#i think its one thing if the parents r actually friends and also want to hang out like ofc thats different
muirneach · 2 months
instagram is convinced i am not only a mother but also one of them helicopter ‘crunchy’ health obsessed and overall paranoid mothers. anyways so a big thing they like over there is never allowing playdates unless if they are also at the other persons house and likeeeee i get it but my mom never ever did that as a kid. playdates r just for kids to hang out why do both parents gotta be there… did anyone here actually grow up like this im curious
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altf4d3lete · 14 days
Episode One this is single-handedly bringing back my obsession even though it never left
- its 2022. Why is everyone freaked out bc a girl wears all black. Like people do that on a daily basis nowadays
- “I want names” didn’t you JUST see them walking away from the locker
- Stop shoving him in a locker tied up is actually so mean wtf
- I see people use this piranha scene as justification that she’d be okay with murder, but really it’s justification that she wouldn’t be okay with people hurting her friends and those she cares about AT ALL. She’s trying to KILL these guys just for bullying their brother. Imagine what she’d do to Tyler for hurting Eugene and Enid.
- The intro is SO fucking cool
- Emma was so far down on the list of actors and now my girl is #3 behind Jenna and buscemi. She’s a main character now B)
- If I were Wednesday I’d be pissed too. I CANT with the parents. Like I love you but RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER 😭
- It’s five minutes in and I have so many notes
- Have to say again with the “terrible, they’d know I didn’t get the job done” that Wednesday is MORBID, not okay with murder unless she deems the person deserves it
- Ergh there is clearly so much discrimination against outcasts
- Weems and morticia r lowkey giving homoerotic rivalry…
- I genuinely can’t even like… I CANT WHY DID WEEMS PAIR HER WITH ENID 😭
- Guys Enid is SO cute holy fuck. She is UNPHASED bro, she’s just so excited to have a roommate she’s so cute I’m sobbing. She just wanted to accept Wednesday.
- Wednesday just lies about killing two kids to Enid and Enid just moved on like nothing happened.
- Also HELLO? THEIR BANTER? Enid takes NO shit 😭
- Hmm part of me wonders if those wolves howling were making fun of Enid.
- They’re literally leaning into each other wha
- “You better watch your back” and Wednesday is behind her that’s so funny
- How do you go from “cute but clueless” to “obsessed” enjax was lowkey forced whereas wenclair had chemistry from the beginning
- Wednesday being a housewife will NEVER make sense
- I know people hate the relationship between Wednesday and morticia but it’s very realistic. You can easily tell they still love each other despite the harsh words.
- YEESH THE HYDE TORE HIM APART (I think this works with my theory that the more Tyler is aware of the Hyde, the more controlled his attacks get. Which also means that he knew what he was doing when he killed Kinbott, leaving her alive to taste her fear. And he knew what he was doing in the forest when he tried to kill Wednesday and nearly attacked his father)
- when did Wednesday check out enid’s blog. How and why.
- THE LITTLE SCOFF BEFORE “you mean emojis?”
- Enid huffing is crazy girly is ANGRY
- The way they just stare each other down is crazy wenclair is SO full of banter I forgot how hilarious they are
- Bianca lowkey eating everyone up…
- Bianca is so aggressive in her fighting style, whereas Wednesday is precise. It’s really cool
- THE GASPING IN THE BACKGROUND AFTER “let’s see if you bleed in black and white.”
- Xavier scoffs so much in this show and every time he does it lowkey makes me hate him more
- “No good deed goes unpunished” okay elphaba
- Girly was smiling when she was about to die.
- “Call it instinct” shut up actually
- Bro she had NO clue who Xavier was 😭
- It bothers me that ppl think she cared Xavier was in the coffin. She just wanted to see the godmother come back to life fr
- I would be flabbergasted if my therapist read the equivalent of my journal before our sessions. She never should have been sent that.
- Ergh Tyler…
- The deep voice lowkey sounds really forced, idk what it is about Tyler’s voice but it bugs me. I think it’s the way his lines always kinda have the same delivery.
- Twenty bucks when he probably makes that in like half a day of work 😭
- The pilgrims look like such dorks bro who are they tryna scare 💀
- Why are they asking her if she’s “been with a normie” that’s so weird
- Her playing with the necklace means everything to me
- Damn the hiker was the third victim
- The sheet music doesn’t match what she was playing but that doesn’t rly matter
- Love that enid went from disgusted to things bff
- Their roof scene is so meaningful to me. They work so well together. Enid doesn’t need anyone but Wednesday and Wednesday doesn’t need anyone but Enid. Enid teaches her how to relate to others and feel empathy and Wednesday teaches Enid to unapologetically be herself.
- Nero :(
- Them bonding is so cute 😭 this is rekindling my obsession
- Notice the immediate disrespect from Tyler but Enid gets close with thing so quickly
- Damn Enid is suspicious. Bro has some killer instincts
- “Hint taken” and Xavier proceeds to KEEP talking to her
- So Wednesday gives Tyler a time and place and you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence that those three pilgrims show up at that exact time at place? Literally there WAITING? No way. Tyler had to have told them, sorry about it.
- I lowkey feel bad for Weems. She’s a little controversial but she was just trying to do her best for nevermore
- Nah man that was an absolute ploy. There’s no way they just happened to know where to be. Tyler was trying to keep her from leaving. He already knew who she was by then and that they needed her.
- Rowan was so conflicted he didn’t deserve to die. He was just trying to protect people
- The way she scrambled over to him even after he tried to kill her :(
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squilko · 1 year
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messy doodle of my mlp au redesigns again... with slight alterations...
some ideas under cut..
rarity… crystal pony (ties into why spike is obsessed with her but not in a weird way he just thinsk shes cool… shes moved several times… her parents fled the crystal empire with her when she was a babby… then she lived in canterlot.. wanted to open a boutique there but the competition was too intense so she moved to ponyville.. she had encountered twilight once or twice before so she recognizes her when they meet in ponyville
twilight… not much changed tbh but she has a stunted horn so she actually has a difficult time doing magic so she studies it really hard to compensate… treats spike NICELY. more like a little sibling than a SERVANT. spike is very clingy and hides under her legs a lot cause he gets a little shy… gets more social once they move to ponyville cause ponies r a ltitle friendlier… he befriends the cmc and is like. one of them basically they are his friends… he also walks on all 4s cause he was raised by ponies… spike has hijacked my twilight message… she wears a little bag..yeah..
