been slacking off with training too much...”
He went back to scrutinizing his reflection in the mirror, running a slow hand down his abdomen before wincing.
You rose from the bed, exasperated, as you walked over and wrapped your arms around his torso. “C’mon Gav, don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“MC, there’s a very strict physique I gotta maintain.”
Your arm around his waist reached a little lower and tapped his abs.
“Hmm...maybe they are getting a little squishier...”
Of course you were shitting around, but he didn’t take it that way...
He froze beneath your touch before pulling away immediately to get dressed. “I won’t be back for a few hours—gotta get to the gym before it closes.”
(MC gaining chub)
I think Gavin loves the chub and extra fluff.
So when you were modeling a few tops for him at home, he whistled lowly and ushered you closer.
You walked over, a little confused, before feeling his arms wrap around your waist loosely as he laid his head against your tummy, sighing contentedly. “You’re as soft as you look.”
Your entire face flushed nervously as strands of his hair began tickling up the plane of your tummy. You felt self-consciousa and tried to back away, but his grip only tightened.
“You can’t wear this shirt out.” He mumbled, pressing his lips right above your naval. “This is for my eyes only.”
He free hand squished your side, grinning as you shyed away. After a few moments of silent admiration, he pulled you beside his body, spooning you from behind as he spread a trail of kisses around your shoulder.
“How did I get so lucky with a cutie like you?”
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