#i need to update the inventory ref
thedemonscrawler · 1 year
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there’s two of you now, maybe you’ve got the security clearance to get the van ending?
a silly thing involving my Gregory from Permission Slip and @sleepyjuniper ‘s Gregory from her fic Visions (or Lack Thereof)! If you ain’t read it yet, go do that!
no one ever, ever let me draw a vending machine in a comic again
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LUCK as you know it from inception to monitization of fruits is the deadly period.
Stay straight and focus on the experience because from baselayer perspective, you are thriving.
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the-blind-geisha · 1 year
Do you plan on updating Demona's ref sheet too at some point? I imagine she too has many things than just the fans and stuff. 👀 I know you said youd be doing a few updated ones but wasn't sure if that was there too.
I mean.. I could? To be honest, I'd probably just keep a few of the outlines and colors of things. xD; I don't have it in me to redraw her when there's no need to. ♥
But yeah, she does have a few staves on her person, rings, and spell books. But I'd probably only list the ones she uses and not what she's probably kept stashed away in her inventory (or made Cheshire and or Demiurge keep in theirs). X"D
Having played MMORPGs so much, I gotta tell you--I hoard all kinds of items I may/ or may not need just for show. Wouldn't doubt Demona is the same. lol
But for now, gonna get through my other WIPs. Cheshire's ref sheet is on that to-do list, so I hope to have his up sometime in the future. ♥
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thewoodshungers-if · 3 years
Twine Ref - Updating List / Inventory
In Twine Sugarcube
Class Objects: Part 1 Part 2
Class objects can also be used to make an updating list / inventory in a menu. Remember that class objects can be used to call a short description based on the keyword / index name, which means we can list items and use another class object to call for the description. 
Variable Initialization
First, we need to initialize variables. For example, these are the items and the descriptions you start off with in the inventory. 
Sword: Your weapon of choice
Shield: You don’t know how to use them, why did you take this?
We need to make two variables:
A list of items
Class object containing the descriptions
<<set $items to [”Sword”, “Shield”]>>
<<set $itemdesc to {
      “Sword”: “Your weapon of choice “,
      “Shield”: “You don’t know how to use them, why did you take this? “
Function to call the list
Since we’re going to make an updating list, we can use a loop to keep calling the items in the $items list until we’ve run out. So, the for will be based on the length of $item.
The length of the item can be called using $[variablename].length
<<for _i to 0; _i < $item.length; _i++>>
       <<set _item to $items[_i]>>\
       <<print _i + 1>>. _item: $itemdesc[_item]
The _i is a temporary variable (the ones only available in the current passage) that acts as a counter. In the for loop, the _i variable will keep counting up (i++) starting from 0 (for _i to 0), until the end of the list (_i < $item.length). 
We’ll put each current item into a temporary variable _item, then we can print them along with the item desc 
<<print _i + 1>>. _item: $itemdesc[_item]
Then we’ll have an output: 
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Adding to the list
To add to the list, we can use the push function from sugarcube, and then add the description to the class object. For example, this is the third object we want to put into the inventory.
Potion: Drink it and you’ll know what it does. 
We can use the push function:
<<set $item.push("Potion")>>
And then add the description to the class object:
<<set $itemdesc.Potion to "Drink it and you’ll know what it does. ">>
And it’ll update automatically the next time you call up the inventory menu!
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Removing items from the list
To remove items from the list, we simply have to use the pop function from sugarcube. For example, we want to remove the shield from the list of items, then we can use the pop function: 
<<set $item.pop(”Shield”)>>
And it won’t show in the inventory since the item has been removed from the list. 
That’s all for updating inventory! 
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truxillogical2 · 4 years
I gave Sterling his birthday gift Sunday, so I guess now I can go ahead and post this! The boy loves blue jays and vaporwave, so he got a custom shirt.
And now you can have an awesome shirt! Or phone case! Or tote bag! Leggings! The sky’s the limit! Or, well, the inventory of RedBubble is the limit.
