#i love their colour its beautiful to see my area all purple
vogelmeister · 6 months
i love you jacaranda i love you tree
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doctor-fancy-pants · 1 year
The Rise of the Bucket Queen
On the last voyage I did, back in 2017, we were trawling in the tropics, and we were trying to hit four shallow water sites a day. We would get extraordinarily large catches, and processing those was a correspondingly extraordinarily intense task.
Once the trawl comes up and is emptied into the mega-bins on deck, the contents of those mega-bins are loaded into the gigantic sorting tray in the sheltered science area.
In a chaotic blur of motion, all the scientists involved in sorting swoop down upon the sorting tray, and it is fucking on.
Because those catches were so large, there wasn't enough room in our lab to sort the material even roughly. And, due to berth allocations, I was the only person on that shift sorting the mobile invertebrates (anything without a spine that can move), at least for the first two weeks (we had a minor staff changeover at that point, and I got my beautiful assistant Frank, who was a total legend).
Everyone pitched in where they could, but my own task could turn into a bottleneck.
The best thing to do was to have a row of 20L buckets, filled partway with seawater, and to do a rough sort in the sheltered science out on the back deck. The fish guys and any other scientists who weren't needed on some other task would pass me critters as they found them, or just set aside a small pile of invertebrates in pails that I would come around and collect, and I'd sort those into the buckets.
When a bucket was full, I'd carry it into the lab, and bring out a new bucket. We learned valuable lessons along the way (or I sure as hell did). Here are some:
The Law of Leaky Crinoids. I love my feather stars, they are beautiful and fascinating animals, and they're my taxonomic specialty. However: some of them do have weird pigment, and when they're stressed, they leak dye into the surrounding water, which means that the water in the bucket is red, purple, yellow, or even a very dark opaque purple. Other critters in the same bucket can be stained by that pigment, which means we can't get live colour notes. Plus: it fouls the water. Everyone figured out pretty quickly which crinoids bore Perilous Pigments, and those all went into the same bucket, labelled "leaky crinoids."
The Law of Sea Cucumber Guts. Sea cucumbers ("cukes", "holos" aka holothurians) are also fascinating animals. They're in the phylum Echinodermata, the same phylum as sea urchins (echinoids), starfish (asteroids - yes, really), brittle stars (ophiuroids) and my beloved feather stars (crinoids! bless.). Unlike those animals, sea cucumbers tend to be soft bodied and squishy (that's a technical term). While all those animals exhibit some degree of regeneration (re-growing lost arms, etc.), the cukes take it to extremes: when stressed, many species literally eviscerate themselves. They break in half and eject their guts, apparently a very effective strategy for distracting predators! It doesn't work on marine biologists, though. It just fouls the water in the bucket. So if we see a cuke and think "oh no, that's one of the species that sheds its innards", they get put in a special quarantine bucket.
The Perils of the Pearlfish. As a bonus, some of these delightful mush-burgers host an unusual and genuinely bizarre houseguest: the pearlfish. Also known informally as "assfish", the pearlfish lives its life in the rectum of the sea cucumber, only emerging at night to forage, and then returning through the anus. You can read that paragraph again if you're having trouble with that. And on this last voyage, in 2017, one of the fish guys (ichthyologists) was interested in these parasite-host relationships, and asked me to retrieve any escaping assfish from the bucket. Since the most common host species is one of those self-gutting species, the poor little assfish is safely snoozing in its comfortable tubular home when the cuke breaks in half and is now shocked and horrified to find itself in a bucket. Now, a fish that swims in and out of an anus on a regular basis is going to be rather well lubricated. They basically look like a black sperm (typically about the length of my hand, sometimes smaller), and a whip-like tail that propels them around the bucket with great speed. This meant that I could be seen playing the weirdest fishing game imaginable, scooping my heavily-gloved hands into a 20L bucket full of seawater and vivisected sea cucumber guts trying to catch an oversized greased sperm. This looked exactly as ridiculous as it sounds.
The Law of Cuke Snot. Still on the holos, some of these increasingly troublesome animals have a peculiar defense mechanism: they produce snot. I'm not talking about the kind of snot you honk into your hanky when you're in the last stretch of a nasty cold. This stuff is like mucousy glue. It sets. Peeling it off every other specimen in the bucket is a time. And yes, this definitely fouls the water. Snotty cucumbers also end up being quarantined in their own bucket.
One crab, two crab, BIG CRAB, small crab. I loved that the fish guys were doing such an excellent job of helping sort out the invertebrates that got mixed in with the fish catch, but now and again I would have to call out politely, "HELLO PLEASE DO NOT THROW THE SMALL CRABS INTO THE SAME BUCKET AS THE BIG SWIMMER CRAB," because I looked into the bucket with the swimmer crab to see a bunch of drifting legs and chelae (crab claws), and the swimmer crab himself holding half a small crab in its own gigantic chelae and happily pulling off small pieces of meat with its mouthparts. If you want a very fat, happy swimmer crab, that's fine, but if what you want is an accurate assessment of the crustacean diversity and abundance, it's sub-optimal.
Those are some of my favourite lessons and the ones I remember best, and we mostly got very large catches. We had one titanic catch which had tonnes of sponge all over the back deck (literally tonnes, I'm not joking, our Sponge Sorceress had to weigh them).
On this voyage, we will mostly be sampling much deeper sites overall, which - as I said in my previous post - means we will probably get more downtime (due to how long it takes to winch the trawl down and winch it back up again), and does mean we tend to get smaller catches. The truly mammoth samples come from areas where there is plenty of sunlight still able to reach the bottom. Corals need sunlight. Algae needs sunlight (we don't usually get much algae).
Odds are good that I won't need the same array of buckets that I had last time, but there is at least one pretty shallow site, and I would rather be over-prepared than under-prepared.
As such: I am once again leaning into my role as Bucket Queen.
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It could be overkill, for sure. Still, if it's a small catch, we can use the labelled buckets for the rough sorting regardless. I'll just keep them in the dirty wet lab, in that case, and we'll bring the invertebrate catch into the lab using nelly bins and sort it there, out of the heat.
As for the lab itself: yes, it is called the Dirty Wet Lab; the next lab is the Clean Wet Lab; and the one after that is the Clean Dry Lab. Each is used for a different set of tasks. My work is entirely in the Dirty Wet Lab, which does tend to get quite humid.
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This picture shows the space where I will probably be doing most of my work. That mesh rack suspended from the ceiling is designed to keep power boards and cables dry and out of the way. One of the WA Museum scientists brought those clipping hooks that we're using to hang up gloves above our stations, and I swear to fucking god, that is genius.
I found a brace that I could hang my hard hat from, and as you can see I've also flipped my high viz vest and long-sleeved jacket over it, high enough that it won't fall off, low enough that I can grab it easily (that also goes for the really thick gloves).
Throughout the lab, that rack also has boxes of nitrile gloves facing downwards, so you can just reach up and grab one at a time. We're also considering putting the rolls of barcodes up there, with one end poking out, so that we can just grab another barcode like we're taking a number at the supermarket deli.
The other reason it's good to put things up there is that, well, boats move. Yesterday, as we were putting the finishing touches on the lab, the vessel came about into a wave (I presume), and we all looked up to see two large nelly bins of equipment sliding down the lab.
(they didn't go far, I promise, and they were pushed back and then secured in short order.)
Brief note here, in case anyone is unaware: research vessels of this size are generally 24 hour vessels. There are no days off at sea, because these ships are incredibly expensive to run. They require a significant complement of crew, and to get the most bang for the science buck (and look: the science buck is always, always limited), all the scientists have to be ready to go.
Shifts for most scientists run 2 til 2. I'm on the 2am to 2pm shift. We've had a significant transit period, we've done a deep camera tow, and we should be putting out our first trawl later today. The shifts have obviously been very slow as we all try to sort out our sleep patterns and set up the labs, but when we get stuck into it, it's going to be intense four weeks of 12 hour shifts, with no days off.
But it's an adventure - it's stimulating, challenging, and interesting. When you're covered in itchy fish secretions, achey from being on your feet all day, muscles screaming fatigue as you manage handover to your opposite number on the next shift, that's the knowledge that gets you through: the knowledge of the adventure, the excitement of discovery, all the wonderful questions and hypotheses that pop into your mind as you sort through the material, and the support and gestalt enthusiasm of your colleagues.
That's what gets you through.
Well, that, and the hot shower you get to have when you get back to your cabin.
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topazy · 2 years
The world between
Parings: Steve Harrington x reader, Billy Hargrove x sister reader, Max Mayfield x sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 2.01
You rolled your shoulders, picked up a paintbrush, and ran your fingertips across the soft bristles, which parted like golden ears of wheat on a windy day. The slim, wooden handle was light but firm—worth every dollar you’d spent on it—and you rolled it between your slender fingers, then dipped the brush into a pot of bright blue paint and raised your hand towards the canvas. The canvas wasn’t blank, as it already bore lines and curves of bright colours ranging from red, orange, yellow, pink, and purple. The colours formed the outline of a man you had never met but would soon meet—you could feel it in your bones. He didn’t have a proper face yet because you hadn’t seen his face yet. You often toyed with the idea of filling the figure with a mixture of grey and black paint. But no matter how long you stared at the canvas, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Because you feared the recurring figure from your nightmare that would come true if you did.
Painting outdoors was something you loved doing. You had a special spot under a tree where the rays of sunlight pierced through the gaps between the branches and leaves, giving you a warm ray of sunlight that wasn’t too harsh on your skin. When the grass rustles in the breeze, it sends a warm tingle down your back. There were square dents in the grass under the tree, where you always mounted your easel and stool, dents that showed that that little area was yours—your territory.
A bird landed on the top of the canvas, balancing on the edge. You smiled at it, and it tilted its small head to the side, but when you slowly reached out to touch it, it flapped its wings and flew up to the sky. You purse your lips—you wondered if Hawkins would be as beautiful as California.
Your brother, with whom you had shared a womb for nine months, took great joy in telling you in his cursive language how awful the weather was and how rude the people were. You weren’t looking forward to moving, but you all needed a fresh start. The odd dirty looks and whispers around town were beginning to drain your family. So when your stepmom, Susan, informed you of the numerous opportunities they could all have, you accepted that moving was the only option.
“I’m going to miss this.” You say to yourself as you drop the paintbrush and tilt your face towards the canopy of leaves above you. As you look at the sunlight piercing through the open gaps, your hair falls in gentle waves down your back, making some of the leaves appear translucent.
You turned towards your family’s home to see Susan walking towards you with a glass of lemonade in each hand and a faint smile on her lips. She looked over your shoulder to get a better look at your most recent painting. “Can I sit with you? Keep you company?”
“I'm not alone,” you joked. “But sure. I’m sorry Billy is making this move a bit difficult. Is he still off sulking somewhere instead of packing?”
Susan nodded, confirming that he was. “Ah, you know how it is with your brother and father.”
“It’s not fair though. I know Billy has made a lot of mistakes, but this time he didn’t do anything wrong. I just wished my dad would listen to him or me.”
