#i need to chew on him soooo bad
arimesi · 2 years
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quickie doddle of ais hehe
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Lovely Ari,
What do you think of this dynamic?
Prissy, prickly, grumpy Reader x Suguru? Bonus points if Reader is a little nerd who speaks like a Thesaurus and quotes Sartre without realising it.
AMAZING PERFECT INCREDIBLE LITERALLY UNBEATABLE TBH???????????? anon i am so so SO weak for this dynamic…… when it comes to sugu i think my favorite readers for him are either silly or grumpy :33 i just think it’d be so cute!! and reader being a little nerd is also so sweet…..
i genuinely think suguru would find it so endearing. it’d definitely be a slowburn but i think that’s how he prefers it anyway!! and he’s nothing if not a man who enjoys a good challenge 😤 so at first i think he’d just be really sweet and patient with a grumpy little reader, hoping they’ll eventually warm up to him… the process is enjoyable for him.
buuuuut once he falls for them….. and once they’re in a relationship……. he somehow gets even sweeter. he’d be so perfect for this kind of reader bc again!! he’s just so so patient :((( even if you get all hissy and prickly he just gives you a sweet smile and maybe some space. or a kiss to throw you off <33 i picture all grumpy readers as easily flustered tbh so he would just thrive off of teasing you…. thinks it’s so cute when you get all embarrassed. T_T he’s perfect!! sugu would make a grumpy reader feel so safe and comfortable… to the point where they aren’t nearly as hissy around him as they are with others. and that would just be.. suguru’s favorite thing ever??? the idea of being your safe space. the only person who can calm you down. i think he wants to be that so badly!! it makes him feel so cherished :33
.. also tbh . i think…. cult leader!geto would eat this up……….. like any kind of sugu would love it but i picture him specifically as unbelievably smitten and endlessly patient and maybe a bit of a masochist so it’s just really funny to me. imagine reader being all >:c bc he had to cancel their date to do Cult Things and he’s behind them like ^_^ …. apologizing and stuff but he just thinks you’re so cute. the Cutest. worships the ground you walk on. doesn’t mind if you curse him out bc he knows you’ll soften up eventually and that melts his heart down to the marrow. he loves it when you’re grumpy and a little mean and he loves it even more when you suddenly get shy and crave his attention. (he makes me feel ill actually)
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juuuulez · 7 months
about the negan requests i don’t know if they’re still open but img i’ve been craving father!negan so bad recently i cantttt
i was just thinking like imagine how protective he’d be like he’d do anything for you and i’m imagining him killing people for you like if you were caught or taken for being his daughter and then bam he kills everyone. UGH i can’t hes so dad 💔💔
obv if you’re not up for it ignore this but i’d love to read it thabk you queen good night ❤️
info: Negan x Daughter! Reader, platonic hurt/comfort, kidnapping, torture, choking, omg sorry this was dark, but also sooo cute, he is father.
summary: After his daughter is kidnapped, Negan kills to get her back.
you are SO RIGHT he is absolutely so dad
i’ve left it open to interpretation, so you can decide if you’re his actual daughter or just a found family/adopted situation like my capulet series
this was soooo much fun to write, it got lowkey dark but i’ve been needing something grimy
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“This isn’t going to work the way you think it will.”
You were currently trying to convince your stubborn captor that this whole kidnapping thing wasn’t going to play out well.
After a supply run gone wrong, you’d been taken by a member of a rival group, with the intention of getting leverage against the Saviours. Simultaneously, they attempted to get some cooperation out of you, figuring there was no better ransom than a begging daughter.
It was this strange, metal contraption. You were chained to a chair, by the hands and feet. A steel collar was fixed around your neck, with a rotating knob at the back, which upon movement, lessened the circumference, tightening the metal collar around your neck.
Because of this, you held little control of the situation. Your captor knew this, refusing to give in to your half-assed reasoning.
“I dunno, darlin’,” He chimed, the nickname sounding gross on an unfamiliar tongue, “I think this is workin’ pretty well.”
The man moves behind you, twisting the metal fidget, letting the collar close in on your neck. In response, you lift your head to try and gain any extra room, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to even breathe.
“Now, speak into the mic, babe. Make it sound genuine, we wanna really rile ‘em up.”
When you don’t respond, refusing to plead for your life, to be reduced to begging, he only tightens the contraption. You let out a strained noise, chewing down on your bottom lip, trying to breathe through your nose in hopes of staying conscious.
A burly hand comes into vision, clasping your nostrils closed, completely cutting off your airway. The knob ticks over a few more inches to the right, the sensation now becoming outright painful, harsh metal cutting into your flesh.
It’s all starting to get a little spotty, but you stand your ground. Last time, you’d passed out, and the process had simply started again from the beginning. But this wouldn’t wear you out. You were stronger, at least, you hoped you were.
Luckily, there’s the distant smash of glass, a whirr and pop noise wizzing past your face, eyes still clenched closed. Everything goes fuzzy, dark spots invading your vision, even as the silence erupts into groans of pain.
Your captor lays on the floor, bullet wound to the shoulder. One hand clasps the gun at his side, only for another shot to land right through his meaty wrist. There’s a slight commotion, but it all sounds like distant mumbles, drowned out by a cotton-like blanket of distortion.
“Load ‘em up. I’ll deal with him back home.”
The voice is familiar, but you don’t have the capacity to understand, still teetering on the edge of consciousness. Then, the confines around your neck are loosened, and suddenly you’re granted access to air again.
It’s all too much, too fast, the sharp inhale only worsening your dizzy state. You yank at your hands, wanting to soothe the painful gash along your neck, but find that the metal brackets still restrain your wrists.
“Hey, hey. Just breathe for me, baby-girl. Can you focus on that?”
Warm hands on your face, are the first thing you notice. Holding you still, so your head doesn’t slump over. You mentally note the absence of gloves, but don’t know what to do with this information, otherwise simply comforted by the air of safety provided.
Your vision comes back slowly, still all fuzzy at the edges, but you can make out what’s important. Negan, in front of you, kneeling. One hand is holding your face still, the other working at the cuffs on your wrists and ankles.
He’s bloody.
So, so bloody. It’s stained all over his leather jacket and jeans, splattered up his arms, likely the reason behind removing the gloves. Some is even on the side of his face, colouring the slight greyish hue of his stubble red.
It all snaps back to you in an instant, like suddenly you’ve gained awareness, fully conscious of everything that’s just happened.
You twist your head around, searching for the body of your captor, only to spot a bloody streak across the concrete floor. “Where is he?” You ask, breathless, throat all raspy and sore from being choked.
“Shh, it’s okay. He’s gone. Dwight’s putting him in the van,” Negan assures you, helping to shift you out of the metal chair, figuring your legs would hurt from being confined. “Wanna know what I’ll do to him?”
You find yourself nodding, head coming down to rest on Negan’s shoulder. He smooths his hand over your hair, nails gently scratching at your scalp, brushing the strands back. His other hand rests on your knees, trying to help stretch your muscles after being confined for so long.
“I’m gonna cut his tongue out, and let him choke on the blood,” Negan whispers into your ear, “Then, Lucille’s gonna smash every bone in his body, starting from the feet. Might leave just his head behind. Throw it out into the yard with the other walkers.”
It’s surprisingly relaxing, like you’re being told a quiet story, or a lullaby. Suddenly, the concrete floor is the most comfortable thing you’ve ever sat on, and even the stench of blood isn’t of concern. It’s all perfect.
“You’ll let me help?” You ask, a hopeful lilt to your tired voice.
Negan runs his hand down to your neck, thumb rubbing over the deep bruise marred over your skin. “No, baby. We’ll get you home and into bed. Let me handle this.”
You can’t find the strength to protest, not opposed to the idea of curling up in bed. Everything still felt hazy, and you were all lightheaded, so you doubted that you’d be much help, anyway.
So, Negan lifts you up into his arms, subsequently getting blood all over your clothes. Not that it mattered, anyway. You didn’t mind.
Having somebody who loves you enough to kill was plenty.
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kissitbttr · 2 years
how about mean!cheerleader having her first fight with eddie? i need a little something angsty soooo bad:(
ask and you shall receive baby! this is quite short. hope you don’t mind that<3
eddie and mean!cheerleader have their first fight
the anger that burns inside of her still hasn’t died down and she doesn’t want to do anything she’d regret later, but it’s so difficult when eddie is being a downright prick to her. it’s like he has no idea how to control his choice of words. yet, she’s trying so hard to keep her cool because she doesn’t want him to get hurt.
“oh so now you’re not talking to me? you were having fun chewing my goddamn ear off just earlier!” he sarcastically says, looking at her who refuses to do the same.
“yeah, cause you were being a dick” she mutters, furiously flip through her magazine, trying to shake his rude tone off her mind. “you didn’t get what i mean. so why don’t we just call it.”
he laughs humorlessly, running his hands through his hair frustratedly. “what did i not fucking get, y/n? you were overreacting, there was nothing going on between me and rebecca! her nose was this close to bleeding, thanks to you!”
she slams the magazine down, raising up to her feet so she can now look at him dead in the eye,
“that bitch had her hands all over you, twirling your hair and shit, ignoring me as if i wasn’t there. as if i wasn’t even your girlfriend!” she angrily responds, only to hear him scoff
it’s s good thing that there aren’t a lot of people at the bleachers, or else she would be giving them a show for the third time,
“you didn’t even do anything about it! just laughed and enjoyed the attention she gave you. i tried telling you but you brushed me off! and fuck, do you know how hard it was for me to not knock that bitch out?”