If anyone’s looking for other Art On Stuff, I have my TeePublic shop as well (which I really need to update)(honestly I need to think of some Filthy Ratman designs b/c I want stuff). And hey, apparently there’s a sale today!
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 6th-May 12th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from May 6th, 2020 to May 12th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following  question:
What’s a detail in someone else’s comic that few people notice but deserves praise?
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I have a couple. For @Eightfish (Puppeteer)’s webcomic I like how the style in general reminds me of a notebook. The font, the pen used to draw the line art...makes me think of a diary/journal and as a result it sucks me into the story. @Deo101 [Millennium]’s webcomic that I like is that the way the dark past of the characters are revealed naturally through dialogue. Instead of being spoon fed exposition I was treated to sage in the shower, depressed and with bloody holes. You feel emotion for these characters and as a result it’s more immersive.
Finally, for @LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)’s webcomic I liked the horrific implications of her world under a veneer of bright strong colours and characters. While it may seem like a world you want to live in, you are constantly reminded that it is NOT safe and there are monsters around. I liked that it was fun to read, but I loved it even more when Claire wasn’t afraid to shy away from the more menacing, gory details.
Not a lot of people gush about this, but I love to see the setup of their sites, specifically the cast pages of comics! One of my absolute favourite cast pages is Black Out Citys. Jay did an old school video game aesthetic mixed with 80's pink vibes, and it's so so beautiful! Layouts on comic sites specifically dont get enough praise, like how there is hover icons that tie in the comics aesthetic, headers that draw intrigue, font that just clicks- all details that usually aren't a point to be discussed when praising a comic but definitely should! Another is the way Giselle does StarTrip lore at the end of each chapter- they way they render each planet and have these tidbits are one of my favourite details in that comic.
I just gotta say, I love how Ghost Junk Sickness does the little bio blurbs about every character. They are informative and don’t interrupt the story heavily, and the Interests sections are hilarious
Oh, I’ve been meaning to read that one!
I always love the expressions in Sunny and Rainy. The main characters are real, chaotic people.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Something I just noticed in the most recent chapter of @keii'ii (Heart of Keol)'s Heart of Keol was how gradually Ethan has been improving at speaking the language. Such a subtle detail that I love.
Archive pages. While many comics have them, few comics actually take the time to make good archive pages. I think weve all been there where we want to ref a specific page/event, but heck if we remember if it was page 26 or page 100. Some archives though really put in that extra effort. For example: http://www.phantomarine.com/archive/ and http://sarilho.net/en/archives which use thumbs to make it visually easy to spot a specific page or https://moonslayercomic.com/archive/ which besides being a well designed archive visually includes little tidbits about what happened in each chapter without spoilers. Overall, good archive pages make life easier when talking about them.
^I tend to totally reread long comics every time I need to go looking for a specific page, good archive or no, but I’ve definitely had a few friends give up on reading comics I love because they couldn’t navigate the archive pages. It means a lot to some people.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
A thumbnail archive is so convenient both as a reader and a creator. And it’s really fun to see a whole swath of pages that you’ve done, all in one place. It acts as its own motivation! I think I understand if more ‘daily-strip-like’ comics have only text archives, but for narrative comics, I really love visual archives. I absolutely had to do one myself.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I can't imagine a thumbnail archive working smoothly for comics with 500+ pages... but I do appreciate a functional, existing archive page. Simply having one > not having one.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
True. I use an image gallery plugin that's convenient for a lot of images. I just swap out the 'expand image' code for 'go to page' code, and voila But I've only got 98 pages posted, so... once it hits a couple hundred, I'm not sure how it'll run
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(ooo 100th page celebration coming soon?)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
(more or less, haha! the page itself is its own celebration)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(my favorite type of celebration TBH)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yokoka's Quest (https://yokokasquest.com/) does a really fun thing to go along with every chapter - character status pages! It treats the comic like an RPG, with party stats and inventory slots and HP/MP gauges. I really like it - gives it an extra fun flavor.