“You know how it is.” Susan repeated, handing you one of the glasses. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I'm going to make sure Max hasn’t thrown out anything she’s supposed to keep.”
You exhaled softly through your nose and turned back to the painting. Susan always left when she didn’t like how a conversation was going. You dipped the brush into the pot of rainbow water that was slowly turning a muddy shade of brown before dipping the brush into green paint. You worked on your painting, adding more pops of color, till the golden sunlight turned orange and your eyes and hands began to hurt. You leaned back and admired how bright your painting looked, even in the setting sun. But it couldn’t distract you from the looming feeling that something bad was coming.
As you packed up your art supplies, you wondered if you would still have the same amount of time to paint in Hawkins.
“I can’t believe you baked a whole damn pound cake!”
“Max! Language! Cass did a lovely thing by making us desserts to celebrate our first family meal in our new home.”
You did your best to conceal the pout on your lips. You wouldn’t have classed this as a family meal because Billy wasn’t present. He’d stormed off not long after you arrived and hadn’t been seen since.
Dinner was chicken, creamy potatoes with some vegetables on the side, and for dessert, freshly baked pound cake that was still warm. The food was spread out on a light pink tablecloth with floral patterns and served in their fanciest bowls of China, which was just a matching set of ceramic dishes with blue hand-painted flowers. It was all pretty and all for show. You had grown accustomed to ready meals and takeaways in your old home since neither you nor Billy knew how to cook, and you hated it when he ate alone, so you’d skip family meals so you could eat with him.
“You know, I squeezed the oranges myself,” your dad said, with a twinge of pride.
“No wonder it tasted funny,” you quipped. Then, make a show of sniffing the bright yellow liquid in your glass cup.
You studied your dad’s face as he laughed at the joke, knowing full well that if your brother had made the same joke it wouldn’t have been received so well. That was the elephant in the room. You and Max could do no wrong in her father's eyes, while Billy could do nothing right.
“So, Billy says he’ll take you both to school tomorrow.” Susan asked.
“Yeah, we are going in slightly early to make sure we don’t get lost.”
Your dad scoffed into his cup. “He could’ve chosen a safer town to live in. Let’s hope he doesn’t screw this up.”
You opened your mouth to protest against his comment, but decided against it.
You immediately went to your room to finish unpacking when dinner was over. You stood in front of your most recent painting and brushed your fingers over it, checking it was completely dry before hanging it up on her wall. Three gentle knocks made you turn to the open door, where your sister stood leaning against the doorway.
“Can I come in?”
“Of course.”
Your bed creaked with your weight as you both sat down on it. “I’m nervous about tomorrow.”
You raised her brows in surprise. Max was never nervous. She was very laid-back for a kid. “You worried about not making friends?”
“No, I don’t care about things like that,” the young redhead girl tutted at her. “I’m worried Billy will really screw it up. What he did to that guy in the bar... was just messed up.”
You gave her a warm smile, which Max returned. “Please just give Billy a chance... I…” You sighed and looked down at your nails, which had paint stuck underneath them. “Okay, so there was more to what happened that night. It wasn’t all his fault.”
Max understood the plea in your eyes and didn’t need to hear anymore. She stood up, “Right. I'd better start getting ready for tomorrow.”
“Good night.”
You watched her amble out the door, and with shaking hands, you continued unpacking.
You clutched the bag in your hand tight to your chest, afraid it would slip out of your hands at the speed Billy was driving. When he pulled into the school parking lot and abruptly parked, Max almost immediately got out, and hopped onto her skateboard, mumbling, “See you later.”
You roll your eyes while getting out of the car, noticing that Billy’s erratic driving had gotten him an audience. You watched with curious eyes as a group of girls seemed to be swooning over your brother.
“I guess I’ll see you around.”
You were introduced to your class as a new student by your teacher before she pointed out a desk for you to sit in. As you sat, a brown-haired girl sat beside you. You gave her a polite nod before opening the book in front of you.
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pacebone · 1 year
oh my goodness your art is just. sublime. i can't even express how beautiful your rendering is. please pray tell your painting/colour picking process!
tysm for the kind words!! i'm glad you took the time to send this message!
i don't think i do anything too special, but there are some rules/teachings i try to keep in mind while i work. i love talking about art and color so i'm happy to get into them in what'll probably end up as an unnecessary amount of detail!!! let's go!!
first off, relativity is The Main Rule of coloring, and you'll probably see it referenced in, like, all of the following tips, because it's my main way of thinking about art. color relativity is less of a school of thought and more of a scientific truth: human vision is incapable of processing color on its own, we can only process what we see as it appears relative to its neighbors. my bro josef albers did a lot of important work on this subject.
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it always comes back to bauhaus.
you don't see blue, you see bluer-than-everything-else. if your surroundings are orange (blue's opposite on the color wheel, or, in relativity-speak, the-least-possible-blue), the bluer-than-everything-else object may as well look gray in a blue setting. though i gave a simple example, this isn't a simple spectrum, because saturation and value also affect each other, making for a three-dimensional matrix of trouble.
boy, if everyone understood this concept, that white-gold/blue-black dress argument sure would've been short.
anyway, going from there:
1) i usually start with a 50% neutral gray background. relativity is a negotiation, and starting in the color equivalent of switzerland sure makes negotiations easier. starting with white will make everything look darker and more intense than it really is. (this tip works for irl painting too, i always tint my gesso!)
2) #ffffff and #000000 are treats only for special occasions. they are the fried ice creams of values. use them sparingly and in very important areas (or not at all--i tend to avoid true black altogether in lineless work, usually opting for a deep tone of the work's main color instead). i save these until i'm very close to finishing up, because if you add them too early, you'll throw off the balance of the relativity.
3) finally getting to actual color! when choosing highlights and shadows, i always adjust the color in addition to the value according to a general rule: lighter areas appear warmer, and darker areas appear cooler. this is a pretty common tip, but it's parroted for a reason: it works! for flesh tones, that means highlights are yellower and shadows are redder or bluer. doing this also adds liveliness and helps prevent the doll-like appearance that rendered flesh can get (but don't get carried away with this or you'll end up lisa franking it. not that lisa franking doesn't have its own important application).
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4) relativity isn't just something you have to negotiate with. once you get the hang of it, it's a very useful tool! as renowned art theorist francis bacon famously said: color relativity is an excellent servant, but a terrible master to circle all the way back: - if you want something to look very blue, surround it with orange, - if you want something to look very light, surround it with darkness, - if you want something to look very saturated, surround it with dull colors, and vice versa. this can be a useful compositional tool, not just a rendering one--make the focus of your drawing light/dark and saturated, and keep the unimportant areas in duller mid-tones.
a straightforward application of relativity is in the whites of the eyes, because you have an area on the face that's neutral by nature, and neutral = your playing field. like our homestuck kids with their fun eye colors... to make rose's purple eyes look super purple, i tinted the whites of her eyes just a little bit yellow-y (i ended up leaning into soft orange bc otherwise you'll just get jaundice).
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and this isn't a just one-way relationship: in the john piece, i DIDN'T want his eyes to be a super distinguished blue, because that was a work about him feeling too absorbed/swallowed in his surroundings (retcon power moping), so i made the whites of his eyes very blueish, lessening the impact of his eye color.
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slightly off the vein of relativity: i also usually like making the whites of the eyes around the same value and saturation as the skintone for a sense of cohesiveness, but that's more of an personal preference. white-whites kinda scare me (but, to emphasize, scary eyes have their own application--see, conveniently, kanaya and her brighter-than-her-skintone eyes for that slightly uncanny alien vamp effect!).
i mentioned that i always start with a 50% gray background, but if you're particularly discerning, you may be thinking: hey, wait, your rosemary piece has a darkish blue-gray background! cheater!
and my response to that is yes. so true. i was cheating. color relativity may be a negotiation for the artist, but it's a straight-up scam for the viewer. that's why they call it a trompe l'oeil, a deception of the eye, and not something nicer. i wanted to make rose appear very warm and a little yellowish because she's Sun Light Girl and a cooler background will fool people into seeing that. i wanted to make kanaya appear glowy without painting her white, because, as mentioned, that's fried ice cream, so a darker background will fool people into seeing that.
here's what it would've looked like on a neutral background vs. the final one:
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haha ignore the lazy leg i hid in the shadow
this is why i think it's so important to start pretty neutral. if you go full saturation/light/dark from the start, then you'll have no room to play! this doesn't mean painting in shades of gray, but it does mean having a bit of restraint with the extremes of color and value. this can involve a little more planning and negotiating, but the results tend to be worth it. and, luckily, those of us in the digital realm can easily tweak these relationships through adjustment layers and overlays.
fuck that's a lot of text. anyway. hope something or other in there helps.
if something's unclear please know i am a little too eager to clarify!!
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myburntwritings · 7 months
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Day 9: Fav room/area
My favourite location in the Burnt City is very specific, not only to the place, but also to time.
It would be very easy to say "The Tenement Square/Courtyard" and leave it at that, but it doesn't feel complete, because there are a dozen locations I love as much as I loved Tenement square. They each have different reasons behind them, and as such, compete in my head for top spot.
So, I'm going to get specific. Because, don't we all love a bit of Specificity. And I know Hades says you can't recreate it with words alone, but I'm going to give it a shot, and see if I can't get you standing there with me.
It's the top of the show. You're one of the first people through the museum and into Troy. There are people milling about in the town square and shops, investigating their surroundings. Their white-masked faces lift as you pass, checking to see if you're someone they should be paying attention to. You're not. Just another shade.
You move through the space, letting your feet carry you in no direction in particular. You find yourself in the Tenement Square, entirely alone. It is early enough that even the black mask is not yet in place. After the chatter-filled queue, the bustling Peep, the hustle through the museum rooms, it is entirely silent but for the music soundscape being pumped through the space.
You stand at the side of the square, the backs of your shoulders just touching the diagonal slope of the stairs. Usually, you avoid this space. You never know when a performer, or another audience member, might nip under the stairs as part of their loop, or in order to get a better view. But there is no one coming now.
The benches stand sentry in the centre of the square, the lighting for dances not yet occurring dappled across them. They shouldn't really be here yet. They'd be at the sides of the square, right where you're standing in fact.
Directly opposite you, the shrine to Apollo is not yet adorned with flower offerings. The candles change colours so gradually, that it is impossible to tell when they stopped being purple, and became pink. How long have you been standing here watching the faint smoke and mist rolling across the brick paving, swaying perfectly in time with the music?
How entranced were you with the dancing lights in place of physical beings, that you did not notice the black mask who has taken their position in the corner next to the Danaïdes door?
He appears next. Kronos. He's early. Far earlier than the rest of the characters will appear. He moves slowly. He pays you no attention as he walks to stand in front of door 8 and turns to inspect the tenement courtyard he has been charged with.
Time is stopped, or in a loop. It has no meaning. This is a moment that stretches. The precipice before the great fall into chaos. The world, this world, holding its breath before a deadly scream. Between the noise and chaos of getting into the space, and the exhilarated following of plots and characters. There is a silence in the eye of this storm.
