#i love you kara thrace
blasphemme · 1 month
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eyelessdraws · 8 months
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starpollo (october 2023)
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curioussubjects · 4 months
Feedback Fest 2024
Since everything I've read for the past 1.5 years has been pilots, all 10 of the fics here are Kara/Lee from Battlestar Galactica. I'm only listing one fic per author, so be sure to check individual author pages if you liked their style.
(go here over on @transformativeworks for more info!)
1. In the Whole World by pennyante (M, ~80K, WIP)
The Cylons aren't quite human, and the humans haven't quite forgiven them. Political stability is less certain than ever now that the war is over: Lee Adama finds himself up for re-election, where being defeated will mean a Gemenese theocracy puppeteered by Leoben Conoy. Meanwhile, Kara Thrace has nothing but questions about her death and destiny. The only answers available come in the form of the vision of a temple, and from her hybrid/comatose husband's cryptic ramblings about a sister artifact to the Arrow of Apollo.
There's violence in the air. Civil war looms. Can Lee and Kara save each other, and keep the fledgling colony whole?
Thoughts: The best season 4 fix-it, lives in my head rent free, rewired my brain, etc. Also I've read it, like, 3 times (and I cried).
2. We're Not Friends by ninety6tears (M, ~25K)
When two soldiers in the middle of a war can't seem to like each other, baptism by fire is apparently the natural solution. (AU in which Kara never knew Zak and first meets Lee after the fall of the colonies.)
Thoughts: I love a different first meeting AU, and this one takes pilots on a fun rivals to lovers spin that works surprisingly well. They're still very unwell about each other, though, make no mistake.
3. Artemis Rising by clairza (M, ~11K)
The next morning Lee makes a few phone calls, and when everything has been organized and his credit card has been used for the first time in three months, and he’s had the pleasure of telling his mother that no, he has plans this week, he tracks Kara down in the quad. 
She's lying on her stomach poking sticks upright in the grass. He sits down beside her, and he can see the tension in her shoulders.
“So,” he says casually, and he’s very proud of the way his voice doesn’t shake at all. “I hear the Aegean Peninsula is nice this time of year.”
“It probably is.”
“I’ve booked a unit.”
“Where are you going with this, Lee?” Thoughts: I have a huge soft spot for fluffy academy pilots and this fic absolutely delivers. Happy baby pilots go to the beach five stars no notes.
4. An Arranged Meeting by lark_ral (E, ~11K)
Summary: Even outside of wartime, you might be surprised by the pressures our service men and women are under. The most effective among them either have, or need a release valve. Thoughts: Lee and Kara are scene partners for years, then the Cylons come. Somehow less messy than the show, but still delicious.
5. Rota by leda13 (E, ~2K)
Summary: The days are arbitrary, in space. Bereft of the guide of a planet's rotation around the sun, they live in slices of time, stealing as many as they can. Thoughts: Emotional support curtain fic of pilots sneaking around.
6. Sufficient to the Day by rachelindeed (T, ~1.5K)
Summary: At the sound of Lee’s voice, she feels her stomach twist and drop. Reluctantly, she opens her eyes and sees him come to a stop an arm’s length away, settling one elbow onto the corner of the bleacher behind her. His jacket is unbuttoned, his hair mussed, jaw ghosted with stubble, and the frakking sun is rising behind him. The look on his face is casual and fond, but he breathes as if he’s been running. Thoughts: Mandatory UB morning after fix-it...sort of. I really like this one because all I wanted was for Lee to get to Kara first. Or for him to call her bluff. This fic is both. It's not a showdown on main street like I enjoy joking about, but it's quiet and it's them (so it's better!).
7. Contrecoup by Fahye (T, ~2.2K)
Contrecoup (n): A concussion or shock produced by a blow or other injury, in a part or region opposite to that at which the blow is received, often causing rupture or disorganisation of the parts affected. (One story told right-way-up, the other told upside-down, but both in the same narrative.)
We begin at a single point in time. The present goes forwards. The past goes backwards.
The story is AU-within-canon and set after episode 1x11, "Colonial Day."
Thoughts: I can't say too much because I don't want to spoil the fic. So: a bit angsty, a lot sweet, with a side of Kara's amazing problem-solving skills.
8. Lee's Emo Coffeehouse by haycorn (M, ~2.9K)
Summary: Lee has a bar, and sometimes Kara makes his life more interesting. Thoughts: I love cute modern AUs in general, and I love them even more when there's pining involved. There's not nearly enough of this type of fic for pilots, either! Many thanks to the author for their service. Would read 100K of this 'verse.
9. Breathing Room by callmeonetrack (M, ~12K)
Summary: Kara and Lee adjust to their new, very separate lives on the Pegasus. Badly.
Thoughts: My favorite Pegasus fic! Being on the Pegasus sucks, but then Lee and Kara find each other and things get better. Chef's kiss, peak pilots.
10. And I Feel Fine by hazellazer (M, ~2.4K)
“That was… that… why?”
Her hands stay firmly on his face, thumb brushing over his cheek. “I was just thinking—”
Cutting her off, he smirks. “You think?”
She swats at his arm, hard enough that it might actually bruise. “I thought you were dead, Lee.” Her gaze is harsh on his, voice rasping, before something softens. “And I should’ve done this the second I knew you weren’t.” Thoughts: Season 1, but Lee and Kara are together. It's nice, refreshing, and plain good.