APPLEJACK!!!!!!!!! i love her. ok. shes basiclly the same. she more so takes care of her family tho… shes actually older than big mac and hes still way bigger than her but she still calls him bitty mac cause its her baby brother. ok * bursts into tears * i dont think i changed anything else..
raaaaaainbow deash… originally named lightning dash before she did the rainboom… her hair was originally blonde… the rainboom permanently dyed it tho… she still reaaally wants to become a wonderbolt but she hasnt yet because she has poor eyesight and they disqualified her from joining cause of it… her goggles are perscription HAHAHA… scootaloo still looks up to her… rainbow and her have a heart to heart cause rainbow is like well even tho ur different u can still do things !!!! and she shows off her goggles and pts them on scoots and scoots is like woah it looks all funny… and then rainbow is like YA i cant see well lol… the rainbow crash nickname reaaally gets to her cause before she had ehr glasses she would bump into things and the otherkids would tease her :(
fluttershy is batpony from BEGINNING. um. other than that shes like exactly the same AHHAHA. she wears a little cloak thing to cover her wings… she got it from rarity.. pinkie also ahs the saddle cloak thing from rarity.
pinkie is just pinkie except she puts on clown makeup... she wears rollerskates a lot
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bull-shit-suji · 2 months
kuro modern au stuff that i word vomited into my notes app
kind of a Vincent summoned sebastian to save ciel so ciel doesnt actually owe sebas anything
amnesia? idk
single dad moment! except theres this other dad whos kinda find.. (cough agni)
i think vincent was like do NOT let ciel know ur a demon so sebastian keeps it a secret but he doesnt have a good handle on like. Humans. so he kinda does a bad job and ciel definitely knows that he's weird but doesnt say anything. will go out of his way to gaslight you when sebastian does weird shit because he thinks its funny
"hey uhh is your dad levitating?"
"he's flying above the school rn"
"that's a bird"
u think suddenly being a butler is hard? have fun being a dad bitch
alois is there but thats complicated. claude and hannah are DIVORCED but on decent terms (i think claude is like. toxic alpha male podcast type guy) and claude sees alois on alternating weekends!
are they demons? i dont know
i think ciel and alois can be friends. platonically. alois would probably say yes if ciel wanted to be romantic but i Promise you he does not. they are just pals :)
im saying ciel has a crush on elizabeth because i can (she's not his cousin here). emo boy x sunny church girl. said sunny church girl has to ask the mcdonalds employees for the blue raspberry slushie they forgot to put in ciel's order because emo boy is too scared.
grelle is actually living her best life transitioned with anne so they are ciel's aunts on his late mom's side. i think grelle likes ciel. mom figure moreso than anne is.
ciel owns four bongs and definitely a vape or two. come on now
he's also probably got celiac and is lactose intolerant he is just a feeble boy i think
he listens to twenty one pilots. sorry! sorry.
ciel is goth alois is punk those r kinda just the rules
ciel is insanely smart top of the class this shit is easy for him.
yells at sebastian daily. figured out what happened with his real parents around the age of uhhhh 12 or 13? has been an absolute terror ever since
"it was really nice of your dad to bring cookies for the field trip!"
"i hope he fucking chokes on one"
sebastian and claude are pta rivals.
"is this lemon bread store bought? my, how... efficient!"
"you made these from scratch? i can tell."
"i've never seen an interesting looking salsa! very exciting."
ciel purposefully invites alois over constantly bcus it pisses sebas off. alois is Terrified of that man.
"go grab the chips from the kitchen"
"but... what if mr michaelis is in there?"
"mr m- you mean my dad? tell him he can shove a faucet up his ass"
"id rather die on the spot"
sebastian will yell at ciel and is maybe a little emotionally unavailable but he's trying!!! it's hard :(
does that Dad thing where he comes into ciels room and is like hey bud......... what r u up to..
ciel and seiglinde r also palls. the smartest people in school
lizzie is a JOCK. she plays softball.
alois is a theater kid come on now
ciel is best at writing and literature analysis, specifically fiction. enjoys history, language, and Some sciences as well.
au where myspace is still a thing ciel has a myspace account
he definitely writes shitty poetry
wants to major in business
alois is a glee and pitch perfect truther
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djljpanda · 1 year
Hi! Well.. I have a Wednesday x Fem!Reader request... eheheheheh!
In which Wednesday and Reader flirt ALL THE TIME in a very Addams way (dark humor jokes, compliments that sound like insults, tell the other to stay the f..k away but then being like glued to the other) they really like each other and they both knows that the feeling is mutual..Damn! All the school knows that their feeling is mutual! But they're not together 'cause Reader wants to project the PERFECT date for Wednesday, better than the one she had with Tyler (the guy was terrible but that date.. Ugh! A soo good idea!) and has really no idea.
Wednesday, on the other hand, wants soo badly to be in a relationship with Reader, she even daydreams about their funeral and their stones near each other, wants to.. omg, kiss the reader, bite her, touch her and scratch her (her way to cuddle, actually) but.. Ugh! physical contact? bleah. And she really doesn't want to be like her parents.. but she also wants to be with Reader so baad!
Enid, Thing and Yoko (R's roommate) are going to help:)
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"You disgust me", you said towards Wednesday as you crossed your arms as Wednesday sat next to you in class. "All that I think of when I see you is your body chopped up in small pieces", Wednesday said back as you smirked leaning back into your chair.
If others were to hear these things many would think that you and Wednesday hate each other, buy they would be far from wrong. Everyone in school have been betting on when you two would get together as you two have been at this 'flirtation' for days now.
"You look hideous today Wednesday" "And you look unwashed as if you were a zombie climbed out its grave" "At Least I don't look like a crazy a crazy serial killer", you said as you leaned down towards her face. You pulled back up walking away leaving Wednesday some what satisfied.
For days Wednesday has thought about seeing you grow old and weak, your hair white, skin wrinkled, but you still looked beautiful as you died. With that she would draw you and hers grave side by side but no one will never know.
