#i need him and Mike fighting for Johnny
zappedbyzabka · 10 months
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fangirlstorycreator · 10 months
Can I make a request about the last night of season 5, when Johnny and co. break into Terry's house to confront him? Maybe he sees them coming and puts reader in a panic room or hides her away somewhere where she's watching everything through security cameras, and he gives up the opportunity to kick ass or go check on the dojo to come find you, knowing that you're panicking and worried sick about him? Maybe ending in some spicy along the lines of "I'm so glad you're alive please take me now"? Thanks! :)
Thank you so much for the request! I will certainly try my best 🤗💚
You and Terry are sat on his black sofa infront of the fire place, cuddled up together and sharing some wine. "Hows your wine sweetheart?" "Very nice thank you babe, is this the one you bought on our trip to Italy?" "Is very much is, from the man who owned the best vineyard in the whole country. I only get the best for my girl" "I know you can afford the best Terry, but you know very well that it could easily be a cheep bottle of wine from the corner shop and I'd be happy with it" "I know that sweetheart, I know that money isn't something you need, but just think of it as a way for me to show you how much you mean to me" "Oh...I can think of many other ways you do that babe..." "(chuckles) I certainly do..." His hand reaches to your chin as he leans down and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips. It almost turns more passionate before Kim walks back in from the kitchen. "So are we going to go back to discussing business Terry? What more was there to do for the upcoming dojo's?" Kim asked as she sat on the other black sofa opposite us. "Well Kim, it seems that-"
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"Babe? Did you hear that?" "No? What's wrong sweetheart?" "I thought I head a crashing noise from outside" Suddenly the sound of car tyres was heard outside and Kim picked up the I pad from the table showing the security cameras. "It seems we have company. Kim, I need you to go to the dojo, the camera in there is showing something too. You go and sort it out" "Yes Terry" Kim leaves through the back of the house and Terry turns to you, still holding the I pad. "Babe who is that? Whoever it is, they can't drive very well. And is that a limo? Who drives a limo into someone's home?" "I have a feeling I know who this is, come with me sweetheart" He puts the I pad down and takes your hand, guiding you up the stairs and down the hallway "Terry, what's going on?" "Sweetheart, I have this feeling that it will get dangerous down there, and I need to make sure your somewhere safe. Come in hear" He opens his office door and leads you inside. "Please stay in hear until I come and get you ok? The door can only be opened from the inside and out with the code on the door, the code is your birthday. Whatever happens, promise me you'll stay in hear, nothing is going to stop me from getting back to you but you must stay in hear"
"Is this because I don't know how to fight?" "Partially, but I also wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you. I love you" He gives you a quick but romantic kiss before looking into you eyes with a serious look. "Please sweetheart, promise me" "I promise Terry" He looks just a little calmer before giving you another kiss, and leaves the door closing the door behind him. It locks automatically and you hear his footsteps going back down stairs. You were experiencing a mixture of feelings, safety for being in hear away from danger, but also worry because you had never seen Terry get like this, when he got this serious about your safety, something bad was about to go down. If Terry was this worried, was HE in danger this time? Not knowing what else to do, you sit at Terry's computer desk and open up the camera page, where there are several cameras around the house. You look at the front door camera and see...is that?...Mike? Johnny and Chozen? They are barely a threat? And what are they doing? Are they deciding to break the door dow-oh! oh no it seems Chozen had just pushed it.
Are they drunk? They certainly look like it. They enter the front door and you can see Terry is sat on his chair, but the camera isnt playing audio, so you can't hear what they are saying.
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Mike looks confrontational, is he about to go for Terry? Oh wait? Is that one of the new sensei's from cobra kai? Oh my God! Mike has gone for the sensai! And Terry has left heading towards his weapons room! More sensei's enter the room and go for Johnny...but where's Chozen gone? You cant see him on the camera. You keep looking everywhere until you see that Terry has frozen in his weapons room, Chozen is in there with him. There was barely any time before you could see Terry removing his jewellery and start fighting Chozen, you wished this wasn't happening, you didn't want anyone to get hurt! You could see on the other camera that Mike was knocked out, Johnny was still fighting more of the sensei's and....oh no....Terry no, no don't pick up the sword!
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Chozen has sai swords too?! This cant be happening, you promised Terry you wouldn't leave, but this was getting dangerous! You could hear your heartbeat in your ear and feel it in every muscle of your body, you were so tense and all you could do was watch.
You knew if you left you'd have to go through Johnny and the sensei's, there was no way you could leave if you wanted to. You see Terry and Chozen move towards the pool, oh god Terry don't taunt him! But it was too late, Chozen struck and they were both fighting with their weapons, Chozen even managed to punch Terry in the stomach at one point, just before they edged into the shallow water next to the pool.
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Terry had this wild look in his eye, you had never seen that before, and neither have you ever seen anyone manage to fight Terry so successfully, Terry looked like he was in trouble.
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They struck at eachother again, it all moved so fast, and just as quickly as it started, Chozen hit Terry and bent down to sweep his legs! Making Terry fall onto his back into the water, dropping his sword with Chozen stood above him pointing his sai.
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"No! Chozen please stop! Both of you stop!" But no matter how loud you shouted, neither of them heard you. You were in tears and clutching your chest as you looked down on what you thought were your soulmate final moments, when a loud noise make Chozen turn.
And that's when Terry struck! When Chozen was distracted, Terry reached for his sword and sliced right up the left hand side of Chozen's back, making him fall into the water below.
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"Oh my god!" You shouted once more, so worried for both Chozen and Terry, Terry looked weak as he limped back into the house, where he sees Johnny being held down by the sensei's. Again, you can't hear what they're saying, but Terry looks angry. He grabs Johnny by the hair and let's his sensei's deal with him as Terry himself looks like he's heading your way. As he did that, Mike woke up from consciousness and helped Johnny, and they both ran outside and helped Chozen out of the house before anything else could happen. You felt a whole mixture of emotions, worry, fear, confusion, sadness, concern. Terry pressed in the code and entered the room, where you ran straight over to him and hold eachother in your arms. "You didn't leave...thank you sweetheart" "Terry! My god your bleeding! What the hell happened down there?! All three of them broke in and-Johhny was fighting the sensei's-You and Chozen! Terry you two could have killed eachother! Why did you pick up that sword you idiot?! What did you do to Chozen?! You could have-"
"Sweetheart just try to breath for me ok, calm...Chozen will live, he'll just remember it for the rest of his life" "Terry I could see everything through the security camera! You scared me, I thought I was going to loose you, you stupid idiot! Why didn't you just call the police instead?!" "They broke into our home Y/N, and I'm going to defend it" "Not with your life Terry!" "Sweetheart it's ok-" He tries to put his hands in your shoulders but you push them away in a tearful state and walk towards the window away from him. "No it's not ok!.....You frightened me Terry....I thought I was going to loose you, I thought Chozen was going to kill you, and your seriously expecting me to just calm down?! F#ck!" Your uncontrollably crying and hyperventilating as you run your hands through your hair, desperate to feel something as it all pours out of you. Terry has never seen you so heartbroken, so frightened, he didn't know what to do. "Y/N I promise it was never my intention to frighten you, I never want to make you feel that way. I was just trying to defend my home, myself, you" "There are other ways you could do that Terry! Ones that don't involve you starting a fight with a f#cking sword! I can't....I..."
You press your back against the window and slump down to the floor as the tears keep coming, this was possibly the worst night of your life. Terry was heartbroken seeing you like this, he instinctively sat beside you and pulled you into his arms as he held your crying and shaking body. "I love you so much Y/N, and I am so so sorry for everything that's happened. I never wanted this to happen, please believe me. Oh god I'm so sorry" You look up at him and he wipes away some of your tears. "Does it hurt?" "Does what hurt?" "Your cut Terry, on your face" His hand moved to his cheek, its only then that he realises that he's hurt from that fight. "It's nothing sweetheart, it's ok"
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"Terry it's not ok, I need to help you with that" You stand up out of his arms and walk over to the desk, still upset and a little shaky, and Terry can see that. He stands up and walks towards you "Y/N its alright, your shaking. You just need a minute to calm down" "I can't Terry-I can't-you've hurt yourself and I need to-" He gently takes your hand from where it was trying to find a first aid box in his desk drawers, and brings it to his chest so you can feel his heartbeat.
