#i saved this for today and then forgot to post lol
kanmom51 · 4 months
Fave Jikook pics (?)
was going through my drafts again today to find these 2 beautiful Jikook pics that I probably meant to share way back last year.
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Given the time that has passed and me not remembering what it was I had in mind while saving them to my drafts I decided to take it in a different direction.
So, I was doing a 'share your favorite Jikook pic' today with my good friends and it got me thinking what my favorite pics and/or moments were.
These two moments above are definitley top contenders (which I kind of forgot about when I was narrowing down my fave pics, seeing there are sooooo many beautiful moments out there for the picking).
But having a little think about it, I feel like the ones I connect with the most, the ones that pull at my heart strings the most, are:
Those super charged or emotional moments, when you can feel the feelings and/or tension without the words being said out loud.
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Those moments when they find comfort in each other.
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Those moments you can see the love they have for each other and the joy they bring one another.
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Those moments when they are super flirty with each other (these ones just bring a much needed huge ass smile to my face).
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That man has no shame.🤣🤣
And to think just a few years back he was calling JM shameless and malfunctioning when JM showed just how shameless he was, lol.
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Seeing that you'd think he was so innocent and most definitley not shameless here either, right?
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So innocent it drove JM totally mad, lol.
I think it's safe to say that JK was just as shameless if not more so at moments.
So, I think we can conclude that both of them are flirt kings, even more so with each other. And they don't even have to be in the same room and/or frame to drive each other or us crazy.
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Wait a minute...
How did it go from Jikook favorite pics to this?
Meh, who cares, right?
As long as we get us a dose of Jikook all is well (even if the post makes absolutely no sense what so ever).
Those moments when the editors are clearly Jikookers (and this happens during clearly loud and obvious Jikook moments).
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So basically, almost every pic out there of them interacting naturally.
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Ok then...
I guess my point will be not having a point, just enjoying and sharing much loved Jikook moments.
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358 notes · View notes
plzu · 5 months
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Hot Chai - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part 8 <- ☕︎ series masterlist ☕︎ ao3
a/n: happy new year! this fic is almost done ♡ also i almost forgot to post this here today lol summary: Adrian is mad at Chris. You're mad at Adrian. Goff gets loose. It's a whole thing. warnings: canon typical violence (chapter takes place during ep 6: Murn After Reading), no Y/N, nothing else major i don't think but lmk if i missed something word count: 5.2k
Can people be haunted by things that aren’t ghosts? Adrian wasn’t sure, but the image of your watery eyes, and hands shakily hiding your face — it haunts him.
Which sounds excessive. After all, how could you haunt him? You were very much alive. But if hauntings make people uncomfortable, makes it hard to sleep, and makes dread sit with the weight of a sandbag on their chests, then maybe it was accurate. Because nothing has bothered him quite this much since - well. There was the shame he felt at failing to kill Chris's racist dirtbag father, and the potential consequences this failure could lead to. But he got over that fairly quickly. After all, it's not Adrian's fault Peacemaker has a shitty dad.
But you — your eyes dimming when he told you about the threesome. The way your face twisted into something that made his world halt to an unsteadying stop, like the nauseating swaying of a boat at sea. The way your hands hid the stricken sadness from him, too late in hiding the pain.
Because of him. He did that. He didn't mean to, didn't realize he'd say something that could upset you, but still. It was his fault.
Crying generally made Adrian uncomfortable because he had a difficult time empathizing. He doesn't cry, not since he was little. Guts once told him it's because he doesn't have feelings like people do. So he never knew what to do if someone cried around him. It weirded him out, to be honest. He wasn't much good at providing comfort, tended to say the wrong things. And his hands. God, he never really knew what to do with them in those situations, became hyper-aware that he even had hands in the first place. Hands good at killing, but useless in comfort.
He hasn't made someone cry since high school.
Scratch that. He makes grown men cry, like, all the time. Usually accompanied by them pissing their pants because they're terrified Vigilante is going to kill them. (Spoiler alert: he does!)
Like one of the guys in the alleyway downtown, that he saved you from. The one that tried crawling away after Vigilante shot his knees. Weeping and wailing and cowering.
But that's different, obviously. Tears and sobs fueled by fear.
The last time he made someone cry because he hurt their feelings, though, that was definitely high school. Made someone cry because he was just being an asshole. Even if he didn't realize it.
It was eventually explained to him that some people are just weirdly sensitive, so you really didn’t have to try that hard to hurt them. Some people just had emotions like the skin of a too-ripe fruit.
He didn’t think you were one of those people. He never saw you cry in high school, and he definitely would have noticed if you had. Adrian was perceptive like that. ‘Specially with you. I mean, sure, you cried in the alleyway and again in his bedroom but the alleyway tears had to have been from fear like that other guy before he shot his brains out, and then the bedroom tears were from, like, residual fear, he thinks. Not because your feelings were hurt.
But then he told you about the threesome, and the mood shift swept across your face like a fissure, and it was just like when he’d made that girl in high school cry, except worse. Because it was you. You, the person he's been quietly fixated on since, like, the 10th grade. The only other person whose lips he fantasizes about -- either pressed against his, or curved in a smile.
He only ever wanted to make you smile. To laugh. It’s the very sound that drew him to you in the first place.
Instead, he made those pretty lips of your warble and twist into the shape of pain.
He should have listened to you, should have let you drag him to the restroom and take off his mask and shove your bodies together. Because then you would have taken his breath away and, with it, all his thoughts. Because that threesome with Chris pales in comparison to the feel of you touching him.
The memory of the threesome warps his emotions into anger and annoyance. Why the fuck did he follow Chris back into his trailer to bang some chick he didn't even know?
Adrian stands at the front (and only) door of Chris' trailer now. They were off today, no assignments from the Task Force. No Fennel Fields shift for Adrian. Today would have been the perfect day to finally, finally hang out with you, no Vigilante business to get in the way. But if his unanswered text messages are anything to go by, you don't want to see him.
And why would you? He made you cry.
Adrian knocks, and whatever frustrations that spurred him to Chris's place is momentarily put on hold when he hears Chris answer, 'Come in, Adrian' without even coming to the door. Adrian walks into the trailer, impressed despite his annoyance as he closes the door behind him and asks, “how did you know it was me?” to the welcoming back of Chris’s head.
“You knock in a very annoying way.” Chris didn't even turn around to look at him when he said it.
“Oh.” Ouch. Rude.
Adrian opens his mouth to apologize, as he usually does whenever people point out he's being unintentionally annoying, but something about Chris's tone kind of ticks him off. Instead, Adrian says, “well, maybe I didn't realize how annoying my knock was because I was distracted by your bad advice.”
This seems to get the other man's attention. In an irritated and confused huff, Chris asks, “dude, what the fuck are you talking about?” as he turns to face him.
“You convinced me to bang that underappreciated chick with you and now they're mad at me.”
This only confuses Chris more. “Amber's mad at you? Why would she be mad at you?” His face sobers into upset understanding. “Dude, did you give her a fucking STD!? You said you were clean! Great, now I have to get checked. I was just at the hospital, man, I don't have time for this.”
“No! I don't have an STD, I'm not talking about her! I mean my- the barista I've been telling you about!”
Chris rolls his eyes, annoyance rolling off of those huge shoulders of his. He just turns back around in his seat.
Adrian's fists clench at his sides at the action. This conversation is far from over-
Small tapping sounds grab his attention. Adrian looks over and sees the alien thing that flew out of the Senator's face sitting in a mason jar with holes poked into the top. “Dude, you still have that thing?”
“Yeah,” Chris confirms without looking back.
Goff makes squeaky noises inside its glass cage. Its little blue and white bug-like body, long-limbed, strangely animated. It doesn't move or act like any bug Adrian's ever seen (at least, not in Evergreen). There's an awareness about itself that clearly indicates some enhanced intelligence.
“He tried to kill us,” Adrian reminds Chris, “and he cut off half my toe.”
He's still a little sore about that, if he's being honest. Currently he's sore about a lot of things.
“Yeah,” Chris says, sounding weirdly detached, distracted. “Sometimes I just think I'm insecure about my masculinity and I'm making up for it by having a dangerous pet.” He says this all in one breath.
His words only confuse and, honestly, slightly upsets Adrian as Chris continues, comparing himself to 'knuckle-dicks in Georgia.’
Peacemaker has not been the same since he got out of Belle Reve. Yeah, he's still the same solid mass of muscle. He's still a giant jerk that says the funniest, meanest things. He can still kick ass, still sharp with a gun and never misses his targets. But now there are moments where he struggles to pull the trigger.
The wavering lately is worrying, to say the least. Maybe even disappointing. 
“Dude, my advice?” Adrian offers. “Cut it out with the introspection. The mind is a den of scorpions better left running from instead of towards.”
He should know. Adrian spent most of his childhood trying to analyze those metaphorical scorpions until he decided it was easier to ignore them completely. But things have been kind of rocky, lately, and Adrian has been finding himself taking a peek now and again. Something about both you and Peacemaker being back in Evergreen at the same time is kind of shaking up his foundation.
Chittering and tapping noises from Goff's mason jar grabs Adrian's attention again. “What is Goff doing?”
Chris spins around in his chair and they both watch as Goff uses whatever weird goop he's sitting in to draw a circle on the glass. Then he abruptly stands and grabs the mason jar in his gloved hands. When he holds it up to the cool, gray light filtering in through the skylight, they’re met with a droopy symbol of peace.
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Sitting on Peacemaker’s couch, both men grow increasingly frustrated, but not for the same reason.
Seeing as Goff is attempting to communicate with them, Chris sets them up in his living room, Goff's mason jar on the coffee table, with a few rules for interrogation. There is, obviously, a language barrier, but the alien can understand English just fine.
Adrian is upset about how difficult the rules are to follow. Chris, for whatever reason, finds his confusion unreasonable. Sticking to 'yes' and 'no' questions isn't that easy, especially when Adrian has been finding it incredibly difficult to focus since last night, when he left you to cry all alone in the cafe.
Chris's impatience with him is just making Adrian even more frazzled. Usually he can deal with Peacemaker's snapping. He didn't always understand what he'd done to get yelled at, but it usually blew over.
This time, though, Adrian is finding that he is equally mad at Chris. So when Chris shouts that maybe Adrian should shut the fuck up, Adrian shouts back.
“I see how you are! Your preferred conversation partners are Eagly and Goff! Neither of who are capable of speech. Try introspection on that, motherfucker!”
Chris, for once, does not have an immediate comeback.
Adrian takes in a big, steadying breath, feeling the angry warmth on his cheeks and trying to dispel it. An apology sits at the back of his throat, rising up out of simple habit, but an image of your face -- usually all smiles and twinkling eyes -- flashes in his mind. Tear-stricken.
It's enough to force the apology back down.
Turns out, Adrian doesn't even have to apologize because Chris says he's right (I mean, he knew that already; those words didn't explode out of him out of nowhere), and continues in a tone that is unusually soft and quiet and reflective.
Adrian interrupts. Chris yells. This interrogation is going nowhere.
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Adrian, having gotten the hang of the whole 'yes' or 'no' question rule, asks Goff, “would you tell your buddy it's okay to sleep with other people despite him having someone he already really likes?”
Chris yells again. “Dude, what the FUCK are you talking about? How is that relevant to an alien invasion?”
They're interrupted by a phone call, Aqua's Barbie Girl ringing clearly from Adrian's back pocket. Adrian rushes to fish his phone out, hoping very badly that it's you.
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It wasn't you.
Adrian and Chris are up in the trees, hiding from the cops that are now tearing Peacemaker's trailer apart. The cops that Murn called to warn about, telling them to get the fuck out of dodge. Goff is strapped to Adrian's back, a brilliant move on his part to free up his hands.
Brilliant, until Adrian falls from the tree flat on his back, where one of the cops is looking for them. But that's not as concerning as the mason jar shattering, freeing Goff.
“Oh, shit.”
Goff shakes off the fall and flaps hurriedly towards the detective, who has her gun out and pointed at Adrian on the ground. Adrian’s less concerned about that and more concerned about what Goff’s next move is gonna be. 
Chris lands beside him and both men watch in horror and fascination as the alien flies directly at the detective's face, making her fall flat on her back as Goff starts burrowing into her mouth. The move is quick and aggressive and the detective struggles and fails to rip it out of her.
They rush to her side as blood erupts from her mouth, decorating the side of her face crimson as her body begins to convulse. There is nothing they can do but run once they hear another cop round the corner of the trailer and alerts everyone else to their position.
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Adrian throws Chris's cell phone outside of the car window on their way to meet the rest of the team at the abandoned video store they've been operating from.
He says he did it to keep them safe, which is mostly true. They can track them through the phone, you know? When Chris angrily advises that his phone was secure and untraceable, and that now a bunch of Eagly pictures are gone, Adrian can only bring himself to be a little regretful. 
Adrian is finding something grimly pleasant about indirectly hurting Chris like this. Something scratching a weird itch in the back of his thoughts. It's similar to when he'd throw dynamites at the other man in retaliation for being almost blown up himself. But that was all in good fun. Just guys being dudes, entertaining each other with violence. Real macho-like shenanigans.
No, this was different. Adrian got some sort of satisfaction from tossing Chris's phone out of a moving vehicle right now because he's... more mad at him than he thinks he’s ever been.
And it's not because the hero he's looked up to has been weirdly introspective lately about the usual way they've handled criminals. That was more irritating than anything. It’s a lot easier to go through life without agonizing the lives you’ve taken; surely he can remind Peacemaker of that again.
No. Adrian is mad at Chris because he blames him for hurting your feelings.
“Thank you, by the way.” Chris sends him a quick, confused glance. “For telling me I could bang whoever I wanted. Real solid advice, bro.”
Chris furrows his brow. “What the fuck- why do you keep bringing up the threesome?”
“Because! If it weren't for you, I never would have made them cry!”
“Why the fuck would you tell someone you like that you had a threesome!?”
“You said it was okay!”
It's all Chris can do to keep from ripping the steering wheel off of this car and beating Vigilante with it.
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Their argument evolved into weird hypotheticals by the time they stormed through the doors of the video store, but gets (thankfully) interrupted by the mean blonde — Harcourt.
“Hey! Do you have a diary?”
“No,” Chris half-shouts, voice still carrying the weight of whatever shouting match he was in the middle of having with Adrian.
Adrian holds the door open for Eagly to waddle through. Whatever qualms he has with Chris right now, the bird has nothing to do with it. Eagly is chill. Adrian's not gonna be rude and just not hold the door for him.
The conversation between Chris and everyone gets more heated once Chris reveals that Goff is now free. The team doesn't react well to this, which is probably why Chris kept it a secret up til this point.
“Yeah, we kept Goff,” Adrian clarifies in answer to Harcourt's exclamation.
“You kept Goff!?” Murn shouts incredulously. Eyes wide in angry disbelief. Like he doesn't want what he's hearing to be true.
“Because Peacemaker has masculinity issues,” Adrian explains. His lips quirk into a smirk that has absolutely no joy in it. “Probably the same masculinity issues that convinces your BFF — sorry, second BFF — to join you in a threesome even though it'll hurt that BFF's friend's feelings to do so.”
