#i love that he gets 2 bdays it’s like a double holiday for me
toytle · 28 days
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happy birthday barry allen‼️*
(*2 ‼️ so he knows i’m wayy happier than 1 ❗️)
[alt text ID, close-ups + ID below cut]
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Image 1: Fanart of Barry Allen from DC Super Hero Girls celebrating his birthday. He has acne and lightning highlights in his eyes, as well as lightning bolt blush, lightning-shaped eyebrows, and wing-like tufts of hair tucked behind his ears. He’s wearing a birthday hat and red jacket, holding out a race car birthday cake with 17th candles in an awed expression. The cake reads: “Happy Birthday Bartholomew!!” Behind him are various balloons creating a frame around him. To the side are panels containing simplified moments of Barry throughout his birthday party. The first is a pink panel where someone puts the birthday hat on him. The second is a green panel where he blows a party horn with chipmunk cheeks and a scrunched up expression. The last is a blue panel where his friends stack a pile of gifts into his arms, his face barely peeking through. Confetti is strewn about everywhere.
Images 2-4: Closeups of Barry’s face, the 3 side panels, and the cake, respectively.
VIDEO ID: A clip from DC Super Hero Girls where Barry frets over his birthday card for his nana. He had originally written only 1 exclamation point on the card, even though he was “way happier than that,” so he quickly adds another exclamation point to “stop being so burdened all the time.”
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plutowrites · 3 years
i can't tell if Levi hates that his bday falls on Christmas or loves it
like on one hand he hates it because it’s so hard for the people around him to ~forget his birthday since it literally falls on one of the biggest holidays ever and he just doesn’t want it being turned into a big deal but oh hey here comes a birthday cake coming out at the office christmas party and now EVERYONE is singing to him and it’s awful
but then again he also loves it? like he hates the idea of people spending money on him and buying him gifts so the fact that it’s practically a 2 in 1 deal, making it so he’s not presented a shit load of gifts at one time because c’mon.... it’s a fact that if your bday falls around christmas you get cheated!! your christmas gifts double up as birthday gifts!! surprise! enjoy!  it’s also like a reverse uno card bc someone will bring him a birthday gift and he’ll pull out their christmas gift like here ya go this moment WILL NOT be about me
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dartier · 4 years
QB-E1's [aka Dart (AO3) Dartier (Tumblr)] Master List
This is my very first 007 Fest. Special thanks to the Fest mods, our Team Q-Branch co-captains And my teammates.
If you’re wondering why this post looks like a trainwreck, well, 2020 happened to it. That’s why.
64 comments*1 =64
6 events *1 (craft workshops and art streams) =6
FanFic <5000 words and fanfic chapter <5000 words
19 * 5 points= 95
Grief is a Many-Splintered Bastard of a Goddamn Thing
For my collab prompt table: Linorien's "Picnic on the roof of MI6. Maybe under the stars." and ZephyrFox's "How about a card game between the denizens of MI6? Poker, or something."
The 00Fest 2018 anon prompt "A Double-Oh Poker Night". Since I can only count two prompts, Linorien's and the 2018 prompt are the two I am counting for points.
Damn Homophones ~or~ Pin Me Chapter 1
Fluff Prompt Table: Flare, Komodo Dragon
Who’s Oblivious Now? ~or~ What the What?!
Fluff Prompt Table: Water, orchestrate
Put Me in the Zoo ~or~ That’s Not Ice Cream
SouffleGirl91 gave me a perfectly innocent prompt: “If you are up to it: Q and Bond (and Alec if he wants to be invited!) enjoy a day out at the zoo.”
Bloody Big Cat ~or~ There’s a Special Kind of Leave for That
Prompt from Mely/Celyan: “Could I get your version of Bond as a big cat? How about both of them in the field and Bond has to save Q in his cat form, and then things happen? And by things I mean anything from flirting to cuddling to more, take it wherever it leads you lol. Or even bickering because Q’s happy to be saved but he’s feeling like he’s suffocating under Bond’s cat form? 😆”
Q Considers Villainy ~or~ Avenging Boffin
Fluff Table Prompt: choir and goose
Dress Me Up ~or~ Drop Me Down
Fluff Prompt Table: Fawn and Competence Kink
Bond. James Bond in Harry Potter and the Sheerest and Dumbest of Lucks ~or~ Alec Fucking Trevelyan Will Not Be Denied
Chapter 1 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25507960/chapters/61883608
Chapter 2 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25507960/chapters/61883725#workskin
Chapter 3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25507960/chapters/61889155#workskin
Dart's Drabble Trailer
Ch. 1 And Strawpenny and Moneyfields Lived Happily Ever After ~or~ James Bond's Ridiculous Ears are Burning
rare pair, Moneypenny
Ch.2 Sweet Somethings ~or~ 007/Q + Coffee/Cake
Fluff Prompt Table: Free Space
Ch. 3 The Not So Secret Secret Class
For the 2017 Fest Prompt: 00QAD - James mentoring Alex by giving him courting and bedroom tips
Polyamory Day, Rare Pair
Ch. 4 4-Way Fluff ~or~ Mr. Mistoffelees‘ Magical Afternoon
2017 Fest Prompt: 00QAD - four-way fluff, maybe cooking together or watching a movie and touching/kissing/etc
Polyamory Day
Ch.5 Easy Killer or the Great “When For the Love of God will 007 and Our Beloved Quartermaster Hook Up Already” Betting Pool
For the Collab Prompt Table prompt from Linorien and Cassie: “write something from the pov of a q branch minion.”
Ch. 6 Love on the Lido Deck ~or- James Bond’s Guide to Creativity in Training
Collab Table Prompt for Ato-the-Bean: “Bond jealous of Q giving a piece of tech to another agent.”
Ch. 7 Use Your Accrued Holiday Time, Kids ~or~ Someone Give Mallory a Biscuit
Use Your Accrued Holiday Time, Kids ~or~ Someone Give Mallory a Biscuit
Collab Table Prompt from Stormofsharpthings: "How about - James and Alec will NOT take a break, so Q, with the help of M, arranges for the three of them to go on a ‘mission’ but doesn’t tell them it’s a holiday until they’re there"
Let Us All Circle Each Other in Confusion Like the Idiot Boys We Are
Collab Table Prompt for bookserdu: "Q is a stripper in a high end men's club putting himself through uni. James and Alec are members/stop by for a drink (and to ogle pretty boys)/are hiding from the bad guys. Then spotlight comes on and hits Q. Dealers choice how/what/where happens."
“Q, Why is James Bond Naked in Your Flat?” ~or~ “It’s Tuesday?”
Nana's Most Excellent Prompt (for my Collab Prompt Table.): "Bond and Q do a strip drinking game and Q appears to be winning! Loser also gets to fulfill a wish from the winner while going around in his bday suit! Whatever will Q make Bond do??"
And this one also counts for ZephyrFox's collab table prompt of "The denizens of MI6 play poker."
Recipe 5 points
Felix Leiter’s “If I don’t eat some whole grains, my wife is going to beat my ass and not even James Bond will be able to save me” Hot Dog Buns
FanEdit 5 points
it's always a 2 mug morning in Q branch
Headcanons (5*3=15)
Damn Homophones ~or~ Pin Me : Chapter 2 "Q Branch Headcanon: Flair "
Felix Leiter’s “If I don’t eat some whole grains, my wife is going to beat my ass and not even James Bond will be able to save me” Hot Dog Buns
Qs Beach Reading
Other Fan Creations (3*5) = 15
Round Robins
007 Fest 2020 Prose Round Robin
A Bad Day Off, The 007 Fest 2020 Poetry Round Robin.