"Shhhh Y/N, it's ok....I promise....just stop...." You know he's right, you just feel so deflated, your head just falls onto his chest as he gives you a comforting hug with his big strong arms. "Terry, what's going to happen? What's going to happen with the dojo? The break in, you?" "Shhhh, let's not worry about that now, whatever happens will happen. I don't know what's going down at the dojo with Kim, but whatever it is, I'll sort it out. I have more lawyers in my back pocket than I can count" "Terry, don't ask me why, but I just have this feeling that something worse is going to happen tonight. I feel like this it my last time in this house with you" "I'm sure it won't be-" "But you don't know that Terry, I don't know I just, I have this feeling in my gut that something else is going to go wrong tonight, something to do with the dojo. Terry please don't go to the dojo tonight, please don't go" "I'm not going anywhere sweetheart, I'm not going to leave you. Your my only priority" He delicately holds your face in his hands, but after all these emotions that have poured out of you, you were in desperate need of physical touch.
You love him so much, and right now, you just need him. You lean up and almost crash your lips into his with that much desire, your hand holds onto the back of his neck pulling him in closer, needing to feel him. Your other hand pulls at his collar as he kisses you back just as needy, lifting you up and placing you on his desk as he stood inbetween your legs. Neither of you stopped the kiss, there was a deep hunger from within each of you, it needed to be fulfilled. You ripped his shirt and pulled it away from his chest, revealing his beautiful body, he pulls your shirt off and uses his hand to press against your chest, pushing you down so your flat on the desk. He pulled his belt away as you removed your underwear, seeing Terry's rock hard cock bounce out of his trousers once they fall to the floor. It all happened so quickly, he grabbed your legs and pulled your hips right onto his groin, he grabbed his girthy cock and started sliding the tip up and down your sensitive area, making you feel a shiver through your body. It was only for a moment though, you both were desperately in need to f#ck.
He pounded right inside of you making you gasp at the feel of him, he grabs your legs and holds them against his chest as he mercilessly f#cks you against this desk, so hard it's making white lines on the floor from the desk legs scratching the surface. There was no talking, just the sound of skin slapping on skin, Terry's grunts and moans, your whimpering and crying out in pleasure, the room was filled with it. You begged him not to stop, and he didn't. He kept f#cking you more and more, until you were literally screaming and your body felt like it was vibrating with this orgasm. You were trying so hard to catch your breath, but Terry wasn't finished with you. He put his hands under your hips and pulled you up so you were now holding onto his shoulders, and he started going faster, thrusting harder and deeper, you honestly thought the desk would break with how hard he was going, but you loved every single f#cking moment of this. His moans were so delicious to listen too as he buried his face in your neck, kissing and sucking at your soft tender skin. All you could do was dig your nails into his back and hold on for dear life as another orgasm was building, with Terry holding onto your hips in a tight grip and f#cking you relentlessly.
"Oh f#ck Terry- Oh yes-yes-!" "F#ck! F#ck!" You both shouted at the top of your lungs as you reach your ultimate climax at the same time, your body was uncontrollably shaking and even though he stoped thrusting into you, the feel of him agaisnt your tender swollen clit was still making you shudder. It appears it was so strong that Terry was shaking a little too, still holding you and having a bead of sweat in his brow. You both look breathlessly into eachothers eyes before sharing a smile and a little chuckle. "I uhh...think we destroyed your desk babe" "It was...so worth it... I can always get another desk" He makes you giggle, he also plants a sweet kiss in your lips as he still holds you. "Listen sweetheart, I don't know what's going to happen tonight, or tomorow or anytime after this night ends. But I promise I will always love you and I will always be there for you, no matter what" "I love you too Terry, and I'll always be there for you too...so? Shall we try to tidy this mess up at all?" "Why bother? I don't see any reason in cleaning up when we haven't even got started on round 2 yet" "Round 2?" "Or 3? Maybe 4?" "This is one of the reasons I love you Terry Silver"
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Sliding Into Home ~ On The Hunt For Mike Weiss
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Since When Is Ice Cream Evil?
Sliding Into Home Master List Main Masterlist
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Mary Eileen Adler has only ever known two parents: Frank and Abby.  They were her dad and mom for all intents and purposes, regardless of the time Abby left.  She understood that her real mother was Frank’s sister, but she wasn’t her mom.  
And she understood that she had a father but that he never acknowledged her so really, he wasn’t anything to her.  
So why did Uncle Mike say he was her dad? 
As her grandparents drove them to their Boston house, Mary sat quietly, not sure how to ask the questions in her head. Uncle Mike was nice but not nice to Frank or Abby.  She remembered the bruises she saw on Abby and when she asked, she was told she was in an accident.  But she knew it wasn’t the truth.  
“Nugget, are you hungry?” 
Mary snapped her head up to Frank, who looked concerned. “A little,” she whispered.  
“Do you want...” 
“I want Abuela’s food. Because it's at home.  And I want to go home.”  
The sadness in her voice nearly tears Frank in half.  His little girl is scared and hurting. “Ok Nugget.  We’ll go home.  We have a flight to Los Angeles tomorrow.”  
Mary nodded. “You won’t leave me, right?” 
Frank almost lost it right there.  He lifted the girl out of her seat and into his lap, adjusting the seatbelt so she could sit the rest of the way home there. “I’m always going to be here for you.  And I’ll make sure nothing happens to you again, ok?  I love you Mary, so much. Abby and I are go so happy you are ok and that you are back home with us.” He kissed her temple and she snuggled into him. “You’re ours Nugget and we’ll fight every day to make sure of that.”  
May fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.  They made it to Abby’s parents' house and Frank took her right to the guest room.  Tucking her in, he moved to leave the room, but a tiny hand fisted his shirt.  “Please stay with me,” she whispered.  
Frank smiled, scooting her to the middle of the bed, took off his shoes and climbed in. Mary rested her head on his chest and went back to sleep, taking Frank with her. 
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 Frank sat with a coffee, watching Mary a few hours later as she played in the back yard with Johnny, Susie, Marco and Scott, Dodger chasing her around.  He sighed as he took in the sight.  “Frankie?” He looked over to his wife, who placed some sweet bread on the table next to him.  “Are you ok baby?” 
“Yeah, Cricket, I’m ok.  I’m just wondering how I’m going to break this news to Mary.  We have to give her something and she’s too smart not to just start googling everything.”  He rubbed his forehead.  “I was hoping we could have this conversation when she was older, but I guess not.”  
“I know Frankie but its better it comes from us.” Abby kissed his head. “Our baby needs to know the truth.” She looked at the group and an idea came to mind.  “How about we do this with everyone here? If it becomes too much, she can lean on Scott or Johnny or Marco or us, whatever makes her happy. She’ll know that she is loved by everyone here.”  
“Are you ok with everyone knowing our past?” 
“I am not ashamed of how everything got out of sync, Frankie. We were manipulated and that the truth.  Is that something I wanted Mary to know? No, of course not because I never wanted her to be afraid of anything but if it makes her safer, then I will do what I need to do to protect our girl.”  She cupped his cheek and he leaned into her warmth.  
“We’ll do it when you parents come back,” he said. “I want her to have all of the support she can have.” Frank leaned into Abby for a kiss. “You said our baby. Did you mean that?” 
“Mary is ours, Frankie. Of course I meant that.” 
“No I mean, will we have a baby?” 
Abby sucked in a breath. “You think you’re ready for that?” 
Frank looked at her eyes. “Maybe we wait until this all blows over but yeah, Cricket, I want a baby with you.” 
“That good. Because if you wanted a baby with someone else, I’ll murder you.”  
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After a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, the family gathered around the living room, Mary sat between Frank and Abby, chatting with Johnny.  “Mary, we wanted to talk to you about what’s been happening.”  
She fell silent as her family quieted.  She looked around and swallowed.  “Okay.”  
Abby sighed. “You know how we’ve told you that your birth mom is Frank’s sister?” Mary nodded. “Well, we also told you that we didn’t know who your biological father is, right?” She nodded again. “The last couple of months have been enlightening to us all.”  
“What does that mean?” 
Frank swallowed. “You remember that Abby was in the hospital?” 
“You said she was in accident.”  
“She was, Nugget, but not the way you were thinking.  Uncle Mike,” he swallowed, “he...uh... he...” 
“Did he hurt Abby?” 
“No.” He said firmly. “No, he didn’t touch her, but he knew where your mother was and invited her into Abby’s old house. And she hurt Abby.”  
“Why?” Mary’s eyes filled with tears.  “Why would she do that? 
“We are not really sure Mary,” Abby said softly. “But Uncle... just Mike, sweetheart, Mike and Diane have their reasons for everything.  All we know is that the police are looking for them and they and we have a lot of questions. Do you have any questions?” 
Mary looked at all of the people in her life, her family. “Are they going to take me away?” she asked just above a whisper. “Will they...” tears trickled down her face, “will they take you and Dodger away?” She looked between Abby and Frank. “You’re my mom and dad, not them.”  She began to sob.  
