#i normally dont write in tagalog but
the-daydream-archives · 11 months
Hello po Maam/Sir! Welcome to Jollibee!
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Hope you guys enjoy being served by them ;)
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csoisoi · 2 years
writing something for an assignment rn and i forgot how to write in cursive i have a google image pulled up on how to write in cursive directions and using a pencil to write down what im gonna pass before using a ballpen to have a guideline i despise cursive
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sleepless-rain · 2 years
Haikyuu radio drama - Track 2 ″Catch Phrase” [TRANSLATION]
I might as well throw them here as an archive.
Karasuno Haikyuu radio club! Original radio drama (script written by Furudate Haruichi!)
[These are fan translations. I do not consent to anyone using them for videos fanclips etc because these will be sold at a later date via CD please support the original by purchasing them when they are released.]
You can listen to it here!
(it starts at 59min 23seconds)  Please note that this eventualy gets archived and sold as a CD so the link may not work a few weeks later!
A = Asahi Azumane D = Sawamura Daichi S = Sugawara Koushi K: Shimizu Kiyoko
Asahi: Oh its shimizu, thanks for all your hard work! Daichi: Hey! Suga: Sup! Sup!
Kiyoko: Thanks. Sawamura the submission deadline for the Monthly Volleyball survey is soon. What should we do about this section? D: Oh, was there a section we didnt fill in? K: Look, this one here... S:as it the question of whether youre a cat person or an okapi person? A: What... do you have to pick one of those?
K: The section asking for you teams 'catch phrase' D: Oh! Thats right! Sorry about that.... a catch phrase huh....What should we do...? S: "In this world, its only cats, okapi...and you.Which would you live with?" A:If that were the case then we'd all live together! Why do we have to chose one? I'd feel sorry for them...but based on species id be the one left out... S:But okapi are herbivores...making the cat's terrifying, wouldn't it? It would definitely choose you Asahi! A:..you think so? Do you think I'd be able to live up to the okapi's expectations? S: Keep yourself together!!! You're the only thing the okapi can rely on! D: But if theres only three of you, wouldn't it be an 'eat or be eaten' situation? S: Here comes the wildy realistic Daichi! Wild Daichi are you in the savannah!?! D: I am! A: Huh....well then I'd rather be eaten...
S: Look what you've done, now you made Asahi imagine it and hes all depressed. D: Well, if it came down to me and Kintaro* and only one could live. I'd let him eat me and live on. A: I see...just the two of you... that would be tough.... S: Daichi you seem like youd be pretty filling!! Depending on how you were preserved you could provide meals for two weeks. D: Please avoid placing in direct sunlight and keep in a freezer. K: How about preserving him in salt? A: We dont need to go into the details of preserving!I'll end up imagining it! Ah, how is Kintarou? D: He's doing great! Recently he went and got a shot and he...wait not this- the catch phrase!
S: Hmmm.... D: How about "A highly offensive team"? S:Hmm.... thats so...normal. D: Then what do you suggest? S: Something that scream more... 'now'! "We're aiming for a sustainable and diverse team"! D:I cant agree to something like that. A:..."Compliance." S: "Initiative"! A:"Risque". S: "On time"! K: "Evidence".
D: This isnt an 'all the katakana you know'performance. A: "Commit". Suga/D: ...! K: Are we decided then? Suga/D: "Commit"... D: Wait a second! That's no good! It turning into some kind of commercial!Plus we're practicing read blocking rather than commit blocking at the moment. S: "You read block then commit!" A: That's such a Datekou catch phrase... S: Ughh then let's go with this! "Both heart and soul THROBBING! ASAHI!" D: You always give up so easily... A: Wait...the catchphrase is for the team... D: They're not even together on this one...
K: Azumane, you weigh 76kg. A: Huh...I do. K: "Okapi's weigh 200kg so 300kilograms (all up)". S: "Both hearth and soul are THROBBING! OKAPI!!" K: Alright, it's decided. D: Stop right there. Shimizu you need to stop that. You get carried away with everything with a straight face, it's terrifying sometimes. S: Huh what's with that! I'm confident in my ability to get carried away! D: Don't compete with it! Are you Hinata and Kageyama!?