“oh? well why didn’t you, huh princess? it’s what you’re good at right?”
the way he says it… god he makes it sound like she’s a terrible person.
he implies that violence is the only thing she knows how to do in terms of solving things. it hurts her. because she knows damn well that’s not true. she doesn’t like hurting people. that’s not who she is entirely
“no, smartass! not at all! because i have actually been trying to fix that. it’s hard but I’m trying! i just- when it comes to the people that i love, i have to do whatever it takes to not lose them. and i love you, so i got scared okay! I’ve told you million times about this already.”
he’s quick to shake his head, scoffing at her. finding it hard to believe that his girlfriend is trying to find a way to justify her actions. “no-just—you do not get to play that card with me. you almost broke her nose, y/n. if it wasn’t for me, she’d be at the nurse’s office by now.”
“oh, what, you’re her knight in shining armor, now?” she tilts her head curiously, arms crossed. “her fucking prince, is that it? maybe i should’ve broken her nose. or her arm. how about that?”
“god you’re unbelievable” he breathes out a tired sigh, putting his hands on his hips. “i had know fucking idea you’d be like this.”
“be like what?” she pushes, challenging him as she steps closer. his eyes are filled with rage, she can tell. and she dares him to say it. “you can’t even say it, can you?”
“no because it’s not worth it anymore.”
“uhm yes it is! she’s the reason why we have this fight in the first place! because you picked her side over mine!”
“i didn’t pick her side, stop putting words on my mouth!”
“you did!” she argues, “if you didn’t, i wouldn’t call out on your shit! she likes you eddie, why can’t you see that? she wants you, she wants my boyfriend! how the fuck are you so damn clueless?!”
“jesus h christ, y/n! you need to drop this insecure shit you have going on! it’s not cute! just because I’m dating you doesn’t mean that other girls can’t talk to me!” he yells, eyes wide in anger because he can no longer hear anymore of her complains, it’s tiring. “no wonder your exes are fed up”
her body soon freezes momentarily. as he draws a few steps away from her, she feels the beat of her heart begins to slow down, as if there’s no air left for her to breathe.
so many things he had said was just plain wrong and she has no idea where to start.
oh, eddie… why did you have to say that?
“w-what?” she feels small as she chokes out, eyes turning glossy, “insecure?”
when eddie looks back at his girl, he immediately realizes what words were spewed from his mouth. to see her trembling and looking like a kicked puppy just makes him want to punch himself in the stomach.
what has he done?
“wait.. n-no baby i didn’t mean that, i was just-“
“you’re the only person who never calls me that” she then breaks into a full sob before walking away from him. she can’t be in the same room with him now. anywhere but here. she needs to clear her mind,
“y/n, no, princess please I’m-i’m sorry.” he begs, running after her. “i didn’t-“
“don’t!” she immediately stops him. “i don’t want to talk nor see you right now. don’t even bother, eddie.” with that she continues to walk off, wiping her tears away with her palms,
his heart chips away piece by piece when her cold tone appears, especially after hearing her call him by the first name. he’s always been eds, puddin or neddy. it was never a first name. and that’s when he knows he’s fucked. he has hurt her. it pains him to watch her cry like that in front of him. it just kills him. especially since he promised that he’s not going to do it, because he doesn’t want to be like all of her former boyfriends. he promised to treat her better.
but he just feels like he has become one of them. hurting her. his girl.
“f-fuck” he has his hands in the back of his head, hanging low with his eyes shut. “munson you stupid. fucking. freak. what the fuck have you done.”
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urhoneycombwitch · 11 days
U just haaaaad to go and make another eddie for me to be feral over didn’t you? I need to know everything about roommate eddie pls 🤲🏻
IM IN LOVE W HIM TOO. thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on it bc I have an origin story for roommate!Eddie with nowhere to go… until now 😈 here’s my other blurb of him btw linking in case others wanna see!! 🫶
so in this nebulous roommates!au, I’m imagining you’re besties with Robin. Eddie is besties with Steve. and of course since Robin and Steve are Ultimate Besties (in every world. in every universe.) they plot to get their respective Others together somehow. like, you’re offbeat and fun and so is Eddie!! should work out great right?
wrong. u and Eddie just don’t hit it off. you think he’s too loud and brash and godforbid he gets more than one beer in him ‘cuz he’ll be pulling you to the dance floor or making his own and embarrassing the everloving shit out of you. and he thinks you need to loosen up and get out of your head, which he decides is his new job that he takes VERY seriously.
eventually Steve and Robin stop trying to force it and yours and Eddie’s relationship just turns into casual frenemies. (a la Harry Met Sally) like, ah yes, You Again. the best friend of my best friend’s best friend 😒 you’ll hang out casually at various house parties and bars but always with a buffer, otherwise you’ll be at each other’s necks with (mostly) playful arguments and hot debates.
and it seems CRAZY at first that you’re gonna live in the same space but holy shit rent is so expensive in the Big City where you all moved to and it mind as well be with someone you know. you’re really worried about the set up but Eddie turns out to be real responsible with monthly payments and has a general respect for shared spaces (his own room is a black hole and it baffles you that he manages to have so many successful one night stands in that hell pit but you’re never in there so who cares.) plus it helps to have a man around fr, to spook the landlord into doing his job 👹 and also to fix things! and to give you lifts to work! and share snack duty! you find a rhythm and it’s great.
the night that he falls for you tho? you’re at group karaoke 3-shots deep and pick a cheesy Beatles song just to piss him off. simpering over your shoulder while you croon into the microphone, giving him a one-man-show that you hope triggers an earworm and irritates for days to come 💖 but actually he’s gripping his beer for dear life on the nearby barstool getting hit with the sickening realization of being in love. like oh fuck, this is bad. I cannot be falling for my pal’s pal. whom I also live with. what a fucking mess.
the night you fall for him? a second date goes sideways and you have no one else to call but Eddie. he fully leaves the solo gig he was about to play because you sounded so upset over the phone (doesn’t tell u that, tho!) and he could be a total asshole about it when he picks you up on the street corner but he absolutely isn’t. chews out your date, tho, with a viciousness that both delights and scares you. makes you a proper meal at home and wraps a strong arm around you on the couch and watches your favorite romcom and laughs at all the parts you laugh at. and you’re pressed up all close, wheels spinning in ur brain, unknowingly going through the exact same thought process Eddie had about a month earlier. Oh No. He’s My Bestie. Whom I Live With. This Cannot Possibly End Well.
aaaaand that about brings us up to canon speed, thus far! you and Eddie date around and have sex in your shared apartment but NOT with each other and if sometimes you get off to the sounds he makes when he’s fucking someone else and if sometimes he gets off to the noises of you in the shower well … no one’s business 🙂‍↔️
like why are u even asking about something soooo personal. like Robin you don’t get it it’s not like that I just wanna be near him all the time. that’s normal and what friends do. no, Steve, you’re not listening, we look at each other’s nudes as buddies. sorry you don’t understand how friendships work 🙄
(Robin and Steve have to set up weekly debriefs to compare notes and make sure they’re not going fucking crazy)
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
another one for you!
— muscian eren 💭🖇
eren is loves the thrill of getting caught. I’m talking caging you against the wall while his hands find their way under your shirt and his knee was clad between your legs. “ren, s-someone could see u-us.” his mouth biting and licking at every part of your neck, sucking on your sweet spot longer than anything else.
rubbing his knee against your pink panties under your skirt as you struggle to keep your moans low. he doesn’t miss the little wet spot that you leave on his jeans after he’s done terrorizing you . definitely uses the excuse, “just need a little something before the show mamas🥰.”
gyat!!! 😫 fren I swear you are fueling my brainrot for them soooo bad today! thank youuuu
cause he def loves getting a quickie or two in at all his shows. Like from the time he arrives backstage until his performance, he’s touching on you. Like his team and the production have already told him he goes on in ten but he’s too busy playing around in your panties..sliding them to the side as he ever so gently teases his tip to your slit; black joggers dangling from around his waist just enough to maneuver his way inside of you. You’re so wet, you’re practically dripping all over him..only after you’ve rutted that cute little clit across the material of his pants. Your dress hiked up to your waistline, exposing your mound and bare ass, which he had already laid a couple smacks to. You’re panting and looking around, not just from the pleasure but the fact that the two of you are not inside of his dressing room but a secluded yet open hallway. One that someone could walk through at anytime. Massaging on your titties, flicking his tongue in your neck and nipples…just using to his own content. “C’mon, princess. Why’re you looking so nervous? We’re alone right now..” “..yeah..but somebody might see ussss..” whining and chewing at your lip as he finally shoved that pulsating head into your tight entrance, causing you to emit a gasp as well. Eren hiked your leg up with a hand hooked underneath your thigh whilst he subtly began thrusting. Keeping your reigned in with those sweet kisses and a hand to the back of your head. “So what? We’ll give them something to stare at..” becoming increasingly more aroused at the possibility of someone catching you guys in the act. He always was a thrill seeker but this was just crazy. In and out, he’d pump that dick between your folds, grunting against your lips. All you could do was hold onto him, moaning and take it. “Oh my gosh, don’t stop, baby! Fuck me..” your sweet words trailing off into his ear. “That’s right..come on this dick, mama..come and let everybody hear it.” Encouraging you to let out those beautiful screams. Which you couldn’t no longer hold in when he sped up his movements. “I’m so close..” “Oh shit…let me nut in it. Lemme come in that pretty pussy, baby..fuck.” Pitifully whispering in your ear. “F-fuck..” shouting out expletives as you both get closer to your peak. When you find yourself about to let out a loud scream and you go to cover your mouth, he quickly shoves your hand to your side, fucking up into you even harder. “Let it out for me, baby. Scream while you come on this fucking dick.” Gritting his teeth and keeping your head to his like a man unhinged. His thrusts becoming even more sporadic as you felt him beginning to throb. Finally, neither of you could hold back those orgasms a second longer so moments later..you found yourself clawing at his back, crumpling his shirt in your palms and him pumping you full of nut..grunting and breathing heavily as he came down from his climatic high. You couldn’t believe that you guys had just did that and more so, that his ass was crazy enough to suggest it, but it was the incentive he needed to do an amazing job. “Damn, babe. We can’t be doing that! What if we got caught?” Cleaning himself up, he swiped his thumb across your chin and kissed you gently. “Don’t worry about it, baby. Just needed a lil’ something to get me through this show. I got more waiting when I’m done.”