Frank immediately got out of his seat in front of her. “Listen to me, Mary.” He locked eyes with her. “No one is going to take you anywhere.  You are coming home with me and Abby and Scott and Dodger.  Johnny and Susie are going to hang out with us. Your abuelos are going to visit and we ae going to visit in the off season but this right here,” he looked around the room, “this is your family. You are my girl,” he wiped around her face to remove the tears. “I won’t let anyone, or anything change that.”  
Mary threw herself into his arms as everyone calmed their own soft cries. Mary understood. Her home was with Frank and Abby.  
The two people who would do anything for her.  
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The morning of their flight home, Abby and Frank sat down with the lead detective on Mary’s kidnaping case, Paul Diskant.  “I’m sorry I haven’t met with you sooner,” he said, after introducing himself. “I’ve been following up with some leads coming in.”  
“Any news on finding Weiss?” Frank asked with a hard edge. 
Detective Diskant frowned. “No, it looks like he rented a car when he arrived in Boston a week ago and turned it in, but we don’t know if he’s left town or has someone else helping him.  We found the house, just as Mary described. There were no signs that he was going to hurt her in any way. We did find some photographs, surveillance of your family. It was taken by a professional, so I am assuming Mr. Weiss hired a private investigator.” 
“Fuck,” Frank mumbled. “What is the next step? We’re flying back to Los Angeles this afternoon.”  
“Yeah, after what happened to Abby, I didn’t want to risk a commercial flight.” 
“I would like to send some officers to escort your family to the airport, just as a precaution.” Detective Diskant sighed. “I’m going to contact LAPD and advise the detectives on your case, Dr. Adler, what’s happened.  I’m sure, with the coverage it received in the press, they are aware of something but not everything and I want to keep them in the loop.”  
“Alright, what do you suggest for personal security?” Frank asked.  
“Frankie,” Abby started.  
“No, Abigail, we are not discussing this again. I will not allow something to happen to you or Mary or Scott for that matter.”  
“Mr. Adler, Dr. Adler, let me make this clear. My recommendation is that your family take every precaution available.  It is clear that your sister and Mr. Weiss are not of sound mind.  He is desperate to get to you Dr. Adler.  Your husband is right.”  
Abby stared at the detective for a minute before looking at her husband. “You really think he might try again?”  
“Cricket, if it wasn’t for the fact that your entire family is with our girl right now, she would be here with us. I refuse to leave any of you vulnerable again.”  
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Departing from the airport, Abby’s parents hugged their daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law hard. “Call us when you get home,” Ana said, cupping her daughter’s cheek.  
“It’ll be late, Mama.”  
“I don’t care.”  She turned to Scott and Johnny. “You boys behave. “ 
“We will Mrs. Hernandez,” Johnny said before picking up Mary and carrying her into the plane.  
Abby looked around.  “Where is Susie?” 
“I think she left her bag in the car,” Scott said.  “C’mon Dodger, let’s get on.”  
Abby walked back to the SUV and stopped. She smiled as she spied on Susie and Marco, holding hands and whispering to each other, heads bent closer.  Abby quietly moved away as Marco bent down to place a soft kiss on Susie’s lips.  
Frank waited for Abby as Susie came around the side of the car.  “You girls are always late,” he mumbled. He grunted as Abby elbowed him. “What?” 
“Leave Susie out of this. She just needed a moment,” she whispered. She pulled out her phone.  
Abby: You could always find work out in California  Marco: Why would I do that  Abby: Because a certain blonde may love it  Marco: I don’t know what you are talking about  Abby: Ok fine. Just know, Frank is looking for someone to run security for the family. This could be the opportunity you’re looking for  Marco: Really?  Abby: Call him.   Marco: I’ll do it tomorrow.  Thanks sis. 
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Returning to the team and relative normalcy helped the Adlers get back into normal. Frank thought it was a brilliant idea to have Marco be the head of security for the family. He moved Marco into the guest house on his property and Marco took over interviewing and hiring security to protect the family.  
Frank had a good couple of weeks, the Dodgers on a run at the moment.  Mary was thriving with camp, Abby found time to work at USC and attend to her duties with the Dodgers and Scott had found a job that allowed him to take care of Mary and work from home.  He and Abby shared an office, which Abby loved as Scott was rapidly becoming her best friend.  
Yes, everything was going great.  
Unknown: enjoy it while it last  Frank: Who is this?  Unknown: a nightmare 
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msfbgraves · 3 months
Knowing I am anything but normal about Terry Silver and therefore biased as anything:
I've always felt there was a disconnect between how Terry Silver was depicted in Cobra Kai before Thomas came back on board and how TIG plays him. Even in S5, when they've had a whole season of TIG to work with, the Twig they wrote in flashbacks and whatever Thomas Ian Griffith plays have almost no similarities to me. Yes, the transition from The Karate Kid III to Cobra Kai is seamless, but who is this person Nick Marini's Twig is written to be? A nervous, submissive, fearful follower of the heroic, decent friend John Kreese. A bit of a weirdo in his karate obsession, a poser with his hair and his ascot, "I'll go where you lead, Johnny..."
Is this the same guy who, some five years after John Kreese turns down his plans for the Sekai Taikai, tells him to: "Snap out of it! Every business goes through a slump once in a while. You're going to Tahiti. Now."
I would believe a glowup between 1968 and 1988, but Nick Marini doesn't get to show us that at all, staying the sidekick in John's story, sidelined for new pupil Johnny Lawrence.
A John Kreese who is sweet to little girls and only wants the best for Johnny, the teenage boy he would have choked to death for coming in second in the All Valley.
(Yeah how did that happen? Because it apparently wasn't 'Nam!)
Those are not the same person at all -
But to John Kreese they are. In his mind, he is the sweet decent friend, Terry is his sidekick whom he can pull rank on.
Twig likely never was that person, but it is who Kreese sees him as, and what Terry tries to be for his sake. And it doesn't fit him at all, but if that is what John needs to think about himself, Terry feels obligated to give it to him. You see Terry in TKK3 holding himself back for John's sake, too, in the fight against Miyagi - a fight he cuts a much better figure at than Kreese. The All Valley in the third film is only supposedly about John, yet Terry is the one taking the stage, Terry is the one instructing Mike Barnes, cutting business deals on the side. Was Twig ever afraid to defy his father and go for Cobra Kai? Or was the point that he needed more business experience and being a full time sensei was a waste of time?
Was the fact that John Kreese risked his life for Twig partly because of Twig's machinations, too? Was Twig really the weakling John saw him as or was that a way to let John Kreese take more risks on the battlefield, playing on John's need for a protégé? I mean, look at Nick Marini's Twig, we've hardly seen him pull a trick once. Yet trickery is what Terry breathes - even to his own detriment. I have no doubt that John Kreese earned Terry's loyalty, but the fact that he is so surprised that he can't control Terry? It's obvious to anyone that Terry is putting on an act there. Even Kreese seems to slowly become aware that his memories of Terry and the man he's dealing with do not act the same way. He's shocked at Terry demolishing Johnny, but why? Is that anything young Terry Silver wouldn't have done in the third film? No, but it demonstrably doesn't fit Kreese's perception of him. Even though we know that Terry was lying to John before they ever fell out - promising the dojos to Mike and John both.
Nah. Both Nice!Young Kreese and Sidekick! Twig are John Kreese's delusions. He literally imagines the guy half a foot shorter than he is 😆
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silverusso · 10 months
What about Terry and Mike in the OT3? are they a thing to or do they only agree to share Daniel?
My boy always gets sidelined, and this dynamic gets ignored even more than Labarnes, which is also criminally underrated. I get it, cause Mike and Terry spent most of their screentime separately and with Daniel, in kk3 and ck s5, and so we really don’t have much to go on, unfortunately. But I’m gonna go full meta on this, even if I sound delulu.
So look, Terry says "perfect" like 4 times? And it’s always in reference to Mike. He’s just like me fr.