FanArt (5 points)
Team Q Branch Art
Scavenger Hunt item
scavenger = 20 total
#2 (5 pts) anon note
#5 (5 pts) AAR limerick
#61 (10 pts) Art round robin
anon prompts 5*3 = 15
1 2018 +2 points =2
2 2017 +(2*3)= 6
complete prompt tables 2*30=60
7 theme days (Poetry, Characters of Color, Food, Polyamory, Moneypenny, Felix, Crossover) = 21
rare pair 4*5=20
64 comments (31+10)
= 395 points total
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adam-levineyard · 5 years
It's been really fucking long
So, I have not really been active these last years and stuff, and i don't even know how to begin unpacking all this shit.
Anyways, after the whole student exhange thing i got seriously depressed for about a year and a half or so. I started drinking too much, not caring enough about anything besides work to cope with it. Back in 2017 i was planning on running off with the (now i realize) little money I had saved. Ended up getting black-out-drunk as shit at my best friend’s bday party and confessing some really fucking nasty thoughts to both him and my parents between sobs and retches. I was at my lowest and started having some really bad ideas. I just wanted everything to stop. Anyways I kinda got better or something.
Until nearing the end of last year. Got really stressed out at work and drinking a lot again, ended up getting black-out-drunk again at work's christmas party. We went clubbing or something with the really wealthy owner. Everything was on the house. I don't know how I got back home barefeet, beaten, bruised, sobbing, with a bloody nose and dog bites all over my leg. Next morning I had no ID or money in my wallet. My calf has couple puncture scars that you can pinch and feel like you’re grabbing a bowling ball.  
And so it goes. Every 8 months or so I have some sort of breakdown or something, stop drinking altogether, get confident and careless again, and repeat the whole fucking thing. Last one was about a month or so. My last two gigs were as head bartender at an 80 seating capacity restaurant , then got stolen to a 600 capacity one. I get really obsessed and stress out a lot at work, it’s pretty normal in the restaurant industry. Started pulling two weeks straight with no days off and lots of overtime or doubles with no extra pay. Took some regular hours for about a week, then pulled the same shit again, but this time it was 3 weeks straight. Started overreaching myself, not doing things right, some national bigshot boss came over and realized the waiters were stealing from my stocks or charging customers extra and asked for my non-existent inventories, which I could not do cause I was very fucking busy making sure the bar was not left unnatended. She made me cry out of frustration and shame in front of everyone right there on the bar. Got drunk again, pulled the same shit over and quit about two weeks ago.
I was scouted for that restaurant. A Diageo World Class twice-participant saw me at the other bar I was working at, realized I'm fucking great (cause I actually am a fucking great bartender, mind you) and pretty much stole me from my modest 80 capacity bar to a whopping 600 one. His name’s Bernardo, and he’s the national head bartender for the whole restaurant chain, Palomino’s. They have seven outposts spread out in the country. I worked alongside him for two weeks and learned tons in that short time, then he returned to Mexico City, and we remained in contact. We got along great, he was the first and only bartender I met that knew what a fucking Sazerac was, or that also enjoyed Fernet Branca. Before he left, he passed on his bar blade to me. He had it for seven years.
I did my fair share, I saw that we made it through Mother's and Father's day and event after event. The local managers realized I would work as many hours as needed and latched on to it. At some point they chastised me at a meeting for accepting overtime pay, ever since I returned every extra cent whenever (if ever) I got a little extra on my paycheck. I eventually burned myself out and when I quit, they ended up begging me not to go for 10 days straight ‘til my last day. The managers even promised to send me to the Guadalajara and Mexico City outposts that we had so that I could grow as a bartender. Pretty much petty lies so I would pull a couple weeks more of extra shifts during this holiday season but I didn't buy it. I never talked to Bernardo about quitting, I just had to get out, whenever we talked he told me he considered me a friend. But I didn’t want to let him down.  But I know I did and I'm probably dead to him. I never talked to him again. He even sent me a couple messages asking me if I had my submission ready for a couple international competitions. I haven't even opened those messages, I think he blocked me. 
But I know how he thinks, cause we do think alike. I had a friend there who was head bartender before I was, they had me take over for him. He started burning out and they made me boss. He got depressed and told me about it. Asked for a day off to sort his feelings out and stuff. I knew how he felt so I ok’d it. He skipped work for three days straight. I spoke with Berna about it, and tried to soften the whole thing cause the other guy was my friend, as in like, “what should I do? I mean I’ve felt like that before and I know how it feels so I don’t wanna be too harsh or something” but he just cut me off and told me it was a load of bullshit and that he was gonna make him go tipless for 2 months, and warned me about pulling that kind of shit myself. And you know, I get him. I get it. Cause we do think alike. In this industry you can’t afford that kind of shit, you either suck it up or go fuck yourself. So when i realized that I was burning out  I decided to call it quits before I let them down even further.                                 To be completely honest, I loved the fact that they begged me to stay, promised me growth and promotion at bigger and better cities and a “a pressure free enviroment” as long as stayed for the holidays. I was under the impression that I was doing a horrible job, apparently not so much. The moment I decided to leave they started looking for replacements. As in plural. One barkeep leaves, two openings are posted. 
Anyways, this was not supposed to be such a depressing entry.                          I’m actually kinda sought after tbh, A couple friends from other bars had tried to swipe me from that bar, the owner at the bar they stole me from tried to lure me in again with promises of paying me bartending schools at New York and shit (he’s got the money but he usually doesnt put it where his mouth is, although apparently I was one of his favorites, the maitre’d told me he heard him order the manager to “look after me and keep me happy” while I was there so yeah). And you know, the whole begging-me-to-stay-shit at Palomino’s.
One of my closest friends and his gf actually put in a good word about me at the university they teach at, and I was offered to teach bartending to the culinary students there. Honestly, I do know a lot. Like, a  l o t . But you know me, I’m shy as shit and don’t do well in front of crowds, so my classes haven’t really been tip-top. But I’m working on it. They’re twice a week so I haven’t given more than three classes to both groups. Group B seems to like me though, but i think I bore Group A. The rest of my time I’ve dedicated to resting a bit for once, and this week I started kickboxing, so let’s see how that goes. I’m hoping it makes me a bit more assertive. I always struggle to speak my mind at work mostly because you get a motley crew of misfits working at restaurants, so I’ve been threatened with an ass kicking more than twice whenever I get aggressive at work (which i surprisingly often do). I’m also doing it for fitness, and a sense of progression and achievement. I’m doing kinda well, but that happens with every breakdown-cycle-thing. Hoping third time’s the charm.    
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azuldemontana · 5 years
Module 7 collaboration blog post!
This week we’re doing a collaboration post on the Module 7 activates. Make sure to head over and check out Louis blog!
Modern Encryption Standards
Cipher text 1 & 5: These two both have to be an ECB, we noticed that if we put in two identical 16 bit blocks, the output would result in two identical hashes. This is due to the fact that ECB does not use previously encrypted data to increase confusion. 
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Cipher text 2: For this one, we noticed that, unlike the other ciphers, no. 2 increased in length with the plain text. We realized that for however many characters we had in plain text, there were double that in the cipher text. This implies that it must be a CTR encryption method, that uses an incrementing counter combined nonce which is used to encrypt one character at a time. 
Cipher text 3 & 4: For these two, we can conclude that they are using CBC as consecutive blocks are not identical to their previous blocks due to the previous block being used to encrypt rather than the same key being used each time. 
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Social Engineering with email Phishing
From Sarah's Instagram gives us quite a bit of information:
Child’s DOB: 2/12/14 (Bday referred to twice)
Mark nearly passed out in theater (Mark = Husband?)
Husbands birthday on 4/06
Dogs names (Bella, Jessie, Max(Sarah's fav), Jasper( Also Sarah’s fav = begal), Stella)
Sarah likes summer
Childs name = James
sarah.jenkins0583 (may 1983 = bday?)