He notices you, then. A slight tilt of the head. Tension and release in his shoulders. He grasps his hands into fists at his side. The orange glow from above door 8, the blue glow from the pillar, has obscured his face. He, like you, is nothing more than a shadow in this world. A shade.
He steps away from the door, and only as you move to follow into this beautiful storm of a show do you realise that the rest of the world has filled in around you. There are people everywhere. There are other white masks waiting around the square. There are staff and cast slowly filtering into the space.
That one time in that specific place. You may never get it back. But the memory lingers of the time you found yourself in the perfect silence of home.
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No because this man is SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL?!?!?!?!?! There's just something about Minho that's just so....pretty🩷 I can't get over it, I just can't
He'd looks so fucking gorgeous with his purple hair and an equally purple and shimmery tail. He'd have the MOST BREATHTAKING fins!! They'd look like see-through light purple fabric with a little shimmer (Thinking angel fish) and he'd have the kind of fin-like ears (U probably know what I mean)
I can imagine Minho going up to the surface every now and again and not being really impressed by what he sees sometimes but down under can also get a little boring sometimes yk?
One particular day he's out for a swim near the surface and pops up on a rocky area just a ways off from a beach. It's very cool there and secluded so he goes there sometimes just to chill and relax with the cool air. He did that same thing today but what he wasn't expecting was to hear a voice. A voice singing so sweetly he swore it was a siren's but a siren's voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard to his merfolk ears so it couldn't be.
He looked for the voice as discreetly as possible and sitting on a few rocks just above where he was hiding sat you. Singing sweetly to the ocean and all who else would listen. And believe Minho was listening.
He'd never heard such a sweet voice in his life. And you were just as beautiful as the notes leaving your throat. Minho was mesmerized. So much so that he didn't hear the sound of other voices approaching. Only once you stopped singing to turn and shyly? Or was it timidly? speak to the voices that approached was Minho able to compose himself and slip away before he was seen. He does curse whoever those people were for making him have to leave. He wanted to hear you sing more, wanted to see you just a bit closer.
Minho hasn't stopped thinking about you. It's been days since he last saw or heard you. He's gone back to that rocky area every day, the amount of times a day increasing slowly but you're never there. Minho begins to wonder if he'll ever get to see you again. Why does he feel so upset at the idea of never seeing you again? Sure you were absolutely breathtaking and your voice made him feel like he was floating but that was just a one off encounter. Surely he just wanted to hear you sing again. That had to be it...right?
I have even more thoughts on this but it's gotten long and I wanna hear to what you Abt this so far😊 Merman Minho is so fking breathtaking in my brain I wish I could transfer the image to my phone and share it with u and everyone else😭💔
- 🦁
obsessed with how you sent this ask right after sending this one:
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it truly made me feel like i had just started watching your ted talk lmao
no but like... the mental image of this merman minho is so so pretty.... purple in all its shades is my favourite colour (i'm like... clinically obsessed with it), so thinking about minho in all his shimmery purpley self is just doing things to my brain.
love love love the trope of the mermaid/merman that falls in love with a random human they see...
merman!minho would just be so smitten by you... he'd roam the coast trying to see you again. and when he does, he'd debate on whether he should approach you or not. his kind probably wasn't that fond of humans, considering all the things humans do to the ocean, how they harm it, so of course he would be apprehensive.
but, oh, the romance that could bloom between you two... how he'd love it if you played with his hair, or how he'd braid small seashells into your hair....
my brain is dry on creativity juice rn, but i'd love to hear more if you have more ideas, dear lion.
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krizaland · 2 years
please madam do you have any de blob headcannons?
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Wow! A fellow De Blob fan in these trying times?! And here I was worried the fandom was dead!
Don’t worry! I’ve got plenty of headcannons that have been swirling in my mind for years!
I have all kinds of ideas, stories, and more!
Since Blob is my favorite character, I’ll be listing off my general headcannons for him today!
However please feel free to ask for more headcannons for anything! From members of Colour Underground to the evil INKT corporation!
Oooh! I’m so excited!
Alright I’ve kept you waiting long enough! Let’s dive in!
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General headcannons:
I headcannon that Blob is a talented musician and can play a variety of instruments depending on what color he is currently or inspired by.
Despite only being able to change colors via paintbots in the games, I headcannon that Blob’s body naturally changes color depending on his mood.
The only reason he uses paintbots is because he can’t really control what color his body will turn on its own.
Thus paintbots and water fountains give him a bit more control. Allowing him to color areas properly.
Blob’s body can turn a variety of colors but here’s a sampling of some you’ll see:
Green: Calm. Blob is an easygoing guy so this is his default color most of the time
Red: Anger. Blob isn’t usually quick to anger but after all of the horrible things INKT has done to him, his friends, and his home, Blob can’t help but see red whenever someone even mentions INKT
Yellow: Happy. Whether he’s having fun with his friends or seeing something that inspires him, Blob glows yellow whenever he feels joy.
Orange: Excited. From finding new canvases to paint to taking down another one of INKT’s plans, Blob turns orange whenever he gets excited.
Blue: Sadness. Blob hates seeing others suffering in any way shape or form. Just the mere sound of someone crying is enough to break his heart. Blob will do whatever it takes to cheer up anyone in need.
Brown: Fear. Blob rarely feels scared but when he does, it’s usually due to another one of INKT’s atrocities being committed.
Purple: Silly/Mischievous. Whenever Blob feels playful or just wants to pull a prank, he’ll turn a bubbly shade of Purple.
Pink: Lovestruck. Pink is an extremely rare color for Blob as he doesn’t really fall in love easily. Sure he becomes inspired by the beauty of colors, art and whatnot but finding that special Someone is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Blob tends to get overwhelmed easily. So he rarely spends time with others. However if someone does manage to steal his heart, he will finally turn pink.
These are all I’ve got for now! Feel free to ask for more!
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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31/07/2022-Acres Down in the New Forest and home
We had a nice walk in the woods and a bit of bog and heath at Acres Down this afternoon, it was great to see the dark green of the vegetation on a variety of trees and summery full leaf scenes with a bit of rain and sunshine briefly too. It was nice to see rowan berries and a lovely little stream. I took the second, third, fifth and sixth pictures in this photoset of views here today. 
It was a good walk for birds with lovely views of a few Song Thrush which was great one of them which I took the first picture in this photoset of and enjoyed seeing is a youngster I believe which was nice to see, splendid Spotted Flycatcher seen in the woods a bird I always enjoy seeing, a Redstart quickly, Wren, Blue Tit and Chaffinch. 
There were some nice plants on the walk as my Mum showed me the stunning sundew in the bog she found here the other week. An enigmatic flower I have wanted to see for a while that was so pretty to see with the moisture clinging to it. I took the fourth picture in this photoset of it. We also found some bog asphodel leaves another she had seen the other week here a smashing plant that I was excited to see too in the bog. Two big flower moments in another amazing year of flowers for me so far. Key for the habitat tormentil, buttercup, bramble flower and nice different bits of heather seen in isolation and coming together starting to form the purple carpet which was beautiful to see were also nice to see this afternoon. I also enjoyed seeing a nice mushroom. I liked seeing New Forest ponies on the way home.
At home today I enjoyed seeing lots of Starlings in the back garden, a bright coloured bird of the moment in home areas Lesser Black-backed Gull out the back and also one atop our roof with a line of House Sparrows on the diagonal below it which looked great as we left to go out, three Collared Doves lined up out the back as we got in which I took the seventh picture in this photoset of and the Greylag Geese on the green out the front again tonight being fed I believe. I also liked seeing red geraniums, a fair bit of purple hebe now as shown in the tenth picture in this photoset I’ve rarely seen this much in flower since I’ve known this plant since 2020 the plant has possibly grown a bit over the years, sedum, fuchsia, sunflower as the tenth picture in this photoset shows, sweet William, Black-eyed Susan, poppy, campion and possible radish in shown in the eighth picture in this photoset in the back garden and other flowers, with some lovely yellow flowers on the balcony covered in raindrops kissed by the sun post shower earlier today. It was nice to see some pretty sky scenes tonight towards sunset and before as the blue sky and sun really poked through some interesting shapes in the sky with fluffy clouds this evening it was great to see the trees out the front sun kissed and see a nice crescent moon tonight. 
Well fittingly its been an amazing weekend of wildlife watching and walks for me with many great photo opportunities a key weekend of my year in what is one of the most memorable weekends of my life and I am sure I will always say that looking back now that I have seen an England senior football team win a tournament! I was hooked on watching a gripping final to Euro 2022 at Wembley this evening a thrilling tournament its been an honour to have in this country, and its been incredible to see this inspiring England team break records and play brilliant football. I am so proud of this team for bringing the trophy home, this is such a euphoric feeling. Congratulations to all involved. I hope everyone has a nice week. 
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unit3-fmp · 2 months
Brusho Inks
For this design I used blue brusho inks in which I sprinted on to a damp piece of whit cotton in which bled creating the design bellow. This is my favourite brusho sample and even though it bled a bit more than expected I think it still creates a very cool effect in which I really like the end result of.
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Here I have layered a variety of different colour brusho inks onto white cotton to create this abstract piece. I really like the effect this created where you can still see the dots of blue and red powder however emphasised with the beautiful gradient in the back featuring pops of green purple and red creating this really unique and textured piece.
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Here I have created this striped effect using red brusho inks. I applied liquid brush in lines on the white cotton then sprinkled the powder on top to crate the stripes and where the brusho has bled it has formed this really nice blurred effect. I really like how this sample turned out due to the really cool yet simplistic pattern it creates. I further like how the liquid brusho looks more pink really making the red pop.
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For this piece I wanted to create a spotty effect using green brusho powder in which the powder has split into blue and orange. Although the colour didn't come out green I still really like how it turned out and how it kind of looks 3D due to the subtle blurred effect. As well as this I like how it is darker and more blurred in some areas creating a more detailed and unique piece.
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Here I experimented with a different coloured base in which I then layered red and purple brusho on to differentiate from the typical white background I have in my other brusho samples. I like how this design came out due to the blend of the two powdered colours and how saturated the colours are however I don't really like the background colour, I wanted it to be yellow but it came out a more rustic colour similar to that of my coffee samples.
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Similar to some of my other brusho experiments I created this rainbow spotted pattern with powdered brush and white cotton. I really like how this design came out as its not s chaotic and overpowering as some of my other designs creating a much more detailed and clearer design. I also like the rainbow colour scheme with as it makes the design a bit more different than that of my others.
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Dip Dye
Here I dipped a piece of whit cotton into red and purple brusho ink, resting the fabric in the water at the edge so the inks spreads up the sample to create a nice gradient. In conclusion, I like the gradient the two colours created and the fairly even coverage the brusho inks have however as you can see a few splotches of blue and yellow brusho has bled on to the sample slightly ruining the effect of the ombre.