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somuchwhatever · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Got tagged by @somewhereapart, and I figured y'all may be sick of seeing me just post fic so here ya go.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
AO3 tells me I've written for Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, General Hospital, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: OC, Lie To Me, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and The West Wing. And I honestly can't think of any others outside of just ficlets I've tossed into the wild over the years.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Flinktober 2022 (EO, SVU/OC)
i remember skies (EO, SVU/OC)
gala (EO, SVU/OC)
bizarre love triangle (EO, SVU/OC)
Chautauqua (EO, SVU/OC)
I did not include one that was cowritten with a bunch of other people because I will always assume the kudos are for them.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As often as possible. If someone takes the time to comment, I want them to know that i care enough to acknowledge and thank them for that kindness and effort. Especially when I write mostly for a fandom where I've seen people specifically state that they will read works but NOT comment on them as some sort of punishment for whatever random/imaginary fandom sins the writer whose free content they are enjoying has committed. That's just dumb and unkind, so I make the effort to let people know their comments are appreciated, even if it takes weeks to circle back.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. There are several chapters in the first flink posting that would qualify, but I'm going to go with my largest Sam/Jack (SG-1) fic, Gravity Sings. It's hard to pretend it's not angsty when you've literally killed off half the planet.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Not really sure. I'm a sucker for fluffy endings, so I tend to write them quite a bit. Maybe waltz or Chautauqua?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally, but I shut it down quickly. If you come up in someone's space where someone is providing you free entertainment and be rude? Don't expect a pass from me about it. The scroll bar isn't difficult to use, and neither is the back button. I use it frequently on poorly-written works or things that may be well-written but just aren't my thing. What I don't do is sling entitlement issues around demanding things be written to my satisfaction (unless you employ my beta services, in which case, you asked for it!). :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I never really did prior to the first flink experiment, and I created that experiment purely to practice writing smut. Well, I take that back. @rgrdsalxndra would be the first to remind me I'd often cockblock Elliot and Olivia by having them dream-smutting without real-life release. But I started that project with the express purpose of getting better and more comfortable with writing smut, so I'm making that the hinge point.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Because SVU and OC are different shows, I write them regularly. But if you mean out-of-universe crossovers, I've only really written one, R.E.M. (SGA, BSG, Buffy). It was based on a prompt from an LJ friend, "Elizabeth Weir, Kara Thrace, and Buffy Summers walk into a bar..."
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware. There are much better people out there to steal from. Also, I always assume if something is similar to what I've written, it's because fandom truly does become a hivemind at some point. Nothing new under the sun and all.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware. If I had to guess, I'd say Gravity Sings would be the most likely candidate since SG-1 fandom is probably the most global and that fic has been around much longer than any other likely candidates.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Wrote Wet Dream with much better smut writers than myself in a group chat, and a bunch of us in SG-1 fandom way back in the day once built an SG-1 AU loosely based on The Big Bang Theory called The House That Jack Built, and I have several entries in that little universe.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
How does anyone pick this??? I love them all for different reasons. I will say EO has a grip on me nobody else ever has, but then they have that 25 year slow burn that is just absolutely and sickly delicious.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Glazed and Fired (SGA) was originally the first part of a 5 Things fic that got away from me, and I had always intended to go back and finish it but eventually just put it away for good. I fully intend to finish my others (Skies, I'm looking at you).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Grammar. Economy of language (this is also sometimes a weakness). Getting into the head of characters who are typically very closed off.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel my writing is way too mechanical. I'm also still not comfortable writing smut. I always walk around with a sense of imposter syndrome with my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm literally one class shy of a degree in French, and I had to write many upper level term papers in that language, but let me assure you I have zero plans to ever write in another language. I sincerely applaud those of you who do.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate SG-1
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Geez. It probably changes regularly, and I'm hesitant to say because my faves are never anyone else's. all i ever wanted (a rather dark Elliot-centric fic) holds a very dear spot in my heart just because of how my muse just grabbed a keyboard and churned it out. This is not a popular opinion, and hardly anyone read it, but I still love it a lot. And just because it was the first fic I wrote that was widely recc'd, I have a soft spot for Things Not Dreamed (SG-1), a Sam & Jack & Daniel fic written from Daniel's POV.
tagging in a no-pressure way (and sorry for any double tags):
@morethanwords229, @whatbecomesofyou, @samwrites99, @rgrdsalxndra, @shut-upjohn, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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gainesha · 5 months
still at Season 1 with my current BSG rewatch, going slower than I wanted, but
stray thoughts:
I have seen a lot of the episodes many many times, and I had one complete rewatch years ago with my family, but it is very exciting that I committed myself to do a full rewatch again. enough time has passed so that I can kinda see it with a new eye, even though most of the show etched myself into my mind and soul forever.
she is a big deal, but i still feel like we underappreciate Katee Sackhoff as an actor and Kara Thrace as a character in the show. she is just ELECTRIC. possibly my favorite fictional TV character, give or take a Nora Durst.
the David Weddle & Bradley Thomspon scripts sing like no others. Michael Taylor is going to be my go-to writer on the show later on, but they are indelible throughout, and the first ones to truly get the wavelength of RDM
i know many purists would rank the first season as the best, and i enjoy the very classical standalone structure and small-scale feel of it, but for me it's still probably at last place, even considering some rock bottoms of later seasons. also, I love the spiritual and theological rabbit holes the writers will write themselves into, and the show gets better for all the weird detours and strange turns of the worldbuilding and the narrative. I am very curious how the dead-ends and messiness of the overall arc will feel this time through, though.
Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down is by far the worst episode of the show thus far. I don't think EJO handles the screwball rhythms well as a director, and the characterization of Ellen this early in the run does not sit quite well with me, considering how they deepen her story later, especially in the New Caprica run. here it's just a crazy scheming bitch and a bros before hos posturing - her dynamic with Saul could (and will) be great and complicated, two people who get the very worst out of each other, which is spelled out in the episode, but isn't really depicted in an interesting way just yet.
also, can't wait for Tricia Helfer to really shine in later seasons. she is already amazing in her limited role of HeadSix temptress, and you can already sense the complexities behind her purr and anger and frustration.
Tahmoh Pennikett is not the greatest actor on the show, but he is amazing at giving a protector / big brother energy for Helo. he is just so rock solid. makes Helo a much better character than on paper, I think.
Flesh and Bone doesn't hit as hard any more (it was the episode that truly hooked me the first time, and one of my faves to revisit at earlier rewatches), but it is still the episode that has the first true glimpse of the thornier political and theological stuff that make the show reach next levels of greatness in terms of the cylon-human relations. Callum Keith Rennie is alluring and next to Tricia Helfer, the most un-human of the cylons.
the costumes in BSG are PERFECT. from the shiny chrome-silver flightsuits in the Caprica arc (both Helo and Sharon have such cute asses in those pants) to the standard blue uniform and the dogtag-sleeveless-tanktop combo of the pilots... so so so cool
the handheld camera shots really pay out whenever they zoom in a close-up of adama's pockmarked face or starbuck's trembling mouth. a huge reason of why Galactica (the ship, the crew) feels so lived in.
quiet moments like this one always make me cry:
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33,251 words, over seven chapters, later and i have finished addressing the Mini Series in my Roslin/Adama story, and this is my version of how that 'part' of the story ends. (Plus there's chapter 1 which is set up)
“So, say we all!” Bill exclaims, Bill leads a ‘So say we all’ chant for three more rounds. “Dismissed,” Bill says, before walking away, and as soon as he says dismissed cheers and hugs, clearly excited.