Puppy love website:
David enjoys micro-brewing
Looks after dogs (Angela and Jessie, black pugs)
Sarah works in office, most likely manages FB page
Sarah isn’t very clued on Security wise, she sent back the Facebook credentials with our first attempt.
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Getting the payment made was a little bit harder. David is a pretty simple minded man, so we found the best approach was to not use long sentences and just get straight to the point.
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So it looks like David is strange kind of ‘human’ that will pay money if you include the key words “david” “payment” and “urgent”.
Knowledge Based Authentication 
This game was actually pretty fun... And kinda hard as well. Louis started as the ‘attacker’ and asked me questions and I tried to guess when he asked me a  Phishing question. The game went like this:
A: What is your proudest accomplishment? - I jumped the gun a bit here and immediately guessed this was a phishing question, and so lost on the first question. In hindsight this isn’t a ‘malicious’ question as a proudest moment normally wont be a single word answer, in most cases the answer to this question will involve some kind of story. So it doesn’t make sense for this to be a knowledge based authentication question. Yet in my defense, it could lead to the attack gaining information about you.
A: What’s the best single day on the calendar? - I proved I’m not very good at this game when I said this was also a phishing question... It’s not. It looks like it is, as often people use birthdays included in their passwords. Had Louis asked “what is your date of birth?” this may have been a phishing question.
A: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? - Thinking I had the hung of things, and not wanting to loose again, I guessed this was NOT a phishing question and told Louis that I wanted to be a fire fighter when I grew up. Thinking about it now, this was some crucial information I just gave and defiantly could be asked during knowledge based authentication.
Which! Now I tried to redeem myself and see if I could trick Louis into answering some phishing questions.
A: What is something that is considered a luxury, that you don’t think you could live without? - I started with a safe question to gain some trust before I started trying to get some useful information. Louis wasn’t suspicious of this one and answered the question to no consequences.
A: Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? - I hoped this one would fool Louis. We often use important locations in passwords, and some message authentication questions ask things along the lines of “Where was your first holiday?” (Looking at you CentreLink). However, Louis answered this with no consequences. The word interesting isn’t specific enough and isn’t likely to be used in a knowledge based authentication question.
A: What was the make and model of the car you learnt to drive in? - CentreLinks questions are appearing twice in this post now, this one is an obvious phishing question. So I started with a warm up question “do you drive?”, which Louis answered and told me that yes he did. Thinking I had gained his trust I then replied with “Oh cool, what car do you drive?”. But to no avail, Louis saw through my attempt and called out this question.
A: What city or town were you born? - Another malicious question, and I’m sure most of you can remember being asked something similar, maybe like “which country did you grow up?”, so Louis didn’t fall for this one either.
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So it’s pretty clear that I’m not the best at getting OR protecting my information. Defiantly something to practice!! GG Louis.
Trump Phishing
Dear Commander and Chief Donal Trump,
I am emailing on behalf of the United States Department of Defense. We have recently discovered a major vulnerability in the official military communications systems that could lead to major consequences if left untreated.
It is vital that you provide us with the footballs launch codes immediately so we can detect if they have been compromised.
To do so, please encrypt them using our military grade encryption called 7zip, compress the file. Once it is encrypted, upload it from your own device to the following link.
If you need assistance, please contact us.
United States Department of Defense
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imagine-wannaone · 6 years
Ong Seongwoo Royalty Au
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Okay so I normally read over fics katie sends back to me before uploading but my laptop just spend 2 hours uploading so I have no time uh. but happy Christimas/ Christmas Eve if you celebrate, or happy winter holidays (Or if not simply have a good few days. There should be a pic up on the 29th or arond for my bday aaaaaye.
> • Okay so growing up in the spotlight of being a prince is kinda awful yanno, > • Literally everything you do is written in the papers or in a blog post and you’re criticised for every little thing you do, > • There’s just no escape, > • And the king and queen know this, so when they had a son they sent him to live with all the civilians in the city to grow up normally, > • They actually visited him at least once a month secretly, > • They didn’t tell him they were the king and queen but by the time he was around 10 or so he knew anyway because how can you not know the faces of your royalty?? > • So he kept his relationship identity undercover and grew up a secret royal, > • It’d probably give any one else a complex, right? > • Not Ong Seongwoo, oh no, > • This boy is honestly so chill and laid back he just goes with the flow and laughs his way through life, > • But also works v v hard, don’t get me wrong this boy doesn’t rely on his heritage for success, > • He works hard to make his own name, > • A future king cannot rely on everyone else around him to do things, > • So he’s out there being a young bean enjoying a civilian life, > • Your parents are both nobles and very close to the king and queen, > • They’re almost like advisors but fun? They help make a lot of decisions whilst staying friends with the royals, > • Almost an impossible job let’s be real, > • But that means they’re almost always busy so you just trundle around the palace as a toddler, > • Which is free of any other kids, > • How lonely, > • Your life is split between school work, which is half private tutoring and half normal school, > • And spending your time in the palace tryna entertain yourself, > • But because of your already high up position paired with the amount of spare time you have, you spend a lot of time in etiquette classes, learning how to act regally and whatnot infront of cameras, > • Because you’re thought to be replacing your parents in the future, > • You’ll be in the spotlight as a representative a lot oops, > • It really kinda frustrates you how your life is already planned out for you, > • But then so is royalty so you’re gunna have to just bare with it, > • And while you listen and learn well, any time you’re allowed to relax (aka school£ you are also chill as hell, > • What’s better than spending a day with awful posture, propped in bed in PJ’s infront of a laptop? > • Absolutely nothing fight me ;-; > • But you still know etiquette and manners books back to front and reversed again, > • And the fact you’re a good actor really helps like damn, > • So when the Prince turns 18, Seongwoo is revealed as prince as bought to the palace as a new home, > • Everyone in the palace is rushing around, panicking at the arrival of the new prince, > • You just sit one of the balconies overlooking the dining room and watch the commotion infront if you, > • Lmao you’re hiding, your tutor is looking for you to put you in one of those fancy dresses to meet the prince but you honestly can’t be bothered, > • And hate those frilly dresses the old woman likes, > • Don’t get me wrong the woman was pretty much like a nan to you, you loved her dearly but her dress sense wasn’t great, > • You didn’t want to meet the future king in a dress like that, > • But you also didn’t understand everyone’s panic, > • The prince had grown up a civilian, and yeah he probably expected a lot at the palace, but he’d probably just be happy with a nice meal and a few fancy suits, > • You didn’t approve of them throwing him in at the deep end, he’d probably feel way out of his league and unable to keep up with everyone and their well painted faces and fake manners ready to cater to his every move, > • You knew it was a privilege, a huge one, but you knew it was extremely unnecessary and often tiring, but it did give people jobs, > • You and your parents donate your ‘wages’ to charity because what was the point of hoarding money like some of the other nobles? > • Ruins the economy, > • (Again for the selfish rich people in the back) > • So you just sit and watch the hustle and bustle until one of your parents eagle eyes spot you and you use the foundation beam as a fireman’s pole to reach the bottom, > • Lmao you know how to make the most of your surroundings, > • So you then prowl away to go and avoid frilly dresses and find yourself a nice simple dress or some dress trousers and a nice shirt, > • Honestly either, both are cute as heck anyway, > • You have to follow protocol and