A: I guess "a highly offensive team" works best. S: Yeah, I guess so. Let's write that in Tagalog. D: Alright, so we've decided on "a highly offensive team". In Japanese.
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hyukmelt · 4 months
lalalala wjat a lovely day
oh let me jaz open tumblr ...
yes very normal tumblr app
wait a min
wat ... OMYGOSH ..... who is LI !?!?
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wiat no no no dont click off ...
im sorry
hi im Li . my name is short for Liuxie .
what to know about LI !
• i am an '07 liner! also am a pisces ;)
• i go by any pronouns, and any terms . refer to me however you like !
• i am filo 🇵🇭 i blog in both tagalog and english
— i draw :D
— i write fanfics :D (warning: RPS)
— i also have a youtube channel for my vlogs :D
— i edit videos with kpop idols :/ BORING
what to expect from LI:
• OC art !! i have many ocs, and they all have different stories .. i would like you to meet them soon!
• suju !!!!!!! LOTS OF SUJU ..... eunhyuk ..... oh..
• nct ! i like to draw haechan the most :D
• my face LOOOOLLLL sometimes pls dont bully me
• others ... you will see soon :3 BE FRIENDS WITH ME NEOWWWW
i have a carrd :D
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that is it ‼️ thankyew . i am li .
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thegreenerartist · 4 years
Okay okay guys wait
Just I M A G I N E
The Foxhole Court,,, but set in the Philippines (they’ll all still be the same characters but it’ll just take place in the Philippines!)
The Filipino & Filipina Foxes!
Okay so Neil is still on the run, with 5 mil ($) in his pocket, but think about it. There are 7,641 islands. 7,641. His father would have absolute HELL trying to find him and his mother (until she died oop) (probably somewhere where they are trying to sneak into Luzon?) So then Nathan will be stationed, not in Baltimore, but maybe somewhere in Luzon (it being the central island and all)
Neil would know how to speak English (universal language duh), Tagalog (common Filipino language) and maybe Ilongo? Or Ilocano? For Luzon, but then he’ll probably know the common languages too, like Bisaya and Cebuano for Visayas, maybe he’ll know Arabic or Islamic for Mindanao? (I highlighted the ones I think he would most likely know, but most Filipino langauges tbh sound similar. Takes maybe a few months, weeks if you’re good, to learn a language like a native)
So idk how to segúé (how to even spell??) to him meeting the Foxes bUT HE GETS THERE
Soo let’s say the Cousins (yes thats their official tital no I don’t take critisism) know how to speak Arabic while Kevin is the one who speaks Bisaya. Everyone can speak English and Tagalog because Filipinos are taught English and Tagalog early on oop
Okay fine this will still be an Exy universe (but can yall imagine? Street basketball?)
They’ll probably be learning somewhere in Luzon, most likely NCR for plot because it’s probably where Nathan and his men are too
They meet and stuff, cool shenanigans
(Their backstories might be a tad rougher than in canon because,,, yeah. It happens here)
Okay so I just wanna get to the fun stuff, since that’s what I originally planned for this post
Nicky and Allison will deffo be like those ladies who wash clothes and gossip, i.e. spreading chismis
Nicky reminds me of the gays here that go “oH HEY MGA BES!”