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Here I used the dip dye technique to create this half and half piece using white cotton and blue brusho. For this experiment I wanted to first see the coverage and opacity of the ink as well as how clean the line where the ink stops rising is or if it would blend and create a gradient. As you can see the colour is very vibrant and not splotchy at all and although the line between the blue and white isn't perfectly straight I still think it is quite a good method to create the half and half look. In addition, I accidentally got some different coloured brusho powder on the blue in which I really love the effect of creating this subtle rainbow.
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Bubble wrap
Here I applied brusho inks to a piece of small bubble wrap, as you can see the brusho bled quite a lot creating this not so nice looking design in which I do not like the end product of.
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grantbachmann4 · 2 years
Dior Belt Bag 002
I would say as the buckle sits inside the belt you lose a number of cm’s that you just get with the Gucci although. I ended up with the 110cm one and it fits just right. This purchasing guide was written by Byrdie contributor Hayley Prokos. A seasoned commerce writer and editor, she’s continually on the hunt for stylish and versatile accessories. Her work has appeared in SELF Magazine, Newsweek, and the day by day Greek newspaper Ekathimerini, and he or she holds a Master of Arts in Journalism from Northwestern University. For this roundup, she spent upwards of 10 hours researching one of the best designer belts in the marketplace. Chic and oh-so collectable, Dior Beauty’s limited-edition lineup for 2022 sees fragrances and make-up adorned within the brand’s iconic houndstooth print. Your one-stop-shop for this week's trend information to know. Max V. Koenig's shearling bag collection is a homage to the pure world. And, to have fun the discharge of the bag, the brand has known as on ambassador Ramla Ali to mannequin the accent in an athletic video, making the release all of the more enthraling. Sporty accessories are getting a luxury makeover because the french home reveals its newest accessory assortment. wikipedia belt The Luxury Lipstick market report has been separated according to separate categories, corresponding to product sort, software, end-user, and region. Each phase is evaluated on the idea of CAGR, share, and progress potential. In the regional analysis, the report highlights the prospective area, which is anticipated to generate alternatives in the international Luxury Lipsticks market within the coming years. Her Majesty stepped out in Jordan at the Amman Citadel to meet Princess Taghrid for a project under the Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training. I paired it with my TJ Maxx jeans and Target t-shirts, feeling like Kendall Jenner herself. On a visit to Al Bahr Palace in Abu Dhabi in November, Queen Rania wore a Joseph Altuzarra tie-dye shirt gown. Her Majesty accomplished the look with a belt by Lafayette 148 New York. In September 2020, English designer Kim Jones was announced as also taking the role of inventive director of Fendi's girls's assortment, previously occupied by Lagerfeld. That’s why I’m bidding adieu to the cheugy micro-bags of 2020. This Rag and Bone bag is small but nonetheless cute and useful. Metaphorically, in fact, there’s literally nothing dark about being a frugal fashionista and going for knock off purses – if it’s accomplished proper, after all. The ever-growing crossover of luxurious and sportswear is inching nearer to its apex this month as Nike.. Crafted in beige and black Dior Oblique jacquard,.. Crafted in black Dior Oblique jacquard, it boasts a 'DIOR' signature to the front. The Dior World Tour capsule includes a series of accessories reimagined in five vibrant colours - yellow, purple, blue, green and black - for monochrome v.. The Dior passport cowl is a sensible and stylish accent. I love shorts, and I’m always down for a bit of clothing that reveals our confidence whereas maintaining comfort. Since we'll all be rejoining society quickly, we're in all probability a bit nervous about our style and look. Despite what the soft-hearted and emotionally supportive sorts might recommend, we absolutely must be. It's going to be the fashion Hunger Games on the market. All it takes is a single stylistic slip-up and also you go from being one of many Katnisses to one of the Rues. Dior made many traditional belts, however the CD buckle Belt out beats all of them. Purchase saddle soap or another leather cleaner.Using a cleaner designed for leather is at all times the greatest choice. dior belt womens Saddle cleaning soap is a standard leather cleaner, and it'll suffice.
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francolanier6 · 2 years
Saint Laurent Bag
Practical for daily, elegant delight Saint Laurent tote in brown canvas. The inside is brown satin with a large zipped pocket. Saint Laurent Loulou Quilted Leather YSL Bag in New with out tags situation. Black chevron quilted calfskin leather exterior trimmed with glowing silver hardware. It’s exhausting to think of a YSL bag without immediately picturing the Envelope. This bag is as versatile as it gets, its silhouette taking the type of a slimline shoulder bag, clutch, or wristlet. Crafted from beige leather with whipstitching element on the sides, this beauty is held by a horn-shap... Ideal for every day, you'll slip all your everyday accessories there. Both elegant and casual, it is in full-grain calfskin and its jewellery in golden brass. On any of our minds, Yves stands amongst the ten most prolific and amazing dressmaker there was within the 20th century. Yves Saint Laurent has areas all round the world; together with Japan, Berlin, Munich, Rome, Moscow, and extra. If you desire a fashionable and complicated twist in your outfits throughout a fancy evening out, YSL is the right model to go to for that. They have revolutionized clothes for both men and women in sophistication, creativity, and boldness. I must admit Neiman Marcus Gift Card Events are my absolute favourite as you'll find a way to get hold of reward cards on items that never go on sale by YSL, and Burberry to name a few. Initially out there in black and red leather-based, the Jamie also now comes in a light pink that subtly softens the edge of dark fall/winter outfits. This contains the Saint Laurent Black Large Monogram Kate Satchel. This satchel is 'Grain de Poudre calfskin with a curb chain shoulder strap. There is a logo plaque face with a magnetic press-stud fastening. Another popular YSL purse sale is the Saint Laurent Shopping Leather Tote. If you spend $250 in two categories (apparel/shoes or apparel/handbags), you'll receive a $50 reward card. An integral part of trend, handbags and purses have been indispensable accessories ever since we began to carry round private gadgets. Perfect classic YVES SAINT LAURENT cross body bag, or shoulder bag! This purse features multi coloured waxed canvas, with a purple leather-based strap. With the vacation season ahead, the Niki in metallic silver leather-based will bring a glitzy accent to your wardrobe, whether there are events on the horizon or not. For a more subdued seasonal possibility, we love the Niki shoulder bag in crinkled deep purple leather, a sensible choice that’s guaranteed to stand the test of time. It is understood for many celebrated and era-defining designs, for example, the Mondrian shift gown. The most controversial piece made by Yves Saint Laurent was the Le Smoking tuxedo that boldly challenged the established norms of womenswear. Another piece that impressed a sense of euphoria in the entire trade was the see-through gown designed in 1968. In 2002, Yves Saint Laurent passed down the reins of the home to Tom Ford, who was already the head of ready-to-wear for the model since 1999. After 13 years and three inventive administrators, Anthony Vaccarello was handed the torch of management in 2015. Very basic in its form – an oblong major pocket with gussets on the side, hand handles and a skinny leather-based shoulder strap – it is a matter of vibe with the Manhattan. Its fringed, suede shoulder baggage give a 70s-inspired vibe, whereas textured totes are modern, trendy alternatives. When it comes to maintaining your necessities secure, anticipate the buckle detailing and drawstring closure on Saint Laurent's backpacks to all the time have you lined. The Becky bag is amongst the most versatile in Saint Laurent’s accessories arsenal, perfect for many who want a bag that can transition seamlessly from day to night. It has an oblong shape and a diamond-quilted leather finish accented by a chain strap and the YSL emblem within the center. This bag has loads of room on your essentials with two separate compartments and a zipped pocket. Available in 5 colors at Nordstrom, this tote options the ���YSL’ interlocked brand with a chevron-quilted overstitching. The French fashion home is renowned for producing a few of the most enduring silhouettes that can remodel even the most informal of outfits. Creative director Anthony Vaccarello continues to make certain that Saint Laurent baggage retain their modern relevance. New additions to the road, like the Kaia and Le Maillon bags, fuse heritage aesthetics with fashionable enchantment. The interlocked ‘YSL’ monogram lol seems on the entrance of the bag in matching hardware to the strap and tassel. This bag features three card slots, which means you'll have the ability to easily downsize and carry your essential cards without needing a pockets. wikipedia handbags The monogram end provides this bag a minimalistic aesthetic and is ideal for anybody looking for a more understated designer handbag. The simplicity of the bag lends itself properly to textures — this season we’re drawn to finishes like crocodile embossing and suede. https://skel.io/ysl-replica-bags.html The Kaia has a simple satchel-like form and a rounded backside, and it’s out there in small and mini sizes. Smooth leather-based finishes outline the Kaia, and that’s precisely why we’re switching issues up this season with the patent leather crocodile-embossed model in glossy black. Better nonetheless, the Kaia also comes as a belt bag to accommodate those of us who're continuously on the go.
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chomelton76 · 2 years
Fake Louis Vuitton Replica Bags
Since my initial LV buy, I’ve actually ordered one other bag and I can let you know I’m simply as happy as earlier than. wikipedia handbags These guys have restored my religion within the replica enterprise and I can not suggest them sufficient. If you might have any questions please feel free to go away them within the feedback below! I was a little worried before receiving my bag that it will arrive, nicely, wonky. You know the look, if you see footage of something on-line and it looks so beautiful with a good condition and then you get it in individual and it’s just sort of… off somehow? This implies that the sample is symmetrical. It’s good to know what authentic leather smells like so you can simply set it aside from synthetic ones. Dustbags before 2004 are made out of beige flannel with the LV emblem on it and brown drawstrings. Some of the older bags might have blue drawstrings on them, and a few have felt-like material that has jagged cut edges. The leather strips that run throughout and make up the handles are called Vachetta leather-based. If the luggage do not come properly packaged, they're decently simple to scuff up. Luckily most of those scuffs could be cleaned/buffed off, but some cant. Other occasions you can have marks from whatever printing they do for the colour. Part of my white bag has some purple from the liner on the deal with. I must say six of the luggage had been superior with the ysl being the best. It will even have the same shape on the edges. It is extraordinarily clever to peep inside the bag and at the bag’s bottom. This is the place you'll find a way to easily expertise the outcome of lazy fake bag sellers. Good quality will never have a lazy outcome. https://skel.io/blog/post/get-the-best-louis-vuitton-replica-bags Lazy vendors often suppose that consumers is not going to see reduce corners on areas that are considered much less necessary like the interior. Raise a case and let them kind it out for you. The result will likely be that eBay will say the seller has to provide a refund as soon as they obtain the bag again from you, and eBay will provide a return label. Also, don’t buy Louis Vuitton purses from street distributors, because the firm doesn't allow street distributors to hold their merchandise. Check to see if the bag’s date code matches the “made in” stamp. Also, if the bag reeks of chemical substances, you may want to reconsider your purchase. In some instances, the date codes are stamped into the liner. Low-quality Louis Vuitton counterfeits may also have the trim peeling off over a brief period of time. For brand elaborations, verify that they're symmetrical and beautifully crafted. The Maison emblem usually writes “Louis Vuitton Paris” in two strains. If the inside of the original bag is elegant and strong cotton lining, its fake various should have the identical if it is of good quality. However, as a smart purchaser, do verify the print of lining print in addition to the brand’s brand print, which should look clear. Otherwise, poor quality may come on your arms. The baggage normally have a clear appearance across the bottom’s seams, which is a plus level. This is a typical query when it comes to the Louis Vuitton luggage – where are they made? Well, no want to worry about that, as this info is being talked about even on their website, proper here. Most of your questions, answered Reviews & Wall of Love Check out what people should say about us! Get a Louis Vuitton bag can save your self thousands of dollars to spend on no matter else you want. It isn't low-cost fakes however great and functional handbag. Discover the most reasonably priced handbag designs right here and there might be one trendy mannequin perfect your type. Your definition of a duplicate handbag must be all about high-end imitations or “super fakes.” Nothing else would do. I’m sharing this painful private financial story with you because I’m sure I’m not alone. A lot of individuals would love the perfect brands, but they are not in a financial place to do it. We have specifically designed our bags and products, so not even a educated eye can spot the variations. In fact, no one will even know that you are carrying a designer replica except you want him or her to. It is our hard work, dedication, and need for perfection that makes us stand out.