As everyone starts to celebrate Bill’s lie Laura looks forward and doesn’t look away from the coffins as she knows that if she sees her kids celebrating, she will give away Bill’s lie.
“Mom?” Lee’s voice says, cutting through her thoughts a few minutes later, and Laura turns towards him to see Lee standing with EJ and a blond woman who Laura realises must be Kara Thrace.
“Yes?” Laura asks.
“You okay?” EJ asks concerned.
“Yes,” Laura says, as she puts Zak’s dog tags back in her pocket.
“Okay,” Lee says, looking slightly suspicious as like his sister he has become sure that there is something going on with their mother that she isn’t telling them about. “Um, I’d like you too meet, Lieutenant Kara Thrace,” Lee introduces, feeling much more nervous about making that introduction now rather than what he would have felt a few hours later. “Kara, this is my mother President Laura Roslin,” Lee introduces, saying his mothers title without even thinking about it.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Madama President,” Kara says to her, her mind re-playing everything that Zak told her about his mother, which was a lot.
“Please call me, Laura,” Laura requests, as it feels wrong to have someone who was so close to her son call her by her new title. “It’s really nice to meet you, Kara, I apologise that we haven’t talked before now,” Laura admits. “I wasn’t in any state to do so at the funeral,” Laura admits, and as she remembers that Lee was practically holding Laura up when she was presented with a flag at Lee’s funeral, Kara understands that.
“It’s okay, I understand,” Kara assures her, feeling a rush of guilt. “Zak talked about you all the time, he was really proud to be your son,” Kara says, feeling awkward but it is the only thing she can think to say, as while Bill was Zak’s hero, she is sure that he was prouder of his mother.
“I was proud of him,” Laura tells Kara. “And I know he deeply loved you,” Laura assures Kara.
“I loved him too,” Kara admits, tears coming to her eyes, and the group drift into silence, none of them having any idea what to say.
“So, um, are we going back to Colonel One?” EJ asks, breaking the silence after a few minutes.
“Later tonight,” Laura answers. “I actually have to go talk to your father about something,” Laura admits, as she knows that they have to clear the air, as well as talking about Bill’s lie. “While I do that you okay with….” Laura starts to say.
“Staying with Lee and Kara?” EJ finishes. “Yeah, I’m fine with that,” EJ finishes.
“Is that okay?” Laura asks, looking between Lee and Kara.
“Of course,” Lee answers.
“Definitely,” Kara answers.
“Don’t wonder off, I’ll come find you when I’ll done with your Dad,” Laura tells EJ.
“Yes Mom,” EJ responds, and Laura walks away, leaving EJ, Lee and Kara together.
(line break)
A little while after she walked away from Lee, Kara, and EJ Laura, having gotten lost once, is walking up to Bill’s quarters, knowing that this there is conversation they need to have but having no idea how it is going to go.
As she reaches the door that has commander on it Laura almost walks in without knocking, but she stops herself at the last second and instead knocks on the hatch a she doesn’t want to get what’s bound to be an already difficult conversation off on the wrong foot.
“Come in,” Bill’s voice responds, and she walks in.
Walking into the quarters Laura finds herself wondering how she can find a place she has never been to before so familiar. Looking around Laura sees the couch she helped Bill pick out, the desk that they shared in their first home office, mountain of books, some of which she knows she gave him, the rug EJ and Zak gave him a gift, and countless pictures of their family. together, all those things combine to create a place that is fundamentally Bill, which makes Laura feel instantly comfortable despite all their issues.
“Laura,” Bill say, says putting down the chopsticks he is using to eat his Tauron noddles, from where he is sitting on the couch with his jacket now open.
“Bill,” Laura says, walking over to the couch. “Thank you for deciding…” Laura starts to say as she sits down.
“You don’t have to say it, you were right, I was wrong, let’s just leave it at that,” Bill responds, as he feels like they don’t have to have that conversation.
“Alright,” Laura responds, that being easier than she was expecting.
“But I do owe you an apology for what I said to Lee when I was trying to get you to come to Ragnar,” Bill admits, as that is something he knows he needs to make right. “I’m sorry Laura. I do respect you; I know what being a teacher meant to you, that it was something you were incredibly proud of as you should be, and I do have faith in your ability to be President,” Bill admits, meaning that completely.  
“I appreciate you saying that,” Laura says, giving him a grateful look, as it did hurt to hear what he said, and knowing she has Bill’s faith meaning more to her than she would like to admit.
“I have more news, according to Baltar, Doral was a Cylon, we left him at Ragnar,” Bill explains, and while Laura is surprised by that everything that has happened over the last couple of days, makes more sense.
“That actually makes sense,” Laura admits, and Bill gives her a curious look. “He was trying to get us to stay in position after the Cylons scanned us, and he questioned every decision that was made on Colonel One,” Laura explains, and Bill frowns, not liking that a Cylon was so close to Laura, EJ, and Lee for so long.
“Leoben told me that when Cylon’s die they download to a new body,” Bill explains. “We’ll probably see him again,” Bill explains.
“Of course,” Laura says with a sigh, as she realises that won’t make things easy. “I’ll go over everything Doral was told while with me, make sure there is nothing that can be used against us,” Laura says, feeling that what could be most worrying is that Doral would have clearly saw how much her kids mean to her which could put them in danger.
“Good idea,” Bill responds, pushing down the anger and disgust he feels at Doral being so close to the people who matter so much to him.  
“You just lied to everyone Bill,” Laura says to him. “There’s no Earth,” Laura says, and because it’s Laura Bill knows there is no point lying to her.