As she doesn't want to turn out as her parents but you make it hard for her. The way she wants to hold you and just to make your her wife was all she can dream about.
But on your part you were just wanting to set up the perfect or terrible date for Wednesday as you wanted to out shine Tyler stupid but genius date.
You would ask your friend Yoko on the weather for the month asking Thing to look around the woods near by, asked Enid on Wednesday schedule to 'avoid' her.
But this was all part of your plan. Than your plan was finally done as you corner Wednesday after first period. "Want to see a dead body" "Is it still bloody" "Very, Who knows maybe you" "What time do you think it was killed" "8:00 p.m." .
"Where are you heading out tonight? You know tonight is not the night tongo dressing out like that or... Did You Finally!?" "You'll see my blood sucker friend, but don't worry I'll be back before I get caught" "Well good luck girl" "Thanks but I can make all women drop dead for me".
Once you walked up to your meeting spot you stood there till Wednesday appeared beside you. "Hello source of chaos" "So where is this dead body you speak of" "Just follow me".
You lead Wednesday down a trail where there was a bench, from your pocket you took out your phone were a true crime documentary, The black Dahlia.
As while Wednesday sat down to get comfortable you pulled out some candles lighting them up. "Are you trying to summon yourself" "Nope you are just my sacrifice", you smiled at her as you sat down.
"If you can look up you can see the dark cloud covering the moon" "The half moon is a sign of fertility as it's rated to life and death" "Look at you miss smarty" "Good to know that I know more than you".
You both sat there till you looked up as you smiled, "Do you mind getting wet and muddy tonight". Once those words left your mind sprinkles of water were falling from the sky. You only got up as you reached your hand out with Wednesday going along with your lead.
As you looked up again you smiled with the true crime case to classical music. You got reaching your hand out to Wednesday, which she accepted.
With that you two danced as if in a ballroom with rain now coming down. Once done with the dance you both stood still as if knowing what the others want you both kissed. As your lips touch, you were both waiting for this moment but now that it's here it felt like a dream come true.
As now since that date you two would cuddle on her bed as sge would never want to let you go now that she gots you. As now when you two kiss she would mame sure to leave bites and scratches on you to remind everyone that you are now hers.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 4 months
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My Old man's tale about benetint (product) & review:
in summer 2008 i was 14 & my best friend's family took me to Vegas w them. she had only just moved to my school for 9th grade & i hadn't met her older sister til this trip. She was 21 & soooo insanely beautiful like if barbie was a hollister model she had the look so refined in every sense, i was dazzled by her.
& she was so sweet to us, my friends parents went & did their own thing so the whole trip we spent with her but she wasn't annoyed about it at all she seemed content to hang w us & protect us from vile men along the strip.
On this trip i went to sephora for the first time. hadn't heard of it before. it had huge windows so everything was glowing from sunlight & it was sooo overwhelming. my friend's sister liked this brand benefit so i picked out a little starter kit that came w bad gal mascara, high beam highlighter, booing concealer, and benetint.. Let me tell you for the next year i cherished this kit like it elevated me a new level towards Prestiged Adult Woman status. but the makeup was noticeably nicer quality for sure! from my memory at least.
the thing i remember most was benetint cus i wore it soooo much for the rest of the summer & beyond, i stretched that tiny bottle as far as it wld go cus i luved it sm.. but after it ran out i never tried to use it again idk just being a teen moving onto the next thing. But lately i jst rly wanted a goood lip tiiiint cus i dont wanna b wearing lipstick or gloss all the time its too much i just want chapstick but i like a little more color too.. usually i wld use lip liner but it always felt like it wld smudge off so quick n its kinda drying.
so i tried benetint again bcus i remember it being so easy to put on n then just forget about, it didnt get on ur clothes or teeth or nothin. after wearing for a couple weeks i can say this is still tru! i rly like it, very convenient, chapstick goes gr8 over top so my lips r never dry from it. its kind of expensive but it lasts a long time , for me i dnt have much makeup rn so felt nice to get st i actually use ^^ the taste & smell of it are mildly rosey, rly brings me back to those times..
being in vegas those 4 days w my friend n her sis are definitely a core memory for me it was totally surreal. i wish i had photos still but no clue where to find them, my friend's fb account got hacked years ago n had to get deleted, so many photos gone </3 we stayed at treasure island & across the street was this huge mall that was repeatedly playing an ipod commercial with the song Shut Up & Let Me Go by the ting-tings, like... ON REPEAT, ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT, so that song gives me the wildest flashbacls like i'm literally There. In the august heat. i can smell it like. its amazing thank you advertising :)
this is not an ad btw i mean obviously LOL i honestly just got thinking so hard about vegas '08 after purchasing The Product. oh yeah there was thunderstorms too... i went to hot topic at the mall which was wild for me since they didnt have one any where near my town.. i got some shorts from hollister i remember, also a rarity. friends sis got me my first ever drink, a peach daquiri...just one <3 it was such a nice break from my woeful home life lol i wanted to live in america so bad after this xD
thats my story...o and benetint is chill i mean i genuinely wanted to recommend it to ppl who want st simple it looks rly pretty cus until this i was struggling to find anything worthwhile. theres other shades too. Yup. Thanksyou for reading my LiveJournal Entry tonight minasan ^_^ Hope you're well x
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Reading early 2012xRise crossovers now where you can tell they were made soley to bash Rise is kinda funny because all the arguments fall apart
Rise are incompetent -> actually due to their genetic engineering surrounding their creation they learn skills fast and are efficient threats in their own right
Splinter should be ashamed of not teaching his kids how to fight -> actually Splinter made the decision to leave his clan and traditions for a multitude of reasons and he only found his way back to his family roots after learning how to uphold those traditions in his own way and on his own terms
Splinter doesn't call his kids by their names thats so disrespectful -> all i have to say to this one is wow these authors were stretching. Theres these things called nicknames and terms of endearment and many parents use them all the time BUT ALSO im 95% positive Splinter named them their colors so he is actually calling them by their fullnames
And on the other hand today a lot of 2012xRise fics that bash on 2012 today focus solely on the relationship dynamics
2012 are toxic with each other -> they're 4 teenage boys the same exact age with a total of three friends they all share and are locked in a house together almost 24/7 of course they're cranky and annoyed and easily irritated and partially self-centered. I was awful to my little brother until i moved out. Im not proud of it but its true and i know a lot of people with similar experiences
Rise have the normal™️ sibling relationship -> i have met a grand total of one pair of siblings that had a good relationship growing up. But also they have issues! I have yet to see a fic touch on their massive codependency problems
2012 Splinter is too strict/too controlling -> and R!Splinter was massively disconnected from his sons pre-s1 for implied but never specifically stated reasons. One Splinter is not better than the other! They had very different parenting styles and several of their own flaws
I know im my fics i tend to generalize everything and make it all some happy au (and tbh i think i didnt quite succeed in how i wanted 12!Mikey to see his relationships at the beginning of my fic and im aware that could be taken as bashing) so i try to make that clear in the tags but yeah i forgot where i was going with this post anyways Rise has interpersonal issues that most authors never touch and 2012 isnt a huge ball of toxicity that explodes when poked with a stick
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ellecdc · 3 months
every single remus version you have written so far is about to catch these hands cause wtf.