This makes Chris groan in frustration. “Vigilante! Time and place!”
“What the fuck is he talking about?” Harcourt asks, exasperated.
“He's all pissy because he told this chick he's been seeing about our threesome.”
Someone says 'ew' under their breath.
“He told me I could bang whoever I wanted despite knowing about the person I like!” Adrian can't keep the whine out of his voice.
Adebayo speaks up, addressing Chris. “You encouraged him to sleep around even though he's seeing someone?”
“He said they weren't exclusive!” It kind of feels like Peacemaker hasn't stopped yelling since Adrian stepped foot in his trailer.
“Still,” Adebayo says. “He's, like, obsessed with you and he'll do whatever you say.”
(“Hey!” Adrian exclaims. That's offensive, probably! Regardless of whether or not it's true!)
“He's a grown man,” Harcourt interjects. “He should be able to make his own decisions and not blame it on Peacemaker.”
Chris gestures a massive arm out to Harcourt, saying “Thank you!” at the same time as Economos says, “Someone likes Vigilante romantically?”
“That's enough!” Murn sternly shouts, silencing the room. “Where is Goff now?”
They explain how Goff took over one of the cops - the Asian woman.
Fury and disappointment reverberate off of Murn. “God damn it, Peacemaker.”
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You don't know why you let it break your heart. Why you let it keep you up most of the night, curled wretchedly into yourself, weeping in tumultuous silence into your pillow.
Adrian Chase, the guy you got unnecessarily and hopelessly attached to, coolly admitted to having had a threesome. There was no tiptoeing around it, either. No hesitation before saying the words that casually ripped your heart out from your chest.
It really should not have hurt you the way it did. Hell, if he had said anything about sleeping with someone else just a few weeks ago, it would only have mildly annoyed you at best. Perhaps made you a tad bit insecure, but you would have shrugged it off.
But things have been slowly crumbling around you ever since that night your old high school friends ghosted you--
No. That's not true. Your life was falling apart well before that. It's why you came back to Evergreen in the first place. But Adrian showed up and made things momentarily steady. A patchwork preventing the further collapse of your mental fortitude.
But then you found out his secret, and he suddenly had no time for you. And before you could fully make peace with the fact that Adrian Chase -- the dorky weirdo from high school -- is Evergreen's infamous Vigilante, Peacemaker came back and you were no longer the center of Adrian's attention.
Which you are ashamed to admit stung.
And as if that wasn't enough, things at home have been so off and confusing. It's a different kind of nervous than what you're used to, walking through the halls of the strangely quiet house. You could always feel their presence, at home -- your mother's more specifically. You've always been attuned to her, some kind of survival instinct so you know when to avoid her. And you have to finally admit that there's a very vacant gap in the house, and you know it's because your mother has not been around to fill it.
This has caused a very antsy mood shift with your dad, one that would make you anxious if it weren't for the fact that his focus is no longer on you. It's on your mother's absence.
This should worry you.
The confusing part is that your stomach is not twisted in knots over the idea that she hasn't been home. You don't bother asking your dad about it when you see him sitting zombie-like in the living room late at night.
(You tend to avoid asking questions when you're afraid of the answer.)
(Hence why you never questioned Adrian when he'd tell you some unprompted lie.)
Truth be told, you can't help but to feel tentatively euphoric. It's one less thing suffocating you at home. Like the weight of a boot lightly lifted from standing on your neck.
You're about to head out to work earlier than usual—you've had free reign of the house since you woke up because even your dad wasn't home that morning, and it was nice until it got eerie—but just as you approach the front door, it swings open.
Your dad stands at the threshold, silhouetted by the light at his back. When you blink and adjust your vision to the sudden daylight that's poured in, you're startled by the unkempt figure walking through the doorway. It's your dad, yes, but in a way you can barely recognize. He looks rough and unkempt, facial hair growing in unruly patches around his mouth. The bags under his eyes suggest he hasn't had much sleep. It's like he's aged 10 years.
“Hey...” He says, but it's hardly a greeting. He barely even looks at you. Mostly, it's like he's looking through you. “Have you, by any chance, heard from your mother?” He shuffles past you in the hallway, not waiting for an answer. Probably not even really expecting one.
You watch the exhausted shape of his back. You feel weirdly guilty when you answer no.
An empty sort of exhale depletes out of him, and it's the only sound of acknowledgement. He doesn't ask anymore questions, doesn't say anything else.
So you leave.   You walk into the cafe half an hour before your shift starts, just in time to hear Matty's vivacious voice call out a 'small hot chai for the tall hot guy.' He's fully ready to flirt with the customer as he hands off the drink, but does a double-take when he sees you slink around the counter and to the back.
Matty's flirty smile slips into a frown as he shares a look with Ashe, who also noticed your sluggish arrival.
The two ambush you as you very poorly tie an apron around your waist. It's Matty who speaks first. “You look absolutely terrible.”
You drag your still-puffy eyes to look at him, unsmiling. “Oh, Matty. Truly, my favorite thing about you is your penchant for unprompted insults.”
Matty just rolls his eyes at your deadpanned sarcasm. Ashe steps in to try to amend his rude comments. “What he means is-” Ashe takes in the sight of your sob-swollen eyelids and chapped lips and crooked disarray of your shirt collar. “-wow, God, no, yeah, you do look terrible.”
You scowl. “Do you two have to be back here? Someone needs to be on the floor.”
“There are, like, two other baristas out there.” Matty quirks a perfect eyebrow at you. “Other people work here, you know. It's not just us three.”
You squint your eyes at him, like that can't possibly be true, but say nothing further on the subject.
As you fix the collar around your neck, Matty asks, “So? Are you gonna tell us why you've been crying or do we gotta pry it out of you?”
“Is this about Adrian?” Ashe's voice is soft with knowing and caution.
You avoid eye contact. “He told me he slept with someone else. Two someone elses, actually. At the same time.”
You squeeze past the two other baristas and start making your way out onto the floor. They give each other a look before following.
“So the man had a threesome,” Matty clarifies, less as a question and more matter-of-factly. And completely uncaring whether the customers in cafe hear his indecent statement. “Ugh, of course that weirdo is having threesomes. I could tell just by looking at him that his dick game is insane.”
“Matty,” Ashe hisses as they give him a light backhand on his shoulder. Then, louder, calls out your name. “So you're upset he slept with someone-”
“Two someones,” you interrupt, face otherwise unphased by anything that's been said so far as you clock in at the register.
(“Again, that's just called a threesome, babes,” Matty helpfully quips as he rubs the spot where Ashe smacked.)
“Right, sure-” Ashe says. “And this was something Adrian was hiding from you?”
You grit your teeth as you float right past the two again, towards the log book the shift supervisors use that's open to today's date. Huh, look at that. There are names scribbled here besides Ashe's and Matty's. “He just told me about it, like it was a cool fun fact.”
A customer approaches the register, keeping Matty from accompanying Ashe as they follow you back.
“I'm sorry he hurt you, but...” your mouth sets into a grim line at Ashe's 'but', still unwilling to look up at them. “didn't you tell me just a few nights ago that you guys aren't even together?”
“Yeah, but...”
But he made you feel like you were singularly special. An illusion that quickly shattered at his admittance to sleeping with this Peacemaker guy. Honestly, it probably would have hurt less if it had been some nameless bimbo desperate for Vigilante's attention. No history and less intimacy.
Ashe waits patiently as you sort through your thoughts, until your shoulders slump with resignation, unable to find the right words to defend yourself.
“I get it,” they say. “I get that it hurts, but it's not exactly fair to him or to you if you haven't told him what you want.”
Ashe is right. It was wrong of you to assume you'd have Adrian's sole attention forever. You just hoped that it would last long enough until you got the hell out of Evergreen.
Oof. When did you become so selfish?
Eyes softening, you finally give Ashe a grateful look. “How are you so wise? You're, like, twelve.”
Ashe smiles. “You make it really hard to want to help you sometimes.”
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You once again find yourself alone in the cafe at the end of the night. Matty had stayed an hour past their shift just to absorb all the juicy bits of gossip, catching up on yours and Ashe's conversation. He also offered up a few encouraging words, in his own Matty way.
(“If you don't tie that delicious four-eyes down, I will,” he said, giving you a very pointed look.)
Ashe, once again, insisted on staying late with you.
(“If you can clock in early, then I can clock out late, no?”)
You only smiled and shook your head and told Ashe you were fine, really. It lacked the usual desperation, though, the one that tinged your voice with hopes of Adrian stopping by. This time, you convinced Ashe to leave by telling them you really wanted the time alone to think while also keeping your hands busy. So they left with less worry than usual this time.
You received several texts from Adrian earlier today, and you think about how you ignored all of them as you finish counting out the till. They're all unopened, having only caught glimpses of the texts as they appeared as previews on your still-cracked lockscreen.
The first text was an apology that only made you scowl. At the time, you doubted he meant it, or knew what he was even apologizing for considering last night, he only seemed confused by your hurt reaction.
Then there was the text you scoffed out, where he stated he was off today and could meet up, presumably to talk. If you have to see him in that stupid fucking mask again without seeing his stupid fucking face, you think you might actually scream until both your heads pop.
Now, as you lock up the safe, you think that maybe talking wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe not the best idea, given your fragile emotional state. You really don't trust yourself not to cry more and Adrian's been no good with tears and you don't want to make him uncomfortable (though that should be the least of your worries).
And even worse than whatever it is Adrian has to say (I mean, what more could the man say? Mentioning the threesome was enough, you don't need to hear about they why or the how or the what went in who's hole-)
-Even worse than whatever else Adrian could possibly say is whatever you need to say. Speak out loud and make yourself more vulnerable than when he has you in the backseat of his Sebring with his mouth against your neck. Relinquish whatever remains of your pride as you put the power in his hands, lay bare the fragile beating of your heart and admit how much you cannot stand to be without him. How terrifying the thought that he might not feel the same, now that his real best friend is back in the picture. 
The feelings whirl in your gut all nauseating and you grimace. You hate confessing. To give someone else the chance to hurt you. It goes against your self-preservation instincts.
As the song playing on the store speakers quietly peters to end and transitions to the next track, you hear a noise coming somewhere from the back. You pause, straining your ears to try to listen as the music continues playing. You want very badly to play it off as just your imagination, but you're the only one in the store; after the things you have been through recently, it would be unwise to shrug it off without investigating.
Unwilling to venture into the back just yet, you simply stand from your spot at the safe and lean backwards, gazing into the parts of the backroom you could see, and-
Huh. That's strange. The backdoor is opened a crack. You're sure you closed it after running out the last bit of garbage, but it's hard to trust your own memory when you've been so distracted thinking about Adrian Chase and Feelings.
You steel yourself, blowing out a forceful bit of air through your nose and begin to make your way to the back. It could have just been some critter dumpster diving that made the noise, audible simply because the door wasn't fully closed. You close the door, making sure it clicks firmly shut.
As you turn back around, you discover you are not alone in the store after all.
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They're still at the video store/base when an announcement reveals on the t.v. that Peacemaker is wanted, due to evidence found in a diary that Chris says isn't his. It's Goff on the podium, and, distressingly, the tall guy from the woods stands next to her, the one that killed those cops and helped him and Vigilante escape.
It looks like they got him, too. He has a face that looks like its skin is stretched too taut over his skull, so maybe it's fitting that he's joined the bad guys, since he already looks the part.
Vigilante's phone buzzes with a text alert, and it makes him forget the tension in the air for a moment. Only one person would be hitting him up at this hour. Maybe you're finally returning his texts!
Sure enough, it's your name on the screen he sees when he fishes out his phone, and his face almost breaks out into a grin. But when he unlocks it, he is greeted with a picture that makes the excited fluttering of his heart freeze and the smile immediately drops from his face.
You're in the cafe, in your work clothes, tied up to one of the wooden cafe chairs. Head lolled to the side, resting uncomfortably on your right shoulder, clearly (and upsettingly) unconscious.
Another text comes in:
If you care for them, you will bring Peacemaker.
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @hiddlehiddlebatchedloki @nobodys-baby-now @navs-bhat @afraidofshrimp @training4theapocalypse @abbaenthusiast @jediviolet @t0byisher3 @madhyanas
[ if you would like to be removed from the taglist, pls let me know! it wouldn’t hurt my feelings, i 100% understand if you come to find it annoying or just not currently interested in the fandom. likewise, if you want to be added, i’d appreciate a reblog and/or comment/feedback ]
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mellywritesstuff · 1 year
Hello there! I just saw your post and here I am! If you don't mind can I request headcannons for sumeru boys with an exchange akademiya student? Thank you so much :>
Sumeru boys with an exchange akademiya student (GN reader)
A/N: Sorry this is late, I lost the first draft because I forgot to save it but here it is. This was made at 2:03 AM and published in the afternoon that's why it's a little sloppy but I rlly did try ^^ I also haven't gotten to sumeru- I forgot what the akademiya was (it's a school right?) so its a little vague and ooc
Enjoy my first time writing a reader insert :)
warnings: small suggestive themes, but other then that pure fluff :)
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- Absolute life-saver be grateful you have him - Despite being the general mahamatra or whatever it is he is- whenever he has the time he's always there to help with your studies
- Have 15 papers due? He'll do them for you just watch.
- You met during your first time in Sumeru and it just sorta grew from there (lucky)
- Ok, hear me out...So your playing TCG right? Somehow this turns into an entire lesson "Alright so [insert akademiya stuff I'm too dumb for] is [insert more akademiya stuff I'm too dumb for]...Y/N are you listening?"
"Cyno, I know what I'm doing I'll be-"
*insert confused y/n noises*
- He may or may not be a cheat sheet (hehasbigbrain)
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- You two met completing your first assignment, and boy was it confusing. First time going anywhere in Sumeru,youtotallydidn'tgetlost - But hey you got a pretty bofie out of it
- Really impressed your an akademiya student like really impressed
- anyways he tries to help you out and relieve your stress, lets you pat his ears and comb your fingers through his tail
- Doesn't want you to be overworked (not really work just studies, which is work WAIT) so he'll drag you along on small outings through the forest whenever you and him have freetime
"Take it slow Y/N."
"Oop watch your step! Be careful!"
"Isn't the forest lovely today?"
- let's be honest your trying to complete your paper the whole time and Tighnari is NOT happy about it. Please pat his ears
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- He was quickly alerted of your arrival in sumeru, word gets around quick and once he met you he feel head over heels for you
- You two are almost always in the same building, and always interacting. Do you even spend time apart from him?
- He doesn't pay much attention to you being an akademiya student, all his focus is just on loving you
- although he's always happy to help you out! - study sessions that really just turn into cuddle sessions. On second thought maybe these sessions aren't effective
- convince me other otherwise you two haven't made out in the corner somewhere
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- Your relationship just straight up spawned lol
- tries to help you study but it turns into the most crackhead conversations
"Y/N if we were worms would you still love me?"