“No, there’s not, it’s all a legend,” Bill confirms, having no idea if Laura released that because of how well she knows him or because of knowledge gained though being in the president cabinet, either way he knows there is no point trying to lie to her.
“Then why?” Laura asks.
“Because it’s not just enough to live. You have to give them something to live for,” Bill tells Laura. “Let it be Earth,” Bill says.
“They’ll never forgive us,” Laura says, and Bill is amazed, that Laura is willing to take on the consequences of his lie without hesitation.
“Maybe, but in the meantime, I’ve given all of us a fighting chance to survive,” Bill comments. “In’s that what you said was the most important thing. The survival of the human race?” Bill asks, remembering her earlier words.
“So, you actually did listen to me,” Laura says, fighting an amused smirk.
“I always have, I just don’t always agree,” Bill comments.  
“But you’re willing to change your mind, to rethink things, that’s matters,” Laura admits, as she has always admired that about Bill as while he is incredibly stubborn he is capable of changing his mind when presented with new information. “Who else knows?” Laura asks curious.
“Not a soul,” Bill answers.
“All right, I’ll keep your secret,” Laura assures Bill. “But I’m asking for something in return, Bill,” Laura tells him.
“I’m listening,” Bill says, giving Laura a curious look.
“If a civilization is going to function, it’s going to need a government,” Laura says standing up. “A civilian government, run by the president of the Colonies,” Laura says to Bill.
“So, you’ll be in charge of the fleet,” Bill says, standing up and fixing his jacket. “But Military decisions stay with me,” Bill tells Laura.
“Yes,” Laura confirms, deciding that is for best. “And whatever is going on professionally between us, we don’t let it affect EJ and Lee,” Laura tells Bill, feeling that that is important.
“Agreed, Madam President,” Bill says, and he sticks out his hand for Laura to shake, a shake which Laura returns.
“Thank you, Commander,” Laura responds and after longer than is strictly necessary they finally let go of each other’s hands. “I’ll let you get back to your noddles,” Laura says to him.
“Would you like some?” Bill asks, before Laura can even walk towards the hatch, not wanting Laura to leave quiet yet.
“You’re willing to share your Tauron noddles?” Laura asks surprised, as she knows that when he eats Tauron noddles he remembers being as child when his mother would make them, so he tends not to want to share them.
“It’s been a long few days,” Bill responds, with a shrug, trying to make it seem like it is no big deal, as he walks back over to the couch.
“It really has been,” Laura confirms. “I’d love some,” Laura responds, recognizing Bill trying to make an effort, “Water or something stronger?” Bill asks curious, getting up as Laura sits down.
“I think it’s best I stick with water,” Laura admits, and Bill nods as he walks across the room where he collects another glass, another bowel, and another set of cutlery from the cabinet. “When you were talking today did EJ tell you about her sports day?” Laura asks curious, as she figures the safest, the easiest, thing for them to talk about at the moment is their children.
“No,” Bill responds, walking back over to the couch. “What happened?” Bill asks, looking curious, as he sits back down and starts to transfer some of the noddles from his bowel to the second one.
“She knocked out a senior in a boxing match,” Laura says with a proud smile, and as she and Bill eat the noddles Laura tells the story, and others about things that have been happening with their kids, though she doesn’t tell him anything that she is sure Lee or EJ will want to tell him themselves.
(Line break)
A while after Bill and Laura came to an agreement about how they are going to run the fleet the two of them walk into the pilot rec room where they find Kara, Lee and EJ playing cards together, clearly having a good time.  
“And another win for Kara,” Lee says with an annoyed look on his face, as he, Kara, and EJ throw down the cards. “Hey Mom, Commander,” Lee greats, being the first one to see them.  
“I leave you for an hour and you’re already teaching your sister to gamble?” Laura asks, putting a fake disapproving look on her face, as she and Bill walk up to the table where the trio are playing, and as she speaks both Lee and Kara look guilty while Bill can tell that Laura isn’t actually annoyed.
“Please, I already knew how,” EJ responds, sounding amused. “I though you knew that,” EJ says to her mother, causing both Bill and Kara to laugh.
“I did, I just wanted to see your brother squirm,” Laura admits, as after everything that has happened, she figured they could all use a bit of joking around, as she puts her hand on her son’s shoulder.
“Gee thanks Mom,” Lee says, with a laugh, though he is glad he’s not in trouble. “Wait, who taught you to gamble?” Lee asks, as when EJ said she knew how to play he didn’t think anything off it, assuming she learnt from school  friends, but for their mother to know then he figures there is a different explanation.  
“Zak,” EJ answers. “He said I was a natural,” EJ says proudly.
“Which one of us do you think she got that from?” Bill asks, looking at Laura.
“Hard to say, it could be either of us,” Laura responds amused, causing EJ and Lee to exchange confused looks as after their parents were gone for so long, they assumed they were fighting, and yet they seem to be getting along; surprisingly well.
“Well, it sounds like to me that the two of you need to play against each other and see who will win,” Kara suggests with a smirk.
“Maybe another time,” Bill responds, trying desperately not to think about what a particularly memorable game of triad against Laura lead to, and from the slight blush that appears on Laura’s face he knows she is thinking the same thing.
“Whatever you say, Sir,” Kara responds amused, being oblivious to Laura and Bill’s response to her suggestion.  
“EJ, it’s time for us to head back to Colonel One,” Laura says, as while she knows she and Bill will need to talk more about how much time EJ is going to spend on Colonel Oen and how much time she is going to spend on the Galactica that is a conversation for when they have a better idea about what day to day fleet life is going to look like so for now they agreed that EJ will stay with her, go where she goes, unless other arrangements are made.  
“Sure, this was fun,” EJ says to her brother and Kara.
“Yeah, it was,” Lee admits, as he truly enjoyed getting to spend some moments of joy with Kara and EJ when everything is falling apart. “I’ll walk with you,” Lee says, also standing up.
“Cool, see you Kara,” EJ says to her as she, her parents, and brother head to the hatch.
“See you Lee, EJ, Sir, Madam Prez,” Kara responds, starting to pack up the cards as the four of them head out of the rec room.