Andrew is THAT dude who goes up to an ice cream guy and asks for, “Cornetto. The sweetest one you have”
He wouldnt like dirty ice cream. It’s too bland and milky, not sweet
Neil would fit right in. Everyone here wears shirts and pants/shorts. Some guys dont even bother putting a shirt on
Dan and Neil go bonding to the palengke (wet market) since most of the other foxes have been raised in middle class
Matt buys those birds in the cages so he can set them free like the good boy he is :)
Renee is a BOSS in chinese garter
Allison was the heir to,, idk probably something like SM or something
Aaron is every asian parents’ dream tbh
Also I love the idea of them getting houses since Filipino houses here look basic as heck but look SO authentic, as in yall could go, “wow that looks like a normal house” but then,,, yall would know. That’s a Filipino’s house right there
Everyone get’s THOSE houses where there are literal bars on the windows and the fence is so goddamn tall
Except for Kevin and Allison
Those two would get the classy stuff
Like Allison would probably be living in those houses that were during the Spanish Colonial Period (with Renee because duh)
Kevin will get a private resort or something somewhere in Boracay or Palawan or something (with no one because I fully support aro ace Kevin [ but bi Kevin is awesome too though don’t get me wrong {sorry Thea}])
I would love to propose the idea of Neil calling Andrew ‘mahal’ or ‘love’(THEY ARE MARRIED HERE LET ME LIVE) (ILL JUST SAY THEY GOT MARRIED IN THE US OKAY)
In the morning, when they wake up and Neil goes, “m’hal, pakibukas ung bintana” “love, can you open the blinds?”
(Fun fact, the prefix paki is a polite way of asking someone to do the action, the same way you say ‘may’, ‘can’ and ‘please’)
But then ‘mahal’ ALSO means ‘expensive’ in Tagalog. I find it funny because Andrew is truly, very, absolutely expensive
“My god napakamahal naman yan’ Drew’!”
“Oh my god Drew’, that’s so expensive!”
“mAy stAnDArdS akO excUSE Me!!11!”
“I have standards excuse me!”
“M A H A L ‘W A G”
“L O V E , N O”
I love the idea that they play basketball in their free time with neighbourhood kids, as in street basketball
It starts with Andrew and Neil
They were outside, holding hands (it’s ok Philippines isn’t SUPER homophobic) (and even if someone was stupid enough to talk them down, they have knives :)
And these,,, kids go up and be like, “laro?” “play?”
Because kids right?
And BOOM it becomes a thing (usually on their breaks :)
Renee joins because Peace Corps (actually no. She did it out of the kindness of her own heart)
Then Dan, Matt and Nicky wanted to join
Allison was dragged there by Renee
Katelyn wanted Aaron to come too
Kevin decided to go since it’s the off-season and he has nothing to do, yaba daba da he actually misses his foxes
He keeps mumbling, “buti pa kapag nilaro nila an Exy *grumble grumble*” “it would be better if the played Exy instead *grumble grumble*”
They are happy :D
Okay so yall know how Kevin is a health freak
So one day Andrew will eat one too many goSH DARN AICE AND KEVIN WILL HAVE A F I T
Andrew doesn’t care
Until he does
Kevin can go on and on about how unhealthy some foods are and blah blah blah
But yall cANNOT TELL ME that that boy does NOT eat those streetfoods
Im talking about fishballs, squidballs, siomai, tokneneng, ALL OF THAT JAZZ
(That’s what happens when yall let a person who never played in the neighbourhood try streetfood) (they get OBSESSED) (I can tell from experience lol)
Then Andrew keeps that footage for blackmail
Just imagine. Kevin Day. Eating. The oiliest. The most unhealthy. Goddamn streetfood
I’ll probably make more :P it was fun to write this!
I would love it if this were liked and reblogged 🥺👉👈 I would appreciate that very much because I spent some time on this and I need validation 🥺🥺
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junietuesday · 4 years
I'm going to write a Be More Chill fic and I was wondering what some things are that I should include for Michael being Filipino? Like common Filipino things, parts of the language he might use, and especially what to avoid doing? Thanks!