- ends up clinging to your waist offering no help whatsoever
- please give him attention
- you try to explain to him your essays, but he zoned out when you mentioned the essay was half an hour long
also my request are open in case you want to request something idk. I'm just rlly bored all day
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mylovejimimi · 7 months
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— PAIRING: boyfriend!jimin x fem!reader x friend!namjoon x ??? — GENRE: smut +18. minors dni — WARNINGS: smut, dirty dirty talk (jimin's a menace), vaginal sex, oral sex (m receiving), not as much fluids as the last one lol but still fluids, riding, accidental vouyerism, talks of kinks, mentions of gang bang, jimin calls reader mean names, jimin and reader are in fluffy love, SOME plot — SUMMARY: It's your sweet, loving boyfriend's turn to plan your weekly date, and his sweet, homey plan comes with an exciting surprise in the form of a friend that he totally forgot was crashing at his place. — WORDS: almost 5k This one is like the holy scripture compared to the tae and jk one lmaooo but don't forget there's gonna be a part 2!!!!! promise to make it worse &lt;3don't be shy and tell me what you think about my works! also i lied and say i would post it last night but my first draft didn't save <3 i love technology <3333 please remember you can send me a tip by buying me a ko-fi if you like this stories, it will meant the world to me and it will help me ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ Enjoy !
Whenever your schedules coincide, you and Jimin always made sure to have a date. Today was no exception.
Having an idol boyfriend, it was never an easy task to find time to spend together. And to have quality time, on top of that; a moment when he wasn’t too tired or overworked, or even anxious, and could engage in conversations or activities with you as his stress-free, lovely self. You always understood and supported him because that was his passion after all – though it never got any easier to watch him be away in tours or stay in the city but be unreachable, busy every second of the day. Also, you worked too, a less glamourous job of course, but a lot of times you had to give up your free time for some extra-hours or documents to finish at home.
Luckily for you, the boys just wrapped up the promos for their latest comeback, which meant they were relatively free for a couple weeks. It was Jimin’s idea to have a date every week, as long as he wasn’t required to work 24/7, to make up for past or future time apart.
So, it was a late Friday night and both of you lazed around in Jimin's apartment. You two loved going out and about the city, doing whatever activity you could think of, but since it was your boyfriend’s turn to plan the date – and he had been feeling like a homebody lately – he decided to have a chill night with you, the love of his life. You cooked, laughed, drank, danced around a little to his songs and now you were drinking again, sitting on the mat in between the sofa and the coffee table, chatting while soft music played in the background.
“It was an awful fit to be ever seen wearing! Whoever told you it looked good was lying” you laughed out loud at your boyfriend’s frown, before downing what was left of a bottle of soju, one of the many that you and Jimin already drank. You had the capacity to hold gallons of alcohol if you wanted; Jimin often joked that was what made him fell in love with you.
“It was you who told me I looked hot! I sent you a mirror pic and you replied with fire emojis” Jimin accused you with an offended pout, pushing you playfully and, in your tipsy state, making you fall fully on the ground. You giggled.
“I surely wasn’t in my best moment. Must had been one of those weeks of forced celibacy you make me go through when you release music, and thirst possessed me.” Jimin rolled his eyes with a little smile.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. You get horny just like the rest of us, you’re not special.” You felt giddy and fuzzy inside because of both the alcohol and Jimin’s company. Goddamn, how you loved that man. Couldn’t help your big smile, heart in your eyes.
“Like the rest of you? You have no idea the depths and length of my horniness.” You started to draw random patterns on his thigh with your finger but kept staring adoringly into his eyes, always bold and teasing around him.  With a hint of a smirk, he arched an eyebrow at your words and actions.
“Oh my God, right now too? You’re a horndog!” Jimin laughed heartily, pushing you again. You laughed along joyously, feeling happier than you ever been. You were sure you would never love a person the way you loved Jimin.
“Can you blame me? My boyfriend is way too hot.” Despite the dying laughter, Jimin, always up for flirting, had a smug expression that could be only mean problems. Sitting side by side, you only needed to crane your necks a little to be inches away from each other’s face, which was so helpful to your playing. You smirked, whole body facing Jimin’s now and buzzing with alcohol and imprudent ideas. 
“Praising me for free? You’re totally too horny for your own good right now. But you’re right, I’m hot.” His smile got bigger and bigger the closer he got to you, stalking you slowly in the manner a predator about to attack his prey would. Soon enough, you could feel his breath caressing your lips: sweet with the fragrance of the flavored drinks, warm and intoxicating. Your eyes found his and in them you saw the glossy filter of alcohol mirroring yours, but the desire in his blown-out pupils was beyond comprehension.  Your boyfriend was a menace – for you more than for anybody else. “And my girlfriend is hot as hell as well.”
“I am.”
“And we’re both very drunk.” Your heart accelerated in a second, just feeling the heat that radiated from Jimin and his gaze on your lips. And you knew Jimin was no better, if the ragged breaths escaping his mouth was any giveaway. “And we’ve been apart from each other for so long already.”
Call it a signal from the universe or simply your guts instincts being one step ahead of you, but a ray of clarity downed upon you carrying a possibility that, while it turned you on a bit, wasn’t completely right. Before taking things further, you frowned slightly.
“Baby wait, we’re in the living room, what if Taehyung or Jungkook just drop by without notice? They know the code for the door.” Jimin just shrugged, giving no importance to the very real, very probable problem. You, on the other hand, were too aware of it, remembering all the times you were there and any of the boys – usually the maknaes – would just walk in. Your boyfriend did not back off though; he just tilted his head playfully.
“Why does it matter? Everybody had seen us before at some point, and, like, this is my home. Plus, we’ll hear the door if anybody comes in.” Finally, he moved just the littlest bit so his lips could move yours whenever he talked. Jimin stared intensely into your eyes, speaking in this sultry, seducing tone that was so unique to him. “It’s been so long, baby, and I need you so much right now. I can’t even think of anything but having you right this moment. We’d waited long enough, my love.” And he closed the distance with a fervent kiss. You were never strong enough to fight his kisses, much less when you wanted it as much as him.
It always amazed you just how synced up you and Jimin were; but, well, everybody said all the time how right you were for each other for a reason. He knew exactly how deep to kiss, how fast or how sweet, and, of course, how to touch all the magical parts of your body to make you go feral. And you knew all of him too – but the truth is that both of you shared a lot of likes in every aspect of life, including intimacy. So, you knew he liked as much tongue as possible and as desperately as one can make it. Also, he liked to be touched everywhere at all times, because his body tended to get so sensitive, so brittle to your hands when he was turned on. Jimin loved feeling adored, and you loved to adore him.
He settled his hands on your ass, pulling until you were straddling him. Not missing a single beat, Jimin moved his lips to your throat, making sure to bit and kiss the most sensible spots. You gasped and whined and said things that Jimin couldn’t hear well with all the blood rushing in his ears. Then, all of a sudden, you gripped his hair in a fist and tugged his head backwards, away from your neck, because you knew he loved to roughhouse too. Jimin could clearly see the arousal and drunkenness swimming in your eyes, and he knew he must look just the same, but it was okay because you had been together long enough to be very acquainted with the wildest part of each other. Now it was your turn to attack his neck, and Jimin couldn’t help but think how good you were at it, surely more skilled than him. He groaned and whined loudly as the kisses became sucking and light nibbling everywhere; it went from his neck to his jaw to his ear and all the way down again, always mindful to avoid leaving too noticeable marks on the flesh.
At some point, he began grinding his crotch into whatever part of your body it could grind into, becoming impatient and whiny, so you stopped and left his neck to grip his jaw and look into his eyes. Only then, both of you realized what a mess of red lipstick you were.
“Who’s domming?” You asked, panting. As an answer, Jimin whined more and pouted, making you giggle. “You pretty, spoiled pillow bitch. You will have to do all the dirty work on your own someday, you know.” And you got back to work.
Not much time passed between the teasing and the doing, both of you needing to satiate the constant thirst you had for the other. You two were so high on arousal and desperation, aided by the alcohol, that you skipped the step of taking the clothes off. Jimin lowered his sweatpants to his upper thigh to get his girthy cock and heavy balls out, and then lowered your camisole enough to get your breasts out too, because he was obsessed with them.
“Baby –” you breathed when you took a hold of his member and felt how hard he was. He thrusted mildly and unconsciously, groaning when you tightened your hold on him. The precum his tip was leaking started to cover your fingers once you started fisting him, and you couldn’t resist the temptation: you released his member to take your hand to your mouth and lick his fluids away, making a show of it all for your boyfriend, who groaned loudly.
Before taking your hand down again, you licked your palm, but this time, instead of his cock, you took both of the man’s balls, playing with and gripping them. Jimin threw his head back on the sofa, moaning in a high pitch and tightening his grip on your hips, surely imprinting his fingers on the skin. Once again, you took his cock and got up your knees before moving out of the way your skirt and underwear. You were so wet that your folds squelched when you separated them to descend on your boyfriend, impaling yourself on the meaty, delicious member of his. The stretch left you breathless for a moment, because Jimin was large enough to fill you up fully even if he wasn’t hard. To get you out of the discomfort, he captured your mouth in a sloppy kiss, guiding you to move slowly on him and taking the liberty of put his thumb on your clit. You moaned, and mere seconds later, you were bouncing on your own, increasing speed and clenching your insides sporadically. Your boyfriend, in return, pushed you back down when you bounced up until you both found the perfect rhythm.
You two were too immersed in your own world; too consumed by pleasure to hear the distinct sound of the door lock being unlocked and the footsteps that followed.
“You’re my bitch, got it? This ass is only mine to fuck,” Jimin exhaled close to your mouth, trying to keep his eyes focused on you moving face. You whimpered but nodded. “I will use you like the cockslut you are, whenever I want to and however I want to. And with whoever I want to.” He thrusted up with vigor, clearly liking the idea of sharing you. “Can you imagine it? To get fucked by me and then by any of my friends? Or all of them, because I know the greedy whore you are.” And he made you gasp out loud by biting your nipple and suctioning it. You panted open-mouthed now, forcing your eyes to stay open and watch how your boyfriend went from one nipple to the other, and then to insert his tongue shamelessly in your mouth.
You almost lost your mind at the way he licked filthily your wet insides, but the idea of being shared was pushing stronger. It was no secret to your boyfriend that one of your deepest fantasies was to be shared by several people, submitting to them, being at their mercy; and despite the natural jealousy that arose in Jimin at the beginning, he couldn’t get the idea out of his head for days. He thought about it so obsessively that he got desensitized to jealousy, and, at one moment, he found himself getting hard and needing to jerk off to the made-up image of you being used by multiple people. So, it became his fantasy too.
“You always wanted that, to get passed around like a pretty toy, cock after cock fucking this useless pussy.” Jimin chuckled with gritted teeth, getting more turn on by his own words. You whined loudly, just as loud as Jimin was talking – because he simply couldn’t regulate his voice while fucking –, which was pretty loud for anybody else in the room to hear. And there indeed was someone hearing and watching you from the entrance. Not like any of you realized though. “You know what else a filthy slut like you wants? To choke on cocks. To get your pretty face fucked rough. To have cum dripping from your mouth and still get your throat fucked over and over again. And I know you want to choke on my members’ cocks, don’t you? Get on your knees for the seven of us, suck dry the cocks of those friends that think you’re just my cute, little girlfriend; their pretty, dumb friend.” Jimin hissed with a particular tight squeeze, so close to release. He gripped your hair, tight, and pushed your face closer to his. “Who is the spoiled pillow bitch now?” And he kissed you, knowing both of you were mere moments away from the best orgasm of the year.
And then, a phone rang strepitously right there in the living room, some meters away from where you were. And you knew it was neither yours nor your boyfriend's.
Both you and Jimin jumped in your places, separating from each other's body once you saw a blushing and frantic Namjoon hurriedly looking for his phone in his pants. With one hand, Jimin hurried to help you fix your bra and top that were half off your body, while with the other hand, he tried to put himself inside his own pants as hastily. As if Namjoon hadn't been watching your passionate encounter for the last five minutes.
Your head? Empty, come back later. Your body? Burning with shame and, well... other things had arisen too.
“J-Joon” you started, still out of breath, but you had nothing else to say. You just stared at your friend, who arrived at the perfect time to see you being dommed.
By your peripherical vision, you saw your boyfriend getting red in the face, expression twisted into pure fury.
“Yah! You –“ And he stopped himself in his tracks, staying completely still for a second and then clearly his throat, his whole demeanor changing in an instant. It was completely weird for Jimin to stop himself from berating someone, being the most argumentative man ever as he was.
What the fuck is going on?
“S-sorry you had to watch us, Namjoon” he said calmly but still harsh. Overcoming quickly the initial surprise and change of behavior, Jimin showed his friend he definitely didn’t like the unconsented voyeurism.
Namjoon, on the other hand, was petrified in place, holding both of his friends’ stares. Mind completely blank, he couldn’t think of any excuse or justification, not even the very real reason he was there.
“It’s, uh, it’s okay. I didn’t see much.” He wanted to slap himself for saying that. It implied he had seen at least a little. “I just arrived, really didn’t see or hear anything. No big deal.” And then both you and Jimin saw it – the proof that Namjoon saw some and heard some and he even liked some. The bulging in the front of his sweats wasn’t that obvious but it definitively was there, where it wasn’t in everyday happenings. You both got visibly surprised, maybe a little aroused too, but said nothing. Instead, you two, in all your lipstick-messed glory, stared Namjoon in the eye with some sort of dignity.
“I would have appreciated it if you hadn’t seen anything or said something or go somewhere else.” Jimin was always borderline aggressive when he thought something was inappropriate; and, though you didn’t always agree with this approach, you stood by him on this one because he was right.
“But I told you we shouldn’t do this here in the open,” you whispered, a little ashamed. Namjoon blinked, speechless.
“I-I…” He swallowed and inhaled deeply. “You’re right, I’m sorry I watched you and I’m sorry I interrupted too.” He said all of that sporting the brightest color of red ever seen in someone’s face. “I forgot both of you would be here and that you both do these things. I should have called before coming, sorry.” Jimin was totally satisfied with that reaction but you were not. You felt bad that Namjoon was putting all the blame on himself when you had a feeling something like this could happen and did nothing.
“It’s okay, Joon. Just… don’t watch us without asking ever again.” Though it did feel a little hot. Being caught was one of the many fantasies you and Jimin shared, and you knew that Jimin felt as aroused and excited as you. But he was sterner than you and so, he was the one that put the ruthless mask on and delimited the boundaries to all the people outside your relationship.
“Ask you?” Namjoon asked in utter disbelief, like he was hearing the craziest nonsense ever. He could ask? He could watch? You and Jimin looked at each other. Of course he could watch. Any of them could watch, if they wanted. You both discussed it a million times; if any of Bangtan, six of them being single and unlucky, approached the couple seriously, they had no reason to tell them no. You trusted them a lot, and it wouldn’t necessarily ruin the friendship; not if they didn’t make it weird.
“Well, if you want to do something that involves other people, you usually ask if they’re OK with it.” And yet Namjoon couldn’t believe what his group member was saying. He felt weird. So weird that his nervous system was firing all alarms. His heart started beating faster than when he came home to the image of two of his friends doing each other. He felt so overwhelmed suddenly.