arrive perfectly on time, to the second, easily find your place next to one of your parents near the head of the table where the prince will be for the dinner, and look around the huge table, packed with stuck up nobles that make you roll your eyes, > • Of course not all of them, there’s a few with the exact same attitude as you, making eye contact and sending true smiles, but you know for one that this dinner will drag, > • And while you get the royals plan, to throw him straight in to get him used to the surprises and things he may have to do in the future, you think it’s kinda unfair, > • But it’s not your place, > • YET, > • (But boi do you have a few points of improvement in your mind) > • To say anything, so you sit up straight and smile like everyone else, > • So all eyes are on the prince when you stand for his entrance, everyone trying to suss him out and figure out how to get on his good side, > • You think it’s really sad some of the nobles think like that, > • But you lay your eyes on a boy, the same age as you, in a smart suit, patterned nicely, brown hair styled expertly and with a devilishly handsome face, > • He walks in nonchalantly, relaxed and confident, but as he approaches his seat next to his parents you watch his interior too become more and more tense and overwhelmed, although he shows little signs of this, > • You want to scoop the poor boy up and take him to the balconies, where the loudest noise is the wind in the trees and the only eyes belong to the birds in the sky and the squirrels in the bushes, > • Aka your favourite place, where it seems like no noise or hustle can break the serenity, > • But the dinner drags and the new Prince Seongwoo almost gets drilled with questions, interrogated on questions people know are way out of his current league, > • But he copes as well as he can, although you unconsciously notice a few moves you wouldn’t have done, > • Stupid things like eating with the wrong fork or sitting wrong, > • You hate yourself for picking it up because you know all the others will as well, > • But you feel almost as exhausted as the boy, who you occasionally make eye contact with and send him soft, genuine smiles, > • You hope he can tell you’re genuine, sending him your confidence and not one of the others, with sly questions and wicked smiles, > • When you deem acceptable, you excuse yourself from the dinner, to the surprise of none but the prince himself as you’re always the first out of the fancy meals, > • Your parents are so jealous as they have to sit there with lots of people they don’t trust, hA, > • But you’re shook when you walk down the corridor towards your own suite when the Prince himself jogs up to your side and greets you, > • You do a double take and straighten your back before you can comprehend, > • At a closer look, the prince is tall and slender, but owns a charming boyish grin and flawless skin, home to a small triangle of freckles and warm eyes, making the future king truly approachable and sweet looking, > • You’re about to greet him as if a royal, as you should, but hold yourself back a little, > • it’s Seongwoo’s first day in the palace, it’ll probably be nice to hear a voice not stuck in a formal polite tone, right? > • You take the risk because??? Why the hell not???? > • “Seongwoo, right? I’m Y/N” > • Coupled with a warm smile, it seems to relax Seongwoo indefinitely, his shoulders coming down from his tense posture and the relaxed smile of when he first walked into the dining room returning, > • “I’m so glad I’ve found someone who isn’t old with a fake smile, oh god I was going to lose hope” > • His casual words and quick gathering of what the nobles are like makes you laugh, > • “How’d you escape them? The royals normally have to leave last,” > • The look seongwoo sends you shows he’s not totally pleased with this new peice of information, > • But thats how everyone left the meal to find the new prince and the advisors/nobels daughter laughing together in a hallway, > • But that’s also how you where thrown the painfully hard  job of teaching Seongwoo how to behave as a royal in public, > • Now let me tell you, you didn’t exactly ask for this job, > • But the royals saw how well the two of you got on, and you always pulled it out the bag with your manners in social events, so assigned you the task, > • They actually knew how hard it was going to be but wanted to challenge you as you hadn’t yet found much to do in the palace, > • They’re laughing behind your back, > • And while you get on with seongwoo, being his 'teacher’ is a whole different thing, > • Seongwoo Is a jem of a person, and now holds the place of your best friend, but that may be s leading reason of why he’s a car crash with you, > • He gets so easily distracted, > • He just doesn’t retain any information, > • He may look like a regal god, but it lasts for 5 seconds before he trips over his feet, > • You want to scream, > • You do, > • He joins in, > • Do you blame him? No, > • But you drag him through the lessons though and slowly, so so slowly, but steadily you notice improvements that makes your little heart swell, > • Not only because that means he’s actually Listening to you and learning, but it also means your closest friend is progressing and settling in well, > • Not that he always is, > • Sometimes you sit with him as he panics about his future role as king, or as he breaks down about how he feels inept, > • You understand his frustration of being told what to do all the time, having no choice in his own future, > • But you know you can never comprehend the weight that pushes his shoulders to the ground about his royal heritage, > • So you sit with him, wrapping your arms around him and you let him feel, > • But Seongwoo is generally jolly and jokey, bringing a smile to your face and making your heart flutter, > • So you’re tackling Seongwoo’s weak point, > • His pOsTUre, > • Omg that guy cannot walk like a natural human what has he been doing for the last years of his life to make him sit like that? > • So you decide with the classic walk with books on your head™ > • Because that’s how you learnt although you have no idea if it even works, > • But it looks funny Anyway, > • And with so much free time around the palace you’re basically a troll, > • So you’ve got 5 books piled on your bed and Seongwoo has got 2 slipping around on his shiney locks, > • “So you’re telling me, Y/N, that you can hold those books on your head no matter what?” > • Seongwoo’s look of disbelief makes you laugh, > • Seongwoo has not been able to keep more than 3 books on his head for a minute in the last week and it honestly blew your mind a little how awful he was, > • It was slightly adorable, > • “No matter what,” > • You repeat and spin in a circle, you feel the books shift minutely but change to accommodate them, > • “See it’s not so- DiD yoU jUsT kIsS mE?!” > • The clatter of both of your books breaks the silence blanketing your mind, > • Seongwoo had, indeed, just kissed you, > • With the grace and agility of a damn gazette, Seongwoo had stepped forward, his lips pressing gently but quickly against yours, sparks jumping through your skin, > • “No matter what, huh?” > • Seongwoo’s cheeky eyebrow raise and eye flicking between you and the books on the floor make your cheeks redden but you both laugh, > • Wow what a beautiful start of a relationship full of laughter and honesty, > • aka the best relationship???? > • Seongwoo has pure talent in making others feel wanted and full of happiness, but he need you to help him feel that aswell, > • Because Seongwoo was born to be king, and  even with his newly acquired manners, feels extremely out of his league, > • But with you by his side, squeezing his hand for support and full of smiles fill him with confidence, the whole task doesn’t seem so daunting,
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Quick, gimme a place I could be going
Buster: Where do scumbag lads from the 24 holiday?
Rio: 😑
Rio: Safe to say nowhere that looks like the French Riviera
Rio: going somewhere without phone signal guys, no there won't be pics to show you when I'm back either, bye
Buster: For real though, you could say you've got a job somewhere
Buster: No tourist shots 'cause you're working so hard, like
Buster: Under lock and key serving those drinks
Rio: Hmm
Rio: might work
Rio: can just say it was shit when I come back after no time at all
Buster: When you're getting picking grapes at a vineyard but don't get picked by the man of your dreams 💔
Buster: You just can't get the daddies these days, babe
Rio: 😂 Shut up
Rio: clearly past it but you don't need to rub it in
Buster: You shut up
Buster: You're with me, you've never looked better
Rio: Firstly, that's the point, no I ain't
Rio: Stick to the story boy!
Buster: 😂
Buster: Didn't realise you were screenshotting this convo, like
Rio: Obviously
Rio: Everyone so highkey
Rio: Like no one's questioning Nance what she's really doing or who she's going with 🙄
Buster: If you wanna go gay so nobody questions why you're coming with me you probably should've put some groundwork in before now
Buster: Better go kiss some hot girls quick, like
Rio: Very subtle, babe
Rio: Been there, done that
Rio: still don't think it's gonna be bought
Buster: 😏
Buster: Have you actually?
Rio: 🙄
Buster: I am
Buster: On that
Rio: Thought you didn't like sharing?