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stagevalencia7 · 2 years
Prime Quality Coach Replica Handbagsfor Sale
Quality is above average, that a extremely good imitation, only critique can be this one had a odor however the opposite one i ordered did not. Just air it out for a day or two good to go. I’ve use this seller multiple times & they’re at all times great. I am positive we all can agree that the Hermes Birkin Togo is not a trendy bag, it is a timeless one. It is a purse that many women dream of getting. It is an simply recognizable and iconic model that appears divine and expresses luxurious and magnificence. And the whole bag designer one kind of mini. The most essential point is that the worth of this package isn't very expensive HermesConstance Adams, however, just isn't low cost, very appropriate for purple carpet occasions attended items. KELLY partakers inside and outdoors seam joints, however no BIRKIN. Using the identical needle and yarn, sew the stacked decoration to the toe of a pump. Draw across the form, then flip it over to attract around its mirror image, joining the 2 shapes at the central and heel traces. You looked for Louis Vuitton Duffle Bag For Men Replica. Lay the pink bag back/flap piece face down. Jennifer Aniston is a refined and really stunning lady, her all the time impeccable style is evident additionally within the alternative of his outfit. wikipedia handbags Today we see the beautiful Jennifer Aniston that twice chooses Hermes Massai Handbag, a simple and stylish bag you might have two colours, a pure white version and one other in anthracite grey. Hermes is understood for its stunning purses, its designs and the improvements that former inventive director Jean Paul Gaultier delivered to the company. That stated, this assortment of Hermes 2011 Handbags is not exactly something that Jean Paul Gaultier would have accomplished. This assortment is probably the most colorful collection of the Dionysian bag, and it is also the favorite collection of Mingyue. This massive embroidery is basically lovely, delicate, retro and particular. I am an enormous fan of lv and ysl, i have many authentic bag. When i open the bundle, very good replica just a precisely the identical in comparison with the real factor. It didn't include a field or receipt however undoubtedly may move for the true factor. LVbag great size to fit loads of issues inside, customer support is very professional and patient, resolve any of my questions. The quilt was passed and was also dismissed. For being dismissed, I will never go again. For example, London bond st, the service perspective is simply too bad, went to so many shops, the worst. I can only say that I am still unfamiliar, and I have bought more. As lengthy as it is not a purchase order, search for a SA, search for him each time he goes, he's waiting for him on the reception. I enjoy purchasing at 3sreplicahermes as a result of it is so relaxed. Great looking qualities and offers a great vary of merchandise at many value points. I love that I also can sell objects that I not wear. Discount sale of imitation cross physique bBbag, clutch, shoulder luggage, totes and wallets. But all model new leather items does have that smell. The supple leather actually stands out and I assume you are getting an excellent replica for the value being charged. The bag got here packaged in the Hermes reward wrapping with a bow and all, and so they used DHL for shipping . Since every order is a customized make they take about 2 weeks to really make the bag after which the transport took about another week. To give you a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the merchandise you need, each piece of our merchandise are 100% real type of high-resolution digital pictures of introduction. With right sides collectively sew lining physique piece alongside edge. Starting in the heart of one of the felt circles, hand-stitch the header of the fringe to the felt as you coil it round three times, overlapping slightly at the end. Cover these areas with items of lace or ribbon. Use fleece in all silk and medium material purses. Continue on this way to make an l-cord with the length of wire running down the center of it. It's fairly a large tote to be carrying as an on an everyday basis bag, and but Christie Brinkley has been with it a quantity of times recently. What is the most troublesome Replica Hermes Bags to buy? replica constance bag Small and beautiful and simple to hold, the “H” logo may be very individual. However, the problem in buying is not because there are too many individuals buying, however because the output is just too small, and heaps of stores don't arrive more than 5 in a yr. So you'll uncover that increasingly more folks use high-quality imitation brand baggage, the quality is type of the same, change the style at any time. I am very positive we will all agree that the Hermes Birkin Togo just isn't a contemporary bag; it's timeless. The leather is gentle and feels like very prime quality. It mimics the original and I get compliments on it on a daily basis. This is my third or fourth purchase from you website. Every buy has exceeded my expectations, The newest purchase the Chanel 2.fifty five Bag is a superb everyday bag. This little purse is attractive, is simply excellent and precisely as the original Channel. Same material, identical dimension, You are the only person that know isn't actual. The baggage are faux bags produced from inferior high quality supplies. Many of these websites use stock pictures, and when your order arrives, it looks nothing like what was advertised on the location. Many sellers on Google supply LV replicas, but you might get scammed and find yourself shopping for a really low-quality product.
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freshabogados · 2 years
Michelangelo's Matthew
Pairing: Matt Murdock x gn!reader
Tags: fluff, mentions of sex, explicit description of Matt's body, scars, stretch marks, my extreme admiration for our Devil-boy, lengthy (I got carried away).
Shoutout to @dropsofprecipitation for this amazing header! I love your Matt-art so much xx
a/n: I dedicate this piece to anyone and everyone who comes across this post. Bodies are complex. They come in different sizes, shapes, colours, textures, patterns and what not. Everyone is battling with something or the other in their bodies and the least we can do as humans is to not shame someone for how they look. We're made to dislike the way we look from a young age and often limit our beauty to what's on the surface. Every body is beautiful. Every skin is beautiful. Hair or no hair, you are beautiful. Tattoos, piercings, henna, hair colour, scars, and make-up add character to your canvas. You're a magnificent being and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You matter. You are worthy of all the love in the world 💗
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Matt was seated on his couch with nothing but his black briefs on. One of his arms rested on the back of his couch while the other lazily took its seat on his thick thighs. He leaned his head back on his right shoulder. His chest rose and fell rhythmically as he breathed. A peaceful smile graced his lips as he listened to your pencil scratch against your sketchpad, with his eyes closed.
You had to submit a sketch for your human anatomy class and Matt had happily agreed to be your subject. In fact, he was looking forward to spending this quiet time with you.
He always liked listening to you work on your projects. Peaceful piano music playing in your headphones mixed with the calm and steady sound of your breath and heart was a melodious symphony on its own, hands and clothes messy with the residue of your medium of choice for the day, gaze focused on getting the shapes right, your tongue occasionally peeking out as you concentrated on a particular area. And when you were done with your piece, you’d always describe them in beautiful detail to Matt and let him run his fingers over the canvas. He was your favourite critic and biggest fan who always left uplifting remarks and asked you to grace his home with your drawings.
You looked up from your sketchpad, finally finishing the outline of Matt’s body and moving on to add in the details. You were mesmerised by the beauty oozing out of this man. The billboard outside his apartment painted Matt in shaded of neon pinks and purples, throwing in blues and yellows every so often. It highlighted his contours like a setting sun washing its colours over a mountain. You left out a content sigh, unconsciously, and smiled at the angelic man sitting opposite of you.
Matt’s head perked up as he smiled lazily.
“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?” he asked, eyes still closed.
“Mhmm. You look peaceful and happy.” not one gram of dishonesty in your answer.
Matt was now sitting facing you, his thighs flexing as he moved to sit up. His gaze fell to where you sat, and a teasing smile played on his lips. You bit down on your pencil as you watched his muscles flex under his skin.
Maybe asking him to be almost naked was a mistake.
“I am happy. I have you, don’t I?” Matt didn’t need an answer from you. He was very well aware of the curtain of peace you both draped on each other. Your heart fluttered with love, unable to form words you replied with a low hmm, something only Matt could conceive the whole meaning of. He knew you were watching him, not observing but admiring, just as he was watching you in his own ways.
“Tell me what you see” curiosity peeped out of Matt’s voice.
“Describe to me what you see” he had an expectant look on his face, head tilting up slightly asking you to follow his request.
“Uhh...well, I can see you. Of course. You're sitting on your couch and-” you were cut off by Matt’s tsk-tsk.
“Tell me what you see. Tell me how you see me in your eyes. Describe me to me”
Matt made such requests often but to describe you to him. This was new. You’ve called him pretty, beautiful, hot, and even dorky. You sometimes told him how soft his lips are, or how much you liked his butt. Or how good he made you feel when he drove you over edge again and again. You felt the shyness creep up your body, you’ve been physically close multiple times, you both memorised each other's bodies like the lyrics to your favourite songs but this felt more intimate.
“Where do you want me to start?” It was a request and you were going to try your best to fulfill it.
“Wherever you want to start, sweetheart. I surrender myself to you.” He knew what he was doing and his cheeky smirk was solid proof.
His words struck you like lightning, sending jolts of pleasure down to your chest. You took a deep breath and mustered some courage.
“Erhm, okay…your hair. It’s fluffy and soft. I like to run my hands through them all day long. They feel like satin slipping through my fingers. I like it when they form those small swirls on your forehead when you comb it back, I like to pull on themand makeyou groan. And, when you come back from kicking ass they stick to your head with sweat…you look cute for someone who’s half dead.”
Matt let out small puffs of laughter and his fingers started drumming on the back of his couch. You continued with a smile, fingers toying with your pencil.
“When you sleep, it’s the cutest! Just messily sticking out in all directions. Truly a view to wake-up to. I love how a few wet strands of hair bounce with the rhythm of every punch you throw at the punching bags in the gym. I like how they take any shape or form I give them while I lather your hair with shampoo. Remember that one time I gave you horns? You looked so pretty!" your cheeks tingled with all the smiling you’ve been doing; pure excitement surrounded your words.
“And then your forehead. I like the drama your forehead lines bring to your face when you're listening intently. And then your nose. Cute little nose that I like to kiss and boop.”
Matt was fully laughing now. You could see the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiled, full set of teeth on display, a single dimple embellishing his face. You decided to describe the scene in front of you.
“I love how you look right now. Happy, devoid of the worries of the world, enjoying this shenanigan you’re pulling off.” Matt’s features softened.