After leaving the rec room Bill and Lee escort EJ and Laura back to Colonel One, where the family had exchanged a long drawn-out goodbye, as after everything that has happened no one wanted to be the first to say goodbye, before EJ and Laura headed back to their plane and Bill and Lee went back to their respective quarters; Bill finding a note warning him that there is only twelve Cylon models when he got back to his.  
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Round 1 Gleanings
This isn't a post about who won; I made plenty of those. No, this is a post about records and matters of note, from a massive and thoroughly enjoyable round 1:
Highest voter turn-out:
🏆Group 1: B'Elanna Torres vs. Esmeralda "Granny" Weatherwax with a STUNNING 995 votes
Group 2: Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman vs. Susan Sto Helit with a very respectable 668 votes
Group 3: Phryne Fisher vs. Shauna Sadecki with a whopping 833 votes
Group 4: Daisy Johnson vs. Anne Lister with a still noteable 548 votes
Closest vote:
Group 1: Also B'Elanna Torres vs. Esmeralda "Granny" Weatherwax, at 48.9% vs. 51.1% - that's a difference of 2.2 percentage points
Group 2: Kara Thrace vs. Dr. Addison Montgomery, at 48.7% vs. 51.3%; a difference of 2.6
Group 3: Moiraine Damodred vs. Margaret Houlihan, at 49.6% vs. 50.4%; a difference of only 0.8!
🏆Group 4: Eda Clawthorne vs. Olivia Dunham, also at 49.6 vs. 50.4%/ 0.8 percent points difference! Due to the smaller voter turnout, nly two votes made the difference here!
Clearest winner by margin:
Group 1: Nyota Uhura over Moana, with a 69 percent point lead
Group 2: Siuan Sanche over Jules Callaghan, with a 75 percent point lead
Group 3: Regina Mills over Abigail M. Carmichael, with a 60.6 percent point lead
🏆Group 4: Sophie Devereaux over Anna Mill, with a MASSIVE 86 percent point lead
Clearest winner by absolute number of votes:
🏆Group 1: Leia Organa, with 720 votes
Group 2: Xena, with 357 votes
Group 3: Buffy Summers, with 505 votes
Group 4: Sophie Deveraux, with 494 votes
And last but not least, because I am biased and so so sad - the winner of my heart, who didn't even make it to Round 2 despite being one of THEE most competent characters out there:
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Myka Ophelia Bering, love of my life, holder of the Manual of Awesomeness and the Tesla of Power. Jo bless you, you wonderful giraffe princess nerd.
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(My fave lady of all time is NOT on this list because her fandom is so damn smol that they WOULD probably figure out who I am.)
Abigail/Tally/Raelle from motherland are a PACKAGE deal and I will not separate them (and also I didn’t have the space to do so).
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collateraldamageinc · 9 months
ooc: ahah I cosplayed Kara Thrace once.
// Eeeee! That is excellent. BSG is on my list of things to watch and I already know I'm gonna love her. Do you still have pics you're cool with sharing???
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gemmabee · 1 year
my battlestar galactica thoughts
putting this under a read more because of major spoilers for the entire show.
I don’t even know where to begin. I watched the last episode yesterday and I’ve still not recovered. The thing with binging the entirety of the show in less than a month is you get all of the story at once and not in increments as you would watching it when it aired. Which means, a lot of stuff is sorta blended together in my head and there’s a lot I have forgotten about, simply because the characters change so much during the seasons that looking back on moments in season 1 you can barely recognise these same characters and their motivations. This is a good thing though, character development (or regression) is a vital part of great storytelling. and boy, what a monumentous journey, both literally and figuratively. This story took me places I never expected to go, with mindblowing plottwist i never saw coming. Knowing absolutely nothing about this show and, somehow, having avoided all spoilers that mattered, I came into this fully expecting only two things: 1. There was going to be aliens.
2. The Starbuck and Lee romance. (My initial reason for starting the show. They’re both cute.) 
I did not expect the aliens (or the Cylons) to be manmade AI creation gone rogue, but I loved it. I loved everything regarding the Cylons (except, perhaps, the human genocide. that wasn’t lit); How they came to be, the way they perceived themselves and the humans and the struggle of adhering to your programming or breaking out of it and becoming more than just a machine. It was utterly fascinating. Likewise to see the human aspect, which is of course the main point of focus throughtout the initial seasons. And I think this is what makes this show so good, because everybody, Cylon or not, are so very, very human and I could love a character utterly in one moment and in the next they could fill me with frustration or contempt even. (Tom Zarek i’m eyeing you hard) 
I enjoyed the spirituality of the show as well. This was something I did not expect, at least not to this degree, and this made me grateful that I have waited until now with getting into the show. I don’t believe a younger me would have appreciated the message of the show as well as present me does. Honestly, it’s a bittersweet story but in itself also deeply moving and hopeful. I don’t think I’ve cried so much to a show before, but all the characters really had me going through it.  Especially Lee and Starbuck. The internet somehow had let me to the assumption that the were The Couple. They were Endgame. and I fully expected that, so I was fine with watching their dance around each other, the whole “will they, wont they?” scenario I’ve seen times before. But I enjoyed it, I always found their scenes together interesting and fun (and sometimes frustrating). I just felt really bad for Sam and Dee (best girl, love you), and I would just sit there like “please for the love of galactica, divorce your partners and get together already, why is this dragging out??”  and then... they don’t even end up together??? because starbuck apparently DID die in season 3 and the kara we see is either her angelic form (beautiful) or an angelic being with the memories of kara thrace and not actually her (devastating) and she just disappears when they finally reach our earth and her job is done. The way Lee just stands there alone in the meadow just about broke my heart. Dee dead, Kara dead, Dad gone. Ah, so tragic. But mostly sad for me and my shipper heart I think. I really did love them and wanted them to be together. 
And just as I was trying to recover from that they just timeskipped 150.000 years and essentially killed off everybody hahah. But I did enjoy the last 5 minutes in present time, and I honestly thought (hoped) they would tease us with showing some of the characters reincarnated, but alas no juice. Instead we do get to see the Gaius and Caprica Six “Angels” walk down the street of a present day metropolian city and I thought their short conversation tied up everything quite nicely. And it was all in all a cool bit of foreshadowing for what could truly be in store for the human race, if we are not careful. Very thoughtprovoking conclusion and all in all a stellar note to end the show on. 
