#i saw the original art and i just needed to draw it as my kings
autiacorart · 1 year
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Damen and Laurent inspired by Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée’s Mars and Venus; an allegory of Peace, (1770)
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kawaiioni · 4 days
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I wanted to be cringe and draw King Magnifico.. (not a redesign, just wanted to get him out of that ugly stank ass outfit of his, like do my man a favor)
Also, just a warning, a rant is in coming
Regarding Wish
I watched Wish a while back- and it's been on my mind since then. Now, you're probably asking yourself "wow! They must've liked this movie so much that they are still thinking of it," WRONG. This movie, singlehandedly, was the worst Disney film I have ever seen with my own two eyes..
How your movie gonna feel like a million things happened and nothing at the same time? How are you all flopping after making classic after classic? 
I know that a lot of Disney fans currently are claiming that the movie wasn't that bad, but by saying that.. you're still saying it had something bad in it and let's be honest, it was everything from music, art, story, etc.
I don't like being negative though, so let's talk about one thing that I did like.. that being King Magnifico. [The crowd boos]
Now, I hate to defend a man whose villain song made my ears bleed but I gotta— since through the whole story I was cheering for Homie. In a way, he had a point to fear who gets their wish granted but at the same time, it wasn't correct he was keeping them for himself, duh. This right here could have served us enough content to make an interesting premise, let's be honest.. wishing upon a star doesn't do shit, but in the same context.. let people still try to achieve their dreams. (The princess and the frog did this.) 
Overall, I wouldn't have minded all too much if they had redeemed Magnifico— his bad qualities which are having the biggest ego, being a narcissist, could have led to an interesting story where he learns to be more humble but at the same time, kind. Even then, being kind was something we saw him doing.. he carried a heavy burden of wanting to appease all of the kingdom goers. That in a way, it was hard not to feel sorry when he lowers the curtain to unveil a man who is accustomed to being used as a genie rather than being able to form meaningful connections with people.
In a way, his character (as well as everyone else's character in this movie) felt like wasted potential. If this is the way that every single original IP of Disney is going to be, then someone needs to pull the plug because I cannot sit through another Wish.
TLDNR: King Magnifico felt like he had multiple personality disorder in this film because it seemed like he was good then bad— but also, King Magnifico had a point and subsequently was then jumped on camera and ended up on world star.
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ouroborosorder · 2 months
Do you have an instance of Arknights VFX that gets frequently praised that you as a VFX artist think is mediocre or bad?
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Look. I love Ebenholz, a lot. His effects are really strong, too! Some of my personal favorites. But this skin. Jesus Christ this skin.
I have seen so many people praising this skin as having good effects or being better than his original and it genuinely makes me wonder if half of the effects are actually rendered in some sort of shrimp colors that everyone but me can see.
There is not a single part of this skin's effects that I don't hate. Not just because I find them ugly, uninteresting, and unclear, but because I think they fundamentally misunderstand who Ebenholz is.
You asked for this.
Part 1 - The Colors.
The actual art for his skin has a beautiful striking blue and light gray background, with the light pink Arts accentuating it, and then the blood red and pitch black of his outfit meant to draw the eye to the center. This works perfectly in the art, so what's wrong?
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First problem. Ebenholz doesn't have the blue background in gameplay. Meaning that his effects are red (not pink, like the art, they are red) and his skin is red. So there's extreme monochrome happening, with absolutely no interesting contrast between him and his Arts. His Elite Charge is blue, at the very least, so his signature gimmick stands out uniquely, which is quite nice! That's a great decision that won't cause any problems down the line at all.
"Oh, but Keys, it's so that the red Arts stand out when he uses his S3 and summons that giant goat spirit in the background!" That's a great point, person I just made up. Please remember this excellent point for later.
Part 2 - General Effects
The effect starts with a deploy animation wherein Ebenholz is surrounded by sparkles like some sort of magical girl. The deploy effect is genuinely bad in so many ways, mostly related to timing and motion, but this rant is going to be long enough. And I'm gonna need to focus and talk about the sparkles.
The biggest thing to know about Eine Variation is this image. Get acquainted with it. If there was a recurring visual motif in Eine Variation, it is this piece from the original art.
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And yeah, as an effects artist, I'd be amped to work on this. This looks fucking sick as shit. It's dynamic, it's chaotic, it's got harsh lines to contrast the flowing music staff, it's great. So let's see how this texture looks in g- okay what the fuck.
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In the game, it looks nothing like the art. It's literally just the stock glimmer effect. It's not even a new texture. This thing's been in the game since release. It looks. Bad. It's way too simplistic. Because it wasn't meant to be the center of attention, it's meant to appear for an instant and then fade. Like, you know. A glimmer.
What you just saw in the screenshot above is one of Ebenholz' Mystic Caster charges. And it is easily my least favorite part of the entire skin.
Ebenholz (Original Flavor)'s Mystic Caster charges has one of my favorite visual touches in the entire game. Ebenholz fights using artifacts from the Witch King whose power he inherits - a wand and a set of five Originium dice. So he wields the wand, and has die rotate around him as he fights. In-game, they represent this by his charges being the dice, rotating around his hand. This is, as we say in the vfx industry, fucking badass. So naturally they removed the dice entirely in Eine Variation.
Fine, alright. Maybe it's him... moving further from the Witch King's influence, then? We'll go with that hey stop looking at his S3 what are you doing don't get ahead of me.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "hey, Keys, this is unfair. You're asking us to judge an animated effect based on a static picture of it." Well, my dear reader, I have bad news. You just saw the entire charge's visual. The whole thing.
They are a glimmer of light that does not pulse or twinkle. They just. Sit there. Floating. Again, it's just so simplistic, it's not even interesting to talk about.
The only good thing I can say about it is that it's way easier to tell how many charges he has since they're bigger, more spread out, and not moving. Also the Elite charge is WAY more distinct, since it's bright blue now to contrast with the red normal charges. Which is nice! A good decision! It would sure be a shame if it bit them in the ass later!
Part 3 - Attack and Skill 1
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Did you think I was kidding when I said that the sparkles are the sole visual motif in this skin?
I hate these attack trails. Not only are they too simplistic, they're just too cute. I joked about magical girls before, but dear god, this just doesn't fucking look right. This skin is literally described as him being apathetic and miserable as a noble, so why are the effects so... Colorful and cute? Ebenholz isn't a cutesy goofy music-themed magical girl, Ebenholz is a sad gay goth kid who would create a fake My Immortal confession for attention.
I also hate the musical notes. I know I complained about the glimmers being too one-note (pardon the pun), but they just don't interact with the rest of the effect at all. There's nothing else musical about what is happening here. They feel added to remind you that he is casting music.
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God I fucking hate the sparkles so goddamned much. I also find it really funny that one single musical note bursts forth with each hit. These shapes are just... So boring, so simple. But put a pin in that for a later.
His S1 uptime comes with an awful aura. he glows red. There is only red and white. this is all there is. This is all there will ever be. That's all I've got about S1.
Part 3 - Skill 2
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Oh jesus go back to the red and white
First off, I find these goat so fucking ugly. The synths are a truly terrible choice, because synths and digital music don't come up in any capacity throughout the rest of the effects. So. Great work. This doesn't make sense.
Anyway I hate the color here. The original has a great two-tone black smoke with bright blue glowing eyes, contrasting with Eben's orange Arts. In the skin they slapped an awful blue glow haze over them. This makes them just completely draw visual attention, while they don't match up with Ebenholz' aesthetic at all. if you could see the black, there would be a clear visual link between them, but... Nope. It's ONLY blue, motherfuckers.
Also, they passively emit triangles, which is the only time in this entire effect that the Arts = Geometric Triangles visual idea appears in the entire skin based around an arts caster. Yay for recurring game-wide motifs!
Shockingly, I hate the explosion. It's passable, it's fine. But the timing is absolutely awful. The original's feels like an explosion that is pulling the target in, but the skin's feels like an explosion followed by absorption. It makes it feel less like an explosion and more like a contrivance. Also, it spawns only like, four notes total, which is just so low. Please have more notes, you even have the musical staff, you're so close to having this look like musical arts. I also hate the random swirl of red. The goat didn't have any red in it. Why does this have red. Monochrome would have actually worked better, this is just a summon.
Part 4 - Sound of Silence
Eine Variation S3 features Ebenholz getting hoverhanded by a goat.
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I wish I had any other way to put it. But he gets hoverhanded by a goat for the entire uptime of this attack.
What even is this thing? Obviously, it's the goat behind him in his splash art, but what is it? Is it the Witch King? That would make sense, but why is the Witch King's avatar blue? The Witch King has literally never been blue, he's always been associated as being red. Unless this isn't The Witch King, in which case, what the fuck is it then?