anyways loved the new chap and i love rem being a stupid fucken doofus AND SIRIUS PUTTING HIM IN HIS PLACE YES BABY
also i feel as though amelia is gonna be a big fucking problem for my whim baby. i swear if she hurts her im going to riot. pitch forks and torches.
i want more sirius putting people in their places (shit is hot 🤭🤭) hoping it’s amelia next🫣
(i do feel a little bad though, it’s either she’s going to be a problem or she’s going to be extremely hurt AND I DONT LIKE SEEING GIRLS HURT NO NO)
anyways i think the reason why your stories work so well is because you mesh ALL the characters into the story, it’s never just r and said character ITS A WHOLE PRODUCTION AND A HALF👏👏
ohhh i can’t wait for the angst between james, sirius, and rem and then heart wrenching angst between rem and my whimsical baby😮‍💨😮‍💨
(also a little note i saw u post abt the drink snob: if you are willing to finish the story (which is fully up to you, no one can force you to do anything) i think you can start it off with r finally starting work in the restaurant! i think the interview process with rem’s parents would be so cute, while she learns stuff abt him cuz his mom is adorable and won’t stop talking abt her kids (all of them) maybe she gets a little peak -fully accidental- abt what it is rem and the little gang is actually doing. just a few ideas for you lovely, it’s all up to you and what you feel comfortable in doing! 🫶💗)
YES YES YES THERE YOU ARE - everytime I post a new chapter/piece I literally sit at the computer like:
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….waiting to see what frostooo has to say 💃🏻
I know rem is such a dumb dumb it was getting hard to write cuz he was pissing me off so much (even tho it’s my own damn fault??)
I was like, okay, someone’s gotta humble this man, and who better than my fellow November Scorpio??????
I think someone needs to look at Amelia and be like “………babes…..why u letting this mans treat you like this????………….be better” like which friends of hers are letting her hopelessly pine over this dumpster fire of a man rn???? Bad friends, she needs new friends.
Also, I’m the kind of person who like, the thing I’m most proud of/what I brag about to people is my relationships. Like my relationship with my friends I’ve known since I was 4, being an aunt & godmama like these things are the coolest thing about me so I wouldn’t be who I am without my friends AND THATS HOW OUR BABIES ARE?!?!? Sirius is who he is cuz of his friends, and James, and Remus etc etc - they are integral to the story because they’re integral to the characters!!!
I’m going to mood board about drink snob - usually I have an idea of how I want a story to end before I write it (I knew the ending of CBBH and of AMWAP before I knew what happened in the middle), so it feels weird to write without a plan. (Omg, a plan, I sound like Remus)
Okay bye love you drink lots of water today 🫶
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murachinchi · 11 months
How did you come up with HanTan as a ship? Like it's a rare pair and I'm curious why you ship it.
Side note: I love how you draw baby Zohakuten 🥹 he's so cute and I'm obsessed with the kidoairaku kids, I want to adopt those bbs 🫶🫶
HAHAHAHAH OMG ok so.. i was rereading the swordsmith village arc.. then i come across this panel
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and i was jokingly told my friend "lmao it looks like a wife yelling at her dead beat husband" and it just goes downhill from there.. this panel was also the one that inspired me to draw the kidoairaku kids AU.
also the idea someone as horrible and self centered as hantengu to be shipped with someone so selfless like tanjiro.. it just gets me lol like say in a universe where they r both humans.. i feel like tan would feel pity towards hantengu. u can say "well tan would totally smell his lies" but like hantengu is so convince that he is "an innocent weakling" i doubt u can "smell" lies from him.. its like when Tanjiro finally met Zohakuten. Zou said tan need to stop bullying the weak. then tanjiro said smtg like "the weak? i can smell he has kill at least 200 ppl he's not weak" like so if he's not a demon u would thing he's a weakling?? 👀👀👀👀 jk it's not actually like that but im losing braincells from shipping HanTan..
but yeah i just thought their personality is so nice to make story of.. i just throw all my logical thinking when im making stories of them... but man i really like their dynamic lol
also here r some panels that push me more to ship HanTan
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hehe im glad u like those kids!! i had fun drawing and making stories with them and ofc their parents.. they r just so fun to think about.. such a chaotic family
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anhed-nia · 7 months
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One of the best movie posters ever, let's face it.
What does your slasher movie hierarchy look like? Which guy is your favorite, and is that guy's franchise your favorite over all, or is there a different one that you think is more consistently enjoyable? I have a hard time answering this question for myself. Some comparisons are too apples v. oranges; I mean, I think it's fair to pit Jason Voorhees against Michael Myers, but Leatherface has a really different vibe even though he's still technically a pretty basic slasher, and I cannot get what I get from HELLRAISER in almost any other movie or series. The CHILD'S PLAY franchise may have started out on more standard ground despite its oddball "voodoo doll" premise, but it has since transformed itself into a committedly queer campfest, and no one else in the slasher game is really doing the same thing in the same way. NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET is also in a class by itself on many levels, including but not limited to the originality of its premise, its allowance for wild fantasy sequences, and the platform it provides for a wonderful character actor to strut his stuff. I mean not to slight the great Brad Dourif, but every ELM STREET installment is basically the Robert Englund show, and we like it that way. NOES is probably my favorite over-all franchise, in part because I think it probably has the highest proportion of quality movies. Even a bad ELM STREET movie is kind of good because of its star, and its open field for filmmakers to be as imaginative as they want to be. It's like that thing people (erroneously) say about how sex is like pizza: Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good.