note: i’m full filipino, while michael is mixed, so if any mixed filipinos have anything to add, feel welcome! im gonna start with the “donts” bc getting salty kickstarts my brain. formatted for readability
don’t make him call his mom “ina”. we don’t use that. that’s a word for like, essays (and the national anthem apparently according to my dad). “nanay” (for tagalog speakers) is a more casual word, and shortening that to something like “nay” is even better
dont make him fluent in tagalog. most of the filipinos raised in america i know can’t speak it at all, only understand it, and the ones who do know it had to consciously learn it as a foreign language. you can have other people speak to him in it, but likely he’ll be replying in english
there are some words we use tagalog in though! usually it’s words english doesn’t have a one-word exact translation for, which deserves its whole own post tbh so i wont go into that here. oh and yes there are proper tagalog conjugation rules but who cares about those, just use english conjugation
i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again: rice. rice is a staple in like, every filipino meal. plain white rice btw, maybe garlic if you wanna get fancy. a rice cooker is a must-have in any filipino household. you can eat any meal with rice if youre not a coward. oh “ulam” is the word for stuff you eat with rice and “papak” is to eat something that you’d normally eat with rice without rice, two more tagalog words we do use. we eat w spoons and forks (including meat, we cut the meat with the side of the spoon). and you can look up filipino dishes for bonus points but 1) we also just eat stuff like chicken or whatever with rice, you dont need to do a crazy amount of research and 2) we eat all kinds of food, not just filipino of course, which don’t have rice. dont worry if this point intimidates you its not as important
superstitions are a nice touch, bc filipinos are very superstitious people. we eat noodles on birthdays and on new year’s bc they symbolize long life, and we jump up and down on new year’s to make ourselves grow taller, and we leave coins on windowsills to invite riches, and we spin our plate around if someone leaves the house during a meal or else it’s bad luck, and we can’t sleep with wet hair or we’ll go blind. that kind of thing
OH IMPORTANT: we call older sisters/cousins “Ate” and older brothers/cousins “Kuya”, usually the oldest is called the honorific alone while the rest have a nickname attached. it’s not seen as overly formal or anything, tbh it feels weird to be called my name by my younger siblings. basically the only time you wouldn’t do it is if you felt uncomfortable being overtly filipino around someone. the word for aunt is “tita”, uncle “tito”, grandma “lola”, and grandpa “lolo”, used the same as they are in english. you also use honorifics for friends of your parents (sadly i dont know of any nonbinary options)
more for oc making but filipino names tend to be an english first name paired with a spanish last name. there’s a long history there (you can even look up a list of the last names spain permitted filipinos to have) but yeah this formula is pretty sound. oh and you know namesmushes we use for ships? yeah filipinos sometimes give namesmushes of them and their partner to their kid as legitimate names. i have multiple aunts named this way. (also not a namesmush but my dad seriously considered naming me “bambina” until my mom shot him down so uh take that how you will)
OH ALSO IMPORTANT: filipinos have this thing called blessing, a way for showing respect to elders. basically, the older person holds out their hand, palm-down, and you take it and put it to your forehead. idk where it came from but it’s not an old-fashioned tradition, well it is but we still do it a lot so
that’s all i can think of for now, here you go! you can also go to my “#filipino” tag for more, such as insight into shitpost worthy filipino culture
edit: i didn’t prioritize well originally so i moved a few bullet points down here bc they’re less important but kinda just. things i want to see in filipino characters fjdgdjfhdg
parents. pointing at things. with their lips. it’s a thing and i do not know why. either you know exactly what theyre talking about or youre totally bewildered. no in-between
in the philippines, christmas starts on september 1 and goes to like, halfway through january, so often even if we don’t actually celebrate christmas that long, many jokes are made. idk i just want to see more filipinos making christmas jokes
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poor-bby-seokjin · 6 years
I was tagged by @artemis099.
Dont normally get tagged cause Im not famous. Lol. But anyways here are my answers:
 Nicknames: Nic, Nics, Nikki. Ms. Roco if youre nasty. Haha. No really my classmates in college used to call me by my surname. I hated it. Too formal
Zodiac: CANCER.
Height: im small. 5'2. Im the oldest and the smallest which sucks.
Time: 8:20
Favorite Band: ONE DIRECTION. lol. Went to their concert n Manila in 2015. First major concert I attended.
