#i mean he is an alicorn but like he wasn't made by any of the princesses and he isnt a princess. and hes also a little fucked up
faggotsonic · 2 years
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i may be cringe but i am FREE. look at my funny horses
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Bride of Discord Chapter 8: the gift
Fluttershy's usual nightmare was interrupted by a Booming, familiar voice: "STAY AWAY FROM HER OR SHALL THEE BE SMITTEN BY MY WRATH."
The draconequus then vanished and a certain blue alicorn appeared before her in the darkness.
"Princess Luna?" she gasped.
"is thee alright, Fluttershy?" the princess inquired.
"Yes. Thank you, but…I heard you could enter dreams, but how come you haven't shown up before?"
"Apologies, for I have many subjects. It was very inconsiderate of me not to have rid your head of that creature before. But Fluttershy, your friends worry about you. Has he been cruel to you in any way?"
"Well, not exactly, but…"
She gulped. "He…he wants me to love him."
Luna's eyes widened ever so lightly. "Pardon?"
"You see, I…I convinced him to postpone the wedding, but he wants me to love him first."
"thou hast loved many creatures, but none of our own intelligence. Can thou love this creature?"
"He's…not so bad…"
"Fluttershy, he is a deceitful creature!"
"But…he already has me…"
"I mean not to keep thou paranoid. But do not let simple acts of gifts or compliments be misidentified ad compassion. thou needn't love him because he loves thee."
Luna's image began to shift. It became blurred. "You're waking! I must go!"
"Tell my friends I'm okay!" Fluttershy shouted. "Tell them…"
She didn't get to finish as the sunlight had awoken her. She checked the squiggly handed clock on the wall. It was seven in the morning. At some point in her weeping yesterday, she had fallen asleep. Had she really been asleep for that long?
There was a knock at her door. She didn't need to ask who it was.
"Come in?"
As she had figured, it was Discord who opened the door, a wide grin upon his face.
"Good morning, my beauteous bride!" he chimed. "You certainly were tired to have slept the whole day! Well, now that you're up, how about some breakfast?"
"Um, sure?"
Honestly, she really wanted something to eat, but did not want to spend more time with Discord. I don't wanna be rude, of course i should Give him a chance! she told herself. After all, he's probably not used to being nice to ponies.
With a snap of his fingers, she was seated at the table. Discord materialized behind her.
"What would my lovely fiancé like this morning? Pancakes? Toast? Muffins?"
"Um, pancakes would be…"
A stack of pancakes appeared in front of her before she could finish her sentence
"I trust you slept well?" he inquired.
"Yes," she fibbed.
"And the bed? Was it comfortable enough?"
"Oh, yes, very."
He leaned his face toward her. "I have a gift for you."
He opened his paw and summoned a jade bracelet. Fluttershy looked at it unsurely as he slid it on her hoof.
"Well, it's nothing compared to you."
His head rested on top of her's, before she pushed him off rather quaintly.
The next few days blurred into themselves. It was monotonous. Cold. Or warm if she wanted it. Or snowy. Does the queen want flax seed? Does she want music, or gems, or towels or dresses?! Now does she love him? Or now? Or now? Click! It's me! You have to give me what I want and even then you'll never see the others! Click! Creeeaaaak, tromp, poof!
One day, she absolutely refused to come out of her room. It wasn't until the afternoon that Discord attempted to lure her out.
"Oh, Fluttershy!" he called. "Your knight in shining armor doth hath arrived! Or something."
She opened the door slightly to see the draconequus in a suit of gold armor, holding a bouquet of roses upside down. When he noticed this error, he quickly corrected it. Fluttershy just slammed the door without a second glance. Discord frowned, but kept his cool.
"Come now, my dear. You've been in there all day."
"Go away!" she screamed.
He clenched his teeth as he made the armor and flowers disappear. "I've been patient with you, pony, but you really don't want to make me angry!"
"Go ahead! Get angry! Every night you ask me the same question and I will always give the same answer! It's still no!"
"Come out here, right now!" he bellowed.
There was a pause, and then a soft, but defiant, "No."
"You can't stay in there forever!"
"Oh, yes I can! I have an endless supply of food in here! NONE OF IT IS LOVE."
"I really should have rethought putting that microwave in," he muttered, face palming himself
He took a deep breath. Play it cool, Discord. He spoke in a softer voice.
"Will you come out?"
He grunted, but then tried a different tactic. "Will you come out, please?"
"No, thank you!"
He erupted like a volcano. "You come out here this instant!"
"I won't! And you can't make me! Bleeeegghhhh!" She blew raspberries. He thought he even heard a giggle behind the mahogany.
"Have you forgotten who I am?!"
With a snap of his fingers, she was out in front of the door. He used his index finger to levitate the engagement ring around her neck, lifting her in the process.
"You promised yourself to me," he growled, pointing toward the ring, "and you are going to be my wife, love me or not!
Seeing his dark expression, Fluttershy was truly afraid of him at this moment, but she stayed strong and glared back at him. "Fine! Marry me then! Don't wait for me to love you! Because there is no way in this world I could ever JUST RANDOMLY fall in LOVE!"
"Oh, is that so?! Well, let's stop wasting time then! We'll be married first thing in the morning, whether you like it or not!"
As he released his magic from her, she crossed her hooves and turned away.
"That's it, missy! Go to your room!"
"You're not my mother!"
"well I'm your husband! so get used to my orders!"
"Well, I'm your future wife, so get used to my complaints!"
"Whatever! We're still getting married tomorrow, so ha!"
She slammed the door angrily. Then she rushed to her bed. She wanted so desperately to cry, but she felt to powerful to do so. her giggling turned into sobbing. Golly, what am I becoming in here!?
"Oh, that pony!" Discord grunted.
Then he heard the pony's weeping and his anger faded. He hadn't meant to make her cry, but none of this was working! He covered his ears, trying to block out her whining as he teleported to his bedroom.
His angel and devil appeared, in their ridiculous glory.
"What will it take?!" he cursed.
"Lots of whining and crying," the devil muttered.
"Give her time," the angel advised. "You did take away her friends and freedom after all."
"But she agreed to it!"
"So what's the point in making her fall in love with you?" the reflection inquired. "Why is that the plan? Do you have a plan?"