Oh that's clever!
Ohhh love that!!!
eliushi [a winged tale]
I don’t think it’s something few people notice but I absolutely love the paneling in Kochab comic by Sarah Webb which simulates architecture. https://www.kochab-comic.com/comic/page-67 The painterly look and fairytale aesthetics are chefs kiss
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Oh my... Those are beautiful panels!!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
One thing that some comics do that I quite like are recap episodes. Some comics can have stories that are quite long and convoluted, with a non-linear narrative, and it can be nice to get a recap of the events from time to time. Especially if the comic's updates are infrequent and/or irregular. Example: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/scoob-and-shag/recap/viewer?title_no=210827&episode_no=84
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templified · 5 years
More Great WordPress Parallax Themes TopNotch Themes | Templified
New Post has been published on https://templified.com/more-great-wordpress-parallax-themes-draft/
More Great WordPress Parallax Themes TopNotch Themes
  Hi, I’m awesome.  I’m one of those WordPress parallax themes you’ve heard so much about.  I’m packed with features and functionality you might expect to find only in a theme that costs twice as much.  But nope, I like to keep my parallax goodness in the reach of everyone.  I’m a versatile, well-built, innovative, gorgeous and very easy to use theme that allows you to administer shipping and your inventory, advertise fresh items, sell existing items, grow your small business and get in touch with shoppers and a lot more, all with parallax style and well-crafted code.   I’ve got an idea that I’d be perfect for any business, or individual, who wants a WordPress parallax theme that looks great and functions even better.  That’s how I roll.
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  Fancy!  It’s safe to say an ideal parallax WordPress theme with solid tools and features is a amazing pick.  WordPress parallax themes like Panes?  Well, they’re astounding!  Panes makes it straightforward and fun, not to mention profitable, to create a parallax WordPress site really quickly!  It takes less than an hour, really, from start to finish.  Once you get the hang of it, it can be even quicker.   A WordPress parallax theme is an excellent way for everyone you know to concoct an expert WP parallax site that really gets attention, looking and responding just the way you need it to.  WordPress parallax themes are an exceedingly entertaining strategy to your WordPress website exciting and elegant.
symple_button url=”https://themeforest.net/item/panes-WordPress-on-one-page/5026910?ref=brownale9000″ color=”green” size=”large” border_radius=”3px” target=”blank” rel=”nofollow” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Demo[/symple_button] Get Hosting
  Parallax WordPress portfolios come in a wide variety of styles and aesthetic appearance.  And the features can vary widely too, so it’s best to find a theme that offers a lot of what you need.  If you want a parallax WP theme with a drag and drop gallery, full screen slider, a functional and filterable masonry portfolio, CSS animation effects and parallax scrolling, Surreal might be a good fit for you.   Surreal is one of the oldest and most trusted Parallax themes on ThemeForest and the support is incredible, so you can purchase this theme with high confidence.
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  Renova is a responsive parallax one page portfolio theme with the ability to function as a multi-page theme too.  Renova is well known for it’s flat design, powerful set of shortcodes, it a really unique feature called the direction aware gallery.  So cool, seriously, check the demo and scroll down over the gallery items.  Cool, right?  How impressed are your visitors going to be?  I know I was.  Anyway, Renova is one of the most unique parallax themes I’ve seen yet.
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  Do you need a one-page theme for your website? If so, there are countless WordPress Parallax themes that you can choose from. One such theme that is highly recommended is the Candy WordPress theme. First of all, it is highly responsive. This means that your site will be accessible across multiple devices and display orientations. Also, it is compatible with different web browsers – from Chrome to Firefox – allowing for easy navigation anytime and anywhere. It has been developed using HTML5 and CSS3, and you don’t need to be a programmer to manipulate the theme. It is checked for quality, comes with 6 months of support, and is inclusive of future updates.