Song Stuck in my Head: Ive been singing Using You by Mars Argo since yesterday. Dont really know her but I was looking for new music to download and came upon her on youtube. Think there is a dispute between her and Poppy.
Last Movie I Saw: Its a Tagalog movie. I LOVE YOU HATER. I dont normally watch tagalog movies in cinemas but my grandmother wanted to watch it. I actually cried near the end of the movie
Last Thing I Googled: Im enrolled in masters of arts in Nursing and we are having our practicum in nursing service, we have our requirements for the subject and I had to google what is the difference between org chart and org structure.
Other Blogs: uses to have a larry blog but not anymore. This is my current one.
Do I Get Asks: I used to have asks when I was in the larry fandom, now, not so much.
Why I Chose This Username: Oswald Cobblepot deserves better.
Average Amount of Sleep: 8 hrs. Im a nurse, I value my Zzzzzzzssss
Lucky Number: 5. Or any number divisible by 5. Idk. I just like it.
What I’m Wearing: white shirt and black shorts
Dream Job: Archeologist. Sadly there are no courses like that here in the philippines.
Dream Trip: South Korea or Japan please
Favorite Food: Carbonara. Mhmmmmm
Play Any Instruments: beginner in playing piano and ukelele
Eye Color: dark brown. I hate it
Hair Color: black with brown blonde ends
Languages You Speak: English, Tagalog, I can understand a few words in Hindi( I love Bollywood movies especially SRK ones)
Most Iconic Song: I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic at the Disco. I was an emo teenager back in 2005 and I still think Im a bit emo till now. God the horrid hairstyle I had back then.
Random Fact: I classify myself as greyromantic almost on the aromantic spectrum. I just cant picture myself in a relationship but there are times when I crave romantic attraction. 
 That is all. Thank you for the tag. Im tagging @oswaldcobblepots-umbrella @bottomlouis @oswallds @emperorstyles @penguinraisedbypenguins @spicywatsonart @mordredllewelynjones
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illunasionary · 5 years
So since I’m the biggest magical girl buff. I’m going to start thinking of Moon Moon aus  THESE ARE JUST QUICK NOTES THAT IM WRITING AS THEY COME TO ME
Shugo Chara:
Moon has two shugo charas much like Utau, they are good and evil centric. One of them is a dark witch. Her chara change chant is ‘abra ka dabra!’. Since shugo chara is a show steeped in character development and coming to realizations about who you are as a person which is ingrained into the very fight mechanics and transformations of the characters I want this to be a verse where Moon comes to accept the good and bad of herself and stop seeing her sides in black and white. The real and the fake.
So to kind of show that Moon doesnt quite understand that shes not a completely evil person even though she does have ‘evil’ parts of her, her dark magician side will have hatched while the white magician stays in her egg for a good portion of her arc.
Her dark magician shugo chara is a reflection of how a lot of her more harsher tendencies come from the frustration of having to hide a lot of who she is and amplifies her already more snarkier and rude tendencies. So her chara change is going to be really angry and mean. It can take the form of her either just TEARING INTO PEOPLE or acting out in a violent or aggressive manner. A small black witch hat appears ont he side of her head during chara changes.
Her white magician side is kind of like Moons Dia in a way. She’s like the relentless voice in her that forces her to save others. Moon has this urge to save people that is so ingrained into her and she can’t ignore it no matter how hard she tries and that’s kind of who I imagine that shugo chara to be. Just a personification of that voice. Her shugo chara incantation is  Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo 
Moons big thing is that her fake side is always good and kind, the only parts of herself she can understand as not fake is the side of her thats pent up frustration, anger and spite. And therefore she associates all things bad as her real self and any good that comes from her as being fake. Shes basically unable to understand that her ‘true self’ has anything good. Basically she thinks of herself as an inherently bad person
So when she can come to that realization her white shugo chara can hatch
I kind of like itim and puti for dark and white respectively. The words being tagalog for dark and white since shes filipino.