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NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 was one of my first R-rated movies. I think I saw it when I was about 9, at the home of the first of of my many Bad Female Friends. Michelle was extremely controlling and a compulsive liar, and my weak ass has always been catnip to people like that. She lived with her mom who, despite her unpredictable temper, basically ran a house with no rules; most of the time I was there she was locked in her bedroom with her boyfriend, loudly watching game shows. Once in a while one of them would emerge in a bathing suit to get chips and dip and soda out of the fridge, and that's all I usually saw of them. The mom was also a den mother for the Brownies, which I was forced to participate in because my parents knew that otherwise I would just stay in my room for the rest of my life. I got out of it because Michelle's mom was always dropping her off at our house whenever she felt like getting rid of her kid, and the one time my parents wanted her to babysit me she said no arbitrarily, and they got in a huge grownup fight, and that was that. Uh anyway, where the hell was I going with this? Oh yeah, Michelle got to watch anything she wanted, which was Not Cool with my hippie media-phobic parents. I got in a huge amount of trouble for "letting" Michelle show me SLEEPAWAY CAMP 2--which, to be fair, is inappropriate for audiences of all ages (and is therefore great)--and NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4: THE DREAM MASTER.
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I vaguely remember my mom just being really upset on the phone with Michelle's mom, and trying to figure out how to instill in me that I should resist at all costs the contaminating effects of horror movies; even if somebody else was putting them in front of me without supervision, it was still my responsibility not to watch them. (My mom personally enjoyed John Waters movies and FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN and stuff like that, but she didn't want me to see PSYCHO until I was 18 years old--go figure!) But my dad's religion is Jungian psychoanalysis so he was intrigued by the dream-based plot, and he decided to actually watch the movie himself and come to his own conclusion about whether I might have been harmed by it. He didn't wind up liking it, but he did understand what made it interesting, and knowing that had a healing effect on me.
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For my part, I liked everything about NOES4, not the least of which was that it's the ultimate '80s movie. I mean this thing was really programmed to go straight into the brain someone who was 7 in 1988 and just completely take over. The absolutely sick soundtrack, the very of-the-moment layered and over-accessorized fashions, the surreal neon-lit dream sequences, and...really just everything. Watching the movie today, it still presents as a perfect (albeit idealized) time capsule, and Renny Harlin was the perfect guy to create it. Harlin was a major league ham who knew no limits, and with a premise that is literally limitless--the whole idea is dreams made real--he did exactly what you'd want him to do, reputedly subbing in his own zany nightmare concepts when he felt the script didn't go far enough. I recently rewatched his acrophobic thriller CLIFFHANGER and read that the first stunt you see in the movie was only attempted once, and the stunt person received one million dollars to do it...which is easy to believe when you see it. That's the kind of filmmaker Renny Harlin is, and I think it shows even in an ELM STREET movie where everything is as artificial as possible.
Another way in which THE DREAM MASTER epitomizes its moment is that it has this perfectly motley ensemble. I feel like we don't have this anymore; a lot of films are very careful now to have a mix of ethnicities and sexual orientations in the cast, and yet in most cases this has not contributed to a feeling of having a lot of different kinds of people represented. I miss seeing movies where the friend group includes, like, a punk and a jock and a nerd and a goth and a normie and a dreamy loser. I miss movies where these two people can be best friends:
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And at this point, you might have asked yourself why I didn't include SCREAM in my imaginary slasher franchise hierarchy. The answer is...I don't care about it. That first movie is fun and the series has its moments, but I'm not sure that it has much to offer once you get past the novelty of its self-awareness. That is, it doesn't have much to offer unless your main thing is seeing a bunch of cute friends hanging out together. Sure some of them are slightly nerdier or slightly more popular, but there's not a bunch of variance there; the main point seems to just be "attractive young people". And frankly, I just don't find that very interesting, and it's not that interesting to have a movie that just lists rules and then follows the rules, and it's not that interesting to have whodunnits where the main question is "which one of my cute friends is secretly mean". So there. I probably shouldn't write this down on the internet, but considering that we're probably all on some kind of list these days, I'll just say it: I'll take the undead soul-eating child molester over the homogeneous gang of fuckable friends any day of the week.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Hello There.
this is kinda weird and meta and i cannot tell if it’s written coherently so plz just hear me out
so yk how J*R admitted that, when she was writing OOTP at the same time as the first movie was being made, she made a lot of the changes/revelations we see for severus’ character bc she liked alan rickman’s portrayal so much? her only valid opinion
prior to that it is much easier to see the relationship between james/the marauders and severus as ‘slytherin vs gryffindor antagonistic’
(the prank (PoA) is imo played off more as ‘sirius was in the wrong by organising it, james did better by following severus and getting him out of there’ without input from OOTP)
anyway, this is all to say that pre-OOTP james and post-OOTP james feel like very different characters, bc one is very much good-guy-in-the-making and the other is the worst of the worst, and i think it can be brought back to J*R’s inability to write interesting slyth vs gryff rivalries without resorting to bullying and harassment from one party (the way she writes slytherins makes me want to smash my head against walls)
what do you think? bc this is coming from a kinda biased marauders stan, pro-james perspective, even though i dont hate young!sev in the slightest
i feel like a lot of my issues with this whole thing can be summed up by The TERF Bitch Can’t Write, And Now We Suffer Because Of It
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I’ve heard of that claim before, and iirc I’ve seen a source of her saying that a long time ago, but could you tell where cause I’d love to confirm this? 😭 She had already had Snape’s arc planned out because during the earlier films Alan wanted to quit his role because playing Evil Greasy Potions Master might get him type-casted (since he’s played villains before) and he didn’t want that, so Rowling decided to tell him about the grandiose reveal in DH, which is what made him stay.