This is one of those WordPress Parallax themes that is ideal for businesses that want to showcase their offerings without having to beat around the bush. You can design a page for your About Us content, another for your services, and another for your contact form. It comes with the Slider Revolution feature, allowing you to highlight multiple images in one display. You can also filter your portfolio with ease. Equipped with the plugin for the Ajax contact form, you can rest assured that any form of communication online will reach you when it matters the most.
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  Me is a WordPress version of one of the most popular HTML templates ever to appear on ThemeForest and it’s got some hot parallax action too.  Me is a responsive one page, parallax portfolio theme. That’s a mouthful.  Well, if you need to get your work in front of as many viewers as possible and give them all a great first impression, Me is a great theme for the job.  Lots of documentation give this theme a shallow learning curve and the helpful online video tutorials mean you’ll be online in no-time flat.  This well made, fresh, versatile, easy to use and beautiful WooCommerce WordPress theme will allow you to develop your business, advertise existing merchandise, launch new products, manage shipping and product stock and contact buyers and more.
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  If what you are looking for are dependable WordPress Parallax themes, then there is plenty of available options that you can try out. One such option is the CrossWay theme for WordPress. It is categorized as a Bootstrap theme that is ideal for startups in need of engaging landing pages. It is quality-checked and comes with half a year’s worth of tech support. It is also inclusive of future updates from the developer. The CrossWay theme is not only highly responsive but is retina-ready as well. Aside from accommodating varying browsers, devices, and display orientations, you can also rely on it to be accessible on most recently developed operating systems and devices.
When it comes to WordPress Parallax themes like the CrossWay theme, they are equipped with a Visual Composer feature. This means that designing a web page using this theme will be easy even if you don’t have any programming experience. Simple drag and drop functionality enables you to add the components you want and see where these will lie as the page is published online. It’s valid and clean coding also provides users with access to a functional contact form, sliders, and video plugins. It has also been localized, which means that your site will be translation-ready.
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  QuickStep is a responsive one page portfolio theme with parallax effects. It’s a top-selling theme on ThemeForest, a fact that I’d venture might have something to do with the fact the theme is highly customizable.  Display almost any work or services with a out of sight looking single page website. Checking out pages with parallax scrolling sections is splendid and a real eye-catcher your potential clients can like.  This theme is a absolutely perfect one page scrolling parallax theme for creative design folks that would like to show their best projects in a great new way. this cool new template will absolutely dazzle everyone with its trendy parallax animated sequences and transitions that make your site feel and act incredibly natural. The built in portfolio page is really very powerful and is simply filtered by using only a handful of clicks.
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  Retro Portfolio is a one page parallax portfolio theme with a cool and fun vintage look.  A parallax portfolio theme?  This is ‘THE’ retro portfolio theme.  Retro Portfolio has a wide range of CSS3 effects, a handy lightbox for embedding your video or multimedia files, free license for Nivo Slider, Ajax contact form and a lot more. PSD files included and I’ve heard the admin panel for customization of this parallax winner is one of the best in the business.
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  Xiara, a smooth and stylish parallax theme, is responsive, well designed and it looks great no matter what your content is all about.  Xiara is very highly rated on ThemeForest, rocking a 4.5 rating.  Impressive and one of the higest for parallax style templates.  I guess it’s because of the stylish layout, the easy to use customization panels and the responsive layout.  Could be the Revolution Slider too.  There’s a lot to choose from.
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  907 is a parallax scrolling WordPress theme that has a fun layout and lots of cool features and options.  With as many demo sites as there are, I’m betting you can find something you love here.  I’ve taken a look at a lot of WordPress themes on the market and the very best parallax sites have one thing in common, parallax scrolling on the front page and lots of places for all your content.  And they need to be able to accomodate a lot of different kinds of content too, not just posts, not just promo boxes, you need a lot of different stuff.  907 fits the bill in every way.  You can swap out parallax sections page by page too, and even post by post, so things will always look and feel fresh, which makes you look like a champion.  Parallax WordPress templates have never looked so good.  The 907 WordPress theme now supports WooCommerce too, which is a nice touch.