I feel like Moon would be either the Joker chair or the Queens chair chair with rhub as the Aces chair. Like I USUALLY dont do the whole OH MY HARACTERS THE MAIN AND SHE DOES THE MAIN CHARATER COOL THING. but more than any of them i feel like for Moons character arc she’d fit into the main character seat.
Ojamajo Doremi:
A blue green witch apprentice who was basically forced to become one. Moon, in any universe hates the idea of having to practice real magic. She sees it as easy as opposed to the challenge of a regular human making the illusion of magic. Not to mention if real magic existed she feels like the art of her craft would go unnoticed or uncared about which she soon finds out is the case in the witch world. The witch Moon discovers is overwhelmingly kind and nice and caring making her someone Moon is constantly made to feel annoyed and untrusting over. Eventually Moon comes to see her as a mother figure. Moon has a learning partner in the form of Rhubarb a young wizard boy whos caused so much trouble that he was forced upon Moons mentor who took him in with loving arms. They start of as just two people learniung magic side by side but in no time at all they become extremely close, knowing each other on a level possible only for them. Rhub ends up going to school like Moon where he learns how to actually interact and connect with other people over the course of the next few years.
As a note, Doremi has a really big focus on family and this overall sense of community. No character is just a background character and by the end of 200 episodes you have a really good idea of dynamics between 3 classrooms worth of children and their own personal lives and problems along with family dynamics. I really wanted to capture that feeling so I pushed moon and rhub to actually have relationships outside of their own small worlds that I usually leave them to be isolated in. Even in Moon main verse she only ever actually connected with Lilly and everyone else shes cold and indifferent to.
Tokyo Mew Mew:
I did a bit of research into endangered species and because Moon has a real spiritual connection with the sea. This yearning to constantly be submerged in the waters and swimming, I wanted her to be a sea animal and also have it be a specifically filipino one. I’m thinking the Irrawady dolphin?? But its not fast or graceful which is a big thing for moon so I’ll have to do more research later. Subject to change. I like to think she has a green blue magician themed outfit complete with a top hat. Her magical girl transformation would be made with a traditional magic wand. like the clothes appear on her like shes making them appear with the wand. The wand is something that can be used like a staff.
She is an AMAZING swimmer and is of course extremely drawn to the water. She can swim even in storms, hold her breath for long periods of time and can sense when a storm is coming.
These are ideas im kinda just throwing around honestly nothing concrete but Im playing with it lol
I might do one for fushigi boshi no futago hime (which honestly isnt the bEST magical girl but its a guilty pleasure of mine)  or sugar rune later. Like the latter honestly won’t be too different than her normal verse except she gets paid for capturing peoples hearts. She’s not too popular in the witch world but in the human world? Absurdly popular. Grabbing all them hearts. Idk it won’t take a lot of explaining. Not enough to warrant its own section ya know.
I can’t think of any other magical girl I want to do a section on. But fi anyone cant hink of one (that isnt madoka magica) Id be grateful cause I can’t think of any. Like theres mermaid melody but that onyl has room for the main 7. Cause one girl for each of the seven seas. Im thinking kamichama karin but the charactes and transformations arent really open world and kind of just for those characters for plot purposes.
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Hindi ko alam kung ito na ba officially yung very first post ko as THE LAZY RAZKAL -- I had problems coming up with content but I guess it would be easier to talk about why The Lazy Cook Diaries (TLCD) didnt work and just an over-all background check on how I have been (as I would always do anyway in this blog).
So let’s do some FAQ’s! (these are just questions I came up myself by the way so maybe meron na iba sa inyo na gusto ito itanong just not quite sure if asking it via social media is the best way).
So here we go!