“I love how your eyes twinkle in the changing colours of the billboard. Your eyes, oh, they change colours like the leaves change every season. Sometimes they look like sun rays catching onto dripping honey, sometimes like the pine trees in an evergreen forest, sometimes like moss around a freshwater stream. Your lips, soft like cushion, enveloping your pearly teeth. When you wear your mask, your lips get all the attention and it gets swollen with all the adrenaline and sometimes because you break them…oof!” a huge sigh escapes your mouth “Your strong jaw is enhanced with your rough stubble and that dimple. Oh that dimple, I get lost in the depths of it every time it decides to make an appearance.”
Matt got off his seat on the couch and walked towards you. You stopped your elucidation and looked at his broad figure making its way to you. He sat down on the carpet; his hands placed comfortably on your legs while his chin rested on your knees. He pushed his head up, urging you to continue. You discarded your sketchpad and pencil onto the coffee table and found your hands kneading his hair.
"When you smile, I feel like I could live in that moment forever. It lights up your face and brightens my day. And your laughter? It could be easily mistaken for a well-orchestrated music band. If there's one sound I want to listen to for the rest of my life, it would be your laughter." your voice wavered with joy.
Matt’s face had a genuine smile plastered on.
"Well, not just your laughter. Your voice is the most beautiful sound to wake up to, too. Coated in grogginess after you wake up from sleep, brimming with excitement when you talk about your favourite moments, dripping with love when you assure me in my worst times, laced with lust when you make love to me, and I know it's weird but I do enjoy the menacing tone The Devil uses to threaten his enemies." you laughed shyly at the last part.
"Is that why you ask me to use my Devil voice in bed, sometimes?" Matt's hands began drawing lazy patterns on your leg as he talked.
"Mmm, maybe? Is that bad?"
"No. It's definitely not bad. I like it, too. I like the little whimpers that escape involuntarily from your lips."
"Phew, that's a relief." you shifted a little to shake away your building arousal as memories flooded your brain.
Matt nudges your hand in his head urging you to continue.
You continued clearing your throat “I like your ears. Your extremely sensitive ears. They help so many people, they hear so much and yet you stay composed. I like how the tip of your ears turn pink when you get shy or angry.” you moved one of our hands and rubbed his ear “It makes you extra cute.”
Matt could feel himself turn into a puddle as you toyed with his earlobes. You moved your hands down his neck, feeling the warmth of his soft skin transfer to your fingers.
“Your neck, a very bitable one I must say. You’re lucky I’m not a dracula.”
Matt’s body vibrated with his soft laughter “I think you are one! You always bite my neck and I have to spend the next day covered in concealer.” amusement riding in his voice.
“Not my fault!" you slapped his shoulder playfully "Anyway, your shoulders. Oh boy. I can write books about them.”
Matt lifted his head from your lap “Books? Plural?”
“Why yes! They are strong and sculpted, and hmmmphh” you squeezed his shoulder trying to convey how you feel about them.
Matt’s giggles echoed through his apartment. He stood from his place on the carpet and scooped you up in his arms, and sat down on the armchair placing you on top of him. Your legs dangled on the side of the chair as you comfortably sat on his lap, one hand splayed on his chest while the other rested on the back of his neck.
Matt placed butterfly kisses on your neck as you adjusted your seat on him.
“Go on” he urged, still not taking his supple lips off your skin.
You traced the outline of his collarbone and tapped your finger on the beauty spots scattered on his skin before you continued.
“The hollow in your neck, the jaguar notch, invites me to bury my face in them every time you hug me. And now, girls, gays and theys, the mighty arms!” you made grand gestures with your hand before hooting and woohoo-ing.
You looked at Matt’s relaxed form. Smiles and laughter dancing on his face. Eyes twinkling with joy.
“What about my arms?” a teasing tone takes over Matt’s voice.
“They’re a sight for sore eyes, truly. The way they flex every time you grasp onto something does things to me.” you traced the outline of his biceps as you resumed “And the way they strain against your shirt. Lords! It pains me to see them struggle under the fabric. I always want to release them from such torture. Your forearms, well, you know how they get me all worked up, especially if you roll up your sleeves. Just thick and beautiful. Splendid.”
You could feel yourself getting hot by the minute and sitting on Matt's lap only made it worse. His strong warm legs under you, his cock growing stiffer from your words. You wanted to prolong this foreplay.
“Did I tell you how much I like your ass? Gorgeous dumpy that I wanna squeeze all day long. And then, your thick thighs. And your massive tiddies. You're a meal, sir.” you shifted on him, squeezing your legs to get some type of friction to ease the growing ache. Matt chuckled, noticing the rise in your body’s temperature. His hands continue drawing lazy circles on your thighs sending waves of tickles.
“Sweetheart, did I tell you how much I like your ass? I want to keep my hands on them at all times, making sure everyone knows you’re mine. Now, what were you saying about my thighs?”
Your cheeks tingled with dilated veins, heat creeped up your body.
“Your...um, thighs. I like it when your slacks hug onto them showing how strong they are and your red suit deserves an award for the beautiful portrayal of such a masterpiece.”
Matt flexed his legs beneath you, his strong muscles grazed the underside of your legs making your squirm.
You moved your attention to his chest and down his abdomen. Scars scattered on his body like constellations. You traced his scars with your finger before placing a gentle kiss in the valley of his chest. Matt's seductive smile was replaced by a grimace not because you focused on his scars but because he knows that it reminds you of all the times he played hide-and-seek with death.
"Your scars remind me of all the times you could've-" you choked on your words but you chose to be sincere with your feelings "your scars are a testament to the justice you've brought to the people of this city. Each scar has a struggle behind it and they act as a reminder that you’ve conquered your fears…a trophy even."
Matt's eyes were glazed with tears. You kissed the corners of his eyes and wiped an escaped tear. The wrinkles on his face were illuminated by the changing lights.
"Your smile lines, your forehead crinkles, the way the corner of your eyes crinkle when you laugh, your scars, and your stretch marks are proof that you have lived your life. They are time's tattoos, a tribute to your life."
You turned yourself to face Matt properly and kissed the corner of his lips.
"You know…there's this practice in Japanese culture called Kintsugi."
"What's that?" Matt poked in before you could continue.
"Patience Matthew!" you giggled.
"Kintsugi is the art of putting broken pieces of pottery back together with gold. It's built on the idea that our flaws must be embraced. These pottery pieces, Matt! They're so beautiful! The gold that runs between the pieces looks mesmerising! It reminds me of you and your scars." You were unaware of the tears streaming down your face until Matt's gentle hands wiped them away.
"Thankyou" Matt placed a kiss on the top of your head "so much for loving all of me even the parts that hurt you sometimes." he placed another kiss on your temple emphasising his love for you.
His fingers ran over your scars. Some hidden under your clothes, some exposed to him.
"You know this applies to you too, right? Proof that you have lived your life." he repeated your words to you.
"Mhmm, I do. I didn't like them at first…but you taught me to love myself for who I am. Remember what you told me that day? 'Flawed and beautiful, like the moon' I never thought about myself like that."
"I do remember" a full smile on his face. You looked at his smaller scars. Cuts from falling down on the pavement, knuckles bruised from punching the life out of some scum, scrapes from getting punched by some other scum. You frowned, pain coursing through you remembering how he’d flinch when you bandaged his injuries.
"I know that your scars carry a weight. I know that it reminds you that you were meant to be a weapon for war. But you chose to be a medium of justice and if that doesn't tell you how kind and wonderful you are nothing else will. I know you doubt yourself, every night, before you go out as Daredevil but you change someone's life every time you put that mask on. Your suit and your horned mask are a symbol of hope for the innocent."
Matt’s breath hitched. Your words rang through his ears and filled his heart. He wrapped his arms around you, on his lap, and buried his face in your chest, whimpering sobs left his mouth, while you smoothed his hair, peppering kisses on his head.
Matt lifted his head and took your face in his hands, you shifted to sit facing him. He pulled you in for a deep kiss, a kiss that conveyed how much he loved you. No number of words, no amount of money, no amount of time spent with each other, not even the grandest gesture of love could convey what that kiss meant to the both of you. He kissed you like you were his life force, which was true for him. You returned his kiss with the same passion. He was the brightest star in your dark sky.
You pulled back for air, resting your forehead on his. Truth be told, you expected tonight to turn into something hot and steamy but its beauty multiplied tenfold by making you both two emotional penguins exchanging pebbles of admiration.
Matt’s fingers grazed over the stretch marks on your thighs. It was his turn to show you how beautiful you are.
“These stretch marks…do you know how unique they are?”
“Matt, everyone has stretch marks! They’re not really unique” you tittered.
“No. No, they are.” He ran his super-sensitive fingers over your marks “This one is different from this one. Each mark has a different pattern. They may look like lines of various sizes and colours but under your skin they are unique. The veins under them branch in different directions. Some of them are thick, some are thin. Some are more branched than the others. I remember seeing sand ripples in a book long before I lost my sight…your stretch marks remind me of them. Magnificent yet delicate like silk embroidered onto satin.” He reached down and kissed the marks on the sides of your thighs, squeezing you in the process and eliciting a series of giggles from you as beads of tears spilled down your cheeks.
You pulled him up and cradled his face “An angelic face for an angelic man with a devilish persona. I love you, so very much, Matthew Murdock.” You placed gentle kisses all over his face and now, it was his turn to giggle.
“I love you more! My personal rain shower on a sunny day.” Matt’s dimple made you swoon more.
You don’t know how long you both sat there embraced in each other's kindness and you both didn’t care about the back pain that will manifest tomorrow as long as you could hear each other's heartbeat flushed with pure innocent love.
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Thankyou for taking the time to read my Matt-thots <3
Tag List: @matt-erialgirl @shedaresthedevil @star-spangled-man @mindidjarin @e-dubbc11 @sobachka-korol @1800-fight-me @alrighty-matty @mattmurdockspainkink @elgrandeavocados @minxsblog @mattmurdocksdumpy @dropsofprecipitation @lovelywebber @phoebe-danvers
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misspearly1 · 2 years
The Forbidden Fruit
Continuation of - The Beloved Bloater
Next & Final chapter here - With the Miracle of Birth, Comes a Bloaters Farewell
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (Y/N)
WC: 2330
Warnings: NO MINORS 🔞 18+ Content.
Smut, unprotected PIV (wrap it up poeple), slight bondage, rough/desperate sex, little dash of praise kink, dash of daddy kink and finally BREEDING/CUM PLAY. 〰️ you heard me people, I warned 🤣.
Notes: Shit, I sprinkled quite a lot in there huh? Haha! Enjoy my friends. @extraneous-trip hopefully this is ✨spicier✨ than the last 😜
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“Baby, this is silly, we should just go back home.” You said to Joel, holding your hand and pulling you along with him, he stops and turns to you “Y/N, we shouldn’t even be alive right now. C’mon, I got something for us.”  
Kissing his lips and giggling into his mouth, you jibe “Yeah...Uh-huh. What are you planning mister?”  