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  This clean and modern parallax WP theme, called Vernum, is a simple and modern approach to an age old problem: how do I create the best user experience I can and showcase my content in a fun and interesting way?  Vernum is a great solution.  It’s modern, it’s clean, it’s stylish and powerful.  Vevernum is everything you need in a theme and it’s got incredible support too, just in case you run into problems setting up the theme or you want to customize it.  Vernum a fully responsive multipurpose one pager parallax theme, but it’s also cool if you choose to use it as a multiple-page theme, clean cut and simple, yet daring and parallax WordPress theme, with clean and modern lines, bold features and a dedicated support staff who are ready, willing and able to help you with any issues that arise.  Flexibility is a real strength with Vernum, you can use the page-builder to construct just about anything you want.  This is like the world’s coolest Lego set.  Build anything!
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  As we continue our quest to find the best parallax themes, we bring you ‘Make’.  Make is a responsive and retina ready theme for corporations, agencies, nonprofits and more.  If you’re a business or a freelancer, Make could be a great choice for getting a parallax design at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time designer to create one from scratch.  Oh yeah, Bootstrap helps.  This theme is rock-solid and ready for any changes you decide to make.  The fun style and clean, crisp design makes make (get it?) one of the best parallax wordpress themes for design agencies, creative businesses, freelance designers and web designers.  But anyone can use it.  It’s just that simple.  I think nearly anybody could take this design and make it something special, no matter what kind of website.  Is it easy to use?  Oh yeah.
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  Mountain theme (MNTN) is what I’d call a true premium WordPress parallax theme in flat-metro style. It can be used from personal blog site or portfolio to creative company website, and everything in between. MNTN is absolutely customizable too, change everything you see.  Customize each section with a unique background image and unique colors.  Add the smooth parallax scrolling pages for some real zip.  This theme is stylish, modern and epic.
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  Stratus is an attractive App, SaaS and Product showcase theme, with optional parallax scrolling effect, WooCommerce compatibility and much more.  Stratus is a fine looking premium theme, that is really built to showcase new applications upon launch, but I think any tech savvy company could benefit from the cleanliness of this design.  The design is, of course, responsive.  At this point, that has to be a given.  There’s a pre-made conversion form, that can help build an email list even before your app launches.  The them offers the ability to turn features on and off with one click, thanks to the simple to master page builder bundled with the theme.  This theme is retina and touch optimized, which is perfect for a high tech app theme, because you need to utilize the latest technology to keep up with the competition.
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Live is definitely one of its kind when it comes to amazing parallax scrolling effects, and with HTML5 and AJAX, this theme is certainly one of the best themes out in the market. Live is a staggeringly unique and interactive creative parallax theme with unlimited foreground + background parallax layers on a fully responsive layout built using Bootstrap framework version 2.3. The parallax layers can have unlimited vertical as well as horizontal scroll effect!   The responsive layout is 100% stable and tested on all mobile devices including iOS mobile devices, Windows Phone and Android. We promise the layout will not break on mobile devices.
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  A well designed WordPress parallax theme is an amazing and terrific way for designers and freelancers to have a cool WordPress parallax set up quickly.   You want to talk features?  Let’s talk features.  This straightforward to use and awesome WP theme is chock-full of some of the best features that make it simple and painless to build a parallax brand new website with no major hassles!  Tons of modular layout options.  Loads of pre-defined parallax scrolling looks.  Page animations to keep your readers engaged during their entire visit.  Parallax effects, responsive design, drop down menus, multiple sidebars and much more mean that the whole layout of this fantastic theme is totally charming and everyone will have a great time with their visit to your page.  Learn more about Passage below.