There’s so much i could talk about, this is merely the tip of the iceberg and I will probably make another post talking about all the main characters because they deserve to be talked about individually and i love them and i miss them and I am not crying again, nope. 
Regardless, I really think this show sets a precedent for future shows to be inspired by. Though it is by no means without flaws, i still felt the quality of the show was top notch and I’m so grateful to the cast and crew for this considerable accomplishment. What a beast of a story, what amazing characters and attention to details. This show has earned a special place in my heart and I can’t wait to rewatch this show in 10 years time and probably cry just as much as the first time around. 
So say we all.
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ancsury92 · 2 years
My favourite ships
I love making lists. Recently, I relaized I haven’t made a list about my favourite OTP’S!
Here ya go:
1. Garcia Flynn and Lucy Preston (Timeless)
“You should know the Lucy in the journal. She is very, very impressive.”
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2. Gene Hunt and Alex Drake (Ashes to ashes)
“ We weren't bad though were we? “
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3. Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
“Jimmy, I had the time of my life with you..”
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4. Louisa Durrell and Spiros Halikiopoulos (The Durrells)
“You are very special to me”
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5. Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen (Game of thrones)
“Tyron Lannister was right. I love you. I’ll always love you.”
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6. Gereon Rath and Charlotte Ritter (Babylon Berlin)
“-Will you carry me all the way back to the city? - Of course.”
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7. Kara Thrace and Lee Adama (Battlestar Galactica)
“My name is Lee Adama and I love Kara Thrace!”
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8. Mark S. and Helly R. (Severance)
“ You’re easy to pretend to care about.“
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9. Jax Teller and Tara Knowles (Sons of Anarchy)
“We don't know who we are until we're connected to someone else. We're just better human beings when with the person we're supposed to be with. I wasn't supposed to leave...I belong here.”
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10. Amelia Sedley and William Dobbin
“ I have loved you and watched you for fifteen years in vain. Have I not learned in that time to read all your feelings and look into your thoughts? “
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lodessa · 1 year
✨ 2022 Writing Year In Review ✨
Thanks to @feeisamarshmallow​ for tagging me! Sorry it took me a while to get to it!
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 10
2. Word count posted for the year: 37,228
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Stranger Things, Star Trek: Voyager ( and a hint of Prodigy), Revolution, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica.
4. Pairings: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson, Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay Charlie Matheson/Miles Matheson, Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Lee "Apollo" Adama/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace"
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Five Times No One Saw Eddie and Chrissy Together (No Make That Four) 303 Kudos on my entry into a new fandom.
Bookmarks: (See most kudos above) 47 Bookmarks
Comments: (Same) 20 Comment Threads.
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
"Don't Leave Me Dry" I think. There's something about writing a fic you know is going "bomb" but you just want to write it so much you do it anyway. I knew going into it that once again I was writing a problematic ship in a dead fandom, that would probably be commented on by @romeorevoarchive and one other person, but I was struck with one little moment, that kind of inspiration that usually gets trapped in the shower or car, and I went for it anyway and do you know what: I love the immediacy, the way I ended up using music to frame it, the characterization, the physicality, the rawness and tenderness that feels so quintessentially Miles and Charlie.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):. . .
This is maybe going to sound weird (or entitled and bratty) and also sound contradictory to what I said in the prior response, but. . . 23K of the 37k words I wrote were my three part More Normal Things series and part of me wishes I had just left that whole thing with the first part. While the hit count didn't drop that much between them, every other metric (kudos, comments, bookmarks) took a nose and it just makes me feel like I should have quit while I was ahead. Maybe I should have written the more flashy concept Hellcheer AUs I had instead of continuing to just explore their dynamic. Maybe I should have just been pleased with the amazing welcome to the fandom I got on that first fic and moved on after that positive little moment. There are things I really liked about those second two parts, but it is obvious that readers felt diminishing returns, and that makes me wish I had updated any of my other series or WIPs instead.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
Is it cheating to choose a whole series of comments I received / comment conversation I had in response to Salvation and Rapture For the Lonely? They started with this gem
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and only got better from there. When I finally posted my Martha/Nine epic in 2018, I knew that it was ten years late and a super niche pairing to begin with, but it was my hope that at least one person out there would stumble upon it and be really excited for the same reasons that most people would not be interested at all, and in the last four years that is exactly what has happened a handful of times. This wonderful human left effusive, detailed, comments on every chapter and then responded to my rambling replies in a way that gave me that high of finding someone who just GETS IT.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Most of the year, honestly. I really struggled to write anything most of the time (pretty much the only time writing was really flowing was August).
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
I definitely didn't see Hellcheer as a ship (or writing anything for Stranger Things) coming. If you had told me that my new ship in 2022 would be some freshly introduced high school kids from a single episode of the show, I would have been skeptical.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
From "Whispered" :
“Going to take more than that to get rid of me, Summers.” Faith feels herself smile, mostly because it hurts to move her face that much.
“Good,” Buffy smiles back, doing that lip biting thing that is a suggestion and a protestation of innocence at the same time. Perfect. Humanizing. Prudish. Primal. The reluctant hero. The girl who knows or doesn’t know she’s hot. “We still have a First Evil to defeat.”
We. When was the last time either of them actually believed that even existed? Had Buffy ever? Or was it only Faith who even wanted that to be true? No. Buffy just wanted everyone to play by her rules, not the other way around. Sometimes, Faith even wished she could do that, be relegated to a sidekick instead of a problem. If there’s one constant in the world it is me being a disruption, a wrinkle in someone’s perfect life… No. She reminds herself. I don’t have to be. I can be different.