Rio: Double standard, like
Buster: It was before me so I'm not
Rio: Hmm
Rio: Not dying to know all the hot lads I've kissed though are you 😂
Buster: We can compare numbers if you want, babe
Buster: No shame here
Rio: Knew it 😏
Rio: Posh boys
Buster: It's not my fault if half the boys at school are in love with me
Buster: Irresistible, aren't I
Rio: So charitable
Buster: Well, I was gonna take you shopping before we go but if you don't wanna then fine
Rio: I was being nice
Rio: 😇
Buster: I reckon you can be nicer
Rio: Fine
Rio: I'll tell you all about the hot girls
Buster: Yeah?
Rio: but first 💳 me
Buster: Fine
Buster: I was being purely selfish anyway, there's so much shit I need before we can go
Rio: Jokes, babe
Rio: Same though
Rio: Last year's bikini ain't gonna cut it
Buster: Honestly, you can't be showing me up even if you are safe from the socials
Buster: So tell me what you need
Rio: I ain't walking 50 paces behind you
Rio: even if you've got lanky ass legs
Buster: Please, I could get you to do anything
Buster: But there's no fun in that, you gotta walk in front if anything
Rio: Keep it up and I'm walking away fr
Rio: Birthday boy or nah
Buster: 😂
Buster: Try it, I'm faster than you, and I'll easily just pick you up and carry you away, babe
Rio: 😠 Try it
Rio: 👊
Buster: I will if I have to
Rio: I wouldn't if I were you, I couldn't find you anything special so I'm like half your present still
Rio: Keep me on side, trust
Buster: You're protesting too much. You know you'd love it
Rio: Shh
Rio: You're being very unhelpful when I'm sat here tryna swear blind I ain't going away with a lad
Buster: You should just admit you are
Buster: That way we don't have to keep the bruising to a discrete minimum
Rio: Effort though
Rio: creating a fake mans, easiest way to get caught out
Buster: I'm real
Buster: Just don't use my name or family tree, obviously
Rio: Work on my mates
Rio: Not sure if the fam is that dim
Rio: hmm, sounds vaguely familiar 😂
Buster: How many details do they need?
Buster: Fucking hell
Buster: None of your business fam 😂
Rio: You have no idea 🙄
Rio: Perks of avoiding 'em truly
Buster: All your exes drop in with a CV and blood sample or what, like?
Rio: Don't
Rio: You know my 'rents out here making 'em part of the fam when we're like 2 weeks in
Rio: irony not escaping me 😬
Buster: We're literally never telling 'em
Buster: I'd have to dump you
Buster: Christ
Rio: What have I been saying?
Buster: How the fuck have our parents got such different vibes?
Rio: I know, how did my Ma happen tbh? 😂
Buster: She fits in to this fam's whole touchy feeling mood
Buster: It's my 'rents who are keeping that professional distance
Rio: You reckon?
Rio: It's a pretty even split tbh
Rio: how often are we seeing Joe, like
Buster: True
Buster: But like, I told my dad the birthday plan, cool place, hot girl, and he hit with an eyebrow and moved on
Buster: Nan and Granddad spinning in the graves they ain't yet in
Rio: Don't jinx 'em like
Rio: but nah
Rio: I reckon they just reckon that's how you prefer it
Rio: Little enthusiasm wouldn't hurt, though
Buster: Maybe they used it all on Nance's ideas
Buster: Gotta make sure she doesn't dramatically throw herself into the sea or some shit
Rio: I'm telling ya
Rio: Gon' be sipping cocktails with a babe in some naff resort
Rio: Got you all so fooled with this artsy shit
Buster: 😂
Buster: Benidorm with a butch
Rio: I'm glad you went for that joke 'cos it's too soon for Costa Del Sol with a cougar, like
Buster: Don't start me on the whole MILF thing
Buster: 🙄
Rio: Poor Nance
Buster: You've gotta draw the line when she's got actual existing kids
Buster: I'm not trying to be that kind of daddy
Rio: Don't think she planned on bringing the kids along, like
Rio: So not part of the fantasy
Buster: Don't
Buster: Never say fantasy in relation to Nance again, yeah?
Rio: Got it
Rio: That's a line I'm fine not crossing, don't worry
Buster: Better be
Buster: If you tell me she's one of the hot girls you've kissed we're over
Rio: Don't be twisted
Buster: I'm just saying
Buster: No need to take the sibling rivalry there
Rio: Gross
Rio: safe to assume I ain't her type either, like
Buster: Unlucky babe
Rio: 💔
Rio: Guess you'll do
Buster: Fuck off
Buster: You love me
Rio: Yeah
Rio: you know
Buster: Say it though
Rio: I love you
Rio: Idiot
Buster: You better
Buster: I'm sharing my birthday with you
Buster: Haven't done that since I was a kid, cheers
Rio: Hey, I'm fine with a party bag, babe
Rio: All about you
Buster: I'm not gonna hit you with a slice of cake and send you on your way
Buster: Don't worry
Rio: Good to know
Rio: Bit of a trek for some Colin the catterpillar tbh
Rio: love you and everything but
Buster: 😂
Buster: You think my mum ever gave us that? Come on
Rio: And you tryna say they're so zoned out
Buster: Always ready to brag, every single one of us
Rio: You know I had the best though
Rio: 👸
Buster: 'Course
Rio: When ur first daddy just spoils you too hard, like
Rio: 💁
Buster: Explains a lot
Rio: wys boy
Buster: 😏
Rio: Rude
Rio: 😣 Imma stay here if you're not being nice
Buster: It ain't. You know I like it
Buster: Start shopping, babe, you'll see how nice I'm ready to be
Rio: Ain't even got your bday money yet baby
Buster: We're spending that when we're there
Rio: Exactly, so I got me
Buster: It's my birthday you have to do what I want
Rio: But
Buster: But nothing
Buster: I've got you
Rio: Okay
Rio: I won't argue
Rio: bday rules and all
Buster: Good
Rio: How many out out outfits do I need?
Buster: like 4
Rio: Right
Rio: I can make this work
Buster: No doubt
Buster: Not to sound like my sister but I swear I'm over my entire wardrobe right now
Rio: 😂
Rio: Any excuse
Buster: Babe you can laugh but what the fuck is some of this? Like seriously
Rio: 😏 I mean
Rio: sure I tried to tell you at the time
Buster: I find that hard to believe
Buster: You always manage to make yourself heard somehow
Rio: I know
Rio: Impressive, isn't it?
Buster: One word for it
Rio: Come on, ain't trying keep you quiet
Rio: say what you mean, babe
Buster: Don't distract me, I'm very busy 😏
Rio: Having a wardrobe crisis, sure
Rio: Promise, don't care what you're wearing
Buster: Alright, catch me in the finest the 24 has to offer
Rio: Hoping to catch you out of 'em like but alright
Buster: You don't need hope
Buster: Just determination
Buster: Have you thought of your lie yet?
Rio: Planning to be hard to get all of a sudden?
Rio: I'm just gonna not lie
Rio: but be vague, obviously
Rio: social media ban should keep from suspicion, been to enough places I can describe a generic hol, like
Buster: Well, you're always saying I'm vague and you'll know where I am if you need a hand
Buster: Have you been too enough places with shit WIFI to make that believable though?
Rio: 😩 idk
Rio: its stressing me
Rio: maybe you're camera shy
Rio: or ugly as hell
Buster: Baby calm down it's alright
Buster: This is meant to be a good thing, yeah?