"Of course I do! Did you not hear me earlier?!"
"I mean I think that pony's turned you soft!"
Discord blinked and then growled. "Soft?! You're calling me, the Master of Chaos, soft?!"
"He's got a point, you been being sappy." the devil agreed.
"You're not supposed to agree with them!" Discord exclaimed.
"Come now, even I know you're not perfect."
The draconequus cried out and stomped his foot, which made the sound of thousands of glasses shattering. Then realization hit him.
"Why am I talking to you?" he asked as he flicked the angel and devil off his shoulders. "You're all me! I can't take advice from myself! I need to ask some pony else."
He tapped his chin until he came up with an idea.
Zecora was shocked to open her door and find the Lord of Chaos standing there.
"Hello, neighbor!" he waved. His usual wear, (that being nothing,) was now replaced with a nice red knit sweater. Underneath was a fancy button-down, a colorful tie, and navy slacks. A puppet was on his hand.
Her mouth was open, but she could get no words out
"You're not still mad about me turning your hut upside-down, are you?" he asked as he invited himself in. "It was nothing personal, just chaos.
"Um…" Zecora stammered.
He rolled his eyes. "Alright, so here's the deal. I hear you're good at giving advice. Am I right?" The zebra nodded absent mindedly. "Well, I need it! And if you tell any pony about this, I'll turn you into an acorn to feed to the squirrels!"
"Alright!" She cleared her throat. "No frights! come Sit down at peace with me, I will fix us up some tea!
"Not much of a tea drinker. I prefer a bit of eggnog. Maybe with nutmeg!"
But he sat down anyway. Zecora seated herself across from him.
"Now what do you think I can do? Can I fix this thing for you?"
Discord put his head in his hands and sighed. "It's my fiancé, Fluttershy! I'm sure you've heard of our engagement…"
"thought the grapevine, perhaps I've heard... Or maybe it was a little bird."
"Yes, well…she's not exactly…happy."
"You did take her from her friends, so it was expected her happiness would end-"
"That's what my shoulder angel said!" Zecora blinked at him. "Never mind. But I've swallowed my dignity to please this woman! I've given her all the luxury and comfort a pony could want and she doesn't give so much as a smile! She just sits in her room and cries!" He looked pleadingly at the zebra. "What am I doing wrong?"
"I can help you, keep yourself calm. Reach out and let me hold your palm." He reached out and she held it in her hooves.
"did she tell you anything of sorts, to tell you why she cut you out short?"
"she keeps telling me that everything I give her can't make her love me! Is that gold digging? If you give somepony something, they love you because you gave them something happy!"
"Fluttershy sees past your love-bomb, no e of these gifts solves her qualms."
He tugged his paw away. "Quit talking in riddles! That's my job! How do I make Fluttershy happy?"
"to solve your blindness, you must act with kindness."
He stared at her. "Come again?"
"Fluttershy is not won by wealth and jewels. Kindness and consideration will be your tools. Learn of her interests, her pleasures, her joys, and use them for love instead of your ploys."
"Okay, okay! So how do I do this…kind thing?"
"simple pleasures will not do. It has to come from the heart of you."
"I've given her gifts!"
"Something that compliments her personality. Not just something from brutality."
"Something she vibes with?" He paused to think. His claw tapped his face. "Well, she doesn't really do anything other than play with animals and admire boring plants…" His face lit up. "Wait a minute. That's it!" He turned to the zebra. "You're good! You're welcome at my castle any time!"
After he had vanished, Zecora shook her head with a laugh. "Oh, if only he were to know where this endeavor was going to go." She then went back to her egg cleanse.
Why would I ever know what to do? I repeated what she said back to you!
Meanwhile, Spike and Applejack were trying to keep Fluttershy's animals under control.
"Y'all come back here, ya varmints!" she shouted at beavers as they hauled away a tree they had recently cut down.
"Angel, I have to finish fluffing your tail!" Spike called as he chased after the white rabbit that had hair curlers in his tail.
"Spike, help me round up these chickens!"
"I'm kind of busy here!"
He grabbed hold of Angel, who gave him a hard kick in the snout. Of course, he was built for hard tasks, and remained resilient.
"I thought you were supposed to be good with takin' care of critters," Applejack said.
"Yeah," Spike grunted as he lost his grip on the bunny. "Maybe when there are six of them at a time, not six hundred! What about you? Don't you raise animals for a living?
"My animals are trained and stay in their pens. Wynona, get those weasels out of the coop!"
"How does Fluttershy handle these guys?! I wish they would all just disappear!"
As he said that, a white flash caused the animals to vanish from sight. All that was left was Applejack, Spike and Wynona.
"I didn't mean that literally."
"What in tarnation?" the pony gasped. "Where'd they get off to?"
Suddenly, Spike burped up a letter. When he opened it, he raised an eyebrow.
"This isn't from the princess."
"Let me see." As Applejack read the note, her eyes widened.
"Well, I'll be damned."
The tears would not stop. After hearing that she would be married to that monster tomorrow, the waterworks had broken loose.
She should run away, she had thought, but Fluttershy knew that breaking her promise would give Discord the freedom of taking over Equestria. Besides, he could bring her back with the snap of his fingers.
He didn't mean it. His face softened when you started to cry. But he has no right!... I feel a little sorry too. He's a monster, but-
A light knock on her door startled her. "Fluttershy?"
She buried her face in her pillow. "Go away!"
Outside, Discord silently cursed, but then took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say I'm…s-s-s…"
"What?" Fluttershy choked, lifting her head.
"I'm s-s-s-sorry!"
This caught her attention. This must have been his first time saying that word.
"I didn't realize how upset this deal would make you…"
"Yes, you did!" she snapped.
"Okay, I did! I just ignored that fact. You see…I don't know how to…act in these kinds of situations. I'm sorry I lost my temper with you earlier, but…can you at least give me a chance to make it up to you?"
She paused. "Well…"
"You don't have to marry me tomorrow."
He waited patiently. After a while, she opened the door and looked up at him.
"What is it?"
He grinned a little. "I have something to show you, but first, close your eyes!"