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Mike is sort of the Johnny to Terry’s Kreese, in a sense? I say this loosely because there’s a sort of fatherly attachment in that dynamic that isn’t present here. Kreese trained Johnny, and so he sort of molded him and contributed to Johnny’s success as a two-time avt champ. Mike came to Terry already a national champion, and going by his reputation as "Karate’s Bad Boy", whoever trained him was either giving him the Cobra Kai kool-aid on steroids, or Mike was just that fucked up naturally lol. And Mike really is perfect because Terry doesn’t need to put any time or effort into him. Mike is just another financial investment, and Terry loves throwing his money around. And Mike even negotiates with him like a boss. He walked in there, not batting an eye at Terry being butt ass naked in a tub, and really said "50% or I walk" and Terry was just like "bet." AND Mike says he wants that shit in writing, and Terry draws up a whole contract with a real lawyer?? Promising 50% of Cobra Kai to this kid??? Mike is honestly so iconic. I said this before, but Mike was pretty much poised to become the face of Cobra Kai. He was supposed to be their champion and their saving grace. They were going to open dojos all over the valley when not if he won. Half of which he’d legally own. So he was basically inheriting Terry’s legacy as well.
was this really necessary sir
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and this
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Granted, Terry has a personal space issue with like everyone, apparently, but still, grabbing his hair? It’s not even like Mike has long hair for him to grab in the first place. And I don’t think you have to practically spit in his mouth to pretend threaten him.💀
literally, why are they standing this way
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just look at the way Daniel and Kreese look at him😭
It’s giving
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And then in s5, Terry burned down Mike’s store, and of course everyone links that to his jealousy over Daniel. But that store was Mike’s father-in-law’s store. So yeah it affected Mike, but it obviously affected his wife much worse lbr. And what did this lead to? Supposedly, Mike’s wife leaving him. So he basically ruined Mike’s marriage the same way he tried to do with Daniel and Amanda. 👀
And okay idc if this is a reach but Mike being on something even "stronger" than alcohol...While Terry confirmed he was on crack back in the 80s.......Remember Daniel's "your ponytailed pimp" line.
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And when he mocks Johnny for being dumb and "attacking me on my own turf" which technically was Mike’s idea, BUT earlier he also said, "Uh oh, fellas, I don’t think this is gonna turn out like you thought it would." only AFTER Mike got knocked out. Because even though they would have still been outnumbered with Mike in the fight, he knew none of his little foot fist ninjas were going to stand a chance against Mike. So Mike is taken out of the fight and just like tossed in another room, which puts him conveniently out of harm's way. It’s not like he was locked in or whatever so I don’t think the major concern here was keeping him from waking up and rejoining the fight.
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And btw, Mike’s plan was what ended up saving the day, cause Terry arrived too late to the dojo and was in no condition to fight Daniel. King Shit.💅
Then Terry leaves Chozen for dead in his pool and tells the senseis to pull an mk fatality on Johnny. And Mike? Just let him sleep it off. <33
like hello??
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Terry knew what he was doing. He wanted Mike back by his side on a pretty leash and Daniel on his knees for him.
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lysteriaposts · 2 years
COBRA KAI S5 REVIEW (unhinged vers.)
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I actually wrote a list of my thoughts post episode 8, and oh it was not positive. Luckily enough a few of the things I was annoyed about were addressed the last two episodes where a lot happened. I've now slept on it and am ready to give a less rantsy review lol.... if you like to hype everything CK and only wanna hear positive things then I suggest you don't read further.
+ indicates positives (duh) and - negatives.
Let's rip the band aid off first.
- Mike Barnes being a wasted character and only there to subvert expectations (SAD!!!) - As a consequence, too many new characters brought in making the plot messier, crowded, contrived - Chozen being forced to like the girl he almost killed bc everyone needs to have a significant other / love interest of the opposite sex on this show - Kreese prison break is the dumbest shit I've ever seen - Kreese dying tragically in prison as he's trying to better himself would've been such a good writing choice, but they wanted to subvert that too - Kreese's plan he had with Tory never being explained - Johnny/Carmen baby drama making me want to barf all over my computer - Carmen being a baby carrier instead of an actual person - New gen kids serving no purpose in the overall story (except Kenny a little) - Rehashed plot of Sam/Miguel breakup taking up too much screentime and serving no purpose for the characters - Cheesy octopus < 🙄 - Half assed attempt at giving Sam introspection which gets dropped an episode after it was introduced - Sam being self absorbed (what's new) and deflecting blame - Demetri & Hawk could've been absent and there would not be any difference - Forced attempts at giving Hawk any relevance - Hawk being hypocritical and full of himself - Miguel's Mexico journey not changing anything for the character or his relationship with Johnny (or anyone for that matter) - Too little focus on Robby/Tory as a unit and their conflict - Too little focus on Robby/Kenny as a unit and their conflict - Robby redeeming and propping Johnny is not the same as developing and repairing their relationship, writers - Johnny kidnapping Robby to Mexico for absolutely no reason when he was gone tops 2 days - Carmen kind of forcing (and wanting!?!?) Johnny to have a baby with her - Johnny using new baby as an excuse for Miguel/Robby to have to get along - Robby breaking up with Tory after one disagreement - Robby going to see them at the Cobra Kai dojo way too late - Tory not confiding in Robby at all - Robby's character suffering from having to unnecessarily bond with every other character except the ones he truly cared about - Robby being forcefully sidelined in the story because he has to be attached at the hip with his new "family" - Tory ending up the show's punching bag, blamed and excluded for the 50th time - Devon Lee being... there, kind of annoying and one dimensional - Too much Kreese with no pay off - Too many flashbacks - No explanation to why Sam/Robby are cordial (I shouldn't be surprised they didn't explain Sam/Hawk either) - Stingray crying crocodile tears... actually just Stingray. - Sam being the one to wave her finger at Stingray wanting to keep his benefits (couldn't ANYONE ELSE have said that) - Silver not being the mastermind everybody expected him to be and mainly waving around his money - Amanda siding with Silver over her husband... dumb but ok - Jessica Andrews, just way too convenient - Kyler still being "one of the best" in Cobra Kai is laughable - Them trying to kill off Chozen, the only POC sensei - Them not having any balls to kill off any characters, but like to dangle it in front of us - Practically no Mike Barnes/Silver interactions
+ Very good fighting choreography + Cool shots and scenes i.e. Sam's dream, Miguel/Robby balcony fight 2.0 + Miguel/Robby relationship + Robby/Tory relationship (what we got) + Robby/Kenny relationship (what we got) + Kreese's therapy sessions (before it got subverted) + Miguel's scenes with his real dad + Johnny Lawrence comedy + Chozen... just, Chozen... seriously he might've carried the whole season for me + Chozen/Daniel relationship + Chozen/Johnny comparing notes lol + Daniel's arc and seeing him at his lowest + Anthony/Sam sibling bond + Little we got of Anthony/Chozen + Inverting Daniel and Johnny's "roles" + Daniel/Silver fights + Tory working as "undercover" instead of continuing to be "brainwashed" + Sam helping Tory although them coming together felt rushed + "I broke up with him for the dojo, you BITCH!" + Peyton List's acting + The new gen kids' acting + The Quicksilver method ! + Kenny/Silver scenes + Tory/Kreese scenes + More about Silver's background and ambitions + I don't blame Amanda for being done with Daniel's skeletons in his closet even though I called her dumb + Miguel speaking Spanish hehe + Chozen infiltrating CK was cool but should've been a full season thing- + Mike Barnes being the only og character not holding onto an old karate tournament, lol
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 months
How did your Cobra Kai/Karate Kid OCs come to be?
So, the first was Nicky Connors and she came about the same way most of my OCs came about - to give one of my favourite characters a friend, with the added layer of 'what if Johnny had a friend outside of karate who tried to help him but wasn't able to' and I was drawn to this concept as it developed into 'what if Johnny had a friend outside of Cobra Kai who still wanted to learn karate but wasn't allowed in Cobra Kai itself because John Kreese is an asshole' and I really loved this idea, and the OC herself as she grew, of how she sees Johnny and the rest of the Cobras as friends, as people who are just being led down a very bad path and yet being unable to really stop that because she's only one person, and sometimes one person isn't enough to help...only for it to turn out that she does have some influences (and later, her friendships with all of them get repaired after they make amends.)
As for her adopted son James in the CK era, I'd already decided that Nicky couldn't have biological kids, but wasn't bothered by this in the slightest and was happy to adopt - she was going to have a whole bunch of kids to start with, but honestly I think just the one is fine.
Now, the Barnes family started out as side characters in my first Mike fic, trying to settle (the ghosts of my past). I wrote this around three months before S5 came out and by this point I'd given up on watching past S4's mid-point because the whole thing was so bad, but I'd heard rumours that Mike would be returning in S5 and would likely join Cobra Kai and that pissed me off because of all the antagonists he has the least stakes in the situation - like he didn't know and probably wouldn't care about the history, he was literally paid to be there and sure, he lost out on the big payday but like. That was ultimately down to Kreese and Silver for making it complicated instead of just reopening CK anyway.
So then I thought 'what if Mike went and had a normal life with a family and had no interest in being dragged into another insane revenge plot', so that's what happened, and what I wrote of Leah and Elaine and Alex I liked (especially Elaine and her plan to set fire to the CK merchandise that was sent, like the chaotic streak was there already). Elaine herself became more established after S5 came out - I didn't watch it, but I was delighted to find out my prediction about Mike was correct, like he did go on to have a normal life! And he was still in the Valley so his family would be too, and I was always annoyed by the Sam-Tory fight so I thought 'what if someone stopped it' followed by 'what if that someone was Elaine' and hey presto, a fic was born! And I also gave more details about her older sister Sarah because I hadn't mentioned her yet. Leah became more developed after I took what canon gave us - co-owner of the furniture store, which she'd inherited from her father who had also been Mike's boss back in the day.