Buster: Me and you together celebrating
Rio: I know
Rio: I'm sorry
Rio: Everyone can just respectfully fuck off for a bit
Rio: It'll be good, I will, promise
Buster: I love you
Buster: And we're gonna figure this out
Rio: I love you too
Rio: pisses me off 'cos it feels needless
Rio: I know we have to and it ain't but, shouldn't have to be this much of a drama
Buster: Yeah, I know
Buster: I know what I said about keeping your fam in the dark forever and tempting as it is, I swear it won't always be like this
Rio: Don't chuck me
Buster: Don't be an idiot
Rio: It's what you said
Buster: Come on
Rio: I know
Rio: this is why we ain't telling
Rio: talk about an awkward breakup
Rio: imagine if your 'rents had
Rio: did they ever think of that like, could hardly avoid each other
Buster: Maybe they did but they couldn't handle the awkwardness
Buster: Fuck staying together for the kids, they had to do it for the whole fam's sake, like
Rio: Oh my God
Rio: what I'm saying, really trapped themselves
Rio: 😬
Buster: If you get sick of me give me warning so I can move to another country, yeah?
Rio: 'Course
Rio: least I could do
Buster: Cheers
Rio: Promise I won't get all psycho Chlo about it either
Buster: Don't
Buster: I see her at school so often it's got me so jumpy every time I walk past a mirror I cross myself in case she appears
Rio: Yeah, that is shit
Rio: at least I don't HAVE to be anywhere Ryan is
Rio: can hardly walk out or tell her to leave
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Speaking of that cunt though, how's he been behaving?
Rio: Been pretty quiet
Rio: knock on wood, like
Rio: saw him in town once and he was his usual charming self but that was just chance so
Buster: Glad I don't have to waste a wish on that then
Rio: Definitely not
Rio: Lucky that, really don't fancy adding him to the list of people I gotta give the dl on where I'm going 😂
Buster: Lucky 'cause I don't fancy you getting mad at me when I knock him out, more like
Rio: Oh, babe
Rio: forget about him, I am
Buster: Sorry
Rio: Don't be
Rio: You're cute, and I wouldn't be mad on principle
Buster: I hate that I can't protect you from all his shit, that's all
Rio: I know
Rio: but it ain't that bad
Buster: I get that you can handle it, I'm not saying that, I just don't want you to have to
Buster: If I could be the protective boyfriend and warn him off everything would be fine but
Rio: Maybe but
Rio: maybe not
Rio: he's just a prick
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Fuck him, we don't need to talk about him anymore
Rio: Agreed
Rio: Maybe I can get a job out there
Rio: in the casinos, hmm
Buster: We're meant to be playing hard not working hard, babe
Rio: You know I gotta hustle
Rio: I'm over the angel fr
Buster: Get a London job when we get back, then I'll never have to miss you
Rio: That'd be nice
Rio: But we both know I can't
Buster: Lie to me
Buster: I want you here all the time
Rio: I wanna be with you all the time too
Rio: Again, one day
Rio: I think Drew would at least cover Indie's rent but she shouldn't be alone, she's still a kid
Buster: Yeah, I know
Buster: You wouldn't be you if you didn't look out for her
Buster: And I quite like you so
Rio: 😏 Steady
Rio: Don't get all mushy
Buster: 'Course not
Buster: Who do you think I am?
Rio: Was gonna say
Rio: slow down and wait for me if you've already started your celebrations, like
Buster: I wish
Rio: We'll be making up for lost time so soon baby
Buster: You gonna jump out of a cake for me?
Rio: Couldn't get Dad to bake me in
Rio: Spoilsport much
Buster: 😂
Buster: To be a fly on the wall for that convo, though
Rio: He knows I'm extra but
Buster: Unfair 'cause I'm always insisting you keep my secrets but you're such an open book, babe
Rio: I dunno
Rio: I kinda like it just being me who knows
Rio: How selfish
Buster: I'm well proud
Buster: You really are learning
Rio: Bound to happen eventually
Rio: So persistent, babe 😉
Buster: What can I say? You're worth putting the work in
Rio: 😚
Rio: Baby
Buster: I'm not going soft, don't worry
Buster: I'll be rude to you later, I'm sure
Rio: Be the rudest if you did go soft on me
Rio: Ultimate insult
Buster: Fuck that
Buster: I could never
Rio: Happens to the best of us, don't worry 😂
Buster: Shut up
Rio: Really, nothing to be embarrassed about babe
Buster: Are you trying to jinx me or what?
Buster: Good luck
Rio: Just giving you something to prove
Rio: you're so adorable when you're mad
Buster: You trying to say I've still gotta prove myself to you?
Rio: No
Rio: I'm saying I like it when you do
Buster: Yeah?
Rio: Yeah
Rio: been too long
Buster: I miss you too, babe
Rio: It's so stupid
Rio: not even gone yet and already thinking about how much I'll miss you when we're back
Buster: It's shit
Buster: But it'll be Christmas hols before we know it and nobody can bat an eyelid about us being together then
Rio: Hooray for forced family time, yeah?
Rio: Don't let anyone hear YOU saying that though, so suspect
Buster: You know I don't waste my time talking to any of that lot
Rio: Hmm
Rio: So bad 😏
Buster: I wonder if Nance will be in a better mood with me by then
Buster: Don't really wanna have to do a whole secret santa vibe
Rio: Season of goodwill
Rio: Can put hope
Rio: add it to your wishlist now, like
Buster: I'll start thinking about her gift soon
Buster: Go big or go home, literally maybe
Rio: Work on that Winter wardrobe
Buster: Maybe I can send her on another trip, get her out of my way and do a nice thing all at once
Rio: Maybe
Rio: Sure you don't wanna spend time with her though?
Buster: You're funny
Rio: I'm not joking, like
Buster: Well, it's still hilarious
Buster: I'm trying to get her on side not further off
Rio: Maybe it is running before you can walk
Rio: still, gotta start somewhere, babe
Buster: You do, you mean
Buster: You're well determined to sort this, aren't you?
Rio: Your relationship with your family?
Rio: Duh
Buster: You're cute
Buster: Annoying but cute
Rio: What, like you want it like this
Rio: Come on now
Buster: Like it matters how I want it
Buster: I don't get to fuck up and still call the shots
Rio: It does matter
Rio: and she's not renounced you
Rio: it ain't that deep
Rio: not quite
Buster: Whatever
Buster: I can't make her talk to me
Buster: She's not you
Rio: I'll lock you in a room like
Rio: she can be mad at me then instead
Buster: Don't you dare
Rio: 😂
Rio: Don't be a baby
Buster: Don't start
Buster: You were behaving
Rio: Only lasts for so long
Rio: Do something about it if you're mad
Buster: Nice try
Buster: I'm not gonna make it that easy for you to get what you want
Rio: 😒
Rio: I'm so offended
Buster: Don't be a baby
Rio: 😲
Rio: Touche
Buster: 😏
Rio: 😣
Buster: Are you giving up just like that, babe?
Rio: I'm very busy don't distract me
Buster: Touche
Buster: But you didn't listen when I said it, so don't expect me too
Rio: I'll leave you to it then
Rio: So sorry
Buster: Don't
Rio: Sure?
Buster: Stay
Rio: 'Course
Rio: You don't want a kitten, do you?
Buster: You've got so many jokes today
Rio: We're giving Nancy one
Rio: Ma found a pregnant cat
Rio: they're so cute
Buster: 'Course she did
Buster: Sounds like you want me to have one so you can, babe
Rio: Shh
Rio: stop foiling my plans
Rio: [pics]
Buster: I'm not raising a baby with you
Rio: Cats are so low maintenance
Rio: it will keep you company
Buster: Good for them 'cause I ain't
Buster: Also not lonely, like
Rio: Boo
Buster: Take one for Indie, I'm sure she'd be buzzing
Buster: So would the cat if they can get high, like, but
Rio: I'm definitely not giving you one now
Rio: don't get a cat stoned, you monster 😂
Rio: and Indie wants a dog
Buster: Dogs can definitely get high, right?