I hate this effect more than anything else in this game. The ghost looks absolutely awful. it is very blatantly just the art from the actual skin, slapped behind him with no regard for aesthetic consistancy. Or even regard for if the image is readable at the distance Arknights is played at. The goatghost.jpg is not animated at all, but the hands move up and down, which weirdly only further reveals how static the ghost is. Also the hands aren't animated outside of going up and down which is just so uncanny and uncomfortable. It just reveals how desperately they needed to have some animation to make it not look like absolute hot garbage, and they still failed.
After an entire skin of absurdly simplistic geometric shapes and basic ass textures, suddenly they think they can pull off some shit that looks like a granblue render. This doesn't even look in-line with the rest of the skin's effects, let alone with the chibi artstyle.
Now. Why I truly, truly hate this attack.
When you activate S3, all of Ebenholz' Charges become Elite charges. Meaning they all become blue.
The charges all finally become blue.
In the only part of the skin where you have a blue background.
I just. I can't figure out how you'd fuck this up this bad. If the Elite Charges were red, it would look like the fucking skin art, with the red notes on the pink staff. They'd stand out, or at least look fucking decent. How many charges does Ebenholz have? Oh I don't know THEY'RE FUCKING BLUE ON BLUE.
anyway I will give credit where credit is due. I actually quite like the trail when he casts his stocks in S3.
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The slight orange two-tone and complicated trails add a lot of nuance and depth to the effect, and the glimmer is toned down to the point where I can see the diamond shape hidden underneath. There is one singular silver lining to this cloud. It could use more musical touches and less fucking sparkles but at this point I need to compliment something.
Finale - Why Do I Give A Shit
Eine Variation launched as part of the Bloodline of Combat skins that came out with Lone Trail. It released alongside Specter the Unchained's Born as One; my personal favorite skin in the entire game. It is a skin that perfectly conveys Laruntina's love of natural beauty and Specter's love of poetry and recitation, bringing them together into poems reflected in a starry lake. The effects are serene and dreamlike, peaceful yet chaotic. It conveys who they are going into the future, who they are together.
Born as One is Bloodline of Combat at its best. Bloodline of Combat is at its best when it tells you something about who this character is at this part of their life. How they change, how they grow, how they look at the world in this point of their life. This is the story that good effects can tell.
So I ask you: What story does Eine Variation's effects tell?
If this an Ebenholz who is growing further from the Witch King's legacy into his own man, then why does the avatar of the Witch King appear behind him? Why does the flavor text describe this as clothing worn by every Graf Urtica? Why does it not lean further into the synth aesthetic to separate himself from the classical music of Leithanien?
If this is an Ebenholz who is currently stuck within the confines of nobility, why is he not wielding the dice associated with his title as Graf Urbica? Why do his fucking goats have synths instead of traditional instruments? Why is the Witch King the wrong color?
And most importantly to all of this: Why are all the shapes so simple?
Yes, Arknights' Arts are geometric. They're usually represented by simple triangles. This is true. But think about who Ebenholz is.
Ebenholz is not a simple and elegant person. Ebenholz is a man who nails complicated, difficult, strange flute solos, but who fails to do simple rhythms and scales. He excels at the complex, the elaborate, and the detailed, and fails at the simplistic. This is always how Ebenholz has been.
So a skin full of simple shapes, easy language, and flat colors... Isn't how he'd fight. It's not who he is. It's not how he'd act. It doesn't just feel wrong, it feels like it's not made for him.
I don't just hate this skin because I think its effects are bad. I mean, I do, and they definitely are.
I hate this skin because it just... Fundamentally does not understand who Ebenholz is. And it definitely does not understand why he is so special.
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dashawns-world · 9 months
Been a little bit since my last post! Sorry this one isn’t going to be a very long one either. I’ve been very busy with my new job and personal work, but I did want to talk about three movies I saw recently! And while I won’t spoil anything major, these thoughts may cloud your judgement going into the films, so I recommend avoiding if you wanna go in with an open mind. Anyway, let’s go:
Barbie was such a fun film! It made me laugh out loud way more than it had any right to. Seriously, there’s a joke Will Ferrel nonchalantly says that I can’t get outta my mind. I had tears in my eyes. Not gonna spoil it but if you know, you know. The themes are quite existential, but in a playful enough way that I didn’t leave it thinking “bummer…” If I had to complain about anything, it’s that Barbie was kinda inactive for the final act. To the point where I was asking myself “what is Barbie doing?” Maybe you’d see what I meant if you watched it. (Or disagree) I still had a good time tho.
It’s worth a watch!
This is my favorite TMNT movie now, and my favorite personification of the turtles. The art direction, emotional stuff, comedy, action, and characters were all on point. There’s a moment where Leo has a heart to heart with his bros that didn’t feel as earned as it could’ve (on first viewing) I only bring this up because it’s a thought I had as the scene was going on. Where as everything else in the movie felt organic and original, this scene felt like a tried and true motivational speech beat that these types of movies generally have. If that makes sense? I’d have to watch it again to be sure. And thankfully, I’d gladly watch it again because I had such a good time.
Watch itttt!!
This is a Netflix original and boy was I blown away. I swear, John Boyega is on Leo DiCaprio’s level of changing into a whole new person for his roles. I’m never sure who I’m gonna get. He really killed it. I’m not gonna spoil this movie and honestly if you go in blind it might be better. The directing is really REALLY good, too. There’s a scene that I really loved, where we’re with a character for an extended amount of time in one shot. This is to build tension for a pretty crazy moment afterwards and it was VERY well done. These types of scenes are so cool to me because I’m used to cutting often in animation. But in live action, these scenes are really good for getting inside a character’s head. I really can’t explain without spoiling but if you’ve watched the movie, I thiiiiink you know the scene I’m talking about.
Anyway, the cast, direction, and plot are all top notch. Jamie Foxx is hilarious as always, and Teyonah Parris gets to shine in this film. I loved her character in this compared to Wandavision where her talent was wasted.
I think this movie is perfect for the culture, but if you’re not typically into movies with a majority black cast that deals with African American issues (in a really good way) then you probably won’t be impressed. Your loss, though! I believe that this, alongside movies like The Woman King, The Harder They Fall, and Get Out are examples of movies that have clear parallels to others in their respective genres, but add a twist that I appreciate because of their characters and writing. I used to be stuck with hood movies, but now I get hood mystery movies. I love it, is all I’m saying.
Anyway, I know what the next deep dive is gonna be. I just need to set aside free time to write it up. I’ve been wanting to do a write up about beat em up games. My favorite one, in particular. I want to analyze what I like about it, and what I don’t. Might do more drawing to go alongside it too. Anybody remember Advance Guardian Heroes?? Brace yourselves, lol.
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billystoilet · 2 months
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wifiwuxians · 9 months
ship game ship game⛵️
ok,first I want to say that xuechao makes a lot of sense,actually. jiaojiao and xue yang are actually a bit similar,if you think about it. true,we don't know about wang lingjiao's past,and I guess she at least did not grow up on the street. but both of them are pretty and love torturing people and are quite overdoing it on the revenge front.
now,since that one got asked already,pick whichever you feel like🍉:
-xuexiao💀 if you want to and you won't be getting haters on here from answering that
-sorry,I'm basic,but,songxiao🌟 I just want to read a love letter to my fav ship and who better to ask than my fav shipper of my ship
-lanlan! (at first I was like,no! song lan would not move on even after 800 years! but then I read some fics and it made sense for lan xichen and song lan to at least become close as friends)(but I want to know what YOU think so don't worry about disagreeing)
omg okay first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for your compliments!! I am really thrilled I am your favorite songxiaoist lol 😳 Second! You are so big brained actually! Jiaojiao and Xue Yang both have come from bleak backgrounds and are trying to cling to what little they have! I believe Jiaojiao was just about sold by her family lol and she is illiterate 💔 And they are both petty batshit revenge machines! I've actually briefly considered xuechaojiao LOLLL... HMM... but okay, onwards to the
I'll give you my love letter to Songxiao first so you don't need to go digging for it hehe
I hope I won't get hate for playing the game jhdgjsg I hope everyone will be a little more mature than that
Do I ship it: I do not. (Tim Allen AHUUUAHH?) But on a single day of the year my aversion to it lessens and I'm able to retweet art of them kinda smooching so my tolerance is overall getting better, maybe? lol
Why don't I: There are many factors... I like mutually destructive toxic mess ships, right? We've established that. But I don't like ships in which one person is doing all the hurting and the other person ends up, uh. Like XXC did. "But DJ I thought you were the fixit king" I am! It's just not exactly appealing to me, and the other big factor as to why is that I just... Never really saw them that way. Like even removing their canon storyline and only leaving their dynamic, which removed from context is lovely don't get me wrong, it never registered as romantic. It registered as XXC looking out for his goofy little brother, you know? I dunno. There's nothing there for me, sorry. "But DJ the devotion" yeah. There are many ways to love someone. Even if that were romantic, it's too onesided for me.