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  Patti is a modern and elegant One-Page WordPress Theme, perfect for creative people, suitable for any type of business, built for any needs. Every single detail is carefully designed and crafted, in order to create a seamless and wonderful user experience.  This trendy, very flexible, user friendly, pretty and efficient WooCommerce WordPress theme helps you advertise existing goods, get in touch with potential customers, advertise new items, expand your company and manage delivery and your stock and a lot more.
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  Demo Get Hosting
  Capella is a parallax WordPress restaurant theme that’s loaded with great design style and fantastic features that make it an ideal food blog, recipe blog or restaurant website.  I think Capella is bound to be a huge hit this year.  This wonderfully luscious looking, delicious and nutritious parallax theme is an awesome solution for a first class and highly helpful website for your venue, no matter if it’s a fine dining, fast food or fast casual, a diner or drive through, fish and chip shops, cultural or ethnic foods like Tex Mex or perhaps Irish pubs?  The choices are almost endless, so take your time and decide for yourself if this parallax WordPress theme is a great choice or the greatest choice for your website.
Capella is the type of theme that can save you a ton of time and energy.  At times it seems that there really is not enough work hours in the day to grow business for your restaurant, which is the reason why it usually is especially nice to consider a premium theme that has already been made.  Capella knows that and makes it easy to get your website online and customized quickly and with very little effort.  That’s an amazing feeling to save that kind of time when setting your site up.
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We’ve hand selected some of the finest WordPress parallax themes around and brought them to you in this collection.  Parallax WordPress themes are a fun and popular way to make your website stand out in a crowd of others.  These parallax templates are fantastic for business sites, portfolio pages, personal web-pages, corporate sites and pretty much anything else you can think of.  We’ve tried to find a really wide assortment of parallax scrollers so that you can get a good idea of the different options out there.
When a website is presented a little differently than some of the others out there, it can help to create a real visual impact that makes your audience take note.  That’s the concept behind these templates.  Your users have a great experience, you get better rankings from google and the other SERPs.  These eye-catching themes really do the trick.  So here they are, the best parallax WordPress themes we could find.
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yatterzuk · 7 years
Return To The Dog Multiverse Is LIVE!!!
Who let the dogs out?  Who? Who? Well TinyCo of course. We’ve been barking our heads off at TinyCo for a Return to the Dog Multiverse and here it is. So join me as I walk you through the latest mini-event to hit our games.Woof Woof!!!
The Return To The Dog Multiverse Event ends on Wednesday, April 26th 2017 at 3PM Pacific Day Time
For the overall information for the Entire Event, GO HERE. Page not live yet
First up, the Basics
Players will need to be on the App Market Version 1.46.0 or higher in order to see the event.
Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s complete.
Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. (Keep it under 10). If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incomplete Tasks already on your List to make room for more.
Public Pooch Restroom: 200 Clams, $40 & 25xp every 16hrs, Always Drops 5 Golden Dog Bones
Stray Cat Alley: 11 Golden Dog Bones, $40 & 25xp every 6hrs, Chance Drop 2x Tennis Ball
Flea Bag Hotel: 13 Golden Dog Bones, $40 & 25xp every 6hrs, Chance Drop 2x Dog Shampoo
Poodle Skirt Boutique: 29 Golden Dog Bones, $55 & 35xp every 6hrs, Chance Drop 2x Chew Toy
Hot Dog Salon: 28 Golden Bones Dog Bones
The Hounding Father: 35 Golden Dog Bones
Dog Food Vending Machine: 10 Golden Dog Bones
Dogwood Tree: 7 Golden Dog Bones (Returning decoration)
Human Sled: 50 Clams
Flea Bombs (3): 36  Clams
Flea Bombs (7): 71  Clams
Flea Bombs (12): 108  Clams
Please note all 3 of the characters below are full new characters, not costumes!!!