Buffy is looking at her, really looking at her, and Faith wonders what she sees. She must look like shit. Feeling superior as usual, B? she thinks, but that’s not really what she sees in her expression. If I’m vulnerable, so are you. That it? She’s not sure that’s quite right either, but no more comforting thought is coming to mind, so she looks away.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: 
Honestly 2022 was pretty much a fallow year for me as a writer. I suspect I won't see what changed in my writing until I am looking back on it from the perspective of what I write in 2023.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I would really like to get better at being able to push through and get words typed more consistently even when they are not flowing.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): 
@romeorevoarchive who held my hand through everything I wrote or didn't write this year and even read some fic for a fandom she doesn't care about. Also special shout out to @anverli for the visual inspiration for (Don't Leave Me Dry) and many people but especially @phoenixwrites for the enthusiastic welcome to Hellcheer.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Probably the most personal work I wrote this year was Exhausted Midas. I've been feeling really overwhelmed and burnt out, both like I need and want to do more and like I need to cut back on my commitments. I've been dropping a lot of balls. It is hard not to feel like this is who I am now, and I feel like that's a lot of what I was exploring with this character study of Janeway, pre-Prodigy.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
This isn't new but here are a few reminders for myself and others:
Just because you are struggling to write right now doesn't mean you will never write again. Try to relax. Read. Trust that inspiration and focus will come together again someday.
Learn to scale down the scope of a writing project, just because "what happens" is big, doesn't mean you need to show it all: skip to the most interesting part, do abrupt transitions if you need to, add flashbacks if you need context instead of writing thousands of words to get to that critical detail
Find a buddy you can talk through the process with while writing, someone who you can send snippets to, someone you can bounce ideas off of, someone to make you feel less alone and in your own head.
Sit down and do flash fiction based on any prompt. There's something about just finding a way to make some constraint work and typing out whatever you can in what sitting before setting it loose on the world.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
Last week, I came across a list from two years ago with 20 things on it. I had actually written and posted 1, which means who knows what will happen but right now:
I would really like to update (and possibly even finish) one of my major partly posted WIPS: k'war'ma'khon (my Georgiou!lives Discovery AU) and Dragon Marked (my soulmarks, reincarnation, modern with some magic Dany/Jorah epic).
I would like to complete my long planned sequels for The Smallest Twine (my Janeway and Chakotay meet before the end of the Cardassian War and that changes EVERYTHING AU . . . though it makes me sad to think about how Laura inspired it all and she's not here to enjoy the rest of it now) and the next installment of Balancing Act (my Logan/Veronica/Weevil threesome + series)
I would like to finally finish and post some of the in progress fics that have been languishing in my Google Drive for years, including but not limited to: the Veronica Mars Season 3 AU I started in 2014, the Greek Myth AU Janeway/Chakotay fic, my Jaime/Brienne, Sansa/Aegon, Davos/Jon Connington ASOIAF solution.
Some fic ideas I have not actually written, including but not limited to: Miles gets swapped with an alternate timeline version of himself Revo fic, Hellcheer Room With a View AU, that BtVS/Punisher crossover fic with Faith/Billy Russo (okay that pairing actually the whole idea), my inevitable Elendil/Mirael fic.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
Let's go with: @clarasimone, @liminal-zone, @janiedean, and @lilalbatross but anyone who wants to do this, should
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curioussubjects · 2 years
fic rec time!
There was this fic I wanted to read, but hadn't yet because it was a wip and, generally speaking, I don't read wips (adhd reeeally doesn't like it). That said, the concept of the fic was really good, and I'm a little obsessed with the other pilotfic the author has written, so I decided to take a peek at the last posted chapter to make sure it didn't end on a cliffhanger from hell -- it didn't. So, this week, I finally relented.
Y'all. Y'all. This fic....this gd fic...I'm on the floor. I read it in a little over a day because life keeps happening (rude), and I haven't stopped thinking about it yet. Probably won't for a while !!
Anyway, it's a good ol' bsg finale fix-it (and we sure love those yes we do). I found the author's solution to be compelling and completely cohesive with the other themes of the story. Unfortunately, while what is posted of the fic is enough that you can kinda fill in the rest, I still can't help but wonder what the rest of the journey would've been. I can imagine multiple endings, as things are, but all, ultimately, hopeful if not happy (or as happy as you can be after genocide and war).
At its core this is a story about breaking the cycle of violence, but not only against the Other. Crucially, it's about ending the cycle of violence against the Self, too. This theme sprawls over not only the human/cylon conflict, but all the interpersonal relationships we'd followed throughout the show. It's achingly and beautifully done with Lee and Kara, in particular.
Speaking of pilots, the author takes some liberty with what happened pre-mini, though they do follow the flashbacks. I have to say that while I don't fully share their interpretation of key points in Kara and Lee's relationship (UB flashback being the real point of contention for me), their take is entirely cohesive within the story and feels true to Lee and Kara just the same.
I don't want to say more because spoilers, but feel free to insert an image of me crying screaming taking a walk to calm down because oh pilots. I know I always want to hug them, but I super need to hug them. Just. Make believe, pears and jail (iykyk). I am severely unwell and emotionally compromised.
Y'all go read it and then come back here and sit with me.
pennyante, idk if you're still out there or if you ever think about this fic, but...if you ever want to finish this fic and you need a hype person hmu.
Here are the specs:
Title: In the Whole World Author: pennyante Rating: Mature Pairings & Characters: pilots (duh), but it's an ensemble fic so canon pairings and many familiar faces Chapters: 23/? (last updated in Sept 2013 /sad) Summary:
The Cylons aren't quite human, and the humans haven't quite forgiven them. Political stability is less certain than ever now that the war is over:  Lee Adama finds himself up for re-election, where being defeated will mean a Gemenese theocracy puppeteered by Leoben Conoy. Meanwhile, Kara Thrace has nothing but questions about her death and destiny. The only answers available come in the form of the vision of a temple, and from her hybrid/comatose husband's cryptic ramblings about a sister artifact to the Arrow of Apollo.
There's violence in the air. Civil war looms. Can Lee and Kara save each other, and keep the fledgling colony whole?
Read on LJ Read on FFN (with extras!)
She had seen the leash he kept on his self-control, had seen it slacken and tauten. But he never dropped it altogether. She heard, faintly, the sound of an elemental yell erupting over a dark hillside on New Caprica, welling up from a deep pocket of her memory. Almost never.