What would have made me like it: If they actually liked each other LMAO I have no issue with the thought of them loving each other, just not romantically! Outside of canon they're pretty much cemented as family in my brain, though very rarely I'll maybe entertain the idea of some sort of QPP dynamic but then it slingshots right back into family again. Just friends who really love each other and tried to do the do only to find out they don't see each other that way is the furthest I'm willing to go for them and this is a HUGE leap from where I was a year ago LOL
A positive: I appreciate that a lot of people just really want them to love each other. Maybe try and find some healing in all the mess. I get what that's like.
Please whoever reads this don't take this as an invitation to start talking to me about it though as it still does cause me to react negatively 💀 some days I really cannot stand it at all, I'm just mature enough to not be a hater 100%
Do I ship it: I'm in the process of being converted, we will see how it goes! Kind of sucks this game doesn't have a maybe option so I'll make up the questions myself
What's drawing me to it: I, like you, was originally like "naur Song Lan has his man already thanks, and after he fixes him he's going to bed", but one of my close friends made the very good point that just because he's on a quest doesn't mean he can't be loved on the side, too! So I'd like to see Song Lan get loved on, and Lan Xichen deserves this, too, and I think stories about processing grief are very potent
Things I like about it: It seems this ship is about healing oneself and each other, and I'm a big fan of that! Both characters also complement each other well, with each having characteristics of someone the other has loved before (i.e. NMJ's righteousness, XXC's gentle energy). I also think canon gave them really sad endings, and in LXC's case it's a bit of a bitter one, too. SL's is at least bittersweet so sharing the joy is nice 🥺
What would seal the deal: Strong characterization aligned with my view of the characters! Being in character goes a long way for me, so if you've got them down pat, then I'll be more likely to give it a chance. If you add that they've both been in love before and that they're not looking for a replacement then we're set! (:
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wintermelody-general · 10 months
I suppose I should revisit my Kittymore post here! It's about time, with all the new Mortamors we've seen lately, plus Twitter is self-destructing and Tumblr is just easier to make these kinds of posts with.
Alright, super long post coming up!
Mortamor has long been a favorite of mine, and that comes mostly from his menacing aura -- ah, who am I kidding, he looks like a kitty!
Here I'm gonna rate all the Mortamors solely on their kitty-tasticness!
Artwork (Original)
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Official Art Kittymore! The start of a legend! He has his whiskers and those feline eyes too, an absolutely phenomenal artwork! Unfortunately, Akira Toriyama didn't draw him from any other angles, leading to many disagreements on how he should LOOK when seen from any other direction. You'll see what I mean later on.
5/10 kitten pets! Respectable, but it's hard to rate his kitten power with just a head-on look! I need angles! I need to see his kitty muzzle!
Dragon Quest 6 (SNES)
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The first in-game look at Kittymore! The sprite is phenomenally cute and very scritchable, unfortunately it suffers from the same problem as the artwork, albeit not as much because the animations of the sprite show some muzzle cuteness...though not as much as I would like.
6/10 nose boops!
Dragon Quest Monsters
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I can't...really see what's going on with that sprite, but the little tiny sprite above his status is really cute and silly-looking!
3/10 face scritches! I like the tiny sprite or it would be lower sfhkkjs
Dragon Quest Monsters 1+2
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Yet another stagnant sprite, the detail here SHOULD give him a little more of the kitten-tasticness that he deserves...unfortunately, more detail isn't always better. The original SNES sprite looked far more likely to claw up my bedpost, while I see very little of that desire in this sprite.
3/10 kitten treats for my kitten overlord!
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker
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A full model means we get to see our beloved meowing monster king from the sides! And how does he look?
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REALLY SCARY. He looks less like my evil demon kitty-kitty demanding pets and more like some kind of eldritch horror! This was my first introduction to Mortamor, actually, and when I first saw him...I didn't know WHAT he was, just that I needed him sffsshkls unfortunately, nostalgia doesn't negate the truth.
0/10 chin scratches. There is no kitty in that soulless stare.
Dragon Quest 9
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This model has honestly grown on me over the years. And, due to being another model, we can see how he looks from the side too!
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Not bad! Very pettable, I already feel sharp pains in my leg from all the kneading I can tell he's thinking of doing! For the limitations of the DS, this is very nice!
6\10 kitty bleps! Could be kittier, but not bad at all!
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2
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Slightly better, but he should look fully kitten the WHOLE time, not just during a few animations!
2/10 paw-pad rubbies! Absolutely disappointing!
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bluepoodle7 · 3 months
#ZableFable #WeirdLore #MyThoughts
Zable Fable when getting fankids that canonical can't have any be like.
Seems Fable was using the dream move opposite day saying they can have kids with both of the couple's trust and agreement to have kids even though one party couldn't with the DNA from the partner while guessing what the hybrid kids would look like with a little humanity in them.
Video not mine but link is there.
NX_vcjZmQ9w (youtube.com)
Beta Zable Fable's
I was originally going to make Zable a Illbleed or Gemusetto oc but decided to make this character it's own thing.
Zable's beta design was originally going to be a Undertale character that was a shapeshifter but pretended to be human so the human's wouldn't notice her but later was caught then thrown underground.
The running joke was Papyrus would bring her to Asgore to be the last soul but have Papyrus get told it wasn't going to work.
She would only appear on April 1 next to the Gyftrot.
I still would love to know if Thon is a good pronoun for beta Zable.
Her battle animations would be shapeshifting her body like her arms and legs into weapons then swings them around at the player. Picking up the UI box and shaking it around while eyeing it and the stop/go blue/orange spikes glow swapping. They would talk about not belonging.
To spare her you need to calm her down and chat with them. At the end you exchange phone numbers and you meet her in a special place where you just dance with her.
Also Gyftrot will be there too without the stuff on it.
The special place is the abandoned meat factory but they don't know that.
All of this beta stuff was in my head for the longest time.
Before I saw Doe and Nimona but both media brought it back since it was locked up for so long.
Music's and game not mine but link is there.
Undertale OST: Meat Factory (youtube.com)
If beta Zable had a theme.
Exploring the Meat Factory - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day (youtube.com)
She/Thon Zable would take off their eye glasses to reveal nothing underneath and throw it at the player but then do the velma where my glasses at pose.
The glasses are the eyes.
It's a rare attack.
Yeah I like to draw monsters since my art style isn't the best so I have a ton of shifter oc's.
But most of my roleplays I do which are a few like the base character more then for the character to change form.
When you defeat beta Zable.
She would smirk and say "I guess you were more of a monster than me and I was the human all along." "Crazy right?"
Then turns to dust and you win only one gold but it's fools gold.
You can't sell or throw away the fool's gold and is stuck with you in your inventory till the end.
Sometimes beta Zable would mirror match fight the player but only in the killing all monster route.
Beta Zable got caught shifting her arm to make a tool she needed and someone caught her changing her hand then told someone.
The humans sent her underground since they were scared.
If Zable's fool's gold body reaches the Amalgam area then it will try to fuse with each Amalgamate for one unique battle animation for each one then fade away.
This is the only way to get rid of the fool's gold.
I imagine some of the cutscenes in the fool's gold battles will be a random gold hand assisting in the Ui battle.
Like for example the gold hand shooing away the moths or butterflies then string puppetering the Everyman to attack the heart player.
Like this.
Video not mine but link is there.
Everyman scream (youtube.com)
Weird fanart I would make if my art was good
If my artwork was really good I would draw John Doe interacting with Bitmark/Gifford over Zable Fable.
Maybe have the two fight each other for Zable's date while Zable is oblivious.
Bitmark/Gifford was my first yandere like character I knew about, Signed and Sealed With A Kiss base character was the second, Peter King is third, and John Doe is fourth.
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#Illbleed #Level3Woopuppets #WudollaBugItem My favorite one off item is the Wudolla bug. These little friends eat a certain... – @bluepoodle7 on Tumblr
If Zable Fable was in trouble with a snatcher REALTORs or a wood person/tree people then any version would have copycat item the Wudolla bugs then just put them on the enemy for them to snack on if the tree's bodies are withered or old.