what do you think? bc this is coming from a kinda biased marauders stan, pro-james perspective, even though i dont hate young!sev in the slightest
I actually think that was the point. In the earlier books we’re led to believe that Snape had no good reason for hating Harry’s dad and only resented James (and Harry) because he was a popular, loved Gryffindor and a talented Quidditch player. It was a bit of a red herring, and in PoA when Sirius and Remus are introduced we’re told about the prank and since Harry already hates Snape, obviously loves his father, and wants to know more info about his parents because he now knows two people who were the closest of friends with them, he assumes Sirius is right and evil Sneep Snoop is wrong and was just being petty as per usual. So for the first five books the readers are like “yo James is the perfect awesome guy and Snape is the jealous bad one,” which is increased when we remember James is a Gryffindor and Severus was a Slytherin, we sort of get the same image as Harry and Draco. It’s an extremely black-and-white image, the dawning realisation that it might not be just a simple rivalry/jealously-issue is what makes SWM in the 5th book so jaw-dropping to all of us, because we actually realise that it wasn’t the whole story. “Snape was right all along” is a super scary realisation for Harry, especially since it makes him completely rethink the image of his father that’s been painted for him by basically everyone around him, everyone except the one character Harry despises most of all.
This isn’t to say JKR doesn’t make shit decisions in writing, I 100000% get what you’re saying, but I think this was deliberately written that way so it can to be a big build-up to the plot twist. (Doesn’t make it very well-written, but it was still her intention ig.) and tbh the fact that we have so many unanswered questions/concerns about the plot holes/arcs/writing/etc and have to fill it in with the most plausible assumptions really goes to show how overrated JKR’s writing is and how her series has been enriched mostly by its fandom.
Also dw you’ve gotten your point across very well, I always get concerned with my writing because I’m worried it just sounds like a pile of unorganised bullshit 💀
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Diary anon here: I have been thinking about how s said that r's mom dying had biggest impact on their relationship for some reason.... wondering what it looked like and why it was like that.... it also lead me to scenario in which s is reluctant to go home and r (not understanding what is actually going on) thinks that he is being ungreatful bc at least his parents are alive "even if they fight sometimes".... yeah these are the things I discuss with my diary
diary anon !!! hello !! apologies for the wait on this one; i was busy typing you a novel <3
so YES!!!!! you're absolutely on the right track there (and what top tier diary chat). so there were quite a few things happening: tensions started to rise while remus’s mum was dying—of course, because he's remus, he didn't convey any of what was happening to the others until he absolutely had to (aka until hope had already passed away), so none of them really knew what was going on with him. james and peter were of course still concerned, but they were more content with not knowing. sirius, on the other hand, couldn’t stand it, but he wasn’t just being nosy; even back then he wanted to know remus completely, and wanted to know what was bothering him, and if he could help him. even if he was tactless, i still see his intentions as being entirely pure here. and i think the major point of conflict really just stems from a difference in needs. the way each of them handles big emotions was, and continues to be, a source of tension between them. sirius is very expressive (and, at his worst, explosive) with his feelings. he needs to let his emotions out, but he wasn’t taught how to emotionally regulate himself. he grew up believing that he, and his emotions, were too much, so he tries to keep them to himself the best he can, but it doesn’t really work for him. he wants people to ask, and he wants people to try to draw them out of him. whereas remus, on the other hand, really just wants to be left alone until he's ready to talk (if ever). he tries to process things all by himself and i think he reacts poorly when people try to force it from him (even if it would benefit him (it would)). sirius was trying to respond to remus's obvious grief by asking himself, 'what would i want if i was remus?' and acting accordingly. only, remus isn't sirius and what he wanted in that moment was very different to what sirius would have wanted. (also although time has passed, and both of them have mellowed out a little bit, i do think they both still have the same knee-jerk reactions re: big emotions when it comes down to it.)
also tied to remus's grief were feelings of guilt and self hatred. spoiler: there was an accident, and both remus and his mum were injured, but only hope's injuries were fatal. remus was experiencing survivor's guilt :-( and he also hated the way his body now looked, and the fact that it bore constant, permanent reminders of what happened. (he also blamed himself because, in his eyes, it was his fault that the accident happened in the first place)
at the same time, sirius’s relationship with his birth family was at its absolute worst. incidentally, sirius wasn’t really talking about it very much either, but he wanted to. by this point, all of them had cottoned on to the fact that sirius's home life was not normal, but i don't think he was particularly outward about the specifics of it, and his emotional turmoil mainly manifested as flippant comments about his parents + erratic behaviour and mood swings. i really don't think remus knew how bad it had gotten (not helped by the fact that he was v much caught up in his own grief), but i think peter and james had started to catch onto what was happening; but they were also both just teenage boys and felt v much out of their depth. (james was 100% losing sleep at this point. just rocking back n forth every night like, my best friend is being abused but i have absolutely no idea what to do about it, my other best friend is also obviously going through shit and i have no idea what to do about it) (i really truly believe he would've had absolutely no idea about how to help sirius. over the years he's gotten extremely good at navigating sirius's trauma and emotions, but back then! he was just a lil 15 year old bab who was out of his depth. added to that, before sirius, he’d never seen or experienced anything like that before). i think sirius desperately wanted to talk to someone about it, and he recognised a similar hurt in remus that he felt in himself, so he tried to force that connection. but, well. remus was not into that at all (mainly bc to him it just seemed like sirius was trying to pry; he didn’t understand sirius’s motivations at all)
both of them were spiralling, in similar but different ways, and that was reflected in the way they understood the other one’s behaviour as well. added to that, yes, you're absolutely right re: the way sirius talked about his parents/home life. remus couldn’t understand sirius’s flippancy when he’d talk about his parents—in part because of their different life experiences, but also as a knee jerk reaction to the fact that his mum, the centre of his world at that point, was literally dying. he didn’t understand the severity of sirius's situation (and when he later did come to understand sirius's situation, and then reflected back on this whole ordeal.... cue lots of self loathing), and he didn't understand that sirius’s flippancy wasn't just him being an ass, but was a coping mechanism for the hurt he felt. at this point, i think the main feeling sirius was experiencing re: his parents was a deep, deep hurt. it hurt that he felt like he'd never be good enough, and it hurt that he knew they didn't, and never would, love him, thus resulting in the belief that he's inherently unloveable (a thought that, while having mellowed out over the years, still hasn’t really gone away). in this AU at least, i think part of sirius really wanted his parents to come after him when he ran away, to at least show that they cared for him in some capacity (even if it was in anger). but, of course, they didn't.