She raised an eyebrow at him, but complied. He waved a paw in front of her to check that she could not see. Smiling excitedly, he took her front hooves and led her to the door leading outside.
Fluttershy did not know what to expect. She was surprised by how tenderly he was holding her hooves. She had to flap her wings to keep her balance, but his touch assured her that if she fell over, he would catch her. She felt a breeze as they went outside. She took a deep breath, as this was her first amount of fresh air in days.
"Can I open them?" she asked
He led her forward a little more, then gently let go of her hooves and whispered in her ear. "Alright. Now."
She opened her eyes and gasped. Surrounding her were acres of plants and flowers of all species and colors. There was an especially large patch of tulips, her favorite. Running about were hundreds of animals, many she recognized from home, but others from elsewhere. She saw kangaroos, toucans, and many more. Everything was vibrant, colorful, the kind of things you would never expect to see in the Everfree Forest. She also noticed they were still floating on the floating ground, but this garden had been added to the clump of earth.
"I brought all your little friends from home," Discord said. "I also brought a few others I thought you would be interested in. Do you like the tulips? I know they're your favorite. I also made a gazebo." He pointed towards it. "You know, in case you want to sit in the shade. Otherwise, there are big trees." He led her to a glimmering pond. "And look, a home for your ducks and fish, also good for swimming. I even put a bridge!"
Her silence made him frown. Then his ears drooped. She hated it. He knew the food dispenser was too much.
"I…" Fluttershy stammered, still staring at the scene. "I…I don't know what to say."
"A thank you would be nice," Discord muttered sadly.
Suddenly, the pegasus did something unexpected. She attacked him around the waist with a hug. The draconequus perked up his ears, tensed his body and widened his eyes at her touch. No pony had ever looked at him as she did. him like this before, let alone hugged him. Such a touch was new and strange…and pleasant.
"This is the most wonderful thing any pony has ever done for me!" she exclaimed. "Thank you! I love it so much!"
He looked down at the pony and saw what he had been hoping to see for the past few days: a smile. A true, happy smile that made her beautiful face even more beautiful. Her crows feet were pronounced, wrapping along her cheeks until two circles of pure enjoyment enraptured her smile.
He felt a tug in his chest, as his heart started beating, perhaps for the first time in millennia. It beat even faster as the pony's face nuzzled into his fur.
Slowly, and hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around her small frame, and muttered, "You're welcome."
Fluttershy pulled away as she heard a squeak and let out another gasp.
"Angel! I thought I'd never see you again!"
Discord watched as she flew to her beloved bunny. Other animals surrounded her, delighted to see her. He could not take his eyes off her. That pony, that kind, gentle, beautiful little pony. Her teal eyes sparkled with joy, her pink mane flowed in the mild breeze and her excited voice was like a tingling bell. His heart pounded faster with every second he watched her, until it was about ready to leap out of his chest.
What was this strange sensation developing inside him? He did not know what it was, but it caused a big smile to spread across his face.
In the Ponyville library, Twilight read the message they had received:
"Dear ponies, do not look for animals. They are at my place, with their owner. Your unfriendly neighborhood Discord."
Rainbow Dash looked at the note. "Why did he use letters from magazines?"
"To hide his identity!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Oh, but he signed his name, and…we know who he is, because he has Fluttershy…"
"Why would Discord take the animals for Fluttershy?" Rarity questioned
Applejack glanced at rarity. "Ponies will do anything to please the ones they love."
"Discord? Love?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "That's a hoot!" But she hovered tightly knit as she felt the mare's gaze turn to her. As she looked towards her, the mare turned her face away, hidden in her hat.
She admired her built structure and fluffy hoof fur as the others spoke.
"Doesn't this break the deal?" the dragon inquired. "I mean he can't use his magic outside of the forest, right?"
Twilight exchanged a glance with Applejack before answering, "I think we can make an exception for this one."
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the-fandom-therapist · 4 months
As promised, I'm tagging you @ultimateplaylistmaker x) Hope you will enjoy it!
This is my interpretation of their "alicorn Kokichi AU" check it out everyone it's awesome!
It's crack taken seriously btw, I put way too many details and changes, I hope you'll still like it!
Also apologies if anyone is OOC, I never wrote about MLP before x)
That's the first part, mainly Kokichi's, I'll write more about the others! -I stopped because Tumblr was struggling to show all of it lmao, I think I've reach the characters limit-
Death is a bitch.
Wait, no. Death is a dude. Well, bastard then.
The terms of their deal were SIMPLE! He beats the god -at poker you morons, he's not stupid enough to challenge the Grim Reaper at chess, one of the oldest games in history, and apparently one of its personal favorites- and him and all the other idiots from the killing game get brought back to life.
(No he's not attached to any of them. Absolutely not. He just added them so he wouldn't get killed again straight away by that damn assassin. Because without the space idiot to restrain her, she would have gone to kill him again. Anyway, not the point.)
And he fucking did, yes sir! Outsmarted the god of death himself, the grim reaper in person! He's amazing like that. Don't try to fuck with a Supreme Leader of Evil!
Anyway. Point is, he won. He tricked the god of death himself to fold on his turn by pure bluff.
And that was the condition: if he could trick death itself to fold, to give up while he had nothing, then it could recognize his value. Apparently, Death -or Thanatos if he remembers correctly- likes bold humans, so it -he?- have no problem make an exception from time to time. Under conditions obviously.
He didn't had many humans who tried. So every attempts was a welcomed change from the -apparently- frankly boring existence he had.
Hey, he wasn't about to complain, it helped here.
He grabbed his scarf -how the hell did he had it with him when he died without it, no clue, but again let's not look a gift horse in the mouth shall we?- and thought of his team. He'll see them soon.
He was already starting to feel weird. Like he was being sucked out of his own... body? Probably Death doing his thing.
However, right before things turned to black, he could have sworn he heard a "wait shit-" and saw a panicked expression on the god's face.
Huh. Wonder what that means...
The first thing he registered was the smell.
A foul smell, and one he knew well, considering he'd not always been hanging with DICE in the most sanitary places.
Garbage. his mind helpfully provided.
Wow, fuck you too Death. Really, too much honor!
He scoffed, and started to get up wobbly. Waking up from dying was... weird. His head was killing him -ah!- same for his sides.