Zable would probably give these creatures out like pins or stickers by just sticking them on tree enemies to let them eat.
If I knew how to draw really good I would makes these Wudolla bugs into metallic pins, stickers, and laminated charms that shine when light shines on them.
Nicknames If Zable Fable dated Maison Talo and John Doe with other stuff.
Nicknames Zable Fable would give John Doe.
Dust Bunny, Fuzzy Guy, Little Buddy, String Bean, Hot Topic, The Creeper, Jonathan, Johnny Test, J Man, The Twinge for Illbleed, My Sweetheart, Smiley Central, Mystery Man, Freakazoid, My little Tribble, Wooly Bear, Chubble, Clayfigher, and Cheshire Cat.
Zable thinks of new ones on the fly.
If Zable was dating Maison Talo any version would call him a Brickhouse as a nickname.
Another couple of nicknames Zable would use for Maison Talo would be Joe Pera and Mr.Roger's Neighborhood.
Because to Zable this character reminds them of both in style but like a distorted monster version that eats people but acts like a person.
Zable would make the gas station like a second job for extra cash when realm jumping.
Zable would kiss the housebody door then the lure then go to work.
When your yousona decides not to take a bath or shower then go to their gas station job while John Doe is flirting with you saying that you smell nice be like.
Zable Fable would be like.
"Dang man I smell like a burger dude shut it."
Can Realtors walk into the gas station and do they buy anything to try to not blow their cover?
Is that where Heim is getting the burgers at?
I can also see a Realtor saying.
"You look like a snack and mind if I carry you out?"
While winking at the yousona working.
It can either be a sweet thing to say if you are together or a threat to the yousona.
Zable would still ask a lot of questions like how does the fridge and freezer stay cool?
Where does the water come from and how does the air conditioning or heating work?
Also the bathroom situation like the toilet.
Also I think it's canon that the bathroom's in a REALTORs house body is for aesthetic and doesn't work.
So how do these plant people mimics keep their lure bodies clean after a meal?
Zable any version would love to see Maison Talo's seasonal color changes like his cheetah zoot suit looking outfit.
But all of them will be curious of the other seasonal change forms.
Probably say.
"House man too cool for school rocking that look."
I can see Zable taking Maison Talo's business card then wait for him to leave then write their number on it then call up Maison to regift his own card back to him saying this.
"I hope you make a house call back to me if you have the time and maybe have a house party later."
Different Zable's Dating
If any version of Zable gets hit on by someone they will be oblivious at first and respond by just telling the character they like them instead of trying to skirt around it.
Some might not like big announcements like a flash mob or a huge party.
Every Zable is different some may have relationship experience and some won't.
But the Au for Regular Zable knows how dating works while the Zable Au with Doe was too busy or never dated at all.
Never even went to prom because this Zable found it not important to go.
If Zable dated Heim Baile
If Zable would date Heim Baile from House Hunted 2 they would probably go out on a burger date and eat inside of his house body.
Zable would ask to do a fancy limited edition food review with Heim if he is okay with it.
Zable would ask Heim in a interview on Realtor lore.
Zable asking questions like.
"Why do some of you REALTORs hunt humans?" "While some are like oh boy real food and still survive."
"If Realtors can't get jobs but have hobbies then how are you getting burgers?"
"If Realtors can't control what your lure bodies look like."
"Then do some Realtors try to outward change their appearance like wearing normal clothes instead of the ones they sprouted with over their "clothes" ?"
"Also do some Realtors feel like they are not in the right lure body?"
"Like a pollinator house wanting to be a seed bearer."
"Are their any Realtors that are both?"
That's wild that Zable Fable is taller than both Heim and Doe since this character is 6'2 while also at Maison Talo kissing height since he is 6'3.
Doe is 5'8 but can shapeshift and Heim is 4"11.
Wonder if his eye bleeds when damaged in his Doe ball form?
I know in his human form if you three stooges eye poke his eyes they turn into teeth.
Also wild that John Doe can't bleed in his true form which is interesting to me unless that's not cannon anymore.
I wonder what was the first time he noticed that humans bleed and put that into his fake body to act normal?
And his first set of scars.
Fable swapped in control of Zable's human vessel body when a REALTORs gets on top of them with their mouth open be like.
He likes the flappy hands #fyp #fypシ #viral #flappyhands #dogsofttikto... | Puppy Dog | TikTok
Zable Fable if they were dating a REALTORs and protecting them.
Zable Fable would be the character to walk inside of a REALTORs horror house and if both parties are friends or lovers would bring back food if the character got a buy one get one free deal then would ask the house if they want the extra food in case they need to realm jump.
Zable Fable would just tired face plant after a long day of interviews with knowing the history of the places they visited on either the REALTORs floor on the meat furniture to kiss it then the lure body if they are lovers.
And if the REALTORs up for it but that is before they kiss the REALTORs door.
Janet still would be weirded out by all of this but since she's inorganic then she is safe but would explore the place like seeing the bathroom just being their as a aesthetic and not work.
Zable Fable would want to know if a REALTORs could eat their own business cards since they rot like fruit. Maybe drop it on the floor just to see the reaction of the house.
Zable Fable would also try to lead the villain that each version's story by running away in the REALTORs house body with YipYop thinking both parties are hiding just for the REALTORs to eat them then finally break the sitcom curse unless YipYop adapts to that and kills the house.
But if the REALTORs successfully eat YipYop they might hallucinate pretty bad that Fable has the stay with them to make them normal.
If YipYop adapts then they may day dream a move to take the house out that might stress out Zable enough to unlock Fable to randomly dream move back the day dream attacks.
Like for example YipYop day dreaming tile tenting the floors of the house or try to wreck it with a wrecking ball and maybe a warning on making the bathroom work.
While Fable would try to stop it by using Zable's body to grab the wrecking ball then send it back while a clone tries to stop the floor while healing it.
Have another clone try to fix the bathroom.
YipYop is after Fable and not Zable but Fable uses Zable as a hiding spot.
Fable is concealing themselves from YipYop to heal up but is actually shifted stuck as a blue upside down heart necklace to heal so they can one day be in the waking world but are resting but only when danger is near they swap places with Zable.
Also if you eat a piece of any shifter or vored them the person or being who ate them will hallucinate and slowly be mind controlled by the shifter.
I can see Zable point to the name tag with John Doe on it for a split second then revert to normal once the same name joke hits. Zable would also do the same name game to Maison Talo when he says dear buyer then joke corrects him with saying their name is Maison Talo.
Zable Fable because of the sitcom curse would say puns that would make you grown.
"Hey I owe you a quarter back and I forget to give you a nickel back with 50 cents in change."
Zable Fable would jokingly say that then say they were almost number 1 but someone beat them to the ranking as a joke then smirk shrug at Maison Talo.
I wonder what his reaction would be?
I can see Maison Talo saying Zable's not a REALTORs then Zable jokingly gaslighting him to think the character is one by showing a custom house badge they purchased online but then say just kidding.
I can see Zable Fable trying to joke that each version of the character is a REALTORs by dying once then exploring the Uncanny Valley once to find a house that looks like the character then take a picture of the house then later lead Maison Talo to it to slowly gaslight him.
Maybe have Zable joke that they don't have business cards but gives him a food coupon instead of the business card while saying their defective at making them.
Zable giving him a already microwaved hungry man fish with chips dinner and then lightly patting his back.
Have Zable waving bye to him to explore the Uncanny Valley.
I can see Zable Fable closing their eyes then hum this song to themself while saying pack my bags and say I'm leaving.
Video and images not mine but links are there.
I Got over Love (youtube.com)
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The hungry man dinner I was talking about. I kind of want to eat it but I hope it's not too salty and found a image of what the meal looks like for reals.
I would eat it if the Hungry Man company brought it back.
My guess that it tastes like a cut up fish stick or like the McDonald's fish mcbites but store brand with cheese whiz on the potato wedges.
Hungry Man Sports Grill Popcorn Fish and Chips | Frozen Foods | Matherne's Market (mathernes.com)
Swanson Hungry Man Popcorn Fish and Chips | Morton Fox | Flickr
Mainly this house I want to draw later.
But is just a normal house not a mimic one in this au but in my Infected Realtor Au then it's a mimic house as Zable Fable but as a evil Infected Realtor that eats houses with the lure body.