Buster: Sure I've seen that online before
Buster: Indie'll have to clean up her act
Rio: We'll see if that's strong enough incentive
Rio: I doubt it but
Buster: Yeah
Buster: She'd have to get pregnant to make that stick I reckon and nobody's ready for that
Rio: Don't even play
Rio: Jesus
Buster: Just saying
Buster: Unlikely you'll be taking care of a puppy or kitten any time soon
Rio: We can have a dog
Rio: not like she's gonna be blowing smoke in the poor things face
Rio: so dramatic
Buster: You don't reckon you've got enough responsibility with her and the flat?
Buster: More fool you
Rio: Only got to walk and feed it
Rio: waaayyy easier than Indie
Buster: True
Buster: What isn't though?
Rio: Bless her
Buster: Maybe I can throw a kitten Chlo's way
Buster: Properly distract her
Buster: She'd probably call it a love token though, yeah?
Rio: Um yeah
Rio: may as well wife her now, like
Rio: no no
Rio: and she ain't having one of mine 😒
Buster: What so you're gonna keep them all?
Rio: Have you been to my gaff?
Rio: Probably 😂
Rio: if Ma knows people who might want 'em then they'll go
Buster: I can't believe you're giving my sister one
Rio: She's so buzzing
Rio: Easy bday present forreal, unlike some
Buster: I thought you were my present
Buster: So unless you're gonna be difficult
Rio: I had to get you something
Rio: Don't get too excited though
Rio: well, can about me
Rio: standard 😉
Buster: I was gonna say
Buster: Don't do yourself down, babe
Rio: Please
Buster: I mean, do put the work in still
Buster: As much as I miss you, you've still gotta bring it
Rio: When have I ever done anything less?
Buster: I can't lie, you ain't yet but you know
Buster: You might get bored of all this
Rio: You gonna stop bringing it too?
Rio: 'Cos that's the only way that's happening
Buster: Please
Buster: That shit's impossible
Rio: Glad to hear it, babe
Buster: I love you
Rio: Love you
Buster: I wish we could go now
Buster: With or without your fam's need for details being satisfied
Rio: Me too
Rio: I don't care no more
Rio: think I'm drug trafficking if you like
Rio: save the intervention 'til I'm back, though
Buster: 😂
Buster: Seriously, it's bad enough that I can't brag that I'm with you day to day, on my birthday when you're the gift that keeps giving, I should be able to
Rio: Babe
Rio: You're so cute
Buster: Shhh
Buster: You know I'm speaking the truth
Buster: So over not being able to pose with you ever
Rio: I know
Rio: Me too
Rio: but it's still worth it
Buster: 'Course
Buster: Don't ever think I'm saying it ain't, yeah?
Buster: Unless I actually do, but that's not happening
Rio: Got it
Rio: When do you reckon we can tell people
Rio: or if we should
Buster: I'll tell them now if you want
Buster: Just say the word
Rio: You don't wanna do that
Rio: time for celebration yeah
Buster: I want you
Buster: It's too late for them to take their gifts back if they ain't still in the mood to celebrate
Rio: Priorities
Buster: When do you wanna do it? Sat around the Christmas tree, like?
Buster: There's never gonna be a good time
Rio: Exactly
Rio: I'm scared
Buster: I know
Buster: But whatever happens, you're safe with me
Buster: I'm not going anywhere, not without you
Rio: Yeah
Rio: I feel it, I really do
Rio: We'll think about it, but we've got fun to have first, like
Buster: Just think, they can't all hate us, there's so many of them, that's basic probability, yeah? Someone's gotta be alright with it
Buster: It's not like any of the fam actually have room to judge anyway
Rio: It's a number's game, yeah? 😂
Rio: Already thinking like you in that casino
Rio: I don't want any of them to hate us, is the issue but you know
Rio: gotta be real
Rio: it's too hard to live like this and think it's forever, nah
Buster: You know it, babe 🎲 I'm so ready
Buster: Yeah, but I don't reckon anyone will
Buster: Not with all the shit this fam has been through already
Buster: And like you said, even if there's drama, it's gotta be done
Rio: Same 💃
Rio: I don't wanna think about it anymore, distract me
Buster: Okay baby
Buster: [Sends pics]
Buster: Think about me
Rio: How could I think about anything else now? 😻
Rio: Why you so good
Buster: Spending too much time with you, obviously
Rio: I mean #myinfluence
Rio: Your nude game has no doubt gone ⬆
Buster: Doing yourself a favor is the ultimate selfishness
Buster: Well done
Buster: So proud
Rio: See? I knew what I was doing all along 😚
Rio: Basic rules of karma, send good nudes and you shall receive
Buster: I'll ignore the implication that my angles were for shit before, yeah?
Buster: 'Cause when you asked for a distraction I don't reckon you wanted a fight
Rio: Come on 😏 Gimme that
Rio: you can say you've my fair lady'd me if you want
Buster: I'll let you have it 'cause I know I wasn't trying for the girls in this postcode
Buster: If you promise not to get too fancy on me
Rio: I'm not gonna be the one to call myself a bit of rough but we all thinking it
Buster: I was gonna say real
Buster: But alright
Rio: I prefer that
Buster: Whatever we're calling it, it's working for me
Buster: I like you
Rio: Works for me
Rio: You're not so bad yourself too so
Buster: Yeah, I know
Buster: 😏
Rio: Letting you have it
Buster: What else are you gonna let me have before it's officially my birthday?
Rio: Not your presents, if that's what you're thinking
Buster: Come on
Buster: I'll act proper surprised on the day
Rio: 😏
Rio: Was about to doubt your acting ability but we've pulled this off so far so maybe you can be trusted
Buster: No need to ever doubt me, babe
Buster: I'm that good
Rio: Okay, just one, like
Rio: Mum enough for you? 😂
Buster: 😂
Buster: OG MILF
Buster: Nance missed a trick there
Rio: It's frankly insulting
Rio: she's seen me in peak ma action and still not feeling it
Buster: Poor baby
Buster: I got all the good taste, that's all
Rio: 😻
Rio: Gonna let you have that too, not just to save my ego
Buster: You know it's true too
Buster: You've always been my type, babe
Rio: Yeah?
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Don't let the torture like kiss fool you
Buster: I reckoned it was gonna be my finest moment, at the time
Rio: It was perfect
Buster: Babe
Buster: Don't lie
Rio: I mean
Rio: obviously it wasn't the most technically perfect but
Rio: I'm glad it was you
Buster: Me too
Buster: My mum and dad talk a lot of shit but there's something to be said for having firsts with someone
Buster: Someone you actually want
Rio: Yeah
Rio: never good to look back on someone you've been with and really think, what the fuck
Buster: I've got enough of them without adding you to the list
Rio: Same frankly
Rio: Gotta try and keep the number down
Buster: Exactly
Buster: Why I don't do repeats
Rio: Well, the idea is repeat when you like 'em
Rio: not guaranteed you won't regret but you know, better odds in that category
Buster: 'Course
Rio: Have you ever slept with the same person more than once though?
Rio: Surely
Buster: Yeah. You
Buster: I mean, when I was a kid I did all my firsts with the same girl but once we fucked she chucked me so
Buster: Lesson learned
Rio: Awh
Rio: How mean
Buster: She regretted it
Buster: Not my bad, like I was obviously incredible but
Rio: Naturally
Rio: Nah, most people do
Rio: well, from what I can gather, the girls do and the boys were just scared then underwhelmed by it all
Rio: oh god, do not take me back, like
Buster: Same
Buster: Granted there's a lot of shit I could and would do better or not bother doing in the first place but like
Buster: Nah
Rio: Yeah, can't waste your time on that
Rio: who knows who or where you'd be now if you did it different, like
Buster: Cunt then, cunt now
Buster: It doesn't matter
Rio: Shut up
Rio: You are not
Rio: and you weren't that bad, anyway, we're all entitled to that phase
Buster: You're so biased
Buster: Just always loved me
Buster: Can't get enough of it
Rio: 😏
Rio: Why do you want me to think you're a cunt so bad, honestly
Buster: 'Cause I am
Buster: And you're too smart to buy into my bullshit, yeah?