Gemma is an interesting one - because she initially started out as Johnny's daughter from a previous relationship, Robby's older sister, though the jury was out on whether Johnny knew about her or not. This version of her I had for at least a few months, but it didn't go ahead because:
When it comes to creating legacy OCs, especially children, I have to have some kind of connection to the canon character in question, some element of 'they'd be a good dad' and I just wasn't getting that with Johnny
I also didn't see how I could make this story fresh - Johnny's already abandoned one kid, do we really need to see that rehashed?
Then when I was writing my Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites I realised I was much more invested in having him repair his relationship with his actual, canon kid - but I wasn't going to give up on the OC after how much work I'd put into it, so I thought ' what if she was his cousin', which soon sparked off a whole thing about Laura's family because we know very little, but my headcanon was always that she was kicked out at 18 after falling pregnant with Johnny and I thought 'what if she had a much younger sister who came looking for her decades later and had a kid' because I love tragic family dynamics, but also I just found the idea of Johnny having an aunt who could be his sister and a cousin who could be his niece, because the age thing makes it a bit strange for him.
Also I liked the idea of having the running joke of 'I know she looks like my kid but she's not my kid' with most people Gemma runs into assuming this because they look very similar - and sometimes she'll play up to this solely to troll Johnny because it's very funny to do so.
talk shop tuesday
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eaglefangz · 2 years
a dynamic i’ve seen literally No One talk abt is the mentorship between terry and kenny (can’t imagine why it’s getting ignored /s) which sucks bc it’s really one of the most interesting ones in s5 for me. because like. it’s fascinating how terry picked kenny as his champion. in many ways, i think they were deliberately trying to parallel the relationship kreese & johnny had. it helps reveal so much abt terry as a character—giving depth that was obviously not present in kk3
terry sees himself in kenny, and a large part of their dynamic is terry giving advice to kenny that he wishes he could give to himself: don’t be a follower, be a leader. don’t spend your life waiting for someone else to tell you what to do. and on the surface, yeah, it’s a good lesson. and more importantly, unlike quicksilver, it’s not being given out of malice. and i think that’s fascinating—terry has been shown to hurt every other teen character he’s come in contact w, directly and indirectly (daniel, mike, robby, tory) but he never hurts kenny. he teaches him the silver bullet technique, he plays into kenny’s aggression, but he doesn’t physically hurt him or treat him as disposable like w the other kids. terry’s still a bad influence, obviously, but there was an aspect of genuine....i don’t wanna say love, although maybe in a reflected, mirror kind of way, terry does love kenny, or at least the idea of him (of a version of himself that didn’t need anyone, that had been able to fight for himself).
and their dynamic is a great foil to johnny and miguel’s dynamic in s1. miguel puts his trust into johnny, and johnny stumbles, johnny fails, but ultimately johnny cares more abt preserving miguel’s heart than some trophy. terry doesn’t. terry wants kenny as a champion, even if that victory is bought, even it’s through shortcuts. he wants this kid he can wind up, and point in the right direction. a champion that trusts him completely, because terry has never let him down. because terry will buy all his victories.
and then terry’s schemes get revealed. and kenny is so devasted he can barely talk abt it. (and holy shit, dallas dupree young plays that specific grief so well, he’s gotta be my favorite teen actor behind mr maridueña). there’s this man who made you feel special (scream) but it was all an act. he was a con man. and now you’re left picking up the pieces. top ten moments in the show for real.
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danielslaw · 2 years
make note i only used the colors of the original MMPR  seasons (red, blue, black, yellow, pink and the options green and white). based on both of my posts with CK characters (TEENS) (ADULTS)
RED: usually, in PR lore, red is team leader. while this fits miguel to a tee, it might not johnny, but CK is about johnny’s journey to become a leader. most seasons of PR have someone who is impulsive and rash, maybe selfish who grows into a team leader, which is johnny’s arc. both miguel and johnny are brave, dedicated, high-spirited, stubborn, sometimes too impulsive or irrational, passionate. they also the characters who have the most growth from beggining to end as the shows dedicate reds a lot of time.
BLUE:  blue rangers are often two things; one butt heads with reds for leadership or ideas, and/or second in command. they are loyal, focused and a source of conscience, they are experimental and they are highly adaptable. both daniel and hawk had shown to adapt easily to different styles and had grown to be second in command of their respective teams. while miguel and hawk never butted heads per say, they did had a fall out when they alligned in different dojos. and daniel and johnny, we all know the deal. blues are also some of the characters who have the greatest spiritial growth.
BLACK: black is mysterious. while in our concept black is associated with void, darkness, in power rangers, black rangers are often those who dare to be different, cool, confident,  determinated, and well, masculine in the traditional way. mike barnes fits all of those bills, specially the barnes we meet in season 5. and he is still mysterious, because we haven’t seen him in a long time. they might not get the credit they deserve but PR has some famous black rangers who stand up by their uniqueness and growth (zack, adam muah.)
YELLOW:  yellow rangers are often both cheery, the stand out, smart, creative, and the ones to motivate the team when they are down. they represent sometimes the struggle to go from one side to the other and mantain their strength, sometimes they might struggle with their place in a team. amanda and tory are both that, which is why amanda took such kindship to tory in s4. amanda is a motivator, in the dealership and in season five. tory is smart, creative and a stand out, but struggles with her place in the world. 
PINK: we associate pink with feminism. it’s beyond that, as we have rangers who are more bold and less feminine in the traditional sense (muah jen from time force). but pink rangers represent sweetness and sensitivity, kindship, loyalty too, due to their more feminine nature, they might struggle with a place in a group of fighters but they chose to fight their fights in less conventional ways. pinks are also voices of reason to their teams. guidence nature. both kumiko and sam had shown to be that to many people as well being fierce warriors each in unique ways, kumiko was ready to fight chozen in tkk2 and defend daniel and sam is all of the above.
WHITE: sometimes as sixth rangers. last resort, a wild card at times, a complementary force to make the team stronger when in time of need. chozen is exactly that. it’s a color of freedom and liberation. in canon the first time we saw a white ranger was the unique transformation of tommy from green to white, from a color associated with the evil side to white, a light. first time we see chozen in CK he had gone through his own green-white arc, a path of honor and to defend those. white rangers are unique as there isn’t many as the sixth ranger varies in color by team. but they are always there to make the team grow which chozen does.
GREEN: like white rangers, they are often the sixth ranger. more often than not, specially in the example of the first green ranger, tommy oliver, they are powerhouss of characters, both in strength and in audience grip. robby is both, we have seen him as one of the best fighters from the kids side. sometimes second in command of their teams like in MMPR, they go through tremendous hardhips to earn their spot as part of the team. tommy had his evil green arc before he became part of the team and robby had his s3-s4 arc as cobra kai before he became miyagi-do again and became to redeem like tommy did.
i could honestly write so much more, and i guess, if i had to add more colors to other muses, demetri might be blue too or maybe purple. but i was going with the original color alignment.
anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk, hope i didn’t bore you.
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nyx-lyris · 2 years
so... y’all are probably going to hate me for this post, but i’m tired of feeling like i have to stay silent or risk being bullied off social media just for my beliefs, so i’m just going to say it and endure the potential onslaught. 
i have always had a bit of a problem with the way this fandom appears to view the show in general, and daniel in particular - especially relating to his relationships with the other characters (as well as other similar relationships among the younger characters). this is not to say i have a problem with people fantasizing and joking about the characters and their relationships - everybody is of course free to ship whoever they want, and it is certainly not my place to tell anyone what to (or not to) ship or fantasize about. anyway, i digress.
this fandom appears to view daniel as a female-coded character and see his story - as well as the entire karate kid/cobra kai franchise in general - as commentary on toxic masculinity. many also see the story as having a great many queer themes. as you may (or may not) have guessed, i do not entirely agree with these assessments of the story. i would like to preface the rest of my argument by saying that this is merely my interpretation of the movies/show and the above-mentioned issues, and i am not taking into account the creator’s or the actor’s comments on the story as i have not looked into much relating to that. 
first, daniel as a female-coded character. 
i have never seen daniel as a female-coded character. he is small and lean, making him appear weak to those around him - like he’s the runt of the bunch, if you will. he is underestimated because of this and because his style of karate is defense-oriented, as opposed to the more aggressive style of cobra kai. to an outside observer with no knowledge of the history of karate and its origins this appears rather strange, as most people associate fighting with aggression. 