Search: Dawg Hus – @bluepoodle7 on Tumblr
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frankhightower · 10 months
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Are you sure you don't have more change? [ArtFight Attack]
ArtFight Attack on Capawcinno from Twitter inspired by his sketch from about a month ago which reminded me of my days working in retail (we didn't have a fancy conveyor belt register but I thought that was the quickest way to convey "retail" nowadays!) I decided to go on the offensive today. I picked Capawcinno pretty much at random from my list of ArtFight moots (What can I say? He has an interesting name!) ...and then realized he has 5K followers on Twitter (!) I scrolled through his Twitter feed looking for inspiration. When I saw he seems to prefer modern slice of life, I wanted to do something like "waiting for the bus", but I couldn't find any indication of whether he takes the bus! I did find that sketch of his main 'sona going to the store and decided to adapt it to ...shall we say... a more interesting-looking character of his. I originally thought his sketch had a US 100 dollar bill (hence the title) and spent a lot of time thinking of what Benjamin Franklin's "fursona" should be, I didn't realize it was actually 100 Złoty (or about $25 which is actually quite reasonable) until after I started! For the 15th century King of Poland, I chose a Polecat after seeing in his Wikipedia article that he'd moved from Russia to Lithuania to Poland and Googling for migratory animals of Poland: the polecat was the only mammal on the list. No offense intended to King Władysław II. Long live the polecat king! Having spent all that effort on designing the "furry version" of the bill, I couldn't let it be just crumpled up in his paw, but that would meant I needed a cashier! Where was I going to get a cashier? Then I scrolled back up to the top of this description. I really hope I can post the timelapse of this one some day, it was by far the most satisfying time I've had every time the colors just ...clicked! This drawing is on Twitter, Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, Reddit, Mastodon, and of course, Art Fight
Posted using PostyBirb
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Day 4: Visual Research
While I do have a bit more to look into for the cultural and historical background of jazz, I was advised by my lecturer to begin visual research for jazz-themed artwork for a better idea of what to draw. I will also be sharing some sketches that come to mind as I browse them while listening to some jazz music.
The point for my kind of poster is to represent the irregular but melodic nature of the genre, so it can include abstract ideas, styles that may not work in theory but create the picture needed, etc. Without further ado, here are what I came across:
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The first is a painting from Chile made by Fernando Toledo, and I think it best resembles the spirit of jazz. While it looks like an ordinarily drawn man playing a trumpet, the colors (for the most part) are blended from random shades to create a more vivid image.
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This next one by Tiffany Yance is where the elements of the painting are visualized in a wildly exaggerated way. The colors here are more tame compared to the previous painting, but it’s how everything is drawn that resembles jazz.
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Finally, this Street Jazz painting by Valerie Vescovi goes as abstract as the genre, and has a Picasso like look to it.
As much as I’d like to look into more jazz paintings, I should be looking into more of advertising/promotional posters for jazz look like as well. So here are some below:
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The first poster done by Gunther Kieser is made for the 1985 Berlin Jazz Festival, and I like the abstract imagery used here. It’s simplistic but it’s effective at conveying what it is advertising.
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Just like one of the paintings we saw before, this Winter Park Jazz festival poster plays around with colors to create interesting shades and highlights.
And much like jazz, I improvised some sketches based on nothing but the music that I listened to.
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The music I derived the ideas from were on the album “In The Court of the Crimson King” by King Crimson. While the band isn’t purely jazz, they are a progressive rock band that heavily uses influences from classical and jazz music, and jazz is very prominent in this album.
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tehuti88-art · 2 years
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5/20/22: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." For my WWII anthro series this time, is SS-Helfer Katja Haring, without a garrison cap (top drawing) and with a garrison cap (bottom drawing). She's Major Ludolf Jäger's primary secretary--he has a whole slew of female auxiliaries working in his office--and is so in tune with him that she often follows his orders before he even gives them. Jäger's wife is always worried they're having an affair, but they're not. She's too busy like the rest of Jäger's auxiliaries chasing after Capt. Otto Himmel, who's like the only other guy working in the office.
These characters will all have more info on my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
TUMBLR EDIT: "Kameradin Katja," as Jäger calls her, isn't a highly developed character yet, I'm afraid, I just needed someone kind of simple to draw this week but not another Trench Rat like last week. She may unexpectedly develop a big detailed history at some future point like everyone else is, just not yet. In fact, currently, Jäger's swarm of female SS auxiliaries serve more as a sort of character development device for both him and Capt. Himmel, both of whom have experienced significant development since my posts about them. So I guess I should use Katja's page here to update that a bit.
Since my last update, I've learned Maj. Jäger is...somewhat more volatile than his previous history indicates. He's quite a contradictory character in that MOST of the time, when things are going well and everyone is in their place, he's quite mellow and cheerful and easy to get along with. He's very much a bureaucrat and very much believes that everyone and everything has its proper place--he knows his, and he makes damn sure everyone else knows theirs. Should anyone step out of their place, or force him to step out of his, he gets very...very...unpleasant. I mean like chewing someone out, screaming fit style, or even on occasion threatening them with execution (one of which he abruptly carries out himself in his office, in front of Himmel, Ratdog, Klemper, and Schavich--even Schavich is shocked, and you know it's especially shocking when Schavich is shocked). (Klemper's reaction on leaving with the others, after Jäger orders Katja to call someone to dispose of the body, is to mutter, "Told you they're (the SS) f**king nuts.") He toes the party line so thoroughly in most respects that I personally consider him the storyline's "uber-Nazi" and he'd be the first one to agree.
So how much of an uber-Nazi is Jäger? He originally started out in the Waffen-SS, which in my alternate version of events has been around longer than IRL (the war started earlier, too), and saw a bit of combat before getting injured and switching to an administrative job in the Allgemeine-SS. While waiting for a proper assignment to go through, he decided to give the Lebensborn program a shot, and quite likely fathered at least a few children by the program's anonymous women. Afterward, while touring a Lebensborn nursery and maternal care facility, he met Magdalena (Magda), an unmarried woman who was pregnant from a one-night stand with another SS officer and had chosen to give her child up for adoption since she didn't have the financial resources to care for it on her own. Touched by her insistence that she would have loved to keep the child for herself, plus had always wanted a big family, Jäger proposed that she marry him, and he would adopt the child as his own, instead. Magda promptly accepted--though she did have to ask him his first name again, because she'd forgotten the name of the guy she just agreed to marry and have a bunch of kids with.
And oh boy did they have a bunch of kids. By the time the main part of the story takes place, Jäger and Magda have a brood of eight young children (including the first child fathered by the other SS officer, and two sets of twins), with a ninth on the way. It's a sort of running joke that Magda is either pregnant or nursing a newborn (or both O_o ) every time Himmel meets her. All but two of the brood are girls, all are blond with blue eyes like Jäger and his wife, and Jäger absolutely adores them. Whenever the Jäger family appears in the story he calls in sing-song, "Come, children! Schnell!" and they all fall in line from oldest to youngest...usually after swarming Himmel, who reacts with mild panic but gives them all candy. (He always carries candies to give to his son Kolten.) I originally had my doubts that Jäger actually loves Magda, given the rather transactional manner in which their relationship started (as much on her part as on his)--both of them are devoted Nazis (though they both focus more on the superiority of their race than on the denigration of other races--for example, despite his occasionally homicidal temper, Jäger dislikes killing, and thinks resettlement is far better than extermination), and the purpose of the marriage is to produce as many Aryan children as possible (which these two do in spades). By now though, I do believe they also genuinely love each other, with Magda being almost slavishly devoted to Jäger, who fawns over her and the children. (When Jäger ends up becoming the Big Bad in the final story arc, Magda, as devoted to him and the collapsed Reich as ever, plays a very dark and tragic role.) Unlike most other higher-ranking Nazis I've read about, Jäger remains completely faithful to Magda, never taking a mistress or lover despite literally being surrounded by young, single, attractive--and apparently horny--women such as Katja, every day at his job.
Magda, however, isn't so sure of this. Despite her husband's endless reassurances, and a complete lack of any proof, she frequently fears he's carrying on numerous affairs (seriously, when would he have the time??), and she always demands that Himmel rat him out. Except Himmel has no such news to share--since Katja et al. are always chasing after HIM, not Jäger.
Enter Otto Himmel's recent character developments. He has a nice, improved, VERY long profile here on Toyhou.se so feel free to give it a look. Himmel is a Great War veteran who missed the end of that war due to a severe injury and shell shock, followed by a nasty bout of the flu; he also experienced the death of his wife in childbirth, and was so consumed by grief that he never remarried or fathered any other children, despite these being strict stipulations in the Schutzstaffel, which he joins for convoluted reasons you can see in his profile. Jäger is the one reading through SS applications when Himmel's crosses his desk, and, impressed by his experience and credentials, he promises to smooth the complicated application process out for him if Himmel will work in his office. On learning that this is basically a desk job with paperwork, Himmel agrees, since he's seen enough of combat. Thus Himmel enters the Allgemeine-SS where he deals mostly with collecting and sorting out the slews of personal files the SS keeps on, like, every-freaking-body. It's a dull, repetitive, lonely, thankless job but it suits the gloomy and bookish Himmel well.
