#i know the fuchsia fucker thing was a while back but i am still not over it
pinkflames · 2 years
Most fandoms: yea we tend to ignore the cursed parts of canon :)
MCYTblr: here's the list of characters who have technically FUCKED A FISH at some point! now let's see who else also fits....
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trollcafe · 5 years
☕ Bru talk about your quads!
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(This got long so it’s under a readmore. I am SO sorry Mobile users!)
Oh?? Talk about my quads?? That’s the hill you want to die on fucker?? Sit down and get comfortable ‘cos this shit’s boutta get sappy as hell. I did this once before and im a little unsure what to say now though. I’ll go pitch to pale to Pictor ? Im still flushed for them I just liked the P alliteration goin’ on. 
To start this shitshow, Thunder. Or Crosse, whatever you want to call him. He’s a rotten brat but he’s alright when he wants to be. And when he takes his meds he’s tolerable. I let him experiment and do tattoos on me, he let’s me stab holes through his fins for practice. It’s a mutual agreement. And I guess I help scare away that other fuchsia he doesn’t like. There’s been a few times when Cro bursts through my hive door and just yells “hes back” and hides under the table for a few hours. Whatever floats his boat. 
Toresce isn’t as bad as I say he is. He’s less tolerable than Thunder but he’s not insufferable. I do kind of feel bad for makin’ him rush into a relationship when he wasn’t completely ready but maybe it isn’t a bad thing. Helps him move on. Im glad he came to me when he was scared but it was also difficult. my instincts said to do what I always do but that would’ve been too much for him. Eh. He’s confusing. I love him in a weird pitch way, not quite hate because if I hated him I just wouldn’t fuck with him or let him close but he isn’t exactly on my good side. I’m still prepared to punch the fuck out of him but i’m not making any moves to seriously hurt him. Not that I want to hurt anybody. 
The pale quadrant has always been a weird one. I feel like the lines have always been blurred for me. I get too pale for those in my pitch and red, and I get too red for those in my pale. Or sometimes it’s a little pitch. Idk. I never fit quite in the cookie cutter descriptions of quads. And my pale is weird. Anguil and I have known each other since we were young. Anguil was a lot of firsts for me and continues to be so. Overall, I feel like I could lose the world and as long as he was still by my side, I’d be alright. Did you know we’ve gotten mistaken for red a few times? He’s very kissy, I don’t mind. I like it. Though there’s some dissonance between being smooched on and then electrocuted the next second. I like that I have someone I can be affectionate with. I like having someone I can hold close and be stupid around. He brings out the wriggler part of me, I get stupid and we do dumb things like get really high. Sometimes I flirt a whole bunch and he gets all blue and his fins flutter. It’s cute. He’s cute. He has a piece of my pusher and he knows it well. He has me wrapped around his finger, and he knows that too. 
Abanny is another part of my pusher. I feel the same about her as I do Anguil, in a more mellow way. Anguil feels like…bright, like nostalgia, like wrigglerhood fun and causing mischief. Abanny feels like home. Abanny feels like security, like safety. I feel like I can relax around her. I don’t have to be so….what other’s want, I suppose. I can take a deep breath. And I can trust her. I know she trusts me, she’s told me things I don’t think she’d tell any random stranger. And one of these days, I’ll tell her those things too. Just haven’t found the right time. Until then, I am more than happy just occupying the same space, watching horror movies. She’s very patient, she’s wise beyond her sweeps. She’s starting to learn how to piece together the bullshit I spew. She’s going to be as good as Anguil soon. Its weird dating a fan, of course, I wasn’t too sure of it at first. But I really love Abanny, in a pale way. She’s great. The world could crumble and I’m pretty sure I’d be fine as long as I had her, or Anguil. Preferably both. 
