#i made it harringrove
dragonflylady77 · 2 years
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Ribbons around his wrists
Excited and breathing fast
Straining to break free
Trying to touch
Repeatedly told to wait
At his lover’s mercy completely
Intake of breath
Nonsense falling from his lips
Exploding in his lover’s mouth
Delirious from the sensations
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thissortofsorcery · 9 months
The fanonization of Steve Harrington
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harringroveera · 2 months
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Dustin: You’re totally gonna kiss the new guy, aren’t you?
Steve: Definitely yeah
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plistommy · 2 months
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A known fact
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cuepickle · 1 year
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Boarding school AU, wherein Billy gets shipped off to Hawkin’s Academy for boys, and meets the most annoying, privileged trust fund baby known to man called Steve Harrington (who he totally doesn’t fall hopelessly in love with)
They’re cleaning blackboards in detention for arguing in class
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mangywayway · 6 months
"I want to open up your ribcage, crawl inside and close the door. A niche made just for me, between your heart and your stomach".
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Same version below, just without the written part ✨
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
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# as if it’s billy’s fault
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 year
tw abuse mention
Billy had always been a dog person.
Dogs were easy to love and they always had affection to spare - at least, the ones he’d known. They were cute and excited and seemed to always like him.
Cats, on the other hand, were different for him. They could be standoffish and picky and they didn’t listen, which is what turned Billy off the most. He didn’t get why people loved cats, never understood why people worshipped and adored them, until he’d met Steve’s.
“My parents got her when we had a mice problem back when I was a kid, but she just sat around and did whatever she wanted - so they got an exterminator to go after the mice instead.” Steve chuckled as he watched the black-striped and grey cat rub herself against Billy’s shins and ankles, like she’d been starved for affection her whole life.
Billy grimaced a little, because he wasn’t fond of fur on his clothes, but Steve was quick to click his tongue and bend down to call the cat back to him.
To which she (surprisingly) went and happily nuzzled Steve’s hand when he hovered it for her. Hm.
Billy’s brows furrowed as he asked, “What’s her name?”
His boyfriend glanced up at him and gave him a dumb smile, the kind Billy only saw when Steve was embarrassed, and said, “Don’t judge - I named her when I was, like, ten. Her name’s Buttercup.”
“Buttercup,” Billy repeated with a smirk, imagining a young Steve Harrington proudly declaring the cat’s name to his parents, “That’s…a name.”
“Hey, I said not to judge!” Steve chuckled as he stood up again and reached for Billy’s hand, smiling when the blond didn’t shy or pull away once their fingers brushed, “C’mon, let’s go get a snack and watch something.”
Billy followed along quietly, his gaze flicking down to watch Buttercup as he walked by her, and she didn’t move her green eyes from him until they rounded the corner.
The more Billy went over to Steve’s, the more Buttercup hung around. He wasn’t particularly upset or thrilled by her; she was cute and he liked watching Steve throw her little toys across the room just so she could leap after them.
And it was like she knew Billy wasn’t fond of her, because whenever he’d sit down on the Harrington couch, she’d be jumping up to climb onto his lap. He’s always pick her up carefully and deposit her back on the floor or beside him - because again, cat fur - and she’d mrow at him in a disappointed tone, her emerald eyes unwavering as they stared each other down until Steve plopped down next to him. From there, she’d jump up to the back of the couch and settle there, sleeping and purring while they cuddled and watched TV or talked.
It stayed like that for a while. She was always there, included in whatever they did, whether it was relaxing on the couch or in Steve’s room - where she slept on their pillows at night - or in the backyard near the pool, watching them swim when she wasn’t chasing birds.
Billy got used to it. He’d bend down and smooth his palm along the top of her head when she greeted him at the door. He’d gently rub the pad of his thumb along the bridge of her nose whenever he woke up in Steve’s bed and she was there, waiting for him to wake up.
Then one day, his dad smacked him so hard he couldn’t see straight, and he ran out of the house and down the street and didn’t stop until his lungs burned and he found himself in Loch Nora.
He knew Steve wasn’t home because he was working, and his parents weren’t home either, so Billy rushed to the back of the house and grabbed the spare key from where he knew it was hidden.
The house was cool and quiet when he slid the backdoor shut and locked it, still trying to catch his breath as he rushed over to the mirror by the entrance to look at his face. His cheek was red and puffy, a shiner already forming under his eye, and Billy watched his face crumple in the reflection.