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honeybadgerwritings · 2 years
would you be willing to write a little blurb w/ steve and eddie x orally fixated! reader? mayb reader has a wicked oral fixation and is always just innocently chewing/sucking on the boys? like absentmindedly pulling one of their hands to their face and slipping a few fingers in their mouth? the boys were a bit confused at first but as long as reader doesn't bite too hard they don't care very much. steve will scold them if he hasn't washed his hands before they do it lol. oh oh and maybe eddie thinks its kinda nice if he's been playing guitar all day? like soft warm mouth on his sore fingertips could feel good mayb? 🤷‍♀️
You better stop it before I combust…. I have such a bad oral fixation and this has me weak at the knees <3 <3 <3
This became a lot longer than I thought it would so I’m not even sure it counts as a blurb anymore…. But I say it is one cause I wrote it
Also I know it’s like 8 hours late cause I added soooo much more to it and then promptly fell asleep…no I don’t want to talk about it 😂😭
You’d always been prone to things like lip biting, thumb sucking, and chewing on the caps/erasers of every writing utensil you’ve ever owned. Sometimes it’d help you feel less anxious, and sometimes you’d do it just to do it. Steve and Eddie would know of this, having witnessed it countless times over the years that they’ve known you.
They’d have learned to offer you a pen or a straw to chew on when they’d see you becoming nervous. But the older you became, the less those things would seem to satisfy you.
So imagine their surprise when you began to fulfill your needs in a…well, different sort of way.
It’d start out slow, maybe you’d be sitting on Eddie’s lap, his hand intertwined with yours, and the next thing you’d know, the cuff of his flannel would be pulled up to your lips, and you’d be suckling on it.
The two of them would share a look. Not in a weird way, in more of a ‘well this is new’ sort of way. They wouldn’t comment on it though, letting you have your fun.
It’d continue like that for a week or two, you constantly gnawing on the cuffs of their sleeves or the drawstrings of their coats while they’d allow it to happen, no questions asked. It isn’t until one night when you’re all watching movies in Eddie’s trailer that you’d decide you need more. It wouldn’t even be a conscious decision either.
You’d be pressed up against Steve’s side, gnawing on the fabric of his sleeve as your tired eyes focus on the movie. And then slowly, you’d maneuver his hand, gently wrapping your lips around his middle and index fingers. You didn’t even really notice that you’d done it, but Steve would realize what was happening right away.
He’d look down at you, bewildered, then up at Eddie, whose sitting on the other side of you, completely engrossed in the movie. Steve would reach over you and flick him with his free hand, silently gesturing in a way that says, “What the fuck do I do?”
The metalhead would lean forward to get a better look at you, seeming surprised at first before his face melts into one of amusement.
“Whatcha doin’ there sweets?”
And you’d just shrug, droopy eyes finally falling shut as you suck on Steve’s fingers. Eddie would smile in complete adoration before glancing up at Steve.
“I am so not stopping this,” he’d tease, leaning closer to wrap his arm around both of you.
Steve would flip him off, before glancing back down at you, eyes softening and heart fluttering in his chest as you relax against him, just suckling on his fingers. He’d pull you impossibly closer to him, relishing in just how sweet this moment with the three of you is. It’s then that he’d start to think: “Maybe I could get used to this.”
It’d become a normal thing after that. You, absentmindedly grabbing their hands to suck/gnaw on their fingers whenever you need to, and them, letting you out of pure adoration for how cute you are when doing it.
Although sometimes Steve would be a total hardass about it.
“Hey! No no no, absolutely not!” Steve would scold, causing you and Eddie to snap your heads in his direction.
Eddie would’ve just gotten home from work at the auto shop, and you had reached out for his hand. He wouldn’t have really been paying much attention, letting you pull it towards yourself, until Steve had so rudely interrupted.
“Why notttt?” You’d whine, still holding the ringed fingers inches away from your lips. Steve would gesture incredulously at Eddie’s hands, causing the metalhead to look down at them.
“Oh shit,” he breathes, “Yeah…maybe not right now honey.”
They’re covered in grease and dirt from working all day, and to be honest, neither of you had noticed.
You’d pout, crossing your arms as he’d pull his hand away. He’d chuckle at you fondly,“No need to pout darlin’, I’m just gonna go clean up.” He’d lean down, placing a kiss to your cheek and mumbling, “I bet if you ask Stevie reaaalll nicely, he’ll let you suck his fingers,” before winking at the other boy and sauntering away, leaving just you and Steve on opposite ends of the couch.
Steve definitely would’ve heard Eddie’s words, but would choose to pretend not to, wanting to tease you a bit.
“Stevie?” You’d ask quietly.
He’d bite the inside of his cheek, keeping his focus straight ahead on the television in front of him. He’d know that you’re looking at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes to ever exist, and a smirk would form on his lips when you’d start to whine. However, his resolve wouldn’t last more than 30 seconds.
“Pretty please Stevie?” You’d pout, leg bouncing in anticipation, and he’d let out an exasperated sigh.
“Fine,” He’d look over at you in fake annoyance, before winking, “C’mere sweetheart.”
You’d giddily jump in his lap, curling up against him as he presses two of his fingers to your lips. You’d happily part them, closing your eyes as he presses the digits down lightly on your tongue.
“You’re needy, you know that?” He’d tease, and you’d just hum, already relaxing against his chest.
He’d never tell you, but he enjoys this almost as much as you do, if not just as much. You always look so pretty like this, relaxing in his arms while you suck on his fingers, and he loves nothing more than to take care of you.
He’d chuckle at you, resting his chin gently on top of your head, “Yeah yeah. My needy little baby.”
15 minutes later, Eddie would walk out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, to find the two of you just like that, asleep in each other’s arms.
While most of the time it’d be something you’d do out of your own free will, there would be a couple times where they’d even ask you to do it.
“Hey sweets?” You’d hear Eddie call throughout the trailer, humming in response, “Can you come here a minute?”
You’d skip into his room, where he’s hanging up his guitar. You’d been cleaning the trailer, listening to him practice for the last 2 hours or so, “What’s up Eds?”
He’d pat the spot next to him on the bed, a small smile spread across his pretty face, “Come sit.”
You’d oblige, watching him nervously as you do so. You wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from squeaking out a tiny, “I’m not in trouble am I?”
“No,” he’d chuckle, “No princess, you’re not in trouble. But I do need you to open up for me.” And you do without question, letting him slip his fingers into your mouth. “That’s it,” he’d praise you, “M’ fingers were starting to feel sore, and I just need your pretty little lips wrapped around them for a bit.”
You’d look up at him with wide bleary eyes, whimpering at the praise. He’d just coo at you, stroking your cheek with the thumb of his hand, and letting you curl up against his side, “Always feels so nice when you suck on them after I play baby.”
These are some of Eddie’s favorite moments with you, when the two of you would get to relax while he holds you in his arms. He’d feel you gently run your tongue along his fingers and sigh in relief.
“So good for me sweets.” He’d hum, and oh yeah, he would love this just as much as Steve does.
Sometimes though, you’d be so overwhelmed that you wouldn’t even know you’d need it, but that’s why you have your boys.
You’d gone with them to a Halloween party, sporting a cute little pirate outfit and feeling good about yourself. But two hours later, you’d be buzzed, lost in the crowd, and worst of all, you can’t find either of them.
You’d slowly but surely be pushing your way through everyone, mumbling choked out apologies as you try to find them. A group of juniors would cheer loudly next to you as one of them does a keg stand, and you’d whimper, covering your ears.
Once you finally push your way through the middle of the floor, it’s easy to spot Eddie, whose dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, standing over in the corner chatting with a few other people. You’d stumble over to him, whimpering out a small, “Eds…” and tugging lightly on the hem of his tank top until he turns around.
He’d be excited to see you, “Hi baby! We were wondering where you went! I just sent Steve out to find you and-” It’s then that he’d register your teary eyes and the way you’re gnawing your bottom lip raw, and he’d bend down to your level, “Woah woah woah, honey what happened?”
You wouldn’t even have a direct answer, first you’d gotten a little lost when going to get another drink, and then it was too loud, too crowded, and you had no idea where anyone was. It’d all come out in a mix of babbled words and sniffles, and Eddie’d be quick to wrap an arm around you leading you towards the exit.
Halfway through the door he’d spot Zombie clad Steve in the crowd, and he’d whistle, getting his attention, before leading you out onto the lawn and towards his van.
Steve would catch up with the two of you in time to pull the back door open, helping you inside.
Neither would be even close to drunk, their tolerance for alcohol being built up over the years, so it’d be easy to maneuver you in between them. You’d end up in Steve’s lap, back to his chest with his arms around your waist, while Eddie’d kneel in front of you, cradling your face.
“It’s okay, you’re alright.” Steve would murmur into your ear. You’d furrow your brows in confusion, “Stevie?” You’d ask, wondering when he’d gotten there. It’s not your fault though, you really are feeling out of it.
They’d both chuckle, “Yeah baby, I’m here, Stevie’s right here,” he’d respond, squeezing you tight.
Eddie would notice you gnawing on your bottom lip again, and he’d gently tug it away with his thumb, eliciting a whine from you.
He would shake his head, “No sweetheart, you’re hurting yourself…here.” He’d gently slip his thumb through your parted lips, and you’d react instantly, sucking on it.
Your breathing would slow, rigid body going lax against Steve, and your eyes would droop, causing the boys to make eye contact. They’d smile at each other as they realize this is what you needed all along.
“There we go honey…that’s it, just relax.” Steve would coo, reaching up to brush the hair out of your face.
“See? You’re alright precious.” Eddie’d praise you, “I know, it got a bit scary in there, but you’re okay. You just needed a little help didn’t you?”