And last but certainly not least, Pictor. Pictor mystifies me in a way. I never could have pictured myself falling for someone like them. Now that sounds bad, hear me out. They’re not assertive, they’re not defiant, they’re anxious and…they’re…real. I hate talking about Bubble. And I don’t want to compare the two since they’re two different trolls. But Bubble was…brash, and aggressive. And I don’t see Pictor as being aggressive Or brash. I guess with Pic I just feel…confident. Secure. I don’t think they’re going to go off on me for making a mistake (which I’ve come to learn wasn’t the right thing for Bubble to do). Thinking about Pictor brings a lot of emotions, but they can easily be summarized as that wrigglerish feeling of a crush. The feeling where your pusher is fluttery and you can’t help but smile and wonder if they’re thinking about you too. But being around them brings a more mellow feeling. I’m not worried about making a mistake, I guess. Frankly I don’t WANT to lose them but I’m not terrified of it. They haven’t give me any reason to worry about that, though. 
I want to see them smile. An accomplished day for me is one where I’ve made Pictor smile in some way. Being with them brings all sorts of ideas for new songs. They’re a work of art within themselves and I could probably go on for a while about the things I like about them. I really enjoy talking to them. 
I enjoy talking to all of them. Even Toresce and Thunder. I’m…really glad I have them all.
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Day 2: Dear One
Here it is~ All my stuff is going to be posted later each day so... but anyway here is a one shot for day 2. *A week after canon events, the kiss, the fight w/she li, etc.* --------------------------- "He Tian, that was an amazing shot!" "He Tian, could you perhaps teach us how to shoot one day?" He Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead as he turned towards his 'admirers'. He smiled towards the six or seven girls who crowded one corner of the basketball court. It was early in the morning so classes hadn't started yet and some of the early risers decided to play a small game of basketball. Soon the small game turned into a slightly bigger deal. Due to boredom before school hours, a crowd had formed in hopes of some entertainment. It just so happened that a majority of the crowd were female and a handful of those ladies were He Tian's followers. He Tian had noticed the number of his fans had dwindled recently. He wasn't surprised but rather curious. Especially given the day's significance. Though he was never one for Valentine's Day. He would have expected the hopeful females to flock towards him, handing him confession letters that would be sadly returned and chocolates to be thrown away once home alone. He wasn't complaining though. Playing perfect was easy for him, yes, but it was also just a hassle during the free hours of the day. On the one side, he loved the attention he was given and on the other, he despised his charisma. He Tian replied in a cheerful voice he chirping, "Sometime when I'm free, I'll help for sure." To which the group quickly exchanged giddy squeals and hurried comments. Some flushed at the excitement of being close to such an amazing boy in their class. And to have him teach them how to shoot like a pro! How dreamy! He Tian smiled dreamily a few times before being called back into the game by his fellow teammates. After fifteen minutes of gameplay He Tian's side won. The group of fan girls cheered whiled the rest of the crowd began to make there way toward their own corners. The teams dispersed a few minutes after as well. He Tian greeted his fans properly before heading towards the locker rooms, he just needed to wash off his face and he'd be fine he had informed. As he walked away from the group he let out a small annoyed huff.Though he had some silence now he knew it wasn't going to last very long. It never did. Reaching the hose outside he quickly doused his hair with water. He wiped the water from his face cooling down slowly. He Tian ran a hand through his soaking hair as he exhaled. It was only Tuesday, he still had three days until he could just be completely alone. Too many days he decided. He Tian then looked towards the digital clock along the school's wall. It was early eight. Thirty minutes until first began. It was also five minutes until his day actually started. He Tian strolled towards the entrance near the locker rooms. It was the 'back entrance' so not many came through usually. However, there was one student that came through due to where he