Tears welled and spilled, tracking down his burning face, and then he felt a familiar brush against his calves.
He looked down through his blurry vision at Buttercup, who had paused and stared up at him in return. She gave her usual mrow and Billy sniffled wetly, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he gently pushed her off with his foot and muttered, “Get.”
He moved away from the mirror and went upstairs, ignoring the gentle ring of Buttercup’s bell as she followed him.
In Steve’s bedroom, Billy pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside, pulling on one of Steve’s from the floor because it smelt like his boyfriend. It comforted him as he moved around the room, pulling the collar up to his nose to breathe in the scent of Steve’s cologne and body as he toed his shoes off, collapsing onto the unmade bed moments later.
Only a second passed before Buttercup was jumping up onto the bed, giving Billy a soft mrow again. Slowly, he turned his face to the side from where it had been buried in Steve’s pillow, and he eyed the cat as it stared down at him. Expectant, yet patient.
“What do you want?” Billy huffed, shifting onto his side to face her and take the pressure off the side of his face that was throbbing, quirking a brow as Buttercup slowly reached out her paw to him, hovering it in the air.
“‘M not in the mood to give you any pets,” Billy grumbled, wiping the remaining wetness from his eyes, and felt her paw gently touch his forearm.
Her paw, small and soft, was warm. Comforting.
“Fine,” Billy muttered as he shifted again, flipping onto his back and patting the spot beside him, “C’mere.”
And where he expected Buttercup to curl up beside him like she had a handful of times before, she got up and walked over and onto his chest. The weight of her under those tiny paws made Billy wince, the press of her claws inevitable, but he watched her quietly as she settled on top of his chest and tucked her paws under her chest, staring down at him.
And she began to purr.
Softly, but deeply. Billy swore he felt it rattle his heart.
The tears came again, suddenly flooding in his eyes as he watched Buttercup slowly blink down at him, her tail curling around herself as she kept her perch on top of his chest.
His hands found the soft fur of her back, just holding her there, and her eyes closed. Like she was happy. She looked happy.
Billy sniffled again and gently shook his head in quiet disbelief, giving her a watery smile as he pet down her back, mumbling, “Brat cat.”
She only purred louder.
Billy told Steve about it later, once his boyfriend got home and found the two of them passed out in his bed. His pretty boy grinned so hard he beamed like the sun after he got Billy an ice pack for his cheek and ensuring he was alright.
“That was her comforting you,” Steve hummed as he pressed a kiss to Billy’s forehead, “She’s done it to me a lot over the years. Glad she was able to look after you when I couldn’t.” He gave her chin a little scratch for that, smiling down at her.
And yeah, Billy supposed that’s what it was. Buttercup looking after him and ensuring he was comforted, because obviously he’d been upset. But, it also felt like a long time coming. She’d wanted to be close to Billy ever since he’d met and he’d always kept her at arm’s length for months.
He wished he hadn’t. He wished he had let her closer, sooner.
But, he’d make it up to her.
“Billy, you didn’t have to get Buttercup tattooed on your arm—”
“Shut up — do you think she’ll like it?”
She did.
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vivika-ka · 2 years
every time i look back on steve and billy’s fight, i can’t understand people who straight up will talk about it like billy was planning a murder. he was willing to get his sister back home and be done with it. that would’ve been the end of it. was he pissed? yeah, rightfully so. his little sister sneaks out and it’s doing god knows what in a new environment she and their family knows shit about. [i’m not even getting into the scene with neil because plenty of people have, and they are certainly more coherent than i am lol]
an 18-year-old lies to billy about where his little sister is and when confronted about the lie, responds with an insult (“were you dropped as a child” comment). steve offers no explanation as to why his sister is there, and has the audacity to expect that billy will just, what, leave his little sister with strangers? respond with “aw shucks, i guess you know better, harrington. you know my little sister already, even though she is a middle schooler and we’ve been in this town for a week…i suppose it’s normal for a person your age to be around 13-year-olds who aren’t related to you. i’ll just leave you to it.”
[i wonder if people who vilify billy in this moment have siblings. because if you think leaving a sibling behind in a clearly shady situation would’ve been reasonable and ok…i’m concerned for your siblings lmao i’m sorry but i am]
but anyway. the point of the post is: when it gets to the climax of the fight, he has the upper hand after being on equal footing (because hey, steve punched him first, remember? steve is not a saint in this situation, and many people [antis most of the time] talk about this fight as if steve wasn’t throwing punches).