When he tried to get up from the ground, he barely made one step before falling back on all four. And...
Wait a second.
That's not a hand. That's a damn hoof! What the hell?
A quick check up confirmed that yup. He's a horse now. Everything's fine.
Oh and he have wings too. Because why not.
What the hell did Death do?! Wait. Didn't he acted surprised before he passed out?
...Did the god of fucking DEATH made a mistake?
How do you even fuck up that badly? He's human for fuck's sake! Now he's a horse?! (Well technically a pegasus he guesses.)
Alright. Focus Kokichi. Freak out later. Right now you need to know where in the world you are.
At least he still have his scarf. Which... thank god (clearly not Death.) it helps a bit to have something familiar.
Alright. Now that he more or less put himself back under control, he needed to exit that damn alleyway... He could already feel a headache. Gre-
Hold up. There something on his head too.
Great, now what?
...That felt like a... horn or some sort.
What, so he's both a fucking unicorn and a pegasus now? That's a thing?
Does Death have fursonas or...? Actually, that could be an interesting question.
But that's not the time for this.
Right now he needed to hide. He heard voices, and even though he couldn't understand the fuck they were saying -great, he wasn't even in Japan? That wasn't a language he recognized either.- he could hear the dangerous tone they had.
So that's what he did! He bolted under a pile of trash, not caring about the smell. And he saw...
...Are those supposed to be horses too? They... looked like a mix of horse and bugs.
Not thinking of the Insect Meet and Greet. Bad idea. Not thinking of Gonta's execution either. Nope. Not doing that.
They were all black, green big buggy-like eyes and wings... Were those fangs? Yikes. He definitely doesn't want to be seen by them... And they have holes in them? Shouldn't that hurt?
They were speaking. Something he couldn't understand... But they weren't alone.
There were actual horses with them! But wait.
They were clearly prisoners. Uh oh.
Welp, seems he was right to hide! One point for him. But something was a bit weird too.
Some had horns. Some had wings, and some had neither. But none had both, asides from these... insects-horses bad guys.
Clearly he's not in Japan (or on Earth at all) and this place is populate with sentients horses. Or ponies, who cares.
They don't seem to be able to have both a horn and wings. Only these creepy bug-horses seem to. And they don't look friendly.
If he want to fit in, he'll need to hide either the wings or the horn. He doesn't want to end up in jail before he can figure a way to go back to his own world.
...The horn would probably be the easiest to hide. He'll just need to lie about why he have something on his head that looks like one.
Easy peasy. He can do this. Hell, he tricked the god of death, he can trick a few horses!
...He'll just need to learn the language. Great.
Also, he needed to find a way to avoid those creepy bug-horses guys. Something tells him that looking like one of their prisoners wouldn't help him there.
But first thing first: find a way to hide that horn. He suppose it's a small mercy that he got thrust in a dumpster. It's easy to find what you want, as long as you know how to look.
Two minutes later he found some sturdy papers and got to work. With hooves it wasn't easy, but he had all the time in the world.
...He's pretty sure he passed a good hour on it. But it was done! It was clearly not in the best condition, but at least it hid the horn efficiently -it was a hassle to put the rubber band around something on his head with hooves, but he did it. It wouldn't do to have his cover getting blown away by the wind!- and would stay in place.
While he was working, he kept hearing some words in particular. They sounded like names?
And it thankfully made him learn that even if he couldn't understand what the FUCK those bug-horses were saying, he could at least understand the normal ponies. (Probably because he's one too.) Phew.
"Celestia" "Cadence" "Chrysalis" were the words he kept hearing in those creepy guys' language. Also there was the same word in front of the first two names, the third one had another word.
Considering the normal horses were calling the first two "princess", he could understand Chrysalis was probably the leader of those bug-horses.
Sounds like girl's names either way, so if the first two were princesses, the last one must be a queen, and probably an enemy if what he was seeing was any indication.
Anyway, that wasn't important. What was, was to find a way to avoid these... bug-horses things. (He's pretty sure he heard the horses -or ponies they were rather small- call them something like "Changelings"? Whatever that means.)
However, when he thought about that, he had an odd feeling. It was like his body was telling him "big thing's coming towards us captain!" And when he went to -discreetly duh- check, he was greeted with a white light which was sweeping those Changelings and send them flying far away from here, leaving the horses alone.
...Well damn. He suppose he didn't had to worry about those now. That's one thing taken cared of.
Now he could use that diversion to get the hell away from here! It was a good time to learn if he could run like this.
Running... to somewhere. Away from this place at least. It have a big castle nearby, and he's going to bet there's a ruler in there. Probably those princesses. And he does NOT want to be near the persons -or horses in that case- that can put him to jail.
Next, he need to find a way to get something to eat. Because he's plently good at picking pockets, but usually he have two human hands for this!
That also leave the problem of figuring the currency... Urgh. All that reasoning hurt his head.
First thing first. Waiting for the night to fall. It's easier to walk in the shadows -even if looked to be a rather light shade of purple- that way. And apparently, there was a wedding going on? Perfect. Everyone will be too busy with that to notice someone hanging around.
Maybe he could steal a few things along the way before buying supplies to perform in the streets and gain more money legally. Because while he doesn't mind stealing, if he get caught he doesn't have his team here to bust him out...
Raah, enough self-pity! He have a world to figure out!
With a slap on his face -or rather, a punch...- he started to run forwards. After a few struggles, he was able to run like he didn't learned like, five minutes ago, and he setted off.
The adventage with big cites, was that no matter how odd you may look, nobody will pay enough attention to retain your face. Because why should they? You're just another person passing by.
That's how he successful picked the pockets of a few horses without anyone noticing. Seems like even in this world the riches were dumb! And here he was, worried that with hooves he'd struggle.
He hid his treasure in his scarf. Regrouped the coins in one wallet and-
And holy shit were those gold coins?!
Kokichi knew they looked rich, but he never thought they'd literally carry GOLD on their person like that!
...Something was clearly fishy here. It looked too good to be true.
Aaaaaaaand he was proven right. Goddamnit. Apparently gold didn't had the same value here, if buying only a few pastries costed two or three golden coins!