“Okay,” he said, before spinning on his heels and almost running to Jimin’s spare room. You were confused. Why did Namjoon go to that room instead of getting out of the house?
“This damn dumb bitch interrupted us in the best moment.,” Jimin grumbled, upset.
“Babe, why is Namjoon here?” you inquired harshly, crossing your arms. Jimin pursed his lips and looked at you with his big, puppy eyes. You didn’t buy it. “Jimin, were you the one that made Namjoon come tonight?” Your boyfriend sighed dramatically, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Yes, baby, but – Wait, wait! I didn’t ask him to come! I just let him come!” he explained in a rush when he saw you open your mouth to yell at him. “There’s a problem with the water system at his building and I told him he could crash here for a couple nights. He is out all the time so I totally forgot he was sleeping here this week.” You scoffed.
“You’re dumb, did you know that?” Jimin just giggled at your response. It was an accident, so there was nothing to get angry at. You grinned at him, playing with his fingers. “Can we finish what we started now?” But he grimaced at that.
“I don’t know how to feel about fucking you after what happened. I mean, is one thing to fantasize about it and other completely different to experience it without consent.” Jimin didn’t look convinced. You appreciated so much how tactful he was about the situation.
“You’re right, baby, maybe let the shock pass first.” You squeezed his hand and gave him a small smile. “But would you, at least, let me help you? As a reward for being a good friend.” He smirked, and passed his arms around your waist to hug you to his body.
“How could I say no to a reward?” …
And just as fast as you agreed, you were on Jimin’s bed. Currently, your boyfriend was laying on his back, sweats on his mid thighs, with you kneeling by his side and pumping him with all your heart. And yet, he was fixated on the ceiling, barely reacting to the stimulation.
“Man, why the fuck are you just laying there? I’m giving you a hand job right now,” you huffed, frustrated with the indifference your boyfriend showed toward your efforts. “If you want a blow, you just have to ask, you know.” You stopped all movements and Jimin finally focused on you, coming back from being lost in his head.
“Sorry, babe, you’re amazing as always. I just can’t stop thinking about what happened.” He sat up, now being face to face to look you closely.
“Well, same. It was awkward but also kinda hot.” Jimin nodded a little absent-minded.
“He seemed surprised that you said he should ask.”
“It’s not every day that two of your friends indirectly invite you to watch them have sex, though.” At that, Jimin arched an eyebrow, playful all of a sudden.
“So you were inviting him, huh?” You blushed.
“I mean, yeah. Wasn’t that what we wanted? Did I read your eyes wrong?” Jimin, once more, got closer to your face like a menace, until you were millimeters from touching.
“So, you really plan on having him watch while you’re getting fucked mercilessly, in every way, in full dom/sub display? I bet you would like to get dicked down by him too.” He smiled and you felt your heart racing. What was your boyfriend implying?
“Uh, I don’t know? I mean, sounds… Yeah.” You really tried to form a rational sentence, though it was difficult with all your thoughts all over the place. As an avid over-thinker, you needed three to five business days to sit down and dissect the whole situation from beginning to end to sort out your opinions. “And what about you? Would you be fine by that? Would you also like to get some of his dick?”
“Nah, love. I don’t think it flows like that between us. Would be super embarrassing to bounce on his lap and go to a company briefing with him the next morning.” And he smirked deviously at you. “But it wouldn’t be weird watching him thoroughly giving it to you. Or should I say, hammering it into you.” He extended his arm and fondly caressed the side of your face. “Mmh, I think the shock had already passed because I just unlocked a new fantasy. Baby, I really, really need to see you being fucked into dumbness by him” he expressed with a pout, like begging you to give it to him. “I can attest he has a horse dick too.”
“And I think it will help me to shut up that annoying ego of yours for once; you’d been domming for too long and need humbling” he added to tease you. You frowned at the teasing; frowned even deeper at the weird list of cons of fucking Namjoon that your boyfriend just gave you.
"You’re getting a little too brave for a man with his dick in his vengeful girlfriend’s hand,” you told him lowly, narrowing your eyes and gripping said dick harder. Jimin took a sharp breath but smiled anyways.
“That’s it, babe, that’s how I like it. Just tug a couple times more while I imagine Namjoon folding you into two and fucking you to tears.” You scoffed and pinched Jimin’s nipple, way too hard to be pleasurable.
“Ow! But I’m being honest!” Jimin complained with a laugh.
“If you want me to blow you, stay fucking quiet, whore” you warned Jimin, getting comfortable on your knees. Your boyfriend helped you by taking your long hair in a makeshift ponytail in one hand. And you did exactly what you said.
As always, Jimin was loud and, at times, rough. Whenever you bobbed up, he only let a second pass before push your head down on his cock again. He lived for hearing you gagging and choking on him. And, as expected, he loved it messy and with a lot of saliva involved.
“Holy fuck, this mouth is amazing, baby, just like your pussy. Dirty little bitch, where did you learn to deepthroat this good? Is because you used your whore mouth on many cocks? I bet that’s why.” With each word, Jimin thrusted his hips against your mouth rougher. He was very aware of your limits and knew that his words and movements were making you drip. “Those late nights waiting for me in the company? I bet you spend them being used by the guys. Whose cocks do you slobber, you fucking cumdump? Yoongi hyung’s? Hobi hyungs’s?”
Your eyes welled up just as your pussy creamed the skimpy panties you wore for Jimin. Though you had a pretty dominant and defiant personality, you became fully submissive from time to time to humor boyfriend. Like in that moment, when you let him control your head by taking fistfuls of your hair to make you gobble his cock however he wanted. His balls hit your chin each time he snapped his hips up, and, since all that movement made it very difficult for you to keep your saliva in your mouth, most of it ended up falling towards Jimin’s body, dampening his testicles and inner thighs.
“Ah, I know -shit- you act all innocent but you let Namjoon use your mouth every night, like the disgusting slutty toy you are.” He was really close; you could tell by the precum that his cock leaked on your tongue and how his member throbbed. You looked up at him and catched him devouring you with his eyes, plump lower lip tucked between his teeth (and you couldn’t help internally melting at his cute crooked front tooth). On the other side of the blowjob, Jimin felt his abs flexing uncontrollably while he fixed all his attention on you, the most perfect being that ever existed. You were a sight for his sore eyes, with that fucked up face he loved – the only thing that could make him come in seconds. “Oh fuck, I won’t stop thinking about his come dripping from your mouth. Shit, shit, shit—”
Despite having your mouth way too full and roughed, you moaned to assist your boyfriend in cumming. The thrusts became erratic and a loud, long moan left Jimin’s lips when he threw his head back to finally let go, coating your mouth and throat. He pushed your face against his crotch and held you there tightly until he stopped coming. In a couple seconds more, his breathing was steadier and he could let go of your poor head.
You lifted yourself slowly and breathed deeply, composing yourself despite being a mess of tears, saliva and cum. Wiping some off with the back of your hand, you looked pointedly at Jimin, who just raised his eyebrows in a silent question.
“You’re getting a little too insistent with this me and Namjoon thing. Are you really that fucked up? That you would enjoy the emotional torture of seeing me with someone else? Do you have a kink about being cheated on?” Even with a rough voice, Jimin understood what you said instantly, and his response was a roll of eyes and a snort.
“Don’t be an idiot, I just find it hot, ok? I DO NOT want you to leave me for him.”
“So hot that you had to talk about it so detailly to cum?” You helped to get his pants back on their place before fishing one shirt you found nearby to clean your face. Jimin admired you for a moment, hands behind his head.
“Yes.” He smiles brightly. “And I’m serious when I say I need to see you get fucked by him. It’s, like, vital for me right now.” It was your turn to snort. “Maybe all of us could benefit from his stay here.” Eyes drooping, you rested your body on his, using his chest as your pillow. Too many things happened in the span of an hour and just now all the alcohol intake had its effect of making you sleepy. Whatever other things Jimin said, you missed them after giving your veredict:
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doubledyke · 3 months
What do you think would happen immediately after BPS? How would all the parents personaly react to their disappeared and returning children? The kids would really ever throw a party, or just have to fix all the wrecks and be grounded? And Edd and Eddy would even have a face-to-face good conversation about their adventure and what they learned?
I think Eddy would need a validation from Edd more than ever, and the fear they could have lost each other would let them even more attached.
i had detailed ass theories written out for each kid as to what lies they could tell their parents and what the likelihood was that they'd be believed, etc. and then i realized that it could all be solved with a simple phone call from one parent to another lmao. and lbr, the chances that someone's kid is gonna be gone all night and they're not gonna flip the fuck out are slim to none. outside of a couple exceptions of course. i felt like a moron so i didn't include it here. i guess i like to pick and choose when to adhere to cartoon logic 😂
anyway i do think the non-ed kids would get into trouble and be grounded for varying lengths of time. they might have just enough time to have a little kiki in the lane before heading home and getting dragged inside by the ear/bear hugged/further ignored.
one exception might be rolf, because i don't think it'd be entirely out of the norm for him to be gone all night on occasion. maybe he had an urban ranger camping trip that his nana forgot to tell his parents about, or had to chase down an escaped animal into the wee hours of the morning. he enters the house, clearly disheveled and sweating nervously, but probably gets nothing but a fine howdy do from everyone inside.
eddy would be grounded for a comically short period of time because he's a spoiled brat. a couple of days tops. it's really only an attempt by his parents to appease the angry mob. all the other parents know he's the little shit stirring ring leader and berate his guardians accordingly. regarding his absence, he tells them he and the boys rode out the storm in the van and that they were fine. he accepts his punishment because telling them what really happened means telling them he visited his brother and that WOULD get his ass in big trouble. legal stuff, you know. as far as any takeaway he might have... let's be real here, eddy's still the same ole eddy at this point. i don't think the full weight of what just happened has hit him quite yet. he's still reeling about being invited to kev's for jawbreakers and whatever else preteens who don't really like each other do for funsies. i do think that while he's spending aaaaaall that time alone (again, 2 days max), in between trying on outfits for that party at kevin's, the image of edd standing up to his brother does cross his mind. edd, the coward. edd the wimp, stood up to his tormentor. and got swiftly beaten into the ground for it. yet still ran over to make sure he was okay after ed essentially saved his life. ed the dolt. ed the idiot was the one to think of pulling out the pin (literally), and blasting his abuser with a face full of door. i think the guilt, shame and embarrassment would hit him hard, along with a lot of weird mushy stuff that he doesn't really know what to do with. so he doesn't do anything with it. not immediately anyway. but i've already talked about post bps eddy a bit so i'll leave it at that.
i've seen people say that edd's parents wouldn't even notice that he was gone overnight, because... so were they. and yall know i'm the #1 hater of edd's parents so of course i agree lol. if word gets back to them somehow though, i imagine them being very passive aggressive about it. shocking, i know. i feel like they'd go their usual route and punish him by not talking to him - as in not even leaving sticky notes around the house. except for one that says something along the lines of "dear eddward, you are not to leave the house today, as you are hereby grounded until further notice." along with a scroll of chores of course. but yeah they make him wait around and wonder when he'll be able to see his friends again. probably a good few weeks or so. i've always had the headcanon that eddy would be banned from edd's house and maybe this is when that happens as well. if word doesn't get back to them- which is more likely imo because they're so elusive that no one knows how to contact them - i think edd could likely have a bit of a meltdown over their indifference. not to mention the guilt he feels in either scenario. for starters, he feels like he simply must tell someone what he's just witnessed- especially as a future mandated reporter... nah i'm kidding but i do think he'd want to tell an adult what happened to his dearest friend. but he knows it would only compound eddy's grief. outside of that, there's the fact that he feels that he never received a comeuppance of his own. eddy got thrashed by his so-called "hero" in front of his peers, and if his previous punishments are any indication, ed is very likely enduring what can only be described as suburban confinement for the foreseeable future. he, on the other hand, has gotten away with a horrible deed, with more than a year's worth of horrible deeds without so much as a scowl from his parents. he has to fight tooth and nail to resist his compulsion to confess his wrong doing, directly this time. cuz the confessional he wrote at the beginning of this ordeal is still on his desk when he gets home. it's kind of like when people say "at least if you're angry, i know you care", but magnified 100x for his entire life. i think this is when the switch kinda flips for him and he has to come to terms with the fact that his parents are at best, extremely cold and aloof. and at worst, knowingly neglectful. either will be hard for him to accept of course, because he's got an image in his mind already of what "true" neglect looks like:
ed's going in the hole, man. it's the cliche where his parents fawn over sarah and are so thankful that she's okay and "you had us worried sick, missy". only to turn to their other child who was also missing for 24 hours and proceed with the finger wagging and reprimanding. i don't think sarah would rat him out though. in fact at this point she might even try to stick up for her now suddenly not so bad older brother. but to no avail. in fact, it makes his mom angrier - she must have hit her head if she's sticking up for her troublemaking brother. "you see, edward? your erratic behavior has finally landed your little sister in the hospital. hope it was worth it." as far as they're concerned, ed put sarah in grave danger by running away. he was a terrible influence, and for that he's gotta be made an example of... to himself? i'm gonna venture a guess here that dad'll be taking the stairs again. he also boards up the basement window. they take his tv, his tapes, his comics, and all his model making supplies. his mom wanted to take his gravy tub but dad insisted it was too much of a hassle. luckily for him though, they can't take that vivid imagination of his. he spends the next two weeks staring at the ceiling, coming up with a storyline for his own comic, which he starts working on as soon as his belongings are returned. it ends up being sooner than he anticipated. he was told it'd be a month, but his mom is sick of looking at the box of his crap in their bedroom closet, so he's off the hook early. lucky feller. next time he runs away though, he's making extra sure sarah doesn't follow.
obviously i think edd and eddy, really all three eds are going to be even closer than they were before their little excursion. but i think it takes time for eddy to mature enough to truly grasp how meaningful it all was. like he knows, but admitting it is corny af. edd is probably gonna be so preoccupied with deconstructing his relationship with his parents that he's a somewhat aloof for a period. there's also a rumbling within ed, especially after seeing sarah's attempt at defending him. i don't really know what conclusion he comes to except that if he wants even a chance at having a good relationship with his sister, he's gotta get the fuck out of there asap. i do think he'd start "running away" more often, possibly staying with eddward during his burgeoning rebellion, or from time to time, eddy. maybe even rolf. he might also sleep in the van when the weather allows. anything to be away from that hell hole. i wrote in my fic that he'd move out and live with may at age like, 17 i think? literally as soon as possible lol.
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
It's been so long since I've played through an entire day with Melany, I forgot fan mail was a thing lol. The last time I was in this save, I reported that Mel's club fan was also her mail carrier. Is it coincidence she received this letter today?
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We're supposed to be figuring out who sweetsexy is, but what do you think about this woman being stan4mel? If you're a sleuth, here's a link to make it easier for you lol. This person mainly comments on the BNN posts, but sometimes she shows up in Mel's comments. She was definitely absent the night Melany met the mail lady... 🤔 I always felt like stan4mel was a man though LOL.
@maladi777 @soulthesimmer @utamuse @nilonne
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violivs · 2 months
- Hi all! I’m going to be rewatching along with TCWs NMTDaily and making posts about each episode, or as many as I can (I might miss some, but I hope not!)