If only it weren't for Jäger's secretaries. And there are a lot of them. Jäger is of the progressive mindset that women, who aren't allowed to join the SS but can serve as auxiliaries (the SS-Helferinnenkorps, "Helfer" meaning "helper"), are the ones best suited to the type of work his office is responsible for, and so has made a point of hiring them almost exclusively--and his office is big, and responsible for a LOT of paperwork--so every day, the place is full of attractive women in their smart, tight-fitting SS-Helferinnenkorps uniforms. They're required to be young, fit, and single. No wonder Magda worries. Except that her worries are misplaced; Jäger's women know their boss is strictly off limits and insists on everyone knowing their place, so they don't even flirt with him. Himmel is the only one of Jäger's few male employees who remains in the office throughout the day (the others caught on pretty fast, and work either out of other areas of the building, or out in the field), so he ends up the constant target of their attention. Although it's presented kind of humorously and as another running joke that Himmel frequently has to run a literal gantlet of beautiful young women who are all interested in him (being a decorated war veteran and a widower with just one grown child, he's prime marriage material for them), it's really not amusing for him personally, and in fact has a bit of a darker side. Himmel basically has to deal with daily sexual harassment and occasionally what could even be defined as sexual assault every time Katja et al. pin him into corners, kiss him, or outright grope him. Himmel had a very unpleasant and humiliating first experience with women right before he went off to war (underage, might I add--he was fourteen), and like most traumas this stuck with him. So, he really does not like the sort of attention he gets from Jäger's auxiliaries. He wishes to keep his well-paying and non-life-threatening job, though, and everyone else, Jäger included, brushes all this off as just girls being girls. (Jäger also often gently ribs Himmel that he really needs to fulfill his SS duties by getting married again and starting a proper family.) So, while Himmel is really anxious and uncomfortable about the entire situation, and has good reason to be, he keeps this to himself, puts up with it (or avoids it when he can), and everyone else thinks he's the odd one for not reciprocating all the female attention he receives.
Well, okay. ONE person agrees that Himmel's situation is a bothersome one he would not want to go through. But this is merely Private Klemper, and he's gay (a big big no-no in the Wehrmacht and especially to the SS), so nobody would take his opinion seriously, either. (Katja et al. ogle him when he visits Jäger's office, too, only he's more outspoken and so yells, "Quit looking at my ass, you whores!")
...Like I said, maybe if I sit down sometime and start mulling over what circumstances led to Katja becoming the sort of person she is--a prim-and-proper, devoted employee of Jäger, perfectly in tune with all his demands, yet perfectly willing, along with her fellow auxiliaries, to shamelessly victimize Himmel every chance she gets--it'll turn out that she's a far more complex character with possible hidden motivations or even traumas of her own. For now though, she's just Kameradin Katja, Jäger secretary and Himmel antagonizer.
[Katja Haring 2022 [‎Friday, ‎May ‎20, ‎2022, ‏‎1:07:16 AM]]
[Katja Haring 2022 2 [‎Friday, ‎May ‎20, ‎2022, ‏‎1:08:40 AM]]
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wishing-well-art · 4 years
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Draw the squad, Loki edition.
(Not gonna lie I had no idea what to do for MCU Loki so let's pretend it makes sense)
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mask-of-prime · 3 years
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride - Nuka's Last Words - Fully Animated (FANMADE)
As a way to celebrate 23 years of Simba's Pride, I decided to bring a deleted scene to life in full color and shading. I used a scene that I consider one of the most important scenes that shouldn't have been left out, as it adds so much more depth to the tragedy of Nuka's death. 
More information about my process below:
 Though the "didn't I?" that was left in the final version of the movie still makes a little bit of sense as it fits rather seamlessly to "I'm sorry, Mother... I tried...", the addition of "I finally got your attention, didn't I?" fits just as well, and makes the final "...Didn't I?" sound like a desperate, repeated need of confirmation and acknowledgement from his mother. Also that gulp in between the deleted line; when I animated that and listened for the audio over and over, it made me wonder if Nuka had been swallowing back blood, which just really adds to the graphicness of what those logs did to him when they fell on him, just further slims those chances that he could've survived. 
 The mediums used for this animation are GIMP (for the drawings and shading) and Adobe Animate CC (for pacing/syncing the frames and added camera effects like panning and zooming). The keyframes and breakdowns are replicated from the footage, but I added in-betweens to a few places that looked choppy, so only the in-betweens are original drawings by me. Background is also from the movie. The reason I'm using Bandicam is because Adobe loves to export things all blurry, so I had to capture footage from the program, itself with a different recording software. In order to not get Bandicam's watermark in the footage, I had to adjust the picture so it'd be outside of the frame. I apologize that we don't get to see the animation in fullscreen glory ;n; 
I tried to mimic the style of the movie as much as I could to bring this scene to life. There may be a few parts of the frames that might look inaccurate, as I couldn't quite make out some of the lines in the blurry footage of the YouTube upload I saw of the rough animation. The final result may look a little jumbly because of this. 
This animation took about a year because of many breaks (school, moving houses, and other art projects), starting production on October 17th of 2020 (with the ridiculous ambition of getting it done by the 26th of that same year). Another reason was the struggle with the tedious, repetitive process of drawing/coloring frames. I'm glad I took my time with this in the end though, I started off a little hasty when I first worked on it and it didn't come out right. A year of learning as I go was worth it ^^ 
 If you want to use this in an animash or edit or what have you, you should definitely credit me. Crediting me would avoid confusion as to where the footage you used came from in case someone asks you. 
Speaking of credit, the animation itself and the audio belong to Walt Disney TV Animation. I merely cleaned up the shot by coloring it.
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giuliadrawsstuff · 2 years
Hi Giulia! I hope you're doing okay! I just wanna say that you have a very solid art style--I can definitely distinguish it whenever it appears on my dashboard. Do you have artists or references that influence your very own art? I guess I just wanna ask, what's your artistic process? Thanks and take care!
Hi RK! Aww thanks you're so kind 💜💜 it really means a lot 💜
Mmm I think my greatest influence was Disney, the cartoons obviously but also some Italian comics, in particular W.I.T.C.H. (five highschool girls that obtain superpowers and can communicate with the four elements) and Topolino (various stories of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and all their friends) and I used to copy every possible drawing available hahha All the various issues are drawn by different artists, so I got to see a lot of variety of styles and pick the ones I preferred or better even pick the bits of each I liked and make them mine. Topolino in particular has multiple stories in a single issue and comes out weekly, so I had lots and lots of material to look at. I had my subscription until 2 years ago honestly hahah but I stopped for lack of shelves in my room 😂
And then during university so like 4/5 years ago I bought some video tutorials by Disney artist Aaron Blaise (he's the director of Brother Bear but he worked on Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King and other movies) and those really were a booster because I got to study anatomy and character design and drawing lots of animals. I still buy his stuff whenever he adds something interesting, he's an excellent teacher. And I get to watch them all the times I want so I can review weak spots or more difficult points.
As for the drawing process, well first I try and find a pose, I collect everything available that inspires me from stars Instagram posts or tweets, to drawings of other artists (obviously if the pose I finally make is identical to the original I add the reference to the post) to movie GIFs on Tumblr or official art. Oh and Pinterest too, that’s a goldmine, but I always end up finding new stuff that distracts me and not what I was originally looking for haha
Then I sketch on paper or on Photoshop depending on the mood and time, lately I can't even watch a movie in peace because my hands itch because I need to draw. So in this case I use paper.
Like these new ones look what a mess they are and very unfinished. It mostly to just jot down the idea so I don't forget it.
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And since I always make a mess of it, Photoshop is a blessing. I allows me to change stuff how many times I want, for ex if the head is too big I can select it and make it smaller, it allows me to flip the drawing which is one of the most useful things ever because watching your drawing mirrored makes all the horrors pop up, I've lost count of how many wrong eyes or super long arms I had to correct. Plus I can work on different layers so I usually have one layer for the head (even 2 or 3 like for Hange because they have bangs and ponytail that are tough and glasses) then one torso, two for the arms and so on. I only merge all layers into one lineart when I'm sure it's good to go.
And then I add flat colours and logos and stuff if needed (like the wings of freedom patches or blood).
Like this is flat colours (I know you know Bojack from your Diane profile pic, which I've always loved from the first moment I saw it btw 💜 I love that show). This one stays like this because Bojack has a very simple line and pretty much no shadows unless needed. But otherwise I always add them.