the only time i ever see him as anywhere near “female-coded” is in cobra kai season five during his scenes with terry silver. they have an abuser-victim relationship and many people have understandably linked this to toxic sexual male-female situations. 
aside from that, i believe daniel is simply a different sort of masculine than say johnny lawrence or mike barnes. both of those men, as well as john kreese, are traditionally masculine - aggressive, dominant, blunt, and unafraid of getting their hands dirty, literally or figuratively. 
daniel is much softer - not submissive, just more reserved and gentler than his counterparts. he is still very masculine - he is still a fighter, very much a knight in shining armor type of character, and he can put his foot down when he needs to. he simply prefers to use more peaceful methods to defuse and deal with situations whenever possible. his gentleness does not make him more feminine - in fact, truly masculine men know how to do both. true masculinity puts a brave face to the world and to those they love, and acts as a pillar for others to lean on. masculinity can be aggressive and blunt, but it can also be softer, as is the case with daniel larusso. 
now to my next point: daniel larusso’s story being commentary on toxic masculinity. 
this is where you guys are going to hate my guts. 
i do not believe that daniel’s story is commentary on toxic masculinity because i do not believe that toxic masculinity exists. now, before you rip me to shreds, let me explain. i dislike the term toxic masculinity very much because it is extremely difficult to define - and from my observations many people simply associate traditional masculinity with toxic masculinity, implying that there is something inherently toxic about men who are more aggressive, dominant, etc. 
i believe that toxicity exists. anyone can be toxic, though there are differences in the ways in which men and women are toxic due of course to inherent behavioral differences in the two sexes. men are typically very dominant and aggressive with their toxicity, while women are much slyer and more backhanded, typically becoming passive-aggressive with their attacks. traditional masculinity by itself is not a predeterminer for toxicity and to imply such is blatantly sexist. 
case in point: johnny lawrence is a traditionally masculine man - however, he is not toxic. neither are any of his old friends. they have all made mistakes in their lives and the mantra of “no mercy” definitely made things harder for them as they got older. however, it was not the aggression and the toughness that they learned from cobra kai that was toxic - it was the no mercy aspect of the training, the idea that mercy is for the weak, the lack of nobility. 
we see this in how johnny teaches cobra kai verses how john kreese teaches cobra kai. johnny actually emphasizes fair play, while still reinforcing traditionally masculine traits such as aggression and dominance. kreese on the other hand teaches them to be merciless and without nobility, acting as if there is no difference between showing mercy and backing out of a fight out of cowardice. kreese, too, is a traditionally masculine man, but it is not these aspects that make him toxic - it is his ruthless and manipulative tactics that make him toxic. he is traditionally masculine and as such these traits show themselves as he is acting toxic, but they are not what makes him toxic. 
traditionally masculine traits are not what makes any man toxic. this difference is key, and it is this difference that cobra kai is attempting to convey - that one can be traditionally masculine and not be a ruthless, manipulative asshole. put more simply, masculinity is not the problem or a contributor to the problem - toxicity and a lack of properly dealing with trauma is. 
how does this relate to daniel? well, many have naturally compared the methods of cobra kai to daniel’s miyagi-do methods, as well as the fact that he is generally smaller and apparently weaker than his opponents. this toxic-masculinity-narrative viewpoint partly stems from the idea that daniel is a female-coded character which, as i said earlier, he is not in most scenarios. 
and finally, my third point: the supposed queer themes in cobra kai. 
if you guys didn’t hate me for the last point, you’re definitely going to hate me for this one. 
there are no queer themes in cobra kai - at least none that i can see. i have seen many people attempt to take situations in both the movies and the show and interpret them as queer-coded but when i actually go back and watch the scenes, i don’t get the same message. i have come to the conclusion that many people are letting their own fascination with sexuality, gender, and identity overrule their rational mind when watching different elements of the franchise and simply see what they want to see between the characters. 
i would like to again emphasize that i am not in any way saying you can’t have fun with the characters and their relationships on the show or in the movies - obviously i have no authority over what you do (nor would i want to) and i think people should be able to ship whatever they want. hell, i have plenty of my own gay ships - i have no issue with that. i simply have an issue with people saying that those relationships are there on the show - or could be there - but the writers are simply too cowardly to let them become a reality. the truth is the writers aren’t putting them in there because that does not logically follow the story and is, despite popular belief, not in line with the characters’ personalities and previous actions. 
i will address the ships with daniel first - johnny, chozen, mike and terry silver, in particular. 
johnny, chozen, and mike all used to be daniel’s enemies. we haven’t seen as much of mike yet, but both johnny and chozen have done complete 180s with regard to daniel, now defending him instead of fighting against him. they are dedicated to him. they care about him. they have deep bonds and shared trauma, relationships that, though only recently rekindled, go back years. yes, this can be construed as johnny and chozen having closeted romantic feelings for daniel. 
but what this also looks like - and what the show has been trying to emphasize this entire time - is brotherhood. they went from being staunch enemies to being brothers, to being family. and family is loyal to each other, family cares about each other, family crosses oceans and takes beatings for each other. this is not exclusive to romantic relationships. 
now to daniel and terry. contrary to what i’ve seen some people mention in their posts, there was never any sexual tension between daniel and terry in the karate kid III. only die-hard simps of terry silver would ever say such a thing, and they are the only ones who can truly fantasize about them as a faithful and loving couple. personally, i believe people who ship them have some problems they probably need to sort out with a therapist, but what do i know. yes, i am shaming this ship - if you can ship it, i can criticize it. 
anyway, i digress. daniel and terry have an abuser-victim relationship. and, though there are references to terry as a sexual predator on the show, in the movies daniel was a barely an adult when terry came into his life, making their relationship mirror more that of a child abuse situation than an abusive romantic relationship. in the show, as i said, they have given their relationship a bit more of a sexual tinge, but it is still not the primary focus of their connection. the point is that terry is an abuser and daniel is the victim - and terry, like any abuser, is working his way back into daniel’s life, grabbing onto his mind, bashing in his heart, and not letting go. 
terry and daniel’s relationship in the show is honestly the closest thing i can find to queer-coding in the franchise - and honestly, it’s barely that. 
now i will move on to the kid’s relationships - particularly sam and tory, both as individuals and as a couple. 
samantha is a disney princess, and i mean that in the best way possible. she is loving and caring, but a feisty go-getter - she’s got a smile that could light up the room, but a fury that would make even the bravest of men tremble. she has also never shown any evidence in the show of being anything other than straight. 
tory is the posterchild for lesbian characters. she’s fierce, she’s tough, she’s a fighter, and she doesn’t take shit from anyone. she’s the archetypical warrior lesbian character - and of course sam is the perfect opposite to her, the archetypical little spot of sunshine to offset tory. except, tory is also straight - she outright rejected the one advance from a girl she got on the show and, though it’s a small moment, i believe it shows that she isn’t even remotely interested in that. (as a small aside, i am honestly grateful the show didn’t take the lesbian route with her. as i said she is the posterchild for that type of character, and they easily could have done that - but they didn’t. and i am so relieved because it is such an overused trope.) 
sam and tory’s relationship mirrors that of daniel’s relationship with his ex-rivals. tory has caused sam a great deal of trauma and pain, sam is aggressively opposed to tory being anywhere near her, but eventually tory redeems herself and comes to the right side (though we haven’t actually gotten an apology scene yet, as tory’s joining of the miyagi-fangs is still new) and sam begins to soften towards her. 
people like the enemies-to-lovers trope and i completely understand that - but there is no objective implication of this sort of chemistry between them on the show. this goes for both sam and tory, and the daniel x ex-rival ships listed earlier. 
to conclude...
this story is much more realistic and down to earth than most of what hollywood has been releasing up to this point - it’s not posturing and virtue signaling every five minutes; it’s not placing “diverse” characters in the plot for the sake of diversity alone; and it addresses issues that are relevant to all people no matter what boxes they may or may not check. it’s a show that tries to appeal generally to everyone - giving us characters that are defined by who they are rather than what they are; giving us a plot that makes sense and is (mostly) in keeping with its own rules and logic; and graciously not lecturing its audience about their supposed prejudices, rubbing things in our faces that at the end of the day do nothing for the story and simply make the audience feel like garbage. 
daniel is not female-coded but instead expresses masculinity differently than johnny does; the story is not a commentary on toxic masculinity because it can’t be a commentary on something that does not exist in the first place; and the queer themes people claim to see are more a result of certain audience members’ own fascination with the subject of sexuality, gender, and identity. 
this show is much better than a lot of people on tumblr will give it credit for and i find it very sad that most people on this site can’t look at anything without somehow applying identity politics to it and judging it based on how much the creators include or don’t include said identity politics in the media they are consuming. there is more to media than the superficiality of identity. not every piece of media needs to be filled with and catered to leftist ideology. 
put simply: entertainment is not required to be political. 
i rest my case. 