Rio: I am
Rio: but you might not be if you're actually convinced you're a bad person, like
Buster: I'm not saying I'm 😈 just that I ain't a good person, let's be honest
Buster: Chlo reckons you can't buy class but what you can't buy is a decent set of morals
Rio: You are
Rio: You've just done some shit things and who hasn't
Buster: Like I said, you're shamelessly influenced by your 😍
Buster: I'm not mad about it though
Rio: 😑
Rio: No
Buster: Don't get mad about it yourself
Rio: I'm not mad just
Rio: You should know you aren't a bad person
Buster: Give me another year of being stuck here being a cunt first
Buster: 'Cause I know there ain't much I can do about that
Rio: That don't count, they don't deserve nice things or you
Buster: Stay with me though, yeah? Even though you do
Rio: I will because you are
Rio: You're good where it counts
Rio: and you're gonna make things up with Nancy you know
Buster: I'm gonna try
Buster: Patience is one thing I am good at, like
Buster: Get it done in the end
Rio: Exactly, you wouldn't give a shit if you were an actual cunt
Buster: I'm sure not every cunt is an only child, babe
Buster: She's still my sister
Rio: Stop fighting it
Rio: Accept your 😇
Buster: Alright
Buster: But only 'cause I'm hoping it means you get to be 😈
Rio: Might make an exception for you, babe
Rio: 'cos you know, I'm practically perfect in every way, like
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Perfect for me, which means you know when to be good and when not to
Buster: So please
Rio: Okay
Rio: I'm convinced 😈
Buster: Glad to hear it
Buster: Call me until I'm convinced too
Rio: 🤤 Sir yes sir
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iheartsurveys · 7 years
Which colour would best describe your current mood? Ummm idk really, whatever color "content" is. Green? Does bad grammar annoy you? Eh sometimes Who played the last concert you went to? The lumineers and borns What’s your opinion on winter? I hate the cold but I love the holiday season and wearing sweaters and boots How many plants are there in the room you’re in? 2 Are you wearing anything in your hair at the moment? Nada What was the last book you read, and how did you find it? I haven't read in forever idk Do you prefer green or red apples? I like both. Lately I've been eating more green ones because I put them in salad Which room in your house is your favourite? Mine What was the last thing you microwaved? Water Do you often take the bus to get to places? No If somebody gave you a kitten to keep as a pet, what would you name it? I've always wanted a black cat with green eyes to name it spooky. If you could travel back to any decade, which one would you travel to? 60s Did you used to like making dens as a child? Not really Are you currently listening to music? Nope Any languages you would like to learn? Yes a few Do you like the smell of freshly-mown grass? No, it kind of makes me want to vom tbh Does it really grind your gears when people constantly quote Family Guy? I don't watch family guy so I wouldn't even notice How many tabs do you have open in your browser? I'm using the Tumblr app on my phone so just this Do you like to play Mario? Yes, especially mario kart Ever flown a kite? Yes What’s your favourite topping for toast? Just butter What colour is the front door of your house? Green Do you know anybody who is completely bald? Yes Do you put decorations up for Christmas? We do inside the house You have to paint a room in your house bright orange, which do you choose? The laundry room. Because I hate orange and I wouldn't want to see it often Your least favourite flavour of icecream: Strawberry is the only one really to come to mind Would you rather have a leather or denim jacket? I want one of each! I really want a cute faux leather jacket but it's not really the season for that anymore Can you imitate a southern American accent well? I attempt but it probably sounds like crap Can you read maps? I could probably manage a little? But with technology these days you don't really need to Do you think that bacon and maple syrup is a good combination? It's fine. I don't go out of my way to put syrup on my bacon but if I'm eating breakfast and it happens I'll still eat it Do you have any piercings? Just ears Own a lot of hats? I have like 5 Which musical instrument would you like to learn to play? Drums Would you rather swim in the sea or in a pool? Pool Preferred alcoholic beverage: Wine and margs Did you go camping this summer? Yes How is your eyesight? It's still pretty good Are you into this whole vampire thing? I was in middle school when twilight was big haha What’s a colour that you would never ever dye your hair? Orange Would you like to travel to India? It's not like #1 or even top 10 but I'd go Do you live in a city? No What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Blues clues when I was super little, and then like rugrats and spongebob when I got older Are you a fussy eater? I'm still pretty picky but I've gotten much better Can you dance? No Do you find green eyes attractive? Ugh yes they're so pretty Do you prefer to watch films at home or in the cinema? Home Can you remember New Year’s Eve on the 30/12/1999? I was only 5 so no Do you have a fringe? Nope Do you like any films with Barbara Streissand in them? I don't even know what films she's in off the top of my head and I don't feel like looking it up Which breed of dog do you find most scary? Breeds aren't scary, it's how the people raise their dogs that can make them scary. What’s the secret to your success? Believing in yourself, never giving up, if at first you don't succeed try again Do you keep any photos in your wallet? No Anyone you really miss right now? I'm okay Would you ever wear a white tuxedo? Probably not Do you judge a book by its cover? I try not to but of course I do. Everyone does. Do you like chips and dips? Ugh yessss so bad but so so good Last time you went on a rollercoaster: Saturday! So fun Ever been to a pottery class? Nope Who was the last person to stay over at your house? Britt Do you like red lipstick? Not on me Can you recall your country’s national anthem? Yep. I know Canada's too lol hockey probs Are you a light sleeper? Eh depends. When I'm first trying to fall asleep I am but once I sleep for a while I can sleep forever When you were young, did you ever pretend to “marry” somebody? No Have you ever spent an entire day in bed? Oh yeah How high’s your pain threshold? Eh What would you wear to a red carpet event? A nice dress. Probably sparkly Whose birthday is next, out of all the people you know? It's probably a fb friends bday tomorrow, but if not then my dad Do you find architecture interesting? I do actually. The architecture was one of my favorite parts of going to Italy Do you like Irish accents? I do Describe the worst date you’ve ever been on: None haven't been too bad... I went on a kinda awk double date so that was fun and too complex to get in to but basically it was weird because it was only the 2nd date and I wasn't very interested and he was kind of an ass and then expected me to stay over and I bailed because like if I'm not feeling you and then on top of that you're a jerk? No thanks pal When did you last go to the park? It's been a while Do you ever forget how to walk? No Do you own a Jesus bracelet? No How far out can you stick your tongue? I can't touch my nose sooooo whatever that means Do you like David Bowie? Yessss RIP he was so talented Does it annoy you when you feel like people aren’t really listening? Yep but I'm used to it, a few of my friends are horrible listeners lol What is the latest time you’ve ever woken up? 1 maybe? Ever gotten into trouble over something you didn’t really do? Probably Are you currently ill? No im okay Are there any really beautiful buildings close to where you live? Not in my town really but if you go to the city there are Do you have embarrassing parents? They have their moments lol How’s your grandmother? Neither are living. Can you speak any Spanish? Un poquito Would you rather be skeletal or curvy? Definitely not skeletal. I'm kind of curvy now but only the bottom half...I could lose some weight there and be happy but like still have hips and a butt which tbh there's no getting rid of this thing lol. I just want my thighs to be a little slimmer What’s something that really matters to you? Succeeding in life on my own terms. It's been the struggle this last year but I'm excited to start work and work towards my future/career and life goals. I don't want life to go by too fast but I'm ready to hustle in order to succeed.
0 notes