You’d nod slightly, sighing in content through your nose, and Steve would chuckle,
“That’s what we’re here for baby. We’ll always help you.”
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zedortoo · 1 year
Pizza Autism: the novella
Pizza Tower autism and/or ADHD headcanons go go go!!!!
warning there is. So much under the cut. I go off about everyone's tism
-Middle aged man autism. Ohh my god this guy is so autism we're starting off strong
-Most of his stims are physical and are probably. Not the most healthy (biting, banging wrists together, hair pulling etc)
-He has arfid frfr! Despite being a chef he's very careful about what he eats, however most italian foods are safe foods for him.
-Struggle showing empathy, even if he feels it. Yall saw how he reacted to Gerome mourning John he was out of his depth 😭
-gnome autism.
-poor dude can't understand sarcasm to save his life. Also really bad at comprehending deeper meanings and stuff... Honestly me too Gustavo. Me too.
-actually gets overstimulated really easily. he grew up in a place similar to the gnome forest in the tower, where the air was always somewhat humid. If there's a dehumidifier running anywhere he can practically sense it and will immediately get upset bc he is too dry 💔
-His stims are mainly vocal (i.e. "I'm going to kill you") but he also likes to bounce on the balls of his feet and rock back and forth!
Mr Stick:
-French autism
-Hes not actually a huge asshole all the time, SURE he can be blunt and come off as rude but most of the time the mean persona is a mask. His really close friends know he's just a weird dude
-(stole this idea from Olympe) He is a routine lover!! Has his entire day planned out as soon as he wakes up. If you get in the way of his routine you will be turned into an ambiguous ball of meat. He was SOOOO pissed off when he got stuck in the tower bc it's wasn't in his routine so he robbed the whole damn place out of malice
-Innapropriate reactions to sensetive situations. If he had to comfort someone it would be Joever for him.
-Represses most stims because he thinks he's embarrassing. When in private though he'll spend ages examining textures and smelling paper (I do this all the time it's so fun). Occasionally when he's tired or comfortable he'll let out a high pitched squeak that noone can believe came from that middle aged man.
-I could go on with more. I love talking about this cunt.
-Capsicum autism.
-Also has inappropriate reactions to things. Has no vocal control either half of the time he doesn't realize he's yelling
-Has a habit of chewing on/wanting to taste everything. Ate several wardrobes worth of Polly pocket clothes as a kid probs. Has to physically stop himself from giving his art supplies a taste. Occasionally eats an eraser still.
-If someone reorganizes his shit they WILL be killed this dude knows exactly where everything he needs is he has his own fucked up system
-Mainly uses stim toys. Has a collection of high end custom made ones but is too afraid of wearing them out so he chews on a toy dog bone instead and it's mangled to BITS
-Cheese autism.
-This dude has know idea what autism actually is. He knows he's different compared to a lot of people, but he's never had the right word for it.
-Strong sense of justice. If something is wrong he WILL set it right. He got super upset when he realized Peppino wasn't actually an outlaw and he had tried to kill an innocent dude
-HATES HATES HATES processed foods. says he can taste the chemicals.
-Doesnt really stim in public. He'll tap his boot or spin the barrel of his gun if he gets really overstimulated but he much prefers to just pet some of his farm animals until he feels better
-Rat autism!!
-This dude constantly needs to be overstimulated he loves it. If things are too quiet he gets super upset and starts bouncing off the walls and shit
-HATES the texture of carbonated drinks but forces himself to drink them because the flavour is worth it.
-Hes has like, three masks on at all times. There's the feral showbiz fella we all know and love, then beneath that is a more controlled businessman type, and beneath THAT is another, slightly less feral rat man.
-goes semi verbal sometimes. Everything just gets tangled up in his mind and he can't spit out the words he wants. He hates it when this happens during a show.
-Bunny autism!!!
-classic weirdgirl type. Would totally read warrior cats and roleplay as a cat on the playground as a kid.
-Also really bad with understanding emotions. You have to tell her specifically if she's upset you or something otherwise she just will not realize.
-makes a lot of vocal stims. Mainly just little beeps and stuff (I like to think she'd make that one jerma substitute teacher noise. Does anyone know what I'm talking about) Also loves to rock back and forth!!
-Has texture issues. She personally disposed of all the Sherpa fleece in the tower.
Fake peppino:
-autism supreme.
-like fr this dude is just the embodiment of autism. it eats vaccines to get more autistic/j
-cant understand when it's making someone upset. Actually, similar to Noisette, is bad at perceiving negative emotions overall.
-mirrors a lot. I mean that's like an integral part of their character. They mainly take after Peppino but will start acting like someone if he's around them long enough.
-melts into a puddle when overstimulated. Honestly? I wish I could do that too.
-Mainly mirrors stims from friends. It freaked everyone out when they started repeating Gustavo's catchphrase.
-horrible moral compass this dude will do anything she wants and genuinely won't see what's wrong with it. Case in point the whole of pizza tower
-used to mask her true silly self a lot to be considered more 'normal' but decided normal ppl were boring as hell and dropped the charade
-arfid haver!! Loves pastries and breads and stuff, basically refuses to eat anything else. Has a personal vendetta against cantaloupe and has vowed to destroy it all bc he hates it soooo much
-taps his foot as a stim!! Also likes to jump around and the like, will rapidly shake their fists if incredibly excited
-Rock autism
-This guy loves his own company. Sure, he'll happily be social, but drops the mask as soon as he's alone. Just likes to be alone!
-Also not big on touch. The only person who's allowed to lay a finger on him is John, if anyone else just like. pats him on the back he will freeze up.
-loves being a janitor because the job is mostly repetitive. He cleans each floor in his own order, he has it all sorted out!
-loves bath bombs and stuff. Really likes the smells and just the fizz and the way they crumble in his fingers. Sometimes he'll just throw one in the sink and watch it for ages
-makes this weird clicking noise in the back of his throat as a stim. It's a rather unsettling noise but it's really the only way he stims in public. When alone he likes to feel textures of different things
-hivemind autism!
-I feel bad for this dude man imagine having your being spread out through several different pocket dimensions and all of them have different textures and shot this poor bugger must've been overstimulated for years
-very blunt. Says what he wants with no remorse. Also doesn't have any volume control so often doesn't realize he's yelling
-I imagine when he was resurrected and was no longer a hivemind he had to take a long time alone just being himself. Duuuude imagine having to mask for YEARS because you were never ever alone I would lose my fucking marbles
-opposite of his brother, he doesn't understand personal space. Will often accidentally get I'm ppls faces because he doesn't realize how close he is to them. This also makes him somewhat clumsy and he has a habit of running into things
-Mainly has facial/expression stims. Will pull a big ol' grimace if something goes wrong and grin like an idiot when happy (see: when he got revived)
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
God i love your puppy play stuff 😘🫡
got this ask like as soon as i posted this the other day and i've been hoarding it until i want to write pupply play again lmfao thank you for your service anon
kay tweets from today for inspo:
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cw: noncon puppy play, rough sex, smidge of piss kink, ghost is mean (again) but johnny isn't as into it this time
noncon puppy play with super horny soap. wants to be with ghost sooo bad, figures it's worth behaving like a puppy if it means ghost will fuck him :(
thinks it's just name-calling at first, doesn't fully mind it when ghost calls him a horny bitch, says good job puppy. it's a little weird, but the praise feels good and the degradation makes his cock twitch
but then it's things like refusing to let soap suck his dick - pulls him back by the hair and tells him just to use his tongue, slobber over it like a proper mutt and... maybe soap doesn't like that as much. does it, because he doesn't want ghost to take his dick away from soap, but is a little tiny bit more hesitant. gets cock drunk soon after, forgets about the hesitance soon enough
it sort of escalates every time they sleep together. ghost holds a hand over his mouth when they fuck in a utility closet, mumbles in his ear about buying a muzzle for his mutt before next time and soap genuinely can't tell if he's just saying it to get off or not
learns he's not when ghost shoves him into his room, has a hand over his mouth and a gag covering it before johnny can even realize what's happened. looks up at ghost with those big shocked eyes, not fully sure what's happened. shakes his head a little, reaches up to try and get it off before ghost bats his hands away. he's smirking a little, says "don't like your muzzle, puppy?" soap just whines and shakes his head more roughly, getting a little teary. "wanna stop? wanna go back out?" ghost asks, and... well, johnny wants to fuck. doesn't like the muzzle (though he hasn't softened in his pants at all) but still wants to get railed
ghost almost always fucks him doggy style. johnny likes it (likes that ghost lets him lay on his back sometimes too, lets him know that he does still have a say) but isn't sure how he feels when ghost asks him if he wants to be "mounted" instead of "fucked"
ghost asks him to bark at one point :/ johnny's nearly finished, is whimpering and whining, gets so close and ghost locks a hand over his cock, squeezes right at the base to cut off his orgasm. says bark, dog and johnny can only make a little confused whine, can't even speak. ghost gives his cock a little tap, a harder slap when johnny moans. c'mon, puppy. bark for me and i'll let you come yeah? good boys bark, you my good boy or not?