lived. It'd be more work to walk all the way towards the front entrance so he simply came through the locker room entrance. Just as He Tian arrive he spotted a familiar figure approaching. He Tian waited in the shadows of the locker room building as the other passed by carelessly. He Tian then curved around the corner, swinging an arm around the ginger. The other hunched his shoulders before glancing to his side. Seeing He Tian the other allowed his shoulders to fall slightly. He Tian smiled down as the two walked. "Heyo, Don't close Mountain~" Mo Guan Shan grunted in response as he began to chew the inside of his lip. He Tian watched him as he continued, "So you have my gift?" Mo glanced at He Tian, annoyed. "What are you talking about?" In return He Tian gave a sly grin. "It's February 14th isn't it?" He Tian watched Mo's face scrunch up into a nasty expression as he griped, "Don't be gross, He Tian." He Tian laughed to himself as he continued to walk alongside the ginger. They two were oddly quiet afterwards as they approached one of the entrances to the main building. Arm still draped across Mo Guan Shan's shoulders He Tian looked around. Inside the hall were decked out in at least twenty shades of red and pink. Hearts were strung from the doorway, all along the hall, and continued further around a corner. They even had some of the lights covered over with a thin red colored paper. If he was going to say anything about his school staff, He Tian had to say it was a firm believer of "Go big or go home". The two walked down the fuchsia colored hall silently. As expected, most students were still outside chatting in the courtyards rather than in the halls. Within a few minutes everyone would shuffle to class. The hallways were just as silent as the two teens were. The only noises audible were the slight scuffling of sneakers against tile. He Tian let his mind wander as he walked. He noted random things such as how his arm hasn't been shrugged off yet, that the tape holding up some of the hearts were peeling, and that classes didn't start for a good minute. He also noticed that the hallway where the two usually parted, was just up ahead. He Tian slide his arm from Guan Shan's shoulders as he readied himself to turn right. Before departing, Mo Guan Shan grabbed his shoulder. He Tian looked back and rose a brow, watching Mo retract his arm and open his book bag. Within the bag he pulled out a smaller bag. He then tossed it lazily towards He Tian. He Tian caught the bag glancing at it then back at Guan Shan. Mo rolled his eyes as he explained, sounding peeved. "Don't act like you don't know. It's just your lunch fucker, you told me yesterday to make it." He Tian couldn't help the slight upturn of his mouth. He had indeed joked yesterday about wanting a special lunch made for him. Mo had gotten flustered and stormed out of course. It was amusing to say the least. Quirking a playful brow, He Tian replied. "So what did you make anyway?" Mo waved his hand in a shooing motion. "You can find out when you open it at lunch. Now leave me alone," He Tian smirked noticing the lightest blush on Mo's face...Or maybe it was the lighting. "Alright," He Tian replied as he watched Mo turn, starting down the opposite hallway. Before he was out of earshot He Tian called, "Oh Mountain boy you're coming over to my place today." Mo stopped turning slightly."Why can't you ever eat leftovers you fuck," He griped crossing his arms. "Firstly, I do eat leftovers. What do you think I do with them over the weekend? And second, you might want to wash that dirty mouth of yours." Mo rolled his eyes, "Whatever." "Mhm," He Tian hummed watching the other walk away before turning around a corner, out of sight. He Tian then started towards his own class, lunch in hand. —————— "What am I making this time?" Mo asked lazily placing his book bag on the opposing kitchen counter. He Tian followed him, as per norm, and sat on a bar stool behind the island. He looked sideways thoughtfully before smiling. "Something...romantic~" Mo crossed his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes. "Which would be?" "Cook my favorite?" He Tian purred, resting his head on his palms. Mo sighed moving towards the cabinets. "If we have the ingredients." And of course He Tian had the ingredients. After he had learned every single ingredient Guan Shan used to make beef stew, he had begun stock piling. Just in case, you know. He couldn't help it really. Truth be told, he was hooked on that stew. "You already had meat thawed out?" Mo questioned glancing behind him at He Tian. He Tian