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i don’t know if anyone has ever been in a fight, i unfortunately have been in a handful, i have been where steve is, and let me tell you, this doesn’t look like someone who enjoys having the upper hand. dacre could’ve very well acted this part with billy’s ah ha ha ha laughter, maybe a hint of smug satisfaction, maybe continuous taunting.
but he didn’t for a reason. billy isn’t enjoying any of this. in this supposed triumphant moment for billy, anguish overcomes anger. this isn’t what he wanted. he didn’t go to the byers’ house looking for and planning a fight, he was looking for his god damn little sister.
i just…idk. dacre puts out this complex performance in a matter of seconds, accomplished the definition of “show don’t tell.” but i guess the audience needed to be told. (although, they love to ignore neil’s scenes. so at this point it’s just plain denial).
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harringroveera · 3 months
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They nailed ‘homoerotic and weird’ perfectly
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
I forget who it was now but in the tags of one of my posts someone commented on how Steve’s got the boys and Billy has the girls (with Will being split custody - they most definitely fight over him) and listen, listen, listen. You’re so right, bestie.
And Billy constantly tells Steve that he doesn’t want to talk about the kids, doesn’t want to waste his time with Steve over pre-teen/teenage gossip, but Steve can’t help himself.
“I just need to ask you one thing, Billy,” he says. “One thing and then I promise I won’t bring up the kids again.” And Billy rolls his eyes because he knows that’s a lie, but he gestures for Steve to go on, and Steve asks, “What exactly did Lucas do this time? Like, seriously, why is Max so pissed at him?”
Billy doesn’t miss a beat. “He fucking knows what he did, Harrington.”
“I really don’t think he does,” says Steve, because he just spent an hour listening to Lucas and Mike try to reason through just what caused this particular break-up and honestly? The whole thing made Steve’s head hurt.
“Then he’s a fucking idiot,” Billy says, because he had to listen to Max and El rehash the whole argument and he’s second-hand furious at Lucas. “And so’s that little dickbag mini-Wheeler. You tell him to fucking apologize to El before I knock his fucking teeth out.”
“Mike? What the hell did Mike do?”
“Mike knows exactly what he did.”
“Again,” Steve says, sorry that he ever brought this up, because Billy is a pitbull when it comes to his girls and he should have known better, “I don’t think he does!”
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adelacreations · 1 year
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"That place is nothing but blood and death!" WIP
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
I’m an utter sap for secret relationships being revealed in the most dramatic way possible. Give me Steve and Billy secretly dating through 1985 until July 4th, Steve is underground, Billy’s flayed, everything’s coming to a head at the mall… Until Billy sees Steve’s face all beaten and bruised and that stops him- it reminds him of something. Did Billy do that? Did Billy hurt Steve? No, he swore he would never. Not again. Who hurt Steve? Steve’s in trouble. He needs to wake up. Someone hurt Steve. His Steve. He needs to wake up.
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psychicskulldamage · 2 years
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Hey pretty boy~ :3
the ref lmao✨
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bottombillyrights · 1 year
Billy's cremated. So that his body can't be examined, can't be looked at. So that no one can question how he looks, or why he's got these black veins on his body.
Ashes of him, in a small jar. A whole life, in something quite... well, ordinary.
Max is older now. When Billy had first died, she had conflicting feelings. Thought about those nights where she'd wished for his death. It's been years now. She's older than he was then. The thought is a painful one. Everything is over in Hawkins, but so many had lost their lives. So many would never get to grow old. Just like Billy.
She's free now. Life, well it just moved on. But she never forgot about the ashes. Her mom didn't want them, and Neil hadn't been seen since. She had no idea where Billy's mom was, either. So they ended up with her when she moved out.
Sat up on a mantle, Max couldn't help but look at them everyday. They didn't feel right here. Billy wouldn't want to be some mantelpiece for the rest of his life.
So one day she picks up the vase, and goes out to her car. She's back in California now. She made the trip he always planned too. She made it here.
She'll make sure he does too.
She drives, with him in the passenger seat. Plays music he would've listened to. She hates that she likes it too. That hell, these are his old tapes she's playing on the radio.
She stops the car and gets out, taking him with her. She goes to the water, and carefully pops off the top. She shakes them out, right into the ocean.
He's free now. He's where he'd want to be. He's made it to Cali.
She can almost see him smiling beside her.
She pops the top back on, and now it's just a vase. Just an ordinary vase. The sea has him now, and the sea is anything but ordinary.
He's home.
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
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