- I want to start by saying thank you again to The Candle Wasters for making my favorite thing. Just, the amount of joy and creative fulfillment and friendship and delight I’ve gotten from this show and this fandom is still unmatched. Thank you so much for making it and sharing it. The love and care and skill with which NMTD was made still shines through and I’m still so awed by it. I think I was probably somewhat overdramatic about my reactions to Lolilo in places where you, TCW, could see, on my main blog, and you didn’t deserve that. I really hope I didn’t send you any aggressive asks about it, or make you uncomfortable in any way. I’m a little afraid I did, but I don’t know for sure. If I did, I apologize. I’m older and more mature now, I promise. I hope you’re all doing so very well now!
- I didn’t realize until today that Project I: VOX POPS was posted first, before any other video in the series. I didn’t start watching NMTD until right around the time Benedick’s first Q&A video was posted, so I binged the first chunk of episodes around that time. It will be interesting to watch them at a slower pace this time!
- I am immediately overwhelmed with warm fuzzies at seeing these characters again. They’re such babies! I love them!
- I never made a post about this, but Ben’s first line being about how he shares a (differently spelled) name with a Pope is both a great first line for him on a character level since he starts as kind of a cocky overconfident asshole (a cover for his soft sensitive insides) AND it’s evidence for my theory that he’s probably Catholic, but lapsed/non-practicing/maybe agnostic or atheist solely because I WILL keep projecting parts of me onto this character, it’s just what I do at this point. Other evidence: he has a confirmation name. We don’t get his full name til Lolilo, but still. And he’s partly Scottish, which can account for the fact that English people usually are not Catholic.
- “you need to imitate an eagle, that’ll scare them away!” That’s Ben’s second line and first bird reference! Already! Wow.
- The favorite band question! Mumford and Sons! Fife and the Drums! Sheep Dog and Wolf! The LORE! The REFERENCES! We’re already off to the races.
- “I don’t need chat-up lines” Beatrice I love you , and you have no idea what’s coming.
- I forgot about Beatrice’s Favorite T-Shirts Ranking System lol
- Extremely funny that Ben says bananas are his favorite food and then he goes on to become synonymous with mangoes instead. Sorry, buddy, you will always be Mango Skin Boy to us. xD
- I forgot how delightful Dogberry and Verges are in this episode
- “that you would leave me” oh Meg. Oh honey. Oh no.
- I’ve seen nine seasons of Doctor Who and only five episodes of Game of Thrones since 2014. Sorry Bea, I side with Ben on this one. And I’ve seen one season of Community. I’m slowly hacking away at the list of media referenced in nmtd that I need to watch!
- love it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free! ❤️
- Balthazar plays every instrument, of course.
- Bea must not have an ear for music if she hated that question enough to force Ursula on-camera so she doesn’t have to answer it… Unless Ursula asked her something else she didn’t want to answer! Lol
- Ben makes me cringe so hard a couple times this episode. And yet I still love him. To be fair, that’s just every Benedick at the start of Much Ado, though. The cringy lines are completely in character.
- I decided to save the full story of how I discovered NMTD for whenever the NMTDaily email for Ben’s first Q&A episode goes out, because then it will actually be ten years almost to the day since I started watching. But I’m so impatient and excited to tell the story!
- It’s amazing how back then, these kids were my contemporaries and the Lizzie Bennet Diaries cast felt impossibly old compared to me. Now the NMTD kids are babies and I’m older than Lizzie Bennet! Trippy. It sure has been a nice ten years.
Until the next one! Happy NMTD Day, fellow flamangoes!
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Pinnie are u ok? Are u ok Pinnie?
Oh lol, I forgot I accidentally had "scheduled" a post. That ask was meant to be saved as a draft for today actually, I must have clicked wrong.
Anyway, yes, I'm okay, things will return to normal today.
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anglophiletraveler · 3 months
Chapter 35
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Happy Valentine's Day!
This is a little something that I had worked on last year for Valentine's Day and didn't finish it in time to post. Guess I missed the holiday for this year as well. Anyway, Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
This is a little Valentine thing that I tried to have finished in time for Valentine’s Day last year.  As you can see, I didn’t have it ready in time for this year as well, but oh well, might as well share it!  I hope you had a nice Valentine’s Day!  It has not been seen by a beta, so I could hurry up and get it out to you! So if you find a mistake, don’t blame Karen Bockius! lol
Ross was so engulfed with work on his desk that he didn’t hear Jenny talking to him.  His desk had papers strewn about and he was obviously looking for something.  Jenny just stood there and he finally looked up at her.
“Hmmm?  Did you say something?”
“Yes, I did.  I asked if you have Valentine’s Day plans for Demelza yet?”
Ross furrowed his eyebrows at Jenny, “What?  Jenny, that's a month away! I have plenty of time to figure something out.”
Jenny gave a chuckle and shook her head, “Ross it’s already January 30!  Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it.  This is your first Valentine’s Day together so you need to start planning.”
“Planning?  What’s there to plan?  I’ll get her some flowers and take her out for a nice dinner somewhere.”
“Really Ross?  I’m so disappointed in you!  That’s so boring and typical of a man.  I thought for sure you would be planning something really nice for her.”  Jenny was disgusted with her boss and walked out of his office.
Ross, thinking that she was out of an ear’s reach, gave her a dirty look and imitated her, “Mehh that’s so boooring Ross.  I’m soooo disappointed in you Ross.”
“I heard that!” Jenny yelled back at her boss.  
Ross rolled his eyes and threw his pen.  He yelled back, “You know I am trying to work in here!”
By lunchtime, Ross was checking out what day of the week Valentine’s Day fell on, and how Demelza’s performance schedule fell with it.  Valentine’s Day was a Tuesday, which was good because Demelza didn’t normally perform on a Tuesday.  He looked up her schedule that she had emailed him for the months of January, February and March, and he was indeed correct and Demelza didn’t have a concert the evening of February 14.  So now he just had to come up with something special.  As much as he hated to admit it, Jenny was right and he needed to plan something more than just the typical flowers and dinner out.  
Ross was staring out the window when he heard Dwight yelling his name.  “Ross!  Wake up wanker!”
Jenny heard Dwight trying to get Ross’s attention.  “Good luck with that one!  He’s had his head up his arse all morning!”
Ross swivelled around in his chair, “Dwight, what are you doing here?”
Dwight crossed his arms across his chest, “Well that’s a fine how do you do!  We’re supposed to go to lunch today!”
“Is that today?” Ross asked.
Jenny laughed, “See what I mean!”
“Ross, yes, it’s today.  You even put it in your phone!  Don’t tell me you forgot!”
Ross rolled his eyes for the second time that day, “Of course I didn’t forget!  Where do you wanna go?”
Dwight chuckled, “You are so transparent!  You forgot!  Can you still go?”
“Yes, of course I can.  Just give me a minute to make sure everything is saved.”  He proceeded to click his mouse a few times, and then closed his computer and straightened up the papers on his desk.  He got up and went to reach for his coat, “So where do you wanna go?”
“I’m in the mood for wings,” Dwight said.
“Okay, sounds good.  Jenny, I'm going out.  Do you want me to bring you something back?”
“No thanks, I packed today.”
“Right.  Cheers.”
Dwight and Ross had ordered their wings and chips and were enjoying a pint while waiting for their food.
“So Jenny said that you’ve had your head up your arse all day.  What’s up with that?  And please don’t tell me there is trouble at home with Demelza.”
“No, just the opposite.  Things are great with Demelza.  Jenny had brought to my attention that Valentine’s Day is just a few weeks away, so I need to start thinking of what to do.  Of course my initial reaction was a nice dinner and flowers…”
“Oh Ross, please don’t even think of doing that.”
“Hey, I said it was my initial reaction so just caalm down!  So now I’m trying to think of something else.  So if you’re such a perfect, romantic Valentine’s Day date, what are you planning for Caroline?”
Dwight sighed, “I have no idea.  Caroline appreciates the finer things and grander gestures.  But she also enjoys the smaller, meaningful things.  So I’m at a loss at the moment.  I’ve thought about jewellery, but I don’t want her to think that I’m getting ready to propose.”
Ross shook his head, “So you’re not there yet.”
“No, at least I’m not.  After Christmas and New Year’s at her uncle’s in Cornwall, I realise just how wealthy her family is and the things that she is used to.  I’m not sure if I can compete with that.”
The waitress brought their food, and they tucked in.
Ross wiped his mouth, “Now look who is being the wanker.  I can’t believe that you just said that about Caroline.  She doesn’t strike me to be the type of woman who wants to be a kept woman or a trophy wife.  If she wanted that she never would have gone to uni AND she wouldn’t be dating the likes of you, mate!  Do you have Valentine’s Day off?”
Dwight took a pull of his pint.  “Mmm yes, I have it off, which only puts more pressure on me to come up with something.  Well, this certainly has turned into a depressing lunch!  Thanks a lot Ross!”
Ross chuckled at his friend, “Anytime mate, anytime.”
Ross and Dwight were near the end of their lunch.  The conversation had slowed while each man was deep in thought about what to do for Valentine’s Day.  
“Dwight!” Ross yelled.
Dwight choked on his last swallow of beer from Ross yelling at him.  “What the hell, Ross!”
“I’ve got it!”
“Got what?”
“What we can do for Valentine’s Day for the girls!  And it’s definitely not typical!”
“Okayyy, what do you have in mind?”
“Bowling!”  Ross’s eyes were twinkling like he’d just discovered the lost Arc!
“Bowling?  Ross, are you daft?  You can’t take your girlfriend bowling on Valentine’s Day!  Bloody hell!  Are you trying to piss them off!”
“No!  Think about it!  They’ll never expect it!”
“Oh that’s for sure.”  Dwight snorted.
“When was the last time you took Caroline bowling?” Ross asked.
“Uh never!  She doesn’t exactly seem like the type who is just dying to wear a stinky pair of shoes that 20,000 other women have worn.”
“That’s perfect Dwight.  You can buy her a pair of bowling shoes as one of her Valentine’s gifts!  Oh hang on, I just got another idea…this just gets better and better!  We can get the girls bowling shirts too!” 
“Ross, I’m beginning to think I need to have you evaluated for the psych ward!  Bowling shoes and bowling shirts!!”
“Yes!  We can get matching bowling shirts.  Like ya know, me and Dem against you and Caroline.  Team Poldark versus Team Enys!  It’s a brilliant idea!”
Dwight was starting to warm up to the idea, “Well knowing the girls, they will insist on Team Carne versus Team Penvenan!  You know this might just work.  Poldark, you might have actually come up with a good idea for a change.”
Caroline gave Demelza a call before Valentine’s Day.
“Hello darling, how are you?”
“Caroline, hiya!  I’m fine.  What are you up to?”
“Trying to find out what Dwight has planned for Valentine’s Day tomorrow!  He’s keeping pretty tight lipped about the whole thing and it’s driving me barmy.  He won’t tell me if we’re going out or if we’re staying in, or what I should wear.”
Demelza was laughing at her friend.  “Oh I bet this really is driving you barmy.  He won’t give you a clue at all?”
“No!  The twat!  What about you?  What are you and Ross doing tomorrow night?”
“Um, I have no clue really.  We really haven’t talked about it much.  I’ve been trying to think about what to get him.  I mean, do guys even want something for Valentine’s Day?  Did you get Dwight anything?”
“Yes, I bought him a bottle of cologne.  Did you find something for Ross?”
“No not yet.  I’m off tomorrow so I still have tomorrow to look around.”
“Well, if you hear of any hint from Ross tonight as to what Dwight has planned for us tomorrow night, please let me know.”
“Alright will do.  Cheers!”  Demelza got a kick out of Caroline’s curiosity.  She was as bad as a child at Christmas!
Seamus heard the garage door open and started barking like mad.  Demelza stopped playing the cello and looked at her watch.  “What the hell?  It’s 4:00?”  She got up and looked at Seamus, “What’s daddy doing home from work so early?”
Just then the back door opened, and Ross bellowed, “Honey, I’m hoooome!”
Demelza walked over to him with a smile, “Hiya, what brings you home so early today?”
Ross gave her a quick peck on the cheek, “Well, Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!”  He set a bag down that he’d been carrying so he could take his coat off and hang it up.
“Ross, we wished each other Happy Valentine’s Day this morning before you left for work.  What’s in this bag?”  She tried to take a peek, but Ross grabbed it from her before she could take a look.
“No peeking!  Aren’t you the one who always complains about me trying to take a peek at my gifts?”
“Which you do all the time.  So, I’m waiting for an answer to my question.”
Ross smiled and gave her a quirky grin, “What question might that be?”
“You know very well what question Ross…   why are you home from work so early?”
“Am I early?”  He looks at his watch.  “Oh look at that, I guess I am a little early.”  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a nuzzle on her neck with his now full beard.  Demelza started giggling at the feeling that she was beginning to have.  Ross pulled back, “I’m sorry, are you laughing at me when I’m trying to be amorous towards my beautiful fiance?”
“Mmmmaybe!  But that doesn’t mean you have to stop what you’re doing.”
“Oh really?  Do you like it when I kiss you there?   How about here?  Hmmm?”
Demelza had laid her head to one side to give Ross more access to explore her neck and other ticklish places.  “Mmmm I do, I do.”  All of a sudden Ross completely stopped kissing her.  “Hey, why did you stop nuzzling my neck!”
“I thought you wanted me to tell you why I came home early?”  Ross couldn’t stop grinning at her.
Demelza sighed.  “Oh that.  Alright, why did you come home early?”
Ross grabbed the bag and pulled her to sit down on the sofa.  “Come here, love!”  He pulled out a box elegantly wrapped in white paper with a beautiful red ribbon and bow on it and handed it to her.  He had the biggest smile on his face.  “Happy First Valentine’s Day, my love!  I came home early to give you this and to get this evening started.  Go ahead and open it.  You’ll never guess in a million years what it is!!”
Demelza shook the box, it wasn’t too heavy but she could hear something slide around in it.   “Hmmm interesting.  Well the box is way too big for jewellery.”  She put it up to her ear to see if anything was ticking.
“What are you doing?  Dem, I didn’t give you a bomb, just open it!  Please, the suspense is killing me!”
“Okay, okay.  Let’s see what this is….   Oh, it’s a shirt?  Oh and another shirt, two matching purple and white shirts?”
Ross pulled another wrapped box out of the bag and handed it to her.  “Not just any ol’ shirts.  Look at them closer.”
“Oh look, our names are embroidered on them!!  How cute!”  Ross took one of the shirts and flipped it around so that she could see the back.  Demelza gasped, “Team Carne?  Ross what’s going on?”
“Melza, open the other box.”
“Oh my gosh, it’s… bowling shoes?  How sweet, I think?  Well, you were right about one thing, I never would have guessed that you gave me bowling shoes and a shirt for Valentine’s Day!  But thank you, I think.”
“Yes!  A shirt for you and one for me.  I didn’t buy myself bowling shoes, because I don’t mind renting them at the bowling alley.”
“So we’re going bowling tonight?”
“Yes, we’re meeting them at the bowling alley at 6:00, so I’m going to go take a quick shower and change before we go.”