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But before making the shadows I tend to decide a background if needed or if I hadn't already one in mind. And the shadows colour tends to pair with the BG, but the general one is brownish (I use the same colour I use for Levi's bags under his eyes 😂 but set it to multiply so it gets darker but you can still see what's beneath).
Like this below.
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I don't do many backgrounds by hand, i made one for my Secret Santa but usually I use photos or pictures (AOT is perfect for example because being a cartoon it fits with my style, with real photos I have to be more careful because it might collide instead of becoming part of the drawing) unless there's an object in real interaction with the characters.
For example this one below. The tree on which they sit was already in the frame (that's actually what gave me the idea of putting them on the branches) I tried using it like that but there was too much difference so I drew the tree myself. The rest is the real shot but blurred. Helps focusing on the characters.
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Puff I think I'm done hahha sorry it came out longer that expected 😂😂 I hope the drawings make it less boring hahhaha
Anyway thanks for asking 💜💜 and if you have suggestions be sure to drop them by 💜
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jsio · 3 years
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Moebius' true king.
Art by Arealscrog
Archie's wasted character
Who is Miles?
Miles Prower is the Anti equivalent of Tails, from Mobius Prime. He is afew years older, being 11 instead of 8 and much more mature. He still appears to possess Tails' youthful tenacity and desire for independence, but he has a violent rebellious attitude and shows no interest in holding himself to childish things, even though he's only 11 years old himself, hating the nickname "Tails" being an example.
Miles holds his younger counterpart in utter contempt for traits Miles sees as weaknesses, especially how Tails went down the path of Science and technology instead of his magical Chaos force heritage, implying that Miles went down a more mystical path instead of Science, but from what we see in the comic Miles is more in the political field, by that I mean he manipulates all the political aspects of Moebius.
His actions throughout the comic run make him out to be smart, picky, but also cold, calculating and always 5 steps ahead of his own team and Adversaries, this leading to Alicia making him the Suppression Squads leader behind the scenes, while she is the figurehead "ruler."
That's Anti-Tails, Who throughout this I'll be reffering to as "Miles." Now you may be thinking, "Why make a post on an extremely obscure and hardly used Archie character? Why not someone Like Tails, Shadow or a more popular Archie character?"
Well, it's because I believe that Miles had the potential to be one of Archie's most intresting original characters, I believe he could've easily held his own "Suppression Squad" comic run, but Archie Unfortunately really underused him and wasted his potential, but hey...
That's where us fans come in!
This post is All about Miles Canonical self, every canon fact I can find about him and his full story in his short run during Pre-Reboot Archie Sonic, and my own personal headcanons in the later post.
But...before I get into any the headcanons, I need to teach those who don't know him about him, I need to talk about his Canonical self..so, let's get into it. Headcanons will be in the follow up post.
Canonical Apprearnces.
(Reworded from the wiki)
First appearance
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The first appearance of Anti-Tails was back when the character was just "Evil Tails" and it was of him joining the Anti Freedom fighters in an attempt to take over Mobius Prime, prior to the downfall of Eggman.
He and his evil allies pretended to be the good Mobius Prime versions, and struck knothole with acts of mayhem, vandalism and overall mischief, a common thing on moebius. The real Freedom Fighters soon returned to set things straight, but their initial attempts to defeat the Anti-Freedom Fighters failed as their Anti-Mobius selves knew their moves as well as they did. Sally Acorn came upon the solution: switching combat partners. When he faced Rotor, Evil Tails proved unable to overcome the larger and stronger Mobian. Defeated along with the other Anti-Freedom Fighters, he was sent back to Anti-Mobius, where they continued to cause mayhem despite the efforts of the kindly Dr. Ivo Kintobor (Anti-Robotnik) to stop them.
This was the last we saw Evil Tails for awhile, however we did see a cameo of him along with every other tails when they all came together and formed Titan Tails.
The Suppression Squad
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Art by Pota on Pixiv
Some time passed before his next appearance, and in that time "Anti-Mobius" went through changes in its name, now "Moebius." And all the characters changed alongside it.
Miles had assisted Boomer in stealing Dr Kintober's goal posts in order to allow the Suppression Squad to have access to inter-dimensional travel. Scourge obviously took this opportunity and went straight to Mobius Prime, along with a few other members of the SS, Miles being one of them, and they attempted an assult on the Freedom HQ, where we see Miles' and Tails face off, with Miles declaring to not be referrd to as Tails or Anti-Tails, but instead just "Miles".
He also indicated his disgust at Tails for having chosen a path of Science and study, despite having a strong connection to "Chaos force", aka magic. This has led to people believing Miles himself is a magic user.
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When Metal Sonic attacked Scourge, believing him to be the real Sonic, Miles stayed back and observed instead of helping his king. Now, you may think that's betrayal, but in reality Miles didn't help because he did not wish to undermine Scourges strength, so instead he observed. Soon after Sonic came onto the scene he showed his willingness to help anyone, even his enimies, and this gave Miles an idea:
Let's team up with the freedom fighters to betray Scourge, that's the new plan.
Miles later met up with Sally, Bunnie, Antonie and Tails to offer an alliance, but didn't let Tails speak and showed his contempt to the original version, telling him, "Please don't talk, little boy, We're trying to have an intelligent conversation." Sally accepted the offer, knowing she needed all the help she could get for taking down Scourge.
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Upon returning to Scourge, pretending to be running from the freedom fighters, Scourge asked for a summary on his mission, that being "bomb New Metropolis" but Miles ignored him however, instead reporting to Alicia (Anti-Sally) that his mission was a success. Immediately thereafter, Alicia told the Suppression Squad to, "Show our King just what we think of him", with Boomer and Patch clearly readying for battle
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However, Miles was doubling up his betrayal, blasting both Sonic and Scourge back into Moebius for them to Duke it out there, with Boomer sealing the portal behind them. An ethical debate followed this, between Sally, Alicia and Miles, the trio being ordered to get the goal posts ready to be able to return the freedom fighters to Mobius after both groups agreed to make sure Scourge was defeated on Moebius by Sonic
Miles was as shocked as the rest of the group to find Scourge had defeated all of his opponents as Super Scourge. When the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were quickly defeated, Scourge turned his sights on Miles, identifying him as the mastermind behind the betrayal.
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Miles, cowering in fear, denied his role in betraying Scourge, who was threatening to beat him for his betrayal. However, Miles was saved by Silver the Hedgehog and unlike the rest of his allies, wasn't even hurt. Following Scourge's defeat and Miles' attempt to recruit Buns Rabbot into the Suppression Squad, Miles spoke to Alicia about who would be their new leader. Alicia explained that while she may be the figurehead ruler, they both knew Miles held the real authority at this point, to which Miles grinned.
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That was the last we see of Miles in the Archie comics, he unfortunately isn't in the post reboot because he's now owned by Ken Penders, so we'll never see him again. Below is all of his official designs, and after that is my final thoughts on the character.
My overview of Miles as a character.
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I'm no Character analysist so I'll make this short and sweet, my review of Miles is that he's a Character with alot of potential, but he went wasted, not on purpose, but thanks to the lawsuit.
I believe that if that lawsuit never happened, and that arc was closed up nicely Anti-Tails would of became a far more realistic and grounded Character, and probably pretty popular too. Miles to me is a kid who was manipulated into a life of crime and now believes that's what is right, and I think that could of been an arc for him, mellowing out and becoming a true king for the people of Moebius. I also like how when Scourge goes Super and goes to Miles to confront him, he dosent stand up to him, he dosent become strong, but instead he cowers in fear, hes terrified and tries to lie, to me, that makes him feel more grounded, and I like that.
Personally I wish Miles was more popular, I wish he got more spotlight than he did and I wish his story got concluded, but with what we got, I think he's pretty good, and pretty interesting too! I've seen alot of ideas float around for this dude, all of them making sense in they're on way, and to be honest? His lack of story kinda helps make him more accessible.
Tl:Dr: I like Miles alot, and I hope this post helps you lot learn more about him and overall, gets more people down to write with him, draw with him and explore him!
Would I change him in any way?
Yeah, there's one key part of Miles (from what we got) that I think was wasted. Now, what is that? What would I change about a Character I've mostly praised? Well...
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I wish he was magical. In the Archie comics Tails is actually strongly connected to the "Chaos Force", not as connected as Shadow, but still VERY connected, and guess what? Miles and Tails ARE biologically the same, same DNA, and in that bit of the comic, Miles calls Tails out on something he should have no idea about if he himself isn't connected to the same thing (or Moebius equivalent). To me at least this kind of implies Miles is magical too.