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Hey Bestie I have a request for you 😁We know the fight between Terry and Chozen but I wanna know what would have happened if we were there too. Like someone called us and told us what was going on. How would that end and how would Terry react? Take your time as always. Love you Bestie 🙏🖤
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Omg yes! I'm so happy to write this one 😁 I hope you like it, love you too bestie 💚💚💚
You were at home just trying to chill out after a long and stressful day, work had been a nightmare and to top it all, you and Terry had been arguing about the dojo. He was trying so hard to get the students ready for the next tournament against miyagi do that he barley spent anytime with you. You told him that he had to stop what he was doing with Daniel, Johnny and Chozen, and that if this carried on, someone was going to end up badly hurt, or worse! But he was so focused on being the strongest one, that it was like he was a different person. He wasnt the same Terry you fell in love with.
You still loved Terry with all your heart, and you knew he loved you too. But he was stuck in his own world so much that he didnt take you into consideration, and that hurt you more than you thought it could. You told him that until he stoped this stupid revenge scheme he had, you didnt want to talk to him. And that's why you were at your flat on your own. You were feeling upset, and hurt by the whole situation, and just wanted the old Terry back. The Terry who would stop at nothing to make you smile, make you happy and protect you no matter the cost. Where had that Terry gone?
As you sat on your sofa in a flood of tears, your phone started to ring, and when you answered it, you were surprised to hear Carmen's voice. "Y/N! Y/N something is going on I need your help!" "Woh woh take a breath Carmen, what's wrong?" "Its Johnny, he drunk dialed me and told me he, Mike and Chozen are all heading to Terry's place to fight him!" "He what?!" "Y/N please can you stop them? I dont want any of them to get hurt" "Dont worry Carmen, I'm heading there now" You end the phone call and grab your phone and handbag, leaving your flat, slamming the door behind you. You get into your car and you head over to Terry's place as fast as you can, hoping that nothing serious has happend.
When you arrive you see a limo parked outside, which is confusing? But it must be what Chozen, Mike and Johhny came hear in. Then you hear loud grunting and smashing of some kind and without hesitation, you run into the house. The front door was wide open and there on the floor you see Mike knocked out. "Mike? Oh my God!" He isnt answering you, so first you put him into the recovery position to prevent any other problems happening, then you shout out through the house. "Terry!? Johnny?! Chozen?!" But there was no answer. You walk around the house, careful not to step on any broken pieces of art work, and that's when you can see something though the large glass window.
Terry is outside by the pool, and he is attacking Chozen with a samurai sword! And it appeared that chozen is fighting back with two sai. "Terry! Stop!" You scream at the top of your lungs, but neither of them hear you. That's when you see Chozen sweep Terry by his feet and Terry falls into the water, with Chozen holding his sai to Terry's throat. You were terrified for both of them, you couldn't let this happen. You ran towards the glass door, still shouting to them to stop, and Chozen was about to kill Terry when you ran towards them. "Please stop!" Chozen looks away for just a second and sees you running towards them. But that's where everything goes wrong.
Everything happened so quickly, and Terry couldn't hear you or see you behind Chozen. You managed to run to Chozen just in time to push him away from Terry, but.... what you didnt see, was Terry grabbing his samurai sword from the water and swinging it upwards to attack Chozen. But you had pushed Chozen out of the way, and that split second that Terry didnt see you, his sword swung up and sliced right across your arm causing a large and very painfull cut all the way from your lower arm, all the way to your shoulder. The pain was excruciating and you fell to your knees as grabbed your arm screaming in pain as blood flowed from your arm.
"Y/N!" Terry screamed, he threw his sword away and tried to get up to help you, but Chozen stopped him. "You dont touch her Silver! What have you done to her!" Your clutching on desperately to your arm, but the pain is getting worse and blood is pouring from your arm into the water below, and your crying tears of pure pain. "Sweetheart! Im-Im so sorry I- I didnt mean to-" He tries to reach out to you as he is filled with guilt, but you scream at him. "Dont touch me!" He takes a step back from you, his eyes are filled with pain and tears run down his cheeks as he realizes what he has done, to the only person who has ever loved him, his soul mate.
"I begged you to stop this Terry! I begged you to stop this war with everyone but you wouldnt listen to me! I told you that something bad would happen! That someone was going to get hurt, but I didnt think you would do this! To me!" His eyes are pouring out with tears of shame, he cant belive he has done this to you, but your also crying, but tears of pain. "Come on Y/N, I take you to hospital, they help you there" Chozen said as he ripped a part of his shirt and wrapped it around your arm, before helping you to your feet. ""Sweetheart please, let me help you, I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you, please-" "You have done enough Silver! I take her to hospital, and you should feel shame for what you have done" You give Terry one last tear filled look before being lead out of the house by Chozen, and Terry falls to his knees and cries harder than he ever had before. He hides his face in his hands as he screams out in pain at what he has done. He loved you with all of his heart and soul and his heart smashed into pieces, knowing that he has hurt you, scared you for life, and probably lost the only person who has or would ever loved him.
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parkeryangs · 6 months
g, o, u, y? :3
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
it's been a very long time, but a shot in the dark guess is almost certainly something from warriors lol; probably swiftpaw/brightpaw? angst enjoyer from day 1 ahaha
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
i put my liked songs on shuffle and got halloween party by drumming bird. i think this reminds me of mattkey because of the line "the only thing that scares me now is the goodbyes, and i think about yours a lot", à la the s1 scene where mike visits matt (and himself lol) in matt's apartment? don't exactly have the most concrete reasoning but its true in my heart (and everything ever can be about mattkey /lh)
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they're your favorites.
i'm going to try and pick non-obvious characters for this lol. i contain multitudes and all that
johnny cade from the outsiders: his skittish vulnerability amidst the stereotypical "rough-and-tumble" attitudes of the other greasers was always incredibly relatable to me, + the fact that, despite his hesitations, still bit when he was cornered & needed a way out of the danger.
jojo from newsies!: okay technically this feels a little bit like cheating because he's really just a named ensemble role, but he canonically was raised by nuns and i think the potential of exploring his religious trauma whilst recognizing, for a long time, the church/religion was all he had (before the newsies) is incredibly intriguing + relatable lol
matt woe.begone: okay this one is definitely cheating and i broke my own rule but i've projected on this guy so much he's basically me lol and deserves a place on the list. as i mentioned earlier, the s1 apartment scene with mike basically ruined my life /pos; his actions are so far from being self-preserving while he still maintains a level of fight, and the two don't really make sense in tandem? overall throughout the podcast when we see him he wants to be in the middle of the trouble yet logistically isn't in any position to actually do so lol. i love him
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren't in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
i think the main ones are probably baldur's gate 3, les mis, and ofmd
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Y didnt daniel forgive terry when he forgave johnny mike chozen and also robby who lied and deceived him. y does terry not get forgiven and y is he the one who hurt daniel the most?? i feel like terry really actually liked daniel and hated that his insincere apology didnt get him daniels forgiveness so he now wants him 2 suffer
I think the same about Terry. He didn't mean to fall in love with Daniel but he did, and at first sight too. May have gone as far as to pay Mike off to fight fair against Daniel, but here Daniel comes and rejects him before he can. And then, years later, when Terry comes to him and apologises, he rejects him again. Not that complicated a situation. Terry does not stand for rejection. Danny boy gets a beating when he does that, then or now. It's simply not permitted. It could be so good between them if Danny simply accepted who is boss. He literally says it. "You got your ass kicked, Danny boy. You can either accept that, or I can kick it again, right now."
(Shipping goggles on perhaps but there is nothing in canon that disputes it.)
But what Terry did to Daniel is far more complicated, and far more harmful. Daniel is an extremely trusting, open hearted boy. And Terry took that openness and loyalty and, yes, love and twisted it to make Daniel harm himself, Mr. Miyagi, Jessica even. The idea that Robby could have done something like that again - got close to him as a trick to use that trust and warmth against him - makes him fly off the handle completely. Worse, Terry nurtured something in him that was always there ("why didn't you kill him?" at Miyagi after his first tournament), forced him to really feel it, acknowledge it, and now Daniel hates a part of himself. Terry is right that he didn't put it there, but he did bring it out in all its destructiveness. Daniel nearly killing Kreese at the end of S3? That was nurtured by Terry. Of course Daniel does not forgive him. It would mean reconciling with that part of himself, and he can't.
Maybe after S5, when he integrates Terry's teachings into his overall caring philosophy during their fight, that may be different. It may even help him bond with Anthony, who admires the side of Daniel he himself has learnt to fear so much after Terry.