...He really hoped he could ask the prices directly, because if he have to dicipher any writing he's screwed.
Because apparently, even if he could understand the language, he couldn't read it! Damn it. Back to first grade he goes, having to relearn how to read! Just his luck.
Entering a shop and interacting without knowing any of the mannerisms of the ponies would be a bad idea. He was lucky the shops there stayed opened the full night thanks to that wedding (a royal wedding even, damn. One of those princesses?) but if it's to blow his cover, it's stupid.
Maybe he could pretend to be deaf? That could work. He just hope they don't have a sign language here, otherwise he's fucked.
He eyed the shop (it had a jester's hat for a roof. That's clearly the place he needed to go to!) and took a deep breath.
Alright! Time to see if he's as good as an actor as he was when still human!
He pushed the door to be greeted by a cheerful pony behind the counter (he's going to call them ponies because they are seriously smaller than horses, all of them.)
"Welcome, welcome! Are you searching to prank your friends? You are at the right place! We have everything, from fake flowers to- um, boy?"
Well, sorry random pony but he have to pretend he can't hear you. So he just looked at the shelves with a lost expression.
"Um hello?"
The cashier was probably puzzled. Eh, sorry. But well, he needs to be safe here!
Once he noticed what he needed, he grabbed the deck of cards -with his teeth, not like he had any other options...- before going to the register. The pony was clearly confused, but he still tried to keep a smile on.
"Ah, found your treasure? It's gonna be two golds!"
Now... Action!
He pretended to be confused for a second. Then he widdened his eyes, before putting a hoof at his ear -that still felt SO weird- and then shook his head.
And thankfully, the cashier seemed to understand, thank fuck.
"Oh! Alright, hold on!"
He went to rumminaged behind the counter and put a paper and a pen. Then he started to doodle two coins, and pointed to the deck of cards.
Alright then! It worked. Phew.
Also, it looked like a gold is really just a golden coin. That's a mystery solved at least. He nodded, before putting the wallet from his scarf, and taking out two coins that he put on the counter.
He got a bag out of this, and his deck of cards.
And a bunch of informations too. Apparently ponies are way less ableists than humans! That guy literally went "alright please wait" when he pretended to be deaf.
He grinned. Oh he's going to abuse of it so much.
Now though, he had a stand to settle... But later.
He's tired, and he's been there for a long time. The day was even not so long away from rising, so he thinks he should settle for the night.
Since he can keep the deaf act, he could probably find a room. Probably. If not, he'll just find a dark corner and sleep there. Not the first time he slept outside after all!
Finding a room was easy. So yay for him!
Falling asleep on the other hand, was not.
Let's put asides the few attempts he had to do to find a comfortable position as a pony to lay into okay. Their bed weren't different from humans, and it wasn't that hard.
However, sleep meant nightmares for him.
Really, that was expected. He struggled enough to sleep on a daily basis -what do you know, killing games are bad for your mental health! Shocker. Who would have guessed- so with the whole mess that happened with his death, that was even worse.
Everytime he closed his eyes, it's to reopen them in the hangar. And while being human again would be great, reviving his own death isn't synonym of good dreams.
He gave up sleeping after three times waking up in cold sweat. But hey, apparently that was enough sleep so the sun that was starting to rise was already really high! So midday, or later then that.
He payed for the room and left. Now, to find a place far enough from that town...
He travelled by night, slept in the day, and gathered as much informations as possible.
Apparently the kingdom as a whole was called Equestria -damn really no inspiration uh- and that Celestia princess was ruling over it in the big castle he saw at Canterlot (the capital then) with her little sister Luna. Both responsible for the sun and moon respectively.
Okay so appareltly the celestial bodies aren't moving without help here. All the work of magic. Even the weather was controlled by pegasi.
Actually, maybe he can try to learn how to fly while he's at it, that'd be fun. It's not because he's stuck here -preferably temporary, looking at you Death!- that he can't have a bit of fun while he's at it.
He wonders if that include the others too.
Wait shit.
The others.
They are going to have his head if they learned they'd be brought back as fucking ponies because of him. (In his defense he never wanted that, it's Death's fault!)
But to avoid suspicion on himself, he'd had to also cover their asses. Great. Let's see.
He'll just explain -once he settled somewhere- that him and a group of others were kept prisoners by those Changelings. And when they attacked Canterlot, they brought him and the others with them, to use as hostages if they get caught before they could carry out their plan.
They'd been raised by them, away from ponies since they were toddlers so they don't even have "pony names" (he realized the names here were fucking cheesy, nothing like Japanese names) and now they're just completely lost. And if the others were talking about things that didn't made sense, it was for that reason.
Yup, sounds good! With a few fake tears it'll do the trick perfectly. Now, he just need to find an isolated place to settle.
Also maybe picking a name along the way too. That'd be a good idea to blend in.
Oh wait, does he have to pick one for the others too? He hope not.
Anyway, for now he needed to concentrate on himself first.
...He'd made a HUGE mistake.
He was -apparently, if the ponies' words were to believe- close to a little town called Ponyville (do they really have no inspiration for the names? Come on guys!) so he had decided to shift his sleeping schedule to actual night since he was pretty close.
"Not like that would change much about my dreams" he thought.
Ah! He couldn't have been more wrong.
The nightmare started the same. The usual deaths, and executions, before his-
But when the press was about to come down, he felt something... different.
Pure white energy -that he could recognize as magic now- completely wipe out the hangar out of existence.
Now he was just... In uh... Space? The spaceman'd be thrilled.
He was on a path made of light blue light and white dots... The same thing that was everywhere.
There were doors too, the hell?
"Whomst in Equestria's name art thou?!"
Uh oh.
He turned around -he's so damn glad that in dreams he's human...- and is greeted by-
Wait what?
That's a dark blue mare -definitely taller than most ponies- with... weird space floaty mane.
But the most important thing is that she had both a horn and wings!
How is that possible? He thought only those Changelings guys could-
Waaaaaait a minute.
She had what looked to be a crown. And she had a moon... tattoo? On her flank.
Is that the fucking princess of the moon? What is SHE doing here?! Also, how is that possible that she also got both wings and horn-
Oh. Oh no.