AT THE SAME TIME as all this other awful horrible stuff :-( remus had just recently come to the realisation that he was head over heels in love with sirius, and our favourite oblivious king was of course totally unaware of this fact (tho in his own way, he was there as well. i think sirius kind of first fell in love with remus the day he met him) <3 sirius was also navigating his sexuality, and was feeling v insecure and weird about it, especially when surrounded by the other boys and listening to the ways they all talked about attraction/etc/etc. early on, he v much overcompensated for the lack of sexual attraction he felt for the majority of the population. and this got to remus for obvious reasons; our king of pining. mooning, if u will. <3
alllll of this manifested into anger for remus; anger at having (seemingly) unrequited feelings for his best mate, anger towards sirius for continuously trying to talk his emotions out of him in a way he wasn't comfortable with, anger at himself and his body for what happened, and, of course, anger at the world for taking his mum away from him. and remus sat on that anger and let it fester until it hit a boiling point and they had a horrible horrible spat, and then remus clammed right up, and they didn't talk for months.
so... yeah :-\\\\ both of them hurt each other unintentionally. neither one of them had bad intentions at all, but they were both teenagers and going through really intense shit, alongside the general mayhem of being an adolescent. also, add in just basic misunderstandings and a difference in emotional needs/ways of coping. i think the way they double each other (and then differ) is one of the most interesting aspects of their dynamic. i know a lot of people hate misunderstandings, but i find them super interesting and true to real life (at least in my experience). it’s interesting to me how people bring their life experiences to different situations. but, of course, everyone has different lives and experiences, and the way we interpret things will always be different. and with these two, there are always going to be things that they just don't understand about each other. they both have very different backgrounds, and very different ways of responding to hurt, grief, and even love 👀
MWAH xxx
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kenny-pilled · 20 days
Ok hiiiiii a few things you silly little guy
1 GO WATCH HAPPY SUGER LIFE!!! It’s soo good and aaaaa (also the main pairing is like the wlw equivalent of rosecest)
2 YOUR OBSESSED WITH ROSECES!!!! YAYAYAYAY YIPPEE YAYA !!!!’ Do you have headconons or anything to share about them,, 👉👈 (I’m feral for them omg)
3 hhhhhh I love the weird Benedict/Percy/I forgor her name(I’m sorry :(((() friendship!!!! I need to hear more about these little kiddies and their (probably very violent) shenanigans!!! Hhhhhh I’m getting chaotic sitcom vibes from them and aaaa I love it
4 you and @prxship ?? Adorable and lovely people!! I really wanna be y’all friend because both of you are really cool,,,and I have a little PLATONIC crush(squish I think? I’m eepy) on you guys
Anyways that’s it ^-^ byeeeee (bun has to go make dinner soon)
1. This is not the first I’ve heard of happy sugar life and I am very interested… from what ive heard its like cutesy anime that turns dark which. REMINDS ME OF MY FAVORITE ANIME EVER. WONDER EGG PRIORITYS STARTS FROTHEING AT THE MOUTH. yea so i will def try to watch it hehehehhe
Alastor doesnt allow Percy near any modern technology at all. Percy might not even know about a lot if any technologies past the decade of his death. Only really started getting exposed to any when he came to the hotel.
Nifty is one of the only people Alastor would trust Percy alone with (aside from Rosie ofc) and she acts a lot like a caretaker/older sister figure to him :3 they r both insane. (Percy likes collecting the bodies of bugs that Nifty kills)
(erm nsfw warning) Alastor would have Percy cockwarm him while he broadcasts to all of hell
After Alastor has been mean to Percy Alastor would absolutely lovebomb Percy. Buy him all sorts of new clothes and shoes and anything else he wants :3
3. I LOBE THEM TOO. @prxship should def make an info post about Vida tbh tbh… she has a really silly story and. Interesting parental dynamic with the Vee’s. I think like in the Comic Vida would freak out after she found out who Percy’s dad was, but would continue to “tolerate” them (slowly actually become friends with them) because Benedict forced the two to hang out hbehehw. ALSO percy and Benedict friendship specifically is so sillt to me because. Imagine sir pentious pulls up to murk Alastor and before Alastor can even say “who are you?” Benedict pops up next to Sir P and says “HAIIII PERCY!!! :3 :3 :3”
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toestalucia · 2 months
I STILL have not watched versus&rising im gonna be honest with u BUT heavy heavy heaviest rising spoilers <33333333 (also main story spoilers
anyway im actually kind of worried about dad considering uh. rising casually having mom lore. like. 'i am your mother'. can u imagine releasing rising right after the most devastating story chs in gbf & us going to estalucia next update and being like 'hello heres ur mom. things are Not great and the implied dialogue is Hell'. fully understand all the 'rein.....O_O' comments they made on the rising streams JKBKADJD I GET IT NOOWWWWW (<-when it was released and my friend dm'd me asking me if i want spoilers)
like im sincereeeelllyyyyy hoping he's okay-ish but its also? if he went to estalucia for mom id like that. he returned to zinkenstill with a baby, and then left like 6-8 years later. i admittedly dont think he'd leave on a whim (theres also the part of how much happened ~10yrs ago). was the otherworld involved. was the kings eye involved. was mom dead before he returned to zinkenstill or. what is different in our timeline compared to the others (i saw one of the rising trailers and they use the bg art for the tree violet knight sits on in one of reins visions(??????)..................)
sorry risingers who r screaming that this is readily available knowledge IM GONNA WATCH THE STORY THIS MONTH I PROMISE i wanna pick up rein. i alrdy told kaitlyn that. but ill make it a separate blog cuz what the hell that is a SPOILER. but depending on it i might pick up dad too <-captain obsession
beyond hilarious baha made her goth tho. rein u r so fkng cool i love mothers u never couldve prepared me for mom to appear in the SIDEGAMES. theres a gran @ mom thing i rly wanna write. because to me theres certain things that gran doesnt want to hear from their parents? like..what happened happened.