He pulls away, tutting at you. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see wont ya. Be patient Y/N....” Joel leans in, sucking on your neck and grabs a handful of your ass before whispering in your ear “... Maybe I'll reward you for it”
He breaks off before it can go any further and you whine to him. Feeling his beard on your neck was electrifying, that deep voice of his was sexy and his hand on your ass... That was frustratingly arousing.
You both kept walking through this woodland area, more so Joel was pulling you along eagerly to show you what he’s got for you.  He’s right though, you both should be dead.
That Bloater emitting those spores should have killed you both but instead it gave you and Joel probably the best sex you’ve ever had.
After climbing out of there, he had taken you another two times over the bar. Then later that night when you made it home and had a shower, he snuck inside with you and made love to you again. You both were truly insatiable.  
You can't help wonder though, it's been one whole year since that day and you both can't get enough of each other. Joel thinks there may be some long-lasting side effects from the spores, but you know there is this itch that constantly needs scratched.  
Like as if that special Bloater had awakened something deep inside, giving you a taste for something more and you know Joel feels this way too.
Couple times now you’ve seen him checking out his junk in the mirror, while it shrunk back to his normal length, you think maybe he might've missed that feeling of swelling inside you.  
Then there were his changes in mood after sex. He always pulls out, but after doing so, he stares at his seed spread out on you; you watch him as he trails off thinking on something behind his eyes. The only time you both weren't cautious was with the Bloater in the bar but even then, a week later you had your period.
Thankful then for being so lucky, these days you find yourself contemplating the ‘what if’. Like, what if Joel wants to have a b-
“Baby girl, you ready?” he pulls you out of your thinking and stands behind you, placing his hands over your eyes. Shoving away your thoughts for now, you smile at him and giggling as you nod “C’mon then cowboy, show me what yer got.”  
Joel walks you forward carefully, feeling the tickle of leafs brushing past your arms before he stops, removing his hands and telling you “I found it baby, look.”  
Opening your eyes now, they widen as you gasp. “What the hell, Joel? How did it get here?”
Standing there inside this overgrown fortress of bush and trees, flowers blossomed a canopy over your heads as the sun trickles inside.
It was beautiful, and bright, it looks out of this world as all the colours in the spectrum were screaming at your face. Pinks, yellows, greens and reds and many more, all accompanied with mutated flowers like blue roses and purple sunflowers, it was magical, and right in the middle of it all, was the Bloater. That same Bloater.  
Standing there like a statue, its body was the stump as its neck was craned upwards, with branches growing out of its mouth. More of the unusual flowers grew at its feet while the branches drooped low, bearing fruit. Orange glowing fruit, it looked like peaches or maybe apples, you weren't too sure.  
You looked to Joel with wonder behind your eyes and he finally talks “I went back to the bar last week, just to see... I had to see it again, but it moved here” Your eyebrows raise to him, before looking back at the magnificent creature, “You mean it’s alive?”
“Yeah. I mean, I think so? I followed the trail of flowers It left behind and found this. It’s grown since then though” Joel walked over to it, looking up and down the bodice, he beckoned you over, holding a hand out “C’mere”  
Walking over to him, you watched as he plucked a fruit from the tree and questioned “Joel, is that a good idea?”
He saw the glow from the fruit reflect in your eyes, saw you wet your lips as he brings the fruit to his mouth and takes a bite. He groaned when the tangy flavours burst in his mouth, opening his eyes and pulling you in, he shared those flavours in a kiss.  
Breaking off, he brought it to your mouth and you took a bite. Mewling as you could taste the colours on your tongue, see the flavours behind your eyes, and in your body, you could feel the that itch, finally being scratched.
You asked, admiringly “What is this place, Joel? God, what is this fruit?”, taking one more bite before handing it back to him, he shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know baby.”
Dropping your packs, you both walk around and inspect the Bloater. Its hands were placed under his green, bulging belly, cradling it. It didn’t breathe or move, even when you touched it, “I don’t think it’s alive, Joel. Maybe this is a different one.” Only humming back in response, you rub your thighs together, feeling that same sensation you felt last time.
Joel must have felt the same, because his eyes darted to you. He looked down your body and smirked, making you bite your lip as you think about him, about how he feels. He beckons you over, teasingly, with his finger.  
You began making your way over but stopped when hearing a rustle behind you. Quickly turning around, you couldn’t see anything different so you began walking again. Only making one step as something pulls you back, you’re panicking now and yelling out “Joel! Help!”  
Dropping the fruit, he rushes over to you, the Bloater was very much alive, it had used its hands and pulled you back to stand in front of it, keeping you in place. Joel told you to hang on while he tried to free you, but the grip was too strong.
The flowers at your feet rumbled, spraying out spores that rose up between you both. Throwing your head back moaning, Joel throws himself forward, hunched over and grabbing his crotch.
That same sweet, fruity aroma entering your nostrils once again, more pungent this time, you squirm under the grasp, “Shit, what is it doing to us, Joel?... Joel, baby what's wrong?” He drops to his knees, still clutching his crotch and groaned like he’s in pain “Y/N, baby my cock...It’s throbbing.”  
You tell him to look at you and when he does your mouth falls open, shocked at the sight of him. His irises are fully dilated, pleading to you as his shirt is drenched in sweat, and his hands lay wrapped around his large, devastatingly hard length. Pumping himself a couple times, he sees you looking and apologises, “Sorry, girl. I have to deal with this, hang on baby...”  
You watch him free himself and strokes harder, his balls are swollen full and he is leaking at the tip. The sound of his heavy panting is making you wet, squeezing your thighs together as that all too familiar fire returns to your heat, he tugs faster as you guide him there “That’s it Joel. Fuck, I wish I could touch you, honey”  
Grunting now, he alerts “Almost there, Y/N” His head is so close to your heat and you whine to him, “Come for me Joel, show me... There you go.”
Groaning loudly to you, “Fuck, I’m coming, I’m com-Ohhhh fuuuuck, Y/N!” He throws his head back, leaning on the heels of his feet and you get the full show of watching him come for you. Thinking it’s humanly impossible for a man to ejaculate so much as he spills ropes upon ropes of his seed, everywhere.
As Joel is coming down, the Bloater moves, ripping your clothes off your body as the branches wrap around your hands and feet to elevate you off the ground. Those same branches wrap around your thighs, bending your knees to your chest and then, opening your legs.
With Joel kneeling down, he has a front-row view of your pussy directly in his face, he looks up to you and asks with his eye’s before moving in.  
Crying out to him to ease the burn, you beg “Please fucking touch me....” then he does “...Oh baby, yes!”  
Taking your clit into his mouth and sucking harshly, your hips are bucking from the sensation, but it’s not enough, pleading to him “M..More, Joel. I need mo-Oh My God!” burying three fingers to the hilt inside your hole, he curls them instantly, hitting that sweet spot inside.  
Humming into your cunt, he feels you clenching around his fingers and quickens his pace, hitting that spot over and over again. Screaming out and wriggling under your restraints as you come for him but he doesn’t stop.
A second wave of pleasure crashes and causes you to squirt, spraying his hand and face. Your arousal runs down his arm when he slows his movements, Joel is still licking into your folds as he strokes himself, again.  
It’s not enough for him, so he stands, admiring the sight before him, “God damn, look at you.”  
Towering over you, he begins to undress. You watch him reveal his body to you, maybe it’s the position you're in but he looks bigger, more buff and muscly. Running a hand down your leg and then stopping at your heat before spreading your folds, he notches at your entrance and pauses.
When you nod, you both exhale a pleasurable sigh as he penetrates you, only halfway. Fearful of hurting you, Joel keeps a slow and steady rhythm, telling you, “You like that, don’t ya girl”  
Whimpering ‘yes yes yes’ to him over the sounds of your arousal squelching around him. He pushes a little deeper eliciting a yelp from you, he stops thinking it’s too much but you let him know, “S’okay Joel, you can go deeper.”
He leans down and kisses your lips, swallowing your wailing moan as he buries himself to the hilt. Keeping still to live in the moment of your walls being tight around him, then he gasps feeling you stretch as he grinds in and out.  
Keeping his head close, he continues to kiss you and praises “You’re taking me so well darlin. I aint hurting you, am I?” The Bloater lets go of your hands, giving you access to hold Joel and so, wrapping them around his neck you kiss him back and reassure “No baby, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.”  
Feeling your orgasm building, you move your hand down and rub slow circles around your clit. Joel stutters, asking you “Y/N, c-can I go harder, I wanna.. God! I wanna pound you baby.”
“Fuck, yes! Please Joel”
He stands, holding onto your thighs as he withdraws then slams back into you. Thrusting brutally hard in and out of your cunt, his balls slap against your ass each time and you quicken the assault on your little bundle of nerves.  
Hips faltering upon feeling you pulse around him, he warns that he is near and when you mewl, clenching down as you orgasm, he can barely move on the vice like grip you have on him. Spilling his seed deep inside of you as he too, reaches his peak.  
When he withdraws, he sees his cum dribbling out of you and looks to you while catching it with his finger. Nodding your head to him, he brings it up and pushes it back inside, moaning to him as he is keeping you full.
The Bloater behind you moves once more, but this time it’s to let you go. Standing and then stepping back, you watch as its branches retract, its hands go back to cradling its belly then seeing a shadow of a flower growing inside.
“Joel, I want a baby.” you blurt out as he holds you. He looks at the flower inside the Bloaters belly for a second longer before turning to you, “Me too darlin’.”  
Shocked at his admission and asking him if he really means it, he conveys further, “The last time we done this without protection, you got yer period. I’ve thought about that day for a while, thought about putting my baby inside you.”
Hugging him, you mumble into his neck “Joel, why didn’t you talk to me?”  
He laughs and pulls you back to look in your eyes, “You don’t remember the Hallows Eve party, do you?”  
Shaking your head, he bellows out more laughter, hearty and warm “I thought you didn’t. Baby you were stumbling down drunk telling me you want a baby. I thought it was just the juice talking but I caught you a few days later pretending to cradle your tummy in the mirror.”
Sheepishly smiling and blushing, he places a finger to your chin and brings you closer to kiss your lips, while admitting more “I wanted to burst through the door and pump you full, right there and then, girl”  
Whispering to him, “So why didn’t you?”
Joel moved himself to stand behind you, his hard member rubbing against your lower back as he spoke “You know, it was exactly a year ago today when we came across this? One year since I confessed how I feel about you, thought it’d be fitting to try for a baby on the anniversary of it.”  
Notching himself at your entrance again, he asks “Whadd’ya say darlin’ can I put a baby in you?”  
“Uh-huh, please- ohhhh, Joel.” Sliding himself in softly, you whine to him as he holds you flush against his chest, grinding into you.
Bringing his hand up, around your throat and turning your head, he licks inside your mouth in a kiss, while his other hand moves down to your heat. You stay like that, letting him have his way with you.
When his thrusts get harsher, he braces his hand over your chest to hold you still, grabbing handfuls of your breasts and grunting deeply, “I’m gonna fill you up and I won't stop till my seed takes root. Okay, babygirl?”