That's a fucking status isn't it? Having both. Normal ponies either have one of the two, or neither. Having both must mean being royalty.
...Yeah no. He's keeping that horn HIDDEN. He want to be able to leave this world, not being bond here by duties!
(Besides, the only people he want to lead are his minions. No one else.)
No wonder ponies were looking at him weird! That's like pretending to be royalty!
Let's hope it's not a crime... Wait, if it was he would have been arrested already.
"Answer us!"
Oh whoops. He forgot the princess was still here.
"Gotta go, bu-bye!"
He needs to wake up. He have to. He can't stay here. He have to!
He doesn't know how, he doesn't why, but he successfully woke up after everything around him turned purple.
Now. Now let's think.
He needed to avoid getting the attention of the princess. Considering she didn't intervene until now, he assume that it's because she's only walking in dreams in the night -make sense for the moon princess to be up in the night.
So... He need to keep the noctural schedule. Sleeping in the day, to avoid her. And if he can't, then he need to keep her at bay.
But considering he doesn't know how to use magic, he's going to focus on the first option.
To be able to use magic, he needs training. And to train, he needs books -no way in hell he's asking for help after learning all that mess about royalty- and to be able to understand those books he need to learn how to read.
A hell of a program he have in front of him. Oh well, at least it's gonna keep him busy.
Alright. He needed to go now.
To that town he goes! While expecting to not draw attention.
He arrived at the border of it. There was a rather small and cozy looking cottage here, surrounded by forest. It was midday, the pony probably wasn't hom-
His thoughts were cut off by a high-pitched scream. Probably a girl's voice.
...Great, what now? A scene like this would be hard to settle-
There was a yellow pegasus. Pink mane, who was protecting herself (assuming she was the one who screamed) from a bulky earth pony (that's how those who have no wings nor horn were called right?)
The earth pony was really tall, like, two heads more than Kokichi himself. Light green color, dark green tangled mane...
Red eyes with round glasses, and a bug cage warped around its neck.
"Gonta so sorry! Gonta not meant to scare horse!"
Wow, go him. Yelling his name like that and sprinting in their direction.
That at least got both of their attention. So there's that.
Gokuhara was looking at him with pure confusion. Probably didn't recognized him, which was fair. He was a fucking pony for fuck's sake.
"Uh? Does Gonta know you, horse? Gonta sorry, doesn't know horse with wings..."
"Geez, thanks a lot. he huffed. Can't recognize your leader? So mean! How could you forget about me? he started to sniffled. You're breaking my heart! How could you?!"
The theatrics were apparently enough.
"At last! he said, raising a hoof. That's me alright."
"Kokichi is a horse."
"Pony technically, pegasus to be more exact. And you're one too."
"But Gonta die-"
"About that! he cut him off. We need to talk in private. Bu-bye yellow pegasus, sorry for the scare!"
He grabbed Gonta's bug cage's strap and pulled to make the other follow him in a recluse place.
Once far enough, he sighed.
"Alright, just hear me out. I know you're confused as hell, me too. Maybe even mad at me about what happened in the game, I won't blame you for that. But we have other things to worry about: we're not in our world, I think you noticed as much."
"People are horses." nodded Gonta with a serious expression.
"They call themselves ponies, but yeah. There's no human here. There's no killing game either. Monokuma doesn't exist. The Academy either. This world... is more or less peaceful."
"No killing game? he softly asked. No Monokuma?"
"Nope. Nothing. And... Considering we're both here, I'd say everyone who died is also here. Though to find them is going to be complicated..."
The leader pondered for a second. How could they find everyone? It would be best if everyone wasn't far away from each other, if Death comes back for them -and he better!- it'd be quicker to be send back.
"Kokichi died?"
Oh wait. Oops. Right, he forgot Gonta wouldn't know.
"Yup! Right after you in fact. Anyway, not the point-"
"Did Monokuma also punished Kokichi?"
Uh? Why is he asking that?
Everyone... Please stop blaming Kokichi now.
...He's still too kind.
"Nope. Maki killed me. he paused. Or rather Kaito. Eh, one of the two. I don't know what finished me off. he shook his hoof. Anyway, not the point. I died, and Kaito also died probably because he was sick. Meaning, everyone who died before you, plus Kaito and myself are probably here."
"Yup. But we need to recognize them -wouldn't be too hard probably...- and find a cover story."
"Cover story?"
"This world doesn't have a killing game Gonta. That means, if we tell them what happened to us, they won't understand, and that'll bring us problems."
"Oh. Gonta understand. But Gonta doesn't want to lie to them... They look nice."
"Good thing I'm here! Leave the lying part to me. I'm a liar after all! Also we need new names. Because names here aren't like ours. If we want to blend in... Just leave it to me okay?"
The giant just nodded.
The leader just nodded back, before returning to the cottage. Let's hope she's still here and uh... Not freaking out.
...Uh oh.
She called her friends apparently. There were five new ponies all around her. Two unicorns, another pegasus and two earth ponies.
"Hey you two! How dare you scare Fluttershy like that!" yelled the blue pegasus.
"Ah! Gonta sorry! Gonta didn't meant to scare pony!"
Well, here goes the enthomologist, apologizing again. But Kokichi's not going to play that card. He put a hoof in front of the giant and frowned.
"Don't apologize, we don't know if they aren't with them!"
Cue confusion. That's what he want to see!
"W-With them?"
"You know how they are! They can change appearance at will and pretend they're your friend!"
Not a lie. The mastermind was -if what Death told him was true- a master of disguise. The Ultimate Cosplayer after all. And the ponies would probably think of the changelings, which is what he wants.
"Hey! Are you saying we're changelings!"
"And what if I am uh? he grinned. Don't like having the truth in your face?"
"H-Hey now."
Oh? The purple unicorn stopped the blue pegasus. Seems like he found the leader of that little group.
"We aren't changelings. We swear on Celestia's name!"
"And how can we believe you uh? You could be lying!"
There. That was the cue for Gonta normally...
"They don't smell like changelings..." he mumbled.
"You should listen to your friend! We're not changelings! We fought them!"
Now, to pretend to be hesitant.
"Are you sure?" he asked the enthomologist.
Gonta nodded, and he pretended to scratch his head -while leaving the papers around his horn alone- with confusion.