Walfrid: There's one more thing I need to apologize to you for. In all this talk about your father's journey, one piece of the puzzle has never been mentioned. You know what that is, don't you? I'm referring to your mother.
Walfrid: Yes, I know her very well. She was another great friend on our journey. In fact, she set off on the journey with your father right from the start. Gran: What kind of person was she? Walfrid: She was a compassionate woman, coming from a line of maidens who worshipped the god of the Sky Realm. Katalina: What? Then the maiden who sent Vyrn was… Walfrid: Yes, her. She lived in the same area as Gran's father. She grew up with her parents and younger sister in happiness. But then an incident compelled them to Vyrn and leave. (Taking cause and effect into consideration, this all dates back to when the sky was formed…) Vyrn: …? Walfrid shakes his head as if to dismiss his idle thoughts and returns to the topic at hand.
Walfrid: I have my reasons for not wanting to discuss that woman in too much detail. The truth is I don't know anything about her at present. As in I don't know where she is or what she's doing. I don't even know if she's safe.
Walfrid: But I have a feeling you will meet her at some point as your journey unfolds. You should prepare yourself for when that day arrives.
dialogues that lives in my head at all times
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oc-aita · 8 months
[Author's note: This is written in my character's perspective, as if she were writing it to the official tumblr aita, and the only reason she would want to do that is for pity points and also maybe getting some of that annoying guilt to go away. Basically what I'm saying is some parts of this are half-truths or straight up lies. !!But dont let this author's note effect your vote!! I just wanted to mention that a lot of this is not what actually happened ;P]
tw: (technically implied) arson and also fire in general
Aita for burning down a school and almost getting a kid killed?
[pt: Aita for burning down a school and almost getting a kid killed?]
Ok I know that sounds bad!! But just listen! This is gonna be a long one since it's hard to explain So I (14f) really do not like this kid(13f), who is one of my classmates and I will call her G. I also have a friend group with R(14f), L(14f), and T(f). I guess we'd be the "popular girls," but tbf the school is pretty small anyway. See, the school we go to- or I should say went to- was erm well, cheap. Very cheap. Also mainly made out of wood (of course some parts were made with metal and other materials). So I mean it was bound to break eventually, right? Haha, anyway. So yeah I hate G, she thinks shes something she isnt (I will not expand on that). Also she's weirddd. Like really weird. Like, once I just saw her staring at the grass during recess watching bugs, that kind of weird. Oh! And she was mean to my friends and me! So we kinda wanted to get back at her for that. And one day ONE OF MY FRIENDS came up with the plan to freak her out by taking some lighters to school and after school ended we'd corner her and shove the lighters in her face. I thought that was a really mean plan, but I went along with it anyway because they were my friends. See, I didnt have anything to do with coming up with the plan! It's not my fault, I couldnt just not go along with it because they're my friends! And also their parents would be really mad at me if I didnt listen to them But anyway in the afternoon a couple hours before school ended, some random 3rd grader pushed me and my lighter fell out of my pocket and accidentally ignited! And I just happened to be standing near a bush, which was right next to the long wooden fence that encircled the school. So the bush caught on fire, and then the fence, and it quickly got out of control. I didnt mean for it to happen! At all! Totally! It's not my fault! If anything it's that stupid 3rd grader's for pushing me, or even G's fault for having the need for this plan in the first place Anyway the fire alarm went off and the staff started evacuating everyone, but in L's rush to get out of the building, she accidentally bumped into G, who fell near the fire. G then started screaming at us for "being so inconsiderate" (what a brat!). Then all 4 of us (me, L, R, and G (T was sick btw and couldnt come that day)) got trapped in a circle of fire near the lockers, because apparently someone had left a bunch of flammable things randomly. in a circle. G tried to bite me (ew) so obviously I pushed her back and I may have accidentally hit her too hard because there was a loud thunk as she slammed against the lockers but its not my fault she tried to bite me!! (Also she was claiming it was self defense but like ??) L, R, and I helped each other get out of the circle before the fire got too big and ran away before we could find out what happened to G Several hours later and the whole school is burned down (we're in the process of finding a new school) and also found out some other weirdo from a different classroom helped G escape
Anyway, am i the asshole for being forced to follow my friend's plan to try to scare a kid and then accidentally setting the whole school on fire and almost killing that kid? (I didnt mean to!!!!🥺)
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matoitech · 3 months
1, 4, and 5 for gem, and 9, 11, and 13 for blue!! :]
THANK YOU i will post pics along with it so ppl can put a face to the name :D
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1. How did you choose their name
oh good question i dont actually remember lol.. with some ocs it just kinda comes to me im pretty sure thats what happened w him? the character existed in my head for a while before i finally got a design for her i liked, i knew i wanted a partner for pose, im not sure when her name came up. i used to listen to diamonds by rihanna when i was drawing him a lot too but i dont remember if that was before or after the name LOL
4. Do they have a best friend? If so, how did they meet? If not, have they ever/why never?
pose is his best friend! im not actually sure how they met in my head their like silly backstory functions like the opening to funny porn where gem needed someone to fix her sink or something so pose showed up in like slutty plumber clothes or something for it and she got soo sweaty working he had to take all his clothes off (then they fuck nasty ofc) but in actuality thats just something they rp i have no clue how they met LOL. since they exist to just be in love together
5. Did they have a pet as a child?
i hope gem had a real actual animal cat i think it would be rly funny
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9. If your character could have handed their role in the plot to someone else, would they have?
hmm. this is a good question bcuz while blue thinks of himself kinda as a martyr thats the only one Strong Enough to handle the shit hes went thru, hes also super avoidant and would like to not Suffer any more if he can help it. if he knew what was coming to him i think he would just hit his dad with a car or something and make it a lot easier quicker and more painless for him than what actually ends up happening
11. Does your character have a pet peeve?
whenever he releases a song and ppl r like this isnt real metal. he likes other genres and he'd get bored doing the same thing and he thinks self identified 'music purist' ppl r annoying
13. Who is your character's closest (by relation, fondness, or distance) blood relative?
he has two younger sisters he gets along with Okay (its strained bcuz of the general family dynamic and having nothing in common) and parents he resents deeply. i wrote out a rly long thing but it was kinda spoilery and not what the question asked me <3 oopsie
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