Basically, I'd give Miles' moveset a touch of magical abilities, connecting him to Moebius' "Anarchy force". I think it would help separate him abit more from Tails, while also connecting them, because whenever you have science and magic together...they clash.
But yea that's all I'd change in what we got, just hints of magic, some magic attacks here and there. I think it'd be pretty neat, and it'd have the science Vs magic aspect with him and Tails relationship.
Lets finally wrap this up! At least, for now.
Thank you so much for reading all this If you did, it, this took me alot of hours, and I, I think it's over 2000 words now you madman. Why not spend your time doing something more worthwhile? Why not...have fun? meet someone? Go on a date? Live your life? Why read a post on an obscure Character, mainac.
But in all seriousness thank you for reading my post, I really like this character (clearly) and I want to teach people about him, and I hope this post has done that! Post 2. There's going to be a sequel post going over all of my personal headcanons, and possibly a 3rd going over community ones. Keep ya eyes out~
But yea, big read, now you lot know about an obscure Character, and this was fun to write! But now I'm gonna end this post with a fun fact:
Miles and the Suppression Squad were going to have one more arc, it was teased at the end of issue 196, but unfortunately it never got written. That would of been really neat but unfortunately it never got to happen.
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ja-khajay · 3 years
Stuff I read (and liked) this year
As promised, here’s a list of the novels, comics, manga, etc... I read this year, focusing on the ones I enjoyed and would recommend to people. Under a cut, this is going to be a little long.
-------- Books --------
Favorite book of the year: Stranger in the Woods, by Michael Finkel
Non-fiction. Based on the interviews of the man himself by the author, it is about a man who felt so unfit for society he decided one day to leave it, and spent the next 28 years as a hidden hermit in forest in Maine. The book details how he survived there, how he was eventually found, and some of his reasons for doing so. It’s a great reflection on the nature of loneliness.
Indian creek, by Pete Fromm
...Yet another detailed tale of living alone in the woods. This time, the diary of a student who spent a winter in the mountains to help tend for salmon hatchlings, and how he spent the rest of his days hiking, hunting, meeting the locals. It’s a fun little book who, being set almost the whole world away from where I live, was a nice way to travel.
Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones
I don’t feel the need to explain this one since everyone and their mom has seen the movie adapted from it. The book, that I first read a decade ago before I actually watched the film, is a less romantized, more spirited telling of the same story. The writing is absolutely delightful and so is the world it paints, and it’s the first time in ages a book had me laughing out loud during my entire read.
-------- Comics (BD) --------
Favorite comic of the year: Monsieur Désire?, by Hubert and Virginie Augustin
A discreet young woman becomes a maid for a decadent, unbearable, byronesque young lord. Caked in the rigid and oppressive social hierarchy of the victorian era, you follow a mental and verbal joust between the two, as the lord tries his best to offend and corrupt his new unrelenting servant, to little success. The writing and especially the dialogues were stellar, drawing me into the tense atmosphere, watching this trainwreck of a character flamboyantly destroy himself. While there’s no precise content warnings that I can give, this is a mature and heavy story.
World of Edena, by Moebius
Anyone who’s followed this blog for over a month knows how much of a Moebius fan I am. Edena combines the vague, dreamlike, wordless storytelling from stuff like Arzach or The cat’s eyes with an actual plot. While I haven’t completly finished the story, the evolution of the main characters and how the story is told have been great to read through, and as always the art is beyond gorgeous. Unfortunately suffers from some good old sexism in the writing that even if minimal, tasted sour
Le roman de Renart, by Joan Sfar (book 1)
Sfar’s work always has a signature vibe of being dreamy and light without being light hearted, of being down to earth but drifting in the fantastical, and this one is no exception. It’s an adaption of a series of medieval folk tales I grew up with, who uses the same characters to tell an original story. If you’re familiar with icons like Renart as well as other mythological big boys like Merlin you’ll fit right in. There is something special in how the dialogues are written, who feel natural in a way that you’d overhear in a street corner and is very special to me.
The mercenary, by VIncente Segrelles
Another one I post about a lot on this blog. The mercenary is a king on the throne of fantasy cheese. The worldbuilding is interesting at times but the writing is a pretty pathetic display of glorious old time sword and sorcery sci-fantasy 10 years too late for it’s prime (warning for ye old sexism and orientalism that plagues the genre, cranked very high...) but you come and stay for the art. The entire thing is drawn in a series of hyper detailed oil paintings with an insane eye for technical detail, from the engineering of the weaponry, to the architecture and weather, to the anatomy of the fantasy creatures... Each panel stands out as it’s own painting which makes even flipping through it without reading the scenario a treat. Click here to see more of the art, in my Segrelles tag.
The ice maurauder, by Jacques Tardi
A short story about mad scientists entirely drawn like a 19th century engraving. In great Tardi tradition everyone is ugly and mean, it ends terribly, it’s both a hommage to the genre of late 19th cent. to early 1900s dramatic adventure novels and a critical eye on it, and it’s morbidly funny. Most people I saw online hated the way this was written but I’m not them and I really recommend this book. Die mad
-------- Manga --------
Favorite manga of the year: it’s a tie between the following two.
Cats of the Louvre, by Taiyo Matsumoto
Most wonderful comic I have read in ages. The story follows a bunch of semi-feral cats secretly living in the Louvre museum’s attic, and the small group of humans who share their life, walking through the museum as the night watch. When the cats are together, they are represented in a humanoid way, but still act like animals, and “become” cats again when a human is nearby. The plot is a sort of supernatural mystery centered around a kitten who walks around paintings. It’s a love letter to art, sincere and beautiful, with a unique art style and great characters.
Memoirs of amorous Gentlemen, by Moyoco Anno
A sex worker in early 20th century paris starts writing down a diary of the clients she meets, in a quest to cope with the troubles of her life. You follow her, her colleagues, and her bittersweet relationship with an abusive lover. I don’t have much words about this comic, but the art and writing both are amazing, it’s the perfect length and drew me in like little series had before. Obvious content warnings as this is an adult story that talks about sexuality, but also depicts both mental and physical abuse.
Hana, also by Taiyo Matsumoto 
A very short story, this was not made to be read as a comic originally, but served as storyboarding and visual development for a play, and the way it is written follows that. Hana is a slice of life story set in a fantasy world, of a young boy, his family, his village. Despite the setting being an original one, the character interactions are refreshingly... normal, and there is no huge plot to speak of, just a bit of the life of these characters. The art is beautiful, entirely black and white, with a scratchy style and an emphasis on contrast. Matsumoto is on a speedy road to becoming my favorite manga artist haha
Delicious in Dungeon, by Ryoko Kui
While not marked as my year’s favorite, I still consider this series among my favorite manga ever. The art and writing are amazing, and it’s both heartfelt, well concieved and plain hilarious. The story follows several parties of dungeon diving adventurers each on their little quests with a premise of our protagonists, on a panic rescue mission, surviving in the dungeon by cooking and eating the monsters they come across. From a DnD party turned cooking manual dinner of the week beginning, the plot creeps up on you and slowly thickens. I don’t want to spoil anything about the overarching story of this because it was a delight to discover for myself. While everything about DinD rules, I am especially fond of the design philosophy of the author, who puts great detail in the practicality and biology of what she draws, as well as the character writing. Everyone even side characters has so much charm and depth to them, the cast is so diverse and entertaining...! Each character is just a bit lame enough but endearing, and has their own little backstory that shows in the way they exist. It’s a delight
Chainsaw man, by Tatsuki Fujimoto
I went into CSM expecting a borderline campy hyperviolent dumb fun thing to read and was very surprised to find an uncomfortably well written story about a teenager being groomed. The hyperviolent dumb fun fights are here nonetheless and the series still qualifies as shonen for some reason, but the more mature character writing as well as some truly outlandish visuals make it something very special. If you can’t stand shonen, not sure you will like it, but if you don’t mind it, worth trying.
Witch hat atelier, by Kamome Shirahama
The oh so elegant fantasy seinen every cool kid started posting about this year, who I also succumbed to and fast. Witch hat is hard to explain, as most of it’s plot revolves around the rules of the world it’s set in, specifically the regulations around it’s magic and the social and historical reasons for them. It’s about growing up, learning, disability, making art. You follow a little girl taken in by a witch as an apprentice, her magical education, and learn little by little why her lovely teacher is so willing to break a lot of rules... While a bit too gentle and pretty for my taste at times, Witch hat has great worldbuilding and explores sensitive themes I rarely see in manga, much less in fantasy. And Berserk wishes it had art this good
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