Poodle Stewie: 250 Clams. Can clear Mailman
Dog Peter: Comes with the Luxury Doghouse – placing him costs $150 from the Store, once placed in your town you can start to collect unlock materials. Requires 9 Chicken Squeaky Toy (Common): Peter Buy Dog Toys Online OR Herbert Impress Kids 57 Dog Collar  (Common): Clear Mangy Mutts 7 Tennis Balls (Rare): Jerome Play Tennis OR Get from Stray Cat Alley
Spaniel Lois: Comes with the Rustic Rover Condos – placing her costs 2 Golden Dog Bones from the Store, once placed in your town you can start to collect unlock materials. Requires 22 Dog Shampoo (Common): Bonnie Pamper Poodles OR Get from Flea Bag Hotel 6 Chew Toys  (Uncommon): Get from Poodle Skirt Boutique 4 knotted Rope (Uncommon): Get from Clearing Mailman 62 Dirty Socks: Clear Mangy Mutts Place the Hot Dog Salon: Costs 28 Golden Dog Bones from the Store 
This will be the Main Currency you will be collecting throughout the Event. You will find the Counter for it at the Bottom of your Game Screen.
Golden Dog Bones: Get from Clear Mangy Mutts, OR Poodle Stewie Attack Mailman OR Dog Peter Attack Mailman OR Complete Questline Parts  OR Public Pooch Restroom
These are a New “Bad Guy” for this Event. They appear at Pt 2 of the Main Questline, Return To The Dog Multiverse. I started with about 20/30 in my game.
Mangy Mutts: You will need to use Flea Bombs to clear them from the play area.
Flea Bombs (Rare): Get from Meg Clean Her Room OR Mort Sell Expired Cleaner OR Lois Shop For Cleaning Supplies OR Buy from Store
Once you have collected at least 1 Flea Bomb you can attack, you will notice Mangy Mutts congregate on your sidewalks so wait until a group are bunched together and tap on the Flea Bomb button at the bottom right in your game, move the target until there are Mangy Mutts in the radius and fire. That’s it, easy as that.
But please note in my game it would appear the maximum you can take out with each Flea Bomb is 4 even if there is a lot more of them within the target radius.
Chance Drops: +1 Golden Dog Bone +1 Dirty Socks +1 Dog Collar
Spawn: Spawn every 4 hours up to a MAX of about 30. .
These are the other New “Bad Guy” for this Event. They appear after you trigger  Pt 3 of the Main Questline, Return To The Dog Multiverse. Please note they didn’t appear immediately, but once they did I started with 2 then went up to a MAX of 4 in my game.
Mailman: You will need to use Characters to clear them from the play area.
Characters Used: Dog Peter – Attack Mailman Poodle Stewie – Attack Mailman
Time for Task: 6hrs
Chance Drops: +1 Knotted Rope Golden Dog Bone
There you have the overall Basics for the Return To The Dog Multiverse mini-event.
What do you think of it so far? Any item(s) you are looking forward to? Any suggestions for fellow Players? Let us know.
Rover and out.
~Russian Tigger
Return To The Dog Multiverse Is LIVE!!! was originally published on Yatterz
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yatterzuk · 7 years
Return To The Dog Multiverse TinyCo FAQ Only
Woof Woof Woof bark bark growl bark yip!
The Multiverse is back! This lil week long mini event will have some new stuff and some returning items from previous Multiverses.
To get you started til I pull all the game info, here are the FAQs per TinyCo.  Keep in mind these have NOT been checked for accuracy. Once they’re all verified, we’ll have a more complete informational post. So keep checking back.
Return to the Dog Multiverse FAQs
Which characters are being used in Return to the Dog Multiverse?
The characters being used this week include:
– Dog Peter
– Spaniel Lois
– Poodle Stewie
– Mort
– Meg
– Lois
How do I clear Mangy Mutts?