“Okay...Daddy – UH fuck!” Joel slapped your pussy, smiling at you because you called him daddy then his hips began hitting yours faster. Gutturally grunting his orgasm into your ear as he slows back into soft grinds. You interlock your fingers with his own, feeling him fill you up with it.  
The Bloater in front of you glowed, more of the Forbidden Fruit sprouted on the branches, the shadow of the flower in its belly grew more, standing tall and blossoming. Looking down to your stomach you moan to Joel as it is slightly protruding outwards, full of his sperm.  
Then, Joel begins to grind again, essentially breeding you...
@marydjarin @extraneous-trip
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jaeminscoffee · 3 years
Colours | X. Dj
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Pairing» Xiaojun x f!Reader
Genre» Angst, Fluff, Smut (suggestive)
Warning(s)» Friends to lovers trope, Xiaojun kinda loses his temper but that subdues, heavy makeout session, groping, public sex, fingering, implied sex towards the ending (open imagination since the request was kinda vague), steamy, our boi dejun get's flustered by Y/n's bubbly personality. I think that's about it. Lmao not proof read, so it will contain a hell lot of mistakes.
Wc; type» 2.06k ; oneshot
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All Xiaojun could see is Red. 
To have the person who dragged him all the way to some stupid reunion party against his will to abandon him in the first five minutes with the pathetic excuse of "I'll go grab us some drinks" only to never return back to his aid had Xiaojun boil with anger. 
To have you smiling and laughing, clinging and grasping at a man he's never seen before is Infuriating. 
To see you so smitten by a guy other than Xiaojun had him seeing crimson with comically visible smoke coming out of his ears, arms shaking, jaw set rigid with palms growing moist from all the clenching and unclenching. 
Xiaojun felt yellow. 
He felt insecure at how the man before you just seemed to be much to your taste. 
He felt unsure of whether or not he should risk walking up to you and talk the talk he'd wanted to let out since the day you stood up for the lad. And inevitably, and much to his pleasure, stood by him in the process till date. 
He felt that maybe, just maybe, he's not worthy of having a girl as astounding as you. And all that sliver of hope he'd held onto only seemed to be slipping away from his grasp. 
Xiaojun felt blue. 
The dreading feeling that he'd lose all that the two of you built until where your relationship stands today with a single mistake bubbles inside of him. 
Watching you from afar with a man potentially your dream guy just made him feel blue. Numb, and as though a part of him was slowly chipping away. 
The immense feeling of sheer sadness had him want to turn on his heels and back out to what he thinks "get out of your way" and to prevent further breakage of his heart. 
Until he saw red again. 
Watching you throw yourself at this stranger, arms tightly wrapped around the bastard's waist, hips joint, with his hands running through the soft curls of your tresses, "who does he think he is?" 
How entitled must this man think he is to expand the white between the two of you? You and Xiaojun were meant to be and he'd only flick your head and call you stupid if you ever said otherwise. 
Eyebrows furrowing as Xiaojun followed each of your actions. How your chin tucks and you hide your face in this 'dream bastard's' chest, arms idly resting on his torso, your hair covering your face from all the moving around. He kept watching you;
Until your gaze met. 
Time seemed to stand still, in a much cliché fashion. Seeing the expressionless look on his face seemed to have clicked the power on button somewhere in your head.
You'd unintentionally abandoned the man you promised you wouldn't. 
Almost as though Xiaojun could see the wheels turning inside your head, he sneers at you, immediately turning around to walk into a corner the moment he saw you approaching him through the crowd filled with hookers, stoners, and people too bored for their own good. 
"Jun, wait up!" 
He could hear your shrill voice call out to him the moment he rounded a turn. He didn't turn, however, mind clouded red, crimson and ebony with jealousy, envy and all mixed emotions, he felt dizzy. 
You catching up to him only seemed to worsen his dizziness, "Jun! I-i'm so sorry i forgot about you, it's just my b-" 
"Forgot about me, huh?" Xiaojun's voice comes gruff, hoarse from the inadequate usage. He doesn't bother turning around to look at you, wouldn't have done much anyways, the lighting of the area so dim, he can barely make out your silhouette. 
Besides, his vision is clouded with black, wouldn't have done much anyways. 
"No no, not forget forget about you! I just got caught up with my b-" 
"boyfriend? Y/n, are you oblivious to not know how  I feel? Am I vague? Oh I'm sorry, am I not obvious enough?" Through the darkness, you could see Xiaojun's shoulder shake, his tone strained, his head hung low, avoiding your gaze the closer you got. "Jun, what are you talking about?" 
You seemed to be feeling grey, confused. 
"Your boyfriend, Y/n." 
"Jun, boyfriend-!" "I like you damn it!" you flinch as he abruptly turns around, the red building inside him so rapidly that it inevitably ends up exploding.
"You know I like you, no, I love you. Why else would you have been waltzing around acting like a pliant, docile girlfriend?" The grey intensifies within you the faster Xiaojun talks quick strides towards you. 
Your silence and the unconscious stepping back seemed to plant a seed of yellow within him again. "You led me on. You seemingly ignored my feelings. Because you obviously know I like you, don't you?" The red appears again, mixing with the intense yellow, blending into a terrific orange as Xiaojun closes the space between the two of you with newfound confidence. 
"You like me.." you whisper, your palms pressing onto the greasy wall behind you where Xiaojun had you cornered, your eyes shaking in ecstasy. He likes you, no. He loves you.
"You need to a whole 'nother level of airhead if you think i view you merely as a friend-" Somewhere in your head, you know he's talking to you, but his voice seems to numb out in the beautiful crimson that's taking over your heart, with a slight mix of elegant yellow and purple so faint it could come off as violet. "You like me!" you look up at him. 
"-Yes, Y/n, keep up god damn! But do you care? Of course not! You go get yourself a boyfriend while i wallow in self pity-" 
"Oh god you like me!" you bounce with all the vibrant colors swirling inside you, your arms lifting up to wrap around the lads neck, who jumps at the unexpected action, looking down at you with a mixture of confusion and slight fury.
"Does it matter, Y/n? Your boyfriend's probably looking for you now-" 
"Jun, what are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend!" you pull him down to be leveled with you, looking him intensely in the eye as you watch the familiar grey dominate his irises. 
"Th-Then, that man you were all over..? You cannot possibly tell me he's not your boyfriend" he seems to be fighting to hold onto the red fury as it slowly turns into a rosy flush. "The man I was all over..?" you question seemingly to yourself, as the wheels turn  in your head once again until the entire process comes to an abrupt halt at the realization hitting you. 
"Jun, that's my brother! My cousin!" 
The look on the lad's face is so incredulous that you break out into a cheshire grin, "you were jealous of my brother?" you giggle, as you playfully punch at his chest which deflates as he radiates bright crimson, skin heated. 
"o-okay brother. brother, alright. Though, I still don't stand a chance, do i?" Xiaojun questions, stammering with embarrassment while being overcome with a sudden sense of blue. Sure you didn't have a boyfriend, doesn't change the fact that you're way out of his league. 
You stare into his eyes, hoping that would somehow convey the answer to his question, but the more you just look at him, the more the light in his eyes seems to dim out. 
Offering him a soft smile, which he doesn't seem to notice, you catch him off guard when you lift his head up, tilting it while pressing your lips onto his ever so gently. Providing a soft peck as you sigh in ecstasy. 
You let your lips linger a little longer, silently pouring out your heart into the soft action of affection before hesitantly pulling away. 
"Does that answer your question?" your gentle voice pulls Xiaojun out of his haze. 
You kissed him. You like him. He stands a chance with you. 
That seems to snap the last bit of self restraint in him as he captures your lips once again with much fervor. Molding his lips with yours, all signs of softness thrown out of the window as his hands circle your hips, pulling you flush against him. 
The feeling of your heat encircling him makes him groan into the kiss, making a wave of shock run through your spine. The hairs on your hand standing proud as you play with the hair at the back of his neck, pulling at it. 
Biting down on your lips, Xiaojun positively earns a moan from you. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into yours, easily dominating your tongue as you slowly, subconsciously start grinding against him, making him squeeze tight at your hips. 
"I.. Love you.. Jun" you say in between the kiss as his hands travel further south, groping at your ass, pulling you in, supporting your grinds on his crotch.
"Fuck.." he sighs at the words, slithering wet kisses from your lips to the edge of your lips, moving onto the jaw before choosing to nip at the skin, "say it again, doll" he rasps onto your neck, while his hands sneakily makes its way under the flimsy material of your skirt, thumbing at your growing wetness while staring intently at you, silently asking for the green flag to proceed.
"I.. I love you. I love you, Xiaojun!" you nod at him while pouring all your adoration onto the lad, you'd waited too long for the two of you to take it slow from now on forth. 
Xiaojun moves your panties to the side, immediately finding the bundle of nerves, pressing nimbly onto your clit, basking in your little whimpers and shakes. 
He wastes no time to draw figure eights onto the sensitive bud, cooing at you while marking his territory on your neck, your jaw, the naked skin of your shoulders and collarbone, exposed by the off shoulder top you'd chosen for the evening. 
"I love you, too, princess. You've no idea how long I've waited for this moment." he moans onto your neck while sliding in a slender digit into your wet cavern. 
You grow frantic, soaking in all the emotions Xiaojun is pouring onto you with his actions and words, being pulled close to your high, embarrassing faster than you'd appreciate.
"You've no idea how many times I'm imagined taking you until all you can remember is my name, not even yours" he starts moving his digits after fitting in another one of his long fingers, the slick pouring out of your cunt pooling onto his palms as your moans come out as squeals. Your brain is hazing with a pleasant pink, blue and red. All of the emotions overwhelming you.
"You look gorgeous, doll face" he kisses softly at the side of your lips when you start clenching around his fingers, the knot in your stomach threatening to snap.
"J-Jun.." you sigh, face flush with content, legs shaking, your form only being held up by his strong grip, his intense gaze making you feel so small, so vulnerable, all the tell-tale signs of your orgasm nearing you present as he accelerates his fingers, clearly catching onto the fact that you'd come undone any second. 
"You gonna come for me, pretty? Am I making you feel good?" he grunts while nibbling at the lobe of your ears, digits moving so fast inside your calls that you can hear the squelching obscene voices of your walls over the loud music playing in the background, his palm constantly rubbing against your clit. 
"Feel's so g-good, Jun.." You grip onto his forearm to keep you grounded as your orgasm washes over you. Your jaw slacks as you convulse around his fingers. Xiaojun cooing praises into your ears as he helps you ride out your orgasm, pulling you into a kiss as you push his fingers away when he slowly drives you into overstimulation. 
"Fuck, you're perfect." he stares at you with adoration while you catch your breath. Forcing yourself to step out of your daze. You smile shyly until it turns into a sly smirk as you move your hands to grab at his painfully evident dent, slowly rasping out as you move closer to him,
"Your place or mine?" 
The red never felt so satisfying to Xiaojun until now. 
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