Testing his control had long since become a favorite pasttime, because where Lee couldn't let anyone see him want, Kara couldn't let anyone see her care. Naturally: forcing him to let on that he wanted her had been the perfect way of showing she didn't care. It was so tempting—all of the pleasure, none of the guilt. The temptation of temptation—to be in his proximity, to draw deeply on the pleasure of goading him, but to not give in to it. She could feel the blood pounding in her throat and wrists, suddenly. Suddenly, she felt alive again.
"Mmm. I don't think you're gonna like renting from me, Apollo. First month's rent is three years continuous service on a battlestar."
A raised eyebrow, as if he were saying, What's your game, Starbuck?, and damn if that wasn't good for a heart she hadn't realized was lonely for it. "Paid it," he offered.
"Perfect. Security deposit's a daily hot oil massage for your landlady." Reckless grin never faltering, she watched him, watched the quick gleam flicker across his eyes before he smothered it, felt her first flash of electric heat in weeks. "Garbage pickup is never. Oh, yeah, and heat and electricity are definitely not included."
He didn't crack a smile, this time, which, predictably, made her laugh. God, what was it about him? When was the last time she'd laughed? "On the flip side, the place is an absolute steal; I have a feeling property value around here is about to skyrocket."
Lee lowered himself heavily to the cot, and she noticed, as he did, just how tired he seemed. Had he just come from speaking fruitlessly with his father, coming up against the Old Man's utter withdrawal? From meeting with the ship captains, whose talk of scattering was already sweeping the camp? From looking at the sky and remembering when the arrow of Apollo had let them see earth from Kobol and they'd dreamed of days like this—days they hadn't known would be like this—wordlessly, uncertainly, together?
Was he realizing that life on Earth, like everything else they'd ever shared, had turned out to be both more and less than the prospect of it had been?
When he spoke, it was a riddle—or perhaps it only seemed that way to her, because she was so used to hearing the riddes underlying the things he said to her. They had had their own code for far too long.
This was one she was terrified to decipher.
"Kara. I'm staying with you. Until I can't anymore."
The laughter died in her eyes. Oh, gods, what did I let slip? What did he see?
And then she finally took the time to think about what it meant that he had brought his pack with him, had rolled out his sleeping bag. About whether she wanted him to stay. The answer—the potency of it—jolted her. I should make him go, she thought. Anything else is selfish.
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
tagged my @shameless-notashamed and @creepkinginc to share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag or send to ten people (anon or not).
no particular order will be alphabetical order because please do not make me play favorites.
kara thrace - battlestar galactica luke dane - gilmore girls mickey milkovich - shameless opie winston - sons of anarchy polly gray - peaky blinders rex - toy story thirteen - house walter bishop - fringe wayne unser - sons of anarchy wendy rhoades - billions
hey look! i'm not ten years behind on a tag game tonight. so let's go with the last 10 in my notes: @sleepyfacetoughguy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @celestialmickey @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @stocious @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @whaticameherefor @sweetbee78 @look-i-love-u
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fraddit · 2 years
The lovely @sunoficarus tagged me to list ten favorite characters from ten different things, which should be a fun exercise...
Evan "Buck" Buckley - 911
Eric Northman - True Blood
Karen Page - Daredevil & The Punisher
Spock - Star Trek
Ian Gallagher - Shameless
Colin Robinson - What We Do In The Shadows
Helly R - Severance
Lupe Garcia - A League of Their Own
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace - Battlestar Galactica
Burton Guster - Psych
There we go! This list is not necessarily my favorite characters of all time or even shows I would necessarily call my favorites. In fact True Blood is steaming hot garbage, but I digress. It's more a mishmash of things I've been watching or rewatching lately along with some random others thrown in because they came to mind.
Now I'll be out of character and actually tag some people for once, feel free to do it and tag me even if I didn't tag you or to ignore it if I did. No pressure. @youre-not-a-cat-youre-a-rat , @toboldlynerd, @bunk-o, @h0usesoftheh0ly, @hmslusitania, @glorious-spoon, @littlespoonevan, @phd-mama, @thegeekyartist, @ebbet
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womanlives · 1 year
 ♥ ❦ ✎ ♪ ♤ i'm not cheating ( for kara )
honestly — THE WHOLE 9YARDS.
" — WOW." Kara lifts both eyebrows and scratches at the side of her neck. "Okay." Ray wants honesty, huh? Vulnerability? If this'd been anyone else, Kara would've put their head through a frakkin' hatch and been done with it. But Raymond Palmer?
She settles for sitting in his lap instead, placing her hands on his shoulders. "What I like about you ... do I have to pick just one thing?" Her fingers dance; they pick an imaginary piece of lint off the fabric of his shirt, then fiddle with his collar. "I like the way you feel. I like the way you look. I like the way you say my name, even if it's that kinda half-yell thing you do when you're worried or mad." She smiles. "I like when you say big words I don't even think are real, then get all excited when you explain it to me. I like it when you kiss me. I hate it when you stop." The smallest of pauses. Slightly softer: "I like how you hold me, when I get nightmares of New Caprica. Until the shaking stops."
She leans in, drops a quick kiss on his lips, then recedes again. Mercurial as ever. Like the tides.
"Our first meeting sucked." Kara's hand lifts, idly brushes at a stray lock of hair by his temple. "I think I'd just taken a shot. I always do what when I have to tell someone about — " Her throat closes; the words refuse to leave through her lips, so instead they pool in her eyes. Her gaze locks with Ray's: guilt. The first time she ever met him, it was to tell him about his brother. How he died. Damn good Viper pilot, that one. "Frak. Let's move onto an easier one. I'm jealous of you because you're so much frakkin' smarter than me, Ray. And I love it, I do, but sometimes I feel so stupid standin' next to you."
Anyone would. Raymond Palmer is the smartest man she knows.
"I hate — " Frak. She's left the tricky ones for last. "I hate that you don't realize how important you are." Kara's eyes soften, somewhere between reverence and melancholy. "To humanity, to Galactica — "
To me.
Which brings her to the fifth and final question. A secret kept. She knows just the one. She's held it for some time now, hoping by now it'd harden, that it wouldn't be so raw. So painful. Foolish, foolish; it's only gotten heavier with age. And now here she is — Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, crushed by the weight of three secret words she just can't — is too frakkin' scared — to say.
I love you. I love you; I love you; I love —
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