and... and johnny is so close. so he barks. and he keeps barking when ghost's thrusts get rougher, doesn't notice he hasn't stopped until ghost pulls out and laughs a little, says alright, quiet puppy. don't make me muzzle you, and then he whines a little and buries his face in ghost's throat. hides his face in ghost's heartbeat
makes the cage as a punishment so much worse if johnny is only going along with it for ghost. feels so much worse when he's in there all alone :( cries a little, whimpers and whines with hitched breaths and begs ghost to let him out :( gets told every word he says is another hour in the cage and nearly howls, feels soooo sad, doesn't understand why ghost is being so mean to him. ghost drops a little toy bone in the cage, says chew on that to keep yourself busy. i'll be back to feed you later and just disappears. leaves johnny whining all day :(
ghost comes back, still doesn't let him out. johnny begs a little more and gets a few more hours added onto his crate time. ghost says you need the muzzle to teach you dogs don't fuckin' talk? and johnny just whimpers and shakes his head, hunches his shoulders real low. ghost hums, says good boy and feeds little bite sized pieces of food through the bars of the cage, sticks his fingers into johnny's mouth so he can lick the taste off. lets him drink nearly a whole bottle of water. doesn't let him out of the cage before he goes to sleep :(
ghost wakes up to johnny whining in the middle of the night. smirks a little before he gets up because he can guess what he's complaining about without even glancing over. sure enough, when he flicks on the light he sees poor johnny all wiggly on his knees :( hand cupped over his dick, looking up at ghost with those big puppy eyes. "what, boy?" ghost asks, standing above the cage and making his face a little mean. johnny is good, he remembers not to speak, just paws at the crate bars a little and looks all pathetic. "hm? you need the bathroom?" johnny nods enthusiastically, already shifting towards the crate door. ghost can't resist the smirk, can't resist the rush of pleasure when he says "what did you think the puppy pads were for?" and watches johnny die a little inside. smokes a quick cigarette while he watches johnny cry and make a mess of himself
pulls him out by his hands the next morning but doesn't let him stand, coos over him and strokes a hand over his mohawk. says there you are, good boy johnny. made a mess, didn't you? need your owner to clean you up, huh? gonna be good and sit still for a bath? and watches when it doesn't even occur to johnny to stand up when ghost keeps his hand on the back of his neck
pouty wet dog johnny :( looks all sad and mopey when he sits on the floor of the shower and ghost uses the shower head to spray him down. lets ghost pat him down after, leans his whole body weight into ghost's hands and just begs for comfort. gets lots of pets and treats for taking his punishment so well <3 takes a little while to start talking again
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
I wanna peg Grimbly so bad and praise the fuck out of him the whole time. Like yes pretty boy, look at you taking it so well! Keep making those sweet little sounds and cum nice and hard for Mommy❤️
[( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) yes.]
TW: Obviously mommy kink; Minor degradation (giving).
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You don't know how it ended this way.
Or, well, you should have seen it coming. Yes, that's more accurate overall.
You already have a natural urge to gravitate towards his kind. Petite, needy, girly. It was hard to think twice about how eager Grimbly was to spend time with you, supposedly a complete stranger, when you were very much dazzled by his cuteness. You know now you're a fool, that you're trapped with a scarily possessive, jealous freak of a monster man who wants to monopolize every second of your life.
It's almost horrifying how someone so small and precious-looking can hold so much malice inside.
Luckily, Grimbly doesn't seem intent in tearing you down, or sucking you dry like a bloodthirsty mosquito- He just wants something very simple, as he puts it.
Your love and attention. Forever.
The mommy thing... Well, while it did shock you how quickly he dropped that bomb on you, Grimbly always had this knowing look to his bright magenta eyes, somehow knowing you were into it, daring you to say otherwise. You rolled with it. Just as you rolled with his desire to be increasingly femme for you, to be under your supposed control and brag about how "possessive" you are to others.
While all of this was decidedly very scary and tentative for you, and at times continues to be, especially considering some of his prior tantrums- You can't really say that it isn't sexually satisfying. Because it is. More than it should be.
It's hard to stay mad at his underhanded little tactics when he flashes you a puppy look and agrees with your scolding, gets flustered by your anger- Tells you to discipline him.
It's mind-boggling how much control this bat monster has over you. You suppose you should be thankful that he doesn't need that much to stay happy. Just a draining level of attention and babying that is steadily becoming more second nature than a chore to you.
" Babyboy? " You call idly, slicking the purple length on your strap.
It's a lengthier one this time. Several bumps give it texture. Considering Grimbly's small size, you think he could be biting off a bit more than he's able to chew here, but the monster's been training with you for this, so you'll trust him if he says he's ready. Aside from the strap, you wear nothing but a flimsy white robe.
A tap tap tap tap rings out, nearing. It's him, those pointed feet that always intrigued you so making their way over. Tip tip tip tap-
The door to the bedroom opens and your short, ever-pretty boyfriend walks in. You don't know what he was up to these past moments, Grimby just said he needed to prepare. Though, the moment you turn around to face him, hand still around the silicone cock, you freeze.
He's... He dressed for the occasion.
A... A maid's dress? Sort of? Yes, a very light pink, frilled maid's dress. He didn't say anything about roleplaying, but you could roll with it, especially since it looks soooo cute on his petite figure. It looks bouncy and hugs his waist perfectly, there's- Oh lord, he even put a bow around his tail, this goof. You know he must have spent a small fortune on those custom elbow-length gloves too. Has he been planning this for long?
You silently raise an eyebrow at Grimbly.
" A-Ah so- What do you think, mommy? " He does a twirl just for good measure, a dust of color to his cheeks.
" I think it's gorgeous baby- But when did you buy that? " God, you really hope he did it with his own money, that shit looks fucking expensive. You cannot take another blow to your wallet right now.
The bat waves. " I- Well, I actually had it for a couple of weeks now! You know, sometimes we have to dress nicer for big occasions, and I'm thinking of bringing this one to work... " He pauses, now twiddling his fingers and avoiding looking you in the eye. " ... But I wanted you to help me make a good memory in it first. "
A blood vessel bursts somewhere in your body.
That's right, he's a waiter. At that really odd place he keeps talking about. It's strange, you've asked to see it before but your vampiric little pest keeps insisting it's not that important. That not a lot of humans go there, that his coworkers are kinda lame. Smells fishy, he clearly avoids talking about his job, and while that puts you off a tad, you know Grimbly isn't as cutesy and innocent as he looks- So maybe it really is wise not to push him on this topic.
" You want to get railed in your new work outfit? My, what a dirty boy. " You snicker.
He winks, flashing you his tongue.
" Lift it. " You order.
" H- Huh? "
There's a beat of stunted silence.
" Lift that skirt, I want to see what's beneath it. "
The small monster "hum"s and "ha"s a couple more times, heat steadily pooling on that pale face while his legs shimmy together. He doesn't dare defy you for long, grabbing the hem and slowly dragging it up to reveal-
Exactly as you expected.
" Tsk, and you think that's decent? "
He shakes his head, but his tail wags.
You march up to the monster, delighting in the confusion shining through those big round eyes as you grab him by the exposed slit none too gently. Grimbly yelps, quickly curling forward.
" What's stopping anyone from just walking up to you and taking what they want, huh? "
He gasps, caught up in the feeling of you rubbing at him incessantly, evoking all the finesse of a greasy pervert who'd want nothing more than to cop a feel of his local waitress- Probably some of the creeps he has to deal with.
" Answer me, babyboy. "
" N- Nothing! "
" Exactly. " You jam two fingers into him, neither slow nor careful, hooking them for good measure. " What's stopping me from touching you everywhere, from using you like the common fucking street whore? "
" Nothing mommy- " He's teary-eyed already, trying to grind onto the sudden intrusion.
Tutting quietly, you take several steps back, keeping your digits firmly inside his wet hole so Grimbly has to follow as well, effectively being led around by the slit. There's no curbing the smirk that decorates your face when you feel his cock brush your hand, jumping in excitement at being manhandled.
You lead him to the bed, picking Grimbly up with little effort -Thank fuck he's so light- And tossing him onto the sheets. He lands on his back, dress scrambled, already biting his lip. The lack of a barrier allows his equally cute cock to slip out, and some part of you thinks he should have put a bow on it too. To complete the look.
" Did you prep? " You ask, climbing on after him, hands on his legs.
" Y- Yes, mommy. " Sure enough, once you spread them, you find his hole wet with the shine of lube already.
" Good boy. "
You flip him around mid-purr, always happy to be able to handle him so roughly. It's a novelty.
Grimbly's practiced enough to raise his ass and plant his head on the pillows, tail kept out of the way as he grinds against your faux member. Needy slut. You know you could slam inside and he would probably only moan for more.
A devious idea pops into your head.
" M- Mommy? " The bat monster questions when you refuse to initiate anything. " ... Please fuck me? "
Hah cute, he thinks you want him to beg.
" No baby, I want you to work for it. "
You know you're treading a line here, Grimbly's such a pillow princess, it's a challenge to get him to move it. He whines already.
" Ah ah, none of that. " Curving over him, your thighs dwarfing his, you whisper where his ear would be. " You're going to fuck yourself on my dick, and then maybe, I'll give you that plowing you want so bad... "
You're close enough to feel his whole body shudder.
" Got it, sweetie? "
Grimbly moans something incomprehensible, shifts so the very tip of the silicone toy prods at his entrance, and turns to look at you with a heated nod.
Even if you don't feel a lick of it, the sight of him sliding back onto your girth is hot enough that you both moan in unison.
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cherryo · 2 years
Hello! Hope you are having wonderful day :3
Would you write some headcanons for rottmnt boys x reader who shows cute agression that often tires to bite them softly and squish with hugs?
It can be a little smut if you feel so :3
OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVED THIS SOOOOOOO SOOOO MUCH!!! IM AN AGRESSIVE LOVER SO THIS HIT SO CLOSE TO HOME FOR ME!!! i had so much fun writing this!! i didn't go with smut this time so just fluff, but if you want a smuttier version I can definitely do that!
Pronouns: none ? i think lol warnings: none it's pure fluff, cursing though? slight talk about Donnies panic at touch and his insecurity, but that should be it?
Out of all the boys I think he's the most okay with it? In terms of not caring or acknowledging when it happens
Not in a bad way though!! He absolutely melts on the inside, he fully takes it as a compliment
It would take him longer to get used to the biting tbh
The squishing in hugs he would love so much!! This man is in desperate need of long hugs
The biting though,,,, he found it odd at first and then grew used to it
He didn't think you were weird, just that the biting was weird
But! He doesn't even blink when you bit his arms or fingers or whatever
All in all he enjoys the cuteness aggression, he might even have some himself
I think he'd show it in squeezing your arm (I do that hehehe) and hands!! 