“Ross, wait!  Who are we meeting at 6:00?”
“Dwight and Caroline.  Didn’t I tell you?”
“No you did not.  Sooo, we’re going bowling tonight, in my new bowling shoes…
“And our new matching bowling shirts, Go Team Carne!”
“With Dwight and Caroline…”
“YES!!!  It’s going to be so much fun!!  And at this very moment, Caroline is opening up her two boxes…
“With matching bowling shirts and bowling shoes?”
“YES!!!  Except their shirts are pink and white and say Team Penvenan on the back.  We are going to have sooo much fun!!  Do you want to join me in the shower?”
“Wait!!!  You honestly think Caroline is going to go bowling tonight, on Valentine’s Day?”
“Of course she will, because she has brand new bowling shoes, and because we’re going as well!  It’ll work.  Trust me.”  He pulled Demelza up off the sofa.  “Now my love, come join me in the shower and I promise to nuzzle your neck some more!”
Ross never stopped grinning from the time they left the house.  Demelza was grinning too, but her smile was more from anticipation of what Caroline is going to say when they meet up at the bowling alley.  
Ross pulled up to the Tenpin Bowling Alley and parked.  “Well here we are!  This place has everything!  Bowling, music, pool tables, food, drinks!!  Why are you looking at me like that?”
Demelza said, “Because you are one mad nutter Ross Poldark!  But you do look rather cute in your purple bowling shirt!”  
Ross grabbed her hand and kissed it.  “And you look very cute in your shirt as well, especially with your cute ponytail!”  Demelza shook her head so that her high ponytail swayed.
Just then Team Penvenan pulled up in the parking spot next to them.  Demelza was trying to see the expression on Caroline’s face.  To her surprise, Caroline hadn’t texted her once since Ross had come home, so she really wasn’t sure what to expect.  Dwight’s facial expressions rarely changed with his moods.  He always seemed to have a smile even when he wasn’t happy about something.  The foursome got out of their cars and greeted each other. 
Demelza couldn’t help but squeal at Caroline and Dwight in their pink bowling shirts, plus Caroline had her hair up in a high ponytail as well! “Hiya you two!!!  You both look adorable in your pink shirts!”  She gave Dwight a big kiss on his cheek leaving a set of red lips behind.  
Caroline had a smirk on her face, “Ross Poldark, I hear that I have you to thank for this idea for a romantic Valentine’s Day.”
Ross gave Caroline a big, enthusiastic hug, “You are quite welcome Caroline!!  Happy Valentine’s Day.  You look very cute in your pink bowling shirt, you as well Enys, although I don’t think Pink is quite your colour Dwight.”   
“Only real men wear pink, Ross.  Shall we go in?”
Demelza grabbed Caroline’s arm and walked in with, “So what do you think about bowling?  I’ve been dying to hear from you because I’m sure that it’s not your thing.”
Caroline rolled her eyes at her friend, “Well I didn’t have much choice did I.  I can’t remember the last time I’ve gone bowling.  It will be fine, I’ll survive.  At least it’s better than sitting home alone.”
Demelza shook her friend’s arm a little, “Oh we’ll make it fun Caroline, it’ll be okay.  Ross is out of his head with excitement for it.  He even knocked off work early to get ready!”  The girls both laughed at the situation.
Tenpin Bowling was filled with various activities such as an arcade, karaoke, a sports bar and a restaurant.  Ross was more than happy to find the pool tables.  The bowling lanes were glowing with various LED lighting effects, music in the background, with large screens at the ceiling showing the participants bowling scores.  
The friends found the front desk that had employees helping other bowlers.  Ross stepped up to check them in.  
A very enthusiastic young woman introduced herself.  “Hiya!  Welcome to Tenpin Bowling where fun and excitement is around every corner!  My name is Tiffany, how can I help you?”
Ross gave a brief look at Dwight, and stepped up and cleared his throat.  “Hello Tiffany, I have made a reservation for four, under the name Poldark.”
“Well hello Mr. Poldark!  I am happy to serve you.  Let me check for your reservation on the computer.  Yep, your party will be on lanes six and seven.  Will you be needing to rent bowling shoes tonight?”
“Uh two of us will be renting shoes, our girlfriends have their own bowling shoes.”
“Great!  I’ll include the price of the shoe rental in your account.”  Tiffany leaned over the counter towards Ross, twirling a piece of her bleached hair around.  “Now Mr. Poldark, is this your first time bowling with us?”
“Yes, yes it is.”
“Fabulous!  Now, Mr. Poldark, as you can see, there are various bowling balls on racks of which you can find one to your liking.  The lighter weight balls are usually on the bottom racks, and the heavier balls are usually on the top racks.  But I’m sure Mr. Poldark, that you’ll have no problem with the heavy balls.   There are instructions on the table at each lane on how to enter the names of your party into the electric scorecard.  The electric scorecard will automatically keep score for you so you don’t have to worry about that.  You can bowl as many games as you like, and then when you’re done just come back to this desk with your shoes and we will settle up your account at that time.  Will you be using the credit card that you put on the reservation Mr. Poldark? “
Ross was becoming more annoyed with Tiffany every time she called him Mr. Poldark,  “Yes, that’s fine.”
“Wonderful.  If you and your friend want to give me your shoes and your shoe size, I will get your freshly sanitised bowling shoes.”
Ross and Dwight handed over their shoes to Tiffany and she disappeared into the racks of bowling shoes - freshly sanitised bowling shoes.  Caroline and Demelza were getting a kick at Tiffany’s ‘enthusiasm’ towards Mr. Poldark.  “Good Lord Demelza, can her shirt be any lower cut?” remarked Caroline.  They  stopped laughing when they saw Tiffany come back with Ross and Dwight’s shoes.  
“Now, Mr. Poldark, if you need any help getting things set up in the computer at your bowling desk, just press the ‘help’ button and I’ll be there in a tick.”
“Thank you Tiffany, I’m sure us old folks can figure it out.”
Ross was putting all of their names into the computer for scores, while Dwight and Demelza were getting their bowling shoes on.  The three of them were watching Caroline lifting up all of the bowling balls to find one that she liked.  She had already gone through two racks of them.  
Ross spoke up, “Caroline seems to be taking her ball choice seriously.  Did you find one okay, Dem?”
“Aye, I didn’t have a problem.  I just wanted one that was light enough that I wouldn’t break my wrist throwing it.  That’s the last thing a cellist needs.”
Ross felt guilty now.  “Oh shite!  I never thought about that love, I’m so sorry.  You don’t have to bowl if you don’t want to.” 
“No, I’ll just be careful.  I found a really light ball.  Oh it looks like she found one.”  Caroline came back carrying a purple bowling ball.  
Dwight went over to Caroline, “Can I take that for you while you get your shoes on?”
“Certainly Dr. Enys.  I won’t be long.” She gave him a slight devious smirk.
“Okay, apparently we have two frames to warm up with and then the computer will start taking scores.  Dwight you go first, then Caroline, then myself, then Demelza.” Ross informed everyone.
Dwight put Caroline’s ball in the circle in front of the score table where their balls go, “I’m glad that we don’t have to keep score ourselves.  It’s been so long that I don’t remember how to figure out spares and strikes.”  He proceeded to take his first practice turn, and turned around and gave Caroline a kiss before she took her turn.  Demelza was watching Caroline.  She knew that bowling really wasn’t her friend’s idea of fun, but she was acting strange, really quiet, which was totally not like Caroline.  Even when Caroline isn’t happy about something she’s talkative about what’s going on, but she hardly said a word.  Caroline threw her practice frame and was looking at her hand that she threw the ball with like she broke a nail or something.  Demelza noticed that she went to her purse and grabbed something out and slipped it on.  
“Demelza would you like to borrow this when it’s your turn to bowl?  It’s a wrist guard.  It might keep you from hurting your wrist.”  Caroline told her friend.
“Oh, maybe.  I’ll see how it feels after I bowl a few frames.”  Demelza responded.
“Alright, just let me know,” Caroline told her.  Demelza was wondering why Caroline had a wrist guard.  She’d never seen her use it for anything.  Interesting.  
It was about the sixth frame before anyone started to notice how great of a bowler Caroline was!  Everyone else was doing alright.  Demelza threw gutter balls frequently but it was all for fun and she didn’t care much anyway.  But Dwight and Ross were starting to take things more seriously.  Ross threw a spare every once in a while, Dwight was trying hard to stay out of the gutters, but they noticed that Caroline hadn’t thrown a gutter ball since the practice frames.  In fact, she had thrown a couple of spares and a strike already!  Dwight and Ross were sitting next to each other watching Caroline bowl in her seventh frame.  
“Soo, uh, Dwight.  Is your girlfriend a ringer?” asked Ross.
“Bloody hell if I know,” said Dwight, and just then Caroline bowled another strike.
Dwight and Ross looked at each other, “Fuck” they both said!
Caroline came walking off the lane looking at the guys staring at her.  “What?”
Dwight smiled at Caroline, “Love, just how much have you bowled before?”
“Oh, not that much.  I used to go with Uncle Ray every once in a while…”
Ross spoke up, “and that’s it?  Just every once in a while with your uncle?”
Caroline got a smirk on her face, “Well, I was in a league for five years before Uni.”
Dwight and Ross both gasped, “What!!!”  Demelza started laughing at their reactions.  Ross turned to Demelza, “Did you know about this?”
“No Ross, I had no idea!  But I do think it’s pretty fucking funny!” Demelza couldn’t help but giggle some more.
Ross then looked at Caroline again, “Why didn’t you tell us you were a bloody ringer?”
Caroline’s smile got bigger, “You didn’t ask!”
Dwight was smiling and shaking his head and put his arms around Caroline’s waist, “I bloody love you, Caroline Penvenan!”
“I love you too Dr. Enys!”
After bowling two games, and Team Penvenan absolutely slaughtering Team Carne thanks to Caroline’s bowling prowess, the two couples decided that it was time to get something to eat.  The ladies went to find a table in the restaurant in the bowling alley, while the guys went to settle up with Tiffany.
“Honestly, Caroline, that was the funniest thing that I have seen in ages!  The looks on their faces when you told them that you used to be on a bowling team was priceless!  I wish that I would’ve taken a picture of them!”
“It was rather priceless wasn’t it? I did get a kick out of watching them trying to figure out everything before they finally asked me.  I had a rather hard time keeping a straight face when Dwight gave me the boxes with shoes and a shirt.  I still have my bowling shoes and my own ball from when I used to bowl in a league!  But they’re at Killewaren,” Caroline’s eyes were gleaming when she was explaining every detail.
The guys finally made it over with four pints.  Dwight handed out menus for everyone to look at, “So we can order off the menus or order a pizza.  Whatever you ladies prefer.”
Demelza was looking at the menu, “Caroline what are you in the mood for?  Pizza or burgers?”
“Mmm well I vote for pizza, and oh some garlic bread.  Sound yummy to you Demelza?”
Demelza folded up her menu, and smiled at Ross, “Sounds good.  Ross, do you want to put the order in?”
“Yes, my love.
The four friends laughed and joked over their pizza and beer until it was almost time to go home.  
Dwight looked at Caroline and Demelza, “So have you ladies enjoyed your Valentine’s Day?”
Caroline sat up and looked at Dwight, “Well, I do have to say that it was the most unusual Valentine’s Day that I’ve ever had.  But I guess it is nice to have a new pair of bowling shoes. And the shirt is very stylish.”
Dwight and Ross gave each other a grin.  Dwight cleared his throat, “Well, I’m really glad that you like the shirt and shoes, but we got you something else for Valentine’s Day.”  Dwight and Ross dug into their pockets and each pulled out a small box wrapped in red with a white bow, and gave them to Demelza and Caroline.  Both ladies gasped at the same time when they were given the boxes. 
They unwrapped the boxes and opened them to find a silver necklace with a bowling pin hanging from the middle of the chain.  The stripes on the pin were made of garnets.  The girls both giggled when they saw the necklaces.  
“Oh Ross, I love it!  It’s perfect! Please put it on me,” Demelza was glowing from the gift.  She reached up and gave Ross a kiss.
Dwight was shocked at the big smile that Caroline had on her face, “Do you like it Caroline?”
“Oh I love it Dwight, it’s perfect!  Thank you!” Caroline told him.
“Really?  I was afraid that you might think it was cheesy or …” Caroline cut Dwight off
“No!  I really do love it.  It’s perfect.  I’ll cherish it forever,” Caroline leaned over and planted some red lipstick on Dr. Enys.
Ross and Demelza were climbing into bed that evening after their fun Valentine’s date.  Demelza was wearing a new pink baby doll set of lingerie for the occasion.  Ross noticed what she was wearing right away.
“Well Demelza, you look almost good enough to eat,” he chuckled.  
She smiled at her boyfriend, “I thought you might like this.  I bought it just for tonight.”
Ross leaned in to kiss her, “I like it very much Demelza.” He kissed her lips gently, then moved on to kiss her cheek, and going further down her neck.  She was enjoying the attention when she pulled back all of a sudden.
“What’s wrong Demelza?”
“I forgot something downstairs.  I’ll be right back,” Demelza jumped out of bed leaving a confused Ross behind in bed with cold lips.
She ran back upstairs with a wrapped box in her hand and got back in bed.  She handed it to Ross, “Here, Happy Valentine’s Day Ross.”
“Demelza, you didn’t have to get me anything.  But thank you.  What is it?” Ross asked.
Demelza laughed, “Well open it and find out, silly!”
He smiled at her and shook the box a little bit.  He went ahead and ripped off the dark purple wrapping paper.  Inside was something wrapped up in white tissue paper.  He pulled it off and found the back of a picture frame.  He flipped it over and found a 5x7 silver picture frame containing a black and white picture of himself with his brother Claude Anthony. The two brothers looked like they had been laughing and Ross had his arm wrapped around his brother’s neck.   Ross gasped when he saw it.  He ran a finger softly over it as if he could touch his brother.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this picture before.  I’m trying to figure out where it is from.  Good Lord. It almost looks like it’s from…” Ross now had a few tears rolling down his cheeks.  
Demelza continued Ross’s thoughts, “like it’s from the day you were celebrating your college acceptance?  The day that he died?”
Ross was still mesmerised, “Yes.  Where did you get this from?”
“Your mother sent it to me.  She said that she never had the guts to show it to you, but she thought that you were ready now.  She sent me a colour version, but I had it made into a black and white photo.  I really like it in black and white, you know, with the frame, and everything.  The colour original is behind it in the frame so that it doesn’t get lost…. Ross?”  He kept staring at it and didn’t say a word.  “Ross, is this okay? I thought you could use it for your desk, but if it bothers you, we can put it away in the box, for now.”  Demelza was really worried now that Ross was upset about it.
Ross finally came alive again, “No, Demelza, it’s beautiful.  Thank you so much.  It just kind of threw me since I had never seen this photo before.”  He looked up at Demelza and put his hand behind her head and pulled her in for a strong kiss.  “Thank you Demelza, it’s lovely and perfect.  I wish that he was here to be my best man.”
Demelza wiped away Ross’s tears with her thumb, “I’m sure that he will be on your mind that day.”