"I think we all started on the wrong hoof. gently said the purple one. You are at Ponyville, you're safe! There's no changelings here."
"Why did you thought there were some in the first place? Changelings don't live here. We kicked their butts not so long ago!"
"Rainbow Dash! You're not helping. she smiled at them. Sorry about my friend, she's very straightforwards. How about we talk somewhere else, around pastries?"
"Oh oh! the pink one started to jump happily. I'll go prepare them! I'll be right back!"
And she left... by jumping? Why not.
Time to bluff the hell out of this conversation.
...It had been stupidly easy. He explained to them that Gonta and him were part of a group of ponies who got abducted when they were toddlers by changelings, got raised by them, humiliated, turned around each other et cetera... Got brought along at the assault on Canterlot, and since the white energy who yeeted the changelings didn't hurt them, they ended up here, and don't know what to do or where to go.
That's how he learned that the wedding that took place was the purple one's (Twilight Sparkle apparently. Still cheesy, yup.) brother's, and they were here, and were also fighting the changelings.
And apparently that wave of magic was from the love between the bride and groom.
Ew. They didn't ended up at Equestria, they ended up at "Cheesy Land". But he still noted the information.
When they asked about why the hell he got a fake horn, he explained that it was to be less beaten by changeling. After all, they have both horn and wings, so he thought if he looked like them they would leave him alone. Not that it worked. -The fact that it was curved helped his story. But come to think of it why is his curved and not everyone else's? Not even the princesses' are curved. Weird.) Now though he just keep it because it's the symbol of the princesses and that's pretty cool! After all it was one of them that indirectly freed him and the others from the changelings' grasp. He's pretending to be like them! (they had no idea how true that statement was.)
That was way too easy to make them believe that with fake tears. Even Gonta tried to comfort him even though he knew it was fake (though it was probably to make it more believable. Gonta is a lot of things, but an idiot isn't one of them.)
"But then... You don't have names?" asked the other unicorn -Rarity if he remembers correctly.
"We have the ones the changelings gave us. he said, wiping the tears with his hoof. Mine's Kokichi Oma. he pointed to Gonta. His is Gonta Gokuhara. But those aren't real ponies' names."
"That's true..." Twilight seemed thoughtful.
"Oh oh! Maybe we can pick some for you!" the pink one said, with a smile that reminded him a bit too much of Angie.
"...I'd prefer choosing my own thanks."
"Of course! Pinkie, let them chose... Once it's done, we'll ask the mayor to put you in the records." Twilight said.
"That'd be nice. Also... If you find someone with a weird name, that's probably a friend of ours."
Not really true, but he needed to find those idiots as quickly as possible.
"I'll pass the word at Clousdale!"
Aaaaaand the blue one was already gone.
"I'll ask around the farm if anyone saw a lost pony." the orange one nodded, tipped her hat and left.
"I'll send a letter at Princess Celestia too. the purple unicorn nodded towards the... dragon? at her side. In the meantime, do you have ideas of names? Also, what are your talents?"
Talents? That's easy- oh wait.
"What do you mean by talent?" he asked, raising a hoof to stop Gonta from talking.
Translation: is that the same thing as their Ultimates?
"Oh. Yeah, I suppose the changelings wouldn't do that... she mumbled to herself. Something you are really good at? You both have your cutie marks so..."
What the fuck is that now. (Also, cheesy, the return.)
"Oh! Gonta is an enthomologist!"
He saw Fluttershy -that's her name right?- perking up from behind Rarity.
"Oh that's great! she turned towards him. And you?"
"I guess you can call me a trickster. he smirked. I prank people. And trick them. a pause. Mainly changelings though."
A lie but hey.
"If Gonta's talent is "Enthomology" you could call mine "tricky dice"." he shrugged.
But that question of names... He needed to find one. And Gonta too.
"Hey Gonta, how about "Baron Buzz" for you? Sounds good?"
"Oh! Gonta not mind this. Gonta likes it!"
"Well, that's settled then. Mine now..."
He think again.
Let's see their situation.
He got attributs that could get him royal duties, which is problematic. He needs to hide it...
He made a deal with Death and no one need to know about that. To get everyone back to life, but also to fuck with miss mastermind too while he's at it.
He grinned.
"Call me Royal Collusion then!"
That's when both Rainbow Dash and the farmer came back.
"I found a pegasus that looks really lost, and he calls himself Kaito... something."
"I found a small guy that call himself Ryoma!" added the other.
Oh. Well that was quick.
"They're with us alright. You're coming Gonta? Let's get Ryoma back first."
"Hm hm!"
First they get the depressed tennis player back, then the astridiot.
Welp, they got a pretty nice program ahead of them it seemed.
"Then let's go."
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My God of Mischief
Loki several chapter fan fiction.
Rated: Mature
Background: Loki is left behind leaving Blake, Bruce, Thor, and Valkyrie to make their way off Sakaar and threw the Devil’s Anus
(If you read part 23 before 5/11/20 you might want to go back and reread that one first before moving on. I made a big booboo and had to completely redo that chapter.)
Part Twenty-Four
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I came to with someone shaking me. I cracked my eyes open to see Bruce kneeling in front of me. A look of worry plastered on his face.
"You okay?" He asked me.
I nodded not sure if I could actually form words at the moment. Bruce unstrapped me from my seat then helped me to my feet. The sight outside the window was like nothing I'd ever seen. This must be Asgard. I was literally at a place of legend. I stepped up behind Thor's seat as Bruce stood behind Valkyrie.
"I never thought I'd be back here." Valkyrie said as she watched out the window.
"I thought it'd be a lot nicer. I mean not that it's not nice it's just, it's on fire." Bruce said quickly.
Something in front of Valkyrie started beeping causing us all to look down. She pressed a button then a small hologram popped up.
"Here, up in the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them." Valkyrie informed us.
You can drop me off at the palace. I'll lure her away." Thor told her.
"And get yourself killed?" She asked in disbelief.
"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela I need you three to help get them off Asgard." Thor commanded.
Bruce leaned forward to get closer to Thor.
"How the hell are we suppose to do that?" He asked the god.
Thor chuckled.
"I have a man on the ground." Thor said simply.