Or shaking your shoulders! 
Opposite of Leo, would take longer to get used to the hugs!! 
While yes he gets hugs from his brothers a lot, he's just scared 
He doesn't want to hurt you, but after awhile he let's you squish him during hugs
(Y'all had to work up to that though, originally with squeezing his arms) 
After he realized he really wasn't going to hurt you, he started to love and I mean love the hugs
He thinks it's adorable that you feel he's so cute that you need to physically let it out 
He's never really thought he's cute but god you changed his whole world
The biting though, he understood immediately, considering he's a snapping turtle 
I think as a child he used to need teething toys or something because he would just chomp and when you do it he's comforted by it
Knowing he's not alone in needing to bite
He literally doesn't bat an eyelash when you bite him but when you hug or squeeze his arm, he's kicking and swinging his feet, giggling and melting in your arms
He loves you and he loves that you get cuteness aggression <33
I feel like personally he wouldn't understand? Like he gets like cuteness zoomies and giggles, and other types but aggression? 
It'd take him a hot second to get used to the random squeezing and bites
The first time you bit him he screamed, like bloody murder, he fr thought you were going to eat him
He calmed down when you told him about cuteness aggression and that you're not trying to eat him, but that you sometimes need to let out the built up emotions 
He understands but doesn't like understand? 
Homeboy is confused, but he let's you do it nonetheless, he finds it sweet that you two let out the pent up cuteness out in other ways (not like *that*)
Eventually, he'll be like his brothers and won't bat an eye but you still scare him when you don't give warnings
Donnie takes the longest, he already doesn't find physical touch very nice, so it takes a while for him to get used to and warm up to regular romantic touch
It takes him even longer for your random love attacks
Obviously, you knew how he felt so you didn't go for it at first, you waited till he was comfortable then explained it to him
Apprehensive at first, really didn't know what to do when you squished him or chewed on his arm
The first time you bit him, he hit you square on the nose like a shark
Okay so, he panicked, he wasn't ready and you backed off and found something else to chew on
He felt bad that he wasn't getting used to it fast, you reassured him you'd wait for him. You always would. 
He eventually got okay with it, but just like regular touch he'd need breaks from it and had made you a chew that looked like him so you could always technically let your aggression out on him
He loves you and somewhat loves the cuteness aggression, he has moments where it's just not the thing for him, but he communicates that with you and you both are happy with the little arrangement you've got going on <33
He loves you and gets insecure sometimes when he doesn't want touch, but you always reassured him <3
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seyaryminamoto · 2 months
Do you have any particular thoughts on Netflix Avatar Season 1? I haven't watched it myself but I would be curious to hear what you have to say.
I do indeed! I didn't watch it right away, but I have watched it indeed. I think there are merits to certain changes they did, I can see the sense in many of them, that doesn't mean EVERYTHING they changed was good, but it does feel like they were engaging with the original content in a far more creative way than a lot of people are willing to acknowledge or try themselves. No, it isn't a perfect remake of ATLA, but being the critic that I have been of the original show, nobody could ever convince me that the original was perfect, just as this new show isn't perfect.
I want to make a big post on the subject one day and try to get to everything it brought up... once I have more time on my hands, I'll try to do that. But, to give you a bit to chew on... I'll try to do one good vs. one bad on my part, of whatever I can remember right now.
GOOD: I actually do not mind the multiple prologues in the first episode, even though I don't think the changes were handled perfectly. I do believe that showing the genocide is not nearly as bad a choice as a lot of people pretend it is (the way it was portrayed is questionable mostly from a tactical point of view but that's just me being a freak about that... studying basic warfare really fucks up your suspension of disbelief when it comes to war scenes). Mainly, I think it IS important to show it due to the amount of people who are still convinced that Aang didn't suffer nearly as much as most other popular characters did -- that soooo many people have made these claims without a care in the world throughout the twenty years since ATLA first aired proves that the genocide was not treated with the severity it should have been by the OG show. I'm not even sorry to say it. It doesn't feel like a trivialization of violence, it feels like actually setting straight the degree of violence a genocide entails. People asking for a less intense version of genocide basically appear to be asking for the actual gravity of such events to be sanitized so they can chew on them more easily... and that's exactly what leads to it being trivialized, minimized and not taken seriously, if you ask me.
BAD: I don't particularly like the way Fire Lords are so... casual with commoners. Both Ozai and Sozin stood on the same level as a rebel/spy right before setting them on fire, no doubt it's meant to be some sort of flex, but... men of their ideologies and pride would not want to be up close and personal with anyone they consider that far beneath them. Odd choice there, imo.
MOSTLY GOOD: Aang does feel way more serious and has much more dramatic gravitas in everything he does. And this is not a bad choice, in essence. I don't particularly love that they tried to lessen it with occasional "Aang's a silly kid!" verbal reminders that don't actually have any proper visual evidence, because most the silly things he's up for are things the two older kids (Sokka and Katara) are perfectly fine with doing too, hence, he doesn't feel childish at all and it comes off out of place for him to talk about being more childish than he actually is. So... they really didn't need dialogue to try to emphasize his childhood if they weren't going to write him being a goofball. It's fine if he isn't one. He always could be a more serious character, it's only a problem when there's no further substance to him than just brooding (which is what I remember from the Shyamalan movie...).
WEIRD: Aang and Katara both had weird scenes of standing around doing nothing but smiling at their hometowns in episode 1. Maybe it was done as a parallel between them, but it felt a bit... overly theatric? If that makes sense? Like... I know we need to see their daily lives and the context in which they've lived... but it doesn't feel entirely logical for that to happen with them just standing in place and smiling fondly at their world. Most people do not do that in their daily lives...?
GOOD: ... Contrary to what a lot of the fandom seems to think, I actually like the suuuuuper slowburn Kataang here because any potential romantic payoff those two might get isn't nearly as in-your-face as it was in canon. The way their friendship is growing feels far more organic. And some of my favorite character moments in the show were actually between them. Which is not something I'd EVER say about the original show. There's a different sense of maturity for the characters here, and I like that.
BAD: I... do not like Sokka's changes. No, it's not about the sexism. It makes sense to me that this aspect of his character would be changed, updated in a sense: you can even still read him as sexist in some regards! It just isn't as simplistic and straightforward as it was before. But that's... not what bugs me the most. The show genuinely surprised me by taking him far more seriously as a character than I anticipated they would, but they absolutely picked weird choices with him in stuff like his family issues (... the Hakoda changes are just straight-up cringe for me, there's no justification for making him some sort of bitchy soccer mom who congratulates his son but then shits on him behind his back??), his insecurities as a warrior and the frequent remarks about how maybe that's not his path in life even though he does just fine at it, and... his romantic relationships. It's wild, because I actually think they did Sukka a thousand times better than it is in canon, and yet in doing so, they absolutely deadlocked themselves into a whole other problem: Sokka bonding that much with Suki and then hitting on a random Fire Nation soldier like two episodes later?? Then having the romance of his lifetime with Yue by the end of the season?? Ngl, it feels like we're watching one of those sitcoms where characters switch love interests in the blink of an eye. Changing this element of his character this way, when Suki's romance in particular was given new qualities and way more substance... may not have been a great call since it makes him come off insanely shallow, ready to get with any girl he comes across, and frankly, he didn't feel like that in the original show to me. He's also not really funny when he's supposed to be? Part of what made Sokka funny originally was his role as a voice of reason while everyone else ignored him. They occasionally tried to mimic that here... but in ways that didn't really work? Also, the Ron-Weasley-In-HP-Movies brand of comedy of "watch this guy scream, it's soooo funny" is... so trite at this point. Please, don't. Personally, this really feels like a whole other character who isn't Sokka. And some people might think that's great... I'm not one of them. Maybe I'm just experiencing the crisis a lot of people are over Katara with Sokka? But where changes with her do seem to go for things I actually wasn't fond of in her character, I don't really feel like they did better with Sokka in the least.
GOOD: ... "Katara learned waterbending too fast", they say: she did in canon too. A month of training under Pakku is not nearly enough time to justify her being deemed a master in canon. Complaining about how she didn't get that training at all here and still got deemed a master gets a "meh" out of me because I frankly do not see it being remotely as different from what canon did as people want to think it is. Katara was fighting Pakku with way too much power in the OG show for a kid who never got formal training to begin with, and somehow nobody minds that. I don't think someone who was on that level of power in the OG show was nearly as inferior to a seasoned master as a bunch of people want to believe. So... outrage about how they sped up her learning process when we in fact see a LOT more internal growth for Katara, and a lot more depth to her bending source here, makes no sense to me.
Along with that: bending has always been connected with a bender's internal energy, which is related to their peace of mind and internal balance. This show did not invent that. Firebenders are the ones who are most explicitly shown to be connected to their feelings that way, sure, but if you needed ATLA or LOK to non-stop feature characters talking about how a person's chakras had to be cleansed and their hearts clear and their every spiritual thread cleaned up in order to reach their best possible shapes as benders? You probably have bigger problems in analyzing this show than just whining over whatever the liveaction did. A straightforward connection for Katara with her emotions and bending isn't a negative choice in the slightest to me, more so with a character who has constantly been characterized as deeply connected to her emotions: it makes sense that her bending works and evolves the way it does in the liveaction to me. Sorry not sorry.
BAD: Zhao. Uh... I've seen people say they like him here? I felt like I was watching a con artist. It's not the actor's fault, clearly he was given this concept to work with and he did the best he could with it, but the idea of removing Zhao from all prior connection to the Royal Family, making him a total unknown who came out of nowhere and rises to prominence through conniving and scheming feels like they decided to merge him with Long Feng, maybe? And it might even backfire if they DO have Long Feng next season (... they should???) and he has a very similar profile to what they did with Zhao. I didn't enjoy his characterization at all, he was just... weird. So, not a change I was big on.