What Terry put him through was so infinitely deeper and more formative than what Terry went through - although I think Daniel rubbed off on him, if his heartache made him go: "I need to go green and get my ass into therapy!" And boy does it sting when Daniel does not acknowledge that work at all. He's a philantropist now! An environmentalist! A vegan! He's nice goddammit, there's articles in Business Management to prove it! What else can a man do?!
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mercurygray · 1 year
“when we woke” for Daphne and Mike if you’re up for it!
Mornings were softer in Cairo.
In the desert, a man woke with dew on his face and the morning chill slowly seeping away from his tent as the sun rose over the hills, the world in perfect silence except for the wind, and the sound of sand sliding across sand. Here in the city there was the call to prayer, and the slow clip-clop of mules and pushcarts moving to market, the flutter of bird wings against the window shutters as they chattered for breakfast. In the desert he had a canvas cot and standard issue army blankets, and a tentmate who snored, but Daphne's sheets were cotton, and her pillows had real feathers in them, and he'd yet to hear her snore.
It was his usual practice, to wake early - the habit of the desert, some would say, to make the most of the early part of the day when the heat was less intense. But Daphne had no such clock, and she'd sleep for ages if you left her.
All the better to admire, Mike thought to himself, idly pushing a strand of hair gently off her face.
She'd wanted to go to the Blue Door, down near Garden City, where the music was loud and all the soldiers went for the dancing (which was chaotic) and the girls (who were plentiful) and the rum (which was strong.) But Mike had said no, that the others were going there, and she'd laughed.
"Are you ashamed of me, Mike Sadler?"
"Not ashamed," he'd said, defensively. "Never ashamed. I just …don't like sharing." He'd leaned close to her ear, relishing the smell of her perfume, the feel of her skin under his lips. "If any of them saw you they'd all want you, too, and I'd never hear the end of it."
"None of them have girlfriends, then?"
"Not the kind you introduce to your friends." He could just see them now, Reg and Johnny and Dave, laughing and leering over Daphne and making terrible jokes about advance units and deep penetration thinking she'd be like all the other girls who wouldn't understand and would bat their eyes and ask them to explain. She lived in the world of maps and reports and requisitions, and she knew the war almost as well as everyone who was fighting it.
But she'd let him pick a different street, and they'd gone for coffees and tiny slivers of baklawa at the other end of the market, their knees pressing together under the tiny bistro tables while he tried not to think about what was under her skirt. "Speaking of friends, I met your Captain Stirling, you know. He was at Government House the other day with some paper he needed signed."
He'd tried his hardest not to scowl. "And?"
Daphne licked a bit of rosewater and honey off the end of her coffee spoon. "I have reason to believe he was admiring my backside."
God, send me the patience not to kill my superior officer. "Don't give me more reasons to hate him."
How she'd laughed at that. "He's hardly my type - and I rather think I'm not his. He's been seen about town with a Frenchwoman - Eva Mansour. Terribly fashionable and glamorous." She took another sip of her coffee. "No, I got the sense that he was rather bored with all of it," she said, her voice calm and incredibly observant as she watched him over the brim of her cup. "That nothing he ever did was going to be enough - that he's always searching for something with a bigger bang."
"That's Captain Stirling all right." Bored aristocrat with too much time and not enough people to say no.
"But still you follow him."
Mike had nodded. "I suppose I admire him, a little. It's easy to take risks, sometimes, with a life like his. But not our risks. And he still does it. I can admire that." He'd sighed. "And, at the same time, carry a tremendous grudge."
"A grudge! I'm not going home with him, Michael," she said, leaning conspiratorially across the table. "I'm going home with you."
And so she was - home, to her little bolthole of an apartment so he could wrestle the clothes from her body and be wrestled out of his in turn, to get hot and tired and fall asleep just as the evening was turning cold again, and wake with the sun so he might admire her again.
"I'm not ashamed," he whispered aloud. "How could anyone be ashamed of you?"
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hoperays-song · 1 year
#1, #3, #11, #15, and #24 for Rynny asks please? Sorry for spamming.
1. Who is the most affectionate?
It really depends on the situation. 
In public, it’s definitely Ryan. He’s the most comfortable initiating affection in public of the two of them and loves how flustered Johnny gets when he does so he’s always the one who gives kisses, hugs, or hold hands first in those situations. Plus, in most of his past relationships, the only time affection was show was when others could see and comment on it, so being affectionate in public is really the only area he’s used to.
In private however, Johnny’s absolutely the most affectionate. That boy’s love language is definitely physical contact and while he’s not that confident about it in public and will become a flustered mess, in private he’s always hugging and kissing his boyfriend, dancing with him, or even just siting close to him. Ryan’s not the most used to that so Johnny gets to see how he reacts to affection in public displayed by his boyfriend when they’re alone.
They do both talk about it beforehand to make sure they’re both comfortable with all levels of affection shown however, because again, communication is key in a relationship and they both like each other way to much to make the other uncomfortable.
3. Most common argument?
They actually don’t argue much, especially due to how important communication is to Johnny (with the whole disownment and that stuff from the first movie) and Ryan both. The only thing that they actually will fight about to the extent where they both need to step away from the situation for a minute is taking care of themselves (emotionally in particular).
Both of them have a tendency to overwork themselves and bury their true emotions on things. However, when the other one does this, they will get irritated that they aren’t taking care of themself (ignoring the fact that they do the same thing). These arguments just stem out of their worry for one another and typically end within two days max of the argument starting. It’s another reason why both of them agreed early on in their relationship that it was probably a good thing they were both in therapy so they could work through those issues professionally.
They really hate fighting though, and whenever they do they’re extremely affectionate for like the next two weeks to make up for it to each other (Johnny cooks a lot, Ryan cleans their room, etc).
11. Who initiates kisses?
I feel like this is another “It depends on the situation” type things.
At first, only Ryan really would. he was just the most comfortable initiating affection and he still is the one who does most of the time when they’re in public.
After a month or so, Johnny kinda got used to the whole “boyfriend” thing and started doing so as well and absolutely initiates the most in private. He technically was the one who initiated their first kiss though (they both brushed it off as part of the show and continued to ignore their clearly reciprocated feelings for like 5 months) and has not lived that down with Ryan or any of their friends or family.
15. Who says I love you first?
Johnny said I love you first. It was during a scene change in the show one night. Their microphones were off for like 12 seconds and Johnny just turned to Ryan and said "I love you" straight to his face. Ryan couldn't say anything for a bit (partially out of shock, mainly due to their mikes turning back on) but as soon as they were off again, he kissed his boyfriend and said "I love you too, you jerk". Needless to say Ryan was a bit irritated at Johnny for saying that when he knew he couldn't respond but he was too happy to stay mad for long.
24. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart.
The absolute pain they were in around each other at first. Though he knew he was a completely different and absolutely amazing person, Johnny still struggled with not thinking about Ryan as an extension of Klaus for their first few weeks of spending time with each other (before they go together). This was because of the first times he met Ryan, he was in a close vicinity to Klaus and was treated as the man’s favourite. Johnny does try his best to separate the two in his head, it was just hard for him when dance training started back up at first.
For Ryan, it was also painful to dance with Johnny then as well, but for a different reason. He blamed himself for what Johnny had gone through with Klaus and for not being able to stop it (even though he was a victim of the man as well). Because of this guilt, the first few dance classes between the two at the Majestic stay don’t go very well for either of them with anxiety and panic attacks for Johnny and breakdowns for Ryan being pretty common.
However, they two do eventually talk it out and work through that trauma together so the pain for both of them doesn’t last long.
I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much!! - <3 Gooseless
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I know that canon won't allow it cause the main cast has a ridiculous amount of plot armor, but how funny would it be if after Silver is sent away beloved makes everyone face legal action? Breaking and entering his home and dojo and assaulting him?
Idk I think if Silver has to go down they all should go down.
Okay, beloved aside...
It would be the most realistic thing ever, wouldn't it? I said this before and I'll say it again, I literally don't understand how nobody aside from Terry (the richest and most connected character in the show) faced no legal consequences. Again, not even a commonplace 'Hey, come in for questioning on Monday' by the looks of it. Or 'fill out this form, please'? Least of all any fine, or god forbid, doing time? Like, is nobody going to look into car-dealership guy Daniel Larusso who had a very public fight in a very public place, with thirty or so bystanders, Mike breaking into someone's private property, Johnny breaking into someone's private property, both of which instances are caught on camera and Chozen Toguchi swinging around blades in mortal combat? Like, how the heck does the law even work in this universe!? I mean, they were the ones who introduced the concept of characters going to jail and now it appears jail is only a plot device when we need character A. and B. out of the picture or something.
The plot armor is downright laughable, yes.
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