shrugged, watching the other roll his eyes and begin to gather everything needed. "He Tian, make yourself useful and go get a pot." He Tian grinned, "Yes mother~" Then he pushed off of his seat, walked towards the China cabinet. Retrieving the item, he returned to the stove. Plopping the pot on one of the burners. "Here." Mo grunted in return, already cutting up vegetables. Mo worked swiftly, he'd made this dish many times already in this apartment. He Tian had an obsession, if Mo was to be so bold. Within a span of thirty-some-odd minutes the beef stew was done. Both boys made their own plate and began to eat. He Tian sat in his bar stool and Mo Guan Shan decided to sit atop the counter behind him. Mo swung his feet slightly, ever now and then, hitting the cabinet below with a gentle thud. After a few minutes Mo had finished and he had begun to pack up leftovers. He placed his own bowl in the sink with the few dishes he had left the previous day. He waited for He Tian to be finished with his bowl so he could start to cleaning. Within five minutes He Tian had finished. He stood from his seat bringing his bowl and silverware towards the sink. Dropping the items in the sink he stood a small way's away. He leaned up against the At first he had thought He Tian was waiting for him to fuck up. A chance to beat him more like it. After awhile he had gotten used to it, the staring. He had just assumed that He Tian was bored and was just mindlessly watching him clean. Turns out He Tian was actually observing him. He had pointed out one day that, apparently, Mo always started it the forks and ended cleaning the spoons last. Guan Shan himself had never really noticed it, he just cleaned. As he did every time he came around. Cook, clean, shop, repeat. He couldn't complain as much as he wanted though. He Tian did pay him and the pay wasn't bad. Maybe that's why he kept coming around. For the decent amount of money he received. "I appreciated the meal by the way, Guan Shan," Mo looked to his side. He Tian was meeting his eyes, still leaning against the counter. Mo puffed mockingly. "That's new." "Hm? What's new?" Mo dried his hands off as he turned towards He Tian. "The fact that you appreciate something." He Tian smirked oddly as he replied,"Carrot-top, I appreciate a lot of things, I'm just not vocal about them." "And when are you ever vocal?" He Tian grinned, a hidden slyness underneath. "Only when it's from you, Red." he purred. Mo felt his face heat. Instead of saying anything else he decided it best to focus on other things. He stacked the dishes and carried the arm full towards the China cabinet. He rested them along the table in front of the cabinet and began to put the dishes in their designated areas. This was when he was in peace, mindlessly cleaning. That is until. "Why'd you run away, Guan Shan?" Mo jumped as arms wrapped around his waist. Looking to his shoulder he saw He Tian's dark hair laying atop it. Staying silent Mo stood still. He Tian tilted his head. His nose was a few centimeters from Mo's  neck, his breathe floating across the skin there as he spoke."C'mon don't get tight lipped on me," In the corner of his eye Mo could see He Tian tilt his head up some, he could see that he was staring at him."Guan Shan?" Still Mo kept silent. He Tian nuzzled his nose into Mo's neck trying to fish out a response. Which he received, a red faced ginger. He Tian stopped and looked up at him again. He gave an odd expression as he replied in a, very poorly attempted, flustered tone. "You're not going to make me say it are you?"  Mo looked down at his shoulder annoyed. "He Tian, why do you have to be so--" "I love you." Mo feels his eyes widen to the size of plates. His mouth suddenly runs drier than the Sahara and his brain has gone silent. As his brain malfunctions he manages a weak, "..What.." "I love you," He Tian states again. Mo feels himself be pulled a little closer to He Tian chest. Still not being able to form some more intelligent sentences he barfs out a, "...He Tian, you can't just...say shit like that," To which he received a, "It's true." 