GOOD: Iroh. My god. I hate the fact that I'm saying this. But I will say it was insanely cathartic to watch that EK soldier beating him up. And that's not all: Iroh actually seems to be struggling actively with right and wrong here, showing hesitation over the war, and most importantly... HAVING A PERSONAL DYNAMIC WITH AANG??!!! I never imagined I would be that happy to see that, but I was. The few moments those two had together were damn solid, some of the best in the show (and the best for Iroh, sorry not sorry, I have never ever been an Iroh-Zuko obsessive fan and I genuinely find myself more intrigued by Iroh's potential bonding with other people, never thought about it with Aang but this show 100% blindsided me with it in a good way). It seriously made me mad that the OG basically never gave them that chance besides... that one scene in the catacombs that was very much just Iroh being a fortune cookie? Aang actually being an element that basically waters the seeds of doubt in Iroh's head is a GREAT change. I said it and I'll stand by it.
BAD: Hahn and not because of the usual reasons: their characterization rework of Hahn was fine. More than fine. The actor they cast was also very pretty! All of which makes it EXTREMELY questionable that Yue somehow has this perfectly decent guy and... uh... chooses the reworked Sokka instead? Like, I know that's how the OG story went, but when you turn Hahn from an opportunistic dick to a perfectly admirable warrior and individual, and feature Yue saying he's great but he's "not the boy of her dreams" (you... dreamt about him ONE TIME?? He's never been in the Spirit World besides that, so wuuuut...??), it makes her choice in romantic interests feel extremely questionable and weird. I'm all for Yue being given more to work with, but this seriously feels like she's... a little crazy. Hahn comes off waaaaaaay too decent for her not to be interested in him... ofc, as long as she's someone attracted to men, which, considering she picked ANOTHER GUY, it's to be assumed that she is?? Ergo nothing makes sense to me. Come to think of it, a lesbian Yue rejecting Hahn is probably the only way her rejection of Hahn would make sense... and it would also not cast such a questionable light on reworked Sokka if he and Yue weren't romantic at all, right after he had that big connection with Suki back when the show began?? So, heh, maybe lesbian Yue is the only thing that would've made sense if Hahn gets reworked for the better like this, sorry not sorry....
GOOD: The full-blown, outright display of Ozai's abuse on Azula rather than subtleties and insinuations. Again, much like in Aang's case with the genocide: PEOPLE DENY AZULA WAS A VICTIM OF ABUSE ALL THE TIME. People pretend Ozai actually loved her on some weird level or that she FELT loved, ergo she was fine and Zuko's the one who was abused. This is not new. We've been dealing with people barking that kind of nonsense since almost twenty years ago. And the backlash from that exact crowd when this show made it evident proves that they refuse to accept Azula as a victim of abuse to this day. Ergo, sorry not sorry: I'm glad they handled it as they did here because it makes it undeniable that Ozai is pushing Azula to extremes and she's pressured to deliver and become the weapon he wants her to be.
BAD: ... the Mother of Faces. That may have been the most egregious offensive and bullshit moments in the entire show. I was so mad when she was brought up at all. It was awful. I hated it. It really must be my most hated moment in the whole thing. UGH.
GOOD: Katara apologized to Sokka once. You know. One time. That, I think, marks the single time in any official Avatar content where she has done that. Call me a salty asshole, but I'm genuinely impressed that they did that, so they get a point for it.
BAD: Bumi. I know some people think the rework for Bumi is great... I could not disagree more. His treatment of Aang is really unacceptable, his behavior is very irresponsible but this time in a vindictive way... I was even reasoning with the fact that he knows Aang is the Avatar, which ALSO happens in the OG, without having known it in the past! The difference? It feels too arbitrary and random that he'd know that here, whereas in the OG show, he IS random and arbitrary, yet somewhere amid so many nonsensical ramblings, he shows insight and intelligence that makes you think there's more to him than meets the eye. I may need to rewatch episode 5 of the OG show in order to confirm this, but I also think that most of the implications there regarding his challenges is that they were actually harmless even if it doesn't look that way all along. Here? They're not harmless at all, he's basically vindictively trying to get Aang to either die for his "sins" or get himself killed through him and neither thing sits well with me at all with this character.
GOOD: Gyatso, expanding on his character and making him a much more straightforward equivalent to Iroh for Aang actually is really helpful, it makes him less of a "stock character" victim to the Fire Nation, it gave him more depth and it makes Aang's bond with him feel much more real. I am very sorry to all OG apologists, but I continue to believe Aang's cheerful behavior was written primarily to appeal to the children demographic that Nickelodeon was aiming for as their audience, which meant he could not be particularly human and truly grieve for everything he had lost. This show doesn't hide that pain at all, and it's particularly good that it does that by showing what a constant presence Gyatso was in Aang's life and by letting them have a manner of final farewell in that episode (... even if I didn't particularly like the episode, but still, it wasn't a bad idea to do that).
BAD: ... call me a consistency freak if you will, but I did not spend all these years obsessively trying to make sense out of the wobbly worldbuilding of the Avatarverse to be told that the entrance to the Cave of Two Lovers is within Omashu and that it leads into the arena within Bumi's Palace. Sorry. I can't accept that. I can't. I legit laughed throughout that whole situation because that's not where the cave of two lovers was, the badgermoles would be causing earthquakes non-stop through the city, and the sewers system would not even work because they'd constantly get fucked up by the creatures (as we know, there's a scene in Book 2 of the kids climbing out of the sewers, so either they won't do the pentapox or they'll forget about the badgermoles conveniently by then...). So. No. Sorry but no. Also, why did they kill Oma??? I know they turned both lovers into women, but... precisely because they did that, why exactly was there any need to change which one died?? Either one you kill is a woman now anyway so... what's the difference? WHY the difference?? Odd.
GOOD: ... Zuko keeps a notebook on his research and investigations into the Avatar. There were many changes to his character but that's the one that stood out the most to me. He actually seems a little bit more methodical, if not smarter, but you know? Kinda smarter anyway for at LEAST thinking that keeping a book with the results of his investigations could help?? Feels like he's actually trying rather than just whining about how rude the world is and how hard he has it. Which, in the end, might ALSO come down to him actually having some hope that Ozai didn't hate him irremediably... which, too, is a good change. I've talked about it before, other people have too: a firstborn firebending male prince has no business being discarded because of incompetence unless he's just THAT pathetic, and even in canon, Zuko wasn't as bad as to justify pushing him out and treating him as shittily as Ozai did without an actual, THOROUGH, exploration of Ozai's motives. You can elaborate, but the show never really did it, and if anything, it offered a bunch of conflictive information about why Zuko thought his father liked him. Here, it makes more sense that he thinks Ozai isn't as much of a bitch as he really is: the Agni Kai is a lot more interesting because they merged both Zuko vs. Zhao and Zuko vs. Ozai into one. The fact that Ozai actually burns Zuko and defeats him BECAUSE he was punishing him for not taking advantage of an enemy's weakness? It's a million times more telling about Zuko's character than what we saw in canon, where he was down to fight an old man out of hybris and then shat himself as soon as his father stepped up instead. So... I don't like this Zuko, which tells you they're doing him right anyway x'DDDD but I find there are a few elements about him that make him at LEAST a little more respectable than he was in the OG show. Among them? He's not constantly ranting about honor but actually lashing out at dishonorable choices out of principle, which makes it sound like he has a WAY better grasp on that concept than he does in canon :'D sue me. This is a Zuko rework too, and fortunately, not ONLY geared towards sanitizing him (even though there IS a fair amount of sanitizing too... which annoys me, but what else could we expect in the era of political correction).
BAD: ... Why the fuck did they decide the way to fix Iroh harassing June was to make her horny for him? Please? Of all things??? All they had to do was just... not make any romantic/sexual implications there. At all. Was that so hard to achieve? This is probably the second worst thing for me in the entire show, ngl. I do not understand the need for it at all. Most of all when they CLEARLY changed it due to knowing Iroh absolutely was a bastard in the OG with his behavior towards her. Isn't it easier to just NOT put any implications of attraction in there? I mean, I should be happy June didn't fully harass Iroh but the way they presented it, it felt like he wasn't even comfortable with it either! This... is not the way you take revenge for a character sexually harassing another one. Bad, bad take, I don't know what made them do this but they absolutely did not "fix" this, they overcorrected it and made it gross as fuck to me anyhow, most of all with the context of knowing that Iroh was the one being inappropriate as fuck back in the OG.
ALRIGHT. I know there's bound to be more, and I probably could think of more soon but I think I'm giving you this for now or else I'll end up making my major post here x'D
All in all, I don't think this show is unwatchable, I absolutely understand people who think it was fun, I also understand people who couldn't get used to the changes and outright dropped it. What I can't understand/accept is either pretending this show is the greatest thing ever (much like I don't think the OG ATLA is...), or pretending that it's the worst one either. This show engaged with a lot of elements in different ways than the original did: not all of it was a miss, not all of it was a hit. And I feel like it's a matter of fundamental, human decency and respect not to go completely berserk taking a ten-ton dump on this show, which to this date is the biggest production in Hollywood with a primarily Asian cast and crew of all time, from what I know, by pretending it has destroyed this franchise completely and that any support for it must come from brainwashed idiots or "not true fans". The gate-keepy attitude comes as absolutely no surprise in this fandom, ofc, but it's still disgusting to see. You CAN be critical of this show with dignity. You CAN do it while respecting other people who enjoyed it completely. It's not too much to ask. I may have learned that lesson the hard way with the ATLA comics, but even then, it wasn't my M.O. to jump into every single comics-positive post to tell people why they sucked and how dumb they were for enjoying them.
That's what I've got for the time being :'D hope it's enough for now.
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tinytinybumblebee · 10 months
Cans we get Toki Wartooth agere hcs? :3
Heck yes!!!!!