Mangy Mutts will invade your Quahog multiple times a day in packs. Collect Flea Bombs and fire them at Mangy Mutts to clear them. To Flea Bomb the Mangy Mutts, bring up the cannon by tapping the Flea Bomb counter (located at the bottom of your screen, next to the Golden Dog Bone counter). Drag and zoom in/out to aim until the Many Mutts are in the center of your sights, then press the red “Fire!” button to fire! It is possible to hit multiple Mangy Mutts with one Flea Bomb.
How do I get the Public Pooch Restroom?
The Public Pooch Restroom drops 5 Golden Dog Bones can be purchased from the shop for 200 Clams.
How do I clear Mailmen?
To clear Mailmen, tap on one to bring up Dog Peter or Poodle Stewie’s action window and send them off on their “Chase Mailmen” action.
How do I get Flea Bombs?
Flea Bombs are used to clear Mangy Mutts and can be obtained in the following ways:
– Have Meg Clean Her Room
– Have Lois Shop for Cleaning Supplies
– Have Mort Sell Expired Cleaners
– Purchase from the shop using Clams
How do I get Golden Dog Bones?
Golden Dog Bones can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get by clearing Mangy Mutts
– Get from the Public Pooch Restroom
How do I get Poodle Stewie?
Poodle Stewie can chase off Mailmen and can be purchased from the shop for 250 Clams.
How do I unlock Dog Peter?
Dog Peter becomes available after placing the Luxury Doghouse in Pt. 1 of “Return to the Dog Multiverse.” Dog Peter can be unlocked by collecting:
– 9 Chicken Squeaky Toys
– 7 Tennis Balls
– 57 Dog Collars
How do I unlock Spaniel Lois?
Spaniel Lois becomes available after placing the Rustic Rover Condos in Pt. 2 of “Return to the Dog Multiverse.” Spaniel Lois can be unlocked by collecting:
– 22 Dog Shampoo
– 6 Chew Toys
– 4 Knotted Ropes
– 62 Dirty Socks
– Place the Hot Dog Salon
How do I get the Luxury Doghouse?
The Luxury Doghouse can be purchased from the shop for 150 Coins. Placing it launches Dog Peter’s unlock quest.
How do I get the Rustic Rover Condos?
The Rustic Rover Condos can be purchased from the shop for 2 Golden Dog Bones. Placing it launches Spaniel Lois’ unlock quest.
How do I get Chicken Squeaky Toys?
Chicken Squeaky Toys can be obtained in the following ways:
– Have Peter Buy Dog Toys Online
– Have Herbert Impress Kids
How do I get Tennis Balls?
Tennis Balls can be obtained in the following ways:
– Have Jerome Play Tennis
– Get from Stray Cat Alley
How do I get Dog Collars?
Dog Collars can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get by clearing Mangy Mutts with Flea Bombs
How do I get Dog Shampoo?
Dog Shampoo can be obtained in the following ways:
– Have Bonnie Pamper Pooches
– Get from Fleabag Hotel
How do I get Chew Toys?
Chew Toys can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get from Poodle Skirt Boutique
How do I get Knotted Ropes?
Knotted Ropes can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get by clearing Mailmen
How do I get Dirty Socks?
Dirty Socks can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get by clearing Mangy Mutts with Flea Bombs
How do I get the Stray Cat Alley?
Stray Cat Alley drops Tennis Balls and can be purchased from the shop for 11 Golden Dog Bones.
How do I get the Fleabag Hotel?
The Fleabag Hotel drops Dog Shampoo and can be purchased from the shop for 13 Golden Dog Bones.
How do I get the Poodle Skirt Boutique?
The Poodle Skirt Boutique drops Chew Toys and can be purchased from the shop for 29 Golden Dog Bones.
How do I get the Hot Dog Salon?
The Hot Dog Salon can be purchased from the shop for 16 Golden Dog Bones.
Return To The Dog Multiverse TinyCo FAQ Only was originally published on Yatterz
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