1. Dun sa mga nauna mong post, parang nagpapahiwatig ka na na ayaw mo na ituloy ang TLCD. Ano nga ba ang rason? Tulad sa mga nauna kong posts, I mentioned na hindi ko na nakakitaan ng interest yung pagsusulat as the COOK. May mga bagay na gusto ako isulat na sa tingin ko hindi sya swak sa theme ng pagiging Lazy Cook but more on just being Ash and I had to separate these ideas into different categories and sometimes having difficulties in trying to express your thoughts creatively is very frustrating kaya sabe ko sa sarili ko na I think it’s about time I start going back to my original writing style where I know I can write whatever I want with topics as broad as a swimmer’s shoulders can get haha! However, a lot has changed since 2013. My writing style is probably a little less bakya but more approachable and a little “inglisera” because right now I am actually struggling to write in tagalog (siguro ngayon lang yan kasi sinasanay ko pa ulit sarili ko).
2. Anong plano mo sa mga lumang posts mo from TLCD? To be honest, I dont even know if I should delete them or just continue adding more content because hiding them will probably take me long and moving to a new blogsite will probably take longer considering that there are visions and layouts I want to try! So ito yung napagdesisyunan ko na for now I will keep the older posts until maybe a few weeks and maybe hide the irrelevant ones or the ones that don’t make sense to me anymore! Who knows? Maybe I wont even consider doing that!
3. How is life lately? It’s been good, but busy. And it’s not a bad kind of busy too. As you know, last year I started taking art commissions from friends and eventually we’ve had businesses contacting us to help their creative vision come to life! So it had gotten extremely busy + I was semi-promoted into a Senior Associate for another team (which after a week of being their Senior Staff, I reverted back to my old responsibilities because it went so crazy I didnt like taking the challenge handed to me so I went sobbing and came back to my team). I was given better opportunities after that though and I couldnt be any prouder of myself! So to cut the story short I am living my life like a normal tita/millenial, crossing over different timelines and emotions before I hit 30.
4. How do you feel now? Still a lil worried na maybe sa simula lang to pero di ko kayang tapusin? Siguro it stems from being unable to write before when pinlano ko or di ko maischedule yung mga dapat kong isusulat dahil about 10 years ako nung maging sobrang active ako sa Tabulas bilang si Ayenthology, marami akong topic na nasagap at marami akong oras na pag aralan yung isusulat ko. Marami akong feedback na natatanggap at marami talagang nagbabasa because I was very active in sharing my blog and now alagang alaga ko ung identity ko na parang walang pwedeng makaalam kung sino ako, kumbaga kung talagang nagbabasa ka ng blog ko noon sana mahanap mo ako at kung hindi man maraming salamat kasi naging parte ka ng buhay ko hahaha. Pero ito ako ngayon. At handa na ko magshare.
ps. this whole post only took me about 5 minutes. my previous posts back when the blog was still TLCD would take at least 2 days to construct hahaha! Kaya ngayon alam nyo na kung bakit my heart wasnt into it :)
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chachamaldita-blog · 7 years
Day 1
Normally I would have this endless conversation in my head, endless topics and endless thoughts which for me usually if not always makes sense. And almost always that I wish I could’ve shared that thought, it could’ve benefited someone else. But, since I’m so tamad to even start writing the more to start a blog all those thoughts are gone to waste. My life, as random as it may seem, sometimes gets exciting too (or please dont judge, maybe its just me) and I will share it with as much details and enthusiasm as I can. I am not a grammar expert, I am born and raised here in the Philippines so please don’t expect extravagant words, it’ll be very simple and straight forward, I might also use some Tagalog words once in a while, for me, its more natural like that.
I’am married with 3 monsters, currently unemployed. I’ve been working in the BPO industry for 13 years and this is my first year to consider not to work and look after ze baybey, ze husband and ze kiddos. We live in an apartment of 2 bedrooms but we are believing and praying for our own house soon (which according to my daughter is a big house with swimming pool - AMEN!). I think my next blog will be about my very recent maternity experience. I promised myself that I will blog about it so other mom-to-be might benefit or can relate from it. Coz when I was pregnant, I was always searching online about things that I’m experiencing and I would always encounter blogs like this written by moms like me and somehow it helped me, its informative and useful. 
This entry will end here for now. 
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