- just a little guuuy!! Mostly regresses anywhere between 1 to 4 years old♡
- still has a huge obsession with building model planes or anything that lets him use his hands and be creative! This is truly the easiest way to keep Toki from toddling around, hand him one of these bad boys
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And you'll have the most still Toki. Though, make sure he doesn't have to leave his building unfinished, he will pout and fuss!
- Has the cutest covers for his insulin pump/dexcom (it has lil clowns and fishies!) It helps him feel less scared of having to do level checks (big Toki can do it like a champ! But, tiny Toki has a biiit of hesitancy)
- Will sleep in someone else's bed. It's that, or he'll be crying until Pickles or Skwis sleepily comes to him and falls asleep with him in Toki's bed xD The lil guy just really doesn't like sleeping alone, even with nightlights, white noise machine, he needs to know he's safe in someone else's arms ;w;
- Murderface tries to be the uber cool big brother who knows alllll the neat stories and tells Toki all his hairscheme ideas. Toki of course is just a lil guy and latches onto what Murderface says (of course, Nathan and Pickles have to step in like "Hooo-kay we are not letting Toki try out your latest invention, Murderface" xD)
- Toki, is definitely that baby brother who follows Skwis everywhere! Always wanting to join Skwis, very much a monkey see, monkey do. It annoys Skwis soooo much because he's got the baby chewing on his guitars and fancy blankets!! Pickles is just like, "Awe, he just likes ya Skwis, probably thinks you're real cool." (Which, flatters Skwis. So he guessssses he can stand this xD)
- Loooves to tell stories through his plushies (sometimes they're,,, incredibly graphic and gore filled, but hey, kid is very traumatized and is a death metal guitarist, what can you expect?)
- Definitely still believes in Santa, Easter Bunny, and all those folklore/holiday characters (if anyone tells him they're not real, he'll just pout and say "Proves it!!" Which, I mean, technically, you can't prove it either way, so, just let him have his fun)
- Wants to be held like 9/10 times, Nathan is the strongest, so you'll routinely see him just working on lyrics while Toki is hooked around him like a little kola on his mama ;w;
- Monster High dolls. He loves 'em and definitely would have a big collection of them!
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Hi! I'm a bit new to this blog, but I spent last night (and a bit of the mourning) scrolling through it all and I think both of you are lovely! As sort of a reverse welcoming gift, I have a bone chew toy for DogDay! And with all these blogs that you have to read I would say that's some good ol exercise time would be good soooo...FETCH!
(Waits a couple of seconds) Okay CatNap, I need to make this quick. I agree with you that we shouldn't inform DogDay on how... Puppies are made. I in fact think it is crucial for YOU to do so! You've already seen how bad it can get with us and I KNOW how these people operate. They won't stop until he knows. So I leave you with two options, let a bunch of random strangers on the internet explain it to him potentially traumatizing him, or let his own HUSBAND explain the concept to him in a way that he can properly understand and in a way where he won't fear it in the future. Even if you don't care to do "it", that's not why it's important! It's important because it's dangerous for DogDay to not be informed on this especially when there are so many people that know he doesn't know and want to fill in the gaps of YOU teaching him. (Potentially filling in those gaps with misinformation). Don't get me wrong, I appreciate how wholesome both of you are and I was sincere when I said both of you seem like lovely individuals, HOWEVER I am worried about DogDay safety.
I hope DogDay likes my present.
how about i choose the third option (did you know that i can delete those asks before Dogday sees it?)
also if you did scroll through all of the posts for the LOVE of GOD haven’t you realized this isnt a roleplay blog?? we are real and im suffering random people from tumblr breaking in our house and YOU just threw a bone chew toy inside leave us alonei mean yegah you broke the windoww lol that too
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Okay but Robin and Steve living together as platonic besties, and they both look at a shelter together for a hybrid. Robin wants a cat!hybird, but Steve wants a puppy!hybrid. But when they see you, they decide they don’t care what hybrid you are, they just love you, instantly, and that’s all that matters. Literally have their hands through the slots of the wall in minutes, cooing for your attention and stroking and scritching your face as you just go crazy for them. Steve demands you outta that cage immediately, Robin blabbering on about everything you three are gonna do when they take you home.
And Steve definitely asks if he can carry you to the car, giggling and poking his tongue out at Robin when you snuggle into his neck, brushing your back as you do so. But Robin gets to be smothered by you in the back of the car, trying to unknot your hair, and treat you with so many things. They literally just love bickering over your attention, but then sharing your affection, and sharing giving their own, with you ❤️
Yes!!! More of this please 🤲
puppygirl reader!!!! Bc bc bc Steve can wear you out and Robin can take you when she’s sleepy <33 they drive to the shelter and bicker the entire way, Steve’s insisting that they’re gonna get a dog hybrid and Robin is fighting him off like no!! We r getting a cat!! I need someone to relax with!! And Steve is like I need someone to run around with!! And they go into the shelter soooo resilient, and then robin’s peeking at a cat hybrid curled up in a top level cage when she feels something warm and wet on her hand. She looks down to see you sitting there staring excitedly up at her, licking her hand where it’s resting against the bars of your cage. She feels herself melt, immediately sticking her fingers between the bars of the cages and cupping your face to scratch under your chin. She calls Steve over who’s giving the receptionist their background information and he watches you catch his eye, tail wagging even faster when you realize there’s not one new person here to see you, but two!!! You’re practically vibrating with happiness as Steve and Robin sit down in front of your cage, babbling and crooning and making kissy noises as you try cramming yourselves between the bars to be closer to them.
When Steve finally gets an employees attention your cage is unlocked in record time, and you’re landing in robin’s lap and practically pushing her over as you kiss all up on her face. Steve laughs and puts a hand behind her back to keep her upright, reaching out to scratch at your ears and run his hands through your hair. You’re frantically ping-ponging between paying attention to both of them, until you’re so worked up that you just shut down. You latch onto Steve’s broad frame and your tail wags lazily as you stare at Robin, a dopey grin on your face as you start to crash.
There’s no question about it anymore, you’re going home with them. Steve brags about how you’re already snoozing on his shoulder so he’d better just carry you out to the car, and Robin glares at him when he sticks his tongue out as you burrow further into his neck. But all that paperwork that Robin has to fill out is so worth it when Steve realizes he has to drive and that you’ll have to sit in the backseat, plopping you down beside Robin who you wriggle as close as humanly possible to. She’s all over you just the same, crooning at you as she runs her hands through your hair and tells you how she’s gonna teach you to chew up all of Steve’s shoes and knock over his expensive hair products. He’s looking in the rear view mirror like 😧 no 😧 and he’s going ‘don’t listen to her!! Don’t listen to her, she’s a bad influence!’ but how could you not listen to her??? She is talking to you so sweet :(( she just giggles and let’s you crawl all over her as Steve drives home and then you all race inside together and they laugh when you get the zoomies exploring the house 🫶
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latteandjacks · 7 months
Now, watching Mammon's magnificent blah blah to lazy i'm sorry
This is going to be a looooooong post
(Containing laughter everytime the name Mammon appears on screen because in Mexico and without one m it's a word to say call someone an egocentric ot an asshole or both)
"He can eat my ass, in a bad way"
Blitz your fucking disgusting
I know and I know and I know Ozzie is right and Mammon is definilty abusing Fizz and he's an asshole and Ozzie is trying to help but I really really don't like how he words things because out of context it sounds really bad but again I know Mammon is a bitch
Me: "Oh wow Ozzie hired Blitz and other guard, the guard looks like him, probably someone strong because Blitz is mainly there to convince Fizz, right?" "Wait THAT'S OZZIE?? HOW IS HE- HOW IS HE SO THIN-"
Ozzie Ily but srsly you need to learn to communicate with your partner
I really hate how it looks like the upper arms are coming out of Mammon's chest I really hate that
"He thinks he's funny" "Offended"
Ooooh who are these two, oooooh no I don't like their designs
I'm dying, Blitz insulting the blue twins and Fizz possing like trying to replicate Blitz sass but not really
Blitz NO you're making it worse help you're giving him more pressure
Ooooooh I like this "song" I like it a lot
Istg if the creep from the beginning comes back i'm going to chew my shoes
(Takes a break to chill the fuck out)
FUCK HE DID CAME BACK, BLITZ, SHOT 'EM Okay help he's a discord mod isn't he Pixar villain complex
I'm sad because I know Fizz really greatly appreciates what Blitz did but will probably not be able to say anything
Yeah, called it, fuck you Mamon I'm going to call him Mamon now idc he deserves it
HE SAID IT! "Good enough for WHAT?"
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Oh you're cool I like you a lot
Oh God no the makeup it's going to be really bad right? This is going to be really bad
ANOTHER ONE?? IT REALLY IS A MUSICAL HUH Should've seen it coming
Whatever is Ozzie and Fizz is going to be my favorite song of the episode
"You're messy but i'm messy too" MDHFDDGSH
They kiss, i'm losing it
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Hey who the fuck put me into Helluva Boss
I would comment on what Mammon said but I need to make the image or else it won't work
"It's about you" "w h a t"
Mamon clapping at the performance even tho he knows it's about him is like the same AND opposite vibe of Bruno vibing to his family talking shit about him and Idk how to describe it
Okay but everyone thought it was like a random song he thought it was catchy and when he said Mamon's name everyone just started to process the lyrics He called him out of his abuse and everyone will realize how much he sucks now, at least a lot of them will
God I was so worried that they were going to do THAT gag, i'm glad it was just Mamon becoming a weird spider
Damn Ozzie that's hot (Pun intended)
THEY ADDMITTED IT, THEY'RE FREE, THEY'RE GDSHADBHAKJLCNDVJAKL I'm those fans screaming in the background that's me, that's us all
"You're going to regret revealing that Ozz" Oh shit these three WILL come back won't they?
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