“Yes, yes he will.  Demelza, you always know just the right thing to say or do.  You are amazing, and I’ll love you forever.”
“Oh Ross, I’ll love you forever.”
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enhawriterrsblog · 2 months
CAFE LOVE! (Park Jay - 박종성)
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Synopsis: Who knew working as a Cafe worker and stanning enhypen Would coincidentally result in meeting them.
Pairing: Idol!Jay x CafeWorkerfem!reader (ft. Heeseung of Enhypen too- rarely)
Genre: Fluff? Strangers to friends (not lovers yet-) oh and Also oneshot!
an: My First Post so its a little messy. Also, inspired to write by @lilacnini @leaderwonim and @leaderwon
Thanks for inspiring.
The Cafe door opened with two people entering as Y/N looked up, widening her eyes as she immediately recognised those pair of eyes. "They are just customers Y/N" She thought to herself as she smiled looking the approaching figures.
Y/N: Hello Sir. I will be your waitress for today. May I have your order?
???: I am Sorry but Are you an Engene? Who is your bias?
Those sharp eyes were wandering around her sweatshirt as she realised that she was wearing her enhyphen merchandise.
Y/N: Ah yes. Its yo- I mean Jay. I mean Sir. I mean..
There she did it. Her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment as the pair of them giggled at her sudden confession. She Found her eyes getting interlocked With those sharp eagle eyes but couldn't hold The eye contact. Her cheeks were red again.
Heeseung: If you both are done, We will have two coffees please.
Y/N immediately bowed.
Y/N: Your order will be served in no time.
There wasnt much crowd so it was easy for her. She bowed again and turned around cursing under breath for embarrassing her ownself infront of her bias.
She prepared their coffee humming Hey Tayo as her legs danced with those beautiful beats. As she placed the coffee on the tray, her eyes got locked with those eagle eyes again. This time she couldn't help herself but to stare in those brown eyes.
Jay: Are you done staring?
He asked bringing her back to Earth. She bowed again and again apologizing profusely for making him uncomfortable but he simply giggled. The giggle, she would do anything to hear it.
Jay: I would like to pay before taking The order.
Y/N: O-Ofcourse Sir.
She answered and accepted his card AND shifted for doing the process. "AM I ACTUALLY HOLDING HIS STUFFS?" She thought, her heart racing as she bit her lips to stop herself from smiling. As she placed their coffee on the table, returning him the card, Jay gave her a chit.
Y/N: Whom should I deliver it to?
She asked tilting her head as Jay smiled. His smile was recognisable from the mask making her more confused.
Jay: Save it in your contacts and dont forget to message me okay? I hate waiting.
Y/N: E-eh?
She stuttered as her eyes widened. Jay Held her hand and placed the chit. Heeseung was sipping his coffee while enjoying the drama (FORGOT ABOUT HIM LOL) "OMFG. HE HELD MY HAND?" She said her heart racing as she bowed again, This time thanking him for trusting her.
And thats how their simple yet beautiful Love story started. Sometimes trust and fate work together for a good cause. You just need to allow the things to flow.
Signing off!
Reblogs and comments are appreciated. :)
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kharmophron · 1 year
meant to post this on the 10th but forgot so here we are today with the 1/3 post of my 💖Hermes and Aphrodite April devotional challenge💖, which will consist of me mashing up a bunch of challenges i have saved and just talking about them. doing Hermes here and then rbing with my Aphrodite sideblog
for the first part, the prompts are:
🌷Favorite titles and epithets🌷 Kharidôtês (Giver of Joy), Kharmophrôn (Glad-Hearted, Heart-Delighting), messenger, interpreter of everything, luck-bringer, loud-shouting, joyful one, gracious one, bringer of sleep and dreams, friend / lover of mankind. Honey-sweet, laughter-bubbling, of vibrant stims, and of fresh breeze have a special place in my heart. also have seen people use (and i love them) king of memes, Giver of blessings, patron of cheesy jokes, of the roadside rest stop, of shenanigans, lord of crossroads...
🍎Favorite associated symbols (historical or not)🍎 uh. phallic imagery lol also the caduceus, dice, cows/sheep/goats, the number 4, and the winged boots
🍯Preferred offerings/devotional acts🍯 I like giving him dice, strawberries or strawberry-themed stuff, getting bread with honey (either to give, share or just devote the act of making and eating it), doing divination (especially trying out different methods, outside of tarot, and coming up with my own divinatory systems), doing research
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the-sleepy-conductor · 7 months
Yooo! New person! It’s always so nice to see new Submas fans around!
Nice to meetcha! Welcome to our silly little community where we’re all a teeny bit crazy over silly train men. 🤏 Just a little.
Can’t wait to see all the cool content you’ll be posting soon! I have a few questions for you!
First, how’d you get into the Submas fandom? How long have you been in it for? And who’s your favorite twin? Unless… it’s BOTH!
I hope you’ll have lots of fun here. We’ve got a ton of cool peeps making cool Submas stuff! It’s incredible, honestly. Our community is so talented, and it’s fun to see everyone contribute something different! Arts, fanfics, EVEN FANMADE MERCHANDISE (the insane amount of Submas pins and charms that I have…)!
I’m excited to learn more about you as you grow! Keep it up!
Hiiii! Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I'm definitely excited to start posting art (and possibly fics) here real soon and get to know other Submas fans better!
As for how I discovered Submas- it's quite an odd story. Roughly 7 years ago my friend showed me a screenshot of N and Emmet, with Emmet running away with N's toy trains. I'll post the picture here in a bit. But I thought it was hilarious and saved it to my own phone. I was a little curious about who Emmet was (especially since it was clear he was associated with trains, which I've loved all my life) but I never really gave it much thought after that. Fast forward to about a day after Legends Arceus released, I meet Ingo. But I didn't know he was Ingo- I thought he was Emmet. I kinda forgot about Emmet over the years so when I saw Ingo I was like "Oh, silly train guy is here. What's his name again? Emmet?" But as the minutes passed I started remembering what Emmet looked like, with the white uniform and smile. And this man looked nothing like him but also exactly like him. I thought maybe I was imagining things, until Ingo introduced himself, and I started to connect the dots: Emmet has a twin.
So I do more research and find out they're known as the Subway Bosses, from Pokemon Black and White (my favorite Pokemon games) and that they're Battle Facility leaders. I start looking into them more, finding Battle Subway fanart and reading fics, and as I played Legends Arceus more I became super attached to Ingo. And it wasn't long before I got attached to Emmet too! I started to really fall down the Submas rabbit hole in late February 2022- February 22nd to be exact, as that was my first Multi Battle with Ingo and Emmet. (I got destroyed lol)
Oh yeah here's the photo I mentioned earlier:
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I kinda laugh at the thought that this photo introduced a future favorite character, and that it had such a big effect 7 years later.
As for which twin I like more... It's both! There's something to love in both Ingo and Emmet, and I'll probably make a ramble post in the future about everything I love about them!
(Also I completely relate to the collection of Submas merch, my Battle Subway sticker book arrived today lol)
I'm definitely looking forward to posting some art and rambles, and getting to meet others who are in the Submas community!
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oqlixsreads · 2 years
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summary// y/n can see eddie drifting away so easily for someone else, how would he feel when he has to watch you go through what he saw with chrissy? or could he possibly prevent it?
warnings + content warning// angst, fluff, break ups, cursing, mentions of drugs, death, SPOILERS FOR s4, Imk if i missed some
a/n: i am so so sorry this took so long for me to post, also this isn't an insanely long fanfic. sorry if your tag isn't there for some reason usernames ain't popping up. this is gonna stretch to vol.2 bc i like being in pain.
please share this lol, i didn’t put tags at first i forgot, so it’s not gonna be underneath any tag lmfao
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y/n wrote quickly, they had many notes to write with who knows how long time. finished with most of them, making sure to leave one for both grandma, and dad separately.
eddie’s note was saved for last, there’s not telling how long it would possibly be, and how much time it would take to write. so many words went through their head, that they would only be able to put on paper than say it out loud.
robin and nancy agreed to meet this Victor Creel, in order to see how he survived Vecna. “What do you think they’re writing?” steve said eyeing Y/n as they jotted down words, letter after letter. “Who knows. let’s just, leave them alone. for now.”
the two girls had left and then their were stev, max, dustin, lucas, and y/n. till they got up giving each of their friends a letter. “what’s this?” max questioned staring down at the envelope in her hands. “it’s just incase-” y/n took a deep breath in. “uh- just something’s i want you guys to know before i uhm. y’know.. die.” they swallowed the lump in their throat.
“y/n it’s going to be ok-” “no max it’s not. i’m going to die today, and there’s most likely nothing we can do about it but accept it.” “steve i need you to take me to my house then to lovers lake” he cocked an eyebrow. “uhm why?” they held up the remaining three of the letters. that said ‘grandma, dad, and eddie’. “no.” “no?” he shook his head. “the walkie-talkies might not reach to lover’s lake.” “yes it will.” dustin joined it.
y/n smiled at him. “no.” their smile dropped “steven i’m not going to spend my last day on earth in the armpit of mike wheelers basement.” “i don’t care.”
the group followed behind as they quickly walked out onto the street with the intentions of getting to their family, and eddie. “YOURE NOT GOING!” steve yelled after them. they stopped dead in their tracks beside his car. “unlock the door then.” steve sighed, when the car doors locked with a loud click.
as everyone was settling into the vehicle y/n could hear noises in the background, turning their head a bit they saw a clock staring back at them. they’re running out of time.
y/n walked through their home finding their grandmother cooking some food. “hey sweetie, i thought you were out with your friends today.” “yeah i was- i am. i just came to grab my uh walkman. i laid some letters on the table for you and dad.” their grandma looked confused. “letters? for what?” “just with everything going on i just-” they were cut off with while being pulled in by a hug. “there’s nothing to worry about.” y/n smiled sadly “yeah grandma, you’re right.” they tried pulling away but failed.
“can you let go now please?” trying to get away from her grip. “you’ll be gone soon y/n, make the most of it while you can.” “let go of me.” y/n’s body trembled with fear. they looked up only to see the creature? inside out human? the thing that would soon kill them.
“I SAID LET ME FUCKING GO.” wiggling out the grasp they fell onto the floor with a loud thud.
only to see that grammy wasn’t there, y/n was met with an empty and quiet house. they had been alone the whole time.
they quickly walked out the front door, not wanting to be there any longer. lucas caught onto their discomfort. “you ok n/n?” he placed his hand on their shoulder before they entered the car. “yeah, thanks lucas.” y/n turned their attention to steve. “you can go now.”
eddie heard a car pull up, and a door slam shut with a “make it fast.” coming right after. he saw his ex walking towards the house with something in their hand look anxious as ever. “hey, hey, hey. what’s wrong y/n?”
y/n took a deep breath, and took off their headphones trying to prepare themselves to give eddie this letter. their body shook slightly when they held their arm out. his wash was painted with a confused expression. “this is for you.” he took the envelope from their hand slowly opening it. “what’s this for? you- you’re scaring me.” his voice was shaky.
y/n took a seat on the steps with eddie following the action. “i’m gonna die today.” they tried to keep their composure, but to be fair how could you even say that without breaking down? but there was no point in sugarcoating it.
he looked utterly mortified, didn’t know what to say, couldn’t form words. the only thing that happened was tears forming the brim of his eyes. “what happened to chrissy, yeah. i’m next.” eddie couldn’t do anything but engulf them into a hug, squeezing them until they couldn’t breathe. “no. i can’t- i can’t lose you y/n”.
y/n hugged back, crying in the crook of his neck. “i’m not ready to die eddie.” both of their bodies trembled of what was next to come. neither of them were ready. none of their friends were ready to say goodbye to y/n.
eddie was confused, he felt helpless, how could anyone stop this. yes robin and nancy are trying to find a way to stop this but there’s no say in whether or not it would work.
he sat there trying to process the whole situation. was he really going to lose the person he loved the most?
y/n pulled away. “i need water, you can read the letter.” as they stood up the world around them changed. it was dark. it was scary. “y/n” it sounded like a voice was above them, beside them, in front of them. it came from every direction. but moving around in one circle there was nobody to be found.
i’m the distance they could make out a figure walking towards them. it was him. it was eddie. but deep down they knew that wasn’t their eddie. they knew the words that were to come out of his mouth are fake. “it’s finally time.” he was itching closer, with every step forward y/n took a step backwards.
they couldn’t keep standing there, they had to run, and fast. however the further they went the louder the voices got. y/n pasted by too much, to process where they were even at.
eventually running down some steps leading to a cemetery. they tried to catch their breath but had to stop for at least a few seconds, hiding behind a wall. seeing how much distance they got from “eddie” they turned their head around the corner only to vecna. “you can run all you want. there’s no escape.”
“Y/N? WAKE UP.” y/n’s friends stood around them shaking them violently. “C’MON SNAP OUT OF IT.”
eddie’s eyes were bloodshot red, he was shaking with fear as max, lucas, dustin, him and steve screamed at the top of their lungs trying to get y/n back to them. “CALL ROBIN AND NANCY. CALL ROBIN AND NANCY.” dustin never ran faster in his life to snatch a walkie-talkie yelling code red into it.
y/n carefully walked around the opened graves on each side of them.
they thought they were in the clear, and picked up the pace. y/n loss touch of the ground beneath them and started to fall insanely fast. falling onto presumably blood, now in a red area with random junk on the ground where two teenagers were plastered on pillars. fred, and chrissy. sat right there, eyes missing, jaw popped out of the socket, and limbs contorted.
y/n felt sick to their stomach, it didn’t help when things started taking them, and pulling them closer to a pillar. they struggled and tried hard to get out of the hold. but they were tired of running.
dustin ran to the group with cassettes in his hands yelling at max and eddie. “WHATS THEIR FAVORITE SONG?” he threw the songs onto the ground shuffling hoping to find a song that y/n loved. “what does this have to do anything.” dustin sighed angrily. “ITS JUST WHEN SOMEONE- ITS TOO MUCH TO EXPLAIN. TELL ME THEIR FAVORITE SONG.” “BILLIE JEAN, BY MICHAEL JACKSON.” both of them yelled at the same time.
y/n was wrapped around a pillar as well, their ears perked up when music started playing around them, i get to listen to my favorite song as i die?. reminding them of the time they and eddie listened and danced to it a while back. vecna was now in front of them inching closer and pointing at them.
“i told you i would catch up to you.”
in the distance behind him there was an opening showing their friends all in distress while they were lifted into the air. their eyes widened at the sight. he was directly face to face with them. “it’s time.” y/n couldn’t die without at least putting up a fight.
their heart was pounding with fear. they noticed a wooden plank out of the corner of their eye. snatching it and hitting vecna in the face with it making him stumble over, and making the vines go weak allowing them to get free.
hitting him one last time and spitting in his face. “screw you.” y/n ran for the last time seeing the people they loved afraid out of their minds. it didn’t matter how exhausted they were, dying was not an option.
random things started to fall from the sky, with hopes from vecna wanted them to fall only for blood to splatter onto their face and clothes. they could only think about the memories they had with all their friends.
lucas, max, will, and mike walked into Scoops Ahoy for y/n and steve to sneak them into the movie theater. “if anybody finds out about this-” “we’re dead!” the two older kids scoffed and looked at each other. “why do we still do this for them?” “because we love them steve.”
the time eddie and y/n danced witch each other in their room.