Bruce and I took the seats over as Thor and Valkyrie worked on getting the plan in motion. A loud bang behind me had me turning around to see a massive gun laying at Valkyrie's feet.
"Here, now the ship has a gun." I heard Thor say from behind me.
"You sure about this?" I asked Bruce quietly.
He shrugged but smiled at me. I wanted to help Thor but I didn't have any special abilities like they did. I was just a normal mundane human caught in the middle of this mess. Oh how I wished I was back home safe with Dr. Strange.
We took off away from the palace to get to the Asgardian people. I glanced behind me to see Valkyrie now in some white outfit. It suited her and made her look a lot more badass. She worked quickly on setting the gun up. My heart pounded in my chest. I did not want to die. We made it over to the mountains to find absolutely no one.
"They must have evacuated at the last second." Valkyrie said.
"Where would they go?" I asked.
"Probably to the bridge." Valkyrie answered.
Bruce was quick to turn the ship around. As we neared the bridge we could see a large group of people stopped. Something big and black was at the end of the bridge facing them.
"What the hell is that?" I asked squinting my eyes.
"Hela's mut" Valkyrie said as she readied the fun to fire.
Bruce brought us closer. He kept the ship at an angle that Valkyrie could fire the gun. That big black thing was a wolf. A huge terrifying wolf. It started running as Valkyrie rained down bullets. I looked down to see the wolf unfazed by the bullets spraying it. Valkyrie groaned as she stepped back from the gun.
"This stupid dog won't die!" She shouted.
I heard Bruce sigh. He hit a button in front of him then stood from his seat.
"Everything is going to be alright now. I got this. You wanted to know who I am." Bruce said as he walked over to Valkyrie.
I jumped from my seat quickly running over to my brother.
"Bruce no! We don't know what will happen if you do this." I spoke frantically.
Bruce smiled down at me then kissed the top of my head.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Valkyrie asked.
"You'll see" Bruce said then squeezed my shoulder.
I covered my mouth to stop from screaming as Bruce jumped from the ship. A scream did come out of me as I watched him hit the bridge hard. His body lay unmoving. The wolf touched him with his paw then quickly stepped over him. Tears burned my eyes until I saw a familiar green. He did it! He had turned into hulk and grabbed the wolf's tail pulling it back from the Asgardians. He sling the wolf backwards then roared.
"Holy shit" Valkyrie said quietly.
"You knew about that?" She asked pointing down at the Hulk.
I nodded.
"Take the controls I'll need to get down there and help." Valkyrie told me.
"What? I don't know how to work this thing." I said in a panic.
"Figure it out" she said gesturing for me to go on.
I sighed then took the seat Bruce had been sitting in. I took a deep breath then grabbed the controls. The ship instantly jerked. I'm gonna kill us all. This is not good.
"Get it on the bridge!" Valkyrie shouted.
I turned the handle causing the ship to tilt up on it's side. It flew in a tight circle then crashed hard on the bridge.
"Stay here!" Valkyrie shouted then jumped out.
I turned to watch her as I accidentally hit a button. I heard the fireworks going off as the music tried to play but it only skipped then died out. I huffed then leaned back in the seat. As long as I stayed right here I should be safe.
I sat up in my seat as I heard a loud rumbling noise. It sounded like an engine. I got up from my seat then ran over to the open door Valkyrie had jumped out of.
"Your savior is here!" I heard the familiar voice shout.
A huge dark blue ship was slowly next to the bridge. A figure was walking down the extending walkway off of it. Is that Loki? It can't be him. A bright flash of lightning over the palace drew my eyes from the new comer. What the hell is happening? The fighting continued in the distance as I shrank back into the ship. I sat on the floor with my back against the wall. Everything is going to be fine. It's going to be okay. I jumped at the sound of someone jumping into the ship with me. I shot to my feet only to see the god of mischief standing before me.
"What the hell?" I questioned harshly.
"No time to explain sit down and strap in." He said quickly as he ran to sit in front of the controls.
I quickly took the seat next to him then strapped myself in.
"This is madness." He whispered.
"What's going on?" I asked him.
"Remember that Ragnorok thing my brother talked about stopping?" He asked as he lifted the ship into the air.
"Yea" I nodded.
"I'm about to cause it." He said simply.
"Excuse me?" I shouted in disbelief.
He couldn't be serious.
"Why did you come here?" I asked suddenly.
Loki glanced at me then back on the window. He chewed his bottom lip for a moment then sighed.
"Because this ridiculously beautiful, stubborn, goddess of a woman said some pretty accurate things to me. I wasn't going to but then Thor left me behind and I felt like the smallest piece of shit in that moment. I remembered the look on your face and I couldn't have that be the last time we spoke or saw each other." He explained quietly as he flew around the palace.
My heart lifted at his words. Was he serious? He came back here because of me? He helped save these people because of me? It was like a light bulb went off in my head. Odin has been right. My heart or love for Loki had been what brought him here to help save Asgard.
The ship lowered to the ground. Loki pressed a button then stood up.
"Stay here I'll be back in just a few minutes." He explained.
I nodded then watched him run off the ship, across the landing, then inside the palace. He was right when he said it would be just a few minutes. He was back in what felt like no time.
As he lifted us back into the air a loud crash had me craning my neck to look out the window.
"What the hell is that?" I asked in a completely panic.
The firey being rose up bigger than a mountain. Loki made the space ship swerve from side to side to miss the creatures hands and falling debris. Asgard was going to be ruined. Ahead of us I could see the bigger ship drifting away from the rainbow bridge.
"They're leaving" I said pointing at the moving ship.
"Indeed" Loki said then turned to miss more falling debris.
The smaller ship we were on was faster than the bigger one. It wasn't long when we were hovering right above it. Loki watched below as he carefully lowered the smaller ship onto the top of the bigger one.
Tags: @jedionironthrone @fabulously-majestic-alicorn @mehrmonga @rainbow-pandacorn @bauboshell @lovely-geek @girlwith100names @thecrazyoneshavetakenover @tiffanyhpentaholic @shaunamart @takenbymyfandoms @yourmonster-myfriend @sebastiangotmefucked @scarecrowsragdoll @imagine-adict
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