'Just what the hell does he think he's saying? You can't just..' Mo sputters to himself. He doesn't have a clue where to attack this from. "C'mon now, don't leave me here--" He Tian starts. "You can't just fucking say that!" Mo shouts, shaking He Tian off him violently. He moves away from He Tian gripping at his hands, feeling them run cold. He Tian stares at the back of Mo. he'd seen this before. He didn't like where this was going. He didn't want to see this again. Just as he feared he watched Mo Guan Shan tremble slightly. His shoulders began to shake and he began to rub his face. There it was. There was that little ping again. It was small but painful. He Tian would never mistake it. This wasn't like the other times he had seen Mo cry. The other times hadn't been full of true sorrow. He had only seen that cry once. But he had regretted it immediately after. He Tian carefully walked towards Guan Shan. He walked around his back coming to see Mo's head down, tears staining his face already. He Tian sighed. "..So emotional, Red." He then did something very uncharacteristic. He outstretched his arms patiently. "Here." Rubbing at his eyes MO's glances at He Tian's arms. He bitterly remains still. Looking away from He Tian to make his point clear. Instead, He Tian shakes his head. He moves forward and gently takes Mo into his arms. "Just cry. I won't see you and you don't have to worry about anything." Mo stays silent and He Tian prepared to be thrown off again. But, instead, Mo huffs sadly before laying his head on He Tian's shoulder, his face against He Tian's t-shirt. He Tian holds Mo closer to him as the other lets out an audible sob. He Tian stands stiffly. He obviously wasn't used to consoling so this was another new experience to him. Opting to be caring, he awkwardly pats Mo's back. Mo lets himself ease into the touch. Seeing this He Tian continues gently. "Why do you do this?" Mo croaks out from He Tian shoulder. "What Guan Shan, I do many things." "This..." Mo tilts his head his head away from He Tian's neck. "You pounce on me and then you're all gentle afterwards." Now it was He Tian's turn to be silent. He knew exactly why he did this. In fact he did it for so many different reasons he could pinpoint a single one. He just...did it. But he knew that wasn't going to give Guan Shan the closure he needed. Instead he close the reason that seemed to fly through his mind quite frequently. "I don't know boundaries. And as soon as I step over one I feel the needs to show..." He hesitate. How exactly was he supposed to put this? Mo knew he wasn't capable of caring. Or at least he believed he wasn't. He Tian lowered his tone, calming his voice to soothe the other. "I was taught that talking wasn't what left people remembering you. That actions speak louder than words." Slowly he began to rub into Mo's back absent minded. "And all my actions are sloppy and impulsive." "Liar." Mo sniffled. "You charm practically the whole school? Why are your actions pre-thought out then?" "Because they don't distract me." He Tian answered truthfully. Mo leant back in He Tian's arms. Coming eye to eye he gave a sour expression. "So then..what? I'm distracting?" "Yes." "Compared to what? I'd think all those girls gnawing at your ankles is more of an distraction than I am." Mo hissed giving another sniffle. He Tian gave an earnest look. "They don't distract me with the way they talk, or the way they act. They are all the same no matter their appearance." "I don't follow." Mo complained looking away from He Tian. "Look, it's like reading the same book over and over again. The second time you may caught something you didn't the first time. And the third time you take it slowly so you can truly imagine the picture. The fourth, fifth, and sixth time it gets repetitive and you can no longer enjoy it. You've seen it to many times before." He Tian made sure to look straight into Mo's eyes. He had his full attention and he continued, "Then you get a new book you might finish. New chapters, new thoughts, new words. Something fresh and mysterious." He Tian paused allowing Mo to shift but not move away. "I've gotten my new book. And I've skipped some chapters sneaking glimpses that I shouldn't have. Trying to understand the story without reading the vitals." He Tian watched Mo's face for an clue as to what was fogging behind his eyes. Mo slowly closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Your metaphor is weird. In short, you fuck up." "I did." "Out of impulse." "Yes." "Because I'm distracting." "Indeed." "You're so fucking complicated." Mo replied dully, planting his head against He Tian's shoulder once again. He Tian stayed quiet. He wasn't sure if Mo had noticed himself but the dampness on his shoulder had ceased. Then He Tian felt arms come up under his own. Strapping him into the embrace. Mo allowed himself to pull the other close. He Tian was about to question when he heard Mo speak in a whisper. He felt his own face heat up as he heard Mo softly say, "But I can handle complications."
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