“i want to love you! PYT, pretty young thing!” y/n stared at eddie as he smiled at their enthusiasm towards this song. “you need some lovin’. tender love and care!” he joined it with them. sure this wasn’t his type of music mostly was the opposite, but he would do anything to watch y/n stay happy like this forever.
y/n curled up into eddie’s side when the music ended, and he tried to pull them closer to him, if that was even possible. “what song now?” he hummed at the question. “what’s that other song you go crazy for?”
y/n cocked an eyebrow. “Everybody wants to rule the World? Billie Jean? Rock with You? take your pick.” “mm i’m thinking Billie Jean.” y/n gasped out of shock “that’s my favorite song. good taste ed’s.”
the first time y/n officially got comfortable with eddie and allowed themselves to be free around him was the first time was when they played that song. Billie Jean.
“eddieeee dance with me. pleaseeee” y/n pouted at his stubbornness when he continued laying on the bed. he groaned but deep down inside he was nervous and all giddy at the fact y/n wanted to dance with him.
y/n was so close to the opening leading to their friends.
they were a mess. watching y/n sit in the air helplessly, all they could do is beg that this worked. y/n’s body dropped to the ground, eddie scooping them into his arms while max tightly gripped their arm and everyone else crowding around them.
they shot up, sucking in a huge breath of air with tears streaming down their face clutching onto eddie. “i thought i lost you” they tried to process what they just experienced, they nearly died. their body shook in his arms. “i’m here, i’m not gone.”
they all stayed at reeder ricks house for the night. eddie volunteered to stay up all night watching y/n, just in case something happened, he looked at them softly snoring, along with loud snores coming from the other side of the room. with that letter still in his hand,
slowly opening it.
dear eddie,
hi eddie, i’m not sure where to start with this. but i want to start off by saying i’m sorry, i’m sorry when you were trying to tell me how you still felt i dismissed it. i thought maybe, you were still confused about your feelings. you’re probably scolding me right now because i’m apologizing, and saying “it’s not your fault.” i feel like part of it is.
i wish i was able to say this out loud, but i can’t. it’s too hard to say it without breaking down. to be honest, i walked away because i was scared. i was scared that it would happen again, that you would find someone else and scared you would tell me that you don’t love me anymore. i wish i could read your mind because i never know what you’re thinking, sometimes i feel like you don’t want me, then you do, or you see me as just a friend.
i know. it’s stupid. i really do love you, more than anything. when you said you didn’t love me anymore, i honestly did not know what to think. i panicked, i was confused and hurt. by how blunt you were and how you said those words so easily. i didn’t know what to say. but i couldn’t stay with you, and i really wished that i could hate but i think we both know I’m not capable of that. however i do hate that i still love you. that i can’t stop loving you. it’s pathetic, i know.
if i die, and you’re reading this. please ed’s. move on, be happy. i don’t know if i’ll get the chance to say it in person, but eddie. i love you. if i die, i’m glad it’s going to be me.
if i’m being honest, i can’t live without you.
i’m sorry for all that sappy shit. do you remember when you took me on my first date? or our first official date. we went to the movies, Happy Birthday to Me. i was beyond nervous and excited at the same time. that was the first time you kissed me. thanks for head butting me by the way. i really appreciate it.
what about when i kept playing that one song over and over, until you eventually got annoyed, don’t lie you know it was getting annoying. it’s still my favorite song, i mean it’s been my favorite since it came out in. Rock with You by Michael Jackson. such a good song. how could you ever get annoyed? let’s not forget PYT now always a good one.
do you remember us dancing to Michael Jackson?! well i mean. what about that time where we snuck into a drive in movie, the movie SUCKED. at least we had fun watching the people around us scream for no absolute reason.
or when you let me dress you up in different types of clothes.
i practically forced you, but the two of us know you have fun doing it. i guess this is goodbye though.
thank you for the best months of my life.
i love you, more than you’ll ever know.
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tags: @eddiescorrodedcoffin86 @httpjiikook @heizenka @capybaraluverfr @marisans @beepboop900 @eliangooxx @the-one-fee @chrissysgf @lovelyladymayyy @hotdilfworld @missgay15 @surfsupbrahh @trinatiger @simp4rengoku @stitchity @kozykenma1102 @zealouslibrariesparadiselight @eddiemunsonsfrgf @cam-peggio @iveofficallylostmymarbles @eddiemunsonsbitch2000 @jay-swoohoo @lostinwonderland314 @erikaar @lokigirlszendaya @preciousbabypeter @prettyplant0 @nooneadoresdotcom @jaz-444 @fairykiss32 @grimmbunniee @wren5650 @mess-is-my-aesthetic @fredskum @a-dot-ham-24601 @spoookyconsultingcriminal @parker-natasha @mopey-thicc @sarahwasfound @magnus-lightwood14 @munsonsquitar @boobielover2800 @imjustheretryingnottodie @henhouse-horrors @klitzgetsfreaky @urleastfavemilf @p1ss0ffgh0st @todoroki-slut @siren-melodies @sidekickforlife @bite-anon @platonic-greek-lover @gwendolyn3019 @notbeforelong @baby-bearie @grannyrosita @fujiihime @heeyitsg @slasherfvker @josephquinnswhore
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thegrimdog13 · 8 months
Fantasy au pt. 2
hey!!! Plans were also cancelled today sooo time to post! Also I swear I’ll get to the person who suggested more opposite au! I just have to get these ideas down so I don’t let them evaporate from my brain.
•Jeff is forced by his adviser to dress properly and when he gets any moment alone he just tears up his clothes 😑
•Jeff doesn’t normally listen to anyone about anything but his adviser is like a parent figure to him.So even tho he fights with them on it he just expects it in the end even though he doesn’t have to.
•Tim is his adviser 😌 ( I changed my mind on Toby,Masky,and hoddie being rouges.
•Brian is the stable boy because yessssss! 🤭
•Tim has a crush on Brian is always fumbling around him even though he is usually reserved. 🥹
•Sally will randomly just walks into the castle and all the the knights will just say hey Sally.
•Toby is the cleaning boy that says hey pumpkin to Sally every time he sees her 🥹
•Brian is a stable boy but he is also a trained knight.
•Brian trains Toby to be a knight when he gets free time.
•Laughing Jack just gets away with everything since he is the Jester
•Jeff has tried to get LJ executed for some things he has said and done but luckily Toby saves him every time by telling Jeff it is LJ’s job.Jeff wants to kill Toby then but Tim saves both LJ and Toby.
•Sally will follow Toby around
•Jeff lets Sally play will Smile dog.
•Smile dog is usually violent but around Sally and Jeff he is a soft baby boi.
•Ben once saved Sally from a rabid fox 🦊 Sally thanked him and told Jeff about it. Unfortunately Sally forgot to get Ben’s name so she wasn’t able to tell Jeff.
•Some how Jeff is the only one that thinks EJ is cool. He sees him walking around and thinks he looks intimidating and Jeff love’s intimidating.
•EJ is actually just a sweet blind guy trying to sell bread but no one will because of EJ’s curse.
•Jeff has an understanding of how EJ must feel because one day he upset a witch that ended up cursing him for being cruel.
•That’s why Jeff looks like well Jeff 😑
•Jason the toymaker is a local toymaker shocker lol
•Jeff sometimes takes Sally to get toys their and if he doesn’t Nurse Ann does.
If you want anymore or anything just let me know win my asks!love you all ❤️
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snock-ock · 1 year
1994 Doc Ock
Raimi Doc Ock
\<_<\ Maybe1994Venom?
OK SO! Sorry for only getting to this now, I forgot about this and found it half finished in my notes app today lol 💀💀 here are some headcanons tho, I don't know too much about venom sadly so I might get back to writing some later but I can't promise!
NOW. Where do I even start.
(I wasn't sure what hcs you would like so I just went with things that came to my mind!)
1994 Otto my beloved.
- Not much of a hc but ohhh I believe he's so easy to fluster. One little compliment and he's beet red and totally forgets what he was talking about! Stuttering and glasses fogging up, this man doesn't know how to handle affection!
- He'd probably ramble a litte about his inventions if you're someone he's okay with having around. He's so into it, he only notices after ten minutes of science talk! Probably crosses his arms and coughs, totally trying not to act like he's embarrassed.
- Probably........such a goofball on the inside. He's all tough and a crazy villain, there's no way he's soft!.........but I think he'd be if you'd get to know him a little better! Give him one little thing you own and don't see as important AND YOU KNOW he'd use it as a lucky charm or something....it would be always on his desk!!!
- Would probably......wear pretty turtlenecks. This might just be a great headcanon to a turtleneck enjoyer like me but. GOD. He'd look amazing, okay?! He probably didn't really wear them before going villain mode but after that? Ohh boy, it's probably the only kind of shirt he DOES wear when he's not in his suit. He'd get such an ego boost if he catches you ogling him...
Raimi Otto. What can I say about him that hasn't been said before.
Well there is one thing I've been saving for another post but it fits well to this one so I shall spill :)
- Raimi Otto. Has such a big coat. Humongous. So big and warm with sooo many pockets! It might be a liiittle out of character but I like the idea of him keeping a bunch of stray kittens in them <3
- He just found them one day while trying to hide from the public- they're wet and cold and look a little too thin for his liking. He might not be the good man he was before but he still has a heart. - He decides to keep them, only temporarily until he's sure he can safely transport them to one of the windows of the shelter. In the meantime they give him the best company he had in weeks. Lots of little friends walking around his desk, exploring. More than once did an actuator have to catch one of them and put them in one of the coat pockets when they tried to jump off the desk.
- He'd be all soft with the kittens, smiling to himself when they're doing something silly or gently patting them when they're napping on some papers. He'd definitely flinch a little if you call out for his name... normally the actuators would immediately alert him if something or someone would approach him but soft moments like that bring him back to a simpler time.
Hope these were nice to read! Headcanon or scenario requests (no nsfw) are open so feel free to shoot me an ask and I'll try my best to write to em!
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
hello flower! i’ve never submitted an ask to tumblr before, but i just wanted to say this.
(btw, everything in this post is true. it’s kinda an unbelievable story)
i’ve been a fan of LB since it’s publish! i’m pretty sure i discovered it in mid 2018, so i’ve been here for a long time!
i’ve been following ur writing for years and watched you improve annually. i fell in love with your story and writing extremely quickly, and i always looked forward to your new chapters. i distinctly remember feeling ecstatic when keith finally revealed his face !!
however, in 2019, i suffered a catastrophic head injury whilst skiing, which caused me to lose most - if not all - my memories. in truth, i should of died or been in a coma, but i escaped with some critical injuries instead. a broken neck, fractured skull, broken eye socket, the whole shebang lol.
luckily, i was not paralyzed, and i can say now that my recovery has been well! i’m back to being fully functional (sometimes) except for a couple motor control issues.
but the real problem was my memory, i could remember my family and relationships, but i forgot practically every fundamental fact about myself, including my middle name. additionally, i suffered a lot from aphasia and neuro problems which made me struggle to understand sounds coming from people if that makes sense. to cure this, my mom and dad introduced me to (guess what!) voltron. they knew it was my fav show before the crash, so in a sense, they tried to reignite my memories and help work on my sensory processing ability.
i fell in love with the show - again- and watched it during my recovery. probably the only reason i can talk today is because of vld! i find it a little ironic that despite losing myself in the crash, i came full circle. and u can probably guess what happens next!
in 2021, i rediscovered ur fic whilst in the voltron tab. it kinda shocked me to see “Visited: 309” under the fic because i had no recollection of ever reading it. the person i was before must’ve loved it, so i gave it a shot! (btw, me before crash and me now i consider different ppl)
so, i began to read, every word from start to finish. and, as cheesy as it sounds, i think i fell in love again. my recovery has been endlessly difficult and was particularly rough 2020-2021, so this kinda supported me in a way. seeing the growing number of how many times i visited LB reminded me that i had existed the day before.
to give context, every morning i woke up, i would forget almost everything abt myself. eventually that got resolved, but it was jarring. so, seeing that number rise, and reliving the joy of reading LB for the first time gave me hope.
LB means so much to me for this reason. sometimes when it felt like i was losing my humanity to depression and pain, it reminded me that, out there, the previous versions of me were hoping to read LB again. in a sense, i was motivated to read the new chapters as an ode to my previous-day self if that makes sense.
now, 7 months after successfully waking up and remembering the previous day, i am writing this with tears in my eyes. i am writing this with a smile, and i’m writing this with the hope that it reminds you that your literature has saved me, and i’m sure countless other people.
in a way, i view LB as the sunrise. even though there’s the chance that tomorrow never comes, the sunrise serves as a reminder that the previous day existed, and that there are more sunrises to look forward to.
and, to be honest, i think that if i woke up forgetting everything everyday, id be okay with it because i get to read your fic for the first time - again. also, the humor in it is 10/10 haha!!
(also, if u were wondering or worried, i’m also okay with waking up with no memories do to other things and not just LB. incase u were worried that i’m strictly dependent on LB, which i’m not LMAO)
i would’ve submitted this a couple months ago, but i couldn’t put it into words. i don’t think i can possibly explain what you and your fic means to me, so the sun over the horizon will have to do.
even if you think that it’s cheesy that a goofy voltron fic means so much to someone, i hope you find it in yourself to treasure your talent and skill in writing.
i’m so excited for the next chapter, and the next sunrise i get to see <3
here is a pic of the sun i took this morning. thank you for writing, and reading this really long ask. there’s no pressure to respond, although it would be cool to see, but i hope you read this nonetheless. btw u can publish the response if u were wondering.
D <3
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I have been trying quite desperately to compose an answer to this one since it first appeared in my inbox, and at this point I don't know that I'll ever be able to do you justice, but two months is far too long for you to have waited for something of this magnitude, so please bear with me while I endeavour to do my absolute best.
First and foremost, I am so sorry for everything you've been through (though I can only assume you've heard that sentiment ad nauseam, so do forgive me if you're sick of it), but more than that I am distinctly and unbelievably proud of the grace with which you seem to have taken such catastrophe in stride. I couldn't possibly claim comprehend the true scope of all that you've endured, but I hope in some small way it might give you,,, comfort? a sense of camaraderie maybe? to know that aphasia is something I'm intimately familiar with as a recurrent symptom of my migraines, due to them being hemiplegic in nature, so I know the frustration of being unable to comprehend sounds you know you should recognise- being unable to articulate your own thoughts- feeling half trapped inside your own damn skull- all too well, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, least of so sweet a soul as yourself.
My darling, I'll say again: I am //fiercely fucking proud// of you, for not only enduring but in truth overcoming all that you have. Though we do not know one another, this message alone bleeds with such admirable strength of character that I cannot think you anything less than a remarkable and resilient individual, and to know that my writing could in any capacity support you through such an ordeal is both an honour and a privilege.
All my love,
lilflowerpot ♡
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